#idk. im rambling. I cant remember what I'm saying anymore
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treymeow · 2 months ago
Intro post :3 !!
hihi! Thought i should finally get around to making one of these so here we go ^^
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*everything in this post could be subject to change with time
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Basics :
My name is Trey! I am He/him transman and I'm 16 :3
Im a BIG sonic fan, as you'll soon find out lol, BUT i also like Spiderman, Voltron: Legendary Defender, My Little Pony, FNAF, Hatsune Miku, Spy x Family, and a whole bunch of others i cant be bothered to list nor remember ^^
( 我是大sonic。。。,。。。,。。我。。。蜘蛛男人 (?),Voltron:。。。, 我的小马驹,无夜晚在Freddy的(?),Hatsune miku,。。。,和。。。我。。。^^) As much as I like all my interests, it is VERY likely that most of, if not all, of my posts will be sonic franchise related :3
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"Rules" :
---- Firstly - DNI's
✦ If you are going to be a hateful a negative person, you can get off of my blog and any other i have right now, because i am not going to tolerate it. Be nice or BEGONE
✦ Any kind of proshipper or anything eg. comship, darkship, all that stuff
✦ honestly thats pretty much it,, just dont be a bitch and its fine lmao (this INCLUDES, but is not limited to; transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc..)
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Other! :
Some ships that I like are
kitails/tailsuname ----
(theres a few others but i havent watched VLD in ages and kinda forgot all their names icl.. except for like the main main cast..) ----
Main six polycule (MLP)
Literally any main six pairing ngl
Im such a fake fan i forgot their names but youll maybe eventually see them after i reblog a post abt the yuri (background character yuri)
✦ Keep in mind, while i do like the romantic versions of these ships, i also like the platonic parts! I love everything about them and their dynamics ^^
✦ I have an RP blog!! Its @th3-real-sonic and its a metal sonic rp blog :3 im actually super happy with it so far so go check it out ^^
✦ I also have an Instagram :3 I havent posted anything as of now (jan19-25/2025) but i probably will soon. Its @/treymeow_
✦ I also also have a twitch! @/treymeow_ I do minecraft and whatever other free games I find because I have no money lmao
✦ I have a reblog blog!! its just @treymeow-the-sequel
✦ I have an artfight !! go check it out :3
✦ I TAKE REQUESTS.... plis.. tell me what to draw... cuz idk.. hep.. guh..
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From now on these will be all my tags! : #my art
all the artwork ive done after posting this intro! I may even go back and add the tag to older artworks
#rambles , #shit post , #reblog
Whatever fuckery I come up with at like 4 am, or just daily musings. reblogs dont come as often anymore cuz i have another blog just for reblogging but sometimes i put put it on here if i have anything to say :3 - these will usually be paired together, alongside #text post, lol
#text post
maybe serious stuff, maybe like big paragraph about a certain details in some media or something, headcanons, lore, whatever
#ask post
responses to whatever you guys ask me :3 idk how much ill use this buuuuut just incase
ok thats all bye
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Official posting beginning January 6th 2025
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musubiki · 2 years ago
btw idk if someone already asked this but do they say ily right away??? do they hook hook up right away??? i need the deets
YOU KNOW THIS IS SOMETHING I SHOULD HAVE SOLID ALREADY BUT I DONT YET!!!!! i DO know that lime definitely wouldnt let a large amount of time pass between when they hook up and when he tells her hes in love with her (in either order it happens on the same night. now way hes gonna be regularly sleeping with her and still be like "but what if she doesnt like me...")
at least the version in my head i have right now, they dont get together until the post-game (after the main storyline)!! after the witch king is defeated and everything is FINALLY, for the first time since mochi became a witch, quiet and normal. (im putting the rest under a read more bc its a bit long, its just me rambling about what happens) ->
i think he would tell her during the little dinner celebration they have after the witch king is defeated. everyone is there, the witches and their guilds and sulluvan and even the merchant takes a night off to party with them (strange). mochi is outside with pom, pom probably scolding her again on "this is the way you shouldve handled the fight so all that bad stuff wouldnt have happened. you shouldve been more resourceful as a witch blah blah blah--" and lime has to come rescue mochi from poms scoldings. grabs the cat by the neck and gives her to coco (coco likes snuggling pom against her will. shes the friend that grabs cats and forces them into hugs while the cat struggles and meows)
so he stays out there with her for a bit (alone 👀), chatting about nothing. eventually he asks "So now what?" since they always had something going on. and mochi says "Now...we can finally just. rest. run the shop and help people where we can. normal witch stuff." and starts rambling about how theyll still do commissions and fun adventures and travel around and stuff but for the most part, everything will be normal and theres nothing they cant handle anymore. and after shes finally done talking lime just goes "...will you go out with me?"
(the woman was too stunned to speak meme). its a mix of emotions cuz theres a 5% chance hes joking but the look on his face is so serious. and its also not a total surprise given their very blurred line relationship but it still stuns her to hear him say it.
and in VERY tcwg fashion, of course somehow gets interrupted before she can answer him. coco or sulluvan or SOMEONE starts yelling from the house "HEY THE CATERING GUY IS HERE AND NEEDS MOCHIS SIGNATURE AND OSCARS ALREADY TRYING TO EAT YOU NEED TO HANDLE THIS ASAP!!!" and lime is ready to kill somebody. the rest of the night mochi cant get a second alone with him and every time they make eye contact across the table they both get flustered.
the next day lime probably had to report in or something and mochis groaning to coco about "Noooo i didnt even get to respond what if he hates me!!!" and lime stressing over "Was I too forward...? No way right..??" (hes not overly stressed. at that point hes decided to just be dedicated to being unapologetically in love with her. he has a PRETTY good idea that shed say yeah but in the off chance shes like "nooo" then he decided to love her anyway and just be there for her)
so as soon as he comes home mochi is like "Hey!! Lime!! so uh!! I just remembered I need to go hunting for ingredients in (insert remote getaway she has access to)!! I was wondering if you wanna!! Come with me!!" the whole time red-faced and fidgeting with her braid. lime, bag in hand goes "I'm ready. Lets go now." (pom is like "mmm adventures yum" and mochis like "ahah....just lime." and forces her to stay there)
when they get there (via mochis magic doorway portals), and lime sets his stuff down, and mochi is there stammering and red in the face trying to get her words out, mumbling like "Lime! Uh! About yesterday!! I wanted to!! Um!! Well!! I wanna--//"
and before she can even get proper words out, he grabs her by her waist, pushes her against the counter and kisses her. its one of those deep, passionate, hands-all-over-her kisses. and when he breaks away from her, he nuzzles her hair and presses his forehead to hers and tells her he loves her. he tells her EVERYTHING. how he thinks about her day and night, he misses her when he has to leave, he loves her laugh and her smile and the softness of her touch and the feeling of her warmth on him, and he loves the tone of her voice and the way she cares and does little things for him, and every time he looks at her it makes his whole day. and he tells her how just knowing her has made him a better person and he wouldnt be anything without her. and how hed love her no matter what or no matter how long or no matter if this is something she wants or not, hed love her anyway.
he gives her little kisses between each thing he tells her, and by the end of it shes crying (getting back to the thing i was talking about a few asks ago). she hugs him tightly around his neck with her tears dripping on his uniform and tells him shes loved him her whole life and was always terrified to tell him because she didnt want him to leave and she knows how he generally was with other girls who have crushes on him. as soon as lime hears the "I've loved you my whole life" thing though, his response is "WHAT?! THAT LONG?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING?!!" and feels a tinge of being pissed off that he couldve had her this WHOLE TIME, to which she responds "I WAS SCARED!!"
and he smirks at her and says "God, you really are literally a scaredy-cat." and shes still crying lowkey so just leans forward into his chest and muffles out a "Shut up you jerk." and he just stares at her for a bit, stroking her hair and planting little kisses on her head, and asks "...do you really love me?" because hes still in disbelief and this doesnt feel real, to which she reminds him that she (as a witch) will always always always love him and never stop loving him for the rest of her life.
so lime kisses her again. and again., and starts escalating it because god knows now that he has the green light there is NOTHING stopping him from having her. probably lifts her up and carries her into the bedroom to have his way with her
(funny tidbit though-- they were originally gonna stay there for like a week because lime wants her all to himself for a while to get all the s*xual frustration out of his system. he thought once he finally gets to be with her then he would have a better grip on how much he wants her, but in fact it makes it worse. so they end up staying there for like 2-3 weeks and even then they had to be forced to come back because oscar was tired of running the shop by himself and they were fucking up the business)
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a-sip-of-milo · 1 year ago
hi its uhhhhh research to i think i have bpd pipeline person here. idk how else to identify myself because i dont feel comfortable making myself public.
ive been intending to do more research into bpd but its like. hard and not because its hard to find resources, i found stuff on youtube, but its hard to sit down and watch it because its not entertaining enough to put my full attention on, so my mind was wandering and then i wasnt taking in information. and i dont know what to do sob. i only actually watched one video bc i know that other videos are going to be boring to me and that im not going to take in information bc i cant focus.
it was a video about what it was like living w quiet bpd and from the little i remember i was like “yep. sounds like me.” (even tho for the most part i literally cannot remember the video) and when i look at the 9 symptoms, theres 4 i can confidently say i experience, and 4 others that are a maybe, but my memory is shit so i can’t accurately tell by myself which of those symptoms i actually experience.
everytime i think abt having bpd i get upset, but i cant tell if its coming from the root of ableism(?) that me being upset about having disorders usually comes from (wanting to be “normal”) or if its coming from the root of ableism that was people with bpd/npd are inherently bad
i also think i have a favourite person. by think i mean putting the pieces together from other people talking about their favourite people from asks you answer made me realize “oh so thats why im so infatuated by this person and it’s not just being closer to them than my other friends”
Hey! I also find it incredibly difficult to sit through informative videos, so you're not alone there. There's also the issue of "am I going to sit through this entire video just to figure out that it's rooted in ableism" that stops me from getting through them. I prefer written stuff!
When it comes to the internalised ableism (also completely valid, that's not just a personality disorder issue), it could very well be a combination of both. Not only does this mean you're not "normal" anymore, but the disorder that's causing it is something that is often considered inherently bad. That can be a scary realisation to make.
I feel like i've said this before, but you don't need to rush into it. You could be struggling so much with doing research and absorbing information on the subject because your brain has yet to accept that it's okay. This can take time, and the best thing you can do if that's the case is to take a step back from the overwhelming amount of information there is to take in and work on breaking that pattern of thinking, however hard it may be.
Try positive affirmations with yourself. If you happen to recognise a particular kind of behaviour that stems from your BPD, acknowledge that, tell yourself that it's okay and move on. Think about what you'd say to another person who was struggling with the things you're experiencing. Just be kind to yourself.
Don't force yourself to do something that you're not ready for. In the end, it will only make you resent the possibility of having BPD even more and that is far less constructive.
I hope this helps, but also please don't fret if it doesn't or hesitate to tell me that i'm just rambling for no reason/you're not looking for advice. I won't be offended /gen /nm /lh
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bi-as-in-bi-bitch · 11 months ago
hello! how did you know you were bi?
the way I reacted whenever asami sato came on screen was in no way normal enough for me to be straight
nah but seriously:
wow, i have not thought about that in years... its actually pretty hard to pinpoint exactly when, but ill try to go over the main points:
i realized i liked girls in seventh grade, in the middle of a private religious school, while i was thinking about how pretty jenna coleman was in doctor who.
i wa sitting next to my extremely conservative best friend. and i immediately panicked and said to myself "no, we're not doing this."
i repressed myself for a while, kept saying to myself that i liked guys, only guys. i had major crushes on danny phantom and my 6th grade math teacher and this bollywood actor (hrithik roshan in dhoom again)
so i said to myself that i couldnt possibly be gay, i liked guys!
but girls were so freaking pretty. why did my heart race when a cute girl smiled at me? why was i so scared around the girl i really really wanted to be friends with? why couldnt i stop staring at my geography teacher like that?
i honest to god thought i was lying for attention. idk whose attention, its not like i told anyone i was having these feelings.
i kept it so so repressed and convinced myself i was lying to myself.
then i went to high school and met people that were pan, bi, gay. i made an instagram, a tumblr, a wattpad account for my doctor who fics, and i started to learn this whole new vocabulary on how to describe sexuality and gender preferences and whatnot.
i finally came to the realization that i am not gay, i am not straight: i'm bisexual. guys are cute. girls are cute. liking one does not diminish how much i like the other.
i was so happy to have a way to describe myself. but at the same time, i went through a phase of hating myself for liking girls. i felt like i was a weirdo when i took notice of a cute girl. it took me a while to get over it and start accepting that what i am and how i feel is not wrong, im not hurting anyone by having these feelings.
i accepted that i was bisexual when i was 15 years old.
i started coming out to my friends around tenth grade. i remember i was so nervous and my hands were clammy. i said i was bi, and they laughed and patted me on the back. i went on a walk with my best friend and she noticed the pride bracelet i had on, and asked me about it. i remember being so scared when i muttered 'i'm bisexual,' and she immediately got the biggest grin on her face and punched me in the arm (shes not good at physical affection), and told me she was so proud of me and happy that i felt safe enough to come out to her.
coming out to people at my age isnt as big as a deal to me anymore - i go to an arts college, literally every other person is some flavour of queer - but when i was growing up i didn't know that it was something that existed.
im proud of my identity and i wish i could share it with the world. i wanna hang bi flags in my room and wear pins that say 'i'm bi' on them and wear cuffed jeans and flannel shirts and carry a big sword (HUGE part of being bi). but i live in a conservative family, and ik that the older generation (my parents and their siblings) are never gonna understand me, so i cant be fully out, but that doesnt mean i cant be proud. i have stealth bi pins. i made a painting with predominantly pink, blue, and purple colours, and hung it up in my room. i own two plastic swords.
i made this sideblog mainly to rb posts that i wanted to find later, but i wanted to have something with my name on it where i could be blatant about the fact that i find men and women so goddamn attractive. hence, 'bi as in bi bitch' was made.
i wonder if this was helpful at all? i kind of went on a ramble there. is there anything you want me to elaborate on?
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what-if-nct · 2 years ago
hiiii is it ok if i ask for some advice? im sorry im gonna sound rambly but uhhh i'm 14 and starting high school next year (which i alrdy dont feel too good abt haha) and my (overbearing asian) parents are going to send me to this private lutheran hs instead of the public one i was supposed to go to bc its more upper class and smart (?). tbh i was genuinely surprised that i liked the school, academic-wise, and i rlly liked that i had the space in my schedule to take more fine arts classes (i dont have any in my hs) but like the first thing the principal said to me was that i "needed to learn to be a good christian". a whole hour each week is dedicated to jesus and i just know my atheist ass is going to be uncomfortable asf. first, one of my best friends has a thing for jesus (he says jesus is too hot to be straight 😭) and i cant tell if hes joking anymore, and second, i dont have a problem with people who are religious, but i do when they are flat out hateful and harrassing people from communities they "dont agree with", and i just know the people preaching at this school are the latter.
also rn i am the *only* poc in my entire school, and i noticed there were a lot more asian students and students of color, so hopefully there'll be less kids pulling at their eyes or calling me slurs :D
anyways i not a fan of the fact that "homosexual behavior on or off campus" warranted for expulsion, since i am a *very* queer and bisexual individual. at my current school, i dont really need to hide my gayness bc no one cares, and my teachers are accepting (my homeroom teachers a lesbian lol <33). i dont think i can handle having to hide such a big part of my identity at home *and* at school :( too add to that i really suck at making friends, so being somewhere without people i'm comfortable with, my anxiety gets really bad, and i just shut down completely.
my hs is p rundown (like most public highschools are) and the classes are average at best, so idk man, im torn :( i dont know if i should suck it up and go to lutheran school bc their good academics, or ✨be myself✨ and go to p shitty school :/
i dont know what to do (or if i can even do anything) abt it i just dont feel too good about this :( you've mentioned you went to a christian school, so do you have any advice? even if you dont, thank you so so much for listening to me rant for a moment there <33 i really treasure you and your blog, atp you feel like the big sister i've never had. i love youuuu <333
That is such a sticky situation. Cause maybe you can try to persuade your parents especially since they'll be paying for the private school on top of college tuition in the future, it can be a huge selling point. I know that's how I won in the decision of beauty school over college it's cheaper. And christian and catholic schools are heavily based in religion like it's a huge part of it so if you don't believe in it it can be absolutely mind numbing. I actually didn't go to Christian school, actually wasn't forced to go to church as a child, I was like 11 and for some reason told grandma Christianity is responsible for all the bad things that happened in the world. Which is wild that I even was able to come to that conclusion as a child she just brushed me off. But I did go to church summer camp to be with my friends which my friend and I got scolded for holding hands but she was just leading me through the crowd of people. So that's still unfortunately a huge part of christian beliefs
the thing that really caught me off guard is the homosexual activity off campus can lead to expulsion. On campus like sucks but is expected of a christian school sadly. But off campus in your day to day life is like your actions off campus shouldn't be judged by the school. Like I can't wrap my mind around that. I think since you have a whole summer maybe look for more schools you can attend I remember doing this in middle school because my home high school was an F school so you could choose any high school within a certain range. You'd be really surprised with how many schools are around you I'm assuming you're in the us but I'm sure everywhere has a ton of schools. And look for a school that holds some of what your parents want and also your own values and needs for your education. And maybe your parents seeing you take initiative might be an extra point.
If your parents are deadset on it. I think try to make the best out of it as much as you can usually there's a group of people in the same boat you're in where their parents forced them to be there. Trust me no matter where you go you will always be drawn to those like you every single time. But if you do get the choice of going to the original public school firstly screw every single racist little bitch who does that to you that is horrid I am so sorry you have to endure that. People suck. But you can also learn extra independently I always did that cause I was a bit ahead of my class. But I really think researching more schools in your area would help you find the perfect school for you. I personally was in love with Waldorf schools they're more creative led schools and freer, I wanted to go to one so badly. So figure out the exact kind of education you want like a magnet school, charter school it doesn't hurt to see how receptive your parents will be to it.
I really hope this helped at all and I hope it works out well for you. And Awwww it's so sweet you see me as a big sister, I gladly be your big sister, love you too🌸🌸🌸
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2qts · 4 years ago
Here we go again
#vent#oh yeah. time to be sad and vague again#I never know how to talk about this stuff but man my brain has been going so fast trying to figure things out#I keep having these complete 180s where I can be so sure that I know what something is with me. all of the facts make sense. its that.#and then 10 minutes later its -yeah but that doesnt really make sense. its just not true- and I!!! dont know anymore!!!#and its always hard for me to talk about things because I dont want to make assumptions about myself ever until someone else points it out#but also. no one is going to tell me what my brain is like when they dont live here!!#but then its right back to knowing the facts add up. and if they do then why arent things.... right?#like. if what I'm thinking is true. then wouldnt I know it by now? or at least have less reasonable doubt?#or is none of this reasonable to begin with!!!#idk. mental health is hard. especially when like. science doesnt know everything. and theres so much overlap between so much#either way. theres two different explanations that are widely similar but the differences are incredibly important to me and...#idk its been bothering me for literally years and Im v tired of not getting it#anyway thanks for listening. I had no therapy this week and still wont for another week so I'm just. not really feeling great#im gonna go uh. wish my brain would turn off for a little bit. maybe eat a bunch of chocolate and then cry because I'm allergic to it#or I will continue playing eurotruck sim while listening to tumblrs favorite podcast...... while eating chocolate and crying about it#idk. im rambling. I cant remember what I'm saying anymore#fun fact every time I read through my tags its like im reading them for the first time because my memory is that bad#gotta love the currently unspecified dissociative disorder! really does wonders to the brain!! literally!!!!#i have no idea what is going on ever!! its so great!!!#I just love when days pass and it feels like moments. or I completely forget who I am! simply adore not being able to hold conversations#okay. I'm done being specific. god. I hated that. sorry for giving you information about me. ill never do it again on purpose#also if you read all of this. why? who are you? do you not have anything better to do? also thank you and I love you <3
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artharakka · 3 years ago
everytime your art pops up on my dash i am just so amazed. the colors, your art style all just *cheffs kiss*.
a while back you got an ask about what program you use, and i was wondering if you could share some more details about brushes + settings + canvas size etc. i rlly want to try digital art myself but im at a loss where to start.
sorry for the rambeling and the multiple questions. cant wait to see what you will make next <3
Thank you!! (and thank you to the other anon who also asked about my settings, I'm answering the technical stuff here but I got your message as well!)
I feel like I’m getting hang of colours again in a way that I like after I got a new computer screen, so thank you for that especially 🧡
I ended up rambling (because I also remember when I started and was at loss where to start), so answers are under “read more”!
If someone hadn't seen the referred ask, the program I use is Krita so brushes etc are for that. I think I originally ended up with Krita because it was (and is) free and I liked its brushes best.
I just went with the default settings hah so the canvas size & resolution I usually start with is 300ppi and A4 (so 2480x3508 px). Sometimes for the square works I go with 3000x3000 or 4000x4000 canvas (or just cut the A4 into square. It's a mess). For commissions I usually work with sliiightly larger canvas sizes but depends on the work. I still don’t know if there’s a right answer to this? If you plan to print it, don’t use too low resolution and if the canvas is really small the picture might pixelate. Internet might have more accurate answers to this but so far these have worked for me?
I gathered my most used brushes in one neat picture (that is hopefully clear enough.. say if it’s hard to see/understand!) Also a couple of older brushes that I don’t use that much anymore but occasionally come handy!
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And idk if it’s helpful but here’s my Krita setup:
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I like to use Big_Paint_2 workspace (changed from upper right corner) and dark theme (Settings -> Themes -> Krita dark). Besides that I think I mostly went with Krita’s default settings. The brushes listed above I’ve made my favourites that I can easily access through quick selection wheel that (at least for me) opens with right click (or corresponding button on my pen)
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ariespellz · 2 years ago
wait how does that work? does that mean you'll only have a few days of vacation? sorry my english isn't englishing rn😭
same, i usually don't follow any sports but everyone's talking about it so 🤷‍♀️ i wish you luck with maths! i don't do much of that anymore but i remember how painful it was 😭 no matter how much i studied for some reason i could never get a good score...anyways i'm very sure you won't turn out like me! i have faith in you! 😭
yeah, this is the longest term,,,which is good but also kinda bad. my mock exams start next term i believe, and then the term after is basically full of actual exams, which im not looking forward to ://
anyways, i hope you do really well in your exams!! and rest when you can! <33
no u actually make sense!! the educational stuff is going nuts lately in spain :/ they're all dicks tbh but oh well we have to suck it up,,
we basically start vacation "officially" the 24th and we'll proba be back by the 5th?? pulling my hair out rn . these btches i swear.
on the bright side tho!!! next year im choosing my bachiller (we have 6 years primary, 4 secondary, and then 2 years in something called "bachillerato" in which we make some subjects related with what we want to study. then we have an exam called ebau (various, depending on the subjects we choose), and with that grade we can apply to a certain amount of universities. does that make sense?? we have other options aside from uni too but thats too much info) and i'll have no more maths, just humanities (languages, history, and other nerdy shit i enjoy lmao).
the main thing with our education styles is that is very .. closed off??? like. the US for reference is HELL. its soooo expensive qnd the level is kinda wonky? defo lower than here. HOWEVER , even then, the masters degree options and branches in and after high school are way more open than here. we have like a shit ton of careers and you have to study the full 4-5 years (or drop out) and then go for another one if you want to do something slightly different. okay maybe not really but idk i feel like im rambling a lot. im a bit stressed out about school stuff.
on another not: i relate to the math thing SO. MUCH!!! im quick w stuff like multiplications fractions etc etc but the moment functions come out.. lord have mercy. my brain stops braining. so yeah good thing my teacher knows i bother w that stuff (hes cool at least:')) physics had me crying last year).
exams are so stressful!!! i feel u hun :( i cant say i know exactly what ur going through but u are very very smart and great! u WILL pull this off evie i believe in you<33
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hhuta · 4 years ago
not you still calling me the hungarian anything connoisseur after the name debacle 😭 i appreciate it but do i deserve it | i am,, so powerful,,, good for her tho! looking forward to it | nothing and no one can stop the power of my rambling and youtube comments >:) (other than thinking ppl think i'm annoying. that'll shut me up rq lmao) also i think the woman is his new wife(apparently rebecca is his old dead wife? idk i skimmed the synopsis on tvtropes. also did u know pia dowes was in it) -3D
not the hungarian production tho she played mrs danvers(?) in at least one german version | yes i'm gonna be a millionaire at my first official job(you may be thinking "well mor probably won't get you that much" you're right but i'm gonna make it so successful it'll get me even MOR(E) then i'm gonna donate to some charities or w/e | okay now you have to say why bc now i'm suspicious(i do know it closed v quickly) | it is why couldn't florent have been italian smh -3D
u really are unstoppable
oohhh right. I KNOOWOWWWWWWWW i wanted to watch it just for her lkdjslk but im sure its overall good and that it has bangers! win win for me! my friend loves it and i trust her taste. is she biased bc she, herself, is called rebecca? yes but thats besides the point.
OH THE DREAMM... when u do get that job u tell them to hire me as well thank u
uhm. well. i cant speak for anyone else but the reasons why i disliked it were.. idek anymore tbh i watched it last year.. i remember being extremely mad at how different the plot was from the books oh thats a thing. bookS. they crammed two books in a 2 hour long musical........ the movie interview with the vampire is a little lot different from the book but its fine u know its still good but god idk what they were thinking with the changes for the musical!!!!!! nicolas is my favourite character and they destOYED MY CHILD... RUINED HIS STORY... also i remember i didnt like the songs either :/ also its a vampire musical and thERES NO BLOOD? EVER I THINK???????? and im so sad bc the cast was amazing, the or i gi n a l story is amazing, musicals are amazing like??? this was supposed to be a HIT BUT NOOOOooo it all went wrong.
the whole second book is about lestat being a rockstar u know a mU SI CI AN U KNOW WHO SINGSSSSSS AND THIS PLOT??? IS NOT??? IN THE MUSICAL????? AAAAA????????????????? bitch... if im mad rn u should have seen me when i watched it god.
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yumikoflare · 8 years ago
oMG DUDE AS UR SENAPI I NEED TO KNOW 1-6 12-16 20-23!!!!!!!!! bby i'm so proud :,)
STARTS SWEATING H-HI (⁄ ⁄^⁄ᗨ⁄^⁄ ⁄) YEah i may or may not have a crush www i was gonna tell u but i saw u were popping up in my notes so i was like hey maybe she’ll see the ask meme and i can gush asldakdsa ANYWAY
1) Describe them in 3 wordsWHAT HOW DO I UHHHHH...... probably ‘humble, thoughtful, trustworthy’ :o
2) Their favourite style of clothinghmmm he doesn’t rly have a ‘style’? just super casual stuff like me tbh, just short-sleeved t-shirts and pants or shorts is mostly what he wears LOL
3) What mannerisms do they have?UHHH he hides his face a lot..... he laughs when hes embarrassed - OH he hums a lot and sings under his breath and sometimes he dances a bit when theres music on like..... asldksalsakdaskfddsj
4) Do they play an instrument?yeah !!! he plays piano really well and actually writes songs! he’s so talented jsdhfsjdn 
5) How did you meet/become introduced to them?school  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we’ve been growing up beside each other for the past few years and never really got close til recently so it’s aaaaa - UM ive been lowkey avoiding saying his name but this explanation is gonna make it rly obvious LOL basically when my core friend group was formed, he was the person i was the least close with but we all had the same humor pretty much so we all bonded really fast and stuff so i guess things just took off from there
6) Favourite thing they’ve ever said/texted/messaged?FHDSJFSDHFISDHFESIH DONT DO THIS TO ME !!! i dunnoooo...... he says a lot of sweet things...... something that comes to mind is when i won the title of salutatorian he texted me a ton of stuff abt how he was super proud of me and how he was happy for me and whatever and i mdskfejh
12) Have they dreamed about you? (if you know)idk LOL probably not  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i haven’t dreamed abt him in particular bc my dreams aren’t rly like that
13) Can they dance?HELL YEAH I’M SO HAPPY YOU SENT THIS ONE OKAY OKAY OKAY LET ME GUSH OKAY SO he was.... the first person ive ever slow danced with and Listen Here. when i say he can dance i mean he’s a professional dancer and he’s really good and like the feeling of being held by a freaking professional when you’re a clumsy person who looks ridiculous just stepping side to side is like nothing else.... it’s like overwhelmingly embarrassing but also just having someone so amazing to guide you is like sdfkdsfselfkeso i cri everytime...... i’m so bad at slow dancing i didn’t even spin the right way the first few times but he still smiled and told me that i was doing so well like i’m....... deceased
14) What does hugging them feel like?this question actually made me smile just now i had to cover my mouth bc just the thought of hugging him makes me so happy im (∗∕ ∕•̥̥̥̥∕ω∕•̥̥̥̥∕) idk dude it’s just....... my chest feels so light and i feel so happy??? that’s the best i can explain it aa aaaaaa a ahh
15) Your favourite thing about them?IFGHFDIDGNJD DONT DO THIS TO ME EITHER how the heck you expect me to pick 1 singular favorite thing...... alright i do gotta say though like.. i mentioned earlier he’s thoughtful so to elaborate on that, he *remembers* the little things i say; he pays such close attention to the things i say, he brings things up in conversation that i was sure he’d have forgotten bc who listens to me when i ramble??? certainly not anyone??? including me?? LOL but he does like.... dude....... wow......
16) Their favourite thing about you?heck if i know ???? i’d have to ask but i cant rn he’s sleeping ahaha - i dunno but he’s described me as ‘smart, funny, and beautiful’ so idk im fsitjeuwaerewoi
20) Could they imagine growing old together with you?idk !!! i’m sure we both can ideally but we’re still so young the chances of that are very low 。(*^▽^*)ゞ i think it’d be amazing if we were still at least friends by the time we were much older aha that’d be really nice
21) What would an ideal date with them be?MFSDKFHGJ uhH idk ...... probably walking around somewhere scenic? we’d get lunch or something and then gets drinks, walk around and talk, take pictures of each other and with each other, just sit together in the silence, head home before it got dark and play overwatch w/ each other and yell when we’d lose even if it was 3am (does this count as a date anymore do people go on dates at night LOL) and then i could spend the night at his house and we would lazily argue who would say ‘goodnight’ last
22) Are they competitive?heh i’d say he is!! he doesn’t really express it but when we’re gaming he gets super into it sometimes and he focuses a lot it’s actually really cute fskdmgk he’s competitive outside of just gaming too but that’s the main thing
23) What do you do together?mostly gaming LOL we play overwatch with each other a lot and we talk pretty often, kinda just abt life in general?? sometimes we’d talk about writing too... but yeah we’re both pretty awkward so we often talk about trivial things until we both find a topic we can talk a lot about
THANK YOU SM FOR SENDING THIS MARI YOU GAVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO GUSH ABT HIM ;;;;; i love him so much i wish i saw him more often aaaaahhh again thanks i hope these answers are at least a little interesting to read www ヾ(〃ω〃ヾ))
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incaseofjeon · 8 years ago
hellooo i just finished reading lucky strike and i really like your writing!!! it's the second thing of yours i've read :) for some reason i can relate a lot to JK?? in his decision to run away i mean HAHA really interesting style too especially at the beginning, when i was starting to get into the plot. i look forward to reading your other stuff! :) a few questions though (and i'm sorry if this has been asked) but 1. what was jimin's power?? 2. what are your fav books? yay! thanks!! -c
omgg THANK YOU SO MUCH ;A; im so so so happy that you read that fic and enjoyed it ahhhhdhsfjds ;__; though ohh i wonder what the first of my fics you read was 👀? hahfbds
and im glad you found his character relatable ;;;; when writing it his story was also the one sort of closest to me personally? so im really glad that other people found him relatable too ahhfjddsj so jUST. thank you!!! thank you so much, for reading and for taking the time to tell me this T–T im really happyy
as for your questions! here ill put them under a read-more bc i just know im gonna get rambly omfgdf
ok so, jimin’s power - I’M ACTUALLY SO GLAD YOU ASKED, because it’s a part of the story that almost no one’s asked about even though it’s kind of a big deal for jimin. which is….jimin doesn’t have a power lmaO. almost everyone in that au has superpowers; its the norm to have one, but fic!jimin just..doesn’t. it’s something he’s probably felt odd about growing up; in his growing years he probably tended to feel like he had to work extra hard to be sort of special or noticed and stuff T-T that’s also part of the reason he originally was drawn to jeongguk in school after the dictionary incident - by that age he’d kind of started to guess that he wasn’t going to develop a power, since it’s really rare for it to develop any later than teenage years, and jeongguk was the first person he’d known to not like his own power ;; so to jimin it was kind of eye-opening to realise that the power he’d always been upset about not having could possibly bring harm as well as good ahjsbdsjhd..so yeAH!! im so so glad you asked this omdfd i feel like..im finally doing fic!jimin justice in telling his unwritten story T–T
and MY FAVOURITE BOOKS. omfg there’s so so many im just going to list as many as i can think of off the top of my head:
1. The Raw Shark Texts (by Steven Hall)
this one is one of my all time favourites, and a HUGE huge huge inspiration in writing that’s left an impact on me for a really long time ;; IT’S SO UNDERRATED but it’s super gripping and interesting and experimentally fresh, and has really well-written themes of like love and loss and unfaithful memories and losing memories and a lot of cool internal/mental things like that! the ending is super cool to me, too ;;; the writing style is like nothing ive ever really seen anywhere else and is just super compelling in the way the author selects and arranges certain simple words in un-simple ways? and there are many parts of this book that are ambiguous in what exactly happened; that’s exactly why i love it? idk i jsut - i get super super excited about this book pleasE READ IT 
2. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (by Aimee Bender)
actually, i have loved about every single thing by aimee bender that i’ve read, but this is the only novel of hers ive read so far so i’ll go with that hjsbdjhsf…her short story collections are super lovely too, some of my favourite short stories by her are Job’s Jobs, Appleless, Death Watch, Motherfucker, I Will Pick Out Your Ribs (from My Teeth), and Faces. Aimee Bender is really one of my favourite authors ever, she has a really distinctive style and flavour thats creative and poetic and charmingly matter-of-fact all at once, that makes the most mundane stuff seem magical and the most magical stuff seem mundane. like. idk. IM REALLY IN LOVE with her writing ;;;;; ahdsbfjhbfds please check her out if you can!!!
3. A Wrinkle in Time & its sequels (by Madeleine L’Engle)
this whole series is just..really lovely in its ideas and hopeful and really gave me a huge sense of wonder the first time i read it? and there are some scenes in it that were just so beautifully magical (even though it’s actually sci-fi) and moving that i’ve never forgotten them to this day ;___; even though i first read it when i was 11 lmaO. but really, this is so soso osos o lovely idk if youve ever read it but i hope you have/get to read it some day abfdf
4. The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
jhasgfjhs kate dicamillo is another of my all time favourite writers, i grew up hunting library shelves for her name lmao her writing is just..really beautiful in its ideology and style? there’s something very pure and innocent and whimsical and so so poetic about the things she writes and the way she tells stories, i always tend to read her stuff in one sitting bc it’s just so hard to stop ;;; i love her work so so much 
5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
i actually…can’t remember the exact story of this anymore BUT I DO remember that when i read it, i was completely blown away by the power of the writing style? bradbury’s writing is just…really distinctive in a heavier kind of way? like it’s poetic but kind of grips you around the heart idK im not sure how to explain it. i’m always stunned at the way he chooses his words and crafted his world in this book ajhsfbjd i love it sooo much ;;; i want to reread soon sdhfds
6. The Monstrumologist series (by Rick Yancey)
THIS ONE IS SO UNDERRATED i love it omg..it’s more gory and dark than most the things ive mentioned but the gore never feels like..needless? idk. i just love it so much and the kinds of ideas like the blurring of lines between man and monster, as well as the changing relationships of growing up - the book series just handles that so so well and with a really exciting gripping plot too ahdgsd i love it i love iiit. my fav book in the series is probably the lsle of Blood; there’s a line in there about a plate that haunTS ME ALWAYS 
7. Skellig and Kit’s Wilderness by David Almond
david almond is another writer i grew up reading ahhHH it’s honestly been too long for me to exactly remember what i loved about these 2 books - BUT I LOVE THEM
8. The Seas by Samantha Hunt
i actually am reading this book literally right now, so i havent reached the ending and im not sure if ill still love it as much as i currently do by that point, but so far i definitely am loving it SO much!! the writing and metaphors and characterisation are so damn beautiful and interesting and the writer has a lovely flow and really fresh way of arranging words and delivering ideas ;; it’s just really prettily and freshly and creatively written ;A; plus, i have this…Thing for the ocean so i love that a central part of this book is about the sea ahhH 
9. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami 
I WISH I HAD MORE HARUKI MURAKAMI THINGS TO TALK ABOUT but this is the only of his books ive found so far - and I LOVE IT TO DEATH. i actually read norwegian wood and the particular sadness of lemon cake in the time period when i wrote my latest fic (thought you knew) and they really ;;; damn, a double whammy of inspiration omfg. norwegian wood is just…really really interesting and deep and real without being too heavy-hearted in the way it talks about things like relationships, devotion, alienation and loss? idk, it’s just- i love it so so so much, especially the ending paragraph ahhhh
10. Cathedral and A Small, Good Thing (by Raymond Carver)
THESE ARE TECHNICALLY SHORT STORIES, not books. but i just love them so much i have to mention them ;;; i honestly love raymond carver and his way of writing a lot, he just..he says so much with so little? he’s a huge inspiration i look up to like crazy especially when it comes to crafting dialogue ahhh. i also really love his poem Hummingbird!
11. The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino
idek where to start with this one..THE PLOT IS JUST. FUCKING BRILLIANT and it’s a really interesting take on the idea of devotion, especially devotion to..um..unhealthy kinds of levels? idk. it’s just….so well thought through and super cool i was Mind Blown™ when i read it kasjndskdf
12. Bunker 10 by J.A. Henderson
this is another one in team BLEW MY FUCKIGN MIND ahhh ;; i read it super super long ago but the plot is so so good? it’s the kind that’s a bit confusing at first, but then everything gets revealed and i’m completely shook and eye-opened and want to read it again with the new knowledge, you know what i mean? just- i cant remember what the writing style was like but the PLOT and setting was soo so so cool T—T
and that’s…all i can think of at the moment ajhbfjsdhf IM SORRY YOU PROBABLY DIDNT EXPECT ME TO BE SO EXTRA AS TO GIVE SUCH A LONG ASS REPLY but im just…..very very very passionate and invested in the books i love, ok. im so. akjsfbjhdsf
anyway yeah!! thank you so soso soso SO much for reading my writing and liking it and making the effort to let me know ;;;; im really so happy reading and replying to your message, it means so much to me T-T i hope you have a great great day ilY anon c!!!
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