#idk. either way im getting both but idk what to do first. it literally does not matter but yk
gojosatorailme · 1 year
How Lookism characters would eat you out
- Daniel, vasco, zack, gun, goo, Dg
Daniel Park
He’s a virgin. Cant expect much homie
I’d expect him to be a quick learner so he’d look at you throughout it, very experimental with it
Soft kitten licks soft kitten licks soft kitten licks.
Oh? You like it here instead? Okay! He’ll go crazy 💯
Id see him as quite shy and nervous as he wouldn’t know what he’s doing though he’d get more comfortable and confident with reassuring words!
As he gets more used to it you’ll be in tears
Soft and sensual licks, his face buried inside you flicking his tongue the way he knows drives you crazy
UI Daniel on the other hand… a menace. Absolute menace.
Forget walking bby you’ll forget how to think all together
Goodluck soldier
He’s so cute I feel like he’d be so dumb and lick the left flap
Like I KNOW he’d do smt wrong by accident bc the poor guys just so confused
Somehow has a charm to him like somehow
Maybe it’s bc his milkers are so large you get delusional or maybe it’s bc his abs are all sweaty and he looks hot but theres SOME CHARM THERE
Vascos so cute
Would put your release before his like it’s a priority he’d put the burn knuckles on the line for it
Wants to make you feel good so teach him the way and he’d do wonders
Zack Lee
Stop joking honey hes a taken man
Keep scrolling home wrecker 🤬🤬
joking he’s also in the virgin gang ^^
Whole worrywart
He’d ask if he’s doing this right, if you feel good, or literally anything
I see him as a body worshipper or like he’d be into praise
Pls tell him he’s doing a good job
Very sweet I love zack
Still a taken man tho keep scrolling boo 😒
Would he even eat you out or would he get straight to pounding your brains out let’s think for a second
Have a strong feeling he’d be so aggressive
Strong and power licks. Like not even kidding
Have you seen his body maybe he does tongue workouts too u never know??
You want him to go slower? He’ll go faster. You want him to go faster? He’ll go slower. You want him eat you out at all? He’ll dip.
He’s such a menace for what
yk how he takes glasses off during fights? He does it while eating u out and I find it so oddly hilarious
Imagine he outs the glasses on and somehow gets turned on by it GOODBYE
Slaps ur genital area?? He’s mean. He’s just mean.
This is supposed to be like nsfw but it’s a parody atp I feel like gun was such a leash kid it’s so funny HE PROBS BIT A TEACHER IM FALLING IT IDK
He’ll go feral on u 💯 dick in or tongue in idc he’s a beast
He’d degrade u Roo like calling u a little slut for being turned on by how mean he’s being with u
Better get the bag before u think abt getting his tongue
u silly thing
He’d laugh idk and the vibrations would make your eyes roll back and ur all shivering
Would lick the left flap. But on purpose.
Teases u on purpose hes just so mean
he would listen to u either like no going fast hed go slow no going slow her go fast HES JUST LIKE GUN MF
Dg/James Lee
Theres a lot to say but a lot not to say.
Eye contact. Mega eye contact.
Him as James Lee? A menace. I mean it’s already Canon that he’s a menace so why do u think he won’t be one in the bedroom?
ur so silly!
He’s James Lee the living legend of the first gen that’s know to be the best at literally every fucking thing HE WON POETRY LIKE MAD RESPECT IM SO BAD AT POETRY
If he’s good at everything he’s probably a god in the bedroom
Maybe I’m biased and I love James but. Yeah.
You’ll be screaming, crying, fucked out, and all but keep going u got this!
him as DG however…
The same. Literally the same.
Both would be such a tease.
Also part of the mean group those little fuckers
He’s so unexpected to like could he giving u small kitten licks one second and the next his tongue is faster than flash like in being so fr
To conclude, he’s a god in the bedroom and I’d like to experience it first han-
The sex legend
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
unpopular(ish) tig opinions/mostly just me ranting
a few people have done this so here are mine (also just me ranting)
this one isn't super controversial but i don't really like alisa. she's nice and all, but the way she treats libby is just so weird to me and i can't bring myself to love her.
most people in this fandom are grayson stans but my fav is jameson. i love grayson, don't get me wrong, but i feel like his character is sort of overdone. i mean, almost all love interests nowadays are moody, broody, i never smile except when im with you. im happy avery ended up with jamie not just cause they fit together, but bc, for once, the love interest isn't the broody type (like i said, love grayson dont hate me)
i commented this under a post, and i don't think this is super unpopular but im lyra neutral. i literally cannot love a character unless i know them (i dont hate her either, i just don't have an opinion)
ok, this one might get me some hate, but, although grayson had the right to be mad in tig bc avery inherited the money, i do think he did go too far sometimes. there's this one time, where he was just unnecessarily rude to avery, telling her she didn't know what it was like to suffer (midway through to book, don't remember the chapter but its there and it makes no sense bc she grew up with no money while this dude is a privileged white man, like all of his brothers (except for xander cause he isn't white)). like i said, he had the right to be mad, but avery did nothing to him, and, so, he had no right to say some of the things he said to her. he does get better, and he does apologize (i think, but even if he doesn't idc cause hes nice to her now). like i said, he had the right to be mad cause i mean he did grow up thinking he'd inherit and he didn't, but he shouldn't have taken out all of his anger on her. he had the right to doubt her and think she had ulterior motives, but he had no right to accuse her of being a gold digger when she had done NOTHING to gray for him think that (dont take this as me not liking gray, he's one of my fav characters ever (but no one beats jamie (and nash)))
idk if this one will make sense and ik some people will agree with me if this does, but the way avery is treated in this fandom is really shitty. she's pretty much only mentioned when people are talking about the love triangle. she's bashed bc she didn't choose grayson (which she had the right to bc jamie was made for her and gray wasn't), her trauma is super overlooked. i wish people would pay more attention to her. also, i mentioned this earlier, but some people (not many but some) let other people (like gray and thea) get away will at the mean things they said to avery bc they're their favorite characters. (obviously, they can be your fav characters. my best friend's fav character is gray, and, when i first read the books, i liked gray over jamie for a small period of time, but its wrong to let them get away things just bc you like them.
people will agree with me, but jameson and grayson's trauma should NOT be compared. trauma is trauma no matter how "bad" it is (note the quotation marks around bad). ive mostly seen people compare jamie to gray saying that gray's trauma is worse which is so fucking mean. they both have trauma. they both have it bad. no one should be comparing. i will make a longer post about this bc this is smth i'm very passionate about and it pisses me off. (ive lost count of the amount of times ive compared my trauma to others thinking i had no right to complain bc others had it worse, so don't do it to fictional characters plsss)
the tiktok/insta fandom sucks. the amount of averygrayson shippers ive seen bash avery on those platforms is too much. the only healthy part of the fandom is on tumblr.
not controversial but thea is not a girl boss, she's just a mean girl. she's not iconic.
people should not bash people for their favorite characters. i've seen this mostly on older posts (like before tfg was released) but some people will go 'xander's my fav' or 'avery's my fav' and people in the comments would go 'but grayson exists' or 'but jameson exists'. let people like who they want to like. all characters are great (mostly, i hate thea and all of the bad guys).
i couldn't care less about eve's redemption arc. she ruined toby's life, and as someone who loves toby and avery's father-daughter dynamic, i will never forgive her. she also treated grayson horribly, basically got alisa kidnapped (cause alisa wouldn't have gotten kidnapped if eve hadn't gotten toby kidnapped), and more so if she ever does get a redemption arc, i will be throwing hands.
if i see people complaining about lyra's character when tgg comes out bc 'they were expecting someone different' i will be pissed. im sure lyra will be great (hopefully). it doesn't matter if she's a girl boss or more like rebecca.
grayson is not 'the most misunderstood character in the fandom'. he's literally the most popular character. people are constantly gushing about him and his trauma. other characters like avery, jameson, and xander (and others) are so much more misunderstood. no ones takes the time to understand them like they do with grayson. people are constantly talking about his trauma, and how people shouldn't hate him bc he's 'misunderstood'. people have the right to hate him, and his trauma isn't overlooked as the fandom's most popular character. he is a complex character, and i will be making in depth posts about him bc i find him interesting and i really like his character, but he's the most understood character in the fandom. i've noticed that people tend to say he's misunderstood right after coming up with the most nonsensical take defending all of his actions saying that he has trauma (trauma is not an excuse its an explanation)
even if grayson would've gotten up to help avery after the bombing 1. he would've never gotten there on time and 2. he might have gotten more hurt.
i said this earlier while talking about gray but trauma is not an excuse its an explanation. do with that what you will. i just have to repeat it.
people who claim jameson was not affected by emily are the bane of my existence (yes, they exist, i've seen them)
ik i mentioned gray a lot in this and it might seem like i don't like him, but i swear i LOVE him. i find his character very interesting and complex and i really wanna analyze his character once i'm done rereading. i just hate toxic grayson stans (most of yall aren't, but they exist)
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slvt4elliew · 8 months
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ellie hcs!
cw: ellie x afab!reader, established relationship, 2 idiots in love, mentions of drinking, explicit language, 18+ near the end, switch! ellie, lots of mentions of sex at the bottom, mdni or i'll find u :3
a/n: hiii! this is my first time writing so...ntm cuz it kinda sucks. idk what i'm doing so suggestions would be great! thank u 4 reading! mwah mwah mwah 💋
loves calling you random stupid nicknames. "hey, honey bunches of oats, could you come here rq?" "im sorry, what the fuck did you just call me?"
loves when you paint her nails or do her makeup, even if she complains the whole time. "ugh, this feels so gross." "c'mon, it's just lipgloss el."
BAGGY CLOTHES 🔛🔝!! her wardrobe consists of big dad jeans, random thrifted graphic tees, a shit-load of flannels, wife pleasers, sweatpants, plaid pj pants, goofy ass socks, and her one pair of beat up converse.
practically smothers you in kisses, think gomez from the addams family. forehead kisses, neck kisses, kiss on the cheek, on your shoulders, literally everywhere.
only wears childrens boxers. shes got a collection of 'em. im talking teenage mutant ninja turtles, minecraft, fortnite, SPIDERMAN, batman, dinosaurs, glow is the dark stars, etc. sometimes she'll wear the simple plaid ones tho.
she thinks shes soo good at dancing when she drinks, like she acts like shes hot shit when she just looks goofy. "babe. babe. baby, look. look at me." and when you look over she starts doing what she thinks is moon walking... its hilarious actually.
so so so clumsy. girl can't walk in a straight line to save he life. shes constantly tripping over air, and her untied shoe laces. you even made a T chart to keep score. rn its ellie 0 : air 22
always has a hand on you. you're sitting next to her? shes either pulling you into her lap or has a hand resting on your thigh. walking together? has to be holding your hand. she's in the middle of talking with someone else? a cold hand sits on your lower back, her thumb drawing soft circles to remind you shes still paying attention to you.
her hands and feet are SO cold. while laying next to her watching a movie or something, she slips a hand up your shirt to just rest it on your stomach but you squeak and flinch away from her FREEZING hands. you swear shes cold blooded
speaking of which, she loves slipping her hands up into your bra to 'warm up her hands'. whenever she asks you, you obviously allow her even though you know she'll sneakily start pinching at your nipples or squeezing your tits.
literally the funniest person ever. she can always make you laugh with her randomness and how stupid she can act. it also doesn't help that she knows you like the back of her hand so she knows what makes you nearly cry from laughing so hard. she just gets so much joy from seeing you laugh, even if it's at her. she'll do anything to see you smile.
loves cuddles!!! she has to have weekly movie nights where you both cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie.
treats you like a queen, girl is on her knees bowing down to you. does whatever you ask, you want water? done. your hungry? shes already ordered food. on your period and need stuff? shes already in the car, driving to the store. "whatcha need, pretty girl? it's okay, i can go get it."
loves you so so so much. you're her fav girl ever, she'll do absolutely anything for u.
shes def a switch. bae can switch up so fast
black, 8.5 inch, slight curve, and has veins.
constantly praising you. "fuck. doin' so good for me, baby. yea, that feel good?" "yeah- just like that..."
she says the dirtiest shit ever "you gon' be a good little slut for me, hm? yea? c'mon use your words, baby." "you wan' me to fill ya up, wan' me to make u a mama?" "yeah? you like that shit? course you do, such a fucking slut, huh?"
CRAZY STAMINA. she can go for hours if you'd let her. doesn't even think about cumming herself until you've came at least 3 times. "c'mon baby, you can give me another, yeah? i know you can... you're being so good for me, one more?" "nghh can't...i-its too much." "you can baby, just one more, c'mon..."
lovesss doggy style. "all fours on the bed. now." her grip on your hips is bruising, leaving light purple marks in the morning which she'll press soft kisses to as an apology. usually has one hand on your hip so she can thrust harder into you and another in your hair, either pushing your face into the pillows or pulling your head back so she can see your fucked out face.
has the worst case of ghost-dick when shes not sober, just fucking desperately humping your ass.
if shes fucking you with her fingers, she always either sucks them clean herself or has you do it, shoving her long fingers into your mouth, sometimes purposefully making you gag on them.
she also def likes it when you suck her strap. she doesn't even care if she cant actually feel it, the harness slightly bumping against her clit and seeing how you look up at her is enough for her.
biggest tease!! rubbing slow and light circles over your clit, just enough to make you squirm and whine at her. "you wan' more? nu uh, you gotta say it."
basically makes you sit on her face, wrapping her arms around your thighs and pulling you down on her face, keeping you there. she doesn't even care, she wouldn't gladly die like that.
usually dom but can be very subby.
if you don't let her touch you shes whining and begging for you to let her. "fuck- please, baby. i'll make you feel so good, j-just..shit- please.."
used to be very shy about you eating her out but has grown more comfortable w it. "aghhnn just like that...fuck, doin' so good for me."
already starts panting and whimpering when you only barely touch her. the small kitten licks you make up her slit has her squirming and bucking her hips upward in search of more friction.
SO GOOD AT AFTERCARE!! if she's being mean, she'll immediately drop the act and cover your worn-out body in soft, loving kisses. then she'll go get a wet wash cloth and wipe you and herself off before carelessly throwing it somewhere in the room. she'll then snuggle up with you in the bed, cuddling your warm body from behind and peppering your neck and shoulders with kisses while you drift off.
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yellow-py · 5 months
hello! you've probably been asked these before, but i'm here to ask how long it typically takes for you to make animatics, if you have any tips, preferred methods, and what you use? i saw your funger animatic and it looks absolutely gorgeous! i love all the detail that's jam-packed into the art and story telling, so i'm curious about your animatic process.
sorry if this is a lot! no need to answer if you don't want to. i love your stuff and i wish you well!
Hi! I don't mind answering some questions!
First things first, I'm not a professional storyboards artist. I've done a few things for some youtube channels. I wouldn't call myself an expert. This is to say that my method of doing things might not the best for people who actually work in the industry. 
Most of the time I work in Storyboard pro 7. But honestly, any editing software works as long as it can handle pictures and audio. For the disco elysium animatic I only used  clip studio paint and some random editing program called Camtasia. It worked alright but it takes a bit longer to finish stuff since storyboard pro is more streamlined. My go-to method right not is to draw the backgrounds in clip studio and the characters and editing in storyboard pro. That way, I get the best of both worlds. 
The funger animatic took about 2 and a half weeks to make. It usually takes longer, but the song wasn't that long so that saved me a lot of time. But as another example, my disco elysium animatic took +3 months. So it really depends. I did work longer on each frame for that one tho, so idk. On average, it takes me about 2 months. But that number keeps going up since my expectations of myself keep rising. 
Anyhow! I'll be bringing up my fear and hunger animatic as an example of my process. 
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My animatics usually start out having the ugliest thumbnails known to man. It does let me experiment with framing and timing, which is absolutely crucial. I do not recommend that people start refining frames without having planned out things beforehand.
After that, I just save every thumbnail and import it to storyboard pro. I just scale it up to the current canvas size. Then I just line up every frame with the audio. It is a little bit tedious but you gotta do what you gotta do. 
After that, I begin to draw the backgrounds in clip studio. I do the same thing as in storyboard pro and just size the thumbnail up. And then I just sketch over that! Technically, I could have drawn the backgrounds in storyboard pro. But their brushes are pretty uggo so I prefer to not do that :)
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As dumb as it might sound, it kind of stresses me out when my storyboards aren't "pretty". Which is pretty stupid since storyboards are literally made only to be a guide for what an animation should be. so in actuality, it's alright if they're kinda crusty. But since I never intend to animate my animatics I find it nice to spend more time on each frame. Which is sorta stupid because I'm shooting myself in the foot by working so long on every frame...
Either way, after that, I import the new backgrounds into storyboard pro and begin to draw the characters. Technically I could draw them in clip studio as well. But its faster to draw them in story board pro and it also allows me to do some semi-animated things and work faster. So, after a lot of experimenting, clip studio backgrounds and storyboard pro characters is the way to go for me! 
And just to note. This animatic might have only taken about 2 and a half weeks. Which sounds pretty good. But when it comes to animatics I can become a real workaholic if im inspired enough. So every day after school I would sit non stop working on this from the second I got home to when it was time to sleep. As well as every second of the weekend after I was done with my chores. So that is to say I work pretty fast and persistently, which i know is not healthy or realistic. So take my timing with a grain of salt. 
But that's kinda my process. I just draw backgrounds and draw characters until the thing is done. 
If I had to give any advice, I would say it's important to have fun when making animatics as a hobby. When I make an animatic, it's because I personally want to see that animatic, and if other people like it, that is a plus! If you're excited about an idea, it'll be a lot easier to add fun details and soul into it. 
But yeah that's it. I can't really come up with anything else to say. I hope I gave some good insight!
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fryktheciller · 7 days
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charlie dalton x gn!reader
summary: a summer evening at dalton's place
notes: hi!! this is the first ff i actually finished writing and im dying inside at the thought of posting it. english isnt my first language and im posting this at 2 am, after a poor revision, idk what to say expect spelling mistakes and sentences that dont make sense and raskolnikov-like blurb cause im him hes me and ok i really need to close this paragraph.
Days fly by with Dalton. His parents, two goddamn toffs, sure had great taste, both in furniture and especially in friends. God bless that day his parents decided to become best friends with yours.
Can't say the same about their son, Charlie, a professional dickhead, from the day you knew each other until the day he'd close his eyes and become cold. Sure, he's hot and pretty and oh so charming; sometimes he can also be kind and gentle, but he's got something that’s scary magnetic, and addictive, or at least you think so. That something’s everywhere: in the way he moves his hands while he's explaining the last shitplan he’s come up with while smoking on the balcony; the way he rolls up his shirt, thinking it will help doing a math test, knowing damn well he's going to pass by a stroke of pure luck; or the way he plays the most outrageous melody on his sax, still making it somehow so good and passionate. Also (did I mention it?) he's quite literally the definition of gorgeous—the definition of kalokagathia, except it’s all looks and no agathia. The whole thing’s like: I could love him. And you, oh so desperately!, do. 
The sun’s setting, it’s humid, and the air’s filled with the scent of flowers and the smoke of Charlie’s cigarette. 
–Want one?- He hands you his torn-out red Marlboro packet and his lighter.
You take one and light it up, sitting on the balcony’s hot tiles. 
–Got no dates this summer?
He shrugs, smiling and blowing smoke into your face.
–Got asked out a couple of times before school was over. It's that I'm not interested, don't really know why.
You drag from your cigarette and blow the smoke out, then lightly tap it to get rid of excess ash. 
–Milord, if you may forgive the vulgar language I’m about to use, us peasants call it being in love, or having an interest in someone. Again, sorry for using such vulgar and disgraceful language.
He laughs, and you laugh along with him.
He puts out the cigarette on the tiles, and shrugs again. 
–I don't know.
–It’s not that you don't know; you'd like not to know. Falling in love with someone must be such a sin in the Charlie Dalton religion.
He laughs mechanically, somehow. He hesitates, smiles, and, once again, shrugs. 
–Generally I try to avoid these statements, but now I can't help but embrace them. I've given up.
You laugh, and he follows you—heartily, even. 
–But you?
He gestures vaguely with his hand, and you find yourself staring at it with lust, almost. 
–Laid those pretty eyes on someone?
You shrug.
–Nothing much.
–What does that even mean? It's either yes or no. You said it. 
–Didn’t say it. I implied it
–You’re just jealous of my linguistic capacities.
–Sure I am. Now is it some new incestuos-alien-being who doesn’t even know what a woman is, or is it someone worthy of your admiration?
 –He’s…definitely worth my attention. I think. But I have no hopes. I count on nothing. The thing is: do you really have such low consideration for my romantic interests?
You raise an eyebrow at him, almost mischievously. 
–Not at all. I remember all of those creatures you swore to your mother you loved. And, oh god!, you might expect to find someone pretty on a list that's basically a decade long, but no! Each and one of them is outrageous-looking and with absolutely no social skills. Sometimes, I’ll be honest, I really wondered if you were joking, and for some time I even believed that. But what a realization it was when I understood you found those things pretty.
You both laugh again, and you visualize and remember all those “people” you liked and that you now look at with disgust and apathy.
You’re folded over your stomach, tears of laughter streaming down your face, your tummy hurts, and you can't breathe; he's no different, lying down on the floor, arms wrapped around his stomach, wet lines at the corners of his face, and misty eyes; almost like he was thinking about the same thing as you.
As soon as you thought it was over, anything like a weird look was enough to get you both to start laughing.
–Good god,– you whisper, wiping off the tears with your fingers.
–I think I have never laughed so much at something I said. 
A smile is enough as a response; anything else would kill you.
–By the way, he’s really pretty.
He raises an eyebrow, almost trying to contradict you. 
You smile at him, as if trying to get him started on a debate.
–Description?– he asks, understanding your intentions.
–No, for god’s sake. 
–Not even a hint? A tiny little hint?
–Nothing, absolutely nothing. 
How would you describe this person anyway? “A brunette and dark-eyed boy who plays the saxophone and is a dickhead for a living”? It’s ridiculously explicit. 
–How ‘bout you? It's not that I care, but, you know...
He laughs in response.
–No, you’d tell them.
–Why would I do that? I most likely have no clue who that is.
He shakes his head. 
–Do I know them, at least?
He shrugs and hesitates.
 –Pretty much, yes.
Your head hurts; your stomach is practically in your throat; and you spat your heart long ago. You hope to God that he doesn't come up with a “it’s you” thing because you would faint on the spot. 
–Oh, but it’s your turn now,– he says, nudging you with his elbow.
–Do you know him? ...uhh yes, I suppose so. 
Silence falls between you. You tilt your head and look at the sky, intense, dark, and somehow transparent and clear, like it is only in summer; the air is now fresher, and a soft breeze rises, contrasting with the boiling heat of the tiles. Everything’s humid, full of the scent of flowers, from both florid and almost empty plants, frogs croaking, and fireflies, opposing the equally intense beaming, but perhaps less faint, of the stars. 
Your head still hurts; you can see but you can't really see; you still have the laughter from before in your tummy, and thinking about it still makes you chuckle. 
He seems to ignore you. He lit up another cigarette. “What’s he thinking about?” you think, looking at the sun-colored and bustling flame from the lighter, then at the less intense and steadier one on the tobacco. 
“Must be so unhealthy for him to smoke like this,” you think, and you find yourself pitying him, "ridiculous," is your comment. It is indeed ridiculous to pity someone who rejects deeply and obstinately the concept of that feeling. 
You want to hold him against your chest or on your shoulder, smell the scent of his skin, and keep him close, even if that means dying from the heat. You stare at his profile—that huge yet so perfect nose; that big hand, well-kept like only a musician can do; then the cigarette, already half-burnt; and his lips, chapped and dry. You look at them with lust once again, but not lust lust, something more tender and sweeter, rather than sinful, even though the sin part doesn't really bother you. 
“Tell him, c'mon, tell him,” a little voice in your head was screaming. Of course you’re not going to tell him, or maybe yes? What would happen if you did? You'd lose a friendship that's scary long; that’s what would happen. And what would you do without him? Could you make it? Of course not. You don't remember what it feels like not to have him by your side. Plus, he wouldn't forget: who the hell would forget the love confession from their best friend anyway?
“C'mon, tell him, tell him!” You swear you hear that tiny voice screaming at the top of its lungs.
No, you won't tell him; you'll bring your feelings to the grave with you. 
He put out the cigarette, still in silence. 
“C'mon!! Carpe diem, for fuck’s sake!” What does that even mean? Can I kill a man because I thought “carpe diem" ? That doesn't make any fucking sense. And when did you really start to love him? Months ago? Days ago? Years ago? It could have been yesterday; you’d swear you’ve been loving him for years. 
You start to embrace the idea of telling him. “How would I even put up the whole sentence?” You can't do anything but tell him. Let's be honest; it feels like lying to him, and would you want someone else to tell him rather than you?
He turns at you with a questioning gaze on his face. Your heart's beating so fast that you feel your arteries are going to explode.
–Can’t beat around the bush much longer, you know. That person…
You pale, feeling the blood pump hard in your temples, and you start to wonder if those were really your last words.
He doesn't feel the same way; it's clear. 
–It's even cooler because I really like you too.
You smile and start to chuckle; it feels like fresh air after holding your breath for too long. He responds with a soft laugh, heartily, then wraps an arm around your shoulders and brings your figure next to hiss, kissing your forehead with those chapped and dry lips that feel like a fresh towel you washed without fabric softener. 
–Were you going to confess your sins eventually?– You joke, still smiling.
–Perhaps, yes. Seems like we’re going to be busy earlier than I expected, though. 
He smirks, a flashing Charlie Dalton smirk. You groan, annoyed, in response.
–Fucking disgusting, Charlie.
–Sure, sure. 
–It's too hot to have sex, Charlie. Don't tell me you don't think so.
–You just told me you liked me, and you have already started to protest?
He shakes his head in mock disapproval.
–You’re not going anywhere, like this.
You chuckle.
–Kiss me, and I'll stop whining.
–Could have told me earlier, maybe we could have actually got to have sex,– he laughs, leaning in. 
His lips are on yours; they're soft, gente, and warm, but still rough and dry. 
God, this boy needs chapstick so badly.
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Okay, second post, this ones mostly about Feyre because honestly, as of chapter 3 I havent really noticed Tamlin being out of character and from what Ive heard his character assassination was supposed to happen very quickly. Idk, right now he just seems like the same guy but traumatized although I'll fully admit that I didnt care that much for him outside of the Feylin romance (which was pretty sweet but too boring for me) so maybe I just didnt pay enough attention to him to fully grasp his character
Feyre is frustrating to me right now because I dont think shes out of character either, right now shes also just the same woman but traumatized, but like, I already know the extent to which her character will be bent for the sake of Rhysand. In these first three chapters she literally thinks something along the lines of "What's there for me to do but sit at home and spend Tamlin's money" Tell me, what does she end up doing in the night court huh????
Another thing thats frustrating is that Feyre clearly has issues communicating her feelings and wants, I know because I also had issues with that, and instead of learning that very valuable skill of telling others about your inner world and trying to work on her relationships (with both Tamlin and with her sisters), shes just gonna end up with a guy who can read her mind so theres no need for her to challenge herself and grow in any way. Yay. One thing especially stuck out to me in this regard was her attituide towards wearing dresses. Feyre does not like wearing dresses, its not like she never got to wear them back at home even though she wanted to, she just doesnt like wearing them in her day-to-day life, but she feels like she has to because she thinks its what Tamlin wants and because she thinks that if she wears pants its gonna somehow signal to the citizens of the spring court that something is incredibly wrong. But again, she doesnt tell anyone this, she doesnt ask Tamlin if he can just explain to everyone that everything is fine and that Feyre just has an unconventional way of dressing, which he would probably be fine with if its still the same guy from the first book. And it doesnt even seem like Tamlin directly made any kind of comment to her about the dresses she wears, she just saw that he was happy when he saw her wear them, which couldve well been him being happy to see her in general but she doesnt even consider that
Theres also the fact that its very unclear what she wants/what her problem is. Now, this actually isnt something that bothers me that much on its own, Feyre is traumatized and lost, obviously she doesnt know exactly what she wants at this point beyond "the situation Im in sucks and makes me feels bad, I want to get out", I think what bothers me is mostly the knowledge that Tamlin is gonna get blamed for a lot of this stuff when its really not his fault.
And I do want to make it clear that I dont think hes doing a great job handling this situation, I know a lot of people in the acotar critical sphere find his actions understandable and justifiable from his perspective and thats true, but hes still doing a bad job handling Feyre's emotional state. Like, one of your beloved's main issues is that she feels horrible because she feels trapped at home, for the love of god just let her go outside on her own. Maybe send her to village thats far inland or close to the border to the mortal realm, surely those monsters are not gonna manage to come that far if youre all going on patrols to kill them as soon as possible. And even if they do, the people of any village are gonna bend over backwards in order to protect their capital c Cursebreaker, shes gonna be fine
But, to get back to my original point, even if Tamlin was a daemati or whatever like Rhys and could read her mind the way she needs it to be read, he would still not be able to figure out what exactly Feyre needs right now because she doesnt know it herself! I literally read all of her thoughts and I dont know! Does she want to help others and be responsible for a whole bunch of people because its what shes always known to do? Does she want to avoid resonsibility for now because she wants to recover from her traumatic childhood of having the responsibility of keeping her family alive on top of all the new UTM-trauma? Its hard to say and that makes sense for Feyre at this point in her life, but she cant just blame people for not understanding her when she doesnt properly understand herself and refuses tl verbalize her feelings
Anyway, thats it for today, hope you enjoyed this
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artsyannierose · 16 days
Angel and Husk’s love language?
What would they describe as their perfect date?
Who made the first move?
Who is more sentimental?
Who falls asleep first?
Who is more more relaxed/carefree?
Who is always cold?
Who worries more?
What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
What are some things they don’t agree on?
What’s their individual flirting style?
Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Who is the cuddle initiator?
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Who gives piggy back rides to the other?
Who fell in love first?
1) Love Language - Words of Affection
Honestly Physical Touch was running my mind at first but like that’s just so casual for them. That’s like their thing you know, coming home and just flopping down on the bed together.
sleepy snuggles <333
So then if they wanna actually get through to each other im sure they won’t skimp out words of affection and affirmation, plus im an absolute sucker for them speaking in Italian to each other I NEEEEEDDD THAT IN CANON
That remind of this one post like “Husk and Angel call each other ‘baby’ and no one knows whether its romantic or platonic (they don’t know either)” cuz thats so them
2) Perfect Date - Alone Time
Call me basic but I promise you neither of them want a grand extravagant fancy date at a restaurant or something (not that they wouldn’t i can totally see them dressing up for each other and going out) but i feel like their ideal date is just. Each other.
Also i am a SLUT for a date where Husk carries Angel around and the fly over the ring while probably singing some cheesy romantic song like I See the Light i want that. Pls. (Obviously I’m a huge Tangled fan)
3) First Move - Husk
This isn’t anything new but like it’s just in character for Angel to worry about messing something up somehow and would probably flirt with Husk but freak out once it got serious. He probably doesn’t wanna replay that night in Episode 4 where he overstepped Husk’s boundaries so like I’ll bet Husk asks to kiss him first. That’s not to say that both of them are not awkward asf around each other
4) Sentimental - Angel
Mostly cause he hasn’t had any sort of proper relationship and the one that had any sort of promising future quickly turned into a living hell (f u Valentino). Bro doesn’t know what a healthy relationship is supposed to even look like
So whenever Husk does little, pretty normal things, like wipe his tears or get him some cheap makeup that reminded him of Angel, Angel would turn into jelly, like a water balloon ready to burst honestly.
5) Falling Asleep - UMMM I WANNA SAY HUSK
I feel like it REALLY depends on the day’s events
But i headcanon that Angel has insomnia (perhaps im self-projecting idk shhhh) so only Husk’s purring can help him sleep well. So I think Husk is just the type to like, crash after he flops in bed cuddled up with Angel
6) Relaxed - Angel
Idk this is just in character, Angel’s a party boy for one. Husk would rather chill at the hotel
7) Cold - Angel
Hmmm this just feels right to me. That he wants to cuddle up in Husk’s warm embrace
Besides bro’s literally built like a stick. And wears slutty clothes why wouldn’t he be cold
8) Worries More - Husk
They both worry about each other okay they’re both in dangerous and very unfortunate situations but like Angel gets stuck at work hours upon hours straight yk
Husk never knows when he’ll be home so he gets worried when Angel’s been gone without at least texting him something cause we know the kind of crap Valentino pulls
9) Non-sexual Activities
Cuddling. Self Explanatory.
Angel grooming Husk’s wings anyone?? I want. Pls.
10) Disagreements
Never really thought of that
I feel like Husk doesn’t believe he can get redeemed while Angel is slowly believing that redemption is possible. Both eventually believe Angel can get redeemed but Angel is convinced that if he can get redeemed so can Husk. Husk though, he's full of self loathing and no faith sooooooo yeah
11) Flirting Style
Angel - Words. For sure. He’ll never skimp out on reminding Husk just how sexy that kitty is
12) Clothing - Angel
considering husk doesn’t wear anything but pants….and angels clothes would NOT fit him I promise
(They def had a night where Angel shoved husk into all his outfits)
Angel would buy matching tshirts I promise you that
anyway I feel like he’d steal clothes more yuh but tbh I don’t think he’d fit into it💀💀
13) Cuddle Initiator - HUSKKK
Husk loves the way Angel is at complete peace and relaxation once he falls into Husk’s arms, like a limp noodle istg
of course Angel feels like it’s heaven and prolly passes out pretty quickly
besides ain’t it canon that husk likes cuddling
14) Staying up Late
Tbh this could go either way bc Angel comes home late from work anyway
and I’m sure there are days Husk comes late from errands from Alastor
if we’re talking pure personalities tho Husk would be up doing smth while Angel being the drama queen he is would be moaning and whining in bed like “cOooME hErE iMM sOoOOo LoNELy aNd inComPLeTe WiTHouT yOuuUUuU”
15) Piggy Back Rides - Husk
Nobody argue with me Angel just bounces onto Husk at random times and demands he carry him around
16) Who fell in Love?
Ill try to shorten it but BASICALLY Angel definitely was lusting after Husk (and i am convinced that Angel has a thing for men with deep sexy voices and Husk has the deepest and sexiest voice hes ever heard so he was smitten) from the moment Alastor teleported him into the hotel, and kept trying to hit on him. However after episode 4, Angel began to see Husk as a person rather than someone he needed to win over or someone who was just playing hard to get.
Husk on the other hand was first disgusted and annoyed by Angel’s tendencies, and he even thought he understood him without Angel ever opening up to him. After ep 4 however he also starting wanting to actually get to know Angel as a person. I wanna say cheesy stuff like Angel fell first but Husk fell harder…but I don’t believe that the case
They both fell for each other equally hard and both are absolutely smitten with the other bro…it took them a sec to get to know each other but they are in it deep now. Angel is absolutely in love with Husk and desperately wants to remind him that he doesn’t have to go through his trauma with Alastor alone, and he wants Husk to learn his self-worth and he won’t shut up about it. Husk loves Anthony through and through, and that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Angel Dust. It’s just certain aspects of Angel are horrendously fake that Husk cannot stand, but he still loves all parts of Angel Dust. Angel has a little easier time opening up to Husk than vice versa but that doesn’t mean it comes easy. So Husk also wants to make sure that Angel feels loved and he feels like he's worth more than everything Valentino tells him. And he wants Angel to feel like he has control over his life, not that hes only good for being used up (gosh im thinking about Paranoid DJ’s Use Me Up i LOVEEE THAT SONG)
And we all agree angel has self-worth issues right
Anyways its been like a week since i got this ask so ill shut up now
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silantryoo · 2 months
as much as im annoyed by the potential implications of the mhj/hybe drama i do feel like theres way too much speculation rn ... rlly doesn't sit so well with me that everyone is bashing on mhj alone (im not supporting her either though) and not bang sihyuk too. some hybe stans rlly js worship the guy and idk why . its not like he's innocent too. like those texts from him are so annoying too. abt if she's satisfied that nwjns is so popular and also abt trying to rival aespa / bp alone ...
hybe has sm power and r known for their mediaplay so i rlly do wish people would keep that in mind instead of doing their own speculation to bash on mhj . we don't know fs if she's the reason behind seunghan, youngseo, etc .... it seems so forced that everyone just collectively is making stuff up on their own theories and pissing on her. like im all for it when everything's done with but it's giving misogyny to me ughhh idk how to explain it eitherr without sounding like a mhj stan I PROMISE IM NOT TAKING HER SIDE T_T i just cant help but feel like poeple find it easier to hate and bash on women sometimes. even me scrolling x nowadays feels so annoying. literally feel so bad for illit and nwjns rn.
personally i was a teeny annoyed that illit had a similar image to nwjns w their nostalgia/coquettecore (also though just seems like cute/youthful concept is making a cb in general in kpop) but only because their songs on super real me were the exact type of songs i liked most from nwjns (super shy, hurt etc. the softer less peppy songs compared to hybe boy) so it bothered me that there was an implication that nwjns might be forced to distance itself to a more differing concept to keep some contrast btwn the two ... but ik that's not illit's fault at all (literally love the girls sm im a runext fan ^^) i feel like i can understand the upset that illit was getting a similar concept when every other grp before illit in hybe had more defined concepts seperating each other. but once again that's all hybe's doing ...... seeing the choreographers supporting mhj too makes it seem like not even the nwjns team or even all the staff were on board with the references in the choreo either...
anyways i do hope this controversy doesnt impede on either grps promos :( and i rlly hope everything gets sorted out... im srsly hoping this doesnt turn into a 5050 situtation again but with nwjns i was so upset when that happened . was curious on what your thoughts were or if u were keeping up with everything?
the way im coming back to reply to this first thing after my exams is insane, but this nwjns thing makes me so angry for all the idols under hybe. both parties j cares sm ab money that they're blindsided by the potential of ruining their idols careers, mental health and images. mhj is being stupid and hybe does seem to be doing anything to protect nwjns (as far as we know. i could be wrong).
(yawl, jsyk i obv dont have ALL the information. from what ive seen online and the articles ive read, this is what I THINK. ME. youre free to think smthn else, whether i agree or not.)
i def thing that bang hyung sik (bhs) isn't innocent either. although min heejin (mhj), in my opinion, is more in the wrong j based on the treatment of other idols, bhs seemed to provoke her, and on top of that, the company seems to blindly support ppl and give them a platform so long as they make profit for the company. ive been seeing a lot of ppl saying hes j human but youd think theres a reason why mhj got kicked from sm, yk? and you j took her back in w open arms.
hybe is v good at media play fs. its their forte, and ppl seemed to stray from the from the main problem. mhj is using nwjns as a weapon. hybe probably is doing the same thing w their other groups too, dont get me wrong. ppl seem to forget that this entire issue isnt "drama", its a legal battle ensuing between a huge corporation and its subsidiary. hybe has infinite power compared to ador. its horrible on both ends.
the thing is tho, mhj has consistently been showing the public red flags. the lyrics of 'cookie (ik she didnt write the lyrics but shes the ceo. she got them approved)', the portraits gifted to her of naked underaged girls, her obsession w olivia hussey (who happens to look like minji), her treatment of sm employees, her past work w shinee (sexualization of underaged taemin), etc. not to mention her extremely (at least in my eyes) inappropriate relationship w nwjns. the gifts shes gotten them and how she uses their emotions as a weapon. if bhs did that, everyone would be up in arms.
i dont think (for the most part) this is misogyny. i think ppl alw had a weird feeling about her. at least i did.
idt its good to speculate on ppls departure tho. youre def right ab that. the lsfm hate train (esp the coachella one) most likely has nothing to do w mhj. and i do agree that hybe copied or was at least inspired by nwjns, but idt illit copied them. illit and nwjns have a very 'pinkpantheress' sound, the uk early 00's bedroom pop genre. however, nwjns is more y2k and illit is more dream-like, ykwim? hybe was def inspired by nwjns tho. i think a more fitting one would be tws tbh. their sound is v similar to me (emphasis on to me) than illit.
dont get me wrong, it's incredibly shady and the way that a lot of staff are on her side makes me think that hybe was leeching off of the success of nwjns. it referenced all girl groups under hybe tho, lsfm and fromis, but there was def more nwjns references.
what im worried ab the most are the groups, esp nwjns. lsfm has been going thru their own struggles and rn this isnt the best for them, but theyre not extremely involved in the situation, not like nwjns and illit. illit, from what ive seen, has majority of the success and recognition from overseas. however, their success in korea'll take a huge hit. itll def take a toll on the girls mental, considering they j debuted and this happened.
nwjns is the worst off. theres a chance they might leave w mhj if ador does pull away from hybe, which isnt in the groups best interest. mhj's press conference and overall attitude is gonna affect their upcoming release fs, and their proximity to mhj herself is worrisome.
hybe doesnt seem to be doing shit to protect their artists, they're j protecting their name. theres no statement on or for illit, no statement on malicious comments for any of the groups (that i know of).
tldr: min heejin and hybe are both at fault. dont take sides of either, take the side of the idols.
sorry, im j so passionate ab this. the shit ive been seeing online has been making me mad. after getting back from the lsfm hate train too... as mad as i am at mhj, hybe GAVE her that platform. if the things they claim is true, and if the speculation is true, they alr knew from her past employment that she was shady. its their fault for allowing that.
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allastoredeer · 4 months
I love theory/lore time!
I wanted to say that I also agree with both intakes and those who overall theorize that the person/entity that owns Alastor's soul is either Eve or Roo.
Honestly, Idk if Eve and Roo are different or the same. Maybe they started as two separate entities, but after Eve ate the forbidden apple, they slowly became one. Kind of like how it seemed that Roo was an entity and not just a concept, what allowed Roo to get released in the physical world was the ingestion and possession of Eve… or maybe I'm just sippling.
Anyway, I think the main reason why I feel am not Alastor's contractor is because I just have this feeling that she is not a threat. The show makes it seem as if she was sort of conspiring against hell, but it does not make sense to me for a person who was basically that face of the resistance to sort of be a threat to Charlie and hell in general. She seems sketchy, not going to lie, and that whole thing of both Lilith and Alastor disappearing at the same time is highly suspicious, but idk… maybe I'm crazing but I do not feel such animosity from Alastor to Lilith.
One could look at Al's reaction to Lucifer as maybe a remainder to whom he may a deal (if it was Lilith), besides the obvious of him maybe threatening his position at the hotel. But if that was the case, I would think he would not act the way he does with Charlie. Yes, it can be argued that acts that way because he is trying to manipulate Charlie into something regarding the deal (probably… he is but we are uncertain of what he might really go for with the deal he made), but it just does not add. He might have a soft spot for women, but it does not add that he acted mildly with Charlie (the daughter of the person who owns his soul, in this scenario) when just the mention of him being on a leash had him losing his cool like he did with Husk in ep5. It does not add that he had a mental breakdown because he might have almost gotten attached and risked his life for this group of people (also because he might have overestimated his powers, and we do not exactly know how much the deal restricts him in terms of power). I totally see him working alongside her because he must gain what he has, but I just do not see it being so "friendly" with her. Or maybe I am just underestimating his acting skills.
My point is that (at least in my head, and the way I interpreted the situation) I see more possibility that Eve/Roo/something else is the one holding Al's soul and not Lilith. Now, again, it is really weird that both of them went away at the same time. My theory is that, somewhere along the lines (sometime after Al's made the deal maybe) both he and Lilith partner to maybe stop Eve/Roo or Eve/Roo made Al and Lilith confront in a way that made Lilith having to seek shelter in Heaven, and Alastor to go away. But I feel it was Lilith who might have asked Alastor to watch/help Charlie, and he might have agreed because it is convenient as well… and maybe because it was also Eve/Roo's order…
IDK maybe he is a double spy, and despite all this, he is trying to seek the perfect opportunity which is going to give him the chance to "move all the strings". I also headcanon that both might have a level of respect for one another but that is just a crazy thought of mine because they haven't even interacted so… idk
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Love how your mind thinks!
ALRIGHT IM HERE! I know this has been sitting in my inbox for the past week, but I'm here now and ready to get into it!
I've never considered the possibility that Eve and Roo are the same, but hmmm, thinking about it, I'm not so sure. In the opening of the show, it's said that evil already exists.
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Angels shielded all from Evil. So, Roo (the literal Root of all Evil) will have existed long before Eve was even created. If she were using Eve as a host, however... ◉_◉ As being the first one to let evil into the world being the gateway (for a lack of better word) and Roo taking advantage of that...
It was Adam and Eve eating the apple that allowed evil to find it's way to Earth.
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Like, the phrasing here says it all. "For with this single act of disobedience, evil FINALLY found its way into Earth."
So not only has evil existed for a long time, it's implied that it's been trying to find a way to get to Earth. (Also, the Roo theory brain is taking over, this whole scene, with these black tendrils growing, turning into a hand, and curling around Earth, do those not resemble roots to anyone? I'd gif it if I knew how, but it literally looks like roots growing up and wrapping themselves around humanity. ROOT OF ALL EVIL, come on, the symbolism is there.)
And with Alastor, I truly think he cares more than he wants. I think he cares more than he expected to. I know there's a lot of people who just do NOT think he does, and that he's going to be the big bad (or at least an antagonist), and while I don't disagree about the antagonist part (I can see him being an obstacle to get in their way), I just think there's going to be more to his character arc. I don't think he's just going to manipulate the hotel, betray everyone, and get all the power he's ever wanted and that's IT.
For one, as any writer knows, stories need conflict. Characters need conflict. One could argue that Alastor's deal is his conflict, but I think his true conflict is going to be getting attached to Charlie and co. and not wanting to. i think he's going to fight it tooth and nail, but I think, in the end, he's going to be their ally (or as much of an ally as he can be considering someone--most likely the actual antagonist of the show--has his soul).
And I agree with you about his relationship with Charlie. We can already see that he's a good at manipulating. The "Dad Beat Dad" episode gave us numerous examples of him using his relationship with Charlie (saying things like "We're all very proud of her," and that he's "happy to fulfill her bizarre requests") to get under Lucifer's skin, while Charlie is shown to whole-heartedly believe him. He IS a manipulator and he knows how to pin-point that insecurity to get what he wants.)
However, there's also examples in the show where he was kind and considerate to Charlie when he literally didn't need to be. There was no reason or benefit to him for doing so.
One example would be him going with her to assist in getting the cannibals help. He didn't need to do this. He got what he wanted. He officially has a deal with Charlie. He gave her the information she needs in exchange for a favor, there's no reason to linger. But he does, and not only does he freely suggest Cannibal Town, but he's going WITH her to recruit their help.
When Charlie is talking to Rosie to get said help, she's frantic and stumbling over herself, and Alastor pipes in to help her. Later, when Charlie is singing her song to convince the cannibals, he pipes in again (when it's obvious they're not entirely on board) to include that they'll get to eat angels, which is the tipping point that gets the town interested. And another time during that same song when he said "he knew she could do it all along." Charlie wasn't there, so who was he supposed to be manipulating in that scenario?
Rosie? As if Rosie doesn't already know Alastor's whole schtick, she was literally telling him about souls he could go make deals with earlier in the episode. Demons who are in a territory that they can't properly defend, which would make them desperate. Easy pickings to manipulate a few into giving up their souls.
He had faith in Charlie getting the cannibals to join and even helped her along every step of the way.
And that's not even mentioning the fact that he has literally let her use his cane twice. His cane, which Vivzepop has said is like an extension of himself. We haven't seen him let anyone else in the series touch his cane. Hell, he didn't even need to offer his cane in the first place, the microphone she was using earlier was still right there.
One could argue he was trying to get the cannibals to help so they could defend the hotel and have a better chance at, you know, NOT dying. But there's multiple times when he does things he didn't have to do, because there was literally no benefit of it to him. But he did.
Because I think he's more attached than he wants to believe.
Where was I...I went on an Alastor tangent.
But yes! The way I see it right now, I can see Roo going after Lillith because Lillith empowered demonkind.
Lucifer may the the ultimate ruler of Hell, but it's obvious that he didn't really...interact much with the rest of Hell. At least from what we've seen. He was ashamed of what he did and lost his will to dream.
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He fell into depression. I think when he and Lillith had Charlie, it really did make him happy. I think it brought him out of his depression for a bit, but depression doesn't just...go away. At least not for everyone. And we do see that something had to happen between him and Lillith to result in them splitting up, AND something had to happen to him and Charlie to result in them not seeing each other for long periods of time, to the point of Charlie not even wanting to call him for help when she could really use it.
Guys been in depression for a while, and I can't see him getting involved with Hell, which he's ashamed of creating at all. I can see him being more than happy to step aside for Lillith to handle it herself. I don't think Roo would see him as much of a threat so long as he's not getting involved.
Because as the show says:
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She literally EMPOWERED demonkind. Hell grew and evolved, and it became so much more. It became powerful enough for Heaven to not only take notice, but to get worried.
Lillith has MUCH more of an impact in Hell. She has more reach and authority, and I can see Roo being intimidated and/or threatened by that. There's a lot Roo (the Root of All Evil) can do in Hell, where the sinners and wicked go--those who commit evil acts. This should be her PLAYGROUD. But it's Lillith who has authority here.
So maybe Roo needed to get her out of the way? And how much farther can she get Lillith from Hell then having her go to Heaven?
I definitely think there's a connection between Alastor and Lillith. Maybe Lillith did enlist Alastor for his help. Maybe Roo already got Alastor's soul and he helped her, in some way, get Lillith to go to Heaven. I don't know what the connection is, but I'm so eager to find out.
(Also, can we all talk about how Lillith empowered demonkind with her voice, her songs, and Charlie is out here singing every time she wants to help Hell--when she first got the meeting with Adam, when she's trying to convince Adam of her plan, her song with Pentious, etc... And when Rosie asks how she typically tries to get people interested in her hotel, she does so by singing. All of her songs are about love, redemption, being better, working together, almost as if she's trying to empower demonkind with her voice too.)
I think we should talk more about not only what Charlie gets from Lucifer, but what she gets from Lillith as well.
But YES, I'm just so eager to see the whole deal with Alastor and Lillith, and I REALLY think Roo is going to come into play here somewhere. I really do. If not now, then later.
Personally, I still think Roo has Alastor's soul, but who knows? Maybe Lillith DOES have Alastor's soul, but Roo blackmailed/threatened Lillith into going to Heaven, so Lillith ordered Alastor to keep an eye on Charlie for her? Who knows? No one.
Who wants to know? ME!
fgo;fg;sgnsjn AHH I fucking love talking about this show, it gets my brain going.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
I'm trying to say this in THE NICEST WAY possible, toxic shippers have the stupidest reasons for not shipping Huntlow
Heya! Now before I go into this please know I AM NOT a toxic/force shipper, I am not forcing you to ship Huntlow, simply just telling you why your reasons don't make sense and contradict to the canon versions of the characters of the show, and with that let's go
Reason 1: it's not possible for Hunter to trust Willow after Below possed him and in general
Oh. My. Fucking. Titan...Im just going to automatically assume you've never watched Any Sports In The Storm, that one part in Reaching out, Labyrinth Runners, Clouds On The Horizon, Kings Tide or the entirety of s3, I'M LITERALLY TRYING TO BE NICE BUT YOU ARE ACTUALLY FUCKING STUPID, Hunter trusts AND CARES Willow by first, in reaching out, giving her his penstegram account to chat, saving her from getting hurt in clouds on the horizon, yes, it's wasn't actually Luz, it was an illusion, and in the same episode Willow tried to save Hunter (or so she thought it does matter if it's actually Luz it just proves she cares about Hunter) and when Luz got captured by Kiki she was very anxious and hurrying everyone to get to Kiki to save Luz, yet again, don't come at me with just because it was illusion doesn't mean she dosent care about Hunter, she thought it was him, she cares about him a lot cause she was in a hurry to save him (or so she though it was him)! Hunter was comfortable and trusted her to cut his hair in thanks to them, in the same episode he wasn't uncomfortable with Willow holding him after the possession, in for the future HE LITERALLY SAYS HE CARES ABOUT WILLOW, NOT JUST GUS, WILLOW TOO, he comforted her after her breakdown and saved her and Gus, Willow trusts and cares about Hunter in ending of for the future by holding his hand (pinky promis?? Idk what to call it lol) and literally said "Thanks Hunter, you mean a lot to me to" which Hunter replied "yeah...sure, no problem"
Reason 2: they head canon either Hunter, Willow, or both of them as aroace, asexual, or on the spectrum
Oh. My. Titan, did you like know aroace/asexual people can like STILL DATE??? you completely misunderstand the meaning, just because they don't experience ALL ATTRACTION dosent mean THEY WON'T EXPERIENCE ANY, you know what "little to none attraction" means, it fucking means someone who has a bit, A BIT, NOT ZERO, THERE'S STILL A PIECE OF ATTRACTION THEY CAN HAVE FOR SOMEONE, I'm literally trying not to be as toxic as possible but people have the most fucking stupidest reasons
Reason 3: you ship Lunter/huntric/huntmira/boschlow/ect
Well that's fine, but those ships don't make sense in my eyes but I won't write an entire paragraph on why it doesn't make sense (I'm doing it after this post lol 💀💀) and also boschlow is literally toxic pookie it's not the enemies to lovers you want Boscha literally bullied her, if you think that's chemistry you're fucking stupid and never seen the entirety of s1
And hehe silly reason I'd like to add!!
Reason 4: they're bland, don't go well together, rushed, and have no chemistry
Oh my fucking Titan, OMG y'all! Did you know you could uncancel you're own show?! NO YOU CAN'T DUMB FUCK, it was rushed because it WAS FUCKING CANCELLED, SORRY POOKIE DANA CAN'T DO NO SHIT ABOUT IT, it's not like you can get rid of all the episodes and make it hunlow themed, sorry, we can't get all the things we want in life, and by saying that it wouldn't work by the first impression in ASIAS is stupid, sure Willow made a bad first impression but Hunter seemed mildly phased by this other than just being a bit spooked out and startled, and NO, HE DIDN'T JUST DEVELOP A CRUSH ON HER ON SPOT, sure, he could think Willows pretty, but that doesn't mean HE HAS A FUCKING CRUSH ON HER, and people saying that it's not a "half a with Hunter" because Hunters a grimwalker dosent make any sense, may I remind you this was made before hollow mind, he's still convinced he's a powerless witch by Belos lying about it to him, he thinks he's a half a witch while yes looking like a witch on the outside despite having no bile sack, and he doesn't seem to think as himself as weak like Willow does on the other hand, eh, I wouldn't mind if they took out the half a witch, and btw it's not supposed to be a romantical aspect it's supposed to be a similarity, people have also said she's only there to comfort him, even though that's apart of Willows personality, SHE'S THE RELIABLE ONE, LITERALLY SAYING IT IN FTF, she's supposed to comfort people, supposed to be the person everyone rely on, but thats not just her whole personality, based around her reliability, she's so much more than it! People say they think they're both better off as friends in their opinion, it's totally fine! I don't give a shit really, but if you're going to state a reason why you dont think a ship is realistic, then at least watch all the episodes they're in and use some common sense at least! It's the bare minimum!
And that's all!!! I hope you understand and if I made any incorrections please let me know!! I really hate toxic Lunter and huntric shippers, or shippers in general, they just make up excuses instead of saying that huntlow isn't their type of ship or they ship something else, but if you're a multishipper you're totally cool! (Even considered being a multishipper hehe)
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skunkes · 1 year
can u tell us more abt al and smunker lore!!
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its not really anything tangible or even interesting its just the current backdrop for my little continuous daydream i explore before sleeps
Foundational info:
(in past) Cow Al is struggling to recover from emotional crisis experienced in college (traumatic relationship), + tries to hold down some jawb but finds himself unable to stay in that environment away from home (none of his "friends" acknowledge the turmoil which makes him feel more lost), + moves back to family farm.
He likes doing different kinds of manual jobs which are always needed around + he does have that "my parents are my best friends" thing going on so he kind of just stays there to present day.
He lives in a little, idk what else to call it but a mobile home, but its the longer rectangular ones ykwim, some ways off the main Hub. (Also there's lots of focus on community in my furryverse + there's lots of non al family furs living in and working on the place + sharing resources and work and such. Its not a HUGE place but its big ^_^)
Anyway, Smunker moves in to the little forest that you cld walk to from the farm area. He lives in a little sunken tree stump den thing hee heeeee. Not many other furs live there, + there's actually more Lesser Animals (what i call just regular non furry animals) present
The two of em meet at a grocery store, there was a relevant little point here that I forgot, which was that one of em wasn't even supposed to be there that first day for (x reason). Whatever.
The area that Cow Al lives in doesn't have very many Different looking furs. Al's family is actually all natural colors too. So he sees this pink smunk and goes a little insane (positive) (he promises later its not just because smunker looks different, but it was what drew his eye) but they never really interact (al keeps going to that same store Just In Case lol) until one day (cliche incoming) the little wheeled ladder that helps smaller furs get to higher shelves isn't available + he gets to help smunker get something from high up (he all but runs to be able to be the person to do this LOL)
Al actually has game + is confident, he's just out of practice from prior Events. He loves being social and misses making/being able to make friends so he does in fact manage to build up on interactions with Smunker...they become friends ➡️ realize they live close to each other.
Al actually accidentally damages smunker's home at some point by accident, + houses them while it's fixed, and there's another instance where smunker gets his leg caught in an illegal bear/foot trap on the walk back home at night, and then Al is also adamant on keeping an eye on him while he heals (+ is also the one who had to go help him get out of said trap...its literally a whole dramatic thing.)
I think I'm keeping both of these events as canon because it leads to the funny little situation of Al being like no wayyyyy i actually for real like this guy now that we've spent more time together like this...i need him to sleep on my belly to live :3 and cant stop having weird dreams about him. Idk if he feels the same. heeeeeeeeeelp. While skunker is like. Im for real going to kill myself for inconveniencing this person. He probably thinks im the biggest nuisance ever. I've overstayed my welcome for sure.
I haven't yet decided on the event that gets em Together. Might just be a little "date" at nearby ducky pond or something LOL. Skunker is shocked either way like huhh I didn't even know you liked me... Al has to get used to having a small partner again + navigate a relationship that doesn't suck ass again. Smunker has to get used to having big nice bf who cares about them. They like each other
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For lovely Bill Potts if you'd be so kind:
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
And, if you'd like another one, for Anne of Cleves from Six:
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
And, if you'd like a third one, how about Rose Tyler:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
11. Would you date this character?
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Feel free to skip any :) I'm sorry to hear about the pain, hon, I hope it'll get better soon <3
2: kinda just how quick-witted she is? like she's so fucking smart, and she's like. matches the doctor's energy and is so amazing. and the lesbian-ness, definitely the lesbian energy
5: space girl - frances forever
22: i love when fic writers show how strong and like chaotic (in a good way) she is? like, how just bright she is as a person, ig. and i get a bit frustrated whenever people just push her off as just this unimportant side character, like no. she was a companion just as much as any others, she deserves some of the spotlight.
haha bill is my beloved <3 i would do so much for her lol
7: i absolutely love it when fandoms portray anna as like this fucking disaster queen, yknow? like she cannot cook and will start fires every time, but she's loyal af and will kill a man for you
9: for sure!! it'd be fun af to live with someone who is kinda same vibes, also i can cook without starting a fire which is crucial
24: she either reminds me of hercules mulligan from hamilton or dare i say mels?? idk they both give of the disaster queen vibes i've mentioned earlier
anne/a is most def a underrated character, and im really glad you asked me about her :)
4: this was hard to choose, considering DW is literally in every media possible lol, ended up choosing comics cause rose would kick ass as a comic book character - specifically marvel
11: i may be gay af, but alas, not exactly my type? idk, we just wouldn't fit in a relationship. friends for sure tho!!
18: canon ships is hard, considering i can only ship her with ten/tentoo but yeah, i think they're good for each other. im not a hardcore tenrose shipper, but if i can add it into a fic, i would
thank you sm for the long ask lol, im doing better (after taking five "extra-strength" ibuprofen/acetaminophen pills) <333
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silvyslayer42 · 1 year
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ok so (explanations under the cut)
in order of worst to best we have-
F - satosai. get out of my face, satosai.
full disclosure though- i used to really like satosai, but then i grew as a person and part of that is realizing satosai is painful amounts of overrated and mid (im joking obviously, though i do truthfully dislike it, no shade to you if you do. plus i still look at ship content of it sometimes because it’s there in mass amounts and they’re cute sometimes). also some satosai fans are so annoyingggg (you know the ones) and will go after other saiki ships and be like “anyways satosai better” and i do genuinely think you’re annoying and should get off of my page if you do that.
E - kuboyasu x teruhashi. it goes in E tier for “Eh?” because i do not get it
i have nothing to say about them, to the point that it’s not even funny. this is like, a very sober crackship to me. im sure someone who does really like this ship could sell me on it but it hasn’t happened yet. i see this ship around sometimes and just get so confused. i do not see the chemistry
D - kubosai. even more confusing than the last one in some ways but i kind of see the charm of it.
again though, nothing much to say. they work aesthetically, like—the bones of a good ship are here, but there’s no meat to tear into. in their canon/close to canon versions i cannot see it at all (probably because i like other ships with both of them a lot more), but in a good fic or au i do very much indulge in the BAMF x BAMF content. yeah idk what else to say, they’re so low on here because i just do not think about them as a romantic pairing or seek it out. i don’t know why it’s so popular (unless there’s some solo chapter with them as a duo that ive never seen)
C - imuteru, hii x satou, and makoku (with one u). yeah, I know, C tier for “Contreversial Take” i suppose.
imuteru used to be higher up on the list, but then terusai took over my body and soul, and i just can’t really see them together anymore. whenever i think of imuteru i think of unrequited imuteru on imu’s end and that makes me sad :( for some reason this same effect didn’t happen with teruchiyo or mikoteru but that might be that those two have other ships with the characters aswell idk
satou x hii would be further up because i do really like them together and i think the whole luck balancing thing is super cute, i just don’t think about them enough to put them higher. yes, your boos are understandable, and your tomato throwing. someday i’ll decide to read a fic about them and it’ll probably become B tier idk
.. ok now you REALLY HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT. makoto x kusuo could be so funny. this is a true crackship, and one laced with the absolutely most fatal drug cocktail you’ve ever seen. in a world where makoto isn’t literally a walking incest joke and is just a protective and pretty idiot it slaps so hard. kokomi would hate it, kuusuke would hate it, his parents would be questioning how kusuo managed to bag a famous actor without mind control. it is utter chaos and so so much better for it. i think they should be more popular and it’s probably my worst saiki k take. still, putting them any higher is basically saiki k fandom sacrilege atp so.
B - nendou x saiko, mikosai (+mikoteru and teruchiyo which weren’t on the tierlist for some reason), kaisai, and yumekai. now we’re getting somewhere. i quite like all of these.
nendou x saiko is just very fun to me. idiot for idiot but it’s in the romcom rich guy who doesn’t know shit meets guy who doesn’t know shit either. silly x tries to be serious but can’t really pull it off. i think they can both mutually make each others lives better + their interactions in canon were great. i wish they were more popular
oh boy mikosai!! oh boy, mikosai… mikosai is the first sight of my polyship i like to call “psychicshipping” which is where i ship all of the PK psychickers together romantically as a weird kind of OT4. i have so much to say on mikosai and a lot of thoughts about them, and i do genuinely like them as a pairing a lot, BUT. it ranks lower than the other psychicships because the fandom put a bad taste in my mouth with it. often, i see a lot of people hating on terusai in favor of mikosai or saying that mikosai is somehow more valid and im like “?”. it often feels like mikosai is the het saiki ship for teruhashi haters, which SUCKS because i do see the vision. like, THIS:
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this is great, yk? they look good together and the dynamic is great, but the way the fandom treats and characterizes them is not even close to how they should be, at least to me it’s not. this image sums up my feelings on them pretty well:
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closing thoughts: i should be the only one allowed to ship mikosai because only i understand them NEXT
mikoteru + teruchiyo bonus round because i like them too and they deserve to be here: these ships are both great in my professional opinion, but their paragraphs get combined because i don’t have a lot of vested interest in them specifically despite really liking them. I think teruhashi’s problems could all be fixed if she had at least one girlfriend (preferably more) and that is my only thoughts really. i get very happy when i see people making ship content for either of these, please make more yuri content with teruhashi now thank you !!
kaisai!! this was the first saiki k ship i read a fic for and the first ship i enjoyed. it’s very nostalgic to me because of that. to me they give “greasy gamer who could be blown over by a ghost of wind boyfriend who likes getting himself into trouble x stoic but secretly sweet boyfriend who subtly protects him” which is a rare and overlooked dynamic i think, and something you can’t really get from kubokai. kubokai might still be better but that doesn’t mean kaidou doesn’t have two hands now does it? closing thoughts: i think they’re very cute and need more people to see that, romantically or platonically.
yumekai. i think they should’ve been canon in the end idc idc. i might like other ships with these two more but that does not mean i won’t acknowledge how much i like them. they are honestly one of the best het ships in the entire fandom and need more recognition!! they can be angsty mutual pinning. they can be toothrottingly fluffy. they can be so infuriatingly stupid (they are always stupid but shush). they can be the incarnation of young love. they can and should grow old together. the only reason they aren’t higher up is because, like i said before, i like other ships with either of them so much already so there’s not enough room in my heart for them 😞
A - mikosuka (plus aikechi and torikechi bonus rounds that will both be getting their own paragraphs this time), saikechi, torisai, kubokai, and nendou x hairo. OH YEAH BABYY! all of these are solid and the fandom hasn’t ruined them, in fact all of the stuff ive seen of them slaps. 10/10
mikosuka. please be more popular aaa!! the only reason it’s not is because of how much toritsuka got done dirty in canon for the “pervert character” trope- and how much the fandom just despises him. they’re hilarious in a “married couple who do nothing but fight all the time but everyone can tell they love each other anyways” way to me, not to mention how they’re also a part of psychicshipping. i do think they work better as part of a polycule with saiki to center them, but i saw a post about how aiura could’ve been mistaken and toritsuka might’ve actually been hinted as her soulmate and it’s been a majority of my thoughts since. i think they should get married after a long journey of selfdiscovery for them both where at the end of it they decide they both like life better with each other. i think they should stay in a “will they won’t they” like idiot love interests in a bad but popular tv show forever. i live laugh love mikosuka. i think they both deserve better (mostly aiura but toritsuka too in some ways). closing thoughts: brain running wild all the time 24/7 for these guys forever and ever.
aikechi. i hadn’t really thought about them before making contact with @/no-psi-nan’s posts about them but now my eyes are OPENED!! honestly before that i just saw them in the polypsychiccule as connected via their mutual love for saiki but not with each other directly, but now they are so much more than that to me. he’s the right amount of calm to nicely contrast her passionate fire in a way that the other two just aren’t. they are the pinacle of competent 4 competent while still being idiots in their own ways. aiura shows a picture of him to someone and says “this is my loser pissboy husband. i love him so much”
torikechi. i started liking them in a similar way that i started liking aikechi but the vibes with them are so very different than aikechi. compared to toritsuka, akechi is the cool one and that is crazy 2 me. really really dumb x only a little bit dumb but extremely unhinged in other ways. akechi can finally talk at someone who and be halfway listened to without annoying the other person because of toritsuka being used to ghosts randomly appearing to talk to him all the time and he is ecstatic. toritsuka is just happy to be here and also very confused tbh.
saikechi. what’s there not to like about saikechi tbh. a lot of canon backing and the childhood friends trope? peak. the potential that this ship has for angst and hurt/comfort is sososo good gahhh!! akechi being torn up about saiki leaving and saiki feeling guilty. saiki thinking that he’s done something horrible and not expecting forgiveness, but receiving it anyway :((( aaaaa!!! “you really shouldn’t forgive me. you should hate me” x “i already forgave you, and how could i ever hate you when i love you so much?”. like??? hello??? they make me cry. they make me so happy. they can help each other heal and become better. they could even make each other worse if you play your cards right (you’d be evil for it tho). closing thoughts: screaming crying shaking sobbing throwing up clawing the ground and punching my pillow because of how much i care about them
torisai. they are so funny lmao. also they complete the psychicshipping love square
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(^the psychicshipping love square. pink line between names means those two characters are dating, in love, married, etc.) so ofc i love them. as mentioned, i think they’re very funny (a common trait of a lot of the ships i like) and i think saiki could fix him (/j). not much to say since they are my head empty ship but yeah i like me some torisai
kubokai. do i even need to explain?? like torisai there’s not much i really feel i need to say about them but like. who doesn’t like kubokai? these two could not go an episode without doing something gay and we love them for that. not to mention the piles upon piles of content for them. closing thoughts: ofc i like kubokai, who doesn’t like kubokai?
nendou x hairo. HELL YEAH BABYY!! <- my reaction when i see a post about them. underrated as hell, just like how these two are as characters. they’re my sillies. the silliest gay couple ever. aso shuichi agrees trust me. also that chapter where they got mistaken for a couple was so fucking funny. it’s a shame like no one knows about it since it’s basically softcore in some parts so it didn’t get animated
S - terusai and aichiyo. MY FAVS! i eat breathe and live on this. i have a current pintrest board of these ships because i love them so much.
aichiyo. give me more aichiyo content, NOW. aichiyo is seriously my favorite aiura ship, and i look it up on this godforsaken website, and you know what i find? LIKE THREE POSTS. THREE. THATS BASICALLY NOTHINGGG. and there’s not really a lot of fics ive found about them either (if you have recommendations i want them. please). that episode where they interacted was so gay it outshined nearly everything else. like- they’re so in love!! *shakes you* listen to me damnit!! they love each other!! they’re just so adorable i don’t know what you want me to say. look at them LOOK AT THEMMMM
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(^made by @/wowneh_toon on twitter) closing thoughts: they make me feral
terusai (ending with this one instead of going in order because they are my number one favs out of any saiki k ship to have ever been concocted). AAAAAHH!!!!!! I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCHH!!!! terusai is the kind of ship that grows on you the longer you’re a fan of the show, and now it’s my straight up comfort ship. anyone who disagrees is WRONG this whole fandom is WRONG and im not afraid to say that. if you don’t like them at least queerplatonically i think your takes are immature and stupid and im blocking you. terusai is perfect for a fluffy future au where teruhashi is the breadwinner and saiki is her housewife. infinity/10 best romance ever written no complaints. there’s so many terusai moments and chapters (remember when teruhashi was about to confess to him as kuriko and he was blushing???like??? how could anyone see that shit and still think he genuinely hates her… i know i sound so mean here but idc im so so tired of this fandom and the absolute DISRESPECT terusai goes through on a daily basis) thank you aso shuichi for gifting the world with teruhashi and terusai. closing thoughts: i love them and if you don’t i do NOT want to hear about it. id fight the whole fandom over them if i had to im not kidding.
phew that was a lot of writing. i hope you enjoyed my ramblings because all of these came from deep within my heart. also my opinions are all cosmic truths so if you disagree then i guess we’ll just have to both live with you being wrong 🤷
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starfxkr · 4 months
let me cook rq
the first time jj kills for eater!reader has to be some visceral biblical ass shit like its gruesome and its bc he’s not ready for it its bc he hesitated a second too long for it to be clean its bc as much as he needs to be a provider and as much as he’s told himself he accepts every part of her and what she is which is true this is the first time he’s had to look the dog in the mouth if u will (im sure i used that idiom wrong just walk with me shh) and hes scared
my brain is going straight to cain and abel idk i wanna say he bashed someones brain in with a rock and from there i see two routes, he brained him from behind so he didnt have to look this man in the eyes and really see what he’s done and think too hard about whether or not this person has a family or someone waiting for him to never come home or if he’s a regular at a shop that will leave a clerk wondering why he never came back. reader eats him right where he drops. jj never sees his face
OR its the opposite and it is… horrific. he planned on getting him quick but he hesitated just a second too long and now he’s quite literally in a fight for his life because hello to this random everyday man (in my head he has to be the most typical boring average white man, think john doe in se7en, no one but everyone simultaneously) this dirty desperate boy in overalls is trying to kill him for no reason and it is animalistic but also painfully human and reeks of fear and jj ends up smashing his face in over and over (think ellie in the last of us). he throws up in the bushes and maybe cries a little but he tries to collect himself before he goes back to reader because he knows she needs him. she’s hungry
either way i feel like the faceless victim would be a recurring motif idk
firstly the faceless victim really is perfect because i think theyd both do their best to strip away their humanity for different but similar reasons
i love the desperation of the second scenario. because i could see this being an accident. maybe for some reason for just a split second he changes his mind but he’s already started. and that scar is starting to itch because she’s somewhere in the bushes or in the truck in pain bc shes so hungry and he’s slipped up now the person is running in sheer terror, jj’s dropped the knife and he’s chasing after this person who’s mortally wounded and running like a struck deer until jj reaches him and finishes him off with a rock
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i-am-church-the-cat · 4 months
this is gonna be kind of a ramble feel free to ignore
i don't get people being attracted to lando norris. like i can usually see the appeal, even if i don't agree, such as with charles. but lando? idk he has nice eyes?
i like that he's funny, he has a very interesting personality, and i think he would make a good art piece, but i don't think he's attractive in any applicable way.
like the people who were all like "the mclaren suit looks good when it's on lando bc he makes it look good"? i disagree
and while we're on the topic, i don't get people's obsession with seb either. he's clearly a cool guy but i have no attraction to him or his story in any compelling way. like at least with lando i'm rooting for his win.
like, seb, charles, and lando are all really popular and i don't. understand really. lando's kind of funny, seb is nice, and charles is also nice and has his funny moments and looks like he should be a statue instead of a person (neg)
i'd say what most compels me about charles is that i really want him to win in monaco bc the loyalty he has to his country, his family, and ferrari is actually really commendable. as someone who's loyal to a fault, this is the one thing i respect most about him, even if i dislike ferrari. is charles a taurus? no i just looked it up he's a libra. that makes sense
anyway, i also have this strong feeling against learning anything else about charles, lando, or seb partly BECAUSE they're so popular. like, you didn't win me over in the first 6 months, you don't get a do-over
yk what's really annoying though? zhou's just as nice and pretty as charles, has just as much loyalty to his country, was also in the ferrari driver academy, but does anyone care about him? NO! everyone should be a zhou guanyu fan, literally king among men. he also just got a cat and she is absolute fucking adorable
im gonna make a separate zhou post bc he deserves his own spotlight outside of the negativity of this post but yeah.
lando seb and charles being so popular pisses me off bc i don't enjoy content from them. and i think, in lando and charles's sake, this is bc they are both a part of popular ships that i despise, and that's not their fault
i wanna make it clear though: i don't hate lando or charles? i really want them to succeed as drivers, i was really upset when charles lost in vegas + lando's crash scared the shit out of me. but i would like to be able to exist within the f1 fandom and just, not come into contact with them
and im sure there are a bunch of people who feel that way about drivers i like, like daniel and lewis, but it's also super annoying when my FAVORITE drivers get barely any coverage compared to these personalities that are like. meh to me. yk?
i don't think anyone's gonna read this, and ik how i feel doesn't really change anything. people are going to keep liking lando and charles, they're gonna keep thinking lando is attractive, they're gonna keep shipping landoscar and lestappen, it's whatever. but like, ugh it's annoying that i can't go anywhere w/o seeing it. i don't want to see it, it's really really not what i want to see, but i don't have a CHOICE, yk?
anyway yeah, ramble over
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"tavern/grendel/hercules" sounds absolutely fascinating and I think I will have to read it even though I don't go here
May I ask why both "grendel" and "hercules", since they're from different mythologies?
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Olim sudor Herculis (Latin) - Carmina Burana // Beowulf trans. Seamus Heaney (Old English)
okay, so. this isn't really fully based on either of these things. so much as i am rotating them in my brain as i'm writing something. "olim sudor herculis" is a latin drinking song of sorts from Ye Olde Times (this is the version i listen to lol. unironically i love this song. i originally heard it in a class about medieval history and stuff, but like. i literally listen to it for fun. it's part of what inspired this fic, because i was listening to it for fun. ...i probably have weird taste) and the lyrics when translated are about like, love ruins glory, a lover can't be a hero because they're unable to resist their heart and/or sexual desires, and that even the strongest men like hercules can be made fools by it--the only way to win against love is to not have it, and run away from it. which is. lmao. anyway, there's a little more to it than that, but that's the basic kinda run down. and it's really less that the fic is based on that (although i'm thinking about this as a flawed, old perspective--that the only way to not lose to love is to run from it, and then spinning what the song presents as negative--A lover has no regret for wasted time, / But stupidly and pointlessly toils at Venus' comand--as like. the time isn't wasted, the work is worth it, do not run from it--idk that's all just vibes rn) so much as the whole thing has that Medieval Vibe and all which helps lend to the atmosphere for the fic and get me in The Mood as i'm writing hence i listen to it on loop while writing it. so there's the "hercules" part.
grendel is also more metaphorical/below the surface as i'm writing than literal, because the fic is going to deal with loneliness and like. a pretty obvious (not the only, but not a reach either) interpretation of why grendel attacks in the first place is loneliness, feeling like an outsider, being an outsider--obviously, it's not so simple as that, as grendel is a literal monster, but the question of monsterhood and what makes a monster, how we relate to monsters for their loneliness and their bodies and their alienation and their rage and boundless emotion and "disgusting" nature, etc, really comes into play. but like it literally says that like, what harrows grendel is the "hall-joys", the joy and celebration and laughter, the community he is irreparably separate from?? you know?? and that can be interpreted a lot of ways--the extreme version of your neighbor who keeps having loud parties at 3 am and the dorm walls are so thin and you're about ready to rip their arms off? sure. the deep and piercing loneliness of hearing other people laugh and have fun and love each other and be a community knowing that not only are you explicitly not welcome but that you will probably never find that ever? (grendel's mother loved him, was willing to rend people limb from limb for him, but did she like him? did they spend time together? did she kill for him out of the love of a mother, one might call obligatory or biological? did she kill for him out of honor, the bloody cycle the whole fucking epic is about? did they love each other? how alone were they? does it matter, when in the end, they both die alone?) yeah also valid! or the more textual interpretation that grendel's just eeeevil and mean and hates all things good and holy and light and wants to kill it just for the sake of killing it? etc. anyway the point is i have a lot of feelings about monsters and loneliness and beowulf is about cycles and monsters and cause and effect and blood and honor and heroes and the end.
ALL OF THIS however is mostly just vibes that im rotating while writing a much smaller fic which is really more about trent and friendship and loneliness, set in a fantasy tavern setting lol
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