#idk why are you apologizing for sharing tbh
atsu-i · 1 year
I guess I shared too much, sorry. Won't happen again.
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unforth · 9 months
Ngl as a small business owner who puts out something extremely pirate-able and who has never earned enough to make a pay check, this...
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...is extremely upsetting.
Do y'all realize that most small business are maybe a handful of people? Do y'all realize that company's like LLCs exist to protect owners from legal and financial repercussions if the company falls apart? I'm not a company because I have stockholders, I'm a company so that if the business goes bankrupt the banks can't seize my fucking house. It's not evil to use existing legal structures to protect my family's assets. It's not unreasonable to ask people not to steal from businesses like mine.
It's like on Tumblr when it's One Artist or One Author Doing The Thing Themself you guys are all about it but the minute anyone tries to collectivize to do better we go from One Person Against The World to The Embodiment of Capitistic Evil with no in between, which is especially insane coming from the website that claims to think individualism has turned toxic and we should do more with community organization. The minute lots of people are involved in a business, there HAS to be legal structures like contracts and shit to protect the people involved. The Lone Creator Forging a Path is great for that one person. What about everyone else?
And so... some of us try to make a company to lift up a group.
And then I see shit takes like this.
Maybe. Maybe DONT fucking pirate from literally anyone just cause they've got the word "company" I'm the name?
Maybe remember that for small businesses, yes even when they're a company, there's a single person, or a family, or a group of friends, who are working their asses off to build something, and actually? Stealing from them makes you a FUCKING DICK.
Like. You realize we're just people right? Other regular people trying to survive the dystopian hellscape that is the now?
Maybe stop acting like you're automatically entitled to the labor and creations of others solely because you've decided that there is an entire huge category of people it's okay to steal from.
Like honestly. What the fuck.
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candied-cae · 1 year
The way that Stede treated Izzy during episode 3 were some of the ONLY times I could stand seeing Izzy on screen so far this season because it finally felt like someone who recognized him and was treating him rationally tbh
I adore this show and the people who worked on it, but ffs, it feels like they all enjoyed Con too much and the Izzy-Enjoyers Fanon of his character last season and jumped the gun on his redemption arc.
I'm going to go through and explain this more, but I just wanted to put that out there first while I lay out why Stede's expressions and reactions make so much more sense coming out of season 1's events.
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ladycaramelswirl · 3 months
definitely not old
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
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A/N: Did I create an extremely improbable scenario just to suit my need to create another highly improbable scenario? Yes. Do I care that it’s unrealistic? No. Please forgive any typos/ grammatical errors. 
CW: suggestive content, but not explicit (like 15+?). Use of y/n one time. (Technically this would probably warrant one of those hostile workplace environment seminars like they had for Derek and Penelope. But it’s funny? Idk this isn’t serious.) Sassy Hotch. Crack plot tbh. 
Also I know the timeline doesn’t really make sense, because JJ is a profiler and Emily and Rossi exist, but I imagined Season 1 Spencer while writing this! I guess it’s 2005? Btw I do not know how tapes work, so just pretend it makes sense please. This is so unserious. 
Summary: reader wife and Hotch are private people; the BAU team is nosy. Spencer is just constantly in the right place at the wrong time. 
The screen in front of you depicted horror - just not the kind the BAU was used to. The UnSub had confessed to leaving a message in an old tape. He had already been arrested, but you were all hoping it might contain something that might help the conviction stick. Only he was extremely paranoid, so not only had he left the message in a code, but he had spliced it into a tape he thought people were least likely to watch. His p***. It was the last thing to do for the case and everyone was trying to help. You all sit at the round table, and Spencer shifts in his seat, clearly uncomfortable. Derek laughs at his shyness and Emily laughs at the very unrealistic movements. She and JJ tilt their heads at the shape the two on the screen have put themselves into. 
“That does not look comfortable”, JJ mocks. 
The words are out of your mouth before you think. “Trust me it’s not”. 
Everyone at the table snaps their heads to look at you. 
“Damn Mama”, Derek laughs. “Who are you doing these moves with?”
You try to hold back a laugh. You were not ready to share about your sex life with your colleagues, no matter how close you were. Plus you’re pretty sure Aaron would not appreciate it. 
“That is inappropriate workplace conversation”, you say, pausing the video. “And you’re going to miss the next series of code”, you tell him, trying to get him to revert his attention back to the video. Emily grins at your attempted evasion.
“We already got all the code. She just doesn’t want us to tell Hotch she’s capable of all that. Doesn’t want to make the old man feel bad”.
“He’s not old. He’s only 5 years older than you”, you remind her. She puts a hand on her chest in mock offense like you’ve stabbed her. You roll your eyes. “And this is still inappropriate”.
“So it wasn’t Hotch”, Derek laughs. 
“You’re just annoyed because you haven’t tried it yourself”, you deflect, moving to sit next to Spencer who seems to actually be doing his job. 
“I’ve seen her do yoga and she’s very flexible, so if she couldn’t do it I don’t think you can”, JJ tells Morgan. 
“Oh you have no idea what I’m capable of”, he teases, which earns laughs from around the table. “I’m better than the old man for sure”. They all start laughing and talking about you and Hotch. 
You roll your eyes. “Wasn’t old in bed last night”, you mutter under your breath. You startle at the sound of a book hitting the floor and see Spencer’s bright red face. JJ, Derek and Emily look over in curiosity at what they might have missed, but you ignore them, attempting to give Spencer an apology for making him uncomfortable. He moves to drink his coffee in an attempt to avoid more of the conversation. Only he chokes on it because Hotch enters the room. 
“Have you finished working out the code?”
Everyone’s heads snap to him - JJ, Emily and Derek wearing matching grins. Hotch eyes you patting a coughing Spencer’s back.
“Are you alright?”, he asks. 
“Yes! Good! I’m good!”, Spencer squeaks, afraid Hotch is going to ask him why he’s so nervous. Aaron looks to you for some answers but before you can tell him it’s nothing, Spencer suddenly stands up.
“Got the code! Going to call the local PD. DA is waiting”, he warbles before you all watch him run out of the room. Hotch turns back to the rest of you. 
“Well then that wraps it up. Go home now, get some rest”, he instructs. Everyone starts packing up. You and Hotch walk towards the door when he realises there’s only 6 of you in the room. 
“Where’s Dave?”, he asks.
You’re about to tell him Rossi went to the bathroom when the Italian walks back in. Rossi immediately notes the paused video.
“Wow that looks uncomfortable”, he remarks. Everyone smirks in your direction. Hotch snakes an arm around your waist and looks at the screen. Then at you. 
“It was, wasn’t it?”
He smiles at the jaws dropping to the floor. 
“Good night everyone”.
A little bonus scene:
In his office later:
“You heard us talking before you came in the room didn’t you”, you question your husband. He was so private, he wouldn’t have said something like that otherwise. 
“They called me old”, Aaron grumbles, but his tone is amused. “Just wanted to shock them a little”.
You make your way over to his side of the desk, pulling him to stand up beside you. 
“Well Agent Hotchner, I have to tell you, there’s been some speculation about your performance”, you taunt. “Care to prove them wrong?”
“Last night wasn’t enough proof?”, he laughs raising an eyebrow. You run your hands up his chest and behind his neck, pulling him close. 
“The results were inconclusive”, you tease. He grabs your hips and traps you between himself and his desk, his mouth trailing kisses down your jaw. 
“Well I can’t have that kind of speculation going around”, he murmurs into your skin. Your breath hitches from the sensation of his lips on the sensitive spot on your neck. But instead of continuing, he pulls away and meets your eyes in a conspiratorial grin. “We should do an in house evaluation as soon as possible”.
You open your mouth to reply when the door swings open, Spencer finding you sandwiched between Hotch’s thighs and your blouse rumpled. His mouth drops open and suddenly all 187 iq points mean nothing when his brain loses function.
“Oh- I- um- sorry!”, he manages before running away. You stare at the slammed door then back at Aaron and burst into giggles. He drops his head to your shoulders and sighs. 
“I feel like a teenager”, he groans.
“At least you don’t feel old.”
Bonus bonus: 
Still in the conference room: 
“I want to go back to 10 minutes ago when I didn’t know this information”, Emily moans. 
“I think I need 5 more minutes before I can form a coherent thought”, JJ laughs in disbelief. Spencer walks back in.
“I finished my report. Where’s Hotch and y/n? Can we go home?”
“Probably doing it in his office for all we know”, Derek mutters.
Spencer’s brows furrow in confusion. “Doing what in his office?”
Rossi raises an eyebrow at Emily. “Is this kid serious?”
She shrugs back at him. 
“Spence, Hotch says we can go home. But you should probably report about what local PD told you before you go”, JJ tells him.
Spencer nods and makes his way to Hotch’s office. The rest of the team watch him walk away.
“You think we should have told him to knock before going in?”
The sound of a high pitch yelp and the slam of an office door echo down the hallway. 
thank you for reading :)
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starrluvs · 11 months
I have a request! How about a scenario where we have a very ugly and strong argument with Bi-han, but later he comes back to apologize and let us take it out on him for treating us so badly?
(I just want some agressive sex/rage sex/fury sex with this man)
cw: fem reader, married couple, piv sex, bi-han is a little rough, reader cant stand bi-han's attitude tbh, angry sex, make up/apology sex, fighting for dominance, cock drunk reader, mentions of bi-han dirty talking in cantonese creampie, bi han and reader are both sassy/petty little shits that still love each other, and i think that's it! minors dni please!
wc: 2.6k
a/n: wow idk why this took me so long, but i kinda like this one ;) ... ty for this idea, nonnie <3 i also want to mention that the mention of bi-han speaking/dirty talking in cantonese was heavily inspired by a headcanon i seen from @bihansthot ! anyways, enjoy!!
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silent treatment was without a doubt something that bi-han absolutely loathed. he truly believed it’d be better off if you were to scream your lungs out at him instead. but getting a cold shoulder and silent treatment from you was something his ego couldn’t handle. had anybody else dared to ignore his presence the way you had these past forty-eight hours, he’d probably have them executed after the first five minutes of this frivolous behaviour. but you, his wife, was a different case.
bi-han couldn’t discipline or punish you the way he would towards his students and lower ranked lin kuei ninjas. you were his wife– his equal –and this silent game of ‘who’s willing to crack first?’ was driving him mad, although he’d never admit that to anybody… yet.
the fabric of the towel was soft against your hands while you worked on drying out your hair. having just exited the shower, you were in nothing but a silk blue robe that complemented your husband's traditional colour scheme. just the thought of him made you scoff out loud and shake your head, who the hell did he think he was?, you thought to yourself. about two days ago, bi-han appeared to be grumpy when he arrived back at your shared compound after finishing his duties for the day. 
being the supportive wife you were, you tried to talk to your husband, ask him if he needed anything from you, or even tried to see if he would be vocal about what was bothering him. and much to your dismay, he lashed out on you as if you were some peasant who worked under him during the day– which you sure as hell weren't.
“leave me be. the last thing i need tonight is another insignificant fool blabbering in my ear constantly.” 
his voice was sharp when he walked past you and entered your shared bedroom. bi-han having miserable mood swings wasn’t something new, but he almost never verbally took out his stress on you– possibly because he knew better. truth be told, you were too tired for his attitude today and had no intentions of letting him ruin your peaceful afternoon. all you did was let out a ‘hmph’ that you purposely made loud enough for him to hear and continued in silence with the fruit you were cutting up for yourself in the kitchen.
ever since that transpired, you haven’t said a word to bi-han and completely ignored his presence, which made his blood run colder than it already was. he was a hard person to read when he kept his usual stoic expression, but deep down you knew he was aware of how frustrated you were with him. which is exactly what you wanted.
letting out a tired sigh, you look at yourself in the mirror and take time to fix up your hair before exiting the bathroom and arriving at your bed. as you sat in silence for a moment, you felt the temperature noticeably drop… he’s here. rolling your eyes, you decide to comfortably tuck yourself in on your side of the shared bed and warm yourself up from the chilly air.
however , your eyes never shut– not even when the door creaks open slowly and reveals your husband’s tall form. his demeanour didn’t seem to be as aggressive compared to how it was two days ago, which you were grateful for. but you still avoided eye contact with him and stared at the wall in silence, not wanting to be bothered. you knew your worth and refused to feed into your husband's ego, because you knew that it was already big enough… your thoughts came to a halt when you heard bi-han speak up. “your juvenile behaviour is astounding,” he scoffs, and you can damn near feel his eyes piercing into you. 
in response, you calmly grab your pillow and walk right past him, making your way to the living room. bi-han watches you settle yourself down on the couch as you lay down and begin to curl yourself up comfortably. all he does is release a sigh from his lips, contemplating on what his next course of action should be. bluntly calling you childish probably wasn’t the best thing to say after two days of neither of you talking to each other, but he couldn’t stop himself from speaking his mind.
deep down he knew he’d have to put his pride and ego aside to resolve this. he was the eldest of three sons, a powerful and deadly assassin, the grandmaster of the lin kuei– and yet here he was, allowing silent treatment from his wife to get under his skin. letting out a stubborn groan, bi-han made his way towards you and knelt down on the mat so that he was at face level with you on the couch. 
he calls out your name in the softest way he could, hoping you would turn to him. but he clearly failed to get your attention as you didn’t say anything back. his small whim of patience had already run out, “do you insist on telling me what your problem is?” this time his tone sounded more cold and gruff, as usual. rolling your eyes once again for the night, you turn to bi-han and finally speak to him, “last i recall, i was just a mere insignificant fool blabbering in your ear when i tried to talk,” he could've sworn your tone was sassy, sarcastic and authoritative all at once– as if you were just waiting to bite at him.
if he was being honest, it’s one of the many things he found so attractive about you. the way you didn’t take shit from anybody– not even himself –made bi-han fall hard for you… he needed a strong willed woman by his side. but moments like this proved to be a form of self realisation. the only people who would ever dare to talk back to him were just you and his brothers. he was so used to everyone following his lead and command, it was almost… refreshing, to have somebody stand their ground.
the glare and frown you had on your face was something you were far too beautiful for. bi-han closed his eyes and inhaled as calmly as possible, trying to collect his words and choose them wisely. “what i said to you that day was regrettable–” you cut him off before he could continue, “and?,” you were already unimpressed with his words, “it’s not like there’s anything you can say to take it back.” your husband must’ve known that just words alone wasn’t going to solve this. 
“i understand that, but,” his cold hand gently grasps your arm, causing goosebumps to raise all over your body. “perhaps there’s something i can do to make amends for what i’ve done?”
and now you’re here, back on your shared bed, taking out your own frustration above bi-han on his cock. you had your hands planted on bi-han’s chest as you bounced up and down his shaft, “fuck..!” your voice lost that sting it previously had, making bi-han grow a prideful grin on his face. “still trying to put me in my place?” your husband’s taunting only made you feel more agitated than you already were. with an attempt to keep your moan in, you bite down on your lower lip and snake your hands up to bi-han’s neck, keeping a slight grip. “s-shut– ngh!– up…” the movement of your hips refused to come to a halt, forcing bi-han to lay back and stay below you.
it felt like a battle for dominance between the two of you. two hard headed (and sometimes ignorant) lovers trying to prove to each other how much power they had over one another. bi-han was confident that you knew how easily he could overpower you in terms of strength, but decided to let you have your little wish of ever taking control over him. looking down at him, his chest was covered in sweat and his ears and cheeks were flushed in a light shade of pink. though you’d have to admit that your hands around his neck were a great touch. it felt as if there was a surge of power and control coursing through you.
apart from his occasional groans, the cryomancer stayed silent as he watched your voluptuous body on top of his. noticing your lover’s face contort in pleasure, you can’t help but spew out more words, “yeah… did you r-really, ah!, think that i would tolerate that b-behaviour from y– f-fuck!,” before you could finish blurting out what you wanted to, bi-han had gripped your hips hard enough to stop your movements as he fucked up into you, making you cry out at the sudden surprise of pleasure he was bringing you.
the grandmaster only chuckled. he found your sounds pitiful, “you talk too much.”  from the way his cock was jackhammering into you, it proved too difficult to spit out any sort of petty comment towards him. the speed of his thrusts made your body feel limp and your husband took note of this from the moment you slumped down, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. his voice was dangerously close to your ear from this angle, “mmm…such an incompetent attempt of being in control,” your pride disallowed you from letting out any moans, “fuck.. y-you..!” hearing how slurred your words were only made bi-han scoff.
your attempts at keeping composure were becoming futile and bi-han knew how close you were to cumming around his length with the way your pussy tightened and gripped him like a vice. “i can feel how close you are, love,” bi-han stops his thrusts but keeps himself fully buried inside of you. before you could get the chance to protest or whine, the cryomancer speaks up. “i have no intention of letting you cum until you accept my apology.” the expression he held was smug while he secured your waist with that same grip he had before, making you unable to move your hips. 
you’d been so focused on taking out your frustration on him that you forgot the whole point of this was him trying to make amends for how he lashed out on you. truthfully, you would’ve purposely told your husband that he’d have to take you out on a fancy date in order for you to accept his apology… but you already felt so fucked out from how his cold cock was abusing your insides just moments ago. you were so close, and you needed that coil in your stomach to snap. “fuck, i forgive you– okay? just let me cum already, pleaseee–!” bi-han groans in response and glides a cold finger to press on your clit, making you shiver in pleasure at how swollen and sensitive your bud feels. without any more wasted time, the grandmaster delivers his quick thrusts from underneath you once again and rubs fast circles on your clit.
the feeling of everything was becoming overwhelming, “ahh– ‘s good! it f-feels so g– ngh!” your mind was clouded with lust and each sentence you tried to complete ended up failing to connect coherently. there were words that left bi-han’s mouth, but you could barely decipher what he was saying with the way your heart beat drummed in your ears– 
it was in that moment, your cries echoed in the room as you pulsed around his cock, gushing around his member. bi-han reduced the speed of his thrusts while trying to help you ride out your high. once you finally come back down from your bliss, you feel your husband's cold, rough hands manhandle you and flip the position that you two were in. you were now layed on your back as bi-han towered over you, parting your legs and easing between them. 
being able to admire your body with the positions swapped felt so refreshing to bi-han. watching the way your breasts heaved up and down with short breaths… the way your skin was coated with sweat, resulting in your hair being out of place from its presentable manner you previously had it in. and being able to see your juices not only coating his cock– but also the inside of your thighs. seeing your slick trickle down to the mattress… gods, you were so beautiful like this. 
bi-han couldn’t waste any more precious time just observing when you were unintentionally inviting him to ravish you even more than he already has. the cryomancer grabs your leg and hooks it over his shoulder as he positions himself enough to easily slide his cock into your pussy. being filled up again made your walls flutter– you wanted to be here forever, just taking his cock while it stuffed you full. to no surprise, bi-han’s thrusts were rough as he began to chase his own high.
your moans never came to an end and were only received as noises to push bi-han further. the cryomancer decides to place a grip on both of your legs this time and leans closer, pinning your knees right by your ears and increasing the force of his thrusts. your folded position had you seeing stars as bi-han’s cock was angled even deeper than before. the way his tip kissed your sweet spot again and again– you could no longer stop your tongue from lolling out, followed by drool rolling down from your mouth.
bi-han snickers, “all of that attitude earlier…” he moves closer to your face and his nose touches yours, “just to be reduced to a cock hungry vixen beneath me– shit!” your husband spits out, feeling how your walls clenched around him from his harsh words. even if you were able to coherently speak, you would never admit how much of a mess you become when bi-han works his cock inside of you…
the grandmaster felt himself becoming dangerously close to his climax, and you felt it with the way his rock hard cock twitched inside of you. his volume started to increase and his grunts became shallow moans that he desperately tried to hold back. noticing this, you use the last bit of your energy to purposely squeeze hard around him, clamping your pussy around his cock as if you were trying to keep it all for yourself. the unexpected action made bi-han lace out a loud string of swears and words in his mother tongue. although you didn’t quite understand what he was saying, you were aware that they were phrases he only used in scenarios like this, making you assume that only vulgar words were leaving his mouth.
the roles were reversed now– this time he was the one hiding his face in the crook of your neck with your lips right by his ear. his hips started to stutter and lose the rhythm it previously had. letting out a lustful hum, you speak into his ear, “inside… haah– c-come on..! fuckin’ fill me up, please!” hearing your voice spew out these words was enough to do it– he filled you to the brim with his seed.
you made sure to milk him dry, taking every drop that he had to offer you. both of you laid there, completely fucked out and exhausted– his body was still slouched over yours while he took time to catch his breath. very slowly, he pulled his cock out of you and planted a peck on your lips, “in no other realm would i have imagined reciting vows with a woman that carried such a flame and sharp tongue,” he leans down and places yet another kiss to your swollen lips, 
“yet i could never imagine falling in love with anybody else…”
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fandomfuntimem · 5 months
Dp x Dc or just Dp things I (personally) want to see more of.
Just some stuff I've seen and really liked but never see enough of.
Danny is very casually a genius and/or skilled (engineering, gymnastics, really any skill you pick):
There isn't enough of it tbh. I dont think people realise just how smart and skilled he is. Being a ghost probably made him very flexible and gave him extra abilities the average human may not have. Also he comes from a family of scientists, yeah maybe up against them he doesn't seem smart, but being "smart" comes in different forms. More often than not the ability to be smart comes from your ability to pick up on things, retain information, understand information, and use that information accordingly. Danny does that, especially with his villains. He even finds outside the box ways to defeat his villains. Like tricking Freakshow into becoming a ghost.
I just think its under utilized. A lot of Teen heros are geniuses but no one ecknowledges it. Hell, you can make it that Danny doesn't even realise just how smart he is. He doubts it and often thinks he's one of the dumber people in the room. But when sleep deprived and running on a cup of coffee he can solve a problem he hasn't even seen before the konk out for an hour.
Danny has BEEF with the JL or isn't outright a fan:
In a lot of fics the JL (especially Batman) are huge hypocrites. Like they'll barge into Amity trying to solve problems that don't even effect them, screw things up more, then offer Danny more training. Hello????? You guys being there caused the problem???? Then, in other things Batman preaches about territory and Danny will get threatened or treated with suspicion for even stepping foot NEAR Gothem, but then barges into his territory like its his buisness.
Let Danny call them out. Let him point out that everything has been fine untill they showed up. Let him get MAD. This is HIS territory, HIS haunt, HIS people. These guys have done nothing for him! Why should he accept their help when their help only makes things worse? In fics where they help him because he needed it and ended up in Gotham let him be suspicious and careful. He doesn't need to be vivasected or hurt to be warry of the crime fighting furries he just met.
Mans has the experience to know you can't trust anyone untill they prove you can.
Danny should be casually overpowered and spooky:
This isn't even he has to be experienced. He is so used to his powers he doesn't realise how scary it is. He will casually stop a punch from superman, laugh, quipe, then punch back.
He accidentally breaks stuff, walks through things, glows, its so normal for him. He apologizes and does it again because he forgot. He genuinly has no idea how strong he is, he just knows he needs to be soft on humans.
Danny and Phantom are very different personalities:
I'm not saying they're two different people. They have the same mind same person. But the way they act is so different. Danny is grumpy, quiet, whimpy. Danny is a loser, and everyone knows it. Phantom, on the other hand, is confident, he jokes, smiles, makes a game out of his struggles, he's strong. Phantom is just a good guy. Everyone (minus others) loves him!
This happens because Danny is more comfortable as Phantom or Vise Versa. Sertant trates carry over, they're nerds, they're smart, they enjoy a good pun, they're sassy. But because Danny is a loser everyone sees it as lame, but with Phantom its endearing.
None of this means you need to get rid of silly nerdy Danny. You can have that but all these other things ad depth to his character. Hes smart but not confident, he's kind but not naive, he's powerful but not violent, and he finds comfort in the fact no one knows him.
Idk. I'm not a big fanfic writer so i thought i would just share and see what others do with it.
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dragoncxv360 · 7 months
Drew Sun in this outfit from twitter yesterday
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The outfit is drawn by @/Potari_vt on twitter, I would link it but they have minors dni in their bio so I assume there’s nsfw on their account and I’d rather not link it to be safe, just in case
Also got other people to draw it too XD (idk who all plans on sharing their version tho, they actually made theirs before I made mine tho, I just shared the outfit saying I was gonna draw Sun and Moon in it and people went ham XD)
I’ll prob draw Moon in it too at some point since it was really fun, I def wanna dress them both up more
Also I used oobbbear’s brushes for this and it was super super fun (not tagging them ‘cause I’m too nervous atm lol)
Small note under the readmore
Also a small request, while Sun is genderfluid in this au and goes by she/they/he, I would prefer people use she/they when making general comments about her since she rarely uses he/him. I understand that most suns go by he/him and that it’s not technically misgendering but it still makes me a bit uncomfy ‘cause she’s transfem and those aren’t her main pronouns, so I figure I should say something rather than continuing to be uncomfy. (Using he/him in like fic comments where she’s actually using he/him is totally fine, it’s just when it’s general convos about her that I would prefer she/they used rather than he/him).
It’s not anybody specific doing this, it’s just a general assumption that people make that Sun uses he/him so I’m gonna start clarifying when posting art that she goes by she/they mainly. If you have used he/him before, there’s no need to apologize, I don’t remember any specifics of who has and hasn’t used he/him. I just figure since it makes me a bit uncomfy, I should say something rather than letting it slide because on a technicality, it’s not misgendering.
Tbh it’s less so the pronouns themselves that bother me and more so that I know most people who see the art without knowing the au and her gender say he/him thinking that Sun is a guy. Which is an extremely understandable assumption, canonically Sun and Moon seem to go by he/it, and they/them as Eclipse. I 100% don’t blame anyone for assuming my Sun’s gender or pronouns. Which is why I wanted to clarify things, so people aren’t confused and unintentionally/accidentally making me a bit uncomfortable.
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cheeeeseburger · 3 months
Text me first and I'll definitely text you back
Lando Norris x Reader
A/N: English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes! Enjoy!
It was 1 am, and you could not sleep. LIke at all. Your room was too hot, too stuffy, but also too cold at the same time. Your bed felt empty. To pass time, you were scrolling on your phone, when suddenly a perfect distraction popped up. It was a notification from your ex, Lando Norris. You two hadn’t talked in a hot minute.
I thought I had blocked you
Guess not
Too bad
I heard you broke up with that other guy
Yeah lol
He seemed nice tho.
Why do you care??? You didn’t even know him
Relax, I just wanted to check up on you
Well, reminding me of how great my ex was is a great way too do it, dumbass
Why are you so fucking rude to me? You’re nice to everyone
Don’t worry, all my exes get the same treatment, you’re not special xoxo
Wow ok.
Glad to see we’re on the same page!
I don’t think we are tho
What do you mean?
Idk why you’re treating me like shit
Huh? Probably cause we’re not together anymore?
You used to be so nice to me before
Are you drunk or something? Maybe high?
Then why are you not getting that I’m not going to be as loving, because we BROKE UP!
You’re so mean, I don’t recognize you
Cry about it with Jay
Who tf is Jay?
The guy I just broke up with
Oh ok. Did you change your hair colour because of it?
Yeah, it’s my post break-up look.
It looks bad.
Omg, you’re calling me rude? You’re so fck rude.
Sorry, but you should go back to the colour you had when we were dating
Did you just text me at 1 am to hate on my hair? Bitch
If you think I’m desperate for rebound sex and I’ll fall right into your bed, you’re dreaming buddy.
I just wanted to talk to you, but I don’t even know why I bother
Idk why either tbh
Do you not want to talk to me ever again?
I mean, that was the plan lol
The two years we shared together mean nothing?
They used to, yeah. That’s called moving on.
Just like you’re going to do to that guy?
Yes. If it makes you feel better, I still sleep with your hoodie sometimes, while I threw all his stuff out.
You do? That’s cute
Don’t get any ideas. I also still have the hoodie of my boyfriend before you
Wow, you sure know how to make a guy feel special
Hey, you texted me first. Idk what you expected
I expected you to be nice to me. You used to be so sweet
Don’t worry, the other guys still find me sweet xoxo
I’m so sick of your attitude. Are you trying to make me jealous or something? Or do you just like to be a bitch to me?
You’re the mean one, actually.
I think I will block you.
Do it, pussy
I don’t ever want to talk to you again
Ok wait, no. I’m sorry, Lando. For real
Thank you, finally.
I can’t believe I’m suggesting this, but would you like to grab lunch sometime? Or coffee?
Damn, ok. I did not expect that
It’s fine if you don’t want to
No, no. I want to. What about that dinner that we used to go to? Next Thursday?
Good location, can it be Thursday in two weeks tho? I want to have time to change my hair colour lmao
Okay. I’ll see you there at 12?
See you there, Lando.
Goodnight, sweet dreams
What the hell was that?
Two weeks later, your nerves were about to be the death of you. You were pacing your bedroom, frantically picking the perfect outfit. How do you dress to impress your ex you’re sure you’re going to fall right back for? You finally ended up chosing a cute dress that gave you a great silhouette.
Little did you know, Lando was doing the same, trying to find a shirt that would make him look good for you. He really wanted to make a good impression. This was kind of an interview, and he was applying for the role of the ex-boyfriend that you want to get back with.
When you entered the dinner, the déjà vu was overwhelming. Lando was already sitting at the booth that used to be your booth, the one where you first kissed, the one where he used to let his hand slide underneath your dress. You had worn a dress with that very same memory in mind.
“Hi.” You gave him a warm smile. Gosh, he looked good. He got up to give you a small hug. He smelled even better than you remembered. He seemed to think you looked nice to, judging from his eyes that looked you up and down and his slight blush.
“Hey. You look gorgeous.” He immediately noticed your hair that you had dyed back to the colour he preferred.
“You look good too, Lando. Great, even.” He seemed pleased at your comment.
“No trouble finding the place, I hope?” You laughed at his joke and you both sat down on opposite sides of the booth.
“Don’t worry, even though you did not pick me up, we’ve been here enough that I remember the directions by heart.” You stuck your tongue at him.
“I can pick you up, next time.” His eyes were full of hope.
“Next time?” This time, it was your voice that was full of hope.
The waitress interrupted you to give you the menus. You shared a knowing smile with Lando.
“Is it still a Caesar salad for you? With a side of fries?”
“And a burger for you?” You two laughed.
“It seems like things are still the same, huh?” You rested your head on your hand to give him a dreamy look.
“They haven’t changed at all, no.” He grabbed your other hand to put it in his on the table. You felt sparks at the tip of your fingers, but they quickly moved all over your body. This was going way more smoothly than you had expected. The waitress went over to note your order, and you couldn’t help but to feel thrilled at the familiarity of it all.
“So, how have you been?” Lando asked.
“Good, good, you?” Small talk was usually difficult, but it was horrible when it was with your ex.
“Good too.” Oh no, you were not about to spend the entirety of your lunch date with basic questions.
“Listen, Lando. I wanted to apologize for the other night. I was rude for no reason, and I’m sorry.” He rubbed little circles on your hand with his thumb.
“It’s fine, really. I wasn’t so nice either.” He laughed in embarrassment, but you just smiled at him.
“So, we’re good then?” You really hoped you were.
“We are good.” You shook his hand to seal the deal. The handshake hid a thousand more meanings than just “we’re good”. It was filled with “I’m glad we’re seeing each other again” and “why did we ever stop?”. The waitress brought your food, and you ate in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the moment.
“We should get ice cream after that,” You suggested shyly. Getting ice cream was code for “I don’t want this date to stop yet”.
“That was always the plan. I’m not a cheap date.” You laughed at him.
“It would be a crime to eat here without getting ice cream after. It was our tradition when we dated, remember?” He smiled at you.
“Of course, I remember. I also remember what came after.” You instantly blushed. A typical date for you and Lando always ended in his bed.
You finished eating. Lando picked up the bill, as usual.
“Thank you for paying, Lando. You know that it can be my turn to pay sometimes?”
“Nonsense. I’m trying to impress you. Is it working?” He smirked.
“Yeah, it’s working, baby. A little too well.” You flushed, because the word baby had slipped off your tongue so easily that you didn’t notice until you saw his face. He was clearly happy to see you using it again. When he put his hand in the small of your back to guide you towards the exit, you didn’t say anything. And when you walked towards the ice cream shop and your hands brushed, you put yours in his.
“I’m going to have a small chocolate sundae please, and he’ll have a large caramel sundae. Thank you!” You ordered the ice cream, once again remembering what you two always get.
“I’m happy that we’re out here together again,” said Lando, in a moment of vulnerability. You could not resist any longer. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. The kiss was sweeter than the ice cream you were about to eat. “Me too, baby. So damn happy,” you replied as you pulled away, blushing. The smile he gave you made you want to kiss him again a thousand times.
You sat near a window to enjoy your sundaes. Lando looked positively jealous of your spoon. When it was time to leave, he put your hand in his.
“I had a great time today,” he said, outside of the shop.
“Me too. Do you think we could do it again?” You asked shyly.
“Anytime.” You got on your tiptoes to lock your arms behind his neck and to kiss him. You two must have looked adorable to anyone passing by. This kiss felt exactly like the first one you and Lando shared, when you first started seeing each other. When you got back to your feet, he tucked away a few loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“I like your hair.”
“Thanks. I changed it because of you,” you replied, laughing.
“You shouldn’t have. I was just mad, the other night. You looked beautiful then too.” You looked away, embarrassed at his compliment.
“I guess I better go, then.” He immediately protested. “No don’t go yet. We can go back to my place if you’d like. Or we can just grab coffee if you prefer!” It was cute to see him rambling.
You kissed him on the cheek. “Your place is more than fine, baby.” Lando gave you a huge smile and took your hand to guide you towards his car.
“I’m glad you’re coming home with me. It’s what I was hoping for,” he said as he was opening your car door for you.
“Me too, baby. We can pick up my car tomorrow morning.” He winked at you.
“Or the next day. Or the day after.” What a flirt.
You were probably not going to stay single for very long.
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btdemaru · 1 year
hi could you do the obey me characters reaction to like a male mc with long hair/piercings and is just really into like goth/mallgoth type fashion/makeup/music in general?
Obey me! Brothers X M!Goth reader
Note : idk much about this style/fashion so please i apologize if it's not correct! I tried doing alot of research of what the style looks like tho
Warnings : -
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🖤 Lucifer
Would love your style alot, i like to think that he'd love to match with you from time to time. And will be intrigued to see your piercings, even perhaps asking to see it up close or touch it.
He loves every goth style that you choose and will not question you and no matter what part of the style you prefer.
Lucifer does listen to the music you play and sometimes would ask if he can join in or share headphones/airpods (ykwim).
If you do your makeup, he'd secretly glances at you from his desk. Probably trying to be subtle too 😭
💛 Mammon
Will swoon. Will be lovestruck. Will be in awe. Mams in LOVE.
of course this mf wouldn't show it (it's obvious though). Would ask alot of question like your color palette or why you like this style and basically just loves to hear you talk about it.
He doesn't mind metal/dark music and is open to listening to the playlist you have or even the one you made for him!
If you try to get him going to the cemetery or basically doing some scary stuff like even going to a so called 'haunted house' or a scary escape room it'll be a huge no no for him, even if he did go mams wouldn't be much help as he'll only be loud.
Will try to do your eyeliner (if you wear) or eye shadow but fails miserably making your face look all bad and messy makeup everywhere.
💙 Leviathan
He wouldn't mind, not big on it but he doesn't judge or hate it. Will let you do your thing, he doesn't know much about it so he'll ask you a few things to cure his curiosity.
Doesn't really listen to the music you do but isn't opposed to trying, turns out he actually does like ot after playing a song or two.
If you have a tongue piercing he'll zone out while staring at it. Totally not thinking about you using it on hi-
💚 Satan
We all know he likes to read, so when you walked in the room he's already analyzing your style all the way back from the first originated in the '80s following the punk subculture of the '70s.
Compliments you from your hair to piercings to makeup and clothes or even your boots.
I dont think Satan really listens to music but he does like to write/read and literature generally so maybe dark poems are things you guys can do.
man probably can't stop looking at you and would buy you jewelry or matching silver rings.
🩷 Asmodeus
Literature isn't really his thing but probably watches and admires you while you're doing it.
Will try matching you clothes with his own color palette and asks your opinion on it.
Asmo thinks you're hot. Definitely. 100%.
He's the type to bring you bouquet of black or red roses (whatever you prefer really), or even do your hair
Feel free to do his hair in return or putting your style of makeup on him, he'll take alot of pictures and posts it with the caption that you did the makeup.
Music? Yes. Listens to any music you play if he's in the mood he'd even asked for a a little makeout
🧡 Beelzebub
He doesn't mind it tbh, since i like to think that his twin also has a similar style.
50/50 on the music, he prefers pop punk but open to any music genres you exposed him to.
Would ask if you could do his eyeliner. (He moves alot) so you practically have to do it again and again for it to match so it's not lopsided.
Beel still loves you no matter what style you wear or what you do/listen to.
🩵 Belphegor
DING DING DING. love at first sight.
Belphie always asked you to dress him up or pick his clothes jusy cause he's too lazy to do it himself 💀.
Blasts music together while he just lays there like a dead person while you do your makeup/hair
Would always crawl to your lap whenever you're doing literature or writing about some gruesome poems he'll be there just deep asleep.
Doesn't really bother to go to those creepy dark places unless you're the one carrying him.
Would fiddle with some of your piercings if it doesn't hurt you.
Again im so sorry if there's a mistake i did about goth styles while writing this.
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
hey i saw you were talking requests for dbda, can you pls write something for charles rowland that takes place after him beating the night nurse, like helping to calm him down and comforting him
oo okay yeah sure!! I can definitely try that for you! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also sorry this is so short, I didn't really know what to do tbh 💀 idk writers block sucks istg
CHARLES ROWLAND ; nighty night nurse
summary ; after defeating the night nurse, you try to help comfort Charles
warnings ; language
word count ; 448
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"Those memories are not why I choose to stay here! I still have a purpose. I'm a Dead Boy Detective!"
Watching the Night Nurse fall into the mouth of the giant angler fish replayed in your mind over and over, practically paralyzing you. As Edwin, Crystal, and Niko look back at Charles, they're stunned, practically unable to find words.
"Why are you all looking at me like that? I did that for us"
"Charles, that was... extreme" Edwin replies.
Charles chuckles, turning to catch his breath. "That was extreme, Edwin? So was me dying at sixteen, mate. I don't wanna be dead. I hate it. But every day, I'm fucking smiling, cause who else will hold it together and keeping the spirits up? You? Are you gonna do that, huh?"
You slowly turn to face him as well, halfway listening since watching that was making your ears ring a bit. You didn't know what was different about this, as you'd seen a lot of weird shit over the years, but this was definitely one of those moments where you wanted to puke.
You felt for Charles, you really did, you understood his pain, you understood why he was so mad. But you'd never seen this side of him before. He'd never broken his happy little facade, his joy replaced by pure anger and hatred.
"What good am I doing? I couldn't stop Devlin from murdering his family over and over. I can't stop Crystal from hurting. I can't stop whatever is it going on with you. I can't stop anything!" He shouts, tears slipping down his cheeks. "I sure as hell couldn't stop my dad from beating the shit out of me" He sniffles, falling to his knees.
You cautiously walk to him, legs shaking, aching like you'd fall to yours at any moment. You slowly drop down to the damp grass, a hand softly resting on his shoulder. You slowly use your index and middle finger to tilt his chin up to look at you.
No words are shared, just a look.
His of pain and sorrow, yours heeding a silent apology and reassurance.
You look to the trio a few feet away, nodding for them to trudge away. As they do, Charles falls into your arms, attempting to choke back sobs, a river of tears falling from his eyes.
"I'm sorry" he cries, his hands testing on your arms that rest around his torso.
"It's okay," you whisper. "Everything's gonna be alright. You don't have to fix other people's problems or try and keep everything glued together. It's okay to not be okay"
He sniffles and nods, trying to catch his breath.
"It's gonna be okay"
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kokushibosbestie · 1 month
Lil Zeyn_Syre Crush Headcanons ♡
A/N: I literally thought of these at 3am but I was too tired to grab my laptop so here we are! BTW, this isn't anything fancy, these are just me being delusional and sharing it with my luvs. <3
WARNINGS: Slight cussing, mention of death, possible spoilers for Zeyn_Syre's OCS, fluff, crushing.
Christian Dean ☆
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I swear, he will blatantly stare at you and doesn't care if you notice
And he'd definitely flirt a LOT
the teasing is REAL. Like, prepare to be teased ALL the time
If you're not okay with being touched, he'll keep his hands to himself but there is going to be a lot of touching otherwise
Hand kisses, putting his hand on your thigh/knee, arm around you/on waist, ruffling/playing with your hair 😩😩😩
And he does this even before y'all get together bc why not?
You and his sister HAVE to get along because now you're apart of his "I would will kill for you" list ��
Dirty jokes 24/7
Pet names: Baby, babe, love, princess/prince, gorgeous, handsome, etc.
"Damn love, you're fucking sexy. Not sure if I can keep my hands off of you baby~" AHHHHHH
Tbh tho, he is traumatized from his previous crush Destiny, who died, so he's gonna deny it for a while
So be gentle pls, he just wants to be loved without having to lose someone for once
If another guy even LOOKS at you in a flirty way, he's going to death glare them until they leave typa protective
So imagine what would happen if someone touched you 💀
if you tell him that someone did something to you that hurt you emotionally or physically, even if it was 3 years ago; he's gonna find them and they're gonna go missing- 😀
And, no matter how tall you are or how much you weigh, he will still throw you over his back and carry you around like you don't weigh anything- 😘
Or hold you bridal style
He will listen to you rant for hours, just listening to you talk
little "mhm,"'s "yeah?"'s and "hm"'s while you're talking
and he will never, EVER cut you off while your ranting and will only speak when you're finished
You fell first, he fell harder ☆
Micah ▨
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Fuc me emo boy fuc me emo boy
He's so adorable
Turns BRIGHT RED if you even stand a foot away. 🤗
Headpat slut
Also enjoys listening to you talk
Will let you touch him, but doesn't really touch you
The most he'll do is hold your hand and pat your head
And an occasional hug here and there
But he's the jealous af kinda protective
Writes poems and songs about you but will never share them with you because he thinks you don't like him
Compliments here and there
He just calls you by your name or a preferred nickname, no pet names
You're the sun to his moon, no matter if you're an extrovert or introvert 😚
When you do stupid shit, he'll sigh loudly and ask you why your doing that 😭
Stay With Me, Dandelions, So This Is What Love Feels Like, etc.
He listens to that playlist with headphones on for hours in his room alone, just thinking about you
Boy is in loveeee 😌
Teaches you how to play the guitar
if he does,
Its gonna be while you are talking gushing over your crush, which is him, but you don't tell him that part
"I'm sorry but I don't want to hear you gush over someone else like that! I want to be the one you're talking about! Why can't you see how much I like you what I'd do for you??"
He realizes what he said and apologized, before trying to leave you better not let him leave 😒
He fell first and harder ▨
Zeyn Dean ✿
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Idk if her last name is Dean but I'm assuming so bc that's her brother's last name
She has a casual crush, but doesn't think too much about it unless you get close
Becomes a little quieter around you than normal 😀
She loves going to the mall with you or teaching you how to play a sport
Study sessions if you go to school together
Will always remember every special date bc she's a good friend
Frequently makes jokes
Y'all be laughing at the worst dad jokes ever
Likes playing video games
Yk how little kids will do the most simple, easy thing to do and excitedly say "Mommy, daddy, look what I just did! Did you see that???"
Well that's her
If her brother approves of you, then she'll probably not confess. 😅
You're her best friend before you're anything else though
Not the jealous type, she's a little too nice sometimes.
Singing Call Me Maybe, Rather Be, Stereo Hearts, and other upbeat songs all the time 😚
But she will get a little paranoid at times and calls you to make sure you're okay.
Pet names: Sweetheart, sunshine, and just a nickname
Holding hands: yes
Leaning on shoulder: Yes
Holding hands: YES
She fell first, you fell harder and then she fell even HARDER. ✿
* * * These characters and art are NOT MINE, they Belong to Zeyn_Syre on Tiktok and YouTube. The writing is prompt and writing is mine, please do not claim, copy, or use it without my permission. Thank you! <3
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aachria · 16 days
sooooooo lemme get this straight, coin has had ***SEX*** with THE KING OF THE **FUCKING** PIRATES AND HIS *FIRST* **FUCKING** MATE?! sigh... coin you actually slut/nm also, I personal head cannon of mine that I'd thought I'd share bc Im IGNORING CANON is that boa doesnt see Luffy as a love interest BUT INSTEAD AS HER SON, so she would try and make him like 'prince of the pirates'. I did see a post on Tumblr once that was like this but idk who the user is. ALSO ANOTHER HEAD CANON that will fucking ruin everyone's perception... ever since it was revealed that coin and Ed were Canadian, I did not hear them as like scott pilgrim Canadian. NO I MEAN FULL ON 'oh! good day to you oh, nice weather oh, here take 10 quid for your travels oh!' IM TALKING MOTHER FUCKING APOLOGIZING FOR EVERYTHING AND AND SAYING 'eh, oh, right'!! >:D
Look me dead in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't jump both of their bones if you spent every day confined to the same ship with those fine ass men. And don't you DARE lie to me.
The Boa seeing Luffy as her son take is interesting, and I definitely know which post you're talking about (I am NOT going and looking for it I do NOT have the time rn), idk if I will stray down that path tho.
I don't think I've ever had someone use Scott Pilgrim as their stereotypical Canadian accent example. Like yeah ik it's set in Toronto and Michael Cera is from Ontario so it's absolutely correct (and now that I think of it totally how I talk isn't it) but that's never been someone's go-to in any conversations I've had. (Might just be a me thing tho tbh. It's probs a lot of people's go-to.)
And babe. The sentence you just used. What the fuck was that. I expected some level of 'oh hey there bud, nice weather eh, wanna hit the Timmies? Ten minute walk I've got the toonies, no worries' ofc but good day to you? Quid??? Why are there so many oh's?????? Please what Canadians are you talking to???
To be fair, we already have the eh's and the right's and the sorry's with Ed because I write them how I talk even if you don't super pick up on it. Even the leaving the first word out of some sentences, like saying 'you ok?" instead of 'are you ok?' is an accent thing I Did Not Know I did until I was writing dialogue how I fucking speak. Wild.
Counter suggestion: just imagine them talking like Shoresy. The sheer incomprehensibility of them speaking like they're right outta Letterkenny.
(This is a joke and Ed does have a more Toronto-y accent but how much worse will you feel if I say Coin absolutely has Québécois family and that's just something you'll have to live with.)
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h3llenwrites · 7 months
Hi hi! Hope your having a nice day
How about our favorite radio host with a reader who owns a newspaper company in hell. They were a reporter when they were alive. They are investigating some of Vox's business and ends up running into Alastor?
Surprisingly I got enough motivation to write again so eat up
Alastor x Reader :
Platonic? Romantic? idk tbh. Just reader and Alastor working together to mess with Vox.
As someone who shares the latest news in hell, owning a newspaper company and all, you couldn't help but peep into the Vee's business. Something about them ultimately seemed unnerving, so naturally, every so often you would be prying at any information and bringing it back to your collection immediately. You often noticed Vox "convincing" his little crowd that gathers everytime he would step out of the comforts of his office, Running the other way when he starts to walk to your direction. Sometimes you would get caught writing your gathered info in the little journal you carry around with you, but you always put it away before Vox sees; Not like he could understand the handwriting anyway. (LISTEN HAVING TO WRITE DOWN A LOT OF INFO IN MERE SECONDS BEFORE HAVING TO BOOK IT FROM THE SOURCE IS GONNA GET YOU BAD HANDWRITING) When these occurences happen, you were lucky enough that he didn't think much of it, even though he noticed you a few steps behind the audience who were so glad to see him often.
You were collecting more information a few days after the last attempt where Big Ol' TV Man actually understood your handwriting and is now VERY wary of your presence. It didn't help that there were cameras everywhere either, you can barely avoid his watching gaze and it frustrated you that you hadn't been able to get anything from Vox or the other Vees since he probably warned them about your watching eye. Alastor was taking a stroll around hell heading to cannibal town, but ever so often pissing off Vox by destroying his cameras or glitching them and disconnecting the TVs that displayed on the stores. Luckily for you, the Radio Demon was headed your way and before Vox could check if you were peeping on him, Alastor had made his way in front of the camera and broke it. Vox cursed in his seat, choosing to get out either way so he can have a 'lovely talk' with the red deer. The commotion got more lively once Vox had stepped out. You smiled to yourself, getting your pen, paper, and camera ready. He did something quite unexpected today. Instead of standing there and giving off his usual speech, he quickly said some promotional shit and let off a light that would distract his crowd and he ran off, searching for the deer and cursing when Alastor was no where in sight. He was so distracted by getting revenge on his little enemy that he hadn't paid you any mind and dismissed the fact that he should've checked if you were present first. Naturally, you were overexcited. I mean you just got some worthy ass information about Vox, so naturally, you ran back to your work place as fast as you could. On the way there, you bumped into Alastor.. oh unfortunate soul. You were hurrying quite quickly, causing the both of you to fall on the dirty pavement below. You were processing what just happened, still a bit dizzy but you already picking up your items that you've dropped. You didn't think of the other person until you were done caring for yourself and suddenly you heard the sound of radio static. You gulped and hoped for the best, but of course, who else could it be? The moment you looked up, your eyes were met with Alastor's. Was he pissed? Please please.. "My apologies.. I uh-" You were quickly cut off by his cheery voice. "Nonsense, Darling! Say, Why are you in such a rush?" He noticed you earlier, seems you piqued his interest. "Um, Well I was just.. doing some research..?" He lifted his eyebrow, wide grin still present as always. "Hmm? Doing some research hiding behind a building?"
"Well I-" He picked up a paper you'd left, or rather used his abilities to make it appear in his hand. "Information on Vox Tech," He read the title on your paper aloud. "Oh! That's mine! haha.." You quickly grabbed it from his hands and stuffed it in your notebook. "It was.. lovely meeting you Mr. Uh.. Radio Demon..!" "Alastor." "Alastor! Right! ..I'd better get going." You quickly walked away, retreating to your place of comfort. He stared at you before continuing to make his way to Cannibal Town. A few days later, you still couldn't get Vox to come out, So you looked for something else to investigate on for a bit before returning. You were looking at some posters around hell when the 'Pointless Happy Hotel' or so was said, caught your attention. The Princess of Hell's beliefs for redemption was intriguing to you, so you grabbed a pen, a notebook and a camera, then headed to the hill where this hotel was located, having absolutely no idea the Radio Demon was there. After a few minutes of constantly avoiding violent sinners trying to behead anyone who passes by, Several explosions and Horny demons, You were at the front door. You cleaned yourself off and knocked. Charlie opened the door, a very bright smile on her face. "Hello! Welcomee~ To the Hazbin Hotel!~" She said in a sing-song voice. "Hi!-" You could barely speak before getting cut off by getting dragged into the lobby. "This is the lobby! That's the bar, the bartender over there is Husk. That's Niffty, she's our housekeeper! Oh! And that is.." The Princess ranted about the hotel, introducing you to the staff, patrons and giving you a tour. You kept trying to interrupt her, saying that you were only going to be staying for a few days maybe weeks for some research for your newspaper, You didn't get a chance to tell her until she reached Alastor's room to introduce you to him. "Actually, I'll only be staying for research to put on my newspaper.. Is that alright?" Charlie blinked before smiling again. "Oh! That's alright! Still glad for you to be staying here! Anyway, Let me introduce you to my.. Business partner I guess you could say?.." You tilted your head in confusion before she knocked and a shadow formed into the Radio Demon. You froze. "This is Alastor!" He turned his attention to you. "Ah, Yes. Pleasure to be meeting you, dear! Quite the pleasure. How is that research project on the Vees of yours going?" You nervously chuckled before answering him. "Quite alright, I suppose! Although.. I decided to investigate on something new since there had been no progress in the past week."
"I see! And what is this new project of yours about?"
"The hotel.."
"Hm! Well, I can certainly help with your research!"
"Research? Which one?"
"Why, both of course!"
"And why.. are you telling me this?" Alastor's grin grew wider. "Oh nothing, really. The topic of your little project just intrigued me is all!"
You accepted his help of course. The both of you work together to document the things you've gathered. He's honestly just helping out for fun. The relationship between the two of you grows (You can think of it as Platonic or Romantic, Idk I don't judge) and he sometimes has you with him, broadcasting the latest news, seated next to him while reading from your newspaper in his Radio Tower. He also often visits you while you're producing new info to feed the public. His favorite part of helping you gather info about the Vees is destroying Vox's cameras :)
A/N: This.. is sort of shorter than I intended it to be. I lost my ideas halfway through writing this because I thought of Alastor with a reader who has a bakery and he visits often or Alastor with wife reader who owns a bakery and she brings him baked goods. Should I write that?
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ilyuan · 10 months
hello,could you write kafka with a fem reader in this scenario: she meets her gfs friends for tje firts time and her gf is usually shy and reserved but more less with her friends. her friends dont know that she got a gf yet so they flirt with her as usual(they always do that)and rest is up to your imagination? like yn being awkward and trying to explain herself lol sorry this is a bit messy but i hpe you undertand! have a nice day and take care <3
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I WON’T STEAL HER ! ft. kafka
a/n. apologies that the requests i’m getting are nearly taking a long time to fulfill, it’s partially because of storage and partially because of my mental health, but i’m back i think lawl, and thank you for the request anon! 🤍
cw. fem!reader, kafka gets a lil jealous, ooc himeko, a little ooc kafka? idk lol, tbh idrk what i’m yapping about in some of this i just woke up, i think that’s it lmk if i missed anything 🤍
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your girlfriend’s mind was slowly turning into mush because of how much she was overthinking the moment you told her that you were going a little too far away from her to visit your friends.
“kafka, relax, it’s only gonna be for a few hours,” you explained to her, your voice as reassuring as possible, “it should only be for four hours, just like my usual night-shift,” you finish.
“that’s not the only issue, dear,” she contemplates at you, her eyes practically glued onto your frowned expression, “you know i get jealous easily.” she whispers, which you somehow didn’t catch onto.
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after enough convincing, here you were with your now stubborn girlfriend.
the magenta-haired woman’s brows furrowed in confusion ever since she noticed how much longer it was taking just to see your friends.
she did pay attention to you telling her that it would take a long time to see your friends, but she didn’t think it would take this long.
not to mention, she’s an impatient woman.
after a couple minutes, you turned your view to the darkened screen of your phone, turning up your brightness a little bit.
noticing that kafka was still driving, you texted your friends that you were almost there.
kafka paused her driving.
“who are you texting?”
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as soon as you both finally got to the somewhat big cabin that your friends were in, you noticed kafka’s now calm facade, which you quickly got confused by.
however, not thinking much of it, you creaked the old cabin’s door open and finally met eyes with your overly-enthusiastic friends.
kafka slowly walked in, as if she was accidentally going to break all the wood keeping the cabin up.
you signed and turned your head towards her, to which you were met with her smirking, which you were even more confused by.
“kaf?” you whispered over to her, to which she gasped, then let out a small chuckle.
“sorry, darling, i’m coming,” she emphasized the word ‘darling’ louder than usual to alert your friends of knowing you were hers.
you playfully rolled your eyes at her as she let out another chuckle as soon as she noticed.
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knowing kafka was not a stoic woman whatsoever, you had an opportunity to finally introduce her to your somewhat big friend group.
first, there was luka.
luka was practically the dad of the friend group, his outgoing personality making everyone feel as if the atmosphere was warmer than usual in dangerous situations most of the time.
for example, you and everyone else went into the woods and he kept going on and on about how his last wrestling match went, while… winking at you, to emphasize that you were the one that gave him the best luck in that match.
furthermore, you were the only one in your friend group that was excited to go to luka’s matches, that was most likely why.
then, there was serval, the charming rockstar who would never shut up in her room up in the attic of her and gepard’s shared cabin.
…which gepard would usually wake up, breathing heavily as if he was running laps, when in reality serval was practicing for her next concert.
third, jingliu.
she didn’t really do much, she just wandered around and occasionally came to hang out with the rest of your friend group.
as much as you wished she hang out with the rest of you more, she wasn’t really one to have any opportunities to engage in fun activities, her “duties came first” is what her only excuse was.
lastly, himeko.
himeko was never quiet about you, always trying to help you whenever you needed help with relationship advice with kafka.
however, she was more of the playful type than the rest of the friend group.
she always blew fake kisses to you as a joke, and she always had her ways with you, whether it was if you refused to go to the store with her, she would practically beg you either way.
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kafka didn’t think much of your friends, she was just trying to get comfortable, to which it took more than a while.
and finally, after hours of convincing her to go to the fair with you and your friend group, she finally agreed.
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the next couple hours consisted of himeko clinging to your side to what felt like 24/7, even though it was only a day.
kafka quickly noticed, and quickly got uncomfortable.
“…himeko, please,” you begged, “my girlfriend is here,” you continued, your heart beat racing out of nervousness, sighing, to which you were clearly uncomfortable with.
“GIRLFRIEND!?” himeko yelled, probably louder than the screams of the people on roller coasters at this point.
kafka quickly flinched, luka turned around, jingliu who surprisingly came with, blinked a few times, and serval screamed back in agony, a rush of fear quickly flowing through her body for a split second, but then realized it was just himeko screaming.
kafka smirked, walking slowly towards himeko with a menacing gaze and you rolled your eyes at her playfully.
“relax,” you spoke to your magenta-haired girlfriend, who rose her brows and quickly pulled you away.
“who is that?” she questioned you, her voice a little shaky, despite trying her best to keep her somewhat seductive demeanor towards you.
“a girl from my friend group,” you replied, raising a brow in confusion.
what kafka didn’t know is that himeko was not interested in you whatsoever, and that himeko was one to be the flirty type of woman.
“ah,” kafka replied, “tell me more about her.”
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“[name]!” serval and luka yelled, luka lifting up his mechanical arm in an attempt to wave at you.
you chuckled, your shy demeanor coming back into view.
they both came rushing towards you, eager to ask you if you wanted to go on the highest roller coaster with them after they finish their funnel cake.
“[name]~” luka taunted, walking towards you with a smirk on his face, “luka, go away she’s mine,” serval elbowed him playfully.
kafka’s breath hitched in her throat.
nonetheless, she didn’t want to mention anything for now, so she decided to think back on your friends’ question.
kafka, still standing right next to you, raised her brows in confusion because she knew you were not one for roller coasters at all.
“erm-“ kafka interrupted you, to which you gasped, “she doesn’t like going on those,” finishing for you.
you whipped your head to look at her and sighed in relief, tapping her shoulder twice as if letting her know you were okay.
“thank you,” you whispered to her.
little did you know, the only reason why she did that was because she wanted to stay with you for the entire day.
“you can see your friends another day,” was her excuse.
“shhh,” she interrupted once more, “come home and comfort me, sweetie, will you?” she faked a frown.
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“miss, i am not intending to steal your girlfriend, don’t worry,” himeko apologized to the practically frozen-in-place stellaron hunter.
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@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms, thank you 🤍
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compacflt · 11 months
Hi, big fan of your fics. I've just found your Tumblr and binged everything Icemav-related. When reading about Icemav's political beliefs, I've gotten curious. Does Bradley share the same political beliefs as Ice (and Mav)? Does being raised by them or them pulling his papers influence how he votes? Or there are other factors in the play (e.g. generations, social media)? How about Jake and the other Daggers? How does this young generation of the Navy perceive politics (elections, gender, etc.)? My apologies for bombarding you with questions. But as a non-American, American politics have always been something we must pay attention to. I've seen many interesting interpretations on Tumblr but it feels more or less wistful than realistic, but I might be wrong (again not an American) so I would love to see your perspective on this. Thank you.
a good politics roundup post before i leave this blog
icemav & their conservatism: here, here, here
ice’s NECESSARY conservatism as commander of the pacific fleet (i.e. officers who are most likely to get promoted to the highest ranks do NOT break the service line when it comes to domestic politics, so by necessity ice would’ve had to keep his mouth shut, he Cannot be both a four-star and a revolutionary, like he just can’t; and being a revolutionary is otherwise antithetical to his character anyway): here, here.
and the original “ice & mav politics post” which is being updated here: here
I’ve gone back and forth on everyones politics over the last year of me being involved with these characters, but let me just tell you where I’ve ended up headcanoning them politically, if ur interested
ice: reagan democrat. “educated moderate” who was more right-leaning pre-9/11. now just a regular ol liberal (did you SEE those gay little round glasses in tgm? no way this guy isn’t a straight-up lib) with absolutely no strong feelings about most domestic politics besides “fascism bad”. Has some foreign policy opinions that areeeee questionable at best, like all members of the military elite (hangman voice: DO NOT ASK ICEMAN ABOUT CHINA. WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE). foreign policy neoliberal favoring the dovish side of the spectrum. A force conservator (“let’s save our military assets [read: my boyfriend maverick 🥺] for when we really need them, not for any old conflict. the deterring specter of the American war machine should outweigh the risk of underperforming”). He’s in favor of marriage equality of course, but treats it like a privilege and not a right. would be sad/upset if it got repealed but wouldn’t necessarily fight for it. “well at least my marriage will always be legal in california so i just won’t leave, problem solved.” Normie median Biden voter.
mav: political wildcard tbh. original 1986 mav is DEFINITELY right-leaning (i think i’ve written elsewhere, “he fully believes bill clinton is an affront to god”). i get young republican vibes from him. Full on patriotic (but dispassionate) 1980s reaganite anti-commie neoconservative. but after the 2010s i am very confused tbh. Tom cruise’s political aura is an insanely confusing one. idk. No matter what, Mav has some Hot Takes that a.) can immediately be shot down by ice using Facts and Logic at any time and b.) are not strictly partisan. He’s registered democrat just to support marriage equality (his marriage is his top priority but he doesn’t care about Other gays’ marriages, only his own), doesn’t care about any of the party’s other lines. Votes however ice tells him to. I get real “kind clueless libertarian” vibes from 2022 maverick tbh. Especially with the “isolating himself in a hangar in the middle of the mojave desert.” that has a political connotation to it for sure. bro just does whatever he wants out there
also, ice & mav live in San Diego, which… while in blue/democrat leaning California…is famously a bastion of right-wingers & has a hitler particle level off the charts… (sorry its not my favorite place in the world). That’s why they’re both continually so disgusted by San Francisco (a metonym for effete liberal homosexuality). Theyre from San Diego, hatred of SF & liberal SF politics is kinda par for the course down there.
Bradley: as u will see in the extras i definitely hc Bradley as an activist, but because he’s… in the navy and also like in his 30s… It’s not college campus activism, it’s just “things all of us in the left wing can agree upon” activism. so, like, BLM or pride, etc. He’s an “in this house we believe” yard sign liberal. He is 38 years old. hes a solid millennial so not politically hip with the kids (me)
Bradley & ice/mav disagree on the VISIBILITY of politics. Ice & mav, who did live through the vietnam era draft/near-dissolution of American society in the 60s and 70s, are not in favor of possibly losing their job/honor they have fought and killed for, for the sake of a political statement. And they believe their relationship IS a political statement, whereas Bradley would rather encourage them to treat their relationship like, I don’t know, a relationship that has a right to exist independent of politics!
Jake and the other daggers: idk. i don’t really give a shit about the daggers sorry. They r blank slates 2 me. jake especially is canonically frat-boy sexist in a way that gives me the heebs, much like original 1986 maverick and ice. But the navy tends to be the most left-wing (or thought of as left wing in common thought) service of the military, if that helps. But it is also the most traditional service of the military, and by traditional I mean BRITISH!!!! 🇬🇧💂there’s so much pomp and circumstance and hoity-toitiness that comes from the navy’s origins in the Royal Navy. A lot of sticking to outdated tradition in the very fabric of the navy itself, while the navy’s enlisted demographics shift younger and more left-wing/“revolutionary…” some interesting conflicts there. Like that one sailor who got blasted by multiple congressmen on social media for (with permission!) reading a poem about their queer identity on the USS Gerald ford’s intercom a few months back, if I remember correctly. Hoo boy the Takes that day were wild. Younger Americans tend to be more liberal but YMMV with officers, who are by nature trying to uphold outdated traditions of the navy for the sake of keeping the navy a unified service
i am of course writing carole as a christian republican who has gay friends and a gay kid not by choice but by the Grace of God
#i realize some terminology in this post is so hyperamericanspecific that you may need to Google it#like the in this house we believe yard sign#it’s… like… i can’t even describe it. it’s a kind of well meaning liberal who can sometimes be a little cringe.#and Reagan democrats (which ice is) are a whole political subgroup in and of themselves#maybe not Reagan democrat but like conservadem? but no that’s different too#blue dog democrat? but not sure he’s that conservative#THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS BECOME SUCH A BIG TENT POST TRUMP THERE ARE 50.000 TYPES OF DEMOCRAT YOU CAN BE#san francisco as a metonym for effete liberal homosexuality of course (it’s where im from 😎😎)#it’s a ten hour drive from SF to San diego like they might as well be different countries. san diego secede from the US when 🙏🏽#pete maverick mitchell#tom iceman kazansky#top gun#icemav#top gun maverick#jake hangman seresin#bradley rooster bradshaw#normie median biden voter ice#the navy is liberalizing but veeeeery slowly#most of the conservative pressure ive seen towards the navy is external! policymakers & budget drafters etc#the navy is very liberal BUT that makes it a laughingstock among conservatives!#so a desire from higher-ups to push the Navy more conservative to be taken seriously…is kinda understandable#when being taken seriously means more ships more capability more money etc#instead of GOP culture-war-pilled pennypinchers going ‘hey why are we givin the gay service so much money’#take this post with a grain of salt. i have never been old enough to vote in a federal election.
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deadlyanddelicate · 9 months
"alternate universe pynch where it doesn't work out" no no say more. i was dying for their whole thing to be the most excruciating acrimonious breakup followed by getting back together and so I am very much Feeling This
AHHH i don't know what this was in reference to anymore, bc tumblr decided to eat not one but TWO of your asks (what kind of truly diabolical fuckery tbh???) however rest assured i WILL say more!!!!
listen. LISTEN. i will never forgive mstief for how quick and painless and easy their resolution in greywaren was. i know that one of the premises of these books is "ronan never really needs to be accountable for anything", but damn. my guy joined an ecoterrorist cult and almost destroyed the world (except he didn't, because PSYCH! ronan can never really be the bad guy either! it was really Random Faceless Antagonist #2 all along! booooo boring :/) because his boyfriend was late to text him back. he also proceeded to then ghost said boyfriend by not answering his texts, calls, and shutting him out of the communal dreamspace they usually codependently/homoerotically share. that is a NEXT LEVEL ghosting. and THEN!!! when they finally speak, since adam went behind his back (for good reasons! because ronan was behaving too erratically to be trusted! but he STILL went behind his back!!!) ronan unceremoniously dumped him and threw the whole phone away!!
when i tell you i was SALIVATING for the confrontanion that would inevitably happen. i wanted DRAMA i wanted ACCUSATIONS FLUNG IN FACES i wanted CATHARSIS for heaven's sake!!! and then. and then in just a quick five minute mind-meld in the astral sea, all was forgiven. and it's like, of course we knew everything would be forgiven. there was never gonna be a universe when adam didn't come back to save ronan. he made a big deal of leaving him in front of declan and then came back one (1) day later. BUT IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE SO EASY AND UNEARNED!!!
what about a universe where adam returns to save ronan, but then things are stilted and awkward between them. what about a universe in which they don't patch it up actually, at least not for a while. what about a universe where adam is so confused about what he wants out of his life - now that he actually has options - that he doesn't know if he can keep doing this. what about a universe where ronan is not actually magically okay with the mind-shattering revelation that he's a different species from a different dimension. what about a universe where ronan refuses to apologize (because he never does, really!) and so adam refuses to just accept him back as it is, because ronan made his choice and it wasn't me and if adam has nothing else, he has his stupid pride at least.
idk man i simply think that would have been DELICIOUS and i mourn it every day. these characters have never been simple for one single page, so why would they get a cookie-cutter resolution?
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