#idk what about him inspires me to write so much if you heard me talk about gale and gortash you would know im down bad for them much worse
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fire-emblem-drabbles · 6 months ago
would you still love me if I wrote another fanfiction about Astarion and the events before/following the ascension
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jd-loves-fiction · 2 months ago
For your event, may I request Idia and first time together (as in making love)
idk how to word that better. sounded more romantic in my head. Lowkey love how you write Idia BSKEBEJ
💐oh honey thank you🥺you worded that fine hun, making it romantic is my job :3 also this smut is gonna have a heckin lot of plot so sit tight. Also HEAVILY inspired by the Hades game cuz i just love that version of the underworld❤ also couldn't resist adding some angst teehee
❧ Like mortals do
❧ Word count: 4k
❧ Contains: explicit sexual descriptions, handjob, unprotected sex (you're dead but... yknow), penetrative sex, afab!reader, inexperienced!Idia, the floweriest of languages
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❧ Idia hates himself for thinking so, but he despises the way your heart remains guarded. No matter what. No matter how much you want to let him in.
He can tell, with the way you get so close to him when delivering documents, how your touch lingers when you hand them over.
And most of all, the way your eyes linger on his form when he is forced out of his office for one reason or another, before you look down bashfully. He can almost see red over your cheeks, were you capable of such a human feat after passing. 
But still, you close yourself off to him, allowing him only an arm's length of proximity and nothing more. 
He feels so selfish for thinking it, but oh, how he wishes he could take comfort from having you by his side during his necessary ventures outside of his chambers. Or better yet, to have you keep him company in his office. Perhaps then he'd actually feel motivated to get work done. 
After some time and research, he surmises that your attachment to the Overworld is to blame. 
And by that, he means he heard you mumbling about it and sighing wistfully while looking up at the cavernous sky of the Underworld. 
Idia decides that something must be done. Not only for his sake, no, mostly for yours, he reasons. Longing for a home no longer accessible will do you no good. 
"H-Hey," he greets you, stepping into the now lush garden, "I hope I'm not interrupting."
He seems to say this a lot nowadays, after having realized how much this place matters to you – your own sanctuary. Much like his office; Idia doesn't like when people enter his office without his permission. 
"Not at all. What do you need?"
"I need you to come with me. There's something I want to show you."
You stand before the door to the Temple of Styx, gulping down your nerves (or trying to) as Idia waits for your signal to open the massive gates.
“I must warn you, it’s only a temporary visit. One way or another, once your time is up, you will return to the Underworld.” The strangely serious tone makes you nod.
"Do you usually do this? For other people, I mean." Perhaps mindless small talk will help calm your nerves. Your ghostly heart is beating so hard you can barely hear Idia over the sound. 
"Of course not. Plus I don't believe the other Shades would want this." His answer raises many questions about how the Underworld works exactly, but you keep back from them. Not now, perhaps later. 
"Ready?" You don't know the answer to his question, but you nod anyway. If not now, never. 
Wind strong enough to knock you on your ass, were you still alive, blows past you as the gates open with a wave of Idia’s hand. Golden sunlight shines upon your skin, though you can no longer feel its heat.
Stepping forward, away from the massive doors, your feet land on soft snow.
The view from above is breathtaking, like something out of a painting... Without color. This simply because of what you're missing. 
You cannot feel the heat of the sun or the cold of the snow and chilly wind nor the softness of the snow beneath your feet and so it all feels... Distant. Hollow. Fake, even. 
You sit by a small stream, a thin layer of ice over it. Placing your feet over it doesn't even move it. Seems you really have no effect on this plane of existence. 
You feel as if you should cry, but no tears come forth, though you know they can, given how much you screamed and cried in agony on your first night of your new 'life'. 
Idia approaches you, you can hear the crunching of the snow beneath his feet, feel his presence behind you. But he doesn't say a word, perhaps not knowing what you need to hear. Nor what you want to hear. 
But there are none such words. For now, all you need is silence, the sound of rustling leaves and birds taking flight. 
“Your time is almost over. I’m sorry, but we must return now of our own will. Otherwise the Underworld will take us forcibly, and that won’t be pleasant.” Idia says gently, knowing he’s already pushing it and warning you too late.
"I just never thought–" Idia leans towards you curiously, waiting for you to continue speaking, "Nevermind."
A sudden tightening appears within your chest, perhaps it's emotion welling up from the knowledge that your original home is no more and all that's left is the desolate land of Death.
But it's not all so bad. Despite how much you resisted in the beginning, now, in this quiet moment, you realize that Idia is not nearly as terrible as you'd initially thought.
He gave you a home, a purpose, despite how much you insulted him to his face, not that you knew it was him then. And after so much pestering, he showed you something that someone dead would never have the chance to see, the Overworld.
You get up from your seat suddenly, hoping to thank him for all he’s done, to face the feelings that have been brewing in your chest for a while now. But dizziness hits you like the cold mountain wind and your legs nearly give out, “W-What’s happening?”
"I warned you. Time's up. But don't worry, it'll be over quickly." Idia speaks softly, hands on your shoulders as you start feeling even more faint.
Your breathing speeds up in a panic, even though you no longer need it, legs shaking under your own weight. Falling backwards, you land upon his chest as your eyelids fall slowly. And then, you're gone.
Waking up your eyelids feel far too heavy to lift, so they remain shut as you feel something lap at you, wet and cold. You realize it’s the blood pool back at the House of Shroud just as Idia takes your body into his arms.
He’s cold but you snuggle closer to his body, seeking not warmth but comfort.
Even as soft, unfamiliar, sheets press against your back, you cling to him. "...don't leave."
Idia blinks down at you, between your droopy eyes and the hands that cling to his clothing.
"I-I shouldn't." You groan at his response, hands crawling upwards and behind his neck to pull him closer. “You should. Because I said so.”
He chuckles before sighing, relaxing beneath your hands and laying beside you.
Idia smells of smoke and... snow. An odd combination to be sure but not wholly unpleasant.
“I wanted… ugh…” You begin, attempting to thank him at least, but your mouth feels as if it’s stuffed with cotton and your head feels both floaty and heavy. It’s as if your body demands sleep despite not needing it.
“Shh… we’ll talk later.” Idia whispers, seemingly cool and collected… if not for the shaking of the pale hand running through your hair. But the effect is the same, in what feels like a second, you’re out like a light, enjoying the luxury that is sleep in the Underworld.
“I see. Well, tell them to hurry it up, I’ve already given them plenty of time to finish it. I get that we have all eternity to get things done but still, I get rather impatient.” Idia’s voice sounds from somewhere distant as you come to, blinking blearily and wondering if you’re still dreaming with how stern he sounds.
No light stings your eyes as they open, finally taking in the dark, lavish room around you. Idia’s room… You’re in Idia’s room still… in his bed, no less.
You sit up so fast you feel dizzy out of human habit. It’s one thing to consider forgiving him, another still to think about confessing about the feelings you’ve kept so well hidden… but to sleep in his bed? You would never!
But… it’s so soft… and cool… and it smells just like him… Focus!
From the balcony beyond the dark curtains comes a grumble, followed by furious clicking and clacking. The long cloth parts just enough for a glimpse of his blue fire mane and for a moment you wonder; could you run your fingers through it like hair? Would it burn you?
Before you know it, your feet take you towards his half-hunched figure, fingers reaching out to sate your curiosities. Just as you get close Idia seems to send your presence behind himself, turning around to greet you, entirely unaware of the mental downpour going inside your head, “Oh! You’re up.”
His expression tells you he’s pleased with this, unlike his tone. He always did seem to have better control over his voice rather than his features.
“Is all that… normal?” Your voice sounds weaker than expected.
“It’s not common for mortals to visit the Overworld after passing but, from the few examples I’ve seen, yes. Very much so.” His voice sounds… oddly stable? Almost confident?
Strange. Very strange.
Sure, in the tales told of his attitude by the other shades he was always cold and stern, but the Idia you now know is anything but.
“T-There’s something I must tell you.” You’re now the one stuttering nervously, but admitting that you misjudged someone so badly would sting anyone’s ego.
Idia tilts his head curiously like a puppy and the thought makes you want to yell in confusion and frustration.
“I… forgive… you.” Getting the words out feels like walking through quicksand but it feels necessary. Despite him being the reason why you ended up here in the first place, Idia’s been nothing but downright indulgent with you in a way that he really didn't have to be and probably shouldn't be.
“I see now all that you’ve done to ease my sorrows. And I understand that I should not have expected to be given more time for being pious. Death comes for us all and I’m no different.” You finally raise you head, just catching the change in his expression, from bashful to somewhat anxious.
“I must be honest with you as well. Your death… was not entirely natural.” Idia looks off into the dark distance, brows furrowed thoughtfully, flame-hair moving rapidly, “I’m not s-sure if this is… something you want to hear about.”
“Yes!” You respond before he’s even done speaking, “I need to know the truth of it. Please,“ The desperation in your voice convinces him, clearing his throat to speak clearly, eyes conveniently averted.
“You were meant to have a much more… tragic death. One I felt was not befitting of your worth.”
“My worth?”
Idia’s wide shoulders drop, hair losing much of its brightness as a gloomy cloud forms over him, “Not many mortals worship my mother. Perhaps her deeds, but never her name… I felt you were worthy of some consideration because you are one of the few who did.”
Processing the information, you remain silent as he continues, “Our relationship’s never been very good but, us immortals, we can't just cut ties. A part of me will never forgive them both for what they did, or what they didn't. But another part of me will always be their son, so I felt I should… I don't know. This must make no sense to you… forget it.” His confidence runs out quickly as his eyes meet yours, cheeks flushing blue upon the pale canvas of his face, before he hides it behind his large hands.
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what…”
“Hide your face. I never imagined the gods… bashful.” The mere thought makes you chuckle.
The amusement is cut short upon seeing Idia's face fall, “I'm not like them.”
“Well, sure you're not.” His frown turns into a pout before you continue, “From what I know, you're much more pleasant to be around.”
“I- I appreciate that… but that's not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?” You ask innocently, watching as he curls in on himself, dark blue upon his cheeks.
“I'm just not– I don't– I'm not that handsome, beautiful, whatever you call it. People think I look strange.” He looks away from you, down at the dour grounds of his estate. You think to yourself that such a thing must not be true, not with what you see before you…
Your face flushes at the thought. Could it be that… your forgiveness of his actions… has turned to infatuation? Could it perhaps be that… it was always there beneath the scorn?
But you concede – he is indeed nothing like how you picture the gods to be. No skin of bronze stretched over absurd muscles like in the statues, no absurd posing and posturing at every turn…
“Since now is a time for honesty… No, you’re nothing like them.” The curiosity shining in his irises turns to resigned acceptance at your words, already imagining the worst of what you’ll say next. 
“You’re not extroverted, rowdy or entertaining. You don't walk around like everyone owes you something just because they get to look upon your splendorous visage.” Making a silly pose gets a low chuckle out of him.
“But you know what? I’m glad. Who can stand people– gods? Like that anyway? Not me… if that means anything.” Your face gets so warm so quickly while trying to make your feelings less obvious that you’re worried you might be cursed. That can't be normal.
“You’re…” Words fail you, so much you can and wish to say. How you’d much rather his bashfulness over their boldness, his attentiveness over their supposedly good natured obliviousness, the hesitant stutter of his purely honest words over their confident, practiced speeches. “No words would suffice to tell you just how starkly different you are from them.”
The candidness of your tone gives him pause, it’s as if all that you wish to say but are unable to somehow makes itself known to him anyway. Perhaps he can read minds? You wouldn't put it past him.
His gaze changes, softening to a gentle yellow like the first rays of sunlight peeking out over the horizon – you’re caught in it, unable and unwilling to resist the urge to draw closer and closer to his blue lips.
Idia hesitates at the last second, brows furrowed in frustration, no doubt overthinking the whole ordeal, but your emotions are just about ready to boil over so you heed their order and connect your lips decidedly, hesitation be damned. He’s tense for only a second, before eagerly grabbing at your shoulder as well as the balustrade; his attempt to remain chaste with his touches is adorable, even if all you want to do is devour him, let out all your frustrations along with your fondness for him in one go.
“Idia…” You whisper against his lips, feeling the immense heat of him against your face. The expression he makes is almost painful… delightfully so.
“Please don't do that… I can’t–” He pinches his eyes closed, but makes no move away from you. He’s flushed down to his chest just thinking about how badly he wants you – the thought fills you with a dangerous boldness.
“Why not? Aren’t you the king? You can do as you please… no?” Your hands trail down his arms teasingly, delighting in the way he shivers and twitches.
“I-It’s not so simple. There are rules and r-responsibilities…” It’s to you his consciousness is making up excuses for some reason. You loathe to think it could be the fault of the solitary life he’s lived, full of people who hate him just as you once did… without even knowing him at all.
“There is nothing… There is just you and me here. And I. Want. You.” He gulps loudly.
“If you’ll have me, of course.” The look on his face is hard to describe – it’s like you’ve given him all that he’s ever wanted in life and yet was never allowed to have, and told him that he can have it. 
He hastily grabs your hand to pull you into his bedroom again, his grip remaining surprisingly gentle. Once you make it to his bed, he tenses up, unsure of where to look, where to put his hands, “You’ve never done this before, have you?”
Momentarily, a flash of annoyance crosses his face as if he wants to disagree, before he realises you’re right, “Not the best place to… fall in love.”
“Sounds like someone didn't try hard enough,” you edge closer to where he sits at the edge of the bed – he refuses to meet your eyes still but seems to be more at ease than before, hands relaxed in his lap and hair slowly returning to its natural blue.
“Hey,” you croon, grasping his chin gently, “I can guide you, if you’d like. I’m no expert but I do know a bit about… worldly pleasures.”
“A bit more than me, I’m sure.” He replies bashfully, eyes glued to your lips as you draw close once more. You give him only a peck before pulling back, then going back in at the downright desperate look in his eye. Who knew a god would be so easy to bend.
Your hands grasp his in his distraction, pulling them to the edge of your robes. Lost in your kiss, which keeps getting hotter, he pulls the cloth away as you wordlessly command. The robes part easily, fluttering away from your body.
Once his eyes open, he finds himself staring at your bare form, flushing a deeper blue in response. A string of saliva hangs from his slack bottom lip, eyes roaming all of you appreciatively – though he seems much too flustered to admit it aloud.
“Now you.” You whisper, hands delicately placed at the edge of his ornate robes, before he gives a twitchy nod, closing his eyes as you lay him bare to your eyes.
Hands held you pull him to sit against the carved wooden headboard, observing his naked figure as you do. He sure looks godly. 
Idia’s eyes dart in every direction like corner prey, hands clenched around his silk sheets in what you suspect is more excitement than trepidation. You crawl to where he sits, kisses placed in what milky skin you pass by, delighting in his adorable twitching, “You’re a god, right? All you need to do is let me worship you.”
Not a second wasted, you start with his flushed neck, kisses laid against it like the flutter of a butterfly’s wings and still he flinches as if you’ve struck him with a leather whip. Descending to his pale chest, you do the same along with a gentle nibble close to his nipple, soothed quickly with a pass of your warm tongue.
He calls out your name like a prayer – desperate and vulnerable. If you were yourself a god, you think you’d not be too bad at it, since you’d never dare refuse such a humble request.
Your mouth moves almost on its own, your very soul utterly entranced by him and his delicious reactions to the touch of a mere mortal, kissing and licking his chest and abdomen more firmly now, as if it were possible to nibble your way through to the very soul of him and settle yourself there.
Drawing back to allow him to catch his breath, your gaze crawls over the way his features shift from the pleasure, dark blue over his features like watercolor paint. Your hand cradles the side of his face to grab his attention, before your other hand lowers itself to his cock – hard and darkened already, gleaming a faint silver at the tip. It’s beautiful and otherworldly, same as the rest of him and you ache to tug on it until he’s crumbling in your arms as mortals do.
Asking for silent permission with your gaze, you wrap your cool fingers around him once he nods, receiving an instant reaction when his back tenses up as if electricity just passed through him, a moan trapped in the back of his bashful throat. You’re suddenly filled with a need to get those sounds out of him.
Your hands move gently, up and down, grip steady but delicate. His breath is beyond uneven, hitching and exhaling in a rush at the slightest movement. Only a sliver of his eyes is open, watching you shyly, “You’re so beautiful, Idia.”
The face he makes makes it seems as if you’ve stabbed him, so gorgeously stunned for a moment before his head falls back with a breathy whimper, “Don’t– Gods, I–”
Movements continue, a rhythm established; when your thumb ghosts over his tip his whole body twitches. Who but the Fates could’ve foreseen that the man you so despised would end up putty at your feet.
By the way he reacts, Idia is undoubtedly close and so you slowly, carefully, pull your hand away – meeting his befuddled gaze head on as he finally looks you in your lust-darkened eyes, “Not yet,” you tell him.
His breathing is ragged as you place yourself on his lap, feeling the heat of him from the proximity. Hands around his face, you observe the frankly pitiful expression he sports – head lowered as he gazes up at you from beneath dark lashes, blue bottom lip poking outward slightly, “Please…”
You think for a moment that not spoiling this man might just be impossible.
“I’ve got you, my dear.” you whisper tenderly, kissing him sweetly. There’s something in his glowing gaze, an intensity you’ve never seen – he wants this as much as you, even if his mouth refuses to let him admit it.
Wordlessly, you grasp his cock again, moving it towards your drenched center, foreheads touching as he waits for you to move. You do when he’s not expecting it, tearing a sudden moan from deep within his chest as you insert the very tip of him into you.
His face immediately moved to the crook of your neck, hands gripping onto your side with a vice, entire body trembling at the warmth of you. Inch by delicious bitter inch, you sit yourself fully atop his milky lap, listening closely to his ruined breathing and quickened heartbeat. There are moans hiding behind his teeth and they escape him slowly and quietly when he cannot hold them within.
Your name falls from his lovely lips ceaselessly now, on every exhale as you start moving up and down on him, tenderly but firmly. He feels extraordinary inside you, stretching at every sensitive spot perfectly with unknowing precision. Despite how loud he is, you yourself cannot deny the effect he has on your body without even meaning to – you’re losing your mind as you ride him faster and faster without realizing it.
His mouth seals itself upon your neck suddenly, sharp teeth digging into your flesh in a way that would’ve hurt were you still alive, burying his sounds in your skin as you both grow closer and closer, “Almost there, I’ve got y-you, Idia. I’ve g-got you…”
The weakness in your reassurance makes it less convincing, not that Idia notices with how lost in the moment he is, high so close he can taste it on the back of his tongue along with the lingering taste of your skin. 
The very air around you seems to vibrate with undeniable power as Idia finally comes, heaving against your shoulder, noises finally unrestrained.
Your own end catches you off guard, so lost are you in his pleasure, punching the air from your lungs as you slam down on him one last time.
Breaths mingling, you sit for what could be minutes or hours, staring into each other’s heady gazes. His face seems to now be permanently tainted a dark flustered blue, though his eyes hold nothing but bare admiration and affection – a look you’d previously thought him incapable of possessing. You're sure you must look similar.
“You don't need to speak–”
“No,” he replies firmly, hand grasping yours against his cheek, nose digging into the softness of your palm tenderly, “I must apologize for the situation I put you in. I had no right to make that decision for you. Even if it all turned out alright in the end.”
“It is the way of the gods, is it not?” You answer dismissively, looking off to the side once the reality of who you’re speaking to crashes down on you. 
Just how different from them can he really be?
You completely miss the dejected look on his face.
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yanderenightmare · 3 months ago
what possessed you to write that nasty gamer boyfriend fic, not being judgemental, just genuinely curious cuz I love that fic and it seemed so vivid with all the detailing, did anything inspire you?
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Yeah! A couple things actually!
I'd been staying with my brother and his girlfriend for a while. And while my brother is nowhere near the guy in the fic, he is a gamer who games a lot while his girlfriend does the grocery shopping and makes all the food every single day. So, I guess the idea first started with me just thinking about what a hopeless wreck my brother would be if she decided to suddenly leave him.
But my brother isn't useless or incompetent or anything like that. Nor is he a slob. He's just very comfortable with letting his girlfriend make decisions, I think. So this isn't a diss to my brother! Though, maybe a little...
Anyway. While I was staying there, my brother was watching a lot of Asmongold. I don't know so much about him, but from what I gathered by staying at my brother's place, he's this streamer who plays video games and discusses different topics of interest. But, more importantly than that, what I really noticed is that the guy lives in a complete pigsty. Like, the stuff I was describing in the fic is literally how this guy lives, and he's completely at peace with it, too. Idk, it's the wildest thing. He was talking about how, a while back, he had this dead rat that he didn't bother tossing out and that when the sun rose in the morning and shone through the window, the dead rat would start cooking, and the smell of that would wake him up and let him know it was time for him to stream. He called it the dead rat alarm clock. Like, I'm not even making this up.
I'm not really dissing him, either, though. Like, to each their own. I just thought it was the wildest thing I'd heard in a while.
And we were watching other Asmongold-ish streamers who just have the wildest fucking lifestyles. Literally just living in trash with cockroaches roaming around. Idk. Stuff is wild. But it got me to realize that, yeah, some people really don't give a fuck about hygiene and tidiness whatsoever.
And then, funny enough, my best friend's boyfriend broke up with her. And while we were dishing about how he wasn't good enough for her anyway and all that jazz, we were also digging up and talking trash about all her other previous boyfriends. And then she opened up about how one of them was a total fucking disaster. She'd been too ashamed to tell me this when they were together, but apparently, not only was he a hoarder, but she could tell he never ever cleaned his apartment because the bathroom had something she called "layers of sticky dust coating everything"
Like, it seems like such a common standard to have, but no, some people don't think cleaning is important at all. Or they just don't care enough to bother with it.
And, yeah, I suppose it just got me thinking about boys in general and how completely dirty their apartments are, with exceptions, obviously, and probably some girls included.
But yeah, the last guy I dated had constant shit stains in his toilet. And he had a pair of Lego flowers in there he was so proud of. And don't get me wrong, Lego flowers are cool, but they were always completely shrouded in dust, so you couldn't really enjoy them. And, you know, it's fine not to have everything spotless all the time. I'm not a neat freak myself, but I mean, if you're having visitors, the least thing you can do is make sure there isn't shit in the toilet. I don't know. That stuff is so wild to me.
But yeah, in the midst of all these musings and discussions, I got the idea to write that fic. I just really felt the need to make that character as he'd become so real to me all of a sudden.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 month ago
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Fic Finder
Jan 27th
1. Hii! I’m looking for a fic and it’s titled something around wondering if there is a place for me in your life. This focuses on teen lan sizhui coping with the feelings of his father wwx dating again after spending 11 (?) years without someone. Wei Wuxian goes to the hospital at some point (he’s fine though) and Lan Sizhui finds a way to invite LWJ into his life after breaking a gift he gave him. I can follow up with more details if needed! The author was trying to write about a-yuan not immediately warming up to wangxian getting together! Thank you so much for all your hard work!
FOUND! Picture Perfect by manaika (M, 22k, WangXian, WWX/Other(s), Past Relationship(s), Widower WWX, Grief/Mourning, Getting Together, Families of Choice, Family Feels, Stepfather WWX, WWX is the father who stepped up, LSZ is a Wei, Single Parent WWX, Asexual Character, Aromantic Relationship, Platonic Life Partners, it's all in the past and only mentioned/discussed when relevant, Sex-Favorable Asexual WWX, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Modern, Past Character Death, Food Intake Related Medical Issue (not what you think))
2. hi! I'm looking for a fic where WWX is seriously injured at qiongqi path, and he's barely kept alive by talismans(?). JC hides his body at lotus pier, but everyone thinks he's dead. idk how he wakes, but there's still the 13 year gap where everyone still thinks he's dead. sorry this is so vague, tysm in advance!!!
from the 1/27 fic finder: #2 isnt the fic im looking for, but thanks for helping out! the fic wasn’t a dark, anti-JC fic, but very much a JC loves his brother ofc hes gonna do whatever it takes to keep him alive. LWJ def thinks hes dead tho
NOT FOUND! on restitution by glitteringmoonlight (M, 98k, LSZ & WWX, WWX & JL, WangXian, Dark JC, not JC friendly, Captivity, Angst with a Happy Ending, no reconciliation, Crossdressing, Non-Graphic Torture, Violence)
3. Hi! I'm looking for a fic that I'm pretty sure has been asked for in the past, that has been likely deleted, I know someone had the pdf but I can't find the post or the pdf anymore so I'm here–
I'm looking for a fic where modern wwx receives a book from baoshan sanren that tells the story of yllz wwx. Modern wwx reads a ritual and ends up in the past with everyone while past yllz ends up in the future. If I'm correct it's a two fic series, with the second one being incomplete where yllz goes to the future.
I also remember that modern wwx gathered people from each clan and talked about the future that he knows. I know that at one point he talks about his family (lz and sizhui). There's also a madam yu redemption, and at one point modern wwx calls fengmian dad? PLS HELP ME FIND IT @dollettw
FOUND! bluekittenfire said: #3 This should be the deleted "Loving Future, Distant Past" by yareyarejojosan. I have a copy of it and the second fic "I am loved".
4. Hello!! I'm looking for a modern AU - what I remember is Lan Zhan seeing Wei Ying on tv and, like, knowing he is The One in a mystical way - I want to say that the process was called The Call or something, as in 'he heard The Call and knew WWX was his soulmate'. I think WWX was oblivious to this for Reasons (par for the course) - not sure if it was A/B/O but had something of that vibe! @stackingturtles
5. hiiii im looking for this fic where lwj's mom is some kind of heavenly official and before she escapes her husband to return to heaven, she gives lwj a magical robe (or somethijng like that) that holds images of his memories, and every time something major happens an image/symbol of that appears on his cape @ashxi-wx
FOUND? One for Heaven and Earth by cerbykerby (T, 7k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Supernatural Elements, Angst with a Happy Ending, Madam Lán Lives, inspired by wangxian selkie au, Getting Together) Mama Lan was a celestial maiden though, not a heavenly official.
6. This is for fic finder btw. First thank you who ever runs this account. In the fic I’m looking for wei ying isn’t dead and is alive for Lan Zhans whipping/ punishment and he hears what’s happening and tries to stop it but Lan Zhang uncle just says to beat Wei Ying to (I think he was like really injured not sure tho). Then one of them ( whoever’s POV it was blacks out). There is a chance this was an omegaverse fic but idk. Thanks again your like gods 🙏🙏
7. Ello! Looking for a lwj-centric fic that I forgot the name of (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) Pretty sure this is an au where wwx is adopted by the lans, and wwx teaches the lan disciples about talismans. The thing I most remember about it is lwj being named rivals with su minshan and jiang cheng for the attentions of wwx. Wwx is also probably older? Thanks so much in advance!
FOUND?🔒As Years Pass Us By by Loqui (T, 32k, WIP, WangXian, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiangs, Age Difference, Younger LWJ, Older WWX, LWJ Has Feelings, Pining LWJ, Introspective LWJ, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Humor, Slow Burn, very light, Light Angst, WWX is a Lan, POV LWJ)
8. Hi!! does anyone know of a ghost wy fic where he teaches ayuan demonic cultivation and he kind of like follows him around and protects him? @yesibest
FOUND! as i stumble homewards by the_pretzel (T, 27k, wangxian, canonical character death, found family, food issues, trauma, LSZ pov, angst w/ happy ending, fluff)
9. Hey guys do you know a fic when Lan Xichen started a different Gusu Lan sect that went back to the basic rules? I think the Lans dad was alive in it and he disapproved and was leading the other one. @kyuubikuroba
FOUND! In Defence of Murder by WhiteWitchDark (T, 18k, WangXian, NHS & NMJ, Hurt/Comfort, Time Travel, Angst)
10. For fic finder
Does anyone have that fic where WWX gets turned into a woman post canon, he and LWJ decide to try for a kid, it doesnt work at first, when it happens LWJ thinks WWX doesnt want one anymore and tries to apologize for asking him to keep it?
WWX was fine with having the baby by the way, thinking he didn’t was because during the time it didn’t work they assumed it wasn’t possible and he decided he wasn’t going to dwell and make himself upset wondering why it didn’t happen
FOUND! In Sickness and In Health (And In Strange and Unexpected Times Too) by purplemonster (E, 28k, WangXian, Fem WWX, Mpreg, well technically not mpreg since he's a woman, Fluff and Smut, also I know I know I ticked the m/m box because it is wangxian)
11. hello, i'm looking for an au where cultivators choose their secondary gender after "trying out" each one. Wwx decided on beta and LWJ omega. NHS was agender. At one point, LWJ is threatened/almost forced to permanently pick the wrong assignation for some reason. This fic was not the one by everythingispoetry, though there are similarities to their fic. Ty for your help!
FOUND? Pairfire by PaidSubscription (E, 65k, WangXian, LXC/NMJ, JC/NHS, MM/WQ, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Relationships 101, Literally...the fic is a relationship course, Getting Together, First Time, Explicit Consent, Bordering on Kink Levels of Communication, Elements of Assigned-ish Marriage-ish, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, A/B/O With a twist, Because Cultivators CHOOSE Their Gender During This Course, After Trying Out All Three, It’s a Three Course Meal and WangXian’s Gender Acceptance is the Dessert, But Horny Pining is the Main Meal and the Most of the Snacks, Bottom LWJ, Bossy Bottom/Henpecked Top Energy, Everyone is over 21, Gender Choice Raises Issues for Most But I Promise Happy Endings + Everyone Comfy in Their Own Skin, Side Couple Aro/Ace/Agender Storylines)
12. I've been looking for this fic for years now but I do remember the premise it's an postcanon AU?? where in a bid to stabilize the power WWX was betrothed to Lan Xichen and LWJ was not so happy abt the whole thing (I scoured my history and all but I cant find it)
FOUND? still left with the river by TooSel (E, 77k, WangXian, ChengQing, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It, Arranged Marriage, Political Alliances, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Slow BurnF, riends to Lovers, Pining, Jealousy, Infidelity, Adoption,Angst with a Happy Ending, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation Sect Politics)
13. Wondering about the identity of a fic that I remember only one little scene from. LWJ was visiting Lotus Pier and decided to drink about all his pining. While drunk, he demonstrated his feelings to WWX by removing the strings from his guqin and saying "Wangji without Wei Ying". Hopefully this will ring bells for someone. Thank you! 🐇💙 @linderel
14. looking for a fic! canon era/setting with a bad ending, where wx are ayuan's biological parents. ayuan lives with wwx and the wens in the burial mounds. wwx dies either from the attack at qiongqi path, or in the burial mounds for some other reason. I rmb vividly a scene where wwx is buried in the burial mounds and ayuan cries and lies above the grave, saying that his mother is gone, in front of everyone else like the lans, jins, and nies.
FOUND! To Offer a Heart by WhiteCrane (M, 111k, WangXian, major character death, Sad WWX, Hurt WWX, YLLZ WWX, soft wangxian, Cinnamon Roll WN, WWX Whump, WQ is a good sister, WN is a good brother, everybody loves wwx, yunmeng siblings, Triggers, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst with a Happy Ending, Taking care of WWX, Give WWX a break, Canon Divergence, Disturbing Themes, Changing Perspectives, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Grief/Mourning, Temporary Character Death, Getting Together, Redemption, Sibling Bonding, Marriage, Marriage Proposal, Brotherly Bonding, Brotherly Love, Brother-Sister Relationships, Parent-Child Relationship, Sad and Sweet, Tragedy, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF JYL, BAMF WQ, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Everyone Needs A Hug, WIP) Is it possible #14 is mixing up two different fics? Because the bit about A-Yuan lying on WWX's grave in the Burial Mounds and crying about his mother sounds a lot like To Offer a Heart but he's not Wangxian's bio child in that. The bit where the visitors witness A-Yuan crying at the grave is in chapter 11.
15. Hello, and thank you again for all your hard work! ❤️ For Fic Finder, please help with locating a fic where WWX dies and the truth about JGShit, JGY, JZXun and XY (maybe even SShit, idk) comes out immediately. Here's what I remember: he sent letter to expose them, people investigate and everything comes to light. Everyone except MY is executed in gruesome ways. JZX with lingchi I think. JGShit through being slowly impaled by bamboo. MY ends up giving his golden core to WWX when he comes back. @boxedbutterfly
FOUND? bluekittenfire said: #15 I think this is the deleted "When Im gone" by qiankun_pouch. I can share my copy.
16. Looking for fic in which Wei Wuxian's core is given to yanli and it becomes too much for her body and the core explodes because of childbirth and she dies wei Ying is also like lab rat for all clans wanting to know how he cultivated core in such young age I also remember that mxy actually was the real parent of sizhui who was trusted upon weu Wuxian to raise and keep safe pls help me find the fix i would also like to thank you for all the previous times you all helped me <3 @yuukikonnos-world
17. I'm looking for a story I thought I had saved: after canon, asexual WWX, married to LWJ, but in a female!MX body. They tried M/F sex, but both found it weird. WWX one day realizes that LWJ used to look at (old, male) WWX with lust, but no longer does. LWJ tells him he used to dream of bottoming for WWX. WWX wants to fulfil that dream for him, and (via NHS?) finds someone to create a wooden penis/harness. LWJ enjoys it a lot (WWX also likes being a service top essentially)
18. Hello! I'm looking for a complete fic on AO3 where Qin Su did the sacrifice ritual to bring back Wei Wuxian. He is now a woman. She left him a letter explaining why/what she wanted, and he has to keep up the act of being Qin Su for a little while until he can come up with an excuse to get out of Koi tower.
I don't remember what he was running around doing once he got out, but along the way he bumped into Lan Wangji, who is travelling with "Mo Xuanyu" investigating the demonic arm.Mo Xuanyu actually summoned Jin Zixuan using the ritual, though I don't remember if that was on purpose or if JZX was just the next best target with WWX already summoned. Because of Qin Su's letter to WWX (? They knew somehow), JZX knows that WWX is technically his sister now.
I don't remember much else apart from some minor stiff arguing on JZX end because LWJ is seducing his technical sister or something like that. He's not impressed/pleased. WWX is just as happy about being related to the peacock now. LWJ realises he is WWX-sexual. Yadda yadda.
Based on other fics I know I read around the same time, the publication/final update should be no later than 2022, but I might be wrong.
If this fic could be found, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance! @ramblebrambleamble
FOUND? The Tales of Despereaux by stiltonbasket (T, 53k, WIP, WangXian, LXC/NMJ, JC & WWX, JYL/JZX, JC/WQ, Canon Divergence, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, (when applicable), major ships are listed but others might pop up!) It's the first 23 chapters. Stilton's tumblr also has its masterlist
19. looking for a fic! i remember it was either someone needs to fight lwj and win(?) to get his hand in marriage, or he needed to give them an item like a token or smth. wwx is in an animal form of sorts i can't remember, and lwj freely gives the item to him while in animal form
FOUND? it’s you, it was always you by myung (G, 7k, WangXian, Bunny LWJ, Mutual Pining, Light angst, Based on Tumblr post) sounds like it's you, it was always you but Lan Zhan is the shapeshifter who gives Wei Ying his forehead ribbon while in rabbit form.
FOUND? heartkeeper by postingpebbles (G, 7k, WangXian, Animal Transformation, Canon Divergence, no war au, Shapeshifting, light convos abt the jiang family dynamic, WWX draws a lot and talks to a rabbit: the fic, Fantasy, Mojo's bookmark, heartkeeper [podfic] by esbielle) Lwj is a rabbit with a chain with a key to hanguang-jun’s heart
20. Hello :) I need help finding a fic, I don't know if it was deleted or not, but it was a time travel fic where I think sizhui and jingyi went back to either just before the sunshot campaign or just after it but they were either together or the feelings were there they got wangxian together early and wangxian I vaguely remember adopted both older (kinda not officially) and baby sizhui (officially) and I remember also kinda vaguely know but I can't remember if it was Jingyi or older sizhui dying I remember jingyi and older sizhui got married before the death, there is a memorable scene of older sizhui and wangji flying together and sizhui was telling him about his life as a kid with wangji please if you can help it would be appreciated also I do know it's not 'Tragedy is not the end' by Hobbsy3 thank you!!! @lotus-cloudbunny
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landososcar · 10 months ago
so high school ; JB5
pairing(s) ; jude bellingham x singer!reader , jude bellingham x student!reader
summary ; twitters favourite new(ish) artist drops her new album right during her school year.
warnings ; nothinggggg & mainly just fluff bc i love happy people
note ; SORRY ITS SHORT AHHAHA, i’ll post a new lando fic soon i just have no inspiration… ignore any dates that are wrong or don’t match - im lazy. also this is VERYYYY LOOSLY based off so high school lol (it’s mainly the aristotle line)
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liked by judebellingham, taylorswift, and others
youruser surprise !!!!! as an end of term present (for myself🤭🥳) and in honour of knowing the loml for 15 years, here’s 15 new songs for you guys to (hopefully) enjoy 😊 noah, thank you for trusting me and letting me join you on what might be one of my favourite songs ever!! i loveeee youuuu. && to my jude<3 thank you for inspiring me every single day of our lives. i love you bigger than the whole sky 🩵🩵 (guys he’s actually v v talented and he helped me write scared of my guitar, hard to sleep, and feels like) j, you are my safe place and these songs — especially the ones i haven’t let you hear yet — are for you.
ps guys idk how to only write happy songs but jude is the only one who makes me feel safe enough to express my emotions through my songs 😁 i looooovvveee him and am NOT 🙅‍♀️ breaking up with him. he is stuck with me forever💞
‘the alchemy’ is YOURS tonight at midnight 💓
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user1 WHAT
oliviarodrigo my girl💞💞 i’m so so soooo excited😭
youruser jude and i love the alchemy the most out of all the songs and wanna keep her just ours for a little bit longer but maybe if you guys enjoy these songs i’ll let you have my baby
user5 WHATTTT songs did she not let jude hear omfg i need to know
youruser he’s heard them all except for daylight, paper rings & so high school lollll
judebellingham refreshing my spotify every minute til midnight you guys don’t understand she’s kept these songs in a VAULT
user6 jude i know you love spotify but apple music get new music 10 minutes early xxx
judebellingham just made an apple music account
taylorswift so so proud of you beautiful 🩷🩷
judebellingham putting ALLLL of these on the pre-game playlist
youruser babe idk if some of these will pump you up before a game
judebellingham hearing your voice will pump me up idc how sad the song is xx
user8 why’s no one talking about how she’s in UNIVERSITY and dropped a FIFTEEN song album like …??? she’s INSANE. WHERE did she find the TIMEEE
user9 not to mention she lives with him in madrid and does school online coz her uni is in the uk
user10 she’s insane i don’t understand how😭😭
imessages !
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youruser just posted to their close friends story.
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liked by judebellingham, trentarnold66, and others
youruser surprised my fav person in the uk for his england game and he scored for me 😆🩵🩵
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user1 she wrote “you know how to ball” and he said “yeah” then scored a goal and did a celebration for her😭
user2 zoom in on pic 6 and you’ll see me laying on the road waiting to be run over
judbellingham ‘unemployed girlfriend’ but you’re the greatest singer on earth while also doing online uni full time and you still make time to be able to come see me
youruser it’s coz i love you so so bad
jobebellingham you make me sick
youruser i love u too jobeyyyyyy
england our favourite visitor💙💙
user3 how does she do all this whilst going to uni😭😭😭
oliviarodrigo 💖💖💖
judebellingham I LOVVVEEEE YOUUUUU
user4 i NEED the top in pic 8 where is it from
youruser i found it on depop and HAD to buy it😭😭 i think someone made it x
chappellroan HOTTTTT (you not ur bf)
youruser I WOULD DIE FOR YOU MY WIFE💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
user5 i don’t understand how you write sad songs like the ones on your album if ur ‘in love with jude’
user6 jude deserves better than someone who’s so caught up on and still writes songs about her exes
user7 were both insane let’s get married
user8 dm me right now wife
youruser liked the comments in this thread
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youruser lol little life update coz i’ve been m.i.a. for the last almost two months. 1: i went blonde again. 2: my man still as fine as ever. 3: got engaged or whatever lol. 4: slaying up exams. 5: i miss tour so i decided imma come back and see you all soon 🤭🤭 tour dates soon <3
ps in honour of becoming fiance or whatever🤗 the alchemy and 4 other songs are yours on the deluxe version of ‘the alchemy’ ,, out tonight !!!
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harrykane juudddeeeeee!!! congrats🥳❤️
declanrice mr bellingham that is a ROCK
judebellingham WIFE WIFE WIFE‼️‼️‼️
youruser not yet my love but so close🥰
user5 she’s still writing break up and sad songs whilst engaged… so weird
user6 yeah and jude helps her,, he must be so disgusted right? seriously get a life and go touch grass
taylorswift so so happy for you 💓💓
youruser 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i love you
england juddeeeeee💙 sooo happy for you two
trentarnold ❤️❤️❤️
user8 how girl just gonna casually drop a ENGAGEMENT announcement in the middle of a photo dump
noahkahanmusic YESSSSS🤍🤍🤍🤍
user10 HOWWWW is miss girl gonna find time in her schedule to do uni, make music, keep a healthy relationship, AND TOUR
judebellingham mrs*
my other works !
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lateatnewyork · 10 months ago
Down Bad
luke castellan x apollo!reader
warnings: angst
a/n: inspired by down bad by taylor swift (i am ignoring all my drafts i have no will to write for 😭) THIS IS NOT ACCURATE
italics - flashback normal - current bold - (idk js impacting lines 😭) this - lyrics
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i paced back and forth in the dimly lit room, my siblings long asleep. percy had just returned from his quest, successful, luke was taking him to chiron. normally i would just sit on my bed waiting for him to come back, but i had a vision. one where percy got hurt.
which was strange since he was with luke, and luke wouldn't let percy get injured unless luke was injured too. but it was probably just another of my visions that made no sense. i waited two minutes, five minutes, however when the clock ticked over to ten minutes i stood up and rushed to chiron.
seeing the half man half goat safe in the middle of the bonfire, running to him i questioned him.
"chiron, do you know where luke is? he was meant to take percy to you,"
my concerned tone was met with a swift shake of his head and then he resumed his conversation with mr d.
"i think i saw them heading into the forest," a camper responded.
running to the woods, i saw the faint light deep in the woods. sprinting through the woods, i sighed in relief when the source of the brightness came closer.
not thinking twice, i broke the bushes hiding the opening from me and barged in to see percy on the floor.
"percy oh shit, what happened- where's luke?" my rambling became quicker and louder.
"behind you," percy hoarsely whispered.
"what-" my question was broken by a small pinch to my neck and black spots invaded my vision and strong arms held me up.
"im sorry y/n, i love you" those were the last things i heard before i fainted.
my eyes opened, but i wasn't on the forest floor anymore, i was in the infirmary. annabeth was sitting at my side, my hand jerked when i realised she was holding it.
"y/n you're awake" she sighed.
"where's percy?" i asked. she smiled and replied "he's safe".
"it was luke." i breathed out.
"i know."
"it was luke" my bottom lip wobbled.
there was no one to talk about this with. no one would've understood me. the pain i felt for losing luke, even though i knew this was his choice and his doing, it still hurt inside me.
i tried talking about my feelings once with clarisse, but she didn't understand no matter how much she pretended she did, and the dirty looks i got from campers at the slightest mention of luke hurt.
they'll say i'm nuts if i talk about the existence of you
luke is the perfect boyfriend, he picks me up from my cabin making sure i reach my destination safely. he gives me flowers weekly, tells me he loves me, is the perfect gentleman and cares about me. just when i thought i couldn't love him more, i saw him helping a fairly young camper, the way he crouched down so the boy didn't get intimidated, with a genuine smile that was normally only reserved for me and for a moment my heart ached with how much i loved him.
for a moment, i was heavenstruck
"you look beautiful today, love" luke said with a smile. "i look the same as yesterday luke" i giggle. "yes but you in the sunshine is gift to the world" he says as he pulls me in for a soft kiss.
did you really beam me up in a cloud of sparkling dust
"luke was the one who betrayed the gods" and me.
just to do experiments on?
i stood at the cliff where me and luke hung out, where we had our first kiss, where he first asked me to be his-
"fuck you luke" i scream out into the abyss, so loudly hoping it reaches him
"please don't leave me," i break down, my voice cracking.
how dare you think it's romantic leaving me safe and stranded?
"daughter, you need to fix yourself, you are a daughter of apollo not some peasantly god" dad normally doesn't visit but i guess his daughter ruining the face of apollo was a good enough reason.
"i'm sorry-"
"you're destroying my image and the image of all your siblings," he reprimanded.
"but dad, luke-"
"i don't want to hear that traitors name from your mouth again,"
and with that he left.
down bad (like i lost my twin)
"i get that y/n is sad, but he was just a boyfriend, she's dragging it," one of my siblings said.
"i know she's so overbearing, i feel bad for annabeth and percy,".
tears i didn't know i was holding broke free and spilled over wetting my cheeks.
"i might just die, it would make no difference"
"you know you look like a star reincarnated" luke said his hand caressing my face. pulling away with a blush i replied "you're too kind luke,"
"come back"
staring at the sky, come back and pick me up
"i love you luke".
my eyes shut as the darkness of hades' embrace swallowed me whole.
cause fuck it i was in love fuck you if i cant have us cause fuck it i was in love
a/n sorry abt the shitty post but i didnt want to ghost you guys (like i have been doing) soooo yeah
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moonluvin · 1 year ago
voicemail - simon 'ghost' riley.
pairing: dark!simon ghost riley x female reader
summary: in which simon riley – your ex situationship, send you a voicemail detailing just how much he misses you along with instructions of what he wants you to do as you listen to the voicemail. however, theres more than meets the eye about whats going on.  
warnings: angst – angsty feelings about an ex situationship, fluff – maybe? Idk i tried to add in a mix of it, smut – (minors dni) possessive!simon riley, he uses his ghost persona as a way to watch you indulge in ‘self-love’ from across your apartment, stalker-ish behavior from ghost, female and male masturbation, ooc!simon riley?
a/n: tis’ my first time writing for ghost, be gentle with me! this was inspired by a gwa audio i heard not that long ago. this could be part 1? maybe i'll do a little drabble later on
word count: 1.2k
minors/ageless blogs dni.
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You roll your eyes at his words.
“Your have 1 voicemail,” your house phone announced as you pressed the button and sat lethargically on the couch in your living room.
You had just gotten off after a long day’s work and it had finally been the end of a long week.
You scrolled on your phone as your waited to listen to the voicemail.
“I know I probably shouldn’t be calling you…” the voicemail began.
The familiar voice made your heart rate pick up.
“… but I miss you,”
If he missed you so much then he wouldn’t have been afraid to take your ‘situationship’ to the next stage.
“I know you probably rolled your eyes at that, but its true. I miss having you in my home, in my arms… in my bed,” his words began with a chuckle and ended with his tone becoming husky.
You sat on the couch staring on the coffee table in front of you. At the point you should’ve stopped the voicemail and deleted it, but a part of you wanted to listen to what else he had to say.
“I saw you last night, when you were walking home from work… with the guy from the office. He seemed pretty handsy, with his hands on your shoulders, waist and attempting to hold your hand. I told you he liked you, but you never believed me,” he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
He saw you walking home? Simon lived quite far from where you stay. He’d have no reason to be in the area.
“You looked beautiful… so fuckable,” he groaned, and you could hear the slight shuffling of his sheets in the background.
Was he… masturbating?
You knew Simon was a God in bed, but you’ve never seen or heard of him pleasuring himself before. The mental image in your mind made you grow aroused.
“Hmm, you’re probably clenching your thighs,” he chuckled and hissed in pleasure. “Your pussy always made it a challenge for me to not cum so quickly,”
Flashbacks of many nights in bed with Simon flew through your mind.
“I shouldn’t be touching myself while doing this, but I can’t help it… when it comes to you,” you could hear the wet sounds of him stroking his cock in the background.
“If I know you well enough, and you know I do. Then, you’ll trail those little hands of yours toward those panties and tease your clit for me,” he said with dominance in his voice.  
It wouldn’t hurt right? To indulge in a little self-love while listening to Simon fuck his hand to the thoughts of you. It had been a long week and its not like he or anyone else would see you, right?
Well, the watchful eyes across the street said otherwise.
Simon stood at the window opposite yours and watch from the dark as you slowly start to tease your clit. He could hear everything in your apartment due to the gadgets he put in places while you weren’t paying attention.
“Such a good girl,” he said to himself as he watched you touch yourself.
Simon was a possessive man by nature, it was no surprise to you he would ward off any wandering eyes that made their way to you when in public, but you didn’t know he was this possessive.
“Hmm, I can imagine your little fingers rubbing that clit in circles to get even a little bit of relief,”
His dirty talk through the voicemail had you nodding to no one in particular.
“Go ahead and finger fuck yourself for me,” his voice instructed through your house phone. You had discarded your pants at this point and undid the buttons to your button up.
Even if the voicemail had taken place at God knows what time, you still wanted to make the most out of what you assumed would be your last interaction with Simon.
You let your arousal-soaked fingers ease gently into your pussy. The last time you came was thanks to Simon and that was 2 weeks ago when you broke things off with him.
“That’s it, baby. Fuck yourself for me,” the wet sounds on his end increased pace and you could tell he was holding back from fucking himself silly, like you did to him sometimes when you’d ride him.
“Tease your clit with your other hand,” he instructed, and you did as he said.
“I’m imagining your beneath me, with your legs spread and you teasing that pretty pussy of yours. The way I would be fucking that pussy so hard if I were there. Fuck,”
By now you were finger fucking your pussy at the same pace he was fisting his cock.
“I’m close,” you said loudly in the silence of your home.
“I’m gonna fucking cum, you better be close, baby,” Simon moaned and released a string of curses as he felt himself on the familiar edge of euphoria.
He remained silence, except for a few moans and groans of pleasure. You could still hear him stroking his cock and soon felt yourself cumming on your own fingers. In the midst of your calming down from your high, Simon could be heard through the voicemail reaching his own high.
“I hope you came as hard as I did, baby. Just the thought of your touching yourself for me drives me wild. You have no idea what I would do for you,” he said through heavy breaths.
You remained on the couch catching your own breath and wondered what he means by the last sentence.
“I suppose this isn’t a healthy way to move on, hmm? But all I can think about is you…”
And with that the voicemail ended.
You sat up and looked around the room, opting to take a quick shower and start making dinner. The orgasm you just had brought you some relief from the stress you’ve been under.
While you prepared your shower and got naked.
Simon watched you and smiled as he took in the sight of your body. Something he now had memorized from memory. He knew all the ways to bring your small and intense pleasure.
He thought about maybe rubbing one out while your showered, but he knew it would only take a matter of minutes before he could have you.
As you made your way out of the shower and into your room, there was a knock at your front door.
With furrowed brows you called out that you’d be there soon and put on an oversized shirt, which belonged to Simon, and opened the front door without looking through the peep whole.
“Evening, baby,” greeted the voice which made you cum.
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spideryuu · 8 months ago
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🖇ᘎ warning(s): f!reader, smut, dirty talk, pet names (baby, darling, doll, princess...). 🖇ᘎ summary: you go to your boyfriend's house to be comforted, but he seems to have a different idea about how to comfort a person. 🖇ᘎ words: 1,2k
➥ spanish ver. here
— a/n: ik i said i wasn't going to write anything smut rn, but idk, inspiration comes to me at 4am and here i am, finishing writing this. ik it's bullshit but i'm really not used to writing this kind of fics. and sorry if there's any grammatical mistake. T.T
You were outside in front of the front door of your boyfriend's house. You had doubts about whether to call or not, but the cold penetrating your bones was beginning to bother you, which made you decide to finally choose to call.
You waited a few seconds that seemed like years, and when you saw that no one came to open, you sighed and turned around, but you stopped immediately when you heard a squeak.
"Honey?" a deep voice asked behind you.
As soon as you saw Sukuna's eyes, you couldn't hold back your tears for much longer. This action worried him, but his pride was too big to just go and hug you.
"What happened?"
"Can I be whit you?" you asked, sobbing. "I can't be alone at home right now."
Sukuna nodded his head, allowing you to enter. You thanked him quietly and passed. The first thing you did was sit down, but not before taking off your shoes, and then you let out a long sigh.
The tears were no longer came out, but you were still sniffling and you felt like at any moment you were going to look like a running faucet again. Your boyfriend had sat next to you, in silent. He assumed you wanted your space and that's what he was trying to do.
“Thank you for letting me in.” you broke the silence after a few minutes.
"Y/N, you know you can always come here. Your panties are still in my closet, by the way"
"You fucking dummy." you laughed.
Some might say your boyfriend was an insensitive piece of shit, but he knew damn well that all you wanted right now was to forget about everything and just laugh until your tummy hurt.
"But you're my dummy, so I guess that's fine."
Sukuna couldn't help but smile slightly, making you nervous.
"Do you want to drink som-?"
He couldn't finish the sentence when he felt something in his arm. You huged him so bad as if he were the only thing that tied you to this world, squeezing your eyes tightly so that no tears would come out again.
"Just, let's be like this, please."
"Okay." he sighed.
He didn't like physical contact but when it was you, he always tried to make an effort knowing how much you liked to express your affection through that thing.
You both were like that for a few minutes. You still had your eyes closed and didn't try to open them until Sukuna spoke again.
"Hey Y/N."
You raised your head only to notice that a shy reddish color appeared on his cheeks, something that surprised you. You turned away immediately, thinking you had done something wrong.
"I'm so sorry, did I go too far?"
"No idiot, it's just that you've been whit your tits on my arm for too long" Sukuna said, making you now also embarrassed and understand what was happening.
“My God, I'm sorry.” you apologized again without being able to see his face.
You stood up, ready to leave and stop feeling like if you were bothering, but Sukuna grabbed your arm and asked:
"Where are you going? You don't want me to take care of this alone, do you?"
You had your head down. You couldn't understand how your boyfriend with a simple phrase could make you from extremely sad to extremely nervous; maybe a fuck was what you needed to get all those thoughts away.
Sukuna could see your desesperation, which gave him the green light to continue. He was a terrible psychologist, but when it was about your body, he was an expert.
He got up and stood behind you. You could feel his slow breathing hit your neck, warming it. With one hand he played with some of your locks while with the other one, he gently caressed your hip.
"Y/N..." he whispered again.
You could tell how desperate he was to rip your clothes off right there, but he didn't want to be so rude.
You turned around and looked at his eyes. You didn't know why, but that was enough to make you cry again. Sukuna was about to ask you, but you didn't even let him open his mouth when you put your lips against his. Surprised but not disgusted, he returned your kiss, completely forgetting about the question.
You were still crying, and it was all very strange, but you needed him to cheer you up in the best way he knew how.
You pushes Sukuna on the couch, breaking the kiss, while you stood there, staring at the noticeable bulge in his pants.
"What's wrong? Why do you stop?" he asked, holding your wrist.
"Do I seem attractive to you? I mean, do you feel like my body is okay? "
Your boyfriend looked at you, surprised to hearing such a question.
"Y/N, if I'm honest with you, the only thing I want right now is for you to sit on top of me and let me fuck you for hours. And all because of that body. Do you really think you disgust me?"
You were speechless at that response. You didn't think he was going to be, well, that honest, but now you were even more nervous.
You wanted to believe him, but something told you no, and you needed that something to shut up as soon as possible.
Sukuna gently guided you to his lap. You rested your head on his chest because it was impossible for you to see his eyes.
But you didn't obey him.
"Y/N please, I feel like I'm going to explode if you don't move now."
"And you're not going to take off your clothes?"
He didn't answer, he just grabbed your hips and did the work for you. You let out a soft moan as soon as you felt his cold hands touching your skin, a moan that Sukuna enjoyed. He needed to hear more.
He continued moving your hips while all you could do was keep your head in his chest, feeling your pussy throb. You didn't think you could hold out like this much longer, but Sukuna seemed to enjoy watching you squirm and silently ask for him to do even more.
He wanted to hear you say it, say that you needed him. Normally at this point he would have discreetly forced you, but he was being patient since you were still bad. If it weren't for that, he would have made you have at least one orgasm by now.
"Sukuna..." you whispered between gasps.
"Hmm?" was the only thing he answered while he played with your nipples.
"Can you just?"
"Can I what?"
"Hug me. You can do it?" you asked, moaning weakly.
Your pussy was wet enough to not want a lube. You needed Sukuna to make you moan and come until you couldn't think about anything other than his cock entering and out of you roughly.
“Are you sure you just want me to do that?” he asked caressing your back and playing with the closure of your bra this time.
"You're such a hot liar, but it's alright princess. But then you will have to take care of this mess you've made down here" he smiled, wrapping you in his warm arms.
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featherlight-touches · 3 days ago
saw that ask abt ticklish backs and now LISTEN TO ME
idk if yk what im talking abt you can probs search it up but there’s this game kids play it’s like the “shiver game” or like “giving you the shiveries” or wtv it’s called and basically they do these nursery rhymes but it’s basically just tickling your back and IMAGINE THIS
xiao knows nothing of stupid childish games, so obvi he had no idea what it meant when aether (or whoever you like as his partner) wanted to “give him the shivers?” so he let him do as he pleased and OH. EM. GEE.
he’s cackling and squealing and squirming and writhing for his LIFE. he CANNOT HANDLE IT AT ALL. and he’s just having the life tickled and teased out of him and RAHHHHH
omg i can’t i love him and i love ticklish backs
oh yes! I think I know what you're talking about, we had a game similar to this back in my school days. It was called "Line, dot, electric shock" which kinda had the same idea?? INSPIRED. had to write a little something with that idea, yoink.
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“Wanna play a game?”
Aether’s question admittedly caught Xiao off guard, their comfortable silence interrupted. The traveller had come to visit Liyue during Lantern Rite and as always, he managed to save some time to spend with the Conqueror of Demons.
Xiao raised a brow in curiosity. “A game?”
“Yeah! I assume you’re familiar with the concept?” Aether chuckled.
Xiao huffed, his eyes looking away to the landscape in front of them. The balcony of Wangshu Inn always provided a vast and beautiful view of Bishui Plain. “Don’t be ridiculous, of course I am.”
“Is that a yes?”
Xiao looked back to see Aether’s head tilt and couldn’t help but find this annoying action to be endearing to witness.
“What is the game you wish to play?”
“It’s just a little thing I wanted to try. It’s called Line, dot, electric shock!” Aether beamed, but Xiao only stared in complete confusion.
“I’ve never heard of that.”
“Then allow me to demonstrate!” Aether moved himself so that he stood behind Xiao, the adeptus looking over his shoulder and making a small, confused sound at when Aether pushed the long fabric of his clothes out of the way. “Ready?”
“For what?”
“The game! It goes like this; Line,” the sudden contact of Aether’s finger dragging down the bare skin between Xiao’s shoulder blades startled an embarrassing noise from the adeptus, stunning them both into silence. “You good?”
“I didn’t…” Xiao cleared his throat. “I wasn’t aware that you would be touching me. Please be cautious when doing so. My karmi-”
“Yes, yes, I know, Xiao. You don’t have to worry,” Aether gave a reassuring smile over Xiao’s shoulder which didn’t quite put him at ease, but it was a start. “Now, lets try again. Line,” Aether’s finger dragged down Xiao’s back again, he twitched slightly at the unusually ticklish touch, surprised at how much it tickled.
“Dot.” When Aether’s finger reached the small of his back, he poked a single dot right in the centre. Xiao couldn’t help the small huff of laughter that escaped his lips, hoping it went unheard as the ticklish feeling intensified.
“A-Aether, I don’t think this-”
“Electric shock!” Aether unleashed a frenzied tickle attack upon Xiao’s back, his fingers dancing and scribbling all over his skin. Xiao burst out laughing, unable to contain the mirthful sounds as he tried to squirm away from Aether’s fingers.
Aether’s fingers didn’t leave Xiao’s back no matter how much he squirmed, they seemed to be attached, tickling mercilessly all over the yaksha’s sensitive skin. He could hear Aether’s laughter along with his own, which only increased the heat rising to his cheeks.
“I didn’t know you were this ticklish, Xiao,” Aether’s smile was sickly sweet in contrast to the torture he was putting the Yaksha through. “This must be your spot, huh?”
“Stahahap!” Xiao gasped, feeling two index fingers dig into the spots where his wings would be, and a loud laugh was startled from him. “NOHOT THEHERE!”
Xiao’s squirms increased dramatically, to the point where Aether could no longer hold on and before they knew it, both tumbled onto the wooden floor below them. Xiao gasping for breath as Aether lay on top of him, giggling.
“Did you have fun?”
“T-That… was awful.”
“Aw, come on! I think you enjoyed it,” Aether laughed, letting his fingers scribble playfully one last time to steal another giggle from the adeptus before finally relenting. “You definitely laughed a lot.”
Xiao would never admit such a thing, but Aether just took that as confirmation that he did enjoy it and leaned down to place a gentle kiss upon the abused shoulder blades, earning another quiet gasp from Xiao.
He kept his face hidden from Aether, not wanting to expose his now blushed face. He had gone through enough embarrassment for one day.  
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Summary: Mansion Baron Park Seonghwa was tired of living in a dusty mansion so he decided to finally hire some help. On your first day working for him you noticed something strange about the man, but you can't ask him because he is almost always gone during the day till your done with your shift.
(A/n: Watched the Halloween performance video for 'A Black Cat Nero' and it HEAVILY inspired this. there also might be a little bit werewolf!straykids mentioned if i continue this but idk yet- its a bit of a clusterfuck bc as i was writing i just kept getting more ideas 🙄)
⚠️Warnings⚠️: he word 'smirk' probably written too much,
Pairings: Seonghwa x fem!reader, and a little bit of Hongjoong x fem!reader(?)
Seonghwa hated dust. It was one of his biggest pet peeves, and lately, he hasn't been able to keep up with the amount in his large home. So while he was at the store one night and he heard you talking to the cashier about how you were laid off from the last family you cleaned for, he innocently followed you out of the store to ask if he could give you a job. You needed the money and you were looking but you couldn't help but think something was off with him, but hesitantly you said yes. He gave you his number and address and wrote down a date and time for you to come by.
His home was rather on the outskirts of the city you lived in thus you couldn't take your usual form of transportation (the bus) the entire way there. You took it as far as possible and then rode your bike the rest of the way. When you arrived you had a feeling his house would be big but you didn't think it would be this big, it was a solid three stories and most definitely there was another below. You decide to put your bike somewhere it wouldn't be quite as visible. You were somewhat out of breath so you took a moment to catch up with your lungs before you knocked on the door. But before you could the door abruptly opened with Seonghwa holding it open.
"Welcome, Y/n, I hope you found your way here safely." He spoke softly towards you with a faint smile on his lips. "I noticed you didn't drive up? Did you leave your vehicle at the gate?" He peered at you waiting for you to answer as if he was trying to read you in some way.
You didn't particularly want to tell the beautiful man before you that you're poor but lying could only lead to more problems down the road. "Ah, no actually, I usually take the bus but i couldn't take it all the way here so I biked part of the way."
He scowled lightly seemingly disapprovingly before training his face back to before. "I see. Well then, if you will follow me I will show what you will be doing for me." He turned around heading inside and walking slow enough as though to make you you're able to follow behind him.
When he had finished the tour of the upstairs, and main floor and showing you what you would be doing you noticed a door and you mustered up the courage to ask Seonghwa about it and his only response was "You needn't worry about it, that area is for me to clean." And you probably wouldn't have as much curiosity as you do if it weren't for the eerie smile he gave while saying it to you but you can manage to hold in your piqued interest. He swiftly changed the topic of conversation by asking if you would like to start working that day for a limited amount of time and you didn't have anything else going on for the rest of the day so you said yes. He reminded you where the cleaning supplies were and led you to where he wanted you to start and once you did he walked away.
When you finished cleaning and it reached the designated time you agreed to work until (six thirty), you walk through the house (mansion) to try and find Seonghwa. As you rounded a corner you nearly bumped into someone and lost your footing trying to keep that from happening. Mentally preparing yourself to fall you almost don't notice the firm grasp on your waist.
"I am so sorry, Mr. P- You aren't Seonghwa?" You study the new handsome face belonging to the hand on your side. "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you and sorry for nearly knocking you over. Do you happen to know where Mr. Park is?" You step away and hold out your hand for him to shake as you introduce yourself.
The man in front of you now glances at your hand before taking it in his own and proceeding to lean down and kiss the back of it. Your face flushes almost instantaneously as he stands straight again while he smirks at you. "I am Hongjoong. It is a pleasure to meet you. And Seonghwa is just down the hall in his study. Are you working here permanently?" While he speaks that smug smile never leaves his face despite his eyebrow raising in question.
"Yes, I will be working here permanently, today was my first half of a day. And thank you for telling me where Mr. Park is, Have a nice rest of your evening." You smile at Hongjoong as you pass him to go to Seonghwa's office.
When you get to the door you knock and here a faint 'come in'. As you push open the door Seonghwa starts speaking, "Hongjoong I thought i told you i was done with the conversation and asked you to leave me be for a- ah, Y/n, I'm sorry i thought it was someone else. Is it time for you to leave already? Time must have gotten away from me. Let me get you your check and walk you out." When he noticed it was you a kind smile grew on his face and he began standing.
As your making your way home you can't help but feel uneasy. A feeling of being watched looming over you. You're waiting at the bus stop when a black car pulls up. You avert your gaze as the window rolls down, a man inside the car calls out to you in a voice you recognize. "Y/n, do you need a ride? Seonghwa told me you take the bus and i couldn't in good conscience let a woman go home by herself. It's dangerous out here at night." It's Hongjoong, just as your about to turn him down you hear a very strange noise in the woods and quickly move to get into his front seat. He smirks at you, "Eager to go home with me?" You open your mouth to correct him but realize he was being sarcastic. You close your mouth and tell him your address... You can pick up your bike tomorrow...
The ride to your apartment was quiet, not even the radio. And even though your in the bustling city now you still feel like your being watched. Hongjoong parks on the curb and you get out and close the door before he could say anything (if he was going to say anything). Once you've finally gotten into your apartment you start your nightly routine and can't help but think about your mysterious new employer and his possibly even more mysterious friend. They were fascinating men and you couldn't get them off your mind.
should i continue this?
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thegnomelord · 1 year ago
okay i finally caved and wanted to talk about my idea for a nishruu inspired monster of sorts? i just enjoy rambling a little bit as you may be able to tell
so nishruu. red whisps that endlessly hunt down magic and magical items to sate their hunger, so these creatures are a nightmare for mages and magic wielders. all of my knowledge for these guys comes from dnd, so ill have to take a few creative liberties but im not complaining! pure nishruus are rare - as well as humans that have under some circumstances become fused with these little magic eaters. they're slightly similar to wraiths - having whispy bodies that are impossible to contain considering how they can slip through even the smallest of cracks. they look... mostly human, besides the way their forearms, into their hands, fade into a red mist that flows off of their form, and how they can turn fully into whisps and slip away. these half-nishruus rely on magic to sustain themselves the same, so it isn't uncommon for these acceptionally rare monsters to seek out mages or other magic wielders and make a deal. i really love symbiosis - and considering that half-nishruus have human intelligence, making a deal is typically the best plan for them.
the deals are usually simple - in exchange for some magic to keep them sustained, the nishruus will fight to keep the person they made the deal with alive. after all, it's wise for them to keep their... supplier? alive, considering how many magic wielders will likely throw salt the second they see red whisps. oh, and nishruus main weaknesses are salt. it deals damage similar to poison to them. some magic wielders have even been spotted with sealed amulets containing a strange red substance inside, containing these nishruus until battle comes, where they release the magic eaters (which are likely very hungry) to aid them against any enemies who may have magical weapons or spells
also just imagining a nishruu hybrid crawling over to ifrit and begging for a deal, then ifrit keeps them like a pokemon lmao
Okay this is cool and got me brain doing the hyperfocusing thingy so here's a noncannon blurb with Ifrit set at a time when Ifrit's been, mostly, redeemed lol. Probably doesn't make much sense but idk
You stare at Price, unmoving, unblinking. Then your gaze slowly slides to the man sitting across Price's desk. Corporal Simmons shrinks into himself, shoulders hunching and looking down, unable to meet your eyes. He doesn't know why he feels like a little boy in your presence, he's your superior for fuck's sake, but the way you look at him. . . if fucking scares him.
Finally, you speak, voice softer than Simmons expected it to be. It only makes the cold edge to it press against his throat harder. "Captain, with all due respect, which is none." You say, your hard gaze falling back to Captain Price. "What the fuck?"
Price lets out a low sigh, already done with your shit yesterday. "Don't make me write you up private." You both know he won't, you've said and done worse things than this. "You heard me clearly."
"Yeah, I heard you." You say, unable to hide the way your muscles tense, your fingers curled into fists. "I just don't understand why I have to keep the damn leech alive."
Simmon's tries to speak up, "Hey, I'm not-"
"Shut your mouth." The way you say it leaves no room for argument. Even without using magic, Simmons can feel the way it simmers beneath your skin, like lava bubbling beneath the earth. So plentiful and vast it makes his mouth water, stomach coiling itself into knots as red smoke fizzles at his fingers. God, he's so hungry, he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"Captain, there are other mages that would be more than happy to have this parasite attached to them." You grunt, motioning loosely to Simmons. "I don't get why I have to feed the damn thing." You make your disgust for Simmon's painfully clear.
"That's enough private." Price's growl forces you to listen, your attention on him as he stands. "This is an order." His hand reaches out to grip your chin, his touch making your skin prickle even when the balaclava you wear dampens the touch. "You will follow." His blue eyes stare into yours, thumb tracing the curve of your jaw. It's almost endearing, the way he does it, but you know enough about dragons to see the hidden dominance in his touch. "Am I clear?"
You feel yourself frown, your eyes narrowing. "If it tries anything funny I'm taking it behind the barn and putting it down."
"Ifrit." The latter half of your callsign rolls off his tongue into a low rumble. Price tightens the hold on your chin, making it clear you're skirting the line of how much you can push before he needs to tan your ass to get some obedience back in you.
It makes your lightning prickle beneath your skin, "Yes sir." You grumble. "I understand."
"Good mage." He tuts and lets you go, "Dismissed."
You nod your head, your eye catching Simmon's as you turn to your heel. "Follow." You say, the sharpness in your voice making him scramble out of his seat after you. He sticks close to you as you walk through the hallways until you reach the training area, the walls and floors singed and blackened from weeks of training.
"Just so you know." You say, turning to look at Simmons. "As far as I'm concerned, death would suit you better." You say as you take off your glove, revealing the cooled mana texture of your mage marks. You hold your hand out, your fingertips starting to glow as you let a bit of mana flow to your palms.
Simmon's nearly stumbles over his feet, hands reaching out to hold your hand. He can't help but moan as he presses his lips to your palm, the smoke coming from his arms curling around your skin. He feels like a starving man finally getting a glass of water, feeling the mana flow into his body. He feels hot, his tongue tingles like he's just eaten something spicy, but god if feels wonderful.
He doesn't think he's ever met a mage with so much plentiful mana as you, his teeth nibbling on the volcanic chunks of your palm as he devours more mana. It curls in his belly, traveling through his veins, making him feel so warm and he just wants more, more, More—
"That's enough." You growl, pulling your hand back and quickly putting your glove back on. "Should be enough for a week." You grunt, leaving him standing where he is.
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hugzsz · 7 days ago
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"To become better than I was yesterday"
-Study Group
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Wanting to study, you join a high school that you heard can help you get into university. Little unbeknownst to you it's a school where your first matter more than your brain. Little unbeknownst to them, your fists are top rank compared to your bottom rank grades.
*a long rant about this show bellow and at the end some recommendations with specific reasons as to why :))
Being based off a webtoon it carried it over to visuals very well. It mixed the essence of the webtoon with visuals and gave a balanced mix of action, heartfelt scenes, and funny moments.
I read the beginning of this webtoon ages ago and I have always been a fan of the sort of underdog storyline, and idk if it goes exactly with this story but in a way. It's definitely an underdog meets overpowered sort of trope. I feel as though the drama did the webtoon justice (as much as i remember of the webtoon). I remember it having the graphic(ish) fight scenes, the sad scenes, but also the goofy silly characters and mixed with this sort of wacky elements. (yk like the superhuman strength). It really meets a good middle of these while still pacing it well and giving us time to understand and start to appreciate the characters for who they are. I also liked the overall message of you always have the chance to start being good. That it's not the finish line if you do a bad thing and you still can be good. Also loved the casting for this. Though if I am being fair before watching it I was skeptical about Min Hyun being cast for the lead. I just wondered if this is a role he suits and can pull off, but he really did a good job and capturing the essence of the character in a way that suited him. (also side note I lowkey got mad excited when I realized Ji Sub from the eights sense was in this show). And I can't talk about the characters being great without mentioning literally all the other characters as well. Han Ji Eun, who played the teacher, also really portrayed the character from the webtoon well. I remember also finding the character in the webtoon sort of hard to like at first because she couldn't fight well, she was naive, and she couldn't really stand up for herself. However, as i'm thinking it over while writing this I think that's exactly the sort of person I am as well. I want good and I really believe there is good in everyone. So, I think her character was realistic and a good reminder of that you can do good even if you're not strong and don't have influence. (under the same category goes Sang Jungs, Do Yus, and Jong Hyuns characters). Being the only character I haven't mentioned so far Shin Su Hyun also did an immaculate job with Ji Woos character. I don't think I've seen her before but she did an amazing job and she was such a nice strong badass woman character. Anyhow, one long ass passionate rant later, I loved the show way more than I expected and I think it was comedic as hell and still had a nice message to send out into the world. You can choose to be better today than you were yesterday. Damm I be sounding inspirational. XOXO.
-Weak Hero: I can't really go without recommending this but I expect most ppl who have watched this to already have seen this so I will keep it simple. Also webtoon. Small friend group. Action. Highschool setting. Main character good study. Creative Fight.
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-High school Return of a Gangster: Based off a webtoon, bullys getting whats coming to them, gang relation, high school, bad people turn good, cute friendship.
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-Officer Black Belt (movie): not high school, someone unlikely/seemingly incapable accomplishes smth cool ( hard to explain without spoiling), same mix of underdog but strong, more crime/police
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-Uncanny Counter: I will recommend this any chance I get so bare with me, high school student, weak -> strong, supernatural, comedic and action.
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-and I was gonna recommend this other webtoon but apperantely it did some heinous racist shit and got pulled so will no longer be reading or recommending that. ANYHOW.
-Extracurricular: someone unexpected gets tied up in some stuff (can i literally be anymore cryptic). MC is more morally grey and it has a way darker vibe. Not really comedic but if you're looking for a good dark action messed up vibe this hits.
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-Flying Colors (movie): if you're looking for smth motivational, as in the MC is more of a delinquent and doesn't care about studying to trying to get into university.
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xodeity · 7 months ago
exposé | pt 2
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summary: a daily bugle journalist shows up to the spider-society headquarters, to set the record straight and write the first exclusive piece from leader miguel o’hara. pt 1
inspiration: c.ai prompt from @stormcurls_ & dividers from @anitalenia ۰ ۪۪۫۫ · 🩰
wc: 10.7k
content warnings: 18+ MDNI!!!, lowkey descriptions of reader?, prob contingency issues idk
a/n: i hate proofing sm so there may be mistakes i just wanted to publish this! + it’s my first time writing smut so it’s prob not good lo siento mucho
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It’s been two weeks since your brief interview with Miguel and you promised him you would talk to his receptionist first. But when she gave you the workaround every time you called, you decided to show up, as it’s much harder to turn someone away in person. To your dismay, it wasn’t harder in person, just more demeaning to your self-esteem. The receptionist was brutally criticizing, after all, it was obvious you weren’t a Spider-person and the headquarters was a sacred spot for those who were.
That was reasonable, but ouch.
Miguel was filling out paperwork when he heard his office assistant on the phone, who appeared to be barely engaged in the argument that was ostensibly coming from the other line. He scowled as he heard the receptionist was giving someone a hard time for being a “normal person” and requesting an audience with him. He almost rolled his eyes in aggravation, that’s all it took for him to know it was you and he instantly picked up the receiver and spoke in a solid, authoritative tone.
"Put her through to me now." His tone left no room for probing and his associate was alarmed at his command, nevertheless doing it right away.
Soft breathing accompanied the other end as the woman you were speaking to was cut off abruptly. “Mr. O’Hara... Is this a bad time?” 
Your voice was like flowers blooming in his ears and Miguel's expression immediately softened as he heard your voice again. He didn't expect to hear from you again this soon, then again, he had very little sense of time, but he certainly wasn't complaining about it. 
"Princess. It's never a bad time for you." He leaned back in his chair, a small smirk forming on his face as he held the receiver to his ear.
“Oh... okay. I was trying to set an appointment like you told me to, but your receptionist doesn’t believe that you and I have any business together.” You clarified, turning around as the office personnel gave you disbelieving eyes, confused how you actually made it to Miguel how you did.
Miguel's smirk faded as he heard her words, and he let out a deep sigh in frustration, an annoyed look appearing on his face. "My receptionist, right... I'll have a word with her later. Don't worry about that. She'll put you through from now on, no matter what." His voice was firm, and there was a hint of... something there. Dare you say possessiveness?
“I don’t want to cause a stir, I’m sorry. I know you’re a very busy man and you can’t set aside time for just anybody.” Knowing already from his tone he was willing to clear his calendar if you asked, you still wanted to feign some manners.
Miguel's frown deepened, he hated hearing that apologetic tone in your voice. "Just anybody? You're not just anybody, princess. If you want to see me, I'll make time for you, no matter how busy I am." He paused for a moment, then continued in a lower, almost purring tone. "Besides... I quite enjoyed our last 'meeting', didn't you?"
“A little too much.” You mumbled, swearing at yourself again as you knew he picked it up. 
Miguel's smirk returned as he heard the muffled whisper, a low chuckle rising in his throat. She was very bad at hiding her feelings. He leaned back further in his chair and spoke in a low, amused tone. "What was that, princess? I didn't quite catch that last part."
Quick to lie and hopeful he would move on from her comment, you rebutted, “I just said that it was very enlightening but much too short. When can I see you again, I mean meet with you?” Did you sound too eager?
Miguel let out a minor huff as you hastily changed the subject. He knew damn well what you said, but he'd let you have dignity for now. He leaned forward in his chair again, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "How soon can you be here, princess? I'm sure I can squeeze you into my schedule if you get here right away."
His acceptance brought a giddy smirk to your face, “It’s a good thing you said that, because I’m downstairs and security won’t let me up without an escort.”
Miguel's grin widened into a modest smile at her words. He hadn't expected this, but he certainly wasn't complaining. He sat up in his chair and spoke in a commanding, but somewhat satisfied tone. "Is that so? Well then, that's good." He paused for a moment, then continued in a low, suggestive tone. "I'll be right down to collect you, princess. Stay where you are."
You waited patiently downstairs, avoiding eye contact with the security guard who was giving a snobbish glare that you didn’t belong here. The building was huge so you knew it would take a moment for Miguel to reach ground level, so you took the time to adjust the tight dress that accentuated your many curves. Knowing who you were dealing with this time made you crave his attention, as scary as it was, even more. You used this to your advantage to wear something that was very flattering on your voluptuous figure and took a little more time on your appearance.
Miguel walked out of the elevator moments later, his eyes effortlessly spotting you in the crowd, his gaze immediately settling on your figure. His eyes roved over your curves, the way your dress squeezed you just right, and a low, appreciative hum rose in his throat.
He walked towards you, closing the distance with only a few strides of his long legs. A small, shameless smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he stopped in front of you, his eyes unabashedly drinking in every detail of you. "You know, no one in this lobby can take their eyes off you. They're all ogling you, princess."
A deep blush hit your cheeks immediately, and you were quick to shift your belongings in front of your chest, self-conscious at his compliment that meant to do the opposite for your self-esteem. “I think they’re actually just ogling you, sir.”
Miguel chuckled as he watched you blush and move around subconsciously, you were obviously a bit flustered from the thought of people watching you so intensely, at least in his mind. "They're not looking at me, princess. They're looking at you... because you are utterly beautiful." 
He paused for a moment, then he reached out and gently took you by the elbow, his large hand wholly enveloping your smaller arm. His gaze darkened slightly. "And they have no right to look at you like that."
Thank God Miguel couldn’t hear your thoughts, her brain was moving a thousand miles per second. The effect he had on you was palpable, and you can see it on more than just your face. He could smell you, from your perfume to the excitement that effervesced in your abdomen. Goosebumps littered your skin where his hand touched your arm. 
Miguel could see the effect he had on you vividly and smirked. He could almost hear your heart pounding in your chest as you blushed and your skin reacted to his touch. Tightening his grip on you ever so slightly, he led you into the elevator, where his large hand completely enveloped your arm. The elevator doors closed, and they were alone, just the two of them in the large space, that felt so confined with the way the tension took up all the room.
He glanced down at you for a moment, his smirk growing slightly as his eyes roved over her form again.
You turned to meet his gaze, speaking before he had the chance to, “Thank you for saving me.”
Miguel chuckled slightly as she spoke, his gaze meeting you. He took a step closer to her in the lift, only a few inches separating them. He still had a hold on your forearm, his grip firm but not painful. He would be lying if he said his hero complex was basking in the glory of you, his little fangirl that would do anything for him, it stroked his ego as thoughts of you stroking his cock flooded his mind.
"I'm always happy to save a pretty lady from prying eyes." He leaned in slightly, towering over you. He looked down with a dark, intense look in his eyes.
As much as you’d fantasized having a moment like this with your superhero crush, you knew you had to get work done before indulging in personal pleasures, so you were forced to change the subject. “And to think that the last time I saw you, you almost tore me to shreds for showing up in your office at 7 o’clock at night.”
Miguel smirked slightly, fascinated by you but turned on. He remembered that last time all too well, the way you had stumbled and stuttered through your personal questions. And the way you had looked in that short dress, all flushed and nervous.
He took another, more deliberate step forward, bringing them almost chest to chest in the small elevator. He leaned down slightly, his face tantalizingly close to yours, his voice low and rough. "I wasn't being entirely inviting at that time, princess. I can’t just trust anyone who walks through the dorm no matter how gorgeous they are.” He paused, fighting the urge to play with your loose curls. “I was just... In a particularly bad mood, I guess."
“Which villain was it that time?” Was he allowed to disclose that information to her? Her voice matched his low volume, the tension thick. Even though it was a large elevator, his body surrounded you and it made you feel like the only person in the world. It was dizzying.
Miguel chuckled, a low, gruff sound that sent a shiver down your spine. He leaned closer, so close that your noses were nearly touching, and his hand slid from her elbow to her hip, his large hand enveloping it entirely. He had her practically pinned against the wall of the elevator, his body towering over you, his presence surrounding her. "It was Electro. He was being an absolute pain in my ass, and I had a shitty enough day already at that point."
“I’m sorry,” Your eyes began to flutter short as his lips were almost touching your glossy coated lips, but a DING! pulled you away from him as quickly as you had the moment.
Miguel's smirk widened into a small smile as she began to flutter her eyes, your gaze growing lidded as his lips neared you, but the not-so–sudden stop of the elevator snapped both of you back to reality. He took a reluctant step back, his hand leaving your hip as he reached out to place it on the small of your back instead, guiding you out of the elevator as you reached his floor. He led you through the hallway, walking beside you with his hand on your back, the heat from his touch seeping through the dress’s thin material and burning into your skin.
You didn’t mean to shrug off his touch, but you didn’t want anyone to look at you weird, like they would some random woman sleeping with Miguel for fame and notoriety. You didn’t work this hard for your reputation to be tainted like that.
Miguel's expression darkened slightly at her action as she shrugged off his hand. He noted the way she seemed to be nervous about anyone seeing them together, and he didn't like it. He wanted you to be proud to be seen with him, not ashamed and nervous. He kept his hand on the small of your back, moving you along with him as he led her down the hallway, force with more pressure than before so you couldn’t push him away again. He leaned in close to you, his voice a low, rough whisper in your ear. "You don't have to worry about anyone else here but me, princesa. I'm the boss here."
“Yes sir.” You whispered, following him into his office as he shut the blinds for the office staff to see into. After Miguel closed the window, he obscured the view into his office from the rest of the Spider-Society. He turned around to face you, a small, possessive smirk on his face as he watched her.
"Good girl."
He closed the expanse between them, crossing the room to stand in front of you and closing you in against his desk. He placed his hands on the edge of the desk, on either side of your thighs, effectively trapping her against his desk and his body.
“Miguel... I must work on this article.” You whispered, not wanting this moment to end, although it was everything you ever dreamed of.
Miguel chuckled deep in his throat, the sound low and rough. He leaned down, his face only a few inches away from you, his eyes roving over her. He enjoyed having her pinned against his desk like this, trapped with no way to get away from him. "Work can wait, princess. Let me play with you a little bit first." He leaned in even closer, his body practically pressed against yours as his mouth neared, and his voice was huskier than you’ve ever heard it.
You grabbed his tie to pull his mouth close to yours, inviting him to finish what he started just to ultimately tease him. “I prefer to not be bent over this desk, so can we please get some work done first? I am on a deadline after all.”
Miguel chuckled, a low, rough sound in his throat. He was more than happy to continue what they’d started, but he supposed he could wait a little longer. "Fine, fine. We’ll get some work done first, princess." He leaned in closer, his lips hovering just above yours as he spoke. "But afterwards, you’re all mine. Understood?”
“Yes sir...” You whispered, biting your lip, nodding agreement.
"Good girl…" Miguel leaned in, capturing your bottom lip between his teeth and biting it gently before pulling back with a smirk. He finally let go of you, taking a small step back and clearing his throat to compose himself. "Now, let’s finish this piece so we can get back to… more important things."
“So eager, Mr. O’Hara. Who holds the cards now?” You said with a smirk as you sat in the comfortable chair and pulled out your notes. Your words were ironic considering the scene that just played out on top of his workstation, you at his complete mercy, but neither of you would comment on that.
Miguel chuckled as you sat down with a newfound confidence, his smirk never leaving his face. He was still itching to continue what they'd started a few minutes earlier, but he could be patient. "Don't get too cocky, princess.” He leaned back against his desk, crossing his arms as he watched you start to take notes. “But it’s cute that you think you have any control right now….”
“The tent in your pants says otherwise...” You purred in a sing-song voice.
Miguel’s eyes darkened further at your words, his smirk growing wider. “Watch it, princess. You’re going to get me all worked up again and I won’t hold back this time.”
His eyes roved over her body, taking in the form of her dress and the way it clung to her curves, still slightly tousled from your interaction. He ached to touch you again, but he knew it. You smirked and playfully rolled your eyes, before opening the binder and turning on the recorder.
Miguel let out a low chuckle, enjoying the way her playful eye roll made him want you even more. He pushed himself off the desk and took a seat in the chair directly across from you, leaning back in his chair and crossing his ankles. He still couldn’t keep his eyes off that dress, the way the fabric clung to every divot. He leaned forward, resting one elbow on the desk and his chin on his palm as he looked at her.
"Alright, princess. Let’s hear what you’ve got for me."
Not holding back, you located the first question you prioritized since you were here last. “If you could say anything to JJJ, what would it be?”
Miguel smirked, his expression darkening at the mention of the old man. The thought of the reporter and his constant slandering of him made his blood boil. Well, she was straight to the hard-hitting questions, and it threw him only slightly off guard.
"If I could say anything to JJJ? I would tell him that he’s a narrow-minded, self-righteous, bigoted prick who’s just jealous that I'm a million times more successful than he’ll ever be." His tone was the opposite of what it was a second ago, thankfully he didn’t see you as an extension of your dad, or who knows how he would have treated you?
“You must know that in every universe that we know of, he hates Spider-man in each one. That makes his hatred canon, doesn’t it? Isn’t that an important concept for you.” You spoke into the microphone watching his reaction tentatively.
Miguel’s expression clouded at the question, the mention of JJJ’s revulsion for Spider-Man in every universe bringing back hostile memories. He stiffened at the reminder, and his voice came out rougher than before. “Yes, I'm well-aware that he hates Spider-Man in every universe. And yes, it seems his hatred is a sort of canon event. What’s your point?”
“Keeping that in mind, do you think that his unorthodox approach is partially a driving factor for making Spider-Man the great guy that he is?”
Miguel recoiled even further at her question, the thought of JJJ being in any way a contributing factor for Spider-Man’s greatness was like a knife in his side. “You’re saying that JJJ’s unhinged hatred actually helps push Spider-Men to be the heroes they are…” He considered your words, his expression slowly turning into a reluctant grimace as he failed to admit they could possibly carry some truth.
“Maybe a little. I don’t agree with his ways whatsoever, but they continue to prove him wrong each and every day he opens his mouth. What’s that saying about enemies making you strive for more?” You practically reached out to find the phrase on the tip of your tongue, but coming up short.
Miguel’s expression softened slightly as he considered her words further. He still despised JJJ and everything he stood for, but he had to admit that there was a sort of truth in what you said.
“I suppose you have a point. Having a powerful enemy who always doubts and undervalues you could push someone to prove them wrong. To be better than they ever thought you could be…” He paused for a moment before continuing, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you. “But that doesn’t excuse all the vile lies and slander he spews. And I don’t owe him a thing for my success, I did it by myself.”
“Of course,” You whisper to the man, grabbing the recorder to make a mental note. “Let it be known that this author does not agree with the political or overall stances of J. Jonah Jameson. And that this part should segue into a metaphor for both extremes, hate or love.”
Miguel watched you intently, reminding himself to simmer down, a flicker of curiosity sparking in his eyes as he listened to the commentary. The way you spoke, so confidently and with a hint of fiery determination, was intriguing to him. He leaned back in his chair once again, watching carefully as you continued to scribble notes into the binder sitting atop your lap.
"So, you believe that JJJ’s vitriol and hatred can be seen as a sort of extreme, just like how an excess of love and adoration can also be harmful?" he asked, his tone more curious than defensive this time.
“Yes, that’s a great point, Miguel.” You nodded eagerly, it wasn't exactly what you were going for, but it helped prove the point you wanted to make in this paper.
Miguel nodded slowly, mulling over the words that lingered in the air. He was surprised at how much he was enjoying this conversation, how these differing ideas and insights were making him see things from a different perspective. "Interesting..." he mused, his gaze roaming over her again. "That’s a unique take. I must admit I haven’t thought about it that way before.”
“Let’s move on past that horrid man for a second, we will circle back, I promise. Are there times where you consider giving up Spider-Man?” The question spilled out before you read it fully, making you pause as you asked him something so personal, having a brief idea of what happened to him.
Miguel’s face darkened at the question, the thought of giving up being Spider-Man making a wave of emotions flood his insides. Fear, sadness, anger, guilt... He had contemplated the idea of giving up being Spider-Man many times in the past, but he always managed to push those thoughts down.
“There have been moments where I’ve considered it, yes…” he said slowly, his voice hoarse. “When things got too difficult, or the losses became too hard to bear…” 
His silence as his mind filled with negative memories was clear to you, and you wanted to help in any way you could. “The burden on your shoulders is immense and incomparable. Surely, that must be overwhelming at times.”
Miguel let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumped as he continued to lean back in his chair. "It is… incredibly overwhelming.” He paused for a moment, his eyes locking onto you as he continued in a quieter, more vulnerable tone.
"There have been times when I’ve felt like I’m drowning, like the weight of being Spider-Man and the responsibility for the multiverse is too much for me to bear. But I can’t give up… I can’t let everyone down…” Miguel let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumped as he continued to lean back in his chair.
“You don’t have much time in your life for relationships, do you?” Not asking for yourself but rather, it being a question on your mind for all the Spider-People, they sacrificed more than people think to do a job they didn’t ask for.
“It’s not fair to be with someone when your life is filled with so much danger… so much pain…” His attention diverted, looking at a random object in the space, and you could hear the pain in his voice.
“That’s why you surround yourself with others like you, so they can protect themselves if need be.” Your arms laid across your laps, your heels involuntarily clicking in the quiet space.
Miguel nodded in agreement at her words, a flicker of acknowledgement crossing his face. She wasn’t wrong; surrounding himself with other Spider-People meant that they could understand his life and keep themselves safe if the need arose. He paused for a moment before speaking again, his voice quiet and hesitant. “But it still doesn’t make it easy… to push away the people you care for. The people you want to be with.”
“I can’t even imagine. All that you’ve sacrificed for others, to keep them safe, and you’re vilified for it every day. How do you have the strength to move on?”
Miguel let out a bitter chuckle at her question, the weight of his sacrifices and the daily vilification he received was a constant burden on his shoulders. “The strength to move on… well, sometimes I don’t have it. Some days are harder than others, and the weight of it all threatens to consume me.” He paused for a moment, letting out a shaky breath as he continued in a quieter voice. “But I keep going… for the people who depend on me. For the multiverse. For Spider-Man.”
“The true meaning of a hero...”
Miguel let out a huff of a laugh at her words, a bittersweet smile crossing his face. The mention of the “true meaning of a hero” hit a chord deep within him, stirring up all the conflicting emotions he harbored. He looked at her once again, his gaze roaming over her form before he spoke again, his voice quieter than any time before. "Is that how you see me… as a hero?"
“You’ve always been my hero, ever since I was a teenager.” You admitted shamelessly, memories flooded of all the times he saved your city when you were growing up. Younger you would have never expected that you would have even had the chance to talk to Spider-Man in this capacity.
Miguel’s breath hitched in his throat at her words, his heart stuttering in his chest. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, the fact that she saw him as her hero sat heavy on his heart. He didn’t know what to say, how to react to her admission. The lump in his throat threatened to choke him, the emotions swirling through him too much to handle. His voice came out hoarse and quiet when he finally spoke again.
“Even after all I’ve done… all the mistakes I’ve made… you still see me as your hero?” His voice wavered so slightly from his mean and collected demeanor, it ticked at you softly.
Thinking thoroughly before replying, you tried to read him to know what he needed to hear, but you meant every word of it. “I know at the end of the day, you have to do what’s right. It won’t make everyone happy but it’s what is needed.”
Miguel’s heart swelled at your words, the faith and understanding in him making his chest ache with a mixture of gratitude and desire. He leaned forward in his chair, his gaze locked onto you as he spoke once again. “You have more faith in me than I have in myself... But that’s the thing about heroes, isn’t it? They’re flawed, they make mistakes, but they keep going because they have to do what’s right. Even if it means sacrificing everything they have.”
“Sure, you’re still human at the end of the day. But if there’s a chance to save a family from a sinking car but you could potentially die, you would drown in a heartbeat, if it meant that family could live to see another day. And not everybody could say they would risk their life for a stranger.” This interview was starting to feel more like the therapy sessions he avoided at every chance he got. No need to dredge up things he couldn’t change.
Miguel let out a soft chuckle, the words striking a chord within him. You were so spot-on with the description, understanding him in a way he didn’t think was possible. He leaned back in his chair once again, a hint of a smile on his face. “You’re right… I would do it in a heartbeat. Even if it meant my own death… because that’s what being a hero is all about. Selfless sacrifice. Doing what is right, no matter the personal cost.”
“Let’s shift the topic a bit, Mr. O’Hara. I’ve heard rumors that there’s been a rift in the multiverse because of another dimension’s Spider-man and Dr. Strange. Can you comment on this, or confirm it?” You knew you were pushing your luck with this question, but you had a feeling he trusted you enough to keep it secret.
Miguel’s expression blackened at her mention of the multiversal rift, the memory of the recent event still fresh in his mind. “Yes, the rumors are true. There has been a disturbance in the multiverse due to the actions of the Earth-616 Spider-Man and Doctor Strange.”
He paused for a moment before continuing, his voice more serious and troubled than before.” The two of them interfered with the natural flow of events in a way that threatened the stability of multiple realities. Their actions resulted in the disruption of the canon and the creation of anomalies across multiple universes.”
When you asked him how their actions would affect your universe, Miguel’s expression grew even more serious as he considered her question, the implications of the multiversal disturbance long have been weighing heavily on his mind. “It’s difficult to say for certain how it will affect our universe specifically, but the ripple effects of such a significant disturbance in the multiverse could have far-reaching consequences. It could potentially lead to the destabilization of reality as we know it, leading to more anomalies, disruptions, and possibly even the collapse of entire universes.”
“Oh shit… do you want me to leave that out of my article? I can’t imagine the hysteria it would create.” You leaned in and whispered, putting your hand over the recording microphone.
Miguel let out a weary sigh at the question, the thought of the ultimate chaos it would cause in their universe if this information was leaked making his head spin.
“Yes… please… keep that out of your article. It’s not something that needs to be made public, not yet. We’re still trying to assess the full extent of the damage and figure out what we’re dealing with. The last thing we need is for people to panic.”
“It’s the least I could do, you’ve been so kind to me. Well you didn’t trust me at first, and probably still don’t, but you’ve been… welcoming...” You smirked at the man, jotting at your notes as you crossed out dud questions that made no sense to ask anymore.
Miguel chuckled softly at your comment, his heart stuttering at the smirk you directed towards him. He couldn’t deny that he hadn’t trusted you at first, your presence being unexpected and unfamiliar. But here he was, willingly engaging in conversation, answering questions he had sworn he wouldn’t ever. “I’ll admit, I had reservations about this interview… and I still don’t trust you completely,” he said, his voice holding a hint of jest. “But… I enjoyed our conversation. More than I care to admit.”
“Can I let you in on a secret, since you told me one?” You whispered as you leaned in.
Miguel’s eyebrows lifted in surprise at the question, his curiosity piqued at the idea of you sharing a secret with him. He leaned back in his chair, his body language conveying his interest. “A secret, huh?” he said, a hint of a smile on his face. “Sure, go ahead. I’m all ears.”
“I’m writing an exposé on J Jonah Jameson. I have my connections at the Bugle, as I told you I work there... of sorts. I’m going to expose him as a fraud and render everything he’s said about you a baseless lie, for his own personal gain. But in that, I wanted to publish to the world who you are, the Spider society, all you do for the world behind closed doors. I know how to get around his approval for publishing, and I intend to blow him so much out of the water, he won’t be able to swim for the rest of the year.”
Miguel’s eyes widened in surprise at her revelation, his heart thudding loudly in his chest. You were going to expose Jameson for the fraud he was and use the opportunity to publish the truth about Spider Society as well. He couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing.
“You’re going to publish an exposé on Jameson? And reveal the truth about the Spider Society?” he asked, his voice wavering with a mixture of shock and awe. “Are you crazy?”
“A little, but I think it’s necessary. Maybe I can’t fight villains, but I can take him down, without talons or fangs.” You shrugged, sipping the water Miguel had given you. “That is, if you’re okay with it.”
Miguel was silent for a moment, mulling over her words in his mind. The idea of the truth about the Spider Society, and the work they do, being revealed to the world was both exciting and terrifying. Although people were now more aware of them, getting this attention, “You are crazy…” he murmured, a hint of admiration in his voice, “but I suppose I can’t question your courage, or your determination.”
He paused for a moment before continuing, his voice more serious. “But publishing something like this… it could have serious repercussions. You understand that, right?”
“I’ll post it anonymously if I have to. But it doesn’t matter, my sacrifice means nothing to the millions you’ve made.” Your words were nonchalant, you’ve thought about this long before you even showed up at this building.
Miguel fell silent at her words once again, her determination and selflessness stirring up a maelstrom of emotions inside of him. He was used to dealing with heroes, people with the power to change the world, but you were different. You were ordinary in every way, yet you were willing to put your credibility and job on the line to make a difference. He couldn’t help but admire that.
“You’re something else…” he murmured, a hint of awe in his voice, “sacrificing yourself to save others… that’s a trait not many have.”
“Funny… I said the same thing to you.” You giggled, knowing he was giving way too much credit.
Miguel chuckled softly at your response, his heart thudding loudly in his chest at your words. He watched your every move as you made your way around the desk, his gaze following you. The sight of you sitting on the corner of his desk, so close to him, your legs tantalizingly close to his own, was making him feel completely unhinged. He could feel desire coursing through him, his eyes locking onto you, a hint of hunger shining within them.
“Well Miguel, this has been rather riveting, but I think our time is up. I would love to come back another day when I have more questions to ask you.” You had to admit, not wanting this moment to end just yet.
Miguel couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment at your words, the desire to keep you close, to keep talking to you, growing stronger. But he tried to remain composed, despite the raging desire coursing through him. He nodded his head.
“Another day then…” he said, his voice a little hoarse. “You’re welcome to come back whenever you’d like…” He paused for a moment before continuing, his eyes roaming over your form, the desire to touch you almost overwhelming. He couldn't forget the scene that played out a few minutes ago, before you went on work mode.
“I’d like to shadow your day-by-day duties, forgo the dangerous parts.” You weren’t sure he would go for it, but it was worth a shot. What better way to convince people to change their opinions by detailing the good things they do?
Miguel’s eyebrows lifted in surprise at her request, the idea of having her around him, witnessing his daily duties, being both exciting and dangerous. He leaned back in his chair, mulling over her words for a moment before responding.
“You want to shadow me?” he repeated, a hint of incredulity in his voice. “Are you sure you’re not just looking for another reason to annoy me?”
You feigned fake shock, “You think I’m annoying?” 
Miguel let out a soft scoff at your mock innocence, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “Oh, don’t act coy with me, cariño. You know you’ve been getting under my skin since the moment you walked through that door.”
“And you’ve been trying to get under my clothes since you saw me in the lobby.” You were quick to respond, quirking an eyebrow.
Miguel felt heat rush through him at your bluntness, your words igniting the desire within him even further. He couldn’t deny that he had been thinking of what it would be like to touch you, to kiss you but he couldn’t let her know just how badly you’d gotten under his skin.
“Where did you get that idea, princesa?” he retorted, his voice a touch huskier than before.
“The octave changes in your voice, the shifting in your seat, most definitely what you said to me when you met me downstairs. Just some options.” Your legs were crossed, reading him like a book.
Miguel couldn’t deny your points, your observations being spot on. He felt exposed, like you could read him like an open book. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes roaming over you once again as he spoke.
“You’re quite observant, aren’t you?” he said, a hint of irritation in his voice. “It’s really infuriating, if I’m being honest.” Miguel let out a soft scoff, a mix of annoyance and desire coursing through him. The fact that you were so casually flirting with him, so effortlessly getting under his skin, was both maddening and alluring. “Oh, you’re enjoying this too much, aren’t you?” he retorted, his tone dripping with both irritation and a hint of admiration.
“First time I met you, I was a timid fangirl and today I’m the bold reporter... What can I say? Your confidence is contagious.” You nodded,
Miguel couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride at your words, even though he desperately tried to fight it. “My confidence, huh?” he said, a hint of a smile on his lips, “You say that like it’s a good thing. I thought you said I was arrogant?”
“Also egotistical, cold, shut off- to name a few.” Miguel let out a scoff at your brutal honesty, his heart fluttering at the list of his flaws… all of which were true, he couldn’t deny that.
“Gee, thanks for the list of my charming qualities,” he retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “I appreciate that.”
“Personally, I find it attractive. It shows me you only act differently with me. The jealousy radiating from your female employees tells me that too.” The sole of your shoe clicking was the only sound filling the room as he formulated a response for you.
Miguel couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction he got from her words. The idea that he acted differently towards you than he did others to the point that you noticed, it sent a thrill through him. And the fact that his female employees were apparently jealous of your presence only made him feel more possessive.
“You’re observant, I’ll give you that,” he said, his voice a little huskier than before, “But I act differently around you for a reason, cariño.”
“And why is that?” A smirk was on your face, as you chewed your cheek.
Miguel couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at the question, his heart pounding loudly in his chest as he spoke. “Why do you think, mi querida?” he said, his voice lowered. “You’ve gotten to me in a way no one ever has. You make me feel… unhinged, out of control.”
Your eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips, allowing yourself to lean into and accept the kiss he was flirting with in front of you, the passion and butterflies exploding in your stomach on the spot.
Miguel exulted in your consent, and it fueled his desire for you further. His hands moved from the edge of the desk to your hips, grabbing you roughly and pulling your body flush against his. He deepened the kiss, his lips moving hungrily against yours. He could feel the heat and passion in himself flow like whiskey on a bad day. It was intoxicating, the way your body felt against his, small and delicate, but fiery and wanting even more.
Your hands cupped his stubbly jaw as you parted your mouth for him, your dress starting to bunch up your smooth legs from the friction of his chinos against your body. Miguel groaned into your mouth as she held his face in your soft hands, while his hands migrated from your hips to the spot where your dress was riding up your legs. As you pressed against him so tensely, he couldn’t help but slide his hands down, his fingers trailing along the bare skin of your thighs.
You and Miguel continued to devour each other atop his desk without a care in the world, your bodies pressed against each other in the small space. Miguel's hands curiously wandered around your body, exploring and caressing the soft skin, until he felt the cotton of your underwear. Heat radiated from you, and a small whimper slipped past your lips as his touch was unexpected but the perfect gift. The heat and passion between them were tangible, the only thing left was to follow the natural course of their desire.
He couldn’t fight the urge this time, giving into his urge to make you a moaning mess underneath him. His head retracted slightly so he could watch you intently, as his fingertips lightly dragged against the sensitive spot that so many other men obviously miss. You threw your head back in reaction, your hips bucking up to meet his fingers again. 
He watched you contort in pleasure, his own pleasure coming solely from watching you get off on his fingers. That timid girl was melting in his palm, sprawled across his desk, and he didn’t have to do much to satisfy her due to the two-week long foreplay he put you through.
A knock at Miguel’s door suddenly sounded, someone checking in after hearing all the sound they were making. He groaned in frustration as you two were interrupted by the knock at the door. He reluctantly pulled away, his eyes still darkened with lust and desire and his voice hoarse as he called out. "What do you want?"
“Is everything okay in there? We heard there was some weird fangirl downstairs trying to see you, but she disappeared.” A feminine voice replied, his eyes immediately rolling as he resumed his actions with his hands under your skirt.
You giggled quietly, muffling yourself with your hand, watching how Miguel reacted only to have to actually muffle the filthy noise that threatened to spill past your lips. Miguel's eyes flickered to you, giving a warning look with his eyes to be quiet. Your orgasm was impending only seconds later under the care of his skillful touches.
Miguel chuckled softly, a low, rough sound. "Everything’s fine. I’ll be out in a few minutes." He paused for a moment, watching your face contorted in pleasure as he chased your high, the worry of the door opening while you were vulnerable excited you more than you ever thought it would. Licking his lips as he intently watched you recover from your orgasm, he continued talking to the employee in a cold, authoritative tone. "And no one else is to bother me in here for the rest of the night."
“You got it, sir.” The voice called back and left, her footsteps scurrying off pretty quickly, surely to gossip with her desk mates about the noises she heard coming from the boss’ office.
You just looked at Miguel, catching your breath as you held onto his bicep for support. A few moments passed and you felt self-conscious again, wanting to shrink away from him before someone barged in for real. 
He let out a low chuckle as you attempted to slip out from under him, but he wasn’t about to let you get away that easily. He wanted to make you cum again and again, but he knew he couldn't watch for much longer. Grabbing your hips, he stopped you from moving away as he pulled her flush against his body again.
"Oh no, baby. You’re not going anywhere." He smirked as he held you against him, his clean hand gripping your thighs harder. "We’re not done here."
You wanted more, to do for him what he did for you but not here. “Would you like to walk me to my car?”
Miguel felt his heart skip at your words, a wave of desire coursing through him once again at the thought of spending even more time with you. He stood up from his position over you, smoothing down his suit jacket, his eyes locking onto you.
“Lead the way,” he said, gesturing for you to exit the office. Walking out of his office, they were met with multiple pairs of eyes, especially from the women you mentioned earlier.
As they walked through the office, leaving the sanctuary of his office, Miguel could feel the eyes of his employees on them. Some of the female employees in particular were giving you hostile looks, their jealousy and anger clearly visible in their gazes.
Miguel smirked slightly at their glares, the possessive pride flaring within him as he walked with you by his side. He felt his jaw clench as he saw the male employees checking you out as they passed by the bullpen. He could feel a possessive anger flaring up within him, a wave of jealousy crashing over him at the sight of their gazes. He resisted the urge to pull you closer to him, to make it clear that you were his. Miguel couldn’t bear watching the men ogling you any longer. He felt a sudden surge of possessiveness, a primal need to assert his dominance. Without a second thought, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his side as they walked through the hallway.
You gushed at his actions, stepping into the elevator and resting into his arms as they rode the elevator down to ground level. Miguel felt you press into his side in the elevator, your body molding against his own, and he held you tighter, pulling you closer. He could feel the heat radiating off your body, the intoxicating scent of her enveloping his senses. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight of the other men on the elevator, the clear message of possession and claim in his hold on you.
You grabbed his hand as you led him to your car, glancing around them to make sure no one was in the parking garage before pulling him close, inviting him to fulfill his desires.
Miguel was taken aback by your sudden action, his heart pounding loudly in his chest as she pulled him close to her. The parking garage was deserted, the area almost completely silent except for the sound of their ragged breathing and the sound of the gentle hum of the overhead lights. His desire overwhelmed any hesitations he might have had. He leaned in closer, his body pressing against you, his breath hot on your neck as he spoke. "You're driving me insane, cariño..."
“Then do something about it... don’t let me leave.” Miguel's restraint snapped at your blunt permission, the primal desire that had been building within him finally breaking free. He grabbed your wrists, pinning you against the hood of her car, his eyes dark with hunger and need as he looked down at you.
"You're mine," he growled softly, his body pressed intimately against yours, "And I'm not letting you go anywhere."
“I’m yours...” You hummed into his lips, content, the world around them disappearing under his touch. The sound of your surrender, your words claiming yourself as his, set Miguel's senses ablaze. He crushed his lips to you in a possessive kiss, his hands roaming over your body, desperate to feel you, claiming you as his own. The world around them faded into the background, the only thing that mattered was the feel of your body under his touch, the sound of your soft sighs and moans, the taste of you on his lips.
You're relaxed under his touch, grabbing his jacket lapels to pull him closer, melting into the kiss. “Miguel…” Whimpering, yearning for more, she knew she wouldn’t get that here.
The sound of her whimper sent a wave of desire through Miguel, his body growing taut with need. The way you were melting into him, yearning for more, was driving him wild. But he knew they couldn't do this here, not in the public parking garage.
With a groan of effort, he forced himself to pull back from you, his breathing ragged as he looked down at you. "Not here," he growled, "Come back to my place with me."
“But the thing you said about relationships-” You whispered, chewing her lip. His departure made you suddenly cold, aching for him to come back.
Miguel felt a pang of guilt at her words, reminded of the restrictions he had put on himself… on them. He had told himself that he couldn’t allow himself to get involved with someone outside the Spider Society, that his duties would always take priority. But as he looked down at you, the desire and need in your eyes, he found it increasingly difficult to cling to those restrictions. He pulled you closer, his voice a soft whisper.
"I know what I said... but I can't stay away from you, cariño. Come with me..." Miguel's heart leapt at her nod of agreement, a wave of relief and desire washing over him. The idea of having you alone and in his space was both thrilling and terrifying. Without another word, he took your hand and led her out of the parking garage and to the nearest alleyway.
As they stood in the shadows of the alley, he turned to you, his body aching with the need to touch you, to mark you as his own.
"We're taking a portal," he said, his voice a low growl, and you gave him a confused look as your brain was filled with lust and confusion. Miguel nodded, taking a step closer to you. The desire was thick in the air between them, the need to touch you was nearly suffocating him as you stood there innocent and inviting.
"To my dimension," he said, his voice a rough whisper. "We can't go through the entrance in this universe… I don’t live in this universe like you do." He gently took you by the hand, his touch possessive as he led you further into the darkness. He pulled a small device from his pocket, fiddling with the controls until a portal shimmered into existence nearby.
You hesitated, chewing your lip nervously as Miguel was ready to introduce you to a whole new unexplored world. “And is this safe for normal people?” 
Miguel paused at her question, his eyes scanning over her as if assessing you for any potential dangers. He knew that the portal technology wasn’t completely reliable, but he couldn’t ignore the intense need he had to have you. He took a step closer to you, his hand reaching up to gently cup your cheek, his voice soft but firm. "It’s safe... it might make you dizzy, but it won’t hurt you. Trust me, cariño."
“I trust you to keep me safe…” The words of her faith in him sent a wave of heat through Miguel, his body reacting instantly to your words. The need to keep you safe, to protect you, flared within him with an intensity he couldn’t ignore.
He gently took your hand, holding it firmly as he led you towards the shimmering portal. "I won’t let anything happen to you," he said, his voice rough with possessiveness. "Promise me you won’t let go of my hand.”
Miguel felt a rush of satisfaction at your promise to keep hold of his hand. The idea of having her close, his hand gripping yours tightly as they stepped through the portal… it made his heart pound with anticipation.
"Good," he murmured, his voice low and possessive. He stepped forward, pulling her into the portal with him.
The world around them dissolved into a dizzying array of colors and shapes, a brief moment of disorientation as they traveled through the void. But Miguel kept a firm hold on your hand, anchoring her to him as they moved through the wormhole.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, squeezing your eyes shut while the world around you practically vibrated, depending on Miguel for safety and comfort. He could feel your arms wrapped around his waist, your body pressing close to his as they traveled through the portal. The feeling of you clinging to him, completely reliant on him for safety, sent a primal wave of satisfaction through him. He held you tight, his free hand wrapping around you, pulling you closer.
He could feel your tremble, the vertigo of the portal travel taking a toll on you. He held you close, his voice a low whisper against your ear. "We’re almost there, cariño. Just a few more seconds.”
The world around them solidified once again, and they emerged from the portal into Miguel's New York City dimension. They were in an alleyway, surrounded by the towering buildings and the familiar sights of the city but they were different. More futuristic?
Miguel took a moment to steady you as you adjusted to the sudden change in their surroundings, his hands gentle yet firm on your hips. Once he was sure you were okay, he led you out of the alleyway and towards the entrance of his apartment building.
“Well, I can say I’ll never be able to find this place again.” You spoke quietly, looking around you in awe.
Miguel chuckled quietly at your statement, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as they entered the lobby of his apartment building. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of possessiveness, knowing that you were in his territory now, under his watch.
He laughed softly, his voice low as he led you toward the elevators. “I like the idea of you not being able to find your way out of here.”
“That’s a little creepy, but good thing you’re hot enough to pull it off.”
Miguel chuckled again at your comment, the possessiveness within him thrumming with approval. The elevator doors opened, and they both stepped inside, his hand resting on the small of your back as the doors slid shut behind them.
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult,” he said, his voice a low growl. “But good to know I’m hot enough to keep you here against your will.”
“It wouldn’t be against my will...” You whispered, staring up at the large man.
Miguel felt a wave of desire shoot through his stature at your words, your voice barely more than a whisper. The way you were looking up at him, the hint of submission in your eyes… It was intoxicating.
He took a step closer to you, cornering you against the wall of the elevator. His body was enveloping your space, his voice a deep murmur. “That’s also good to know… I wouldn’t hesitate to keep you here, cariño. All mine to enjoy and keep safe.”
Miguel led you down the hallway, their footsteps echoing softly in the empty corridor. He kept a firm grip on your hand as they walked, his fingers intertwined as he navigated the path to his apartment. When you reached his door, he paused, turning to look down at you. His eyes scanned over you, taking in your every feature, the desire and possessiveness within him flaring hot.
“This is me,” he said, his voice low as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. He didn’t give you much time to process the gorgeous skyline unit, minimally decorated like nobody lived there, but still small hints of his existence.
Miguel’s kiss was dominant and demanding, his tongue claiming your mouth as he pressed you against the wall. His hands roamed your body, exploring your curves, his touch needy and possessive. The need to claim you as his own was overwhelming, and he knew he couldn’t stop himself.
He pulled back from the kiss, his breathing ragged, his voice a growl. “Bedroom, now.”
As his eyes glowed maroon and his fangs flashed through his lustful smile, the excitement pooled in your stomach at the sight. The memory of his fingers under your dress, bringing you to your sweet release was fresh on your mind. 
Slowly stalking towards you, he pushed you to fall back on his bed, the cushion making your body bounce slightly. Pushing yourself up to watch him, leaning on your elbows, you sat in silence, waiting for his next move.
His eyes were no longer focused on you, at least not your face. Kneeling in front of you, both of his hands pushed the fabric of your dress up, antagonizing slowly. Your head rolled back in response to the cotton tingling your skin with friction. Once your dress was to your hips with your underwear peeking out, he took the liberty to swipe his hands underneath your legs, not wanting you to do any work as he ravished you the way he wanted to all day.
“Oh…” He mumbled, fingertip dragging up the length of your slit, the shape defined by the wetness in your panties. “All for me?” Humming in happiness, you felt his curls tickling your thighs making your hips involuntarily buck. As a result, your slit bumped into his nose, you both moaned in unison. 
He pried your thong from your pussy, watching as the secretions stuck to your flesh, clinging to where they came from. Without warning, his middle finger petted at your entrance then plunged in deep. The words that left your mouth at this sudden attack weren’t real words, but he enjoyed watching you fall apart under his touch. 
“That’s right, let me hear those pretty sounds of yours.” He whispered, rubbing his nose at your clit which he knew you loved. The thought of you sitting on his face, using the ridges in nose to pleasure yourself came to mind, as he palmed himself through his pants to slow down his own excitement.
He tested you, stretched you, figured out the depth of your walls to the size of his fingers. With his middle finger buried in you, he added his ring finger too, and his tongue darting out to lap up your lubrication. So sweet, so perfect for him, so healthy, so delicious, his mind reeling as his slow and steady movement affected you so deeply but effectively. 
You began to squirm more under his grasp, his free hand pressing against your pelvis to keep you in place but also to apply pressure to your lower abdomen. He had experience in pleasuring women, and he was so happy to apply his skills to help you. 
You were needy, so pent up, so innocent, and he was going to break you for his personal gain. You knew this with the way he expertly fingered your pussy, knowing that no one would ever be able to replicate what he was doing for you. 
“Mi princesa, I want you to coat my fingers in your liquids. Can you do that for me?” His voice was a low rumble, vibrating into your core directly. You were a whimpering mess, held in place by his strong hand, coming undone at the seams. But you had to relax, you were so tense to control yourself, but he was giving you a direct order, and what good girl didn’t listen?
Your moans became louder by the second, as his fingers penetrated you harsher but still controlled, begging you to release. His chuckles and moans against your clit had your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your back arching as he drained you, devouring every last drop of liquid that flowed out of you.
After coming down from your high, a moment you never wanted to leave, you picked your head up to look at him again, his mouth glossy as he sucked on each of his drenched fingers while keeping eye contact with you.
You wanted to thank him, but no sound left your mouth besides squeaks, still recovering with flustered breathing. He nodded his head, no thanks were needed, licking his lips as he admired your tired form underneath his. Pobrecita…
He stood to his full height, removing his belt in one deft swipe, removing his pants smoothly. You shifted your body to kneel in front of him, ready to pleasure him in return, but he caught the look in your eyes and shook his head. “No, I don’t want to cum in your mouth, I want to cum inside that pretty cunt.” 
“Okay, whatever you want...” You nodded, putting your hands back at your side while awaiting further instructions, his filthy words making you hyper aware of the pulsing you felt in your core.
He sat down next to you with his cock in his grip, it being almost three times the size of his large hand, leaning up against his headboard. Swallowing your saliva at the sight, your lashes fluttered open to look at him, not sure what he wanted you to do. He noticed this immediately, and he spoke again, “I’m sure a good girl like you loves missionary, but tonight you’re going to sit in my lap and ride me until I’m drained of every last drop. Do you understand me?” 
He was commanding and you scrambled to hover over his muscular thighs. With your hands on his shoulders, he lined himself up at your entrance, giving you a look to ask if you were sure. When you nodded your head, he made no hesitation to slam your hips down onto his. 
A garbled scream spilled from your lips, moving your hands into the curls on the nape of his neck as you held onto something for support. He didn’t want you to lift a pretty finger, he wanted to do all the work so he’s hauling your pussy up and down his thick shaft, using you like a toy. “Take off your clothes, mami.” He moaned out, licking his lips in anticipation. 
You did as he asked with no questions, peeling the fabric over your head and letting it fall to the ground, followed suit by your bra. As your breasts flopped free in freedom, he groaned, leaning his face in to grab your left nipple with his teeth. You winced at this, but your eyes fluttered shut again, and he continued his attack on your busty features.
The overwhelming sensation of your boobs in his face, strangulating his air intake and your pussy squeezing him tightly had Miguel moaning underneath you non-stop. His hands gripped your ass, squeezing the flesh as tight as he could without truly hurting you, but the pressure was still stimulating for you.
“I’m going to fill you up, princesa. Is that okay?” Your vocal response wasn’t needed, you just nodded as you forced yourself to relax again, so you would both be coming at the same time. The sound that left Miguel’s mouth was intoxicating, his grunts were loud as he let go of his control, his brain temporarily forgetting English as he spewed Spanish vulgarities as he released himself deep into you.
He held you close, panting as he recovered from the weeks-long foreplay, looking at you with such fondness and desire. The remnants of your sex spilled out once he picked up off of him, telling you to stay in place so he could get something to clean you both up. 
He was quiet as he recovered, but it didn’t take long with his abilities, but he sensed you needed more time to recover than he would, so he was comfortingly silent, wiping you gently with a wipe. Your fucked-out smile was evident, and he found it so captivating. He laid you down next to him and pulled you into his chest, knowing there was no better aftercare than affection.
Miguel’s bedroom was now quiet and still, the only sound was the soft, ragged breathing of the two occupants. He lay on his back, one arm wrapped around your waist as you lay sleeping next to him, your body snuggled close to his. He watched you slowly drift to sleep, his heart swelling within him as he held you tight, the satisfaction of having you under his care was distinct. But he had to say one more thing before you could sleep.
“So... what is your father going to think about you sleeping with the enemy?” He asked lowly, you just rolled your eyes and directed him to be quiet, just delicately laughing at each other.
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sandyca5tle · 10 months ago
Slime HRT - Introduction and initial appointment
So, I've been inspired by @/ayviedoesthings (idk etiquette around tagging people you don't know, so gonna avoid the notif for now) 's dragon hrt, alongside all the other ones (bat hrt, dog hrt, and fish hrt) to try my own.
Unfortunately, I'm not much of an artist, so I can't really do a comic like they all have, so I decided to do a written diary instead. This is the first time I've done writing like this, let along putting it out publicly, so constructive critisim is appreciated, but don't be a dick. That being said, on with the show. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, this is the first entry of this diary kind of thing; I've decided to keep this, both since I’ve seen other people doing the same, and because I didn’t do it the first time ‘round and kind of regret that.
Anyway, today I went to the clinic that people have been talking about, the one that I’d heard was handing out non-human/species versions of hrt. It had piqued my interest at first, but I hadn’t been certain, partially believing it might be a joke or a prank or something, but then more and more people began to talk about their own transitions, so I began to research it for myself, eventually working up the courage to seek out my own. When I reached the clinic I was a typical mixture of nervous and excited, and was running what I needed to say through my head a thousand times, to make sure I got it right, while I waited for them to call me.
My  nervousness partially stemmed from the unusual nature of what I was going to ask for. I’d seen people posting about fish hrt, dog hrt, bat hrt, and even dragon hrt, but what I was going to be asking for was even more outlandish.
When one of the staff came to get me, they led me to a room with the name ‘Dr Hans Erian’ on it, and told me to go inside. 
My first thought, as soon as I saw the doctor, was that he looked like an evil mad scientist who had turned good - and honestly, given the magic he was working, he might well have been, assuming it wasn’t actually magic. We greeted one another, and he invited me to sit down across from him at the desk he was behind and we began to talk.
Naturally, he asked me what kind of non-human hrt I wanted, exasperatedly listing off a few standard options, a few of which I'd heard of before. Once he had finished, I told him that I wanted to get ‘shapeshifter hrt’. 
See, while I had been looking online, I had come across so many cool, different kinds of animals and creatures people were turning into that I couldn’t pick just one, so I was hoping that I’d be able to get a hrt that let me any I wanted.
The doctor’s response wasn’t positive, as he swiftly told me that I would not be able to take the medication. My heart dropped when he said that, and I had to fight back my emotions from showing; I had seen so many amazing stories online, and I had been so hopeful despite what I knew was an extreme ask, but it still hurt to hear it was impossible.
I should, however, have waited for the doctor to finish his sentence (although in my defence, he paused at a very bad time) as he went on to say that ‘shapeshifter’, or ‘polymorph’ as it was properly called, hrt was more like an additional medication taken with a non-human treatment after a period, akin to progesterone in feminising hrt.
This renewed my excitement, it was possible, I’d just need to become something else first, then I could become a polymorph from there. Also, I really like the term ‘polymorph’; it felt right. He went on to explain that the polymorph treatment needed a base species, one already predisposed to shapeshifting, so that the polymorph treatment would take. The doctor laid out some options, explaining that they were the best options to work as a base if I wanted the shapeshifting treatment later. There were many cool and interesting options, but the two that stood out most were dragon and slime.
Now I’d seen an example of dragon hrt, and while there were definitely many features I liked from it, the end result wasn’t quite up my street. Slime HRT meanwhile was something I hadn’t really seen before, and the idea of being goopy and fluid sounded very appealing, and seemed like a very malleable base for shapeshifting later on, so I decided on that.
He then pulled out another list, detailing the variety of slime hrt’s that existed, and again, I went through the list and selected the one that most appealed to me - a slime made of sap, liking the idea of being somewhat plant-y, and I even asked if that would mean I’d be able to photosynthesize, the returned ‘yes’ making me even more certain in my decision.
The doctor then pulled out some forms, explaining that while originally there was a requirement for you to live socially as your preferred species for 48 months, but due to demand, and many people pointing out the impossibility for some people to do so, (and I swear I heard him mutter something about too many people kicking his door open), that the clinic had moved to an informed consent model. He slid the forms over and I quickly, but thoroughly read through them, before signing off and sliding them back to him.
While I was reading the forms, I noted some of the ‘side effects’ with a small chuckle to myself - ‘Dissolution of bones’ and ‘Loss of skin and organs’ would have sounded a lot worse on any other kind of medication, but given what this was going to turn me into, those were to be expected, and frankly wanted.
I also noted that the hormones I would be receiving would be administered in gel form, which made sense given I was basically going to become like gel, however, it did prompt me to enquire about how this hrt would mesh with the normal, gender, hrt I was already taking, especially given I was taking that as a gel as well. Fortunately, the doctor explained that I could keep taking both together safely for the first few months, but once the treatment had converted half of my body I could stop, given that at that point my physiology would be changing too much for the human hormones to continue to have much of an effect.
After I had signed the forms, it didn’t take long for the doctor to write up the prescription, and to send me off to get the medicine I’d need. As I’m writing this I’ve just taken my first dose, and looking forward to updating when there is next some developments! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Next
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kevinsdsy · 7 months ago
hiiiii! boys for the WIP game (i'm guessing the title is hippo campus? excellent choice u have gotten me to love that song fr)
HII!! yes omg it is hehe IM SO HAPPY U NOTICED 🙂‍↕️
so since i've only recently gotten back into writing, everything is still in the early stages— but boys is supposed to be split in three acts (idk what to call it tbh so lets stick w that) i'm still working on the first act which is when both kevin and jean are ravens. after a final game against the trojans, jean manages to encounter jeremy alone (nothing major happens, they just talk, but idk i think it's fun to have a moment between jerejean before jean joins the trojans line-up).
i still have to figure out how much of raven!jean i want to include in this fic and if jerejean manages to encounter each other again (although i'm leaning into no, so they only have that one (1) real encounter of each other before jean joins the trojans, but like i said i'm still figuring it out) so yeahhh that's me ranting a bit about the fic the line
'hair in the wind. you'll blow right by me.' is what inspired me to add this first encounter to the fic:
He was about to turn around when he heard footsteps approaching. It was too late. He had been caught already, and he hadn’t even gotten the chance to walk around. He looked up and was surprised to see Jeremy Knox walking down the hallway instead of Kevin and Riko.
Jeremy seemed lost in thought. Jean could turn around, pretend he hadn’t noticed the way Jeremy’s sweaty hair stuck to his head, and hide away in the changing room until everyone was ready. Before Jean had the chance to act on his thoughts, though, Jeremy stopped walking, noticing Jean staring at him.
“Moreau,” Jeremy said, acknowledging him with a nod. Kevin and Jean had talked about Jeremy Knox on numerous occasions—Kevin had always liked how happy and nice Jeremy always was. However, it was noticeable that the loss of this game had affected Jeremy's mood somewhat.
Jean realized that he preferred this look on Jeremy rather than the extroverted person he had noticed a few months ago during the banquet. The absence of Jeremy’s big smile and cheerfulness made it easier for Jean to be alone with him right now, although Jean couldn’t help but notice Jeremy was still trying his best to appear as content and polite as he could.
Jean suddenly understood what Kevin had meant when he had whispered about the way the USC Trojans played Exy. How different it was from the way the Ravens played, but how it could be just as effective with a few adjustments made to their schedules. Jeremy was more than delighted to indulge in all Kevin's questions and comments at the time.
Jean had been annoyed about the fact Kevin couldn’t stop talking about his conversation with Jeremy and how glad he was to realize Jeremy was just as passionate about winning as Kevin himself was. Jean also remembered Kevin’s uncharacteristic guilt when he mentioned it was a shame to take another victory from Jeremy. He wondered if Kevin still remembered that conversations, now that he had seized yet another win from Jeremy.
“Knox,” Jean replied maintaining his composure. He noticed Jeremy twitch at the mention of his name, but neither of the guys commented on it. Jean was too focused on processing the situation to take a jab at Jeremy anyway.
Jeremy leaned against the wall, observing Jean’s panicked look, which Jeremy thought was interesting, given that Jean had just won the championship with the Ravens— a team not known for their politeness.
“You alright?” Jeremy asked.
“Fine,” Jean answered. He didn’t apologize for the Trojans’ loss, nor did he ask how Jeremy was doing in return. Silence stretched between them, but Jean didn’t mind much; he was used to keeping to himself whenever possible. Jeremy, on the other hand, couldn't help feeling uncomfortable as the silence between them stretched.
After a moment of hesitation, Jeremy nodded, unsure of what else to say, and then said: “Congratulations on the win. You guys played a good game.” His voice was steady—genuine, even. Jean desperately tried to find something in his words other than the politeness Jeremy had shown him on the court too. It struck Jean as unusual that he hadn’t been able to get under Jeremy’s skin.
“Thanks,” Jean said, aware it was the right thing to say. He almost wanted to point out it was obvious they’d win before they had even played, but instead he opted for a touch of kindness instead. After all, he enjoyed getting under their skin on the court, but there was no use for it off the court too. “You put up a good fight.”
Jeremy smiled faintly. “We try. Maybe next time we’ll give you a run for your money.” Jean couldn’t help himself—he didn’t have much practice at being kind or polite, and in return answered Jeremy with a huff. They stood in silence for a moment. Jean didn’t know what he was supposed to say anyways, and suddenly he remembered he shouldn’t have left the changing room in the first place.
“I should get back,” Jean said, his voice wavering slightly. He had the uncomfortable realization that he’d much rather let the minutes between them stretch in this hallway, but he couldn’t risk still standing here when Riko returned. Jeremy responded with a nod.
Jean was sure Jeremy was going to say something else, but before he had the chance, Jean slipped back inside the changing room. As he closed the door behind him, he felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment. Jean knew he couldn’t risk being seen outside the changing room by Riko, but he couldn’t help wishing he had gotten more time alone with Jeremy. There was something intriguing about seeing Jeremy’s deflated mood when Jean normally recognized him by his cheerful look.
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wasyago · 1 year ago
episode 110 spoilers
just like, random thoughts and stuff, mostly bits that i remembered
i sat down to write this i forgot everything oh my god--
in chip's flashback. the black rose pirates following the king to the big sakura tree, and arlin holding baby chip's hand. this. the cutest shit ever, i think i almost cried at the image of this big badass group of pirates and this itty bitty child led gently by his hand. even if i didn't cry before i sure will right now, baby chip you're so dear to me...
QUEEN! they didn't remember anything aughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 and their and chip's little talk about how they're going to put the pieces together :( and their hug :(
whatever drey, finn and earl are doing on the ship... like, what? hello? glad they're having fun tho lol. also wait hold on a second. how did drey answer the call? i mean, probably with his leg or something, if i had to guess. or maybe finn held it up for him. not sure if finn is at it enough to be able to answer the shell by himself, so earl and drey are the only ones who can actually use it. and seing how earl is in a... predicament. hm.
jay saying that when she looks at gillion she sees family. AUGHHHHHHHHHH AUGH AUGH OUGH jay ferin i love you. and this is so important to me not only because like hell yes they're more than friends they're a family, but also for jay of all people, considering her relationship with her blood tied family and how complicated her relationship with this word is.
also girl please do something about your leg, im begging you. the bone is visible, this shit is not going to heal up by itself. i dont know how you're still limping around this must hurt so bad. i guess adrenalin maybe, but still. at least get some bandages or something, i don't know... what is it with jay and her legs actually. she fell off a roof in edison kingdom and landed on a piece of metal that fucked up her leg, and now this.
oh my god niklaus, how could i forget about my babygirl. i mean, what can i say i love this guy. i dont know how many times ive relistened to his intro song, but definitely more than i should've... um. there was a lot of big important lore that i don't have the brain capacity to process rn.... i want to say that niki is the nameless prince and/or the thing trapped in the hole in the sea. because he can only interact with one person at a time by inviting them to his pocket dimension (even with jay it was said that the time around her stopped while she was talking with niklaus), implying that niki is trapped somewhere and this is the only constricted way he can interact with the world. and to answer chip's questions he said he wants freedom more than anything, again implying that right now he doesn't have this freedom. which makes sense, right? but then, the big bad thing was supposedly trapped thousands of years ago (i think?), but niklaus was a world famous pirate lord not so long ago and not trapped anywhere, so.....? idk im probably missing something. can't for the life of me find the moment where they read the nameless prince book so like, whatever.
that moment where jay talked to chip about how she thinks its all her fault and she should've just gave up her arm and leg. and how chip reassures her....... them 🥺🤲 kind of inspired by that post abt chip and jay i reblogged earlier, but these two talking about their emotions and feelings is so dear to me. just, being human with each other and opening up. gill is great ofc, but i feel like for these two its much easier to talk to each other to feel understood and heard. i love them.....
chip is still very much dead and probably won't be resurrected any time soon, so... hooray new undead chip design! but also oh my god my poor boy... forever 19... (also charlie and condi being surprised that chip is only 19. yeah </3) my poor guy my poor baby, he sounds so beaten and depressed in the beginning of the episode, its just breaking my heart qwq...
star and zamia <333 hehe
chip trying to marry igneous. lol. darling chill out, you just got out of one unsuccessful marriage and it didn't teach you anything, you're dead, you're only 19, you've known this guy for like, 2 days? don't get me wrong, godspeed to chip, but cmon man take him out to dinner first or something
and uhhh. the end, that's all i got
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