#idk the implications for the lore are big here
ihaveforgortoomany · 2 days
The Mandela Effect
Theory on R1999 so spoilers for 2.2, spoilers for 1.9 and onwards. This is not Global Friendly especially for 1.9 and 2.2.
This will only make sense if you have gone through the first three patches of 2.0.
This will be major major spoilers for 2.2 for the implications this has so anyone following CN servers feel free to message me about this.
(May Vertin nui block the spoilers!)
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Alright then.
The Mandela Effect is the type of memory that occurs when different people incorrectly remember the same thing, eg if the Monoploy man wore a monocle at all, logos having a different design in comparison to how some people remember it.
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2.2 introduce us to Mr Duncan, a Zeno military veteran who lives in Sao Paulo. Both Sotheby AND Vertin both mistaken Mr Duncan for Mr Karson, and remember either of them had a chance to take a photo of Mr Karson or anyone else in 1929 before the Storm occurred. Duncan mentions having a war friend of his who had a child near Sotheby's age. This seems to concidental to be a throwaway line. Appearance wise their eyes look the same but I hear you ask, but Mr Karson looks older in 1929 and its confirmed 2.2 occurs in 1990s how can they be the same person?
See Paulina from 2.0: she is the one mentioned in Book 4 by the narrator, someone who was caught by the Storm and only her hand remained. We meet her brother Joe in 2.0 who goes to confirm her "death", sees her leftover hand (wow not expecting that) and then looks at her photo and immediately thinks the Foundation was lying. In some sense their are two Paulinas here, the one Joe remembers and the one the Foundation remembers but more or less are the same person.
Vertin with Mr Duncan has outright confirmed that:
One Mr Duncan is in fact Mr Karson, that there are multiple instances where people or events have been altered from recorded history.
With Marcus and Heinrich we confirm the Storms do not just make time go backwards but instead reverse a certain era to a different period, just not beyond 1999. Therefore we can for example, be in the 1950s and be reversed to 1980s but never going past 1999.
We confirm that the Grandfather Paradox does not apply to this world, so killing someone in one time will not necessarily led to the death of their family line.
The Storm can be accelerated by causing or accelerating critical points in history, leading to them happening earlier than expected = changing the original timeline.
So what if the Storm reversing places to completely different era backwards and forwards actually does the same to people?
Take Mr Karson: the 1929 Storm could have flung 'him' into the 1990s, his core history of being a war veteran would not change but now he isnt looking after Sotheby instead lives in Sao Paulo. Being flung into the 1990s has caused a butterfly effect in a sense to his own history: what if he remained in Sao Paulo at the end of his war service for example?
R1999 is playing with the Mandela Effect here: the Foundation will remember recorded history prior to the first Storm, and now history is being slightly altered by the Storm. The changes would eventually become so often and with so many to record the true original history may be forgotten entirely. It will become harder to tell what was the original until that new altered history becomes the memory incorrectly remembered by others.
So all victims of the Storm are not dead then are flung to different eras and places, slightly altered but in essence that original person. However it would be hard to investigate what would happen if a person were to be caught in multiple Storms, reverse in one and again in another (maybe thats what is happening to Martha Urd Bessmert)
Someone like Schneider then would still be alive somewhere, maybe in Italy, maybe a little bit different but in essence the same one we met in 1929 but doesn't know us. Same goes for Isabella, the Ring, people of Aperion and etc etc. Maybe we met 888 before she ever found the island, see the Ring potentially at the age he would be now in Scotland since he is implied to be Scottish.
This opens up the table for any of the people Vertin had met in the past to met them again.
Playable Schnieder or at the very least her return is no longer off the table and very possible now, this doesn't take away the impact of her 'death' as likely she will have no recollection of the time spent with Vertin and co, they did just meet within 24 hours. (BP would be so cruel if we met her in an Orange farm in Italy).
(I need a second opinion on us tbh, 2.2 at the end was really dropping huge things to set up the 2.0 story wow)
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utilitycaster · 2 months
1/2 I was thinking about the Creator Hammer its intended function, which feels way closer to Predathos than Ascension based on my understanding. Like TRQ erased the old god's name and face when she ascended, but there was still a role for her to fill. But Predathos (and the thing in Tengar if it's not just Predathos) more or less created a vacuum of divine domain until TRQ'S ascension. Even the old god didn't seem to absorb those domains? And we don't know what would happen without any gods left
2/2 And I feel like that distinction is kinda crucial - it's wild to see some people treat the hammer as 'just' killing the gods (which. already has huge implications) but actually getting rid of the domain entirely feels like a step even further, and if the gods didn't already have a right to freak out at the idea of being killed, I think this really cements a reason for them to be concerned, idk!!
Hey anon! So actually I've been wondering about some aspects of deity lore/cosmology and I hope we get more answers because, to be honest, I'm not sure what happens here.
It's implied that the nothingness that destroys Tengar is Predathos. We also know that Predathos does not seem to take memory and name when it destroys something; Aily and the other entities of light are still able to say Edun's name after he goes away, just as Ethedok and Vordo's names can still be said. This is in contrast to the Raven Queen, who in ascending did erase the prior god's symbol and name (and aspects from memory, though to varying degrees - Asmodeus does recall in EXU Calamity that he was a brother, but acknowledges the name is gone). I think her rites of ascension likely added that aspect, especially since we know her mortal name was forgotten and made impossible to read. Finally, we know new domains can be created as Vecna ascended without eliminating another god, and simply added himself.
So with that information I think the distinction the gods are making between Aeor and the Raven Queen isn't necessarily one of preservation of domains but rather intention. The Raven Queen was not trying to kill a god out of spite or fear or hate, but out of a sense of obligation towards the station. Which does translate to the preservation of domains in this case but I think the point is that Aeor seems to be killing for the sake of killing and not for some higher goal.
Perhaps this isn't correct to bring in Worlds Beyond Number, particularly since Brennan is working, with I'm sure plenty of leeway and freedom, within Matt's worldbuilding here, but I do feel like the way he talks about the witches and their domains [note: haven't listened to the latest episode no spoilers please] is worth mentioning. The witches are proposing killing one of their number (Erika's PC, Ame), and when Ame brings up her domain, they note that if she dies, her domain doesn't disappear; it simply isn't tended to.
I go back and forth on how much the domains of the gods of Exandria matter because we know there is overlap - Nature is a very big thing that encompasses aspects of Death, Storms, Sun, and Moon. Corellon and Moradin and Erathis all share parts of the creative process and it's implied Pelor does too. Agriculture is part of civilization.
If all the gods were killed? Perhaps it would destroy the world, but if some were I think they would simply lose that overlap. I don't know if there is a tipping point - and I do believe there is one (and it's indicated some Exandrians who might know, such as Keyleth, believe this too) but it's also possible that the domain still exists, but the magic and potential within it is gone. If both Melora and The Raven Queen are killed, for example, perhaps there is no longer an afterlife for anyone, but death will still exist.
When Asha says that Aeor will destroy everything I don't think it's a domain thing - I think it's just her noting that Aeor is already consuming a huge number of the planet's currently limited resources. The apples are going to Aeor and not to the starving beggars nor the animals. I think it's just a statement, in terms that a hungry nature goddess would use, that this is an exploitative empire taking advantage of their position of power amid war and natural disaster and that it will eventually exhaust the natural resources Exandria has to offer and die out itself: "This thing, this will be rock and nothing else. Three generations, four, they're going to end it for everything." Taliesin out of character in Cooldown then says Asha/Melora is speaking on behalf of life on Exandria, generally. I don't think it's that nature or storms or death or dawn will cease to exist overall, per se; I just think that they believe that if the only power left on Exandria is Aeor, all life will starve and die out not long after.
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venjamyra · 3 months
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Lyrics – Same Shade as Concrete by Circle Takes the Square
feels a little funny to be making fanart of a manga that started before I was born with music that came out when i wasn’t even one year old yet…
lineart and various inane ramblings (manga spoilers ahead) about this comic that haunts my mind below the cut (its a lot…)
Okay, here’s the line art for anyone who wanted to see it without spoiler talk:
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wow, so cool. Sometimes I like the lineart better in some ways and the colored version in other, different ways… I wonder how to find a good middle ground…… such are the mysteries of life
Onto the brain rot!!!
Okay, so this whole piece is kind of showing Wolfwood’s journey toward ‘accepting’ that he is an assassin. He has killed people. And his belief that he is irredeemable, this is just who he is now, stained with blood.
I’m gonna talk about panels 1,2,3, and 4. Those are just in order from top to bottom, so panel 1 is him firing the gun, and panel 4 is him in the river of blood.
So panel 1 is establishing that this is teenage Wolfwood, and he’s killing someone. YES I used that one painting as a reference (The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel). I don’t know anything about it, but it looks cool and I like the idea of an apparently evil character crying dramatically. Throw a gun in the mix and you have me curled up in a ball crying about Wolfwood. Wolfwood isn’t crying here, but I hope the reference shows the implication that he’s crying internally.
Panel 2 is directly contrasting with panel 4 with the volume of blood. I chose the blood to just barely cover his hands on purpose, NOT just so that I didn’t have to draw more hands lmao. Lots of blood on his hands symbolism throughout, because he has his whole thing about it. Anyway, this is like, the specific amount of blood where Wolfwood finally feels too far gone. It’s reached his hands, he can’t come back from this.
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shout out to the people who helped me find this panel earlier 😅 @markcampbells @grymmdark
The crosses are there to establish his being surrounded by the Eye of Michael, trapped into this pool of blood. I know with the three crosses there’s some heavy crucifixion symbolism going on. It was honestly unintentional, but if I had to come up with something for it, I’d say in Wolfwood’s mind in this moment, he is the one crucifying people (Jesus, whomever). Again with that ‘too far gone’ stuff. He ‘knows’ who he is now, and it is not a savior. I’m not Christian as an adult and the only thing I did in Sunday school was question the adults or quietly judge them for their logical fallacies so idk if this makes sense in Bible-lore 😭 lol sorry.
Panel 3 hits home on the bloody hands thing, big motif. And then the gun pokes through the panel to give us this connection to the final panel, where we see a second drop of blood, coming from Wolfwood’s own hand, presumably filling the river he’s in. So the entire river is made specifically of blood from his hands, not just blood he spilled.
Panel 4. The big one. Okay, I heard that willow trees represent peace. I don’t know if this is bullshit, but I guess they can mean whatever I want ✨. Wolfwood is not fighting the flood here, just floating along, basically. He’s not relaxed, he hates this. But he’s come to some kind of acceptance. He feels (false) peace that this is just who he is. If he doesn’t get to control who he is or what he does, at least he knows that. This is not the time or place that I’d like to talk about themes of control and bodily autonomy in Trigun--we’d be here forever lol--but its totally that stuff. The willow trees contrast with the crosses here. It is no longer the Eye of Michael holding him in, trapping him in this pool of blood. Now, the willow trees (peace, acceptance) that are grown from his own mind/coping methods are what keep him trapped. I like to imagine the crosses are still beyond the trees, causing the trees to serve as both a wall keeping Wolfwood in and a wall keeping the antagonism of the Eye of Michael out. This is also visual because willow trees look much nicer than mysterious creepy crosses.
The comic basically ends where Wolfwood begins in Trigun. Yeah, he’s got his silly moments, but on a deeper, less superficial (sub-superficial…ficial…?) level, he really believes himself to be stuck in life, unable to change. In the last panel, he’s naked because he’s vulnerable; this isn’t the suit and a charming smile, this is him as he sees himself.
This idea of Wolfwood feeling acceptance with his shitty life drives me insane. In volume 8, after he kinda does his normal assassin work again, he is so fucking sad and angry. I think he tries to tap back into that idea of acceptance, but he can’t. He’s been through so much and seen so much with Vash that he just can’t accept it anymore. Like with the song lyrics as they’re used in this comic, is someone (Eye of Michael, Chapel) goading him into standing in this pool of blood and staying there even as it rises. And then here, he gets a little taste of freedom and just fucking pulls himself out!!! If I feel inspired I could make a part 2 one day where he’s pulling himself out of the blood river or something idk.
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All manga panels are courtesy of Trigun Manga Overhaul!
Oh and some fun drawing things before I go. Important disclaimer: I do not claim to know what I’m doing.
The first pic has the guidelines I used to create shape and draw attention. I saw someone say that using simple shapes helps with composition so I’ve been trying that? It seems cool, I like it. And the second one has my lines to remember where my light source is. I kind of shade based on vibes, which I want to work on, but for now is fine. But the idea is that even though each of these panels has days/weeks to years between them, they all have one light source that extends across the comic. It comes across as a ‘lower’ source relative to Wolfwood in the first panel, which feels dramatic. By the time we get to the last panel, it comes across as the sun, high in the sky. I did this because it felt cool.
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okay love and peace and go listen to the emo music my older brother showed me yippee!!!
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ratcandy · 8 months
OH YEAH and yeah idk maybe the big skull fungus very well could be like, a god. that it could be like, the one god shroom. i remember people before sotf were wondering if the mushroomos infected sozo(nious) on purpose because of the implication that its a god was in the file name even before the lore tablets mentioned it.. i think. i havent seen them for myself either besides small glances IT ALSO HAS A WHITE STEM?? INSTEAD OF A BLACK ONE LIKE SOZO HAS?? like?? is it a different type? what if its from an ancient ancestor? whats going on, whats the relation of the mushroomos to these similar but different fungi? im honestly just as confused as you are. i think about these things about the game, especially with sozo, so often and im glad someone else also does just as much LMAO. at this rate ive posted 3 fucking anon asks in a row im so sorry
If it is a god shroom then everything explodes because It's A God Shroom it could do whatever it wants for any reason . In which Sozo has a god in his body/brain(???) and that's why it can drag him with it when it's revived. and that is a Theory I've proposed before but then it's like. WHY would a god shroom NOT infect more than just Sozo. Surely it wants to propagate right??? Otherwise why infect at all?? Unless it just wanted a vessel??
I mean fuck if we really want to go insane about it, the fungi that kills Sozo doesn't even look like the same fungi
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and it split the one on his head in HALF so like. I assume it's the same fungi and it just spores in a strange way, because otherwise we're going into complicated ass hyperparasitism territory (parasites that infect other parasites) which we COULD do but like WHY, but i mean.
like. maybe this is a neverending spiral of endless fungi. who knows Throws my hands into the air.
AND DIFFERENT STEM COLORS YOU'RE RIGHT I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE?? COULD THEY BE DIFFERENT SPECIES THEN? BUT WHY ... Or is a maturity thing and maybe the one on Sozo is younger and will lose its darker colors as it ages????? I mean. And bear with me here, but. The shroom on the skull has fuckin age lines. So like. Old shroom? Old shroom gone white with age? Old? Shroom? Aged? Elderly shroom?
and don't even get me STARTED on the mushroomos who are themselves seemingly menticide (given they drop it when killed and sozo will eat them). like. the worldbuilding here is so fucked and I can only barely try to contain it into digestible boxes that make a vague amount of sense in my brain
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cyber-corp · 1 year
A """summary""" of Homestuck: Act 6 Part 1
by someone who's glad they've gone back to basics for a bit
Let's (for a brief, fleeting moment) start again nice and simple.
It is the 11th of November, 2011 and today a young girl named Jane Crocker is excited to play the alpha for a game that comes out today called SBURB. How fun!
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Jane here is heiress to Betty Crocker's baked goods empire (as mentioned previously in Nannasprite's story), and there is also set to be a major rebranding initiative happening today as well. She likes baking, detective stories, as well as the occasional jape.
But look out! There's another guy! His name is Jake English, and he's quite fond of action-adventure flicks, guns, and blue alien chicks. Fucking freak he is.
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Jake is currently helping/pestering Jade, his ectodaughter/dead grandma who is set to give it to John (Jake's relations with him is yet to be revealed), before realising that it'll need a bit of uranium to be finished. He only can get it through a boy called Dirk Strider, (unfortunately), and his Brobot which just so happens to be the only source of uranium on the island that Jake lives on.
Before he pesters Dirk, Jake gets a message from someone (presumably a troll) named UU. They essentially tell him "hey!!! go for it!! i believe in yoU!!! also this event is extremely important timeline-wise, so dont screw it Up!!!!"
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Jake attempts to get to Dirk about uranium, only to get the equivalent of an AI-based answering machine, much to his dismay.
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He then heads out of the island's forest (with the dread of the Brobot lingering) and into the open. He witnesses the beautiful fauna on display.
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Too beautiful for comfort.
Jake attempts a getaway, before being swarmed by a large swarm of fairy bulls! Whatever shall he do now? But not to worry, because a certain BrotherRobot has come to rescue!
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He then immediately gets his ass kicked royally, (complete with Tensei's amazing score) and blacks out. He has a dream about someone who kinda looks like Vriska???? But isn't really??? Maybe it's one of the prophecy people that Doc Scratch was talking about??? Or undead Vriska??? idk man.....
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He tells Roxy Lalonde about this, who panics because everyone in the group is attracted to Jake in some way. He is a harem protag, apparently.
Anyway, while Jane has the most relatable moment in all of Homestuck by awkwardly confirming her and Jake's 'friendship', Brobot tears out its own heart, then blows itself up, giving Jake the uranium he needs. He also confesses to Jane that he and Dirk would be a good couple!!!!
The Alpha Gang have proved themselves to be superior to the Beta Gang by being gay.
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Jake is last seen in this chapter heading down the frog temple, presumably to finally send that package.
Where was I? Oh yeah, Jane!
So CrockerCorp undergoes its big rebranding, changing its symbol to a fork instead of a spoon, which will have very big implications later on.
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After UU pesters her about the nature of the game she will play, she continues to look out the window, to no game yet in her mailbox.
While pestering a ditzy girl named Roxy Lalonde, she just so happens to notice that her mailbox flappy thing is up, meaning the game is finally here! She dons a shitty disguise to confuse her dad (which is the same as John's dad), and, with the help of Dirk's robot bunny Lil Seb creating a massive hole in the wall, she lass scampers out of there.
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She opens the mailbox, which then proceeds to fucking explode, knocking her out and sending her to Prospit, where Jack Noir ᶠᵘᶜᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵏᶦˡˡˢ ʰᵉʳ ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵃᵐᵐᶦᵗ before she wakes up.
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I think at this point I am completely past the point of no return and have no choice but to cosplay as Gamzee with nothing but grey Sharpie. Other than that, Homestuck continues to keep itself fresh and interesting through established lore (probably from a page you don't even remember because you were too distracted by Karkat yelling).
Even more excited to see where this goes!
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is-the-milk-fresh · 10 months
Ngl i actually fucking loved the FNAF movie. Like maybe its because a month before it came out i watched markiplier and activated a hyper fixation of it, but it was LIT
So many bits felt directly out of the Silver Eyes book trilogy. Like the scene in the arcade with foxy or honestly the whole ending was v similar to fourth closet's ending. Fuckin loved it.
Also the fact that it was all super faithful EXCEPT for the big differences which felt very intentional. Like i think its implied Mike is Henry's son here? And tbh if they do sequels that'll be far less complicated plot than actual fnaf lore.
Vanessa being ole Willie's daughter make so much sense!! Like obviously its completely different from the games. But in terms of characterisation / place in the story she was already Willie's 'protégé'. Here she's just literally his daughter. I also liked how she was essentially what people assumed Mike in the games was? Someone who was abused but complicit in hiding the 5 kids death.
If they do get a sequel i hope we get some explanation on the Schmit and Afton family backstories. Like Aunt Jan?? Such a similar name to Aunt Jen. Also whether a CC character exists? Or whether Elizabeth exists.
Because if Mike is Henry's son then that would put Garret as Charlie's counterpart rather than CC's. Especially since willie wasn't wearing the suit when he killed him and Garret isn't possessing any of the current animatronics (unless ofc 'Its Me' on the glass was Garret and they are a CC counterpart but idk ive only just seen the movie)
My favourite bit was Cassidy tho. Idk if this has lore implications for their gender in the actual games but god they were spot on. The kid playing them was great, you could tell they were having fun it, unsettling little angry ghost boy my beloved
So yeah the movie was super camp but so fun and the puppet design was FANTASTIC
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miiilowo · 1 year
hey, same anon from earlier here. Idk if you’ve thought of it but, do you have any thoughts about a fnafsb ruin rewrite? I like hearing your rewrite thoughts btw :] I think your ideas are very neat
i dont have any thoughts about a ruin rewrite exactly, but i do have ones for just the base game! so ill. share that here ^_^ sorry if youve alr seen me ramble about this specifically but its more simplified and straight to the point than my previous posts ab it anyways
my copycat killer vanny au is less of an AU and more of a "what if steel wool . didnt. do that: a collection of ideas" and so SB being different is a big big portion of it
First off, lore wise, I'd completely remove william. as much as i love him, im tired of his corpse being dragged around much like everyone else. This means no glitchtrap. Fnaf VR would be non-canon, and purely just be a compilation of games and have ZERO story implications. so it'd go straight from ucn+ffps -> security breach. the pizzaplex would exist because of the fazbear ent franchise package (the same one michael got in FFPS)
Vanny would be a true-crime obsessed freak failwoman who gets a little bit too invested in the missing childrens incident and mr afton as a result. she is homocidal. and unwell. after months (possibly years or more) of being obsessed with william and the murders, she sees that the pizzaplex is hiring, and takes her chance!
In one of the SB endings you can see that theres multiple already missing children listed in a newspaper. I'm sure you can see where im going with this
So. Security breach. My first course of action would be to solve the glamrock issue-If theres no glitchtrap, theres no reason to be aggressive. my solution to this is making it so they have a night mode where they try and find any patrons still in the building after closing time and alert the security guard ((think of all the vloggers posting WE STAYED OVERNIGHT IN THE PIZZAPLEX!?!?!?! (WE ALMOST GOT CAUGHT) videos)). this is bad because the security guard is vanessa
I think for the beginning of the game, we have gregory being caught by her straightaway. he would be upset, but not have a reason to really fear her; afterall, shes just some nightguard. she can take care of him and make sure hes safe, right? lure him into a false sense of security. i want her to bring him to a room (perhaps the vanny hideout in sb), say she has to leave and that she'll be right back. from here, the lights will go out (she shut them off + put on her little murder getup + disabled the security cameras). Now, going back to the missing kids, i like to imagine shes a bit of a freak and hasnt stuffed any of the bodies into the suits yet because she wants to wait until she has enough victims and then do it all at once. Gregory will either see blood or smell a corpse in the vanny hideout, and manage to escape through a vent. from here, the game will take place in the dark. vanny will peek around corners and from railings, always watching you but never quite catching up except for some chase sequences because she likes toying with her prey [which will eventually be her downfall]. You try to avoid her and the animatronics.
Glamrock freddy is a problem. I dont want the glamrocks to be as sentient as they currently are, so i think making them be a sort of shitty chatgpt AI would work wonderfully. It means that glamfred could be very, very, very unhelpful at times, and would leave room for uncanny interactions as well as funny ones, which fnaf is sort of known for. the funnies. the sillies. the jokes. the "dont poop on the floor"s. He would be programmed to protect children above all else, however, so he isn't in night mode like the others are.
In security breach, theres a really fucking good cut plotline about glamrock freddy. After getting all of his upgrades, when vanny disassembles him, he turns against gregory, and becomes an antagonist. i cannot stress enough that this USED TO BE IN THE GAME. we have lines of gregory crying and shit. i would 100% keep this in the SB rewrite. its at this point he would shift into night mode instead of just succumbing to the mind control stuff like before. thatd happen either about 2/3rds of the way through or halfway, with a few stretches of time where freddy either isnt cooperating or is unavailable like in the OG game beforehand
outside of that, i would make the pizzaplex smaller, grimier, and dingier. not the same levels as fnaf 1 of course, but the only super clean areas would be like. the atrium and dining areas. fazbear ent is neglectful and unsafe, the vents and rooms patrons dont go into typically arent gonna be super clean. the kitchens probably only get cleaned when they know a health inspector is coming. lets be real
id also love a heavier focus on liminal space sort of enviornments in the pizzaplex. its an empty 80s themed mall! its the perfect setting for it! they kinda sorta did it in the daycare, but didnt fully commit, and id LOOOVE more areas like that, because in the dark theyd be 100000x more unsettling. the only lighting would be very dim neon lighting for ambience and a flashlight i imagine, maybe one on gregorys fazwatch
i dont have a lot of plot points rounded out overall, just some concepts id throw in there, and i especially dont have an ending planned out. ive never been too big on the sci-fi elements fnaf took on around SL and the release of the books (been a fan the whole 9 years!), so trying to figure out an ending that would lean into ruin and making ruin....not like that . would be a whole. Task. a fun task, but a task nonetheless. i do like ruin quite a bit unlike SB, but it wouldnt mesh well with everything else i have going on here and would be bit out of left field i thinks
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disastercit · 7 months
well. new episode time! feels really different with what we know now, but. here's my thoughts anyways I guess
big spoiler warning because this episode is paywalled and might be paywalled forever but rooster teeth isn't even going to be around forever so idk what that means for the future of this episode. warner bros being the one who owns it seems like a bad sign.
-yeah I know the feeling (florida moment)
-"maybe he's dying?" "I'm dying..." ":D"
-max being excited about david dying feels like a very season 1 kind of joke but I laughed anyways
-holy shit air conditioning???
-i vote muppets!!!
-i also know that feeling unfortunately (the ac broke at my high school literally every week)
-"we can't afford hide and seek" DAMN
-david this competition prize feels HIGHLY unethical
-is this the same spooky cave where nikki found all those bear skeletons or is this camp and just the area in general completely overrun with spooky dangerous caves within walking distance
-okay I'm just gonna start filling up the qm square on my bingo card with as many trees as I can fit at this point
-however I will draw attention to the fact that quartermaster did try to steal Max's blood back in season 4. do with this connection what you will
-aw, CJ. it's on sight.
-oh hey it's throwaway side characters, at least I've got that going for my bingo
-overly detailed popsicles time!!!
-ooh I could write a million essays about the hose scene it's the cutest thing ever. I'm emotional
-did anyone have sasquatch making an actual reappearance on their bingo card
-today's "next time on" is completely unseen! and..! oh no!
-theres a lot to unpack there, we can deal with the implications of that next week
well! I only filled in one more bingo slot and I'm starting to think I was a bit too ambitious with my predictions. oops.
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normalenjoyer-png · 9 months
maybe it's too early to call it but i think the reason im not as big a fan of post-ucn lore+struggle to really get into it is because it kind of. feels themeless.
like ucn+pre there's a LOT to do with the aftons and the emilys. there's loss, grief, repentance/atonement, revenge, pain, family, moving on, and it overall just feels. heavy. there's so much weight to it. the mini games having huge lore implications but also the stories they tell on their own being. haunting. (princess quest counts in this as well i think. i adore it because it feels like it's getting towards the embodiment of what fnaf should be at least)
whereas post-ucn feels like it doesn't really know what story it wants to tell. it had something with help wanted and vanessa/vanny, but i mean. the latest game theory video said the latest game was probably them trying to wrap up vanny's story. which is BEWILDERING to me, and i hope they don't leave her behind!!! i feel like i barely fucking know her!!!! she has more cut content than canon content!!!!! like it all just feels so unsatisfying.
it took them 7 games to wrap up the afton/emily familys' stories (which is admittedly almost definitely more than scott wanted) and the ending was powerful. vanny's (potential) ending here with help wanted 2 feels wildly unsatisfying because i feel like she just should've gotten more :/ more depth to her being a villain, to her motivations, to her behavior.
like idk man again maybe it's too early to call it <3 and i'm soooo open to eating my words because i do love post-ucn content outside of the lore <3
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numericalbridge · 1 month
I have really conflicting thoughts about the Collector's introduction. When i was first watching season 2b I already knew about the shortening and from reading some posts i assumed they were only added after the show was shortened to replace something the writers couldn't fit anymore, and so his plot seemed fine as a replacement plot (except the puppets in s3, but that's a different conversation).
But apparently Collector and the Archivists were always planned, and idk how i feel about it. I think this is something so big worldbuilding-wise that it would need to be introduced much earlier in some way, even if just as brief mentions here and there of some legends, like the Titan was. (And yes, one of the Arhivists was introduced in the Owl Beast's backstory, but for me it wasn't enough if they were meant to be the cosmic entities on such a big scale).
I really didn't have much feelings about Collector's introduction when i first watched; and because season 2b for me is the strongest part of the show i've accepted them as part of it, so even on the rewatch - knowing this wasn't a replacement plot - their introduction didn't bother me. Well, their not shadow!design was always a bit disappointing. But, from experience with other media, if i was watching toh without the knowledge of the shortening then introducing a major player and new lore like this, out of nowhere, near the end of the show might have weirded me out, even as a child.
And the other thing - i think I would've preferred if Collector was an actually difficult pre-teen with an actual cruel streak due to their upbringing and isolation and Belos's influence, like he seemed to be in s2b, and in the end he was given sympathy and help, rather than the easy way of making him too young to understand they were hurting people (this is assuming the puppet plot would've been replaced, and the writers would be careful to avoid other unfortunate implications).
The Collector's out-of-the-disc design is also still disappointing when some of the concept art had really interesting designs (the one where he is a little 'cloud' thing inside his humanoid head!). It's not even that toh couldn't include those designs because they are not reliable enough for the kids when King has a 'scary-cute' monster design and he is reliable.
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ihaveforgortoomany · 9 days
Heres a CN spoiler filled suitcase speculation (even less concrete since we don't have translated anecdotes and MAJOR SPOILERS for 1.9 onwards!)
(Random bit: what the hell is with Constantine's shoes? I just remembered someone posting about it, wdym shes got a belt hooking the under side of her heels? Why? I wanna see someone (Vertin) just trip her up, for funnises)
Alright - Isolde and Tuesday after being screened by the Foundation become residents of the suitcase with loads of restrictions, even more for Tuesday with the information about the motel. It was likely deemed keeping them there was the best decision, as in its now the Timekeeper's problem to deal with the murder lesbians.
Kakania as seen with the post-journey art is likely following/ accompanying Marcus as her assistant (or something like that, all we can say deffo is that Kakania will actively avoid Isolde, like that one Wilderness interaction oh god thats so sad).
Lucy joins the suitcase after being demoted (or holiday idk), makes modifications to her appearance as more human-like (her insight 2 design).
(Again with the post-journey art, everyone is on holiday except Vertin lol)
Can't say much on Argus so far, need their anecdote but likely after discovering whatever the truth was with Kayla.
Joe, Pioneer, Mercuria AND Sputnik likely join later after the events of 2.0,2.1,2.2 since Vertin is in Brazil and Matilda's journey was just before Vertin reached Texas. Similar thing with Barbara unless we see her in 2.2.
Still no idea on Eternity, but likely she joins the suitcase wayyyy later since we know Matilda is a frequent visitor (cough. victim) of the suitcase and had not met Eternity until 2.0. Already confirmed she joined at least some point after Marcus with their comic.
Its actually very convenient to pair up Lilya and Vertin to travel long distances, the only downside being if Red-38 suffers damages then they are on foot.
For the 2.2 gang, Anjo likely under goes the process of testing and watching similar to Isolde, Tuesday and Jessica (if anything shes probably the nicest and safest person to be stuck in a room out of the lot, unless shes under orders to kill you or somethin). It will be interesting when she joins since we now can confirm she met Matilda and Joe, how Joe and Anjo might interact after 2.0 and Argus after 2.1.
Mr Duncan and White Rum I would say the same deal, join after a while. Mr Duncan is the most interesting since its confirmed he is human and with the Umbrella from 1.9 he will be the second human Vertin saves if a Storm comes to Brazil (I have a feeling it might tbh, either this patch or next). Potentially the first human to survive the Storm in the suitcase with the Umbrella maybe?
We now know the suitcase can change format so maybe big big lore implications here once we get the ability to change the lobby (wild guess if Bessmert Martha Urd is the original owner of the suitcase maybe teaches Vertin how to? Or she just meets someone who knows about it?)
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hsr-texts · 1 year
No, but the fact that belobogians never seen a chicken raises so many questions.
What farm animals they have and how do they keep them alive? Like the place has gotta be close to city, because it's simply easier to warm up the area this way. And just how big this farm area needs to be to provide for an entire city?
If they don't have chicken, what do they use instead of chicken eggs? If they don't use any substitutes, then they don't have cakes or other food like that. Or do they only have eggless recipes that don't require baking like some type of cheesecakes? I mean their planet is already like a giant freezer, they can use it.
Or they probably use other eggs, like idk duck eggs.
Does that create an even bigger divide between the overworld and the underground? Like most of the farm animals require plant-based food, so it would be very hard to keep them in the underground, especially after Cocolia ordered to close the border. But does this mean that some kids from the underworld never had milk?
omg hell yes i love discussions like this
this has sent me down a rabbit hole where i'd research belobogian cuisine ingame
(warning: this is a bit of a long post)
i'm looking at the flavor text lore for the dishes that you can get from belobog and i have this stone-grilled olm. i looked up what an olm is and yeah it's basically an amphibian
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besides olms, they have crabs which interestingly enough also has interesting lore implications because apparently these crabs could "wreak havoc" in belobog before the eternal freeze and then became extinct so has hook just been eating an extinct species this whole time??
the answer to my question was in "Miners Weekly" where it talks about how the rock crab nests were destroyed so it seems like the extinction only happened recently
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then we also have crystal lizards that are coldblooded and live in mines and apparently isn't even meant to be edible despite the fact that this is also something being sold by the food stall. i also wonder if that dialogue at the bottom saying how the crystal lizard satay tastes like chicken is from the trailblazer or march because it can't really be a belobogian
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i checked the bookshelf if i had any books that could answer my question and lo and behold, here's a recipe for how the crystal lizard satay and some lore attached to it. apparently the dish was created out of necessity due to a mining accident and lack of rations. i guess desperation can be the best source of creativity.
note: according to the same book, they've eaten candied mushrooms.
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so when it comes to farm animals, i found that they do have pork, rye bread soda(?), and yogurt
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this implies that they have pigs and cows but we can't be sure if they're different from cows and pigs in our world. the sausage is considered a national delicacy though so perhaps pigs are common enough that they can be produced a lot since a hundred years ago.
i found the recipe for rye bread soda in my bookshelf as well!
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then i found out they do have fish and jam which makes me wonder where they fish.
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According to Lila, an NPC that's a zoologist, Belobog has dogs, cats, wolves and birds but in ancient times, Belobog had domesticated bears and direwolves in the wild. The bears and direwolves are no longer around though.
anyway yeah this is the info I've found on Belobogian food. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed researching this.
It's really cool to learn more about this kind of lore in hsr
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biolizardboils · 1 year
heres a semi-liveblog i did while playing The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog! spoilers under the cut (both for this game and Frontiers!)
“We designed the difficulty of the THINK levels for experienced Sonic fans [...]” finally...a worthy opponent
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look at this cute little new employee!! im naming them Barry like in the trailer. them and the Forces Avatar just need one more member and they can form Team Self-Insert!
the Conductor is a big doggy!! oh hes retiring aww,
The Mirage Express, huh? i thought i saw a place that looked like Mirage Saloon in the traileSPAGONIA MENTION!!
okay im not gonna say the menu’s instant ramen is absolutely a reference to the 06 fandub, but i struggle to imagine what else it could be
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so they eat Pickies, but eating Cluckies is apparently too far? filing this under Important Lore Implications /j
everyone’s outfits aaaaa;;;;
“(Why can’t I be normal for one second...)” Barry calm down, your unorthodox yet charming response got you a wink and thumbs up from Sonic the fucking Hedgehog! id be over the moon if i was you
someone already left their ticket in a napkin holder, can’t have shit on my first day
Important notes on Barry: is intimidated by Knuckles, Espio, and Shadow, is Sparkle Gelatin Buddies with Tails, somehow cannot recognize Sonic in the flesh, and bows for royalty like Blaze
Wait... the train's robot arms look like something Eggman would make... Mr. Conductor sir...?
Why is Butcher!Vector stationed in the library and not like, the kitchen lol. And also why’d he and Espio leave Charmy at home
Amy proceeds to explain the rules of Among Us
Tails is disqualified from being the murderer, for he is both Detective and Babey
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At long last... the token evil Flicky
uhh why’s the train shaking
Amy refusing a chance to use her hammer...?
the stick behind her was def her hammer’s handle, wonder how it broke
how on earth can a Crack on A Shelf fit in someone’s inventory
how did that minigame help Barry think of an argument dfghj
oh the hammer she broke was a Great Value backup, thank god
the dead Sonic illustration still sends me hwoling sdfghj
i muted the game to play this real quick and now im laughing even harder
wait sonic can talk but he’s numb and can’t move. no longer laughing
he’s got wounds?? and NO PULSE??? oh my god theyre actually fucking doing it
what did Omochao do to warrant a wanted poster
Not Knuckles using Ye Olde English for his Sherriff rolefghjk
Omochao is wanted for medical malpractice??? sure why not
okay im gonna stop logging everything and just play for a bit. will type again if something REALLY funny or shocking happens
ooh the bg changed in the Think minigame! reminds me of Earthbound
everybody’s leaving they gotdam post, can’t have shit with this group
id let Barry tell me all about caves
all the options to get rid of the bomb gdsffhgjhkj thank god it wasn’t ACTUALLY a bomb
got caught up in the game but aaaa i hope Amy and Shadow have fun at the Hot Honey concerttt
the blowdart in the conductor’s car... what is it filled with, i wonder... a paralyzing agent... or poison
HE’S STILL PARALYZED/DEAD OH NO... the game didnt give me the option to tell anyone about him but i still feel like an asshole aaaa
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aaand now im laughing again SFDGHJ Amy what do you MEAN by that????
wow, im actually not sure who did it! the robot arm was specifically sliced through, so i imagine it was someone who could do that without a weapon. Vector could’ve bitten it, and Shadow could’ve used Chaos Spear... neither of those culprits seem right to me, but it’s all i got
ESPIO. idk how he did the slicing cus his shurikens wouldve been confiscated but he can camouflage why didnt i think of that
okay the camouflage didnt even come up in the accusation but still
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can you imagine if he’d said this when Mephiles killed him bhkvads
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wait the token evil Flicky is real AND relevant to the narrative??
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oh thats legitimately creepy
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oh thats even worse (even tho i still think hes eggman in disguise)
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okay ngl id have followed these instructions to the letter too. its an autism thing, your honor
holy cow i can’t believe there’s STILL more to do?? the production values....
E  G  G
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eggman has no tolerance for self-insert oc’s :pensive:
it’s canon now that Badniks have competitive wages sdfghj
oh no Barry... your self-deprecating dialogue options are worrying me buddy...
Sonic my best friend Sonic.....you’re right. we can do this
so between this and Frontiers i think this decade’s gimmick is gonna be “silly minigame actually prepares you for the final challenge”
“Don’t teleport us to the future!” Barry how did you correctly guess an event that happened in a destroyed timeline
Ohhh the Train’s mad that the Conductor’s retiring isn’t it?? lemme just plug a video real quick kjhgfdsa
this is fucking TOUGH HELP
“Your happiness comes at the expense of others. Last I checked, that’s called being selfish.” Tell ‘em, Sonic
100 rings??? have mercy
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oh no Train......
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god Barry’s been flabbergasted by this group the whole game dfghjk. is that how civilians tend to think of them? cus its hilarious
nobody even ate?? Barry didnt even get to do his ONE job mndbhksa
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“To the confident, unshakable, and radiant Amy Rose!” WAAAAAUGHG;;
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“...And that’s the story of how I met Sonic and his friends. Entangled in their lives for a fleeting moment, and then back to things as they were.” Living the dream, huh, Barry? I mean, besides being jobless again
oh wait we can choose their epilogue!! i made them stick with the job, practice their singing, and manage to fly to space. as a treat
holy shit that was WAY longer than i was expecting!! every aspect of this was exquisite--scenario, art, characterization, jokes, gameplay challenge?? holy shit
oh hey i guess some people got that Sonic Lore job after all!! congrats to them too!!
I think the moral of this is that sometimes the best April Fools’ jokes are the ones played completely straight, with much more than a simple lie behind them. and also don’t trust trains
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ganonfan1995 · 1 year
totk spoilers
just thoughts on totk thus far
I keep seeing ppl say they've done away with the triforce in totk...but like....im 99% sure that's what the secret stones are supposed to be.
The triforce itself is comprised of the combined power of the royal 3.
But they also seem to work 1:1 like the triforce did in like LTTP.
Also there's 8 pieces which calls back to LoZ 2.
I'm not done the game yet, but totk seems to rehashing a LOT of older lore mixed with more recent lore. Notably, this game feels like its primarily touching on the first 3 games, plus OOT, with some of the better ideas from SS.
You see implications of who the gods truly are (apparently colonizing aliens who descended upon the land to mine its resources...which was something implied in SS quite blatantly???)
But it also adds context to the original 3 goddesses, implying that they had been ancient Zonai who posed as gods to the original inhabitants of Hyrule. Later becoming dragons and mythologized after thousands of years. (also me pogging that the light dragons stoney spines are the same colours as the goddess plumes!?!?!?? idk what that means but cool?????????)
I also don't know if they touch on this later, but it really seems like the Sheikah, esp the ancient Sheikah, were Hylians who specifically followed in the footsteps of the Zonai. I think this makes sense, and ties them to previous games where they were a tribe/clan/family of ninja who were closest to the gods. And since Zonai fancy themselves gods (or at least the ancient Hylians did, I don't think they were tbh) , this kind of clarifies that relationship/connection. Maybe they have a specific tie to Mineru, which would reiterate their bond to the royal family. But that might be over complicating things, since at least in botw they're just like, straight up ninja. But who knows, maybe not??
Also the young dumb idiot energy that Rauru brings is great. Big fan of young fucko who thinks he can be a good king but inherently fucks up because that's impossible, girl ur a monarch, is super interesting. wanna take him by the ears and look him dead in the eyes like, buddy you legit should not have taken those fucking stones out and just lived a quiet life in the woods...but then we'd be without a game. 🙄
I'm still collecting the slabs, the small snippets you get of both he and Sonia's relationship and characters are so fun. Sonia is also great, wish we got a bit more of her tho.
I'm really enjoying Ganondorf, he's a bit understated, but it's been interesting to see him younger than we ever have, right before the unification wars, head full of poetry and ambition. Why he green tho???????
Also really interesting how they've loosened the whole "hylia" stuff in favor for just "goddess"
Very much loving that Link is no longer a knight, but a swordsman who travels around helping people out. Total folklore/fairytale vibes, 10/10!! Also I feel like I'm connecting to him much more in this game, I really could never get behind the devout knight energy. He's a folk hero, he's here for the love of the game, and so am I!
Also mfw "Link...interesting...I look forward to meeting him." my man's been pining to meet ME for thousands of years, confirmed. I read homestuck, I know a black-rom relationship when I see one. (swooning)
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cal-writes · 2 months
9, 15, 26, 27 for future detco (which story is up to you! I can't choose between them! 😅)
9. Did you get stuck at any point? How did you get past that?
The end of one trick pony fought me all the way. something about getting those idiots to talk after their misunderstanding i dont even know why. i think originally it was too many location changes. kazuha and heiji were going to have their conversation on the train back orignally. so i shuffled some stuff around to get past it all
i also didnt want a big confession scene bc i dont think it'd be realistic at that point when heiji doesnt even know what he's feeling yet so
15. Talk about the characters’ struggles & how you decided on those
well the original idea was a sort of sherlock holmes au but shinichi is the character with the cane so from there came a lot for shinichis character. like why does he have the cane, what does that entail. and from there it was okay how did he get from canon to here and what would that do to him mentally.
with heiji a lot of it was practicality? like what would make heiji move to tokyo, because he seems to love osaka a lot. and ive never really vibed with his father as a character so i figured he would make a good antagonistic force here.
in my headcanon heiji also had adhd so that adds to his struggles too and informs his character
26. Share your favorite detail
peww theres so much of it ajkdg mhh. coming up with chisaki was a lot of fun and i love her and her husband as characters. oh also the implication of kogoro/megure/midori. i somehow always get at least one thruple into my fics idk why
27. Share a piece of lore you made up for the story
well i did make up the fall of the black org in this universe so theres a lot of that. have most of that written out just need to polish it up. also i suppose a lot of movie canon that i am just accepting as true ahjdkg. i dont think ive made up any specific lore yet. at least not in the fics ive finished yet. i suppose i can tell you that kaitos father is alive in this story and will become a nusiance later on. other than that idk what lore id have made up thats not like just a choice of what to pick and choose from canon, you know?
oh i guess besides vodka's codename for heiji lol
thank you! for this ask meme
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eccentric-nucleus · 3 months
i've said it before but i feel like however nice the elden ring setting & backstory is, it's all completely failed to be conveyed in any meaningful way during the game itself. fromsoft games never feel like anybody lives there. it's just been nothing but zombies for years/decades/centuries before the current moment. elden rign talks a lot about all these dynastic struggles and the attempts to seize the great runes and whatever, but then you play the game and it's just. everybody's a zombie. who's in these kingdoms?? there's like a dozen people in the world.
dark souls made a big deal of being like, this is the site of pilgrimage for undead; nobody lives here anymore; this is why it's all just wall-to-wall zombies. elden ring, as a game with a much broader scope, doesn't really get that excuse. we go everywhere in the lands between! they're all zombies! or, i guess, there's maybe the implication they're all so incredibly hostile to the sight of a tarnished that silently and without any vocalizations they all try to murder you on sight. but plenty of enemies look pretty zombified too, so idk how far you get with that reading
(also video games have the weird issue of how they themselves are not really diagetic? 'the world map is pared down to mechanically-relevant locations so just pretend there's lots of unmarked, unvisited farming villages elsewhere' 'all these towns aren't "really" just a dozen npcs you idle around in one place; these are stand-in signifiers for normal existence in this world', etc, that kind of thing. that works plenty of times but imo once games go all-in for 'open world', no-loading-screens map layouts i feel like it's much harder to suspend my disbelief wrt videogame-y sizes and scales and distances)
idk i haven't played any of the dlc & i honestly don't feel much of a desire to revisit the game, just because it felt like it all hung together so weirdly. from what i've heard of the dlc it does more to make it seem like there's currently-ongoing evolving action happening elsewhere while you travel through the lands, but that's... it's all just a big dungeon crawl. all those bosses aren't, like, doing anything in the world, they're sitting in a box ready to do their intro animation the next time you step inside.
it's a little funny that all the games have such a reputation for all the buried lore etc, because, yeah there is a lot of setting information you can piece together if you look at stuff long enough. but the reason why you have to piece it together is that at no point in any of these games do you have a conversation more than a dozen lines long with anybody, & all the bosses are just decontextualized titles. nobody knows anything about anything & there's no sense of your actions actually meaningfully impacting anything. they're mechanically very fun! just, plot-heavy they are not
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