#idk mlp so ill have to look them
jrueships · 1 year
you guys should mlp assign the mnba players 🤧 and send them into my askbox 🥰
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astrxealis · 2 years
okay my school has a thing rn where the seniors in business strand are having little stores and they are SO COOL !! also there’s subtle pride merch so haha
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bartythebabygorljr · 5 months
I’m Barty Crouch JR [this is an RP blog]
tag me in any stuff u want me to react to rahhh
I got this weird muggle website bc idk I was bored lmaooooo
it’s kinda cool but the MLP stuff looks like my nightmares came to life, ate one another and threw up again 😇
he/they ❤️‍🔥
student at Hogwarts rahhhh ⛓️
my dad suckssss but unlike ur mother last night he doesn’t swallow 😉
prolly mentally ill but nah 🔥
ultra black monster is my best friend 😈
My friends r cool and also on here bc everyone finds it impossible to say not to me bc im the coolest:
@evanmp3 - Evan - my darling Rosieeeee❤️ MY BOYFRIEND IM SO IN LOVE WITH
@reg-can-swim - Reggie - says I ‘forced him on here’ 🙄🙄🙄 [I love tjat little depressed victorian boy]
@panda-is-pan - Dora💖 - cool ass witch and objectively one of the best people ever
@cas0meadows - Dorcas <333, she scares me but I love her
@prongsieb0y James. Ugh. Yawn. BORING. Hot. Not saying I like him but if it was a party and he asked to kiss me I’d probably fold like a deckchair 🧍
@remus-john-mo0ny-lupin - Remus. HOTTEST MARSAJFER BU FSR U GUYS
@siriuslyhotterthanyou - Sirius 😍😍😍 lowkey enemies 2 lovers - bitchkiller 4 life
@the-one-and-only-lily-evans - Lilyyyyy - I think she’s really cool :D
@mar-lean-into-me - MARLSSSS - chaotic platonic loml
@peterpeterthepumpkineater - Pete - chill chess boy
@maryhadalittlemaggic - MARY ! She seems rlly cool
@emmy-vance333 - Emmelineee - Mary’s best friend and seems chill :3
@alice-f0rtesc - Alice - I’ve heard rumours she’s actually a supernatural being made of never melting ice cream :3
(OOC: feel free to drop asks in my inbox and ill answer them in character :D also if u wanna join w a character we don’t have yet then DM me <3)
(OOC again: main blog is @thedvilsinthedetails my personality is…the exact same as on here LMAO)
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undeadhorse · 2 years
next time i go to sleep i hope i wake up as a tiny sapient ungulate.
i remember seeing some of the TSU art six months ago and being like, vaguely creeped out by the faces. but since then ive fallen down a personal rabbithole of studying horse anatomy and working hard on my art, and also tangling my gender identity up with my deep seated loving fixation on mlpfim. now all i can see is like, beautiful little horses that are almost perfectly what i have been trying to construct in my head as like, what a my little pony would look like irl. bc if you know anything about the show you know that just having them be irl ponies wouldnt work. these horses can play instruments, you cant do that with normal hooves.
ugh. im not sure what to do. the like, feeling inside of wanting to be a my little pony is like, almost too much sometimes. its like the same feeling as being closeted and trans again. but i cant actually like, transmogrify into a mlp or a tsu. i need to like, chill. before this turns into some kind of body dysmorphia or something. idk maybe thats not gonna happen. i just worry. i dont want to start looking in the mirror at the body i have and hating it like i did when i was a teenager. bc i cant turn into a horse. as much as i want to, as much as i can like, style myself subtly to be horsier. i cant be a horse. and i dont want to set myself up for pain by leaning too hard on this to cope. and giving myself body dysmorphia or something similar. its okay that im human.
its so complicated to be told my whole life im not welcome in any group. and then as an adult lose a lot of my connection to the trans and queer communities thru trauma and like, accidental feedback from my peers telling me again that im not welcome bc im disabled and have trauma. or bc im not comfortable with words like f****y. i have been told over and over again that im not welcome by so much of society that im like. i dont feel like im human. i feel like im a monster. not in a horrible i hate myself way. just like. if humans keep telling me im not welcome then maybe ill embrace it and be a monster, and thats something thats been bubbling in me for years and years.
but now this mlp thing. ive rediscovered mlp. it has filled a hole in me. it has buoyed me and become my muse and allowed me to start the process of reclaiming my life and building things for myself. its this font of great things for me. but im worried im leaning too much on it to cope with the new stresses in my life.
im hurting and overwhelmed and that is turning into an intense yearning to be a my little pony in equestria. so bad some days it actually hurts. which makes me think maybe the coping mechanism is breaking down and i need to re-evaluate things.
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yaboisnelf · 1 year
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my friend is really into mlp rn (mlp hyperfixation goes crazy) and i got bored and made VERY BASIC human changeling designs w tonnnsssss of overexplanation and making stuff up ❤️❤️
notes under the cut 👍
- drones on the left (the one shown is special because i gave up on his (our left) right eye so he gets a silly one ✅) and workers on the right
- workers have split ears and drones do not ❤️ workers also have more visible teeth and sharpness so they can like. scare predators better
- according to a fandom wiki, workers are supposed to calm the queen and do little things around the castle while drones are fighters and protectors. in here, im switching it because u WILL have a girl army. so now, workers will hunt, gather, protect, and fight.
- according to my friend, changelings dont actually fight, so though they have an army, they are primarily stealth based, only having completely armored workers near the castle/base. the stealth is so they can get food for the queen.
- armor has wings to distinguish rank, the marks around the eyes also distinguish rank, as well as the color of the banner
- they have quadrate bones and stretchy ligaments or whatever so they can open their mouths extremely wide---like a snake. so, essentially, they have unhingable jaws.
- tight, made to body clothing because they do not have a lot of cloth/items to making clothing. drones make their own clothes sometimes and will make them big to sort of scare predators (like feathers and fur in scared/threatened animals). the clothes are very patchy.
- no shoes, slip-ons, or combat boots are most common
- drones do much of the medical---that doesnt involve healing pods---and distribution of food
- workers are prioritised as they do. kinda the vast majority. (well. queen -> workers -> drones)
- everyone but the queen has very short hair, as it is easier to maintain and differentiates the queen.
- i think they are fish snake bug things. they are based off bugs (bee or ant hierarchy but they look like beetles) but i think they look like fish and i gave them snake features. my design has like no bug because i. didnt want to. ill fix it later. maybe color it idk.
- armor is bug-like. the wings are used to scare off enemies/predators. well. yk. then they steal their love or smth. idk.
- they bite people now. cus i think its funny.
- given the friend seal of approval 👍👍
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beesbond · 2 years
i realised i havent done an update with them since the erm. that dragon. AND since then ive gotten two new dragons to the dsmp fandragon tab
fundy (Phantasos)
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i remember i bought him and one of his brothers to be the other fox guy i dont know how to spell his name and i font want to try. cpk i guess even thought i know it starts with s. sorry. he took ummmmm 9 months to finish bc i had to wait for the pirate event to get his coat at any reasonable price ever. and then i forgot to finish him until today (his sword covers gardening tools but i like the gold trim netting shit so it stays.)
AND AND i made quackity (Tyche)
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he has topped my most expensive fandragon for sure. THOSE CARDS WERE LIKE 220 GEMS OR SOMETHING which i get it was a limited event item and i didnt want the green copy ones BUT THAT WAS A LOT. and the sword also was about the same . AND HIS SHIRT WAS EXPENSIVE TOO??? a classy shirt idr how much it was but??? why r they expensive. i also bought him a tiger familiar bc i like the idea that he owns a tiger okay. its awesome ummmmmm yeah.
OH i also made a couple hermitcraft fandragons and moved my mlp dragon into the fandragon tab.
grian (Deryn)
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hes like. IDK IDR how much money i spent on him but i know the mushrooms and goggles were a pain to get. i think i had most of the other stuff but IDR It was so long ago okay
scar (Dolgr)
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i wish i could remember what these names meant but i know theyre supposed to be like. reminiscent of the guys. can you tell i didnt really know what to do with him... i got him a cat thats SUPPOSED to be jellie but shes not the right color but IDC IT WAS EXPENSIVE ....... ill probably give him another outfit but for now hes his default skin ^-^
this is chrys do you guys like her she is queen chrysalis and she was 50 gems for the ddragon. and it was one of the best purchases ive ever made
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ummmm. https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/431929/879992/1 thats my fandragon tab if anyone wants to look at them IDK . ive talked about the rest of the dragons before but the post is gone?? so idk. i dont remember deleting it but it might have been because of the cdream fandragon i made forever ago............ that guys been banished to my hibernal den TBH i put a disclaimer in his bio that the guys awful and i hate him but like... he was an expensive dragon i dont want to waste that hard work. ill probably end up taking his outfit and giving the parts away while i figure out what to do with him but i havent gotten that far yet
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sonknuxadow · 3 years
i dont know how  to make a post about this without turning it into an essay but i like mlp g5 a lot so far. but to be honest i wish that they hadnt tried to connect it to g4 and had just done another complete reboot of the franchise that has nothing to do wiht g4 or at Least didnt say it was in the same universe as g4
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enderspawn · 2 years
anyway uh. idk if ill post doodles or not yet BUT important notes for my indulgent quick jrwi mlp au:
riptide and black rose crews intentionally designed together bc i fuck w those parallels so hard: arlin and chip are earth ponies, drey and jay are pegasi, and finn and gillion are unicorns. both so all crews have even mix of three, but also to reflect alrin+chip's simple non-magic side, drey+jay's bird symbolism, and finn+gill's magic/casting focus compared to their crewmates
chip still has the arlin earring, but in this case arlin's cutie mark was a gold axe (possibly w waves behind it?? or the waves are just a coat pattern like w pipsqueak, OR the bg of the cutie mark a la luna)
all the ferins have some kind of wing or bird in their cutie marks, like how the apple family all has apples-- both to symbolize the family bond but also works as freedom symbolism for drey and jay (possibly most have birds/feathers and they have Just Wings to push symbolism??? to be decided)
-- drey's looks a LOT like the canon emblem, w a side facing bird in front of a circle, but the circle is actually meant to represent the barrel of a gun. if family emblem exists in canon in this au, adds extra Hurt that he became a pirate.
-- jay's cutie mark is an open set of wings w a sunset/sunrise behind them. ties in general sun/fire theming AND represents a new change, a "new day" for her as she becomes and accepts being a pirate
undecided if i'll go thru w it yet (bc it depends on individual character design), but POSSIBLY the riptide jolly roger is literally Made Up of components from everyone's cutie marks: wings from jay, coral from gill, crack from chip
gill and finn both also share parts of their cutie marks to show their relation to one another (undecided, but likely?)
-- working rn w both cutie marks having tentacles in it-- for finn it's coming out/on top of of a page, to show his academic side + study of aquatic life. for gillion, it's on the blade/hilt of the sword (like in canon) to reflect how he was raised as a weapon.
-- alt gill designs include coral design or a design of a full moon + waves to represent the prophecy
-- also i know gillion being a non-pony makes the most sense and they LITERALLY have an aquatic race in canon but. i just dont like em enough JKDFSJKL sorry hes a horse until i can change my own mind
niklaus cutie mark is either the moon he gave gill (minus letters?), n gill gets niklaus' cutie mark instead of the canon mark, OR he has some kind of 6-pointed cutie mark (due to 6 points being used in mlp canon to represent fate/destiny, a la the main 6 and twilight's cutie mark)
ALSO like stated in prev tags: chip got his cutie mark immediately after the hole in the sea. like when he woke up type beat. and im leaning towards it being a whirlpool design (or a crack?? something chipped????). which means the universe decided his Special Fate and talent is lowkey his Big Trauma :tm: AND it means that he had no one to celebrate getting a cutie mark (which is a Big Deal in universe) with bc he just lost his WHOLE fam.
-- i imagine in au just like how chip has this Massive Hero Worship thing, he looked up to the black rose and was always SO excited for when he got his mark and was like "mines gonna be SO much cooler!!" or "I hope i get one like your!!" etc. and then. :))))
-- ALSO this isnt 100% purposeless angst, cutie marks are meant to reflect your like... Future? like what you're Meant to Do by fate's design or whatever. and like said by others before, chip wasn't meant to exist at all. thus, his mark reflects the moment that came true.
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goatpaste · 2 years
2 things! One, have you seen the AU where Yukako is Kars' daughter/granddaughter (idk which) since they both have funky hair ig and two-since you've stopped drawing the daily horses (or maybe you finished? Idk) it would be cool if you like...drew every Mario enemy or something. the wiki has a list! Neat little guys!
AH YES its a yukako as kars daughter, iv seen that more than once and i think its SO SO funny
and with my powers combined with my pillar fam au and josuke and yukako twins au i can have the best of both worlds.
LIKE picture you think of joseph put twins into the fucking world and their 16 before anyone realizes it and you get there and one of them looks like grandpillar Kars. NOT even blood related to kars but fucking shit she shoots you dirty looks JUST like him that if you didnt know better...
and yeAH i got really close to almost all g1 ponies, but i just
the way i was doing it, especially for my patreon (which is now closed btw! thats going hand and hand with this) i just couldnt find the steam or interest to want to do that everyday. its not just the ponies, its drawing like that kinda of formula everyday that i lost interest in
so idk! maybe some day in the future ill return to daily drawing like i did with WCs and MLP, but as of right now i have no set plans for that kind of return. im really enjoying drawing jojo art and whatever i want between commissions atm!
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I'm not familiar with MLP much so I just looked up the episode (Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep), how is it perceived as suicide related? Honest question; sounds a bit more on the self harm side but idk what Orchard's argument is/was
The suicide thing comes from how Lily talks about self-harm.
So, the video itself is called Self Destruction, and is split into two parts, the first half is about anxiety and how it relates to Fluttershy, while the second half is about Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep.
The first part of that section is her talking about how she felt the episode would have been better if it was a metaphor for depression, as the Tantabuce would then be an external, malevolent being that targets Luna, rather then the reveal that Luna created it herself out of guilt.
Lily then proceeds to talk about self harm, and says that if she found out that someone she knows was committing self injury, she would drag them to a psychiatrics ward against their will. She then comments how she doesn't care is she's hated, but that she just wants them to live by the end of it.
The way she talks about it makes it sound like the person who is harming themselves is about to commit suicide.
Of course, there are a few problems with what she's saying:
Firstly, if the person is an adult, they can just refuse to go into the ward, unless you get them forcefully admitted.
Secondly, Self Harm or also known as self injury, is often not a suicide attempt, but rather a means of coping with intense emotions.
What Lily is suggesting is also not what they recommend for people who know someone who is self harming.
What they do recommend is that:
You listen to the person who is hurting themselves.
Offer a non-judgmental ear.
Encourage them to seek help.
Offer them ways to find information.
And to try to be as supportive as you can.
Funnily enough, that's what happens in the episode. The mane six listen to Luna in a non judgmental way, they listen to her problems, and the offer her support and promise to help her when she needs it.
Lily then says that the episode treats it as a fun little quirk that's easily solved, and then continues to talk about it as if it's depression, and how medication is important because it's a band aid.
(That last part isn't wrong, it's just jarring how quickly she goes from someone self harming, to linking that to suicide, then back to depression.)
I know she did an addendum, but Self Destruction was the video anon was talking about, and the only one I'm going to cover.
I hope this explains things.
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mothric · 4 years
@strawberrypegasus thanks for the ask! sorry for the late reply. I spent an hour answering just one of these yesterday so I wasn’t really able to get to anybody else lol. Haikyuu infodump time here we goooo
🏳️‍🌈 -  do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
so I technically already answered this, but I wanted to reserve my neurodivergent headcanons for this ask so I can have them all in one place! I have so many!!
Hinata, Lev, and Bokuto are all on the ADHD squad. for sure.
I just know in my heart that Hinata is a leg-jiggler and writing utensils fly out of his hand at least four times a day. there’s a reason this kid doesn’t play, like, baseball lmao
meanwhile Lev is the person who will set his feet on the desk of the person in front of him and then jiggle his legs and every time he will not realize he’s done so until he gets told to stop. he will apologize. he will cease for 2 minutes. and then he will do it again. every. single. day.
I think Bokuto’s emotional reactivity and extreme sensitivity to criticism and zero impulse control all speak for itself. the man’s got ADHD I don’t make the rules ok
I am of the personal belief that Kageyama and Ushijima are on the autism spectrum. people can totally disagree with me on this one but I see aspects of myself in them and what are headcanons if not an excuse to project ourselves? lmao
re: Kageyama, he has a really difficult time monitoring his tone of voice, often comes off as rude/aggressive, and has a tendency to say the wrong things at the wrong time. he also sometimes has difficulty interpreting what others say, and he struggles to participate socially or mirror others even though he tries (see: his ‘meat dance’ lmao). when he’s asked to learn to read his teammates better he’s shown to really struggle with it. he also has this whole thing where he doesn’t like to tape his fingers because the feeling of it bothers him and he can tell there’s like a 1mm separation between his fingers and the ball and if that ain’t neurodivergent honey idk what is. also milk is one of his safe foods. I said what I said
re: Ushijima, I feel like this is so obvious I don’t know how people don’t see it lol. he doesn’t mince words, and he doesn’t deal in double meanings or insinuations. he just says exactly what he means, and this is often experienced as rude by people who don’t know him well. his tone of voice is pretty flat, and he doesn’t express emotion overtly like others do. he is also shown to have a hard time fitting in throughout his life. even though the narrative attributes his ‘standing out’ to his left-handedness in childhood, which his mother tried to correct, I personally see this as being analogous in many ways to being a neurodivergent kid. like when his family talks about his left-handedness it doesn’t feel like just a conversation about that, y’know?
anyway you can pry autistic Kags and Ushi from my cold dead hands. I love them so much and if anybody calls Ushijima ‘boring’ or ‘dry’ one more time I WILL fight. just because he doesn’t emote the way you think he should, doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel anything!!!! ugh ok anyway
Tsukki has some kind of depression and at times I really do worry for him lol. like I love him. I love his growth. I love how far he’s come. I also think he should like... see a doctor sjfkd
this isn’t related to neurodivergence but if Kenma doesn’t have some kind of chronic illness I will eat my shoe. like? he has consistently low energy and low stamina that everybody is aware of and accommodates him for? he regularly comes down with low-grade fevers when practice is a little intense? and this is just? how he lives?? my first thought for him was CFS but it could really be any number of things.
FUKUNAGA IS ND TOO. autistic or ADHD I’m not sure, he could be both! you’re probably wondering how I deduced this about a side character from Nekoma who only has like five lines in season 4, but man... I just know this kid is not New Row Typical. there is no fuckin way. the way he speaks and interacts and just ... the way he puts words together .... he gives me improv theatre geek vibes and I know from personal experience that not a single person who is unironically into improv is NT. if it wasn’t for school uniforms, Fukunaga would wear a fedora. not in a m’lady way, I mean he would just think it looks neat and he’d probably stick a bunch of pins in it that he likes and I 👏 SUPPORT 👏 HIM 👏
Fukunaga also seems like someone who would teach himself to do electro swing dances and listen to FNAF and MLP fan songs without even being in the fandoms. gosh I love him so much. he is simply out here vibing. it’s Fukunaga’s world and we’re all just living in it
finally I think Kita and Tendou are good candidates for the neurodivergent squad, though this isn’t a hard and fast one for me. but when Kita started talking about how being methodical and meticulous just feels nice and satisfying I was like,.. we got another one lads. also Tendou is just... Tendou. he’s got Tendou-itis. lmao
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK I have once again gone absolutely hog wild I hope u enjoyed it
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
That Krispy Cat: A Warning, part 3
The last of the images cause I don’t want this bitch on my computer anymore. 
Knowing tumblr I kept the images hidden JUUUUST in case no one reads the fine print and can’t tell I’m being critical of this and gets me in trouble.
VVV ((Just in case you thought the JewishGriffon piece assured everyone that Crispy couldn’t POSSIBLY hate people of color, some of her earliest Nazi art had her character Klaus beating up Amigo Bear. She also made Amigo into a liberal strawman. )) VVV
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((Dialogue to one of her TROLLARIOUS pictures that featured Amigo:
Amigo Bear: *muttering* "Your leader was a !@#$% little #@%^!@$^*!, you fascist feather duster..." General Klaus: "Fräulein, Ich vant you to cover your ears und shut your eyes as tight as you can." Crispy: "How come, General?" General Klaus: "Klaus ist about to say und do very bad sings zhat he does not vant his little Edelweiß to see or hear." Crispy: "Alrighty!" General Klaus: "WHO SAID ZHAT ABOUT DER FÜHRER? WER DIE FICK GESAGT? WHO'S ZUH SCHLEIMIG LITTLE COMMUNIST-SCHEISS SCHWANZLUTSCHER DOWN ZHERE, WHO JUST SIGNED HIS OWN DEATH VARRANT? NIEMAND?! GOTTVERDAMMT STALIN SAID IT! HERVORRAGEND! VHICH VUN OF YOU VANTS TO BE ZUH FIRST TO FIND OUT ZUH HARD VAY VHY MEIN FEINDE CALLED MIR DER BUTCHER BIRD?" ))
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also the disc. for this pic before it was deleted had a ‘joke’ about cooking Jews in ovens. Oh and yes, that IS Hitler she’s giving that ugly ass cupcake too.))
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^^^ (( - Thanks dA I never would have known I had a notifications unless eclipse blah -
This is one of her rants about how #Triggered she is that Starlight be compared to the Nazis when she runs a communist cult. Because A) that’s the real problem here and B) I too get upset when people say my OC is based on Jeffrey Dahmer when he’s so CLEARLY based on Ed Gein, Bwwwaaaah D> D> D> !)) ^^^
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VVV ((Ugly art of her friend’s awful OCs.)) ^^^
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VVV ((Crispy showing off why no one wants to be a patriot in our country.)) VVV
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((FYI, Crisp, that attitude will make the Hamilton fans stronger so just keep that SJW-flinging coming you little SJW.
WHAT?! Social Justice is a broad term and as Crispy’s plainly demonstrated, you can circle it around and make a majority-class sound like the real underprivledged if you have enough fancy frou frou know-how and furries. Also, if a Social Justice Warrior constitutes someone who takes their cause soooo seriously that they’re annoying/petting/cruel/stupid about it....idk I think Crispy qualified.))
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^^^ ((Crispy and her friend muse about what other races occupy the world of MLP in her headcanon. This, more than any other dA disc. and picture shows you her brand of “Segregationist-Nationalism is OKAY” thinking, cuz the art of these different races isn’t super offensive or cruel and neither are the characters. BUT if you scratch under the surface you’ll find that Crispy really likes these different people staying in their place and not in “someone else’s” country.
THEN, this same kind of thinking is used to convince you any mix of cultures is just cultural appropriation, again acting like she and her Nazi-stans are the only ones standing up to actual bigotry.)) VVV
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^^^ ((Crispy makes the world a worse place by bringing up actual decent points; like how Americans dress Thanksgiving up as progressive and for the natives when we all know that’s not true...all to better her worldview.
fyi, GET OUT whenever you see a selfproclaimed Nazi fawn over Native Americans, because: Nazi Germany had a deep fascination with American Indians and used their struggles about their land being taken away from them to justify their eugenic genocide.)) ^^^
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^^^ (( Crispy laughing it up on Furaffinity how she couldn’t be banned from her Furaffinity and then mysteriously never using her site there wowie.)) ^^^
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^^^ (( Crispy complaining about SOPA cause her freedom of speech and blahblahblah.
Freedom of Speech is important. Unfortunately what people like Crispy don’t understand or care for is there’s no freedom of consequence. )) vvv
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VVV ((LOL Joseph Mengele was such a stinkah let’s tell blithe jokes about him. At least WE AREN’T LIKE HIM!!!)) VVVV
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VVV ((Early onset eugenic BS from her Spyro stuff that would be easy to miss if you didn’t know what this woman was talking about)) VVV
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((Crispy admitting she thinks gays are pointless cuz they don’t reproduce but apparently loves them anyway. Also big shock Crispy’s seen Hetalia.)) VVV
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VVV ((Crispy probably wanting Weeaboos to attack her cuz aren’t Japan’s animations so laaaaaaazy?!!?!? GUUdd think’ I’m a naziaboo! Germany’s never made any shitty animation evah. You know what, I lied. She doesn’t deserve Hetalia. She just doesn’t.)) VVVV
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VVV ((Crispy dragging Brazil down with her as the apparent “Best South American Country”. Yikes.)) VVV
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VVV ((More “it’s trolling ergo it’s not harmful” shit. Bulgarians probably do deserve their own Care Bears, but they certainly don’t want yours Crispy.)) VVV
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VVV ((Disc. for her Richard Spencer bear art)) VVV
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I know, I know...this isn’t what you wanted to read today, guys. I know it’s offensive and I’m sorry if it made you ill. I also know I’m putting my own blog under fire by showing these images here but I think that should say something about dA’s bad policies that this art gets a filter slapped on it and nothing more when the artist is blatantly pro-fascist.
Crispy resonates with me so much - and no it’s not cause I DARED to be “triggered”.
It’s because, for one, she was talented. I MEAN I HAVE EYES! That’s some nicely drawn digital stuff I’m not gonna deny. She had some cool rewrites and sequel ideas that, had it come from someone else I would have eaten up and faved to hell and back onceupona2012. But I didn’t, where a ton of MLP and furry fans did because they undervalued their own talents and would say “well it’s pretty who cares about the message?” 
Unlike so many commercial+published artists, it’s REALLY hard to separate the art from the artist here because the artist is so connected and a part of her art and storytelling. If you fav her art, even if you didn’t like her, that was telling Crispy she’d won. It’s so defeating to have other artists say their gonna ignore their gut for the sake of prettypretty-Don-Bluth style art. And yes, that stigma DOES affect my view on 2D purists btw.
Crispy was so holier than thou’, and that attitude also was appealing to dA folks, not to mention her knowledge of art history by the time she dropped off the radar. Crispy was the kind of person who’d make long, detailed, justified rants against the design and color choices in Hazbin Hotel and then a bunch of antis would eat her redesigns up only to learn the awful truth later and embarrass themselves cuz they were so taken up by the craft they didn’t know they were reblogging a fucking Nazi.
Not to underplay Viv’s wrongdoings of course, but I’m sorry; the two aren’t comparable on the problematic artist meter. THAT’S HOW BAD CRISPY WAS.
If this somehow was just a faze and she’s come to her senses or doesn’t really think this shite she preaches...I don’t care. She said some vile shit and fuck no I’m not forgiving her. It’s like KenDraw or Shadman. You’ve changed your life around and realized you’ve done/drawn nasty shit that’s done real harm? Cool....I’m still not talking or ever promoting you, ya dingbat. You ain’t no Roman Polanski or Doug Tennaple. You’re a singular internet artist and any support of the project has to go to you - and you suck!
ThisCrispyKat was a wakeup call that showed me these people not only still exist but will be allowed to get away with it. I was very touchy bout this kind of thing back in the day. Fuck, I STILL AM TOUCHY. The rabbit holes I found thanks to Crispy opened up to reveal communities where people think my hair color’s going extinct. People would detail how much they wanted to rape me - a natural blonde - and kill my friends and family for not looking like me. That they want to jerk off in my naturally curly hair and see me in glowy German princess gowns preparing them dinner.
Crispy and other Nazistans would look at me; a blond-haired blue eyed Polish/German American woman and think I need to be “fixed” because I DARE to repeat propaganda that the Nazis were bad. They’d call me a traitor for thinking that celebrating the Nazi party ISN’T German pride.
People like Crispy make it 1000x harder to actually show interest in German things. Because I AM interested in German shit btw.
Like for real: it’s a country I’d love to visit one day (at least the black forest, which is where my mom’s fam comes from). I love German art and German fairytales slap. I really do want to explore my heritage through art and stuff.
But guess what? Much as Crispy would argue to the contrary I DO know my WWII history and beyond and FUCK YOU if you honestly think jerking it to cuddly Nazi-furs is empowering or just “showing your interest in history”. Take your own advice and read a god-damn book.
TL;DR: I DO NOT have to be proud of Nazis to enjoy German culture and if you think otherwise, FUCK YOU. It’s a slap in the face to everyone even if you are ‘just trolling’ and it in no way values actual German’s feeling on the matter. It’s annoying how people undervalue real people just for the sake of fan art.
The Nazis were evil. They were racist, eugenic-genocidal idiots who killed over six million Jewish people, Romani, Slavs, Jehovahs Witnesses, disabled people, Poles, homosexuals and prisoners of war. They would have killed my dad’s side of the family if they were in Poland at the time. They made bullshit tanks that killed the people making them and didn’t work on the battlefield. Their leader was a fat, farting one-testicaled bastard who preferred animals to people.
They ruined everything for everyone and then took the easy way out, leaving the Germans that were left in the hands of the also-genocidal Soviets and Americans. Germany is still paying their war debts and now, 70-80 years later everyone else wants to laugh off this dark period of history with memes and forget what they did, and as such, are forgetting the victims of the genocide.
I have 0 tolerance for Nazi things for the sake of HUMANITY, let alone the individual groups they target. I don’t have to have German ancestry or know a single Jewish person to tell you any of this. It’s fucking history.
Eat shit.
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theradicalace · 5 years
5. i dare you to answer all of the risky asks in one post
thank you anon i really wanted to expose myself and thats not even sarcasm
risky asks
1. “@” people you want to be friends with
answered here
2. screenshot the tabs you have open
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yes, i’m aware how having five tabs of my own blog open looks. yes, i know i have a lot of tabs open. this is actually pretty tame for me
3. the last text you sent to someone?
“hey can you come pick me up from gsa? this meeting really flopped and only like 3 other people showed up, but its too hot to walk home” 
sent to my mom. the final gsa meeting of the year was meant to be a party, but nobody showed, and nobody brought food. it was kicking up my anxiety and i really wanted to go home, but my moms phone was on silent or something, and i wasnt tryna get heat stroke
4. do you have a nsfw blog?
no. i used to run two when i was thirteen and in a bad place, and didnt really think it through, but after about two years, i realized that hey, maybe i, a minor, shouldnt have nsfw blogs. i might pick em back up when im 18 tho.
5. i dare you to _____
(thats this ask lmao) 
6. screenshot the first page of your search history
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i forgot how to get to my history lmao. anyway the first page was insanely long, because i have youtube open in the background autoplaying a playlist at all times, so i just screenshotted what fit on the screen without scrolling
7. tell an embarrassing memory or story
i cant actually think of any right now! ill reblog this if i remember/find any, but the only thing i can remember is when i had a huge mental breakdown over something that turned out to not be a big deal. 
8. how often do you take showers?
whenever i remember to, which can range from every day, to every few days. i’ll start feeling gross after that tho, so its never much longer.
9.  what was your first blog URL?
answered here
10. if you draw or write, show some of your really old work
i dont have access to any of my oldest drawings from my youtuber phase unfortunately, nor any of my old unfinished fics from my MLP phase, because i impulse deleted all of them.
there is this old thing tho
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and this is my first really genuine, serious fic.
REALLY risky asks (watch out!!! super Risky)
1. if you had to hug anyone who would you hug
answered here
2. whats your favorite flavor of ice cream?
did you know reeses peanut butter cup ice cream exists? thats my favorite. other than that, i like cookies and cream!
3. whats your favorite color?
idk, i just like colors! i prefer bright ones tho!
4. if you have pets, what are their names?
a cat named russel! and a gecko named spider! and a huge assortment of spiders who i cant be bothered to list the names of. also an aquarium of fish
5. do you like a warm bed or a cold bed?
cold bed, with lots of blankets
6. whats a really good memory you have?
actually really recently i reconnected with a friend of mine! im very happy. we watched ducktales together recently and it was good
7. favorite song you cant stop listening to?
uhhhhhh all songs? i just like music
8. do you drink water with or without ice in it?
answered here
9. do you like to use correct grammar when you type or just type all lowercase?
it depends on the scenario! if its casual? lowercase, relaxed grammar. if its formal, like an essay or a quora answer or something? proper grammar
10. whats something thats made you laugh recently?
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tagged by @turianfetishist and i kept forgetting 2 do it afauahs
and then i tried to commit suicide via peanuts so u know that’s how it be sometimes on this bitch of an earth
1. Whats the favorite item of clothing you own?
mmm do binders count as clothes bc if so that one BUT i also have this skirt that’s like a pastel galaxy it’s a #look
2. Tell me about the first time you watched your favorite movie?
hums one of my favorites rn is the new mlp movie(thank u tiny me 4 ur special interests that continue to kidnap me) and me andf my bf watched it when he came to visit AND IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! we went there after dinner and we looked all fancy to watch it and i had So Many Feelings™ tempest is,,,iconic and dramatic i love and support her
3. What was the last book you finished?
tbh tbh i usually read more fics than books recently bc im trash b u t i reread the darkstalker:legends and it’s,,,so good darkstalker is equal parts relatable and a trash child. the biggest trash child like what the FUCK my son
4. What is the next book you want to read?
mmmMM i think i wanna reread lotr tiny me fixated on it and it’s still good THAT OR i need to find the rest of the wof books 👀👀give me them dragons. esp the nightwings. i love them
5. When is your birthday and what do you want for it? (If your birthday has already happened this year did you get what your heart was set on?)
the sweet sweet release of death
okay so dramatic emo-ness aside my bday is on September 28th and Honestly there’s this pair of boots i high-key want bc it has that like. that feeling that if u wear them ur gonna get together a rag tag group and go be space pirates or smthin.
but if we go for non material things i want my bf to come for a visit bc he came for like a week or two last yr for my bday and now im like??? come back??? give me attention????? u done fucked up and now ur stuck with me so Come Back Fucker
6. If you were given one month and $10,000 where would you travel to?
JAPAN!! japan,,,, partly bc i was quite literally made in japan not born there just. made. (an i also want a tattoo that says that but that’s another story) AND ALSO the street fashion there is 👀👀 i can finally look weird and fit in yis
7. Cake or pie?
im not able to have either for awhile adsgsh but fucking. pumpkin pie HELL YES i can live off that
8. Name three things you think you’re good at.
being an annoyance
but mm art, writing sorta?? and sewing :v
9. Name three things youd like to be better at.
if someone could teach me how 2 be a ppl that’d be Great (bc apparently ur Not supposed to lick ur friends. sounds fake), cleaning tbh bc im Bad at that and uhh honestly i wish i knew how to skateboard bc it looks fun but i am useless at it
10. Name three far fetched dreams you’d like to do some day.
i rlly wanna write a novel someday tbh i have alllllll of the plans and plots for it just. gotta do it. don’t wanna do it that takes effort
i want to be friends with every lizard and snake :v THEYRE GOOD FRIENDS good scaly bois
and i Also wanna make some kind of break through in science either engineering or genetics, tiny me had plans for this cool ass robot and everything. but i do not understand the engineerings™
11. If you had to dye your hair what color would you die it?
i used to have the tips this bright blue and i loved it So prolly bright blue but listen
the anime weeb part of me that binge watches psychopass
REALLY wants white hair so i can be a doomed anime protagonist bc thatd be Awesome™
an ill tag uhh @thecouncilwasright @electric-space-possum @erkthewanderer @theravenofwynter an @danceswithturians i don’t think y'all have been tagged but idk :v what is a memory
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nostalgic-blood · 7 years
spoilers under the cut of course
Yeah yeah yeah pacing issues, too much cool stuff crammed into a movie with too little time to spare for many characters including AJ and Flutts who unfortunately made no friends and thus, had they not been in the movie nothing would really have affected the plot. They were there for MORAL support okay. Also my favourite gag wouldn’t have worked without Fluttershy. I wish I could watch it again to refresh my memory, but basically they were stowaways on an airship full of pirates, and the pirates find them and threaten them, like eating them or scarring them or SCARRING THEM EMOTIONALLY, and each threat is tailored to a specific pony, and the emotional one focused on Fluttershy. That was great. I loved that gag.
Also the plot was like, simple. EXTREMELY SIMPLE. bad guys show up. Run away from bad guys. search for macguffin that can defeat the bad guys. Bad guys capture good guys anyway. FRIENDSHIP IS POWER THAT CAN DEFEAT--well no, not in the giant rainbow beam smashes into bad guy kind of defeat. The bad guy actually died, and there was a lot of fighting in the climax. Huh.
Well anyway the world building was very good which I normally would never even comment on because when it comes to MLP I usually don’t give two shits about the lore. For instance in season seven they’re introducing a whole bunch of mythical legends that while might be interesting on their own, are presented in a such a way that the episode tends to be a complete bore. What do I learn about Rarity or AJ in an episode where all they do is tell campfire stories? There is no focus on a conflict or any moral lesson (except the small ones in the stories themselves) and little interaction between the main characters. I was so bored by that episode. The Daring Do episode fared even worse and somehow they shoehorned it as Pinkie’s legend (??!!?) despite Pinkie having not read any Daring Do books and having little reason to be on this adventure. (This doesn’t even begin to describe how much Daring Do being real is one of the weakest aspects of the show itself, but I digress)
The only episode that was an interesting way to depict a legend was the Fluttershy episode because figuring out who this historical healer was, was important to curing and preventing the spread of a horrible deadly illness, so that one had great and suspenseful setup with a lot of development for Fluttershy. And frankly I think in terms of legends themselves Fluttershy’s was the least interesting, but because it was framed by a really good episode about Flutters it was the best one.
Oh right I was supposed to talk about the movie.
But yeah, one thing I REALLY like and thought was a possibility in the MLP universe were sky pirates or at least sky sailors or whatever, and HERE THEY ARE, EXISTING! And BEING PIRATES! AIRSHIPS ARE A THING! They even had one in the newest MLP episode. I knew they existed for a long while (one appeared in a small moment during Rarity’s song in Sweet and Elite back in season two) but they were never really utilized until this movie. I don’t know how i feel about tons of all anthro-looking creatures though. I always assumed the world of MLP was all these quadrupedal creatures and if they did stand on two legs it was because they were hybrids with human-like pieces such as minotaurs. Or dragons, but let’s not talk about them.
But here it’s this anthro-cat, and some anthro-fishmen, and then anthro birds, and the big bad is okay because he looks like a primate of some sort, so it makes sense, but the rest of em... ehhhh. I guess since they went OUTSIDE Equestria it makes sense there are a much larger variety of creatures/races, and maybe Equestria is the just the one with the most four-legged equines, but...
Also I think we almost had enough screentime with these new characters to like them. Almost. I was starting to like them, but it wasn’t to the point that if these characters suddenly decided to help the mane six that it’d be 100% believable. Since there wasn’t much time devoted to each of them, the fact that catman decided to side with them just because Rarity in those few precious seconds fixed the hem of his shirt was a little less realistic or believable as it could have been. I get what they were trying to do, but if more time was devoted to it, it would have had much more impact. The pirates especially I thought maybe they would blame the Mane Six for leading to the destruction of their ship, but they were actually really reasonable for pirates that when we first saw them were about to eat them. They realized straight away that the real reason their ship exploded was because their boss sucked.
I could totally believe the Princess Seapony!Hippogriff thing siding with them though. She was just lonely and wanted friends. There were no ethical issues to get in the way at all like murderous pirates or conmen. The fact that the queen did not join them made sense though, since Twilight royally fucked up.
Speaking of Twilight I see a lot of people complaining she was not very Twilight in this movie, doing things that opposed the message of friendship. It made sense to me that she fell back to her more logical, rational way of life though. As they were journeying to find the Queen of the Hippogriffs, normal singing happy friendship methods to solve problems wasn’t really working. They befriended this cat man but he actually just wanted to sell them and was using them. Then they changed the ways of the pirates, but in doing so led the enemy straight towards them. I can see how Twilight thought this wasn’t like Equestria, the land of the colourful happy pastel ponies and their usual modus operandi wasn’t gonna work here. She was desperate! But due to the amount of time they had they could not spend a lot of time emphasizing this, so it may have come off to some people that Twilight was acting a lot more malicious than she is.
Another thing is this movie is clearly not for some random person to walk into a theatre, sit down, and just start watching like they’d understand the movie if it were just a standalone thing. There isn’t much time used up at all to introduce our characters and to make a blind audience care about them. It only really works if you’re already attached to the characters and know who they are, so it really wasn’t a good movie to attract casual moviegoers or anything like that. 
I think another comment complaint is how helpless the ponies are especially when they are outside Equestria. This I thought was odd because we have Twilight who still had her magic which could basically solve anything and do anything if the plot demands in the show. Or Rainbow Dash who is supposedly faster than mach 3 or whatever, but neither of these two used their overpowered abilities effectively throughout the movie, almost like the movie forgot that Twilight could teleport or Rainbow Dash could escape.
But anyway all of that is moot. Why is all the above moot? Because we had a movie with a clear beginning, middle, and end. There were decent songs and a pretty good score. It’d otherwise just be a normal run of the mill 6-7/10.
The biggest issue I always had with adventure episodes which were usually the season premieres and finales of the show was that it was always heavily Twilight focused with the other five on the wayside. I did not want to watch a movie where Twilight solves the problem herself and her friends are hostages, or out of commission, nor not themselves, or otherwise not doing anything that affected the plot. They were just along for the ride. Yes unfortunately this ended up being the case for two of the Mane Six, but that’s just another side-effect of them not making this movie longer or utilizing what time they had effectively. (We could have had less new supporting characters or something, idk)
But luckily for my biased-self it was Pinkie they chose to focus on. When they don’t focus on Pinkie and she isn’t important she’s usually just the mindless comedic relief, which was always a depiction I hated of Pinkie. Equestria Girls Pinkie is exactly this, and that’s why she’s my least favourite in the EG Universe. This is fine if Pinkie’s comedy was actually good, but usually they aim for lolrandom humour when that happens. Pinkie’s comedic moments in the movie were much more often hit than miss. I didn’t really dislike any scene with Pinkie at all! At no point did she seem overly obnoxious. Maybe the time when she was trying to play I Spy, but the rest of the Mane Six were audibly exasperated with her so they were self-aware how obnoxious she can be at times, lol.
Also yes, she did ruin some moments too like a few others. And by ruin I mean, the Mane Six are trying to do something and have a perfectly good plan to do so, but one of the characters do the thing they’d always do and it’d ruin the plan. For Pinkie that was just yelling out loud in the marketplace trying to find help, this led them to being conned by the cat man and almost being captured. Then Rainbow ruined everything when she went overboard trying to turn the pirates by showing off her Sonic Rainboom, which is a very loud and flashy technique catching the bad guys’ attention and ruining their plans. Finally Twilight ruined everything when she straight up tried to steal the pearl. So at least it wasn’t ONLY Pinkie... and all of them to me seemed perfectly in-character or made sense for that specific context anyway.
A good example of an adventure episode where Pinkie isn’t very important but has great comedic moments is the season five premiere. She’s the first to notice the odd smiles and has great expressions and reaction faces to the weird town they’re in, and when the Mane Six are being brainwashed she has some great dry humour as well. Still funny when not even trying to be funny! A good example of an episode where Pinkie is not effective whatsoever at being comedic relief is the season three premiere. Pinkie’s just being really loud and screechy. Even if I did like the flugelhorn bit where she yells “FLUGELHORN” into a flugelhorn while trying to play the flugelhorn.
I think the reason why this movie gave such focus to Pinkie over the other five instead of someone else is that Pinkie is the most popular character among the target audience. All the little girls adore her. She’s definitely not the most popular among the brony community, but I’m glad the little girls have great taste! Also Twilight messes up and SHE gets captured, not all her friends at once! It is her friends who she alienated and ostracized that came to the rescue instead. I like this because even though Twilight is the Princess of Friendship now, it doesn’t mean she’s some flawless individual who is the end-all and be-all to friendship. She is the princess because she has many great friends, and they all complete her. It doesn’t make sense for a princess of friendship to not be doing things with her friends. That’s like Luna with no moon, or Cadance without a husband.
Also while Tempest whatever has a much better backstory than Starlight, I still find it a little annoying that MLP has a habit of infodumping a villain’s (that is meant to be redeemed) backstory blatantly in our face, and now we have to feel sorry for them and completely understand their motivations. I thought her villain song started out strong but fell apart when it just jumped into her backstory like that. Again, if the movie had more runtime we could have explored her backstory and motivations in either much more subtle ways, or with more depth, or not all at once. Still despite her edginess she was one of the more fleshed out new characters, so I’ll give her that. 
The movie actually reminds of two fanfics I’ve read that have sky pirates and a world outside Equestria. In one, the villain is trying to find and kidnap the protagonist for their dastardly deeds, just like in the movie trying to kidnap Twilight for power, and the cast runs across faraway lands to escape. The other just has a bunch of sky pirates. I love those sky pirates. I made a sky pirate AU for ponies once that if I weren’t so invested in my RWBY AU powered by 1000% salt I might actually attempt to write. SKY PIRATES!!1!11!!!
It’s like the movie was pandered directly to me. Good Pinkie content and sky pirates. Yay! So, with all that bias included I’d give the movie a solid 8.5/10. But that’s just me personally. If Pinkie ISN’T your favourite character or you enjoy more complicated plots with more unpredictability you might rate it a more objective 6 or 7 out of 10.
8.5 tho. Just for Pinkie. PINKIEEEEE!!
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for the ask meme: mlp!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Starlight glimmer
Least Favorite character: whatever that racist h*rry p*tter villain looking fucker was
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Twipie, Rarijack, Starmaud, Appledash, Raridash (tho I also like rarijackdash)
Character I find most attractive: Gonna switch this to like my beloved. Sugar Belle is my beloved fr fr
Character I would marry: see aboove..
Character I would be best friends with: Starlight or Twilight for sure
a random thought: I have a lot of thoughts on cutie marks and the significance of them and how they shape the culture of equestria. i've talked a bit on it on my pony blog @/lesbianapplejack!
An unpopular opinion: starlight shouldve been allowed to stay a little evil. as a treat
My Canon OTP: uhhh ig lyrabon? unless we wanna assume appledash is canon then that...?
My Non-canon OTP: Hard tie between Twipie and Rarijack
Most Badass Character: hmm idk asdfgfd
Most Epic Villain: oh god i really like all of em but Cozy Glow is funny as hell because she is like five and evil.
Pairing I am not a fan of: hmm ig im not into many discord x mane 6 ship? like def no hate also i will make an exception if its funny like pinkie x discord. otherwise im not big into em ^^;;
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmmm ig ill say the mane 6 during the school arc? idk like many people i feel that the final season or so made all the mane 6 like revert back to their season one selves?
Favorite Friendship: Really love the Big Mac and Spike and Discord friendship. its fun!
Character I most identify with: Starlight Glimmer or Moon Dancer
Character I wish I could be: Hmmm ig maybe Discord bc itd be funny to do stupid shit.
Thanks for the ask!!
Fandom asks
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