#idk many ships so i had to look em up
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darkrooklobby · 5 months ago
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made a meme at 3 am, this anime is older than me, and i'm old too 🙃 Send help 🙃👍✨
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showsandstuff · 3 months ago
Am I the only one who is disappointed with Caitvi in season two? When I watched the first season I had the biggest caitvi brain rot because they actually gave me SUCH a fun dynamic with them. Buddy cop Caitvi was hilarious, I loved that so so much!
And season 2 started of strong imo but then it rushed through everything. I loved the scene in the cell, obviously, but it was misplaced. Your sister is about to kill herself girl what are you doing this is not the time!! And other than romantic and sexual tension there wasn't all that much left of their previous dynamic aside from the brief scene in episode six...
Idk, I think I'm just annoyed. Usually when I see a non canon gay ship get more traction than the Canon lesbian couple, I just assume it's misogyny or lesbophobia, and move on with my life. But I can't even do that here because Caitvi was WAY more popular in season 1 (as they should).
Jayvik isn't getting somewhat more popular in season 2 because people don't like lesbians, but because their arcs are connected so strongly to each other. (Also I'm not saying that Jayvik is now more popular than Caitvi, but it's like a graph where the super high stocks caitvi are still even while Jayvik is skyrocketing rn)
Wanna know why Jayvik wasn't all that popular in season 1? Because (after act 1) their arcs were mostly separate, safe for a couple of moments. Viktor worked on his body and Jayce was doing politics.
Caitlyn and Vis arcs intertwined more, they actually did shit together and it was beautiful, funny, romantic, EVERYTHING!
Also a fun opposites attract buddy cop dynamic is also just more fun than men who do science together (in my personal opinion)
Now let's look at Caitlyn and Vis relationship in season two.
It starts of strong. I momentarily thought that Caitlyn was uncharacteristically mean to Vi when she refused to become an enforcer, but she apologized for it later and I recognized the fact that Caitlyn was grieving. Then once we get to episode two and three I could already feel their relationship being a bit more odd. The kiss (though I cheered) didn't feel right. I felt like something was missing, and that was their chemistry from season one. Also I feel like we glossed over too many decisions that Caitlyn made, and I think Vi should've put a stop to it sooner. But overall I was okay with them in act 1.
Then we had a timeskip and the two were fully separated. Act 2 literally started with Caitlyn in bed with another woman, like we can see they're not together anymore. Caitlyn has obviously changed, there is not much of the sweet cupcake left that we had come to love in season 1, and Vi is boxing and getting drunk.
Then they meet and like... Vi calls Cait cupcake, and Cait switches sides IMMEDIATELY? GIRL WTF?!
I get that Caitlyn wasn't entirely on Ambessas side the entire time, but I had hoped for more drama first. So you're telling me the very next interaction the two have after their heart wrenching falling out is them making up again? Come on.
Then we had act 3 and overall it was better I think but the timing of their hot scene in the cell was just odd, like what about your sister about to kill herself? I was very happy and hyped in the moment but then I realized how rushed this was. Why? Why make em fuck right here? And in the final act, the two weren't together because again, their arcs were not as connected. And that's actually pretty cool to have a couple who do their own things! But it doesn't help their relationship when they, in turn, aren't given enough time to develop as a pair!
I feel like season 1 did this incredible job of setting these characters up, showing us why they work so well together and why they would fall for one another. And season 2 gave us pay off for it but with very little set up, which was needed because of how Cait changed throughout the season. I don't mention Vi here because she did not change. She had her drunk boxing phase, which we got nothing but a montage off, but everything else is basically season 1 Vi aside from very few things here and there. Like her becoming an enforcer wasn't a character change for Vi, her finally letting go of powder and calling her sister Jinx, wasn't a big character moment for Vi, they were pay off for a set up we didn't get enough of.
S2 was rushed. We should've AT LEAST gotten 3 seasons, like minimum, because there was a whole lot of plot and very little moments in between for characterization. Especially for Caitlyn and Vi and their relationship to each other.
I still generally prefer Caitvi to Jayvik, but only because of season 1. Season 2 gave me the two things I wanted most (a sexy scene and a kiss) but forgot to give me the things that made me fall in love with this ship in the first place.
Which was the hilarious buddy cop dynamic of rich girl cop Cait, and broke butch prisoner Vi.
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entishramblings · 1 year ago
Fuck the Forbidden Pt. 2
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PART 1 | PART 3 — coming soon
Fuck the Forbidden: FTF LINK MASTERLIST
A.N: my apologies for taking so much time to update: graduate school is a tornado, plus getting sick and the craziness of holidays season didn’t help. Anyways, thank you for your patience and your continuous support! I literally read all your comment in order to inspire me to write again!
Request: none
Pairing: Boromir X Fem!MermaidReader
Summary: The Reader is a Mermaid and witnessed a shipwreck. She becomes interested in human life—particularly one human: Boromir.
Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the mermaids of middle earth is not canon. also I tried my best with arda water/river geography plz don’t come at me—it’s not one of my finer subjects :/
Word Count: 5.7k — listen, yes, I STILL have a problem
Warnings: depression, drowning, ptsd, alcoholism, angst, comfort, fluff, stalking (idk how to make that last one sound less creepy. you’re just gonna have to read it).
The following day, (Y/N) waited in the depths of the Anduin River by the entrance of the Minas Tirith castle. Sure enough, the captain, decorated in silver, came out upon his steed. Though he did not have the cheer he normally held—despite his recent struggles—he seemed….different. (Y/N) had hoped that he didn't remember what he saw under the lake. Maybe he figured he was too drunk and his mind was playing tricks on him? Maybe he would forget it all together? However, that fearful look in his eyes when he glanced at the river told her otherwise. It appeared Faramir failed to convince his brother that the mer-folk were just a myth.
Boromir deviated from his routine as well. He did not go to the market for the breakfast that he seemed to love. No, no. Instead he went out towards the edge of the city–towards the docks. And (Y/N) went with him. He passed his horse off to another and walked upon the wood, passing ship and boat, until he came upon a small fishing vessel. (Y/N) swam around it and took to the surface upon its side, far enough to not be spotted, but close enough to see and hear.
“Iwar,” Boromir called out. “You there?”
“Oi!” the old man replied, emerging from the sails. “What can I do for yer?”
“You have a moment?”
“For ye? Of course I do, lad. What is this about?” Iwar stated, squinting in the sun.
Boromir huffed, and pulled something from his pocket. He lightly tossed it to the older fellow. “What do you make of this?”
Iwar frowned, holding the whale up before his face by the string Boromir had used to make it into a necklace. “Where’d ye get it?”
“In a pond. One that connects to the Anduin River.”
Iwar sent him a strange look. “Do ye know what this is made out of?”
Boromir shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s bone, Boromir,” he replied tentatively.
At this, the captain’s lips parted. “Bone?”
Iwar tossed the whale carving back to him. “Aye, couldn't tell ye what it came from. Whittled too much away for that. Ye said yer got it from a pond?”
He nodded, swallowing dryly.
“Could’ve washed up from the currents.” Iwar stated, nonchalantly, returning to the tasks of his sail. “Some trinket someone lost to the sea.”
Boromir dipped his head, his anxiety present as he fiddled with the whale.
Iwar glanced at him. “Something else, boy?”
Boromir inhaled slowly. “Iwar, do you–do you really believe those tales of the sea-folk?”
The old man sent a weary look at the captain as he tied off one of the ropes upon the fabric. “Aye. Saw one of em’ when I was just a lad. Nearly lost my life.”
Boromir focused his gaze upon Iwar. “I think–I think I saw one last night.”
At this, the older man froze. Slowly, he turned his full attention to the captain, dread slipping from his face.
Still, Boromir continued, trying to justify his sighting. ‘Though, I don't know. I was very drunk. Had a couple ales too many. My mind could’ve—”
“You were out on the sea last night?” Iwar interrupted, confused.
Boromir shook his head.
“The shore then? Never heard of em’ venturing so close.”
Boromir released a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. “I, uh, I was in the pond by the Minas Tirith castle.”
Iwar’s form stiffened as he walked toward the captain. He nodded at the bone carving in Boromir’s hand as he spoke in a tone that held so much anxiety that it radiated through the air around him. “The same pond where ye found that?”
Iwar’s eyes widened wildly. “I’d tell ye what, lad. Ye have been marked by em.’ And that—” he dipped his head at the whale once more. “—I reckon that's human bone.”
Blood drained from Boromir’s face, replaced with sheer panic. His fingers clumsily grappled with the carving, uncertain of how to handle it. Reluctant to make direct contact, he hesitated before settling on gripping the string, allowing the whale to dangle. Disgust etched across his brow.
“I’d get out while ye can. Stay away from the sea waters, boy.” Iwar warned.
That night, Boromir didn't go to the pool of water by the white walls—nor the following night. He, quite frankly, didn't go near the water at all. He stayed far from the beaches and from the Anduin River. He took longer paths to where he needed to go in order to avoid such circumstances that put him near what Iwar had described to live in the sea.
And this—all this broke (Y/N)’s heart. It stirred up a tumult of emotions—sadness, anger, fear, and frustration. Therefore, on the third day, she sought solace in a secluded nook along the Bay of Belfas. Hoisting herself onto a warm rock, she sat, enveloped in her misery. Her once-vivid fantasies of the land-people and Boromir now dissolved into sorrow and regret. What lingered was the haunting image of Boromir's disdainful expression when Iwar speculated that her gift was crafted from human bone. Any mer-folk would be delighted to receive such a heartfelt gesture! But Boromir wasn't of the sea, now was he.
(Y/N) stayed upon the rock for hours, hoping the sun would soak up her melancholy mood. However, that is not what the golden beams absorbed. Her skin dried, her hair lightened and billowed freely, and the scales on her tail lacked the moisture they once held. It was at that moment discomfort struck. Excruciating, searing pain surged through her tail, a relentless agony that prompted a deep cry from her lips. Every nerve seemed to flare with an intense, burning sensation, rendering her nearly paralyzed by the sheer intensity of the pain. She couldn't move, only shake and claw at the rock she perched upon. It felt like hours as she laid there, praying to the gods to make it end. And when it did, she instinctively reached for her scales. However, to her surprise, her hand met no such thing; instead, flesh had replaced the once-familiar tail.
(Y/N) gasped.
Her father had said…
He had tested them all…
None had the gift….
He lied.
Emotions swirled around her naked form as she stared at the strange extension that replaced her glimmering scales—legs. Anger, irritation, sadness, regret, frustration, excitement all ran through her blood.
Slowly, she stood. As she took a wobbly step upon the rock, a loud, breathy giggle escaped her lips.
Was this a dream?
(Y/N) took another uncertain step, and another, and another—until she stumbled, her hand reaching out to break her fall. However, a splash came from that, for her palm struck where water had gathered in a dip upon the rock.
Immediately, she felt it.
Her skin tingled, then burned and stung, stretching and pulling in a painful dance. (Y/N) cried out as the pain intensified. With scales attempting to form on her dry legs, the tugging became excruciating once more—tears streamed from her eyes as she desperately scrambled towards the water.
Her form slipped and rolled, right off the rock and into the ocean.
Immediate relief enveloped her. Scales continued to knit together without a hint of pain. The water soothed her. It coated the soreness into nonexistence.
(Y/N) allowed her form to sink, adjusting.
There she floated, letting her body and mind adjust to what had just happened.
It was then when one of the turmoiling emotions overtook the rest of them. It coursed through her gills and surged through her veins.
How dare he…
With a decisive flick of her tail, she propelled herself toward her father's palace.
The anger granted her remarkable speed, causing other merfolk to whip their heads around in confusion as she barreled past them.
She swam directly to the grand chamber, where she anticipated her father perched upon his throne, and busted the door open with her tail.
“HOW DARE YOU?!” she screamed at him.
Heads turned instantly—her father’s, her sisters’, the guards’.
Her father rose, signaling the guards to leave. They swam away quickly, avoiding the impending wrath of the sea's king and his children.
“You lied straight to my face,” (Y/N) stated.
“(Y/N), what are you talking about?” Anahita interjected, appalled by her sister’s tone.
Mareena added to her statement. “That is no way to speak to our father!”
(Y/N)'s tail flicked with irritation as she focused her gaze on the man before her. “I have the gift to walk among the land-folk.”
Una gasped. Seria’s mouth dropped open. Rana’s eyes widened. Nerida’s brows shot upwards.
Their father swam towards (Y/N). “You went to the land?!” he growled. “It is forbidden.”
“I DID NOT GO ONTO THE LAND!” She snapped back. Taking a deep breath, she spoke again. “I was letting the sun warm me upon a rock when it happened—the tingling, the splitting, the pain.”
“You went to the surface—”
“How dare you not tell me, Father!”
“I DID NOT TELL YOU BECAUSE OF THIS!” He yelled. “Because I knew the minute you would figure it out, you would want to test out your new form. You would put us all in danger.”
With that, (Y/N) swam away. She twisted through the reefs and the grass. She slipped through the schools of fish and their bubbles. She slithered through the rocks and caves. She did so until she was back in the Anduin River, where the lively markets and the hustle of people's households awaited. Breaking through the water's surface, she emerged with a cautious awareness, ensuring she remained unseen.
She swam along the edge until she came upon a line of clothing strung between two buildings. On it hung sheets as bright as a lemonpeel angelfish, a skirt holding the vibrance of an orange clownfish, a flowing wrap the hue of a blue tang fish, a pair of trousers the color of a brown leafy sea dragon, a top shaded like that of a pink fairy wrasse, and a flowing dress the cream color of a stingray’s belly.
(Y/N) looked at her surroundings.
The people were on the other side of the clothing line—all mucking about in the market. None even bothered to shed a glance behind the fabric. All were too busy going about their day.
Therefore, with little regard for the forbidden nature of her actions—because, really, fuck the forbidden—(Y/N) decided to defy the rules that had once controlled her life.
Originally, she hadn't intended to act in such defiance, but the anger coursing through her veins urged her forward into impulsive urges.
Hauling her form out of the water, (Y/N) manipulated the water clinging to her, using her fingers in twisting and rippling motions. She gathered the liquid into a cohesive ball and, with a flick of her wrist, sent the sphere dancing through the air before it plopped back into the river.
The tingling sensation began, followed by the excruciating pain, and soon enough, the transformation into legs commenced.
Anxiously, (Y/N) stood. Her shaky legs wobbled as she adjusted to their unfamiliar form. Her trembling fingers swiftly seized the cream colored dress—she didn't want to stand out, she needed to blend in—and she clumsily slipped it on. Her gaze then fixated on a brilliant blue wrap. The color resonated with the deep seas she hailed from, and she couldn't resist. The mermaid grasped the silk and yanked, winding it around her hair in a manner she had observed from land women when peeking from the river. Letting some of her locks cascade out of the twisted band, the blue fabric draped over her shoulders. She smiled.
Her hand instinctively rose to her neck, where her necklace adorned with shells, sea glass, and bones encircled her skin. A frown crossed her face. She couldn't part with it—this cherished gift from her since passed mother. Therefore, she let it remain, finding that it didn't look too out of place.
(Y/N) ventured into the market, nervously navigating the bustling city of Minas Tirith with her new, wobbly legs. The vibrant atmosphere teemed with life and excitement as diverse groups came together to weave the people into the human race. So many men, women, and children—all different sizes, all different shapes, all different skin tones—bustled through the streets.
Young children ran through the tents playing games and tricks on one another. Often enough, a woman was pursuing the chase while yelling for their halt of mischief. Men were not involved in this matter. Instead, they loudly called out the names of what they sold, along with prices, at the busy passerbyers in hopes of getting a customer. Never had (Y/N) seen something so brilliantly enthralling and engaging—not in her time under the sea with the mer-folk.
As she moved through the people, she discreetly snagged what she needed. A pair of sandals disappeared from a rack, and she swiftly turned away before anyone noticed. Vibrantly colored bracelets caught her eye at a vendor's stall, and she couldn't resist snagging a few. Additionally, she plucked food from bins and baskets. She didn't know what it was—but oh how delicious it tasted when it was not dunked in the salt of the sea.
Here, (Y/N) stayed, exploring the thrill of humanity and letting their culture enrapture her senses. So much so, that she failed to notice a soldier adorned in silver until she collided with his metal-plated chest.
Her form tumbled backwards, taking an extra moment to steady.
“Are you alright, miss?” a concerned voice inquired.
(Y/N) slowly raised her head to meet a familiar face: Faramir.
Unable to find her voice, she could only nod in reply. Shyness and anxiety filled her as she backed away from the unexpected encounter.
He acknowledged her reply with a dip of his own head before turning to another soldier a little ways away. He made way towards him and gently touched his arm. “Boromir, we should get going. Father is expecting us.”
(Y/N) went still. Her inquisitive gaze shifted towards him, and indeed, there stood Boromir. His dark, sandy hair brushed upon his forehead, tousled slightly from the refreshing breeze. Vibrant blue eyes held a sternness, concealing the sadness she knew resided in his heart. His pink lips pressed into a firm line, refraining from the warmth of a smile. Boromir was clad in the silver armor and the metal weapons that she had seen him in nearly every day. He looked fit for his position as captain, his authority nearly radiating from him. Now that she was upon the land, he seemed so much bigger—so much stronger. So much more important.
(Y/N)’s cheeks began to heat, prompting her to quickly ducked behind the fabric of a tent. After giving herself a moment, she peaked out.
Though she knew she shouldn't, she found herself following them. At a safe distance, she mimicked every turn, accentuated every step, and utilized every path they took. And when the Steward's sons crossed the threshold of Minas Tirith Castle, so did she.
Instantly, she was met with just as much business as the market. Servants flooded the halls, carrying trays of fruit and platters of meat. Maids held onto neatly folded laundry and finely pressed sheets. Guards bustled about, their steel clanking as they moved through the halls, to get to their next shift, meal, or rest.
(Y/N) was so overwhelmed that she failed to notice a group of soldiers rounding the corner. As they pushed past her, a heavy shoulder slammed into her, the edge of the metal plate catching her forehead. The impact sliced the skin open, causing her to tumble backward against the wall.
Surprising her, she felt a gentle hand upon her arm, holding her steady. A soft voice that she knew all too well, that spoke words all too similar to his brother’s, filled her ears. “Are you alright, miss?”
In a daze, (Y/N) looked up at the dark sandy hair, vibrant blue eyes, and perfect pink lips of Boromir. Too stunned to speak, she merely stared at him, every thought that had occupied her mind vanishing in the moment.
Boromir turned towards the group of soldiers who had caused the commotion and knocked her down. With a tone infused with authority and anger, he snapped at them, “Watch where you are going!”
They turned, initially confused and uncertain of Boromir's reprimand until they spotted the frightened and injured girl beside him.
“What kind of soldiers are you that you let your steel hit a woman!” Boromir added, his irritation even more obvious. “Keep better track of your things—and your forms!”
The soldiers nodded, though their indifference was evident, and they shuffled away without much concern.
Boromir turned back to (Y/N), repeating his prior question, his tone gentle once more. “I apologize for the actions of my men. I will reprimand them later, but right now you are more important, yes? Miss?”
She looked up at him, blinking. He didn’t recognize her, did he?
“You’re bleeding,” he stated softly, his finger pressed gently upon her forehead.
A quiet gasp of pain escaped (Y/N)’s lips and her expressions distorted slightly.
“My apologies. I did not mean to make your pain worse. May I take you to the infirmary? We can get that treated.”
Unsure what to say—and what an infirmary was—she nervously dipped her head.
“Alright,” he began. “Let’s get you moving.”
Gently, he helped her move away from the wall, one arm wrapped around her waist. However, with a couple steps, her vision swirled and she stumbled.
Boromir caught her quickly. “Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Just a step at a time.” His brows pulled together as he looked down at her. “Are you dizzy? Is the room spinning?”
“I—I,” she stuttered. “Y-yes, uh, sir.”
He released a heated breath from his nose, the anger at the men who had harmed her simmering within him. However, he pushed it away, ensuring his attention remained on her. "How about you sit back down? Lean against the wall to keep you upright, yes?"
(Y/N) nodded, allowing him to help lower her to the stone floor. As the coldness rushed through her bones and the stillness began to steady, she looked up at him. “T-thank you,” she whispered. “Uh, sir.”
The captain smiled softly. “You may call me Boromir.”
She nodded slightly.
Boromir looked up and stopped a passing servant. “Could you please fetch me a medical kit from the infirmary? Just basic supplies.”
The man nodded, accepting the order, and rushed off. Moments later, he returned with various materials in a small box.
Boromir expressed his gratitude as he opened the kit. Without hesitation, he took hold of a soft cloth and gently swiped it upwards, collecting the blood that was now trickling down (Y/N)’s forehead. He then pressed it against the cut that was bleeding rather heavily. "Hold this there," he commanded gently.
The woman reached up to follow his instructions, and Boromir proceeded to lay out an array of little bottles and scraps of cloth. "What is your name?" he inquired as he doused a cloth in the liquids of one of the containers.
Her eyes followed his motions nervously. “(Y/N),” she replied timidly.
The Captain smiled, attempting to provide some comfort. “Are you from around here, (Y/N)?”
She shook her head.
“No? What are you doing in these parts then?” He asked.
“I—I don’t know.”
Boromir frowned, looking up at her from the medical supplies. She appeared more disoriented than he had initially expected. Perhaps the blow to the head was more substantial than he had thought?
“You don’t know?” He questioned, no alarm in his tone. Meanwhile, he began threading a needle, preparing it for the task of stitching her forehead. “Have you come with anyone? A husband? A father?”
She frowned, a blush creeping into her face at the implications of his words. “N-no. Alone.”
Boromir pressed his lips together, a sudden loneliness hitting him—one that he knew all too well—as he placed the threaded needle upon a clean cloth.
“Do you have a place to stay?”
She shook her head.
“Hmm. Alright. Let’s get you cleaned up, then we can worry about that.”
Boromir took the cloth from her forehead, his hand brushing upon hers as he did so. He then began bringing a damp cloth towards her face.
Instantly, her eyes went wide and she ducked away from the material. “It’s alright. It’s alright. It’s just alcohol.” He replied, lowering the cloth.
“N-not water?” She whispered, almost fearful.
He shook his head. “Nay. Water would not clean it properly. This will prevent any infection, though I’m afraid it will sting a bit. Is that alright?”
Slowly, (Y/N) nodded.
Boromir pressed the cloth to the cut and, instantly, she hissed.
“I know, I am sorry,” he murmured.
Gently, he cleaned the wound, being careful to not make any sudden movements that may startle her. When he was certain it was clean, he moved to pick up the needle.
“I will have to stitch it back together so it heals properly.” He looked into her worried gaze and he instantly felt guilt tugging at his heart. It appeared she had never experienced such an injury, or perhaps she had but never received proper treatment for one.
Cautiously, he used his other hand to pick up her own. Her soft palms brushed upon his hardened calloused, gentleness upon her touch. Placing her hand upon his knee, he spoke softly, “If it hurts too much just squeeze really really hard, and I will pause, alright? It is important that you keep your head still, yes?”
She nodded, adjusting her grip upon his knee, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety in her eyes.
Slowly, Boromir began the delicate task of stitching her skin back together. Her grip tightened upon him, only slightly, as she adjusted to the strange sensation of tugging on her skin.
"You are doing beautifully, (Y/N). We are almost done. I promise," the Captain reassured her. As he finished the last stitch and skillfully moved the thread to knot itself, he breathed out, "There we go," placing the needle back upon the cloth. He smiled gently, a reassuring warmth in his eyes, as he carefully cleaned the area around the stitches. "All finished," Boromir stated before leaning back, (Y/N)’s hand slipping from his knee.
“It will be sore for a bit,” he said. “But it should heal in a week. The stitching will fall out on its own, so if it starts to come out, do not worry. Though, I would advise you not to get it wet.”
At that last sentence, (Y/N) smiled softly. She wasn’t planning on getting wet—not anytime soon.
“Can you stand? Has the dizziness subsided?”
The woman nodded and slowly rose to her feet, taking Boromir’s hand when he offered it.
“Let’s find you a place to rest while you heal. And I would like to apologize for my soldiers’ actions once more. You are welcome to stay in Minas Tirith as long as you would like. I will make sure you get everything you need.”
(Y/N) looked up at his kind expression and spoke with that same nervous hesitancy. “Thank you.…Boromir.”
The captain guided her through the castle, arriving at a room. He opened the door and gestured inside with a soft smile. "It is yours to stay in. I will ensure the maids are alerted to provide you with adequate care. If you need anything else, my chambers are just down the hallway to the right, the second door."
She nodded in reply.
He bowed his head. “I will leave you then, miss.”
With that, he was gone.
(Y/N) moved to the center of the room and slowly spun around taking it all in. It was massive and airy. The windows were wind open, the sea breeze rushing in and caring hints of the city. The white curtains blew with that gentle wind, dancing in its whispers. The walls of the chamber were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting only what she could assume to be the legendary tales of the city. They were woven with beautiful silver and turquoise thread, catching the light so delicately. A bed sat in the middle of the room, soft white blankets and comforters piled on it. (Y/N) walked towards it and gently sat upon the fabric. It was….strange. Very different from the large shells she was used to curling up in.
Feeling a sudden tiredness take over her form, she laid down with ease. Resting her head upon the pillow, she allowed sleep to consume her.
When she finally woke, the sun had set, and the stars took their place among the blanket of the sky. Cautiously, she pulled her legs from the cage of blankets and let them dangle off the side of the bed. They looked so….strange upon her form. She was used to her glimmering tail that collected light to share among the waters. Not—not this. She lowered her feet upon the stone floor, almost startled by the coldness that greeted them.
Hunger settled into her stomach as she moved towards the door. However, she found herself at a loss, unsure where to find a meal at this time. The markets were long since closed and she knew not where the kitchen in the Minas Tirith castle was. Of course, she could wander down to the tavern that Boromir frequented regularly—she knew the way well enough, but she didn't have any means to pay.
(Y/N) shifted on her feet. Boromir did say she could come to him if she needed anything….
Almost as if it were an excuse to see him again, she slipped through the door and began following his directions to his chambers. With every step, her heart pounded harder. She would get to see him again—and it wouldn't be through layers of water.
Upon arrival, the door stood ajar, allowing a whisper of cold air to drift from his open windows. Cautiously, she peered into the room. It was shrouded in darkness, with only the soft glow of the moon reflecting upon the vast room—oh, and what a beautiful room it was. The room eluded a captivating chaos, in the most exciting way. Tablets and shelves were filled with various items—maps, books, stones, germs, inventions, and trinkets. The room held a multitude of objects, each beckoning to be looked at, studied, and pondered—igniting a sense of wonder and an urge to guess the intention. Oh, it was a captivating sight.
“Boromir?” she called out.
Slowly, (Y/N) stepped in. She let her feet carry her throughout the room, her hand brushing upon every object that her eyes could consume. She picked things up, examined them, then put them down for another. She did so continuously, urgently, the thirst for knowledge of the humans’ customs eager in her blood. She did so, until she came across something familiar—something she was surprised to see.
(Y/N) picked up the bone carved whale from the shelf that it rested on.
He had kept it.
A little grin formed on her face, for after his conversation with Iwar she didn’t think he would.
“Does that one interest you?” A soft tone asked.
(Y/N) jumped, startled.
Boromir chuckled lightly, stepping into the room. “I am sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.”
She glanced down at the whale carving before looking back to him.
“I am not quite sure how that one came into my possession,” he continued as he moved to stand beside her.
She frowned, looking up. Her eyes were now direct at him, focused and stern—for the first time since he had met her. He would be lying if he said it didn't startle him a bit.
“You don't remember?” she asked, her tone strong.
“Well, no it’s not that. Of course, I remember how I got it. It just was a bit peculiar.”
(Y/N) tilted her head, not understanding.
Boromir sighed, his tone was distant as he spoke, his blue gaze not wavering from her curious eyes that suddenly seemed so bold. “A friend of mine says it's a dark omen, ment to mark me for death.” His vision trailed across her face. “He says it is made of the bone of my fallen brothers, urging me to follow them to their deaths.”
“Do you believe that?”
He blinked, his gaze lingering upon the whale. “I do not know what to believe.” Boromir looked at her expression. “What are your thoughts on such a statement?”
(Y/N) shrugged, placing the whale in its spot upon the shelf. “I believe people don’t understand other cultures and customs. I believe they make their own assumptions out of ignorance and fear.”
The captain raised a brow at her intelligence. “You are feeling better then?”
“Hmm?” (Y/N) hummed in question as she moved to another object.
“Well, that is the most I have heard you speak since I met you. You are wiser than you appear to be.”
She only shrugged in response, picking up a telescope and looking through its glass—by the wrong end.
“Though,” Boromir continued in a teasing manner as he plucked the object from her grasp, turned it the correct way, and placed it back in her palms. “That wisdom seems not to extend to everything.”
She frowned, looking through the glass once before placing it down. She then went for a music box, her confused expression deepening. “We do not have all these….these things where I am from.”
Boromir reached across her and twisted the little lever, releasing the gentle music from its hold. “And where is that, may I ask?”
At the twinkling sound, her smile, born of pure delight, extended from her expression. Her response to his question, however, was only that of a simple word, “Far.”
The captain raised a brow. “How far?”
(Y/N) shot him a strange look, placing the music box down and picking up a crystal sphere instead. “You ask a lot of questions,” she mumbled.
He grinned playfully. “You do not seem to give many answers, Miss (Y/N).”
She glared at him.
With that playful smile, he spoke again. “Would it help if you got to ask a question?”
(Y/N)‘s eyes crinkled with thought as she placed the object down and turned towards him. She saw how his shoulders slumped ever so slightly, how the circles under his eyes appeared so dark, how his expression was so hollow. Softly, she spoke again. “Why are you so sad, Boromir?”
Taken aback by this, his lips parted. “I—I do not know what you mean.”
She took a step closer to him, a step that nearly eliminated the space between them, and her piercing gaze burned up at him for the truth.
Hesitantly, he whispered that truth, as if she compelled it right out of him. “I—I recently was in a shipwreck. I thought, well, I thought I was dead—left for the watery graves below.” He paused, just for a moment. “But yet I am here and I do not know why. And, I am beginning to question things that I know, well, thought I knew, for the world appears different now.”
Boromir's soft voice then picked up again, his breath warm upon the woman’s face. “Why are you so sad, (Y/N)?”
At this, her shy nature returned. (Y/N) turned her head away, not wanting to look at the source of her sadness.
Gently, Boromir tugged on her chin, forcing her to look at him. “You implored me to tell you such a truth,” he whispered. “May I not ask the same of you?”
(Y/N)’s tone was soft. “My truth is complicated.”
“Are not all truths complicated?” he responded.
With that, she withdrew from his grasp—a hold she desperately craved—and created enough distance between them, leaving him to wonder if such closeness had occurred at all.
A loud grumble then echoed through the dark room—splitting the darkness with something else, something much for lighthearted.
“When have you last eaten?” Boromir asked.
Her brows pulled together as she looked at her stomach.
He chuckled, offering her his hand. “Come. Let’s get you some food. I can take you to my favorite place.”
“But I—I have no coin,” she whispered shyly.
“You are a guest of Gondor, Gondor will see you fed.”
(Y/N) smiled, that innocent gaze returning. She hesitantly took his hand and he led her through the castle and towards the tavern.
The two arrived at the tavern rather quickly. Urine, stale ale, and sweat flooded (Y/N)’s nostrils—familiar aromas reminiscent of her vigilant watch over Boromir along the Anduin River. The lively atmosphere enveloped the pair. In the corner, a bard sang to the patrons, his melodic voice resonating throughout, enticing some to join in. Drunk men, tapping their feet along to the beat of the tune, howled in laughter and glee as they clinked their ales together and shoveled food into their mouths. Requests for additional drinks prompted maidens, adorned in long skirts and aprons, to gracefully deliver brimming glasses, the foaming liquid sloshing about.
(Y/N) smiled, taking in the environment.
Boromir cast a glance at her out of the corner of his eye, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. “It’s just a tavern.”
She turned to him, her grin unwavering. “We don’t have taverns where I am from.”
He raised a brow. “And where is that? You never said.”
She shrugged. “Far.”
(Y/N) moved deeper into the tavern, with Boromir following suit. He motioned towards an available table, and they both took a seat. Before long, a serving maiden approached. Boromir signaled for two meals and two ales, and they promptly arrived.
The woman wasted no time and eagerly indulged in her food, swiftly emptying the plate.
Boromir tried to suppress a smile as he saw this, for he was glad she was getting proper nutrition after her likely long and hard journey. He, of course, wished to know more of her origins; though, he could see she wasn't quite ready to discuss such things. Instead, he opted to answer any and all questions she had which began with her curious tone.
“Boromir, would you be willing to tell me of your city? How you live in these parts? I wish to know.”
His soft gaze made contact with hers and he nodded, chewing his food and swallowing before he spoke. “What would you wish to know?”
“Everything—its structures, its people, its culture, its history.”
Therefore, Boromir spoke of such things. He described the White City's towering architecture, the valor of its people, and the complexities of the various beliefs held. He relayed its history and tales, showcasing the values of the Gondorian people.
His narratives ignited a spark in her eyes, drew laughter from her lips, and filled her heart with joy.
Fuck the forbidden indeed.
As the hours stretched on, Boromir’s friends joined them. (Y/N) could see the gleam in their eyes and catch the less-than-subtle teasing tones as they whispered about Boromir bringing a lady to their tavern. Faramir, arriving shortly after, seemed prepared for a night of dealing with his drunken brother, only to find himself pleasantly surprised by his brother's apparent sobriety and the joy the unknown woman seemed to bring to his melancholy soul.
Yet, amid the cheerful atmosphere, a pair of shifting gray eyes belonging to an old man that (Y/N) recognized as Iwar, kept her uneasy heart alert.
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Everything Tag: @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @hey-its-nonny @mirclealignr @laneynoir @straysugzhpe @runningfeather @finallyforgotten @kaiawrites @commanderawkward @xxbluestrifexx @slytherinambitious @desert-fern @skairipakomtrikru @genderfluid-anime-goth @sotwk @sirenofavalon @hobbitsesoftheshire @asianbutnotjapanese @mgchaser @heavenshumour @heavenshumour @clairealeehelsing @starenemy @ceruleanrainblues @casuallyeating-blog @cheari @aheadfullofsteverogers @imthebadguyyy @beehivehappy @queenmariex @newjsns01
Everything But Spice Tag: @goldfearless @cauliflowertree @heranintomyknife23times @mxmia @unethicallypleistocene @amessofmultifandom
Boromir Tag: @scyllas-revenge @lord-westley @callistobalisto
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fluffytheocelot · 11 months ago
Hello it’s extremely late oops. Did not realize how long this thing would take (28 and a half hours apparently according to procreate lmao) but finally, here it is!
Carmen Week Day 8: La Femme Rouge
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Holy crap that was a lot of characters! For day 8 I wanted to draw all the ways I've drawn/imagined Carmen over the last 5 years! There are many I didn't do for one reason or another, but it mainly boiled down to space lol. These 10 (11 including canon Carmen) are (most) of my favorites of my AUs :)
this turned out so cool im putting it in a frame when i get a chance lol
Info and solo drawings for each under the cut! it is. so long lol
as usual, i'll gladly answer asks about em :) i have plans to write a few for sure, but it's gonna be A While for them lol
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Both a Warriors AU and also just my "_____ as a cat" style!
This ones a lot less fleshed out so just bear with me lol. (ATM there might only be 2 clans, ACME and VILE, idk yet lol. idk what to name em either cos stickin "clan" on the end don't feel right XD)
In the Warriors AU, Sheeppaw grows up learning 2 contradictory versions of the Warrior Code: The true one from Shadowstalk, and the VILE version from older warriors. She gets made an apprentice a couple moons early, but is relegated only to camp duties until shes 6 moons old.
She trains alongside Cracklepaw, Tigerpaw, Molepaw, Goatpaw, and Silentpaw. At her first gathering she meets another apprentice, maybe a few moons older, from the other clan: Jewelpaw. The two hit it off and become good friends (and develop little mutual crushes). Sheeppaw also sneaks out and meets a kittypet: Player, who she also becomes very good friends with.
When her mentor, the deputy, Shadowstalk fails her on her final warrior assessment she pretty much has most of the same reaction as the show, just in the WC style.
After witnessing a murder, she hightails it out of there and encounters the newly named Crackletail. Panicked, she hastily and vaguely tells him she saw something and needs to Leave.
She makes it to Players yard and lays low for a while, and he introduces her to the neighbor cats, a sibling pair named Zack and Ivy. The four brainstorm and Sheeppaw is renamed Carmen. They know they cant let VILE keep doing what they're doing. So rogue Carmen and her kittypet friends start figuring things out from behind the scenes.
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Pirate Cat:
Exactly as it says, bipedal cat world. Black Sheep was dropped off at a random orphanage in England, with a small stuffed black sheep (where she got her name). Since everybody are cats, Black Sheep isn't that atypical of a name. Sorta a mix of normal people names and cat names.
She grows up there alongside her self-appointed older brother Graham. When she's about 10-11ish she meets the princess: Julia Argent. Childhood friends to lovers letsgoo (its a recurring theme in these lol. its cute i like it).
The two eventually get together (in secret, yay homophobia and also societal status) It doesn't help that Black Sheep had a habit of getting in trouble so she could see the princess her princess.
The two get caught one night, and Black Sheep is nearly executed for "corrupting royalty", but Julia manages to talk her father down from that. Instead, she is exiled. If she ever sets foot in the kingdom after dawn, she WILL be killed this time.
Julia visits one last time, and Black Sheep promises to return someday when she finds somewhere where they can be together freely. She gives Julia her stuffed sheep to look after while she's gone, and asks her to take care of Fuega while she's gone (on one of their sneak-outs, they found a baby dragon that Julia managed to convince her dad to let her keep). Julia gives her the triangle choker. yay tearful goodbyes ;-;
Black Sheep and Graham (because no way is he letting his little sister go into exile without him) go from place to place, stealing when they need to and end up accidentally stowing away on a VILE pirate ship.
VILE pirate training to avoid death, they escape. Graham appoints the newly named Carmen Sandiego captain of their little ship, and they also pick up Zack, Ivy, and Player along the way. Carmen becomes very well known around the globe: civilians/lower class people see her as a Robin Hood hero (correct), while most royals and nobles see her as nothing but a filthy pirate (incorrect).
A few years go by when suddenly the crew gets word that the King of England is trying to marry off his daughter, who has recently come of age. Cue panicked race home + childhood lover reunion.
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Daughter of Poseidon (Carmen Sandiego and the Olympians):
Percy Jackson AU! Replace Percy with Carmen, Grover with Player, Annabeth with Julia, and switch/move around some plot points and that's about it lol. I keep telling myself I'll do some scene rewrites of this one so we'll see. Includes PJO and HOO acting as prequels for Carmen Sandiego. Def wanna do dome rewrites for the canon show for this AU too lol
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Dino Squad:
I'm out here combining one obscure kids show with another lol. If you haven't seen it, Dino Squad is this early 2000s animated show about these 5 teenagers that get mutated and can turn into dinosaurs, and go around stopping the bad guy from turning everything into dinosaurs. (I think the entire series may be on youtube lol. its goofy but man i loved it as a kid. i wanted dino powers so bad)
This is basically a high school au but most of Team Red has dinosaur powers. :P
In this, Dr. Bellum is experimenting with bringing dinosaurs back, but instead of just cloning them, she figures out how to mutate already-existing organisms into others.
(in the OG dino squad, the bad guy IS a dinosaur that evolved into a human--long story--and believes everything should still be dinosaurs. hes technically right, tbf, if the meteor hadn't hit they prolly still WOULD be dinosaurs. why does bellum want dinosaurs? because she's Bellum and she Can lol)
Carmen Wolfe and her twin brother Graham (they're fraternal twins. why? bc i thought it would be funny. yes he still has his accent. its my world i do what i want) are raised by Carlotta and Dexter Wolfe in Kittery Point, Maine. Carlotta is a paleontologist/biologist and Dexter is a history and geography teacher at the high school. They do know of VILE and what Bellum was working on and have been monitoring it in secret from the kids.
Carmen and Julia are those friends that met bc they were both hiding under the slide in like. Preschool and just stayed friends lol. They're the kind of best friends that will just. Show Up. usually Julia at Carmen's house because "You have better snacks" also Julia's parents just Don't Like Carmen. (Why? idk bc i said so. idk they think she's a bad influence. she's really not lol) Literally Julia has like a spot on the couch and a table setting. She's basically the third twin these three have known each other essentially their entire lives.
Zack and Ivy joined the group in middle school, when Ivy had the same class as Carmen, Julia, and Gray. Zack joined via association. (Zack and Ivy, on the other hand are not twins. again. bc its funny. each sibling pair thought the other was like them. zack and ivy thought Carmen and Gray were just normal siblings, and Carmen and Gray thought Zack and Ivy were twins. Julia had to explain to all of them it was not the case lol)
Player is Carmen's online friend that the whole group includes. they all game together and he gets ALL the public school tea. hes about the same age as Zack, so about a year-ish younger than Carmen, Gray, Ivy, and Julia.
At the end of their freshman year, Carmen and Julia start dating. Their friends and Carmen's parents know, they keep it secret from everyone else. At the end of the summer everybody (aside from Player) go to the beach for one last day of freedom before school starts. They swim through the mutant goo, and over the next few days discover their powers.
Carlotta IDs each dino: Carmen is a (large/person sized) pyroraptor, Gray is a T. rex, Julia is a troodon, and I still cant decide on Zack and Ivy's dino forms lol. Carlotta and Dexter explain the whole VILE thing and the group just kinda simultaneously goes "welp guess we're superheroes now. cool"
so yea dealing w highschool and also mutant dinosaurs and superpowers. this ones fun bc they can just be stupid kids lol
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The Last Wolf:
My werewolf AU. The one that started all this mess and my love for making AUs of this show. It was my first fanfic i ever wrote, and it is very near to my heart. it's also gotten out of hand and become a franchise at this point it's ridiculous. (Seriously i've got a prequel of her parents planned and also a series of shorts set in the universe) It's gonna be a long ride, boys. Hope people still like CS by the time it's done lol
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A Thief's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse:
Zombie apocalypse AU! Talked about this one a bit for AU day, and also as of this post I have ~1k words written of the first chapter! I also have a bunch of the major plot points outlined too ;) I wouldn't expect anything soon tho lol.
She wears a wetsuit under the coat bc it's really hard to bite through, especially with rotten jaws. She's got some boots she probably scavenged or traded for, and of course: the Walkman she probably found looting some abandoned building. She collects cassettes to listen to. Gotta keep sane in the end of the world.
How is this one a literal apocalypse and its still more lighthearted than the one based on FNAF lol
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Redd Wolf (Five Nights at Redd's):
FNAF AU. I've truly lost it lol. I have this one completely outlined, nothing written but a lot of things are VERY clear in my mind. This ones uh. a lot more intense than even Thief's Guide. It's FNAF. its immense violence and child death. Seriously, Carmen, Player, Gray, Ivy, Zack, and Julia all end up possessing animatronics at some point. It ends happily, but it is based off a horror thing so if that's not your thing b careful <3
its supposed to be more of a mystery that gets unraveled, but if anyone wants specifics of it u can drop an ask :) i only have animatronic designs for Carmen, Julia, and Gray so far tho. I have ideas for the others too.
This is one I wanna share with y'all at some point. its probably the shortest of the AUs I have outlined so far, so yk. maybe in this lifetime lol.
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Carmen and the Age of Wonderbeasts:
Mega Jaguar Carmen. This ones more of a ~vibe~ than an actual plot but i like drawing mega jag carm :)
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Plushie Dragon:
This one's not an AU, but actually based on doodles of these 2 plush dragons! Matching red/gold and blue/silver dragons named after carmen and julia lol. I'll get around to posting more drawings of em cause they're cute
the plushies <3 (they have spikes u just cant see em:
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ik they look goofy i lov them anyways
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Wings of Fire:
Wings of Fire AU! Carmen is a rainwing/skywing hybrid (rainwing dad, skywing mom) She can camoflauge, fly decently fast, and has a prehensile tail. She can't breathe fire or use typical venom, BUT she figures out her venom, while not face-melting by itself, IS in fact flammable. again, more of a ~vibe~ than a story and plot, but I like drawing dragons.
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Canon Carmen:
She's front and center, the one that started all this.
Way back in 2019, the autism and ADHD departments in my brain came to an agreement: This show is the greatest show of all time.
It was the first fandom I actively contributed to/interacted with. (I still read fics from other fandoms before, but had never been active in a fandom) Like I mentioned with Last Wolf, I had never actually written fanfiction before, and definitely never posted it. I love writing and telling stories (and boy howdy do I have A Lot of stories rolling around my brain). between all of the AUs ive come up with, I've gotten to practice so much worldbuilding and characterization. English classes usually focused on expository stuff, with like. a brief fiction writing thing. So I've definitely gotten to stretch my creative writing muscles with this show, and hopefully I can put em to use on original projects someday <3
I fell in love with the first season, and got ridiculously excited for every new season and the interactive. (heck, i played every possible option for the interactive the day it came out, and binged every subsequent season the day they aired.)
This show has been a big part of my life the last five years, and the original show will always be special to me. It's the reason I started learning to draw people lol, I have a drawing of Carmen from 2020 that I'm still really proud of. It's hung on my bedroom wall to this day.
So thank you, Carmen Sandiego. For everything.
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runa-falls · 2 years ago
Congrats on your milestone, em!!! 🥳💖
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If you feel so inspired, I'd like to request a blurb using the following prompt:
“this isn’t what i had in mind when i yelled fuck you.” + Poe Dameron 👀
Thank youuuu 💕
hihi whitney :3 thanks for joining in! this one is a bit longer than a blurb but i can't help it!
cw: smut (18+), friends (with minimal benefits)-to-lovers, jealous!poe, angst, alcohol, fluff?, fingering, hickies, panty sniffing (IDK WHERE TF THIS STUFF I COMING FROM ??), kissing, anddd not proof read
wc: 2.3k (???)
a/n: honestly poe is kinda an asshole in some of this but imma connect it to his commitment issue bc he's afraid to lose the reader idk
poe has never given you a straight answer about the two of you, and for a while it didn't matter.
for a bulk of your friendship, there's been the ongoing war between the first order and the resistance, so there was never time to sit down and talk about it, or take it any further than what it was.
and what is was, was a pair of kissing friends.
it's confusing. the words "kissing" and "friends" don't usually go together. either it's a 'mistake' or a gateway to a different kind of relationship, but you've been stuck in this middle area for months.
the war is over now and you won, but you haven't moved an inch.
this confusion, this fuzzy line between friends and lovers, has been weighing on you.
poe gives you those eyes, that intense stare, the one that makes you feel like the only girl in the universe, but then he openly flirts with officers, fellow pilots, and mechanics that work on his ship, buying them a drink and sitting real close to them, right in front of you.
poe kisses you, tastes you, like you're the finest wine in coruscant, like he's trying to memorize your flavor because each kiss could be his last, but then he tells you he's not ready for a relationship, he's too busy, he doesn't want to ruin the friendship that you have.
now, you're done waiting for him. you've tried to be patient and understanding, to give him time to figure things out, but he's been drawing it out, painfully, and you refuse to just sit there and watch.
you decided to finally take up voren na'al's offer of a date. he's a cute guy and you've worked with him throughout the war. you figure you might as well give him a chance, if only to take your mind off of poe.
you slip on a simple dress, something that makes you feel 10x cuter than the usual resistance uniform that the base usually sees you in. you're not going anywhere fancy, just the local pub to grab a drink and hang out.
it's quite crowded when you get there, though everywhere's been pretty crowded since the war ended. now there's more time for leisure, to enjoy life, without worrying about another attack.
the bar is full of bustling bodies, loud conversations, and moving glasses of jet juice, tihaar, and vosh. you're barely able to squeeze into a small table with how many standing bodies surround you.
"you look really nice tonight!" voren basically has to yell for you to hear him.
"thanks, a bit of an upgrade from my usual--"
"i said, a bit of an--"
voren gets up and decides to just stand next to you while you sit on the barstool instead. "sorry, i didn't realize this place would be so packed tonight..." he's close, almost leaning into you as he speaks at a normal volume.
"no, no, it's fine! I'm happy to see that the whole resistance is enjoying their weekend."
"let me get you a drink, yeah?"
"alright, i'll take...nikta with some soda."
"gotcha." he leaves you and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
you've finally decided that it's too lively in this bar for you. the overlapping voices and cheers overwhelm your brain as you desperately try to get comfortable as a party of one in a sea of thousands.
how can you feel so alone in a room full of people?
this is a bit harder than you thought it would be. for some reason it just feels wrong to be on this date, despite not having any exclusivity with poe in the first place.
"gods, i thought that guy would never leave!"
speak of the devil.
he steps closer to you, smoothly walking through the crowd that's nearly trapping you at your table. his face is pink, flushed from alcohol and the heat of the bar, and his eyes are glazed with untethered delight.
he says your name, draws it out with the slur of his tongue. his eyes glance at your attire, a dress he's never seen before. actually, he's never seen you in a dress, ever. "so you have a little boyfriend now?"
where did he even come from?
usually you'd know if he were at the bar, he has a whole entourage of people that like to follow him around. in fact, you'd know if he were in any room because of the loud cheers that constantly accompany the resistance's favorite flyboy.
"this is our first date actually." you hope you sound casual, despite having to raise your voice to be heard over the noise. you try to bite your tongue before you could ask, but you can't. you need to know. maybe it'll make this easier for you. "...are you here with someone?"
"i was, but i ditched them." you heart lurches and warmth quickly pools in your stomach. it's pathetic how easily he can make you feel special, but the doesn't linger on that thought for long. "does your boyfriend know you kiss your friends?"
you sit back at his words, shocked that he's deciding to bring this up now. "ok, where is this coming from?"
"i just feel like i would want to know if my girlfriend was seeing other people." you frown, genuinely confused.
"well, i'm not."
"poe, what--"
"you're telling me that this," he points between the two of you, "meant nothing?"
"why are you bringing this up?"
"because a second ago, i thought we had an understanding but then i see you in this short dress going on a date with some logistic's dweeb!"
you roll your eyes, "his name is voren and unlike you, he's not making me decipher any understandings. he asked me on a date and i agreed."
"and you still kiss me."
"i kissed you and then i got tired of waiting for you to kiss back."
"i just don't get how you move on so easily when what we hasn't even ended."
"oh, fuck you, poe. it never even started!"
"hey...is this a bad time..." voren is back with the drinks, staring at the two of you awkwardly as the glasses of iced alcohol begin to sweat in his hands.
you both speak at the same time:
"no, voren, you're fine."
"yeah, if you wouldn't mind, we're dealing with something right now."
he nods his head slowly, understanding what's happening. he sets the drinks down on the table. "look, i'll see you back at the base, just text me when you want to meet up again." he walks to the exit of the bar and you try to call for him, but it's no use with the wall of people between you.
"look what you did, you ruined my date!"
"wasn't much of a date from the looks of things."
"ugh, you asshole!" you hop off your seat, grab your stuff, and rush through the crowd. maybe you can catch up to him if you get out fast enough. swaying bodies threaten pull you back into the tide as you attempt to escape, but you push through, determined to get the fuck out of there.
the cool air is refreshing when you finally shove the door open, it's almost a bit chilly compared to the building you came out of. you scan the area, trying to get a glimpse voren walking home but you don't see a single person.
"come back, honey, you shouldn't be out here alone."
you don't even have to look back to know who it is.
"i'd rather be alone than with you."
"you don't mean that." a hand gently pulls at your shoulder to make you turn around and face him. a warm hand cups your jaw as he regards your upset expression, his thumb comfortingly gliding over your cheek. you can't help but lean into his familiar touch. "this is why i never wanted to change what we had. i was trying to be smart, for both our sakes."
"by pushing me away? by leading me on?" your voice comes out in a whisper, but it's so quiet in these empty streets that it didn't matter.
"by keeping it simple, safe."
"i can't do it anymore, poe. you can't just expect me to be content with what you give. i need more."
"i know, baby, i was just scared. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and i didn't want to lose you."
"but the war is over."
"not for me. i'll always be a fighter and i'll always have my battles. sometimes i can't be there for you like i should be, i can't be the boyfriend you deserve, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it any less." he rests his forehead on yours, holding you close to him in the middle of the sidewalk. "i didn't want you to leave me so i decided to never give you the chance."
"and now?"
"now, i don't want to think about what could happen tomorrow or the day after that. i've wanted you since forever and i want you now." he leans in, his nose nudging yours, "do you?"
"you know i do." you giggle softly, a grin spreading on your face.
you tilt your face up and capture his lips, slowly moving against him, savoring this moment. he places a hand at the back of your neck and pulls you in closer, showing you all his love as his soft lips mold over yours.
the walk back to base was a blur of soft smiles and quiet words as you traveled hand-in-hand. poe offered you his jacket after seeing you shiver and you reveled in the feeling of the heavy leather over your shoulders. you're both so giddy like a couple of teens that have been crushing on each other for eons.
when you got to the entrance of the main building you both paused for a second and an unspoken question hung in the air. is this the end of the night?
"come over to mine."
you surprise yourself with your bold offer. it was blurted out before you could really think it through.
"is that really a good idea?"
isn't it?
you've been placed at an arm's length from the man you've wanted since you showed up at the base and you've gotten his affection, his touch, and his kiss, but never more. and you want more.
"i want you. i-i mean, i want you to come over..."
he smirks like the asshole he is.
"alright, lead the way."
heated kisses are planted down from your jaw and all along your neck. splotches of purple already litter the silky skin, but he's still hungry for more.
poe barely got into the room before you rushed over to him and practically attacked him with a kiss. luckily his pilot reflexes helped him catch you and pull you against his body with finesse.
he laid you out on your bed and crawled over you, wanting to taste every part of you that he been denying himself from. his hands smooth over your curves, groping your tits and your waist as he makes his way down.
fingers tug your dress over your thighs and reveal the suggestive underwear you wore for your date.
he raises an eyebrow, "this for me, or him?"
"for myself, actually...but i guess you can enjoy them too." he pinches your thigh teasingly and you yelp out a giggle.
"fucking brat. you know what," he pulls them off easily, "i will enjoy them." poe crumples up your delicate lace in one hand while holding you down with another. you attempt cross your legs as you watch him bring them up to his face and breathe in your scent, but they're forced open by a strong hand. "mm...my sweet little girlfriend is so needy for me, hm?" you can feel him against your leg, hard and prominent under his pants.
you squirm under him, nearly dripping slick all over your sheets at his words. his girlfriend.
poe brings his hand up to your face, slowly tracing your lips with his index finger. "open up, honey." he groans as you let him slip between your lips. you suckle at his finger while staring up at him, your tongue flicking the tip every so often. "that's right...good girl." he adds another finger and watches you with half-lidded eyes, imagining that it's his cock you're sucking, nearly choking around it.
he pulls them out and reached between your bodies. you whimper as the cool slickness is pressed against your pussy. he runs them through the seam of your cunt, prodding gently against your entrance.
his eyes watch your facial expressions shift when he pushes them in, drinking in every minute sound and move that you make. you let out a broken moan as he curls his fingers inside of you and starts moving, rubbing right against your g-spot.
he whispers encouraging words as you start to shake under him, already so close to the edge. "that's it, sweetheart," he speeds up and vulgar sounds of your dripping cunt fill the room, "cum all over my fingers."
you whine as you reach you climax, pussy fluttering around his still moving fingers. your back arches at the intense pleasure and you wrap your legs around his arm.
his movements stop and he pulls away. you hide your face under your arms as he starts to lick his fingers clean, suddenly embarrassed by his shameless actions.
"what?" he chuckles, "am i not allow to taste my girlfriend?"
"you know, this isn't what i had in mind when i yelled fuck you." you breath out, referring to your heated talk at the bar.
"i know baby, you want my cock don't you? we'll get there once you recover."
with a flushed face, you give him an appalled look, "poe!"
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ariadnethedragon · 1 year ago
HOFAS thoughts as I read it: (SPOILERS below)
All that t*rture in the dungeons, Ruhn’s piercing and tattoos. Baxian’s tattoo. The wings. “How strong is your bite?” Sarahhhhh!!!!! Stop! That was more than I could handle😫
The Middengard Wyrm😖. Nesta dealt with it brilliantly but it just makes you appreciate how impossible it was that human Feyre managed to kill this thing by herself with no decent weapons.
Azriel hugging Nesta and stroking her hair after she took the Mask off🥺
Bryce’s wallpaper being Hunt and the photo of her friends in the phone case—that made me tear up
Imagining the inner circle all surrounding Bryce’s phone trying to figure out how it works is hilarious. Also Nesta being jealous of Bryce’s music collection, “THOUSAND?”
The nightbright angst KILLED me💔💔💔
Hunt just dreaming of Bryce. She’s the only thing pulling him through, “He’d wanted so many things with her. A normal, happy life. Children.” HE BETTER GET EVERY SINGLE ONE IF THOSE THINGS OR HANDS WILL BE THROWN!
Silene. The Daglan. My theories were true😁😁
Sigrid. I had so much hope for her story but I was disappointed. Hopefully it’ll get better
Ariadne!! I wanted to see more of her😕
Ruhn’s bedroom. The burn cream😭😭😭
Lidia FUCKING Cervos. That breakout scene. Magnificent.
Jesiba and Ithan’s dynamic. Librarian Ithan and the fact that Jesiba is a Parthos priestess!!! Also JellyJubilee being the computer password😂
Bryce using the mating bond to teleport to Hunt😭😭😭
Bran and Ace. Lidia giving them her ruby ring for tuition as a goodbye💔
Hunt and Bryce got married?!!! WHEN?
Cloudberry crown sounds funny idk why
If I had a penny every time SJM included a set of unhinged/partly unhinged fae twins (yes connall I’m looking at you) in her series, I’d have three pennies bc it happens every single time
So the astronomer is basically a Voldemort 2.0
Flynn and dec going crazy for waffles on the mer ship
“I never had anyone fight for me” Oh Lidia my love😭😭
Guess I’m shipping Tharion and Sathia now🤷‍♀️
Lidia being turned on by Ruhn lighting a fire—girl, I get it.
“Because I’m yours, Day. I’m fucking yours.” Screaming crying throwing up
Lidia: “I want you all the time”😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩💗💗💗
Idk why but I am disappointed in the Autumn King, I thought there would be some redemption for him for some reason
Ruhn: “I am going to live and I am going to live well without you”😭😭
Bryce was always a queen but now she a queen Queen👀
Avallen becoming all green again.
Hunt being a demonic test tube baby😂😂
Dec being the first to look for service. Typical😂
Ithan x Perry???? Cinnamon and strawberry? I start getting suspicious when they notice all the nuances of that person’s scent. I think they’d be cute though
Nooooo, the prime—I keep thinking of him as master oogway from king fu panda and it makes me sad
Sabines finally dead🥳🥳
Ithan is prime now? Okay okay pop offf!!
Hunt finally breaking free of his halo and freeing Isaiah as well❤️
Is the under king from the ToG universe??? Valg??
Connor💔💔💔😭😭😭 The bullet. Memento mori
Sathia and Colin McCarthy. This will be interesting
Commando Hunt. The underwear was too small🤭🫨🫨
Morven guest room having red lace thongs😂😂
Okay tharion and sathia are really growing on me🥰🥰🥰
‘She’s my mate you fucker’ SCREAAMMING
Ace finally calling Lidia Mom😭❤️
Lidia is the descendant of Brannon. The fire, the hind/sacred stag. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!
Pollux being incinerated☺️☺️☺️
The sprites and Irithys💗
The kill switch, the godslayer rifle. Bryce just blackholing the Asteri. She is so brilliant and cunning and clever and I love her.
Danika and the pack. Light it up Bryce. I SOBBED
Jesiba crying and then her sacrifice😭😭😭💔💔
Ember and Randal going to Prythian. Randal bonding with Rhys but more importantly Ember and Nesta—I want to cryyyy🥹🥹🥹
Starsword/Gwydion back in Prythian…whats going to happen in ACOTAR 5???
The princes of Hel—you gotta love em
Lidia and Ruhn finally having that beer
Flynn x Perry? Jealous Ithan😏
Syrinx running for his life when Hunt and Bryce share a heated look. It’s nothing new but it cracks me up all the time
Pegasuses in Avallen🥰🥰
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raveneira · 5 months ago
I just don't get why Ikemoto is drawing AND writing at the same time..... Like it would've been better if Kodachi stayed and wrote the story, Or Kishimoto continues it (which btw he wants vacation lol). Kodachi/Kishi wrote the better story and they had the vision, on the other hand, Ike's writing is literally a fanfiction lol.
Btw, do you think we still have hope for KawaSara, cuz it's looking too rough now? Don't get me wrong, I still ship it, but Idk what to expect lol....
Yeah, whats worse is its not even Ikemoto's fanfiction, he's literally taking actual fanfic/fan theories and makin em canon, and you cant even say its impossible because in the interview he literally gets off track from answering a question to address complaints he was seeing online to defend himself 😭 so this man DOES look at fandom feedback, so theres no way you can say its totally a coincidence that so many fan theories became canon EXACTLY as they predicted it, theres just no way.
Once or twice you could say that it was a fluke, but this is way more times than one, and the fact that he pretty much confirmed that regardless of fans justified complaints about certain things he will ignore them because 'he likes it that way' so ppl will just have to deal with it.
Meaning having any hope of him taking any of the valid criticism to improve is gone, whatever he likes is what hes gonna do, even if it goes against what even Kishimoto himself wants/wanted because it is HIS story now and Kishimoto has no intention on intervening since hes happy spending time with his family now and isnt ready to let that time go again yet, which is understandable and I hope he takes as long a break as he wants or needs, I just hate that his legacy is being tarnished in the meantime because greedy higher ups WOULDNT let the series die and Kishimoto get a break like he asked for.
The story really did peak under Kishimoto and Kodachi's writing direction, the second the story shifted entirely in IKEMOTOS direction you saw the quality DROP and the story become a directionless convoluted inconsistent mess.
As for if I still have hope for KawaSara...to be honest I dont know anymore, the reveal that Ikemoto is 100% writing and that Kishimoto himself doesnt even know where the story is headed anymore and is just as much a reader as the rest of us, and even if he does give input, he lets Ikemoto have the final say, has gotten me unsure of what to expect anymore.
Under Kishimoto and Kodachi's writing they were pretty strongly hinting at building more on Kawaki and Sarada's relationship, his bond with team 7, to really drive home his betrayal later so that it'd have some real weight and impact from all their build up. So the potential for KawaSara was very high from what they were setting up.
But Ikemoto? yea I dunno what to expect from him, but if where the story direction changed is anything to go by [which Ikemoto confirms was all his doing and its a completely different direction than the one Kishimoto and Kodachi had planned] its safe to say hes tryna push bsa, either that or troll like a mf just to keep those viewers engaged since this manga is tanking more and more every chapter and the biggest supporters are shippers who just wanna see Boruto and Sarada get together for eugenics.
I wont say KawaSara has lost yet or that its hopeless, the ship hasnt been definitively killed off yet, theres still a possibility this is just another NS situation, teasing what the ppl want just to keep em readin till the very end where he finally says alright now for the real endgame once he no longer has anything to lose by pissing off bsa lol
Even if Im unsure about KawaSara at this point in time, Im still fairly confident in BoruSumi even tho alot of ppl have written her off just cuz she doesnt have a hug scene [NH doesnt either anywhere in the manga but NS does] or a reckless attempt at saving the other [according to KK Sarada and Boruto both would've died if not for the other shinobi arriving when they did so she didnt even save him fr so this argument is invalid]
They also downplay her feelings just because shes more reserved and rational than Sarada, which is kinda the point of opposites attracting and balancing eachother out [Minato being the quiet calm level headed one while Kushina is hot headed and loud] whereas Sarada and Boruto are both portrayed as hotheaded rebels apparently, their kinda the same person atp but thats another topic for another day.
Point is KawaSara is up in the air, but BoruSumi shouldnt be counted out yet, lack of screentime and interaction didnt mean jack shit for NaruHina, SaiIno, or ChoKarui, so lets not pretend its the ship killer for BoruSumi.
Lets also not pretend that SS didnt also go through one hell of a rough patch cuz they did, and they still became canon in the end, so again lets not pretend these things are ship killers alright because they aint, the real meat of the story hasnt happened yet, and Kawaki is supposed to be getting more development soon so lets see how that goes and who its with first and judge further from there.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year ago
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
Honestly she's not just a victim of yaoi, tbh. Basically: she canonically had a massive crush on the protagonist, Link, which consistently gets swept under the rug or ignored entirely in favor of shipping Link with her brother Sidon, their fellow champion Revali, or Zelda herself. She deserves nice things and so many people just... completely overlook her??
She has a crush on Link, but so does her younger brother Sidon, who is much more affable and outgoing. Link/Sidon is the more popular ship. Mipha gets a lot of flak for being a weak female character who's only defined by her romantic relationship to the protagonist. That's not really fair; she has her own storyline about being the golden girl from her town who everyone looks up to, and the hole that's left in the town after her death. It is unfortunate that she is better remembered as the less compelling corner of a love triangle.
The princess of the Zora, sweetheart of the Zora's Domain. Champion pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Master healer, cut down in her prime by an ancient evil. But you wouldn't know it, because she's reduced to someone who was in love with Link (the game's protagonist), and therefore has to be sidelined and villainized to ship Link with her younger brother Sidon or her fellow Champion Revali.
She spent 100 years in a metaphysical wrestling match with an ancient and primal evil after seeing it destroy almost everyone and everything she held dear in the hopes of saving the few that remained and Link's main goal after HIYAHing his way out of a amnesia-inducing coma was to come in and tag team said evil in order to save her and like 90% of the memories he can regain focus on their relationship with each other and its gradual improvement up to the point where Link fucking dies protecting her and it's the push she needs to awaken the power to push back the blight and PEOPLE ARE STILL OUT THERE IN THEIR POST-CANON FANWORKS TRYING TO TELL ME THAT LINK FUCKS OFF AND LEAVES HER ALONE TO GO SMOOCH THE HOT FISH PRINCE BECAUSE ZELDA WAS BEING TOO OVERBEARING OR WHATEVER AND HE COULDN'T DEAL WITH THE EXPECTATION??? LIKE ZELDA'S WHOLE FUCKING ARC WASNT ALSO ABOUT HER STRUGGLING WITH EXPECTATION AND FAILING TO LIVE UP TO IT AND YOU WANT ME TO BELIEVE THIS WUALITY THEY BOTH OSTENSIBLY HAVE IN COMMON WOULD DRIVE A WEDGE BETWEEN THEM?? WHERE'S ZELDA YOU COWARDS?? I DON'T EVEN CARE IF YOU DON'T WANT HER AND LINK TO BE TOGETHER, JUST STOP DIMINISHING THE GRAVITY OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND MAKING ZELDA SUCK FOR NO REASON. SHE'S A BIG NERD! SHE GETS TOO IN HER OWN HEAD! SHE'D DO ANYTHING TO HELP THE PEOPLE SHE CARES ABOUT! SHE UNASHAMEDLY AND EXCITEDLY TRIED TO FEED HER PERSONAL KNIGHT A LIVE FROG IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER 
Im specifically saying botw Zelda here because oh my gOSH this poor girl can get made out to be like a horrible bitch when people. want link to get that shark dick. on average she doesnt get thattttt badly treated compared to some others but goddamn.
title character but people hate her because they want link to get w sidon. so she gets fridged or entirely forgotten even though shes literally his canonical soulmate and they have been reincarnated together hundreds of times (w ganon but whether u make em poly or make him the long suffering third wheel is up to you). people will be like oh but zelda was mean to him that one time (??). be serious w me rn. she just got removed from fandom entirely and if that isnt the epitome of victim of yaoi idk what is.
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cryiling · 1 year ago
Hi, crow! How are you doing? 😁
for the ship ask game: revalink (hehe), botw/totk zelink, and miphlink (i think that’s the correct ship name??)
(ask game from here)
omg hi iri!!! I'm doing well hru? imyy thank you for the ask 🥺🫶
revalink - ship
what made you ship it?
last february i was going through my zelda phase again and i was looking for fics to read. previously i had read a lot of sidlink fics so I was looking for something new, and I decided to check out revalink fics and. oh em gee. i got hooked 😭
I remember insisting I only liked it ironically but 💀 look where I am now. #1 revalink shipper oopsies 🤭 their dynamic really stood out to me, I've shipped a lot of rivals to lovers before so I guess once I started to consider it revalink just made sense to me. also revalink fics are devastatingly good, like there's a couple that I reread religiously 😫
what are your favorite things about the ship?
omg I LOVE THIS QUESTIONNN. saurr many things like. I mentioned it already but I love their dynamic, especially when you start to analyze it beyond the surface level. I love headcanons about why revali lashes out at link in the first place, especially in relation to the champion's ballad dlc and how revali's diary reveals that he's just really insecure about himself. I think they're such good character foils to each other and that makes their interactions, both as rivals and as lovers, so much richer than some of the other ships in the game. their relationship is so open to interpretation and that makes it one of the most satisfying ships to make content for SHFJDBF
is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hmm not that I can think of! i post a lot of headcanons and stuff but I don't think they've ever been unpopular, maybe just unique. like my all the president's men au 💀 i still think abt that sometimes LOL
botw/totk zelink - don't ship
why don't you ship it?
aghhh ok ok hear me out. i don't ship them romantically BUT i do think they are peak queerplatonic vibes. it's just, the idea of knight x princess already feels like a weird dynamic to me, like I'm not a huge fan idk? ughh idk how to explain it. to me I've always preferred them to have more of a sibling dynamic. urgh I know I said hear me out but I'm not explaining it well. the voices told me not to ship it idk
what would have made you like it?
ok tbh I think zelink is cute in like every other game! just not these two 😭 so I guess if you put the two characters in literally any other game I would like them? aghhhh idk what it is about this one that makes me not want to ship it!! maybe in this game if they had a different backstory I would have shipped it. but tee bee ache link was so unhappy as a knight that I'm rooting for him to leave the whole royalty system behind and go live in the woods with his bird boyfriend idk 😭
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I literally think zelink makes the most sense as a ship, they're soulmates and they would go to the ends of the earth for each other, I'm sorry I feel so bad for not shipping them 😭 BUT on the other hand, I think all that can be true without having to be romantic yk? that's why I think they're a really good queerplatonic couple, they understand each other like no one else could, they always look out for each other and they can't imagine not being in the other's life. it's just not romantic. aughh I think they have such a good relationship but just not romantically 😣 maybe it's bc I'm also aspec
miphlink - don't ship
why don't you ship it?
I feel really bad but like mipha's crush was so clearly one-sided 😭 it's weird bc my absolute favorite trope is childhood friends to lovers, and they check the childhood friends box, but the ship just feels too vanilla/basic to me. I do think they're besties tho, because since they grew up together they'll be super close and know each other very well. but imo link doesn't see her like that and mipha eventually moves on
what would have made you like it?
I think a.) mipha's character should have been fleshed out more because she felt so one-dimensional and it kind of bothered me, her character had so much more potential and I love seeing fanon version of her where she actually has a personality. and b.) if there was a little more pining on both link's and mipha's parts. the best part of childhood friends to lovers is the pining!!
despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I love mipha and I love link and I think they'll always look out for each other and be besties forever!! the end 😽
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maryasmorevna · 8 months ago
Ship game you said? Eh eh. Let's go: ere//mika (or the ultimate meta on way you have so many problem with the pairing) and,to compensate the bitter with the sweeter:riva/mika. I'm particularly curious about this one because since there was the "levi ackermann" reveal almost nobody talk about their dynamic because "yikes,they could be cousin!11!1"
OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY i left this ask to rot in my box and then forgot all about it I'M SO SORRY fellow salernitana i hope you can forgive me 😭😭😭😭😭
so... starting with why i don't ship e.remika (a serious understatement): it's a horrid potpourri of the tropes i most loathe in the world and that unfortunately seem prevalent in the shonen genre for. some reason i guess. my dislike of ~Girl Obsesses Over Boy (who doesn't care and/or seem to notice her feelings i may add) Until Boy *gasps* Loves Her Back (with no build-up whatsoever. it's all telling and not showing)~ knows no bound. (see also i.chihime from bleach) it's especially annoying to me if the girl has. no fucking goals or aspirations (and sometimes even IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS) that don't revolve around the boy, which is mikasa's case. to sum it all up... this dependency is okay (in fiction, i mean!) only if it comes from both sides. think of cathy & heathcliff (e.remika is like. the fucking discount badly written version of WH): both can't function without the other in an exquisitely destructive portrayal of obsession and codependency that borders on narcissism. so that's not healthy at all, like mikasa's love for eren, which is something that i'm not saying as a hater but that gets explicitly acknowledged in-universe with the intentional parallels with ymir the progenitor's '''love''' for king fritz (tho they make a pairing like, idk, joker/harley look like cutesy vanilla relationship goals, and em as straight up austenian romance lmao).
but, back to WH... it's SO well-written. mikasa instead is sadly dependent on eren to the point her entire character arc is about getting over him and moving on with her grief. that's insane, considering he - as the (male!) protagonist - obviously loves her, but he's got so much else to do, has actual goals which are the basis for the whole plot, and interesting, complex relationships with so many other characters. [yes, i said that he loves mikasa, tho i don't buy that he wanted to live with her in la Casetta In Canadà and forget the world because that's SO not eren; that's mikasa's dream, and it's shown as illusory wishful thinking for a reason. but while i think his romantic feelings were portrayed so badly it's kinda laughable ngl, it's always been obvious that he deeply cares for her. she and armin are the most important persons in his life, and idw to imply differently.] mikasa comes VERY close to have her own arc, independently from eren, but her character development seems to round in circles again. and again. and again. letting eren go - which is something that stems from the trauma-imprinting she had on him; she never elaborated her parents' death, and losing him too would mean losing them, feeling that pain, all over again - is something she's shown to do in the early episodes of s1, before eren even turns into a titan. but then we see her choose him over all else again, and then realizes that there are other important things and persons too (that time levi injured himself to save her because she was too focused on getting to her boy, remember?). and then the cycle repeats all over again to peak in the (admittedly tragic but extremely predictable) finale, where he's destroying the fucking world, almost killing her and all their friends, and she still hesitates over taking a fucking stand. she fights against the founder titan, yes, but she never openly condemns eren's actions, she never stands up to him like armin does. mikasa is shown as a strong, sometimes even defiant person to everyone else but eren (see how she gets with levi; especially in the manga, she contradicts him A Lot and doesn't give a shit about his scary reputation - her own is nearly as fearsome after all); she's very passive with him in a way that doesn't suit her. of course she loves eren, but armin loves him too and he fights back and doesn't take any of eren's shit when he insults them both, while mikasa just... stands there crying prettily, i guess. which brings me to the elephant in the room: it's armin who's actually the biggest influence on eren (the latter himself says it was armin showing him the book about the outside world that made him realise he wasn't free, just to list one example); it's to save him who eren sacrifices himself for, which then prompts his first transformation into the attack titan. they're narrative foils (tho the same could be said about him and reiner and to a lesser extent gabi), complementary opposites. he's so physically affectionate towards armin, especially if contrasted with his colder behaviour towards poor mikasa - okay, he's a bit of a tsundere, but one thing is saying that he represses his feelings actually, and another is showing it!
i know all about characters repressing and outright denying they feel something for their LI, believe me; i love emotionally stunted idiots who can't emote for shit (maybe because i am so emotional and feel things too deeply, i'm drawn to my opposite). but @ yams....... please...... have mercy on me, because that's Now How You Do It, and whoever says otherwise is delusional. if a female character from anything but a shonen/bordering on seinen anime got this kind of characterization there would be so much discourse, so many polarizing opinions, so much hate for the author. i'm not saying western media don't have a sexism problem - quite the contrary!! - but mikasa is. an especially bad case? i haven't seen one so bad in a long ass while, maybe because i'm used to consume media with (generally speaking) well-written female characters. like, c'mon. imagine if mikasa had been the female protagonist of a fantasy book series, or a tv show... oh god. and no, sorry but having her kick ass right and left doesn't make her a Strong Female Character actually. Feminism 101 is founded on women having a life outside their relationship with men, and. mikasa doesn't? not really? at least compared to other female characters in the series. yams made a half-decent job with them (tho giving that backstory to ymir the progenitor was. certainly A Choice, as it was sidelining historia and annie for so many chapters), which makes mikasa's static, repetitive, stale character arc really, really sad, because my girl had so much potential. i mean, even em as a pairing had so much potential! childhood friends turned to enemies, like, hello?? imagine if mikasa had got armin's complexity and relevance and a fucking life outside of eren, for god's sake. imagine if she loved him, really, but she repressed her feelings and wasn't so heavily dependent on him (or they both were. from the beginning), and still stood up to him and called him out on his bullshit without erasing her hidden vulnerability and fragility. imagine if their relationship was between equals and-- ah, imagine her getting a character development a la casca (without all the horrifying shit she endures and the 200 chapters long catatonia and sexualisation, tho, tyvm!!!), since isayama himself said she was the blueprint for mikasa - in general he was heavily inspired by berserk - and it shows because they're basically twins separate at birth *insert spiderman meme*. i mean, yams even said that the scene where eren saves mikasa from the slave traders was based on griffith rescuing casca and her imprinting on him instantly, and god does it show.
........... but then em would just be het e.remin, so. whatever. there's also mikasa's need to grow the fuck up, and for that she needs to see that her wishful thinking, her beliefs about ~Eren Loves Me So Much, He Can't Live Without Me!! even when he gives her the cold shoulder so many times, are wrong. that's how you write a character growing into adulthood: you challenge them, you show that the world is founded on a very different basis than what they believed. (see lucy from fallout - she's an adult but she's in a metaphorical infancy before getting out of her vault and a coming-of-age arc throughout much of the series.) if you reinforce mikasa's beliefs... she just remains static. which brings me to...
r.ivamika: oh, i adore them. they had so much potential in many different ways... unfortunately it's very, very obvious how much yams doesn't give a shit about the ackermans. first thing first: it's not incest. they're not cousins. it's explicitly stated that they're only very distantly related, and well, it's glaring how much they don't consider each other "family" or whatever. they're descendants of the same ancient clan, that's all. (actually, mikasa is eren's foster sister and she says he's her family more than once. but that's something em shippers generally seem to gloss over. not that i think em is incest either, it's not. maybe a very lite version of pseudo-incest like the abovementioned WH, but nothing more.) tbh i always thought of them being "related" a la darkling and mal from the greggrisha trilogy. technically they are but (stealing my brother's words of wisdom about the whole rm insane discourse) "it isn't gross" because it's been too fucking long for a relationship between them to be incestous. i mean, guys... words have meaning. you can dislike it but after many generations (500 years for the darkling and mal) they're really not more than nominally related at best. after six gens the shared blood is 0.01%, let alone... whatever the fuck levi and mikasa are. i mean, this obsession the fandom has with them as ~cousins is ridiculous - okay for a headcanon, obviously, but they're very much not framed like that in-universe. like, they have a professional relationship between a soldier and her superior, between comrades in arms. she loathes him until she doesn't; she thinks he's (and i quote) a "sadistic freak" until she doesn't, and she starts to feel respect for him and even *gasp* CARE FOR HIS WELL-BEING lmao???? but nope, she doesn't think of him as a family member. yams could have easily gone that way with them, but he didn't. it's nice to think about mikasa finally finding a belonging, especially with all her grief and family-issues (see, again, her obsession with eren, as stated above)... but that's exactly the reason why i like levi as a romantic option for her.
i'll explain why: they have this Pride&Prejudice vibes+mentor/protégée+veteran/talented newcomer+recognition through the other (derogatory) thing going on that i find very interesting. someone once said levi is basically a more evolved and mature version of mikasa, and i agree. but they're also very different, in a way that would both complement the other and challenge them. levi has an almost opposite way of dealing with grief compared to mikasa: she fiercely clings to few close people and does everything in her power to stop them from fading away from her; he has a long history with losing people too, and that's what makes him keep everyone at a distance (and fail spectacularly at it but that's another matter). he's already resigned to letting them go (see how he deals with erwin and hange's deaths, for example) and making hard choices in a merciless, impossible situation. you can't suffer if you don't grow attached to people in a world and a profession where death is an everyday occurrence, right...? right?????? except that he cares and mourns too, of course. he just represses it all, and he's very efficient at it. now, since mikasa's main issue is that she can't let go (especially of eren)... you can see how they both can teach something to each other and grow together. they're very similar personality-wise: both stoic, strong, loyal, excellent fighters, with a cold façade and a (more or less hidden) heart of gold beyond all that ice. they're both the strongest in the world; she's the only one who can keep up with him on the battlefield, the only one who can challenge him (and vice versa). he respects her almost from the very start; she despises him so hard that it blinds her in some occasions, but grows from hating his guts for kicking the shit out of eren to asking his help to kill eren. obviously they're the only ones with their special powers, being the last ackermans and all that. they could really understand each other on a deep level... if only isayama had made them interact!!!!! which he didn't. I MEAN. searching for their clan's roots, bonding over how unique and, for this very same reason, lonely they are? ["there are no others like us, and there never will be" *cough cough*] nope. let's make them never address the elephant in the room!! tbh they could have been descendants of different clans with similar powers and biology, and nothing about their relationship would have changed lmao. like, this girl has serious family-related issues; that's one of the reasons she fixates on eren. why doesn't she go to levi and, idk, ask him about something, anything? that's such a glaring flaw - not a plot hole but a... characterization hole, if you will - i seriously can't even fathom it. all this Carramba Che Sorpresa shit, all this fucking insanity over the poor harmless rm shippers... for that? (with that being: nothing. the void. nietzsche's abyss, maybe.) 😭😭😭😭😭😭 also, there's this persistent headcanon in the fandom that levi would inquire about the ackerlore, but... this only shows how shallow some fans' reading of the characters is. levi WOULD NEVER. levi is afraid of committing himself to someone, to feel so deeply he can't recover from a loss, to have distractions from his long-time goal, and this includes family business. (isayama actually explicitly said it in an interview!) it's mikasa who's so hungry for belonging... and making her curious about their shared heritage, having some kind of bond with levi (even a strictly platonic one), would have helped her step out of eren's shadow. like, a lot. and of course that didn't happen... whatever. 
tl;dr: i love them and i've written about them more than any other pairing so far, which is ridiculous (2 long fics, one of which is sadly unfinished, and a shorter one). I'm not fixated on aot anymore these days - the toxicity in the fandom and my displeasure with some of the manga's storylines were curbing my enthusiasm - but they'll always have a special place in my heart. gotta love a semi-rareship with such a potentially juicy, complex dynamic. 
(e naturalmente se vuoi Passare Al Lato Oscuro e see what all the fuss is about posso linkarti un paio di fic scritte molto bene, oppure umilmente farti leggere le mie, che sono in italiano)
thank you so much for the ask and, again, SORRY for not replying for so. fucking. long ughhhhhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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indie-bard-maiden · 5 months ago
~Black Crescent Bay~
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(the mermaid/siren/pirate descendent story, apart of my short story collection 'The Ballad of Hollowfaye' also available to read on wattpad)
Patty Dean (the descendant of a cruel Pirate Lord) is being targeted by a clan of mermaids. They came for his brother last year and would've come for him too if he hadn't already been dragged to the icy depths of Black Crescent Bay by a Siren, Alix Kane. Now he needs to find her again. He needs to understand. But is it too late? Has he already fallen under her spell?
Genre: Past vs Present
Word Count: idk???
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(PART 1)
Patty's brother, Elliot, threw a Halloween party every year, and it was always bigger than anything Hollowfaye had ever seen. There were no invitations—you were allowed to come if you brought alcohol or weed. Patty didn't need an excuse to get wasted beyond comprehension, but this party fit the bill every time.
It was the only rule, but somehow he still ended up barring people from entering unless they stopped fucking around. For some reason everyone thought he was going to be more lax with the rule now that Elliot was away at college.
Usually they were the people that insisted on bringing rocks and spices from their kitchen—blessed crystals and charmed herbs, as they usually insisted upon calling them.
The barring wasn't going so well.
Alix Kane, some goth girl that too believed in blessed crystals and charmed herbs, was begging to be let in, and Patty, after he'd drunk a little too many, couldn't stop from laughing hysterically in her face.
His friends were around, so he couldn't help it. He was the funny guy, the one people were always waiting to make an asshole out of himself. When they weren't waiting for that, they were waiting for this party.
So you see his obligation, yes?
Alix, however, was in a foul mood, and she wasn't much up for laughing. She stared at him with narrowed icy blue eyes and pursed black lips—lipstick, he'd hoped.
"Look, it's the same rule it's always been, Al: No alcohol, No entry."
She jabbed the crystal into his stomach with ferocity, and it tickled more than anything.
"I'm telling you, Pat, these crystals will clear your mind; these herbs will release you from evil. All much better prizes than beer."
He was getting annoyed with her then. People with actual party favors were forming a line behind her, all waiting to get on his Uncle's boat. He didn't have time to explain that it just wasn't happening.
"You keep 'em then, if you really care about them that much." He looked behind her, signaling he was done, "Linus, are those brownies I see?" He didn't even know if the kid was Linus.
He was still watching Alix out of the corner of his eye, waiting for her to leave. But she still stood, waiting.
"You think evil isn't everywhere, Patrick? You were born from evil, your father's entire bloodline is filled with nothing but thieves, rapists, and murderers."
He ignored her. He knew what she was talking about. His Great-Great-Great-Great-Great (give or take a few million Greats) Grandfather was Patrick 'Black Pat' Dean, the sailing master of the 'Phantom Queen' before he murdered the captain with his bare hands and became anointed as: notorious murderer, pillager, rapist, and Captain of the Phantom Queen.
He died young, 24, but thanks to his many, many forced conquests, he had a number of children up and down the East Coast.
More children than gold, his uncle often said (he had a lot of gold), and the only reason he and his mother could afford this boat, and Black Crescent Bay and the cabin sitting above it, was because their bloodline was the most legitimate.
Black Pat had married his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandmother, Lorelai, when she was just sixteen. They 'd had three kids—which in Pat's opinion, was three too many—by the time he abandoned her to write his history in the golden age of Piracy. He'd only returned to her after his legs got eaten off by a tiger shark, with a dead crew and a ship full of gold and jewels.
Patty didn't know what any of that had to do with getting into a party though.
"You're welcome to come next year, Al. Remember to bring some smokeable herbs though."
He turned back to her after letting Linus pass by them after having the slightest whiff coming from his Tupperware in waves. She stood there, stiff and stricken, not staring at him but through him, eyes bulging out of her skull.
The whole thing gave him chills. A second longer of this, and he was going to lose his cool.
But then she shook her head and reached for his hand. He'd been expecting a beg or something. He'd never seen her put on a show, but he figured she wasn't above it, especially for the biggest party in Hollowfaye to date. But she didn't beg. She interlocked their fingers and he lurched forward at her strength.
"Death is all around you, Patrick. You're stained with it." Her voice was misty and colder than the sea breeze around them. Her ice blue eyes glowed like starlight, moved like the pulse of the tide.
Before he could tell her she should leave, she pressed her black lips onto his. They were hot like balls of flame, and they blistered his lips—the sizzling and popping of the skin made him flinch back but it wasn't backward that he went. She pulled him forward and before he could grab ahold of anything, she was tripping him with her barefoot and pushing him off the other side of the pier.
His muscles seized and tensed against the wrath of the frigid water. He sank immediately. His arms stayed flat and straight; his legs side-by-side. With all his might, he tried to fight, but something was keeping him from doing so. Like there was an invisible wall he couldn't force himself through.
And then a voice—a voice he'd heard before— so familiar he knew it like his own, kissed his skin and wrapped him in silk blankets, warming him from within, 'Pat...' he waited, totally and earnestly consumed, '...stop fighting it. Stay here and be free with me.'
He listened for a second, almost as if it was a reflex, but then reality hit him and he shook his head violently.
It took a whole second for him to realize he was going to die. He sank and he sank. But he didn't die.
A shadowy figure pulled him free of the warm silk he was entangled in, and as soon as he was back on the pier—freezing cold and shivering—he sputtered the salty water out of his lungs.
He expected to see Alix, waiting with a stark-white smile and glacial blue eyes. She wasn't there. Only the people waiting in line remained.
"She just tried to fucking kill me." Was all he could force out through his vibrating teeth.
His best friend, Sol, was drenched and shivering beside him, while Sol's girlfriend, Litha was bumbling over swears as she jumped off the side of the boat with a handful of blankets for them. She wrapped a stack around Sol and a stack around him, attempting to wipe away all the salty-water.
"You stupid fuck." Sol was breathless, and the icy waves had beaten his face blue, "What the hell was that?"
This pissed off Patty. He hadn't done it himself. That bitch pushed him in! He could've died, and now he was being blamed for it?!
"Where is she?" He tried to stand, his anger overcoming him, "Al! Alix Kane!" He wailed like a man possessed.
Sol shoved him, trying to get him to shut up, but it didn't work. Nothing worked until he slapped his hand over his mouth and forced silence upon him.
"Dude! Just shut up! Shut up for a second!" Patty did, only so Sol would pull his hand away, but it remained firmly in place. Not until Patty looked him in the eye did he remove it.
He spoke slowly and calmly--as if Patty was a stupid kid, "You tried to push her, Pat, but you fell."
He narrowed his eyes and thickly swallowed the residual sea grime on his tongue, "She kissed me and then she pushed me in—" he turned to the crowd, he was sure she was there, he could feel the lingering chill of her presence, "you psycho bitch!"
Litha hushed him and bundled him tighter with the blankets. "Be quiet." She whispered so the crowd couldn't hear.
Patty glared up at her. She was acting like she was his mother again. He hated when she did that.
Sol shook his head, teeth clattering, lips turning blue, "People are going to think you're crazy, man, so just be quiet."
Patty couldn't believe his ears. He was the victim of an attempted murder! Everyone was acting like he hadn't just been pulled from the icy depths of the bay.
"She pushed me, Sol. You saw it, you were right there."
He stared down at him cooly, shivering and shushing him simultaneously, not giving him any validation, "I was right there, Pat... And that's not what I saw... Just shut up until the police get here."
"The police?" His heart jumped.
His uncle was the chief of police, but that didn't mean things were easier for him. In fact, it made things harder. The one allowance he was given was this stupid party, and that was with the promise that none of the kids would be driving home under-the-influence.
How could he possibly control what these other idiots decided to do?
Patty knew that as soon as his uncle arrived that he was going to flip his shit and then these Halloween parties would be something of the past.
"Where's Alix?" He repeated through clattering teeth.
Sol shook his head, "She ran. You scared the shit out of her. You scared the shit out of me too; you looked like..." He trailed off.
"What?" Patty tried to sit up, but Sol held him down.
"Stay. You could be hurt." Litha, Sol's girlfriend, grabbed him by his shoulders, giving him a gentle squeeze. Patty rolled his eyes and slapped her hands away.
The crowd of students waiting to go inside quickly dispersed after hearing that the police were going to show up. Linus didn't even leave the brownies. Soon the boat itself was empty. The only people that remained on the pier were the three of them.
"I didn't push her." Was all Pat could think to say. He knew he hadn't.
Sol and Litha exchanged a glance before he looked down at him, his eyes flickering between his before he nodded slowly, "Okay..."
He was looking down at him like he'd just hit his head, and he began to wonder if he had. It all happened so fast. When his uncle finally arrived with the sirens blaring and the red and blue lights reflecting off the water and the coastal shop windows, he had to explain what had happened to the best of his ability.
He could feel Sol beside him not believing a word that was coming out of his mouth. It was maddening. He knew what had happened. But that didn't matter. It wasn't what he was there for.
"You think I give two shits about your dumbass falling in the water—something's happened. Your mother needs you home." He gave Sol a stern glare with his black beady eyes. "You two, get home. NOW!"
"Does Elliot know?"
His uncle didn't answer the question. Just lowered his voice, "Don't make me tell you again."
So, he'd gone home... The news wasn't exactly what he'd been expecting. His mother wasn't mentally sound, in and out of therapy and group therapy and meetings and doctors appointments since he and his brother were just kids, and he'd been expecting this to be one of her episodes.
Sometimes she'd unplug the fridge in the middle of the night because she thought the rumbling electricity was a parasitic demon laying eggs in their food. They'd starve until his uncle would stop by after she'd not answered any of his calls. It usually took days... Once, it even took weeks; the only way they'd survived was because Elliot had snatched them double lunches when the teachers weren't  looking.
She was put on heavy medication then. Sometimes it worked, other times her morose kept her hostage in her bed.
He wasn't expecting the problem to be Elliot. Nobody knew what had happened and nobody could ask Beth, their mom, because most of the time, she couldn't answer coherently.
What the official police report said—and his uncle later repeated through a vein-strained neck—was that Elliot was drunk, fancied some sexy relaxation with his girlfriend, Freesia or Hibiscus or something, in the hot tub and had fallen asleep. They got into an argument, she left, and he stayed in the water. Mom found him facedown hours later, chlorine-marinated and wrinkled like a raisin...
He was in a coma for a few weeks after that. A part of Pat thought he'd pull through. They'd pulled through so many other things together. He'd stayed at the hospital as often as he could. He wanted to be there when he woke up so he could be the first to tell him how stupid he was.
This wasn't one of those times though. One night while Pat slept, Elliot's brain died and so he did too. Nothing good ever happened at that clinic, nothing. He didn't know what to believe because he didn't trust anyone. He didn't even trust himself, how could he? Especially after what had happened with Alix Kane.
When things were starting to get normal for him at school again—when the teachers stopped pitying him, instead focusing it on the Vespers again because their death cycle was every six months—he decided he'd find her and ask her about what really happened that night.
But nobody knew who she was.
"Alix... Kane...?" Sol had raised an eyebrow at him, "Maybe she goes to Bellevue?"
He rolled his eyes, thinking he was joking, "She sits behind us in Folkore of the Masses."
But he just stared at him.
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Thanks for reading! Don't forget to like, reblog, and/or comment if you liked or hated it. Spill the tea. Share your thoughts directly with the source (me.)
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peavhyshy · 2 years ago
𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 VI (winx)
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Avenger!Reader
Summary: in which you have nothing better to do again so you help your best friend look for his homicidal ex-bestfriend?
Warnings: violence, arguing, idk what else
Words: 1,525
Series Masterlist
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act two, 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿
❝Pirates as in… arrr?❞
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𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗔 𝗔𝗥𝗘 𝗦𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡 𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗔𝗥, 𝗪𝗔𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗢 𝗣𝗜𝗖𝗞 𝗨𝗣 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘. It's a beautiful sunny day, and you can't help but take in the sights of those around you.
‘'Did you text him?’’ Natasha asked, turning to look at you. 
‘Um, no, I don't know how to use that block you gave me. It won't even turn on anymore,'’ You responded.
‘'It's called a phone, and did you even try to charge it?’’ Natasha asked with an amused expression.
‘'I lost the big thingy that the cord is connected to,'’ You say confusedly, furrowing your brows in concentration.
Natasha laughs and looks at you fondly before continuing, ‘'Come over to my house after the mission, and I'll show you how to work the big thingy.'’
Natasha drove up to the curb and rolled down the windows. ‘’Hey, fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I’m here to pick up a fossil.’’
‘’That’s hilarious.. You do know Y/N is older than me, right?’’ Steve spoke with a slight roll of his eyes. As you exited the passenger seat and moved to the back, Natasha gave him a smirk. Steve walks over and gets in the car.
‘’How you doing?’’ Sam asked you and Natasha. 
Natasha greeted him with a "hey,’’ and you waved at him with a smile on your face.
‘’You can’t run everywhere," Steve said, and Sam nodded. As the windows rolled up, you and Natasha smiled at Sam.
‘’No, you can’t.’’ Sam muttered as he watched the car pull away and drive off.
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𝗔𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗕𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞 𝗥𝗨𝗠𝗟𝗢𝗪 𝗗𝗘𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗜𝗦𝗦𝗨𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨, 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘, 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗔 as you guys stood in front of a screen onboard a jet flying over the Indian Ocean with other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
‘’The target is a mobile satellite launch platform, The Lemurian Star. It was sending up their last payload when the pirates took them, ninety-three minutes ago.’’ Rumlow touched the screen, displaying various information to you guys.
‘’Pirates as in… arrr?’’ You asked, covering one of your eyes with your hand and creating a hook with your finger. Natasha and Steve exchanged a laugh. Rumlow, on the other hand, gave you a cold stare. He was never one of your favorites. He gave you a negative vibe.
‘Well, good thing we have tinkerbell here.’’ Natasha says looking at you with a fond look. 
‘’Any demands?’’ Steve asked.
‘’A billion and a half,’’ Rumlow replied.
‘’Why so steep?’’ Steve questioned.
‘’Because it’s S.H.I.E.L.D.’s’’  Rumlow answered.
‘’So it’s not off-course -’’ Steve began to speak before you interrupted him.
‘’It’s trespassing.’’ You said, turning to look at Steve and Natasha.
Natasha leaned her fingers to her chin, as if she were contemplating something. ‘’I’m sure they had a good reason.’’
‘’You know, I’m getting a little tired of being Fury’s janitor,’’ With a glance at Natasha, Steve said.
‘’Relax, it’s not that complicated,’’ She responded in an attempt to appease him.
‘’How many pirates?’’ Steve turned to Rumlow.
‘’Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc,’’ Rumlow said, touching the screen to show data on the guy. ‘’Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He’s at the top of Interpol’s Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy’s got a rep for maximum casualties.’’
‘’Hostages?’’ Steve questioned. 
‘’Uh… mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell,’’ The agent pulls up a photo of him on the monitor. ‘’They’re in the gallery.’’
‘’What’s Sitwell doing on a launch ship,’’ Steve mumbled to himself.
 ‘’Alright, I’m gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, Y/N, you two kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life pods, and get ‘em out. Let’s go.’’
‘’STRIKE, You heard the Cap. Gear up,’’ Rumlow said as he turned and walked away.
‘’Secure channel seven,’’ Steve commanded. 
‘’Seven secure,’’ Natasha replied, as she got her weapons ready. ‘’You do anything fun Saturday night?’’
You looked at them when you heard that.
‘’Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so… No, not really.’’As he gazed at Natasha, Steve put on his comm.
‘’Coming up by the drop zone, Cap,’’ Rumlow yelled out. Steve pressed button, and, the rear of the jet opened.
‘’You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she’d probably say yes,’’ Natasha said.
‘’That's why I don’t ask.’’
‘’Too shy or too scared?’’ Natasha shouted, The wind was creating a loud noise.
Steve gave you a look as you laughed and said, "Both," in response to Natasha's question. He then turned to you and said sternly, "Y/N, you know I told you to work on not reading people's minds without their permission."
You apologized immediately, understanding your mistake. You had forgotten Steve's request in the heat of the moment.
Meanwhile, Natasha was still trying to convince Steve to ask out Kristen from Statistics. ‘’You know what? I bet she'd say yes if you asked her out!’’ She shouted over the wind. ‘’What do you have to lose?’’
‘’Too busy,’’ Steve said before jumping out of the jet.
‘’Was he wearing a parachute?’’ An agent asks. 
Rumlow smiles. ‘’No. No, he wasn’t.’’
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𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗪𝗔𝗧𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗔𝗦 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗩𝗘 𝗤𝗨𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗟𝗬 𝗕𝗘𝗔𝗧 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗜𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗪𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗘 𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗗𝗢𝗪𝗡 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗔 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗨𝗧𝗘. As you observed a soldier yelling at Steve, you conjured a gun and shot the man as you landed on the ground, keeping the gun in her thigh holster and disconnecting your parachute.
‘’Thanks.’’ Steve turned to face you with a faint smile,
‘’You're welcome.’’ You replied with a smile.
As you, Natasha, and Steve began to walk away, Natasha decided to resume their conversation from the jet. ‘’What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice.’’
‘’Secure the engine room, then find me a date,’’ Steve said.
 Before grabbing the side railing and jumping over, you grabbed Natasha's arm and dragged her along.
‘’I’m multitasking,’’ Natasha replied before following behind you.
Natasha shifted her focus to you as you guys began their walk to the engine room. ‘’How about you, Y/N? Do you have a boyfriend?’’
You didn't mind Natasha pestering Steve about this since you thought it was hilarious, but you didn't like it when she asked you the same question.
‘’I’m just not a boyfriend type of fairy I guess…’’ You say hoping she won’t ask any more questions. 
Thankfully, Natasha didn't press you further, so instead she focused on getting into the engine room. 
You and Natasha exchanged looks and sneaked up behind a soldier as he was using his phone, you used your powers to throw him into the wall so forcefully that you could hear something crack.
You and Natasha jumped apart, you took out all of the soldiers in front of you while Natasha took out the ones behind you. “What’s with the attitude?” She asked as she shot another one.
You shrugged, you were trying to stay calm, “It's just hard to get used to it sometimes. It isn't really my thing you know?”
Natasha sighed and nodded, “Yeah well I don't think it's fair either…” She said looking up at you. “But then again maybe I should be asking what’s with the attitude? Because I know you're hiding something.”
You scoffed, “I'm fine, Natasha… You can’t read minds.”
Natasha frowned, “No… But I can look at you. And there's definitely something wrong. We’re friends Y/N… You can trust me…”
You knew that Natasha was right, but it had been a long time since you had confided in anyone. ‘’I'll tell you about it later, okay?..’’ 
She looked at you and seemed hesitant, but nodded and gave a small smile. 
"STRIKE in position," Rumlow says into his comm.. 
‘’Natasha, Y/N, what’s your status?’’ Steve asked through the comm. 
Natasha jumped on a man and tased him while shouting, "Hang on!" As you took a soldier's arm who was holding a gun, you pulled out your gun, and shot him in the kneecaps, and left him to bleed to death.
Natasha pressed her comm. ‘’Engine room secure.’’
You two parted ways, after you left to go rescue some hostages and she wanted to secure the engine room.
‘’Natasha, Y/N, Batroc’s on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages.’’ Steve instructed.
‘’On it,’’ You replied, heading to the hostage area.
‘’Natasha?’’ Steve called before his comm line got cut off. 
Soon after, there was an explosion, and when you ran into the room, you discovered some computers that were on fire. You saw Steve coming your way, but it appears he changed his mind and walked away. 
You heard someone wincing in pain, and you turned to look, and there was Natasha.
‘’What happened?’’ You asked. ‘’And why does Steve look mad?’’ 
‘’I'll tell you later.’’ Natasha sighed as she leaned on you for support as you two walked to the jet. 
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royalwilmon · 9 months ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
ohhhhhh this is fun, thank you for tagging me @itsmadreia !!!!!!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
190,260...... omg... the way im gonna crack 200k when i post tomt5.... omg.....
What fandoms do you write for?
just young royals! :)
Top five fics by kudos:
call me up late (4,886) (wtf) always on the tip of my tongue (806) say it's okay (645) stardust in the eyes (546) i am going to hell in a surrey (with the fringe on top) (544)
Do you respond to comments?
i try to!! i'm a lot better at it immediately after i post something. if i'm in a slump, for some reason i find it trickier
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
angsty ending?? me??!! i guess i'll say make 'em roar since it's technically abandoned? and in the outline when i talk about the epilogue i do talk about how their circus folded after only a few years. but they were still happy so it wasn't angsty! but that's the closest i got
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i meaaaaan. cmul had a pretty happy ending imo
Do you get hate on fics?
nothing directed to me! i did make the mistake of searching for myself on twitter a few years ago and did find some there.... but that was my own fault for looking for it
Do you write smut?
yes :)))))
Craziest crossover:
I've never published any BUT i did attempt to write a walking dead/in the flesh crossover EONS ago
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I mean, not to my knowledge?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! CMUL has a Russian translation!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!!! Back in the glee days I wrote a klaine fic with a friend of mine!!
All time favourite ship?
wilmon ofc
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
make 'em roar :'((((( genuinely SO sad i won't finish it, it's just... SO much research and i don't have the energy i simply don't
What are your writing strengths?
humor? is that weird to say? i like when characters can just be goofy with each other and i have a fun time writing that and i thiiiink it translates sometimes
What are your writing weaknesses?
fuckin ANYTHING that's not dialogue. its so hardddd and i haaaaate writinggggg
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i don't think i really have thoughts? theres a lot of it in this fandom so im just so used to it at this point!!
First fandom you wrote in?
Favourite fic you've written?
i feel like i should say cmul (its definitely the fic i've written thats been the most impactful for me personally) but i think my favorite has gotta be tip of my tongue. just bc of the amount of time and energy and thought i've put into this universe... it's so fully realized in my noggin which just makes it so REAL to me. i'm so so sooo attached to it, idk. idkkkkk. i just love it
No pressure tags:
@goldenwilmon @malinthebodyguard
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itsdappleagain · 2 years ago
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okay enough youtuber intro. gross
ITS TIME FOR THE FISHY DOUBLOON CAPER!! Not my favorite, admittedly, but some great moments in there for sure (see: carmen gets put in a fairly desperate situation for the first time in the series as carmen. nice.)
OKAY HERE WE GO notes under the cut because they're LONG
how cool would the intro have been if carmen's passport had gained a new stamp every episode for the place she went!!!
oh i totally forgot the acme b plot in this episode thats pretty good
s1 chase: not one single red thread to pull s2 chase, buying french michaels out of red string: is that a challenge
it was stuffed in her black sack
i love the mints. they had to set them up so bad so julia could follow them
fuck you chase. maybe if you ate less mints you could be nicer
julia he doesnt deserve you
they sneak "where in the world" into every line they can
have i mentioned the way cs draws water because its all so prettyyy
OH, WET pls
no, player we have to wait two more seasons for argentina ok
"not without any real clues" girl idk where you think clues come from but your birthplace could be a fantastic place to start looking
the equator joke was funny
bananafish? as in the anime? (doesn't know what im talking about at all)
quito!! fun fact: the first highest capital is Bolivia's, La Paz!
omg they foreshadowed the fucking tuna it nearly smacked carmen..
"surface crew is on high alert!" (pan to zack, barfing)
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i love that zack's weakness is the ocean. he grew up in boston. literally being in the home of the fish makes him barf
i love how ivy is not helping at all she's so funny
zack barfs way too many times in this show sorry. they crossed the line when someone shoved her fingers in his barf and squelched em around. no. no thanks. stop making him barf
i have to think this episode was one of the earlier ones abby trott recorded for because she is so violently boston at every turn its hilarious
where the fuck is carmen's air tank. that thing on her back is her water jetpack. where is she breathing from. her tubing is connected to something that is. not big enough to supply her with oxygen for that long
woww the framing of that shot where carmen swims towards the ship...she sounds like she supposed to be very excited about it which i love for her
every single time im like surely she cant fit through that hole and then she does. the reason this is possible is because despite having hips CARMEN HAS NO ASS
i also like the little lookaround she does like idk
GOD the ship is so pretty i love how everyone immediately destroys everything inside of it
carmen "im swimming through the past" sandiego, destroying everything in the fucking ship that she touches
why the fuck is there just a crowbar down there
the fact that carmen is not terrified upon hearing, deep underwater, a roaring, grumbling noise coming from nowhere is a testament to how stup
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see el topo has o2 tanks what the fuck is up with carmen breathing underwater. she has to always be streamlined ig
no way can they fucking hear each other no way nuh uh
i like how player waits until a very nice time to ask carmen what the fuck just burst out of the floor. little break in the action <3
hi. the way carmen says el topo. thank you (applause)
love how player doesnt warn zack and ivy. theyll be fine he said
obsessed with how le chevre's legs bend like the dancing stick bug meme
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sorry side note ivy is so cute
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le chevre is. yeah
the way carmen moves in the water is sooo satisying shes like a wikki stix she just bends
also love how carmen just bounces off of el topo
i also also love how her flippers just gently wave in the breeze
they just fling each other its so fucking funny. she steps on him. he flings her. she full body crashes into him
like how they just keep an arm around each other for a bit. chilling. buddies
do you think it hurts el topo how much venom is in carmen's voice when she sees him now?
the fish. wow that really did just happen
she just kicks his ass what did he do to her
ALSO this is one of very few fights where carmen is very actively in hand-to-hand!! she usually tries to avoid it i think...more evasive maneuvers/defense but shes BARELLING into el topo shes just doing everything she fucking can to fling him far distances
bubble transitions <3 its like bubble guppies fr
eternally beyond grateful that they dropped ivys weird. woke feminist how do you do fellow women thing ok sorry the fisherwoman thing was. out of place. le chevre is right there and youre worried about fisherwoman
le chevre, the frenchest fucker alive: you dont sound like youre from around here
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the absolute terror on ivy's face is sending me. someone else (jackie?? was that you??) pointed out that she reacts like this because they met le chevre in boston harbor but he happens to not recognize them.....super cool i love that s1 and 2 were written together
not a single braincell in le chevres head
she was really about to try to wrestle and do the heimlech maneuver on an 97 pound fish girl no
she sounds so black sheep when she says "come on seriously" 🥺
NO im calling bullshit no way was carmen able to snatch that pipe in the two seconds el topo bodychecked her carmens got fucking superpowers she does not have pickpocketing abilities she has superpowers
we love the attempted murder <3 thats. so dangerous to do but carmen just is like teehee oxygen is gone!!! hope u dont drown or panic or get decompression illness teehee
the most gigantic tracker in the history of mankind
i like how carmen holds that gun whjhehgshsa if she werent underwater she'd be blowing the smoke off it
they didnt even try to come up with a convincing alias they just went with another california city wheeze
wait how is player connected to that walkie talkie. im pretty sure correct me if im wrong but i think that walkie talkies in ecuador dont connect to ones in ontario
theyre such siblings
gay saves the day once more
AGAIN WITH SHOVING THEM IN THE WATER or wait is this the first time?? TREND SETTING?? i feel like they did it once before this but ig not???
lets motor is the same thing as lets jet
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yes carmen speaking other languages i am of the opinion that she should have spoken so many all the time
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she cute
i love how loud carmen is talking "SO ITS AN ECUADORIAN DOUBLOON" also hi dr marquez
I AM LITERALLY SUCH A CHILD THIS SHOULD NOT BE FUNNY TO ME "dick?" "dick." (innocent deer-like blinking) gay-bisexual solidarity
marquez: yeah im leading an excavation tea- carmen: i robbed that fucking boat
the deer in headlights look they give is so funny not one braincell avaliable
the way her accusing them drives them all into terrified scrambling
i also like how marquez just accepts the fact that they robbed the boat because they say theyre coin hobbyists (i mean. she doesnt. she follows them. but still)
i love dr marquez shes so cool. i like her voice also
you know carmen's about to do some craaazy shit when an archaeologist starts talking about history and they zoom in on her eyes going all different directions
zack and ivy being so insensitive is so fucking funny. kids do you know who your boss is
the sibling-like manner in which ivy shoves zack in the face to get out of the boat faster than he does is the funniest thing in the world
GASP! vile has a darker, sexier, even more obnoxious tracker!
lots a shit beeping in this establishment today
chase is such a dumbshit i love him as soon as zari reaches into her jacket he disintegrates. and then he saves it. such grace and talent
chase is just constantly ???????????????????????????
CHIEF! hi chief
what were the handcuffs even for
chase gets kidnapped and hes just like can i go back to work please
damn le chevre just pulled that slick wet thing out hot damn it was still dripping....what? the tracker. the tracker was wet. what did you think i was talking about?
"if carmen sandiego is after this doubloon" YOU GUYS WERE AFTER THE DOUBLOON WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
no. maelstrom never call yourself papa again
el topo just hanging over his shoulder <3
el topo is so cute
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tfw your boyfriend is kissing ur boss's ass
mael just sitting there listening to them like 👁️👁️
mael is not even evil hes just stupid and petty hes so funny
leonardo di caprio stars in the mole of wall street
who in vile was contaminating cheese OH MY GOD WONDER RAT???
i like how chief is just flat out like. yeahh we dont actually. know if they exist or not but we think so we really do
the scrambled brains joke was so funny chief has actually a lot of personality. i would like her if she were real yknow
the way chief snaps back to being formal when chase clears his throat its ok girl hes not important or competent
HAHA there are a lot of tiny callbacks to where in the world sprinkled throughout here that i never really noticed. gee carmen being the leader of vile sure is far fetched. that would never happen
this video is sponsored by crimeNET technology
acme's introduction is actually pretty cool. a third party that could either help or hurt carmen but seem to want her captured either way
love that background dad who shoves a fish into his kid's face
zack's joints cracked more than jo's wtf
the way she goes "fish maharh-" and then passes out gets me every time its so comedic. she doesnt like. step out of the car and in the background, as zack and ivy are chatting, slowly look ill and then pass out, crashing to the floor. zack and ivy run over, terrified. NO she walks out and goes FISH MAHAHRaha.... and then puts her hand on her forehead and faints like a victorian woman and then moans on the floor for thirty seconds
she totally got a concussion from that right
hi the way her voice reverberates just slightly in the empty garage. good sound design
omg carmen CAN sweat look jackie
ALSO look at my comic about this because just do
the whiplash of seeing coach brunt and then immediately hearing her speak in a gentle ecuadorian accent
the way raf enunciates words should be studied
chief forcibly transferring him is so funny. no. you have no free will you will be acme right now
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mmm she calls out for them immediately <333 they are family. also thee panic at waking up somewhere unfamiliar and alone....what if she thought vile had her again. does she call for them when she wakes up from nightmares. i need to know
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carmens bag ROCKET LAUNCHED those tools across the room DAMN
see i feel like that throwing star had to be 3d it looked 3d?? also why does carmen have throwing stars. also dr marquez is literally the most trusting person on the planet
zack: dont be embarrassed! its ok :) carmen: literally couldnt be more emotionless. literally could not care less about the attention zack is trying to give her. did you find the fucking coin
carmen waiting until they had already wheeled it through the doors to mention it was being wheeled away for comedic effect is such a mood
zack reacting like ivy even though he was literally watching with carmen as the fish got wheeled away
carmen: le chevre. ivy, voice blasting through the halls: AGAIN??
yeah he would id you but he literally tried to skewer these two on a fishhook three hours ago
her face when she says bid to win is so cute
who gave zack the paddle.
150,000 DOLLARS!
ivys look of terror when he says that is so funny
this poor fish market got scammed out of a whole 200 buck fish i hope carmen gave them some money
whats with the flaps in the floor
she WHIPS that poor eel. flytrap could never
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we love carmen pulling out the gun knowing full well the speech wont work
that poor fucking tunafish man
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le chevre gets cornobbled
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something something el topo on his way to slap some goat cheek something
love how top and bottom dont question why carmen has suddenly given up
i also love el topo taking no credit for slapping him with a fish hes luck uhhh yeah bro its the altitude
the lil whoosh as carmen catches the coin
shes like ohhh my god he went into the electrical closet. ohhh fuck
wait a minute if the tube fell out first...how is there still a trail leading from that point. they didnt fall out of the tube so did he just have loose mints in his pocket. or
chief: we are so secretive julia argent: mints
julia is so starved for compliments that she immediately smiles when the random blue projection who kidnapped chase in a dark closet tells her she's sharp
marquez: someday the world will know your name carmen sandiego marquez, a year later, watching tv: UM I DIDNT MEAN BY STEALING THE CROWN JEWELS HELLO
carmen's 👁️👄👁️ when marquez mentions that shes argentinian is so funny one time as a kid i was talking in my sleep and my mom mentioned the dream that i had been having when i woke up and it scared the shit out of me it was that exact expression
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damn... damn these spot the difference games are getting hard
carmen e4: we went our separate ways carmen e9: HOOLY SHIT SHES TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME
like the boat looks 3d too methinks
next episode: team red is permanently blinded as zack drives directly into the sun
okay!! pretty solid episode. one of the classics. not my favorite though it feels a bit like they needed a caper to go with the acme plot and they just threw darts at a map
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years ago
Heyyy! I have been following your account for a while and I LOVE to hear your analysis, they have such a nice balance of objectivity and going gaga xD.
So, whenever you have time and if you want; to can you share your thoughts on the current gmmtv pillar couples, like their offscreen and on-screen presence/chemistry. Since, most of them are new except EM, I am trying to understand/predict how this will pan out how successful these ships will be going forward.
A few examples
FK : Onscreen: They are just so comfortable with each other, every scene, from being not liking each other but simping to what they were in OS. Offscreen: They have such soulmate/best friend vibes which feels so sincere, and despite lack of physical touches/skinship like OG, JD, or even First with other people like Tay, they have better chemistry than most ships I have seen(maybe the constant staring at each other while talking things, most interviews feel like they are talking to each other). Khaotung needs to stop looking at First not just when first is talking but also when he is talking xD
FB: Onscreen : I just don't get it, I dropped a boss and a babe so many times, because I just could not! I see no chemistry/ not even I care for you chemistry. But I feel that was maybe direction, because the 10 seconds of OF between them had so much more chemistry than the whole ABAB. Offscreen: I love their banter and they are pretty fun to watch, but again it is a lot of brotherly vibe, maybe because they loook sooo similar. I think this ship will dissolve soon, idk
EM: They seem to have similar chemistry/ characters both oncsreen and offscreen, given earth is more relaxed since he is not a troubled man like his characters . I have not seen cupid's last wish, but in both MLC and ATOTS, and real life, mix is always the sulking young guy and earth, the more mature elder guy. They are already succesful as a ship so yeah
Wow, this ended up being long xD
hi there anon!
thank you for appreciating my opinions. after having some people in my inbox who don't, this is nice to hear 😌
I already shared my take on the current gmm couples a few weeks ago here but to comment on your thoughts:
FK: couldn't agree more. everyone who follows me knows they're my favorites and that won't change anytime soon lol. I like that they don't do fanservice or skinship stuff bc their energy around each other is more than enough to make me lose my mind lol.
FB: I like their dynamic off-screen, they're likable people, but ABAAB is so bad that I'm having a hard time separating their on- and off-screen presence lol. I hope they redeem themselves with only friends bc right now they're a lost cause for me.
EM: love them!!! I said this in my previous post but they're giving comfort couple energy lol. their characters are a bit similar sometimes but that might be due to the fact that they're a very distinct pairing. they're 2 very different types compared to the other couples so their characters often go into a similar direction which I don't mind though and would not file as typecasting. I always felt like they matched their characters very well. they've been around for a while so I don't know what their future looks like but for now they're one of my favorites for sure ✌🏻
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kholran · 1 year ago
Twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by @lucientelrunya Thank you friend!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only DMBJ right now, but I have written for The Hobbit and Les Mis in the past.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I Will Go Now To My Pyre (254)
And Here My Troubles Begin (246)
When the Stars Align (212)
I Get By (211)
Skin Deep (197)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I am Very Bad at remembering to do it, and I end up replying like months later. But I value every single comment I get, and I want to let the commenter know that I'm grateful they took the time to not just read but say something.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm... I always try to end on a hopeful note, if not an outright happy one. I did write a Barduil (The Hobbit) ficlet here on Tumblr where the reveal is angsty, so I guess that one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, I usually try to end in a happy place. I guess I'll say Ordinary World, because (spoiler alert) the world is saved, the 'ships are all together, and everyone is content.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I did get one comment on an unfinished fic where the person made an (incorrect) assumption of where it was going, and then judged the fic based on that assumption. IDK if they actually made it to the end when it *was* finished. They never did comment again.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep, I do. Usually as part of a larger plot/story. I don't really like writing smut just for smut's sake. But as long as there's some plot around it, then I don't shy away from it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
In the traditional sense of the word (characters from one thing meeting characters from another thing) then no. I'm not a big fan of that, either writing or reading. But I LOVE me a good fusion fic, and I've written many of those. I'd say the Les Mis/Les Amis Titanic fic is the "craziest" but it's not a crackfic by any means.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Hmm I don't think so?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I used to do a ton of forum-based RP, which is basically just collaborative writing. If you look closely, you can still see that influence. I tend to write from the POV of one character at a time, although now I'm writing all of the characters myself, and only switch when there's a natural break/need to change.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
That I've written? RiSang, hands down. But I also have a ton of favourite ships that I've never written for. I think maybe Alucard/Integra (Hellsing/Ultimate) is at the top of that list? It's been one of my faves for a very long time, in any case. As has Zechs/Noin (Gundam Wing). And honourable mention to Weilan (Guardian) and Wenzhou (Word of Honour) for being more recent, but consuming my every brain wave ever since I watched those shows.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The Weilan mermaid AU I still have sitting in my laptop's Docs folder. I had the whole thing planned out but then RiSang happened and that's all I've been able to focus on writing ever since.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at setting scenes? Like the atmosphere and setting, and who the characters are in the particular universe I'm writing at the time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Abuse of adverbs and em-dashes, but you can pry both of those out of my cold dead hands. Oh also natural dialogue. I am an awkward human person who can't carry on a conversation to save my life and it shows.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Dialogue, not so much. I will occasionally use a word, phrase, or title (like Fuguan or Tianzhen or Heipaoshi) if it's something I'm sure is common knowledge of the fandom, but apart from French, I'm not fluent enough in any language to trust my ability to write realistic and grammatically correct dialogue in it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
When I was in like fifth grade, I was obsessed with Baywatch (don't judge me). So me and my friend made original characters and wrote out like little stories about them and the show's characters hanging out.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think my favourite has to be Pyre. RiSang got me back into writing after I had a massive confidence crash and spent 5 years not writing anything. I'm also very proud of Ordinary World. It's my longest fic to date, and, in my own humble opinion, one of the tightest plots I've ever written. I can reread it and not be bored, even though I wrote it.
Tagging: @merinnan @hils79 @xantissa @eirenical @saxgoddess25 and uhhh @amidalogicdive (Only if you want to! No pressure!)
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