#idk man i think i gotta go to pt or something my shit is fucked
abyssaldyke · 27 days
Locked up in my office experiencing tremendous body aches which are probably weather/period related but also if I have the fucking ick I'm going to freak out
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grunge-mermaid · 1 year
grunge rewatches midsomer murders pt 2
full disclosure: I'm mostly knitting and kind of watching bc I'm still rotted only season 1 of Little Mosque on the Prairie is available on prime & if I want to watch the rest I have to sign up for Disney+
but anyway, here's pt 2 of That Corpse Is Breathing Pretty Deeply Fellas You Sure She's Dead?
2x01 Death's Shadow
opening with a flashback. always a good omen. Gerald/Liam started with a flashback and that episode was fucking wild man
Judy Parfitt...Judy Parfitt...
I know I could look her up but I want to be surprised by how I know her
no Joyce don't fall victim to the wedding industrial complex
ahh good old Badger's Drift
all the good murders happen in Badger's Drift
"the head bounced into the hall" yikes
I knew there was a beheading in Badger's Drift I just got the episodes mixed up
why are there so many abusive husbands in these villages
well that hymn definitely isn't shared with the UCC
and we're back in the One And Only Lawyer's Office Set
oh that's a good murder
so dramatic and intense
love it
that corpse definitely isn't breathing
no lungs left
side effect of being burned to a crisp
please tell me someone's going to get an arrow through the neck
Chekhov's quiver
fine I'll settle for an arrow in the back
a character called Fletcher getting killed by a bow & arrow. beautiful
*gets caught in bed with a 19yo man* "I am not a homosexual, it disgusts me" baby boy... let me introduce you to the concept of internalized homophobia
"we never meant to hurt him" YOU LYNCHED A CHILD
gotta love it when the corpses don't breathe. such a rarity on this show
2x02 Strangler's Wood
only rated 13+? that doesn't bode well
this is the episode that was on PBS the other day that made me want to rewatch the series
they censored the word "shit"
idk why you can't say "shit" after 9pm on American television
anyway...let the commentary commence
if I didn't know that was Phyllis Logan I wouldn't believe it
11yo boys in the woods before school is never good
grown ass man can't take care of himself
stop infantalizing your husbands challenge 1998
ahh there's some good old fashioned victim blaming
I do appreciate a good Obvious Red Herring
I think one of the writers has a choking fetish
that comment's gonna get me some bots isn't it
"help my son is gay" "get a life"
I know I only watched this the other day but I already forget if they address why Kate Merrill recognizes Troy's name
like obviously he's written to her agony column, at least that's how they're setting it up, but I don't remember if they actually address it
"she's being dying for about 6 years now. we're getting used to it"
hey it's a Jenny Lind bed! *proceeds to sing Heave Away on loop in my head*
Come get your duds in order cause we're bound to cross the water
Heave away me jollies heave away
Come get your duds in order cause we're bound to leave tomorrow
Heave away me jolly b'ys we're all bound away
it's just not the same without Connor Bedard
what is with the kids in these villages? is there something in the water that makes them all psychopaths?
the continuity in this show is *chef's kiss*
gotta reference every previous case always
...is this what straight men find attractive?
is that cigarette ad supposed to be sexy?
I love the Terrible American Accent that is specific to shows like this
got distracted by making a knitting pattern more complicated than it needs to be because intentionally stressing myself out over a lace wedding veil is more interesting than rewatching an episode I just saw like 2 days ago
I'll try to be more focused for the next ep but for now it's eurovision performances and then bed
2x03 Dead Man's Eleven
ah fuck it's cricket themed I'm gonna be completely out of my depth
full disclosure: it's nearly 40c (104f) and I don't have air conditioning so if my computer (or my brain) overheats, the commentary will be brief
like this
nearly 20mins in and I have no clue what's going on because my brain is soup
haunted museum? 350-year-old family feud? that's all I've got
something about smoked mackerel
good god the sound on my parents tv is fucking awful
the music and screaming are painfully loud but the dialogue is barely audible
I get that Sandra is traumatized and all but jesus everything she says is a piercing shriek
wait a minute
the episode description mentioned cricket
why is there no cricket yet?
I want to steal my cat's cooling mat
can I make it through the last 30 minutes before taking a nap?
why am I not intrigued by this episode? is it boring? is it the difficult-to-hear dialogue making the episode hard to follow even with captions? is it the heat making it impossible to focus? we may never know
hard to tell if the corpse is breathing when it's buried
good lord that was the longest 7 minutes of my life how is there still 23 minutes to go?
*makes impatient "wrap it up" gesture*
OH MARTYR WARREN. it's a place!
I thought they've been saying Marta since 1x01
I assumed they were talking about a person who lived in Midsomer
someone everyone knows, runs a cute little shop or something, pillar of the community, everyone's nan kind of person
one of those characters who's always referenced but never seen. like Villix'pran or Captain Boday on DS9
apparently this is actually 3x04 Beyond The Grave. the real 2x03 has a really great cast (Imelda Staunton, Annabelle Apsion, Robert Hardy, Toby Jones). can't tell you who any of these folks are though
3 minutes left...
of course they read daily mail
but at least they're critical of it
ok nap time. summer is the worst.
2x04 Blood Will Out
the heat broke and my parents have gone out so I get the good tv tonight. let's wrap up season 2
Martyr Warren. of course it's set in Martyr Warren
this ep is about Travellers, it's gonna be culturally insensitive isn't it?
who is this guy
he's Gibbs from Pirates of the Carribean
Hector Bridges reminds me of Dr Bombay
ok so far this isn't as bad as I expected
there's still an hour and a half to prove me wrong though
like yeah there are townspeople who are being dicks but so far the police have just said "please don't litter and please leave when you said you would"
"I'm not kinky"
no shit Troy
you're so repressed vanilla is too spicy for you
and that's coming from me
Barnaby gets points for the casual use of the singular they
please tell me those are not morris dancers in blackface
I do appreciate that the rich bigots are the baddies here and not the travellers like you would expect from a nearly 30 year old show
also appreciate the widow not grieving her abusive husband
"the killer did us a favour"
Wife Swap: version 2.0
ah there we go
Troy being the asshole we know and hate
love me some gossipy bitches gossiping about murder over a game of scrabble
this is some spec ops shit isn't it
nope not spec ops just a corrupt commander
Troy may be as kinky as a slice of wonder bread, but the writers of this show are definitely into some shit
or has AO3 just completely ruined me and I see kink where there is none?
"I made the classic mistake of not believing you had been abused" a cop making a good and sincere apology? I'm shocked
murdering someone with a shotgun while dressed in all white is a bold move girl
well that's season 2 over and done with I guess. see you back here for season 3.
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt. 9:
season 3, episode 1, “Ride”:
- here we go season three‼️‼️
- give me some gay shit
- i just SMASHED an angel heart and an iced coffee so i am ready to go
- i do recall this episode being very gay in a very Gatsby way so i’m feeling excited
- i love rich people they’re so terrible
- winnie not saying “come home safe” to thursday because they’re all still shook up over what happened
- thursday assuming jakes would be the person to see morse
- “not since he got out.”
- ^jakes picked morse up from prison and also visited him in prison confirmed
- this whole episode proved that morse was well liked even though he doesn’t like being around people
- people. like. him.
- he’s a loner because he chooses to be. because HE thinks there’s something wrong with him
- they were not subtle with their plagiarism of Gatsby and i respect them for it
- going all in on the dark academia vibe
- thursday misses morse so much im SICK
- morse got invited to a party which means the gay stuff is gonna start happening
- monica deserved better ‼️‼️
- “he doesn’t want to be found”
- do you mean physically or spiritually queen?
- morse walking through this party has me cackling he’s so buttoned up
- roddy is gay for bixby
- i have 0 proof i’m going on vibes alone from a 0.2 second interaction
- thursday is wild for just breaking into morse’s house and waiting
- morse is absolutely gorgeous in maroon
- the way morse is so obviously trying to flirt with bixby and is confused when he doesn’t flirt back
- “and what’s the truth of you?”
- king CALM DOWN
- morse looks at bixby like hes another mystery to solve which means he is immediately obsessive and attached
- “you hardly know me!” “gamblers instinct”
- this translates directly to “ur hot”
- morse taking on bixby’s mentality to decide how to approach his life is so…
- “how was it?”
- strange i need you to reconsider the questions you ask
- he was a COP in PRISON
- this woman is awfully quick to assume morse is attracted to her
- the way he’s so uncomfy 😭😭
- given that jakes is the one who went to go see him in prison and given that he is clearly upset that morse is gone and given that he thinks he won’t be coming back…
- jakes is the only one who knows what morse went through in prison
- he knows!
- and he’s mad morse isn’t coming back
- “i wouldn’t hold your breath”
- he’s mad
- i need answers ‼️
- morse looks jealous asf that bixby’s attention is tacked onto Kay instead of him
- it is so unfair that both Kay AND bixby are using morse to get to each other
- like literally using him and for what
- “are you falling in love with me? men do.” “i can see how that might happen.” “then why don’t you kiss me?”
- i fucking HATE these manic pixie dream girls in the sort of episode
- like shut up
- no girl acts like this
- immediately jumping to his boyfriends protection 🙄🙄
- munch.
- “bix, you could have any woman in the world.”
- and then IMMEDIATELY looking ashamed for having said it
- he is basically saying “you could have anyone. you could have me. so why her?”
- them on the dock together is so intimate
- you can tell they feel it’s the last they’ll see of each other
- even though they don’t know why
- a romantic opera playing during this scene (depicting a forlorn man finding his lover dead)
- jakes being the only person to try and talk to him after he finds bixby 🥲
- morse trying to express to thursday why he feels like he doesn’t wanna come back and thursday being like “stop being a pussy and get used to it” is so insane
- bright is doing his absolute best to apologize and i gotta respect him for it
- my mom giggles every time thursday speaks (she has 0 clue what’s going on idk why she’s watching w me)
- morse opening up about prison makes me 🫤
- he didn’t know whether thursday was alive or not for so long 🫤🫤
- rich people in this time period really just stood around in silence drinking and smoking and thats all
- wish i was them
- ope nvm they also got abused by their husbands i do not wanna be them
- thursday WOULD love magic shows
- he is that bitch
- after morse got shot he reacted poorly to everything from a door slamming to a car backfiring; thursday gets shot and he lets a magician fully point a gun at him and fire for FUN
- heroin feels like such a random tie in to this episode
- like it makes sense in the plot but why
- morse is awfully quick to defend bixby despite not knowing him at all
- little bit 💅
- i know he met bixby in a vulnerable state and was glad to have that sort of attention but he is soooo determined to prove bixby is a good person despite FULLY knowing it isn’t true
- which is insane
- and gay
- you gotta be some kind of freak to have a portrait of someone you have no official attachments to hanging above your bed
- i know kay is supposed to be a sort of rattled and traumatized character but i don’t like the way they wrote her at all
- her entire character feels misogynistic
- even my mom doesn’t like it and that’s telling
- “bixby” being alive is so fucking funny to me
- gay people don’t die ‼️
- roddy deserved better! he was j a lil gay guy there was no need for all this hatred
- morse and jakes are so cold with each other this episode i hate it
- i know we don’t get to know anything about jakes as a person in this show but listen
- i feel like he’s intentionally really closed off and defensive and that’s why he’s especially defensive to morse
- morse is able to figure people out so easily and jakes knows that and he doesn’t like it
- he doesn’t want to be figured out
- so it makes sense that he would be particularly cold to morse (especially given that morse is presumably the only one who knows about his Blenheim Vale background)
- jakes just appearing in the shadows while morse is talking
- like what r u doing babe??
- this man killing his son after everything gets found out is so??
- and not a single person did anything about it
- jakes 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
- finding out where the coin flip thing came from is fucking sickening
- i will say that i enjoy the notion that morse falls in love really easily and that BECAUSE of that he’s a loner
- also the camera lingering on bixby’s face and morse just staring after they lead you to think he’s watching the film for kay???? that’s queer cinema
- “bixby didn’t belong in their world anymore than i do. did. i wanted to tell him that the last night i saw him. he was better than that.”
- morse convincing himself he could have saved bixby if he told them that neither of them belonged in that world
- because he thinks bixby would have gone with him
- like??
- “there’s no real magic in the world. only love. the rest is just smoke and mirrors.”
- him saying that all that was real between them was the love 🫤🫤🫤
- 10/10 for gay this episode
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hepbaestus · 2 years
Thoughts on X-Men Days of Future Past (2014)
Ooo sinister music
Oh no not quarantine again
Humans and Mutants worked together? Nice
The world looks so sad
Yes Charles we are, we're a destructive power that has lived too long
"is the future truly set?" Ooo time travel pog
The credit intro is so cool!
The ships remind me of the ones from Star Wars
Elliot Page?! I didn't know he was in this
Shit those things can take on a Mutant's powers?? Fuck.
Rip these guys I guess
Blink is pretty.
Ayo what the fuck is that the time travel thing??
Man's really did go bald just like he didn't want
Wolverine!! Hugh Jackman, sadly not Ryan Reynolds' favourite Australian anymore
Storm is also so pretty!!
Ian McKellen??
Wait is Mystique dead??
Fuck that's terrible.
Oh wait this has long haired James McAvoy doesn't it??
Elliot's name in this is Kitty Pride? Wow
Just a little sting, eh?
Quoting Charles Xavier, good play
HIM!! I forgot his name, Alex?
Gotta say not a great fight scene
Jennifer Lawrence looks good in military uniform
Oh shit Xavier's school for mutants disbanded?
The scream and then seeing Wolverine flying.
He can walk??
The Piss off. So British I love it.
He thinks it's a dream? That's a fair reaction.
Tragic backstory time 2: electric boogaloo
He's addicted. Fuck.
"Sent me back here together." Charles'reaction
Of course Erik killed JFK
God. The phone book. I remember those.
That's so on-brand for a villain to have a painting where he's seemingly "good" behind the desk
Fuck. Those images.
The sound of wolverine's claws (they're bones??? I always thought they were metallic) I hate it
That food looks mank.
Ooooo fancy door
His lil smile. Reminds me of polite cat (r.i.p)
He said mind the glass dipshit
Of course, French chefs
I'm not too keen on his outfit.
"I'm not very good with violence." Immediately punches Erik.
The homoerotic tension between these two. Jesus Christ.
Peter's just a lil guy.
It makes sense why Wolverine's claws are not metal now. Huh. Why didn't I think of that?
The one-sided stare. Jesus Christ just get together already. (I know they don't sadly)
The pose James was in when Erik's yelling at him? I thank the director for that shot.
Jennifer is so pwetty.
Chess, the game to reconcile with the lads.
This film feels like it's going on forever. I'm not even an hour in.
The creation of the Sentinels.
The acrobatics. Holy shit.
Erik no. Don't you dare.
God that must be so painful.
Of course man's just forgets.
Of course, Charles, says the man's on acid and he's having a bad trip. That definitely won't end badly.
"research purposes" of course.
Oh god. Self-sewing his wound? Ew.
Not even a thank you? Wow, Logan.
It's always raining when something sinister is about to happen.
There's no nearly enough dust on the cerebro
The gentle coaxing. My heart.
This is trippy.
Talking to his future self.
Power's back on? No shit Sherlock. It's not as if the lights turned back on now is it?
CGI's kinda iffy here.
But still cool nonetheless.
"Your best is enough." Oof the pain.
It's the star wars looking ships!
Oh shit , just a light stab wound for Erik
R.i.p Storm
Ouchie pt.2
Somehow the cameras still work
That close-up shot of Logan's eye.
Logan has grey hairs, ooooo me likey
Kitty Pryde as a teacher? Nice.
Logan's so confused.
Jean? (Admittedly, I have watched the wolverine films so idk much about her at all).
Overall score: 4.5/10 felt like it dragged on for too long.
Recommendations welcome!
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Babysitter (pt 9)
Tumblr media
Thor (Ragnarok) - fanfiction
Pt 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 
Summary: A Loki interlude.
Characters: Hela, Loki
Word Count: 2,111
Warnings: Idk, swearing?
Loki was incredibly annoyed at the current situation. 
He’d woken up on a random, clunky spaceship with a pounding head and a bruised neck. He remembered the world going blank and being quite certain that he’d been dead until, frustratingly so, his lungs gasped for the most painful breath he’d ever taken. 
A janky pirate ship had snatched him from floating in space amongst the debris, stripped him of his armour -no doubt to sell or melt down into other knick knacks- and left him in the back amongst the cargo. They’d presumed he was dead, so when he had woken up, they had a bit of a shock. 
Not a word was comprehensible, Loki couldn't understand whatever gibberish language they spoke, so he ignored them and shuffled to their food supply. That got him a whack on his back from a whip and a kick to the back of the knees. 
Trying to take back his armour also earned him a few bruises. They didn’t seem very dangerous, but quite a nuisance. 
Amongst the cargo he found familiar debris that struck an icy chord inside Loki. There were piles of Asgardian clothing- ripped and filthy, but Asgardian nonetheless. Bags with very few belongings, and metal scraps of the ship they had been on. 
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the remainder of the ship of refugees was probably lost. When the pirates began to beat him again for rummaging through their stuff, a rusty old pipe amongst the stolen goods helped quiet them down immensely. 
With his kidnappers knocked out, Loki scarfed down what measly rations they had and set course for Earth at light speed -well, the closest speed they got to light speed which was more like a quick paced jog. 
He tied up the crew and tossed them in the back, and lounged in the cockpit as the ship traveled on autopilot, picking scraps of food from between his teeth. 
Communications on this ship were absolute garbage, he concluded. There was barely any signal and he couldn’t figure out where the closest planet was. So, he took a nap, ate some more food, and tried not to think too much about the harrowing experience of Thanos choking him to death.
Hours later, they entered a very familiar atmosphere. Loki let the ship crash-land, grabbed a bag of few supplies and hopped out just before they hit the ground. 
He marched on through the thicket of trees where they landed. Angry shouts that were no doubt curse words echoed from the smoking ship as he left them behind and tried to gather his bearings. 
An old cabin was the first building he saw. With a rusty dagger at the ready, he inspected the home around the back, looking for a vehicle he could take, something to get him moving faster than his legs, when suddenly a high pitched shriek nearly shattered his eardrums.
A young girl, no older than six, was staring at him with big brown eyes. Rain boots covered in mud, an aged stuffy in her hands. Loki put his finger to his lips, dreading that he was going to have to kill the girl before she gave him away or screamed bloody murder. 
“Daddy! There’s an Avenger in the yard!” she sped off towards a shed, where there was a light on inside. Loki’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. Whatever outcome he was expecting, this was by far the worst. 
“I’m not- fuck.”
He shoved the dagger away and out of sight and stomped towards the shed, fuming with annoyance. He was about to go off at the man for letting his daughter talk to random strangers and how he certainly was not an Avenger, but the man in question had a large saw in hand and about 200 pounds of muscle to carry, so he snapped his mouth shut. 
“Oh, hello there,” he said, his daughter bouncing about the workshop. “What brings one of you all the way out here?”
“And where exactly is out here?” Loki asked.
“Canada! What, you superheroes never been to Canada before? Always hanging around New York, eh? Are you taking a trip or something?”
“No. I, uh, crash-landed here.”
“From space?” the girl piped up, gawking.
“Yes, from space,” Loki said through gritted teeth. “Fighting angry aliens.”
“I told you, Daddy! He’s a hero!”
“I bet you’re trying to find your way to America, then? Lord knows why, there’s all kinds of weird things happening around town nowadays.”
“What do you mean?”
“Half the world’s gone! Poof! Just like that, some alien business I bet.”
“Are you going to save us from them?” his daughter asked again. Loki sighed.
“I’ll try my best. Now, can you please show me how to get to New York as fast as possible?”
The lumberjack’s husband took Loki and his daughter in his jeep and drove a merry long way to the nearest airport. On the way, the little girl asked him all sorts of questions about the Avengers, that he could only half-answer.
“Is it true Thor is super powerful?”
“Well. He's not that powerful. He just uses a hammer. Anyone with a hammer can use it as a weapon and suddenly be considered powerful.”
“I wish I had a super powerful hammer. Then my brothers would stop teasing me so much.”
“Hey,” her second father softly scolded.
“They’re mean!”
“Sibling feuds? I know the feeling,” Loki muttered.
“Do you have siblings, Mr. Avenger?”
“Sure do,” he smiled wryly. “Absolute bullies.”
“Me too!”
“Hey now, let our guest settle down a bit,” her dad said. “She gets a little excited around new people, so sorry.”
“It’s no problem.”
“The local airport’s just up here. It’ll take you to Detroit, and then you gotta get a connection flight to New York.”
“Thank you,” Loki said, genuinely.
“Why are you going to New York, Mr. Avenger?”
“To find my siblings,” Loki sighed. “At least, one of them should still be there.”
“But they’re mean to you?”
“Yeah,” Loki pondered as the car came to a stop. “But they’re family. I suppose.”
A few cunning lies and disguises later, Loki was suddenly landing in New York, amidst chaos. It had been a few days since he’d woken up, and apparently a few days since what they call the ‘Blip’. Humans clearly don’t like having their realities altered. 
Your home was abandoned. Alfred didn't even greet Loki at the door, and no amount of pulling and prying opened it for him. The lights were off, and he feared the worst.
It wasn’t until he was in the streets and overhead muttering about some crazy goth lady terrorizing a nearby street that Loki thought he had finally found something.  
He marched down the street until, to his surprise, he found Hela sitting hunched on the side walk, scowling and daring anyone to come close to her. She looked incredibly tired and disheveled, but her eyes were clear and angry, and recognized her idiot brother immediately. 
“What the hell brought you back here?” Hela snarled. 
“A toddler’s wisdom, if you’ll believe it,” Loki said, ignoring her glare as he sat down next to her. 
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks. So do you.”
Hela grumbled. 
“Have you eaten?”
“Since when did you become Mother? I don't need your help.”
“Really?” Loki picked up a filthy scoop from a pile of three ice cream tubs that were fully devoured. He dangled it from his fingertips for a moment, pulling a face. “I think you do.”
“You’re supposed to be dead.”
“Glad to see you too, sister.”
Silence. Hela really did look like shit, Loki noted. Her hair was mussed, and there were rips and broken pieces in her armour, reminiscent of the time they’d met. She had to be weak not to bother fixing it with her powers, or was just too preoccupied to even think to fix it. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Loki asked. 
“Beats me.”
“Did you kill her?”
Hela’s eyes snapped to his, a sudden fire in them. “How dare you say that?”
“Well, her home is abandoned and no one answered the door, and you’re here  cowering like a criminal. One makes conclusions.”
Something changed in her expression, and she turned her body to face him. “Abandoned?”
Loki frowned, “yes. Didn't you know?”
“No- I.. I’ve been here, the last time I saw her...” 
Hela jumped to her feet, nearly kicking Loki in the process. “That bastard, he took her, didn’t he? Him and his awful, forsaken pieces of shit he calls friends.”
“Our darling brother,” she spat. “He came in and- and threatened me, and then took her from me.”
She paced in front of him, green fire trailing behind her heels, hot with anger. She had expected you to come find her, take her back to your home, make her feel safe. But when you never came she had assumed you had abandoned her. Now, knowing Thor had taken you instead, filled her with rage.
“Where does your little posse hang out, hm? Some supposed secret lair? A great big castle in the sky?”
Loki blinked at her, at her sudden outbursts, at the scared glances from passerbys, and didn’t know what to say.
“Fine then, I’ll get her myself,” she growled, turning away from him. 
Loki nearly let her walk away, let her walk into whatever doom she was getting  herself into, but with a groan and a mad realization, he knew she was the only one he could rely on right now.
“Wait,” he said, reluctantly, hurrying after her and grabbing her arm. “You can’t just go running off. Tell me what happened.”
Hela spat at his feet. “I don’t need to tell you anything.”
“You care about her, don't you? Y/N? Why else would you want to ‘rescue’ her from our brother?”
“Be silent,” she hissed.
“No, no, I’m right, aren’t I? You care for her, but you messed up, and now you have no one on your side. That’s why you left, and that’s why Thor had to take her.”
Hela yanked her arm away before Loki could see her face, but he knew what she felt; remorse, and loss. 
“Tell me.”
And so, reluctantly, knowing she had no other choice, Hela sat him down, this time on an actual park bench rather than the ground. She told him what had happened, how her mistrust had turned to affection for you, and how Thanos had destroyed everything in the end, and how the Avengers had fought her out of fear.
“I know the feeling,” Loki agreed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, watching an elderly lady feed a bunch of pigeons as if nothing drastic had happened to the world the past few days. 
“And now I don't know where she is, and she probably hates me, but who am I to blame her for that?”
“If I know anything about Y/N, is that she cares about everyone, but it takes a lot more to win her love. She doesn’t hate you. She’s just afraid. I mean, you did after all break her window and run off into nowhere.”
Hela stayed quiet, made an annoyed sound in her throat, and looked away.
“I’m starving, how did you get all that ice-cream? Why not an actual meal? Or were you just eating your feelings?”
“Y/N doesn’t like it when I kill people, so it was either massacre the street or steal their dairy products,” Hela bristled. 
“Fair enough.”
“Now what, hm? You come out here, seemingly from the dead, chastise me for messing up, and now judge my diet? What do you really want, Loki?”
“Not sure, to be perfectly honest,” Loki said. “I thought I was dead, and then I wasn’t. Frankly, my priorities are shifting.”
“And what is your current priority?”
“Getting you back to Y/N so you stop moping around and fix this.”
“And how do you suppose we do that?”
Loki grinned, standing up. His armour shimmered and regained its full glamour; horned helmet and deep green cloak. 
“Taking notes from me, are we?” Hela grumbled. Loki glared at her.
“I was wearing this look long before you got here. Now, get up, we’re going to infiltrate the Avengers and give you your romantic happily-ever-after so you stop being such a pain in everyone’s neck.”
“You think we’ll just be able to get in? You really are as mad as Father was.”
“I’ve broken into quite a few places over the years, I’ll have you know. I’m the God of Mischief after all.”
“Am I supposed to be impressed?” Hela stood, her own armour strengthening again. 
“Shut it.”
A/N: Loki is not dead! I know he’s technically alive in an alternate universe or whatever.. but I wanted the Odin Trio to be together sooooo here we are. Let me know what you think!!
taglist: @midnight-lestrange​​ @cheerfullyvenomous​ @germansarechill​@gaylorrds @amii-nyc​ @waitingfortheendtocome​ @novakitten0901​@marvels-writings​ 
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broadwaynoodle · 4 years
bitter sweet pt 1
Tittle: Bitter sweet pt. 1
Pairing: mob!Racetrack higgins X fem!Reader
Word count: 1273
Summary: If your brother gets in debt with New York’s greatest mobster, you become the victim.
Warning: swears, violence later on, maybe a little more spicy in later parts.
A/N: Hey babes! I’m back and idk if there’s even demand fort his kind of series but i felt like writing it so yeah, fuck this. Also this is kind of a mess right now because I always struggle setting up bigger stories (hence this being my first series.) but i promise it’ll get better. Love you all xx BroadwayNoodle (also anyone who knows how to make a master list please DM me to help me out xxx)
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gif not mine
Black, that’s all you could see right now, black, you were just walking around the streets, doing some shopping, when you felt a hand around your mouth, you got lifted up and pushed in the back of a car, left, right, right, another right, and left again, the car came to a stop, are you going to die? Are these people going to hurt you, a pushed and grabbed by a big hand dragging you behind them, you almost fell as fast as he was walking, you heard a door close, wood you are walking on wood. Another door closed, chair, you’re sitting, you got pushed in a chair, four hands held you down, another pair pulled off your blindfold. Your breath was heavy, what was going to happen to you now? Footstep, you heard footsteps, you looked over your shoulder, and then you saw him, fancy dress pants, a white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the top three buttons unbuttoned, baby blue eyes and messy ash blonde curls. You knew this man, Racetrack Higgins, the biggest mob boss of New York City.
Your brother inherited your family's mob, Race’s mob happened to be your brother’s rival. ‘Damn angel, you really are as gorgeous as they all said.’ Race said. ‘What do you want from me Higgins? I didn’t do anything to you, I’m not even part of the mob.’ His response was the most sinister chuckle you ever heard. ‘Owh angel please, your cute little brother thought it was a good idea to steal money from me, I could have put a bullet through his had, but that would be no fun now, would it?’ He said while he's slowly sitting down across from you, blowing all of his cigar smoke into your face. You cough. Not being able to handle the taste you were breating in from it. ‘So now what? I’m here, you think my brother is just gonna show up and give you your money back?’you scoffed at the man sitting across from you he’s delucinal.
‘It’s not that doll, let’s just say you are a little motivator for him, I mean, we can at least have him thinking his baby sister is in danger, doesn’t have to me true don’t you think?’ you rolled your eyes, Race gave a little wave to the two men holding you down, they walk towards the door of the office you’re in. ‘See doll, you’re not a prisoner, you’re as free as a bird, and I’ll spoil you doll, we just need Jay to pay up.’ You frowned. ‘And what if he doesn’t?’ for the first time in the entire conversation Race looked you in the eyes. ‘Well, then I’ve had my fun, and well, we’ll see what happens to you doll.’ You rolled your eyes. ‘don't call me doll, I’m not a toy.’ race chuckled, stood up, walked to the front of his desk, he crouched down in front of you, lifted your head so you’d look at him, and then he leaned in and whispered in your ear: ‘Everyone is a toy to me doll.’ He got up again to lean against his desk. ‘I expect you in the dinning hall around 7 doll, show up or you’ll have to have dinner with my men, they are not as nice to pretty girls as I am doll.’ You were speechless so you just nodded.
Race looked at the two men that were waiting by the door ‘Y/N, doll, these are Albert and Elmer, my two most loyal men, they’ll show you to your room, and to the dining hall at 7, if you need anything you can call for them, they’re responsible for you now ‘kay?’ The men nodded, you got up and hoped the men would hurry up. ‘owh and doll.’ Race called after you, you turned around to look at Race again, you had to admit he was dashing, even though he kidnapped you and now wants to keep you like a dog or something. ‘the library is on the thrid floot, and the pool and cinema are on the fifth, Albert will bring you some of mine stuff for today, we can look for some stuff for you tomorrow.’ He sent you off with that, you felt like shit, you knew Jay wasn’t gonna get the money, he wouldn’t even notice you were gone, when you were 15 you stopped talking to him in the hopes you could stay out of this whole mobster mess, and here you are, in some psycho’s house, lord knows for how long.
 ‘We’re here.’ The redhead walking you to your room said, the brunette walked off, lord knows when you would see him again. ‘I’ll be back within 10 minutes with some clothes okay?’ he tilted his head slightly, as if he was a puppy waiting for his owner to tell him he did a good job. ‘Yes thank you sir.’ You said opening the door to your new room. ‘Just Albert will be fine, no need for formalities.’ He smiled at you. ‘Okay well then thank you Albert.’ You smiled back and then he walked off, you walked into the room, and you had to admid it was even more impressive then your family home.
The room was clean and white, except fort he blush pink sheets on the bed, a little note lying on top of them.
‘I’m sorry it has tob e like this, heard blush was your favorite color.
 X Racetrack’
For some reason this made you smile it made you have peace, knowing he might have a little bit of feelings, then you heard a faint knock. ‘Yes?’ the redheaded boy walked in with a tshirt and a pair of sweatpants, he saw you looking at the note and walked up to you. ‘Can i sit?’ he asked, you nodded so he sat down next to you. ‘I tried to stop Race you know, but he’s just really hard headed.’ He began. ‘Please don’t start, he’s a psycho, i dont wanna talk about it. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just trying to help, he might look scary, be scary even, but he’s really not, you should give him a chance.’ You scoffed ‘A chance to do what? Kill me?’ you said as you got up. ‘I’m sorry, I’ll be back in two hours to you know, get you for dinner.’ You nodded, as soon as Albert closed the door you broke down in tears, your worst nightmare came true and you didn’t know what to do about it.
You decided to go tot he bathroom and take a shower, trying to wash the awful smell of Race’s cigar off of you, you started scrubbing lightly, but the scrubbing became harder and harder by the minute, you felt assaulted and gross, you could feel the hands of Race’s men on your body, Race’s lips on your ear and after an hour you gave up. You slipped into the clean clothes Albert had brought you and the decided to look through the cabinets in the bathroom, you found some make-up and decided to work wit hit, maybe if you tried hard enough, Race would be nice to you, maybe he wouldn’t kill you after he got bored of you, you gotta be an optimist to survive in prison after all. You looked at yourself, wet hair, some mascara, red lipstick, a nirvana shirt that was way too big on you, some gray sweatpants and fuzzy socks. The  you heard a knock on the door and Albert yell. ‘Princess it’s time for dinner!’
Well fuck, here goes nothing.
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authorkimberlygrey · 4 years
The things you need to start the self publishing thing
This is a day late, doesn’t even follow the how to do the thing format, and my dyslexia is running rampant today so ther’s probably six billion typos and mispellings but fuck it let’s goooooooo
Shit you’ll need before you can even get to the shit you need: 
A complete manuscript
I’m talking multiple drafts here people. Beta readers, self edits, tears, blood sacrifice, the works. Unfortunately, this isn’t 1920, we cannot publish our first drafts. 
I mean, you can but its not gonna go well. 
Like. Lots of money. This shit is Expensive. 
A Plan
Don’t be like me. Don’t just suddenly go “alright let’s publish” one day
Actually lay out a timeline for yourself 
Expect delays 
So Many Delays
Plan for publishing at least like six months in advance you will thank yourself later I promise
Ingramspark vs. Createspace or whatever they call it now. They changed the name the other day I think
I went for ingramspark 
Fuck amazon
Ingramspark is More Professional 
Everyone else also thinks “fuck amazon”
You’ll be able to sell your book more places this way. 
This one is a p personal decison so look this shit up yourself. 
One you’ve got that shit, you can get this other shit
First things first, hire an editor. There are a shit ton of different editors out there, I’m not listing them all, mostly because I don’t remember them all and a lot of them overlap anyway. The majority of places will let you pick an editing ‘package’ that’ll combine several types. Go with that. 
Alright I’ll list a couple kinds of editor. Just the ones I can remember tho, I’m not looking them up again.
Content Editor-looks over the big picture, the story itself. Fuck that grammar bullshit, this is about lookign for plot holes and character inconsistencies and shit. Basically a beta on steroids, I love these dudes. 
Line Editor-this is what everyone thinks of when they say editor. They do the grammar shit. 
Sensitivity reader-make sure you’re not making a dick of yourself, good thing to have. 
Learn how to Format the book
This one you actually can do yourself, its not like...unattainably difficult, especially if you can get ahold of Microsoft Word. 
The basics are: 
Book Size
8.5x5.5 is pretty much the most common
And that’s the interior pages, the cover itself tends to add a lil bit onto that and so if you go measure a bunch of books you’re gonna get 9x6 or something
12 pt. Times New Roman is the standard
I think 1 inch is standard? 
Listen, this shit gets complicated and its been like nine months since I did it, I’ll link you some things at the end so you can get a better idea. 
 Header and Footer
Pro tip: Center all of this shit, that way you don’t have to fuck around with aligning it right on the corners of the page. 
Author name on one page, book name on the other
You can do evens or odds, I don’t think there’s a standard
Page number on every page 
EXCEPT: the first page of a new chapter
Just to make things more difficult, nothing goes on those pages. Because fuck you. 
Widows and Orphans 
Yeah I know “what the fuck does that mean???” 
You know how sometimes you’ll have this one sentence that’s just hogging a whole page? Yeah those 
Or those times that a sentence goes onto the next page all on its own
I’m not sure which of those are widows and which ones are orphans tbh. I mean... I could probably guess but nothing is simple you know? 
There’s some places that’ll tell you to do this manually by changing the line spacing and/or text size of each page? 
Don’t fuckign do that
That’s ludicrous. 
There’s literally a button for it on microsoft word
This is one of those things where the easy solution is actually the one you’re supposed to use. 
Oh yeah, indents
No you can’t just press tab
That would be too easy.
And nothing can be easy, remember? 
0.3/0.5 is the standard I think. 
Also make sure everything is left aligned. 
And the line spacing is usually double spaced? I think? 
I want to say there was a certain number of lines per page that was standard and you’re supposed to fiddle around until you get that. So enjoy. 
A Cover
Unless you’re like A Professional don’t do this yourself its way more complicated than you’d think 
Have a Solid Idea of what you want your cover to look like. Just shrugging and going “idk man” isn’t going to help anyone. 
This isn’t just the fun artsy shit either
Figure out where you’re putting the blurb and your author picture and your author bio, which, btw, you gotta write too. I’ll get there. 
Author Bio 
Jenna Morecci did a whole video on this so def look that up cause that’s pretty much the best info I’ve got for you. 
3-5 sentences
Written in third person
Yes its weird to write about yourself this way, just go with it. 
Embrace your inner “whatever fictional character talks in third person” and go with it
One sentence on your experience with writing whatever this is
One sentence about yourself/shit you like 
And one on something else, I’m not watching the whole video over for this. Just go watch Jenna, you’ll love her.
I don’t think I’ve ever read an author bio and I don’t know anyone else who does either but I guess somebody must so we all have to suffer. 
A Copyright thing
Like. Register your book with the copy right office so that if someone tries to steal it you can tell them to stop. 
Yes this costs money too. Becasue fuck you I guess. 
This sounds really intimidating but honestly you just fill out paperwork and while that stresses me personally out beyond rationality its not really that bad. 
Don’t forget to add the copyright page in your book too, there’s a thing on the format for it, lemme look 
Here ya go: 
Most people upon reading this immeditaely went “what the fuck is an ISBN?”
If you didn’t then good job you’re more prepared than I was. Good on you. 
An ISBN is like an identifying number for your book. 
Actually, its an identifying number for specifically this format of your book. If you’re planning on doing a paperback and an ebook or a hardcover or an audiobook or whatever, you need to get an ISBN for Every Format of it
You can buy ISBNs ((in the US at least, I don’t know about other countries sorry)) on Bowker.com 
Why did they name it that? 
I don’t know
You would think that they’d maybe pick a more...I don’t know, relevant name for their site? 
Listen, a fact of publishing a book is that everyone involved has conspired to make is as frustrating as humanly possible. You’re just going to have to accept that. 
Why is their whole site mascot a bird? 
Also don’t know. They’re having a good time with it I guess.
Maybe something to do with Bowker sounding like bough?
Also a barcode! 
Yeah, didn’t think you’d have to buy that did you? 
Neither did I but here we are
Actually you don’t have to buy one if you use ingramspark, they’ll give you one when you use their cover template thing apparently. 
Know what price you want to sell the book for
Even in self publishing, the place you’re going through is gonna want a piece of the pie. Enjoy that. 
Ingramspark has a calculator for that actually, its p cool
You can stick the price in the barcode 
Idk if that relevant but that’s a thing you can do?
uhh…..I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting something….
You might want to get an author website set up? 
You should probably have that before now but if youre doing this Chaos Style (™) like I did then you probably want it up before you publish so you can put it on the book somewhere. 
People you need to hire: 
Cover Designer
Possibly a formatting person if you decide fuck that shit
 Which. Understandable
Shit you need to get a handle on
 If you decide fuck yourself
 Which. Understandable
OH yeah. 
Marketing Junk 
You honeslty need to have a handle on this shit Waaaaaaayyyy the fuck in the future. If you’re only thinking about it like...now its probably not great. 
The Chaos Method is not generally a good approach
See: Ascendant’s release was essentially a flop and even tho people who read the book love the book I’m still struggling to get people to read the book
Psst read the book its great I promise
Your book release is like. The Biggest Chance for marketing shit 
Get on top of that junk
Posts about it 
Everything all the time everywhere
You definitely need a schedule for this 
Like seriously
Make a plan. 
That’s pretty much it I think. I mean...look in other places too because like I said earlier, its been months since I did this and when I did do it it was the Chaos Method of me just going “I’m gonna publish now” and Doing That. 
Get a plan, believe in yourself. Get a publishing mentor
Someone who’s done this shit before and can give you some encouragement and direction. 
It probably shouldn’t be me but I guess if you need help I’m game to do what I can. 
Also be prepared to like. Crash, mentally, So Hard. Its terrible. See my older post for all the shitty shit about publishing this way.
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sporadic-writer · 4 years
Welcome to the Neighborhood pt. 3
Harrison x American!reader (nothing hella specific other than mentioning the states, so try pretending if you aren’t American. If not.. sorry?)
Warnings: same as before, swearing, mentions of weed and alcohol (because I enjoy both safely and responsibly), and um I think that’s it.
Note: I made this a Harrison fic because I feel we need more of those in the world. Also, this fic doesn’t have like, an idk.. overarching story/theme yet? other than reader and Harrison stuff. Lastly, this fic is a result of bits of writing courage during a writer’s block mess. I have a better concept for the next chapter. So sorry this could count as a filler or fun simple read.
Part 1 here Part 2 here
"What about just a casual cookout?" This was the 3rd idea he has asked out loud.
Sam and Harry watched Harrison all but pace as he spit balled ideas to have their new neighbor over. The whole morning he was thinking through stuff to do that wasn't too much for quarentine. It was starting to end, but he didn't want to push anything.
The other men in his presence groaned. "Jesus just ask her to come hang out! No agenda, just invite her here to hang out and then you can get to know her!" Sam suggested in a shout back to his friend. "Stop fucking moping about here like a nervous puppy." That last statement was a quieter grumble.
Tuwaine nodded in agreement. "You're starting to get annoying Haz. We all like her, so having her here is fine. Then you buddy up to her in the process." This seemed to help the blonde settle.
"Harry! You talked to her a little more earlier today. Any info I can use to break the ice one on one?" Harrison looked to his friend hopefully.
The man in question rolled his eyes. "We barely talked. Her room and bathroom windows are right next to my room. We talked because she apologized thinking her music was loud and coming into mine. Then we made small talk a little before she went to the store."
An idea sparked in Harrison's head about conversation ideas next time he saw you. Music was always a great ice breaker. He remembered you wore a Green Day shirt one time, so that's something. Also, he has heard you singing to yourself on your deck; some Irish band his mother listened to sometimes. He mentally scanned his music selection in his room. Just then he heard a car door shut outside. He asked if it was you and Tom nodded yes after peaking out the window. He calmly dashed outside with Tuwaine and Sam following seeing what the commotion was. Plus, Sam left stuff in his car.
Walking towards your front door you heard your neighbor's open and noticed Harrison looking right at you. You looked over with wide at men rushing towards you, but smiled and greeted them once seeing their familliar faces.
"Hey guys!" You attempted a small wave with your things in your hands.
Sam and Tuwaine nodded and waved in repsonse. Harrison looked a little flustered. "Hey y/n. Um I had a question for you."
Your smile didn't help his nervousness. "Shoot." You replied while walking to your door, then working on unlocking it.
Upon no response, you looked at him to see him open and close him mouth once, and just had a slight 'umm' noise come out. It was sweet. There was a simplistic charm about people getting slightly nervous over being around othee people they were into. You were no fool, you had seem him peak glances at you through his yard and window upstairs. Now you watched him try to gain courage to simply ask you a question. You thought about doing it yourself, but you are a tad old school and see if the guy will get to it. Once impatient, you'll ask him. But now you watched him as his hair moved lightly in the breeze of the cool London air. Not to mention he looked handsome as ever in his sweater. Wonder if it is as soft as it looks...?
"Y/N! What are you doing tomorrow love?" Twuaine bit the bullet for Harrison since he couldn't get a full question out. You snapped out of your trance. Luckily the distance helped hide your embarrassment.
She checked the date on her phone lockscreen. "Umm I work tomorrow 7 to like 4. So after that a shower, maybe a nap, then nothing. Why?"
Rather than the one who asked reply, Harrison finally jumped in and spoke. "Want to come over tomorrow? We were going have dinner and watch the match and relax one more night for sure before things start up again for us." Tom just got final shooting schedules and he knew things would soon pick up for him most likely in following. As much as he loved being home, doing nothing, he did miss working. However, of course it happens after desiring more time with you.
"I would love to! What time?" The little bounce thing you did to balance your groceries and to open your door was precious to him.
"Um come by any time after you're home from work."
Sam piped in saying, "Match starts at 5 or 6 I think, around then is perfect."
"Awesome! Thanks for the invite guys. Also hey, do you guys know good pet stores around here? Sorry if that's random but I am running out of supplies and can't mooch off work.. new job and all."
"'Fraid not y/n. Sorry we don't know where Tom gets his dog stuff."
Harrison nodded in agreement. "Yeah and my dog is at home and my mum gets everything usually."
She shrugged. "No worries. Internet search it is. Well I gotta put these away. I'll see you guys tomorrow." They said their fairwells to her and did as she did, went inside. She didn't notice this time how her admirer watched her to see she got in alright.
After watching you get in your house, Sam shut the car door he opened earlier with his hat in hand, and Harrison sighed. He turned to his friends.
“I could have asked her over myself.” His tone suggested he knew he couldn’t. But that didn’t stop him from sulking back into his home. “I’m the one into her, I could have asked her over.”
“Mhmm sure Haz, an hour later after leaving your mouth open to catch flies. She’s coming over. Get over it and enjoy that your painful attempt was cut short.”
On that note he thanked his lucky stars and went into his home, not before hearing music come out of your open windows. He shazamed it and made a mental note to use it as a potential ice breaker tomorrow. Man he felt like a 15 year old.
*time skip*
It was around 4:30ish when Harrison saw your car pull into your driveway and you get out. Even with your hair up after a day of physical labor, uniform London Zoo shirt covered in dirt and a couple bleach stains, and basic khaki shorts; he still thought you looked pretty as ever. He was a little shocked you didn't look totally exhausted remembering you started work at 7am. That just impressed him more. Now he only had to wait an hour or so for you to be over and hanging out with him. Ground work would be set. He made sure his shirt, pants, and hair were in good sorts before relaxing on the couch with Sam. About an later, he heard the door open and a familiar voice greet everyone. However, not the voice he was expecting.
"Sis? What are you doing here?" He sat up as she rolled her eyes.
"Hello to you div."
He rolled his eyes right back. "Not what I meant. Just wasn't expecting you to drop in." He loves Charlotte, but didn't need her when a girl he's trying to get with is supposed to come by very soon.
"Harry has a camera for my friend to borrow for a class of hers. Why? You guys got plans or something? Look at me give a shit as I interrupt this rager." She moved about the house looking for the Holland she spoke of. He was about to blow her off and get her out but Tuwaine appeared out of nowhere to be a stellar friend.
"He does have plans actually. Tryin' to get with our fit American neighbor. Got all worked up and could barely ask her over tonight. He didn't actually, but not the point." His sister, who still hasn't left, smirks at him. “He’s into her and this is him ‘laying the groundwork’ or something.”
"Really?? Aw look he's blushing!" She poked his cheek. “Relax though, I’m just gonna find Harry or his cam, whichever comes first, and be out. Alright?”
Thanking his lucky stars he was about to tell her to just get on with it, but the doorbell rang. Harrison and his sister made eye contact, he pleaded with his to stay, hers glimmered with mischief, and they were off! Both siblings dashed for the door while Sam and Tuwaine enjoyed the show. The luck didn’t last, because Charlotte reached the door first. She kicked away the eager man and smiled as the she greeted who she assumed was the American girl her brother fancies.
Harrison saw you were turned around as you began to speak, looking at a car that honked for some reason, and as you entered your head was still looking down a tad. “Sorry I’m late, late-ish anyway. Rolled one after work, enjoyed it after the shower, then passed out for an unexpected nap - ah your new!” She locked eyes with his sister and if he could frame a mental image he would. Y/N looks like she wanted the ground to swallow her, and needed saving. She was clearly still a little buzzed, and a joint was sticking out of her beanie. “Well not new, but new to me I mean. Um ignore that first impression.. Hi! Y/F/N Y/L/N, their neighbor.” As she spoke, the hand holding a bottle of vodka tucked the joint discreetly further into the hat. Smooth, sorta..
“Charlotte, Harrison’s sister. Pleasure to meet you. That lot you speak of told me a touch about you. From the states ey? Very fun, caught Hazzy’s eye so watch out. I love him but he’s a bit dodgy on getting things done sooner than later.” She winked at her brother while the newest addition to the house just stood there taking it all in. “Now if you excuse me I shall find Harry’s camera.”
Harrison watched you follow his sister, who he will get back at later, out of the room. You still looked a tad surprised, but smiled through it anyway. Then you made eye contact with him and smiled brighter before saying, “I brought drinks!”
Taglist (crossed out means it didn't take yours): @jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts @sarah-m-limelight-2007 @astridcommings
As always, like and reblog if you want. Hit me up if you want to be tagged or not, or if I forgot to tag you. Thanks for reading and enjoying! Lmk of there are any errors or stuff like that.
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alolanrain · 5 years
Found Family!AU *Christmas Edition* Pt.2
Imagine Opal dealing with Madam Boss and bby Giovanni
Gio learns all his baking skills from his Aunt Opal
But his mother hated her sister with a passion
So he doesn’t see her often
When Madam Boss dies, it’s a bloody gory mess, he’s the first one to call her
“I have a son.” Is his hello, because I’m not making Giovanni and utter asshole in this AU he’s going to love Ash from a distance and actually steps down from Team Rocket the first time Ash stops him
And Opal is like, “P l e a s e let it be with that Female Kanto Trainer you brought to Galar that one Christmas, she’s such a sweet heart.”
And Opal finds out it is!!!
She puts her foot down on choosing the name bc Giovanni is fucking HORRIBLE with names and Delia was so tired and stressed a lot during the pregnancy to the point she couldn’t get a lot of shit down for the baby’s
Ash forces reluctant Grunkle Kabu to come to Alola for a week to meet up with extremely reluctant Grunkle Nanu
And Ash doesn’t even KNOW
Acerola kinda knows bc there’s this one picture her Uncle Nanu has at his desk at the police station next to a frame of her parents, him, and Acerola as a baby
She never commented on it and catches Nanu either looking at it with such a warm smile or either a really pained look in his eyes
it was a friendly split up
Both got to busy
And just had to let go
But it still hurt them a lot
No but I’m expanding on the relationship of Bby! Ash and Gary with the older Head Chairman, who I’m naming Diego Thorn, and Younger!Rose, and finally Younger!Kabu
I’m hc that the Chairman BEFORE Chairman Thorn was named Theo Grass
So it’s kinda like earth, grass, thorn, then rose
Because it’s the pretty things in life that are truly poisonous
grumpy Grunkles are getting back together with the help of Ash, Gary, and the Ghost baby’s
the only reason why Kabu is considered a Grunkle is because both Ash and Gary seemed to have fucking LOVED him so much and he fathered Delia a lot since her own family was shit
So he’s the honorary Grunkle while Nanu IS Ash’s Grunkle bc yes tf Nanu is Giovanni’s Uncle but he’s really distant so he never actually found out Ash was his great Nephew until Ash at the age of 20-something came stumbling into his police station with wide whisky brown eyes and shocking black hair and a jaw line that seemed to familiar that Nanu could never forget
Chairman Thorn ALWAYS Came down from his work place, dragging Rose and his own assistant/secretary, Milly, to see bby Ash and Gary bc he’s a really big family man and the two boys absolutely adore him as much as Thorn adored them
And Delia was so afraid at first that Opal would nearly be/ or just plain be the same as Madam Boss and hurt the poor girl but it’s quite the opposite
Opal spoiled her SO HARD, she was the one to make sure that Delia and Gio had everything they could need for Bby Ash’s arrival and afterwards
And both women found out that they share a deep love for winter in general
So they start small traditions that they then pass down to Ash and Gary, because the Oaks get sucked into this bc Professor Oak can’t say no and Daisy loves Delia like the mom she barely remembers
And Opal is just like “Yes more great grand babies.”
And she was there for Delia when Giovanni left Ash and Delia, yes she was absolutely ROYALY pissed at her Nephew, but she also knew why Gio did what he did
Because he did the best thing to protect her, Ash, and by extent the Oaks as well
Because he fathered Gary and Daisy as much as Delia mothered them
But it because a tradition to bring the kids up to Galar to see Graunty Opal and Grunkle Kabu and spend the second week of December all the way to a week after New Years there
So like almost a whole month of family lovin’ time
Raihan would just inwardly panic bc he’s never been good with baby’s before
But damn OH DAMN does Leon start bouncing Ash up and down while trying his best to answer Ash’s questions because he absolutely ADORES children at Ash’s age and wants to get better bc his mom and dad are thinking about having another kid and he wants to be the BEST big brother that he can be
Then Gary waddles over bc he couldn’t find Ash and Gary’s suppose to stick by Ash’s side to make sure the younger boy doesn’t get hurt
Raihan would start to panic even more bc there’s TWO babies now
But Leon would be ecstatic because there’s T W O BABIES NOW
but then he comes back with Gou in tow and the first part of the HC happens and then he sees Leon again
And everyone just watches Leon gush’s about how Ash and Gary were so cute as toddlers and then Ash recalls and just screams “COUSIN L!!!!” Because as a Bby he couldn’t pronounce Leon’s full name
And Hop is like “w h a t”
And then Piers gets abducted every year until Delia and Ash stop showing up bc their busy with work/traveling
Until, again, Ash comes back with Gou in tow and Gary gets guilted to come up to Galar
And he sees Piers and just gives the man a cheeky smile and then sees Marnie kinda hiding behind Piers and thinks “Ah yes, new sibling #5,437”
And Marnie latches on faster to Ash than Piers has seen her ever do to anyone else bc she’s been grown up on the wild things Ash would get Piers and another boy into before he stopped coming back to Galar every winter
Bede also gains Brotherly Love bc his family kicked him out for being trans and Ash was having NONE OF THAT bc he’s trans himself
I’m thinking about having Ash and Gary together since this AU is kinda like my AM!AU but not really
Still debating on that
But no My favorite part has to be the competition between all the League officials, except Rose bc he’s an asshole, to get the best seasonal themed picture/video with the trio bc OF COURSE Gou is immediately adopted into the family and becomes Ash’s little sibling
Even people like Allister and Bae get into it
Like there’s a picture Melony took for Allister that had Ash lofting the boy up so he could place the star on the small Christmas tree at their gym lobby with Gou and Gary helping to place other decorations on it
Or Bae’s selfie of the Trio with her together with a snowman that looks like a certain Galar Champion, stolen cape and all
Gou fears for a while that they were all just being awkwardly nice about it until Kabu find them out at night behind Opals mansion they were staying at and gently nudges the truth towards them that they actually LIKE having Gou with them and participating with their family shenanigans and other shit and that they ARE family now because do you honestly think Delia is going to let go of you know? Because she sure as hell hasn’t let go of Kahuna Nanu in Alola
God when Ash brings all his friends who don’t have Good Families over it becomes even more Chaotic
And Lillie and Melony talk about ice types over a cup of hot coco why Allister, Bae, and a shit ton of other people are loosing their mind over Silvally because it can change TYPING W T F GLADION
and Ash is like “oh it’s Silvally!” And Gary would be intrigued but Ash literally shares EVERYTHING with him so he can meet the Pokémon another time when Gladion isn’t so bombarded by people bc the blonde was so used to people in Alola who are used to seeing Silvally that he forgot Alola is definitely not like everywhere else
Hhh Serena, May, Dawn, Zoey, and a bunch of other girls talking with Opal, Oleana, and other female League members about fashion and the younger girls find out that the Women watch their performances religiously bc Ash flippantly said something and that got them interested now they can’t stop watch them
RAIHAN DUKING IT OUT WITH DRAYDEN, because he’s still cousins with Delia in this AU, AND W I N N I N G
So it’s canon, from the new Pokémon game app, that Iris is Leon and Hops cousin
So now Leon just rounds on Ash and is so confused bc Iris talked about this one boy name Ash with a Pikachu who acts like such a kid over face time but Leon didn’t make the connection it was THIS Ash she was traveling with
Hhh snuggle piles in the living room after a fun day outside building forts and what not
Like Ash is dead center in the kids pile bc he’s a kid at heart and Gary’s legs are thrown over his shoulder a bc Ash is in a blanket fort/nest with the other younger kids while Gary is pressed between Delia and Daisy
Opal is curled with Serena bc she’s currently getting deets in the fairy world in Kalos
All the younger trainers are so focused on the movies as the adults just talk quietly in the background
And Gou is laying over Ash’s lap while on their phone and Ash doesn’t say anything even though his legs are falling asleep
Idk I’m gonna have Lance as Delia’s brother in this AU
But that doe NOT stop him from acting like Ash’s uncle because Ash ripped Lances two titles out from under him in three years
Leon has been Champion for 20-something years instead of the in game 10 Years
So that it could be plausible that Trainer!Leon and Bby!Ash/Gary could meet each other
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gore-hovnd · 5 years
Don’t Breathe: Part Two
As per request of @hydra-trash-spot
Warning For: Toxic/Controlling Relationship, Emotional/Physical Abuse
(Also, side note, I’m literally incapable of proofreading unless things are in post format so please excuse my typos pff)
(Side Note pt 2, electric boogaloo; I edited it and now it’s not as BAD. Idk if this is gonna retag but if it does I’m SORRY, bc I’m awful and I’ve been fixing the formatting smh)
Sweat droplets rolled between his shoulders in a way that made his skin crawl as he shifted in his seat. Staring blankly at the paperwork in his hand, Jack began to read the paragraph at the top of the page for the fifth time. 
Of course there was maintenance happening on the building’s AC unit, of course today was the hottest day of the week, and of course Brock felt the need fuck him over in more ways than one by not letting him call off work for that day. When he looked at it from Brock’s standpoint as a commander, Jack understood why. The STRIKE team had an urgent mission come up, they would be leaving for it in three days, and they needed everyone to be ready. But when he looked at it from Brock’s standpoint as his boyfriend, Jack knew it was just Brock being the biggest dick imaginable at that point. It hadn’t been enough to drag him around the house in a dog collar that left dark, saturated bruises in its wake and made speaking a chore. It wasn’t enough to humiliate him by claiming that the bruising across Jack’s nose and beneath is eyes was from him coming into unfortunate contact with the shower rod the night before. And it wasn’t enough to make Jack come to work in a heavy jacket, zipped all the way up, in ninety degree weather to hide the bruises over his throat. Because nothing was ever enough and despite trying to stay out of Brock’s line of sight all day, Jack knew he’d always be Brock’s primary target.
“I need you to pick up training with Cap today.” Brock stated plainly while JAck shared a lunch that only one of them ate. 
Jack recoiled, looking up from the slowly cooling chicken pasta in front of him. He’d only gotten three bites in before he decided that it hurt too much to swallow. 
“Why?” Jack grumbled, his voice low and weak from both the abuse to his vocal cords as well as disuse. He hadn’t said a word to Brock all day, the anger in him once again rising, bashing against the cage of his resolve like a wild beast trying to break free. 
“‘Cause Pierce called me about havin’ another meeting this morning. I don’t got a choice here, Jackie, I already told the big guy you’d be there.” Brock explained as he scrolled through his emails at his computer. 
“Why not jus’ fuckn’ reschedule.” Jack grumbled under his breath, rising from his seat and throwing his lunch into the bin by Brock’s desk with more force than necessary. The combination of the action and his attitude had Brock looking up from his work, staring at Jack with an irritated look despite the upward turn of his lip. 
“What was that, mouth?” He asked and Jack hesitated for a second. He could challenge it, could try to put Brock in his place, but the lingering threat of the previous night’s events bred an unfamiliar fear in his chest and he pulled his gaze away. 
“Nothin’.” He mumbled, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets before making his escape. 
Jack sat in the gym for twenty minutes waiting for Steve. 
And in that twenty minutes he contemplated what the hell had just happened. He’d never been afraid of Brock before. Upset? Yes. Wary? Of course. Angry? Abso-fucking-lutely, but afraid? Never. And whatever was causing that fear to fester in his chest was making him sick. 
The doors to the gym opened and Jack broke from his thoughts, staring up to meet the bright, happy smile on Steve’s face that oh-so-awfully contrasted from his own bitter mood in a way that was borderline annoying. 
“Been a while,” Steve chuckled, offering his hand to help Jack get up from his place on the floor. He took it, pulling himself up and suppressing a hiss of pain as his body ached. That brief tumble down the stairs last night must’ve taken more out of him that he originally thought. 
As the two of them readied themselves; stretching, wrapping their hands, and ultimately building dread in Jack’s stomach, he couldn’t help but lose himself again. 
“Are you gonna wear that the whole time?” Steve piped up, pulling Jack back to reality for the third time in the past hour. 
“What?” He asked, forcing his shoulder to stretch despite the strain of his muscle. 
“That jacket.” Steve elaborated, gesturing at him to emphasize. 
Jack glanced down at it, somehow momentarily forgetting he had it on, before shrugging with a nod. 
That was all he chose to say before the two of them stepped into the ring. There he stood: in a jacket, white basketball shorts, and black athletic ankle supports, staring at Steve who wore something similar, just with a tank top instead. 
The two of them sparred for a bit and from the very beginning, Jack knew it wasn’t going to end well for him. The soreness that blanketed him only seemed to get heavier the longer he tried to force his body to move. It slowed his reactions, made it impossible to keep up with the living god that was Steve Rogers. Jack didn’t think he could take goddamn Captain America down even on a good day so trying to on a day where all of his muscles were simultaneously on fire definitely wasn’t going to work in his favor. 
And try as he might, one particularly well timed hit to his ribs had him on the floor. When he looked at the clock, he’d found that they’d been at it for a solid forty-five minutes and Jack was almost impressed with himself. That is until Steve fussed over him like a damn mother hen. 
“Shit, Rollins are you alright?” Steve asked, dropping to his knees to seemingly try and get a closer look at Jack who, in turn, waved him off as he spit his mouthguard out onto the floor. 
“M’ fine,” Jack wheezed unconvincingly as he pushed himself up with one arm, the other wrapped securely around his chest. Steve didn’t seem convinced, deciding to go for the jacket which had Jack pulling away reflexively. 
Steve paused, staring at him for a moment before he pulled the collar of the jacket down and all Jack could do was look up to avoid seeing the concerned look on Steve’s face. He let Steve unzip the jacket and pull it from his shoulders, getting a closer look. Even the gentle grazes of Steve’s fingers over the bruises on his neck had him flinching, less from actually feeling any pain and more from expecting it. What the hell had Brock done to him? And to think, for a few delusional hours, he thought he was lucky to have that man. 
“What happened to you?” Steve asked but Jack didn’t answer, responding by shrugging the jacket back over his shoulders and forcing himself to stand despite how much his body protested. “Did someone try to kill you?” 
For a single, cursory moment, Jack paused while his brain took time to do a hard reset. The suggestion felt so ridiculous that he wasn’t sure what else to do but play along with it. So he shrugged and watched as Steve shook his head in disbelief. 
“Did you file a report?” He asked and Jack released a bitter laugh. 
“What? Hell no.” He snorted. He knew that Steve’s mind was somewhere else entirely but he couldn’t help imagining what it would be like trying to file a report against Brock. He’d be killed, likely. Pierce already hated their relationship, said it was a “conflict of interest.” Jack thought it was asinine at first but now he was beginning to think Pierce, slimy bastard that he was, was right. 
“You need to, this is important!” Steve demanded. Jack wasn’t entirely sure how he was supposed to react and instead just shrugged it off with a quiet ‘s’ fine.’ only to earn himself a frustrated sigh from Steve. 
“It’s not fine, it’s dangerous! You know what we do, it’s...our line of work isn’t exactly a forgiving one.” Steve huffed. ‘Tell me about it,’ Jack’s thoughts chimed as he shook his head, staring at Steve with a tired look. 
“I gotta get back to work. STRIKE team ships out in three days, be ready.” His voice was monotonous and bland as he turned to head back toward the locker rooms. That’s when Steve grabbed his arm and a rush of adrenaline tore through his body with the force of a fire hose as he turned to throw a punch that Steve quickly dodged, releasing him in the process. Jack didn’t know when he started trembling but now that he noticed, he couldn’t calm his nerves. The sad look that Steve gave him did nothing more than ignite an angry fire within him and suddenly, he was overwhelmed with the feeling that he wanted to fight again. 
“You don’t have to do this alone, I can help you.” Steve offered, taking a step forward and offering a gentle hand, only to have Jack grab hold of his wrist with an unnecessarily intense grip. 
“Ever stop to think I don’t need your fuckin’ help, Rogers?” Jack growled. “Ever stop to think I might just need your head outta’ my ass?” 
With a grimace, Jack shoved Steve back and turned without a second thought, zipping his jacket up as he retreated to lick at the wounds rubbed raw by Steve’s pity. 
Going through a week long mission with Steve, while simultaneously trying to hide the bruises Brock gave him, had been absolute hell. So it was understandable that all Jack wanted to do when he got home was sleep. Unfortunately for him, all Brock wanted to do was fuck. 
“I’m serious, no.” Jack growled, pushing Brock’s hand from his hip only for that same imposing hand to latch right back on. 
“Oh, c’mon, Jackie, I need you inside me.” Brock purred, licking at Jack’s throat. By then, the bruises had become a sickly yellow and were faint enough for Jack to stop wearing hoodies and jackets to hide them. The rest of his body healed accordingly and things could go back to being relatively normal, something Jack wasn’t sure if he wanted. Because Brock made him hate normal. 
“I said I don’t want to.” Jack said more firmly this time, finally managing to shove Brock back on his haunches. Pushing himself up on his elbows, Jack held Brock’s glare before his commander finally scoffed and stood up from their bed with a huff. 
“You know, you seriously make me wanna fuckin’ hit you sometimes.” Brock growled as he left the room, undoubtedly planning to sleep on the couch. He always slept on the couch when he was sick of looking at Jack, when seeing Jack made him angry. He knew this, he knew Brock got mad when he said no, knew that Brock didn’t like it when he refused anything, especially sex, and knew that Brock wanted to hurt him because of it. But Brock had never actually said it aloud before. And for whatever reason, actually hearing it was unsettling. 
He didn’t sleep well that night and when he woke up the next morning, he found that Brock had seemingly dropped the entire thing. He was bad about that, about ignoring any sort of argument they had, but Jack didn’t really have any other choice but to deal with it. 
Over time, Brock got worse. Just as he always had. After a while his threats stopped being threats and he stopped warning Jack all together. Sometimes Jack could anticipate it but most of the time, it felt entirely random. Brock would smack him in the back of his head, shove him around, punch him, even, if he was in a particularly bad mood. And Jack was at a loss. 
There was a war waged in Jack’s mind, his emotions tumbling between hating Brock and adoring him. Brock was a terrible man; he was violent and volatile and fear had become a familiar friend to Jack in the months that had passed since the choke chain incident. But every few days, he would be gentle and kind and he’d make Jack feel like nothing short of a god. And for those few, fleeting hours, Jack was on cloud nine. 
But the good times never seem to last and eventually he was sick of making up excuses to stay. 
“Come on, Jack, yer gonna leave over that? Over a love tap?” Brock growled as he followed Jack through their home. 
“Does it matter?” Jack grumbled, shoving some of his clothes into an old backpack. “I’m a grown man, I can leave if I want to.” 
This response, however, wasn’t good enough. Brock’s hand was almost instantly around his arm and Jack recoiled, throwing his elbow back and landing a hit across Brock’s mouth, effectively bloodying his lip. 
“Sonuva-” Brock barked, staggering back when Jack landed another hit on his face. Spitting a mixture of blood and spit out onto the dark carpet, Brock wiped a hand across his chin before glaring at Jack, who was frozen. Multiple thoughts raced through his mind in that moment and somehow he was both proud of and angry with himself. But both of those were overshadowed by the terror that crashed through him like a startling rush of electricity when Brock advanced on him. 
The two of them fumbled around for awhile, battering and bruising each other until eventually, Brock got his hands around the back of Jack’s head pulled, bringing his knee up to collide with Jack’s nose. 
A sickening crunch filled the air and the two of them paused as Jack covered his face, panting while he tried to gather himself. Sitting down on their bed, leaving a bloody handprint on their white comforter, Jack tried to sniff but he couldn’t. Blood dripped down his mouth the same way it had months prior when Brock had pulled him off of the couch and all he could do was wonder to himself why he was stupid enough to stay so long. 
“Let’s go.” Brock growled under his breath, taking hold of Jack’s bicep and forcing him to stand like he was a child. Jack shrugged him off, even going so far as to shove him away, before the two of them trudged out to their car. 
The ride to the hospital was silent and when they got there, Jack refused to explain how it happened. It wasn’t that he was trying to protect Brock, he was just so exhausted… He didn’t have the energy to make up excuses or answer any questions. 
Luckily, it only took fifteen minutes for a doctor to be made available for him. Unluckily, Brock followed him back into the room. And as if his broken nose wasn’t punishment enough, Brock continued to berate him. 
“You jus’ dunno when to quit do you?” Brock growled, his arms crossed over his chest. His lip was swollen, the gash that ran through it shining angry and red. Drops of blood stained the collar of his grey shirt and in that moment the two of them stared at each other with equally intense looks of pure hatred. 
“What?” Jack snapped, trying desperately to convince himself that Brock wasn’t worth a trip to prison. 
“You don’t know how to fuckin’ quit, Jack! You always do this! You piss me off, then gimme that pissy little look when I get mad! This shit wouldn’t happen if you didn’t get me so fucking riled up!” Brock barked and all Jack could do was laugh incredulously, disbelief filling him as he stared Brock in the eye. 
“No, this shit wouldn’t happen if you weren’t such a fucking psychopath.” Jack hissed and just like that, Brock was on him again. First, there was a knee to his ribs, then a fist under his jaw, but Jack wasn’t going to lay down and let Brock beat on him anymore. He’d finally decided that everything Brock did to him was complete and utter bullshit. It wasn’t warranted and he wasn’t ungrateful when he got upset about it. And for the love of God, he didn’t fucking deserve it.
So he fought back. He kicked and he growled and he fought with everything he had. Landed a few good hits too. At some point, the doctor must’ve come in to the two of them fighting and called security. They pried Brock off of Jack, his eye swollen shut and his lip re-busted-open. Jack grimaced, wanting nothing more than to pounce on him while he was restrained. But the security guards were too quick to get him out of the room.
The doctor didn’t ask Jack any questions, simply got him cleaned up, reset his nose, and offered him a phone to call someone. Jack accepted the offer with a grateful, albeit quiet, ‘thank you.’ And he sat for an hour contemplating whether or not he should do what he wanted to do. He didn’t really have much of a choice, though, did he?
“Hello?” Answered Steve’s familiar voice over the other line. 
“If I ask you to come pick me up from the hospital will you promise not to ask questions?” Jack asked. He never was good at easing into a conversation. 
“The hospital? What happened? Are you hurt?” Steve immediately started and all Jack could do was sigh and weigh what options he would have if he decided to hang up. 
“Steve, please.” He begged quietly. He wasn’t proud of the pleading tone in his voice but he couldn’t take it back. Couldn’t hide it. Not anymore.
Steve didn’t say anything for a long time. The quiet that fell over them was the kind that was deafening and suffocating at the same time and he wanted nothing more than to scream just to fill the space. But before he could, Steve started talking again. 
“I’ll be there.” He said softly. 
And he was. In twenty minutes, Steve was at the hospital and the second he saw Jack, it looked like his entire world had been crushed. An odd look of knowing crossed his face as he flicked his head and without a second thought, Jack followed.
After another wordless car ride, Jack found himself in a new place. The unfamiliar space of Steve’s apartment left him feeling vulnerable and exposed, like a rabbit in a field of rabid dogs. But Steve’s gentle hand guided him and it sickened him that his mind was already waiting for that softness to be replaced with anger and pain. But nothing happened and Jack scolded himself for thinking something would. 
They sat on the couch with the same silence that had hovered over them on the phone weighing tension on their shoulders and Jack once again felt the urge to make noise so it wouldn’t feel so heavy on his chest. But just as before, Steve came to the rescue to fill the silence before Jack had to. 
“I guess this is how Bucky always felt when he saw me all beat up.” Steve tried to chuckle and Jack couldn’t help the little snort that left him. 
“Guess so.” Jack grunted in response, sighing as he refused to meet Steve’s eye. It was then that an arm slowly wrapped around him and with cautious curiosity, Jack let it happen, willing himself not to flinch. He half expected other advances to be made but nothing ever came, and he liked it that way. 
Steve turned the T.V. on and for a while, Jack zoned out while late night sitcoms flashed on screen with mediocre, cheesy jokes filling the quiet with a comfortable drone. And eventually, as Jack grew too tired to ignore the exhaustion any longer, he rested his head on Steve’s shoulder and found a relieving sense of peace when Steve leaned on him too. 
And for the first time since he’d met Brock fucking Rumlow, he felt safe.
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ch4nb4ng · 5 years
The Badboy: Pt. 1
Tumblr media
Words: 2.1k
A/N: hey guys! Here is part one! Please let me know if you enjoy it and when you want me to post part 2, or if you want me to post it Incase this is trash fhdjsj
You had just walked into school for the day, avoiding anyone and everyone that you could. You dashed straight to your locker, getting your books out ready for first period.
“Changbin please, stop!” Chan cries. You close your locker door to see a devlish Changbin, pushing Chan’s head up against his locker. His head dangerously close to Chan’s.
“Or what, Channie, you are gonna hit me with your book? Please, you are such a loser, always studying, how you gonna get any pussy like that?” Changbin whispers in his ear. Chan screws his eyes shut, fear evidently running through him.
Without thinking twice, you ran through the wave of people, having front row access to view the fight.
“Changbin, stop!” you yell, causing everyone’s eyes to turn around and face you. Chan’s eyes open widely, while Changbin pauses, and removes his hand from his head to slowly turn around and face you. Your palms begin to sweat, not used to having so many eyes on you.
“Butt out of it, sweetheart.” Changbin smirks, before proceeding to turn around and continue pushing Chan’s head against the wall. However, before he has a chance to, you move closer to him, grab his wrist, and with all your might, attempt to force his arm back down to his side.
“I said stop. You are doing this for no reason.” You look up at him, adding your other hand to counteract his impending strength that he had over you.
Changbin began to laugh, easily overpowering you. He removed your hands easily, a chuckle escaping his lips.
“Listen sweetheart, I’ll do whatever I want. I own everything and everyone in this school. You think you, can stop me out of all people. This isn’t gonna end well for you.” He pauses, moving closer to you. You body temporarily freezes as cocks his head to the left side of you. You feel his hot breath tickle your skin, shivers running through you. Sure, he was extremely sexy, intimidating, but you had to stand your ground, because he could be a real dick sometimes.
“Try me again, and see what happens.” changbin whispers.
“What the hell is going on here?” A loud voice pushes through the crowd. “Shit” you murmur, knowing whose voice it is.
“Uh Principal Park,” you nervously stumble, moving at least 5 steps back from Changbin.
“Ugh” Changbin hisses rolling his eyes.
“I was telling Changbin to-”
“No, I don’t wanna hear this here, you two, my office, now.” JYP shakes his head, motiong a hand for the two of you to walk in front of him.
You throw you head back in disbelief. It was the first time you had ever needed to go to the principal's office. What made it worse, was who you had to go with. You always thought that Changbin was attractive, everyone thought that, but that was all. Recently though, from the literal first encounter you had ever had with him, he was all you could think about. For some reason, his absolute arrogance and being a complete asshole almost, turned you on? It was so sexy, but it wasn’t you had any feelings or anything like tHAT for him. Nothing but lust and the thoughts of the things he would do to you was all.
“I’m sorry,” Changbin nudges your upper arm, causing you to fall out of your inner conflicting thoughts about him. You roll your eyes in response.
“It’s fine, I’ll get over it, but like, why you gotta bully Chan so much? He just minds his own business and works really hard. I’m not the one you should be sorry to.” You hiss at him.
“You’re right, I’ll apologise to him, I guess.”
You look up at him, and for a second, a flicker of softness forms on his face again, just like that time he arrived late to class. Like a violinist playing a violin with his fingers, the strings in your stomach were being plucked, leaving you to almost melt at him.
Losing track of time, you quickly look away from him, a small blush beginning to appear on your face.
“Sorry, I didn’t realise how long I was staring at you for.” You giggle, rubbing the back of your neck to help cool yourself down.
“Tsk, it’s fine, I know, I’m fucking sexy, right?” He cocks his head towards you, placing a hand under his chin, smirking at you.
“And you just ruined the moment.”
You both finally sit down in the office. All of the things that principal Park says skips right over both of your heads, well most of it.
“At JYP high, we don’t condone this behaviour. So, with that said, both are you are to go home today, and not return to school tomorrow either. You need a break from here, and especially with you two, wanting to kill each other.”
You raise your eyebrows, leaning forward, almost, out of, your seat to look the principal right in the eyes.
“Are you serious? All I did was try and stop Mr. macho man over here from bullying Chan, again, because it’s not the first time. Instead of-”
“Quite frankly, y/n, I don’t care. What I say goes, got it?”
A stern tone erupts out of mr. Park, causing you to shrivel back into your seat,
“Now, get out.”
You both nod in response, exiting the room. You close the door behind you, before turning around and grabbing Changbin’s arm once again.
“I fucking hate you.”
“Please, I just gave you nearly two days away from this hell.” You laugh and roll your eyes again.
“I mean, you are right.”
“Let’s go do something.” Changbin asks, catching you completely off guard.
“What?” You ask back in extreme confusion.
“You know, we have the rest of the day off, I’m assuming you have no plans. Let’s, idk, go to the arcade or something.”
“Too late,” Changbin cuts you off, grabbing your hand and dragging you through to school hallway until you are outside. A icy frost comes over you. You use your arms to cover your body from the cold weather, when all of a sudden, a thick leather jacket encompasses you. You look to see Changbin putting his jacket on you.
“Oh um, thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.” You smile politely.
“Please, I know I’m not the nicest person in the world, but I’m also not a dick 24/7.” He chuckles, a small smile breaking onto his face.
You walk around the school parking lot for a small period of time, until you reached his truck. He launched himself on the back, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his jean pocket. You scratched the back of your head nervously, feeling somewhat awkward just staring at him there. At the same time though, a sense of peace and calmness fell through you. You looked up at him in awe. He was completely in his element. It almost looked like something he did everyday.
“Y/n,” Changbin called you, once again snapping you out of your thoughts once again. He leans a hand out.
“Come on, come up here.” Changbin demands. You idiotically grin and shake your head, grabbing his hand. He pulls you up with great difficulty, resulting in you both falling. The awkward thing was how you fell literally straight on top of him. His back was pressed against the floor of the car, and you, of course, on your front. You could feel his muscular abdominal muscles pressed against you.
You both laugh, before suddenly realising how close your faces were to one another. The somewhat awkward atmosphere had completely changed. A sparkle flickered in his eyes the more the moment lingered on. Your body stiffens, quickly rolling yourself off of him. You avoid his eye contact, sitting in the corner. Changbin quickly follows you, reaching out a hand to you, a cigarette in it.
“Ew, no thanks.” You snarl at him, pushing his hand away from you.
“Jeez, alright then,” Changbin hisses, sucking in his cigarette in, shades of orange and brown are ignited at it’s tip, followed by a small greyish area covering him. You focus your gaze on him. It was almost like, a dark, but not bad, aura surrounded him. You were completely infatuated him. He looked to die for. The atmosphere relaxed once again, any awkwardness that was there a few moments ago had disappeared.
“On second thought, pass it over.” you smirk at him, before grabbing the letahl stick and taking a drag. A burning sensation in your chest arises, causing you to uncontrollably cough. A roar of laughter erupts from changbin at you dying. It was probably one of,if not, the funniest thing he had ever seen. He falls onto his back, a hand on his chest trying to regain his breath.
Eventually, he puts hand on your back, patting you gently.
“Oh my god, that was the funniest thing ever, are you okay?” He asks you, almost in a mocking tone. Red tints your cheeks, embarrassment beginning to fill you.
“I’m fine, changbin! Thank you so much for your concern.”
You mock back, lightly smacking him on the arm, before turning your gaze back to the sky.
You sit in silence in what seems like forever, but in reality, was only like 20 minutes. Changbin never removes his hand from your back, and gradually began to rub light circles with his thumb. He clears his throat,
“Um, there’s a party next week, at Hwang Hyunjin’s house.” Changbin quivers a little, a longinful look appears on his face towards you, anticipating your response.
“Okay, and?” you question him, not knowing what he was asking for. He giggles to himself,
“Are you gonna go?” He asks in confusion, thinking that his first sentence implied the question.
“That’s funny. You, think I, go to, house parties?” You laugh.
“Why not? Everyone fucking goes to house parties, Y/N.” His tone comes off harsh. You move, forcing his hand to fall of of your back, giving him a slight glare, but also a look of confusion. He takes in another puff, avoiding eye contact with you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask him, attitude laced through your tone, just like him.
“It means that you’re a fucking loser if you don’t go.” He mocks your tone. You stand up and glare at him. You were confused in his sudden change of behaviour.
“I’m a loser? Why do you care if I go so much? Worried that I’m not easy like all the other girls you fuck at these parties?”
Changbin’s head snaps up, like your words struck a sensitive chord in him.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Changbin now stands up and moves relatively close to you. He balls his fists up, anger beginning to stir within him.
“You heard me, Changbin.” You keep your tone serious, grabbing the smoke from his hand, taking another puff, blowing it straight in his face. He rips it away from you, throwing it on the ground and stomping down on it.
“You have fucking got me all wrong, y/n.” He moves closer to you, hands hovering over your hips. You go into an internal panic, never being close to a boy like this before. However, you don’t budge. It was like you were longing for his touch.
“Okay fine, why don’t you tell me how wrong I am.” You suggestively smirk at him.
He moves even closer to you, faces millimeters apart. He proceeds to lean in, lips so close to touching yours. He grabs the sides of your face with his rough, tatted up hands, breathing on you. Your insides tickle at his hot breath lingering on you. You wanted kiss him. Kiss him so bad, but you had to keep your ground. You didn’t want to be another one of those girls Changbin used then forgot about. Instead of kissing him, you grabbed his face, pressing your face up against his ear,
“I’m not that easy,,, sweetheart.” You whisper, feeling him uncomfortably shift underneath you.
You break all contact from him and jump off of his truck. Changbin looks at you, stunned. You had single-handedly became the first girl at your school to reject Seo Changbin. He was, in shock to say the least.
“Wait, y/n, where are you going?” Changbin asks you, mass confusion filling his tone. You smile at him, running a hand through your long locks of hair.
“I’ll see you around, Mr. Seo.” You smirk, walking out of his sight.
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cinnamonrollstark · 5 years
Thoughts on Endgame
Sorry guys, again, in case you dont realise, THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS
If you havent seen the movie, scroll on. If you dont scroll, and dont have your tags blacklisted, dont come at me my bros.
This post will be very chaotic, wont lie.
Who puts mayo on a hotdog?
How about ketchup?
The dust in the wind, man, gave me chills
Tony and Nebula friendship! Yes motherfuckers!
Tony so looked on the verge of tears holy shit
First qualm: captain marvel saved them awful fast. Nothing to show how she knew they were there, maybe it was in some scene of captain marvel or something but ??? Like that was quick
Tony looked so thin holyshit
"You said we'd do that together, and YOU WERENT THERE."
Yes Tony jesus let all that anger out
Handing his metaphorical heart to Steve got me choked up
"Went for the head" fuck yeah you did
Okay Ant Man bringing Joy, as always. So glad to see you, my little buggy friend
Also thank you to that rat?
Not that it's a competition, but she loves me 3000
And so do we bud, and we always will
Okay I'm glad yall made up but it couldve gone better idk
I get that it was played for laughs, but there was a little too much emphasis on Thor's weight
The taco though
I get it was showing how much his character had changed
However, it felt body shamy idk
But he was still funny as hell
And with everything he was such a mood
Thor crying fucked me up though
Same for hawkeye
Like man, Thor and Hawkeye, and a little bit of Steve cry a whole lot in this movie
"Are you crying?" "What? No, absolutely not." *thor cries.* "okay yes fine I'm crying.
"Hail Hydra" okay but why was that hot, Steve, how did you make that hot
"I could do this all day." "Agh, yeah, I know."
I'm going inside you
Also this is reflecting back but I dont think I'll ever get the image if hulk dabbing out of my head
Loki disappearing with the tesseract was a mood
Still doesnt make Howard good in my eyes, but I'm glad Tony got some closure
TONY oh my God that awkward hug was everything
Act 2
Clint and Nat being jokey in the jet
They have no idea
Red skull again!
"I want to kill myself!" "No me!"
"Let me go"
"Its okay."
The score jesus christ so many chills.
Clint waking up and sobbing with the soul stone okay fine just rip my heart out, then
Aaand Cap is crying
Hulk come on, stop acting so angry at Clint
He was there and you werent
He really tried
Making the infinity gauntlet holy shiiit
Tony's is so much sleeker than Thaddys
Act 3
Oh wow I forgot for a hot minute that Rhodey doesnt walk the same
Awww Rocket you can get out of there I promise you little buddy!!
Where did that lead you... back to me
That whole sequence was just CINEMATICALLY brilliant
Also can we just talk about how Thor's hair styled itself with lightning?
Also if you dont still think thicc thor is hot you're a fake fan
But I get it if yourr not in it for the alcoholism
Yes the fuck you did
And so did we
On your left!!!!
Oh my God the look on their faces was just amazing
"You're never gonna believe- remember when we were in space? And we got all dusty?" "That yellow sparky thing he does a lot"
Irondad hug oh my FUCK
"Well this is nice."
"Hi Peter Parker."
"If I tell you it wont happen."
Tell him, Stephen, please, we cant lose him. But we will, and theres no way around that.
Strange holding up the '1' with his finger
After that I was a mess for the rest of the film
You sneaky amazing cinnimon roll, snatching up those stones
"I am Iron Man."
I was sobbing at this point because I knew.
"Mr Stark? Mr. Stark, we won! You did it."
Oh lord I've never seen Peter cry like that and it ripped out my soul
"We'll be okay. You can rest now."
I was actually audibly weeping, and didnt give a shit.
Hawkeye family reunion!
Tony's goodbye message
I love you 3000 (pt. 2, the weepy remix)
The funeral.
The arc reactor at the lake
"Proof that Tony stark has a heart"
Peter baby I'm so sorry!
Harley!! Hey bud, it's been a while!
We know where you're going, Steve. Dont be so dramatic (but we still love you)
Old! Steve!
Sir you do not age how I believe you would age but okay
Raisin Clint Eastwood hands Sam the sheild
Nothing against Sam, I just figured since he knew Bucky longer, it would go to him
But comic accurate, and it was still beautiful
The peggy dance and kiss
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uwufanfics · 5 years
Genre: Angst, fluff and idk later lol
Pairing: Lee Jooheon  (MONSTAX) x Teagan (reader)
Characters: MonstaX
WARNING: Swearing, violence, triggering subjects
A/N: ONGOING please enjoy~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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As Teagan pulled Priscilla out of the club, a crowd began to form, watching the hassel unfold infront of them. "I can't believe I looked all over, worried SICK that you might be in danger, only to find that you've been here dancing for these pigs?!", Teagan screamed as she raised her hand and swiftly accross her younger sisters face. The crowd overgrew with sounds of shock. "Oh my..did she just hit her?", "Bro, that's messed up."
Teagan stopped in shock at what she'd just done. She watched as her sister was met with the hard cement floor infront of a crowd. "WHY DID YOU HIT HER?!", Changkyun surprisingly shouted from the crowd as he pushed his way towards the younger on the ground. He held her as she hid her face in his chest, embarressed to face the growing crowd. Jooheon stood by as he watched his younger brother's eyes turn from a shade of brown to a shade of black. "Changkyun, stand down.. it's an order.", Jooheon communicated through telepathy. Changkyun's veins began popping out of his neck as he shot a death glare. "But she hurt her, not only physically, but I can feel her emotional scars. SHE WENT TO FAR.", he growled as he slowly got up, taking a step closer to Teagan. Teagan could only freeze in shock, for she could hear the excahgne of words.
"Whoa..easy there.", Hyungwon said, stepping in between Changkyun and Teagan. He put his hand on the younger brothers chest before slowly plastering a smile on his face. "Changkyun.. you don't know this girl you're protecting, let alone the relationship between these two. Don't jump into the action without knowing the story okay.", he said as the clouds slowly disappeared from Changkyun's eyes. He sighed before nodding and placing his jacket ontop of Priscilla whom was still hiding from the crowd. "Let me take you home.", he whispered as he picked her up and escorted her away.
"Alright guys, nothing to see here.", Hyungwon said as he motioned for everyone to leave. He earned himself a couple of glares from the crowd as they slowly made their way. "Come on move it! You heard the man, keep it pushing you nosey asses dayuuum!", Ari shouted as she started shooting death glares at the left over handfull of people. Soon the place was left with the four standing in awe at the situation. "Wow Tea, I gotta say that WAS kinda messed up of you to hit her infront of everyone, I mean shit I'd be embarrassed as hell, you should've waited AT LEAST until you were alone and not with a crowd. People know her here, as sad as it is to say, this was her place of work.", Ari rambled, emposing more guilt. "OK yeah thanks Ari, I didn't need you to do a whole summary on everything that just happened.", Tea barked back. Ari nervously laughed and backed away. "Sorry, I'll just go get the car.", she said as she shot a 'yikes' type of look Hyungwon's way as he recipricated the look. "I'll go with you~", he managed to whisper as he tip toed her direction.
"Stop right there if you don't want me to kill you here and now. Get your ass over here Hyungwon you have some fcking explaining to do.", Tea snapped without even turning to look his direction. Ari and Hyungwon just made a "uh0h" look at eachother as Ari mouthed her farewell to Hyungwon. He stopped, and twirled his way to Teagan as she stood there beaming smoke like a pot of hot water. "What can I do for you bestie?", Hyungwon said with a cheeky smile on his face as he held Teagans hands, knowing they would swing up at him if he did not hold them in place. "How could you not tell me and Ari that you're...", she looked around before whispering "Ruler of Earth", she said as she felt a shiver run down her spine. He made a disgusted face before shaking his head and nodding his finger in her face. "No no no. I prefer to go by King of the Human lands.", He said as he did a sassy hair flip. "Oh okay that makes sense.", Teagan said with a smile as she giggled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah cause this face is of a King you know.", he said proudly.
She stomped on his foot before tugging her arms out of his embrace. "This isn't the fucking time to joke Won. We've been friends for  years, I'm so hurt if anything. I've trusted you with everything, all of my secrets. I can't believe you didn't tell me. Did you think me and Ari would hate you or something? Burn you like- wait..  is this because I said I agreed with the Salem witch trials in Jr. High and that I'd burn anyone I thought was a witch?! Cause I only said that because I wanted witch powers, not because I hated witches.", she said as she began rambling on about different scenarios. Hyungwon sighed and put his hand on her shoulders. "Tea.. I didn't tell you OR Ari becasue I'd have to kill you if I told you.. But NOW I can talk to you about it because my brother right here-", he said pointing at Jooheon who still hasn't left. "Shares a connection with you. I'm sure he's already explained to you that now that he's saved your life once, he can save your life for a lifetime, and maybe more. The reason you're getting this connection from the mind telepathy is because Jooheon is connected to us by blood, which some of his blood has not transferred into your body. He actually needs to hear you when you're in danger now. Where ever you may be. If you die.. Jooheon dies.", He said, gulping the last part. Teagan stood there in silence as she shared eye contact with Jooheon. "You didn't tell me that part....", she whispered as Jooheon finally looked away.
"I didn't WANT to tell you that, but now you know..", he said as he began walking towards Wonho's car. "But not to worry Teagan. You're in good hands.:", he said as he clicked the car to unlock. He turned around with his dimples sunk deep into his cheeks. A handsome devil he surely is... "As long as you're in my care, you're not getting hurt on my watch."
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lokiarsene · 5 years
like yesterday, here's a bullet list of my thoughts for episodes 18~21
thoughts on episode 18:
oh no, it's the beach episode.
-- i really like how they show the way the PT take care of futaba. ren patiently cleaning up her room in between hours at the florist, them playing vidya with her, or just having lunch together in montage moments is very sweet. it makes me wish the anime had much slower pacing, more slice of life-y kind of drama.
-- watching yusuke, ryuji, and futaba lose their freakin minds over good curry is VERY relatable.
-- i still don't understand why ann and makoto thought that a two piece frilly bathing suit was the way to go with futaba. a one piece that she could wear under a long wrap or a hoodie would've made so much more sense... but >male gaze
-- have i told y'all how fucking tired i am of the sexualization of the teenage girls in p5 yet, and how it is one of the several things that fuckin ruined this game for me
have i?
well here it is again
none of the previous games were as bad as this b t w and p4 had one of the dungeons be a STRIP CLUB.
-- yusuke and his lobsters are wonderful.
-- oh god i forgot COMPLETELY about the whole 'mental shutdowns' thing in this game's plot. i think because it's all so pointlessly convoluted. p3 had something similar but even there it was just people turned catatonic for weeks on end when the monthly boss-shadows drew near.
i think the reason i find this so hard to understand is because from p3 to p4 the rules of shadows didn't really change so much. p3 had the persona users go up against shadow bosses; p4 had people confront the shadows within themselves, either accepting them completely (which then turned into persona), or the shadow 'absorbed' the person and ran rampant as a monster. neither of those rules really contradict each other, but in p5 personal shadows for persona users are gone completely, and how you deal with other people's personal shadows doesn't even involve them being present to complete the merge.
mona says that persona users can't have palaces, but persona users in 4 could and DID have 'dungeons' within the shadows' worlds. these dungeons dealt specifically with what was at the core of the shadows' emergence--a deep secret and a hidden truth that caused the shadow to grow, a place that was a replica and a distortion of reality based upon that suppressed truth. so that sure sounds like a fucking palace to me.
so....................... unless there's like, multiple realities folded into our own, and persona users can only access certain ones.................. i'm just super confused.
like, i know it's because the rules change game to game, but p3 to p4 didn't have any contradictions, and p2 didn't contradict anything in p3, either. it just went from a full party of wild card users to a singular one.
-- i'm glad ann's getting a little screentime here. i was just thinking about how other characters' development was lacking after makoto and futaba got so much focus.
-- mona's so sweet to ann ;-; now that he has a human form in p5r, i hope they become really good friends. she needs a kind guy friend that'll be reliable~ plus he makes her laugh.
-- sojiro talking about the anniversary of wakaba's death is......... really interesting........ considering that screenshot of futaba sitting next to a woman with the exact same haircut as her "deceased" mother.
-- ren reassuring mona that he absolutely has to be human, that he will return to who he used to be once they figure out what's happening in the metaverse is jsut jdfklasd
-- listen i know mona isn't rly a cat but he's the BEST cat
thoughts on episode 19:
oh it's the hawaii episode.
-- man what the hell kinda budget do these school's got that they can just go overseas with dozens of students on a yearly basis? that's impressive.
-- ryuji: "whoa, awesome! ..... i don't really get it, but awesome!" fjdsafds okay that got a laugh outta me. good one, ryuji.
-- ren: "i'm excited, too." (said in a monotone) fjklsadsl BLESS THIS BOY
-- ren's FACE when he learns that futaba installed a spying app on his phone and can hear him/see pictures he takes is...... kind of hilarious. especially if you have the headcanon that he and akechi send dumbass snapchats to each other a lot--which i do. and which you do now, too.
-- mona's depression is ten times more sad because he's a cat okay :c why they gotta make the cat so cute
-- ren, ryuji, and ann's lil sleepover is adorable. especially since ann chastises ryuji for not knowing one of the basic rules of a sleepover: if you start talkin' about your crushes, you gotta start with your own~ thems the rules lads
-- rip principal bloatneck.
-- honestly that truck shoulda at least TRIED to stop.
-- "A LO HA." goddammit that's adorable
-- the PT targeting okumura, who is essentially the dave thomas with political ambitions of the persona 5 world, is far funnier now that i phrase it like that.
-- mona's totally right that ryuji's just concerned with getting popular and his dick wet. like,,, that's why this argument only made me hate ryuji more than i already did. he gets pissy when mona points out the truth.
god he sucks lmao
-- i really like how guarded akechi's face looks in his conversation with sae, and how off his guard he looks when she tells him that she's not going to hold back, especially since the culprit is doing such dire, awful things. he's not exactly surprised, but he's definitely uneasy and shaken by what he hears. which makes me wonder who he’s really concerned for--himself, or for ren (and the PT by extension, but akechi only really seems to care about ren, so).
the reason i like that is because the okumura arc in p5 is really where akechi's mind starts its downward spiral. principal kobayakawa's death obviously rattled him, especially since the only reason the principal died was because shido saw him as useless and disposable, something akechi is desperate NEVER TO BE. and it's that + what happens with okumura that really kicks him over the edge.
i hope p5r will give us the chance to pull him back from it. he deserves a better chance than the game's subpar writing gave to him.
thoughts on episode 20:
-- ren wakes up in a panic because he thinks he sees mona on his bed ;___________;
-- goro snoopin' on the PT's LOUD, TOTALLY CONSPICUOUS conversation in front of okumura foods' HQ is kind of adorable if you remember he clearly loves star wars (HE HAS A LIGHT SABER), and the camera cuts to his face right as they're talking about big bang and outer space lingo.
-- oh, haru. i really wish you were the black mask. that would've been so much cooler--and an actual twist. her total hopeless panic about being a beauty thief could still be a thing (because it is actually endearing), it'd just be an act. but that's me talkin' fix-its again.
-- i really like the scene of haru defending mona to the PT on the rooftop, then cutting to show just how strained her relationship is with her father. she exists to be useful to her father's ambitions and nothing else, and that scene really drove home just how painful that is for her.
-- oh hey remember how the game went through the trouble of showing how haru's fiance is a sexist, violent, animal-hurting piece of shit and then promptly failed to actually separate her from him in game (i think you only can do that in her s-link?? the s-link you can barely finish in your first run of the game??), and in t hEN SHOWED HER IN THE CAR WITH HIM LATER, LOOKING HORRIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE?
-- ryuji running into the attic, all worried about mona, with a first aid kit, is..... very good. very good and endearing. good on you, ryuji.
-- haru gently encouraging mona to tell the truth is also really good. idk if i just missed it in the game or what, but i really like how she's presented in the anime. she's like a counterpart to ren--soft, sincere, observant, patient, yet she's made of pure steel beneath all that.
thoughts on episode 21:
-- haru, the reason your father's heart grew twisted is thanks to capitalism. you gotta change the heart of capitalism.
-- not to be all poochie here but whenever akechi isn't on screen, all i can ask myself is whERE'S AKECHI?
-- okay see this is where i'm thrown completely out of the story or even really liking haru. haru just listened to her dad's shadow saying he would PIMP HER OUT TO HER FIANCE WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. and she still is just like ~no i want him to go back to being kind~
bitch are you nuts
are you NUTS
god. i'm getting so mad again lmao
-- ren approaching haru to point out that if the truth of her father's crimes comes to light, she'll forever be associated with him (and with all the harm and ruined reputation that brings) is, once again, further reminder of just how... damn good ren is. he doesn't hesitate to speak from the heart nor does he ever fail to listen to someone else speak from theirs.
-- also not for nothing but uh
how did the cops not like
figure out how the PT phan-site was set up within the first few months and track it down to mishima? was that ever addressed at all?
-- honestly another reason why i get so fucking mad about this okumura stuff is the game goes SO FAR OUT OF ITS WAY to make you feel BAD that he died, when he was by all rights a fucking shitheel monster, yet when akechi dies it's like 'oh well. that sucked.' fuck off, atlus. the death of a greedy, heartless CEO isn't more sad just because his gaslit daughter is conditioned to be sad about it.
i understand that a large part of the shock after okumura's death is because the PT don't know if they did anything wrong. but okumura was in no way a good person. he was in no way a person whose redemption overruled all the hurt and harm he did. that has been the case for EVERY PT target before this, so why the fuck is okumura suddenly so different? why SHOULD he be?
the difference between him and, say, akechi is that okumura et. al. all made those choices on their own to do terrible things. they delighted in it, they enjoyed it. but akechi, much like futaba, was forced into a cycle of self-destruction--it’s just that in futaba’s case, her self-destruction targeted herself, and akechi’s was quite literally weaponized and used against others. he approached shido as a young teenager and was then used by him for years.
a teenage boy being used as a magical hitman by his shitlord father is far more deserving of sympathy and redemption than grown adults who willingly make the decision to harm, abuse, and prey on others. but no, the game didn’t want to do that.
this is another big problem i have with p5's second and third acts: it's so tonally dissonant and sloppy. it's like they didn't try to actually be as rebellious and hellraiser-y as the first act WANTED to be, and it all ends up being such a limp-dick shriveled mess of "let's fight against this rotten society!! ......... as long as it in no way actually upsets anyone or does any REAL change." fuck off lmao
that's not me even commenting on the "twist" and how it needed to be explained MULTIPLE TIMES to the player for it to make any sense.
and it still doesn't make sense to me btw.
so that's another thing i hope p5r fixes.
-- rip evil dave thomas megamind.
-- akechi floating the idea to sae that the phantom thieves had nothing to do with okmura’s death is............................ interesting.
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it-is-ok-i-am-ok · 5 years
Wait, why are you getting kicked off social security and state aid? 💕💕
Sorry for the late reply. This story is wild from start to end so hang on for the ride
Long story short, the original problem was that SS has to start counting my boyfriend and I as married, which like….no. They said they have to for two reasons (mostly because of reason one), but I do understand don’t get me wrong.
1. We signed for a timeshare together. 
2. He put me as his beneficiary for his life insurance. 
Now, let me explain. 
I went into the timeshare thing (you know the usual like being shown this shit blah blah blah) being like nope we aint buying. (We had to go through it to get something we won or something which in the end was BS gift) We go into “Signing” room and I’m like nope, nada. But then everything just went…so wrong. Long story short, I’m obviously on disability for a reason ok. (I was granted both physical and mental but I won my case in five minutes because of my mental LOL). People who have mental illnesses, especially borderline personality disorder probably understand me on this one. Condo: I couldn’t get out, as hard as I tried. My boyfriend, he’s obviously my BOYFRIEND not my HUSBAND because he still don’t get it all (like my mum who is my representative in every aspect except the stupid payee which makes it “official”). So he like didn’t understand what he was doing was bad and my ques of like holy shit this needs to stop not like my momma. Finally I was like ok ok ok what the fuck ever but it’s your timeshare I want nothing of this, we break up its yours. Then they come back and say because of his credit he couldn’t. So then here we go I immediately feel guilt (without anyone having to say anything more) and my guilt problems cause me anxiety problems which causes me to do the stupidest shit on earth like my guilt problems are legit one of the beggist things i work on in therapy. So they assured me, If i put my name it’s like being a co-signer bleh bleh bleh. It’s in our contract that he pays. While signign they were even like you can read the contract later if you just wanna sign now. Like it was that fucked up.
The beneficiary whatever. Jonathan told me he had to put someone or that was his understanding and lemme telll you, im the only choice. I was assured it could be changed and this wasn’t permanent because I dont want that kinda commitment. I just idk I didn’t think anything of it and just thought i was helping someone because i have another problem with ovre-compassion as i call it lol.
So fast forward she tells me ight well we gotta count you as married. And I’m like WHAT NO I WILL LOSE EVERYTHING. and she omfg she’s like “well you don’t know that” and I’m like bitch…I know I’m right.
Well guess fucking what, yes I would lose everything. Even tho his money, his work, we aint sharing it it aint joint bank account wahbam, fuck me right.
Now, wouldn’t this be your first clue that you shouldn’t count as us married (one of first things I asked):
“Well, what if we break up!?” She then told me blah blah blah I have a year then i’m fucked. Then for like 1.5 hour we talked and at the end she got it, I was a blubbering mess. So she was like ok i aint promising anything because if someones doing this stuff, I put them as married end of story….but i’m gonna send you, your bf, and mom able to write statements blah blah. 
Then as the end it was very lightly mentioned “Oh wait..you might no matter what lose stuff because it’s a resource” but it was said like no real concern. I then realized later hell fucking yeah it’s a concern.
So my mum and I are talking and I’m like this is bananas, it aint like oh man i signed on the dotted line and i regret it…it’s like I have a mental illness that makes it so sometimes uhmmmm I may act rash, or be influenced etc DUH. And then BAM. It just hit me.
A WEEK PRIOR I HAD LITERALLY BEEN IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL. Not 2 weeks, not 1.5 week but a WEEK. I was in there because I was on a medication that was making me plan out my suicide….I was released because the agreed I was safe enough to at least not KILL myself. Not because I was 100% off the med or 100% ok in the membrane. And then i had this vague memory that I signed this shtit leaving the hospital about how I’m not mentally capable of making any life decisions or something. (Their way of saving my ass I guess). I get a call back on monday about that if I did.
So my mom talked to this bomb ass lawyer and long story short I’m 99.9999999% sure I’m gettingout of this contract. 
So ok that solves that problem. And considering again sign contract acting married wasn’t mentally 100% shouldn’t count for married either. And seeing how she was really believing me long story short….
No, I now don’t think I will lose everything. 
I want to set the record straight tho, I just days ago thought I was losing 
1. Social security income
2. Medicare
Then she said the state probably wouldn’t kick me off because they’re more leniant with “marriage” thing. But the resource thing oh man, then I would have also lost
1. I would have went from SS income to state income, but nope nevermind
2. medicaid gone. 
So I would be worth $0 a month, and I mean I would have my parents insurance but I can’t afford that deductable and copay shit, and also Im gonna be 26 eventually. So that means I would be reliable on my boyfriend 100% (which like uhh our relationship is so up and down like no thank you I wanna be able to move out if I want/have to). And his income barely covers one person let alone two. (We did the math if we lost everything and we’d be lucky if we had $50 for the week after paying everything and that’s if we baby how much we spend for gas, food etc). 
This would also mean I’d lose my medicaid appointment transportation which FYI my PT is an hour and 10 minutes away, but then again I couldn’t afford to go anyways to anything. As my convo with my driver went
“Damn, you wouldn’t even be able to work if they forced you….because of how many appointments you have.” 
-me “You know now…they’ll say ‘well cause ya lost everything… youll have plenty of time now LOL”
-her: “And then you woudn’t even be able to work with your “free time” because you need your appoointments to function!”
-me: “EXACTLY” 
So appointments, medications, treatments (Botox anymore? LOL RIGHT and I just got approved for Hetlioz look up that babies price MEGA LOL), affording my car/insurance, my apartment (can’t afford this place no more), internet (if I even could continue school), sadly my lovely rats, my income etc GOOOOONE.
So lets all pray to the gods of the disabled that my contract gets cancelled and I don’t lose everything and actually legit….die. LOL
I went from Wednesday facing the fact that I’m going to die, to friday holy shit I am saved god bless my borderline brain
So moral of the story is my mom is probably going to become my payee, and try to prevent me from getting emotionally influenced or emotionally rash into things, and now my boyfriend nows ques etc. He also obviously knows to NEVER do something like this again. I have also learned that I know I obviously have a brain that works differently and makes even the simpilest things hard, but I’m going to mention in therapy how I want to work on this and we can try to at least (if I can’t able to say no) make my ques known and obviously to jonathan. To talk more beforehand about things and plans, and also make trusted others know what I am ok with and am not. 
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Isn’t it lovely...pt.2 {biadore} - imafuckinglibra
“Ask, and it shall be given you.” - Someone from the Bible probably somewhere idfk.
“Ask and daddy will write it for you.” - imafuckinglibra. (Can you tell I’ve been listening to Bianca’s audiobook on repeat?)
Dear anon, Yes I read notes. And that goes to everyone else sending me notes, both of you. So here is a bonus chapter about what happened after Danny posted the selfie in the last chapter. You don’t necessarily need to read the last chapter to understand anything here but it might help context wise so go ahead idk I’m not a scientist. XOXO - k bye
“How the fuck ya’ll doing!” Bianca yelled loudly into the mic at the cheering sea of people walking out onto the stage. “Since it takes Visage a good fucking 3 hours to fit those titties into her dress I have to be the one to do her fucking job. Fucking douche.”
The crowd cheered at her shady comment about the usual MC as she slapped the big blue cards labeled with the bubbly ‘snatch game’ logo on her palm to straighten them out.
“Before something else goes wrong let’s bring these assholes on stage and get it over with!” She quipped stepping back from the curtains to allow the other queens an easy entrance.
Without wasting time she introduced the other queens, or celebrities, as they had to be referred to for snatch game. First up it was Sharon as her now iconic Joan Rivers, next Manilla as Madonna and then Alaska as her, weirdly very accurate, Laganja.
“And of course we saved the 2nd best for last, because she lost, Adore Delano!”
Bianca called the last queen’s name out ignoring the few aw’s from the crowd and watched as the younger queen skip out onto the stage in her grungy make up, oversized flannel and bright red wig nearly falling off her high chair when she went to sit down.
“Idiot.” She mumbled under her breath away from the mic giving the audience a second to calm down as Adore waved enthusiastically at them between throwing Cheetos their way.
She tried to remain as professional as possible and keep her distance from the younger but had found herself a few times between questions wandering back to the end of the line next to Adore.
Every so often the grungy queen, who was eating Cheetos out of a bag almost bigger than her, would make faces at her between answers distracting her from what the other contestants were saying.
“Oh, fuck you! It’s comedy!” Sharon drawled on in her shakey impression of Joan’s voice after the audience gasped at her Bruce Jenner comment.
“Alright beautiful.” Bianca intervened before Sharon could add anything else, throwing a shady expression her direction to keep a straight face so she could read the next question.
Hearing her answers a million times never got old, neither did her lame impression. For some reason it always hit her right in the funny bone and once or twice in the bus after a few drinks Sharon had used it against her.
Somewhere on one of their fellow tour mate’s phones a video of them drunk off their asses going “O-oh.” repeatedly existed. A video which she prayed never fell into the wrong hands.
“Uh, Adore, I just want to say I feel like you were coming for me.” Alaska jumped in before she could even look at the card for the next question.
Bianca turned away from the audience and started laughing loudly just from the sheer stupidity of the back and forth happening between Alaska and Adore after Adore’s high pitched. “When?”
Even just the memory of actually being there during the real exchange of words till this day made her piss herself because of how ridiculous it was, especially Laganja’s llama face during it all.
“Okay! Focus people, let’s get this shit over with for fucks sake. Hedda the Hoarder is such a…fuck you cunt.” She snapped spinning around quickly when she felt something falling out of her wig.
The hushed giggling from the audience turned into a loud eruption of laughter as she stared down the culprit who was grinning mischievously back at her with her hand still hovering mid air.
Adore quickly grabbed another bigger piece from the bag and placed it halfway between her teeth wiggling her eyebrows playfully.
“No.” Bianca broke face and shook her head but Adore didn’t let up. She simply continued wiggling her painted black brows.
Damn this bitch had her wrapped around her finger.
She caved and almost hesitatingly leaned forward biting into the cheesy snack, their lips grazing over each other lightly in the process but Bianca never allowed them to fully touch and give Adore the satisfaction of a kiss.
Which wasn’t easy that’s for shit sure.
They’d been on the Battle of the Seasons tour for about a month and in that time they’ve only had one night off where they could stay in a hotel thus far.
Being in different bunks separate from each other and unable to find any privacy had taken a drastic toll on both.
In the year since Adore, or Danny, had posted the photo of them together and not so subtly announced their relationship to the world they’d only been separated for a few nights. Not being able to touch her love or even share a bed was doing things to her Bianca would rather not speak off.
Once Bianca pulled back after biting into the Cheeto Adore did a quick little victory dance in a small circle.
“Yeah I eat. Okay here we go.” She quipped at the cheering people but when the stickiness of the snack started coating the roof of her mouth making it hard to chew or even speak she had to turn to the back of the stage.
“You okay, babe?” Adore quietly asked behind her.
“Food.” She brushed off the other’s concern and deadpanned smacking her lips. “Here we go.”
When she still couldn’t talk she turned away again trying to contain her own laughter. She saw Adore peering slightly to one side laughing at her. “You fucking look like a poodle eating peanut butter.”
“I’m not use to that.” Bianca started laughing along in the way she usually did right before a shady comment. “We don’t do that when we have money.”
There it was - the shade.
Adore, who was picking up a Cheeto that she failed to catch in her mouth, sprung up like an angry emo meerkat and glared at her popping the dropped treat into her mouth.
She quickly moved on through everyone’s answers and made her way back to the start of the queue at Adore. Eyeing her suspiciously in case she dropped a cheeto on her again before she asked the next question.
“The city of Las Vegas is so queer, the mounted police ride…”
After Adore’s very classy burp for an answer she wiped off her mic against her gown. Milking the moment by pulling a few shady faces and making a comment about never thinking she’d be excited to hear what Manilla had to say as she made her way between the 2 queens.
Just as she started repeating the question to Manilla Adore rested her head on her shoulder sending butterflies through her stomach.
Being out in public in drag still felt oddly taboo despite neither of them ever really shying away from any form of pda when they were out of drag.
She ignored the fluttering in her tummy and continued reading the question off the cardboard cue cards. In the split second before Manilla could answer Adore, with her chin resting on her sequined shoulder, whispered in her ear. “Quick kiss?”
She titled her head slightly for a quick peck just in time for Madonna to answer with Coco Montrese.
“And that was our snatch game our winner tonight is…who the fuck cares!” Bianca shouted after moving through Alaska and Sharon’s last answers as swiftly as possible.
But as she was saying goodbye thanking all the girls a final time she felt something scratchy slide off her shoulder and instinctively shot back already knowing who’s responsible. “Fuck you did you put food on me?”
“3 times.” Adore behind her smiled biting her lip.
“You did not? Party, pizza, it’s cool. Chola.” She channeled her inner Adore as best as possible singsonging random catchphrases as the younger started slowly exiting with the rest.
Bianca’s stare lingered in the bitchiest face she could manage watching the other queens disappearing behind the curtains before she ran back to the front of the stage to go in for the kill.
“I’m traveling with these people for a fucking month, girl. This is fucked up goddammit.” She pointed to the curtains unable to resist throwing in her last bit of shade before she jogged off after the others to go change as well.
“You’re going to have Cheeto hair now.” Adore turned in her heels holding her arms out when she noticed Bianca approaching behind her.
“Don’t do it again cunt.” Bianca snapped waving a finger in front of her face and giving her a quick kiss before shooing her along to the dressing room. “Now back to work. Go, bitch, go.”
“Adore, you ready?”
“Mh-yep.” The tall queen enthusiastically smiled as she skipped towards the big black couch in the little area set aside backstage for the girls to get ready in.
After the show they had to do a casual interview with some people from MTV about being on tour.
It consisted of 4 parts - how to throw shade, what makes a good selfie, high school yearbook awards and then a final one focusing on Adore Delano and her latest album.
The girls were all huddled in a corner watching the interviewer pull Adore to one side, Bianca however was standing so close to the cameraman she was practically closer to him than his shadow.
She warmly greeted the girl half her size already sitting down and the questions began.
“Hi, I’m Lana Cummings here from MTV and I’m here with season 6 finalist of RuPaul’s Drag Race and drag’s pop princess, the ever so lovely Adore Delano.”
Adore held her hand under her chin waving her fingers in true childish Adore fashion. “Meow meow.”
“It feels like this is the most you’ve sat down in the last, I don’t know, year, isn’t it? You’ve been pretty busy.”
“Yeah man, I um, I released my album Whatever last year. And I just finished the first half of my tour and now I’m doing this and when I’m done I’ll probably be going back on tour with my band again. Gotta make that money, money, money though you know?” She singsonged flashing her brightest smiled while fiddling with the zipper on her half zipped onesie with the sleeves tied around her waist.
Adore had untucked and gotten out of her costume the minute that curtain went down as always so when they asked her for the interview she simply slipped into one of Bianca’s onesies and a t-shirt.
“Now, speaking of your tour and the fact that you’re wearing a BDR onesie.” As she spoke Adore’s eyes flicked up at Bianca trying to hide her smile at the sight of the older queen panicking. “You and Bianca Del Rio, winner of season 6 of Drag Race, also announced your relationship last year and have since been labeled the power couple of drag.”
“Apparently, yeah.” Adore flipped some hair off her shoulder.
“I know she’s just as busy, how do you find time to even have a relationship because I mean you seem to be doing very well.”
“A lot of pissed off agents.” Adore started laughing hiding her mouth behind her hand.
“I can imagine, you’re referring to the last leg of your tour I’m assuming? She joined you this time on it, didn’t she?”
“Yeah she did, which has been totally awesome by the way.”
As she was talking about the last year of their relationship Adore started thinking back on all the sacrifices they’ve had to make since.
They had reworked their schedules, adding a few new shows here and there to their individual tours to allow them some time together. It wasn’t easy though, it meant once or twice Bianca would stay in a town for 3 days waiting just so Adore could come perform and they’d spend one night together.
It went on like that for the last 6 months of Bianca’s comedy tour till it finished and she could join Adore full time on the final 2 months of her tour.
Unfortunately that meant they had a very limited time back home to be together, a ‘real couple’, before they joined the rest of their sisters on the BOTS tour.
The real problem was that they were both severe workaholics with an annoying habit of never saying no to a job which was putting a strain on their relationship - physically that is.
2 weeks of no intimacy and Adore was already threatening to jump out of the bus into oncoming traffic.
Luckily for everyone’s sanity, not just the over eager love birds, it was finally an off weekend. They’d get to stay in a hotel for the night after the show before it was on to the next state.
“How has that worked? I mean isn’t she coming out with another movie? And I heard rumors of a book?” The reporter pulled her back from her thinking.
“The movie they had already wrapped filming on when we started touring so that wasn’t really a problem, but it comes out…” She quickly leaned back a little to look at Bianca for an answer. “May 18th! It comes out May 18th. And then yeah, she’s also been like writing a book and has these make up wipes coming out and shit, which are really good! Everyone go buy them. I want to go on a vacation after this.”
Bianca dropped her shaking head into her palm making Adore giggle even more.
“That’s amazing definitely be on a look out there! Back to you a little, you’ve always been very…open, with fans. Very candid. Has that changed since you’ve become public as a couple or how has fans received the news?”
“Um no, I don’t think it’s changed to be honest. I think like a lot of fans are sad because I don’t hook up with them anymore but for the most part everyone’s like, I knew it! I just think my fans are happy that I’m happy.” She smiled at her love proudly watching her, the hint of jealousy Adore was expecting after the hooking up comment twinkling in her eyes. “And that old fuck makes me very happy.”
She wasn’t lying, she was genuinely happy
After coming out to the public and drag fans around the world they’d only gotten closer. Adore had less panic attacks and freak outs about stress and Bianca actually took more time off from work to take care of herself too.
“Because I’m gonna’ die soon and she gets the cash.” Bianca chimed in with a scowl making everyone in the room laugh.
Adore blew her a kiss which she returned with a wink before they continued on with the rest of her interview.
“Well done ladies! Enjoy your free time and I’ll see you lot on the bus first thing in the morning!” Michelle raised her glass of champagne when the crew left and the ladies could all finish becoming themselves again.
The now half dedragged queens all raised their various beverages ranging from a diet coke to vodka and everything in between, everyone enthusiastically clinking them together.
“I cannot tell you how fucking relieved I am to finally get to sleep in a real bed.” Sharon sighed with a hint of laughter coming through when Adore dropped down next to her to finish turning back into Danny.
“Sames though.” The younger queen agreed looking up in the reflection at Bianca who was allowing Courtney to peel off her lashes.
“Well at least you have people to share a real bed with.” Courtney handed Bianca her lashes and looked over at Adore.
“That is true.” Bianca winked at her making the younger blush, seeing her so openly acknowledging their relationship made her heart light.
Getting to be an official couple had turned out even better than Danny had ever hoped it would. Sure Roy was a little ticked off in the beginning about how they - he, did it but that wasn’t long lived.
They spent the majority of the first month or so dealing with their relationship being the only question that would be asked in interviews or meet & greets with fans.
And whenever a fan would spot them together either at a show or just exploring whatever city they were in they’d usually get the same reactions.
“I knew it! Biadore was real!“
“But what about so and so? I thought you’d make a way better ship.”
But they learned to brush it off fairly easily enough and continue on with their daily life. A daily life which Danny now sorely missed.
Being on tour with his friends and now his love was amazing, but he could finally 100% sympathize with why Sharon took Chad everywhere. The few months of touring without his man was torture.
“You done yet?” Roy’s hands on his shoulders knocked him out of his daydreaming.
“Mh-hm.” Danny nodded looking at them both in the reflection now fresh faced again.
“Anyone want to share an Uber?” Aaron asked handing Chad, who’s scrawny arms were already full, another one of his bags.
“We going to the club? That one we passed with the naked trade up front?” Jason, now dressed in his usual club outfit with his 50’s bad boy curl, chimed in.
“Yes, we’ll meet up with you there.” Aaron and Chad both agreed.
“It okay if we sit this one out?” Roy kissed Danny’s cheek.
“You guys don’t mind?”
“You do you.” Courtney shrugged but quickly turned red, “Not like that.”
“Or yes like that.” Jason grinned.
“Fuck you. See you bitches tomorrow.” Roy greeted the other queens off to their night out
They opted to walk back to the hotel instead of sharing the ride with Aaron and Chad so they could take in a bit more of the beautiful European city.
With Roy’s hand in the back pocket of Danny’s saggy grey jeans and the other holding his phone checking through his social media the couple made their way through the busy streets lit up with the locals chattering outside restaurants and bars.
Roy enjoyed moments like these. Simple moments of affection or privacy that every day couples took for granted.
Sure they weren’t Kardashian level famous but still, if they were simply walking around Hollywood like this they’d be stopped by drag fans around ever corner asking for selfies or a moment of their time.
Getting to just be with Danny in peace for once was almost relaxing, especially after nearly 2 years of only getting to sneak around in dodgy club bathrooms.
“Can you believe it’s been a fucking year?” Danny commented, clearly having the same thoughts haunting him. “Like when that reporter mentioned it I was a little like what the fuck for real?”
“Year and a half.”
“Really?” Danny looked at what Roy was scrolling through and saw it was the now infamous selfie he posted. “507 days. Year and some change. Wow.”
“Three years if you count the stuff before that.” Roy casually added.
“I don’t even think I own furniture that old.”
“You regretting your decisions there, Noriega?”
“Nope.” Danny kissed his temple. “I like being with you.”
“Oh yeah? What do you like?” Roy smiled.
“That you make me really good food or like cuddle me every morning instead of letting me get out of bed so I have an excuse to be lazy or late. Or taking bathtubs with me every night. Or throwing the blankie over me when I fall asleep on the couch. Or taking my make up off for me at the end of the night if I’m too loaded.”
Roy watched Danny’s expression soften and his eyes light up as his mind worked out more examples. It was nice to know that Danny felt the same way about him or that he was at least needed.
“Your mom likes me.” Roy added one of his own.
“That’s because you’re the same person.” Danny laughed making Roy blush.
He couldn’t fight the facts, they had the same personality and no bullshit approached to life which made it easy for them to bond fairly quickly. They even called each other once a day to complain to one other either about Danny needing a haircut or if he was eating healthily enough.
Bonnie had welcomed him into their family long before they ever went public. Not to mention when they did she was the first to text them with wedding plans, honeymoon locations, joined names, baby names, matching I heart my daddies outfits for the dogs - everything.
God knows how long she’d been planning all that shit.
“That looks so good.” Danny commented stopping dead in his tracks. Roy looked up from his phone to see what he was drooling at.
He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes when he saw the object of Danny’s admiration was a conveyer belt of pizzas. “Want one?”
Danny nodded enthusiastically running over to the shop and Roy followed behind digging in his backpack for his wallet.
With Danny’s face pressed up against the sneeze guard and Roy hand’s lazily petting his back they went through all the options searching for which looked the best.
“Adore Delano!” They heard a girl behind then yelling in a thick British accent.
“Oh my god! It’s Bianca too!”
“Can we take a picture?” The first girl asked and without really giving them a chance to answer the pair and their friend pulled out their phones.
Danny and Roy looked awkwardly at each other as each girl took a queen by the arm and snapped a shot or two of them all together.
“Thank you so much!” The second girl started squealing looking at her phone already posting the picture.
“Take one of us too?” Danny, as gullibly naive as always, handed one of them Roy’s phone after grabbing it right out of hands.
Danny struck a pose next to the pizza with his elbow resting against the sneeze guard and Roy following his lead just showcased the pizza of Danny’s dreams. He knew there was no use in fighting it anyway.
The girls thanked them for being so gracious and almost as quickly as they appeared they ran away giggling amongst themselves.
As soon as they were out of earshot Danny turned his attention back to the pizzas and pointed at which slice he wanted.
“Really queen?” Roy asked scowling at him when he smiled back at him after ordering.
“Why you mad?”
“Don’t just fucking hand people my phone you idiot.” Roy scolded and quickly payed the man behind the counter, thanking him for posing too when they took the photos.
“I trust my fans.”
“I don’t even trust you.”
“That’s mean. You’re mean.” Danny took an aggressive bite from his treat.
“It good?” Roy wanted to make a shady comment about his childish behavior but the way his face lit up in bliss was just too cute.
“Tho good.” Danny took another big bite and closed his eyes chewing. “I’d thrade your dick for thiths pizza anyday.”
“Oh?” Roy raised a brow taking the pizza away from Danny and helping himself to a bite. “Well then fuck you you can sleep out here tonight.”
“No! I’m sorry, I’ll never disrespect your dick again.” Danny quickly tried taking back what he said embracing Roy.
“No, no. It’s too late. You’ve had your chance.”
“But daddy.” Danny whined pushing his bottom lip out.
“Ugh fine.” Roy rolled his eyes and pushed him off looking for their room key when they approached the hotel lobby. “But I’m topping this time.”
“But you look so cute when I’m topping.”
“Oh now I’m ugly too? Shady cunt.”
“Only when you’re mean.” Danny shrugged.
Roy snorted and pushed him into the elevator. Once the doors behind them shut he pressed Danny up against the wall and grabbed his dick through his pants.
“Careful. You’re not exactly getting in my good books here.” He growled palming him.
“Then you’ll have to fuck me till I learn my place.” Danny moved his hips up to meet Roy’s warm hand, feeling his underwear growing snugger.
Roy reached his hand inside the loose denim hanging around his waist and took hold of the head of Danny’s cock, giving it a squeeze. “You know what today is don’t you.”
“Uh-huh.” Danny nodded hissing softly when Roy’s thumb started stroking the fabric in circles. The friction against the sensitive head of his cock almost painful yet extremely pleasurable.
They heard the door pinging indicating they were approaching their floor and Roy quickly pulled his hand out just in time for the doors to open.
Instead he took hold of Danny’s hand and lead the giggling younger queen to their hotel room struggling to contain his own need for him any longer.
Once they were behind the locked door clothes began viciously flying over heads, starting with Roy’s jacket till only his pants and Danny’s tiny black briefs remained.
Danny got down on his knees to slide down the pesky joggers Roy was wearing that were getting in the way of him and his dick.
The rushed nature of their moment simmered down when their eyes met and something different than arousal ignited inside them both.
“Happy anniversary, my sweet.” The small glimmer in the brown of Roy’s eyes and the soft curving of his dimples around a faint smile as he said it reminded Danny that they didn’t have to worry about being caught anymore.
This was real. It was their anniversary and they were really a real couple. No rushing, no hushed I love yous, no hiding their commitment. It was like they were free.
“Happy anniversary.” Danny stood up and their pumped lips tenderly brushing over each other said the rest for them.
Once he felt Roy’s erection twitch against his Danny sunk back down to the task at hand that was previously interrupted.
Kissing between his hipbones first, savoring every slight quiver of Roy’s body as his lips placed gentle pecks all along the heated tan skin.
Slowly he pulled his boxers down kissing the newly exposed skin as he went till it was finally lowered enough to let his dick free.
Immediately when Roy’s dick sprung up Danny grabbed the head in his mouth making Roy release a very relieved sigh.
His hand stroking him off while his tongue continued lavishing the head with as much affection possible he looked up at Roy watching the lust pooling in his eyes.
With a sneaky smile he flattened out his tongue and trailed his cock along it till he it reached the tip of his tongue and he licked up any pre cum slowly oozing out. Watching Roy’s patience dwindling more each second.
Roy threw his head back when Danny took him in his mouth again, working him in further inch by inch with every pass of his head’s bops.
His painted nails scratching gently along the shivering tan thigh when he took him all in, holding the thick cock down his throat looking up at Roy for approval and the permission to pull back.
“That’s it, good boy.” Roy ran his fingers through his hair before pulling him back up by his jaw to resume their tender make out session. Their tongues leisurely dancing over and around each other as their hands felt up their bodies.
While Roy’s hands were exploring the sides of his slim waist Danny took him by the hand and lead him to the lusher than average hotel bed.
Going to lie down on his back with his hands cupping Roy’s face they drew out the moment for as long as possible. Simply enjoying every second of being together again at last.
Roy hovering over him with his hand snaking along Danny’s torso, his belly and down his inner thigh before traveling back up made the younger shiver with anticipation.
Danny was the first to cave and tear himself away from his lover with a smile before flipping himself over. Resting on his stomach wiggling his ass at Roy telling him exactly what to do without using his words.
Roy tried hiding his slight chuckling at Danny’s eagerness making him grind his hips into the sheets telling him to hurry it up. Instead he took his time pulling Danny’s underwear off caressing his cheeks after discarding the briefs. “I missed this ass. This perfect little impatient ass.”
“I can’t help it, being without you is actual torture. I hate it” Danny whined.
“I know baby.” Roy pulled his cheeks apart just enough to kiss around his entrance.
Danny lifted his ass every time he’d feel his lips against him in an attempt to get him closer to his target.
Eventually Roy couldn’t keep up his teasing any longer and started first by kissing his asshole gently before his tongue went to work. Every time he’d lick around the small pink muscle it made Danny whimper.
His whimpers soon turning lower and lower till they were full blown moans when Roy’s pointed tongue entered him.
“Please.” Danny breathed into the sheets looking back at him. “Your bag I think.”
Roy kissed his ass a final time and quickly reached behind him searching for the bag next to the bed. While he hunted for the lube Danny rotated himself again so he’d be on his back, stroking himself while he waited.
Roy resumed his position over him with his knees resting between his legs. While making out again Roy massaged his hole with his thumb now drenched in heavy pink lube.
Danny brought his legs up against his chest when Roy eventually began lubing himself up as well.
Now simply staring at each other Roy gradually began entering him, watching Danny’s mouth drop open wider the further he pushed himself in.
“You good?” Roy asked as he started rolling his hips very slowly. Barely moving at first to allow Danny’s asshole to adjust again after their 2 weeks of forced celibacy.
“Mh-hm.” Danny nodded running his hands up from his thighs to pull his ass into him trying to get more.
Roy’s shallow thrusting began picking up pace when the tight asshole enveloping him relaxed at last.
Not long after the dimly lit room filled with a symphony of bodies slapping and the joined moans of both men so starved for intimacy finally getting what they most needed.
“Kiss me.” Danny whispered between pants.
Roy bent down to kiss him with as much intensity as his hips slapping into him while his hands on Danny’s ribs kept him pinned down.
With the younger’s legs over Roy’s shoulders he could fully enter him with ease. The force of his body driving every inch of his dick into him not only driving Roy completely wild but also very clearly Danny but the way he was gripping the sheets.
“Harder.” He pleaded closing his eyes. His fingers around the fabric only clenching tighter when his thrusts turned deeper, more forceful as asked.
Knowing exactly how down right evil it would be to tease Danny like this when his orgasm was building up a steady momentum Roy sat back on his knees.
Danny however surprised him by simply opening his legs and with a smile he took matters into his own hands - literally. With a firm grip around his dick he began jerking himself off while a now slightly thrown off Roy added more lube onto his cock.
“Enjoying the view?” Danny raised a smug brow watching Roy following his lead. Stroking himself as well, staring with a somewhat proud expression at the hand jacking himself off.
“You’re so fucking stunning.” Roy praised in a low, hungry voice, running his fingers along Danny’s inner thigh. “And so is your beautiful fucking cock.”
While Roy continued working himself he leaned down into Danny’s spread lap and took as much of his cock into his mouth as possible. “Ah shit…” Danny dropped his head into the pillows when Roy’s well experienced mouth began sucking him off. Hollowing his cheeks as his head bopped in rhythm with his hand.
The way he twisted his head every time his mouth closed back around the tip of his cock before enveloping his entire member only made Danny unbelievably desperate. “Fuck me please. Please, Daddy.”
Roy smirked victoriously for getting him to beg, he knew Danny only called him daddy like that when he was truly unable to contain himself.
Keeping his hands on Danny’s hips to help guide him Roy reinserted himself back into his tight hole.
Being just as impatient as his love at this point he wasted no time in picking up his previous pace immediately, disregarding the body trembling beneath him from the sudden intrusion.
“Oh fuck me.” Danny breathed out, his eyes locked between their bodies to watch his ass getting pounded. “Fuck that’s good.”
“Keep playing with yourself.” Roy instructed and Danny happily obliged still jerking himself off. “Good boy.”
Fueled by the guttural moans coming from the younger Roy’s shallow thrusting quickly morphed into deep deliberate strokes, hammering himself balls deep into his ass as he began feverishly kissing his neck again.
Gnawing at the heated skin below his jaw, at the spot he knew all to well could turn Danny into jelly in mere seconds.
“I’m going to cum.”
“When?” Roy’s nails dug into the soft skin of his hips allowing him to pick up the tempo of his movements again. “Soon.”
“Tell me when.” When Danny didn’t respond Roy pulled his attention back to him with his fingers digging into his chin so he could look straight into his hooded hazel eyes. “Answer me.”
Danny nodded, unable to form words from the tightness in his abdomen growing unbearable. He lifted his head up so they could kiss again as he pushed him back slowly into a seated position without ever letting his cock slip out.
Roy leaned back with his hands holding onto the sheets behind him as Danny took over, bouncing vigorously onto his lap desperate to finally climax.
The head now buried in Roy’s shoulder and teeth biting into whatever flesh it could find leaving red teeth marks all along his collarbone and up his neck was enough to tell Roy exactly what was about to happen even before his warning.
“Babe.” Danny cried.
Roy hastily pushed him off onto his back and lunged between Danny’s legs to take his cock in his mouth before it was too late.
Danny instinctively grabbed hold of his short black hair with both hands, bucking his hips up to shoot his load down Roy’s throat with a final few high pitched grunts.
“That’s it.” Roy praised squeezing the tip of Danny’s still pulsing cock to work out the last of his cum careful not to let any go to waste.
The gorgeous view from where he was sitting was nearly enough to make him bust his load right then and there as well.
He still couldn’t fathom how the gorgeous young man on his back, squinting through slightly glossed over eyes with his puffy plump lips wide open was really his.
Roy let go slowly of his cock licking the last remnants of his orgasm off his lips when Danny brought his hand down to caress his cheekbone with the back of his knuckles.
“Roy. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Roy smiled and began attempting to make his way back up Danny’s body when the younger stopped him.
“Wait,” Danny pushed himself up with shakey limbs and rolled over. Playfully wiggling his round ass in front of Roy’s face again. “Show me.”
“You still good for more?” Roy asked giving the bubbly ass a good hard spank.
“Always.” Danny bit his lip.
“Up against the wall.”
Danny obeyed and scooted on his knees over to the headboard with his hands resting above it as Roy reinserted himself behind him.
“I really do love you, so so much.” Roy emphasized every word with a bite along his nape. Covering the orange butterfly tattoo with small kisses as he resumed his thrusting.
Showing Danny exactly how much he needed him with every rapid slap of his body against his. His arms clinging around his waist as tightly as the pressure was building between his legs.
“I want you to cum inside me.” Danny whispered looking back at him.
His seductive words sent straight electricity down Roy’s spine. His hand held Danny’s head up exposing his reddened neck both from his arousal and the hickeys already forming on it.
“Dirty fucker.” He breathed against one of the faded bruises from their first night in a hotel on tour before clamping onto the skin again.
“Mmh your dirty fucker.” Danny mused licking his top lip.
“You are mine.” Roy said softer, the nature of his words and the heavy slams against his ass contrasting each other.
“I am. I’m yours, only yours my beautiful Willow.” He whispered against his lips as they met once again. The arm stretched behind him caressing the back of his head.
“Let me look at you.” Roy instructed pulling out again giving his ass a hard slap. “Back. Now.”
Both now back in their starting position again Danny scratched his nails into his ass making Roy hiss as he slid into him again.
He pulled him forward so he could look into his eyes holding onto either sides of his jaw.
“You gonna cum for me?” Danny bit onto Roy’s lip.
“Fuck yeah.” Roy breathed out into his mouth when his orgasm continued building closer as fast as he was pummeling into him.
“Cum for me baby.”
Danny’s sultry words of encouragement alone were enough for Roy to be pushed over the edge he’s been trying so hard to keep himself away from.
“Oh…fu…” Roy groaned pounding himself balls deep into his young lover again a final time when he gave into his orgasm. Shooting his load into Danny’s ass.
His limbs began trembling struggling to keep himself upright when his much awaited climax hit him like a ton of bricks.
While coming down from his orgasmic high he kept himself steady by focusing just on kissing those lips he loved, letting himself grow limp inside him before he pulled out and rolled over next to him.
“You’re secretly such a cock whore I love it.” Danny snickered wiping some leftover cum from earlier off Roy’s chin.
“Pot meet kettle.” Roy slapped his chest in retaliation. “Now go clean up.”
Danny gave him a very offended look which was made keeping a straight face at nearly impossible for Roy. “You made the mess you clean it, and because you’re so bossy you can call room service.”
“Hey I’m not doing all the work, you lazy bitch.” Roy rolled off the bed and walked over to where he threw their bags earlier. Digging through his backpack for his glasses case. “Besides,if you don’t cook or clean you won’t exactly make very good wife material.”
“Whatever.” Danny rolled his eyes throwing a pillow at Roy.
He took his glasses out and threw the other contents they hid from the girls in the small blue case out on the bed next to Danny before he went into the bathroom to get them a cloth.
After cleaning off the so called ‘mess’ he made Roy sat back against the headboard. Danny was resting against his chest with Roy’s arm protectively around him and their fingers intertwined.
Danny lifted their clasped together hand examining their woven fingers before smiling up at Roy kissing him softly. “Happy 6 months, bossy.”
“Happy 6 months, my love.” Roy tilted his head smiling into his lips kissing him back.
“Should we tell?” Danny held their hands up in front if them, admiring the way the lamp’s soft glow hit the gold around their fingers just right making it sparkle. “Husband.”
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