#idk like ny brain just has to stop me from doing it
cynicallyneutral · 2 months
anyone else start doing smth and it turns out fun and then ur brain is like,,,whoa this is awesome and therefore u should stop doing it and save the fun for later
except later never comes…
it’s like ur brain treats fun as an investment and therefore by doing it later, it will double the fun or something
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garf-lover96 · 5 months
my long ass elaborate ranking of Will Wood's (and The Tapeworms') albums!! (Everything is a Lot ranking list)
for the purpose of making this i've been listening to this whole album like non stop for the past week. i even made my parents listen to it with me (my mom liked it and said that she'd go to see the songs live if she could!). it was actually pretty difficult to rank all of them but i think the top 3 will remain unchanged forever, they're some of my all time favorites from will wood!! the way i'll do this i think is i'll write down all the things i like about a particular song, maybe a favorite lyric and a favorite moment or something. or just some general rambling. also i split Everything is a Lot into Everything is a Lot and Destroy to Enjoy, like in the remastered album!
1. Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones)
first time i heard this song was over a year ago so i can't tell what my exact first impression was but it did almost immediately become my favorite song ever. I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT'S INSANE. also fun fact, memberoflottiescult really likes this song!
my main thing with this song is that it sounds like?? you know, bones?? it sounds like skeletons. the melody is like something a skeleton would've come up with. i can't explain it but it is hearable. best song ever
2. 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro / Con)
it was one of the first will's songs i've ever liked on spotify. ughhhh the energy, the general mashing of the piano and it sounding like it's about to fall apart any second lol!! the high ass notes. perfect, so perfect. i was listening to this song while purchasing a meter long plush goose. the song is like a brother to me
my favorite part is the spoken "am i being detained? am i under arrest? read me my rights please! I WANT MY PHONECALL" it's uhfhdfhkf. showstopping
3. White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off?)
it took me exactly one (1) full listen to this one to absolutely fall in love with it, holy fuck. one of the best things i've ever heard. every time it's on i have to loop it a few times
my favorite parts are the "i wonder how i woke up in the middle of my surgery and i watched them botch my heart. only the second worst thing that i could've thought was 'this won't have to end if it doesn't start'" and "i'll never know what it's like to love you" because ummm???? the emotion in his voice omfg, i love it when this happens. it's so perfect (reminds me of julian devorak..........)
4. Lygerside Daydream
had me hooked after the first listen as well. i love the melody and i love how the lyrics are written here. i, too, want to blow the seeds of dandelions and wish for nothing more. such a sweet sound. one of my favorites as well. nice to daydream to, ha!!!
5. Front Street
idk how to explain this but the pace of the song, like the way the lyrics are sung is so satisfying. just the sentence structure and stuff.. uhhh i really don't know how to describe this, but i love it a whole lot. the piano melody here is amazing as well it so???? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW it's just good
6. The First Step
so nice to sing along to!!! "and i hope i don't choke on my vomit tonight" and "take my anxiety and my sobriety, i'll kill two birds with one stoner. so if you see me please, take my keys i don't wanna be an organ donor" are my favorite parts:3 so satisfyingly said
7. Chemical Overreaction / Compound Fracture
one of my first ones too i'm pretty sure. the chorus really pulled me in. fast and fun. i think i showed it to my godfather once. the spanish part scratches my brain so good
8. Cover This Song (A Little Bit Mine)
very nice to sing along to as well. i love the melody on the very first verse. i love the part with the piano solo so much
9. Everything is a Lot
i love the melody sooooooo much, "all the moments you've lost, all the money it cost" part is my favorite. shouldn't be overlooked!!!!!
10. Red Moon
i had to come around to it a bit but i actually love it. love the "the constellations form infinite paisleys in the sky" part, such a nice sound. satisfying lyrics in general
11. Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq. G.F.D.
nice to listen to when i want to have something screaming into my ears. loooove the fact that liar liar was sampled in the beginning, i really like that movie. i used to be obsessed with jim carrey also. i binged pretty much all of his movies as a little lad
12. Jimmy Mushrooms' Last Drink: Bedtime in Wayne, NJ
the kalimba kind of bothered me initially but i got used to it. i enjoy the melody. don't have much to say about it
13. ¡Aikido! (Neurotic / Erotic)
it's not horrible by any means, it just kind of doesn't do it for me. i usually skip it
14. Destroy to Enjoy
satisfying rhymes, i prefer not to listen to construction work as a past time
this took so long to put together, i kept forgetting about it or rearranging it...
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
New Cast Announced for Spinoff
I have no idea how I found all of this but I thought you guys would like to see it.
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Somehow I ended up on a Tweeter site (I'm not on Twitter) you guys might want to check it out. Norman Reedus Network.
The Screencast one has the actors with character names which is very helpful to us I think.
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I don't see a character named Camila on here that had a pizza wrist scar box from the other day. Reading a lot into that. Please correct me if you guys see it anywhere and I'm just missing it.
Oh, Dary does have his vest and leg wraps in the spin-off.
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Interesting sweater it reminds me of the CRM.
Nice catch!!
Interesting that Clemence Poesie is playing a character named Isabelle. Another character name repeat. I think the other one spells it Isobel but it’s still the same name.
Yes that is interesting isn't it.
Also it’s worth noting that these are all French actors. We haven’t heard anything about any Americans or “familiar faces,” which didn’t Gimple say he’s be running into some characters who have been “lost”?
A connection between Fear an DD spin-off
I think lots of ppl speculated Heath. I think he might run into Hope and Terry Ellis. Just speculation based on the dialogue in the WB coda, in which the scientist woman mentions the word “hope” like four times and has a whole folder to TB Ellis papers on her hard drive.
Norman has said it and probably Gimple.
I also think Beth will be there but I’m biased lol
And you have us as company.
I literally cannot wait all the way until May for Fear
Again you have company on that one too.
I'm trying to not hope to see Beth but part A of Fear is still set a few years (maybe 6) years behind TWD so she could be anywhere in present time. Like France. My understanding is Fear part B will have a time jump to the present.
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All the French stuff makes me want to go back to Davon. I know we went after that one pretty hard but I was super postpartum when that came out and like I need to watch it again with a level head. French speaking characters and actors, missing children, main character is a fish out of water trying to find his way back to his family, falls for a girl who plays piano, PPP card, mysterious green bleach liquid/sulfuric acid in a bucket, facial dismemberment (re:Dwight). Just so much there.
Agreed. Do you remember the name of the main female character?
Nora is the love interest and Amanda is the one who dies
Arnaud is the young man who kills the child
Also another weird probably poppies reference in the sweeties that Arnaud gives the kids. Probably an opioid sedative, which becomes a Wizard of Oz thing.
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Also this is kind of a stretch, but I read recently that the episode Davon was originally called “Acadia,” as in the former French colony of Acadia, which is where Madawaska is located in Maine, along with places in Canada. When I looked that up, I learned that there are also Acadians in southern/French Louisiana, which is referred to as Acadiana.
Acadians are now just commonly called Cajuns. That dude in “Nebraska” mentions that he heard the Coastguard is “sitting in the gulf,” sending ships to the islands. Possibility we meet French ppl in the gulf, in Fear? Or Acadians who speak Creole languages, or French. Idk just an association I made because my brain can’t stop lol. There is so much in terms of associations right now, with Fear being where it’s at, and Gimple poaching from early seasons to plant entire plot arcs.
Iris from Nebraska also wants to go to the Louvre. Hope is with with Dr. Ellis in NY. Daryl is in France. Kids are missing. What is going onnnn...?
Now my mind is spinning with possibilities.
I know the feeling lol
I had forgotten about the Cajuns guy from s2 Nebraska. Great catch. I remember that there was a lot of western objects in the bar.
Another one on the list to rewatch for the twentieth time.
Also forget that Emily is from Nebraska, certainly a coincidence but not one that tptb will let go to waste
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I'm also thinking about Daryl and Beth setting the moonshine on fire using a stack of $20 Andrew Jackson bills. Andrew Jackson was the commander of the Battle if New Orleans in the war of 1812. Another of many French connections.
Yes good catch!! Now I’m just thinking about all the possibilities…
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erectedingold · 6 days
Life Update
Writing this on my phone, think i might rn getting a little sick 😓
but lots going on rn, started school & tbh as i get older i realize school ain’t that bad bro! im so thankful for my classes & i dropped a science class cause fuck science i hate that shit SO MUCH. but when i was doing that i mentioned in my email to my guidance counselor the college im wanting to go to & she says to me “you probably won’t get in your gpa isn’t there & your SAT scores aren’t there as well, maybe check out *college*”
first of don’t talk to me like that. i know academically i am far from great but my talent & ambition outweighs ALL of that. never tell an artist they can’t go to an art school they deadass don’t even have math classes there dude like who tf do you think you are? i know my talent & what i can & cannot do so don’t doubt me ever again bitch LMAO. second don’t tell me where YOU think i should go. like please. i am being so fr don’t ever tell me where i belong because ill go where i want. so watch yourself the next time you talk to me.
that whole interaction ruined my day. my whole life i’ve been doubted but i know who i am & what i can do.
but i wrote my essay & it’s amazing, & now im gonna get 2 letters of recommendation from my teachers. one from my english teacher & the other from my business teacher. then i got 2 open responses i need to write for & then i can send my applications. if i don’t get into this school im applying for in boston idk what ima do tbh, im applying to one in NY & one in NYC but like fuck bro i’d rather one here in boston especially when i have friends here. also applying to one in california 😴
but back to school, i think the older i get the more i realize how EASY shit is, my math is easy, my english is easy, intro to psychology easy, history is a joke, & my related class is easy. it’s just managing time in the class room like damn it makes me annoyed that my senior year of high school i don’t have anxiety with school anymore 😭 is what it is though that just makes this year easier for me 🙏
my new film is dropping tomorrow i’m really nervous for it i’ll be honest idk why, im afraid of it getting NO views but also it doesn’t matter it’s my art & im proud of it 😴 it don’t matter what anyone thinks because i do it for me 🤷 i make art because creating makes me feel alive. that’s what i do it for, i make because its second nature to me, it’s like breathing i don’t think about to at all it comes so naturally to me & im truly blessed to have my brain this way.
i hope everyone who views it can feel the passion though 🙏
I’m also not taking any disrespect anymore, i’ve been on my journaling shit & some more self development. i’m going to start reading more because i want to be a better writer & also expose myself to more challenging material. i’ve been watching more international films which has been on my list for a while, subtitles aren’t that scary guys! enjoy the art made around the world never let a language barrier stop you from that.
but also finally just more self discovery on my end & solidifying my boundaries whether people like it or not because i will NOT allow myself to be disrespected in my one life. idgaf if it’s just “jokes” because my perception is my reality & if your joke is disrespectful then shut the fuck up 🤷 i also won’t be giving my energy to people who don’t match or or appreciate me. you don’t deserve me. there some people who i show nothing but kindness & give the biggest helping hand to when needed & i don’t get that energy back so guess what im not trying anymore because you’re not worth my time. simple as that.
i’m not going to give pieces of myself to people who no longer deserve it. i know that i always have good intentions & share my kindness always & i will no longer allow myself to be a doormat. people have mistaken my kindness for weakness & i won’t let them mistake it anymore.
i don’t have to have everyone like me or respect me so boom if you don’t get out of my life i don’t need you because when i look in the mirror i love myself & respect myself & that’s all i need. as long as you have yourself you have somebody.
i’m also cutting out some bad habits that i started that have been damaging to myself. i deserve better because i love me.
i am proud of me & who i’m becoming. ive been making big changes this year & im telling you 2025 will be the year of diego. im manifesting it.
but yeah i’ve been getting closer with my dawg nathan much respect & love to him always. amazing & talented filmmaker who is my best friend dude & im happy me & him have gotten closer recently. we both got broken up with around the same time & we’ve talked like everyday since dude, the universe has plans for us. we’re gonna be great i can feel it.
&& speaking of universe that’s another thing. the universe has a plan for everyone including you reading 🙏 if you feel lost something will happen to bring you onto the right track of self discovery & self love. keep going even when it’s hard because the reward will be great. i have full trust that everything i manifest will come to life & i’ll reach all my goals.
thank you for reading this blog post, lots of changes in my life & i am human & experiencing & living & breathing & feeling emotions. thankful for my mind.
- Diego Muñoz
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censoredsecret · 1 year
Can I get a read more in here pls why is this so hard on mobile
Tw for Daddy issues related to mental illness, addiction, divorce and death
Yeah you know what I can’t believe my fucking dad who was there for my birth didn’t consider me worth getting a grip on his mental health issues when he had care in all places for him, which also led him to not stay clean or sober
My mom had to leave his ass to get away from that shit and keep me and my sib not to see how bad he was plus he was taking out money of her bank account and stealing money and cards shed hidden in the house and had cameras watching him to see him do it….
Yet he tried to be in our lives still bc of how much I loved him and he came down and tried to get better but then he was asking me for gas money and I didn’t want my mom and stepdad to know so I would give him some from my allowance/studies I did for childhood anxiety that’d pay me for literally crying my eyes out every night thinking of him and going through the worst separation anxiety in my life
He stopped being okay. He disappeared. He didn’t have any good advocates or he didn’t listen to them and lost their help. I wish he’d get better. But he’s already so far gone. But he sounds so seeet and loving and he was asking money from me and my sib again when we got back in touch years later and I was going to invite him to ny wedding but I felt like he must be doing something to abuse his money which his funds handler was managing for him for his own sake and he’d spend it on anything but shelter…. Why wouldn’t he stay somewhere. Why. Why, why when he has the money from social security to pay for everythigg is he asking me to help him pay for a hotel bc he doesn’t have an apartment anymore bc bc bc bc it’s the guys fault every time or they haven’t done anything to help them and didn’t listen to him but yet he can sit there and talk all day about himself on the phone and I know he knows how to make himself heard so I can’t tell anymore what’s the truth or lies from him does he even love me enough to stay in touch because once I didn’t invite him to the weddigg n and didn’t want to keep giving him money and set my boundaries but said I’d like to be friends and work this relationship out and come see you sometime and he’s ghosting me now. Maybe he can’t afford a phone on whatever budget plan he seems to be doing….
There’s the honest possibility that a lot of this is bc he didn’t get the right help at the right times or he doesn’t have the right resources or the right resources are ableist and classist so it’s not helping more than hurting and wow I just don’t know anymore how to be healthy and have s relationship with this man who I think of so much now and wonder if he’s sitting there depressed because he can’t be my dad and so he’s driven further into self destructive behavior and addiction
I’m going to have to ask him one day. Before he dies, and I lose the chance. I’m already grieving my step dad dying from cancer in front of me as I stayed away for uni and had to watch his suffering st the very end…. It was so much and this man isn’t even trying to console me for it not once and my mom was the one I called and she was always there for everything even after my stepdad and her divorced and after she got sober after many relapses and I just….. she is so strong. She is working so hard. She’s struggled with addiction since she was a teen. Why didn’t he get a grip. He had a wife and kids and a great job and ptsd and bipolar and it wasn’t in him to get a grip enough to stay in our lives…
Why can’t I even remember why he stopped being in our lives. He used to pick me up for softball. He was there for middle school then for my sickness during sophomore year and then idk… idk what happened after that. Is that my brains way of helping me, or just me honestly not caring enough. I’d detached so much of my love of him from me that it hurts so much to dip into ever again. Meanwhile I would trade time with him for time with my stepdad—my real dad.
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Perfect 1 shot idea (i read though your previous posts and agree with everything~) Marinette doesn't go to NY hangs with Luka and Kagami. I bet being with them will give her the clarity she needs! Idk about you but if i need clarity about something i like to be away from whatever it is. Then I'm not distracted or conflicted and can figure out how i FEEL and just dissect everything.
Sitting on the sidewalk and resting against a wall, Luka panted, thoroughly out of breath. Marinette, meanwhile, returned from her brief trip to the store, a bottle of cold water in hand that she promptly handed to him. He glanced up at her, then let out a soft, “Thanks,” unscrewing the cap and downing roughly half the bottle in one go. She could only nod at the gratitude, sitting next to him to wait out his exhaustion.
Luka exhaled in relief at the cold liquid going down his throat, then cast a regretful gaze to his bike, which was parked nearby. Sighing, he murmured, “I...I’m sorry, Marinette. I--” He choked briefly on nothing. “--I couldn’t... catch up to the bus.”
“No, it’s okay!” Marinette assured. “You did your best! Um--”
She turned, pulling her luggage to her and digging inside. She pouted at the lack of content that fit the current situation, but ultimately settled on a portable fan that fit comfortably in her hand and was full on power.
Zipping her luggage back up, she slid closer to Luka, turning the fan on and directing it towards his face. He looked briefly surprised at the sudden cool air, then chuckled at the fan and offered her a grateful smile.
She smiled back, though her eyes drifted away to where the bus had previously been. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed; after all, even regardless of Adrien, she’d very much wanted to go on the trip.
She dropped her gaze to her lap, her free hand gripping at the fabric of her capris. The memory of the bus getting away from her hurt, but not quite as much as the questions in her head.
Was this how it was always going to be? Her chasing after Adrien, friendship or otherwise, just to fail over and over again? Was it even worth it? She’d worked so hard to get Adrien on the bus just for none of her friends to work to get her onto it.
Well... none, except for one.
Marinette turned to Luka, who was eyeing her with concern. She smiled at him, briefly setting the fan aside so she could throw her arms around his waist and press herself against his chest..
“M-marinette?” he called, stiffening at the motion.
“Thanks, Luka,” she whispered. “Thanks for always looking out for me.”
He didn’t respond at first, but before she could worry that the hug was excessive, his hand came to rest on her back, returning the hug.
“You’re welcome, Marinette. You deserve it,” he whispered in return. His fingers briefly twitched against her back, followed by him asking, “What are you going to do about New York?”
She faked a scoff. “I don’t need New York! I can still have fun here, with you!” She paused, pushing off his chest as she realized, “Oh! And Kagami! It’s been forever since we’ve hung out! I should go call her!”
She was about to get up to retrieve her phone, but stopped as she glanced back at Luka, his breathing still noticeable. Her gaze wandered to her hands on his chest, after which she plopped back down, returning to their former hug.
“But... I’ll worry about it later, once you rest up,” she assured, “Your heart’s still beating fast from biking so hard.”
She heard a weak hum of acknowledgment from above her. “...Yeah.”
Had she looked up, she would’ve seen him blushing.
Marinette shifted uncomfortably at the entrance to the park, looking left and right in anticipation. “Do you think she’ll really show up?”
Luka placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Did she say she would?”
“Yeah, but she sounded... off? I don’t really know. She just didn’t seem that happy, which--I-I mean, she kind of already has this kind of monotone so I don’t think anyone can tell normally but--” She stopped herself, then nudged him. “Maybe you’re just rubbing off on me.”
He grinned. “I don’t think she has any reason to be mad at you, Marinette. Adrien wanted to go, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, but I’m sure she wanted Adrien to stay.” She slumped. “And it’s not like I can blame her or anything, since she would’ve been all alone if I’d made it to the bus. It was just, Adrien seemed so sad about his father, and--”
“No, you’re right,” a voice interrupted.
Marinette jerked her head up, gaping as she saw Kagami standing a small distance away. She looked around, noticing how unsurprised Luka seemed - had he stayed quiet on purpose? - then turned her attention back to Kagami. “U-um, what?”
Though her gaze was firm and serious as it always was, there was a sadness in her voice. “Adrien had no interest in staying with me. I couldn’t even get him to smile like he usually would.” Her head dropped to face the ground as she continued, “It’s for the best. Had he stayed behind, he likely would’ve kept thinking about how badly he wanted to go. I didn’t want that for him.”
Marinette fidgeted, unable to help feeling bad regardless of how right Kagami would’ve been. She glanced at Luka for a quick boost of reassurance, his eyes giving her an encouraging look.
She took a breath, steeling herself up, then turned her attention back to Kagami and walked towards her.
“Well... I’m glad you’re here,” she exclaimed, “because it means we can hang out!”
Kagami glanced up at her, a brow raising in confusion. Marinette could tell that things were awkward, but forged on nonetheless.
“We can have fun without Adrien! And then--” She paused to wrack her brain for possibilities, then spread her arms out. “... and then you can tell Adrien about everything we did! Yeah, and he’ll regret ever leaving you to go to New York!”
She wasn’t sure exactly how convincing she looked, but she knew it wasn’t much, not helped by the fact that she was surrounded by the two most observant people she knew. She could only stand there, looking as confident as possible while Kagami gave her the blankest stare imaginable.
Then, suddenly, Kagami brought a hand to her mouth, stifling a hint of what may’ve been a chuckle. She stood straight, tilting her head to the side in mild amusement. “Very well. We’ll try your idea.”
Marinette blinked, somewhere between excited and surprised. “R-really?”
Kagami nodded. She then cast her gaze over to Luka, who approached and offered her a polite nod as a greeting.
“I don’t think we’ve ever talked before,” Luka observed.
Kagami confirmed, “We haven’t.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
She looked him up and down, then squinted slightly. “I don’t know you well enough to say that yet.”
He didn’t look at all offended by the comment, merely shrugging as if to say, “that’s fair.”
Marinette glanced back and forth between the two, then brightened. Grabbing one of Kagami’s hands and one of Luka’s, she stood proudly in the middle and exclaimed, “Okay! Who’s up for orange juice?” She peeked over at Luka specifically. “Luka, when me and Kagami became friends, we stopped at a place for orange juice and it was so good! Did I ever tell you?”
He shook his head, but smiled, and Kagami’s expression assured that the new topic was welcome.
With that, the conversation became casual, and Marinette led the two along the sidewalk to the place she was speaking of.
Maybe not going to New York would be a blessing in disguise after all.
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irelanddesires · 3 years
Ny Början- Chapter 1
Pairing:  André Burakovsky x reader
Warnings: Fluff, eventual smut, hockey violence, domestic violence (in the beginning), idk probs more.
Summary:  With the help of a group of unsuspecting heroes you are saved from a toxic relationship. One of your saviors goes above and beyond anything you could ask for. A friendship is forged and after awhile feelings happen. Could ths be your happy ending? 
A/N: Hi I’m trash and this idea has rolled around in my head for w e e k s. I’ve played hockey for a really long time and the Avs are my team... Burky happens to be my hockey crush so I figured I would share this. IDK what it is but this challenged me a lot and I can’t write a guys perspective to save my life ffs. Dialogue is hard my doods. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think! 
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Going to the club was the last thing you wanted to do. Between working two jobs and trying to stay on top of your classes it didn’t leave much free time and you didn’t want to spend that sparse time dealing with drunk people and loud music. Your boyfriend, Matthew, had insisted that this was exactly what you needed after the week you had. At this point you both had been there long enough to see friends call it a night and you were pretty sure that Matthew was one drink away from making a fool out of himself. 
“Matt, can we please go?” you asked, hoping that he would finally agree. 
“Loosen up! We never get to spend time together. Let’s enjoy this!” he practically yelled. 
“We’ve been here long enough. It’s late and I have an early shift tomorrow.” you urged. At this point you wanted to go home, get out of this dress and crawl into bed. Nothing at this bar held your attention. Matt’s had grabbed your arm, his face inches from yours.
“I said no. We’re not going anywhere. I’m not finished here.” he ground out. 
The look on his face left little room for argument and was quite scary. Matt was usually a nice guy, the perfect boyfriend, but after drinking he could become a totally different person. Matt had never hit you but the emotional toll it took on you could be just as painful as a physical blow. After the week you’ve had of working 12-14 hour days just to come home and clean before passing out just to do it all over again made you throw all caution to the wind. You wanted to go home for fucks sake, not be here. 
You snached your arm from his grip, looking him in the eyes, “I’m tired, I’m going home. You can stay if you want but I’m not.” 
Before he could say anything you spun on your heels and marched out the side door that led to a less busy street. You hoped this would give you some peace and quiet as you ordered your Uber. Just as you tapped the app to get an Uber the door behind you swung open. Matt stumbled through the doorway and onto the sidewalk with you. 
“You can’t leave me,” he said. 
“Matt, I’m going home to sleep. I don’t care what you do.” 
“I said no!” he roared. Before you could comprehend what was happening your head snapped back and you were pushed against the outside wall of the bar. The brick dug into your skin as you tried to struggle against the hands holding you there. 
“Why don’t you ever listen to me you bitch.” he said as his fingers dug into your throat, “If I tell you to do something you fucking do it!” 
Panic seized your chest as his hands circled around your throat. The throbbing in your head forgotten about as your fight or flight instincts kicked in. You tried to kick him as hard as you could but it seemed like he wasn’t phased at all by it. Your hands grabbed onto his, your fingernails digging into his skin trying to get any distance between his hands and your throat. Just as spots began to dance around your vision the same door you both had exited from swung open and a group of people spilled out. 
Before you could try and scream for help one of them turned around and spotted you. His face went from relaxed and playful to murderous in seconds. You didn’t have time to gather your thoughts before he was charging both of you, shoving Matt off of you. You fell to the ground in a pile, your muscles felt like jello but your brain screamed at you to run. Looking up at the situation happening in front of you all you could see was the back of the stranger that had come to your rescue. His friends had caught on quick and made it over to stand around you too, like shields between you and Matt,  as you gathered yourself. 
“Is there a problem?” One of them said, the voice sounded like it came from the one that had charged Matt but your brain couldn’t comprehend everything that was happening. 
Matt stumbled to his feet before looking at the mystery men. “Mind your business” he slurred. 
“I don’t think so. You want to get to her, you have to go through us.” a voice called out. 
For a moment it looked like Matt was considering it. His eyes scanned each guy before landing on you. 
“This isn’t over you fucking bitch!” he yelled before turning around and making his way back into the bar. 
The door didn’t have time to shut all the way before one of your saviors crouched down in front of you. His hazel eyes searched your face, “ Are you okay?” he asked 
As much as you wanted to tell him your entire body felt weighed down, you bit back your weakness,
 “I’m fine.” you said as you began to try and stand. It took a couple tries to get your feet under you. You tried to use what energy you had to stand, you were nearly there when your legs went to give out. Hands caught you around your waist and pulled you the rest of the way up. 
“You don’t look fine” the mystery man said and he held onto you, carrying the majority of your weight. “Look, let me get you somewhere safe and I can take you home”
You looked at him, searching his face for dishonesty. At this point you figured that someone, or a group of people, that came to your rescue surely couldn’t be bad people. You silently agreed for his help with a nod of your head. 
The rest of the time you spent with the group of them went by in a blur. They all talked amongst themselves in whispers, every now and then you caught words. At one point you caught the name “André” and you assumed this was the name of the guy holding you up. Before long a car pulled to the curb and your stranger opened the door for you before helping you inside. None of the other guys followed so you assumed they were getting their own Uber. 
The ride was silent for a few moments before his voice broke through, “I’m André by the way” 
“I didn’t know where you would want to go so I figured you could come to my place and then decide what you want to do,” he said. 
You looked at him and nodded, whispering a “thank you” as you settled into the seat. You shouldn’t feel comfortable about going home with a guy you just met outside a bar but for some reason you felt safe with him. He gave off a genuine arua of concern and wanting to help. Before you could think about it too much your world faded to black and you let your exhausted and battered body rest. 
Having a night off from hockey was rare. What was even more rare was being able to have a guys night with some of the team. Most of the time when games weren’t being played or practice were being held, everyone would go their own ways. Some would spend time with their significant other, some would spend time alone or some would visit family if the break was long enough. 
Tonight a few of us had decided to let loose and bar hop across Denver. Usually this time of year the weather was starting to get cooler which made bar hopping more of a chore. Tonight however, the weather was perfect which gave us plenty of reason to have some fun. 
The first bar we went to was picked by Miko. He said this was the best bar in Denver with the hottest chicks so more than a few in our group were eager to get there. 
The outside of the building was modern with sleek black walls and the walls that weren’t stone were see-through glass. Through the windows we could see people dancing with lights strobing through the air.
 We quickly made our way inside and were ushered to a VIP section, one of the many perks of playing professional sports was getting recognized when out since it usually led to getting a more private area. The captain of the team was with us so of course we were bound to be recognized. 
We all bounced around from group to group chatting and drinking. Some of the guys had found partners to dance with while the rest of us just hung out. Time passed and we all were eventually some level of intoxicated, some more than others. Nate brought up the idea of heading to the Pur, a rooftop bar with a chill atmosphere. A group of us thought that was a great plan. The constant bass and flashing lights got old as the night wore on. 
The five of us; Gabe, Nate, Miko, Gru and myself headed toward the back door. We hoped we could escape quietly and back doors were usually best for doing that. 
The heavy door swung shut behind us as we spilled into the cool Denver night. A noise caught my attention, turning my head to see who else was out here, I was met with a scene I wasn’t expecting. A man had a woman pinned to the side of the building. Her feet dangled off of the ground and her hands gripped his that were circling around her throat. Time seemed to stop and instinct took over as I rushed to them. Before I could comprehend what I was doing my fist was sailing through the air, connecting with the man's face before he fell to the ground. The girl slumped to the side of the building in a heap. Concern for her swam through my body but I knew this guy had to leave before I could help her. 
The man stumbled to his feet. By now the guys had joined me, putting ourselves between the pair. 
“Is there a problem?” Gave asked
“Mind your business” the man mumbled. 
Rage burned through my body and it took everything in me to not pummel this guy. 
“I don’t think so.” I called out. 
The man took a moment. His eyes scanned each one of us. He must have eventually decided he was outnumbered and didn’t want to take his chances. 
“This isn’t over you fucking bitch!” He yelled before stumbling through the door we had just come out of. Relief flooded me now that we didn’t have a fight on our hands. A whimper from behind me had me turning and dropping to my knees. 
“Are you okay?” I asked. My eyes scanned over her checking for major injuries. Her breathing hitched as she tried to push herself up to stand. Halfway up her legs seemed to give way. Before she could tumble to the ground I grabbed her, hauling her to her feet and holding as much of her weight as I could. 
Her hands tangled in my shirt holding on for dear life. There’s no way she would be able to make it home and I didn’t trust leaving her like this with a stranger. Looking around the group of guys, Gabe was the first to speak up. 
“What’s your plan? Get an Uber?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I think I will take her to my place. I have a spare room she can sleep in and she can figure out something in the morning” 
The guys nodded in agreement. No one wanted to leave her alone right now. Especially not with her angry boyfriend, or ex boyfriend I hope, on the loose. 
“I’ll get you guys an Uber,” Gru piped up. 
“Thanks” I muttered, turning my attention back to the girl clinging on to me. 
The rest of the wait was quiet. No one talked about going anywhere else for the night. I’m sure at this point everyone wanted to go home and decompress from what had happened. Before long the Uber pulled up and I shuffled us around to open the door. With some adjustments I was able to sit her down and close the door before nodding to the guys and making my way around the car to climb in beside her. 
The driver took off immediately, glancing in the rear view mirror between the two of us. We didn’t make it far before i turned to her, 
“I’m André by the way” 
Her sad eyes met mine and for a moment I didn’t think she would say anything until I heard a whisper. 
Her voice sounded awful and the emotion behind her eyes told me how exhausted she really was. 
“I didn’t know where you would want to go so I figured you could come to my place and then decide what you want to do,” I told her. 
She looked at me again before croaking out a “thank you”. The rest of the ride was quiet. Once we arrived at my place I figured out why it was quite. At some point during the drive Y/N must had fallen asleep, her head was leaning against the window and her body was curled right around herself. 
I climbed out of the car and went to her side. Carefully I opened the door, catching her head when it went to fall. Surprisingly she didn’t wake so I slid my arms under her lifting her out of the car and pulling her against my chest. 
Unlocking the door and navigating through my apartment while carrying another person was harder than I would have imagined. I made it to my guest room and laid her on the bed. Not wanting her to wake up uncomfortable I took her shoes off before covering her with blankets and shutting the door on my way out. 
I settled on the couch with a beer from the fridge before releasing the breath that seemed stuck in my chest. The last thing I thought about before drifting off was the broken girl sleeping in the other room.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Piece By Piece:
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Pregnancy, Mentions of Death, Swearing, Implied smut? idk it’s Peaky Blinders so...yup.
Word Count: 3,540
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader
Request: “Can you make one with Tommy where they start a relashionship after Grace when to NY and when she come back Tommy still feels something for her so reader notice and tells him that it's ok if he wants to be with her cause she wants to see him happy and she never tells the family that she's pregnant and just go away and they meet later on (she receives a black hand too) and talk“
Requested by: Anon
Summary: Thomas Shelby always had his eye on Grace, but little did he know after her departure, he’d grow fond of the new barmaid. As time goes on, he realizes where his heart lies, and Y/N realizes her secret can’t be left in the shadows for long, but she never expected a black-hand to bring them back together again.
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It had been 2 years since Grace left him for the bright and bustling town of New York. It had been 2 years since heart was ripped apart. But It had taken all of one day for his heart to be put back piece by piece.
“You can’t sit around here looking like that Tommy.” The woman said. She’d worked as the new barmaid ever since Grace’s departure. Helping heal his heart one shot of whiskey at a time.
“Looking like what, Y/N?” He asked, his eyes dull and tired as they glanced at her.
“Like this.” She said, pouring a shot and downing it, while sitting next to him. She did her best to copy his expression, adding an over-exaggerated pout to complete her performance.
Thomas scoffed, taking another shot as he watched her laugh.
“I don’t look like that.” He said, turning his head away and looking out the window of the Garrison.
“Oh, but you do.” She said, taunting him.
“Look Y/N, I’m going to have to go in the snug if you continue mocking me.” He said in a serious tone.
Y/N faked a shocked expression as he got up to leave.
“Thomas Shelby...I never thought you’d go and hide from a lady. What’s wrong did I hurt your feelings?” She asked, getting up and cleaning off the table.
“Don’t have any, sweetheart.” He said, walking towards the snug.
“Bullshit.” She said, smirking as she watched him sneak off to drink away his sorrows.
A half hour passed as she’d finished cleaning up, not wanting to think about what mess awaited her in the snug.
She knocked firmly on the door, hearing a groan on the other end.
“Thomas? Are you dead?” She asked, only half joking.
“Come in, Y/N.” He said, his speech slurring slightly.
“You know I can’t leave until you do right?” She asked, taking the empty bottle from him and bringing the shot glass to the small bar window in the room.
“What if I don’t want you to aye?” He asked.
“I’d really appreciate going home. Been here since 9 this morning Tom.” She said, reaching for the lantern on the table. In a swift motion he clasped his hand in hers, causing her to look into his mesmerizing eyes.
“I know love, but I’d appreciate it if you stayed. I can’t hear the shovels as much. Can’t hear the noise.” He said.
Y/N sighed and sat down next to him.
“Why me? Can’t you go stay at your home? Stay with your family? Stay with a random woman?” She asked.
Thomas put his arm around her shoulder. His words still slurring a bit as he spoke.
“I don’t want a random woman love, I want you.” He said.
Her heart raced as he said that. She knew people always talked nonsense when drunk, but she couldn’t help but wonder if it wasn’t just the whiskey talking.
Y/N sighed and furrowed her brow, remembering how she’d had a thing for the charming blinder ever since she’d stepped foot in Small Heath 2 years ago. But she never thought she’d end up feeling so strongly over the years.
“You don’t want me, Tom. You still want Grace. I know you do.” Y/N said. It hurt her to say it but it was the truth, at least to her.
“She’s not coming back, Y/N. It’s been 2 years. She has a husband back in New York now. So I’d say she’s not coming back.” He said, almost as if he was trying to convince himself it was true.
Y/N went to get up, wiping away a stray tear.
“Aye, c’mere. Don’t cry love.” He said, pulling her closer.
“Alright Tom, if you want me...you’ll have to prove it you know. I’m not falling for your tricks.” She said, finally getting out of his drunken embrace to finish cleaning.
“I’ll show you. Be outside in 5 minutes.” He said. Although he drowned himself in whiskey, he was much more playful when drunk. At least when he was around Y/N.
5 minutes had passed as Thomas stomped out his cigarette into the cold cobblestones. The smoke coming up from the ground and snaking it’s way through the air as it crumbled under the weight of his shoe.
He looked over and saw Y/N locking the doors and walking over to his car, her hair shining in the pale moonlight.
“You’re not driving this thing in your condition.” She said, pulling her coat tightly around her.
“My condition aye? Well...be my bloody guest.” He said, getting in the passenger side reluctantly. He was still far from sober after all.
Thomas watched as she drove, her hands gripping the wheel tightly as she peered through the windshield at the fog covered roads ahead.
“You’re beautiful.” He said, breaking the awkward silence.
“What?” She asked, the engine slightly growling over his words.
He put his hand gently on hers, urging her to stop the car.
“You’re beautiful.” He said, a small smile playing at his lips.
Y/N’s face heated up slightly, shaking her head as she dismissed his words.
“I heard you the first time. Just wanted you to repeat it.” She said with a playful wink before starting the car up again.
Thomas chuckled lightly as she drove on, his house eventually coming into view.
“Fucking finally.” He said, getting out of the car and walking to get Y/N out.
“So what now Tom? I guess since I drove I’m sleeping in the car?” She asked.
“Come inside. You’re sleeping with me.” He said.
“No. I mean-I’d love to-but...that’s not professional for-“ She started to say, her mind racing with the thought of her wildest dream coming true as Thomas crashed his lips to hers.
The tension between them was almost electric, making their movements frantic as he led her through the door and upstairs to his bedroom.
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The next morning, she woke up in the unfamiliar room. Her head pounding slightly as she listened to Tommy’s soft snores beside her. He told her about the shovels before, and about how it wasn’t until he met Grace that they’d stopped bombarding his dreams. But she wondered if she’d ever be that bit of silence he needed, knowing Grace was still out there.
As the weeks went by, he’d show up more to the Garrison, always ordering her to get off work so they could share a drink and mingle with the family. And soon she’d became a welcome face around the Shelby’s, very much the opposite of Grace.
“Y/N, I just want you to know that whatever happens, you’re welcome here. You’re the best thing to have happened to him. Even if he can’t see it yet.” Polly said, taking a swig of her drink.
“You think so? I feel like he’s still on about Grace.” She said, shifting in her seat.
“Men never think with their hearts, nor their heads. But I’d say his is pretty set on you. It better be anyways because we all love you.” Polly said.
Y/N smiled as she watched Thomas and his brothers talking about business, sipping her gin as she sighed, it was the only thing she’d been able to stomach for the past week.
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It wasn’t until a week later though that she realized what was wrong.
But her plight only seemed to worsen when Polly gave her a call that morning.
“You deserve to know Y/N, but Grace is back. Tommy just told me, but he’s been late the past couple of days because he’s been seeing her.” She said.
“Oh.......um alright. Thank you for telling me.” She said, tears welling up in her eyes as she hung up the phone abruptly.
It wasn’t until late in the evening that she’d heard Tommy open the door to her apartment, his face slightly cut in various places, but nothing out of the ordinary for him.
She stayed silent as he walked towards her.
“Y/N? What’s wrong aye?” He asked, hugging her as tears streamed down her face.
“I...I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving Thomas. You and I both know it’s better this way.” She said.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, lighting a cigarette as she paced around her living room.
“I’m talking about Grace. I know she’s back. Polly told me.” She said, her voice thick with more tears threatening to spill.
“I was going to tell you she was Y/N. Believe me.” He said.
She shook her head and chuckled lightly as she sat down.
“I don’t know what to believe anymore, but I’ve made my decision okay? I just want you to know that I love you, but if you’re truly happier with her then please, don’t waste yourself on me...on whatever this was between us.” She said, gesturing vaguely and walking past him, crossing her arms over her as she looked out the window.
“Look Y/N...I’m sorry alright? I didn’t think she’d come back...I won’t see her again.” He said.
Y/N wiped her tears and turned to face him, the nausea of the last few weeks eating away at her along with her nerves.
“You only let one thing rule you Thomas Shelby. And it’s not your heart or your brain.” She said angrily before going up to her room and grabbing her bag and her ticket to London.
As she calmed her nerves, she walked reluctantly down the stairs. Her heart breaking at the fact that he didn’t even deny seeing Grace, especially while she was away at work and at home sick.
“You’re just up and leaving then aye?” He asked, an angry tone to his voice.
“I’m doing what’s best for us, Tom. Maybe one day I’ll find it in me to come back. But today is not that day. I’ll see you around.” She said, walking out the door. Leaving her letter of resignation and her last month of rent in the mailbox.
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Another 2 years had passed, leaving Y/N alone in a cramped apartment raising their now 2 year old daughter Jane. She was the perfect mix of both of them. Her eyes almost the color of Tommy’s and her hair and smile reflecting her mother. Y/N smiled, thanking the gods above that she got more of her features, often still feeling bitter about how they’d departed.
All was fine for them, Y/N having found a job as a seamstress. And finding some new friends who’d helped her look after her daughter.
But her quaint life was soon interrupted, all by a small letter in the mail one morning.
“I’m aware that you know a certain man by the name of Thomas Shelby. Let him know his days are numbered. Yours will be as well, Miss. Y/L/N.
L. C.”
Her heart sank at the words on the thin piece of paper, her legs growing weak as she looked at the threatening message and even more threatening black-hand that was printed on the front.
It took everything in her to think about what to do next. She immediately checked on Jane, seeing her sleeping in her bed peacefully as her friend Maria watched over her.
“Maria.” She whispered.
“Yes Y/N?” She asked.
“Somethings come up. I-I have to move back to Small Heath.” She said urgently.
Maria got up carefully and went with her to the small kitchen, tears welling up in her eyes at the news.
“I’m so sorry. I know we’ve been friends for so long, but this is dangerous. I-I have to go. I have to protect her. I want you to go home and stay away from this area alright? I don’t know what Tommy’s gotten himself into but I think it’s bad. Someone knows where I live and I can’t have you getting hurt. I’ll ring you once I’m there okay?” She said, tears streaming down her face once again.
“My god...alright. Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked.
“Yes, it’s not the first time I’ve dealt with him and besides...I knew I’d have to come back some day. Just didn’t think it would be so soon.” She said, hugging her friend for what felt like the last time as she raced to pack once more and carefully scooped her daughter into her arms. Leaving into the night and off towards where her heart once belonged.
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In Small Heath, Tommy sat at his office, cigarette in hand as he looked over the letters his brothers had brought in.
“Isiah, Michael, Finn, you lot check the warehouses. Arthur you come with me.” He said, getting up just as the phone rang.
“Tommy, it’s Polly. I need you to come to my house.”
“I can’t, not right now. We got black hands and I can’t have the boys end up like Grace and John.” He said, his voice cold and emotionless.
“Should we come to the shop?” She asked.
“No I’ll come there...who is we? Just-never mind. I’ll see everyone later. Be careful Poll.” He said before hanging up and heading out the door.
The Changretta’s once again taunted him. And that was one thing he couldn’t bear from anyone, except for Y/N. Ever since Grace was killed by his men he thought of her. His world came crashing down as he saw the blood leaving her body on the ballroom floor. Clinging on to what little bit of life was left in her as she looked at him. It was Luca and his family who ordered that shot, and it was meant for him, but since he cheated death once again, it was coming to him now two-fold.
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“Thank you for letting us stay, Poll.” Y/N said, looking around the lavish house that Tommy had surely acquired over the years.
“It’s no problem dear. I know it’s under the worst circumstances but I’m really glad you came back.” She said, lighting a cigarette as she watched Charlie, Thomas’ son playing with Jane.
“Amongst all this, I came to apologize. I shouldn’t have left, but I had no other choice.” Y/N said, tears threatening to fall.
“I’ve always liked you Y/N and I couldn’t let you go on living without telling you what was going on. I just...didn’t know you were pregnant.” She said, smiling at Jane as she played.
“I uh, just found out that day actually. I didn’t want to tell you all until I told Tommy, but...he didn’t really make that easy aye?” She said.
“No...and it’s a shame Grace passed the way she did, but she at least left Charlie. He’s the one light in his poor life right now. Besides you and Jane of course.” She said.
Y/N shook her head, looking at the boy who shared Tommy’s eyes almost as much as Jane’s did.
“I’m certain he won’t want to see me let alone the daughter he never met. He’s already hurting, I don’t want to hurt him more.” She said, taking a sip of her gin.
“He was torn apart when you left, and you gave very little reason as to why, but now I know and I don’t blame you dear. But even then, I knew that he loved you, he just....let his cock get in the way one too many times.” She said quietly, a chuckle escaping her lips as Y/N smirked.
“I remember I told him something along those lines. I just....always knew he had his eyes on her despite her being thousands of miles away. I should’ve known better...” Y/N said as Jane crawled over to her.
“You did what you had to do, love. Tommy was just too blinded by his past love to see what he was missing. But I assure you he’ll be happy you’re here. You just have to talk to him.” She said.
“If he’s changed as much as you say he has....that will be much easier said than done.” Y/N said, remembering Polly saying that since Grace and his brothers death, he was even more closed off except around Charlie or his beloved whiskey.
“I told him to come here, but he’s off trying to find Luca Changretta and his men. But he’ll be back. It’s safer for us to be here anyways.” She said, blowing out a puff of smoke from her cigarette.
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It seemed like ages before Polly and Y/N heard a loud knock on the door, Y/N holding Jane in one arm and holding Charlie’s hand with the other.
Polly looked through the peephole hesitantly, and then nodded at you as she opened it.
Tommy walked in, barely noticing her at first as Charlie waddled over to him. He wrapped him in a hug, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as he looked at Polly.
“What did you need me here for aye?” He asked, none the wiser to the other two people in her house.
“Mama...mama...” Jane said quietly, pointing to the man she’d never seen before.
This caught his attention as he looked over, seeing the one he truly loved over the years carrying the little girl on her hip.
“H-hi...Tom.” Y/N stammered out, her heart racing at the awkward tension in the room.
“Y/N...” Was all he said, slowly putting Charlie down and walking towards her.
His face was cut in various places, almost like she’d seen him 2 years ago.
He looked at the little girl who clung to her mother’s hip, shyly staring at him with her blue eyes that couldn’t fool anyone. She was his and he couldn’t deny it.
“I think we need to talk...” She said quietly, tears threatening to spill as she saw the man who broke her heart all those years ago.
“I think we do.” He said, a sad look to his eyes as he stepped into the drawing room of Polly’s house.
“I’ll be right back love, go play with Charlie yeah?” She asked, sitting her daughter down by the boy that was about her age, playing with two horse shaped toys.
Y/N reluctantly went into the room, Polly giving her a small smile as she sat and watched the children.
“I thought you’d left for good Y/N...” He said.
“I did too, but I got a black-hand letter in the mail. They threatened me and my daughter. I had to come back.” She said, finally letting her tears fall.
She wiped them away as she sat down across from him, not wanting to look him in the eyes.
Tommy rubbed his hand over his face at the fact. He didn’t think he’d try going after her, but he also underestimated him before and it ended tragically.
“When were you going to tell me aye?” He asked, sitting next to her.
“Tell you what? That I got a black-hand or that I was pregnant?” She asked.
Tommy looked away and rubbed his cigarette against his lips before lighting it, just as he always did.
“So she’s mine aye?” He asked.
“Yes. Can’t deny it. Her eyes are practically yours. I could tell you knew as soon as I saw your face.” She said, getting up to pace around.
“I’m sorry for the way I treated you, Y/N. Everyday since you left I regretted it. I loved Grace, and chose her but I really should’ve chosen you and I’ll never forgive myself for that.” He said, watching her pace around the small room.
Y/N nodded, her mind racing with the memories of the past.
“I’m sorry about Grace, Tom. She seemed like a good match for you. I’m glad you have Charlie though.” She said looking out the window.
“Do I still have a chance...Y/N?” He asked. Causing her to look away from the window.
His eyes stared at hers intently. Almost burning a hole through her as she gazed back.
“Well...all things considered...It seems like we’re staying here a while so that’s up to you as well. Are you going to see someone else?” She asked.
“No.” He said, walking over to her. He was inches from her as he spoke, his eyes hurt but still shining. His face more cut up and wrinkled in places than the last time she saw him. But one thing remained. His smile that he’d only shown for close family had appeared again. Making her cold heart melt at the sight.
“I’m not making that mistake again, Y/N.” He said, brushing a tear from her cheek.
“Do you promise?” She asked.
“On my life.” He said, before bringing her into a kiss.
When they pulled away, she heard Jane and Charlie playing, causing her to smile.
“I’ll have to visit Charlie more often, he’s a sweet boy.” She said.
“You won’t have to visit love. You can stay with us.” He said.
“Tommy...no I can’t do that...” She said.
“I promise you can. There’s more rooms in that house than I can keep up with and it would be nice to have someone I love besides Charlie walking around there again.” He said.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Yes.” He said.
Y/N sighed and nodded, pushing herself up on her toes slightly to kiss him again. The electric spark still there after all those years. It was like she’d never left, and this time, she planned on staying.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
(If you’d like to be added/removed just shoot me an ask!) :)
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx, @lovemissyhoneybee, @thomashelbyswhore, @xxbeckybeexx-blog
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hws-denmark · 3 years
Very off-brand but literally just venting and vitriol under the cut about recent-ish hetalia discourse, if you don't wanna see it then don't read it! Cheers.
Alright idk what the fuck happened to fandom spaces over the past 5 years but this shit is super toxic now. It's like the internet has over-corrected from "it's the wild west baybeeeee, ship wars and death threats and downright awful behavior galore" to "have you consumed anything problematic or made a mistake anytime in the past 30 years??? Literally go fucking die you deserve to kys!!". Both are shit. But in my experience, one is a fuckton easier to avoid. Hetalia is a problematic show. This is a fact. There's an anti-semetic joke in the dub. There's whitewashing in the earlier anime seasons. Hima's characterisation of South Korea is horrific. France's earliest characterisations are done real dirty with the amount of sexual assault present. You could write essays about this shit, but honestly it's all been said in better ways before so I don't particularly care to. But quite frankly the amount of harassment from sad trolls and bullies online is nuts over this shit. Five fucking months and it's unavoidable- "Your a nazi! Facist, japanese imperialist anti-semite!!" NEWS FLASH- YOUR KEYBOARD WARRIOR CRAP ISN'T DOING JACK SHIT! YOU AREN'T PREVENTING A-NY-THING, YOU AREN'T HELPING A-NY-ONE! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND CALL OUT THE HATE I GUARANTEE WILL BE HAPPENING IN REAL DANG LIFE IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY IF YOU ACTUALLY WANNA EDUCATE AND MAKE A POSITIVE CHANGE. There's a world of difference between calling out shitty fandom behavior and whatever the fuck this is. It's madness that I have to point out how saying that people talking about cartoon characters from a five minute OVA even holds a single CANDLE to the worldwide rise in nationalist sentiment and anti-semetic conspiracy theory, bourne from a mass refusal to acknowledge history, is so severely minimising. I take it that's okay though because you can wank yourself off on your nice little high horse without actually doing anything to combat hate or improve the world in any way though? The show has so many faults and for multitudes of good reasons you might never want to see it ever again. So block it. Don't interact with it. Blacklist the tag. But it is downright RUDE to be coming INTO the tag and talking shit. That doesn't tell me you're earnestly trying to avoid the series- it tells me you're really really trying to start fights. Bc I have been using the block button pretty liberally recently, and for every normal user venting I see, there's always an equal amount of people who, ironically, seem to dedicate their blog to bigotry against others and cyber-harassment. I've seen anti-hetalia blogs that have been sexist, racist, panphobic and, maybe most hypocritically, one that was bizarrely insensitive to the connotations of a past political regime. And yet minors look to these same people and parrot what they say for clout. In my experience, in a whole lot of anti-hetalia circles, there's a severe case of "mocking because I think it's cringe, but disguising it as concern for others to not look like a straight-up dickhead and have the moral high ground". Is it seeping from twitter? Bc I see that shit there all the time even in non-fandom spaces, the black/white, we're angels/they're devils thinking that real life and sane adults just do not fucking operate on. What I do know is, in the midst of a difficult pandemic, the one announcement in months that was happy and exciting for me left me feeling like dogshit by the end of the day. The weekly episodes that I should be excited for are just making me dread what I'm gonna see online. The nordic five are kinda like comfort characters for me, since I grew up in an emotionally abusive household and so I treated them like the family I never had. And yet, when I wanna go online and look at headcanons and read cool au fanfics, I always seem to stumble upon the implication that doing this is somehow severely hurting someone and that I'm a terrible monster. Logically, I know this is a load of shit. And yet I've noticed I've been putting myself down and looking at more and more self-harm content again recently bc
guilt-tripping with that much weight seeps into your brain like a nasty case of sepsis. Even the more casual "haha hetalia not another pandemic/more brainrot/will punch you on sight" lark starts to fucking drag when it's just SO widespread. Might just queue nice art, drop the occasional fanfic and otherwise stop interacting with the fandom tbqh. This bullshit is not healthy and some of the people on this hellsite are genuine psychos.
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nancewright · 4 years
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[ NANCY WRIGHT. 26. FEMALE. SHE/HER ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 2 MONTHS ] and are originally from [ NEW YORK CITY, NY ]. They are a [ WAITRESS AT GOLDEN GRIDDLE ] and in their downtime love [ GIVING SHITTY LIFE ADVICE ] and [ SWAPPING TAGS AT FUNKYTOWN THRIFT ]. They look a lot like [ MAIKA MONROE ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ].
hi hello, i’m brenna and i absolutely despise writing intros. pls accept this meager offering of a word vom ramble
stats page + pinterest
surface level: nancy is very messy, sometimes rude, and often nude
deep down: ......... that’s still pretty much accurate lmao
born in nevada, her parents first met thanks to a chance encounter while her mom was traveling & researching for an upcoming book. nancy was an unexpected surprise in their lives, but fast-forward five years and they were sealing the deal, getting hitched in new york where her mom had the gaudy, mega wedding of her dreams.
photographic evidence of nancy being an angelic flower girl DOES in fact exist
as an only child, she’s never been super aware of how spoiled she is. doted upon by wealthy grandparents throughout her childhood, running amok in the streets of nyc with her friends all during her teens, and never getting a lecture beyond “you’re grounded!” definitely made nancy feel a little bit like she could get away with murder.
should she ever find herself stuck in Deep Shit ??? well duh, call daddy to save the day!!
she rolled hard with her rebellious streak and refused to acknowledge that there might be “““consequences””” to her ““actions,”” instead taking full advantage of her parents’ combo leniency & constant bickering to sneak out at every turn.
during her junior year, however, nancy was in a minor car crash that resulted in a quick knee surgery and a blossoming love for painkillers.
she milked her oxy script for all that it was worth and her new habit didn’t go entirely unnoticed -- mrs. wright pushed nancy through months of physical therapy appointments, dragged her across the finish line of high school graduation, and then dumped her directly into rehab with the ultimatum to either get clean or be cut-off.
kinda a no-brainer decision, but only the beginning of a snowballing problem
she could get sober in a cushy facility, find her zen during months of therapy, and think up as many master life plans as she wanted, but back in the Real World? where all the choices were ultimately her own? well... nancy sure did like getting high, even if it meant finding cheaper, quicker fixes as time went on
it was her mom who once again caught on, somewhere between rehab stay #2 and #3, and forced nancy onto an even shorter leash by moving her directly into the guestroom of her penthouse, hoping to cut the cycle short and stop her from treading water forever.
no booze, a ban on visitors, and the constantly buzzing presence of her mom...... it shouldn’t have been that big of a surprise when she ran away. literally.
finding out that a friend was visiting family in los angeles, nancy jumped at the chance to tag along. she packed up as much of her stuff (and her moms jnsdkm) as she could before getting outta dodge, making a brief pitstop at her dad’s place to leave her dog in his care and a vague note to assure her well-being.
it’s been two months since she settled in silver lake, renting a crappy little one bedroom at oasis & securing a waitressing gig, and a tentative ten months since she dipped her toes into the opioid pool.
always picking up random hobbies to try and keep herself busy, though they rarely last. the latest is tie dye and bleaching clothes, so you can bet that she has a lot of random shit hanging from her apt balcony to dry
frequents trader joe’s only to let her fresh produce rot while she chows down in-n-out.
nancy has taken a lot of random college/online courses at her parents’ urging over the years -- accounting, sociology, interpretive dance -- but nothing that adds up to a full degree
lowkey desperate to prove her independence, but could probs use a roommate at some point?? nancy’s not used to living solely on tips skmdjsnm
really tempted to call her dad like, “money me. money now.”
instead!! she’s started selling all the stuff that she stole from her mom. hit up her depop if you wanna dress like a middle-aged woman from manhattan xx
very much into high fantasy & horror
extremely social, which is a big part of why nancy loves partying, but she’s struggled to find an easier, chill middle ground since moving.
does not know how to keep her opinions to herself. brain to mouth filter has long since dissolved
is always smoking. even if she’s not LITERALLY holding a cigarette, rest assured, she’s mentally taking a drag
aaannnd, that’s all folks!! idk how much of this is actually coherent so please do bug me if you have questions or just wanna riff about charas. since nancy’s so fresh to silver lake, she could use every connection under the sun & tbh i really love randomly throwing muses into the thick of it without much context too, so i have no qualms about goin’ in blind.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
s7 au: they've defeated the Avatars and saved Leo, and nothing else could possibly go wrong, right? and then Paige finds out that she's pregnant, and the father of her baby is dead, and she's never going to see him again because the Elders are petty like that. but that's fine, she can handle that - what'dya mean the cute parole officer at the grocery store's been flirting with her? how's she supposed to deal with that?
okay bro first you gotta let me digest the idea of a paige/kyle baby bc uhh that genetic mix at energy good god that kids gonna be buckwild they’re gonna get like an idea and no one will ever be able to talk them out of it stubborn as hell and twice as determined honestly could probably kill god holy shit. okay. piage kyle baby. i don’t know whether i want to say henry’s really observant or henry’s really dumb. i don’t know which is more in character. i don’t know which is funnier. either he’s definitely falling for this girl he met and then oh my god wait is she pregnant bc she’s wearing flats and complaining about her feet being swollen and she’s drinking decaf and she keeps placing her hand on her belly when she’s resting i think she’s pregnant but she doesn’t have a wedding ring is she a single mom or like is this like a like committed relationship but they’re not married situation can i ask it’s weird if i ask some henry uses like all his brain cells to try to figure out what happened but he keeps hitting weird dead ends is she married to a fed? what is going on right now it seems like she’s flirting back but what if i’m just projecting aaaa i should probably leave her alone because she’s probably just like not into me spoiler alert henry like does not leave paige alone they keep hanging out but henry doesn’t have the balls to make the first move and paige is thinking oh maybe he’s not that into me maybe i should just give up on this maybe i like him so i’m projecting onto him that he likes me when he really doesn’t and these two clowns are just like dancing around each other and paige invites henry over to the manner and henry’s putting on his little detective cap like father? is there a father somewhere?? and henry’s thinking maybe okay maybe the dad’s not in the picture maybe i should just tell henry how i feel and paige is like okay. i’m gonna tell him i like him. and i’m gonna deal with the fallout. whichever way it goes. i can do this. okay. but they’re both like stepping over each others words and it’s awkward as fuck because clearly they’ve both got something big to say but no no you go first no oh i can go first oh do you and phoebe’s talking down the stairs when she almost falls flat on her ass like boom and she walks into the kitchen with the most confused look on her face like is coop in here and paige and henry are like no sorry and phoebe’s like oh cool but she just keeps looking confused and walking closer to them and she stands right next to henry like hmmm and then walks over to paige like hmmm and then just goes paige sweetie can i talk to you for a second and pulls her into the dining room like i’ve got two big pieces of news for you number one i think i just got my empathy back and number two is that boy in the kitchen is in love with you.
or. paige is barely showing all that she and henry meet they hit it off they’re dating paige worries it might get a little weird when it becomes obvious she’s pregnant should she mention that right now no she’ll cross that bridge when she comes to it and things are going great and now she’s pretty obviously showing but henry seems fine with it and he helps her build a crib from ikea all that they go to pick out which color to paint the walls of the nursery blah blah blah paige and piper do pre-natal yoga again simply because piper insists paige experience what she experience so she could see how it’s so annoying blah blah blah and paige and henry are looking over a list of baby names and paige is like i know there’s this whole “p” tradition but idk it’s already been broken twice and i’ve never been much for tradition and henry’s like haha yeah but like you can see the gears turning in his head and paige is like yeah i think i might name the baby like [do we have any logic behind the name kat and tamora? why were they chosen?] isabel [since i’m sticking with the perhaps unintentional shakespeare theme] and henry’s like yeah haha ......................... you’re naming the baby? and paige is like henry..... do you.... it’s my........ you do know i’m pregnant right? it’s like six months in at this point and it’s like you can see a light switch go off in henry’s head like Ohhhhh!! and paige is like dude. what the fuck did you think was happening for like. the past five months. and henry’s like idk i though one of your sisters was pregnant i didn’t realize and paige is like how did you not realize i’m literally pregnant i literally have a baby growing inside of me right now how did you miss that?? and henry’s like idk!! i wasn’t gonna mention anything! and paige is like you thought i was just rapidly gaining weight?? and henry’s like sorta!! but like! i still love you! whether you’re just rapidly gaining weight or growing a baby! : ) and paige is like henry you’re so stupid. marry me.
whichever way you choose henry’s gonna be raising that baby and honestly i think the resemblance would be similar enough that people just genuinely think henry’s the father. i also don’t think kyle would know he had a daughter like at all. i think the elders would work very hard to keep him away from the charmed line and Definitely would not want him to know he has a child bc i think that really does come in conflict with your whitelighter duties you’d probably be less likely to put yourself in harms way to protect your charge bc then you’d be leaving your little baby behind without a father the elders are like No One Tell Kyle but i think henry’s all like who is like isabel’s dad? like what is that story, why isn’t he around? if it’s not too personal. and paige is like oh um. well, he’s dead. and henry’s like oh my god i’m so sorry and paige is like well he’s not Dead dead he’s a whitelighter. and henry’s like ?? and paige is like yeah you know he’s like born again given a new body and magic powers, sent to protect witches and future whitelighters and henry’s like [does not know] oh yeah totally. so like. does he ever stop by? i’d love to meet him. because like. henry’s seen a lot of kids who’s dad stepped out on them. hell his dad stepped out on him. and you learn to grow around it but there’s still like this y’know desire to know. to know who you came from. and paige isn’t even really thinking about it she’s like no i haven’t seem kyle since he was human. i don’t even think he knows he has a child and henry’s like What. and paige is like yeah you know the elders all that and henry’s like [does not know] yeah but like?? should you tell him he has a kid? would he want to know?? and paige is thinking about it bc like henry might have a point and she is a mf charmed one she should be able to summon kyle and like. he does deserve to know! so she and henry trudge on up to the attic and paige summons kyle and henry’s holding little baby isabel and kyle’s like woah um hi paige? what’s going on? who’s that? and paige is like this is henry, ny husband, and uhh isabel! and kyle’s congratulations?? why am i here? and paige is lik yeah um i should clarify you’re the father. and kyle’s like 😶😶😶 bc that man has never properly processed an emotion in his Life and henry’s like do you want to hold her and kyle’s like no bc wtf that’s a baby he doesn’t do babies how are you even supposed to hold a baby and paige is obviously a little hurt by this and she’s like oh i just thought you would want to meet her and kyle’s like no i do i um. thanks you telling me. good luck to you both. and orbs out and paige is like what the fuck?? but like henry’s seen it before where a guy realizes surprise you are a dad here’s your baby it’s a bit of a shock to the system so he like tells paige something like you know uhh like don’t worry it’s clearly a lot to process i’m sure he’s got a lot of stuff to do like i think he’s really grateful to know all that and paige is like yeah whatever lmao if he doesn’t want to be a part of his baby’s life that’s fine because i don’t need him you and i are gonna raise this baby abd we’re gonna be great parents and fuck kyle for not wanting to hold his child bc uhh paige is also Not Great at processing his emotions. 
but like a couple weeks later paige is off at magic school doing stuff and doing things and henry’s bottle feeding little isabel and he hears orbing and he turns around fully expecting to see paige but it’s actually kyle and kyle’s like hi. i’m kyle. and henry’s like no i know we’ve met before and they’re both sort of standing there bc henry’s not sure what kyle wants and kyle’s not even really sure what he wants but idk he just wants to like. meet his daughter. and henry can sorta pick up on this and he’s like Do You Want To Hold Her? and kyle’s like i don’t know how and henry’s like dw it’s p easy and he gives the baby to kyle and makes sure her head is supported all that and like little baby bel coos and kyle looks like he might be feeling his first ever emotion ever and henry’s like i think she’s happy to meet you : ) and kyle’s like :’) and henry teaches kyle how to properly bottle feed a baby and kyle feeds that baby and the two just like. talk. and kyle’s like not to be weird but i have been like. watching over you. since i found out about. you know. like. everything. and henry’s like no yeah cool but like he secretly Is Weirded Out and kyle’s like paige is really happy you know? and henry’s like yeah i know. and kyle’s like i don’t know if i ever could have made her that happy and henry’s like ooookay don’t know how to respond to that but 👍 and kyle’s like just i’m glad paige found you. i’m glad they both found you and henry can tell he’s talking about isabel as well and kyle keeps going and he’s like i don’t know if i really have what it takes to be like. a good dad. but like. you do. and henry didn’t really think he did because every day he’s just trying his goddamn best but he is constant worried he’s gonna fuck this up and kyle’s like. i don’t know. what i’m trying to say is like. i’m happy you’re going to be the one in her life. and henry’s like you can be in her life too and kyle’s like i can’t. it’s against the rules, all that, i wouldn’t want to bring down the wrath of the elders. and henry’s nodding pensively but in his head he’s like [ThE wrATH oF The WHaT nOw] but kyle keeps going like i’m not going to be able to be there for her, but i’m glad you will. and he sorta pauses and he was like. my parents were killed. when i was really little. i know what it feels like to grow up alone, feeling like you were somehow abandoned. and i don’t- i don’t want that for my daughter. and henry’s like i think i understand that better than most and kyle’s like i know. i checked up on you. and henry’s like oh cool. and kyle’s like i jsut want to say. i trust you, henry. and i’m happy for you. and he gives him back isabel and he orbs out.
and kyle really isn’t around for isabel’s childhood. there are no more surprise visits, any of that. sometimes isabel will start cooing as if she senses somebody, but no one every materializes. i think paige and henry would go on to have another daughter of their own (named beatrice i am sticking with this shakespeare thing) and the pair would grow up as sisters. and i think sometimes, at christmas, there would be two extra presents under the tree with no name on the “from” tag, addresses to little bel and bea, and paige and henry would know that there’s still somebody watching out for them
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charliemcarthy · 4 years
rules: answer the  questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @djnicklesanddimes
What do you prefer  to be called name-wise?
Charlie or Char is fine~
When is your birthday?
February 26th, I’m a Pisces for sure.
Where do you live?
Upstate NY, 6 minutes from Ontario, in the woods.
Three things you are doing right now:
Listening to music. (Always listening to music. I fall out of bed with headphones on.)
Rping Transformers with my gf.
Trying to figure out future plans for my forestry job for Spring, watching trail making videos and brushing up on my plans so I don’t feel so overwhelmed like I got last year.
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
Mystery Skulls, FNAF, BatIM, getting back into Venom as well
How has the pandemic been treating you?
Eh. I work at home and my side jobs were either substituting at the schools around here or the little forestry gig I got going on as I carve trails in the woods out back. (28 acres that back up to about 100!) I expected my business to falter in the spring-summer, when COVID became more widespread. It did not, and I’m very grateful. My best business was in October, Ive also taken the time to work on me more, as I think everyone has. Since August 2019 I’ve lost 70 pounds, so im very proud of my progress in that sense. I’m not very social, and now I’m not social at all, and it’s starting to get to even me.
A song you can’t stop listening to right now:
Ahh, shit. Songs are like potato chips for me, I can’t pick just one! Have three ;)
Jason by the Midnight (SO FUCKING CATCHY.)
Spirits in a Material World by the Police
Handsome Devil the Smiths
How old are you?
School, University,  occupation other?
Freelance llustrator, works weekends/sunny days in forestry. It’s hard work but fun! my main job is so creative all the time my brain gets exhausted and hard labor lets me burn steam!
Do you prefer heat  or cold?
Lately I’ve been preferring heat due to weightloss. It’s nice not being sweaty all the time! But I also don’t mind being chilly, I can always bundle up in a hoodie.
Name one fact that others may not know about you.
My grandpa was a magician, and he taught me a lot of his tricks over the years. He liked sleight of hand with cards/items/prediction, I am def rusty with items/stage magic, but it’s hard to not let old instincts kick in when someone asks you to cut a deck >>; Another fun one is changing a dice score by making your second die hit the first. 
Are you shy?
Eh, nah. I’m more standoffish. People mistake my silence for shyness but over the years shyness has curdled into honest to god disinterest and difference. I am so tired/depressed and I just...don’t care anymore what people think of me. I’m also told I can come off as intimidating.
Biggest pet peeve?
Hypocritical actions and narrowed mindsets.
What is your  favorite “dere” type?
Lord I don’t even remember them anymore. What’s the cute one? Deredere…? That one.  I guess. Idk.
Rate your life from  1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
Hums. I live with my parents still, basically in an apartment above them. but I pay for everything I can, I have my truck Kenny, and a job that does pay just not frequently enough. I would love to live on my own but that…definitely hasn’t been the year for THAT. But im also focusing on bettering myself, while trying not to see my life being over at 30, even though I feels like it. I guess…5/10? I’m very fortunate and need to remember that everyone's experiences are different. Hard to chart all that out.
What’s your main blog?
This one!
List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
Charlieslowartises: art! Also my most popular/most active blog :D
And-she-was-trying: weightloss blog
I have a few older ones that still around but inactive.
Is there something  people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Ive had a few people try strike up friendships for...less than good reasons. Some want free art from me, some want a free therapist, and one person used to compliment me+my art skills by saying my art wanted them to commit suicide due to my level. Please do not ever do this. Our friendship, if there is any to be found, will be obtained naturally. Through mutual appreciation and respect. I am not a very friendly or warm person to begin with. I will be less so if I sense your intentions are anything less than simple companionship.
That being said, for every person that I have had to turn away or ignore, I have twice as many friends on here that I am perfectly content with and love to talk to! Or, if you are a client and I accept your jobs without fail, rest assured you are a friend as well <3
I’ll tag whoever wants to do this, too tired to grab names lol.
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bylightofdawn · 4 years
Still untitled Delta Squad fic snippet
Alright, so uh can I interest anyone in a sneak peek at this Delta squad feels-o-rama fic I am currently working on and breaking my heart over writing? This is kinda far into the fic and a barely counts as a snippet, it’s more full on scene length at this point but when have I ever been known for my brevity? 
Pretty much, only thing you need to know is Sev spent three years in a slave camp after getting captured by Trandoshans, got rescued by the Rebellion and has spent the past four years working with the Rebellion and has been rediscovered by Delta via Ny’s network of informants and pilot friends. It’s also super rough and completely unedited so don’t judge me too harshly on shit grammar or typos, plz. I’m also worried Scorch is wildly ooc but IDK how to fix that.
His office was cramped under the best of circumstances, mainly because Sev barely spent any time in it. But it had soundproofing and more importantly, a door that could shut out the outside world so they all shuffled in. Boss and Fixer claimed the two chairs that sat opposite Sev’s desk as he sat down while Scorch sort of awkwardly hovered close to Sev, standing there against the wall in between him and the door.
“So...Mandalore?” Sev broached the topic as delicately as he could. “That’s where you three ended up? WIth Skirata and his mongrels I take it?”
“In a round about fashion, yeah. Vau ended up falling in with Skirata who created a sort of...safe haven for renegade clones.” Boss said, his tone even and neutral.
“Kal Skirata’s home for renegade clones, huh? Guess it has a ring to it.” That was said with a faint sneer.
“It beats the alternative.” Fixer pointed out sharply.
“What about you, Sev? How the hell did you end up here of all places?” Scorch asked, the confused pain in his voice impossible to miss. “You never tried to come home?”
“Home? The Empire isn’t home, at least not to me. I spent almost three years in an Empire run slave camp after those damn lizards dragged my carcass from the jungle. I would have died there if the Rebellion hadn’t saved my shebs.” Sev’s voice was as cold and flat as an icefield on Hoth.
His words had a visible effect on his former team who all went stiff and tense. “We tried to find you, Sev. Kriff, Vau penetrated the Imperial blockage on Kashyyyk after Order 66 in hopes of finding any trace of you but he despite searching for weeks, he never found any sign you were alive. We never would have left you to rot in a kriffing slave camp if we’d known.”
Scorch sounded absolutely emotionally gutted once more and he squeezed his hands into fists at his sides. “We didn’t know.”
“I’m not blaming you, Scorch. None of you could have known just like I didn’t know you weren’t still under Imperial control.” Sev said softly and rubbed at his neck in an unconsciously self-soothing gesture. “I am glad to see you and I’m glad you’re not slaves to the Empire like so many of the vode have become.”
“The important thing is we’re reunited now. Vau is going to be so pleased to see you again. We finally got a place of our own set up, it’s not a lot but it’s ours. And we’re not constantly tripping over the Omegas or Nulls and their families, which lemme tell you is a blessing because yeesh...”
“Scorch…” Boss put in softly and that stopped the other Delta mid-sentence.
“I swear, you have one singular brain cell and it is the loneliest brain cell in the entire universe.” Boss said with a heavy sigh. “You’re not coming are you.” This was addressed to Sev who looked visibly pained at that pointed question.
“What? No! Sev, you have to come.”
“I have responsibilities here, Scorch. I can’t just galivant off to Mandalore. We’re prepping for a mission right now.”
“That’s osik. We’ve searched for you for kriffing decade, I’m not going to lose you to some shabala war perpetuated by aruetiise!”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say because Sev’s expression visibly hardened.
“It’s my war too. I owe my life to these people and more than that, the Empire is a rot that needs to be rooted out of the galaxy before it destroys everything with its corruption.”
“It’s just another pointless war, Sev! Haven’t you given enough of your life to stupid, pointless wars? We already lost you once, I’m not going to lose you again!” Scorch countered hotly and he was surprised by the burn of unshed tears stinging in his eyes.
“We were made for war, ner vod. At least this war is one I believe in and think I can actually do some real good for once.”
“Udesii! Both of you, just calm down.” Boss finally cut in and climbed to his feet so he could approach the visibly upset Scorch. “We’re not going to lose him again, vod. He’s right here. And if he thinks he has to fight this war, we’ll find a way of working around it.” He clapped a hand on Scorch’s shoulder and the other clone jerked at the touch. “Sev, you don’t know what it did to us to lose you once. You have to promise me you won’t take any unnecessary risks because I don’t know what it would do to us to lose you again.”
The muscles in Sev’s jaw bunched up and went taut as he bit down on his back molars and when he looked at Scorch, something inscrutable passed through his eyes. “I can’t just abandon my people and go off and play house on Mandalore like the whole kriffing universe isn’t going down in flames, Boss.”
“I understand that. And I get the want to serve. We all do. It’s how they bred us. But....Kal Skirata and his Nulls, they worked out how to reverse our accelerated aging. You have an opportunity to get to live a full life if you choose it, Sev.”
“W-What?” That startled the other clone and he found himself gaping at Boss openly.
“That’s what Skirata was working on, why he was building up such a nest egg. He was hiring the best minds in the galaxy in an attempt to find a way to shut off those parts of our genetic code and it worked.”
Sev had spent the majority of his life wrangling with bitter resentment towards the likes of the Nulls and the Omega weaklings because they had Kal Skirata as a training sergeant. No, they’d had a father while Delta had been stuck with a bitter old chakaar like Walon Vau. Not that he regretted it, he made them strong, not weak and pathetic like Omega.
But in that moment, that envy was born anew in his heart like bitter fruit.
Of course Kal Skirata would somehow find a way of thumbing his nose at the longnecks and the ghosts of their former GAR masters by finding a way to give his adopted sons the life he always thought they deserved. He somehow did the impossible and it left a bitter taste in Sev’s mouth like ashes because deep down, he knew Vau wouldn’t have gone to those lengths for Delta.
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zaymadden-author · 4 years
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Written by ZAY MADDEN
“Man, this is not how Saturday nights are supposed to go.” With all the shit going on in the world, I’ve been house-bound for a minute, and at this point I’m all TikTok’d out. A couple of my boys and my cousin Terrell pulled up on me around 8 for a couple rounds of 2K 🎮, but you know how Mississippi weather is. Mother Nature randomly decided to do her dirty work and had them staying later than planned, but once the sky stopped roaring, I sent my boys home. It was time for a night cap.
I trailed them outside to make sure they were all gone, and once the last car looped around my driveway, I could finally sit on my porch and think. I had my D’USSÈ 🥃 in one hand and my phone in another, scrolling through my thread of texts to see which girl I could get to bless my night; it was part of my weekend ritual. I had a rule though: never start at the top because most recent pussy tends to be not as interesting unless she really got that 🍑💦 if you know what I’m saying.
So, last I checked, Keisha wit the plump ass moved to Florida, which is unfortunate for me. She had one hell of a mouth piece in bed but never ran her mouth in the streets. I could respect that and that’s why I keep her on standby.
The next on my list, Monica, was on the classy end of the spectrum, but it was like rolling dice with her ass. Most of the time she waits until 7 am to reply. Her brain was still accustomed to her school schedule and she had a day job too, so I respected that. However, it sucked for me though cuz Monica was bad af from head to toe and really would’ve gave me a night to remember. Shit, I still reminisce about our last rendezvous. She had pretty feet and plump lips that felt like pillows with each kiss. And I know it’s weird, but I think it’s a turn on whenever I see her with those scrubs on. It’s just something about a hard-working black woman. (Damn smh.) I decided not even bother her this late.
So I kept scrolling up right, slowly feeling my luck build up, when my phone all of a sudden ding’d. My heart started thumping against my rib cage, and the corners of my mouth shot up. I couldn’t wait to see who this could be.
(I turn my notification banners off for good reason.)
Could it be Ashley? (The one that stayed wayyy out in Clinton). She usually texts when she wants some dick but it takes her forever to get to my place in Madison.
I put my search on pause and immediately made my way to the top to see who it could be. And would you believe it? “She always does this shit bruh. Like fr!”
Lo and fucking behold:
[MOM: Can you take your grandma to the store in the morning? I forgot to tell you earlier. Phone died.]
MAN 😤!! I almost summoned the spirit of Brady and launched $999 worth of iPhone in the damn pond. It’s 12:02 at night. She could’ve just waited until daylight resumed before bothering me with this!
I know that’s my heart and soul, but grandma is not the type of woman I want on my mind right now. But I replied “ok” to avoid any further communication at this hour.
I kept scrolling through my digital black book and I contemplated, but immediately dismissed, the idea of calling Alisha over. She said I be hurting her so she only wanna do oral. “Naw. I’ll pass. I’m good on that tonight.” Nobody else seemed worthy of hitting up at the time, at least this time of night, so I head inside. I locked the door behind me and made my way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I spritzed a little water on my head and brushed my waves into submission before securing it with my DuRag. Staring at this thick-browed, handsome, brown skinned fellow in the mirror, I began to question whether I still had it. “I am only 23 so that’s nowhere near the ‘falling off’ age,” I say to myself. I guess with me working day and night, I didn’t have time to pull ‘em like I used to.
So, I went and plopped on my bed, face towards the ceiling, contemplating my future, when I heard the sound of rocks sloshing under tires. The sound slowly magnified, and to myself I’m thinking that maybe one of my homeboys forgot something in my house. A barcode-like shadow cast on my wall as the luminance of headlights beamed through my blinds. I almost walked to the door empty handed, but the detective Stabler in me wasn’t taking any chances. So, I grabbed my piece in my night stand and asserted my second amendment rights. Tip-toe after tip-toe I was almost to the door when I heard the engine stop. A few seconds later there was this rhythmic chiming noise echoing through the walls. I crept to the front window stealthily, and peeked out the blinds. I could recognize the vehicle but I had to be sure it was who I thought it was, so I flicked on the second outdoor light.
All I saw was curly tresses flowing through the window of a pink Lexus.
“Aaliyah?” ..... “but how did she?”
With a mixture of anxiety and excitement, I snatched open the front door 🚪 to greet her. And when I saw her strut up the walkway with a touch of flair, a second emotion arose: confusion. How did she know I was alone? How did she know there wasn’t another girl here? It’s been two years and I still can’t figure out how this girl knows me so well and I think that’s why she intrigued me so much. It also scared me a little bit too. I usually don’t let a girl come over unannounced.
She would’ve been the first girl I tried to text, but last I checked she was in New York on business.
I shoot commercials for a living and I did one for her boutique. That’s how we came across each other.
But she’s here now so who cares that she popped up. (Maybe that’s just my dick talking 🤷🏾‍♂️... idk)
She had two Raising Cane’s bags, which I’m guessing that, during this pandemic, was the only thing she could come across at this time a night. Everything else was closed, even Taco Bell.
She let out a soft “Hey” as she bat her lashes and I quickly shut the gap in my mouth.
“What’s up?” I then responded.
And for a moment our eyes did a tango before she broke the silence.
“Can I come in? It’s kinda hot out here. ”
[And she wasn’t lying about that.]
We suddenly smiled at each other (each clipped with a note of sensuality), and with a nonverbal response, I helped her carry the drinks in and held open the door, catching a strange whiff of fried chicken and some floral fragrance as she walked by. I sucked my bottom lip as she sashayed towards my couch; those long legs accented by her gold trimmed pumps.
With a quick, smooth swivel of her body, she had positioned herself towards me, carrying a whole conversation with her eyes.
After locking my door I suddenly needed to adjust my boxer briefs. Gazing at those smooth brown legs made me graduate from flaccid to half chub, but my need to feast was urgent. My stomach was growling like a mf.
So I sit down to eat, right. And we get to chatting about her trip to NY ✈️ and how she’s been so stressed out with trying to open up a store out there. The whole time she’s going on and on about her tired body and her hectic work schedule, I’m reading in between the lines. She didn’t come here looking like that just to talk about work.
Aaliyah has never been one to admit what she wants from me, she just drops hints and expects you to go fishing for answers.
After smashing half my chicken box though, she got up like she had no time to waste. With a flick of her ankles she had both shoes flying across the floor. She took one last glance at me before leading the way to my bedroom, first slipping her skirt off in the living room and her shirt slowly draped from her body as she made her way down the hall. To keep up the tempo, I removed whatever she did, and by the time we made it to my room it was nothing but birthday suits.
I was ready for penetration at the door, but baby girl had other plans. She made me sit on the love seat by my window as she put on a show for me. It was an immediate game of teasing and temptation as she watched me slowly stroke my dick to every scene of her performance. First it was the leg play, then the breast tease, and then my favorite of all... something she knows gets me hard as steel.... the pussy play.
I love it when she bends open her thighs and plays with the most anticipated part of her body. Her smooth, brown sugar skin and nude polished nails drew an excellent contrast to that sweet, bright pink center. And she knew I wanted it too. She also knows how much I brag about how tight she is, so she takes her two fingers and spreads it open in full view for me. It was one thing for me to speculate, but when she slid one finger in and out for me, it was proof enough that her coochie still had that snap-back action.
I couldn’t take it anymore. With my dick now towering from my hand, I made my way over to her. She was now in submission as I asserted myself over her, so I pulled her to the the edge of the bed to get ready for my part. I looked down at myself, the tip of my dick head now glistening with anticipation, and said to her “I want you.”
And in the blink of an eye I was down on my knees and I had her hips cradled in my arms; my tongue digging into the flesh of her thigh, roughly gasping for air as I was too focused to remember breathing. With a slow dance of kissing and tongue-groping, I lead a trail up and down her thighs until I heard her say, “OMG.... Sean!”
I swear I felt a drop of pre-cum stream down to my ankle as I made my way to her hot zone 👅 . Like a rollercoaster, I had my tongue going round and round, remembering all the pressure points that made her thrust her pelvis into my face. I was in full control now, and no matter how hard she gripped the sheets, there was no escaping my vice grip.
My tongue was putting in overtime, and right before my clock struck 1:00 🕐 , I felt her first nut. We both laughed (our goofy asses) to try and cut down on all that sexual tension.
I reared my head to get a good look at her sex face, my goatee now dripping in her juices, and I gave her a look that let her know I was ready for that action. I sprinted like hell to my night stand to grab me a “rain coat,” acting as if my dinner was about to get cold or something.
I slid that mf on so quick. I’d been waiting for this all night. Pussy in my mouth was one thing, but BEING in it... whew 😌.
I looked at her again before I engaged in our post-foreplay session. I already had my 🍆💦 on the edge ready for the deep dive. We shared a gaze as I slowly began to make my way inside. She had that “keep going” look on her face, but it was only so long that she could keep her composure. After the head made its way in, baby girl’s eyes began to sync with my slow strokes. They rolled as my hips began to roll, and before she knew it, her neck gave out and she rested her head. I finessed my hips into a slow roll as I reached down and sucked on her neck. Her walls began to relax as her pussy gradually began to invite me in. I kept piping her down, constantly going deeper until her belly felt full. And by then, I knew I had her.
I secured her backside with my arms, careful not to smother her precious body, as she demanded I up the pace. To keep up the demand, I got more comfortable on the bed before I shifted into overdrive. “Nice Sean” was gone and “ZADDY Sean” was on the scene.
I was working that pussy like I was running track, and before long, she had thought twice about what she asked for. She thought she was slick, inching her body away like I didn’t notice. But guess what, I inched right along with her ass. She had a long ways to go on my California King before she could escape this dick.
At this point, her facial expressions were no longer inaudible. She was squeezing out “oooo’s” and “ahhhhh’s” between every attempt to catch her breath.
“Wait baby... ooooooooo wait.” She pleaded, but mercy was no longer on the table. I kept going until her juices soaked my inner thigh.
“OMG Sean!” She utters the mantra again. But this time I give in to her cries. Hell, I needed to catch my breath too. Shit! 🥵
I rolled over for a brief intermission, slowly creeping my way to the top of the bed near my pillow. She followed. We rested for a good little minute, kissing on each other as the clock kept ticking, but I was mentally preparing for the second round. It was late at night so I had only about two good positions left in me.
She took a bathroom break before we resumed.
I had decided it was her turn, so I stayed where I was and used my finger to signal her to come near when she walked back in the room. So, she took a domineering stance right before she climbed into bed and cat walked towards me. Titties just bouncing everywhere. Curls flowing effortlessly in the breeze of my ceiling fan. She knew what she was doing and she got my lil man right back up. ☝🏾
She leaned towards me for a kiss as she saddled my waist, slow grinding to drum up more anticipation. I slapped my meat against her ass cuz I wanted her to stop playing these games. Hell, my dick was damn near shivering in the wind now.
But she took the hint and began to guide it back in. This time I rolled MY eyes as her warm goodies began to cradle me inside. She placed her hands on my chest and made her first move upward, then she put her hips in reverse. She put this same two-step on repeat, bouncing up and down on my shit, going all the way to the base. I’m talking balls deep. With this kinda grip, my dick was on the verge of spittin’ already, but I held back my nut. “This ain’t how I wanna to go out”
I was diggin’ this lil rodeo vibe she had going on, but the more her pussy lips clapped down on me, the more I started edging. I let her take control for a minute, but that minute quickly turned into a second as her hip grinding began to slow down. The batteries in that energizer bunny were at 20%... but thats what Zaddy Sean is here for. 😏
Right as she was on her way up, I stopped her and I kept her right in that position, pounding that 🎂 until all I heard was Mac n cheese stirring.
But shit, at this point it was time to make that Mac n cheese creamy. I got prepared for the finale as we moved into sex position #95.
I had her face on the pillow and I made her spread them cheeks before I dove in back. And for some reason, this position always gets me. Idk if it’s the fluffiness of the ass that gets my rocks off or the fact that the thigh clenching makes everything feel tighter. Who knows. But I didn’t have time to contemplate that.
With a few more strokes I was about to fuckin explode. I grabbed her extra tight, squeezing them titties and pushing extra deep until her moans went from tenor to soprano.
“Only a few more seconds baby,” I said in my head.. “just a few more seconds.”
I put a flex in my hips when I felt that good moment coming, and on my last stroke of edging, when I hit her spot, she squeezed her cheeks extra tight... and that was the extra umph that I needed to let loose.
I wanted to paint her back 💦 but the hooded Kermit in me said “naw, leave that shit in big dawg.” 😏
So, I hit my last pumps like a New Years countdown. 5... 4... 3.... 2... making sure my last hit was the strongest. I held it there as my body spasmed and my perineum pulsated, leaving me temporarily paralytic.
Cuz that’s what good pussy will do to ya.
I took a second to savor the moment because my horny-ness hadn’t completely subsided yet. By the time I was ready to pull out, my jimmy was slowly becoming soft & squishy again.
With the head still sensitive, I slowly abort, careful to keep the condom in tact. She’s about as sleepy as I am now, and as I withdrew, she stole a peek of me staring at all the nut weighing down the tip of my condom.
It was mutually understood that we were both tapping out, but we mustered up enough energy to quickly shower up. The whole time in the shower I’m still mesmerized by her beauty, all horny-ness aside.
We towel off in about ten minutes and return to the room before I quickly throw some fresh sheets on my bed.
She basically invited herself to spend the night and who was I to say “no” to her. Cute ass. She knew she was my Achilles heel. So, as we lay in our resting position before dozing off, the question circled back around in my head...
How the hell did she know I was alone? 🤔
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homosociallyyours · 4 years
@ha-larry-us and @livqueer tagged me to do this! Here we go :) 
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? light amber wood color
2. a food you never eat? beets, tho i keep trying
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? neither, usually my body regulates temp well. but being sick that’s a little different and i never know if i’ll be shivering or having a hot flash
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? going back and forth between instagram and tumblr
5. what is your favourite candy bar? uhh maybe a snickers or a 100 grand bar
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? i went to the Oakland A’s gay day a few years ago with co-workers. It was really fun!! but i could never attend a serious sports event to cheer for a winning team. 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? "come on, ding dong, you can do it” --said to my dog who was hesitating jumping down off the chair where she’d sat while i washed my dishes
8. what is your favourite ice cream? McConnell’s salted caramel and chocolate flake. or anything that’s a mascarpone or goat cheese base. yum. 
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? decaf yorkshire with milk
10. do you like your wallet? YES! i have a scarf that has a secret pocket in it! it holds cards and other small essentials and it’s very sneaky. 
11. what was the last thing you ate? granola with milk
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nah bruh i haven’t bought new clothes in ages!
13. the last sporting event you watched? i watched the last season of GLOW when it came out. that’s as close as i get. 
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? chicago mix babyyyy! cheddar and caramel together at last. 
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my housemate, it was the landlord’s contact info​
16. ever go camping? YES, and i miss it!! i used to camp regularly and really love my pseudo-glamping life: cooler full of good food, a double high air mattress, and a tent that allows you to stand up in the center (to change clothes). i haven’t gone since coming to california, which is a total bummer. 
17. do you take vitamins? yes, vit. D and fish oil daily, ideally i would have a good multi, PS, and maybe a couple other things, but i can’t afford them all right now. my minimum is a D though, since yr body really does NOT get it from sun exposure. i know it sounds silly but vitamins are basically the concrete you pour in a hole to stabilize a beam (yr food). they’re very good and they help a lot! 
18. do you go to church every sunday? NO, thank goodness! i even stopped having to go with my family when i visit them. 
19. do you have a tan? no, and i rarely do. SPF all the way. 
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? pizza please
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? only fountain sodas with ice
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? bright/mixed colors
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? occasionally, but i’m pretty careful and definitely don’t do it in residential areas. 
24. what terrifies you? zombies (seriously) and loss/lack of control of myself
25. look to your left, what do you see? the side of the couch and the blank wall. 
26. what chore do you hate? doing the dishes
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? the crocodile hunter
28. what’s your favourite soda? cherry coke or dublin dr. pepper (the cane sugar kind made in texas) orrrr cheerwine
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? i drive thru everywhere except in-n-out, where it often takes less time to walk in. 
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my housemate and i had a little conversation, but i messaged with my bff earlier and that was a real conversation. 
31. favourite cut of beef? umm i really like cooking a ny strip, but i don’t necessarily have a favorite
32. last song you listened to? "fancy” as sung by bobbie gentry bc instagram didn’t have the reba version. WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE, just so you know. 
33. last book you read? my friends, i have a confession. i haven’t read an actual book in ages. i used to read A LOT and then when i got sick it was like my brain said NO THANK YOU and i just stopped. i still read loads, it’s just mostly fic or articles. that being said, i just finished i must admit i thought i’d like to make you mine by @disgruntledkittenface and it was EXCELLENT. 
34. favourite day of the week? Thursdays. like for as long as i can remember. it was hamburger day when i was a kid, and now it’s thursday hersday. and of course it was must see tv night all thru my adolescence. 
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? i mean i probably could but why would i want to?
36. how do you like your coffee? with whole milk (and if i’m doing it myself, a little cinnamon, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of sugar)
37. favourite pair of shoes? my dog face flats (they’re bob’s for dogs, you can maybe google them) even tho they are really worn out now
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? between 4-7am. i am a cryptid, please do not look at me
39. at what time do you normally get up? between 2-5pm, again i beg you to look away and judge me not
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!! (SAME!!)
41. how many blankets are on your bed? 4 right now. 2 super soft, 1 electric, and 1 duvet/comforter. 
42. describe your kitchen plates? the classic 70s/80s unbreakable plates, some with the gold flowers around the rim and some with the tiny olive green ones. truly i think i have only seen a plate like this break once in my entire life. i bought these at a store in nyc (i definitely overpaid BUT it was still like $20 for 6 or 8 plates that will never break)
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? a properly made sidecar is HEAVEN, ok? so good!! but you gotta use good brandy and fresh lemons and i would get one if i could go back to my fave nyc bar and have pietro (a very good bartender) make me one. but really the thing that i will always want and have difficulty turning down is champagne/sparkling wine in the style of champagne. 
44. do you play cards? yes! i used to play all the time with my ex. don’t so much any more but i still love it when i get to! 
45. what colour is your car? dark orange
46. can you change a tire? YES!! @ha-larry-us when the quarantine is done I will show you!! it really isn’t too hard unless your bolts are on super tight. 
47. what is your favourite state/province? California, i think. though part of me wants to name a southern state because I was born there and the mountains feel like home. 
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? the one i currently have but am physically unable to work at right now-- cheesemonger at a worker owned grocery store
49. how did you get your biggest scar? i was borrowing stage makeup from a friend in another dorm before our choir performance. the door was usually propped open, and so when i left the building i sorta jogged down the steps and pushed really hard on the door with my momentum. it was NOT propped open, and I put my right arm through the glass (and knocked out two more panes with my knee and foot). the RA was training to be an EMT and helped me get cleaned up. I didn’t get stitches, but the scar is very long (maybe 3 inches). the best part of the story is that i went to make sure the choir director knew i wasn’t performing but would sit in the audience, and her response was “we don’t have time to give you sympathy.” she was having a rough year but DAMN that was an ice cold response to an injured 18 year old.
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? hmm probably just chatting with my bff. that makes both of us happy, always. 
IDK WHO TO TAG!!! who is the sort of person to answer 50 random questions?? @alienfuckeronmain maybe? how about @slowdownsugar? hmm maybe @crinkle-eyed-boo and uhh @pompomoffinland. And you, friend!! YOU who is sitting there really wishing you were tagged, I am definitely tagging you!!
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keepcalm-andbopon · 5 years
Introducing us!!
Isabelle: @swiftie-isabelle
I’m Isabelle and I’m turning 14th in June 27! I would die for Taylor swift. I started listening to her when I was 3 and her music had comforted me ever since! She has had such a impact in my life and I’ve gotten so many amazing memories from her!
Victoria: @sinkanddroundswift
im victoria & i do nothing w my life except cry over taylor swift and not having a boyfriend . I do nothing ever except lay in bed and cry over every little detail. I eat too much food for my body. I like boys alot but they don’t like me. taylor swift claims she loves me multiple times but idk if I believe her yet. I love my cat shes a scottish fold. Beverly Hills, 90210 is my favorite tv show & High School Musical is my favorite movie. I also love grayson dolan more than I can comprehend. I have 0 friends so its me, myself, and I all the time.
Lily: @lilyadorestay
im lily and i do nothing with my life except cry over taylor swift, have people tell me to stop crying about taylor swift, and waste money on bucket hats :)
Sasha: @dropsmynamesasha
I’m sasha and I have a large obsession with food, cats and Taylor Swift
Katelyn: @redheadnamedkatelyn
I’m Katelyn and I’m 13! I don’t do anything in my life except for lacrosse and cheer and love Taylor swift. I have red hair, & Taylor Swift is my absolute best friend and my life wouldn’t be the same without her. And I owe so much to her. And basically I’m known as “the Taylor swift girl” at school so that’s kinda cool. Anyways The moral of this is I love Taylor swift!
Lexie: @drunkonswiftxo
I’m lexie, 18 years old. I have a very busy life actually, I compete in many different karate and martial arts competitions and was British Champion in 2016 with my sword and in October of this year I am competing in the World Martial Arts Games! Before any competition I usually get very nervous but listening to Taylor’s music calms me down (cringe ikr) but I wouldn’t be doing all of these if I didnt have a calming mechanism!
Natalia: @natalialovestaylor
hi! i’m natalia, i’m 15 and from the bay area. taylor has been in my life since i was 8 and i’ve been supporting her ever sense:) she makes me so happy, she’s like the sunlight in my life. i want her to know that i love her so much and i want to hug her and tell her thank you more than anything. 💗
Katie: @shapeofyouswift
hi i’m katie and i’m 16! i’m from ny and i went to all 3 metlife shows!! i’ve been seeing taylor in concert since the fearless era and i’ve seen her 11 times! i’m fortune to have met her 5 years ago at GMA and i was able to get a picture with her outside time 100 gala! taylor makes me so happy and has helped me through many rough times in my life as well as all of the happiest! i’m so thankful to have such a positive role model in my life!!
I’m Meredith and I love Taylor Swift more than words can describe:) I’ve been listening to Taylor since I was four and she has always been a big part of my life since then !! She inspires me everyday and makes my life so much brighter. I am so so proud of her and all that she has done!! Also, I love going to the beach and petting dogs🤩💓
Memphis: @taysmidnights
hi i’m memphis!! i play tennis and obsess over taylor swift! i’m from the beautiful state of california, and i love to surf! i first heard a ts song (You Belong With Me) in 2009, and i’ve loved taylor ever since. i am also a proud supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and have a passion for changing our world. oh, and i’m known as “that taylor swift fan” at my school, but i’m not complaining! 🧚🏼‍♀️
Brooke: @brookewhatyoumademedo
i’m brooke and i’m 14!! i live in cleveland, ohio along with some of my best friends i met through taylor!! i look a lot older than i am and it’s a good and bad thing haha. i used to play a lot of sports but i have decided to just stick with lacrosse!! i love music so much because it helps me with everything. taylor has been like my big sister since i was a baby and i’ve always looked up to her!! my stan song is stay stay stay because it always puts me in the best mood!! i love grey’s anatomy a little too much but i can’t help it. the show actually made me very interested in the medical field and as of now i want to be a pediatric neurosurgeon!! i also love volunteering and helping out my community as much as possible! and i like school which is kind of not something freshman say a lot haha. and that’s me!☀️🌸🦋💘💋
Paige: @taylorswift-paige
Hey! I’m Paige & I’m 21 (soon to be 22 😍). I live in Australia and I’ve been listening to Taylor since I was 9. The first time I saw Taylor perform live was at Speak Now and I was completely blown away, since then I’ve been lucky enough to see her perform 6 times. I’m so grateful that little me decided to listen to Taylor as I don’t know where I would be without her lyrics, music, and advice to guide me through life. Thankyou for everything Taylor, I love you so much and I’m so excited for the Lover era 💗😘
Skylar: @skylarswiftie13
Hey I’m Skylar and I’m 15!! I have been loving Taylor ever since I was 5 and I have (obviously) not stopped since. Other than obsessing over Taylor I loveee to run and watch friends and greys !! I have seen Taylor at the 1989 tour Detroit and Rep Detroit and they were hands down the BEST nights of my life and I def cried a TON hahah. I plan on going to Nash and either Chicago or Detroit for next tour! I absolutely cannot wait until the day that I get to wrap my arms around Taylor and thank her for everything she has done for me ahhh. I love you forever and always Taylor!! 🥰❤️🌈🦋✨☀️
Hi Taylor I’m ella and I’m turning 17 in August 12th! IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW ALBUM! I just can wait to sing along to all of the songs🥰🥰 you are my absolute favorite human and you helped me with your songs! clean means THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD to me and I just relate to it on a personal level. Thank you for supporting lgbtqia+ always! YOU DESERVE THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD
Makayla @comebackbbehere
Hey T I’m Makayla!! I’m 13 and I’ve loved you since 2009!! My stan song is Come Back... Be Here not only because it’s amazing but because it has helped me through so so so SO much. It’s amazing how you can, with just a song, literally save someone’s life from spiraling downhill. So thank you. Thank you also, for inspiring so many people. Including me! You have inspired me to sing and write songs and songwriting is now a way I have learned to express myself and a way to help me get through the hard times. You have also inspired me to be more of an activist and speak up for what I believe in. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be a proud feminist or be as educated about the LGBTQ+ community!! In conclusion, thank you SO SO SO much for everything you do and just being the beautiful, amazing, inspiring person you are. I love you more than words can express and I can’t wait for August 23rd!!! ps: I really hope we can hug someday 💗
Bessie: @flyawayswift
Hey !! I’m Bessie, I���m 17 and I’m from the UK 🇬🇧!! I love to do Ballet and Tap dancing, but when it comes to Taylor’s music it’s generally just me doing crazy dad-dancing because I cannot stay calm during her songs. There’s aren’t many words which can sum up accurately how much I love Taylor or how grateful I am to have her in my life, but I love her to the moon and back 💛 I’ve been a swiftie for nearly 5 years, and have loved her music since I was 11. I’ve grown up with her as the big sister I never had, and my biggest dream EVER is to give her the biggest hug hehehe 💛💛
ana: @taysfavourite
hey!! i’m ana and i’m 14, i’m from the uk!! i love taylor (ofc) and i do gymnastics, i also love dance and stuff like that!! i am so thankful for taylor bringing me to some of my best friends!! (i’m always open for new friends btw) and yeah i love taylor!so!much! 💋💋💋
alex: @delicateswiftiez137
hi guys! i’m alex and i’m 14 years old. I live in illinois, and i’ve been a fan of taylor ever since I first heard love story and yblwm on the radio as a kid! my stan song is fearless because I love the message it portrays, but recently i’ve been OBESSED with the whole 1989 album because it’s a literal masterpiece! besides taylor related things, one hobby of mine is swimming! i’ve been a swimmer since I was about 2 years old! anyways, I hope you all have the best day! 🧁🌸🦋💗💋
Edith: @twinfiresignsswift
Hi, my name is Edith and I’m a 15 yr old from California! Anything related to cats is my ideal thing. I’m currently the mother of a tabby cat named Jagger who is very shy, grumpy, and introverted just like me, so the two of us get along very well 🥳 both of us are def party poopers. Anyway I enjoy art, especially watercolor! Initially I wanted to become an artist when I grew up, but I realized I would be poor asf, so now I want to major in biology and become some type of zoologist because animals are the best. In 2014, 5th grader me became obsessed with Blank Space and my life immediately changed from that day on. My favorite album is Speak Now because of how magical and well written it is. My 1 brain cell could never manage to write a whole masterpiece like that all by myself. And my stan song is You Are in Love!! It makes my heart go 💕💗💓 I am so incredibly grateful that I got to see Taylor for the first time ever on rep Pasadena night 1. It was the best day of my life :,) I know so many others do not have the same opportunities; I know how they feel, so I try to stay as humble as I can. I would be such a boring and sad person without Taylor and her amazing lyrics. She is such an amazing role model. Thank you for always being there for me, I will love you forever and always, and I am so excited to see what you have in stock❤️
Jess: @jessheartstaylor
hey!! I’m Jess and I’m 14, from the UK!! My stan song is begin again, I love it so much!! IM SO EXCITED FOR LOVER! I can’t wait to see what Taylor has in store for us!! I’m so thankful for Taylor as she’s such an incredible role model and idol to me, her music always cheers me up and she never fails to make me smile!! I love her so much- forever and always!! 💕💞💓💗💖💝
jordan: @fairytaleswift
hey taylor!! the thought of you scrolling all the way down and reading this right now is insane... all of us girls love you with everything inside of us. I have been supporting you for lucky number 13 years!!! I’ve been with you since 2006! I have been to Speak Now, Red, 1989 and Rep! I am so excited for Lover! It has been an honor watching you grow and become the amazing and strong woman you are today. I love you so much taylor... I hope we get to hug soon! 💗🌥🍭🦄🌩🌸🌈💐🦋💗💓🥰💅🏻🌥
Ravae: @vaelovestaytayswift
Hey I’m Ravae!! I’ve loved Taylor for as long as I can remember my sister has listened to her forever so I grew up listening to her!! Taylor inspires me everyday to be a better person and she’s a great role model. Her music helps me through the really rough times but also puts me in a better mood through the good times! I hope to meet you one day! Love you Tay🦋💞🌈💘🥺
Gracie: @inredlipsticks
Hey, Taylor! I’m Gracie and I’m 20 as of June 22nd. I’ve loved you since debut and my favorite album of all time is Fearless. I’ve been fortunate enough to see you four times and hopefully more on the lover tour 💗 along with Taylor, I also love Selena Gomez, Disney, and dogs!! 💗🦋🌸 The four most important things in my life.
Ella: @ellalovesswift
Hey! My name is Ella and I’m 17 years old. I’ve loved Taylor ever since the day my dad thought I needed my own music instead of just listening to his, this was when I was just seven years old and my dad bought me the fearless album and I fell in love with Love Story!! Ever since then I’ve never stopped loving Taylor! Other than her music, I’ve grown up with Taylor and every day she has inspired me to be a better person! My favourite songs are enchanted, better than revenge and dress! I’ve been to the red and reputation tours in Melbourne! Other than Taylor I am a swimmer. I swim a lot and it’s been a part of my life since before Taylor! I hope one day I can hug her and tell her how much she’s impacted my life! I will always stay, love you Tay 💗🦋💓🌸
bri: @briadorestay
hi t! my name is bri and i am 13 (turning 14 on august 19th) i have loved you since i was 5 years old and my stan songs are the archer, ciwyw, and you are in love. the soft songs🥺🥺 i love you so much and i hope you never stop doing what you’re doing because you are so inspiring!! i love u so much buddy! see you one day?🧚‍♀️☁️🌸💘🥺💗⭐️🕊
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