#idk it just seems like a sweet friendship/bonding moment
cerealbishh · 2 years
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just some of my fave josh/h.e.r. moments
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misshoneyimhome · 4 months
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“No one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? no one.” I Joseph Woll
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Summary; You and Joseph Woll share a wonderful bond - a bond that might just be so strong that none of you dare to risk ruining it. However, one evening, Joe just can't hold it in any longer.
Tropes & warnings; best friend!Joe; friends to lovers - no warnings; (idk, maybe language?)
Other notes; I do apologise if I've written anything close to this before, however, I do just really love this sort of trope - and hopefully, it's still enjoyable 🙏🏼 So much love for our sweet goalie 🤗🌺
Word count; 2.9K
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50 @findapenny@justwanderingbutneverlost @cixrosie
Joseph Woll was undeniably your closest friend. In your eyes, he was the epitome of kindness, and you couldn't help but adore and stand by him through every game, sharing in every triumph as well as every setback. You simply cherished the bond you shared, relishing the relationship and closeness, even though it never strayed beyond the boundaries of friendship. 
You had known Joseph ever since his early days with the Maple Leafs, where you had been introduced through a mutual friend. Initially, he was just another aspiring hockey player striving to carve out his place, and you were simply thrilled to get to know him, even if only briefly. However, it didn't take long for you to see the kind heart beneath his competitive exterior, and as time passed, your bond only deepened, evolving into a connection that felt as natural as breathing.
Your relationship was swiftly built on late-night chats, shared jokes, and unwavering support. So, when Joseph returned to the Leafs, you were already there, right at the front, cheering louder than anyone in the crowd. And whether celebrating triumphs or enduring defeats, you remained his constant, the person he could always rely on.
You attended nearly every game you could – especially if you knew he’d play first goalie – often wearing a Leafs jersey with "Woll" proudly displayed on the back. And while others started to notice your constant presence, many assuming you were a couple, you both knew the truth – you were just friends, albeit very close ones.
Spending time together outside the rink was one of the highlights of your friendship. Whether it was a quiet movie night at your place or a lazy Sunday afternoon baking at his, the comfort and ease between you were undeniable. Yet, amidst these moments there were subtle gestures – the brush of his hand against yours when passing the popcorn, the way he’d tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, or the lingering hugs that lasted just a second longer than necessary. These moments were filled with a tension that neither of you acknowledged but both felt.
Yet despite the constant whispers and assumptions from others, Joseph always made it clear how much he valued your friendship. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you,” he’d express, genuine fondness colouring his words. “You’re my rock.”
And each time, you’d smile, brushing off any deeper implications. “That’s what friends are for, right?” you’d reply with a soft smile, though quietly longing for something more.
Believing that Joseph viewed you solely as a friend was simpler, as he frequently emphasised the significance of your friendship and how much he treasured it. Thus, you opted to keep your feelings to yourself, satisfied with the deep connection you both cherished, even if it meant hiding the occasional longing that haunted your sleepless nights. 
What you didn’t realise, though, was that Joseph was grappling with his own struggles and had developed a significant crush on you over the years. However, to avoid jeopardising the cherished friendship between you two, he was attempting to create some distance, even though whenever he spent time with you, everything seemed perfect, and he found himself falling even more deeply.
You meant so much more to him than you realised. And it pained him especially to witness you getting hurt, as you had a bad habit of attracting the wrong kind of partners – men who simply failed to recognise your incredible qualities. They would charm you with sweet words and false promises, only to exploit your kindness and leave you feeling used and abandoned. And Joseph was always there to console you and provide a shoulder to cry on, yet each instance tore him apart inside.
He wanted to protect you, to shield you from pain, and show you what genuine love truly entailed. However, fear held him back – the fear that confessing his feelings would change everything, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.
Yet, he frequently found himself gazing at you when you weren’t looking, his heart swelling with unspoken sentiments. The sparkle in your eyes when discussing something you were passionate about, the warmth that radiated from your laughter, and the gentle kindness you extended to those around you – all captivated him. Each time he witnessed your smile, his heart skipped a beat, and every tear you shed felt like his world crumbling. You were his everything, even if you weren’t aware of it, and he would go to great lengths to keep you in his life, even if it meant concealing his true feelings indefinitely.
He just treasured your friendship too much to risk it, and therefor he concealed his feelings. At times, he even withdrew slightly, attempting to manage the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him, and despite your notices and inquiries about his well-being, he maintained his casual and composed facade, offering a reassuring smile while his heart suffered in silence.
However, as the burden of his secret weighed heavily upon him, Joseph gradually recognised that he could reach a breaking point at any moment. And then, one night, he found himself unable to contain it any longer.
The atmosphere in the arena was thick with disappointment as the Leafs suffered a 3-1 defeat against the Bruins in the fourth game of the playoffs' first round. Samsonov had started as goalie, but only shortly into the third period, Joseph was called onto the ice, and despite his efforts, the outcome remained unchanged. And now, with the Bruins leading the series 3-1, the Leafs faced a battle for survival in the upcoming playoff game.
The only silver lining for Joseph that night was your unwavering support. However, this time, you weren't alone. You had brought along a date—a guy you'd recently met, chatted with for a few weeks, had some casual coffee dates with, and now wanted to introduce to your everyday life, including Joseph.
And initially, the idea seemed promising, and you were genuinely pleased when he agreed to accompany you to the game. Even as the match unfolded, your date appeared to be enjoying himself.
But when the final buzzer signalled the Leafs' loss, the weight of disappointment hung heavily in the arena, and as you made your way down to meet Joseph, you sensed that perhaps this wasn't the ideal moment for introductions. But there was no turning back now. So, when you saw Josephs’ crestfallen expression, you did your best to offer a gentle smile as you approached him and embraced him tightly.
"I'm so sorry, Joe..." you spoke softly, giving him a light squeeze before pulling back and meeting his gaze with empathy. “You did so amazingly!” You knew your words couldn't fully heal his wounds, but as always you wanted to express your unwavering support and lighten the mood, even if only slightly.
And in response, Joseph managed a faint smile. "We gave it our all, right?" he sighed deeply, to which you nodded.
"Look on the bright side, there's still a chance for redemption. It'll be a tough fight, but there's hope.” You flashed him a soft smile. “And knowing the Leafs well enough, I’m sure there's a good chance you'll make a comeback."
With those words, it felt as though you had magically lifted the weight from the room just a little. Even other players managed soft smiles as they shared moments with their partners and families, and sensing that the tension had eased, you took the opportunity to introduce your date to your best friend.
At first, things seemed to be going smoothly. They exchanged handshakes, greeting each other with content smiles as they acknowledged the roles, they both played in your life. Yet, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something tense about the situation. And unable to pinpoint exactly what it was, you felt a pang when your date suddenly attempted to inject humour by making a snide comment about your relationship with the team. Fortunately, you managed to brush it off, though his words stung. Yet, it was when you felt an urgent need to visit the ladies' room that the atmosphere of the evening took a sudden turn.
"So, you and y/n... you're just friends?" your date asked Joseph as the two of them were left alone, the hallway slowly emptying out.
"Yeah... why do you ask?" Joseph inquired, curious about his intentions.
"Oh, nothing... you just seem... you know, really into her," your date remarked with an overly confident smirk, as if trying to assert dominance in a game with your best friend.
However, Joseph wasn't in the mood for games anymore. He was tired and disappointed by the loss, so he simply shrugged. "Sure, I mean, she's an amazing person, so... yeah, I guess I like her."
"Well, why don't you just make a move on her then?"
Joseph's eyes narrowed at the smart remark from the stranger.
"What do you mean? We're friends, and you're the one dating her..." he felt a little puzzled.
"Oh, come on, man," the guy chuckled darkly. "She's great and all... but to be honest, she's just a good fuck."
Joseph was utterly taken aback by his words. How could he say something so disrespectful straight to his face? You were his best friend, and this guy was talking about you as if you were some casual acquaintances he was merely hooking up with, completely disregarding your feelings. Did he not realise you were dating?
"What are you talking about?" was all Joseph managed to ask, feeling the anger boiling within him, fuelled by the disappointment of the loss.
"What I said... she's nice, but I'm just looking for a good fuck, that's all," your date grinned again, his smirk growing even wider and more arrogant by the second. "Actually, I was hoping to score with some other girls here... like that one over there," he pointed to a tall brunette chatting with Auston. "She's more my type... y/n, she's just... I don't know, like girlfriend material or something—and that's not what I'm after."
Joseph couldn't believe what he was hearing. His heart raced in his chest, his fists clenched at his sides as he took a step closer to your date, his voice low and menacing. "Are you fucking serious right now?" he practically growled. "She's not someone you can just toy with and treat like shit. She's an incredible person, and she deserves far better than someone like you."
Your date looked slightly surprised, muttering something under his breath, as he hadn't anticipated Joseph responding with such force.
Nor had anyone else. Those still lingering in the hallway turned their heads towards him, their eyes widening as they heard the typically sweet and composed goaltender suddenly raise his voice, brimming with intensity.
"Well, if you care about her so much, then be a man and actually do something instead of pretending like you're not in love with her," your date shot back.
You hadn't caught a word of their exchange, but as you returned to the two men, you immediately sensed the tension that had developed between them.
"What's happening?" you asked, curious about the atmosphere.
But the two men just simply continued to lock eyes, before Joseph, being the good guy yet again, decided to diffuse the situation.
"Nothing," he replied, but you didn't buy it for a second.
"Is that so?" You turned to your date, raising a brow as you noticed his overly confident smirk, a sign that he realised Joseph wouldn't stoop to his level.
"Of course," he chuckled lightly. "Joe and I here are just having a man-to-man chat..."
An awkward silence hung in the air, and you weren't sure how to break free from it. But then, your date attempted humour again, and once more, it fell flat. He even followed it up with another arrogant remark, causing the heat to boil over. 
"Just needed to check if there were any other players that were in love with you – or maybe you’re just sleeping with the rest of them."
But that was the final straw for Joseph. And as if acting on instinct, like another person was I control of his actions, he swung his arm, landing a clenched fist right on the guy’s nose, causing your date to stumble back with force, clutching his nose, while a shocked gasp escaped your lips. The sudden violence caught you off guard, leaving you frozen in place, unsure of what to do next, as you had never experienced Joseph act like that. 
And quickly, you stepped forward, placing a hand on Joseph's chest in an attempt to calm him down. "Oh my god, Joe," you gasped, your voice laced with concern. “Are you okay?” 
He merely just stood there, chest heaving with anger though also feeling a sense of satisfaction, as he had finally released the pent-up frustration that had been simmering since your date's first disrespectful comments about you.
Meanwhile, the corridor erupted into light chaos as nearby onlookers gasped and murmured, some about to intervene while others watched wide-eyed, unsure of how to react. But there was no need for panic. Despite no one ever expecting for Joe to act that way, the situation seemed to be swiftly calming. 
And to no one’s surprise, there was a palpable awkwardness in the air as your date looked shocked by Joseph's actions. However, upon realising that you had defended your friend rather than him, he simply huffed. "Guess I see where your loyalty lies..."
But you couldn't help but shoot him a glare, placing the blame squarely on his shoulders for the situation with his disrespectful comments.
"Always," you simply retorted.
And with that, your date straightened his coat and quickly made his exit. 
Then turning your attention to your best friend, who had just behaved in a way you'd never witnessed before, your eyes reflected concern.
"Hey... are you okay?" you repeated softly. 
But Joseph just took a deep breath, his gaze dark as he met yours. "He was out of line, and he needed to be called out on it..."
You were left speechless, unable to fully grasp the gravity of what had happened. Joseph had never displayed such anger, particularly not on your behalf. And his tone with you was something entirely new.
"Joe..." you started, but he cut you off, his frustration still evident, not allowing for you to come up with any more excuses or defences for the jerks you chose to date.
“No one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? no one.” Joseph's voice was unwavering, stern as he locked eyes with you.
Filled with emotions as he swallowed, suppressing the lingering tension, you kept your hand on his chest, while the two of you gradually calmed from the intensity of the situation, and the crowd around you slowly dispersing.
"Why..." you breathed out, your voice barely audibles above a whisper.
"What do you mean, why?" Joseph frowned his brows, his voice still firm. 
"Why did you stand up for me like that?"
"Because I fucking love you! Alright?"
Joseph's confession crashed over you like a wave, leaving you stunned and rooted in place. You gazed at him, trying to comprehend the weight of his words, as the intensity in his eyes was unlike anything you'd seen before, a raw and honest declaration that shattered every barrier you'd erected between friendship and something more.
And for a moment, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of you in the dim corridor. The sounds of the murmurs of bystanders became distant echoes as you focused entirely on Joseph.
"Joe," you whispered again, your voice filled with emotion, "I... I don’t know what to say..."
And slowly, Joseph's expression softened, his gaze searching yours for any hint of understanding. "You don't need to say anything, y/n. I just couldn't hold it in any longer. Seeing him disrespect you like that... it just broke me. I love you – I always have - and I can't bear the thought of anyone treating you with anything less than the respect you deserve."
Tears were starting to brim in your eyes as the truth of his words settled over you. All those shared moments, the laughter, the late-night talks, the unspoken support – they all took on new significance, as you realised that the feelings, you'd buried deep inside were mirrored in Joseph's heart.
And this time, it was you acting on pure instinct, almost leaping to reach Joseph, who towered over you, as you wrapped your arms around his neck, closing the distance between you and almost clashed your lips to meet in a heartfelt kiss.
It was a moment you both had yearned for, and now it was finally happening. Joy surged through your body as you let your lips linger on his, moving softly and gently as he too wrapped his arms around you and held you close. And upon pulling apart to catch your breath, both of you couldn't help but smile widely.
"I've loved you too, Joe... for so long,” you breathed softly, your eyes locking with his once more. “I just never really believed you'd feel the same way about me," you confessed.
Relief and joy washed over Joseph's face as he pulled you into a tight embrace. "Of course, I do... y/n, you mean more to me than anyone... and I've always wanted to tell you, but I was too afraid of losing you," he murmured.
And as you held each other closely, the tension of the evening melted away, replaced by a newfound clarity and purpose. Then pulling back slightly, looking up into his eyes, you couldn’t suppress a light chuckle. 
"Why did we wait so long to do this?" you asked, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Because we're idiots," Joseph simply chuckled, before pulling you in for another kiss.
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parkminijiminie · 2 months
First of all, welcome back!!! I missed you so much!! Your blog is a gem!!! -and are you gonna be back permanently or are you taking another break? Second of all, I haven’t watched the travel show but I saw a lot of clips and honestly, they just seem like friends. Yeah there is some moments where you’re like wow wtf is going on here but if u look at it from a different lense, it seems like friends enjoying time together because of them were busy with their own lives. I also didn’t expect jungkook’s personality to be like that. Obviously idk him in real life so I can’t really know how he acts in real life but idk he just seems weird? But I don’t think there is anything between them. Most jikookers were excited for this how because it was gonna prove that they are in a relationship but honestly they are just grasping at straws at this point, and so am I guess. All the big fandoms had band members ships like on direction and many kpop fandoms ship two members on the group too like winter and Karina from aespa although she was dating that actor💀 and finally I would just like to say that jk was hanging out with tae more than jimin although I think that jk’s friendship with tar isn’t really anything special except for bros having fun but yeah, seems weird. Sorry my thoughts are all over the place lol.
Hi! I am sort of back. I lurk around and react when I have the need to discuss smth with other people. Otherwise, I just long on and read what other people are saying. I think I will never be active full time because I simply don't have the time, but I love this space a lot, so I'll never really leave either.
To me, JM and JK look so far as people who were once a romantic item but no longer are, but remained in each other's lives just more distantly. The whole show looks to me like them, trying to deepen their bond and friendship again. I think during the time the US episodes were filmed, they were both single and probably spending the most 1:1 time for months, so some of their usual old tendencies resurfaced, like old habits. I am very curious to see the other episodes. I know lots of people are waiting for the show to give answers about the nature of Jikook's relationship, but I don't think we will get them but we could at least maybe see that made them enlist together after barely spending time alone in the beginning of the year.
JK definitely spent a lot more time with Tae in 2023 compared to previous years, but I don't think their relationship is especially deep. They're buddies and share similar interests. They were also free at similar times, but I'm not sure there is any deep emotional connection there. The fact that JK called Tae definitely surprised me, but then we all saw how rudely JK hung up on him. I'm finding it hard to say where JK's head was in the first half of 2023, and I sort of can't really connect to JK of Jan-July 2023 like I did in the past. It seems to me he was very determined to be this cool, successful man at that time. It's also interesting that JM didn't spend time with neither him nor Tae up until July last year. That's also unusual.
Shipping aside, these two episodes really made me appreciate JM even more. I've always known how gracious and sweet he is, but he was such a good sport even when very sick, so appreciative, mature, yet fun and light and emotionally present. My standards when it comes to him are always high, and he somehow always manages to surpass them. I think he would be a great influence on anyone, and he especially well balances JK. It's sort of sad how I am already seeing people using JK's words to attack JM when Jimin was such a supportive friend for JK during this whole trip. I appreciate JK saying he is "obviously grateful" that Jimin came. Maybe he already had told that to JM many times, but it was important for the audience to hear it as well, considering how JM gets hate for "forcing JK to go on the trip" 🙄
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
ok okokk i may be pushing it but i just cant stop picturing barry circa 2012 with leaving!bucky. i just feel like theyd have the cutest dynamic ever. he gives art student vibes like maybe hes studying film or literature. theyre childhood bestfriends and maybe they were eachother's homoerotic-codependent-friendship canon event. UGHH theyd be so cute stfuu. and maybe bucky and gale are already established and curt is just yearning for a whileee like over a year of slow burn until the three of them are a throuple... idk i just miss curtbuckbucky. you dont have to change your canon for the long fic i just needed to share this idea lmfao
au post | NO ur not pushing it this is such fun world building teehee <33 genuinely this is gonna help me later for drafting! (FUCK MY LIFE HOW IS THIS 2K WORDS. i thought i only had a few thoughts... i was so wrong. my bad chief. enjoy/suffer ig)
ok so this is so funny because i've actually been thinking ab how sweet those two would be together, cute little nerdy besties, and how they'd meet because of course curt has to be in this fic!!
and the first thing my mind went to was the cliche homoerotic codependent friendship trope too LMAO. i'm feeling like maybe they meet on the first day of highschool; neither of them share their english class with any friends, and they end up sat next to each other, and john keeps side–eyeing him because curt looks... interesting. (ie: deep into his emo phase. the fringe. the smudged eyeshadow. chipped black nail polish, band shirts– all things john does not let him live down as they grow up.)
but his eyes settle on some pin on curt's jacket that has some character from his favourite movie or something, and the yap jumps out, john can't control it. blurts out a "you like ___ too?!" and curt's head snaps over and he nods nervously and john takes one look at those big sad charcoal–ringed blue puppy eyes and is like yup. this is the one. will protect with my life.
(tiny headcanon that rly won't have a big effect on plot or anything, but i feel like it just fits very well with john/his character in leaving– dude's got madddd undiagnosed adhd. he's written off as a loud mouth/troublemaker in his childhood, but he wants to be a good kid, his mind is just always going too fast and sitting still is torture and his parents get frustrated and don't look into the root of the problem, trying to discipline it out of him instead. i will heal my inner child by healing him alright)
they're attached at the hip from that moment on and it makes sense to no one because they seem like complete opposites, curt more inclined towards the arts and bookish things and his friends are all the same, whereas john is more inclined towards athletics and science and hangs around that type of crowd as well. but they both love video games and movies and music and they bond over never really feeling like they fit in anywhere particular and both groups of friends get along just fine when they all get together. <3
but yk time goes on, they learn things about themselves as they grow up, and curt and john are so close and spend so much time together that they're already a lot closer than regular friends– they just don't realize it. they think nothing of cuddling up on the couch watching movies together, or sharing a bed when john stays over at curt's place after he gets into a fight with his parents, or being much more interested in spending time together than pursuing girls.
and curt's pretty– john nearly mistakes him for a girl that first day they meet. the summer before their senior year, john practically spends the whole summer at curt's house, and curt's mom doesn't mind; she works long hours and is glad her son isn't spending the summer moping around indoors alone, and she loves john and gets the feeling that her home is a sanctuary for him. one day they're in the backyard lazing around, and they get onto the topic of first kisses, and neither of them have had a proper relationship outside of those classic week–long middleschool flings that don't actually mean anything, so there's not much to talk about.
but being dumb teenage boys, they start worrying about "what if we're really bad at kissing and no girls wanna go with us to senior prom this year" etc. and one of them pops the suggestion of practicing together, and thus begins a summer of sweet stolen kisses and hand holding and experimenting and dancing around calling it something. it ends when the summer does because they realize that they both work better as friends, but they're as close as ever and both definitely learn they aren't straight (and they probably make a cute pact– "if we aren't in love by the time we're thirty, we'll just marry each other.")
i don't see them really doing much together because they're young and shy and inexperienced, but it's enough for john to decide that yeah, he definitely likes guys too, but that's all that really amounts to (until he meets gale) because he's growing up in a small town in wisconsin and it's not the easiest/most accepting place to find other queers. john probably ends up dating a real sweet girl during his last year of highschool, but she's going away for college and john's going to a local one so it ends amicably at the end of summer, both of them staying close friends. (if we wanna get sickeningly wholesome, maybe she ends up pining for a girl while john's pining for gale and they share their little stories and give each other advice and facetime every week to catch up <3)
(++ curt ends up falling head over heels for ken, who he meets through john when curt and john's friend groups get together for movie nights or summer parties. john pretends to be annoyed at how lovesick they are when they first start crushing, but he ends up matchmaking and being the one to push them to confess their feelings after graduation because he loves his friends.)
BUT THEN, leaving this fic's 'canon' to elaborate on the throuple stuff you said! i miss curtbuckbucky too </3
in a separate universe, curt doesn't end up with ken, and as much as he loves his friendship with john and agrees that a relationship wouldn't have worked at that time in their lives, he spends that first year of college pining. when john starts talking about some guy named gale during their second year, he's a little sad, but mostly protective, because "what do you MEAN he's in his 30s??" and "he's a BIKER?"
but john eventually introduces him to gale after a few months of telling curt about him, probably once he and gale actually start seeing each other, and curt immediately gets it. and then he's in double–hell because not only is he a bit (a lot) in love with his best friend, but he's blushing every time said best friend's new bf talks to him, and they're gonna notice eventually if they haven't already and he feels so guilty.
more yearning ensues and john is dense and doesn't realize but gale picks up on it, maybe even notices john doing a bit of pining of his own that john's not fully aware of. and his heart twists because his mind goes to his own insecurities about how john should be seeing someone his own age, so he sits john down and opens up a conversation about it. john is adamant that he's very, very happy with gale, but he tells gale about his and curt's past and admits that he has always still had feelings for him, but insists that it's not something he'd ever pursue, that he values curt's friendship more.
gale throws him off by saying he wouldn't mind if john wanted to explore those feelings, and at first john gets anxious gale is calling things off with the two of them and this is his way of softening the blow, but gale reassures him that's not the case, that he's very happy with their relationship. he just encourages that if he wants to talk to curt and feel things out, he wouldn't be opposed to john and curt seeing each other as well– gale's often busy, after all, so it would be nice for john to have someone else, as long as curt's comfortable with that kind of arrangement and as long as john keeps gale in the loop.
they decide to kinda just feel it out as they go, but soon enough gale starts coming home from work every so often to find the two of them curled up on his couch together, sweet and innocent. curt's wary at first, always slightly detaching himself from john when gale's around, but gale is always friendly and doesn't change up his routine, settling on the couch at john's other side like it's not a big deal at all, wanting to show curt he's welcome there, not wanting john to feel guilty.
it's another scenario where lines just sorta start to blur over time, curt spending a lot of time over at gale's house, and gale sees the way curt looks at him, probably noticed it from the first time they met but chalked it up to nerves at the time. curt's an angel and he's grown quite fond of him, but he doesn't want to overstep, so he leaves it up to curt, thinking maybe the boy will mention it to john one day and john will in turn come to gale to talk about it.
and eventually that happens, just like gale thought it might. curt's just gone home and john's head is in his lap on the couch while they watch tv, and john asks "what do you think about curt?" and gale tells him that he's sweet and he loves how much john smiles when he's around him, the usual. "so you like him?" john pushes, and gale immediately has a feeling where this conversation is going, drags his eyes away from the tv to look down at john.
says "of course" easily, and lets john take his time forming his thoughts. john ends up telling him that he and curt were fooling around earlier while gale was at work (and god help gale for the images that puts in his head) and that he'd made some offhand comment about how curt better hurry up if he doesn't want gale to come home and catch him half naked on their couch. and john's all shy when he says "and curt, uh. y'know. that... did it for him" with a vague gesture LOL. gale never fails to find it amusing how certain things can fluster john to talk about after all they've done together.
"so, anyway. i asked him about it after, if it was a coincidence, and he was real shy about it, but he did admit after a whole lot of apologizing that he likes you." gale listens to him nervously get his words out, petting his hair encouragingly, waits for him to be done before he asks "how do you feel about that?" only to watch the flush return when john mumbles "it's hot."
this is getting sooo long i need to take away my own typing privileges, but basically that's how things would start between the three of them– john and gale agree that gale will let himself be a bit flirty with curt and see how curt takes it. obviously this goes a little too well when curt gets hot and bothered sat between john and gale during a movie night with john's hand on his knee and gale's arm resting on the couch behind him while he plays with curt's hair.
the movie is forgotten when gale's finger catches on a tangled curl and curt doesn't bite back the little whine that slips out in time and john's head snaps over and he mumbles a "fuck" when he realizes what's happened, and his lack of filter comes out to play when he turns to curt and asks "curt, can gale kiss you?" and curt turns to gale with big doll eyes and nods.
john ends up palming himself over his shorts as he watches gale coax curt into his lap, face hot and pupils blown as he gets to see both his guys make out in front of him, almost dizzy seeing curt get so shy and needy and pliant because when it's just the two of them, he and curt are both very balanced in their dynamic. they've been such close friends for so long that not much gets the other truly shy like that, and they're always quick to voice their wants and crack jokes while fooling around and all. so to see curt get so flustered in that way with gale has him lightheaded, and by the time they all collapse into gale's bed at the end of the night, john's convinced this is the best decision he's ever made.
there's a lot of pining on curt's end because for a while it's kinda just sex when it's the three of them, and he loves it but he also finds himself wanting more but feeling too scared to voice it because he feels like he's intruding. but eventually they all get their shit sorted out; curt fits into their relationship just right in a way gale and john never intended or expected, and gale falls for curt just as much as john has and curt does the same with gale.
gale's got two sweet things glued to his side now and man, do they ever give him a run for his money, and if he'd thought john had too much energy (and stamina) it's nothing compared to keeping up with both of them, but he wouldn't have it any other way. <3
throuple things won't be happening in the actual fic, but i do love the idea of exploring the dynamic the three of them might have in a spin–off of that au so this was rly fun thx :-) maybe i'll write a pwp oneshot set in that universe as an excuse to write more curtbuckbucky once the fic is done LOL we'll see!
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halfamask · 4 months
Ok more mokuba serenity friendship stuff! No one asked but me but that’s who this blog is for!
Mokuba and serenity kinda happy that their brothers know about their friendship bc it’s not like they were keeping it secret but they weren’t exactly telling seto/Joey whom they were hanging out with either. Also bc it leads to great moments like “seto if you don’t go help fight yugi’s world domination set villain of the month I’ll tell serenity to tell Joey that you have a blue eyes plushie” and “Joey if you don’t help me clean this goddamn apartment so help me god I will tell mokuba to tell seto about the time you slipped and fell face first into your dinner plate”
Mokuba and serenity going to the mall together and serenity giving him fashion advice bc she’s a well dressed queen and his main fashion inspiration is unfortunately seto and business casual capes don’t really fit the high schooler aesthetic.
But serenity is used to being dirt poor and still has that mindset when she shops but plays it off super well she is the window shopping queen of “omg this is so cute I would commit unspeakable crimes to have this” *puts it back* She doesn’t necessarily resent having to do that but Mokuba “grew up taught that money and power are better than love” Kaiba adds particularly nice things to his mental “potentially buy as a birthday present and lie about the price tag” list.
Serenity is more well adjusted among normal society and kids than Mokuba so she’s definitely the one pretending to not notice that he’s alone in the classroom and no she totally just happened to pop in because she forgot something and “omg Mokuba you left your pencil case too? Anyway we’re going out for karaoke/shopping/boba/food hurry up and find it or you’ll be late!”
Much to Joey and Seto’s chagrin Yugi knew about this friendship wayyyy before they did. He’s seen them out before at malls/cafes/whatever and he’s always been friendly with them so he’ll stop by to say hi and he doesn’t mention it to Joey/kaiba bc he’s #not a narc, plus they actually seem like pretty good friends. Once instead of Yugi it’s atem that shows up and Mokuba’s head is spinning bc there’s something different about him right now and This is the guy that his brother totally does not have a crush on (found out about seto x atem yesterday leaning all the way into it)
Even though their sweet tooth is just the initial way they bond they totally research the cafes with the best cakes and will go to whole different cities just to try one dessert. Seto’s actually really glad mokuba has someone to do this with (bc he’s fs a “can’t eat sweets I need a protein shake” bro) and he can admit it’s nice to see his brother out of his shell. And Joey will never admit it under the pain of torture but he relaxes a bit knowing his baby sister is safe under kaibacorp bodyguards when she goes out bc he’s overprotective and so is seto but with more funds
Idk Joey and Seto not coming to love each other by any means but understanding each other better through their more well adjusted siblings. Never acknowledging it but bonding slightly over the fact that they succeeded, all their struggle so that their siblings could be carefree and laugh and be slightly normal worked and their friendship does in fact prove it. Also both being so overprotective that their siblings chafe against it and serenity-mokuba fs complain about their big bros together and Joey-seto don’t exactly share a commiserating grin but their long suffering eye roll at each other will do.
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group I Round 1: #I3 vs #I6
#I3: Girls get magic from a hamster to have any career they want.
It’s the first day of the new school year. 5th grader Ari and her best friends, Suha and Min, have started an after-school activity called the Problem Solving Club. However, no one seems to have any problems that need to be solved. Disappointed, Ari ends up discovering an unconscious hamster on the road. Amazingly…the hamster begins to speak. “I must find the magic ring…”
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#I6: High-schoolers babysit kids—funny and sweet.
After losing both parents in a fatal plane crash, teenager Ryuuichi Kashima must adjust to his new life as the guardian of his younger brother Kotarou. Although Ryuuichi is able to maintain a friendly and kindhearted demeanor, Kotarou is a reserved toddler still too young to understand the reality of the situation. At their parents' funeral, they are approached by Youko Morinomiya, the stern chairman of an elite academy, who decides to take them under her care.
However, there is one condition Ryuuichi must fulfill in exchange for a roof over their heads and enrolment in the school—he must become the school's babysitter. In an effort to support the female teachers at the academy, a babysitter's club was established to look after their infant children; unfortunately, the club is severely short-staffed, so now not only is Ryuuichi responsible for his little brother, but also a handful of toddlers who possess dynamic personalities.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#I3: Flowering Heart
I first watched this show back when I was in middle school, so it has some nostalgic value for me. Though, looking back on it now, it was a little odd. I think the concept is pretty cool, as they are girls who can magically transform into adults and have the skill set for that particular career (like Barbie, I guess). The reason they started doing this was to help other people, so the show does have a nice message to it. Overall, it’s a pretty standard magical girl type anime, so if you just want something that’s not too overwhelming, I think this would be a good watch.
Trigger Warnings:
Animal Cruelty – one of the antagonists almost gets this girl’s dog killed. It’s nothing graphic, but the dog might’ve died.
Flashing lights – there are magical girl transformations which are very bright
Pedophilia – the 3 girls are all in 5th grade (so around 11), and there is one guy who has a crush on one of the girls (he’s 18) (idk if they end up together as I can’t find a decent translation for the 2nd season)
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#I6: School Babysitters (Gakuen Babysitters)
Propaganda 1:
It is one of the cutest slice-of-life shows, with some really sweet moments. It’s a bit sad that not many people know about it, because it is a very lovely show. Some downright hilarious moments with almost all lovable characters, each with their own quirks, and some unexpected, yet awesome friendships.
Propaganda 2:
It’s definitely one of my comfort shows. Cute, little slice of life where you see the activities of the kids in the club. (They’re super adorable and the stuff they do is so funny.) The bond between Kashima and his little brother, Kotaro, is so sweet, and I love seeing him open up to his new-found family.
Trigger Warnings:
Deaths in MC’s family, which are mostly mentioned in reference to grief. Nothing explicit or graphic. Also, one side character gets overly excited and has nosebleeds around the kids. It’s played for laughs, but at least he’s called out for it being weird. Lastly, there is a pedophile side character, and the other characters think he’s gross and find him uncomfortable to be with.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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fanfic-inator795 · 2 years
As much as I love the friends/friends-to-potential-lovers aspect of Wolf and Snake and the friendship between Wolf and Diane, I have to say that I really like the friendship between Shark and Snake and, if I may be so bold, it’s an underrated broTP.
Given that Piranha and Webs seem to be the youngest members of the Bad Guys, I feel like Shark was the first person introduced into their group after Wolf and Snake decided they were going to form their own gang - meaning that he probably has a decent amount of history with Snake, even if he hasn’t known Shark as long as he’s known Wolf.
And idk, I like imagining Snake subtly warming up to Shark - going from seeing him as just this ‘dummy who likes to play dress-up’ to actually respecting Shark’s killer disguise skills. A similar moment happens when Snake realizes that while Shark may be emotional and wear his heart on his sleeve, he is not afraid to ‘get aggressive’ as he puts it and will NOT hesitate to throw down. Similarly, I could see Shark noticing these subtle moments of approval and respect, and slowly gets that Snake is more than his grumpy exterior and - like Wolf - being someone who believes that he has genuinely good traits in spite of how much of a Bad Guy he acts like. (And even if Snake exploits this belief - see the first Push Pop scene - I like to thing he still appreciates it secretly ^v^)
And while neither of them are a total brawler and fight-lover like Piranha, both Snake and Shark definitely seem to enjoy tussling with each other and messing with each other like actual brothers. It’s a different dynamic than the bantering that Snake shares with Wolf, so it feels like a personal thing that’s just for them.
Also, I could see Snake talking to Shark about things that he couldn’t necessarily talk to Wolf about, and Shark in turn knows how to be both honest and blunt (see that one bit from the books), which is something a guy like Snake soooorta needs sometimes (vs Wolf who, for as much as I love him, tends to side-step issues and avoid conflict in order to focus on what’s ahead. See the scene in the movie at the beach where he just tries to brush off the fight he and Snake had.)
And of course, Snake giving Shark the push-pop when he sees him crying, being both exasperated by it yet still clearly sympathetic - it’s just incredibly sweet. Idk, I just get the vibes that while Snake and Shark aren’t each other’s best friend necessarily (they’re still obvi the closest with Wolf and Piranha respectively) they still have their own special bond with each other that means a lot to both of them, even if it’s not always acknowledged.
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dinoit · 1 year
Ranking my top 5 Favorite Friendships in SPN
(Jack and Bobby not included bc that’s family right there)
5. Charlie and Dean : Charlie is a badass, so fuckin funny and I love that Dean and her can nerd together. Also, as a lesbian, most of my besties have been straight guys and I just like the dynamic. (but their time together was pretty brief on the show so lowest ranking, lot of potential though)
4. Crowley and Sam/Dean : After Sam almost makes Crowley human he has the biggest crush on Sam (names saved in his phone as Moose and Not Moose). He tricked Dean into getting the mark and becoming a demon bc he is a petty king. Obviously he’s a demon but at the end of the day he cares a lot about them and sacrifices himself for them.
3. Rowena and Sam : Rowena starts off rough but her and Sam really bond, especially after the whole Lucifer thing. It’s clear she really cares about him (and Dean, by extension). During Rowena’s end they’re both crying and soft and it’s just such a sweet moment of platonic love. Also in another life Sam would 100% be getting witch lessons from her and you can’t convince me otherwise.
2. Cas and Sam/Dean : Definitely starts off rocky, he guides Dean into the apocalypse and even lets Sam out of detox to start it. Then he lies to them for months to absorb the souls from purgatory and tries to become god. But in later seasons he’s really around to help out the boys, he always puts their well being in front of his own and ends up sacrificing himself for Dean. He wants them to just be happy together and hopes with all his might to be included into that little slice of happiness they finally work out for themselves. They make him more human and that means a lot to him. And as Dean said, he’s one of the best friends they’ve ever had. (Not to mention he coparented Jack with them)
1. Jody and Sam/Dean : Honestly Jody is such an icon, she’s not much older than them but she seems a lot wiser and her door is always open for them. After Bobby dies they get a lot closer and idk she feels more like an aunt than pretty much anyone else in their life. And she lends an ear whenever they have mundane troubles and she’s just a very sweet supportive friend. Also I think she’s the only person who in almost every (later) episode she’s in with the boys, she treats Sam and Dean like normal life partners (bc whether you think it’s romantic or platonic that’s what they are), everyone else pretty much just ignores it or brushes it off, but it has to be pretty affirming for them to visit her and she’s just like “I know the person most important to you and who you want to spend your life with is your brother and that’s okay and it’s good that you’ve found that for yourself”
+1. honorable mention to Meg bc she was so funny and saved both their asses so many times
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jamesunderwater · 9 months
having an anon friend always seems like so much fun and i’m somehow jealous of you.
my fave time of day: my favourite time of day is definitely just before the sun sets. like when the sun looks so much bigger and the sky is a bunch of different colours, that’s my favourite time. (it’s also the time i go home everyday so maybe it’s also the fact that it’s home time).
my favourite character: alaska young. the book version though. there was something about “looking for alaska” that hooked me in at a young age and i’ve never quite been the same since.
one fact: i failed high school english. most of my friends see me as highly literate so when i tell them i actually failed english (it’s my first language too) it always comes as a big shock.
now my questions for you: what’s your favourite holiday? if you could have any fast food brand available to you at a moments notice, what would it be? if you had to describe yourself using two colours, which would they be? 🩶
friend anon!!! despite my considerable neglect of our friendship, i want you to know that replying to your asks was literally on my to-do list for months. i hope that this feels like a compliment -- i only write out "reply to so and so" and "text so and so" when i really care xD
okay if you came off anon though OR figured out how to stealthily leave a message about wanting a friend anon (idk how you'd do that, but worth a try lol) maybe YOU could have a friend anon too. i need to be someone's friend anon, actually. it's such a sweet feeling to make someone feel seen like that, to make someone smile by showing them people care and are interested in them as a person. thanks for being the kind of cool person who does that! <3 i hope you get a friend anon, you deserve one too.
ohhh, that moment before the sun sets is such a beautiful one!! i'm curious what your landscape is like when you're heading home each day -- are you seeing this sky against a city backdrop? an expanse of fields? suburban streets lined with houses? a mountain with houses scattered all down it? the sea or other waterscape? i must know.
haha i am excited that you ended up choosing a character i actually know! fun fact, when i was in high school, my childhood best friend and i reconnected and we always had a kind of ethereal bond. one day we were sitting in her car in a cemetery and decided we wanted to rename ourselves based on our truer nature, but decided we should name each other. i actually named her Alaska, because she so, so reminded me of Alaska from that book. she was just (still is, even now)...unearthly in some ways. magic kind of poured out of every part of her. she ended up changing her name to Alaska really everywhere, truly went by the name for years. I think she only recently started going by her birth name again. (she named me Luna, if you're wondering, and what a compliment, to be compared to the moon in any sense)
i hope it's not rude to say, but i love your one fact? cause fuck school. it is so not a measure of our actual intelligence or proclivities. kinda love that you prove that with that story -- though i am sorry you had that experience, because I'm sure it was very stressful.
okay, i probably already apologized for this, but like.......sorry again for having absolutely no capacity for short replies. i don't really know how people don't comment on every little thing like this? hopefully you don't hate it!
favorite holiday: generally speaking, Christmas. Huge fan of Halloween as well. but the last few years Christmas has been very quiet for me, and while I haven't hated that, it just isn't exactly the holiday it used to be. So you know what? In this moment, I think my answer might be New Year's Eve instead. for several years now I've spent that day in reflection, and journaled for hours at night about the previous year or years, hopes for the new year, all of that. I love it. and I love that, unlike other holidays, I don't really feel the need or even desire to be with others that day -- so the fact that I'm usually not doesn't feel strange or like something i need to fix.
fast food brand: i don't really eat fast food much, or eat out that often at all. but despite the fact that i hardly ever eat red meat, for some reason my brain has associated "i did a hard thing and now i deserve heavy-calorie, easy meal" with Five Guys. which is basically really expensive, wonderfully greasy burgers, and i always feel like shit afterward, but there you have it.
two colors: oh how i love this question... it's hard not to jump to my favorite colors, but that's not what you're asking here. i'm so curious what my friends would say 😆 but me? i think i would say the golden yellow of ginkgo leaves in fall. and... mm, yeah, the dark green of a spruce tree (i looked some up, and i think the black hills spruce tree is the best representation of the green i mean).
<3333 thank you for these questions and the wonderful conversation, friend anon. i hope you had the loveliest of holidays and this week is restful for you.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
I need to do more with Vince's and Judy's friendship, because however unlikely it seems with their backgrounds, they bond over so many little things. Their love for tech, being into the same kind of music, fed up and disillusioned with Night City (but while for Judy it is the healthier choice to leave, Vince has more of a support system around him and actually feels at home in NC). Being two smol and angry queers xD
I recently replayed Pisces, and in my first PT I didn't side with Maiko, because I wanted Judy to be happy... this time I did (withthout taking her money) bc it felt more IC for Vince, even though he was full-on prepared for Judy to end their friendship then and there if he did. But there is such a nice dialogue option in their convo afterwards (dunno if it was Corpo-specific, but it went sth like "the first to die in a revolution are the revolutionaries", and that change needs to be gradual), and it was kind of depressing but so fitting for him. At that point he's genuinely so worried Judy is in over her head, like he's been before, and he doesn't want sth bad to happen to her, even if it means he'll lose her as a friend. And I loved her reaction to it too, still kind of disappointed, but understanding his side and reasoning, cause I'd full on expected her to give him a good talking to xD
They mirror and compliment the other so well, and with the whole Relic crap going on, and after losing Jackie, Vince didn't really want to let anyone new into his life anymore, cause he feels like he brings others bad luck. See also what happened to the Aldecaldos because he had started meddling in their affairs.
But Judy shows him that it's still worth it, no matter what'll happen, that it's good to have friends to support you through the darkest shit. And he gives her the right push to realise that NC is slowly killing her and taking matters into her own hands, and idk... her arc is so bittersweet and her last quest made me cry so hard, ugh, I love it.
Idk I love the idea of her coming back now and then to visit, them going out to party and having fun (and pretending to be the others output/input to ward off other people's unwanted advances xD) I hc for Judy to meet a nice, bubbly and sweet nomad gal on her travels and falling for her hard and fast, her giving Judy all the love and support she deserves. And I'd love for Vince to eventually find the time to actually stop and think and breathe for a moment and visit Judy wherever she's up to at the moment. Get some distance between himself and the city and its darkness now and then, too.
Idk I just love them so much ;_;
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Has any one asked you about Becky? Or Master Henderson aka Mr. Elegant?
First impression: Oh she looks like such a good friend I hope she won't end up being a liar.
Favorite moment: When she accepts the sheep key ring and then both her and Anya have forgotten they went shopping to impress Damian. They spent such a good time together and that all that mattered <3
Idea for a story: Camping trip with the Forgers! Dunno what could happen but I'd like to see her unleash her kid energy while camping out with Anya.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she "ships" Anya with Damian. I think she's just very into romance and she thinks that Anya likes Damian for whatever reason, so she just wants to help her experience this romance thing.
Favorite relationship: Anya bestie! It's so sweet to see their friendship grow, see them bond and experience things together. Endo didn't have to make Becky so sweet and caring for Anya, but he did and I am so thankful for that.
Favorite headcanon: She hosts slumber parties every once in a while for her and Anya. Anya is impressed every time by her family's wealth (though she's not jealous).
Master Henderson:
First impression: He's so funny, why are so many characters in this show so funny XD
Impression now: Though he seems a little conservative, I wish I had more teachers like him when I was at school.
Favorite moment: When he punches Master Asshole Swan. Very elegant indeed.
Idea for a story: Uhhh idk I can't come up with something XD
Unpopular opinion: He seems a bit conservative, particularly in the understanding of the different ways students learn, like he thinks only one method fits all. Not surprising for the era he lives in (and considering how he was taught to teach some 45 years ago when he was studying) but honestly he's so much better than the average teacher today.
Favorite relationship: Honestly, I'd like to see him interact more with Loid. He seems to have a big bias towards him and at the same time be so on edge with how badly Anya is doing at school (something that Loid can relate to, lol) and he has a lot of values that Loid respects so I'd like to see how their dynamic can go.
Favorite headcanon: He's gay. Ostania doesn't look like it's accepting of anything other than strict cishetero- and amato-normativity, so he's not open about it (though he has accepted it for himself) and one of the reasons he's dedicated to teaching is so that he can pass on some self-acceptance and maybe, hopefully, tolerance, to the future generations.
Send me a character!
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
11x19 spoilers
* the flashbacks at the start of the eps are actually quite cute and emotional
* Daryl is such a protector. I don’t remember the last time he interacted with Eugene and he jumps right in to save him
* The titles having more and more blood on them each ep is pretty cool too
* I literally do not give a shot about the Pamela story line
* Okay Lydia and Elijah are the fucking cutest. LET THEM BE HAPPY AMC
* Bit of a side note- I really think Aaron is an underrated character. He’s been around fo so long and he’s literally not done anything wrong ever and I LOVE HIM
* Rosita, my queen. I want to be like you when I grow up.
* Absolutely feral for Daryl Dixon.
* Daryl and Rosita’s friendship is one of the better things we’ve had in s11. I love their dynamic
* Eugene telling Daryl that he is not leaving without his love…👀👀… idk man I’m gonna remember this scene just incase it’s a bit of foreshadowing
* What an odd zoom in shot. But this place the road group are holding up at seems pretty cool.
* LYDIA MY GIRL I LOVE YOU. You bag that sweet boy and don’t let him go. Don’t feel guilty about it
* Im actually enjoying seeing Aaron in a bad mood. Nothing better than seeing the placid nice guy get irritated.
* Pamela, just kill him. I don’t care that your son was a monster of your own making. He was a twat.
* HEY PRINCESS WELCOME BACK. And yes girl you protect your friend. I get Mercer is doing his job and he doesn’t owe our group anything at all but like COME ON MAN.
* ��I don’t think I can, again, you know” I know that Aaron is thinking about a) losing Eric and b) losing his chance at happiness with Jesus in this moment
* AARON MY MAN IM SOBBING. “I’d do anything to take back one of those no’s just to have one more day together” IM OUT IM OUT
* “He would’ve been ashamed of you” yes girl drag him
* NOT EUGENE TRYING TO SQUARE UP TO DARYL IM DEAD. Nah the second hand embarrassment from this scene I am cringing so hard. Daryl has had enough of his shit and knows that Eugene to his core won’t be the one to put himself on the line, it’s his survival strategy
* Daryl is a better man than me. It still shocks me how level headed Daryl has become
* YES YOU DO DESERVE MORE PRINCESS. I love her and Zekes little bond too
* Lance is actually an interesting character but like… why are they making him such a bottom I’m crying
* Princesses trauma is so fucking heartbreaking. I love her. And yes, yes it should be better.
* “Because of what happened to me- when I see a man, I see a monster” I think every woman can relate to that line to some degree Jesus Christ that hit hard
* Hell nah this music with walkers approaching Aaron and Lydia is so creepy
* Jerrys fight scene is amazing. Very cool
* Hell nah these ain’t whisperers Aaron
* I’m thinking the same thing Jerry, how the hell did a Walker do that
* I absolutely love the idea of different types of walkers but at this late stage? All I can think is that they’re introducing the idea here and will explore it more in one of the spin offs because there’s not enough time to unpack all of that
* KING JERRY YES GIVE IT TO ME. And the fact he instantly said “Queen Nabila?” That man is so pure.
* Okay the passing on Eugenes necklace thingy for Coco made me more emotional that I thought I ever could be toward Eugene
* Mercer realising that Eugene is being braver than he is
* WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK. Who are these guys jumping Rosita
Preview for 11x20
* Caryl heavy ep LETS GOOOOOOO!
* Daryl sounded so afraid when he was telling Carol that they took the children. I’m so ready for them to light shit up and get their babies back
This ep was probs my least fave so far but I didn’t hate it. Not a massive fan of Eugene and he was quite central to this ep so that’s probably why. Super excited for next week
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
Hi there, sweetie! It is Sarah here, I was wondering if you could do a character ask game for Leia Forman, Eric Forman and Donna Pinciotti please?
8, 11, 16, 22, 29 and 21
Thx bby
Here's the link for Leia
My first impression of them: I liked him quite a bit. He's funny, sarcastic, cute, sweet, etc.
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like): The only time he truly frustrated me was his reaction to Jackie and Hyde. Like where tf was this when Kelso was cheating on Jackie a million times.
A song that reminds me of them: Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammer
How many people I ship them with: 2-3 (4ish)
My favorite ship of them: Goons (Eric x Donna)
My least favorite ship of them: s4 goons had moments where they weren't at their best
A quote of them that you remember: "For your information, I'm already sorry I was ever born." "You're breaking up the band yoko!" "Instant carnation bitch." "Let me love you orphan boy!" etc.
Your favorite outfit of them: I just loved his later seasons look. He just look so grown up.
Your least favorite outfit of them: Don't have one
Describe the character in one sentence: A lovable nerdy doof.
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character? His looks
Sexuality hc: bi
Your favorite friendship they have: Hyde
Best storyline they had: Season 1-3
Worst storyline they had: Him leaving Donna at the altar made no sense. Maybe he had cold feet or smth idk.
A childhood headcanon: Despite their differences, Laurie would always be the one to comfort him. That’s one of the reasons why he was so comfortable telling Laurie
When do you think they were at their happiest? The revival. He was only in the pilot but from what they show, Eric seems to be having it great. He married the love of his life and has a daughter with her.
When do you think they were at their lowest? I didn’t get that whole plot where he left Donna at altar (I chalk that up to cold feet), but apparently he dumped Donna by letter??? It’s like the season 8 writers had no understanding for the story.
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?) The same as canon imo.
Donna Pinciotti
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And her prep school outfit, her dress in Tornado Prom, and her look in the revival (gorgeous bangs!)
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11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character? I love her name. But maybe the show itself.
16. A childhood headcanon: Being a middle child was very hard for her. She would feel that Val got most of the praise and that Tina was babied a lot. Also she and Kelso would bond over being the middle siblings and feeling overlooked and insecure.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest? Season 3 because of her radio job and t9s for the same reasons I listed for Eric and also because she and Eric are godparents to Jackie and Hyde’s twins.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest? Season 4 because her attitude bugged me at times (her parents were divorced and her mom left so it’s kinda understandable) and from what I’ve heard, season 8 wasn’t her best season either. I mean, dropping out of school because he broke up with her. Aside the fact that it’s ooc for Eric to dump Donna by letter, there’s no way a self-proclaimed feminist character would drop out of school. I know feminists are not perfect (I am one myself so I should know) but this arc didn’t make sense.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?) Same answer as I put for Eric
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mpatriciaann · 1 year
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*SPECIAL* Crash Course in Romance Episode 16 Review (Finale)
You and I, The Union of Two Universes
Scenes that I can particularly relate to:
1. Hae-e’s aspiration to go to Japan reminds me of myself. I haven’t been there yet, by the way.
2. Su-a’s mother went grocery shopping, and I love grocery shopping, not just for groceries but for general shopping too. I am an impulsive buyer. Hay. But the people talking behind her back about her affair video seem so bad. I don’t want to experience that in the future. Well, I guess everyone has the possibility of being tempted to opt for a third party, right? Just like her husband so brazen. I remember being paranoid before, back in 2020, when I had my first boyfriend, who’s so yucky whenever the memories flash back to me. A week after our breakup, he already found a new girl, who is his colleague. Yuck. What a shame The date when we broke up was May 7, 2020. I remember all of it because what he did is so wrong. I even attempted suicide, but luckily I did not. I can finally breathe properly after writing this stuff.
3. The reason I am suicidal is that I have major depression and also bipolar disorder. I tend to remember all the struggles ever since I was born.
4. I feel like I also have ADHD, but this might not be true since this is undiagnosed.
5. I used to drink highly caffeinated energy drinks and take slimming pills because I felt like whenever I diet, it had no effect. Or just a yo-yo effect.
6. Also, I already forgave my mom, who abandoned me since I was two years old.
7. Even someone who has a psychosocial disability can truly love and be loved as long as the feelings are genuine.
8. Idk, it’s weird, but Choi Chi-yeol reminds me of someone from 2018. When I was reviewing for CPALE. 😭😂His love for Hang-seon is undoubtedly sweet and cute. He even bought an expensive gold ring with a diamond on it in advance! But Hang-seon bought an 18K gold ring, too! (They planned to get married after Hang-seon completed his sports instructor certification.) So kawaii/cute! 😭💗
9. Two years later, Chi-yeol has been passionately teaching at his respective academy. I adore him. All in all, the series is a heartwarming and relatable portrayal of the struggles and joys of modern-day relationships. The characters are complex and realistic, and the storylines explore a wide range of emotions and trauma.
10. One of the best things about the show is how it shows family relationships, especially the one between Nam and her brother.Their bond is both heartwarming and complicated, with moments of humor and emotions that add depth to their characters.
11. The romantic storyline between Nam and Choi is also a highlight of the series. Their relationship is built on a strong foundation of friendship and mutual respect, and their journey towards finally confessing their feelings to each other is both sweet and satisfying.
12. The show also explores the idea of finding out who you are and who you want to be, especially through the character of Hae-e.Her decision to leave for Japan and live with her real mother is a poignant reminder of the challenges of growing up and finding one’s place in the world.
13. Also, the show shows how important communication is in all kinds of relationships, whether between siblings, friends, or lovers.
14. The characters learn to open up to each other, express their emotions, and work through their conflicts, leading to more meaningful connections with each other.
15. Those are my thoughts/review. I hope you like ‘em!
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beansterpie · 2 years
Nighteyes and Allen Walker for the character bingo game :)
Thank you for the ask!!
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Can you believe he was only in two books? Because I can't. (Ok I guess he's kind of in the final trilogy apparently but I haven't read those lol). Nighteyes is one of those characters who I just love to bits and I think he served the story and Fitz's narrative + character development and the themes of the story so so so well. And he's just delightful on his own. But while he envokes such strong emotions in me I feel like.... where his story ends felt so fitting and beautiful and sooo sad (I CRIED HARD) that I feel satisfied, so I'm not constantly thinking about him. But yeah for those who don't know, Nighteyes is a wolf who is soul bonded to the protagonist Fitz, thus they work best as part of a dynamic. Though tbh that's in part what makes things tragic, as well as very comforting and lovely. Idk if I want to adopt him exactly because he's not a pet!! And he's certainly not my wit beast, but I just love him ok!!
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Allen my boy, you deserve so much better.... except I don't mean that from a writing standpoint, he is just Going Thru It.
I've been reading D.gray-Man since I was 12 which means I've been reading this manga for over half my life....??? Fuck. Well anyway, I've always liked Allen, but it's as I've gotten older that I've come to really love him. He's just--! An unusual shounen protagonist, I think. Most shounen protags have an arc about them becoming The Strongest, always sort of in line with a coming of age story or Becoming A Man™ etc etc, or otherwise just very wise-cracking and badass. And of course Allen has his moments, but he's just... a really polite and kind kid who also has a mischevous streak, and very little typical macho tendencies at all. Which I didn't really notice when I was younger but came to appreciate a lot later on. He's just so sweet and affirming in his friendships, but also very determined with a rebellious streak a mile wide.
Anyway, he's an all around lovely person who I would genuintely love to meet irl because he seems like he'd be a great friend. However he is GOING THROUGH IT and it makes me so sad, and I want better for him 😭
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kochanski · 2 years
Lot of interesting character stuff in Ouroboros and Duct Soup although it's difficult to say I like the group dynamic. Not gonna get into the misogynistic writing, we all know women be shopping etc etc, I just want to talk about how Kochanski fits (or how I think she should fit) in with the boys
I think Kochanski and Lister do have some chemistry, like, the moment when he tries to draw her a bath and make her evening nicer was really sweet and completely caught me off guard since in most episodes she's the one taking care of him. I'm not a fan of the way their relationship is handled in Ouroboros so it was nice to get a Lister redemption moment in Duct Soup.
I also liked that Kochanski decided to mess with him by briefly lying about her reality, although I'm conflicted about the actual content of the conversation (idk, not the worst thing in the world, but as a gay person it does feel a bit uncomfortable to joke/lie about alternate Lister's sexuality). But there's potential for mischief here and I think that's really important, given that she's been presented in her debut as a relatively no-nonsense character/straight man to the boys' chaos. This interaction brings her from being a reactionary character to stirring things up herself and I really appreciated that.
I do like the witty insults and some of the interactions wrt Kochanski and Kryten's rivalry, but it feels like a way more annoying/sexist version of the Lister-Rimmer dynamic. Rimmer wouldn't (probably) have seriously sabotaged the ship in order to screw Lister over- not saying he wouldn't think really hard about it, but their relationship has kind of a weird affectionate feel that's just missing from Kryten and Kochanski's. Obviously this is me scrabbling to take off the shipping goggles I've welded to my face but you know. Their antagonizing does have some foundation of friendship, where K&K don't have that at all. It is strangely endearing how much value Kryten places on his relationship to Lister, but it plays as controlling and petty in a way I don't care for.
Interestingly, early on in Ouroboros, Kochanski desperately needs to know why Kryten doesn't like her, and seems distressed that he doesn't. I kind of wonder if they weren't close in her reality, which makes me even sadder that they hate each other here.
Kochanski and the Cat don't seem to interact much at all in these episodes, but I did find it cute that the Cat follows her orders enthusiastically and tries to impress her. Of course this is likely a sexual pursuit based on the way he talks about her to Lister, but I would actually kind of love if she was His Person like an actual cat. I really like when Cat displays feline behaviors so I think it would be sweet if they had that weird unconditional bond, and I think it would be funny to see Lister a little jealous of that and try to win back the Cat (unsuccessfully) with food or other bribes. Just my two cents
Obviously, we almost never get her interacting with Original Rimmer, but it would be an interesting match. She and Rimmer have a lot in common vis-a-vis wanting to put order to the chaos, and they have similar backgrounds, although Kochanski comes off a lot more posh and upper-class than Rimmer ever has. Still, I think they would have some of the same tastes and be able to empathize with one another to some degree. I'm divided, however, on if Kochanski's competence and rank would be a source of jealousy, or if he would be relieved to have her in charge and start kissing up to her the way he does in the brief flashback in Ouroboros. As the show goes on, Rimmer kind of blossoms into this guy who actually halfway knows what he's doing as long as he doesn't pause to doubt himself, so I think Kochanski would recognize that in him and try (and absolutely fail) to nurture that. They're also both characters prone to anger and rage, but where Rimmer's presents as passive aggression, Kochanski is willing and able to be straight-up aggressive, definitely more so than Lister ever was. I don't know, I think the comparisons are interesting.
Okay wow this is a longer post than I thought but hopefully it's a fun read. Worth noting I'm only 5 episodes into series 7/have been skipping around a bit so it's entirely possible that I'm missing things. I just feel like if this is the character development season, it leaves some things to be desired and I really want to fill in those blanks
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