#idk if this ship is ready for my soulmate ideas
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soodoonimin · 6 months ago
I have had this idea for a story rattling around in my brain. I’m thinking a Soulmate AU where the weapon plus program happened much much earlier in history and Wade was born much earlier too:
And Wade gets his healing factor/powers kind of like he did in the comics but instead of him getting it as an adult he gets them as a kid (Logan is also experimented on as a kid during the same time) the two only know about each other bc they’d see each other briefly before every surgery
(The one time they’re able to talk is when they confirm that they are soulmates bc of the name on their wrists but while Wade seems excited about it Logan (James) is ambivalent at best. Wade just thinks he’s scared because of their situation.) 
Anyway, Logan escapes but doesn’t save Wade (bc he’s trying to save himself) and it’s bc of this that Wade grows up a prisoner of the weapon plus program & grows to hate Logan
Wade eventually escapes on his own, and the first thing he does is hunt Logan down. He finds him pretty early on and sees that he has a life w/o him and has basically forgotten him (he’s hurt)
Wade starts a fist fight with him at a local bar and it’s only towards the end of the fight that Logan realizes who he is. He stops fighting but he doesn’t know what to say to make Wade feel better. He isn’t going to leave his life behind and he knows he made a mistake he should have saved Wade but…but what? It’s too late for that now.
Wade thinks he wants to avoid him but he can’t help but want to check in on Logan from a distance ofc, even if he’s happy with someone else. One of times he checks in on him, he’s gone. So Wade has to track him down on his own bc not only did they capture Logan, they killed his wife.
At some point Logan got captured by the weapon plus program again and Wade debates if he even should save Logan bc it serves him right
But he ultimately decides to go and save him. And when they fully escape he realizes that they wiped Logan’s memory and not just that but they removed his soul mark. Wade is devastated not just because Logan doesn’t remember him and not just because they’re technically not soulmates anymore but also because Logan doesn’t even remember he had a family that was killed. (He doesn’t know where this selfless thought came from btw)
He decides to stay with Logan who for his part thinks Wade is annoying but doesn’t really know their history and so he kind of lets Wade take care of him even if doesn’t fully trust him
Logan slowly starts to remember and this is when he realizes he might have feelings for Wade (he doesn’t know why though) but he doesn’t know how to tell him bc they’ve been “friends” for so long
Logan does ask about people’s soul marks and he asks why he doesn’t have one (Wade tell him) but he lies to Logan and tells him that his soulmate rejected him a long time ago and he absolutely refuses to let Logan see his mark
“The fuckers in that lab didn’t just ruin your life, peanut. That’s why I’m taking care of you. I know what’s it like to lose yourself and someone you care about.”
One night Logan comes back from chopping wood and something about Wade’s words finally break free that one memory of what they are to each other.
He comes back home:
“I thought you hated me?”
And Wade is replies “No I don’t hate you, what would give you that idea?”
And Logan answers “I don’t know, maybe I didn’t save you. Because I left and tried my best to forget about you until…” He holds up his blank wrist, “Be careful what you wish for right?”
And that’s when Wade knows this is *his* Logan. He doesn’t even hesitate to kiss him and he is SURPRISED that Logan kisses him back
There are still big chunks of Logan’s past that he’s missing and he doesn’t know how much of that he wants back. So he and Logan decided that for now it’s best they think about the present.
Bonus: one could maybe say they’re kind of like soulmates but whether that’s a natural thing or an artificial bond created by the weapon plus program, not even they know but it doesn’t matter.
Let me just finish my cute little dancing one shot (I should have it done by Friday) and I’ll get right on this fic lmao bc I fucking love soulmates and I LOVE tragic soulmates more than that! And who is more tragic than these twooo??? (Okay I lied I know two others who are maybe a little more tragic but you get my point)
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erenfox · 5 months ago
Rating TMR Shipssss
Thomesa (Thomas x Teresa): 147284892/10 i will fight you on this. they were literally so precious and tragic. it was like the universe had decided their destiny, but at the end of the day thomas never stopped loving her and neither did she stop loving him. she betrayed everyone for the greater good but redeemed herself to save HIM. i know she made some extremely questionable choices but goddamn theyre always slept upon. thomesa my beloved, they hated you but i never will 😭💔
Newtmas (Newt x Thomas): 3/10 (i can feel the hate radiating towards me) listen. im completely fine with people going batshit crazy over them. but personally? no. seriously, i never understood the overhype and appeal for newtmas. i can completely understand if newt was in love with thomas all this time, but the idea of them being together? nah. i just never saw any sort of romantic tension between them. like, im not being a full-on hater, but i saw them like platonic soulmates. their friendship is literally to die for (ahem ahem newt ahem 💀) and i wish I had a loyal friend like newt. but romantically? nah.
Trenda (Thomas x Brenda): 5/10 tbh they were pretty mid. i mean i can totally see them ending up together post the death cure, but their chemistry felt too forced at times. their friendship dynamic tho? TOP. TIER.
Thominho (Thomas x Minho): 10/10 the close friendship. the trust they have in each other. the things theyve lived thru together. the lengths thomas went to save minho. if thomas was bisexual hed definitely go for minho. CHEFS KISS AAAA
Nalby (Newt x Alby): 7/10 now this is a newt ship that had sm wasted potential. the fact that alby was the first person ever who newt befriended and trusted. the fact that alby was always stern to everyone BUT newt. the fact that they had one of the strongest mutual trust in the glade. the fact that newt was distraught and ready to throw hands with the grievers after they killed alby in the books. they just didn't have enough time. their dynamic i can't 😭
Newtenda (Newt x Brenda): 8/10 NOW LOOK I KNOW NEWT IS GAY AND I RESPECT THAT but i never knew that while watching the movies and reading the books. like seriously, i thought he was straight for the longest time, and the idea of newt ending up with brenda is weirdly wholesome to me. they share similar experiences of going thru hell while being infected and idk i just enjoy this ship very much. if newt wasn't gay, he shouldve definitely ended up with brenda lmao
Brenally (Brenda x Gally): 6/10 same case as newtenda, but they needed more development. otherwise post tdc theyd be so cute :3
Minally (Minho x Gally): 4/10 nah. just, nope. i can see strong friendship and respect for each other throughout tmr and post tdc, but as a ship... pretty bland so nope.
Minewt (Minho x Newt): 8/10 oh yep. absolutely. theyve known each other maybe not as long as nalby, but the things they went thru in tst and tdc... and the efforts newt was ready to make to save minho- like my boi was freaking infected but he chose to focus on saving minho over himself 😭 and minhos reaction on seeing newts dead body just 💔 if this ain't peak idk what is...
Sonyaris (Sonya x Aris): 9/10 best friends? check. immediate relief on finding the other was alive? check. her taking care of him when he got injured? check. him standing up for her? check. both survived the horrific events thrown upon at them? check. what's there not to like?? they just needed more screentime together lol
Thomally (Thomas x Gally): 2/10 nope. too much toxicity, if im being honest. i mean, they did end up working together and becoming somewhat friends at the end, but idts thomas would ever be able to forgive gally for killing chuck. chuck was basically thomas' baby brother. im sure thomas, despite having gotten over chuckie's death, still finds it extremely unfair how gally got saved but chuck didn't.
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jicklet · 2 years ago
Oh no I forgot you ship Ted/Becca.
😆 Hi anon! I hope this doesn't ruin your day or anything, whomstever you are. If you don't ship it or ship something opposing or whatever's your bag, I'm sure we can still be friends, or whatever we are.
But I've been mulling this all over since the finale, and this is a good excuse to get my thoughts out. Because I come from ye old timey shipping days of "the idea of them together is cool, regardless of whether it happens or not." so that wasn't really my problem with the ending.
Here are the things that are true:
I really like themes and parallels. I like connecting dots and finding connections and all that jazz
The number of themes and parallels they set up between Ted and Rebecca was delicious and very fun for me.
My reaction to the finale is less upset than it is frustrated and confused.
My frustration isn't purely 'they didn't get together romantically so it sucks.' I had started making peace early S3 with realizing it probably wasn't gonna happen
I am frustrated because I wanted all those bits of cool narrative shit they laid out to Do Something
I am frustrated because it feels like Ted and Rebecca have had very few emotionally connected scenes since season one, and what's the point of parallel journeys and soulmateism if their journeys are going to stay so parallel and not join up more, and then just apparently diverge completely
And on the apparent diverging, I don't love it but it would have sucked less if their lines just matched up more in the middle! That could be poignant! But as is, it's more disappointing than tragic, because whatever potential was there wasn't almost realized and then lost, but instead just... never really approached. It feels wasted.
The show did not owe us them getting together, but what it did give us, I found unsatisfying. That's just a bummer, man.
Forgive me this metaphor but I cannot find a better way to put it: I am frustrated because I feel like I got ridden for 3 seasons while they went 'just wait it'll feel so good' and then they were like 'are you ready?' and then just hopped off and left.
I am confused because at the end of their story, I cannot figure out what I am meant to be feeling about it.
Again, I didn't need them to get together romantically, they totally could've found some other way to make it satisfying! But. Ted and Rebecca getting together romantically would have also tied it up in a lot of ways that worked and made the narrative satisfying.
Having a romance arc that works with their character arcs and the themes they've built on is just really cool as a story.
Obviously all that parallel journey stuff would've actually been leading them somewhere, ie to each other, yay woo
And not to each other just because they've been through similar shit, but because, as that last post said, among a lot of other reasons, they've been set up well to be what the other person needs.
Romance is not the be all, end all. But:
Ted and Rebecca both want to be in love with someone, someday.
Here is someone who already understands and balances and supports them.
Like, that's awesome. Is that not the qualities you want for them in a future romantic partner?
I can't see how it diminishes their friendship if it caries on very similar to it has been, just like, sometimes they smooch. Maybe I'm just too demisexual for this idk
Boat guy. I like boat guy, but he's a chiller version of Ted. I can't find that post that points out all the parallels there, but that episode by the time we got to Kenny Rogers I was like. Uh. Hm.
It's confusing to have boat guy have a beautifully intimate evening with Rebecca, all the while having so many specific details similar to Ted, and then just act like romantic Tedbecca is a wild, character-ruining concept.
Because the show ends with Ted leaving and Rebecca miserably walking out of the airport and straight into proxy-Ted. I have no idea how to feel about that.
I could keep going, but I'm about out for now, so uh. Woe, wasted Tedbecca potential be upon ye~
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calsvoid · 7 months ago
for the character ask 002 Bobby Nash
(I love how you're fighting with polls, I also hate that you can't delete them)
character ask game
reply threads are so great tumblr can you make a fucking x button for polls
version two — give me a character and i will tell you:
how I feel about this character:
i need to fuck that old man
and then also hold him tight and keep him safe because he needs stability and love in his life and let him know that he never needed to be perfect or even great and the pain he suffered wasn’t a punishment it was just life and it’s not his time yet
all the people I ship romantically with this character:
it’s athena it’s just athena who else no one could beat THE athena grant they’re soulmates i love them they’re so perfect each other THE married couple of all time even if i wanted to ship anyone else i couldn’t because she’s literally right there and nobody else matters
my non-romantic OTP for this character:
will never not hate rockmond for taking away bobby and michael bestieism from me they were perfect together husbands in law besties god brought them together because god can be kind sometimes and by god i mean tim there was always support between the two of them and they were so good at communicating their issues and urghhh just every scene between the two of them is amazing
also him and the kids like the firehouse field trip and all his moments with may and always caring about them ugh i love this family if they don’t give me more moments next season ill fight someone
my unpopular opinion about this character:
i think the only one i have remotely is that i don’t want him to retire yet, i think they absolutely could do well with it (especially if that one food truck idea gets followed through ppeawepleaseoleasepleawepleaseeapsleapslewapslw) but ill just miss him as captain even though i know his attitude towards his job isn’t like athena’s so it might happen but ill be sad because change is hard
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
um his fucking house didn’t burn down
also my previous answer before season seven probably would’ve been more details on his childhood but guess what tim hates me and he wants to make both me and my husband suffer through the horrors
my OTP:
me and bobby
lol no it’s bathena of course it is, they are such a beautiful couple and i’m on my rewatch and “thanks for coming to get me” “always” never fails to make me a believer in true love like it is insane how much love you can pack into one word they’ve always got each other’s backs and they are just soooo in love they’re everything to me
my crossover ship:
once again no one because i’m not big into crossovers unless real life counts then it’s me and bathena
a headcanon fact:
i like to think after he retires he’ll be a lot more involved in charity work and whatnot, like he’d probably still help a lot with the 118 fundraisers and then do more with his local church. he and buck would probably make homemade meals and donate them to a shelter idk i just think it’s cute. and the firefam kids help too because kindness and volunteer hours
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lovethytendytenderly · 17 days ago
Is there an au you'd like to write someday?
Also what's your favorite sentence/paragraph you've written recently? 👀
I think I’d like to write either a soulmate au or a daemon au. I think both of them would be interesting.
I’ve tried coming up with ideas and looking at prompt lists for soulmate aus and I got nothing. So much of soulmate aus is centered on the meet-cute/instant recognition aspect of it and generally my hockey ships tend to come with some flavor of “have known each other and/or been pining for years.” So hard to explain in a believable way to myself the miscommunication of it all. Maybe but Jars and Tanger know about their names on each other’s wrists and Tanger is rejecting Jars anyway cause he’s not ready but that’s less interesting. I guess I could go full au but my inspo tends to strike in terms of near-canon or *mumble* season so non-hockey is less interesting. My ship that’s known each other the least amount of time is Ned/Jars but I’ve got two(?)-three(?) wips I haven’t made any progress on set during training camp 2023 so idk if setting a soulmate au fic last year would do anything.
As for daemon au, it is how you say, the autistic urge to put things into categories or perhaps lists. (It will fix me and totally not make me worse— I promise). Look. I think Ren and I would lose 3 days making a spreadsheet for common hockey daemons and also assigning every pen from the last 10 years (+the 09 cup team, Mario, and Jagr) an animal for their daemon. That isn’t a plot though that’s just the neurodivergence purring at being given a task it can win. So not worth the effort rn, especially cause I am not animal fact-pilled and would struggle figuring out where to start.
As for favorite scene/paragraph probably gonna have to go with this:
“Safeword?” Sid asks, his tone brooking no argument.
Tristan scowls. Leave it to Sid to do a check in at a time like this. He already knows Tristan’s safeword. He’s got the safewords for the entire team memorized, sub, switch, and dom. This is Sid’s way of reminding Tristan that no matter what happens if he wants this to stop, Sid will make it happen.
Im adding the paragraph for context but the favorite line is He’s got the safewords for the entire team memorized, sub, switch, and dom. Cause I like the idea that Sid is looking out for everyone including paying attention to the little details like knowing everyone’s safeword. Also I’m still laughing that I wrote a check-in in my consensual-non-consent scene. Sid is being a hard dom to Jars rn and he was still like okay that thing we just did was abrupt and intense, we are taking a breather right now and if you want this to stop it will immediately. Tristan is like fuck you keep manhandling me please I will struggle and it will be good for my mental health. Fuck you for thinking I’m not into this.
Which. Neither one of them is turned on but maybe I should add that in on Tristan’s end. Hmmmmm. Sometimes I’m too ace to remember that oh yeah stuff like this is maybe supposed to get them off even though like mid practice forced submission shouldn’t be hot even tho it probably is a little bit
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zerokogane · 4 years ago
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I need to scream about certain fics so here are some of my favorite persona 5 fanfics (be warned most of these of not all are going to be shuake and ongoing)
Pt 2 https://zerokogane.tumblr.com/post/652917516478349312/lappel-du-vide-xov-persona-5-archive-of-our
Ongoing, shuake, rated M, 300k+
What do you mean?” Ryuji tilted his head.
“It’s called Just Die. It reduces the SP needed for Insta kill skills like Mudoon or 'Please Die for Me' to zero.”
Ryuji and Ann blinked and blinked again trying to figure out what Morgana is trying to say. He watched as the gears churn in their head and they come to an epiphany, their faces growing horrified at the implications.
“Wait, you are saying. Joker can insta-kill literally everything in this palace. WITHOUT using SP at all?!” Ryuji clarified in astonishment because there is no way there isn’t a catch to this. “Without repercussion?!”
“Yes. That is exactly what I’m saying.”
Or the NG+ au where Akira knows more than he lets on, the Phantom Thieves start to suspect one of their own, and Akechi is in for a wild ride.
Series 6/7 completed, no ships, ratings vary per part. 700k+(all 7 parts)
Discerption or first part in series :Forewarned
When Akira Kurusu is ten years old, his parents die in an accident.
One year later, he comes to Inaba. He doesn't expect to find family there, and he doesn't expect to find a hidden world of monsters inside the TV.
He finds both.
Shuake, ongoing, rated T, 300k+
In the Present...
...Akira and Goro are the famed Detective Princes of Tokyo! They've solved countless crimes and brought justice across the city, gaining allies and confidants wherever they've roamed! As election season approaches in the distance, and ominous warnings are whispered into their ears, will they be able to weather the storm to come?
In the Past...
...two young boys, abandoned by society and family alike, find each other. Will they be able to handle everything else they find, in the years to come?
No ships, ongoing, rated T, crossover with bnha(sorta ? jokers in their universe but he doesn’t know why ) 280k+
“Foolish mortals!” Yaldabaoth’s shadow fell over them like a death shroud, “The sin of rebelling against a god is severe. As punishment, I banish you to other worlds unknown!”
Something changed in the air, like the snap charge of electricity after a thunder strike. No, this was more than that. The world shifted and changed and contorted, the weave of fate was unnaturally pulled by the God Of Control, creating fractals in the flow of time and space.
Joker’s teammates gasped as bizarre, otherworldly doors came into existence.
One, a pair of silver doors with alien markings, cracked open just a hair to reveal a large, terrifying eye. Another, a glowing paper door that would be at home in any vintage Japanese mansion. The third, a grand golden gate decorated with eyes and horned demons, bubbling black sludge dripped from its maw like tar. The final one was a fluctuating cloud of purple and black mist.
Shuake, ongoing, rated T, 250k+
From a young age, Akechi Goro was forced to accept that life is not fair. When the world is full of injustice and seems determined to throw that in your face at every chance it gets, what are you supposed to do? Sometimes you just need to tear the whole damn system down.
Meanwhile, Kurusu Akira just wants his friend back. He never meant to become a delinquent, much less the leader of the Phantom Thieves, but he supposes he’s never been very good at staying out of other people’s business.
(A soulmate au where writing gets transferred to each other’s skin. As a result, they become long-distance friends… until Akechi lets his jealousy and anger get the better of him, that is.)
( if you turned off by soulmate au’s trust me it’s good and it’s not as big part of the story as you would think, or not used in the “normal” way....idk your just gonna have to trust me one this one if the story sounds interesting cause it’s really good rant over)
Ongoing, shuake, rated M, 300k+
"Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds."
In which Goro Akechi joins the team during Kaneshiro's palace arc instead of Makoto.
Ongoing, will be polythieves but we don’t know the specifics yet, rated M, 29k+
Yaldabaoth had been told of the Mythical Trickster. He had laid out the plans for his game expertly, all the pieces and threads in place, ready to pull the Trickster into the trial that would determine humanity's fate.
His plan, however, did not account for what he actually received: Twin Tricksters.
No matter... surely, this would not lead the game too astray. Would it?
Ongoing, no ships with Akira but there is ann/shiho, rated M, 44+k
When Suou Akira is arrested for a crime he didn't do and sent to Tokyo for probation, all he wants to do is live as quietly as possible and return to his family in Sumaru City. Of course, things don't work out the way he wants them to.
One-shot completed, shuake, rated T, 7k+
'Akechi takes back his initial thought about this being an absolute pleasure to watch as the man, who was only a few mere feet away from Akira, whips his hand and flinging the freshly brewed two hundred and five-degree boiling hot coffee straight into Akira’s face.
Directly hitting Akira’s Glassless bare face.'
Or the one where Akira deals with a nasty, entitled customer and Akechi is perpetually in denial.
(For Akeshuake Hurt Comfort Week, Day Three, prompt: Illness/Injury!)
One-shot completed, Shuake, rated T 21k
Discerption: Pretending is part of Goro's daily life, masks hiding his true intentions and feelings are things he uses very often.
However, the idea of lying about his relationship status never occurred to him.
Yet, now he is in a "relationship" with Leblanc's barista to trick his colleague and the therapist who doesn't know that they don't know each other.
And between medical appointments, dates, and his personal investigations, Goro must now manage the storm that is his emotions when it concerns Akira Kurusu.
Where is the line between pretended and true love after all?
A Fake dating couple therapy story where Goro and Akira use lame excuses to date.
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mimiri22-6 · 4 years ago
Let's do this. One last time.
Ducktales 2017. I didn't think I was ready for the end, but the finale was too perfect to be sad nor angry.
There's so much to say-too much to say...and I'm going to try my best to say all of it.
Seeing Webby and Scrooge interactions now, after watching this once, is just-They're So Soft! AND everything is just-AH I love it. It's so weird, but when is the family tree not screwy(also, Webby=Scrooge's clone? Webby=female? Trans Scrooge=Cannon?! I think Fucking So!)
Aaaaaaannd that's all we get from Gladstone and Fethry. If there's one thing I wish was in this episode more it would be more cousin interactions and Daisy. Though, Daisy not being too into it makes sense. Loved what we got of her tho. At least we got a little bit of them this episode, it was already pretty character packed
Well...Launchpad is only half wrong.
Oh wow. Oh Wow, I love this dynamic between LP, Drake, and Fenton...ot4? because I refuse to leave Gandra out. I love how Drake doesn't know about Fenton and Gizmo while it seems like everyone else in the world does. Still, LP/Drake and Gandra/Fenton some of my faves. So good
OH YEAH! Even the other 2 Caballeros are here!!
And the last adventure STARTS
I find it Fantastic how Dewey and Launchpad will probably die thinking F.O.W.L used the last level of a videogame as their secret layer layout
*sigh* This is why I avoid previews and wish I was better at avoiding theories from after those previews. I would have been more surprised and probably would have enjoyed this ep even more if I had Nothing to expect. But the theories were right. Tho, I did not expect how (or should I say Who) Webby was cloned from...though also I was spoiled by that when I was looking for the ep. Some ass used "Scrooge is Webby's dad" as a video title. I didn't think it was real, but I was wrong.
Awwww. Don has such a soft spot for kids
I love Lena and her development.
...*sigh* ok. "you've already got sisters" with this line, I am obligated to drop the Webby/Lena ship. I'm sorry, but it's one of my many rules for being ok with a ship. If the characters Ever say, even just once as an afterthought, they see each other as siblings or something similar, I will see them as that. It's why I've never been ok and have been uncomfortable with Shiro/Keith since Keith saved Shiro from...his clones...huh. So, from now on, I'm going to be Very uncomfortable with anything Weblena...even though the thought of them in the future was cute
HOW does a show about building ottomans have plot???
I wasn't sure how to feel about the clones All throughout this
Oooooh. That picture of Webby's parents...is fake. It's like some picture Beakley took off the internet.
I saw a post saying how Della had to convince Donald to go on one last adventure and how she had to watch him almost die, but she really Didn't. She helped him pack and she was ready to let Donald go on his adventure("but Daisy's my adventure" They are too damn cute for their own damn good. I love them. donsy for the win), but an actual Crisis came up and he had to stay. Donald nearly dying by void was not Della's fault and if I see any more posts about how she roped Donald into a death mission, I will go up a wall and break a neck on my way down
Man, it's weird hearing this and knowing that Webby's parents don't exist
Wow! Beakley just knocked out Scrooge! Damn!
Oooh! The girls are fighting
...Woah. I just realized, the blood and brain of Scrooge McDuck and the training of Bentina Beakley. Webby is even more of a beast than we knew.
Pepper. Just Pepper. She seems like one of your parent's nice coworkers that brings you brownies and pinches your cheeks
I also really like that you can't tell which Gyro is telling that to
God, I Fucking Love the concept that is Manny. He's one of those things that if someone asked you about him outside of the fandom, you wouldn't even know where to start. It's absolutely FanFuckingTastic. He's the most magical thing in the universe? Fuck Yes, give that to me Now!
HE SPEAKS!!!!!!(I couldn't place his voice actor, but I when I looked him up I realized recognized him for Glossaryck from SVTFOE)
(Edit: Just found out that the scene with Manny was a Gargoyles ref. Nice!)
Once again, I love everything about LP, Drake, and Fenton
And then Lena Died
Aww, they both have such soft spots for children
(that had to be a different font because really, what the fuck)
He really did just say he was too busy to die. This duck is too powerful
(I really just don't have too much to say between all of this. I just love all of it)
Woo! Louie with the motivation!
Pft-how both of them are singing? Love to see it...wait, we don't see Don Karnage after this...DID HE DIE IN THAT CRASH?! DID DEWEY COMMIT HIS FIRST MURDER?!
"Welcome home, April." I hate you.
Of course he dabs
"he was like this when we found him." Nice to know Gos knows what to do in the event that she kills someone
Oh that's horrendous. I hate that
"Now, let's get down to business." TO DEF[get's shot]
Why is Manny like actually the best?
God, Drake and LP really are two halves of a whole idiot huh? They're soulmates, your honor
"I. Am." "Not alone in this." That was so sweet, but also JUST TELL HIM!!
And now Glom is dead
Oh, that's a lot of mind control
"Even by our standards, this is a weird day." Couldn't say it better, Lena
"How do you think Della found out about the Spear of Selene?" OH, YOU MOTHERFU
"Oh, Bradford, how villainous." DAMN! HE REALLY DID JUST DO THAT, HUH?!
"Do you know how replaceable clones are?" Oh yeah, that's right. You're probably not the og Gyro
Man, we don't ever have Von Drake for long but I always love him
Those lights are really only there for dramatic effect, aren't they?
...Close enough.
Launchpad moment! Yeah!!!
HEY! I just noticed. While wearing the suit, Launchpad didn't crash...idk what to do with this info
The fine print is usually good to read...we people just don't do it apparently
"...your most trusted ally?" *picks Donald* Wow. That's right there with the feels ain't it
"it's not worth the risk." Fuck, I love them
Oh that sounds so weird. Scrooge has never been a dad, always Uncle. So Weird
And Gandra, Gyro, and Von Drake are dead. There is a Body Count this episode
"Donald Duck." "Uncle Scrooge." I SEE YOU! I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE! AND I LOVE IT!
Hehe. From Bitchford to bird brain.
Beakley thinking she's no longer accepted? Nah, she was granny first and foremost
"We're smarter" "We're tougher" "We're sharper" And we'll earn our way square." AH-I'M GOING DOWN LIKE THE SUNCHASER, GUYS
I don't know what else to say.
This show was amazing from beginning to end. I may not have cried, but I didn't need to cry. It wasn't sad and there was nothing bittersweet about it. Just pure perfection, just like the rest of the show.
Perfectly Preen, not a fether out of place.
Goodnight Ducktales, you were perfect
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washymylifeaway · 4 years ago
Haikyuu Angst fanfic recs
EDIT: I added in the ships for each fic LOL, prolly should’ve done it like that from the beginning smh my bad :’)))))
EDIT 2: I made a pt 2 linked HERE
No one asked me to do this, but I’m providing it anyway because we all need a little angst in our lives. Right? Anyway, this entire thing is going to be something you need to read warnings, tags, and summaries in advanced because everything here will be angst. Anyhoo, in no particular order, here comes the sadness... And also don’t come at me for putting fics I’ve recommended in the past,,,, it’s an angst post I have to put all of them.
WARNING: Almost all of these fics deal with either some sort of death, trauma, or mental illness so please I BEG OF YOU to proceed with caution. Also in NO way am I romanticizing any of these things, these fics recs are merely pieces I thought were written extremely well, and that portray major events from multiple perspectives skillfully. If you are struggling, please contact a hotline and get help, you are never in this alone!
National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255
boiled frogs by reginagalaxia (E) 91.5k /MatsuHana/ is it possible to hate a character this much? I never realized how much hate/rage I had in me. Really. Like. Imma boutta fight this MF LIKE SQUARE UP. The way I tried to manifest a fake characters death like,,,, Anyway. If my RAGE doesn’t explain how good of a freakin writer they are, then idk what will. (PLEASE READ THE TAGS, THERE ARE SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!!)
In Another Life by LittleLuxray (T) 23k /BokuAka/ it’s a classic, what can I say? You into some BokuAka angst? Here’s the fic. Go right ahead. Don’t be shy :’)
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) by cosmogony (T) 30.9k /KuroKen/ again, a classic. We do love a good soulmate AU tho :)))))))
^^ I didn’t write much here cause I wrote my general thoughts on a different post (linked here) so yea it’s not that I don’t like the fic, it’s just that I didn’t want to be more redundant than I already am LOL.
Oikawa's Last Wish/es by DanaiaCake (G) 5.1k /IwaOi/ this one, man it’s short but painful LOL. Proof that angst doesn’t have to be long to completely break you ahhahah. It actually has a sequel (which is less angsty), but yea if you like finish this fic and are like broken, read it for some.... glue?
The Sky and Guilt Are the Only Feelings I Have Left by oopsthisisqueertoo (NR) 267.7k /BokuAkaKuroo/ ngl I picked it up as a rec from someone else after misreading that it was THIS long haha. But like I kept reading, and the suspense omg. It HAS a happy ending, so if you’re reading it and you start to feel empty, push through (tho take breaks) and finish because it DOES end HAPPY. (PLEASE READ THE TAGS, THERE ARE SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!!)
Made to be Broken by todxrxki (T) 8.1k /KuroKen/ this one focuses more on the after than the build up, and it made me so sad (as it should cause this is literally an angst fic rec post smh @ myself). I usually don’t cry too much but this one made the waterworks turn ON. Sighhhhhhhhhhh. Bless Akaashi.
Even Though it All Went Wrong by plumtrees (T) 9.2k /MatsuHana/ THIS IS THE REASON THIS POST CAME TO BE. I love this fic with all my heart (or what’s left of it). Like LOVE as in, this fic really broke me beyond just breaking me. Like. When Oikawa says what he says to Mattsun after the thing (you’re sorry __ _____ __ ____) and the Iwa right after (we know __’__ ___ ______ to make you ____ __ ____) (if you’re wondering wtf I’m putting here, just ctrl F you’re sorry and you’ll see), you cannot believe how hard that hit. GOD. (I am okay if you’re wondering :’)) This is my #1 favorite angst fic of all time and if you are okay mentally and have read the tags and warnings and are fine with them, then please read it. (PLEASE READ THE TAGS, THERE ARE SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!!)
Better For Us Both by abrandnewheart (M) 15.7k /SakuAtsu/ THE MUG FIC. There was a sequel and when I saw that it took me another week to read it cause I was like,,, am I ready to have my heart break again? No LOL. But the sequel is actually not as angst, so if you want like a semi-broken whatever, just read the sequel LOL. It’s so sad and it made me physically hurt every time someone even mentioned mugs afterwards (LOL why am I so dramatic but it’s the truth :///). Go ahead and hurt with me.
Crumbling Foundations by Captain_Hughes_ZU, ToshiChan (T) 106.3k /MULTI/ I was debating whether or not to put this fic cause it actually doesn’t even have the angst tag (which I personally think it should). Honestly, it’s more a trauma fic than an angst fic idk I just wanted to put it somewhere because it’s written super well and although it was technically a ‘happy ending’ the interviews after prove else. Despite only being rated T, it’s got some intense TW so (PLEASE READ THE TAGS, THERE ARE SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!!)
arbitrary nature of thought. by wadingpool (NR) 5.6k /SunaOsa/ this....... ah... ahh.... The pain...... I really love the SunaAtsu friendship agenda. The ending was happy (I keep doing this LOL) but the build up to the break,,,,, AHHHH. Yea the ending was really heartwarming....... BUT THE BEGINNING. Yea it really jumbled me up..... JFLJDSFLKJHDLFHS
How To Be A Kick-Ass Brother: A Guide by Miya Atsumu by Egosdelirium (E) 25k /SakuAtsu + SunaOsa/ what personal vendetta do I have against Osamu? Nothing, literally nothing he just happens to always suffer in the fics I choose oops. This fic is one I really like, and it portrays the close outsider’s perspective on a horrific event really well. I was iffy on putting this in because it’s not really the angst type I was going for (more death less trauma?) but I really liked this fic, and while I was making my end note, I kept thinking about it so yea. Atsumu best boy. (PLEASE READ THE TAGS, THERE ARE SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!!)
You might be thinking, done already? Wellllllll there were a lot of fics where I decided against putting them on (cause I felt like it didn’t really match what I wanted to be recommending but idk what the theme was LOL oops but yea I would look at a fic and think well it is angst but not the right TYPE of angst y’know?) and I really hate reading angst (there’s a lot of days where I shouldn’t cause my mental health said no thanks LOL). Also I wanted like FULL angst fics, but most of them have like happy endings (which made some of these iffy and is good but also it wasn’t what I wanted to put :////) So yes, I may add to this post (we’ll see) but like it’ll depend on whether I can convince myself that reading angst at 4 am is a good idea LOL. (pls recommend me some too!)
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hebescus · 4 years ago
remember this ship ask? yeah, i wanna do them all with lawlight bcs they control my brain. but it's a happy no death note au bcs it's me. oh and this shit is long plus it's 3 am rn so my words are very messy. but enjoy.
(i skip some numbers that i answered and the ones that i can't think of btw)
pre relationship :
How did they first meet?
L's investigation hq. he was a suspect of L, still, but this time he told soichiro to bring this 18 yo boy to the hq to test him, asking light to work with all of them. he ends up not guilty ofc, but L still wants to keep him…around.
What was their first impression of each other?
ah, the good old 'what the fuck dude???' from light and the 'oooh he got a big brain' from L. it's hard to get out of canon in this one.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
L. But it's more like thoughts, rather than feelings. It's just these random thoughts that pop out in his head like 'i don't mind kissing this guy, if he asks' but not like 'i want to kiss him' yknow what i mean? idk this is just something i experience a lot lmao. it develops to feelings once light falls for him and L can see that. So in terms of ideas, it's L, but in terms of feelings, it's Light.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh our favorite light denial yagami. Of course he's cursing himself for having feelings like this but once L calls it out he's over. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Light would laugh it off, and be like "i don't like him that way you know". L would shrugs be like "well yes that's possible, i don't think i mind". 
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
boring, lonely, empty, you name it
(more under the cut)
general :
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
hmm, they both initiated the relationship? ykwim? They both notices they had feelings for each other and just...go from there. they never have like a relationship talk, they just go with the flow until at some point they starts to get comfortable to refer the other as partners. They basically can read each other's mind, after all.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes, sort of. A tennis game! And a coffee sesh after, just like canon. They plan this to be just "let's just relax, this case has been really exhausting, take a one day break, L" but when Light got home, sayu asked "how's the date going?!" He immediately said "it's not a date, you watch too many dramas it's rotting your brain" And sachiko gave him a smile while shaking her head at this statement and when he's back to his room he immediately calls L and was like "hey does that count as a date?" and L answers with "depends, do you want it to be?" with a smirk that light can hear.
What was their first kiss like?
it was late at night, light was helping L with the case when everybody went home. they were sharing their view about this certain criminal when light notices L staring at his lips, first he ignored it but it happens again and again to a point where their face just got real close and then...kiss, somehow. idk lmao.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First person who can understand each other and are equals, the only ones who can tear the other's wall down, and just practically soulmates in any form that even their sun & moon signs mirroring each other's? YES. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
i hc L as just a little bit taller than light, but it's not like you can see it through the hunch anyway. ofc we all know the 6 years and 4 months age gap
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Sayu likes L, Sachiko is kinda surprise Light doesn't date a typical pretty person, but it only makes her heart fonder. L doesn't mind them, he thinks they're nice, light grew up in a good place. Soichiro? Well, he might me a bit reluctant but he loosen up slowly, his son is happier than he ever was, after all.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Light, obviously. Because he's a charmer and if L takes control, the person they speak to would run immediately the first 2 minutes.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
it is a universal knowledge that L does this. like, come on, count the fics, you can't, there's just so many. he loves to break that perfect wall and make light feel 🥴😳. it's entertaining. But he knows when to stop. too much of that will be embarrassing in light's part, and he respects his boy's dignity.
love :
Who said “I love you” first?
Light!! The thing is it was said over the phone. He gets more and more comfortable talking with L through calls, since every now and then L travel frok countries to countries. One time he just like "yeah, safe flight. love you, bye" he expected L to say goodnight to him as a response as usual but L was silent and he realised what he just said and realised that he fucking mean it. L seems to still be able to read his mind even thousands miles away so he replies with "i love you too, goodnight". they never missed seeing each other more than that night.
What are their primary love languages?
we had a discussion for this! but as we see in canon, they're both very acts of service with a little hint of physical touch here and there. quality time is also important. words and gift aren't really needed for them.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
L. Only to annoy light. It's terrible that he almost cringed to himself, but it does bring a good laugh for light.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
PDA is a not their preference, they just love being in private more. They might hold hands sometimes, butmost times they won't. Altho they always stand or sit reaaaaally glued to each other even though there are so many space. 
Who initiates kisses?
both. they want it, they got it. but light gives light kisses (ha) more, not necessarily on the lips, usually when L was really busy working, keeping his feet on the ground.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They don't spoon a lot, they prefer not touching at all or cufdling face to face, but when they do, Light is the little spoon because being a big spoon makes his sleeping position kinda uncomfy, he feels awkward with his legs, it's just not. thankfully L thinks cuddling light this way is very calming.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Tennis and solving cases, duh. Or sometimes they play video games fighting each other. Anything competitive and/or challenging that make their brain grow 10 times bigger. But sometimes, a comfortingly peaceful and quiet dinner with hushed words thrown here and there about random things feels like the best thing ever.
Who’s more protective?
L. For identity reasons, ofc.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical. They can read each other's mind, they knew it by gesture, touches, and glances. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. venus by sleeping at last fits them so well, that song is in the background of multiple cozy couch smooches sessions or even when they're slow dancing (please listen to this tho song it's so good). also i think they would like persephone by the tragic thrills too, L would be like "this song reminds me of you" and Light answers with "i'm persephone?" "Yeah" "i'm a fucking badass then" "yes you are". oh and first day of my life? lover of mine? pink in the night? sweet creature? the lakes? oh god i have too much answers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't do nicknames, really. although, L sometimes called light with some snarky tony stark styled nicknames when he feels particularly playful but annoyed at the same time.
Who remembers the little things?
They both do. Big brained assholes they are.
domestic life :
If they get married, who proposes?
It's not really a proposal, they didn't  even remember who said it first. But one sleepy night after a hard case, someone said "hey you wanna get married" and the other was like "sure, why not" "really?" "yeah, i think i'm ready, you?" "me too" "great" and then they go to sleep. at breakfast the next morning L called watari from across the room and said "wammy i need you to prepare [enter marriage stuff here], and light, you must call your family after this". poor old watari chokes on his tea.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding is in a secluded little place near the wammy's house, L used to go there a lot as a kid. With just light's parents, sayu, and watari. Well, not until Light caught Mello, Matt, Near, and Linda peeping from the bushes
Do they have any pets?
A chunky cat the wammy's kids feed daily but never try to keep them in, because no animals are allowed inside the orphanage. L saw it and was like "light let's bring this bitch home" she is, indeed a little bitch, but light and L loves her dearly. her fur has light brown and black colors, like both of their hairs, so she becomes their daughter, L gave him a weird ass name but i can't think about it rn.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Light because he's the one who's actually bothers to. They ofc annoyed L but he cpuldnt care less to actually get rid of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
L. He rarely sleeps and once he did, he wakes up very fucking late and will pull light back to the bed if he's woken up by the empty space beside him.
Who’s the better cook?
Light. L is a spoiled brat. But Light can't bale for shit, that's Watari's job. Light grow up learning and helping his mom making meals for the family. He's not the best, but it's good enough to make L craves them in between his sweets.
Who likes to dance?
None of them. But they would slow dance on rare, sentimental occasions. And it's like so fucking romantic bcs all the lights are off except for a candle or a table lamp or a cabinet lamp whatever that has yellow-y dim light. And they don't speak, they just casually move against each other, but heart ready to combust like i do when i the mental image came into my head.
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norgestan · 4 years ago
crisana, norandro, jorgeva and amira x dani
ha, anon just wanted all the canon couples. fair enough!
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see, skam s3 is my favorite season of all time, but it has never been because of the love story. isak's story hits in a lot of sensitive places for me, and isak was also the first main character i encountered that was my age. i have a really special connection to him for that reason. on the other hand... i enjoy evak for what it is, but i never saw a future for their relationship after the season ended. in a lot of ways, isak's season ended just as their relationship started, a trope that i've never liked because how am i supposed to think that they will last? how am i supposed to know how they will work as a couple? it's just, ugh.
i had similar thoughts about crisana when i watched s2, except that the love confession scene and cris as a character made it even harder to get into the couple. moreover, the way people brush other characters' roles and presence on other seasons because they're so caught up on cris and joana is like... blegh. like it makes me forget that they're actually a well-written couple at times. because imo, og they never did anything really interesting with evak once they got together. but eskam........ oh, dear eskam.
there's something so beautiful about thinking of all the girls, the teenagers that will grow up watching a relationship like theirs on popular media. their entire subplot (??? can i even call it that) in s4 is proof of how GREAT of a relationship they turned out to be. like, i just wanna SCREAM thinking about it because, how is it possible that eskam saw evak and said "we're gonna make this SO good and we'll take our time and then tie it up in an incredibly satisfying and emotional way" and then did exactly that!!!!!! the way they respect each other, communicate, genuinely try to get to each other without dumb miscommunication. the way they understand each other and lift each other up! the way joana knew how to recognize cris' intelligence when everyone was telling her she's dumb, the way cris knows how to make joana feel worth it and show her affection in such a selfless, loving way. their last scene on joana's pov in s4 was the first time i cried during that season, just because it was all wrapped up so beautifully. because eskam understood that although the appeal of their relationship comes from the soulmate status of every evak couple, they had to also put in serious work to make it all work and they also managed to get that across with grounded drama, and also a hopeful message for people struggling with mental disorders. like AAAAAAAAAAAAA god what a great couple they are. maybe i'm too much of an eskam bootlicker but they're genuinely the best evak there is. i'll die on this hill. i'm so happy young wlw get to watch them as a guideline of what they should expect of a relationship.
NORANDRO: already done :)
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i mean... it's eskam's fault, without a doubt. i love what eskam did with them in s1: the change of pacing, the way they created jorge, the little story changes to make it more nuanced, i think come together in a pretty satisfying way to show a teenage romance with no real support to last for more than a while. i don’t think eskam fully got the gist of what jonas was supposed to be, but it’s for the better if we think of the message in season 1. for that reason, jorge is like the one jonas who i really wouldn’t mind coming back to his eva. so why don’t i like them?
the answer is simply that i don’t enjoy their trope and i don’t think eskam made a real case of eva and jorge getting back together. they work well as friends, sure, and it’s clear as day that jorge still has feelings for eva, sure. but like, what tells me that they’re just ready to go all in again? eva goes through a really great arc and i would definitely agree she’s in a good place to be in a relationship again, but we know NOTHING about jorge’s journey. he’s just, silently pining on eva and that’s it. i do think it’s sweet and the hints of their lost romance throughout the show are wholesome, but there’s just nothing more to it. jorge and eva work AMAZINGLY as friends! i don’t see why they should push a romantic endgame for them. in my head, eva kissing jorge at that party was just a mesh of the excitement of a new era, the nostalgia of ending highschool, the high of being on this place with someone she really cares about, stuff like that, but it just ends there, and it’s great that way. nothing about eva’s character really led to her aching to be in a relationship again, and for me it feels right to end things with her being single and surrounded by great friends.
MAYBE if eskam had devoted some time showing us their progress and romantic potential instead of trying to convince us that kasim was a real, compelling character. maybe. lol.
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(god, i don’t know how long this will be LOL)
i have. so many thought about this fucking pairing. let’s see what we can do LOL. the thing about damira is that i don’t think it’s a pairing that eskam had in mind when they laid out the first two seasons. the little hints of a friendship/childhood crush that happened during cris’ season really got the fandom and they quickly became the most popular non-canon ship in the show, so that’s where i think eskam said “okay, let’s run with this”. but it’s just...... meh. like i can tell that relationships like crisana were carefully crafted (well implemented in nora’s season, greatly wrapped up in amira’s season) but i cannot say the same for dani and amira. it’s almost like virihugo, where they just started giving each other Eyes on the middle of season 3, out of NOWHERE. it just feels forced to me and so i never really felt anything for the couple in question... like, for starters, i think nora and miquel were WAY more shippable than those two, strictly talking about their setup.
if you ever saw any of my posts during s4 then you should know how i actually feel about how they developed their romance (check my anti damira tag for more?) and i don’t wanna go through all those specific points again... but damira is not only an infuriating romance, but also a bad pairing in a narrative setting. like, damira clearly exists to answer amira’s questions about how would the future of a romance with a white guy would be, right? does she get an answer? no she fucking doesn’t, their final clip is like “after all these weeks, we still have no idea so we’re gonna cut things short, go back to our initial dynamic, and wait to see if amira any of us change our minds <3″. so like, even in that sense damira is a HUGE waste of time, and just like everything that happens to amira during her season it has no lasting impacts on her character or her settings.
and personally, i love couples where they’re both equal, and communicate at last, and both make great efforts to change so the relationship can flourish. this is why i offer so much praise to norandro and crisana, where in the first couple both character go through tremendous character growth and work through their problems individually before getting together, and in the second couple they show them clashing and fighting just to display their resolutions and show how willing they are to actually talk to each other and keep their relationship stable. dani and amira, on the other hand.... blegh. eskam wants me to think dani is a knight in shining armor for liking amira but that’s all he ever does. he doesn’t defend her in front of his friends, he doesn’t make efforts to get to know her and her world, he doesn’t communicate his real feelings to her, and the one time he did he humiliated her in public. like, idk, like, even MIQUEL explicitly defended nora when his roommates berated her for not drinking alcohol LOL.
at the end of the day the problem with damira is that it completely misses the point of yousana and its target audience. making yousef a white guy is not necessarily a bad choice if you implement it well (which eskam didn’t do btw), but you have to take into account that sana’s season exists to make a primarily white christian-raised audience relate and stand up for the muslim characters in the show. when the lazier partner of the main couple who makes zero efforts to work on the relationship happens to be white, it just means people will be sympathetic of him, and nor amira - and that’s exactly what happened in the show. people either thought amira was being too harsh by laying conditions for dani before they even began dating and making sure he respected her boundaries, or just wanted all the drama to go away soon so amira could kiss dani by the end of the season. so like, yeah. terrible stuff.
i would’ve liked damira’s impact on the season and amira’s journey a lot more if it had been about a one sided childhood crush from amira’s part. i thought their friendship was charming up to s3, and i simply hate that dani is literally in no way an older brother figure for the girl squad, since it’s a dynamic that’s lacking in the show and it would be a nice way to make dani be some sort of non-creepy eskild for the girl squad (but noooo, his only interactions w the gs are hooking up with eva and dating amira. smh). it would’ve been fun to have amira intimately dealing with those feelings just to learn a lesson by the end of it, at the time that she also falls for her muslim love interest - which is actually the isak/jonas/even dynamic when you think about it, also something that eskam didn’t really do with cris’ season. but also, all of this would mean that eskam had to do the good writing thing for s4, which they kinda forgot to do throughout the entirety of the season so, yeah.
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secretsandwriting · 4 years ago
This is what won as well as responses to almost if not all the comments left.
After this I'll make the new one to go over some of the options you guys brought up to refine it.
Ok, so first here are the things that are done and will be in the next one.
Y/n will be a vigilante. (83.3% voted yes)
Enemies forced to work together (76.7% voted yes)
Enemies to lovers (76.7% voted yes)
Dating to stay undercover (53.3% voted yes, 23.3% voted its fake dating, thats always an option)
Fashion (76.7% voted Fashion)
People might die. (36.7% voted just not the batfam and co, 26.7% voted no please let everyone live, and 26.7% voted maybe as long as I don't like them)
Angst response is easier to show then to type out.
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So now were on to the three questions where you could type your answers.
Things you don't want.
+ means there different requests I put together
Stalker ex boyfriends + SA and yanderes + Crazy ex + Allusion to s*xual *ssault + dark themes, r@pe, abuse, cheating + S**ic*de. It's a really bad trigger for me. If it ends up in play, trigger warning in advance.
First off, I don't really want to do any of these and I know I've done some of them before so I get why you're bringing it up. I'm actually trying to avoid them more now because its not the best for me to be writing them and all that.
As for the dark themes, its based off DC so I can't promise that not coming up as for trigger warnings, I'm not the best at them but I do try to put them before any part that has things in them so that's a given. But for the most part the only ones of these I see happening is the dark themes and those would mostly be the normal Gotham things.
Pet’s Dying, My pets dying lol
I mean, I figured out a way to help stop that so you don't have to worry about it.
Really gritty violence?
The nice thing about smau is that people don't normally post that type of thing on social media, escpecially if your trying to keep your identity secret. Also I don't like how I write things like that so I try to avoid it. There might be mentions of it happening but I doubt I'll ever go into too much detail on it.
Well, since undercover dating won there won't be too much to slowburn.
If it is enemies to lovers, please don't make them too antagonistic
No this would be my favorite version of enemies to lovers. They may be enemies but they know that the other isn't actually that bad but they have pride so its really just petty in general.
Jokes on you I took my own knee caps
jason being a whore
I love this but you don't want it which almost makes me sad but ok anon. I'll try not to make Jason a whore.
No kids: just everyone being young and living it up without being too idk domestic?
Ok, idk how to avoid making it too domestic but I'll try.
Anything you do want?
Having to live together. Cohabitation
Easy. I got you anon.
Titus and co as well as Jason bestie + bat cow 💕 + reader may be enemies with dick but reader and damien have a brother-sister bond
These three kinda go hand in hand and I like all of them.
Soulmate au? Secret dating?
Probably not soulmate au and secret dating would have to be a side relationship because Dick and Y/n would be fake dating. So I could do it, but I need another couple to do it with.
Stupidly cute fluff + happiness maybe + Some sweet domestic fluff is always nice :)
Already wanted all of these in it, so you three are thinking on the same wavelength as i am.
SASSY PET RACCOON LIVING HIS BEST LIFE , FAKE DATING where maybe ONE of the batfam still don't believe that they are dating and try everything to prove that they aren't which leads to Dick and reader to try absolutely anything to convince everyone
I love it. Thank you. However the pet raccoon isn't confirmed yet as there were a bunch of other options people put in so I'm going to have that one run again.
john mulaney quotes
Flustered Dick, even if lowkey + Dick's ass
I'm combining these simply because together, they give me some great ideas.
y/n having literally EVERYONE wrapped around her finger (maybe one exception idk)
Ok, but really. This is a great idea. Everyone just loving her but one of them sitting in the corner like. "Idk man, something about her isn't right..." Proceeds to sip drink.
CAR CHASE CAR CHASE And maybe slowdancing in the rain
So these were sent in by the same person. I like both! I like both a lot. I just figured out how to do a car chase in smau so its all good!!!!
Soft, moonlit whispers as one of them bleeds deeply + Dicks reaction to love interest being hurt, badly. I always love that. + fluff, and angst (maybe reader getting injured really badly)
I might get in trouble for this, but I do like the ideas... A lot...
More action
I'll try! I've found it a little hard with smau and I'm not the best action writer but I do want to add more action so I'll try to figure out how to do more.
Anything else or is it all covered?
pls for gods sake, for my sake, for your sake, don't kill the pets
Ever since I got this, it was one of the first so its been a little while. I keep wondering if its a threat? But again, pets dying isn't planned. I should have enough to go for plot so that there is no need to kill pets.
A lil bit of CRACK just batfam crack in general oh and maybe BATCOW making an appearance
The only problem with batcow, is pinterest doesn't have many pictures of cows that look like they could be pets because there are rarely people with them so thats why batcow hasn't shown up. Since I have more time to plan this one, I'll look for more options and see if I can find any.
what if, and hear me out, we made it gay🌈? or, at least, masc fem reader?
No, simply because I'm not comfortable writing it as the main relationship/character. I've tried before and I didn't like it in the least and scrapped a week work. So If I tried I doubt I would finish it, if I did, it wouldn't be good because I would probably just give up part way through. So I can definitely do ships and all that that aren't the main but for some reason every time I've tried to do it as a main relationship, I hate it. Sorry!
it would be cool to have more poc or lgbtq rep
I'm actually planning for more poc to happen in the current one. I noticed lack of poc not long ago and confused myself as to why so there will definitely be more representation.
As for lgbtq, I'll try. I was planning on trying to have at least one ship or something because I haven't. But as long as its not the main relationship I can do it so that I'll at least post it.
kiss ily muah
I love you too! muah! I really needed this, thank you!
Ok, No kids and you're welcome.
If there is an instance of fashion, could they help each other get ready, and laugh and joke a lot?
You genius you! Of course I love it!
Nope everything’s perfect! love from yours truly fuzzycloudsz <33 + All covered + All good! + We good + That's all. I love your stuff. + its covered !!!@ cant wait!!! + All good
I'm glad I got everything then! Thank you guys! I'm glad you like my stuff and that your excited for the new one!
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reidingandwriting · 5 years ago
Tic-Tac-Toe // Soulmate AU
Word Count: ~1400 words
Ship: Peter Parker x Reader, Tony Stark x Peter Parker (PLATONIC, no Starker here)
Warnings: Language per usual, one or two words, and I think that’s it!
Summary: you see everything your soulmate writes on their skin. you get bored one day and decide to play tic-tac-toe
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Peter drummed his pen against his desk, bored out of his mind. He had hurt his leg during patrol last night, and May was generous enough to write him a note to get him out of gym class. Now that Peter had to sit in his English classroom while his friends were in gym, he was regretting his decision. He felt a faint tingle on his hand and looked down, smiling as he saw ‘Hi’ written in familiar handwriting. Once you turned fifteen, you were able to see whatever your soulmate was writing on their skin. It had been a year and a half since the first message- a collection of random letters listed down your hand. Peter later figured out it was an answer key for a test you had that day.
During the last eighteen months, you two had become the best of friends, even if you hadn’t been able to meet yet. Certain information was kept private until you were eighteen, for everyone’s sake that was involved. You were able to give out your first name or a nickname, but not your last name. You obviously couldn’t give out your address or phone number, so you had no idea if you knew your soulmate or not.
‘Hi, Y/N’ Peter wrote back, glancing up at his teacher to see she wasn’t paying him any attention.
‘Aren’t you supposed to be in gym right now?’
‘Hurt leg. Wish I would’ve gone now’
‘Bored?’ Peter looked up at his teacher, who was delved deep into her book.
‘You have no idea.’
‘Wanna play a game?’ Peter watched as you drew two vertical lines, then two horizontal lines across the two vertical ones. Peter stifled back a laugh as he recognized what you were drawing.
‘Tic-Tac-Toe? Really??’
‘Don’t you wanna play? :(‘
‘Fine, but I’m starting.’ Peter drew an X in the middle of the makeshift board. You drew a heart in the top right corner. ‘Really, a heart?’
‘Only basic bitches use circles, Peter’ Peter coughed over a laugh, thankful his teacher didn’t spare him a second of her attention. You two continued your game, neither of you winning the first round. Peter won the second, and you won the third. ‘Let’s make this interesting’
‘What’s your idea?’ Peter drew out the next board as you wrote, then placed his X.
‘You’re near 👸🏼 right?’ Peter smiled at the sloppy drawing of a woman wearing a crown. You both had learned ways to bypass the privacy systems. For example, the woman wearing a crown for Queens. You then drew a heart in your spot.
‘Yeah, why?’
‘How about we finally meet?’ Peter’s breath hitched. He’s wanted to meet you since your first conversation, but actually meeting you? Talking face-to-face instead of through writing on your hands petrified Peter. He didn’t stutter through writing, he could be as cool as he wanted. What if you didn’t like him when you actually met him? ‘Peter?’
‘Sorry, sorry’ Peter drew an X in his spot before writing again. ‘Where at?’
‘There’s this restaurant, The Burger Garage. It’s AMAZING. Loser pays?’ followed by a heart as you played your turn. Peter carefully pulled out his phone, looking up the restaurant. Only ten minutes from school. Peter thinks he heard Tony mention the place before. Shit, Tony. Mr. Stark was supposed to pick him up from school today for a weekend at the tower. Peter switched to his messages, sending Tony a message.
Peter: Hey, Mr. Stark! Do you think we could get burgers after school? Lunch was awful today and I’m starvingggg
Peter: Literally wasting away as we speak
Peter: But only if you don’t mind
Tony: Since you’re *literally* wasting away, I can’t let my kid starve.
Tony: Have a place in mind?
Peter sent the address to Tony, playing his turn with you.
Tony: We’ll go after school. Back to work, Pete.
Peter’s hand was practically vibrating, his name written all over.
‘Sorry, Y/N’ Peter played his turn, seeing you had played yours. ‘I asked my ride if he could take me there. Hope you’re prepared to pay.’
‘Actually... I win.’ You drew your heart in your spot and Peter mentally cursed when you won.
‘You cheated! IDK how, but you did’
‘Sorry, what was that? I don’t speak loser’ Peter rolled his eyes, drawing a very sloppy middle finger. ‘Rude!!’
‘Yeah, yeah.’ Peter jumped when the bell rang, signaling the end of gym. ‘I’ve got to go to class, but I’m out in an hour.’ Peter packed up his things as you wrote back.
‘I’ll see you soon, Peter <3’
Peter sighed in relief once he sat in Tony’s car. He buckled up and settled into his seat as Tony drove to the restaurant.
“So. What’s the reason we’re going out to eat?” Tony spoke after a moment of silence.
“What?” Peter looked at Tony, head tilted.
“I was your age once, Pete. I know when my kid is scheming. Now spill.” Peter rolled his eyes.
“First, you were my age like fifty years ago. Second, I’m not scheming!” Tony gave Peter a pointed look. “Okay, maybe I’m scheming. I’m meeting someone.” Tony continued to be silent, letting Peter talk. “I lost a challenge to them in a game, so now I’m paying for our meal.”
“Who is this someone?” Tony asked, his interest piqued. “And you’re in school to learn things, not play games and lose. It’d be different if you would’ve won.” Peter laughed, an amused smile on his lips.
“Their name is Y/N. Uh, they’re... theyremysoulmate.” Tony glanced at Peter.
“Sorry, didn’t catch that last part. They’re who?” Peter sighed, taking a breath.
“They’re my soulmate.” Peter looked at his lap. “I really like them, Mr. Stark. But I’m terrified to meet them.” The car slowed to a stop and Peter’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the restaurant in front of him.
“What are you worried about?” Tony was now turned towards Peter, the car parked.
“What if they don’t like me once they get to meet me? What if they’re expecting someone... more?” Tony frowned and gently grabbed Peter’s chin.
“Look at me.” Peter’s eyes met Tony’s, and Tony could see how scared Peter was. “They wouldn’t be your soulmate if they wouldn’t like you. You’re a great kid, Peter. You’re insanely smart, kind, and caring. You’re funny, brave, and strong. And if they don’t see that, they’re the one missing out.” Peter hugged his mentor tight, relaxing as Tony’s arms wrapped around him. Peter pulled back whenever his hand tingled.
‘I’m at a booth. In a blue hoodie :)’
“They’re inside.” A wave of panic hit Peter. Tony went into protective dad mode, helping Peter steady his breathing through a much too familiar routine. Once Peter’s breathing was stable, he looked at Tony.
“Are you ready?” Tony asked, concern visible in his eyes.
“Yeah. I’m ready.”
Peter’s eyes scanned the restaurant as he walked in. Tony rubbed Peter’s shoulder comfortingly, and Peter mumbled a soft ‘thank you’ as he walked away, looking for you. Luckily, the restaurant was relatively empty, so he didn’t have to look long. You were one of the only people in the booths sitting alone, and you had on a blue hoodie. Peter glanced back at Tony, who gave him a thumbs up, before walking to your booth. You looked up as you heard footsteps, smiling at the boy in front of you.
“Are you Peter?” Holy shit, even your voice was perfect.
“Y-Yeah. I’m Peter, Peter Parker.” Peter took a seat in the booth across from yours, letting out a nervous breath.
“Hi, Peter Parker. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. And I believe you owe me a burger.” And in that moment, Peter felt his nerves melt away as you two fell into conversation. It was like you were lifetime best friends and not that you had just met mere minutes ago. By the end of your “date”, you had exchanged phone numbers and promised to meet again soon. Peter walked you to your car and watched you drive off before heading back inside.
“Soooo? How’d it go?” Peter grinned as he looked at Tony.
“Yeah, they totally like me.”
Taglist: @daughter-of-stark @agent-barnes40 @spideygirl2003 @ditttiii @missmulti ❤️ Taglist is OPEN! Let me know if you’d like to be added. I tried to keep the reader completely neutral in case I have any male/non-binary/non-fem readers to be more inclusive! If there’s any errors, please let me know. I absolutely love the idea of soulmates, so this was fun to write. Below are their games, I thought it’d be cute to add some visuals ✨
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fairytales-of-yesterday · 5 years ago
A Pirate, Two Hundred Years Too Late
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Pairing: Gardner Langway x reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: idk it’s really soft, if you’re rowan you’ll probably cry, there’s like.. one? swear word? and references to sex
A/N: Happy birthday, Rowan!!! You’re the love of my life, and I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have a best friend and soulmate like you :’) 
The title is from a Jimmy Buffett song (A Pirate Looks at Forty), I know it’s super long. I’m just really soft and I love Rowan that’s all, here we go, lads.
     You awoke to the sound of silence. Something you definitely weren’t used to anymore. Soft morning light peeked through your curtains as you yawned quietly. Stretching, you rubbed your eyes and looked out the window and squinted at the dim sky, realizing it was still extremely early.
     Much too early to be awake.
     If the sun wasn’t even up yet, why on earth should you be? You squeezed your eyes shut once more, trying to hold on to those last few moments of sleep, and rolled over to cuddle up with your husband. At least, you tried to.
     Your brow furrowed, eyes still shut, as you tentatively stuck your arm out and felt around the other side of the bed, as if Gardner was somehow hiding under the sheets. Whining quietly, you gave up and opened your eyes. Sure enough, you were alone. 
     With a small frown, you rolled over again to glance at the clock.
     Five thirty. Christ, what could he be up to?
     You moved onto your back, staring at the ceiling and letting yourself wake up. It was when you finally sat up that you realized you knew exactly where he was.
     Throwing your covers off, you yawned once more and clambered out of bed. You stood for a moment, eyes closed, just listening to the sound of a quiet house. Your kids had been visiting your parents the past few days for a summer visit, and while you were very happy to have a little time to rest, you still found yourself missing them. It had been so long since the house was quiet, empty. You missed their hugs, the way they’d snuggle up next to you on the couch, and even their shrieks as they played pretend in the backyard. Penny, your five-year-old, had a tendency to rope Ben, who was three, into countless make-believe games that left them both in hysterics. They climbed all over Gardner like he was their personal jungle gym, and you were often roped into a piggyback ride as well. Still, as much as you loved the peace, you certainly loved them more.
     You couldn’t complain about the alone time you were getting with Gardner though. You loved your quiet morning cuddles, not worrying about figuring out lunch for everyone, and being able to make as much noise as you wanted whenever you wanted (he always did have a hard time keeping quiet). 
     You played with the hem of your shirt (well, Gardner’s shirt, but that was beside the point), as you made your way into the bathroom, and smiled at your tired reflection. Your hair stuck up in every direction, reminding you of your time with Gardner last night, and you waggled your eyebrows at yourself playfully. You did your best to tame your mane before finishing getting ready for the day. After slipping on some shorts, you headed downstairs. 
     You made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a peach from the fridge and going to wash it. As you ran the fruit under the cool water, you felt a slight pressure against your leg and looked down to find your cat, Tybalt, purring at your feet. You smiled down at him and greeted him sweetly, receiving a happy “mrrap!” in return. He weaved between your legs a few times, his usual morning greeting, and then hopped up on the counter to watch you cut up your breakfast. 
     As you placed the peach slices in a bowl and subsequently gently pushed Tybalt’s face away from them, you looked out the window above the sink and your suspicions were confirmed. Out in the backyard stood your husband and his brother. They’d been at this for days, and while they’d done a fantastic job, you definitely thought five thirty was a bit much. 
     Still, you had to smile. Sure, the man never ceased to amaze you, but his devotion to his children was no surprise at all. 
     You stepped out the back door, breakfast in hand, and breathed in the morning air. The sun was fully up now, the only trace of the sunrise the pink smudges in the clouds. You popped a slice of peach into your mouth as you watched your husband fondly. 
     Before you stood a pirate ship. Or at least, a large model of one. You and Gardner had wanted to do this for a while now, you certainly had the backyard for it, but you’d been putting it off. You’d known it was going to be difficult, and you had no idea what the kids would want. You had considered asking them directly, but you could never find the right time. That is, until last week when you were looking online for some new Fourth of July decorations. Somehow, the two of you got very sidetracked, and wound up looking at playsets. You hadn’t planned on actually buying one until you saw Gardner’s face as he pointed to the pirate ship. 
     Their own boat!!! Like our family one but just for them!!! 
     You had laughed at his excitement, but his words struck a chord. His boat was his home for so long. Penny and Ben knew that, and they loved going out on the river with their dad, playing pirates and helping him navigate, so you could only imagine how ecstatic they’d be to have one for themselves. You just knew you had to.
     It wasn’t an easy task. Gardner and Calvin had spent the past four days working on it. They’d just gotten all the materials and a complicated set of instructions in the mail, so it was basically built from scratch. Also, it wasn’t his fault, but your husband wasn’t too skilled in the DIY department (putting together the ikea furniture for your first apartment with him was a nightmare), so the first day or so was spent teaching him how to use a power drill. However, after you made it over that hurdle, it was relatively smooth sailing. 
     You looked on now with a grin as Gardner and Calvin painted their prized creation. The red paint shone bright in the morning sun, and it looked truly gorgeous. Royal and fierce at the same time. The perfect pirate ship.
     “A bit early isn’t it?” 
     The boys looked up at your shout, Gardner almost dropping his paintbrush in surprise, and you waved. Both waved back, and you began making your way over with a smile. Gardner tossed his brush in the bucket on the patio table he’d dragged to the “construction site” as you walked over, wiping his hands on his pants to get some of the paint off.
     You greeted him with a sweet kiss when you reached him, murmuring a good morning against his lips and asking how he was.
     He broke the kiss and licked his lips, grinning.
     “Mm, peachy.”
     You laughed loudly at that, swatting his chest before offering him a slice that he gladly accepted. 
     You set your bowl down on the table and snaked your arms around him. He grinned and pulled you closer as you squeezed him tight, having missed your regular morning cuddle. He tucked his face into your neck, breathing you in. You stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying being together, but eventually your hands began traveling south and slipped into the back pockets of his paint splattered overalls. Gardner chuckled softly as he realized what was going on but still yelped as you gave him a good squeeze.
     “Mm… you are quite peachy, aren’t you?”
     He giggled breathily at that, but you could hear the blush adorning his face. He nestled further into your shoulder, hiding his pink cheeks, and you shook with a laugh.
     “You better watch those hands,” he mumbled against your skin, “I’m a married man, you know.”
     “At least I know you’re faithful.” 
     You playfully pulled his hair as you said it, and he pulled back to give you a look that said ‘don’t start something you can’t finish.’ You were about to suggest you go inside and continue when a head peeked over the side of the boat.
     You and gardner immediately sprung apart like kids caught getting a bit too handsy, giggling sheepishly. Calvin shook his head with a smile.
     “So did you come out here to distract my brother, or are you gonna help us paint?”
     You laughed, still bright red, and shrugged.
     “I can multitask.” 
     Gardner fondly rolled his eyes as you donned an apron and picked up a paintbrush. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making Calvin scoff good naturedly and retreat back to the upper deck. You opened your mouth to ask if you should paint anywhere specific when Calvin shouted from above.
     “You’ve been married for like a decade now and you still act like teenagers!”
     Gardner’s head fell into his hands, embarrassed, as yours fell back in a loud laugh.
     “We didn’t meet until we were in our twenties! We’re just making up for lost time!”
     You heard a yeah, yeah from above and stifled a giggle before pulling Gardner close with a smirk, knowing Calvin couldn’t see.
     “And it’s not my fault you’re so damn delicious,” you whispered, capturing his lips once more. He whined quietly, both out of desperation and out of protest, not wanting to be caught again. Before he could say anything though, you pulled away and smiled brightly. “So where do you want me, sweet boy?”
     You saw a flash in Gardner’s eyes at the implications behind your words, but he quickly regained his composure with an exasperated grin and directed you to an unpainted section. He explained which brushes to use and how many coats to put on with his perfect little focused frown that made your heart do somersaults.
     “The painting is basically all we have left,” he phrased it as a question, like he was just hoping he was correct. “We’ll definitely finish by the time the kids get home tomorrow.” Ever punctual, your husband. And you had to admit, it drove you wild.
     “Aye aye, Cap’n,” you saluted jokingly before getting to work.
     The time passed quickly, the three of you making fantastic progress together. By the time lunch rolled around, you were nearly finished. All you had left to do was finish painting the upper deck and then decorate the inside. After a quick break for sandwiches and a few drinks, you set back to work, determined to finish.
     The detail work of the cabin took a lot longer than the painting of the hull, as it called for more precision. You knew that it would be easy to paint it all one color, like the outside, but you just couldn’t. It had to be perfect. Once you were satisfied, the three of you called it a night. All that was left was putting in some chairs and cushions along with some knickknacks once the paint had dried. Calvin stayed for dinner as well, insisting he had to help you finish the playhouse.
     “You two can’t take ALL the credit! I’m the one who had to teach Gardner how to use a drill! Plus, I need all the ‘Cool Uncle Points’ I can get!”
     Gardner choked on his takeout at that exclamation and stared at his brother, genuinely dumbfounded.
     “Cal, you know they think you’re the coolest guy in the world, right? They love you!”
     You watched happily as a blush spread across Calvin’s face at your husband’s words. He tried to play it cool, but no one could deny the fact that he was glowing.
     “Ohhh…” he smiled softly to himself, waving off the compliment slightly, “you know what I mean. Anyone can be the coolest guy in the world. I’m gonna be the coolest uncle.”
     He paused briefly as you laughed, endeared, and his smile widened before he added softly,
     “And I love them too.”
     After the three of you finished your meals, you checked on the playhouse. You’d planned on getting it all done tonight, but the paint hadn’t fully dried everywhere, so you decided to wait and “furnish” the ship tomorrow morning before your parents brought the kids home. Calvin made you promise to call him over help, to which you readily agreed, and he headed home. 
     You leaned back against your husband as you watched Calvin’s car pull out of your driveway and he instinctively wrapped his arms around you, giving you a gentle squeeze.
     “Feeling okay, honey?”
     You smiled softly, trying not to let your favorite term of endearment affect you too much, and nodded. Turning around in his arms, you hugged him properly.
     “Mm, just tired,” you hummed, leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his lips. “And paint-stained.”
     He chuckled softly at that and pulled you closer again, tucking his face into your neck.
     “Yeah, I could definitely go for a nice shower.”
     A sly smile spread across your face.
     “Oh me too… but I don’t know… our water bill was a bit high last month,” you said with a fake frown, “maybe it would be smart to… y‘know, conserve. Shower together.”
     You pulled away to get a good look at the blush you knew had blossomed over your husband’s face, but the second you made eye contact, you both burst out laughing. Though you were nearly doubled over, you couldn’t help but marvel at the way his eyes crinkled at the edges and the way his perfect nose scrunched up in his joy, still awestruck by your love after all these years. You raised up on your tiptoes to press a giggly peck to his nose before quirking an eyebrow as if to say well?
     He turned a deeper shade of red, somehow only now realizing that you were completely serious, but nodded quickly.
     “That sounds like a uh… that’s a… sounds good.”
     You nearly burst out laughing once more at your husband’s terrible attempt at concealing his excitement, but you settled on grabbing his hand and pulling him to the bathroom.
     You laid together for a while after your shower (and what it led to), heat still radiating off your bodies. You were on top of him, your face buried in the crook of his neck, having simply collapsed after you both reached your highs. Neither of you spoke, though you knew he wasn’t asleep. You could feel his heart in sync with your own from where your chest pressed against his, their beating the only sound in your quiet house. 
     Lifting your head up, you looked at your husband beneath you. His freckled shoulders, his red hair, sticking out in every direction, his soft cheeks. His eyes fluttered open at your movement, and you smiled gently. Bringing a hand up, you gently moved the still damp hair out of his face, and he sighed at the touch. You brushed your thumb across his cheek and watched him lean into your hand. He nearly melted as you continued your exploration of his features, running the tip of your finger down his lovely nose before pressing a kiss to it. You could feel his soft tummy shaking with laughter under you, and it made your smile widen. He scrunched his nose up before you swiped your thumb across his lower lip and his giggle cut off abruptly. You were about to playfully tug on one of his sweet ears, but your previous touch had struck a chord with him and, before you knew it, his hand was laced in your hair and his lips were on yours.
     You groaned softly into his mouth, your hands cradling his face as he smiled against you.
     “God, you’re insatiable today, aren’t you?”
     He giggled softly, pecking your lips once more.
     “Can’t help it, just love you too much.”
     At his words, you giggled softly, just so full of love, as you kissed him again. Your mouths moved in sync, quiet moans escaping you both.
     Eventually pulling away for air, you leaned your forehead against his. 
     “And I love you too.”
     With one more quick, sweet kiss, you rolled off of him with a small grunt, and he whined at the loss of contact. A laugh escaped you as you pulled on another one of his shirts.
     “I’ll be right back, sweetheart, I’ve just gotta set the alarm and make sure all the lights are out, okay?”
     You heard a soft groan from the bed, but when you turned to face him, he was smiling sleepily.
     “Okay, but be fast please, I already miss you.”
     Giggling, you made your way back to the bed and kissed right between his eyebrows, murmuring a promise that you’d be back before he knew it, and set off downstairs.
     He waited patiently for you as you moved about downstairs, listening to you sing to yourself. He couldn’t help but smile as he heard you have a small conversation with Tybalt. A small giggle escaped him as he heard you reminding your cat to come up to bed when he feels like it, just reminding him to make sure he’s quiet. 
     After a little while, you made your way back to your husband, turning the lights off in the hallway and slipping into bed behind him. Immediately, he cuddled into you, sighing sweetly at the feeling of being back in your arms. A soft smile graced your features as you pulled him even closer. You kissed the back of his neck, murmuring a soft goodnight, and he pulled one of your hands up to his lips, whispering a goodnight back.
    You had worried that you wouldn’t be able to sleep, too excited to see your kids the next day, but holding your husband and feeling his deep breaths against your chest quickly calmed your nerves, and you were out like a light.
     Thankfully, you were allowed to sleep in the next morning. You both began to stir at about nine thirty, and you thanked your lucky stars that he hadn’t woken you before sunrise again. 
     You laid in bed for a few extra minutes, gazing at each other and talking quietly, but before long, you were up and at ’em. You got ready for the day quickly, taking another joint shower, and making breakfast. After a bowl of cereal each, you called Calvin.
     You and Gardner were standing in the backyard, simply looking at your creation, when a clap sounded from behind you.
     “Alright! Let’s DO this!”
     You turned to see Calvin walking over, rubbing his hands together excitedly. Gardner nodded, his endearing look of concentration appearing once more as he followed his brother on deck. You weren’t far behind, and as soon as you were up, the work began. 
     You moved quickly, knowing your parents would be there with the kids around lunchtime. Chairs were placed in the cabin, maps were hung up, and you even set up a little bookshelf like the ones on the Dear Sidewalk that they had commandeered for their picture books in recent years. They had their own little working compasses and a rope that rang a bell up above. A pirate’s paradise.
     It was just as you put down the last cushion that you heard a car door. Your heads snapped up at the noise, and you and Gardner immediately rushed out to the front. Your kids jumped out of the car, running at you full speed the second they saw you, and you and Gardner immediately gathered them up in a huge hug. Their little voices rang out, a jumble of excited shouts, telling you how much they missed you and what they had done with their grandparents. You and Gardner listened intently, nearly tearing up just at having them home again. 
     After a little, you broke off from the little group hug and made your way to your parents as your kids continued to excitedly cling to their father.
     “Well, it certainly sounds like you had a good time,” you chuckled as you hugged each of them. They laughed, saying yes they absolutely did, and you knew they, as well as Penny and Ben, would be sleeping soundly that night.
     “You had a nice time too I hope,” your mom smiled, “I’m assuming you enjoyed the quiet?”
     You couldn’t help the blush that rose to your cheeks at the thought of all that you and Gardner had gotten up to in the last few days, but you still smiled.
     “Oh definitely, it was nice not to worry too much about them for a while, but I’m certainly still glad they’re home.”
     You watched with a wide smile as your kids ran circles around their dad, climbing all over him and giggling loudly. He was chuckling as well, lumbering around with them on each of his legs as they screamed in excitement. They certainly took after their father, the sunlight glinting off of their auburn hair and their precious laughter ringing out. He hoisted both of them up, one on each shoulder, and turned to you with bright eyes.
     “Should we tell them?”
     “Tell us what?” Penny asked from Gardner’s right shoulder before you could answer. Her eyes were wide, excited at the prospect of a surprise.
     “Tell us what! Tell us what!” Ben bounced on his dad’s left, always following his older sister. 
     “Why don’t we just show them instead?”
     With a grin, you took your husband’s hand and began leading them to the backyard, your parents close behind, and stopped just before they could see the playhouse.
     “Well, your dad and I-”
     “And Uncle Calvin!” 
     You laughed at  both the shout that came from around the corner and at the children’s expressions as they realized their uncle was waiting to see them. 
     “-and Uncle Calvin, yes, worked really hard while you were on your big kids’ trip,” you paused, smiling at their wide eyes, “and we know how much you love going out on the boat, so…”
     At that moment, you gently pulled them around the corner and revealed the pirate ship in all its glory. You didn’t really know how they were going to react, but it was better than anything you could’ve hoped for. Aside from when Gardner almost dropped them because of how loud they screamed, but even that was funny after the initial shock. 
     Penny sprinted over to the ship as soon as she was on the ground, shouting our own pirate ship! over and over as Ben just stood and looked on in awe. Gardner knelt down next to him.
     “You alright, bud?”
     Ben nodded slightly, mouth hanging open.
     “Yeah, love?”
     He looked up at his dad.
     “Do we get to keep it?”
     Gardner stifled his laugh, not wanting to embarrass him at all, and nodded excitedly.
     “Of course you do! We built it for you!”
     Ben looked at him, shocked, for one second more before running off after his sister. 
     Gardner stood, grunting softly, and made his way back over to you. You leaned against him with a smile.
     “Dad noises.”
     He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
     You laughed, taking his hand, and watched as your kids dragged their uncle and both grandparents aboard, showing them around. You noticed they had started calling Calvin ‘first mate,’ instructing him to raise the sails and mop the deck, and all sorts of pirate-y things. He was very quick to accept his new title, playing along and doing his ‘chores,’ looking back at the two of you with a huge smile.
     As they began their game, you turned around, putting your hands on Gardner’s hips, and pulled him into a kiss. His hands immediately moved up to cradle your face, and you smiled against him. You leaned your forehead against his and squeezed his hips gently.
     “I think we did good.”
     You felt his good-natured scoff rather than heard it as he kissed you again, murmuring “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
     His arms wrapped around you, and he moved to deepen the kiss, but a shout broke you apart.
     “Pirates don’t kiss!”
     You looked up, startled, to find Penny leaning over the ship’s railing, looking both embarrassed and slightly grossed out. 
     Her expression paired with her words and distressed tone made you double over in laughter, you just couldn’t help it. She put her little hands on her hips and stared at you, brow furrowed, as you leaned in and kissed Gardner again, yelling back, “These pirates sure do!”
     You heard her sigh exaggeratedly, followed by her telling you that she needed you on deck immediately, they were about to shove off, her favorite phrase of her dad’s.
     You looked at your husband, smiling softly, glad to have your little family back together. He kissed your nose, and you laughed before motioning toward the ship.
     “What say we weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen?”
     He sighed sweetly, looking at you in lovestruck awe, like he was seeing you for the first time all over again. 
     “Y’know, I’d marry you again if I could.”
     You kissed his cheek once more, a pleased grin on your face, and pulled him toward the ship.
     “Come on, dork.”
     He took your hand, smiling.
    “Aye aye, Mrs. Langway.”
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thesunnyshow · 4 years ago
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Name: Alana
Writing Blog URL(s): @jinyoungsir
What fandom(s) do you write for?: GOT7, BTS, Monsta X, Stray Kids, Ateez, NCT
Age: 27
Nationality: American
Languages: English
Star Sign: Aries
MBTI: I’m not sure. I’ve taken the test so many times but I never remember the result.
Favorite color: Black
Favorite food: Potatoes! All forms of potatoes!!
Favorite movie: Harry Potter? Jurassic Park/World? Twister? Jaws? I love movies...it’s so hard to choose!
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla with lots of fudge & brownie bits.
Favorite animal: Tigers! I like big cats and the way they move. 
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?: Coffee- Peppermint White Mocha HOT! Or any flavor tea hot or cold as long as it’s sweetened!
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Writing and Traveling. Something far from the 9-5, ‘working for the man’ type of job.
Go-to karaoke song: ‘Shoop’ by Salt-N-Pepa (thank u Deadpool)
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?: The ability to manipulate time because I am late for everything and also, I would 100% pause the timeline for a little mental health break once a day. 
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?: Idk if this counts but I low-key would have loved to be a pirate. So whatever timeline that fits into. 
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?: No, thank you. I already have a defiance disorder. I’m not going to be under 18 ever again. I like doing what I want when I want as an adult lol. Everything turned out okay. 
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?: 100 chicken-sized horses. I hope I drown in them. What a dream.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?: I AM a teen highschool movie trope lol my husband and I met in school at fourteen.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?: YES, because the world is just too big for there not to be. 
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?: I stopped eating pizza for several years for no real reason other than not wanting to eat pizza and then just starting eating it again one day as if I had never stopped. 
When did you post your first piece?: I think it was May 2019.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?: Mostly fluff & humor because I’m kind of soft and I really love a feel-good fic. Any angst I write is typically resolved by the end because I live for a happy ending. And occasional smut strictly for the spice. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?: OCs & xReaders. 
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?: I love/hate the format tbh but mostly because of my tumblr community. I love being able to meet and talk to new people easily thru the platform. 
What inspires you to write?: Everything! Songs, movies, commercials, personal events, etc. Sometimes it’s just a word, phrase, or picture.
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?: I’m a major sucker for friends/strangers to lovers! and I LOVE a good Mafia/Gang/Assassin!AU. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you can catch me writing dad!au stories. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?: I just hope it makes them feel good. Laugh, smile, cry, yell, uwu, just- all the emotions. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?: Take a break. Read a book, dive into a k-drama, binge a few fics. Sometimes I just have to put the laptop away until I’m ready to start again.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?: My favorite story is probably ‘Over The Top’ with GOT7’s Bambam. It’s a dad!au about bam’s twin boys’ first birthday party. I’m quite attached to their family dynamic in the story and may even revisit twin terrors Somsak & Somchai in the future. Most successful? Probably the ‘Bubbles’ series, a Monsta X OT7 fiesta. I had a lot of feedback while posting that series and made a lot of friends. (It was also my first actual fic & it jump-started this blog!)
Who is your favorite person to write about?: Jackson Wang or Park Jinyoung from GOT7 and Han Jisung from Stray Kids. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?: This is kind of a tough one because, yes- as a fanfic writer I’m using a real person as a character, however, the storyline, the dialog, the emotions, the actions of the characters are all organic. I could take any one of my stories and replace only that person’s name and it would be considered entirely original. So, I guess I would say it’s not so different. 
What do you think makes a good story?: Great dialog. 
What is your writing process like?: Sometimes I get an idea and go straight to word vomiting and editing. Sometimes it’s planning the title, characters, tags list, & summary then not looking at it for a few weeks until I’m ready to write it. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?: Yes. All of my stories are AU (non-idol verse) so I would totally repurpose them.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?: Love: friends/strangers/enemies to lovers, + grumpy character only soft for their love interest. Dislike: Love triangles, angsty slow burn, cheating, etc.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?: IT IS EVERYTHING. I love reading tags, getting aks, getting messages, it warms my heart, and really motivates me to keep going.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?: When I write and I really like my own story, it feels like a success. 
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?: Yes, they certainly can be. I think people who don’t understand fanfiction can have a very narrow mindset and belittle fanfic writers because of that misunderstanding.
Do you think art can be a medium for change?: Yes. Even if its something as small as changing one’s mood. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?: Not usually. I try to only write things that make me happy and if I ever get requests I’m not into, I usually won’t write it. If I’m not enjoying myself and the story, it’s not worth the pressure I put on myself to write it.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?: It’s definitely possible, but I haven’t had many issues with this so far.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?: My mom, dad, sister, husband, and two other friends know.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?: I’m always here to make you laugh and smile, whenever you need it. I hope my stories can bring you joy.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?: Do it for yourself. If you are enjoying yourself then it’s worth it. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?: I love this hellsite. I’ve been here since high school and I have no regrets. 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?: AJ: my favorite bean, Chelle: my fav writer & inspo, Megan: my hype squad gf, Leena: my sisterwife, Na: my #1 supporter, and Val: my JJP/Wonu Soulmate. 
Pick a quote to end your interview with: “mo0n Mo0n JiN m0oN!” - Jeon Jeongguk
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i-write-sometimes-blog · 5 years ago
Desert Flowers (Rey x Reader)
Request: What if when you're born you have a black band around your wrist and when you meet your soulmate it grows into a tattoo up your arm, and one day R happens to bump into Rey. As maybe a kiss at the end??? Idk I got this idea from somewhere else and I think it's so cute!! Love your work, it always makes me smile when I see you've added something! By anon.
Words: 1,973
A/N: This idea was literally so cute! Hope you are having a good day/night. Let me know what you think.
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Everyone had a soulmate or so they said, find it was a mission many people had as a lifetime goal, wanting so bad to find that person who would make the black band on their wrist turn into a full arm length tattoo.
Walking through the crowded market you admired the people passing by, hundreds of unknown faces all around under the burning suns of Tatooine. There were people from every corner of the galaxy, selling or buying the things the big market provided, but your gaze focused on the arm of a woman shopping next to you. Your eyes were mesmerized with the complex design that covered her entire arm in an endless looking labyrinth of black ink, a soulmate’s stamp.
“There you are, babe” said a tall man as he wrapped his arms around the woman next you, the same strange ink labyrinth laying on his arm, there was the soulmate.
You smiled and walked away. For a moment your gaze went to your naked arm and the black bracelet like band on your wrist. It had always been there, you were born with it just as the rest of them but it had never change into something and it never really bothered you at all until now.
As you continued your way through the crowd you observed some black bands like yours wondering if one of them would be the one but as they passed by your hopes dropped when nothing happened on your wrist. Maybe this soulmate thing wasn’t for you, there were people who died without finding their soulmate and were buried as they were born, with a black band on their wrist… and you didn’t want to be one of them.
In your childhood you used to imagine the person you were destined to meet someday, imagine their features, their smile. You used to draw on your skin pretending it was your soulmate’s stamp. While you were growing the image of their face faded away with the sandstorms of the planet and you no longer painted things on your arm, just kept living day after day feeling a void within you and hoping it would be filled someday.
Lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice the group of people running towards you, it was until you felt a shoulder bumping into you that you woke up to reality only to met with a pair of concerned hazel eyes.
“Sorry.” said the girl in front of you.
“Rey! We have to go!” you heard a man calling her. She gave you an apologetic smile before she rushed in the direction of the two boys that were waiting for her.
Your confused gaze followed her as she ran, a small droid beeping behind her rolling as fast as it could. Unconsciously you smiled and shook your head as you started walking away but before you could do it you felt something weird in your left hand, a tickle that spread through your whole arm.
Extending it in front of you, you witnessed how the black band on your wrist started to transform into something new. First some black lines left the band moving up slowly becoming stems that climbed your arm tangling with each other as a climbing plant does around a tree. Then you saw small ink figures that suddenly blossomed into delicate flowers.
You had met you soulmate. But who was it?
Looking around the crowded market you hoped to find someone experimenting the same thing you were going through, however the market seemed to be the same as before, nobody even seemed to notice you stood in the middle of the road. Then you finally realized.
“Her.” you muttered. What was her name? You tried to remember. “Rey” you said almost afraid of pronouncing her name. You turned around, she was too far gone.
Doubting for a second you ran towards the girl you had not even formally met but you felt like you knew. Millions of questions formed in your head as you ran through the people, dodging some droid from time to time searching desperately for her face again. It was probably not her, you weren’t sure about it, you needed a proof.
The idea of that girl being your soulmate made you smile, you saw her for a few seconds yet you wished to know more about her, even if she wasn't your soulmate, you wished to see her again.
Then you saw her ready to get into a big starship, something was stopping her, something in her left arm that kept her distracted from her friends telling her to get inside.
"Rey!" it blurted out of you dragging her attention to you. Her eyes followed you until you were closer to her. Finally you stood there looking at her trying to find the right words. She looked as perplexed as you when she laid her eyes on your arm covered in ink flowers.
She had the same design on her arm.
"I- I" you tried to say something, anything but what to say? you couldn't think of anything.
"We have to go!" Said a man stepping outside, he stopped when he spotted you. "Who is her? What's going on?" He asked.
"I- I'm Y/N" you said catching Rey smiling from the corner of your eyes.
Rey went silent for a moment then she raised her arm showing her flowers to her friend who glanced at it with a surprised smile.
"Y/N" Rey said, her voice was soft and gentle as she pronounced your name for the very first time eliciting a wave of warmth over your body. She opened her mouth to speak again but instead you heard another man calling from inside.
“Guys, they’re coming so you better get in!”
Looking over your shoulder you saw figures coming closer that your recognized even though they were far, a group of well known bandits, that was why they wanted to leave the planet so desperately.
Your gaze went back to Rey, she seemed to be as worried as you, both knowing she would have to go.
"Y/N, come with me" she urged to say with a pleading gaze.
"Please, come with me" she said. Your mind filled with every kind of questions and emotions. Leaving you home was a thing you never expected, but you also didn't expect to find the person that matched your tattoo, your soulmate. You have just found her and at the same time you were going to lose her.
"I've spent my whole life looking for you, Y/N." She told you as she took your hand, it felt familiar, known and yet unexpected. "I'm not going to lose you now that I found you."
The beat of your heart rushed a bit more with her words. Never felt this kind of warmth inside your chest before, this much affection, this much wanted, this much love. And after a moment you decided maybe this was the right thing to do. Certainly there was nothing left for you there but maybe there was a chance for a future with the woman in front of you.
You gave her a tiny smile.
"I'm not planning on losing you either." You said squeezing her hand softly. She looked at you and for a brief moment you felt complete, finally whole and the time seemed to frozen between the two of you.
"Rey, we seriously have to go!" Screamed the pilot bringing you back to reality.
Without letting go of your hand she guide you inside the big ship, the gates closed behind you and then finally it took off.
It took you some time to fully understand what happened, it just seemed all so surreal for you to travel across the space with her. The simple idea of Rey was like a dream came true.
You started knowing each other though you felt like you already knew her so well , you had more things in common than you imagined.
She told you about the way she lived in that planet that was very similar to yours and all the things she had to do to survive. But she got a bit emotional, almost upset as she told you that since she was a child her only goal was to find her soulmate but never got to find in back on Jakku. She just wanted someone who would understand her, listen her, she wanted to find her place and a family. Someone who would love her, just like you.
"You're the best thing that has happened to me, Y/N." she confessed once, with pure affection on her sweet voice.
"I feel the same way about you, Rey" you told her sincerely feeling that warm sensation in you and your heart in rhythm with hers.
"Never mentioned it before, but I really love our stamp." She giggled and you watched it for a second.
"It is really pretty."you told her.
"It's more than that," she smiled "it's meaningful."
"Elaborate." You giggled.
"Who many time did you see flowers back in Tatooine?"
"Not as much as I would have like to." You said.
"Yes, because of the weather. We both know there are not many flowers in a desert but those that dare to bloom there are strong."
"Just as you, Rey."
"Us, Y/N. We've been through a lot, you and me. Flowers also mean fragility, everyone is fragile somehow. They bloomed so it must mean growth or something. And then… the way the stems entangle with each other…" she shook her head with a smile.
"What is it?" You asked curious "what does it means?"
"Y/N, you ever believed in this soulmate thing? You thought it was possible for you to find it?" She questioned you.
"Well, as a kid was all I wanted. Then I started to doubt it when I grew up and nothing happened. But then there was you." You held her hand. "It's never been more real."
She glanced at you for a time, a soft smile laying on her lips that allowed those lovely little dimples to show.
"You didn't answer my question, Rey. What does it mean?" you rose your voice again.
"The way our paths crossed and that maybe we should stay together. It's silly but I know this flower. It means love, returned love." She said blushing slightly. "It sounds so crazy, I know. "
"It doesn't" You said smiling "it actually makes sense." You told her.
"Really?" She said a bit surprised.
After all this time with her that was all you wished for, you hoped she would feel the same way about you, you wished her to love you just as much as you loved her and her actions told you so.
You leaned close to her, eyes focused on her pale pink lips yearning to finally meet them. A part of you already knowing them. Then you close the small distance between you and pressed your lips on hers making the world around you fade away. You felt her soft lips kissing you back as the void inside you was completely filled. Returned love, Rey was right.
Rey glared at you as the kiss was over, resting her forehead on yours, her pupils were dilated while her mouth was curving into a heartwarming smile. There was no need for words, the sight of her made you felt alive, love, completed.
Everyone had a soulmate or so they said, find it was a mission many people had as a lifetime goal, wanting so bad to find that person who would make the black band on their wrist turn into a full arm length tattoo.
You found yours.
Tagging: @1-800-depressedlesbian
(In case you want to be tagged for specific things or anything I write, just let me know)
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paramounticebound · 4 years ago
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Shipping interest check from @threeoldsouls​​ / Katalina
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no || my memory is goldfish
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other || all the things??
Some thoughts beneath the cut:
Okay so I have an Old Norse/God of War-ish verse for Khan, wherein he’s an álfr cast from Alfheim for “treason” against his kind, and his punishment is to aid the dead until they’re ready to pass on through Hel’s gate. I don’t know how you’d feel about pantheon mixing, but what it something brought Katalina to Scandinavia sometime after she leaves Olympus but long before the 1980′s (and before she meets Nikki?). Maybe they meet and become friends. Khan’s stuck because one of his spirits doesn’t want to leave until they’re certain that their family’s farm with thrive, and what do you know, Khan just happens to know Demeter’s daughter...
This is dumb and noncommittal, but I wonder if we could do something in both of their modern verses? I have three for Khan: one where’s he’s possibly crazy, one where’s he’s definitely crazy, and the last where’s he’s not crazy but still not exactly a great person. I’m thinking maybe the first verse, where’s he’s possibly crazy. Maybe he’s running from something, whether it’s in his head or not, and ends up at Lina’s cottage just outside of New Orleans. Does she shoo him away? Maybe see something more to his story and feels for him?? Idk but I’m a sucker for “slice of life” but with something lurking just over the horizon that’s threatening to ruin everything lmao
Feel free to throw ideas at me because I’m a potato
And on a completely unrelated note, I’d love to write Khan in his Viking’s verse with Erik aaahhhhh 
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