#idk if this is allowed as acceptable propaganda
dangerous-advantage · 2 years
i was going to make some propaganda for the upcoming @autismswagsummit battle, but i realized there's nothing i could make that could be more convincing than the actual show
(i know probably a lot of people haven't and won't watch rise, so here's a good look at donnie's character if you aren't familiar)
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matan4il · 11 months
I'm gonna share a few thoughts.
>>> People who are very insistent (rightfully) that Hamas and the Palestinians are not the same, because it de-humanizes the latter, are the same people who take every quote an Israeli official makes about fighting Hamas, and attribute it as if it was said about fighting the Palestinians. It seems they're the ones who are conflating Hamas and the Palestinians, but only when it can be used to de-humanize Jews.
>>> The same people who rushed to provide the "context" that the Islamist terrorists massacred over 1,400 people in Israel on Oct 7 due to occupation, were very silent when two Swedish soccer fans were murdered by an Islamist terrorist in Belgium on Oct 16. The last time I checked, Sweden had never occupied any part of Tunisia. For that matter, Hamas murdered and kidnapped many foreigners working and studying in Israel. I'm also pretty sure Thailand, Nepal, China and the Philippines had never occupied Palestine.
>>> I've seen many people screaming that the number of aid trucks being brought into Gaza since Oct 7 is insufficient, because so far it has been less than 100 a day, and before Hamas' attack, it was 500 daily. These are the same people who have been comparing Gaza to a ghetto or concentration camp. I can't remember a single day when the Nazis allowed 500 aid trucks into the Warsaw Ghetto or the Dachau concentration camp.
>>> I've seen many people claiming that Israel warning the Palestinians to evacuate parts of Gaza is forced transfer. I did not see these people so much as acknowledging the existence of well over 500,000 Israelis, who have been evacuated due to Hamas and Hezbollah's on going attacks against Israel.
>>> These same people criticize Israel so much, did not post a single condemnation of Egypt, which refuses to allow Gazans a temporary refuge within its borders. Egypt has also used the "forced transfer" excuse to deny Palestinians a safe temporary shelter. When Ukrainians needed to leave their bombarded cities, I don't remember their neighboring countries refusing to accept them temporarily, because it would be "forced transfer."
>>> IDK if this anti-Israeli post has the worst take yet, but it is def a strong contender:
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The same people who can't bring themselves to condemn Hamas without reservations, to admit that it's a terrorist organization, with the stated genocidal goal of killing ALL JEWS, are the ones invoking the memory of the genocide perpetrated against Jews to try and get others to come out against the only Jewish state, and one that was very much a needed refuge place for about two thirds of Holocaust survivors after what they had endured. When Hamas has literally kidnapped and murdered Holocaust survivors and their family members. When countless Jewish people have pointed out that Hamas' massacre was the deadliest assault on Jews since the Holocaust, and made many of them be reminded of its horrors.
To take the memory of the Holocaust and use it to attack Jews, including Holocaust survivors and their families, and most of all, to do it based on a narrative that is completely ignorant or deliberately dismissive of Jewish native rights in Israel, is unconscionable. This person and those who agreed with them, they're guilty of exactly what they accuse others of. They've bought into the anti-Israeli propaganda that allows them to look at kidnapped Jewish babies and tear down their posters, to ignore Jewish students having to hide from anti-Israeli mobs, and to explain that the murdered Holocaust survivors deserved it, de-humanizing and victim blaming them a second time, just as the Nazis and their collaborators did.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Round 5, Match 2: Gintoki Sakata vs. Kim Dokja
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Submitted kids:
Gintoki Sakata: Kagura and Shinpachi Shimura, his own de aged mentor Shouyou, Hashida Kanshichirou, and Seita
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Propaganda under the cut!
Gintoki Sakata:
1. “Gintoki is introduced to us as a depressed twenty seven year old dealing with ptsd who first adopts Shinpachi after protecting him from Amanto (aliens, who have somewhat taken over earth) who were harassing him, which led to Shinpachi losing his job, and Gintoki having to help him rescue his sister Otae from the family’s debtors. Shinpachi comes to work for Gintoki as Odd Jobs, soon joined by Kagura (an amanto herself with super strength who was working as part of gang prior to Shinpachi and Gintoki helping her leave) Kagura leaves in his house and later Gintoki allows her to get a pet dog. It’s made clear that these three are a family and more than a few episodes make it clear that Kagura seems Gintoki as her earth father (her bio dad, the strongest man in the universe, goes around the galaxy fighting monsters) and Shinpachi feels a familial connection to him as well. There’s also Hashida, a baby who looks a lot like Gintoki, whom Gintoki takes care of when the custody battle over Hashida becomes an actual battle. This includes drinking together, tying the baby to his back while fighting his way to Hashida’s mom, and Hashida crying when Gintoki leaves, after promising they’ll share a drink when Hashida is older. In a similar vein is Seita, a street kid who tries to pickpocket Gintoki but gets robbed in return and ends up working for Gintoki’s landlady (Gintoki’s own adoptive mother) and being taken care of by her and the odd jobs family as a whole, before Gintoki discovers Seita’s mother is Hinowa, the Sun of Yoshiwara and its highest ranking courtesan, and fights Housen, a crime lord who fought Kagura’s father for three days and nights until they considered it a draw, and kills him, just so Seita and Hinowa can reunite. During the timeskip late in the series, we discover after seemingly defeating the Big Bad Utsuro (an immortal who formerly was Gintoki’s adoptive father and teacher Shouyou) Gintoki spent two years raising the reincarnated Shouyou as a baby, before being given his heart to prevent Utsuro’s followers from taking it. These are just the most notable examples, pretty much any character younger than Gintoki gets taken care of or helped by him in a way, including Kagura’s older brother, temporary member of Odd Jobs Pirako, and even to an extent youngest Shinsengumi member Okita Sougo. Gintoki is positioned as acting as the same adoptive parent role as his own adopters (Shouyou and his landlady Otose) are, taking on similar burdens and making, or trying to make) similar sacrifices as well. He can be really soft with kids at times, and has at least once carried Kagura and Shinpachi away from a fight on his back.”
2. “#hell adopt your unorphaned kid hell adopt your dad hell adopt his own deaged mentor!!!”
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the ‘prophets’ and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. “He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him.”
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
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psychoticblorbobattle · 10 months
Submissions open until January 15th!!!
Hello! Welcome to this lil tournament I'm putting together, despite also running two others right now. Why am I like this.
Anyways!!! I'm schizospec. Sadly, I don't know a lot of characters from media who are also on the schizospectrum or have psychosis. So, I figured, why not make a tournament for it?
No ableism will be tolerated, nor will any other kind of bigotry.
You do NOT have to be psychotic to interact with this tournament/blog. Everyone is welcome! Honestly, I'd be really happy if lots of different people got to have a good time and learn here. Anyone can submit a character!
No anti-propaganda, bullying, harassment, etc. This is for fun.
All submissions must be sent through the ask box to be considered. This tournament will have 32 participants, tops.
NO NSFW IN THE IMAGES SENT. Light blood is allowed but please no full-on gore. A good example is YTTD or Danganronpa; there's blood, but nothing too explicit.
Headcanons are allowed! Please indicate whether the character actually fits the DSM-5 criteria or if it's your headcanon.
Characters with any condition that would cause psychosis are welcome, as well as schizospec characters without psychosis.
You can submit multiple characters in SEPERATE asks. One character per ask. Please do not spam the same character over and over.
No ocs, I'm sorry. I'm sure they're wonderful :)
In regards to images, I will accept fanart ONLY if the artist has given explicit permission, the artist's name is submitted with the art, and if official art isn't submitted in other submissions.
Rules may be added.
Now, you may be asking, what should I include in my submission? I would appreciate if your submission went something like this:
Character Name
Media Character is from
Image of character (links work fine)
What criteria do they fit and what is/would be their diagnosis (schizophrenia, bpd, ptsd, etc)
Curious about what the criteria is? Here's a link to the DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia, which is a good place to start. I may post links to other collections, idk!!! But this is what we'll be using mostly. If it's difficult to understand or read, I can make a separate post explaining the official criteria. However, if you're schizospec or deal with psychosis and have your own experience to add to it, please feel free to say that!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Tagging for visibility (not very long tbh)
@actually-insane-blorbo-bracket @tournament-announcer @tournamentdirectory
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theology101 · 3 months
My biggest wish for Episode 9 was that we’d see Kylo’s Empire and it like… wouldn’t be terrible.
He doesn’t have many ships, what he has is the initiative and more concentrated firepower. For the First Order to hold territory, it would have to make concessions, alliances and agreements, as well as establishing Galactic Policy. The First Order is far too small to rule with an Iron Fist everywhere, so it in basic political terms, it must allow some consent of governance if they even want to rule.
In my mind, with the Resistance reduced to a handful, Kylo Ren would focus on abolition. He’s the son of the Huttslayer and grandson of a Slave who’s in love with a different former slave. For a Fascist State, they always require an enemy and frankly? The Hutts are a perfect one for a Fascist nation.
The Enemy is both Strong and Weak? Check. They’re fundamentally other and also infiltrators? Check. Allows for a black and white world view? Double Check.
It’s a pure propaganda move. Kylo Ren (while keeping Star Destroyers over orbit of important systems) sends the fleet and the PDFs to attack Hutt Space while he cements his leadership with political reforms (establishing a system of Moffs to lessen Hux’s political power would be key, and I would try to pick natives to the sectors) and genuineky acting on Leia’s beliefs.
Time and time again, she got held up in committee or debate. The positive changes she wanted to make were stopped by beuracracy. Kylo Ren is the Supreme Leader - id he says “Free the Slaves,” they’re free.
This also would’ve put the Resistance in a bind. Accept the support of the incredibly powerful and rich Hutt Cartels, or stay true to their morals and principles? Leia in Legends worked with the Hutts, so if her Canon counterpart did, how would Rey react?
Idk, could’ve been interesting
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monards · 5 months
Idk if you've said before but how do you think they'd do playable Rhine? Also still what are they gonna do for dain are they gonna have to add new elements for them? Cos i dunno about giving Rhine a vision or feels wrong I don't think she would accept one even if she did earn it somehow like she'd probably toss it into the abyss. Even Alice idk would she want a vision? Idr specifics but maybe klee getting her vision was the reason why Alice was spending more time away from her idkk
AWUGAWUH HI URSANIC!!!! thank you for this question because. dear lord have i been thinking about it since sumeru & dendro's release
as in terms of. how she'll be playable (since playable = good terms with traveler) ;; it's pretty easy to tell that most the horrible things we've been told about her have been propaganda and or. horribly biased. ;; and if we just take from albedo, we can clearly see that although she maybe isn't. the most pleasant. she DOES have amiable qualities which would allow her to be qualified to. have some allyship with the traveler >> <SPOILERS FOR ALRECCHINO'S STORY QUEST!!!!> but i could totally see a similar situation as we had with arlecchino ;; it'll probably be a sort of "we're not exactly friends, and we MAY go against eachother at some point ;; but we're. cool."
i full heartedly believe that with, at least majority of, the native khaneriahns, we're gonna get some new elements introduced ;; with the fact that the main 7 elements are (eventually) gonna become more stale,, they're gonna need to add SOMETHING to keep people reeled in and. khaneriah's their best opportunity!!!! plus. with how dendro was introduced only in sumeru ;; it's clear they're capable of adding elements, which is great!! more elements to learn the dynamics of!! more artifacts we'll need to farm!! amazing!! <- said with miserable tone.
i think. (especially) with alice's connections to celestia (<- and the fact that shes more or less confirmed to be a god aside from the main 7) she'll have a special and unique element, too. also because you cant possibly confine that lady's ambition to ONE vision. she'd end up with all seven
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Round 3 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
he's like if renfield from dracula was cool youth pastor.
He's also a priest, who essentially becomes a vampire due to an "angel" and tries to convert the entire town. He also runs an Alcoholics Anonymous group. I love him
Listen you've probably gotten this guy idk how many times but JUST IN CASE, I submitted him. He's a priest who fell in love and had a lesbian daughter. He becomes a vampire after his money-laundering fundie simp sent him to the Holy Land. He's so torn up over his lover having dementia and God allowing so much overwhelming death that he decides he's going to try to Cure Death Forever but oh boy is it a slippery slope and the man is surrounded by enablers.
so i binged watch the chosen (it's a drama series but it's the bible) and I needed to balance or else Id be insane so I watched midnight mass. It was good. Fuck this rat. I loved the ending though -- op
Dracule Mihawk
Okay so he wears a cross necklace and his sword looks like he has a cross on his back. Like yeah hes a gothy bitch but got that Catholic vibes trust me also got that catholic vampire 18th century facial hair
his weapon is a giant bedazzled cross sword and if he held up his arms he’d look like he was being crucified on it. he’s spanish *and* dracula coded. puss in boots has been accepted and this is his human counterpart.
he keeps sipping red wine, what’s that if not the blood of christ?? also his hobby is gardening and he adopted two orphans. catholic mom.
a vote for mihawk is a vote for all of the forgotten one piece characters
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poetrywise · 10 months
Life, sort of
I can't access Twitter lately, so I thought mb I should try to be more active here. Yes, I know I said it before, but my VPN hasn't been working for weeks and I kind of miss people. I miss life, in general. For the past nearly 2 years, life has been hell in my country: mass arrests, toxic propaganda, army drafts, idiotic laws, silencing the media and public opinion, to say nothing of the horror we have been inflicting on another country. I don't know about most people but I do feel ashamed and depressed, even though I am, have always been, and always will be staunchly anti-war. Seriously, how have people not learnt to solve their disagreements in a less insane way over the course of our history?
Today, yet another "great" news: LGBT is now considered an extremist organization. They've done all they could to torment queer people short of criminalizing queerness itself. They keep promoting so-called "traditional" values, debating whether women should be allowed access to higher education (I kid you not, this is us in the 21st century) and abortion, all the while wasting 40% of the budget on war; in the meantime, all their beloved "traditional" families live in poverty and find their social support cut. You can get 7, 15, 30 years in prison for changing price tags in a supermarket to anti-war statements, staging an anti-war play, digging into government corruption. Children are being force-fed "patriotic" claptrap at school. Bloggers get fined, arrested or forced to leave the country because they fear for their safety. Life here is a cruel joke.
I know that I personally have little reason to complain, since I haven't been arrested (yet), nor have any of my loved ones. But it doesn't mean I don't get panic attacks (I had them before, I've been seeing a therapist for 6 years, and this situation IS derailing my progress) or fear for the future. My personal future feels ruined too: I can't travel, I can't see my BFF who lives abroad, I can't get paid for my stories even if I do manage to publish them (I write in English and have had 4 stories published in America, but we can neither send, nor accept payment from abroad lately). All this feels so small compared to what other people go through, in both our countries, but it's big to ME. I can't look into the future with any kind of hope because I don't want to live in the country that makes its people and another nation suffer. (Don't get me started on actual things our politicians say, like: Well, if smb drops a nuke on us, it'll be fine, as long as it's not on the capital. [FYI, I live in the capital, but it doesn't mean turning the rest of the country into a nuclear wasteland is fine by me. WUT EVEN!])
Everyone hates my country. We deserve it. I hate my own inability to change that but I'm neither brave, nor smart enough to do anything. When it all started, I tried writing letters to politicians, but this ain't America, nb listens to the people here. The only reply I got was smth like: Well, the West is threatening us, we must defend ourselves, so STFU. Idk what bizarre illusionland these ppl live in. Last time I checked WE were threatening everybody. Including ourselves.
What's the point of this TL;DR? Idk. To speak out in some way, I guess. Like I said, my VPN isn't working, and I can't access Twitter, which is my usual platform for whining XD I'll try to post smth more positive some time. Among other platforms that don't work without VPN are: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Goodreads, AO3, various torrent sites, BBC sites, many kinds of Western media, and probably a hell of a load more I don't know about. I admire the reporters who are still publishing the truth. It's impossible to hide it from the people these days, but unfortunately, most people just watch TV, which spouts disgusting lies and propaganda.
Nostalgia is a fashionable thing lately, and here's my two cents: I loved the late 90s - early 2000s. Yes, we had problems then too. Like financial crises and local wars. But we had freedom of speech, independent news, we at least tried to respect human rights, we could travel, we had cultural exchanges, foreign tourists, and nb hated us more than any other country. I wasn't ashamed to admit where I was from. I never felt I'd be stuck in a totalitarian state because surely, surely we'd learned! We'd been through it and it wouldn't repeat again. But I guess "all of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again" is a very true saying. I'm so tired. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I do feel very alone whenever I read the news. I'm lucky in the sense that my family at least shares my opinion, but on a grand scale? I don't know if any meaningful change can be achieved when we can't even form proper opposition: a few parties/organizations both here and abroad are usually at each other's throats instead of working together. So yeah, I'm tired, disappointed, depressed, and idk what else to say.
Wow, hope I don't get arrested for this XD
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lordelmelloi2 · 7 months
a lot of work that was done for feminist media analysis in the 90s-2010s was thrown out the window thanks to modern "fandom" etiquette and stuff that just boiled down to "muh ships" and a lot of the mindset that resulted in this shift is outright rooted in racism per the "fiction has no bearing on reality/you should know the difference". I really think honestly its a very privileged & white mindset to have to believe "it's fictional/pretend/private so I don't have to think about if it affects anyone". if you are against racism you should know the impact of media on reality, black feminists and civil rights activists have been pointing out the effects of propaganda and also representation of groups on the social consciousness forever; And I think quite honestly for the whole "well it's common sense to not treat someone a certain way just because you enjoy media that depicts it being shown!" argument, the minute you learn about the history of Minstrels and the Mammy stereotype or the Sapphire stereotype or etc. It should become blatantly clear to you how depictions of anything affect how people act in real life. This in turn also relates to media showing children as sexual objects, incestuous relationships as being funny/desirable/normal, rape as being "tough love", all of these are things that feminists have been doing work to try to combat for YEARS, and right now because of the whole ""pro ship"" BS it's kind of going out the window because people value their own personal comfort over making any meaningful changes. It's not like you get a manual stating when you turn 18 "here's all the crazy stuff you should unlearn so you can help break cycles of abuse and normalization of abuse", but people seem to have given up on trying to understand anymore. Nothing is exempt from criticism, we don't live in a vacuum, media has and historically has impact on reality, social attitudes, normalizing abuse. It's... obvious. Like its blatantly obvious. If you've cared about anything, ever, if you've ever been like "ugh. I hate how (animal movie) made people go out and buy (animal) as pets even though they're not meant for domestication!" you understand already how media impacts reality and people's behaviors, you're just choosing to pick and choose which ones you personally feel are valid.
And I think that when there's epidemics of children being groomed and an abuse and mental health epidemic that's because of rampant pedophilia, incest and rape we need to be more aware of the ways that media feeds these messages to you about what is and what isn't acceptable to do to another person. I don't believe in Neutering media to Never Show it, but I do think people are very stupid and despite saying they don't believe in condoning stuff "in real life" I think there's a wild amount of people who truthfully have no idea what boundaries are acceptable anymore and will gratefully allow the messages to permeate their brain without stopping to think like what the director or author is trying to say or what overall message they're trying to convey. I don't enjoy the discussions being held about "media literacy" in fan communities anymore but there is kind of a shocking lack of discussion about trying to understand the overall point of a story. The big picture. Overarching narrative meanings. Messages communicated. Themes and what they mean and how they tie into the narrative. Idk. There's better ways of writing all this up and I have to get ready for work
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crossguild · 1 year
looks like OP's turned off reblogs, but i do wanna say something
queer is still a slur and reclamation is a process that can't and shouldn't be done by a whole entire community because no community is a monolith. there's no other slur that any marginalized group has so thoroughly reclaimed that they insist people outside the community use it as well.
'queer studies' is not a term that was approved by every lgbtq person out there before it was used in academia. people didn't march with signs saying 'we're queer, we're here' because it was the most politically correct and acceptable term. it's a slur and its deliberate and intentional usage as such is an important part of its history, and even the decision to use it in academia, which should be acknowledged and respected.
you wouldn't, for example, call a study of asian-american history chinkology even if a large portion of the community wanted to, nor would i ever, personally, be comfortable with that usage even if it became the accepted academic term. 'gay' and 'lesbian', while they have been used as insults, didn't originate as insults the way queer and certain other homophobic slurs did (and i don't see people insisting on normalizing those words)
a reclaimed slur is still a slur, it doesn't stop being a slur just because some people, even a lot of people, have reclaimed it and use it comfortably. like please think of how many slurs you hear people reclaim and why you would not ever use them, and then consider why it's suddenly fine if it's cishet people using 'queer'.
i don't personally have an issue with its usage in reference to me, nor do i have an issue with using it day-to-day, but unless and until a person specifically tells me they identify as such, i wouldn't use it for them. if someone wants to tag it as a slur, because it is, and some people don't want to see slurs that have been used against them used casually, that's their prerogative as long as they're not out there policing the terms that people are allowed to use.
the TERFs aren't responsible for 'queer is a slur' even if they have weaponized it against people, which i agree is bad! but you cannot take every TERF's idiot talking point as proof that it's rhetoric that originated in the terf community. there's a vast gulf of difference between 'queer is a slur and no one should ever use it' and 'it may be reclaimed by many people, which is fine, but i still don't relate to it nor do i want it used in reference to myself'. idk, i just think we should all think a little bit more about the words we use, & why, & how it affects people we care about, even if ultimately we come to the same conclusion
the rhetoric people should ACTUALLY be wary of that is 100% fully terf & right-wing nationalist propaganda is the fujoshi stuff, which for some reason english fandom has really embraced, so clearly SOME terf rhetoric is fine and maybe people are just calling this specific discourse 'terf rhetoric' to shut it down because it's a conversation they're uncomfortable with. but that's none of my business.
ETA and i'm speaking personally as someone who LIKES it, and likes my privacy, and as someone who refuses to identify in any particular way, but i would not ever use it on someone who doesn't want it used for themselves.
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robotlesbianjavert · 2 years
Bare minimum, and I mean bare fuckin minimum for how the Shouji backstory & characterization could have panned out in a way that I still think would suck, especially if it ends up with the same conclusions that Shouji is pushing, but at least gives his character just a bit, a CRUMB of set up.
Establish through giantess heteromorph lady (and ideally similar incidents) that in the wake of Gigantomachia / prison break / PLF to the wind, the common citizenry have resorted to using heteromorphs as scapegoats and punching bags, suggesting that acceptance and progress are conditional on supposed “stability” and “peace” (ie, that the stability and peace everyone has been living with has always been fragile and false), and now they risk being kicked out of shelters and attacked in the streets. Things are looking reminiscent of the chaos following the advent of quirks, where the nature of humanity was called into question.
These are the circumstances that allow the PLF to gather an army. Heteromorphs who have been regularly subjected to abuse have nothing to lose, and those who maybe faced microaggressions but otherwise thought things were cool feel largely abandoned by the heroes, and thrown under the bus and scorned by the non-heteromorph population.
In comes the PLF, with Spinner as their symbol, explaining “Hey. you know that this was always simmering under the status quo. You’ll always be the first victims, because they don’t see you as human, and as soon as shit gets tough they’ll show their ass. These aren’t conditions you can live in. So let’s make sure that status quo can’t be reinstated.”
Also, maybe the PLF are making up for what the heroes and society are lacking, providing shelter and protection to the scared heteromorph civilians! I know my friend the ant guy would do this.
Because following Deku for the entirety of the PLF raid aftermath was pointless, let’s follow the students who are trying to do hero work and deal with trauma or whatever. They try to help some citizens who just spit vitriol at the heteromorph kids, mainly accusing them of being idk. Villain sympathizers or potential villains themselves. Subhuman.
City kids like Tokoyami and Kouda are startled by this particular level of hatred and how it’s exhibited. There’s Shouji’s opportunity, as the country kid who has dealt with his before, to come in with his backstory.
A more-or-less natural segue instead of being stuffed into a context-less flashback, something that suits the idea of the kids having to cope with and understand the conditions of their world in the aftermath of a society-changing event. It better sets up the stakes involving this narrative thread going into the final battle, gives a bit more space to developing the positions the heteromorphic people are in, why they’ve taken on this fight, and the thoughts of the students, wouldn’t interrupt the later conflict with awkward flashbacks. There could have been a flow!
But it involves honest introspection from the heroes, sympathy towards the people who have suffered under the status quo that the heroes are trying to restore, indicates that the PLF/villains might be better equipped to respond to the needs of the marginalized thus introducing that dreaded nuance this last act has lost, weakens Shouji’s already bullshit arguments about how to react to all of this, and takes away attention from Deku’s whatever the fuck he was up to.
And maybe I could have seen more of Spinner’s cute lil propaganda merch.
But god forbid any of that happen.
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toujoursfleure · 8 months
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okay, so we're back at it again with trying to roleplay. some of you may be old-timers like me and some of you may be new. regardless, hi! how are you? my name is michelle, i'm old as dirt and this is my roleplay blog for the divine creature that is narcissa black-malfoy. i've been roleplaying since i was about eleven and i took a break the last year ( or two, idk what time is anymore ) because real life is hard and tbh the drama that came with rp just wore me out. you are now witnessing my tentative comeback and this blog is still heavily under construction. smut may happen and i will not be following or interacting with anyone underage. you can find narcissa's google doc here. a few things up front: my time is precious and i just don't have the energy to follow fads anymore. like, it's great if you want to use fancy formatting and go all out. i love that for you. as for me, i'll be using headers and whatnot but i'll either be using small gifs made by others or going entirely without when it comes to my replies. the laptop i used for graphics is currently out of commission and i just don't have the time to make new ones nor am i invested enough to commission someone else to make them for me. we'll see if this changes, but tbh i'm really just here to write and read other people's awesome work. i'll be using beta editor. gif credits: elyxxiumgifs & rampld disclaimers: 01 needless to say, i am not samara weaving, michelle pfeiffer, or any of the other fcs that may appear on this blog. i have pried narcissa from the unworthy hands of jk rowling and made her mine, but i do not in any way own the rights to the character or make any sort of profit from writing her. 02 this blog can and will prove to be canon-divergent on a great deal of things. this blog disregards certain aspects of pottermore lore and the entirety of the cursed child. i also ask that you not come to this blog expecting narcissa to be the one-dimensional villain prop-up to your character. in this house we do not accept ‘all slytherins are evil’ propaganda, nor do we allow you to pigeonhole narcissa into the vain, elitist, evil snob niche for the sake of making your character a shining beacon of moral superiority and faux-altruistic intention. i harbor no illusions about her prudery and snobbery, she is flawed. that being said, she has valid reasons for being that way and can grow/develop from them like any other soul. please respect my interpretation and i will gladly do the same. 03 triggers that may appear on this blog include but are not limited to physical and psychological abuse ( mainly as a child, but also during the voldemort invasion of malfoy manor ), violence of varying natures, and incest given that it is a naturally occurring thing within her family and the other members of the sacred twenty-eight. that being said, i will never ship narcissa with one of her sisters so please do not ask. i am also above age and nsfw material in the form of smut may make it onto this blog. i will tag all things accordingly.
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"pedophilia is a harmless fantasy" please get help you were groomed
1) by whom?
2) paedophilia is not a harmless fantasy. What people on the internet call paedophilia is 90% of the time, not actual paedophilia.
Here's some things: when you call someone a paedophile on the internet nowadays, you're trying to get a reaction. It's big scary buzzword that can't get argued against. It no longer means anything to be called a paedophile, because the word has lost meaning. There's actually a study somewhere which looks at tumblrs use of the word paedophile, you should look it up.
So the pro-censorship gang (whose morals seem to align perfectly with evangelical conservative christians), tosses around words like paedophilia and grooming such those words lose meaning, and suddenly real paedophiles, actual predators who actually prey on children--rather than, idk people who ship a 16 yo and an 18yo--slip through the cracks. The mud is being slung so wildly that when it actually hits a predator, a groomer, people don't notice. And when someone is actually being groomed, they've heard that word tossed at, say, an adult in fandom space who is clearly absolutely fine, and scoff.
So that's part a of this post - on to part b.
In 2016, Australia held a plebiscite, to see whether the country was overall in favour of gay marriage.
At the time, my grandmother, who knows that I'm queer, and who has always accepted me, and who has been atheist her entire life, fell victim to a conservative propaganda campaign. This campaign, designed by conservative christians, announced that if the Gays were allowed to get married, it was tantamount to legalising paedophilia. My grandmother told me to my face that she would be voting against gay marriage, because next they would legalise paedophilia.
Paedophilia as a reactionist is buzzword, has always been used against queer people. Gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt, because they're perverts, and therefore related to paedophiles. Queer people shouldn't be allowed near their own children, near their nephews and neices, near their cousins and younger siblings. Because they are disgusting and perverted and basically paedophiles.
About 15 years ago, before ao3, there were very few safe spaces for gay fandom on the internet. I remember when any sort of mlm or wlw ship was considered M rated, simply by the fact of its existence. When gay people and ships were banned from fandom spaces because they were "disrespectful" and "disgusting". They still think trans headcanons and theories are these things, though not to the same extent, thankfully. It wasn't that long ago, because I am not ancient.
And here's another thing - the majority of fandom is straight. We see queerness because we exist in queer spaces, because we're lucky, and despite pressure from advertisers, tumblr has always been queer-friendly. But it's the absolute truth that the majority of fandom is cishet. There are studies about that too, look it up.
So how long before queers are the ones attacked again? How long before our shaky first steps into being morally ok is swept away by purity culture which, again, seems to have similar values to evangelical conservative christians. How long before you're called a paedophile for headcanoning a character as queer - because I can tell you it's already happening. It's just not overt yet.
How long until it's considered perverted just to think about the sexuality of a character, disgusting just to ship two men, or two women. How long until someone comes onto this blog and tells me I'm a pedophile for theorising a character who is a minor is trans. Oh wait - that's already happened. Multiple times.
And here's the thing - it's no going to be this sudden, ham-fisted swing to hate. If you lived it first hand you know these old moderators always proclaimed they "weren't homophobic". They just believed queer culture had its "place".
So no, I don't believe paedophilia is harmless. But the conversation has never really been about paedophilia.
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disaster-j · 3 years
i'm so glad nuch beat the 'government mouthpiece' allegations cause people were starting to piss me off, i saw some being straight up hostile towards her character for simply stating legal facts?? idk if these ppl have just a very black/white view of the world or want to seem like such revolutionaries (i'm literally a socialist btw) cause firstly, there needs to be someone to counter gram's(gang's) points or otherwise we would just be in a pointless bubble, her and gram's arguments perfectly show complexity of these issues and how the problem is a systemic one!! and secondly, people like her exist? and it's not like she's this zealous government supporter she's mostly just pointing out how the law allows all of these things to happen and thus the conclusion for viewers is 'well, then the law is flawed and punishment is administered arbitrarily' which is exactly one of the main points of the show...
You get it! The point of her character isn’t to parrot propaganda, it’s to highlight how grave injustices occur with the help of the law and not despite it. Her playing devil’s advocate for Gram is extremely important because it allows for in-depth discussions into these topics. If Gram said x thing is wrong and everyone just agreed then there would be no discussion of why it is wrong, why it keeps happening or what should be done to make it stop. She’s not taking the side of the oppressor, she’s being pragmatic and pointing out that just thinking something is bad is not enough, as future lawyers they must learn how the law is manipulated and how to manipulate it themselves in order to make it work for the common people.
I attended an interesting webinar today where they discussed how the law interprets the term “natural” wrt matters of sex and sexuality and the speakers pointed out how the law is intentionally ambiguous. It is written not as hard facts but as something to be interpreted by individuals. As law students it is their job to figure out how to interpret the law in their own favour. What Nuch does is point out how Gram fails to justify his interpretation in a way that would be acceptable in a court of law. He can say it is wrong all he wants but if he wants people to listen to him and take his side he needs to have a stronger argument with substantial evidence backing him up. Otherwise the revolution stops with him. As someone pursuing law he cannot simply disagree with it, he must know how to fix it as well.
Nuch is a great character and her input is very important not just to the narrative but also to the audience’s understanding of the issues. Calling her a “government mouthpiece” is belittling the importance of healthy debate and discussions in revolutionary media.
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
The Cabinet || Blaise Zabini
Requested: No
Pairing: Blaise Zabini x fem!reader
Warnings: some angst, swearing
Summary: Blaise is having a hard time helping Draco fix the Vanishing Cabinet and you’re there to comfort him.
WORDS : 1036
The Cabinet.
It's all Draco can think about and Blaise knows that.
He blames himself.
For what? You don't really know. But you do know that Blaise has lost countless nights of sleep desperately trying to help Draco find a solution to the looming problem that the cabinet presents.
Blaise has gone to and from the room of requirement with Draco, countless books in hand and heaps of hope in his heart, praying to any deity who'll listen that they'll finally fix the broken transportation device. But to no avail, weeks go by with no end in sight.
Weeks where Blaise provides warm arms to sink into at night, kind words of reassurance, a shoulder that Draco knows he can rely on.
Blaise gives and gives, he just doesn't know how to take, or maybe it's that he doesn't want to take.
The Cabinet.
It haunts both the boy's nightmares. You've slept over enough times to have heard their terrified screams and hushed whimpers, you've cradled them in your own arms and promised them tomorrows, better tomorrows.
You see it in Blaise's eyes that he doesn't believe you, that he thinks it'll only get worse, but Draco does, he has to, and so the two of you let him have hope.
Everyday that the cabinet is not fixed is another nail that is set in their coffins, another day that they immensely regret getting the marks on their arms.
Draco was being punished but Blaise, he was being rewarded. Offered the role of supervising his best friend, promised power when the dust settled after the war. Blaise was gifted the honour of being one of the Dark Lord's favourites, but he didn't want to be.
He didn't want the damn Cabinet.
He didn't want any of it.
He'd tried to get the mark off, attempted to scratch at it until it was marred off his skin, but it was futile, he was branded. Affiliated with a cause he preferred to not be involved in at all, forced to pick a side because his family name held respect and recognition in the wrong circles. Or what he assumed were the wrong circles, he couldn't really tell anymore.
They'd fed their propaganda so often to him that the lines between bad and good had easily become blurred. He couldn't distinguish between what was morally justified and what wasn't, there was no scripture that simply gave him the answer.
He'd always liked reading as a child, had loved how easy it was to make decisions and form opinions when everything was written out in front of you for you to analyse. But then he'd grown up and realized that life wasn't that simple, life couldn't be lived through by flipping a page and just starting a new chapter.
None of it made sense.
Especially the fucking Cabinet.
He'd done as his mother asked his whole life- had gone to Hogwarts, gotten the grades she expected of him, joined the quidditch team, befriended the families she liked- and he just didn't know how he was meant to stop. How he was meant to set the boundary and tell her that he'd no longer be living his life on her terms, so he'd complied when she told him to get the mark.
He'd obliged when he'd been instructed to work alongside Draco on the cabinet, he'd obeyed when Snape had ordered him to begin practicing dark magic, he'd even quit the quidditch team to focus more on his tasks.
Because he listens, Blaise always listens.
But he is starting to reach the end of the line, and you can tell.
"It's my fault."
"Blaise..." You utter out and tilt your head sympathetically, in that way he hates because it's always followed by some kind of lecture.
"It is!" He exclaims in frustration as he sinks into his bed, "If I had just been with him then none of this would've happened-"
"You don't know that,"
"Yes, I do. Harry wouldn't have been able to attack Draco if I'd been there to defend him-"
"And how would you have defended him when Harry used a spell that you've never even heard of?"
"I would've hexed him first."
"And if you hadn't seen him coming?"
"I would've." He mumbles stubbornly and you purse your lips in irritation.  "I'm usually more alert than Draco-"
"This had nothing to do with alertness, Harry just got the jump on Draco and you need to accept that nothing you could've done would change the outcome."
"You don't know that." He spits your words back at you and swallow hard to avoid yelling at him.
"I do actually."
"Harry went in there with a mission, you might've got the jump on him but it's more likely that you would've been the victim and not Draco."
"I should've been."
He blames himself.
And now you're beginning to understand that he blames himself for not protecting Draco, then or now, he blames himself for things that are out of his control.
You sigh and make your way over to the bed, sitting beside him and pulling his head into your lap. "Why do you say that lovebug?"
He wraps your arm around himself and settles into your lap, cocooning himself in your embrace and making home in the safety of your presence. He speaks softly, almost as if he's anxious or ashamed, and you listen intently to the barrage of insecurities that escape his lips.
His role as the protector is slipping through his fingers the more that he opens up to you and allows someone else to do the caring, but he's not scared or upset for once, he's comfortable. You are a reprieve from his detrimental thoughts, solace from the chaos of the outside world, and he thinks that he could spend his entire life in the comfort of your arms.
Blaise always listens.
Blaise always comforts.
He always supports, waits, protects, reassures.
But he never receives.
Blaise gives and gives, he just doesn't know how to take, or maybe it's that he doesn't want to take.
I don't know what this is tbh but I was thinking about the vanishing cabinet the other day and i started writing and idk, blaise just came out. i like it a lot.
my haitus is (hopefully) coming to an end soon and i'll be uploading the requests that have been decaying in my inbox lol,
love you all,
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