#idk if they Do acknowledge it when youre actually start doing romance to him but
ssvnormandysr-1 · 10 months
Something I've seen talked about a lot is some people calling Gale abusive, manipulative, or toxic for being occasionally passive aggressive or saying things that seem like guilt tripping. And you know what? Yes, he does get passive aggressive. Yes, he does have some unhealthy communication style. AND these do not necessarily mean he is abusive.
There's a difference between abusive (continued and consistent harmful behaviors to exert control over the other person) and unhealthy (sometimes being passive aggressive, communication not being completely open and free). In fact, if I had to guess, he may not even realize that his behaviors are not healthy. His passive aggressiveness or "guilt tripping", I feel, are reactions to his precious relationship with Mystra. When your attachment figure is high and mighty and do not acknowledge or respond to your needs or is very withdrawn or withhold love/praise unless you do something, people are gonna start to develop strategies to get their needs met - pouting, begging, acquiescing, etc etc - this can manifest as such unhealthy behaviors. Similar to how when children have withdrawn parents, they do all sorts of things ranging from making themselves very endearing or acting out to make them pay attention.
Do I think that this is 100% mystra's fault? Not necessarily. After all, she is a god and probably had lots of other things to care for and one mortal man among many other chosens (and who knows, potentially other lovers) likely wasn't on the highest of her priority list. But that doesn't mean the damage wasn't done. And I still believe that as a god Mystra should've known better than to be involved with a mortal romantically with such huge power differential.
Going back to the original point - such unhealthy strategies can absolutely get better and be changed when you do have a partner who responds to your needs, who is engaged, who doesn't withhold love, because that means you no longer have to survive the way you did before. You no longer have to elicit or win love from your partner because that love is already there. Such corrective emotional experiences can lower the defenses and build up healthy communication and relationship. With Tav, and hopefully other supports in his life, I think Gale can do so, too.
idk lots of people really seem to take just one part of certain characters and make them super evil or absolutely innocent - and they're not. None of the characters are. And that's the whole point especially in Gale's romance - he is a flawed human being, he made and still makes mistakes. And those are what it means to be a mortal, actually, and all parts of him still deserve love and compassion. He can be accepted as he is and still move towards positive changes.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
💙💙I AWAKE FROM THE DEAD// I saw you were mainly doing MTMTE so here :)) ||
GN reader with trailcutter, skids, swerve, Megatron and roddy [separate] [headcannons], them reacting to reader flirting with them? fluff, crack do whatever I need my Teebs bro,got me feeling empty 😭😭
achoo see you next year prob idk, happy times💙💙
      MTMTE x gn human reader
    『 trailcutter ,, swerve ,, megatron ,, rodimus ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> bots reaction to reader flirting w/ em 🫣
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — yep ! see ya next year ! :D i mean ,, it will be next year when this is posted 💀 but i am writing it on dec.30 rn 🫣 ughh teebs 😞😞 i just got the part where he dies im so heartbroken ,, my mans ,, 😭😭😭 he didnt deserve alla that ,, smh ,, but tysm for requesting 😏 tbh i might not actually be online for this to be posted ,, bc this is in my queue along with many other things to be posted later 🫣 so theres a little update for not having links updated in the second masterlist 🕺
trailcutter ::
• he’d be quite flustered ,, not sure what to say not only because he was most likely super drunk but also surprised you were flirting with him
• any time you compliment him for something ,, his fans will kick on immediately ,, and whenever you’re not around some mechs might coo at him and make smoochy noises ,, mainly whirl
• he may try to return the compliments ,, though he’ll end up tripping over his words and end up more flustered if you say something about it
• primus help this man ,, hes just ,, stuck dealing with these flirty lines and little compliments whenever you decide to just drop them outta nowhere ,, swerve swears that one day he’ll combust if he has to see this sappy romance continue on for any longer !
swerve ::
• he might brush it off as a joke ,, or a dare if anything ,, because why of all people would you flirt with him ? swerve ? the annoyingly loud mech who doesnt shut up ?
• of course you’d have to reassure him that it isnt a dare ,, or just you trying to get something out of him ,, but that you generally like him
• he’ll malfunction right then and there and then ratchet will have to deal with another bot ,, poor ratchet 😞
• he may try to return any compliment with a horrible pick up line ,, but end up think you’re laughing at him and not the worst pick up line ever to be heard in the universe
megatron ::
• megs would be ,, confused but also flustered ,, because have you not seen him ? dont you know of the things he’s done ? hes megatron ! a feared bot throughout many parts of the universe ,, known to kill humans
• and yet here you are ,, sitting beside him as you read his poetry that you somehow persuaded him to show you with your little secret magic hypnosis ,, and now youre calling him cute
• he’d scoff ,, say that he wasnt cute in his mind ,, but not mutter a single word out loud
• he wouldnt know what to do ,, and instead just sit there in silence and listen to your attempts to flirt with the mech
rodimus ::
• he’d return it immediately ,, but with horrible compliments and pick up lines
• one time he said “ nice shoelace “ after you said he looked stunning with the new paint job after his recent mishap on another planet ,, and he keeps thinking back on it to this day ,, wondering why he said shoelace ,, like he even knows what a shoelace is 🙄
• ultra magnus would be so done with you two ,, because roddy would decide to start flirting with you during the meeting and despite you not returning any remarks or even acknowledging you even heard him ,, the mech continues
• even after megs passive aggressively told him to “ stop with the nonsense “ he only continued ,, only 10x worse this time
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badly-drawn-pigeon · 6 months
Idk unpopular opinion it is, but I'm really disappointed by how bland of a villain Phobos ended up being. The hype up in the comics is done really well, where even letting the reader learn about his very existence is a gradual process. His first in-person appearance felt exciting to me... but the more time I spent with him as a character, the more frustrated I'd become.
[rant from the pov of low media literacy incoming]
Thing is, he just... doesn't seem to have any depth as a villain, or generally as a character. There doesn't seem to be this much going on for him aside from being this Very Evil Person. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he needs to be in any way sympathetic (although him being essentially a victim of systemic gender discrimination is a great plot point that the narrative completely flushes down the drain in the line of "yay girls power, we've shown that nasty male his place" message), but if you want to have this evil af bad guy, being evil in itself is not enough to make them a compelling character.
You can make your villain charismatic - which Phobos isn't, because he acts like a noisy, entitled, perpetually pissed teenage brat at almost all times. Sure, he's pretty, but looks alone can carry you only this far. And it's especially frustrating when you see that he can be charismatic if the authors are trying. His first appearances are sort of cool in both arcs he shows up in. Heck, the "you're not like Yan Lin, you're like Nerissa" dialogue was one of the coldest things anyone said in the entire comics series (imo). So the wasted potential adds fuel to fire.
You can also make your villain entertaining - which again, Phobos isn't. His very identity is a magical tyrant prince and the narrative doesn't try hard to make it any less generic, although having these evil flower minions and evil flower powers was a nice step in that direction. His relationship with Elyon feels emotionally lacking compared to that between Elyon and Cedric. His relationship with Cedric is straight up frustrating, because it's a never ending circle of Cedric messing up, getting punished, begging for one last chance and being reluctantly granted it. Just let the narrative acknowledge that Phobos has hots for Cedric at this point, because otherwise it's incomprehensible to me how a guy who turns people into poisoned plants for the tiniest offences would be able to put so much trust in a jobber of this caliber. Alas, their potential romance is never canonically expanded on, and it's a shame, because this could actually make Phobos entertaining by showing a more human side of him. For completeness, let me also mention that he doesn't get any humor going on for him either.
Finally, you can make your villain straight up intimidating - when again, Phobos isn't. If I recall correctly, we don't really see him hurt any meaningful character permanently (or am I wrong?), although that scene with Elyon's clone gets messed up in hindsight, when we learn more about how astral drops work. He doesn't honestly feel like a great horror villain candidate either, and I also don't find him really relatable to real world evils (Thomas Vandom is great at this) - even his manipulation of Elyon feels barebone, with Cedric doing all the interesting work.
Oh, and don't get me started on the cartoon. He still doesn't have any personality outside of being a hissy asshat, but now he also has an evil looking Shadow the Hedgehog color palette and an evil looking castle. So you don't have any doubts that he's, you know, evil.
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comfymoth · 1 year
(duckspiderbit anon) It can be nightmarish... but the hilarity of their dynamics combined and the sudden unexpected sweet moments they share at times make them perfect. Would LOVE to hear your thoughts on them btw, I'm very interested :D
anon i just want you to know that i have been trying to answer this ask since i woke up, i just apparently cannot talk about these fuckers without writing a novel, i am So Sorry.
i’m gonna try to be as short as i possibly can (spoiler warning it’s still not short IM SORRY) but like, basically. basically. in my head, right, in the version of events that lives in my head— roier and quackity already have a history. not exactly dating, just fooling around “as friends”, but it makes their friendship now very overly-familiar. they’re very touchy, very flirty, but at this point it’s all just playful. they’re just very comfortable with each other, you know? they’re best friends! and what best friends Aren’t this close, huh?
and cellbit isn’t fully aware of whatever they had going on before he knew them, but he knows there’s something he missed, like an inside joke he’ll never quite understand. and it’s not like that bothers him, exactly? because him and roier are completely secure, there’s never been a couple more fucking obsessed with each other, he knows he has zero reasons to feel threatened. it’s more like— he knows quackity is always going to special to roier, in this weird way, so they are just stuck with him. for better or worse. me and you and your friend steve, just a little bit, that’s kind of the vibe.
but it’s not like quackity and cellbit don’t also have their own share of familiarity. not nearly to the same extent, obviously, but they are familiar. cellbit gave him partial custody of his child, they’ve taken each others sides in disputes over how to raise said child, richas calls quackity pa, they are very much already stuck with each other anyways.
so like. what do you even do with that. right? what do you call your husband’s not-quite-ex and your co-parent, what does that make him to the two of you. and how is that impacted by the fact that he’s always desperately hitting on you both?
so again, in my head, in my head— i think it Has to be a slow burn with them. because quackity has baggage around relationships, right, he’s had a history of chasing romance just because he thinks it will fix him or make him feel something, and he needs time to cool off on that first. now, he never cools off on the flirting, i don’t think he ever physically could, but he needs to be okay with it not going anywhere. and i think spiderbit needs time to warm up to the opposite idea, that it might actually go somewhere. but over time they do. over time, quackity just worms his way into more and more of their life until they’ve basically made him a part of it without saying. they fall into comfortable routines. cellbit gets used to roier and quackity’s teasing, he starts to join in on it. over time, all the joke flirting just stops really being a joke, and all the friendly affection just escalates and escalates until they finally have to acknowledge what they’re doing.
they’re all very stupid about it. cellbit brings it up to roier first, who is somehow embarrassed because he thought they were all just joking and he was the only one catching feelings which he did NOT wanna think too hard about. they have a talk about what this means for them, come to an agreement, bring it up to quackity— who also somehow thought this was a bit and that they were just doing it all to tease him! and then, somehow, they’re both surprised when he says yes, because they couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. morons all around. they do have braincells, they just short circuit when they’re in a room together, it’s very sad and very comical
i actually…. okay, i Actually might’ve started writing the world’s most self indulgent oneshot about them, like… three or four weeks ago? idk, it was before school started so a bit ago, and i’m just never gonna finish it now i’ve accepted that but i Might just turn part of it into a comic. idk. idk we’ll see ahdkdjd if i don’t get too embarrassed to actually do it
anyways i’m sorry i talked so much i just have demons okay i have demons. and i didn’t even TALK about festa junina or “go take care of him” I MADE SO MANY CUTS GUYS I DID!!!!!
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gregoftom · 1 year
i don't really know how to explain myself properly but i feel like some people are really concerned about Getting A Good Grade In Succession to the point where they've adopted a very cynical view of tg's relationship because being too earnest about them is ~not the point of the show~ or w/e. which is funny because every other relationship in the show is allowed to be nuanced but not theirs i guess? so you have people going "oh their relationship was only ever about them using each other from the start" when that's demonstrably not true and like. i have really mixed feelings about this season so far and i feel like anything could happen with them by virtue of weird writing choices and i hope with all my heart this doesn't end up being the case but even if the finale tries to diminish the depth of their relationship i don't understand the point of Us acting like there was never anything deeper there? but anyway, all this too say that i agree w/ you that the way people are very cynical and dismissive abt tg specifically has rubbed me the wrong way and thank u for your service ❤️
hiii sweet anon!
A GOOD GRADE IN SUCCESSION ASHAKJSA god honestly, i hear you.
i'm getting real tired of this "point of the show" shit bc it's like. just because tg isn't "the point", isn't a main focal plot [which it is, or at least is part of it], isn't integral to character development [which it is too; without tom greg would not be where he is now which is at a point where he actually could be seriously considered as a fucking CEO, without greg tom wouldn't have learned any self respect or self worth/we would never have been able to see him express himself beyond servitude towards shiv], it doesn't mean it can't be explored and considered as a serious part of the show?
media is created for us to enjoy. yes it's there to interpret and discuss but it doesn't always have to be that way? literally you can watch the show just for tomgreg and that is A OKAY. why? because you don't have to justify why you like something! surprise! and yeah i've noticed that too - other relationships get to be seen as nuanced, but not tg i guess. idk why, seeing as its dynamic is something to be studied under a microscope and fun to not only shippers but normies too lmao. clearly there is something more interesting to it than just, oh it's mutual corporate climbing.
exactly! there's even more contexts provided by the scripts, THE SACRED TEXTS lol that provide us with more knowledge and insight into the feelings of these characters, that show us that their relationship goes beyond using each other. there is an element of that of course, but that's not all they are. why reduce them to that when so very clearly on paper we are affirmed of what we thought we could read textually on the screen? it just baffles me.
i'm hoping too anon, like A Lot. from the looks of the trailer i have a. i have a little bit of hope. even if say, tom has to choose between greg and shiv, if he chooses shiv and has visible trouble with it, like it takes him time, it plagues him, it takes effort, it feels like a real decision affecting his life, like. that counts for something you know? that would, to me, not diminish his relationship with greg. obviously it would be heartbreaking after how loyal greg has been to tom, but the very fact that it would be difficult to tom would mean that greg is important to him in some fashion, and the show would be at least acknowledging it by doing that. like, it's that easy. i ain't asking for much. i know what i'd like, but what i would be satisfied/settle with, well i think the bar is reasonable, you know?
i'm glad you understand me! i mean, who knows maybe some of it is people trying to go on the defensive like, "it's the hope that kills you" so they are trying not to have any by lessening it, saying oh there was nothing there, there was no romance, nothing positive, it was all for mutual professional gain and that's it. but like, personally that doesn't work for me. i think you should at least acknowledge its importance otherwise we're regressing right back to the oh it's a mlm ship? never mind then. i'm not about that, i guess.
thanks for the message buddy god speed <3
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thewalrus-said · 3 months
For "till even the sheets hurt" uwu: 2. How did you come up with the idea? 11. What was the most challenging aspect of writing it? 25. Share your favorite line 26. Share your favorite detail. Inquiring minds want to know 👀
first off, bless you for putting the Whole Question in so i don't have to go track down the post lskdjflskdjf a fantastic help that i will mimic going forward
for 2: you know good and damn well how i came up with the idea lkdsjfljds it was in your DMs over the following weeks after you honeytrapped me with nie huaisang. which i acknowledge you did by accident, but still.
for everyone else who is not stevie or i, though, i came out of the mdzs donghua thinking if that ever two fictional characters needed to fuck it out, it was nie huaisang and lan xichen. like. i was a mere baby in terms of understanding what these two had done to each other and how they had wronged each other, but still, i Knew that they needed to have absolutely disrespectful, fucknasty grief sex in order to have any hope of being, like, okay, ever again.
and also they would fall in love over the process, because i'm Me and that's how i roll lsdkjflsjdf
for 11, i think the hardest part was that i started Plotting It and Putting Together Sentences before i had read the books and gotten a sense of the tone they were written in (or at least the official english translation is written in), and so i had to, like. blend them together, once i'd actually Read the canon and confirmed that what i wanted would Work with book canon (which was what i wanted to write in).
also hard was that i started writing it while i was still frantically trying to churn out my last three FTH fics before the deadline, which i managed (!!!!!) but burned me out so significantly that i posted this fic on christmas day and haven't managed to write anything significant or complete until literally last week.
25, my favorite line, uwu.....let me think......
honestly, it might be: "Lan Xichen has never before been tempted to haul off and punch someone in the face." it's just such a fun tone shift, i think, from what lan xichen's narration has been up to that point. it tickles me uwu
special shout-out to: "No one warned Lan Xichen, when he was given his forehead ribbon, how erotic the sight of his fated person touching it would be," though. do you think there's lan-created pornography of people doing naughty things with the forehead ribbon? because i do. (and also lan xichen, if only in his head, deciding that nie huaisang is It for him, his fated person.)
26... idk if this counts, but for a long time i've wanted to write a sex scene where the pov character, like, doesn't have flowerly language for what it feels like to have sex? not even in terms of ~romance~ because for their first time in this fic, they're angry with each other and not romantically inclined at all, just, no long tangled sentences with metaphors about what sex feels like, just that it feels fucking good and they want to do it again because it feels good to do. so i'm glad i got to do that here uwu
thank you stevie!!!!!! i love talking about this fic, and about Them
(link if anyone's intrigued)
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surveillance-0011 · 7 months
I am over here cracking up over Mux and Giblets and whatever their deal is... I'd love to hear more if u wanna share
ah thank you... it is a very tentative undeveloped idea so i don't have too much but here's what i have + brainstorming in real time
I think it's funny bc it's like. There's the musk-grimes similarities of weird dysfunctional silicon valley romance just without the music making but there's also kind of a jessica-roger rabbit component. Kind of. ever so slightly, probably the closest you can get with the most esoteric of space biology.
Idk where this happens on the timeline. Certainly before HOL but it has to be after Giblets starts to do the Sort of Stuff He Does but before it gets to its worst + he starts getting as paranoid as he is when we see him.
Also I am assuming Giblets had a wife before hand? Something something timeline I think Giblets had Krimothy before Mux but maybe not?? And idk where the Krubis incident fits in w/ this either.
Unless they met + dated way way back as a little fling at the start of their careers or in college or something. but then it's not as funny. There'd be the awkward ex situation then but what really intrigues me is the G3 and every Muxxalon employee looking on in horror as these two start holdin hands and being mushy as all hell
totally infatuated with each other the sort of couple that's sickeningly sweet they give off the vibes of high school sweethearts who have to be held back from making out in the hallways.
Mux is attracted to the mystique of it all. A super genius scientist AND a gang member? She is living the booktok plot of her dreams!
Meanwhile Giblets appreciates her power/status but is also just very infatuated like in general. And he loves how much she loves him. Pretty woman... thinks he's handsome... and he gets to show off how smart he is yay!!
So he shows off and waxes poetic and she swoons and meanwhile she goes and Girlbosses and dotes on him and he's over the moon about it. They love coming up with awful "genius" ideas together and dreaming of the day they rule the galaxy together
And they like seeing the other obliterate merks/muxxalon employees
And... yeah that's the positives, mostly just the novelty and the wow factor.
Between the both of them being... the sort of people they are... corrupt controlling selfish cruel and out of touch... etc etc etc... they do clash a lot. A lot of fighting then kiss and make up sort of situations...
Im just imagining that "pronouns suck" "nooo baby this isn't your heart!!" tweet but Mux is complaining about translator microbes or something and Gibs starts crytyping abt it
Gibs was totally ok with her screwing Gurgula's packages over tho
Far enough into their relationship there's another major fallout on twitter every other week because Mux and Giblets are at it again everyone!!! Grab yer popcorn!!!
The logic these two run on is almost on the same level but everyone else is fucking flabbergasted.
Everyone watching is like. Please break up. divorce. now. Or maybe it is better if you stay and keep each other in this situation.
Krubis has GOT to be their biggest fucking hater or maybe he is just. Trying to not acknowledge that this is happening bc it rises his blood pressure to concerning levels. Or so that he wouldn't say something dumb and end up in Gurgula's situation. Assuming this is before the whole. Sleeping with his wife convincing her to divorce him marrying her then killing her in an experiment thing.
Douglas thinks the whole thing is funny as fuck totally reading twitter over like the morning paper laughing his ass off.
Totally had a kid or pet or robot/lab grown creation with a stupid fucking name. I mean if Krimothy is their kid then maybe Krimothy is a stupid alien name but I love the idea of him being like. A kid and already aware of how fucked this whole situation is
Actually that's sad. That's not funny I don't love that at all. Krim honey I'm so sorry. His mom probably got custody so at least he's watching from afar.
And I think even in their worst moments they do actually. Get each other. In the end I think they understand each other's way of thinking more than others do. In their better moments they might be able to reel each other in...
Like to get a bit serious both seem like the sort of people who Cannot Help But Fuck Up. Mostly bc they don't care about most others but themselves and their pride. But while Mux is very enthralled by the glamor of living wealthily and all her nice ideas Giblets obsesses over science and how he can maintain safety and some semblance of happiness by sabotaging that of others... and I feel there'd have some moment where it. Clicks that they have this in common.
And they do appreciate each others lil quirks! He likes her Elden Ring builds... she likes the way he talks...
I'm assuming the breaking point would be Mux trying to take credit for something Giblets did or Giblets overstepping in his... Gibletness. Somehow. And then she'd feel disrespected by it. Or maybe their horoscopes said they'd break up.
Giblets is a whole can of worms. Because he's smart academically but near socially incapable and prone to spiraling into these. Fucked up self serving actions that ruin lives and shit. He has the mentality of a fucking Fargo character. So I feel it'd probably be his fault the most in the end
ig if there's anything heartwarming about this it would be that since Giblets doesn't mention Mux during that little speech they ended on good enough terms or were able to reconcile down the line to some extent? At the very least he felt sure she would not try to kill him.
I think it was messy for a while though. Custody over Goimpy Schoimpy Peanut Rendezvous 2000 was a bitch. Everyone was relieved when they actually started being cool w/ each other again or at least decided to leave each other alone.
I should make a little list of every like. Mux-Giblets situation but I will have to brainstorm all the new lows they'd be able 2 reach...
oh my god remember the whole thing with azealia banks. what was that. there's totally like. some adjacent shebang that went down with mux gib and. idk someone else.
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beigepillow · 1 year
It’s funny because I was actually thinking about how Y expressed love and care too and whether we’d ever really see anything overt when I saw your post.
Personally, I don’t think we’ll really see Y express his love (because I do believe he is in love with D) in the way D does/did and that is mainly because I don’t think Y has experienced how to receive and give love - he was brutalized by a parental figure, someone who was supposed to love and protect him. I think the fact that he wanted D as far away from him is his way of expressing how much Y cares for him. k he kept in his life because maybe he felt safe, impossible to reach for. And I feel like K has always allowed for distance between them. It meant Y could protect himself and this little nugget of happiness because he could keep it contained. With D … I think he realized that’s not possible. He felt too much and wanted too much. He couldn’t run from what that meant so instead he ran from the man. Now that’s not to say that I don’t think Y can express love like that or that it’s impossible because of whats happened to him because that’s not true at all. But I do think it’s a learning and healing journey. I think Y will express his love softly and subtly - d I feel like knows about love and about tenderness and that’s why it’s easier to be that way with Y.
I agree with the whole why didn’t he keep tabs on D - though again my brain is like that’s because it was too painful for him duh lol but idk that’s my shipper goggles. I think him forgetting D is a coping mechanism of a different sort; his brain protecting him. The way he reacts from the moment he sees D again is so heartbreaking and telling. He wants his attention, but he also wants D far away. He starts and stops conversations - and he is shown looking pained when D walks away from him or is cold to him or there’s mention of his “woman”. Or when he thinks about how D probably treats women gently.
Inami and his impotence…that I’m curious to see how that came about. Because it could be that after the intimacy with D his body rejected every other touch, started realizing that this wasn’t what he wanted. Or it could be because he was raped by Inami - his power was once again stripped away (i still don’t get why he has such easy conversations with Inami and why Y goes back to him…that’s another thing I hope we get cleared up because I really hate Inami).
Anyways idk if any of that made sense lol. I think Y will love him just as much as D does but I don’t know if we’ll see it expressed in the same way. Maybe that’s controversial and apart of me hopes it’s proven wrong. I want at least two chapters of domestic happiness dang it lol. (Also wow … I like to talk)
I understand how Yashiro’s history plays into it and that’s why I acknowledge it as a controversial opinion. I think my brain can’t but help make the comparisons between Kage and Doumeki because the treatment Yashiro gave both seems so different. There are moments where you do feel Yashiro’s sadness about Doumeki but they can also be attributed to different things. Saezuru allows for many different interpretations but since it is a romance manga we think Yashiro’s depression is due to Doumeki when it could be a numerous amount of things. I don’t think there is anything Yashiro does that we can 100% say is due to Doumeki like Doumeki staying in the yakuza just to be near Yashiro. I guess I’ve been feeling a little cynical lately but I also hope we see some of Yashiro’s love outwards. Also, don’t feel about the long asks. I enjoy engagement about saezuru from others.
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OFMD 2.05 - "The Curse of the Seafaring Life" Thoughts - Part 2
The Ed and Stede edition! This also includes some more general thoughts on the show and how I'm feeling about it right now. (Spoiler alert: very good, almost unendurably emotional.) Spoilers under the cut!
Here's a link to Part 1, more general thoughts on this ep edition!
Look how much I wrote before getting to Ed and Stede. Am I a hero, a sort of goddess of self-restraint? Who’s to say? But yes.
Their chat in the corner was so cute and I really liked how it was a return to their easy friendship; it felt so nice after so many episodes of separation and drama to see them in their element again, just doing their thing! Stede being so unfazed and unintimidated by Ed, despite The Past Horrors, will always delight me. And I find it so charming how Ed has no resentment of Stede whatsoever for being captain and just wants to help him figure it out and come into his captain-y power. Echoes of their early days!
So, I felt like we were probably going to get some sort of echo of “You wear fine things well” in this episode due to it being number five, but gosh, they really just did it exactly perfectly beyond our wildest dreams, huh? 😭 As soon as they were standing in the same spot, and then it cut to the wide shot with the moon as Ed showed off his fish – oh, the heart-skipping thrill of that! (Also, Stede’s reactions to his story were SO CUTE. So supportive!) And Ed echoing “You wear fine things well” in this way where you can totally tell they both remember that moment so hard and it’s so seared into their minds and hearts and he knows exactly what he’s evoking – ugh, so sweet. The way it’s working on levels – where it’s evoking a romantic memory for them that they’re now in a place to openly acknowledge as romantic, but also functions as a love letter to the fans since the show knows just how pivotal that moment was and how that was sort of the moment that changed everything … it just worked so seamlessly packing an emotional punch (or perhaps the lovely opposite! An emotional hug!) both within the context of the story for the characters and for us. It reminded me a lot of when “Reflecting Light” started playing at the beginning of Luke & Lorelai’s wedding montage in the Gilmore Girls revival. Just that sense of, Hi guys, we see you, we love you, we love this fictional love and it’s so important from the show itself. Idk. I’m a mess! It’s so thoughtful and kind! It feels like being held by your television show!
Ed sidling up to that kiss so pretend-nonchalantly!!!! And that kiss!!!!!!!!! In the moonlight!!!!!!! And Stede wanted to keep kissing!!!!!! Passionate hands in Ed’s beautiful hair!!!!!!! I loved that, like with Pete and Lucius earlier, this scene didn’t just end on the kiss as is often the cinematic tradition, and that it went on to have the handholding and the relationship chat and then just a more general fond chat. I just thought that was so nice. And the whole vibe of them spending the episode apart and then coming together at the end to love on each other and share stories from their day – ugh, what is romance if not that??
Them walking away together chatting fondly instead of sneaking last glances at each other and then going in separate directions like in 1.05!!!!!!!!! The new flag is up!!!!!! Sometimes, just for a bit, everything CAN be perfect, actually. 🥰 David Jenkins & Crew, nobody’s doing it like you. Thanks for the love.
General Thoughts
(I also miss The Swede and Spanish Jackie. Come back too!!!)
I’m kind of embarrassed by how heartbroken I feel that we only have three episodes left. I think I wish they’d dropped episodes 2.01&02 together and then done one a week afterward, just because it was such a long wait and it’s going by too fast, nooooo! In particular, I think I would have really liked a break between 2.04 and 2.05 just to really sit with the feeling of Ed and Stede’s relationship mending before it hurtled so beautifully and sweetly forward into another kiss and tentative coupledom. Like, having to wait for 2.05 for a week after 2.04 would have been nice, I think. But I’m just in total fangirl despair because I love this show so much and nothing will ever be like this show again and I’m so terrified we won’t get a third season and so this is just a total emotional mess for me. I wish I was still more of a crier than I am, because I could use a good cry about this one!
I know this is just one small thing in the larger abyss of suffering in the industry right now, but the fact that the cast can’t post about or do interviews about this season as it airs just breaks my heart for them. I feel so keenly, perhaps embarrassingly sad about it. That it was so highly anticipated and made with such love and that they’re having to miss out on this incredibly special time and keep silent, when we don’t know if we’re going to get a third season or know how long the strike is going to go on or if they’ll ever get to talk about the show as it’s airing again, is so god damn sad to me. GREEDY STUDIOS KEEPING THIS STRIKE A NECESSARY ACTION, I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!! FOR A LOT OF REASONS, BUT THIS ONE’S EXTREMELY SPECIFIC AND IT STINGS AWFULLY. HOW DARE YOU POISON OFMD SEASON. I hope that the cast are seeing the love they’re getting online and feeling the love in its vast, warm glow. We love you and your glorious work!!!!!!!! Thank you for this love letter in the shape of a perfect season of TV!
This post [that had to be divided into 3 posts on tumblr!] is almost 3,000 words long! 🤪 And I’m sure I forgot to talk about so much! It is incredible to me how much they fit into these half hour episodes. Just a veritable antique shop in the middle of nowhere of riches!
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popchoc · 10 months
How do you feel about the Station 19 cancelation news? I’m shocked but not as sad as I thought I would be. Felt like they’d been flailing for a while there. I’m not sure what this means for Greys but I just started liking it again this season and would love to have 2 more seasons with the new interns before they end it. Knowing ABC they’ll try to get to 25 seasons because it’s such a money maker. I try not to compare them too much but I always thought Greys should’ve ended around season 8 but definitely by season 12. And idk if they’ve started filming already but I’m guessing that now Marina’s story will be a rush job about getting kids asap and being a family which is at least a happy if somewhat boring ending. The person I’m really excited to see get a good ending is Vic though. She deserves more than lucklastre relationships and comic relief. Also Jack. Would love for them to do something coherent with him that isn’t just about women either. What would you like to see for your favorite characters?
Hey anon, pfff where to begin?! I sure was surprised, I really didn't see it coming. Rationally speaking, I kinda get it. I mean, this is how it works; just because some shows do get many/endless seasons, it's not the norm, and 7 seasons is actually pretty decent. (One more than Private Practice, for example). Yet kinda understanding doesn't mean I don't have any thoughts or feelings about it! To start with, I feel like it's always better (to accept) when it's a creators decision, not the network's. And something else that isn't helping (at all!!) is the fact that it's all so rushed, with (suddenly) only ten more episodes. Though I do feel that ten x 40 minutes could be enough to wrap it all up (I am glad that at least they have the chance to write an actual ending), it just feels unnecessarily cruel. All in all I would lie if I'd say I'm super upset (with the chance of sounding preachy: if this year told me one thing, it's to upset about real misery and just enjoy everything else!), but it does feel like a pity - I was definitely still on board - and I do feel for everyone who's sad or upset about the news. Losing something you deeply love is never great, and though there will be other shows and ships, that's just not something most people want to hear right now, so to all of them I can only say: hang in there! (And please do enjoy season 7. It's not over till it's over!)
I personally don't think any of this will effect Grey's (PP didn't either). Who knows, it might even mean that Carina (finally) becomes a regular on there? She sure deserves it, though I'm going back and forth with actually wanting this, which has more to do with Maya or more so: Danielle. I wouldn't want her to be "stuck" on some guest appearance once in a while (or worse: them not knowing how to integrate her, like they's been struggling with Stefania/Carina on S19). So yeah, I see options, but I also have moments where I feel like I can actually be okay with.... I don't know... them moving to Italy (pregnant, for all I care, since it ends anyway and I know it would make people happy).
About the others. Well, I think they're getting full circle with Andy as captain, so at least there's that. I'm with you about Vic, I want her happy and not because of some dude. I guess the key for her will be crisis one. Same with Jack, he deserves happiness, and also a lot more acknowledgement (yes he can act like an idiot, but that doesn't mean he is one). When the show started he was actually doing fine as LT and this close to becoming Captain... so maybe he could (also) become one after all, albeit at a different station? I do like some blossoming romance though, this is that kind of show after all, so for that I'm thinking Travis - I would really like to see him find The One.
And besides all this? I just want fire. A whole lot of fire! And fun. Like... calendar and bar nights fun. Thrills and smiles... that's not too much to ask for, is it?
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ultfreakme · 1 year
What are your top ten favorite scenes in Avatar the Last Airbender?
Thank you so much for the ask!!! Oh my god. This so hard, I've never thought of individual scenes as top favorites but I've tried my best and narrowed it down I think?
Katara v Pakku 'You can't knock me down!': So I watched Avatar when it was first airing as a kid, there weren't many dark-skinned main characters around, especially not girls who fight and certainly not against sexist men who try to stop people from learning. So when I saw this scene, I was at the edge of my seat, it taught me a lot about bravery and I still cheer and clap for Katara when I re-watch the fight.
Sokka throughout The Fortuneteller: I'm an atheist and people didn't exactly take kindly to that when I was a kid & I was infamous as the 'weird kid who probably has no morals'. So seeing Sokka outwardly express skepticism about the spirits & 'higher powers' was very comforting.
Sokka inventing the air balloon solution: I think it was one of the first scenes where I really started liking Sokka. The thing about hot air actually made me read my school textbooks & google stuff to figure out how air currents work, so that helped me with a few science classes about molecules.
Aang in The Storm: It was one of our first glimpses into how he felt about running away, the guilt, the sadness, the pain of being the last of your people with no one to turn to and thinking its all your fault.
Toph fighting the Earth Rumble goons when Aang & her dad are watching: The way she moves is so freaking cool!!! It was her showing exactly how capable she is, she isn't kidding when she says she's the world's best earthbender because yeah, who the heck else could do what she does???
Hama's flashback: Once again I watched this show as a kid, so this was the first time i got confronted with the fact that there will never be a 'perfectly good' or 'perfectly bad' side. People are complicated & I understand what pushed Hama to do what she did but that doesn't excuse it so in that vein;
Katara sucking the water out of the field to fight Hama: It's just badass even if it is angsty.
Aang pulling Ozai down by his beard and encasing him in rock: I mean-- like that is just objectively cool and very embarrassing for the 40-something year old guy. Aang was in top form.
Zuko in the bunker with Ozai: I don't watch too many new cartoons but I don't think any show has ever so explicitly called out the abuser and made sure the abuser is acknowledged as unforgivable. It really put into light for me a lot of things about child-parent relationships, what its supposed to be (forever angry at Boku No Hero Academia for using their Zuko-based character to forgive and redeem his abuser, lf you don't know anything about BNHA this means nothing to you jbcfjhbh sorry).
Yuekka last kiss: They're the ship that first introduced me to tragic romances,. My heart was broken and I kept waiting the entire 3 seasons down to the last episode for Yue to make a return and say "hey guys! so I'm a spirit I'm alive!". I still like it because idk I love angst a lot and the whole story of a princess finding glimpses of freedom in a boy who's traveled the world and yearning for it gets to me.
I'm not remembering other scenes that may have had more impact on me just yet, but a few honorable mentions; Ran and Shao's dance(I LOVE DRAGONS 100/10 they make everything better always), Zuko in the Cooler, Sokka and the cactus juice, Aang's anxiety episode.
Thank you again for asking! This was so fun to do~~
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Bea & Fraze Pt.4
Fraze: [I love this peak romance for y’all, hence I shall keep it going by having him actually hold her hand after he’s taken this cigarette to eventually stub out when y’all have eventually smoked it down to a nub with this back and forth, running his thumb over her knuckles exactly how he kissed them on what I’m gonna say is the other hand, nbd]
Bea: [you can’t close your eyes this time, instead purposely maintain eye contact and don’t look down at your hands that are now clasped together because not acknowledging it is the ultimate form of acknowledging it in this moment ‘ready?’ like this was a scheduled break and y’all can continue your lil walk on home]
Fraze: [readjust the flower in her hair like that is something vital you must do before continuing and it isn’t just that you literally can’t stop touching her in the softest ways now you’ve let yourself properly start ‘born it’ because he’s that bitch, ready for anything ever, no fucks given]
Bea: [a nod of approval because absolutely vital in our opinion too ‘will think I’ve joined them’ at baby Roali and their hippie vibes but obviously you look nothing but classic beauty as per]
Fraze: [‘take it out before then’ could be purely in a not getting caught way but it’s really this is just for me and you and nobody else way, which is in his eyes plain as day, as is the unspoken but keep it though]
Bea: [‘they’d only want some’ as if these flowers are, like the cigarettes, something we’re not sharing with any of the others because how we feel, not soz to these gals at all, pick your own huns]
Fraze: [an unimpressed noise of agreement, because it’s true, they would, looking at you too Thomas, and none of you are having any bye]
Bea: [looking at him and giving his hand a squeeze ‘secrets safe with me’ ‘cos we’re not going to let the world know how romantic you are, mainly because we can’t but we’re also just not that bitch]
Fraze: [‘4 kids max, yeah?’ which he’s saying as full shade to the little ones like it should just be y’all + joeray at the most existing, but that is actually the number of kids y’all have if we stick to our evil plan of giving you a dead baby, so I’m fine]
Bea: [raising both your brows like oh ONLY four, is it? ‘Easy for you to say’ like you’re not the one pushing these children out, thank you lol ‘I don’t get why your mum keeps doing it’ imagine if Tess was restarting now with Rocky, oh my lord]
Fraze: [the biggest smirk like oh come on don’t be a pussy without actually saying it because he’s not trying to get beaten up by her on this walk back, a shrug at Tess’ life choices though because we could get into why but that’s heavy and we still have time to just be before we have to step back into the fam drama]
Bea: [pushing him with the arm that is holding his like ugh, typical boy ‘why do you want any?’ as a genuine question]
Fraze: [‘why wouldn’t I?’ as genuinely because this boy is bigheaded and thinks he’s great and would slay and tbf he’s not wrong]
Bea: [when you don’t wanna go over the general state of affairs because that would be patronizing and depressing so you just give a look that you hope conveys as much lmao]
Fraze: [‘come on’ like that’s all the convincing she needs, because not trying to seriously in this moment ‘half as smart and pretty as you, well decent odds’ because literally half her so]
Bea: [making a face like idk about that ‘only half the odds I have’ like I personally would not be taking them nor betting on it, but obviously this is all said playfully because yeah, you’re not about to do any of this right now]
Fraze: [just nudging her playfully ‘I’ll get what I want’ like it’s a given that he’ll win, echoing what she said before, rudely cos she said we but you know]
Bea: [‘don’t worry, I’ll save you from that fate’ like it’s that bad of an idea and we’ll never let it happen, winking at you like you’re so welcome]
Fraze: [‘can’t save anyone, you know that’ cos I can and will bring this line back again even though he said it earlier in this very same convo, I don’t care, tucking her hair behind her other flowerless ear just because]
Bea: [‘just myself’ ‘cos done it before and we’ll do it again, literally, folding your arms]
Fraze: [unfolding her arms and wrapping his around her, resting his head on the top of hers again]
Bea: [have this hug moment lads, you’re not in a mega rush here, put your arms around him too so he knows this isn’t under duress]
Fraze: [just the quietest happy sigh anyone has ever done but very important that he’s doing it because she’s hugging him back]
Bea: [‘I bet [Amber Heard] talked to him today’ after we’ve been in this hug as a, we’re going to deal with them too, if not ‘save’ them, vibe because y’all have a sneaky plan you’re executing]
Fraze: [pull back so she can see your face and know that as much as you are grossed out by that you’re also buzzing about it because god bless baze who really do think this plan will work and they can save joeray with it, my sweet summer children]
Bea: [rolling your eyes but more at them than at him like yeah, I know, ‘cos this girl is clearly her own kind of unhinged and that’s not even covering joeray, makes me lol ‘cos he is clearly gonna get with her but I can’t say much is achieved with it, Ray is too far gone girls]
Fraze: [she is, but I get y’all wanting to have hope, because you’re all so young and there really would be so much time to turn this around if she was even slightly like y’all but alas, anyways, start walking again, it’s all you can do]
Bea: [get your phone out and be texting this gal getting subtle feelers ‘cos you are that bitch and it is something you can do in this moment]
Fraze: [be peeping because we know you care and want this plan to work too]
Bea: [obviously happily showing you, whatever this gal is saying and however far she’s gone with her hoe mission today]
Fraze: [openly judging her with his face and whatever swear words or whatever he’s saying in response cos she is unhinged and we’ve always said that]
Bea: [shrugging like I know ‘she’s a slag’ clearly true ‘so is he’ like it’s a match made in heaven, ‘cos we all remember when Fraze freaked out about his ex gf before she was]
Fraze: [an unimpressed noise again because he’s judging you both now but nodding in agreement because they are for that reason and the reason he said at the time which is they’re both cray]
Bea: [just tell him some of the mad things she’s told you at swimming ‘cos clearly that type to wanna chat all about how wild she is]
Fraze: [‘dunno how you’ve stopped yourself drowning her’ because she’s clearly annoying af purely in this re-telling]
Bea: [‘when we’re in the pool, I can’t hear her’ ‘cos a huge appeal of swimming is that you’re shutting off your senses for however long you’re swimming lowkey lol so shut your mouth and focus hen ‘locker room talk isn’t as much of a lad’s club as we’re led to believe’ rolling your eyes but you at least find it amusing or you wouldn’t tolerate it]
Fraze: [putting his hands over her ears for no reason except to touch her because you wanna, carefully so you don’t crush the flower, but like yep I get it, shut off, letting her go after a sec and playing with her hair then]
Bea: [putting your hands over his mouth like fyi that’s where you need to do it if you want me to shh but you did also stop talking when he touched you so not really]
Fraze: [doing it just because you wanna see how it feels and what she’ll do, being immediately !! with it like you are about to kidnap her or something lol, because no chill or treading lightly here, me being reminded of joeray and screaming, oh the contrasts and parallels]
Bea: [not you fighting him ‘cos if you’re doing this it’s not a game ever lmao]
Fraze: [we love to see it, nobody more than this boy, fuck him up gal truly lol]
Bea: [just here kicking and letting our head fly, only thing we’re not doing is screeching ‘cos then people would think this was for real and might need to get involved lol]
Fraze: [imagine if you literally witnessed a boy carrying a girl kicking and screaming down the street, oh lads you send me, soz they are having too much fun rn]
Bea: [you must look like you’re playfighting enough that the passersby are staying out of it ‘cos truly]
Fraze: [or they’re assuming you’re only playfighting cos you’re literal children but yeah]
Bea: [regardless, tah for not ringing the cops everyone, we’re just vibing]
Fraze: [eventually you’ll have to put her down and once again makeout with her because too into how much she fought you then, which isn’t exactly better in terms of being extra, but you won’t get arrested for it anyway]
Bea: [kissing you so aggressively to carry on the mood ‘bastard’ like it’s another pet name here that you’re trying on]
Fraze: [gripping her hips throughout this entire makeout as if he’s gonna pull her underwear off and they are gonna go at it right here and right now immediately, but obvs not actually, such a big hot lol when she calls him a bastard cos love it, kissing her as aggressively so she knows it]
Bea: [making noises that are essentially wordless ? but very much in an, oh yeah, what are you gonna do? vein, like we’re not wondering, we know what you’re acting like you’re about to do and we’re only questioning you to further this play]
Fraze: [me like DON’T you DARE sir, knowing damn well that he will because he’s getting egged on by her and is that bitch who can never back down ever, where even are y’all, have some decorum please, but no he doesn’t, please at least have the sense to only pull them down a little bit so the whole world doesn’t know about it, it’s not st paddy’s and you can’t be feralling that hard in these streets]
Bea: [me like you know this girl and yet you can’t back down either yet, okay, we’ll just be here then, soz you’re too similar in that regard, just LOOKING at you ‘now what?’]
Fraze: [mhmm, backing yourselves into corners always because you can’t be the person who backs down first, like now, he’s absolutely gonna have to touch her, there’s no alternative, you’ve walked right into it and all we can do is pray for a quiet street or hope y’all have some privacy somehow]
Bea: [the most you can do is hold onto him and pull him into you too so there isn’t space between y’all for anyone to see anything really, which we are doing the second you touch us]
Fraze: [obviously then putting his fingers into his mouth to echo the antics of when her fingers were in his, not even doing it to put on a whole show, though it lowkey is a bit of spectacle just cos he looks hot doing it, you just want to before you touch her again]
Bea: [‘I hate you’ ‘cos so sincerely want to do this right now because of all the things you’re doing and how you look doing them]
Fraze: [‘you love me’ as sincerely, while doing the absolute most like see, I told you/I knew it]
Bea: [‘you’re a prick’ as seriously as you can muster when you’re trying not to totally give in to the sensation]
Fraze: [‘yeah’ and his face in the smirking emoji af because can’t help but be the most smug he’s ever been in the face of how hard she’s trying not to lose it]
Bea: [‘you know what I want’ like why aren’t you doing it, even though we all know why, turning our face away from him moodily]
Fraze: [using his other hand to turn her face back to his, gently in contrast to how he’s been doing it when shaking her head all those other times ‘I ain’t that much of one’ like I can never be that prick who puts you in the kind of position where you’re my mother and having babies left and right at such a ridiculously young age]
Bea: [doing a big sigh which could be purely like yeah, tell me about it, pisstaking energy but it isn’t ‘cos we’re also just overwhelmed by it all]
Fraze: [giving her the softest and quickest kiss he ever has ‘and I know what else you want’ aka more out of life than just him and this, because even at just having turned 13 he believes with his whole heart that she could do better than him if she wanted to, as a fact not a sob story]
Bea: [gotta pull your pants up and get yourself together because this has become awkward through neither of your faults but it has, start walking girl]
Fraze: [you too hun, you gotta]
Bea: [one way to get you home lmao]
Fraze: [otherwise we literally never would]
Bea: [at least no one is batting an eyelid to you running upstairs to change because you cannot be smelling how you smell rn, gonna need to take a shower honestly but that’s not something we can contemplate with only 2 bathrooms so spritz yourself in perfume and hope for the best with your change of clothes too]
Fraze: [we all know it’s all that hair that’s the issue but mcvickers are checked out and joeray are doing much worse clearly so you’ll be fine]
Bea: [if Ray is here then we know the girls are already fighting lol]
Fraze: [luckily she probably isn’t because I feel like she tries to avoid being around baby Rocky at all costs thanks to how that mental illness has hit and she thinks she can hear him crying constantly even when he isn’t and that he’s looking at her with evil intent or whatever though he clearly is not, so you’re welcome you get to avoid that]
Bea: [soz there’s no more evidence of your plan working then lads but now it’s gone awkward I feel like we’re going to go to our room and do our homework for a sec, after at least saying hi to Tess so she doesn’t think you’re in some mood she needs to come talk to you about]
Fraze: [valid, he absolutely won’t be doing his homework ever lol but you can go to the shop and steal everything you could possibly want if you didn’t on the way back to keep yourself amused or kick a ball about in the garden or something if you already did that sir]
Bea: If you were still planning to take him out to avoid chores, better do it before the sun goes in or she won’t want you to
Fraze: I don’t wanna if you’re not coming
Bea: It’d be weird now
Fraze: then I ain’t planning on it
Bea: okay, can you kick your ball against another wall then
Fraze: [of course he’s kicking it harder against the wall she just asked him not to, oh hun]
Bea: that’s mature
Fraze: least I don’t pretend no different
Bea: how does that make it any better?
Fraze: than you reckoning doing your homework makes you dead mature? I dunno, you tell me
Bea: You’re the one that thinks it, I’ve never said anything remotely like that
Fraze: nah, I don’t reckon there’s a difference between us
Bea: bold claim
Fraze: calling you as immature, not bigging myself up with it, like
Bea: no, I get it
Bea: that doesn’t mean we’re alike
Fraze: have that and hold tight to it, if it makes you feel better, babe
Bea: I’m good?
Bea: you’re the one being weird
Fraze: You’re the one hiding, come out if you’re good
Bea: Why? 
Bea: we aren’t going anywhere
Fraze: we can
Bea: no, we can’t
Fraze: with that attitude I’m not taking you nowhere
Bea: that’s enough adventure for one day
Fraze: like I said, change your attitude and I’ll see you on whatever day the new one sticks
Bea: Stop trying to tell me what to do
Fraze: Stop fronting you give a shit about school after sacking it off to spend most of the day with us
Bea: it isn’t going to become a regular occurrence 
Bea: I only did that ‘cos you’d been ignoring me for ages before 
Fraze: and now I ain’t you’re gonna do your homework, yeah?
Bea: When I need to do it, yes
Bea: dunno why that’s such a mad concept to you
Fraze: it’s a bullshit excuse, I dunno why you reckon I’d let it stand when we both know that
Bea: being around you isn’t an option
Fraze: being ‘round me isn’t optional, end of
Bea: so I can’t have five minutes to deal with what that means now?
Fraze: I’ve not stopped you
Bea: you’re moaning about it
Fraze: you messaged us so don’t start on me
Bea: oh whatever, stop kicking the fucking football right at me, it’s doing my head in
Fraze: you can tell me what to do though, can you?
Bea: I’m asking you to, you’re clearly under no obligation or I’d have punctured it by now
Fraze: go ahead, might calm you down
Bea: you’d only find another way to be irritating
Fraze: [do stop kicking this ball at her]
Bea: couldn’t you try showing your brother how to kick that thing?
Bea: idk what they’re doing but it’s worse than when Ray plays her shit music
Fraze: Made up that you’ve not properly lost your sense of humour 
Bea: he must have good coordination 
Fraze: borrow Ali’s stage and put on your own family talent show, fuck do I know what he’s good at
Bea: You understand the concept of dancing, surely
Fraze: he don’t, you can’t call it that, them cunts beating each other up to music
Bea: Oh, no, I meant the brother even you forget you have
Bea: not the big one or the one that’s barely out
Fraze: then you mean the other sister I’ve got, should’ve said
Bea: Yikes
Fraze: loads of us, need to be clearer about which fucker you’re fed up of
Bea: we can just assume it’s everyone, but I’ll survive, not going to put my own dramatics on about it
Fraze: charming
Bea: like you feel any different
Fraze: about you I do, would’ve said that was a given
Bea: don’t say you aren’t sick of me right now, easiest way to let me know you’re bullshitting
Fraze: [just throw all the surprise gifts like her fave sweets you got for her at the shop at her door, in their plastic bag, much like how you were hammering the football against the wall, gotta let you know that included is one of the random magazines newsagents always have especially in the era, and this one is about houses and idk probably decor and stuff but the point is there’s a house like the one she described wanting in it which is why he stole it]
Bea: [waiting and then trying to open your door as quietly as possible about this because do not wish to be perceived, then giving you time to go through this bag properly]
Bea: you can come in, if you want
Fraze: I don’t want
Bea: alright
Fraze: nah, it isn’t
Bea: I don’t know what you want
Fraze: you’re bullshitting, that’s what you reckon
Bea: you’re the one who told me to be smart
Fraze: I didn’t say turn back into the same headcase as before and give us nothing but grief
Bea: nice
Fraze: whatever, you’re pure winding me up for fuck all reason
Bea: you started it
Fraze: and I’ll finish it, always, keep this up and it’ll be easy for me
Bea: fucking go ahead
Fraze: What the fuck’s wrong with you?
Bea: call us a headcase and threaten to chuck us in the space of a minute 
Bea: definitely a me problem
Fraze: you’ve been off with me the whole way back, from then it’s been a you problem, yeah
Bea: because we’re back, this is real life
Fraze: and?
Fraze: You’re the smart one, I shouldn’t need to break it to you everything what went on before we were back was as real, Bea
Bea: so you’re finding this all so easy, are you
Fraze: I never said it was easy, but what the hell is the point taking how hard it is out on you?
Fraze: we’re meant to be a fucking team
Bea: I feel like it’s written on my fucking forehead
Fraze: One of the girls in this house would cut you a fringe
Bea: I wouldn’t let any of them near me with scissors
Fraze: just as well it’s bullshit then
Bea: it’s not, it’s obvious
Fraze: to who?
Bea: everyone, you’re even worse than me
Fraze: It’s been obvious to everyone I’ve been in love with you since I was [however old they were, I can’t remember because we changed it]
Fraze: what’s happened? 
Fraze: no cunt under this roof gives a shit how I feel
Bea: nothing ever happens
Bea: someone is gonna get hurt
Fraze: Probably, but it won’t be you or me, and not ‘cause of this
Fraze: stop wrecking your own head
Bea: if everything goes to shit, then getting rid of us is an easy fix to those problems, me and you, how Ro is
Fraze: it ain’t gonna come down to nothing like that, they’re not like that
Fraze: but if it did, you go, I fucking go
Bea: if she went into care, she’d never get out
Fraze: so we don’t let her go in, whatever it takes
Bea: she’s all I have left of before
Fraze: I know
Fraze: we’ll figure it out before it gets that bad
Bea: I make up for how she is by being good
Bea: if your parents reckon I’m fucking you up then there’s that good grace gone
Fraze: We’re not gonna get caught, never
Bea: yeah?
Fraze: I swear on all them little fuckers lives, you can trust me
Bea: okay
Fraze: I love you too much to fuck up yours
Bea: it wouldn’t be your fault, I’m the one who can’t not feel like this about you
Fraze: I can’t either, you know how hard I’ve tried
Bea: maybe if I’d tried harder to let you
Fraze: don’t
Bea: you haven’t even seen headcase, like
Fraze: no, I ain’t ‘cause you’re not, there’s fuck all wrong with you or how you feel
Bea: shrinks always say that but they don’t mean it
Fraze: they don’t know you, I do, I can say it and mean it
Bea: I just don’t know how to hide it
Fraze: We barely need to, we’re already only here when we’ve gotta be, the rest’s school and out doing what we wanna 
Bea: don’t you get tired?
Fraze: yeah, but what good’s it do us?
Bea: that’s what a home is meant to be, where you get to hide from the rest, not a place you have to avoid
Fraze: that’s what ours’ll be then
Fraze: I can wait
Bea: that’s going to take a long time
Fraze: it’s worth it, I don’t care
Bea: if you’re there, that’s not nothing
Fraze: I’ll always be there for you, no cunt can stop me
Bea: sorry
Fraze: don’t 
Bea: I just hate lying, like it’s wrong
Fraze: It ain’t lying if nobody asks us and they won’t ‘cause they’ve got their hands full, like
Bea: suppose so
Fraze: and we know it’s not wrong neither, none of what we’ve done or are gonna do
Bea: it just looks bad on paper, for them
Fraze: it isn’t getting wrote down nowhere, not this time
Bea: or talked about
Fraze: exactly, I was a kid, I didn’t know no better, but I do now
Bea: it’s normal, to wanna talk about it
Fraze: I’ll talk to you if I’ve got fuck all to say
Bea: will you?
Fraze: ‘course
Bea: you’re not much of a talker
Fraze: I don’t feel the need to make a show of myself like the rest, I ain’t sorry for that
Bea: me either
Fraze: if it needs saying, I’ll say it
Bea: alright, alright
Bea: you’re the perfect amount of talkative 
Fraze: alright, calm down
Fraze: read your magazine or something
Bea: quite the brush-off
Bea: I’ve already seen you dump someone, I know how savage you are
Fraze: it’s you turning me all red here, shut up
Bea: and you wonder why I was hiding in my room
Bea: where are you now?
Fraze: I’m going to mine
Bea: can I come in if I share my sweets?
Fraze: deal
Bea: [wait ‘til you hear him open and close his door before coming or you’ll meet him on the landing and can’t possibly be looking that keen lol, knocking too]
Fraze: [coming to the door and opening it for no reason whatsoever when you could just tell her to come in, but then you don’t get to pull her in by her sleeve/wrist if she doesn’t have long sleeves so we get why you simply must]
Bea: [you really gotta, soz, we will accept nothing less, happily being pulled into this room because we missed you during our freakout and no longer want to be spiralling, throw these sweets onto his bed with your other hand]
Fraze: [leaving this door ajar so it doesn’t look like they are up to anything sus and so they can spy on whatever anyone else is doing with their comings and goings in case they are in fact getting up to things and don’t wanna be caught lol, but for me it’s the way his other hand is immediately touching her hair and ear where the flower was earlier but obvs isn’t now, then her behind the ear lovebite and the one on her neck]
Bea: [resting your head against his hand and doing a sigh like you’ve been holding your breath this entire time, cupping his face so you can touch that jawline lovebite you gave him, before lightly tugging on the earlobe you got too ‘hey’ said like an apology because it is one, obviously, we’re speaking quietly but not straight up whispering which would sound sus should anyone overhear]
Fraze: [shaking his head at the apology tone of that hey, like the don’t of earlier, because she doesn’t need to apologise, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on the top of her head how he likes to do]
Bea: [making a noise that is like a BUT without literally saying the word, still we’re hugging you back, running our hands up your back and across your shoulders]
Fraze: [making a shh noise to her but noise but really softly not like stfu, picking her up and carrying her over to his bed, sitting her down so carefully so said bed doesn’t make a single noise, at least that’s his excuse he’s just actually being soft rn, picking up the sweets once she’s been put there, moving them to his bedside table which is a lil bar cart, so that bag doesn’t be loud either if they move about on this bed, and putting one in his mouth, all without taking his eyes off her]
Bea: [getting yourself comfy, propping up the pillows so y’all can sit and chill, likewise not looking away ‘cos unable to, didn’t even want a sweet ‘til you decided to be so hot about it ‘aren’t you gonna share with me?’]
Fraze: [idk what her fave sweets are but regardless he will be kissing her and sharing that way by moving this sweet back and forth between y’all’s mouths, nothing else would be acceptable rn I’m soz, so hopefully it’s a boiled sweet kind like his and not something that’s gonna be really sticky and messy lol]
Bea: [I can’t remember if we ever said but it should definitely be cherry drops vibe because that’s the energy and will serve us now lol, when you aren’t allowed to be loud about this so you have to focus all your energy into making it the most dramatic kiss of all time ‘cos you’re so into it]
Fraze: [I don’t think you have ever said but regardless that’s a mood and what it’ll be from now on, love that for y’all, oh the absolute drama of this kiss is really it, not at all casually as if you haven’t seen each other for months and years, his hands could not be more in her hair either, both of them, I’m sure she probably put it back up when she got changed and he’s absolutely pulling it down rn]
Bea: [here digging our nails into your arm, that we’re holding onto to steady ourselves, clearly, because no other way to adequately get across our !!]
Fraze: [meanwhile he’s getting across his !! by pulling her on top of him as if she weighs literally nothing at all, which we know at this age is lowkey true but still a hot move nevertheless]
Bea: [the quickest of glances towards the door before reaching under whatever you put on and unhooking your bra, tucking it under his pillow because you wanted him to have it]
Fraze: [all his focus going on looking back and forth between his pillow where she just stashed that bra and her because that happened so quickly we can’t believe it did/can’t believe it did because we’re so into it and her, as if to prove she really did that, obviously touching her, first over whatever top she’s wearing and then eventually also under it]
Bea: [pleased with your reaction and doing a hot lol to cover up the moan you wanna do about him touching you, shamelessly rocking your hips back and forth against him, putting your own hand under his t-shirt]
Fraze: [equally as shamelessly moving to meet her movements, still using both his hands to touch her boobs up but also adding his mouth to it, doing kisses against the skin of her collarbones, chest and stomach that he’s uncovered because of how hardcore his hands have made her top ride up, random about whether they are hard or soft however he wants]
Bea: [reaching desperately for something on his bedside table, eventually finding the remote and putting something random on the TV for background noise that you aren’t going to be asked to turn down like you might loud music but we gotta have something right now]
Fraze: [even though that was a smart thing to do, reacting like when she was doing all that shit with the remote you’re annoyed her full focus wasn’t on you and immediately then switching y’all’s positions up so he’s pinning her to this bed and she can’t possibly move nbd]
Bea: [trying to reach your head up to kiss him, enjoying the struggle and the anticipation it brings ‘Fraze’ the neediest you’ve ever sounded]
Fraze: [when you have to kiss her SO hard about that because DYING at how she sounds and the fact she’s never sounded like that before, likewise pulling at her clothes like they’ve personally offended you rn by being so in the way, thank god that background noise exists because the bed is definitely making some of its own with how much moving he’s doing and how deliberate it is]
Bea: [the happiest noise into this kiss for how hard it is, sucking on his bottom lip and then his tongue, pushing your bottoms down and pulling your top up, so you’re still clothed and can put them right fast but they’re as out of the way as they can be]
Fraze: [‘do you know how much I fucking need you?’ like he’s mad at her, his voice actually hoarse for the first time because he’s so !! in this moment]
Bea: [nodding and running your fingers across his crotch ‘when are you going to show me though?’]
Fraze: [the frustrated af noise as he glances towards the door because sincerely wants to rn and is genuinely wondering if they could without getting caught but like, it’s clearly not even dinner time yet is it so realistically I doubt that]
Bea: [yeah, you really should wait lads but we get it, neither of you wants to ‘think of how good you’re going to give it to me because you’ve been made to wait though’ because all you can do is think about that]
Fraze: [when you are thinking about it so you’ve gotta put your tongue in her ear SO indecently, don’t mind him]
Bea: [stifle your GASP on his skin, giving him a lovebite literally wherever you’ve landed before kissing it better, so over the top ‘I need you, every night’]
Fraze: [pulling her head to his so dramatically and kissing her with the !! she just expressed a second before because so mutual ‘all night, you can get your sleep in [a lesson we know she hates] and still be a swot’ saying swot like it’s a term of endearment/something indecent here]
Bea: [‘I can’t pay attention ‘til you’ve fucked me like I need, there’s no room for anything else in my head now’ kissing you back and having to touch you because we can’t not]
Fraze: [saying her name in response to it all, so quietly but with so much feeling, kissing her head indecently because we love everything she thinks and we need to make that blatantly obvious]
Bea: [‘you love me too much to let it be a problem, yeah?’ like you actually gotta ‘there’s loads of places we can go in school’]
Fraze: [a nod because he do, as he takes his dick out and positions it so that it would be inside her rn if not for the fact she has a clothes barrier stopping it ‘tell me’ a casual list of everywhere they could and therefore are gonna hook up in school please lol, imagine getting caught there, oh lord]
Bea: [biting our lip as we shamelessly look down at what you’re doing, moving so he presses up against our stomach where the skin is exposed, fucking you slowly against our tummy as we list every place we know of and what times each one is free]
Fraze: [the freedom of being a quiet bitch as standard meaning he’s just out here making noises that are EVERYTHING but nobody else is aware of, love that for you boy]
Bea: [couldn’t be any more heart eyes than right now ‘I’m in your bed’ because can’t deal]
Fraze: [when that physically makes him react so dramatically, purely involuntarily, out here fully almost doubling over about it, not at all casually because cannot cope either]
Bea: [‘I’ve wanted to be in it since we got here’ going faster, spitting to help with the friction ‘cos no fucks given with how turned on we are right now]
Fraze: [manhandling this gal so she’s really reclining and comfy in this bed, pushing his thigh between her legs and really doing the most to try and make her die like he’s dying atm]
Bea: [rewarding you with some silent but !! reactions, facial reactions doing most of the work there, grinding yourself helplessly against his thigh whilst carrying on what you’re doing]
Fraze: [fighting so hard against every urge to close his eyes so that he can STARE at her and catch all these reactions because simply must]
Bea: [‘I wanna be yours’ so sincerely ‘cos we’re dying]
Fraze: [‘you’ve never been no other cunt’s’ as sincerely because we know what happened when she was a kid but that’s so different to this and it’s so important to verbalise however he can in this moment ‘you’ve only ever been mine, me and you, always’]
Bea: [‘I love you so much’ leaning to kiss him and as a result pushing yourself against him harder, making you shudder]
Fraze: [‘I’d let you do anything’ so sincerely, literally the most sincere he’s ever been about anything ever, like fucking kill me I mean it, do anything is really being meant and expressed in every sense though like she’s free to do anything with her life, all of it]
Bea: [having to do a hot lol ‘don’t challenge me though’ ‘cos we’re still trying to behave even though things have obviously escalated here and we’re all living]
Fraze: [‘don’t hold nothing back from me’ cos he truly doesn’t care how cray you are gal, lowkey staring her down about this so she knows how serious he is]
Bea: [nodding like okay ‘I trust you’ and putting our hand in our pants to then use it on you, not before offering it for you to taste it]
Fraze: [oh how dramatically he’s gonna do that, god bless, love that y’all have totally forgotten where you are or that anyone else exists here and now, just wilding]
Bea: [watching you do this in slight disbelief, slapping your face lightly as if we’re checking you’re real and really here right now]
Fraze: [pinching her, just to do it as a hot move because we all know it’s somewhere indecent instead of like her arm or whatever]
Bea: [saying his name, moving your face into the pillow so it isn’t too loud but also so you can be !! with it]
Fraze: [obvs pushing her face into the pillow more so it’s in there as much as it can possibly be without suffocating her because it’s hot and will keep her quiet but also because he wants his pillow to smell like and be as covered in her as it can be]
Bea: [‘I’ll cum on your leg if you keep playing rough with me’ a legitimate warning as well as an FYI, biting a corner of this pillow]
Fraze: [his hand going from the side of her face and jaw to her neck when he’s egged on because ofc, don’t choke her to death, be careful please, just experimenting with this though]
Bea: [getting noticeably wetter and just swivelling your eyes to look at him like SEE]
Fraze: [it therefore noticeably getting to him how into that she is, just every reaction so involuntarily more !! all of a sudden including LOOKING at her like well damn I hope I don’t cum first and rn all over everything about this]
Bea: [‘you need my mouth, take it’ and opening our mouth up so eagerly for you ‘show me how you’re gonna fuck my pussy’]
Fraze: [of course that’s the only encouragement he needs to be absolutely feral about this, being rough about it to keep up the vibe and choke her a lil bit a different way + really push her into this pillow some more but also because he do be that frantic, like do actually desperately need this thank you, as well as to prove to her and keep her thinking about what that hookup is gonna be like]
Bea: [replacing his thigh with the other pillow so the way we’re going to cum isn’t wasted because it’s going to be A LOT, that’s not to mention the mess of makeup and spit that’ll be on this other pillow now, doing the most to let you choke us, pushing you further]
Fraze: [thank god we’re being kind and not letting y’all be caught by anyone who could be bowling out of their rooms or coming up those stairs rn cos the fucks y’all don’t give and won’t until you’re done in a sec, oh lads, it really is day 1 and you’re already slipping, I love you]
Bea: [clearly everyone is busy making dinner or playing but honestly, that door is open and the fucks you don’t give, god bless, catch us here turned on by the fact, shamelessly]
Fraze: [that’s obviously part of it, if you weren’t y’all would have closed that door nobody said you had to leave it open in the first place, meanwhile I’m just here like how the hell are you meant to recover from that and get your shit together enough to go for a fam dinner soon, I’d simply be too dead and could never]
Bea: [good luck because seriously, how do you just pretend that hasn’t happened and that things are different]
Fraze: [at least this boy will be STARVING and can focus on shoving all the food into his gob when the time comes, cos yeah, a madness, for now though in the immediate aftermath just hold her really tightly however y’all have collapsed and died onto this bed]
Bea: [‘can I kiss you?’ ‘cos he came in your mouth and you wanna but he might not, breathless still as you’re asking this]
Fraze: [kiss her in response because it’s the only acceptable one]
Bea: [just melting into him even harder, good thing you’re skinny af because we are literally all over you]
Fraze: [‘you look so fucking pretty’ no notes, the state of both of y’all and yet he means it with his whole heart]
Bea: [nudging his face with yours, pressing your cheek against his like no, you]
Fraze: [‘I dunno how you can still’ with a little hot lol like genuinely in awe of how great she looks given the absolute mess he’s made of her and because other gals just are messes in comparison, especially in this lawless era of bad makeup and fashion choices]
Bea: [oh gals, the orange foundation with a tidemark on the neck, and all over the lips, no brows and spider lashes that were popping rn for chavvy leaning girls, then the absolute SWEEP of helmet like hairsprayed hair for the girls who wanted to pretend they were scene/emo leaning, looks were not being achieved but we’re all about the classic beauty and do not care for your trends so you’re so welcome Beatrice/you boy that she isn’t trying to make you love her looking like that lol ‘you thought I’d look shocking?’ giving him a lil push like oi but we’re loling too ‘don’t I always look good?’ when you know you do so you can say that with utmost confidence]
Fraze: [push her back, gently, into the pillows as if to say, a state like they are a state now maybe, which we all know he’s the opposite of mad about even without it being blatant af on his own face, looking at her before nodding ‘the rest of ‘em look shocking next to you’ shamelessly shading every gal at school or that he’s ever met, not soz huns, it’s true]
Bea: [when you’re not too proud to love that as a compliment, soz to be toxic but we aren’t at all, rubbing vaguely at some of these makeup stains on the pillows but only in a way that’s making it more blatant, how stains do ‘I don’t look at other boys’ ‘cos we aren’t interested in any of you, that is true]
Fraze: [he’s likewise a toxic king who will be blatantly buzzing that she thinks other boys suck, not soz, smirking emoji af once again lol, touch her face in a way that’ll do damage control on the makeup that’s left on if there’s like a mascara smudge or whatever but you’re also just doing because you want to ‘don’t need to to know they’re gonna go nowhere’ dragging everyone shamelessly once again, in a lot of cases where’s the lie but we’re really tarring everyone with the same brush here lol]
Bea: [‘probably’ ‘cos we don’t even care what other people are up to, only focused on ourselves here, not about a competition with some random kids in your school who might also be smart or ambitious; touching your face in the same place as if there is makeup to clean up on you too, then touching his lips like actually ‘you can tell you’ve been kissing’]
Fraze: [echoing that sentiment with a shrug of his own cos yeah, the only reason people matter at all is if they are in his way for any reason, don’t care if you flop or fly soz everyone, touching his lips exactly where she just did as if by doing that he’ll be able to feel and see the evidence, then hers just because, living our best lives living dangerously here and loving any and all evidence that every second of this actually happened]
Bea: [only smiling when he touches your lips back because hard same, even if we’re saying ‘it’ll go down’ we’re saying it like we hope it won’t ever]
Fraze: [‘I don’t want it to’ saying that because hard same and it’s so true before he kisses her really hard again like nope can’t let that happen I’m afraid]
Bea: [lifing your head from these pillows to kiss him back with as much energy, shaking your head like me either, not yet ‘what’s the time?’ amusingly between kisses as if he has had time to look either but you wanna know how long you’ve got before dinner]
Fraze: [look over at the alarm clock I put in your room when I created it on the polyvore like thing, still kissing her on her neck and shoulder as he peeps over it to see and tell her, unlucky for y’all I’m sure dinner is very much looming by this point and you actually need to get your shit together]
Bea: [making a grumpy lil noise about it but also going to get up because you do need to sort your face and if you are seen up here, be seen coming from your own room or the bathroom or whatever ‘see me out’ as he opened the door for you when you came in, attempting to pull him up off this bed too]
Fraze: [get up because there is no chance she could pull you off the bed if you didn’t give her that help, so gently pushing her towards the door, until she’s standing against the frame of it after having been lowkey pushed into it by you to one side of this open door, then wrapping your arms around her for the final time in a while, just taking a moment before you know she’s gotta leave]
Bea: [hugging you back SO tightly because very much could have stayed here for so much longer but that isn’t a reality hence we’re not going to long this out and act like it is, you gotta get used to how it is and how it has to be, hence we aren’t saying bye or anything like that because you’re still in the same house and could still be together just not in this private way, all we are doing is LOOKING at you as we leave]
Fraze: [mhmm exactly, hence don’t pull her back by the wrist like you did at the very start of this when she was trying to leave that house but do leave an adorable kiss there on said wrist for the peak romance before you let her go, returning the LOOK the entire time]
Bea: [looking at your wrist so hard now but still, go girl, back to your room, but sending him a picture of a heart you’ve doodled on that exact spot now you’re back at your desk doing your homework again]
Fraze: [send her a pic of you eating another sweet because she left them on his bedside table so it’s like you gotta come back and get these tonight now before I eat them all]
Bea: spoil your dinner, you
Fraze: Worked up enough of an appetite that I ain’t worried
Bea: That’s alright then
Fraze: better than ⚽️
Bea: do I believe you mean that? 🤔
Fraze: why would I say something I don’t?
Bea: There are lots of reasons why someone would
Bea: but you should know better that you don’t need to
Fraze: like I said, it’s me you’re talking to not any other cunt
Fraze: I do know better
Bea: does that mean you’re going to spend more time with me than you are kicking a ⚽️?
Fraze: yeah
Fraze: I ain’t swearing the same for 🥊 though, not yet, like 
Bea: there’s plenty of things I can swear I will prioritize over you, don’t worry
Bea: how embarrassing if you didn’t know me like that by now
Fraze: I’m not, be your loss if you didn’t pick us, babe
Fraze: and you know that by now
Bea: doesn’t feel like a choice
Fraze: nor to me, never has
Bea: unsure if that sounds romantic or the complete opposite
Fraze: I can be romantic in loads of ways you are sure of
Bea: I don’t need romance no more than you do
Fraze: I don’t need no hints, I know what you want
Bea: yeah
Bea: thank fuck
Fraze: I can eat fast as well as, you’re welcome for it
Bea: show-off 😏
Bea: I’ll make sure we aren’t interrupted by having a proper conversation with your mum at the table, like
Fraze: cheers, taking that one for the team is pure class of you
Bea: it’s easier when I have things to say she might wanna hear, not always bunking off like today
Fraze: I heard it was a proper one off, not something you’re gonna make a habit out of
Bea: mhmm
Bea: someone has to behave
Fraze: believe it when I see it
Bea: you wish
Fraze: you’re smart, you don’t need us to tell you you’d get more out of behaving badly with me
Bea: if none of us show up to school, reckon they might actually bother to call ‘em
Fraze: I go in
Bea: you know I’m not talking about you
Fraze: it’s about time someone bothered to do fuck all about them
Bea: I don’t get why no one has
Fraze: christ knows, too much trouble for any cunt who’s supposed to to put themselves to, only get paid for it, like
Bea: lucky for them I’m already smarter than all the staff on the payroll
Fraze: lucky for ‘em that ain’t hard
Bea: as long as they don’t try to thank me with concert tickets
Fraze: least you could sell ‘em on to somebody else thick
Bea: with thicker eyeliner, yeah
Bea: we can take the money and do something better
Fraze: deal
Bea: 🤝
Fraze: Blood, spit, or both?
Bea: gonna make me think about that and spoil my dinner?
Fraze: thinking about that’ll help you get through it
Bea: maybe
Fraze: no maybe about it
Bea: you’re gross
Fraze: you love what I am
Bea: I love everything about you
Fraze: and what I can do
Bea: why are you teasing me
Fraze: I’m giving you loads to think about, that’s different
Bea: I don’t need no hints to guess what you’re thinking about either
Fraze: we’re too old for guessing games
Bea: too much times been wasted before
Fraze: yeah, it fucking has
Bea: how do people wait, to do what they want to do, why
Fraze: I reckon they must not know what they want in the first place, or they’re too pussy to go after it if they do, when
Bea: I only do it when I have to
Bea: if I was some prodigy child, I could be at Uni already but my social skills would be even more lacking
Fraze: well cheers for not being, it’d be a real test of social graces I ain’t got
Bea: if I was practising my fake smile, you’d be gutted
Fraze: there ain’t much you could do to gut me, other than going for it with a knife or whatever
Bea: dinner ain’t going to go that poorly
Fraze: not ‘cause of me
Bea: nor me, we know what we’re doing
Fraze: shame no fucker else ‘round here can say the same, but story of our lives
Bea: awkward how long they’ll all be playing catch up, like
Fraze: they’ll never catch up to us
Bea: I’ll take not stressing over them every minute, for a start
Fraze: I’ll distract you every minute, end of
Bea: and I’ll make it mutual, you can trust that
Fraze: I’ve not doubted you, whatever else I might’ve
Bea: you’re constant, like nothing else
Fraze: I’ll take that
Bea: other things I could say, you wouldn’t want me to right before dinner
Fraze: I’ve told you to hold nothing back, don’t force me to keep repeating myself, we never drank enough for it
Bea: maybe I like how it sounds too much, the idea I don’t have to
Fraze: try it out then, see how much you like saying what you want to, how that sounds
Bea: that sounds like a pandora’s box sort of situation
Fraze: sounds like the name of a strip club
Bea: I bet it is
Fraze: or a shit band they’d listen to
Bea: you can ask Ali about it, right up their alley, or at least Joe’s, he’s more pretentious in his taste
Fraze: if I’m ever that desperate for something to say ‘round the table, do get the knives out and fucking end it all
Bea: alright, I’ll keep your death wish in mind
Fraze: I ain’t got one, just my limits
Bea: you’re adorable
Fraze: shut up
Bea: rude
Bea: you wanted to hear what I had to say a second ago
Fraze: you weren’t wanting to wind me up a sec ago
Bea: why don’t you like adorable?
Fraze: I’m not Rocky’s age, not that he is, but other cunts would reckon it
Bea: now you’re just being mean
Fraze: nah, honest
Bea: he’ll grow into his ears
Fraze: don’t bet on it
Bea: quirks make you interesting to look at, anyway
Bea: he’ll be fine
Fraze: easy for you to say when you’re that fucking easy on everybody’s eyes
Bea: so’s you
Fraze: it’s different, you could be a model, I’ve only grown into my ears or some bullshit
Bea: I don’t have the patience for that bullshit
Bea: and you know how handsome you are
Fraze: I know I could give less of a fuck, it only matters how handsome you reckon I am
Bea: I tell you all the time, you look like you could be on a screen in black and white
Fraze: I’d tell you the same but the world’d be robbed not seeing you in full colour
Bea: I miss getting to kiss you when you say things like that
Fraze: she ain’t shouting up the stairs for us all to come down yet, we’ve got time
Bea: okay, so come here
Fraze: [do obvs, sneaking for the pure mood of it even though you absolutely do not need to because clearly everyone is busy, has not knocked has just quietly come in and wrapped his arms around her from behind where she’s assumedly still sat at her desk, spinning the chair around if it’s a wheely one, pulling her body into a swivel type move if it is not]
Bea: [letting you do a quiet GASP about this because the thing where you’re almost expecting someone TOO much that you end up being shocked when they show up because of that anticipation being met before you know it, tilting your face toward his and parting your lips but not making the move yourself]
Fraze: [make that move sir, and not only that kissing her in such a !! manner that his hand at her throat lifts her off this chair slightly, not by much and only for a sec because we’re not at feral levels of fully picking her up with that move jc style or anything yet but still]
Bea: [the noise that is pure !! because was not expecting that at all but are so about it and you being more confident in what you’re doing, kissing back as if you need to attach yourself to him to not fall here]
Fraze: [really gotta make the most of every second here as y’all know dinner is looming and I’m sure joeray are gonna be bowling in if the rule is y’all have to be back for it so out here doing the absolute most with the limited time y’all have left]
Bea: [I imagine that’s the rule as well as having a curfew after dinner y’all have to be in for, seems like the basics and we’re definitely getting towards that o’clock, hence the urgency of this makeout because gotta go be in front of this fam and test how it’s gonna be for y’all]
Fraze: [mhmm hence making out frantically til the last possible second aka you hearing joeray coming through the front door and then this boy is bowling downstairs like he’s that hungry he simply must go annoy his mother/ask her how long it’ll be]
Bea: [at least you have an excuse to linger up here because we know you aren’t rushing down to dinner, won’t make Tess shout for you but when she inevitably has to for the younger kids you’ll hear and be down, with some composure lmao]
Fraze: [we all know he’s eating whatever dinner is literally 10 seconds flat like that teenage boy stereotype which is real as much as it’s also an excuse today and then leaving the table to kick his football at whatever wall is nearest where the dining table is located/ the patio doors if they are, for that throwback to when he was annoying her earlier because simply must even though the mood is entirely different this time] 
Bea: [when you’re the type of hoe, aka you feel obligated, to help Tess clear up because imagine that Fearghal probably has to leave for work at this time unless he’s doing a day shift ‘cos makes sense, so this boy just out here making the most noise and pissing his mother off undoubtedly lol, just looking at you through the doors/window like SHUT UP]
Fraze: [I imagine he’ll stop pretty immediately anyway and come in and take baby Rocky to actually be helpful, he just had to get that reaction and the throwback in first lol, god bless, don’t mind this boy just looking iconic and capable taking care of this child because god meal times and the aftermath would be so chaotic]
Bea: [you know JoeRay are trying to slink off immediately and the battle to either let them or nag them to stay and do something Tess is casually having to pick every day lol but not lol ‘cos honestly what a nightmare; imperceptibly shaking our head at you because we got the reminder in what you just did there, before telling Ro to go get her homework like a bossy bitch because y’all are kid kids so it won’t be anything taxing so you may as well get that out of the way]
Fraze: [mhmm, it isn’t really an excuse because arguably mcvickers must have dropped the ball a long time ago where joeray are concerned but I get why y’all especially have rn because the levels of exhausted they would be atm with the unplanned arrival of baby Rocky, I feel for y’all, I do, at least you can take this bub away from the homework station that’s being set up and it means baze don’t have to die from the proximity because we all know you are]
Bea: [yeah like honestly girls, there’s a lot more going on that you should recognise but a lot of teens go through depression, not to absolve y’all, but you think it’s a phase basically and it’s just gonna be shit because everyone’s teen years are shit really and then they’ll hit an age and be normal again and not seemingly hate your guts, so I get it too, this happens; for me its the way we always tell Ro what to do and hope the others follow suit but we wouldn’t dream of telling them to do anything; lucky for you baby Rock, you don’t need to do nothing but vibe, you two could even go back out because it’s spring/summer so it would still be light and warm enough]
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thiscatiscreepy · 4 years
You know, it's kinda weird how they don't acknowledge the fact that Zagreus and Thanatos thought of themselves as brothers until, like, a few days before the start of the game.
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ idk you yet ❞ - p.js
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park jisung x reader | angsty, fluff | 1.6k words 
WARNINGS | TW: mentions blood, abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, lowercase au, non-idol au, high school au, badboy!jisung, mature language/cursing, reader is like an angel sent from heaven for him, jisungie just in need of love :(
SUMMARY | being an outcast has him wondering if he’ll ever be happy. cue you, the new girl, stumbling into his life (literally).
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “idk you yet” by alexander23! also AHHH this is my 100 followers special fic :) THANK U LOVES FOR 100 IM SO SHOCKED CJSBFKEJD <33 the writing is a little crappy because i’m currently on my period and my patience for sitting down and writing this went down halfway through lol but I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, ENJOY THIS JISUNG FIC BC JISUNG MY BABIE AND SO ARE YOU GUYS!
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whenever anybody thinks of park jisung, they think of the chains and dark clothing he wears. they think about the faint smell of smoke and men’s cologne that follows him wherever he goes. 
they think of the boy who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. 
but what they don’t think about are bruises on his face he fails to hide whenever he walks into school, the dejected look on his face whenever random people give him disapproving looks, the way his smile slowly faded into a permanent frown wherever he went. 
jisung quickly accepted his reputation at school and in their little town, not having enough energy to feel insecure about it like before.
the only group of people that even remotely cared about the boy were his best friends in the whole entire world, nct dream.
they were outcasts just like him, the most “fucked up group of boys” in their town (the people’s words, not theirs).
see, they were your typical bad boy group straight out of your typical fanfic. bad grades, smoking in their free time, getting into fights, always being late to class; not a single person had hope in them.
but behind their scary and intimidating facade, all seven boys were big softies with misunderstood hearts and difficult backgrounds.
people were just too dense to look into it, only judging them based on their looks and personality on the outside. 
❝ how can you miss someone you’ve never met ❞
love was a foreign thing to jisung, the only form of love he’s ever felt being from his friends. his parents were… interesting to say the least. 
jisung’s father was a hard-core alcoholic, his mother being a major druggie. with no siblings in the house, jisung was usually their main target to push around and beat up.
and so because of this at a young age jisung learned to distance himself from other people and found different ways to release stress.
he started smoking when he was 14, the warm and hazy feeling of the smoke entering his lungs comforting him.
if jisung humored himself enough, maybe smoking could count as his first love. it was always there for him, never leaving him alone even if he wanted to quit. 
he relied on it knowing it was the only constant in his life. 
now of course the boy has heard of proper love, love like in the movies or shitty romance songs he hears on the radio.
and he won’t lie, there were moments he thought about what it felt like to be in love. but he knew that would never happen, at least not in their small town anyways. 
he just wanted to be loved. 
jisung would never admit it but sometimes he’d be jealous of the old couples walking down the street in their own world like it was just them two against the universe. he was jealous of the happy kids running around, their mother’s and father’s fondly smiling at their child. he was jealous of all the “normal” kids in his neighborhood. 
jisung wanted that, craved that. 
but most importantly, the boy wanted love.
❝ cause i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
everything hurt. 
his head, his body, his mind, his heart; everything was in pain.
jisung walked down the empty streets of their city, a trail of blood following behind him as he accepted his fate. the boy was 99% sure he had a concussion and at the very least had a few broken ribs. 
he felt like this was the end, and he was ready.
wandering aimlessly around town, you decided to take a late night walk to familiarize yourself around the area. you had just moved into the city a week ago, spending all seven days trying to help your family unpack and rearrange your cozy new home. 
now that you were finally free of the smell of tape and the dust of the boxes, you decided it was best to get to know the place you were living in. 
the autumn air seemed to settle at night as you shivered, cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket of some sort. the sight of a convenience store up ahead of you brought you relief as you rummaged through your pockets wondering if you had enough money for ramen.
your steps became excited as you found a couple dollars, fondly thinking about what type of ramen you should buy. you became so lost in your thoughts you didn’t even notice the poor boy who was staggering in front of you, or the trail of blood he left behind. 
jisung pushed himself to reach the convenience store a couple feet away from him, in desperate need of supplies to at least try and fix himself. 
if it didn’t help in any way then oh well, maybe death was indeed an option. 
grinding his teeth though the pain, he did not expect to feel a small body bump into him. had he been at his regular health, jisung would’ve easily been able to keep still but because of how much blood he was losing the boy was knocked down like a bowling pin.
“holy fuck.” jisung cursed the feeling of the concrete floor colliding with his ribs. he didn’t even notice the girl who had bumped into him sitting on the floor dumbfounded, freaking out over his state.
“oh my fucking god.” the girl said, capturing his attention. jisung glared at the stranger, mentally acknowledging the fact she was pretty. 
but her being pretty won’t get you anywhere, he scolded himself. she’ll leave you just like everyone else.
“a-are you okay?” she said, eyes glancing at his black eye. jisung rolled his eyes, already annoyed. “does it look like i’m okay?” he replied, his deep voice catching the girl off guard. 
“just, fuck off.” jisung said closing his eyes as he laid back down on the floor, knowing he couldn’t force himself to get up anymore. he didn’t even have to open his eyes to know she left, hearing the sound of her footsteps walk away.
the boy sighed as he laid idly on the floor, wondering what sin he committed to lead him to where he is now. not even she wanted to stay, the tears threatening to fall as his thoughts buried him alive.
“why can’t i just die?” jisung said out loud, asking no one but himself.
“because i won’t let you.” a voice replied as jisung forced himself to sit up in confusion. it was the same girl he had bumped into, but this time she had a first aid kit with her. he gave her a lost look despite knowing what she was here to do. 
jisung’s mind just couldn’t wrap around the fact that a total stranger would even bother to help him. 
“now sit up.” she said softly as she bent down to open the box, the boy slowly followed her instructions. “i’m sorry this might sting.” she said though jisung didn’t mind because she was much prettier up close.
the next ten minutes were you trying to fix his wounds against the shitty chairs outside the convenience store.
jisung didn’t even bother mentioning his broken ribs, not wanting you to freak out. you cleaned up what you could and the boy was beyond grateful for that.
you subconsciously rubbed his back in a comforting way whenever you’d apply alcohol to his open wounds, trying to ease the sting. you held his hand for him to hold and though he was a big boy and had a high pain tolerance, he still gave it a squeeze just to keep your hand there.  what the actual fuck is this feeling, jisung asked himself as he watched your determined figure work on him.
it was cold and in order to better work on his wounds, the boy offered to give you his hoodie which strangely had no traces of blood on it. you gladly accepted, the faint smell of blood and his cologne engulfing you up. 
the sight of you in something so big and so him made his chest swell in pride.
jisung couldn’t even formulate a sentence as you cursed at the time once you finished patching him up, fleeing the scene before he could say anything with a small smile, his hoodie still on. 
❝ and can you find me soon because i’m in my head ❞
the thought of your soft hands on his, your voice, your whole presence; everything about you couldn’t seem to leave the poor boy’s mind. it was now monday, and waiting for his class to start already made him want to go home.
if only i got her name, jisung daydreamed with his head resting on the palm of his hand. the classroom was loud and bright, people occasionally giving him looks but the boy didn’t mind. 
“jisungie~ did you hear we have a new kid?” jaemin asked, poking the boy’s cheeks. the boy only gave him a pointed look before sighing. 
“hyung i don’t really care.” jisung replied, looking back out the window. 
jaemin only gave him an offended look before grumbling a bit. “i don’t know maybe you will.” he muttered under his breath as their teacher walked into the room. 
❝ yeah i need you now but i don’t know you yet ❞
their homeroom teacher stood in front of the class, jisung tuning out his voice. the boy once again sighed as his teacher called for their attention, explaining they had a new girl in their class. “now make her feel welcomed,” he said before turning towards the door.
“y/n, please come in.” the teacher said and jisung almost fell out of his seat when he saw you walking through the door with the same smile you gave him a couple days ago.
“hi i’m y/n and i hope we can get along.” you bowed to the class, a familiar hoodie you were wearing catching his attention. 
isn’t that mine, jisung thought to himself as he bit back a smile knowing you kept it all along. 
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We all know that the romance in Naruto is trash and Kishimoto himself admitted to not knowing how to write female characters and getting embarrassed by romantic scenes…so let’s fix that shit
part 1: NaruHina
(I wrote this down as my notes for the post but I actually like it this way so I’m just copy and paste my raw thoughts lol if you get offended you can write a letter to your local congressman, prime minister, or whoever rules over provinces in other countries)
First let’s shit on the original ship shall we
- what the fuck was the build up to this relationship
- “I respect naruto and I want to be like him! But I’m too shy to talk to him! I even fainted when I saw him after the blank period! JK I HAVE MEGA HUGE BALLS AND CONFRONTED PAIN TO SAVE NARUTO!!!! Confessed my love and got my ass kicked….then didn’t speak to him until the fourth great ninja war and now we’re married with two kids” what the Fuck
- Also can we just talk about how after Hinata confessed her love…and literally almost died for naruto…he didn’t say SHIT to her after he defeated pain, and it was like she never confessed in the first place Lmfao
- He still liked Sakura! But Sakura always loved Sasuke so wtf
- He even was like “YEAH YEAH” when Minuto asked if Sakura was his girlfriend during the war. Then ten minutes later he’s holding hands with hinata and their love and shit (ft the rest of the ASF) and going up against fucking madara obito whatever… what the fuck
- It makes no sense bro—people say Sasuke never shows his love for Sakura,…to me, naruto never gave a shit about Hinata, at least not romantically (he literally acted like her existence was forgotten for 3/4s of the show; at least Sasuke always acknowledged Sakura from the start)
- It also feels like narutos crush on Sakura was never resolved (I know that they’re supposed to be shown realizing that they aren’t into each other in The Last but…bro isn’t that way too fuckin late to make sense lmfao) He just suddenly shacked up with Hinata???? Bc her cousin died….Idk man that’s kinda fucked up lmfao
So let’s fucking fix this shitshow
- I get that Hinata is shy and stuff but that bitch is a fucking hyuga SHE IS POWERFUL SO GIVE HER MORE SCREENTIME KICKING ASS
- And can we??? Give her more lines in the first part???? Other than “n…n…naruto….” “N-naruto?” “Naruto!” Like wtf was that dude that shit was way more annoying to me than anything.
- We all know Hinata has thoughts feelings and opinions (as humans do) so let’s have her voice them sometimes okay
- Being shy doesn’t automatically make you mostly mute and constantly stuttering
- That stereotype makes me want to crush skulls bro
- Can we give her some balls before pains fight bc that made no sense
- Like maybe standing up to neji even a little bit and defending herself more during the chuunin exams
- I’m not saying she has to be like “HEY SHITHEAD IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS” bc that’s totally out of character but she totally could’ve been like “Hey you’re kinda wrong and pls show me respect as a member of your clan and an equal leaf shinobi”
- Also I get that Hinata was inspired by naruto but can we stop making every female character’s rise to power and want to be stronger related to a dude?
- Like fine if she was inspired by him but I think it would’ve been way more of a credit Hinata as a person if naruto simply REMINDED her of that part of herself that’s dedicated to proving her family wrong
- I’m just gonna write this as if it happened this way
- She keeps par with Neji, and does ultimate lose but it makes Neji see that Hinata is actually strong and a formidable opponent
- No more shit eating grins from that ego maniac
- And after Hinata battles Neji, she confronts naruto and thanks him for reminding her of her inner strength
- Naruto, who’s surprised that Hinata is talking to him, is like “yeah, sure thing, hinata. You did great!”
- And that opens the door for their real friendship
- Hinata is someone naruto can confide in about Sasuke, and he trusts her
- Hinata becomes someone that gives naruto compassionate advice, and he cherishes her comforting nature
- Then in part 2 after they’re all a bit older, naruto is kinda like “o” when he sees that Hinata has come into her wOmaNhOoD and he’s attracted to her.
- During the blank period he worked through his feelings and realized he only liked Sakura bc of his rivalry with Sasuke. End of that crap
- But naruto is dense as fuck and doesn’t see Hinata in a romantic way until she stands up for him against pain
- Hinata holds her own against pain for a bit bc she’s powerful in her own right but does get her ass beat anyway bc yk rinnegan and everything
- Naruto loses his shit seeing her cut down in front of him and defeats the last pain
- After naruto gives one of his MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHES and changes nagato before his death, the entire village greets him as a hero
- Instead of Sakura running up to him to hug him in that strangely intimate way that’s out of character bc she doesn’t fucking like him that way
- Sakura gives naruto a good hug and is like “you did it buddy you’re pretty cool ig”
- Then naruto talks to Hinata bc she??? Confessed her love? And took a massive beating for him???
- And they start a sort of flirty relationship where they both like each other but like waaaay too much is going on to actually date
- Like they try to between pains assault and the five mage summit but with the news of Sasukes massive downfall and the bounty on his head naruto is like dude I can’t do this rn
- And Hinata is cool so ofc she understands even tho she’s a bit sad
- And during the war when minato asks if Sakura is narutos girlfriend he says “😅 no dad, we’re just good friends”
- Then he holds hands with Hinata and the village and sings kumbaya to kick the fuck out of madara obito
- Then they get married and shit proceeds as normal
- Except in boruto when everyone returns from the battle in the other dimension she doesn’t run up to naruto first okay she hugs her SON and says “thank goodness you’re safe!” And then hugs naruto and thanks him for his work
God fuck okay I’m done
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
The Blood King and his Queen [3]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.3K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: I hope you get just as much second-hand embarrassment from this episode as I did. Thank you for waiting and being patient! I hope this chapter was worth waiting for! Look forward to the very end for a special ending scene. Honestly, I was imagining it like an anime and its like an extra that they put in... idk please bare with me. I thought it was funny! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! :) happy reading, loves!
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Dinner was eaten in silence. After your smart remark, you didn’t have anything more to say to each other. At least, you didn’t know what to say to him. Was it the best choice to be sassy with him? Probably not. But did he deserve it after being rude to your first? Absolutely.
You looked up from your meal to see Bakugou stuffing his face in an angry matter. Only, Bakugou wasn’t angry. He was just like that, little did you know.
The next morning was no different. Breakfast was eaten in silence. If it wasn’t for that small interaction you had with him the night prior, you would have sworn the mighty Blood Prince was mute. But Kirishima swore to you that the prince doesn’t usually act this way. You’d believe it when you see it.
You had joined Bakugou for breakfast and to your surprise, the table was full with dishes; dishes you recognized and dishes you’ve never seen before. Everything was neatly organized and pretty to look at. It was a sight that you’ve seen before. You don’t know why you’re shocked every time.
“Princess,” Bakugou’s deep voice greeted you out of nowhere. You were startled and confused to hear the prince greet you. Up until this point, he has never even greeted you let alone acknowledge you when you step into the room. Was he finally out of his ‘bad mood’, from what Kirishima told you?
“Your Highness,” you greeted him back with a small bow. Kirishima led you to your spot at the table. When you got situated in your seat, he moved like how he did the previous night and stood guard while you and your ‘fiancé’ enjoyed your meal.
The food presented to you, although foreign looking, looked mouthwatering. And when you looked closer, there were many dishes that you actually knew but only plated differently. So of course, you dug in. Like a princess, no doubt. Or, what you thought like what a princess would do. You took itty bitty bites with your best posture: back straight, chin high, careful not to spill any food on you. Since you don’t have many chances to talk to his highness, meal times are the only times that you could make an impression. Last nights endeavors didn’t seem like it made a lasting impression of hate. Looks like its time to bring it up a notch.
“Excuse me for the corniness, your highness,” you started. Bakugou glanced up. Once again those piercing red eyes made you hold your breath for a second. You raised a spoonful of the yellow corn that was on your plate and gave a cheeky smile. “But this is really a-maize-ing!”
Only the sound of your laughter echoed throughout the dining room. Kirishima’s jaw physical drops in shock. Meanwhile, Bakugou stopped chewing, stopped eating and stared at you.
“Lettuce celebrate to our engagement,” you continued to joke, stabbing your fork in the green leaf and held it high as if you were giving a toast. Bakugou’s face didn’t change one bit. But Kirishima looked mortified. He looked back between you and his angry-looking friend, afraid of how he would react to your not-so comical puns.
The longer he stared at you with his blank eyes, the more cold sweat you began to accumulate. The more cold sweat, the more nervous you became and thus, the more panicky you became. He wasn’t laughing at anything you were saying. You panicked. This was not the reaction you were hoping for. You had to say something. You gave him a nervous laugh again and frantically searched for the next best thing.
“Kiwi at least be friends?” you lifted up the delicate fruit with a glimmer of hope in your eyes. Again, no reaction. Kirishima wanted to cover his face so bad. He couldn’t take this torture anymore! But he had to remain professional. “No? Okay,” you gave up, your voice disappearing into a whisper. Pouting and looking down, you ate your meal quietly. You’ve never felt more embarrassed for yourself than in this moment. Heat rose to your cheeks and you wanted to hide away, never to be seen again.
The moment you looked down in embarrassment, Bakugou tried to stifle a laugh. The sides of his lips couldn’t help but curl up in a small smirk. He tried to eat something to calm him down, but as soon as his lips met the metal fork, his lips curled into a side smile that couldn’t be hid. But you were unable to see this side of Bakugou due to your mortification. Kirishima, on the other hand, raised a brow in amusement. This wasn’t a sight you could see every day.
“Kirishima,” Bakugou addressed the red-head. Straightening his posture, Kirishima put his hands beside his back and raised his chin high.
“Your highness,” Kirishima answered.
“Make sure the princess is ready by the time the horses are packed. We have a long trip ahead of us,” the prince announced and was about to leave, but not before you stood up to stop him.
“Trip? Where are we going?” you asked in a frantic matter. There was a moment’s pause.
“As my queen-to-be, you should know the kingdom, no?” he glanced back. This time, his eyes were not so aggressive. There was amusement and a hint of a challenge, as if he was trying to challenge you. The prince made his way out of the dining hall and back to this residence.
 After taking you back to your room to get ready for your trip around the kingdom, Kirishima made a pitstop at the prince’s quarters to pay visit.
“I saw that,” Kirishima commented, relaxing the moment the door closed behind him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bakugou tried to brush it off, but he knows that he’s been caught.
“I’ve never seen you like that around a princess, before. You like her?” Kirishima teased. Bakugou let out a breathy smirk.
“She’s interesting, that’s for sure,” he admit.
“I mean, what was she saying out there? Out of character for a princess, right?” Kirishima finally let out a laugh.
“So out of character that it was funny,” Bakugou, too, let out a small laugh. A moment of laughter passed and Kirishima got serious.
“You think she’s the one you’re looking for?” he asked. But Bakugou couldn’t say for sure.
“We’ll find out after this trip, won’t we?” Bakugou grabbed his iconic cape, draped it over his shoulders and powerfully made his way to the front entrance.
By the time that you were finished getting ready, you made your way to where Bakugou and a group of soldiers was getting geared up. You were dressed in a lighter, more fit for travel, dress. If you moved, the dress wouldn’t be in your way. Although white, your servants packed you many more dresses just like the one you were wearing. Your hair was flowing naturally down your face, leaving an ethereal, fairy-like appearance.  
Bakugou has brought several soldiers along for the trip, all either carrying a box, securing it on the cart, or making sure that all the materials are present. Insides the boxes ranged from a variety of things: food to wood to medicine supplies. You weren’t sure why you need so many things, but you thought it was for safe precautions? Bring more so you don’t worry about it.
“Your highness, everything has been prepared,” Kirishima announced, saluting to his highness. Bakugou stood tall with his signature glare that didn’t seem to faze Kirishima at all.
“Double check?”
“Yes, your highness.”
“We have extra food and clothing?”
“Yes, your highness.”
“The tent is packed?”
“Yes, your highness.”
“Weapons are secured?”
“Yes, your highness.” Bakugou flared his nostrils and nodded his head.
“Good man. Let’s head out!” he bellowed. On cue, all of the soldiers that were coming were hopping on their horses. You looked around nervously. You had never ridden a horse before, let alone seen one in person. Did they expect you to know to ride one? But there was no extra horse for you. You were about to ask Kirishima but then, a hand is reached out to you. Turning around, you see the Blood Prince, himself, giving you his hand.
“My lady,” he gently grabbed the tips of your fingers, bringing them to his lips. His gaze never leaving yours for a second. You were expecting him to kiss your hand, but instead, he gently laid his lips on top of his thumb where it rested between his lips and your fingers. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you couldn’t stop the shocked expression that was blatant on your face.
The prince helped you on the horse but what you weren’t expecting was him to hop on the same horse right behind you. His presence closer than what you have wanted in such a short amount of time. His arms reached around your waist to grab the ropes, unexpectedly pulling you closer to his chest.
Sitting in front of him, you were as stiff as a board. You couldn’t relax your shoulders because if you did, you would be resting against his body. The beginning of the ride was met in silence. No talking was happening, not even among his solders. Talk about an awkward trip. You hoped it wasn’t going to be like this the entire trip. You would be so miserable.
It took a while to escape the palace grounds, but once you did, you were surprised by how beautifully green and luscious the scenery ahead of you was. The sight bestowed upon you was nothing like your imagination. From the rumors, if the prince was that bad of a person, then surely his kingdom would portray that same image: full of poverty, death, killing, blood. But no. His kingdom was thriving.
In order to continue on with the trip, you and your crew had to pass by the local town. The people looked content and happy. They were flourishing! There were many stands selling essentials such as clothing and food. Others were selling odd objects foreign to you. The smell of meat grilling and sweets filled your noise. Kids were running around without a care in the world. There was so much going on that you didn’t know what to focus your eyes on.
Bakugou happened to look down at you, only to see your eyes wide with excitement and wonder. Your head twisted left and ride to grasp the whole world around you. Bakugou looked at you and back at what your eyes were focused on. Behind you, he had signaled his soldiers to halt and move to the side. But you had noticed immediately.
“Why are we stopping?” you asked, curiously.
“One of these idiots forgot something.” Bakugou made up on the fly.
“But we didn’t forget anything,” the soldier with electric blonde hair commented, so quietly that you couldn’t overhear him. Kirishima just nudged him in the gut to shut him up. “Would you like to explore with me while they get it taken care of?” Bakugou asked. You were surprised but intrigued by his question. This was probably the only time in your whole life that you could explore in such a manner. You had to take advantage while you could.
“Please,” you say.
And just like that you looked like a child exploring the world for the first time. And really, that’s what it was. All your life, you served the princess. Your earliest memories were of the palace. You never knew what it was like outside the palace. Everything fascinated you: the food, the smells, the sights, the clothes, the jewelry, the accessories, the people. How could you not know about any of this?
Bakugou watched you closely as you explored on your own and smiled to himself. He was not expecting the princess to act like such a kid.
“You must never get out much in your kingdom,” he comments. You look at him with a shy smile.
“Was it that obvious?”
“Maybe just a little,” he jokes. Your shy smile turns in a more comfortable, laid back laugh.
“I’ve never been outside the palace walls. It’s a first for me,” you say. You weren’t wrong. You were speaking for yourself, but you’re sure the real princess was able to explore her kingdom.
“Now that won’t do. Get whatever you want, my treat,” Bakugou offers to you. Your eyes up once again like a kid. Bakugou gives you his head of approval and now your options were opened like you never imagined. Anything you wanted? What did you even want? You felt like just looking was a treat for you. You were about to decline until the sight of the street food caught your attention. You got a closer look and the smell just enticed you immediately.
From there, it was nonstop to discovering new foods. You tried all these sweet that you didn’t know existed. It moved from food to trying on luxurious clothing and feeling fabrics that was foreign on your skin.
You were following Bakugou around blatantly. He was commenting on some things to help educate you better. But your eyes were so easily distracted. Due to the overflow of people, if you didn’t pay attention, you could easily get lost within the crowd. Unlucky for you, the moment you looked away, the prince had already disappeared from your vision. Panic ensued in you. No matter where you turned your head, you couldn’t see that tall, blonde anywhere.
“Bakugou!” you reached out, terrified. Thank god Bakugou has good ears. The instant you called his name, he was already looking back for you. You reached out and grabbed his forearm, tightly, determined not to let go. Your actions caused Bakugou to become flustered.
“Don’t get lost,” he scolded. Idiot¸ he thought while covering his mouth and looked away. He wanted to hide the very clear blush that was on his cheeks.
A/N: As always, I would love to know your thoughts! The adventure officially begins now! If you would still like to be tagged for future chapters, please let me know! They are always open!
Spoiler! Next chapter will make your heart go doki-doki <3
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon​ @melasnchz-things​ @animexholic​ @bkgwrites​ @sam-i-am-1025​ @apexqueenie​ @katsukibabe​ @germfart3​ @tspice283​ @angie-1306​ @bakugous-trauma​ @bakugousmrs​
After scene credits:
“Oi, you seeing what I’m seeing?” Kaminari, one of the soldiers chosen to tag along, observed. Kaminari and Kirishima were resting on top of the roofs, getting a clear view of you and the prince.
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Kaminari,” Kirishima rubbed the temples of his head. Kaminari pouted and continued to drink out of his canteen.
“I’m just saying,” he mumbled, sadly.
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