#idk if it's still like this these days but do you guys remember the deviant art kawaii communities
i really never thought a game like animal crossing would have such negative people playing it. y'all HATE certain villagers??? HATE entire personality types??? talking about people not liking your villager and feeling bad about it but seeing nothing wrong with shitting on other peoples favorites...
anon has clearly never been in any fandom for cute things lmao
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z4ync · 11 months
Redacted character's and their song
A list of every character (almost) and the song I associate with them
Vincent; Painkiller - Ruel
It just feels like ever time Vincent comes home and lovely just exists, a happy song, sweet. (I have a distaste for him tho)
Sam; nobody - hoizer
The song is about having love different from what you've ever had, it's a very Sam song (MARRY ME SAM, PLEEEEEAASSE)
David; NFWMB - hoizer
The songs name is nothing fucks with my baby and it's Hoizer, of course this song fits perfectly (David my love <3)
Asher; Beautiful stranger - laufey
The song is literally ash and baabe coded, Like beautiful stranger??? The first time the met fr (i physical can't sit through his videos)
Milo; more then the day before - Cody fry
It's like, he just melts for sweetheart, and every video they just fall even more for each other <3 (Milo could murder me and I'd still love him)
Tank; Graveyard - Halsey
Ik ik, but listen, it's a great song and it's basically about someone going through hell for their love (tank is such a good character)
Guy; guy.exe - superfruit
Do I even need to explain?? No. No I don't, yk know why (he's such baby girl and I love him)
Ollie; Good old-fashioned lover boy - Queen
Ollie definitely listens to this on fucking loop and it's so him, he just a silly guy, yk? (When he shows up yk shit bout to go down)
Aaron; photograph - Cody fry
Dispite what he may say, this man would live in a photo for smartass if he could, just hold them till end of time (hes my second fav human)
Elliott; sunlight - hoizer
We know why he calls sunshine sunshine, and this song just embodies that. Free sunshine 2024 (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Ivan; how I'd kill - cowboy Malfoy
STAR-CROSSED by Ethan Granger can also work, either way Ivan can suck it (I HATE Ivan, I don't care if vega was doing it, he's still a bitch)
Blake; STAR-CROSSED - Ethan Granger
Ivan and Blake get the same songs because yandere. I would kill them if I could (I'm going to put him down like a dog, I swear.)
Gavin; sure thing - Miguel
It's like him saying, "yes deviant, I'd absolutely still love you if you were a worm" because why not (GAVIN MY LOOOOOOOVE)
Part 2 coming when... Idk, when I remember.
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lonelyleliel · 11 months
There are two kinds of evanescence fans:
The healthy ones who have been reliving the days when evanescence was their everything because of the band’s posts and releases for Fallen’s 20th anniversary…
and people like me who still obsessively listen to Evanescence nearly everyday and are trying to convince themselves to ignore all financial responsibilities and drop $200+ for the new merch and deluxe packages coming out.
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I remember when this fucking gif was made and all over deviant art you guys idk what to do
I don’t even HAVE a vinyl record player…
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starryevermore · 3 years
the blaze of the sun ✧ ikaris
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Ikarus x reader (icarus?) idk I’m sorry: Him and reader having a domestic day and making brownies together and all that fluff then reader questions why and he has to tell the truth that the worlds ending in 5 days (but doesn’t say he murdered Ajak) and readers happy he spent time with her but he then kills her like ajak to not have a painful death then the ending happens and realises the reader could’ve been safe and alive if he hadn’t of killed her? Sorry for the long winded message. - anon
pairing: ikaris x fem!reader
summary: in which ikaris loved, and in which ikaris lost. 
word count: 2,497
warnings?: a teensy bit of fluff, major angst, major character death, assisted suicide (not explicitly described), not proofread
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Ikaris once thought that he would never love again. After he and Sersi had separated, he never expected to find love again. And why would he? Of the Eternals, Sersi was the only one he would ever love. And of the humans...Well, he never cared for them the way that Sersi did. The only reason he was on Earth was for the mission. He was to fight the Deviants and to wait for Arishem’s orders to return home. He never developed an attachment to them like Sersi did. 
And why should he? The human life was fleeting. He knew he would outlive them. He knew that he would remain the same as they got older. It was not worth the ache or the pain to become attached. And when Ajak told him that their true mission was to ensure the Emergence of the New Celestial? He knew better than to even think of caring about humans beyond his mission. 
That is, until he met you. After he and Sersi separated, Ikaris spent a lot of time alone. He almost preferred being alone. If he couldn’t be with the woman he loved, why would he bother with anyone else? So, he traveled, explored all of the corners of the Earth. Eventually, he found himself a sleepy little town. There was nothing particularly exciting about it. Nothing that drew him in. But as he was beginning to leave, he saw you. 
He didn’t like small towns, if he was being honest. Though, if he was truly being honest, he didn’t like anywhere on Earth. The sooner he could leave, the better. But he especially didn’t like small towns. Nobody gossiped quite like people in small towns with nothing else to do and, even if he tried to blend in, he still stuck out like a sore thumb. It was best he leave before people got too suspicious of him. So, when he was sure that no one was paying him any attention, he got ready to fly off and find somewhere else to go. 
“Careful!” you said, grabbing him by the arm, tugging him out of the street just before a car he didn’t notice before came speeding by. 
Ikaris looked over at you and froze. Was this what it felt like to be human? To look at someone and think of everything you could have with them? 
“You could say thank you,” you said. Your voice, it was almost teasing. A soft smile, a sort of glint in your eye that made him want to stay and he wasn’t quite sure why. 
“Thank you,” he said. “I, erm, can I take you out for coffee? To thank you?”
And when he saw you smile, he understood why all of the poets and the playwrights wrote about love. “I would like that. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“I’m Ikaris.”
“Like the guy who flew too close to the sun?”
He chuckled, remembering the story Sprite had told when they lived in Athens. “Yeah. Something like that.”
Falling in love with you was as easy, as natural, as flying. You were a writer, he learned. Preferred the quieter things in life. You lived on the edge of town, didn’t come out that often. You had a good heart, though. So when you saw what you thought might have been his death (even though he knew he would be fine even if he was hit by that car), you didn’t hesitate to save him. Maybe that was the beauty of humans. Or maybe that was the beauty of you. 
He couldn’t be alone anymore. Not when he knew someone as wonderful, as amazing as you. He fell hard, and he fell fast, and he was okay with that. 
And when you loved him too...It felt like everything would be okay, even if he knew that he would outlive you. He didn’t care, though. For the first time in a long time, it felt like he was living. And he didn’t ever want to let you go. 
But as time wore on, he knew he would have to say goodbye. He could only hope that that day came before the Emergence. That he wouldn’t have to lose you like that, knowing that succeeding his mission brought about your end. He wasn’t sure he could live with that. When Thanos snapped away half the universe, he was sure he wouldn’t have to see that day. Perhaps he could see you live a long, healthy life after all. 
After the Avengers defeated Thanos, though, and half of the universe returned, he knew that the Emergence would soon happen. He went to visit Ajak, and he learned that she, like Sersi, had developed an affinity for the humans. And he understood it, in a way. Maybe he would feel different if he felt as strongly about the human race as he did towards you. But...he still couldn't give up his mission. He had to see it through to the end. 
When he returned home, he decided that he would make your final days as comfortable he could manage. Make sure that you were happy. That you knew that you were loved. He couldn’t save you, but he could make sure you were at peace. 
He woke you up to breakfast in bed, making sure that he had made all of your favorites. Even went out and got a pretty bouquet of your favorite flowers. Pressed soft kisses around your face, punctuating each kiss with a soft “I love you”. 
As you ate, he couldn’t stop himself from staring at you. Every time you asked if there was something wrong, if you had something on your face, he would just say that he was admiring a work of art. He couldn’t tell you that he was trying to burn the image of you into his mind. 
After you got ready, he asked if you would like to make brownies together. It had been so long, and he missed the days where you would make a mess in the kitchen. Well, when he would make a mess and you would gaze over fondly, saying that he was an absolute menace with all the tenderness you could afford.
He almost thought you didn’t suspect anything. But, as he fed you one of the brownies, you pulled away from him, saying just above a whisper, “Are you going to tell me what’s bothering?”
“Nothing is bothering me.” He didn’t want to worry you. 
“I’m not stupid,” you said, frowning. “I know something’s on your mind. Did something happen when you visited Ajak? You’ve been acting different since you came back.”
And he couldn’t lie to you. Not when he was going to soon lose you. 
“I’m an Eternal. I came to Earth seven thousand years ago with the other Eternals to protect humans from the Deviants. We killed them all five centuries ago and have been waiting.” He didn’t like lying to you, because they hadn’t killed all of the Deviants. 
“Waiting for what?” In a world where there were super soldiers and wizards and aliens defending from the sky, it wasn’t a surprise to you that something like this would be real. But...You didn’t like the worried look it put on Ikaris’s face. 
“The Emergence. A seed was planted in Earth. Soon, the seed will hatch and a Celestial will be born.”
Your brows furrowed together. “But, if the seed must hatch...The planet will be destroyed.”
“And everyone on it,” he said. He looked away. It hurt to look at you, to know that he would soon lose you. But, he also wanted to relish the few moments he had left with you, so he looked back at you once more. “The Emergence is going to happen in five days.”
“And that’s why you’ve been so kind the last few days. Because I’m going to die in five days.”
He nodded. “I can’t stop the Emergence. No one can. But, I wanted to make sure that your last moments were happy ones.”
You reached up, taking his face in your hands. His eyes fluttered shut, leaning into your touch. He wanted to remember this. He wanted to remember how soft your skin was, how you smelled so sweet, how you always looked at him with pure adoration in your eyes. If he could remember anything about his time on Earth, he wanted to remember this. “Thank you.”
Ikaris leaned down, his lips brushing over yours. “I don’t want to lose you. Not like that.” He pulled away, feelings tears prick at his eyes. “I’ve known the Emergence would happen, but I...I hoped it wouldn’t be in your lifetime. I thought I would get to see you grow old. I hoped you would. I don’t want you to die like this.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment. Then two. Then— “You don’t have to.”
“You don’t understand. Nothing can stop the Emergence. Earth has to be destroyed in order for life throughout the universe to flourish.”
“I understand that. But...I don’t know. I can...die before then. It’s inevitable, isn’t it? I’m...going to die soon, anyways. But at least I could, I don’t know, take my death into my own hands. Go peacefully, or at least as peacefully as a person can when they know the world is going to end.”
“Y/N—” He didn’t want to do this. It already felt like he’d died when he killed Ajak. If he played a part in your death...He wouldn’t know what to do with himself. But, if it could give you peace in your final moments...It might be worth it. 
“It’ll be okay, Ikaris. It will.”
You laid together in bed, you nestled in his arms. He put on your favorite movie, but it was just noise in the background. You were looking up at him, a sleepy look in your eyes. You were going soon, he could tell. He couldn’t bear to tear his eyes away. 
“Tell me a story,” you whispered. 
“Once upon a time,” he said, “there was a man, who wasn’t quite a man. Not in the human sense, anyway. He was a very lonely man. For a long time, he only worked to complete a mission he was given. He didn’t for anything else. But one day, he met this amazing woman. She was everything he wasn’t. Kind, considerate, so full of love. And he knew that his life would never be the same. He fell for her, and for some reason, she fell for him, too. And, when he was with her, for the first time ever, he didn’t feel so lonely anymore.”
You had stopped listening, because you couldn’t listen anymore. As he heard your breathing slow, your heart coming to a stop, he knew that you were gone. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forward, a tear slipping out as he felt your skin already begin to grow cold. 
“I will always love you,” he whispered. 
Slowly, he unwound himself from you. But he couldn’t leave you just laying there. Though it didn’t do anything for you, he pulled the covers over top of you, tucking you in, pressing another kiss to your forehead. He gently closed your eyes, and he whispered his goodbyes. 
But as he began to walk out of the house, something caught his eye. You had been working on your newest novel, and you had kept the story very close to your chest. You wouldn’t tell him anything about it, saying you wanted it to be a surprise. But there on your desk laid a printed copy of the manuscript. Swallowing thickly, he picked it up and choked out a sob. 
Working Title: The Blaze of the Sun
He set the papers down. He couldn’t read them, knowing that you had poured your love for him into the pages. He almost felt like he didn’t deserve it. Not when it was his mission that killed you. 
He had to leave. 
Ikaris left for London to reunite with Sprite and Sersi. The Deviants were back, after all, and Ikaris had to make sure that all of the Eternals were ready for the Emergence to happen. 
But, the strangest thing happened. When the others learned of the Emergence...They wanted to stop it. They grew attached to the humans. They wanted to find another way. 
He couldn’t understand it. This was what they were made for. This was what their mission was. They all used to be so loyal to the mission, loyal to Arishem. What had changed in the thousand of years they had been separated? In the end, Sprite was the only one who stood by his side.
But, really, in the end...They did it. They managed to stop the Emergence. And he stood on the beach, looking at what they had done, it felt like his entire world was collapsing in on itself. 
They had stopped it. 
The world didn’t end. 
Humanity was saved. 
Humanity was saved, but you were gone. 
You were gone and it was all his fault.
He had killed you. He had told you there was no other way. You decided to die, because you believed in him and what he said. You didn’t know that he would be proven wrong. That the Emergence would be stopped. And he killed you. 
You could’ve been safe. 
You could still be alive. 
But he killed you. 
His mouth felt dry as he thought about it, remembering the way you had looked at him, the way you had whispered to him that you loved him. You thought so highly of him and he was the reason you were gone. 
Ikaris now knew that he could never love again. And he would never want to love again. Because he had loved and he lost it and there was no one left to blame but himself. 
He thought back to what you had written— 
There once was a boy who flew too close to the sun. Or, at least, that’s what everyone said. It was a cautionary tale parents told their children. Don’t fly too high, or else you might lose your wings and fall. But if you asked the boy, he would tell you that there was no better feeling than being enveloped by the blaze of the sun.
Maybe there was some truth there. Maybe there was some comfort still left to be found. 
And maybe he just owed it to you, to be able to say there was no better feeling than being enveloped by the blaze of the sun. And, if he was being honest, there was nothing left for him on Earth. Not without you. So, without another word, he looked at his fellow Eternals before flying straight into the sun. 
And so there he would stay until the ache of losing you dulled, if it ever would.
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missblissy · 3 years
Human Alastor x reader playing Bowling? (Idk i just like that type of date hhaha) Maybe just them or maybe with friends
((>W>.............................. js I hate bowling. But I love you nonny, so for you..... I made this. ENJOY!! Sorry for the wait *cries*))
How goes bowling these days? Is that even still a thing? And why would anyone want to go bowling other than to drink? But no one drinks have the time... people just go for the pin and balls. Maybe it had to do with long and round phallic objects and balls rolling around. Regardless, your friends had dragged you to go bowling for whatever reason. And you decided to drag Alastor along because if you had to suffer, so did your boyfriend. It was also a bonus that he got along with your friends as well... some of them at least.
It was Charlie's idea mostly. She was someone who always wanted to go out and try new things. It was something she lived by apparently because this week's new activity was bowling at one of those dark neon allies with an arcade built-in. Charlie managed to talk her girlfriend, Vaggie, into coming too. Angel came because he also assumed there would be drinks but found out there wasn't a damn bar inside. You honestly had no idea how or why Husk was even there because he was completely and entirely miserable. If you had to guess it had something to do with you forcing Alastor to come.
Anyways, you and your little group of friends had found themselves staring down an alley with those silly little shoes on. Angel wouldn't wear his though, he wouldn't let their piss shade of yellow clash with his outfit.
You were sitting in plastic chairs next to Angel as you watched Charlie and Alastor go up next. You had two lanes so they went together. Angel sat next to you, he grabbed an arm behind you on the back of your chair and leaned in, "Five bucks says Allie gets the gutter," He whispered loud enough for Alastor to hear. You giggled as you saw your boyfriend's brow twitch and ignore the comment.
There was a second there that you were tempted to say something back to Angel but you were interrupted by the loud clash and computer saying "Strike!" You looked up and saw that Charlie was still holding her bowling ball. But walking away with a smirk on his face, Alastor's smug pride gleamed off him. The shock on everyone's face only made him boast to himself even more. When did Alastor find the time to get good at bowling.
As he sat down next to you, he threw Angel's arm away from you and replaced it with his own, though he was sure to wrap his fingers around your shoulder and bring you closer to him. He never liked Angel, and he was always so overly protective when it came to you anyways, so it wasn't welcomed that the boy was so close to you. Even if he was a guy. Competition is competition, it doesn't matter who they are, Alastor didn't like sharing you. Period.
"How... Did you do that?" You asked him.
Alastor shrugged and watched as Charlie threw her bowling ball right into the gutter, "I'm perfect at everything I do, dear." That was supposed to be satire.
Angel rolled his eyes and with a huff, he crossed his arms, "You can't fuck." He deadpanned.
Instincts kicked in and you ducked seconds before Alastor nearly climbed over you and punched Angel in the face. He missed and got him in the shoulder instead.
"Leave Alastor and his fuckless life alone," Husk said as he got up from his seat, "Some people are just better than the rest of us sexual deviants," He took his turn bowling soon after saying that. Vaggie went next as well. She choose to keep her mouth shut on all this.
But even Charlie had something to say, "Come on guys," She awkwardly waved her hands, trying to calm everyone down, "If you're going to fight take it outside this time. I don't want to get kicked out of another place of business..."
"He won't fight me, he'd know I'd deck him in the head and give 'em a one-two combo real quick like last time." Angel reminded everyone, and you all collectively remembered Angel clocked Alastor in the face at a bar after a heated argument. Alastor went out like a light and broke his nose on the way down. You looked at him and saw the little kink in his nose from that night.
You sighed and reached down into your pocket and pulled out your wallet. You grabbed a random twenty and handed it to Angel, "I'll give you this and two cigs if you go outside for ten minutes."
Angel gave you a snotty look, somewhat offended that you'd even offer such a thing. But he knitted his brows, snatched your twenty-dollar bill, and stole two cigarettes from the pack you left laying next to you on your seat, "I'm gonna find a bar on this fucking street- I'll be back later, losers."
You could still feel the rage simmer off Alastor even after Angel left. Though you didn't have time to say anything to him. It was your turn to go up. And now that Angel was gone, you didn't want to go up there and make a fool of yourself alone... Half your plan was to have Angel bowl next to you so that no one would notice how bad you were.
"Um-" You said as everyone waited for you to go, "I'd...uh... Um. I don't know hooow-" You were cut off as Alastor quickly got up and pulled you up with him.
He dragged you to the lane and got a bowling ball for you, "Hold this," He said. You noticed his anger from before had all but melted away. Alastor gave you a charming smile and stood beside you, "Copy me. Like when we dance."
You blinked at him a few times then did was he said. He held his hand up, pretending he had a ball. You copied him and did the same. He brought his hands to his chest, stepped forward, swung his arm back then forward again. You smiled at him and did the same, but you actually threw a ball. It rumbled down the lane and crashed into a couple pins. At least you didn't get the gutter.
"See? That easy," Alastor smiled at you. He place a hand on your arm and pressed a kiss on your cheek. He grabbed your hand in his and asked, "Do you want to see if they have any vending machines in the arcade? We can get some snacks?" Which was code for do you want to sneak away for a second?
"Sure," You quickly agreed while locking your fingers with his. The two of you scurried off with him. The second you were out of eyesight and safe behind a wall, Alastor gave you a more proper kiss.
He pulled away and asked, "Why did we come again?"
You shrugged, "Charlie asked." You simply said.
Alastor let out a huff then started walking with you towards the vending machines, "You can't really say no to someone like her..."
As you pulled out a few loose coins from your pocket and slipped them into the machine you laughed, "No, you can't." You both dearly loved your friendship with Charlie... But she could be a bit bossy sometimes.
The two of you collected an arm full of snacks and started walking back together, "Well, I say when we get home, we have a proper date."
You laughed and even lost a few snacks. You picked them up quickly and said, "You mean you cook us dinner and we watch a movie? That's not a proper date either, ya know."
Alastor smirked at you then nudged his arm into yours with a grin, "It is too because it'll be just us. Alone."
You rolled your eyes but still chuckled to yourself, "Alright, alright," You said, "What do you want to watch?"
He shrugged, "Don't care. I just want to make fried rice tonight."
You let out a huff of a laugh and passed out a snack to each of your friends while Alastor gave them a drink of some kind, "Fine. But I'm picking a TV show then because I just started watching something on Netflix."
"Aw, are you guys leaving?" Charlie asked with way too much sadness on her face.
"No, no-" You waved a hand slightly, "Alastor just doesn't think this is a proper date, so he has to make one up at home."
"What do you mean this isn't a proper date?" Vaggie threw a hand in the air, "All of us brought our partners! I mean- Angel left... So Husk is more like a third wheel at this point. This definitely counts as a group date or whatever."
"Call me old-fashioned, but you don't bring your friends on a date and there is no such thing as a group date," Alastor said as he cracked open a can of cola.
"What about a double date?" Husk asked from his seat while he tore open a bag of chips.
"This isn't a double date and even then those aren't real dates either. You're supposed to be somewhere nice, havea nice meal, share a few drinks. Share some stories and laughs with the one person you're interested in courting, then call it a night, done!" Alastor smiled to himself while everyone else collectively sighed. He was old-fashioned. (But you liked that about him.)
"This isn't 1955, Al. You can go on a date anywhere. Like here. What about going to the zoo? Could that be a date?" Vaggie asked.
Alastor thought about it, tapped a finger to his chin then gleefully said, "Nope! That's an outing!" Several people groaned but no one went on to feed into his banter.
You did hear Husk grumble under his breath "You need to go out to go on a date," But Alastor must have not heard it or choose to not say anything.
The rest of your night there wasn't that bad either. Angel did end up coming back, but not without his arms full of booze bottles of all kinds. They didn't serve drinks here but at least Angel was wise enough to buy some solo cups too. No one was really paying attention to the bowling anymore either. (You lost, not that you cared or anything.... You did.) Instead, you and your friends had gathered around in the arcade, drinking, laughing, playing games, and picking on each other harmlessly. You enjoyed every second of it, much to your surprise. Alastor did as well, though... He still insisted on his proper date once you got home.
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bisluthq · 4 years
*WARNING Domestic violence topic* Could you explain to me why seven could sound queer?, Like I can see how many Taylor songs can be interpreted in a queer way, but with seven I can't see it, like for me it's clearly about domestic violence and the only possible queer thing I can hear it's the closet part...but in this particular case I do not think it refers to sexuality but to literally hiding form your abusive parents. Sorry if this was asked before or if it's disrespectful to ask.
So firstly let me just say that victims of abuse who hear that in the song are so valid. And I’m not here to “take away” a song that speaks to that experience. If it brings you comfort and relief, that’s amazing.
Do I think Taylor meant it as a song about domestic violence or escaping from that? Honestly, no. Because she described herself in LPSS as longing for that time in her life and talked about how she misses being able to throw tantrums and feel more freely and without judgement; in her head she’s thinking about this period in her life very fondly. Now, this is one of those death of the author moments because if you’re an abuse survivor who found comfort in this you... shouldn’t care wtf Taylor meant by it, what matters is what it means to you. Same as how if betty speaks to your sapphic teenage love triangle, it shouldn’t matter that Taylor imagined James as a boy.
But yeah, so for Taylor it was not meant to be about abuse. It was about feeling stuff more freely. And let’s take a look and examine at why it feels so fucking gay to... like... basically every queer woman.
Please picture me
In the trees
I hit my peak at seven
Okay so Taylor is setting up a narrator - presumably herself. Especially in the context of her hyperconfessional marketing and the LPSS explanation we’re literally meant to picture Tay. But tbh that doesn’t matter so much - it could be any little girl. This little girl is “in the trees”... which isn’t really where little girls are supposed to be. In these very first lines Tay is setting up a little tomboy character.... and then she says “I hit my peak at seven” - ergo this rugrat period of abandon, where I was free to play in the trees, is “my peak”. It was the best time in “my” life.
Lots of people feel that, it’s not inherently gay, but for queer women - I don’t know about other shades of queer but suspect yes - childhood often represents even greater freedom than to hets because it’s before we felt deviant. There was nothing to compare ourselves to. Sure, we might’ve played families in het couples like heteronormativity is felt by children too, but that kind of thing was largely asexual and we didn’t know yet that other people felt differently about it all.
Like I only realized I was different in late middle school and I didn’t have the word for it for ages tbh. Like I just knew I didn’t get the fuss about boys. When I was a little kid? I didn’t know what the fuss was really. It was a kind of “peak” so yeah, I feel that in my bones.
In the swing
Over the creek
I was too scared to jump in, but I, I was high
In the sky
Here we have her playing, once again with reckless abandon - she’s standing on a swing (naughty!) and swinging high over a creek. But she’s slightly nervous. I relate to that too, it’s not a gay thought it’s a little kid thought I think - because while she’s enjoying her freedom and the chance to play, there’s an awareness of the risk. That’s a lot of childhood and what makes her such a greater songwriter is how she’s able to capture these feelings we’ve all had before, in this case the rumbunctious nature of free play paired with the cautious nervousness of knowing you can fall.
With Pennsylvania under me
I mean this simple makes it more autobiographical for her, like if we didn’t know her was her that was the me , now we really do.
Are there still beautiful things?
This is speaks to her nostalgia for this time period and serves to highlight how much she misses it. She wishes she was young and innocent and had that freedom of playing in the trees and above the creek and feeling like she’s flying just because she’s standing upright on the swing. This is meant to be her “peak”.
Sweet tea in the summer
Cross your heart, won't tell no other
The first line is setting up mood again, it’s innocence and suburbia and freedom and the hot days of summer vacation. The second is a common English phrase - for the ESL folks - that means “let’s keep a secret”. It’s extremely common for little girls especially to have secrets with each other. “You’re my best friend and I’ll tell you something I haven’t told anyone else before but cross your heart you won’t tell anyone else” is the kind of thing that has probably happened at a sleepover for every woman (gay or straight). So Tay’s whispering and telling secrets to her best friend aged seven in the heat of the summer and the neat rhymes kinda remind me of those clapping games you play as a kid.
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
Again, I think this isn’t specific to gay kids necessarily - it’s that idea of having lifelong affection for your first best friend even when you don’t know where they are, can’t imagine them in adulthood, maybe can’t even remember their surname and frankly don’t really want to or care... but you still have warm feelings towards them.
Your braids like a pattern
Love you to the moon and to Saturn
So the friend is a girl. And here’s where the non wlw readers will have to work with me a little bit because as I’ve explained before a very common, enteral part of the queer female experience is obsession with other girls’ femininities. We notice things like hair and clothes and makeup on girls far more than straight girls seem to and waaay more than het guys do. A friend of mine who is v butch noticed like minor shit that any of us change in our appearance. Describing in detail a girl’s appearance feels - on a gut level - pretty gay. Now this isn’t a detailed description, but she links this physical trait - this pretty, braided hair her friend has - to loving her.
Now, she is a child in this story. This isn’t a sexual kind of thing in the child’s mind. She’s obviously not “in love” with her friend aged seven. But she is saying her deep, overwhelming love for her friend is inextricably linked - via rhyme scheme - to her feminine appearance.
This incredibly close, quasi homoerotic friendship is a near universal wlw experience and I’m sorry but it differs from straight girls’ close friendships because it’s... a lot. It is “love you to the moon and to Saturn” and obsessing over her clothes and hair and little habits.
And there’s no vocab for this, nothing to prepare you for it and nobody bats an eye because little girls are supposed to be friends with one another but like... you’re way overinvested and often that other girl isn’t and starts to drift away because she isn’t having this language free connection and it’s legit heartbreaking.
Passed down like folk songs
The love lasts so long
This childhood friendship becomes an anecdote, a moment of folkloric storytelling, but it never completely fades away and tapping into this first - not quite sexual but very sapphic - experience is super easy.
And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad and that must be why
And I think you should come live with
Me and we can be pirates
This sets up the narrative some people - I understand where y’all are coming from and I am here for it - hear of domestic abuse. The thing is, it’s not Tay’s character who is getting abused. Tay is a small child - and she’s envious of and nostalgic for that era of her life, when she thought that her best best best friend’s asshole dad was simply reacting to ghosts. It speaks to an innocence her character has which may not be shared by her friend, the girl with the braids.
But Tay is innocent and she says “come with me” and run away so we can be pirates together. Now, on a very basic and superficial pop culture level it’s worth noting Keira Knightley in POTC is pretty fundamental to any queer millennial woman’s sexual awakening. However, that’s not what Tay’s referencing here. She’s saying, at least on some level, let’s run away and be gender nonconforming. Again, she’s a small child. She doesn’t know why she wants that. But she doesn’t tell her friend “let’s run away and be princesses” - she wants to be a pirate. It links to the first scene in the song of her being a tomboy in the trees and on the swing, honestly. There were also a number of cross dressing female pirates, many of whom were gay back in the day so it’s a subtle nod to how a lot of childhood fantasies actually are rooted in possible historical fact.
But also come on, every queer girl wanted to be a pirate idk why really we just did. Like I say I can explain it as a desire not to conform to gender norms but it’s also just... another weirdly common fantasy that she’s tapping into.
Like idk this song is so fucking gay and it’s not trying to be but every line is just... felt in my bones. Like little me is seen by this song.
Then you won't have to cry
Or hide in the closet
This is obvi the line people go on about and look. The friend’s dad is clearly an asshole like that’s established. But the line has a double meaning. She’s saying if you run away with me to be a pirate on the high seas you won’t have to cry anymore and you won’t hide in the closet. It’s an innocent thought but it’s also a double meaning, right? You won’t be abused, you won’t be sad. And you’ll be with me out of the closet. It could’ve been “hide under the bed” or “behind the curtains”. But she picked closet. And that word gives this verse a second meaning, which is particularly palpable given as I say this is a very gay song from a thematic standpoint.
And just like a folk song
Our love will be passed on
Again, this is a deeeeep love. This is someone she wants to run away with. And she probably doesn’t know why, she probably doesn’t have the words. She’s a little kid. But this friend of hers is the person she wants to rescue and run away with and be together with even though she - Tay - is pretty content otherwise. In fact, she longs for this time in her life. It was full of beautiful things. And yet despite being happy, she was willing to drop it all for her little female friend she was clearly preoccupied with.
Please picture me
In the weeds
Before I learned civility
I used to scream
Any time I wanted
I, I
Again, this reiterates she is nostalgic for this time period. It was a good time in Taylor’s life. It was a time when she could be herself, before she had learned civility and what was expected from her by society. Which ties back to that thing I said right in the beginning, about how this first quasi sapphic friendship is cherished by queer women because we didn’t know it was weird. We hadn’t “learned civility” yet. We could scream, we could run around and climb trees, and we could ask our friends to run away with us not knowing those thoughts didn’t occur to them with the same intensity.
Sweet tea in the summer
Cross my heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
We’ve discussed this already. It’s still queer coded to me.
Pack your dolls and a sweater
We'll move to India forever
Passed down like folk songs
Our love lasts so long
So she’s once again cementing the fact that this is a little female friend with the dolls, and again suggests running away together and says even though none of that happened and she grew up and realized this... was actually a fairly specific experience not a universal universal one and she learned civility and heteronormativity but this foundational, pure, innocent gay love... will always remain in its complete innocuous harmlessness but immense power.
And so, yeah. This song is probably Taylor’s gayest shortly followed by Treacherous.
But if it means something else to you, I’m by no means taking it away. Anyone can enjoy her music in any way they like.
It’s just weird that most queer women feel their childhood selves are completely seen by this song if it was a complete accident 🤷🏻‍♀️
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vecna · 5 years
Oohh for the fandom meme! Dragon Age?
Send me a fandom!
Oh boy, this is going to be spicy.
It’s also very Anders-negative, so apologies up front.
The character(s) I first fell in love with:
I’m actually not sure which was the FIRST, but it’s a tie between Morrigan and Alistair. I saw fanart of them going around at the time Origins first released, and that’s what got me to try the game! 
Alistair was a breath of fresh air, because at the time, I was used to warrior men in games being all Edgy and Rough, and he was the total opposite and a sweetheart.
And Morrigan was just instantly my goth wife, and had Claudia Black as a VA, so I was sold immediately.
Both still hold a special place for me!
The character(s) I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Loghain is the main one. He does a lot of truly reprehensible shit in the first game. But once I sat down and read the prequel novels about young Loghain, plus saw what he’s like if you recruit him, he grew on me A LOT and now he’s a top fave.
Nathaniel I expected to hate as soon as I saw his name + who his father was, but then the expansion came out and I ended up loving that dude almost immediately. I really wish he was around more after Awakening, and also really wish he’d been a romance option, especially for a Cousland haha.
Merrill is a weird one because she was totally uninteresting to me in DA:O, so when they announced her as a companion in DA2 I was like, “Ehhhh.” Then they punked me by making her adorable and sweet and now I love her.
Plus a bunch of side-characters like The Architect? I liked him a bunch in the novel + Awakening – although I found his Plan in the novel much more appealing. But as the years have gone by, I keep surprising myself at just HOW disappointed I am he’s never appeared again haha.
The character(s) everyone else loves that I don’t:
There’s a few, and all of them will get me yelled at, but here we go.
First: Isabela. This one’s a bit complicated, but it really just boils down to her attitude towards how you play your character. I actively dislike characters who are super sexual – regardless of gender. But Isabela in particular bothers me because she’s constantly pushing her lewdness and sexual humor on you, and when you try to discourage it, she admonishes you with, “Well, you’re no fun.” Her whole character is just… like that for me. Super pushy, overly lewd, gets uppity when you don’t have the same ~liberated~ opinions she does, and this is all played up in the writing like she’s this Empowered Woman the player absolutely must love, especially if they’re playing a male character lol. I hate her for the same reasons a lot of people hate Liara in Mass Effect, but with the addition of pushy lewd jokey characters always rubbing me the wrong way.
Second: Iron Bull. I’ve written a lot about why he makes me more uncomfortable than any fictional character I’ve ever encountered, and I just outright hate him, he makes my skin crawl. If you want details, feel free to DM me, I don’t really want to rant about it again publicly.
Third: Anders. Again, I’ve written a lot about him before, but. I hated him in Awakening, for a lot of the same reasons I hate Isabela in DA2. But the changes they made to him in DA2 are just kinda :/. While I absolutely agree with him about Mage Rights, the level of preachiness they added to him drove me nuts, and the fact that you’re painted as a Bad Guy if you don’t like him blowing up the chantry. And from a purely OOC standpoint: He’s become a figurehead for all the aggressive Discourse people in the fandom, and if I see someone list Anders in their sidebar bio, I know pre-emptively that their blog is going to be full of 6 page long essays of meta about how everything is Problematic, and no thanks.
To a lesser extent, I’m also not fond of Zevran. But in his case, it’s not anything major like the others, I’m just tired of Bioware’s habit of making the bisexual characters overly lewd sex-focused rogues/deviants.
The character(s) I love that everyone else hates:
Loghain, lol.
But also Sebastian Vael? There’s so much about him that I find genuinely fascinating, especially regarding his backstory, and his struggles between his feelings of responsibility to his family vs his dedication to the Chantry and bettering himself. He’s such a dear character to me, and such a pivotal part of any playthrough, I’m always blown away when I remember he’s a DLC character and many people don’t have him.
HOWEVER Anders being the fandom darling means that people tend to unfairly shit on Sebastian for reacting poorly to the Chantry explosion. People also like to label him as a poster child of a White Straight Church Boy, while refusing to acknowledge he’s… not straight, and not exactly a church boy either lol.
Also Vivienne, but I think that one’s really self-explanatory. I love her, and she gives a really needed perspective on the Circle, since most of the mage companions previously were apostates. But of course, she gets written off as a Chantry apologist, and an uppity bitch, when people would def love her for the same traits if she was not black lol.
The character(s) I used to love but don’t any longer:
Justice. And by extension, Anders. A lot of people like to rant about how Justice ruined Anders, but I always saw it the other way around.Justice was my favorite character in Awakening. The whole concept around him, that he was a Fade spirit who took human form and was experiencing life for the first time was SO fascinating. I felt like there was so much to explore there with his character.
Buuuut then they had him merge with Anders. With the narrative being that he WAS a spirit of Justice, but the moment he connected with Anders, it corrupted his entire spirit into something he wasn’t anymore. So essentially, the character I used to love no longer exists, thanks to Anders. And it reminds me of that phrase recently, about how the destination is so terrible you can no longer enjoy the journey? I can’t even appreciate Justice in Awakening anymore, knowing what happens to him.
To a lesser extent, Corypheus. He was SO COOL and the premise of him was AMAZING when he first appeared in the DA2 DLC, but then Inquisition had to go and turn him into a weird shallow mustache twirl villain.
The character(s) I would totally smooch:
None? Idk I don’t really have the Smooch Fictional Character gene.
The character(s) I’d want to be like:
MAEVARIS TILANI. May I one day finally have the confidence in my identity that she does, and also marry a sweet bear man who adores me.
The character(s) I’d slap:
Too many to list, really. Probably Anders.
The pairing(s) that I love:
THERE’S SO MANY. And most of them are with the PC, because I generally don’t ship NPCs together. But my top 3 are:
M!Hawke / Fenris is my ultimate OTP in the Dragon Age series, by a long-shot. Not even sure where to start on how much I love it, but two damaged guys leaning on each other to work through their respective loneliness and trauma is MY JAM. And lmao I love silver-sideburned Hawke chillin in retirement somewhere but being a supportive husband while Fenris goes off hunting the Bad Guys, it’s great.
Solas / Lavellan is a close second, with the caveat that I increasingly prefer it with a male Lavellan. Having the Inquisitor in love with Solas just changes the entire tone of the game for me, for the better, and him actually being the villain trying to end the world while in love with this normie elf is just (chef kiss). Too bad I’m burned out by how overly spammed it is.
Dorian / Inquisitor is in third, I will just always be fond of how it’s a story of the Inquisitor helping Dorian be happy with who he is, escape an abusive family, and realize that he’s allowed to be loved. Good shit good shit.
Some others:
Warden / Morrigan is probably my favorite Origins ship, and that only intensified with the way she talks about the Warden in Inquisition, esp if they’re Kieran’s other parent. What a cute goth family, regardless of the Warden’s gender, cause you can pry Bi Morrigan from my cold dead fingers.
Cassandra / Inquisitor might have a lot of Romance Cliches, but I adore it – although, similar others, I increasingly prefer it with a female Inquisitor. I actively dislike the weird no-homo rejection with her, and come on, a lady Inquisitor being her Knight In Shining Armor is just good storytelling.
Cullen / Inquisitor, for a lot of the same reasons as Cassandra. I love me a cliche romance, but I’m also fond of the narrative w/ him of someone he loves helping him heal through the lyrium withdrawals and take time to rest.
Josephine / F!Inquisitor is just adorable all around, and wholesome, and great.
On the rarepair end:
Sebastian / Hawke doesn’t seem like it would be a rarepair – you’d think everyone who loves Cullen/Inquisitor would love this one too. I do! But alas. That said, I’m also pretty aggro about this one with a male Hawke because SEBASTIAN IS CANON BI. WHY WAS HIS ROMANCE STRAIGHT.
Maric / Loghain is a rarepair I will take with me to my grave LOL. Never forget the scene where Maric thought Loghain was leaving, and bolted across the camp with almost no clothes on to beg Loghain to stay. Come on.
Nathaniel / Cousland is dear to me, and I love it so much more than Alistair / Cousland haha.
Greagoir / Wynne, I can’t believe this got validated in canon ahhhh.
The pairing(s) that I despise:
Iron Bull / Dorian is my least fave by a longshot. Again, I have written about why I hate this pairing a great many times, but it’s awful and toxic and makes me deeply uncomfortable, and I could happily go the rest of my life without seeing anything about it ever again. Please keep poor Dorian away from that man. He deserves someone that doesn’t sexually harass him until he’s finally worn down into dubious consent (while drunk) and then outted to everyone about it.
Isabela / Fenris. Sorry, but it’s just bad writing that Fenris bails on Hawke because the physical intimacy triggered his PTSD and he needs space to process, but then will turn around and have a casual sex relationship with Isabela instead. Yikes.
Anders / Fenris. Aveline / Isabela. Alistair / Morrigan. All of the DA2 Hawke/companion rivalmances. I don’t enjoy “these two people hate and antagonize and want to kill each other… but they fuck” in any form.
Cullen / Amell. Yikes.
And basically ALL of the canon wlw pairings in this series suffer from the fact they have men writing them, and as a result they’re almost always some kind of abusive or racist, and skeeve me out. See: Celene / Briala, Leliana / Marjolaine, Branka / Hespith, etc. Please Bioware, I’m begging you to consult some actual queer women. It’s insane how badly they’re treated compared to how the canon mlm couples are written.
FINALLY, I recognize this will be the most unpopular of all, but. As much as I love M!Hawke/Fenris, I just honestly cannot stand seeing F!Hawke/Fenris. There are some pairings where I’m so attached to the m/m or f/f version, I cannot deal with the m/f version anymore, and that’s one of them. (The others are mainly non-Bioware.)
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Hey i got a question What made you start this whole drawing thing?
Well... I wanted to answer this ask today cuz heh ik is a stupid milestone but idek what will happen in the future so...
2 years (and a month) ago i started my tumblr account (though i like tumblr more than Deviant Art cuz of Asks thingy and plus that was was getting annoying every time i tried post something on D.A. Idek why) so this question is really something..
I used to be a gaming kind of kid with no social skills and only gaming friends, my English was just basic (enough to talk and maybe swear -. _-.) so when my pc got weak for the games that got constantly updated.. I had no choice then to stop playing tf2 and other games like that.. Making me lose interest (and before anything! I gotta say! I hated drawing! Cuz well i saw it boring and cuz i had no inspiration).. So since fnaf series was at it's forth game, gotta say i tried making my oc without drawing him and i managed to! First was on a Minecraft server
Back then i was just making uhh cringe drawing of fnaf characters in high school (actually i wasn't in high school when i done the building in mc of my "oc") and trying to fuse nightmare foxy.. With hhh every other oc like foxy with chica but no gradient sometimes like lego i don't know where the drawings are but if you guys wanna see, i will try find em. Well after lots of playing on Minecraft and many days of just watching YouTube gamers, with a month before i entered grade 8 (like june? August? Ik it shows down on my profile roblox the date i created the account) i started playing roblox! And first game on there was Vampire hunters 2 and was so fun! There i met Mangle! Who given me a funny moment xD she thought i was a boy (cuz mostly i pretend to be one in games) and was having a crush on me, was honestly cute. Then i think in September i started playing on roblox, animatronic world : adventure edition, i honestly tried to go as close as i could to my idea of how my oc would look like and ended up like this
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Well was a start... And after a few days of playing and well making up a story like "this is Foxy The NightSoul and he is cursed by idek" then for a while i roleplayed with a friend i lost connection named Goblin... Idr the rest of his name and with someone else who named their oc DemonBear, and welp there was a start of a story about a tortured soul, then Yoxxy The LightSoul was made who back then was called only Light cuz.. Eh limited mind, then i meet VixieCookie100 who well i role-played almost every day X3 and i can tell ya, no matter how bullied i was back then at school, i was mostly excited about the story we both made! (besides that she her oc Faded Killed Axayt and left him bodyless ^^;) was like the Knight and the Princess, honestly if i could remember everything i would tell ya guys! Well when she wasn't around i was randomly killing ocs in random rps i was getting into hehe... Then i meet Losty! Hehe and from there well i wanna say now short, my life was kinda changing! I was never suicidal and i thought back then that suicide is a stupid thing! ( clearly younger me would beat me up for becoming suicidal - w-") well i made lots of friends who i still talk to and to finally answer the anon ask! I loved my friends ocs and i wanted to bring them to life, back then my favorite youtubers was Crynight, Xboxgamerk, MrBreino, shgurr, Bonnie Bunny(GoldBox), Zajcu37, and many more! I was looking forward to animate in SFM but eh... I was having a bad pc.. So! Since i got more and more excited about their ocs and how amazing they were plus i loved my friends cuz they were always there for me back then.. Even now they still are and i appreciate it QwQ so i started drawing cuz of them! They inspired me so much! My first drawings was my ocs cuz... Ehh i had to start somehow... Then i tried drew them! And honestly Losty... Bunnies are damn hard to start draw when ya don't know almonst nothing about anatomy xD
So straight answer! My reason for starting drawing are my Friends! More specifically my old ones from roblox who are still with me QwQ like @riccidev (cuz the others i don't think they have a blog and they do, idk them cuz they rarely used them?? I guess)
Plus here is the redraw of this! (bonus a demon bird.. Thing..)
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pb1138 · 5 years
Friends of Red Jack Ch. 1
NAME IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!! This is a Detroit Become Human story, Markus x OC. 
A/N: Instead of this being over the course of a few days, I’m spreading it out over months. It makes more sense that that’s how long it would take, anyway, I feel. I also really, really don’t like North, and I’m not going to apologize. 
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This can’t be happening. Simon’s been shot, there’s no way he can make the jump. Fuck. This was supposed to be an easy run, in and out no problems. Of course it couldn’t have been that simple. If only that station worker hadn’t run for it… If only I’d—NO. Markus shook it off. He would not allow himself to think like that, no matter how vehemently North tended to whisper in his ear.
Markus stared down at his friend, at the blue blood seeping onto the ground. They were going to have to leave him, that much was clear. North was insisting that he can’t be left alive, that it would give away their location, and part of Markus knew she was right. If Simon were to be found, that would be it, the end of it, of them. But this was Simon. His friend. Their ally. A living being. Markus had sworn when all this began that he’d never kill a living being.
“I can hide him.” Their heads snapped up at the voice, guns quick to take aim. It was a woman, a human, and Markus vaguely recognized her from the broadcast room. She raised her hands calmly in a non-threatening display. “You don’t have that much time. Your friend, he won’t make your escape. I can hide him.”
“And why should we trust you?” North waved her gun as she talked, then leaned in to whisper at Markus, “She’s a human, Markus, we can’t trust her.”
The woman cleared her throat. “I heard what you said, on your broadcast. A-And I’ve seen the news, too. All these deviants. It’s like androids everywhere are waking up, gaining sentience, and they…you deserve to be free. I don’t want to sit by and do nothing. I want to help.”
Josh was on Markus’s other side. “If she’s telling the truth, she can protect Simon.”
“Or she can hand him over to the cops!”
The banging on the door below them grew more insistent, and Markus knew they didn’t have much more time.
The woman pulled her open jacket away from her body and spun slowly. “I’m unarmed. Give your friend a gun. He’ll have the upper hand, be safe.” She glanced at the door behind her. “You’re running out of time.”
“Markus, she’s right. I’ll go with her, but you guys have got to get going.”
Markus looked down at Simon and ground his teeth in thought. “North, get the parachutes.” As she began to protest, he spun on her and glowered. “We don’t have time, just do it!” Markus turned back to Simon, ignoring North’s bewildered and hurt face, and gave him his gun. They shared a moment, touching foreheads in a final goodbye before Markus stood and faced the woman. “Please, keep him safe.”
The woman smiled at him, kind and open, and Markus just…knew she was being earnest. “I will. Now go.”
Josh was putting the parachute onto Markus, drawing his attention from the woman who had knelt down to help Simon off the ground. As he, Josh, and North ran for the edge of the building, he cast one final look back towards where his friend had been and felt a wave of relief that the swarming security had not found him. I hope that was the right decision.
The sun shone low over the horizon as Markus sat, chilly November wind whipping about his face. It had been about two weeks since their broadcast, and it seemed the public had responded rather…well to it. This, coupled with the fact that their hits on the Cyberlife stores left no damage (beyond the stores, of course,) and no humans injured has painted Markus and his “deviant army,” so-called by more conservative news sources, in a rather good light. Josh surely approved and had in fact thanked him in private for choosing to take such a peaceful approach to it. North, on the other hand, was pissed. Markus was struggling to understand her, frankly. Their mission is to free androids and give them rights, yet it often felt like North wanted nothing more than to start an all-out war. Her bloodthirst was insatiable and quickly wearing thin on Markus. He couldn’t take more than a few breaths before she was on again about humans hating them. She’s right. Humans do tend to look unfavorably upon androids, but he knew she was taking it to the extreme. Carl was more than enough to give him a diplomatic view on the situation. Even before Markus had turned deviant, Carl had treated him with nothing but respect and kindness, as though Markus were his own true son. Truthfully, Markus had even considered Carl to be a father, now that he had the emotional capacity to look back on their interactions and read deeper into them. A pang of grief flashed through Markus as he remembered that night, recalled Carl’s groans of pain, saw once more the light fading from his eyes. I should’ve fought back… No. He shook himself. Carl would not want him to grieve, to regret his inaction. “The past should stay in the past, Markus. We must learn from it and grow, but we must not let ourselves dwell on things that cannot be changed.”
He looked down at his feet dangling so high from the ground and let his mind wander. He was surprised to find it had wandered to that woman, the human who had offered to help Simon. Part of him was worried she’d been lying, that he’d given Simon over to danger, but there was something about her he couldn’t help but trust.
North had been downright vibrating with anger after that. Once they landed and had gotten to safety, she’d shoved Markus with a scowl. “How could you have done that?” she’d screamed. “You just gave him to her! A human! Don’t you know what humans do to us?”
Markus scowled as he replayed the interaction in his head. The woman had given them no reason to doubt her, no indication that she meant any of them any harm. Her only crime was being human. If Markus were truly honest with himself, he might even admit that part of him was…curious about her.
“I was wondering where you were.”
Markus had to resist the urge to sigh. One might’ve thought that sitting alone on a rooftop away from your base of operations without having told anyone where you were going might have conveyed the idea that one might want to be alone. But here she was, again. “I just wanted to be alone.”
“I like it here. I come here often.” He stood and turned to look at her, irritation sparking in the back of his mind. “It’s like being alone with the world…” Is that what they were doing then? Cliché, cheesy attempts at romance? Never mind Markus had never given even the slightest hint he was interested in her. “We freed hundreds of our people, and they’re still coming from all over the city. Those who dream of freedom come to Jericho. Something’s changing.”
The desire to bite back a snarky remark concerning the fact that she was stating the obvious filled him, but instead Markus sat in the armchair and looked down at his folded hands. His mind drifted to the woman, of her hands being raised. He hoped she was alright. That Simon was alright.
“You seem preoccupied.”
He glanced up at North, almost like he’d forgotten she was there. With a shake of his head, he looked back down at his hands. “Preoccupied? No. No, no, I’m fine.”
It was a weak lie, and if North noticed or cared, she didn’t let on. She began to pace leisurely. “All the media are talking about what we did at the Cyberlife stores. The humans are terrified. They’re afraid of a civil war. Many of our people will burn in response to what happened.” She turned to look at him. “The humans hate us.” Here we go. “They’ll never give us our freedom.”
Markus was really getting sick of hearing this shit. “No, not all humans are the same. Some of them understand that they can’t stop us from becoming free forever.” The woman from Stratford Tower should have been proof enough, let alone the seemingly welcoming public response to their movement.
Unfortunately for him, she wasn’t done. She turned to take a few steps in the other direction. “You haven’t said much about yourself since you’ve been with us. What was your life like before Jericho?”
Carl’s face flashed through his memory once again, and he thought back to the painting Carl had asked him to do, to imagine. He’d thought of humans, then of comfort, and the final image had ended up being of Carl himself.
Markus stood and faced the city, fighting back a wave of tears and to keep his voice level. “Who I was is not important. What matters now is who I wanna be.”
It would’ve been polite for him to express interest in her background, in who she was, but frankly he was beyond done with this conversation. He turned to leave and managed to get a few steps before she asked, a tone of offense in her voice, “Where are you going?”
Exasperation filled his veins, but he didn’t turn back to look at her again. Instead, he just huffed out a simple, “To talk to the humans,” and left her standing there.
If it had been any other day, he might’ve felt bad. But as it was, he really had not wanted to talk to anybody, least of all North. Her negativity was just something he was not prepared to deal with today.
The walk back to the ship wasn’t too long. Markus welcomed the time to think, even more that North seemed to realize he actually did want to be alone. He was nearly back to the hold and deep in thought when someone stepped in front of him.
Simon. It was Simon.
The two of them stared at each other for a long moment before Markus took a step forward. They both looked as if they wanted to say something, but neither of them had the words so Markus closed the distance between them and took Simon into a firm hug. It lasted about a full minute before Simon leaned away and cleared his throat. He held his hand to the side as if gesturing to somebody, and Markus turned to look.
The human from before was standing in the adjoining hallway, looking quite nervous. She let out a breath and haltingly lifted her hand. “H-Hi.”
Oh, North is gonna have a field day.
Simon gestured her over and looked at Markus. “Markus, this is Jack.”
Markus nodded to her but eyed her warily. “Pleasure. Simon, can I talk to you for a minute?”
The woman—Jack’s, face fell and her color paled. “P-Please, don’t be mad at Simon. He needed help getting here, and I… Well.” She pointed back at the hall, and Markus’s jaw fell open. Half a dozen androids were standing there, including a child model who was hiding behind an AJ700 model. They were in various states of disrepair, one even missing an entire leg, but they all seemed agitated, on edge. “I had a few people you needed to meet.”
Oh yeah. North was gonna lose her mind.
“I can’t believe you would bring her here! A human!”
“She saved my life! There are already humans who know where we are who we trust! What about Rose?”
“Rose is different!”
“Because we can trust her!”
“Well we can trust Jack, too!”
Markus and Josh shared an exasperated look. North and Simon had been going at it for what felt like eons. Markus had been right. North had lost her shit.
“Guys.” Neither of them seemed to notice him, as if he and Josh didn’t even exist. With a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Guys!” They paused to look at him, and he set his hands on his hips. “What’s done is done. She’s here. The question is, what do we do with her now?”
Simon frowned. “She can be useful, Markus.”
“She can’t be trusted! She’s a human!” North’s bitching was getting on his nerves.
“Useful how, Simon?”
“She’s got an in with the news station, for one. She has her own network of connections, people trying to help deviants escape, suppliers. And being seen with a human on our side could be useful in convincing more of them.”
Markus nodded, a hand on his chin in thought.
“Markus, you can’t honestly be considering this?” North’s eyes scanned his face, a bewildered expression upon hers.
He glowered at her. “I am, yes.” He looked across to Josh, who had been silent thus far. “What do you think?”
Josh regarded the three of them for a moment. “I think Simon is right.”
North threw her hands in the air in agitation and turned her back on them to glare out the window. Markus nodded thoughtfully. “You trust this woman, Simon?”
Simon nodded. “I wouldn’t have brought her here if I thought she were a danger, Markus.”
“Then I agree. She can prove useful to us. Josh, please tell her to come in.”  
Simon smiled gratefully at Markus and clapped him on the back. They could feel North’s rage seething, but both of them ignored it. “Thank you, Markus.”
Josh returned after a moment and held the door open for the woman. She looked between all of their faces before she cleared her throat and raised her hand in a shy greeting again.
North turned around and leaned against a control panel, every bit of her posture designed to let the woman know North didn’t trust her. Markus rolled her eyes and looked at the woman. “So, Jack was it?” She nodded in confirmation. “Simon tells us you’ve got connections, suppliers.”
She nodded, then as if she remembered something, she took off the backpack she was wearing. North sprung into action and practically leapt across the room to grab the woman’s wrist. Jack held her hands open in defense and cleared her throat. “I-It’s supplies. For you guys.”
“North, back off.” Simon seemed almost more exasperated than Markus felt.
North looked at the two of them before scowling and releasing Jack’s arm. Jack side-eyed her before holding the bag to Josh. He took it and unzipped it, then looked at her with a piqued eyebrow. “How’d you get all this?” Josh passed the bag to Markus who took a cursory peek inside. There were at least a dozen bags of blue blood and some smaller various parts like audio processors, and even a thirium pump regulator.
“I have friends. This one was a friend who works at the store on 39th. She hooks me up a lot. With information, too. Y’know, androids who’ve been…abused, brought back for repairs. That kind of thing.” She seemed uncomfortable under their scrutiny, and rightfully so. “I have some friends who keep watch of some of the worse cases, who pass along my information to any of them they feel might or have turned deviant. J-Just in case they don’t hear about Jericho, of course. I mean, you guys do amazing work, but a lot of deviants don’t get your guys’s key…legend…thing, and they need somewhere else to go.”
Markus was beginning to feel very good about this relationship. “What other ‘friends’ do you have?”
A devious glint sparked in her eye and she smirked. “All kinds.”
Despite North’s predatory gaze, Markus stepped forward and held his hand out to the woman. She glanced at Simon then smiled and met Markus’s grip. “Jack, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
The smile she gave him was downright dazzling. “I’m delighted you think so, Markus.”
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Dancing Mission
Detroit: Become Human
Connor x female! reader
Warning: cussing, a sex offender dude, some blood
Specifics: comedy, violence, fluff, romance, man vs man, dancing, women power, race neutral reader
People: Connor, you, Hank Anderson, Devin James (oc), Carl Hunter (oc), Markus (mentioned)
Words: 2,993
Summary: You a cop as well, work with Hank and Connor to take down a man named Devin James. What you don’t know is you have to go undercover in a club. You end up dancing with Connor. 
Authors Note: i know is suck at summaries, im so used to just gettin the frickin request and just copy and paste u know. but omg i think i am in luv with this story. this is prob now one of my fav stories i have done. i have watched all of dbh on jacksepticeyes channel (lol im too cheap y’all) and it is one of my fav games. my sis luvs connor to pieces as do i (cuz he luvs dogs duh) so this is for her. i’ve wanted to write a dbh fic for the longest time so here it is. i really want to write more so pls request more of this and feedback is much appreciated here. 
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“-so that means that we have to act natural like one of them,” Hank explained while driving to the destination. 
You, sitting in the back of the car thought about this mission. You have worked with Hank for a couple of months, you’re both practically friends. Maybe even BEST FRIENDS (lol idk why i feel like this sentence would sound like spongebobs voice. well it kinda makes sense since the dude who plays hank plays mr krabs...anyways) 
The goal was to arrest a man named Devin James. Supposedly, he has been keeping deviants for about 2 years. He sells them for quite a lot of cash to those who want to “fix” them. Your expression turned into sadness when you read his file. You understood what he did to these deviants. He would lock them up, abuse, torture them, and then sell them to others. But not so they can be fixed its so the buyers can torture the deviants more. 
Unfortunately, you knew why he needed to be arrested. It was not because he was doing these things to the androids. It is because he is selling deviants. In your mind however, you saw this as a rescue mission. To make sure those deviants get out, even if it kills you. 
Your group came into contact with him. Devin was now currently, in a club called “Pomegranate”. 
“Weird name for a club,” you laughed looking outside the window. It was midnight, the night sky pitch black. There was tiny drops of rain pattering against the glass.
“Maybe it is called Pomegranate because when a woman opens up her legs-”
“Shhhh Connor! There is a woman seated in the back!” You called out, your eyes widened in surprise that Connor knew those types of things. You scratched your nose and wiggled your eyebrows, “Hank, you gotta be careful with this one. Apparently he’s either been too much into fanfiction or hentai to know those types of facts.”
Hank looked into the rear view mirror, “In a minute y/n I’m gonna throw your as* outside this car into the pouring rain! Now can we talk about the dam* arrest!”
You shrugged and laid back muttering, “It was your baby Connor’s fault.”
Hank gave you a glare through the mirror. Any words that were about to come out of your mouth were quickly swallowed down. 
The car stopped and you jumped out. 
“Alright, remember what I said act. Natural. This guys good, he has ran away from the police many, many, many times. So we need to make sure that he doesn’t know that we’re cops,” Hank instructed slamming his car door.
You nodded, “Right, right, right. But let me ask you this Hank from “Finding Dory” how the hel* is Mr. Roboto here gonna oh I don’t know...blend in. When he’s a fuc*in android!”
“I also see no way out of this Lieutenant Anderson,” Connor added. 
Hank rolled his eyes at you and opened his trunk, “I was gonna get to that, y/n! Disguises.”
You peered into the trunk to see a plain tux, a bedazzled 80s suit (which of course you knew to be for Hank), and a dress. 
“Connor you wear this tux, and you y/n, wear this dress.”
Connor eyed the tux that was handed to him weirdly, and you groaned at the dress. 
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“I do not think I can do this. It is not in my making to change my outfit-”
“Well, what about me! I mean it is in my making to change but like...I DON’T WANNA,” you interrupted Connor, making him blink like “what just happened.”
Hank closed the trunk and locked his car, “No if, ands, or buts. Go to the restrooms and put them on.”
You heaved a heavy sigh, “Ugh! I have my stupid period and now I have to wear this dumb dress,” you grumbled as you trudged inside the club. 
“Keep an eye out for y/n, okay Connor,” Hank said as he walked inside. 
Dua Lipa & Calvin Harris - One Kiss (i feel like this song would be played like at a disco club or something. i luv this song and always want to jam to this. this song is playing in the club)
Connor was changed into his tuxedo and Hank was in his suit. 
“I’m gonna head over there, see if I can find him. You-,” Connor and Hank looked up to see you come out of the bathroom. 
(omg i can so imagine this the chorus comes on or in this vid 1:02) You dolled yourself to look like a million bucks. Make up on and hoop earrings. “You guys ready?”
If you hadn’t known any better you would have thought they got a boner because of you. 
“Y/n,” Connor whispered, mesmerized by your look. The dress clung on to all the right places. 
“Jesus y/n, look at you. Connor close your mouth,” Hank chuckled. “Alright I’m gonna go over there see you guys in a few if you haven’t got any leads. Let me know if you spot him though, alright? Good!” Hank left. 
You walked well more like almost tripped with the 9-inch heels. “You go by the exits, Connor. And I’ll take the bar.” You pushed your boobs up (if u aint got titties dont worry u added some padding then, every boob counts👍) , “Okay ladies...do your job.” 
You swayed to the bar, trying to entice a man like Devin. Instead, Connor looked with big, wide, eyes. “I swear I haven’t even had a dic* bigger than 9-inches. How do you expect me to walk in these Hank?!?” You grumbled aloud to yourself.
“Excuse me, baby but you are sure lookin fine,” a tall man growled as he grabbed a handful of your butt. 
You rose your brow and tried not to punch him in the balls. “Do not blow you’re cover y/n,” you thought to yourself. 
“Hey, give her an old fashioned,” the man ordered the bar tender.
You nodded and smacked your lips together, “oh, okay, so you want me to be drunk as hel*. I gotcha.”
The man laughed and licked his lips, “Thats funny. This drink will make you grow chest hair, that is for sure.”
The bartender gave you the drink. You coughed, and prepared yourself to be drunk in this mission. You chugged the liquid down. The whiskey burning your throat. It all slid south and you put the glass down harshly. “Baby, know that women got hair all over.” You raised your arms up and showed your armpits. Hey, you haven’t shaved in a while. You a busy gal. (if u think that this is nasty u better get off this blog right now)
“Dam* girl, you for real though,” the guy sat down on the bar stools. Eyeing your whole body. 
“I don’t sugar coat. Anyways, whats your name?”
“Carl, Carl Hunter. You?”
“Y/n, L/n.”
“Hey, bartender can she just have a light sangria.”
You pulled your dress down in order to sit on the bar stool. In the process, you put your purse down on the floor, in between your legs. 
You then put your attention to Carl again and saw your drink was waiting for you. 
“Why thank you, Carl. I think I’m not gonna drink anymore than this so here,” you handed the bartender, “is the cash.”
Carl stepped in and forced your hand down. “Baby, I got this. My mama always taught me how to be a gentleman. I will pay for this.”
You knitted your eyebrows together, “Are you sure?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
You grinned and stroked his arm. He winked at you. As he was paying the bartender you took out a device called “pd.id”. It shows if your drink has been spiked. 
“Pric*,” you muttered. You brought out your handcuffs out and handcuffed him to the stool. 
“Hey, what the fuc* you think you doin?”
“I am saving women, pig! Trying to drug my drink huh? Thought it could get past me? You are dead wrong, and your name was Carl Hunte?” You wrote it on your hand. “Got it, thanks Carl for buying my drinks. Hope you like prison.” You poured the sangria all over his head and walked to Connor. 
“Have you found him yet y/n?” Connor was by the dance floor. 
“Nope, but I found a disgusting sex offender. So still kinda saved the day,” you sighed, placing your hands on your hips. 
You phoned Hank who was...somewhere. “Where you at Hank?”
“I’ve asked around to see if someone knows him or if they’ve sighted him. But everyone around here acts like dumbas*es. You got anything?”
You snickered, “Nada, hey I’ll make this bet. Whoever gets Devin first gets their drink paid by the loser.” Your eyebrows rose as you looked to Connor who looked at you with puppy, innocent eyes. “And Connor can have some...blood...”
Connor smiled and looked away.
You could hear Hank on the other side chuckling, “Okay y/n...you’re on. Have fun...LOSER!” Then Hank hanged up the call. 
“As*,” you laughed. 
You then saw the dance floor and people were dancing all over. It was as if a light bulb went off in your brain. “I have an idea,” you said aloud. 
You grabbed onto Connor’s hand and guided him with a sway of your hips to the dance floor. 
“Have I ever told you I love this song,” you grinned. Your feet stepping to the beat. Connor just stood like a plank of wood. Just mesmerized by your moves.
“One kiss is all it takes, fallin in love with me,” you sang, goofing off also by doing the underwater dance. “C’mon Connor join me.”
Connor’s mouth was open wide, “Oh, um, um, I do not think dancing is in my program.”
You brought your hands on Connor’s shoulders, and your body bent and stretched all over. “I’ll teach you robo boy,” you winked. 
Connor’s cheeks created a blue blush, he was a lost for words. His eyes were glued to your eyes. Drinking everything in. 
“You move like this, put your hands here,” you said while placing Connor’s hands on your hips. “Now just feel the beat, the rhythm, be one with the song.”
Connor stumbled a bit, but then he got the hang of it. “I, I think I am doing it y/n.”
“See! There you go!”
You both moved together so perfectly. Like trees swaying in the wind. Like a river. Your hands traveled all over Connor and he developed an even deeper blush. 
You then let go of him and danced by yourself. He studied your dancing for a while then he danced by himself. 
look up on youtube Bryan Dechart dancing as Connor
Finally, Connor was being...Connor. He was being himself. He was proving to the world that androids are not just things, they are living and they deserve to be free. 
“Oh my god, YES CONNOR! GO CONNOR! Woooohooooo!!!!!,” you cheered jumping up and down. 
You both danced then like animals. Shaking not caring if you both looked like two goofballs. The dance floor was empty so it was just the two of you. You did the sprinkler dance. Connor then started laughing and smiling from ear to ear. 
“Yeah, go y/n, go y/n,” Connor cheered as well. 
You heard the song was almost to the end. Your body twirled to Connor’s body until you both were almost glued together. 
“You are extremely beautiful...y/n...,” Connor whispered only so you and him could hear.
“And you Connor are important to me,” you whispered to him. You both were closing the gap between you two, your lips almost meeting. 
“Guys, I found Devin,” Hank yelled to you both as he appeared before you two. “Oh, um, am I disturbing something?”
“You found him,” you questioned as Hank ran ahead. You broke contact with Connor and gave him a guilty face. You stepped off the dance floor and brought your gun out of your thigh holster, following Hank, with Connor behind you. 
You sprinted to the commotion of people now screaming since smart pants Devin tried to shoot you guys. You tried to see him over the sea of people. 
“I spot him,” you shouted, not caring of the protests of Hank and Connor. “Don’t worry guys I got this!”
 You ran after Devin, stumbling a few times from the dumb heels. You look down, “Dam* heels!” While going after this man, you take the heels off and throw them at him (kinda like Nakia from Black Panther). He screams in pain but doesn’t stop. He jumps over boxes of booze from the club and you do the same. You chase him out of the club, going in the street. 
“GET DOWN NOW,” you scream at him. “If you do not stop I will shoot!”
The man kept going until you shook your head, breathed hard a couple of times, you sped, fast after him. It was if you were possessed by Usain Bolt. You caught up to him, your dress ripped by your legs. You pounced on Devin, putting his arms behind his back in a death grip. “PUT THE GUN DOWN, NOW!”
Devin, breathing harshly, threw the gun away from you both. “Owww you’re hurting me,” he whined. 
“Good,” you sassed back, picking him up harshly. More in the light you can see where the end of your heel hit the side of his head. You tried not to laugh, muffling your giggles. 
You picked up the gun and walked back to Hank and Connor who were not far from you. 
“That was very impressive,” Connor smirked while winking like you did. 
“...am I missing something here,” Hank eyed both of you. 
You gave a lopsided grin, “Oh Hank, if only you knew...No, you’re missing your Devin. Here’s his gun and you owe me a drink...loser” You threw the gun to Hank and chuckled. 
As Hank took a hold of Devin you went to his level to speak to him. “So Devin, where you hidin these deviants?”
“I won’t tell...cun*,” he hissed. You punched his face, your ring making a mark on his nose it also looking a little crooked, and blood coming out. Heh, marked twice by you. 
“Y/n, can you please be a little more fuc*in professional, right Connor?” Hank asked Connor.
Connor shrugged, “I think that punch was needed.”
“Okay, I am definitely missing something,” Hank shouted. 
You gripped Devin’s face, “You. Don’t. Talk. To. Women. Like. That. Understand? Now, again, where are the deviants?”
“In my warehouse, like 5 blocks from here.”
“Thank you,” you said professionally. You walked barefoot to the car, and waited for the boys.
“I have gotten you these,” Connor handed you a pair of flip flops. “I know it is not much, but I much prefer you walking in them then on the wet ground.”
You smiled and thanked him. Hank was driving to the warehouse that Devin talked about. 
“I think this is it,” you called, looking out your window to see a rusty metal warehouse. The scene you walked on upon looked like it was taken from a 80s horror film. The lightning striking like a whip in the dark clouds. You brought your flashlight out. “Whelp boys, lets see what we find in here.” 
You all walked inside. You were thankful you were out of the pouring rain, but now you were stuck in the cold metal warehouse. Shivering like a pair of rattled bones, you tried to cover your bare arms by hugging yourself. 
“Here y/n, take this. I do not want you to get a cold,” Connor gently placed his tux jacket on your shoulder, leaving him in a tight white shirt with a black bow tie.
“Thanks...Connor,” you smiled, cuddling yourself in the jacket. 
“I think we should all spread out. Just remember though, we’re dealing with deviants...be careful, all of you,” Hank said making his way to the right. Connor chose the left, while you, well didn’t choose but were stuck with the middle. 
You tiptoed silently, trying not to make any noise. It was dark, and dusty. It was extremely hard for you not to erupt into a coughing fit. Suddenly, you heard a bang coming from the side of you. You jumped almost like a cat. You stood there, trying to do breathing exercises, and to try to steady your heart. Even though lets be real, your heart was not steady even to begin with this mission. Everything was thrown, antique chairs, a type writer, and pieces of a car hung from the ceiling. The dust particles traveled across the light from your flashlight. The dirt was all muddy since there were tiny holes in the roof. It smelled disgusting, like a farm. 
“How could anyone live like this,” you spoke aloud, covering your nose with Connor’s jacket. 
“Please, save us,” you heard from in front of you. You panicked and turned every which way, trying to find the source of that voice. 
“We beg you save us. Let us be free.”
“Get us out of here.”
“We want to be free.”
“Is that our savior, Marcus?”
“Please, save us.”
Your flashlight then came upon the cells and cells of deviants. Some were all white having taking off their skin. Some were broken, missing limbs, missing an eye. Some were still freshly made new, just with a few tiny scratches. But they all had one thing in common. They were begging. Begging you to set them free. They were tired of living like this. Your heart saddened for them, why couldn’t androids be free? Why were they abused and slaughtered like this? It was not right. But what if you did let them all out? Would you loose the trust of Hank, or even worse Connor? Would you loose your job letting these deviants out secretly? There were only two choices, 
were you going to leave the deviants?
or...were you going to let them out?
You had to decide...
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I mean I'm obviously gonna go for rk1000, sooo? What do you say? ~S
big spoon/little spoon:
I have a feeling they switch, but Markus is probably the big spoon more often
favorite non-sexual activity:
I bet they REALLY like taking walks in the park together. Like, day or night, whenever they’re free (androids don’t really sleep yknow). It’s just peaceful and nice and beautiful, and they don’t even have to talk
who uses all the hot water:
In a human AU where they need to shower, probably Connor? But Markus is guilty of it, as well, just not as often.
most trivial thing they fight over:
I am TERRIBLE at writing fights so I have no clue. Probably whose turn it is to do whatever chore. But like, in the opposite way you’d expect. Like, “You did the laundry this week, let me do it.” “No you’re so busy and stressed let me take care of it, I don’t mind” “Stop hogging all the chores omg”
who does most of the cleaning:
I feel like they both like to keep things a bit neater, but I like to think that Connor has a bit of OCD so probably him. Like, Markus will clean, and then Connor’s brain will be like “there’s still a few crumbs, that book isn’t positioned just right, why is the the pencil cup THERE instead of on the OTHER side of the desk?!?!” and so then Connor just tries to sneakily clean before Markus can get to it so that he doesn’t feel guilty for making Markus feel like he didn’t clean well enough
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:
Definitely Markus. Connor isn’t very pop-culture savvy, so he never knows what the good shows are. He does have a few good choices, but Markus is just better at finding the good stuff And Markus isn’t exactly always in the mood for a serial killer documentary, sorry Connor, sometimes he wants a silly romcom. 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:
In a human AU where they need heating, probably Markus. Connor gets nervous, he doesn’t want to be a bother or make people go out of their way for him.
who steals the blankets:
Connor. No question.
who leaves their stuff around:
Markus. He’ll throw his jacket on the couch. His bag on the kitchen counter. His shoes on the stairs. He’s always thinking hard about something, whether it’s work or just what show he and Connor would enjoy watching that night, so he just distracted and his stuff is just everywhere. He’s also the “socks all over the bedroom floor” guy.
who remembers to buy the milk
I mean, they probably both do. They’re both very responsible. Markus more often though, maybe, because he’s so used to taking care of Carl.
who remembers anniversaries:
Both of them and they’re both really sappy about it.
Who cooks normally?
They both cook, but Markus does it more often because he’s just the better cook
How often do they fight?
They probably don’t fight too often. The thing they fight about most is probably work. They’re both workaholics but refuse to admit it. They’re always telling each other to get some dang rest.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
They’re able to function just fine when away from each other, going about their normal routines as best they can, but they do miss each other a lot. They call every night/morning (if they’re able)
Nicknames for each other?
I am SO BAD at nicknames. Probably just mushy couple stuff. Idk.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Connor tries, but Markus usually grabs the check first, wanting to be a “proper gentleman”
Who steals the covers at night?
Wasn’t this already a question above? Connor, definitely.
What would they get each other for gifts?
Idk man they’re schmoopy af. Connor loves fluffy blankets and sweaters and cute little knick knacks, so Markus gets a lot of those. Connor probably finds him rare, expensive paint and new sheet music and books and stuff.
Who kissed who first?
I’m torn on this one. I can see it being both. I lean more towards Markus, though, because he seems more confident. (Connor IS confident, but after he becomes deviant, his confidence lays mainly in work. He gets very nervous in social situations)
Who made the first move?
I feel like Connor is totally one to make a move on accident because he’s awkward and flumbly in social situations, but Markus is the first to make a move on purpose
Who remembers things?
They both do. Whoever is better at remembering the thing depends on who’s under the least amount of stress with work. When things get busy for Markus, Connor is better at remembering things. When Connor’s in the middle of a big case, Markus is better at it.
Who started the relationship?
Once again, Markus probably instigated it because I see him being more confident.
Who cusses more?
I can’t remember how much Markus curses in the game? But Connor only does like, twice. I feel like Markus is more likely to casually curse? Connor curses on rarer occasions. That may change once I watch someone play through the game again.
What would they do if the other was hurt?
Do literally all they could to help. They care about each other a lot. They would do everything in their power to help and make sure it didn’t happen again. (even if it’s a simple injury, they’re drama queens)
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mischiefgirls · 6 years
Starfire is back!
Heya guys!
Idk if anyone still really even follows this blog or even keeps tabs on it but me and raven toke hiatus from this blog for QUITE some time! We both as women had a lot of life happenings going on and grew a lot since first making this account together in our college days. 
That being said I plan to catch up with Raven soon and ask her if she’d like to keep this blog going, and if so what that would mean for us and the theme of our page. 
There still some tagging, spring cleaning, and general fixer uppers I have to do with this page. Especially since the link that goes to Raven’s main account is pretty useless since she deleted that account. 
Honestly can’t remember if she made another Tumblr or if she stopped using Tumblr entirely???
Anyways, I’ll be figuring that out for the meantime and did as much as I could currently in term of the blog’s new look. Talk to you guys next when I have an update!
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Art made by: hirosi41 on Deviant Art!
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So I hate used to really ship Klaroline but lately my mind has been breaking on them. Idk I just think Klaus has done too many bad things to her and her friends to give him a second chance. Can you change my mind? Why do you ship them so hard?
Hi, okay so Idk if I’m going to be able to change ur mind because at the end of the day you feel how you feel. A lot of times I’ve doubted my shipping of Klaroline so ur not alone. The thing I wanna tell you before I start is that shipping is supposed to be fun so pls do not agonise over it; if it’s still fun, do it, if not, don’t.
(Warning: Anti D*mon and Dullena) 
*cracks knuckles*
Firstly you have to remember when it comes to the issue of Klaroline being problematic, is that that all ships that stem from tvd or TO are inherently problematic. This is because the show its self is problematic. It’s misogynistic, it’s systematically racist and most relationships on the show put the female character at a distinct disadvantage. So very few ships can be seen as healthy or idealistic in the real world. I might say Stelena, Jolaric, and Jalaric are rare examples but even then those ships have their various issues.
Secondly, even if the writers and the CW, in general, did a better job with their shows, you have to remember that this is the vampire genre. It’s meant to be gothic and the characters are meant to be morally dodgy, selfish and do horrifying things. TVD’s mistake was that it could never properly straddle the line between keeping up that gothic theme and appealing to a teen audience (hence the babies, and romanticising of characters that are clearly villains, - cough, cough Damon) so often they put too much emphasis on morality and people being either ‘good’ or ‘bad; even though supposedly good characters like: Matt, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena do bad, selfish things all the time. (More detail in point 3)
Because Klaus was conceptualised when TVD was actually half good and they were still writing a show about vampires; dark, twisted, immoral, seductive, vampires; he hence is a product of that. Klaus is a vampire in the true sense. I don’t believe a person can be a Klaroline shipper unless they accept the fact that Klaus is not a good person. He’s not supposed to be and that’s part of what makes his dynamic with Caroline so interesting. Love, or infatuation/affection, doesn’t change him. Yes, he does things deviant to his ‘cold hearted bastard’ persona. The gifts, deviating from his evil plans for Caroline’s sake, showing mercy, reasoning, barging when he doesn’t have to etc… But none of these things makes him redeemable. This isn’t one of those ships where love makes the person more moral and good. In fact, in Caroline’s case, I’m quite sure it does the opposite - or would do, had they gotten more screen time - Caroline is very in denial about her vampirism. She constantly makes claims about how she’s a ‘good vampire’ (an oxymoron in its self) and is characterised as ‘judgy’ because she demands such a high moral standard from other people around her. And while yes, she is exceptionally good at controlling her urges and at self-discipline (likely a result of  being under Stefan’s self-denying mentoring program and learning about vampirism from someone who detests it because of his own lack of control) Caroline still does terrible things often just because it’s convenient for her or because it’s ‘what it takes to get the job done’. Caroline’s often the most level-headed out of all her friends when it comes to doing something immoral in aid of the greater good, in fact, she’s almost eerily ruthless, especially if said action if in aid of helping one of her friends. (See the slaughtering of the 12 witches for Bonnie’s sake). But Caroline doesn’t see that, she also very scarcely acknowledges how much she loves being a vampire and from day 1, Klaus has been perceptive of how much she does. From when he saves her life, to when he intuits that she doesn’t want the cure and predicts that small town life wouldn’t be enough for her + encouraging her to think outside of the box and use her vampire abilities to get a dress for prom. Even his smug little recital of what Caroline says in 5x11 (’in school, building a life for her self, plans… etc’) shows that he knows that Caroline is just playing herself with her whole ‘mission to be normal’ (e.g: being in school - whic she dropped out of - playing house with Alaric and the babies, being with Stefan, who was always ‘the perfect guy’ in Caroline’s mind, because of the pedestal she put him on, denying herself the true pleasures of vampirism). Furthermore one of the most poignant Klaroline scenes for me is when Klaus is burying the 12 witches and calls Caroline out because not a few hours ago she’s called him a terrible person, because he did terrible things and now here they are staring at the corpses of the witches Caroline killed for Bonnie, while also, inadvertently, enabling an evil, supernatural being to rise from the dead and raise hell. on mankind. For a Klaroline shipper the moment is agonising because Klaus passes up the opportunity to be a shoulder for Caroline to cry on but at the end of the day it was something she needed to hear and quite frankly doesn’t hear enough. As long as you’re a vampire and you feed of human flesh, lie, compel, steal, murder at your own leisure; as long as you’re a witch/human/hunter who enables or condones it, you cannot claim to be ‘good’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.
The most important thing, in my opinion, to remember about Klaroline as a ship is that Klaus’s actions are never presented as okay. Caroline never tolerates anything he does and constantly calls him out on his behaviour, furthermore, the show doesn’t romanticise him or excuse/ignore his behaviour. In contrast characters like Damon, who magically become the hero because it’s the only convenient way to put him with Elena. Elena’s love is supposed to change him and make him a better person but we see no evidence of this on the show, Damon’s his same rapey, abusive self all 8 seasons. But with Klaus, no excuses are made. He’s not supposed to magically turn good, you ask why I ship them so hard? It’s because 9/10 in all their scenes together and in their dynamic in general Caroline always has agency and nearly always has the upper hand, even when she’s dying. She manipulates Klaus into saving her life (”I know you’re in love with me’ ‘I guess we’ll never know’) in fact I’m convinced that Caroline used her A1 drama skills in that last part where Caroline makes those little croaky dying noises and was actually laying it on thick so that Klaus would be moved enough to save her- which he did. Caroline constantly manipulates Klaus and uses her emotional upper hand against him (’Show me I can trust you’ ‘I was promised a date for one of my hybrids’ ‘Show me your compassion’). So the relationship doesn’t just purely consist of Klaus doing horrible thing to Caroline and her friends and getting away with it. It’s far more complicated than that, there’s a power struggle involved and it’s extremely gripping and intriguing.
When it comes down to it, Caroline was Klaus’ first choice, unlike many other TVD relationships, their’s is centered around Caroline (take dullena for example, even in a show centred entirely around elena, every bit of their relationship is all about Damon, or he finds a way to make it about him). Like I said Caroline has the agency, the emphasis is on her future, her hopes, her dreams and ultimately he respects her wishes, leaves mystic falls gives her space and waits for her to be ready.
I hope that helps or gives you some perspective. Anyone who wants to chime in please feel free to add something else.
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