#idk idk I’m hoping 2024 I can do more with my art and like in life lol
jirachuuu · 9 months
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2023 summary.
Tbh I wasn’t going to do one this year because I felt like I’ve barely drawn anything at all this past year. But somehow I managed to draw something at least once a month so that’s cool ig lol. Overall feeling very meh about my art and I hope to improve more next year 🫰🏼
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ashmcgivern · 7 months
Hi I’ve been absent a lot lately, the whole of 2024 in fact I’m realizing.
On top of just not having the spoons to really share much of what I’m doing, in combination with NDA, social media just exhausts me now. The state of the internet in general. I can’t really mentally handle constantly hearing and seeing how AI seems to be permeating every part of online existence, how every website is one big pool of advertisements, and uh, the state of the world in general. There are too many things for my dumb brain.
So I’m taking a bit of a back seat, or rather I have been I guess. Tumblr is really tbh only social media I spend any time on and even then there’s whispers of Automatic partnering up with Midjourney. If it happens I won’t stay here long that’s for sure.
And where does that leave me then? I have a lot of great friends on Discord I talk to and I’m getting into Twitch more, but I know people here still want to see what I’m up to. I have mutuals I like and artists I want to follow that I don’t necessarily want to abandon. But with the state of things, everyone just seems tired. People are sharing less. Is there really nowhere for artists left?
It’s just kind of depressing tbh. I get more fulfillment being away from social media than being on it, which is a GOOD thing, but it sucks that the time I do spend back here doesn’t feel safe anymore.
All this to say, I wish I had more to share, but I’m tired and feeling recluse, and I’m tired of shifting where my social media presence is at any given time. I’m very close to finishing a BIG project that I’ll finally be able to put online, but there’s a lot of processing I have to do first and these things take TIME.
I only have about one month left at WB (unless they extend me AGAIN which would be the 5th time fjdhdhdh) and maybe a break is what I need. But I dunno. I for sure will be streaming more if nothing else, but idk about my other social media presences. If you see me active on social media again, know that it’s def not because I enjoy it. It’s to get my name and face out there ultimately so I can find work again. Not to mention I’ve begun the process of archiving/moving my art blog to a new location where I can self host because…….. I’m so tired.
Idk!!! Morning thoughts. This is nothing my friends don’t already know but for those who are curious, here it is. I spend a lot of time on tumblr but I do t share a lot because of *broadly gestures*. Hope y’all feel me.
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rainyraisin · 9 months
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My artstyle changed a lot this year, especially after my shift from ibis paint to procreate after getting my iPad (drawing on an iPad is the BEST btw 100% recommend I love it way more than a phone and it didn’t die after a month like my old wacom 💀💀). I’m relatively happy with where my art is atm and I hope to continue to improve in 2024!
Explanation of all the silly art down below! (Mostly so I can tell y’all who the fanart is for but also cause I like rambling)
January: A drawing of my Rise Leo human design I did to test out a pixel brush I found for Ibis Paint. He’s very fun to draw hehe I need to draw him more-
February: I wanted to learn how to draw the future designs of Leo and Mikey along with CJ so I planned to draw them all together! I struggled with Leo though so I just got rid of him. Sorry Peepaw 😞😞💔💔💔
March: Fanart for @beannary ‘s TLP au! I love it so much so I had to draw smth for it hehe 😈😈💥💥💥 which reminds me I need to draw more at some point- might redraw it at some point cause I’m not super happy with how it turned out but I do like the idea a lot
April: The month I created Reticent! April’s Fools was the first episode I came up with so I drew a chapter poster! It ended up being very different to the chapter cover I drew a couple months later but it’s still cool :D Leo is being weirdly affectionate to Mikey though what the heck that isn’t like him smh. Although I guess it was meant to be purposefully exaggerated sooooo 🥰
May: Reticent Casey!!! I don’t have much to say it’s just Reticent Casey HDKSGXKSHD this wasnt a very good art month
June: Krangified Donnie is literally my favourite concept ever thats it that’s all I have to say dbskdbwkh I adore Krangified Donnie and if the Rise brainrot takes over the Reticent brainrot for a while then I will probably be drawing Krangified Donnie during that time sorry not sorry
July: Reticent Chapter 3’s cover yippee!!! Still my favourite Reticent cover although Chapter 8’s is a close second (I can’t wait to post it once it’s been betaread yippee!!!). The scribble over Leo’s eyes is literally just because I was struggling to draw his eyes and i was getting annoyed dbskdbskdb it’s actually a very common issue with him (common Ret!Leo L). Also Mikey being reflected in the mirror is a reference to Mirror Man by Jack Stauber which I’ve basically considered his theme song since @aaronymous999 introduced it to me ebwjcbkwhd thank you Mr. Aaronymous! Also somebody said he was in the barbie box and I still need to draw that to this day because Mikey would’ve killed to go see Barbie.
August: RET DONNIE WOOOOO he’s being bullied again!!! I drew that piece for a colour palette challenge request and realised I got the prompt wrong so I just made it into its own thing 💥💥💥 it’s usually a flickering light gif but I chose to just use the version with the light on for this post. The photos in the background were really fun to draw hehe either April’s or Mikey’s is my favourite.
September: MY 500 FOLLOWER DTIYS YIPPEE (/my 150 follower DTIYS for tumblr). This one took me. Forever to draw and I love it to pieces hehe it was really fun to design Mikey’s room and figure out outfits for the sillies and idk the concept of a sleepover just seemed really fun to me dbskbdkdb- and all the entries I got were so so awesome I loved them all to pieces!!! I still look at them all the time hehe
October: FANART OF @endlesslogo ‘S HUMAN RISE LEO DESIGN WOOOOOO!!! This was the piece I started rendering on hehe it was so much fun to draw!!!! Although I did have a fight with rendering the hair for over an hour svsjegksbdk HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT FR!!!
November: Me and my friends were working on a crossover between our TMNT iterations so I drew all of our Karai’s together!!! Confluence Karai is on the left, created by Salem and Marine, New Stars Karai is in the middle created by Starla, and Reticent Karai is on the right created by me! All our Karais have such cool designs AHHHHH literally dead over them constantly/pos
December: Most of December I spent drawing Christmas presents so this was my present for Salem!!! Confluence!Jonatello my beloved….
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jazzy-art-time · 9 months
I didn’t post about it on my mod blog because I didn’t want to dampen the spirits that everyone else was having but I’ll mention things.. briefly here before the year ends.
If you just follow me for art then you prolly wont know what I’m sayin!! Carry on soldier. I will post more art again soon, it’s just time for me to post a long text post that prolly 90% of the people here wont know wtf I’m on about!!
Putting under the cut to avoid long post/put that negative crap under wraps
This year was horrid for me. In many ways but.
The entire thing with the stalker/doxxer went.. a lot deeper than people realize it was. That’s due to me just not mentioning what happened directly but It wasn’t just hate and harassment and doxxing it was..
Abhorrent. I’ll spare the nitty gritty details, to be Frank idk what good it would do to mention it all.
But even so, I was not the best person this year due to this.
I became irrational and paranoid. I left places suddenly without a word (or was being told to and did so out of fear). I stopped talking to a lot of people and became more of a concept than a person to many. Got snappy and bitter a lot of the time as well. Just overall became afraid of everyone and didn’t trust anyone at all and it made me someone I didn’t want to be.
Regardless of the situation I was going through, I shouldn’t have acted in a lot of ways I did. I can play the “I was being abused so wehh it’s ok how I acted” card all I want but the reality is.. it wasn’t really cool of me. I’m a grown adult, I’ll own up to that.
And I know I caused a lot of people worry by my sudden disappearances or mood changes. I was too focused on trying to protect myself and those I cared about that I became a bit?? Of a prick. And honestly I feel like I caused more damaged trying to “protect” other people from the situation. Irony is a cruel mistress.
I let someone else get too much control over me and my actions and let them use my own mental illness against me and make me somewhat nasty.
But it wasn’t right of me, no matter the circumstance.
But it’s all over now! All over now… for now anyways. But I still have to look at the mess left in the wake of everything and try to reassemble what I can.
So, if you were someone who was effected by my irrational and erratic behavior.. I do apologize. Idk what real “good” me saying that does.. but I don’t want to just not say anything at all.
I’m not saying all this as a like NYEHEHE IVE APOLOGIZED AND NOW I EXPECT EVERYTHING TO RETURN TO NORMAL that’s not what’s happening trust me lol. This is just my own guilt welling up a bit and me chucking it out into the world for the time being
I’ve been drafting and deleting a post like this all week because I didn’t want to go into a new year just brushing everything aside. But kept wondering what good it would even do or who would even give a shit.
But. Here is this post! It exists, for now! Who knows I may wake up tomorrow and go WTF NO and delete outta paranoia. Idk!
All in all…
I’m going to spend 2024 trying to rebuild myself. I haven’t been.. myself in nearly 2 years due to everything (and IRL circumstances as well that I won’t get into).
I have a better support now. So that helps me and has been helping me get better again. Not just in recovery and help with legal things but like. Just emotionally keeping me in check lmao
So I hope in 2024, things will be better. If not for me, then for others at the very least.
I know this post was long and negative and repetitive, but if I spend too long revising it I’ll just delete it again.
Idk if anyone will actually read this but??? Shrugs. Oh well. If anything I’m being selfish and just posting this for my own personal “”closure”” if you will
Happy new years, see you all around.
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impostorsshow · 3 months
Okay so you’re my Legend of Zelda person
How are you feeling about the Echoes of Wisdom announcement? Surprised? Excited? Eh? Did you like what you saw of the game? The art style? The Echo mechanic?
(Personally, I’m really looking forward to the game, and it’s looking like the twink will finally have to be saved this time.)
I haven't seen much of the trailer and don't know what the echo mechanic is, I only get game info through my partner that stays up until 3-4 am their time to watch the Nintendo directs and I prefer to find out about zelda games far after the community has discussed it or play it blind myself with trusty non spoiler guide site zeldadungeon.com, but I love that we're getting another game in the chibi links awakening style!! It's my favorite, and my old comfort object that I lost was an amiibo figure of links awakening link, so I really hope they make a figure of Zelda I can buy - my family pirated every amiibo for Zelda that was released up to botw and they're about the size of the first index of my thumb but having a full figure of a Zelda character would be nice again.
I am also really surprised about it, and having Zelda as a playable character is amazing again. I only know of 4 Zelda games that have had the goddess reincarnation herself be the protagonist, 3 of the games were most likely released in the OG Zelda/adventure of link titles era or around the oracle games based on the cartridge? Art I saw idk it might also be related to the PC quest games that came out around the same time which for reference is the uh. "eXCUSSEEE ME PRINCESS" one I think that's the thing it's well known for that is a whole different convo with a different blog i know nothing of the older titles except the basics. Anyway anyway I own the 4th game I know about that no one else mentions because it's technically not canon and is worse off than Hyrule warriors is but it's called cadence of Hyrule I think just search up "Crypt of the Necromancer Zelda" you'll find it and I did play through most characters campaign including Zelda's in that one, and think it's definitely worth mentioning due to how different Zeldas gameplay is to links. Uh anyway based on that game alone I have very high hopes for the gameplay of Zelda, as well as the thinks the higher ups at Nintendo said about sticking with botw/totks direction and play style.
Lastly I'll be honest with you im sleep deprived as shit cause emergency irl shit happened last night and I havent been sleeping well in general so I forgot my big thing i wanted to talk about in this segment but uh. Salvaged bits are yada yada Zelda mechanics parallels to other games more characterization more well written fanfics that aren't JUST skyward sword and botw for her etc etc based on how they handled princess peach showtimes characterization [which like. Honest to God really hard character to write in 2024 due to her roots being damsel in distress 101 and people tending to mostly correctly point at any pinky extra feminine girl and shout misogynistic] I really don't think Nintendo can fuck this up, and I am fully confident they won't fuck it up :].
Oh yeah actually I did like the little bit of the trailer I did see that link shot her free at the last second, showing he is still in character and they didn't shoehorn in an idea to have a female protagonist like other series would do, but that every side of the triforce is equally powerful. I expect this game to be like if links awakenings dungeon puzzles were used on the overworld, and based on another Tumblr post I saw there might be some diplomatic puzzles. Or at least dual sided quest lines
Uh is there anything else I was gonna say. Oh I'm definitely going to be live posting about when I play the game since my birthday [shoutout to sans undertale] is in September so im definitely planning to ask for it or get it myself, even though I know it comes out past my birthday
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bvannn · 7 months
Weekly Update March 8, 2024
I didn’t do as much as I had hoped over spring break due to still being sleep deprived, but tomorrow and the next night I should be able to catch up. I’m making a good deal of progress on stuff.
I figured out animation with Clip Studio enough to make a little gif of Romeo playing piano, to go along with his theme. I’m really happy with how it came out. That’s the biggest song I have ready, but I’m really close on another (unless I decide to get more ambitious, which I might), and I do have a smaller one scheduled to go up Tuesday. I’m feeling surprisingly good about music.
The main problem I’m having is kind of a ‘just finish it’ thing, where I’m just not motivated to go record melodies or melody parts for whatever reason. That’s what’s holding back a couple pieces now, but I’m hoping that I can do some tonight or tomorrow. I’m thinking tonight because I got hit with inspiration for another character theme melody, and I don’t want to lose it while I sleep tonight, but I’d feel bad starting in that when another character theme and some other miscellaneous pieces are also awaiting melodies and recordings. I’d like to knock a whole bunch out tonight, because theoretically they shouldn’t be that bad, the annoying part is dressing them up for use which doesn’t need to be done tonight. Im not sure if I want to tonight because I also want to draw, at a minimum I’ll record that character theme melody.
The other big music thing is a vocaloid cover of a song that I’m using to test out how vocaloid works. I got the audio back from the friend with the voicebanks, and it sounds a lot better than expected! There’s a couple things I do want to tweak, but I don’t think I’d be able to do it from within the program, it’ll probably be more me fiddling with the wav file. Idk song is going surprisingly well, shouldn’t be very complicated to round up instruments, I already got all the plugins set up it’s just a matter of recording. I’ve also managed to find a guy in my area who offers Guitar lessons for cheap, which I’ve been taking and I do think the two I’ve been to are helping. Maybe if I get really brazen I can record organic guitar instead of using a vst, since it should be mostly or entirely power chords, but it’s not the end of the world if I can’t.
I do want to figure out visuals to go with it. I was a little hesitant to really put in a big effort with it, until I heard that buying a license for cover rights is ‘not actually that expensive’. I don’t know if that means 10 or 200 bucks but worst case I can hold onto it until I’m comfortable enough to drop money if it’s really that expensive. I’d like to do a simple music video with the vocaloid character, since the original song’s video is also really simple, although I need to figure out character design. Might throw a few together and put up a poll.
I’ve been trying to get more drawing stuff done too, some miscellaneous animations mostly. I’m really trying to push myself to finish up the timings I need for my commission sheet, and honestly I’m pretty close. I feel bad because I probably will have to increase prices after all, but I’m also offering other options, which can still be cheap. I’m trying not to undercut myself for my level of work, but art commissions are so expensive that I don’t want to be overcharging either. Most of the comms I have done have come with tips, so I guess people are willing to pay a bit more than I was charging anyway, but even then I don’t want to crank the prices high just because a few people are willing to pay more. I’m charging based on time, I just need to sort out how long things take.
Final point, comic writing/thumbnailing is going well, I’m at 25.5/32. Unsure how bad editing is going to be, but I’m kinda editing as I go along so I don’t anticipate it’ll be that bad. I’m expecting to be able to actually start making pages soon. What comes next could either be a continuation or a pitch for the other story. I get more questions about the other story, so I’m tempted, but I also feel like it’s a harder sell than the first. Whatever I need to finish the first one first, and that’s what I’ll do.
I’m still messed up on sleep and flareups are also picking up pretty bad, but only in the mornings, so I bet if I get more sleep they’ll go away too. Either way I do have a consult for the next surgery to deal with that in a couple months, so I should hopefully be okay. Plan tonight is to either draw some more or record some stuff
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hollysoda · 9 months
Happy new year hollysoda nation!! It’s officially 2024 here in the uk and it already kinda sucks I would hold onto 2023 a lil bit longer if you could-
I don’t usually do resolutions, but after this year I kinda feel like I need to? It’s not like I didn’t accomplish anything but there’s a lot I need to improve on or simply just do ig
Make new friends/be a better friend to my existing buddies: I had a pretty big fall out with some of my irls this year and although most wounds have healed I’ve lost a connection to one or two. I’m gonna try to see them as much as I can, and also meet new people!! Because why not, I’m an adult, I can do things
Sell my art: whether it be through commissions, adopts or craft things idc I just wanna sell my art AND be more confident with what I can make
Declutter my room and clean it more often: the clutter is getting too much to handle not gonna lie. I have some ideas on how to improve things though so hopefully I can get this one done quickly
Embrace who I am: my autism diagnosis this past month, and the whole journey of getting said diagnosis, has slowly made me more comfortable in my own skin but now I really want to try and embrace the tism. Not in like a showy off way, but in a “yeah I’m autistic what about it?” way. Maybe I’ll go to some groups or something idk
Write more: I did manage to post two fics in 2023 which is good for me but I now have a brand new laptop as of two days ago!! It loads in like two seconds I literally don’t have an excuse to write on my phone anymore. Hoping to write some lu fics and some warrior cats stuff as well!
Be more independent: I rely on my mum too much tbh. I love her to death and she loves me too but I can tell she’s just as mentally exhausted as I am from this year. Passing my driving test will definitely help with this but I just need to do more things myself, like driving myself places, arranging things, adulting like I should be etc
I probably won’t follow any of these but oh well it’s here to look back on in 12 months. Have a good year everyone!
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pepsimaxolotl · 9 months
I’m half asleep rn but I’m just gonna post about this now. Usually, every December, I post a month by month art recap and I’ve done this for every year since 2018.
That won’t be happening this year.
I crashed and burned so hard in the middle of the year. I’m too tired to do anything and I’m going through the worst art block and everything I draw I’m unhappy with. This has been the case for awhile
I’ve elected to take a break from art and just slowly work back to making illustrations. This means I don’t have anything to show for 2023. And that’s ok. I mean it’s kinda funny cause last years resolution was “do more art for yourself” and then I kinda stopped all together but it is what it is
Maybe I’ll post it with whatever doodles I can scrap together for the month cause it’s not like I haven’t been drawing at all. But I cannot remember the last illustration I did that I wasn’t paid for. Probably my current pfp???? Maybe??
It’ll return one year. I would like to get a 2024 one out, but I cannot confirm. I imagine there’d probably be a 2025 one since I don’t want to break that long but idk. That’s a choice for 2025 me.
Hope y’all have a happy holidays and new year. Im gonna be here reblogging as per usual
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erectedingold · 2 months
Buffer Fest
I’m submitting my short film “First-Gen Artist” to buffer festival for 2024. Very excited about it & I hope i get accepted for it. I’ll be 18 once it’s happening so hopefully I can go alone & get myself a hotel room in Canada. I’ve never been out of the country before so this would be so much fun. I think even if I don’t get accepted with my own film I could just go by myself & experience some art & film.
I’ve never been in a proper film festival with entry fees & people that fly in to view multiple films. Just local stuff but I guess those could be proper film festivals huh.
Anyways though I think my style due to lack of actor & budget works perfectly with buffer festival, telling a story with EVERYTHING being non traditional from the camera angles, writing, filming, & editing. It’s my own style though ☺️
I was talking to my friend Jay last night and & said I got A24 vibes & that’s the biggest compliment I think anyone has given me. If I ever get my name on the big screen with A24 it’ll be for a family movie about a hispanic family 🤷. Sure that’s what I’m doing right now but I want to tell MY story growing up. I think this period in my life would feel right, I’ve fallen in love, found my style, gained some confidence in myself, & have been heart broken. I’m growing into my self more & more every day. Santiago would be my A24 movie with all of that wrapped in a nice emotional package, movies like that speak to me. Lady bird, Minari, EEAAO, Whiplash, La La Land, & SO MANY MORE (i did list a shit ton whoops) are all movies that I’d want to do. I know those story telling movies that aren’t like action tend to flop a lil (?) like idk but they’ve been making a come back which makes me happy.
Overall…. I hope I can attend Buffer Festival as a creator. I want that so bad so that’s why i’ll make this new movie my best one that I can 🤷. I’ll rework the intro a little & make everything perfect. I’ll make sure to make a copy with non copyrighted music in case that isn’t allowed but I messaged Ryan NG films about his submission lol.
But this would be big for me. I’d hope my family could join me but they don’t understand how big this would be for me tbh. I’ll save it a cool $500 that would of been for a different trip this summer… & just use it to go to canada if I get accepted to this.
Thank you for reading i’ll be spamming this shit a lot. heart broken & trying to heal & writing about it helps a lot.
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erithacusrou · 8 months
I’ve been thinking about goals for the new year the past couple weeks since I was too restless to pin any down before 2023 ended. I’ve been adding to this list for a little while, and I think I’m finally done with it.
Eat better. Pulling this one from last year since I still have room for improvement. We ate a nice variety of new foods last year, so here’s hoping this year is equally as tasty.
Cook more. Okay this was also a goal last year too and I didn’t make much progress but I DID make scrambled eggs a few times so at least I did something. I’ve been hoarding recipes for a while now so hopefully I get around to doing something with them.
Drink more water. Self-explanatory. I drank more last year than I have previously thanks to a new water bottle, but I need to do better. I’m constantly dehydrated RIP ;;
Get better at doing my dailies. I’m so bad about washing my face and brushing my teeth and procrastinating on housework. Starting tasks that aren’t urgent and doing chores without external pressure are extremely hard for me, but I’m working on ways to push through that wall.
Exercise. Some of my lack of exercise is due to anxiety about not having enough space in the apartment to work out, not feeling safe enough to take a walk in my current neighborhood, or fear of being seen looking silly. I’ve kind of got a good grip on where I want to start now, I just have to get over the anxiety and just do it. I have days set aside for exercise and stretching now, I just have to wake up early enough to have time and willpower to do it.
Journaling. I started in December 2022 around when we were shopping for a new car, then fell off in September after burning out because I had made it a chore for myself by tracking too many things via the tagging function. I was originally intending to journal in my planner this year, but I really prefer having a dedicated journal app where I can also see stats like the weather, location, step count, etc. logged with my entry. This time around I have a dedicated tracker in my planner for certain activities so I can hopefully minimize the amount of tracked activities in my tags.
Read more. It’ll probably just be manga and fanfiction because I’m so out of the loop when it comes to actual books, but I’d like to at least read something. Been a couple years since I did any dedicated reading.
Plan ahead. One of my goals for 2023 was to plan better, and with the help of digital planning tools, I’d say I’ve improved a lot in the last year. Ideally I’d like to plan even more in advance by, say, getting birthday and holiday cards made and sent out in a timely manner. And having themed art done in time for events or special days! Stuff like that.
Save money. I’m tired of being in debt, man. I gotta start spending smarter and doing better with what I have. I’m really good at pretending I have expendable money when I actually don’t. Like I know buying fewer snacks at work won’t make up for the fact that I’m not paid enough, but idk what else to do really.
Be a person! I’m determined to get into the habit of regularly interacting with other people on social media and calling my family more often and hanging out with people and appreciating the people I love more. I want to be present in the lives of others more, and have them be present in mine.
Uhhh I think that’s it! I wish I had made sense of my priorities earlier than almost halfway through January, but it is what it is. I hope everyone else is having a good 2024 so far!
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yabedon · 9 months
2024 is the year I’ll be more active and post on tumblr!!
more of my art, photography, writing, & music!
:> idk who’ll see or who won’t, but idk, i just like expressing myself on tumblr carefree. i’ve just been hesitant ever since some art of mine was stolen on here years back @.@
but yah! i just like how far away tumblr is from most of my irl homies. dnt get me wrong—i love them, but my feeds on other social medias feels pretty much curated by my friends, not me. the things that they like—not the things I like. and i do what i can to support them in what they love, but we just don’t share a lot of common interests :<
here on tumblr, my feed is curated by people I chose to follow because I like the stuff they like :> and that’s a lot better for me mentally!
so to whoever might be reading this, hewo - i’m yabe & i hope you’ll like my art this year :>
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p3rry-pi3 · 1 year
Pin pooooost!
Updated: 9/17/2024 :3
I cannot believe I didn’t bother making a proper one sooner
Anyways, info under the cut cause this thing is long as heck, and I didn’t mean to make it that way.
Uh. I shall give a gold star to whoever reads the whole thing, but DO NOT SKIP the DNI part.
I also want to clarify that I have a section with Palestine content, I know people aren’t willing to always look under the cut to actually look for that kind of stuff (I’m saying this as, most people not generally, but sometimes I do the same thing, as shitty as our attention spans are, I think it’s still important that you check these posts out and reblog them. I have been DEATHLY terrified to reblog and post on this account but that shouldn’t stop anyone from at least reblogging this stuff seeing as this stuff is 1000x more important.)
I’ve copy linked posts where you can find: journalists to support and follow, how you can help Palestine donations or not, what you can do to prevent the voting for more weapons in Israel <- this could be outdated!!, and what to boycott.
Do not, and I mean DO NOT skip that part. I can’t control your actions but YOU can control YOUR OWN. I trust you to reblog, like, and share the posts I link.
Let me know if I should make this a separate post for you to reblog, but I hope this makes it GLARINGLY CLEAR on where I stand.
TW; teeth as header in the start and end :]
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Main info
Hey! I’m Perry! Short for Peregrine :)!
I’m a minor (above 10+, I wanna keep this a 13+ space cause of the cussing and my interests in horror art and other scary games. You kind of have to be 13+ to be on here anyway.)
I’m pretty spiritual
I’m a 4w5 intp. Idk what this says about me to others but uhhhh yeah.
I study the Paranormal and psychology
I like making headcanons and theories :]
I genuinely enjoy character analyses and overall enjoy video essays on media like indie horror and video games
I love hardcore horror and gore arts of all sorts. So beware of some of that. Ofc I’ll put warnings, just lemme know if I missed something. I also cuss a lot on here! So beware of that :)!
It’s come to my attention people have been posting real life gore of stuff like hyenas and actual victims so…That’s not the gore I meant. Fictional gore; FICTIONAL!
I’m new to the tagging system even now, so figuring stuff out is hard, but I’m equipped with enough knowledge on it and will put warnings in tags and captions since I recently learned you can block tags. Which helps loads.
Please be patient with me!^^
I’m trans, transmasc, and genderfluid. My pronouns are he/they.
I’m also working on getting a career or two in film :)!
Extra info
My favorite colors are purple, red, black, white, and neon pink.
I’m multifandom
Reblogs are much more appreciated but I’m grateful for likes.
I like mixed media.
Pls use tone tags :]
Please reblog artwork! Shitposts are fine for just likes. Text posts to.
I usually stick to canon ships because certain fandoms make it weird, but I haven’t seen anything in the main fandom I’m in, so I like to ship some.
I’m a multishipper. (Again, this applies to certain fandoms.)
I’m generally inactive here and there, but I like posting most of my fanart here when I can or remember I also post stuff on here.
I cuss on here so beware of that ig
I am half Samoan :]!!
I speak fluent English but I am learning some German.
I have social anxiety and anxiety so posts can sometimes be slower than usual since I’m almost always on my own toes. And because I have anxiety, if I’m being awkward, it’s nothing you did or said, I’m just like that in general.
I have horrible memory so if I post twice on the same day or hour it’s prolly because I forgot about it.
I reference lots of lemon demon and jack stauber.
I blame the jack stauber fanbase for my lemon demon obsession.
I’m the oldest of two brothers so you might hear about them here and there but rarely so.
I’m kind of an idiot, so please be patient if I ask you a third time to repeat what you said.
I have ADHD took a lot out of me to confirm I do. So posts may come later or at the same time due to this.
Biiiggggg undertale and fnaf nerd.
I’m an over analyzer who loves theories. Did you know I’m also an overthinker? (<- sarcasm.)
I don’t dream. I have nightmares instead. That’s where I get most of my OCs.
None of my stuff has age ratings unless it’s like tough topics to touch on or something horrifying.
I ramble lots and ramble even more in tags, so there’ll be lots of tags of just me rambling
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸🍉
It’s a genocide not a war!!! Z//onists FUCK OFF!!!!!!
I tried to make little watermelon emoji borders so they wouldn’t be confusing, but idk lmk if the borders help section it
I will also continuously update it if needed, and I take constructive criticism if I need to change anything, and no, ‘the only criticism I have is the fact you support Palestine’, or something, isn’t valid criticism. I’ll block you, and it’s not even a funny thing to joke about.
Links I have so far (I wanna remind ppl that if you don’t like seeing your link here just lmk and I’ll take it down, I’m just tryna share the word and I’ll soon make a post on its own abt this cause I think it’d be really important to make a separate post on this)
Help Heba!!!
(This one is sort of just based off someone else answering an ask but I wanted to copy link this one anyways since by the looks of it, they have a lot of pro-Palestine posts)
How YOU can help Palestine.
Palestinian journalists.
No more weapons for isntreal, ceasefire now.
This could be outdated or time sensitive.
What to boycott.
Places you should go
My unvale
Yapping account that won’t let me link for some reason
Pfp creds:
https://pin.it/1Jt3pb5eS on Pinterest :3
Tags I think u should check out on here!^^ /nf
Some doodles :) (doodles that are 9 times out of ten fandom related)
Bugsnax ramblings (I ramble about headcanons, theories, characters, in game stuff, etc.)
Mind rambles (theories, it’s a new tag I’m working on updating soon.)
Rambling about shit (shits and giggles at 3 AM)
Bugsnax shitpost (mother load of idiocy from yours truly)
Some doodles (not aware this existed prolly isn’t even from this blog, not used as much. At least I don’t think I dunno.)
Lemon demon
Jack stauber
Mother Mother
Indie horror art
Analog horror
Spiderverse ITSV & ATSV
Undertale AUs
Mr. Plant (from Ashur Gharavi)
CoD MW2, Cold War Black ops (18+ content CoD blogs DNI)
Venom (Mostly the movies, but I also enjoy the comics.)
TF2/Team Fortress 2
Death Note (anime) (pray for me…)
Attack on Titan (anime) (I’m revisiting my anime phase, clearly…)
Furry haters/anti-furrys
MAP (not the art collab meaning, but the other meaning)
Anti-microlabels (it is extremely important to me that you understand this is something that’s part of me to a spiritual level. I will fight you.)
In terms of the fandoms Death Note and CoD, I’d like it if you’re not a 18+ CoD blog. I am a minor and since 18+ is unwelcoming to minors - pls do not interact. Mello x Near shippers are thin ice but it’s not like you can’t interact. They just make me uncomfortable when shipped together cause I view them as brothers more than anything and I see them as L’s little honorary brothers (or his kids as canon was originally gonna be) too. So any Meronia shippers are not unwelcomed but I am hesitant to accept any interaction from them. Matt and Mello shippers are fine. Same with Matt and Near.
If you’re anything of the above, please get off my page/blog.
I don’t have much of a DNI, just be respectful and mindful.
Might expand if needed.
Did you read it?
Did you read the whole thing or at least the “DNI” parts?
Here’s a gold star, as promised: ⭐️
Alright. Go nuts. Be respectful.
Tumblr media
0 notes
bvannn · 8 months
Weekly Update February 9, 2024
The sick has returned. I took my medicine for it this morning but so far it doesn’t seem like it’s gone away, but admittedly my symptoms today could be the result of me having a bad day and it being cold outside, and not necessarily the sick. That’s also why I’m posting this update earlier than usual. If it persists tomorrow I’ll know it’s more surgery side effects, and maybe I’ll message my doctor if it stays throughout the week again. Last week went pretty well so I want to assume this week being messed up was just a fluke. I still got some stuff done, though.
I got a bunch of drawings done, most of them epithet erased and fanart rather than OCs but that’s fine. Fwiw I did get a few more comic pages done, though not one a day like I was hoping. I’ll try another tonight, maybe more if I’m in a good mood. I’m also starting to listen to more music, which should hopefully get inspiration flowing a bit better so I can do more OC art as well.
I still got an animation shaped void I need to fill but haven’t figured out what to do yet. I’d like to try something to music but I gotta get a song done first. So I’ve been trying to work on music but I’ve been so scatterbrained that it’s a bit hard. I’m hoping this weekend I’ll have time, but good chance I’ll try to spend it keeping my mood high instead. I guess I could do some OC animation tests, figure out how clip studio animation works too. Maybe.
Music: been toying with some slow ambient instrumental stuff, and that bigger edm one with the piano I posted a sample of a while ago. Turns out EDM is super easy, so if I can find reasons to keep doing it I will, although admittedly I’m not as big on it as I am on other genres. I’m close to done on that EDM one, partially because it’s supposed to be kinda short. I haven’t touched lyric stuff, I might have to soon though since my congenial medical bs is flaring up again too, and lyrics are luckily something I can do while bedridden. Idk I like how the instrumental is going.
I redid that melody I posted the other day for the ambient track, admittedly didn’t change much but I swapped the third measure out, dropped a few notes, and actually tried it on a lower bpm and with some reverb because I forgot to do that for the samples I posted (whoops), and it sounds fine. I need some other parts for that one still, maybe I’ll use placeholders and just figure out the rest of the instrumentation bc I got that half finished.
Haven’t touched vocaloid again yet. Maybe I’ll make some quick demos so I can understand how tuning works. I’ll probably pick a memey or old song and if I make anything presentable I’ll post it.
Been looking for more VSTs too, I compare it to looking for new brushes whenever you’re dissatisfied with your art. Vital has been good for EDM, basically fixed all my problems for me, again. Also started messing with decentsampler again and it’s probably going to fix my problems when I’m working on that ambient track.
I think this weekend and next week I’ll aim to get some time with the big fancy keyboard and just unload a bunch of recording at once. Force myself to finish shit. Tonight I’d like to as well, but that depends on how bad my homework ends up. And if I get flare ups again. I’m still working on dealing with that condition but I need two or three more surgeries before it’s really going to be gone. And I have to wait for those. I’m not worried about money for now since I’m pretty sure I can get a decent job after I graduate (and at a minimum I can go back to the job I had last summer which I liked and paid pretty well). Right now I don’t have a source of income but I think I’ll be fine, I just need to not spend money, which I’m pretty good at. Next week I’ll focus on music stuff first, throw in some drawings if I can, and keep at those comic thumbnails. Once those are done I’ll start on pages.
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bvannn · 8 months
Weekly Update February 2, 2024
I think I’m mostly better. The medicine I take is once a week, and it’s supposed to last me all week. Last week it brought me through about Tuesday, this week I was good until Wednesday, hopefully next week it’ll last the full week. I’m doing fine today too because Fridays are when I administer it. I think I’ll be fine real soon. Unfortunately I am swamped with homework, but I can manage it pretty soon.
This week as far as art projects was mainly me messing with music. I found the trick to getting good electronic instruments, and that is a little free plugin called Krush. I don’t know why music software companies like mortal kombat so much that they spell everything like that, but the ones that do make nice stuff so I won’t judge. I also started fiddling with Melodies for some instrumental themes for OCs, Shaun and Romeo are first up for that, planning to make progress tonight. Cleaned up my other project files as well and found a nice bass and drum line I must’ve made while I was delirious on medicine after surgery bc I don’t remember making it but it sounds nice so I’ll keep it. I’m the process of cleaning up a Zelda medley, I’ll probably post the piano version of that alongside the full instrumental. Finally, another one that’s set for vocals even though I technically haven’t finished the first one. I’m impulsive. The first one is just missing vocals and lyrics really so once I’m in a good headspace I’ll try to lyric out both of these in one go and fiddle with vocaloid after I know what words I want.
I also finally started prodding at Vocaloid 5. I’m going with v5 over v4 because it has a more user friendly UI and I’m under the impression that the attack and release feature is unique to v5, although I may be wrong on that. I’m still not sure exactly which voicebanks I’ll want to use, obviously the Kagamines would be a good choice because having a male and female option packaged together is cool, but the Zolas are also a package deal and have a bit more variation amongst them. I’m not sure how well they do English though, since they’re not built for it. I mean I guess people won’t really care, people still seem to be big fans of the Vflower English songs even though she’s also not built for english *or the genre most of those songs are* and they eat them up anyway. The Zolas are also less marketable than the Kagamines or Vflower, though. Also I guess Miku is an option and probably an inevitability if I do start making vocaloid music but I don’t need to start with her, you know? Idk maybe I’ll keep working on song stuff and consider which vocal fits the best, maybe I’ll draw them a bit too, see how much demand there is.
I haven’t been doing any comic work because I’ve still been sick, plus now I’m waffling since I don’t have a big animation project anymore and I guess I could fill the void by making that project an animation, but I’m still unsure. It might be smart to do both, and at a minimum my thumbnailing out the comic makes sure that everything is paced correctly and the dialogue flows. Tonight I’m hoping to pick back up where I left of before I got sick: I had finished the first third of the first ‘episode’, and was moving on to act 2.
Today especially I’ve been bit by the TTRPG bug again and kinda want to write out and draw stuff for that, but normally I do my best conceptual writing while I’m delirious in bed after my sleep medicine is kicked in but before I fall asleep. I stayed up late last night alternating between chemistry homework and playing ghost trick so tonight should be a good night for writing. Maybe I’ll get more comic outline writing done too, who knows.
And finally I also just really need to get more drawings done. I posted those epithet challenge ones the other day, which people seem to like. And I really want to do a drawing of Lynne, I like her because she reminds me of an OC of mine, can’t say which one or why though because that’s a spoiler for both characters. I really need to do more art in general, so I threw together a wheel of small little doodles to do, but all that still relies on me having free time, which is a lot scarcer now that I’m working. Still, if I get back into the habit of chugging out those comic pages, I can probably do a little more.
I’m still not sure what to do tonight. I keep flipping back and forth over whether I want to do music or drawing, and end up with little in the way of posting. I did find out that I can post audio to tumblr easy now, so I’ll try to do that more often. Idk. I’m exhausted from today specifically, and this past week has been busy, but I’m hoping it’ll die down and I can do more this upcoming week.
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