#idk i'm sorry. especially for complaining so much on the matter.
genderdryad · 19 days
i feel like i shouldn't have to plaster "mspec/male 'lesbians' dni" all over my page but here we are
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echobx · 29 days
Rafe x reader request:
In episode "Parcel 9," the group plans to cut off a house's power, but they accidentally alert the elderly resident, who defends her home with gunfire. Reader gets injured, and despite objections, they're forced to leave her behind. Later, Rafe overhears their conversation, outraged by their abandonment. Determined to make things right, he enlists Barry to rescue Reader. Rafe finds Reader injured but alive, becoming her unexpected hero, and they bond through the ordeal.
Sorry it’s so long Xx
The Cellar - Rafe Cameron × fem!reader
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summary: see ask
warnings: mention of reader's leg being injured, other than that none
word count: 1k
author's note: idk why it took me so long to finish this 😭 and now the formatting is (imo) bad bc I don't have my laptop here with me but I wanted to post this anyway. it's roughly edited but not much.
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“We don't have a choice,” John B yells and pulls Sarah with him, leaving you stuck under the wooden pillar.
“Sarah!” you cry out but her boyfriend has already pulled her away, out of the cellar and away from you.
You do your best to contain your sobs and cries of pain, not wanting to alert the old lady again. Time passes slowly and you feel yourself growing weaker.
Unbeknownst to you Rafe has his ears perked, listening to John B promise Sarah to go back later that night to get you, but he doesn't sound convincing. Rafe quickly pulls out his phone and texts Barry to meet him at the Crain house.
When they get there it's already getting darker, and they have to use their flashlights to see around the garden and find their way into the cellar.
“John B? JJ?” you whisper as you hear someone enter the cellar, but the voice that answers is not one you are familiar with.
“You really think those two are gonna come back to get you?” Barry laughs quietly before you can see him.
“How'd this happen?” Rafe asks, reaching over to brush over your cheek, removing your tears.
“The old witch shot at us and then this thing fell on my leg and-” You stop before you start crying again and Rafe nods.
“Gonna get you out of here, love,” he promises and turns to Barry. They lift the pillar and you manage to scoot out from under it.
Rafe picks you up and carries you out and towards his car. He saved your life and you don't even know how he knew where to find you. But most of all you wonder why he cares enough to do it.
The ride is quiet, apart from his rather aggressive taps against the steering wheel, or the fact that he's 10 mph over the speed limit.
“Why did you come and get me?” you ask quietly after he puts you down on the couch in his home.
“Because you deserve better to be left alone and all,” Rafe runs his hand over the back of his neck. You have never seen him nervous. As a matter of fact, you have never seen much of him at all, especially not on your own. But now that he's standing in front of you, you get a clear look at him; furrowed brows, lips pressed to a thin line, his hair hanging into his face.
“The doctor will be here in a bit to check on you,” Rafe pulls your attention back to the present.
“Oh, I'm fine, really,” you lie and try to get up, but he catches you just as your legs start to give out from under you.
“I can see that,” he huffs and puts you back down on the sofa.
The doctor comes and leaves rather quickly, only prescribing bed rest and a special ointment for the bruises on your leg, as well as pain medication.
“Maybe I should get you cleaned up before we start the bed rest part of this,” Rafe mumbles and picks you up to go upstairs without you being allowed to say anything about it. It's like he has taken over and you're unsure if you really want to complain about it, about giving parts of your freedom away to him.
He helps you undress with his eyes closed. It's a funny game because he really doesn't want to cross a boundary with you, but he also can't see which makes you giggle when he accidentally grabs your boob instead of your arm and then he jumps back and nearly falls over all by himself.
“I didn't mean to do that,” he apologizes but you keep laughing.
“It's okay.”
His eyes are still closed when he helps you in the bathtub, only opening them after you have confirmed that your bubble bath is covering you completely.
“You can open your eyes again,” you giggle, and he peeks one eye open before looking at you fully. “Didn't think you'd be so weird about potentially seeing some boobs.”
“I'm trying this new thing called, being respectful. Apparently, girls are into that kinda shit,” Rafe says and flashes his eyebrows at you while pulling a small stool over to sit down next to the tub.
“Is it?” you ask and he nods, gnawing at his bottom lip.
“No way!” you fake a gasp and he smiles.
“Yeah, you would be surprised how well it's working.”
“Can I be honest with you?” you ask and he nods. “I always thought you were worse. I mean, you're not the best, still-”
“Not my fault you hang out with assholes,” he shrugs and you roll your eyes.
“I hang out with Sarah, and Sarah has friends who are not always as bad as you think. I know JJ would've come back to get me,” you argue.
“Did he, though?” Rafe remarks snidely.
“Eventually they would’ve.” You are sure of it, your friends had never left you behind before, surely it had been a mistake.
“I can bring you back there if you're so sure,” Rafe suggests and you shudder.
“No, thank you. The old witch had a fucking rifle.”
“See,” Rafe chuckles softly and you can't help but gaze at him, at how pretty he looks.
You keep talking, getting to know him better, really. You learn that he, just like you, doesn't have the best relationship with his dad, always trying to get approval from the parent. And you learn that he likes bikes, and only golfs to annoy the old fuckers on the course.
And after you're done bathing he gives you some clothes he found in Sarah's room and you lie down on his bed, eating pizza and watching a movie.
“It's the best because they are both doing the same thing and in the end, all their efforts go out of the window because they realize they belong together,” you sigh happily as the movie starts playing. Rafe pulls you into his side, and you let him. And although he's not a fan of rom-coms, he sits with you, more focused on your reactions to the film than the actual screen.
And while he's watching you, he can't help but thank your dumb Pogue friends for leaving you behind and giving him a chance to win you over.
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part 2
please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart @notdxbya
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blueskittlesart · 8 months
i think you should be allowed to complain about whatever you want forever (and as someone who has been absolutely dying a thousand deaths over the currently planned live action how to train your dragon movie i completely understand this flavor of anguish)
sure sometimes positivity can be good, but sometimes u gotta start eating the walls and yelling to the sky about your misery (it’s cathartic <3). i am so very sorry you are joining the “bad live action movie made purely for money that has no shot of capturing what i love about this media” club, and i hope that at some point in the future it will be able to hurt at least a little less
it's like. idk. like i know that im at best a niche internet microcelebrity but it does kind of feel like im at the point where im being held to a weirdly high standard for. posts on a dying blogging website. like as far as i'm concerned i've never marketed this as an overtly positive space. i complain constantly. i've built this blog around media analysis and critical reads of the things i enjoy, whether those reads are positive or negative. but it's gotten to the point where any time i post an even minimally divisive opinion i get someone who is angry that i even dared to have an opinion at all. i've been very open on this blog about what these games mean to me and how much of my life is tied up in them. I became an artist in part because of my love for them. they have driven the success of my career over the past 5 years. I don't think it's unreasonable for me to be disappointed when something like this happens even if it's "just a game" or "just a movie" especially when my entire brand of content is posting about the game in question. i feel sort of insane. like, you all understand that i'm a person, right? that when i post things they come from my real human brain with real human thoughts and emotions? That i'm not curating my thoughts and opinions for you to consume? I'm just posting. i have a big audience but i am still just posting. and no one understands more than me how insane it is that i'm saying all this in response to posts on my legend of zelda fan blog. but like. i need you all to understand that you can't just tell people to not feel something that they are feeling and expect them to react positively to that, no matter what the context is.
anyways none of this is directed at you the asker im just using you as a vessel lmao but thank you for your support. i am nothing if not a hater and i will continue to be a hater until the end of time god bless 🙏🙏🙏
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h4itani-4ddict · 1 year
Reconciliation in the Cold - Maried!Nozel Silva One Shot
Synopsis: Nozel and Y/N argue, Nozel tell his s/o mean things but at the end they reconcile and apologize
Pairing: Nozel Silva (Black Clover) x female! reader
Genre: Angst to Fluff/ SFW
TW: Nozel being mean (saying "I hate u"), argument, crying, emotionally intense, conflictual relationships, communication difficulties and relationship problems, reconciliation (idk if that's all ???)
WC: 416
A/N: I rlly dont like the end bruhhh (btw english isn't my first langage)
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There was a palpable tension in the halls of the Silva mansion. Nozel and Y/N stood in the living room, their faces filled with annoyance and frustration. Sharp words filled the air, fueling the raging argument between them.
"Nozel, how can you say such things?" Y/N exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't understand… I thought you loved me."
Nozel crossed his arms, his gaze cold and distant. "I fail to see why you complain so much. You're always so timid and sensitive. I can't even express my frustrations without you bursting into tears."
Nozel's words struck a chord deep within Y/N, leaving her feeling deeply hurt. She always tried to appear strong in front of him, but his words had touched a sensitive nerve. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt misunderstood and rejected.
"If that's how you see me, then maybe… maybe we should take a step back," she whispered, her voice broken.
Nozel hesitated for a moment, his eyes meeting his s/o, filled with sadness and vulnerability. He realized the impact of his words and the pain he had inflicted on the person he loved most in the world.
"Y/N, I… I didn't mean that," he murmured softly, his voice tinged with remorse. "I'm sorry… I'm just… frustrated, and I don't know any other way to express it."
Nozel's sincere words touched Y/N, a glimmer of hope flickering in her broken heart. She knew Nozel struggled to show his emotions, but his admission of fault gave her hope for reconciliation.
"I understand that you have difficulty expressing your emotions, Nozel, but that doesn't mean you can hurt me without consequences," she replied, her voice trembling. "I want you to understand how much your words can affect others, especially me."
Nozel lowered his head, ashamed of his past actions. "You're right, Y/N. I shouldn't let my frustration dictate my words. I sincerely apologize."
Y/N approached him slowly, placing a hand on his arm. "I forgive you, Nozel, but I want us to work together to improve our communication. We are married, and that means being there for each other even in the difficult times."
Nozel looked up, determination shining in his eyes. "You're right, Y/N. I will be the best husband I can be. I promise to make an effort to open up more and show you how much you mean to me."
His s/o offered him a faint smile, feeling their hearts mend. They embraced each other tenderly, seeking comfort in each other's arms.
"I love you, princess" Nozel whispered against her hair. "And I'm sorry for ever doubting us."
Y/N buried her face in Nozel's chest, feeling her heart settle. "I love you too, Nozel. Promise me we'll always work through things together, no matter the challenges."
Nozel tightened his hold, whispering softly in her ear, "I promise, Y/N. I'll never hurt you again. We'll face every trial together."
In that moment of intimacy, Nozel and s/o realized that their love was stronger than their differences. They were ready to face the future hand in hand, proving that even the coldest of hearts could be warmed by the fires of genuine love.
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A/N: I've already said it but I really hate the end, like it's so cringe bro... But hope u liked it
masterlist - requests
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kittycat-in-the-dark · 5 months
Can I be a little bitch for a second and complain about something...
(Also because I haven't written a post in a while, lol)
People that hate Damian Wayne's character are weird.
Like, let me make something clear first: people are obviously allowed to dislike Damian as a character for wtv reason (although, it is better when the reasons that people dislike him for come from actual canon and not fanon, and it's not because of, ya know, stuff like racism...).
However, it's really hilarious (in a dumb way, sorry not sorry) when I see fans of Jason and Tim specifically (which is funny, considering I'm one as well) shit on Damian as if he is like a little monster that did the most horrible shit imaginable just because in the stories he first appeared in, in main canon, he did some questionable actions, such as cutting Tim's line. But most of the time these same people almost never talk about what were Damian's reasons to do this and some even say stuff like "Jason was justified in shooting Damian that one time./It was satisfying to see the brat being shot by Jason." or something else like that.
And I sit here like: excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK??
Look, I get the argument "these are fictional characters written by adults, so it doesn't matter that Damian is a kid, he still did messed up things" to a certain degree. However, it still doesn't change that they are still writting a child. And just because some of you people don't like Damian because he is a brat, that doesn't mean you can completely ignore (or outright make up/change) the context surrounding Damian's character, while at the same time giving characters like Jason Todd, that at the time Damian was introduced in Post-Crisis did way way more messed up shit, justifications such as "it's bad writing", "it's classist", "Jason has trauma".
WHEN THE SAME/SIMILAR FREAKING REASONS APPLY TO DAMIAN'S CHARACTER AND WRITING AS WELL!!! Aka, "bad writing" (that can be everywhere for any character, not just for Jason, duh), "racist writing" (unfortunately), "Damian has trauma" (yes, yes he was. And he came with some fucked up baggage of it when he first met his father, just like Jason did, why do some people ignore this just because of Damian's heritage or something).
ALSO: some people sure love to forget that there is a big ass difference between "Damian is a 9-year-old that grew up in an assasssins cult, and thus he isn't familiar/adjusted with his dad's world and rules" and "Jason is a grown ass man that keeps hurting other people because of his trauma, including people that have nothing to do with his trauma to begin with" (*cough* Mia Dearden *cough*, *cough* The Titans *cough*; also, opposite to Damian, he didn't grow up being taught to kill people, lmao). So, like, idk dude, they all have messed-up trauma and you don't see all of them going on killing sprees and torturing innnocent people because of it...
Like, I love Jason, I love Tim. But I don't hate Damian, Dick and/or Bruce, just because in certain situations they wronged my faves. Also, it's good to recognize that the faves messed up too. That they hurt other people. I mean, why the fuck do some of you people justify Jason (especially him) and Tim's wrong actions to the moon and back, but don't extend the same courtesy to other characters in similar situations... like, it doesn't seem fair or make that much sense to me...
Like,, really, I'm sorry but people saying in the same breath that "Jason deserves to be understood on his violence because of his trauma" and "Damian is evil because he tried to hurt people" (also because of trauma, btw) are kinda hypocritical, sorry (not sorry actually).
(Also, why tf do some people make "who is the most traumatized Batboy" type competitions that usually downplay the trauma of the Batboys/Batfamily members they don't care about or like?? The point of the Batfamily is that they all are messed up people that came together by chance and because they share similar trauma and desire to help others, while at the same time being a dysfuncional mess of a family. Like, that's the fun part. And ya, that also means they have to have moments where they get along and recognise when they fucked up. And all of them had situations where they fucked up and hurt others. There is no "100% innocent/justified" member in the Batfam. All of them fucked up big time at some point, okay?? And that is part of what makes them interesting characters. Like, sorry for ranting so much but I don't understand people that act as if their favourite characters can never do any wrong or did any wrong when they actually did...)
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hoes4hoseok · 1 year
enhypen as sour
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...so i said i'd finish my work before posting another but i couldn't help it I PROMISE I'LL FINISH IT EVENTUALLY THOUGH. thanks for reading, y'all!
ni-ki as brutal
"they'd all be so disappointed, 'cause who am i if not exploited?"
some maknaes give me such unmistakable teenage angst energy (as i showed by choosing hueningkai for jealousy, jealousy)
&& ni-ki is not an exception imo!! he's also actually seventeen i kinda had to ✋
anyway yeah ni-ki's life is great in some ways but it also sucks in other ways, just like olivia depicts in the song
like yeah he's in a big k-pop group but also he's been through so much 🤧. this obviously does not mean that he's in any hurry to grow up, but y'all get my point (i hope)
sunghoon as 1 step forward, 3 steps back
"which lover will i get today? will you walk me to the door or send me home crying?"
sunghoon is not the type to stay with you if he doesn't like you
but in this case, he's conflicted. (ultimately, he does not like you enough to not toy with your feelings, but alas...)
&& yeah, he might regret it soon after acting cold, but that doesn't matter because he'll act nice but do it again & possibly repeat until the end of the relationship
oh god, heartbreaker sunghoon, y'all!! it's a concept!! that i live by!! (i'm not okay.)
sunoo as deja vu
"a different girl now, but there's nothing new, i know you get déjà vu"
sunoo would totally do the same activities with multiple partners 😭
he wouldn't think it's a big deal though?? he'd associate the things with good times, not people
it would suck but there's not much you can do about it
on the CONTRARY...he'd probably be pissed about you doing the same stuff with other people
especially if the break-up was on you
he'd complain to his friends about it & they'd be on his side in either situation (so would i, sorry y'all)
heeseung as enough for you
"don't you think i loved you too much to think i deserve nothing?"
this scenario is a real tragedy to imagine so i'm sorry about that 😭
just as with any relationship, if you were with heeseung, he would have to love you just as much as you do him.
&& if a relationship with him fell apart it would feel particularly bitter because there would be little warning signs along the way that you didn't think were a big deal
like the whole line about him not complimenting her makeup ✋🙄 (come on bro,, it's not that hard!!)
the real tragedy is that he didn't want more from you...he just didn't want you
anyways 🤠 like she said!! you'll find someone who does find you exciting :)
jake as happier
"i hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me"
it would be so hard to hate jake after a break-up 😭 especially if he was kind about it & took your feelings into account
even more so if it's been a while since the two of you called it quits & you should have moved on but you haven't
because tbh who would be able to?
&& seeing him with someone else would leave you conflicted because how could you possibly be upset with him? or his new partner?
so you'd kind of have to suck it up :( & hope he isn't as happy as he was with you :(
jay as favorite crime
"know that i loved you so bad, i let you treat me like that"
so this song is about partially blaming yourself after a heartbreak, because you "let" them treat you like that
getting dumped by this man would be so devastating
again, it would be slow -- even if you tried your hardest to hold on because you wanted him so badly, he would end up letting go in the end
it's such a horrible feeling. i don't wish it upon anyone.
anyways...before you know it 🚨 wee-ooo wee-ooo 🚨! ur heart is broken! 💔🚔 (sorry i just felt compelled to do that idk)
jungwon as hope ur ok
"somehow we fell out of touch, hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush"
as i said in my txt post, this album only has 11 songs, so this one is also assigned to soobin
&& tbh i have a pretty similar reason for choosing it but i think jungwon would be the one thinking about his old friends & acquaintances (rather than his friends thinking of him, which i said for soobin)
he seems to have a really kind heart, & the reason he's the leader of enhypen is because he's so caring
oh wow 🤧 got myself in my feels about him thinking of his i-land buddies 🤧 i'm gonna go now
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txt version ☆ emails i can't send version ☆ masterlist
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chubbysciencenerd · 11 months
Confession, JohnSeedxFemReader!Smut
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Idk what tags to put srry!
Ps sorry this ones a bit short<3
You look around nervously as you walk up to John Seeds ranch unarmed, in fact with no weapons whatsoever on your person. Some of the other peggies look at you only remembering the version of you before you turned to Eden's Gate. You make your way to the door as people start whispering around the compound you knock on the door shyly. Your plan was to face your sins, the one sin you still endured and that was lust. Lust for John Seed. John opens the door to see a visibly embarrassed deputy. He glances outside seeing people talking as he grabs your shoulder softly pulling you inside before shutting the door. He looks down at you worried about why you were here. “Deputy, are you alright? Why are you here?” He worriedly brings you over to his couch and sits next to you looking at you intently. He didn't care that you once had a job to kill him, that's the point of salvation. “I.. I feel like sin is washing over me.” you speak quietly but loud enough for him to hear, you look down at your legs anxiously. He was somewhat relieved when he found out it wasn't the other peggies that had you like that. “Darling, is it one sin? Or multiple? You know I'm here to help, especially for stuff like this.”
He grabs your hands and takes them into his cause you look up at him, he seemed caring, he wasnt mad that you were filled with sin he just wanted to help. You blush at his nickname he gave you, and you look down anxiously. “Lust..” You speak quietly yet again. His eyes widened a little bit not quite expecting that from a little ol innocent looking you. “Lust is unfortunately a normal feeling, we just can't let it overpower us. That's the only way it is truly a sin. Do you know where all of this lust is coming from?”
You keep your head down and mumble “A certain person..” He can hear what you said but barely, “You need to start speaking up darling, have you gone and talked to this person about how you're feeling?” Fuck you hated how much this felt like a therapy session, you look up at him with weak doe eyes, “Im talking to him about it now.” 
His expression goes blank before quickly getting a little flustered. “I'm proud of you for coming to me, But I really hope that's not the only reason you came to me. I can always help you no matter what deputy.” He holds your hands tighter as he looks deeply in your eyes, “And thank you for being honest” His tone changes to almost.. A seductive one? 
“You know what's the best way to stop a craving? To give someone what they’re craving” He comes so close to you on the couch and studies your face carefully.
It seemed to you that he was sinning with lust too, he moved one of his hands to your thighs and the other to the side of your face before slowly pulling you into a kiss. You had no intention of this happening when you came over but god damn you were doing anything but complaining. He slowly moves his hands to your waist squeezing gently before pulling you onto his lap. He's quick to start to trail the kisses from your chin and down to your neck, your breathing grows heavy as he does so. Your fingers roam through his hair completely messing up its slicked back state, you tug on it slightly as he starts to move your hips on his lap controlling you just by gripping your waist. You forgot how lustful of a person John was. He places a soft bite on your neck before doing the same to your earlobe making a shiver run down your spine. You whimper in his ear quickly causing his lust to grow.
 He tugs at the hem of your shirt quickly pulling it over your head and tossing it to the floor, he begins to admire your body, your scars and tattoos. He returns his grip on your waist before placing soft kisses along the top of your breasts. His hands slide up your body and around to your back as he unclasps your bra quickly tossing that on the floor by your shirt. He is quick to fondle your breasts, taking one of your nipples into his mouth sucking on it while softly tugging on it with his teeth. Your breath grows shallow as you continue to play with his hair, after a few minutes he pushes you up and off the couch before grabbing your hand and quickly leading you to his bedroom. He pushes you onto the bed as he starts to take off his vest, his shirt soon to follow. He tugs at your jeans holding your panties with them and you lift your hips allowing him to pull them off. He quickly climbs on top of you with his knee pressed at your heat.
He kisses from your neck painfully slowly dragging the kisses down till he reaches your heat, he looks up at your flustered face before placing a few soft kisses to your dripping core before starting to testing your clit with his tongue before dipping into your heat with his tongue sloppily tasting you and loving every second of it. Your fingers run through his hair squeezing it tightly as your thighs squeeze around his head. You moan breathlessly and it sounds like music to his ears though it's quite hard to hear with your thighs squeezing his head. He snakes his hand under your thigh and moves his mouth back to your clit before sliding two digits into your heat quickly pumping into you curling them perfectly to hit that one spot. Your legs start to shake around his head as you near your desperately needed orgasm. He speeds up with work with his mouth and fingers until you reach your finish, he slows down before taking out his fingers and licking them clean before licking up whatever he can from your heat. He trails back up your body with soft kisses before coming back up to your face giving him a long heated kiss with your juices still covering his beard. You take your hands down to his pants and start to unbuckle his belt eagerly, he reaches down to help and quickly frees his throbbing length from his jeans and boxers. 
You look down admiring his girth and length, he moves your head with his finger under your chin so you're looking him in the eyes. “Are you sure you still want this darling?”
You whine a soft “Please~” and he dives into your neck kissing it yet again as he guides his throbbing tip to the head of your entrance, he slowly pushes fully in stretching your walls just perfectly to fit him. He starts with slow and shallow thrusts as he pulls away from your neck to watch how you reacted. You breathlessly moan softly looking into his eyes. “Faster John..” He listens almost instantly and speeds up his pace pulling almost completely out before sliding back into you. He helplessly takes one of your nipples back into his mouth, his beard slightly tickling you as you wrap your legs around him. What would Joseph think if he saw us right now.. You push that thought into the back of your head as John starts to grow rougher with you almost slamming into you at a fast speed. The sound of skin slapping together fills the room with occasional moans, whimpers, grunts and groans. You claw at his back as his thrusts turn into ramming into you taking your breath away every time. Your walls squeeze tightly around him sending him over the edge as he pulls out at the last second finishing all over your stomach, he grounds and almost whimpers as he finishes. 
He carefully kisses you before getting up and fixing himself back into his pants before leaving to get a towel for you. “You okay darling?” He looks at you with a reassuring look before leaving to get a towel. “Perfect” You say with a soft voice while looking at him. He smiles and disappears before coming back with a wet hand towel to clean you up carefully. You lean against him as you snuggle while he wipes you clean, you look up at him starstruck. He chuckles looking down at you. “Would you like to stay for a while longer? Or do you have somewhere you need to be?” You give him a soft smile and gladly accept his offer to stay. He kisses your forehead before taking the rag to his dirty laundry basket, he goes over to his closet and finds one of his old hoodies and grabs it before coming back and helping you put it on. It was baggy on you and you looked so cute in it. “I can wash your clothes tomorrow darling”
He climbs back into bed with you as soon as he lays down, you're snuggling up against him with him holding you carefully. He strokes your hair lovingly before saying something that kind of caught you off guard, “If you ever have lustful feelings of sin again, don't hesitate to come back. I will always welcome you with open arms.”
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inkstaindusk · 4 months
hello. i've been thinking about system update a bit recently. how's it going? do you have any tidbits you'd like to share? also, i'm really enjoying your capman reki fic, thank you for writing it. i'm also pretty curious about your thoughts about rinne's partner in the reaper's game, from what i've seen from your posts.
(sorry if this is out of the blue, i was reminded that i should send asks more often)
Hello hi! Dw about seeming random, I'm certainly not complaining, I love talking about myself/my work. Thank you for liking capman reki! I'm really proud of it! And someone actually sent an ask about Rinne's partner a few days ago which is in my drafts now, I have to go post that
Anyway system update is, regretfully, on pause while I 1) recover from capman reki au 2) try to read more enstars stories to understand the characters enough to write them (just because it's Aira centric doesn't mean I wanna totally mischaracterize someone's fave) and 3) devour some romance/fantasy in an effort to remember how to actually write romance/fantasy. Not to say I'm not thinking about it and don't have ideas, I just haven't written anything especially concrete for it.
[scratches head] I guess I can talk a little bit about Rinne tho since I meant to talk about what he's doing anyway. There is a tidbit of a thing I did the other day:
It’s not like Rinne likes everything he’s done and will do. Messing with the heads of those high and mighty mages is fun, but the rest is necessary evil. He definitely never wanted to kill kids, especially not kids his brother likes, but he doesn’t have time to deal with regrets—or, he does, but there’s only so much he can waste. He has a goal and he’s already decided to see it through to the end, no matter what it takes. He's come too far. He’ll bear with the consequences after. “Ai-chan needs to go.” Hiiro will never smile at him like that again.
Rinne, Rinne, Rinne. Surprising absolutely no one, his goal as the villain is to destroy society completely and absolutely. Because what else would he do honestly. Translating idols -> mages, you can expect his backstory to be basically the same, except now with twice the magic and murder! (Isn't it so weird that enstars is an idol game but I have to say that this AU comes with more magic and murder than usual?) And of course Crazy:B is also with him. All of them have ~secret identities~ because I need them to move around without drawing suspicion as The Guys Who Tried To Murder Trickstar Last Week (or whatever it is they do in their first villain appearance idk).
I'm not sure what else I can say about him. Uhhh oh his super special exclusive magic is called Roulette because I'm unoriginal like that, he gets a new special magic every time he uses it but naturally he has no control over what it is. Sometimes it's awesome. Mostly it's stupid shit. He and Niki have argued extensively over whether the food ingredient identification magic is cool or not.
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by-glass-and-waves · 9 months
So I may have decided to do some work on a 19th century AU ha ha ha sorry pls let me know if anyone else has already claimed it for themselves
And hilariously, it is an AU based on Restart, so it'll have Allani and her banter with Narinder. At least I hope it'd be good banter.
So think Pride and Prejudice vibes but Cult of the Lamb
And it might be because I watched the movie Emma. And because it was the time of the year to watch Pride and Prejudice, and Sense and Sensibility.
Bishops: Royal family of the Lands of the Old Faith, each sibling has a title
Shamura: the ruler, obvs
Narinder: doesn't flex his title or royal family status and just wants to do his own thing, which gets him estranged from the others because they see him as shirking his duties. He's only on good terms with Leshy and they visit each other on occasion, causing rumors that they're conspiring against Shamura
Ratau: mayor, retired military officer, owns a shipping company with Ratoo
Ratoo: retired naval officer, usually out on voyages with The Goods™, not sure if I'd have his fiancée lost to sea/drowning incident or have her in town because they deserve a happy ending
Baal and Aym: learning magic and combat from Ratau (and sometimes Ratoo when he pops up)
Forneus: owner of the local inn
Lamb (I'll be honest, it's Allani from Restart): adopted daughter of Ratau, he found her during a campaign in which her hometown was razed, there were a few other survivors who joined his town, also learning how to magic and combat from Ratau
Hauron: another survivor and adopted son of Ratau, super protective cousin of Allani
Rakshasha and the missus: work in Forneus' kitchen? Or should they work in Narinder's kitchen idk
Plimbo: another employee of Ratau and Ratoo, always complaining about his MIL visiting him and his wife every other week
Midas: that guy who owns super decked out place and has parties all the time, and MAYBE some out-of-towners go missing after, and MAYBE he has a few new sculptures in their likenesses after, but no one asks questions
So Narinder might be this mysterious gentleman who just moved into the big house down the street, whatever, no big deal, sounds like he's been Ratau and Ratoo's benefactor and is finally showing his face etc.
Narinder comes by to discuss business matters with the Rat brothers when she runs into him and goes "excuse me you aren't even gonna apologize?" when he acts all "ugh you messed up my coat"
Meanwhile Ratau in the background shaking his head and silently mouthing "NO STOP"
Narinder decides he does need some employees to care for his home and hires Allani, Hauron, the Twins, and other townspeople
Cue verbal sparring as Allani challenges the fuck out of Narinder and his life choices or something while he thinks he can whittle her down
Hauron is super overprotective, is like "I don't like that rich character" and tries to set her up with other townspeople/whoever, much to her annoyance, Narinder's entertainment, and eventually, his growing jealousy
Especially like "also he's of a higher standing than we are, it's foolish to think that you'd have a chance with him or that he'd have genuine affection for you, sorry fam but he'd def want to marry into similar status because $" not knowing he's got the royal family's wallet in his pocket
Shamura and family still care for him, it's just most of them think he's an idiot for just wanting to fuck around and not be responsible and will happily welcome him back once he decides he does want to do his duties
I can't wait for interactions like this:
Leshy: I heard you have a maid gf
Narinder: spits out camellia tea
Allani: pours more tea on Narinder in shock while yelling at Leshy EXCUSE ME?
Also something I'm toying with rn
I wonder if Narinder should use another name because not everyone knows or needs to know he's royalty. Would be fun to use names for the afterlife/death deities. Asphodel, Akert, Amenthes, Mitnal, Kur, whatever else. Leaning on Asphodel or Amenthes.
But yeah I'm just gonna add it to my belt of oops stories/AUs
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ciera-richez · 7 months
Hello ! I hope this message finds you well., and I hope you won't take this the wrong way.
I've been a huge fan of RK for years now (since 2009) I don't believe they are together anymore but I've been through their highs and their lows - especially summer 2012 - I will love and support them no matter what. I will always champion them no matter what they do.
I'm not here to lecture you on what you believe is true or not, I actually wish you were right, but because of what's been happenning recently (with Suki's pregenancy - which I also think is fake btw - )
I've been reflecting on the past a lot, (the twilight era) and this is what I've realised : I personally complained so much about the paps, the way media treated them and their relationship back then, without realising I was part of the problem because I was obsessed with them. I acted like I knew them personally, (still do sometimes - I'm working on it -) completely forgetting that I was a stranger to them and they didn't even know that I exist. I feel as if I treated them like comodity and not real people with feelings.
That being said, I also know their situation is/was particular because I've NEVER seen a Hollywood couple that was as coveted and envied as them.
Not even Brangelina; and when they started dating in 2008, social media was just starting to blow . They basically had to learn to navigate that on their own. Like K said in an old interview, they didn't have examples on how to deal with that because their circumstances were all new in Hollywood. So they had to make their own way to deal with that new level of attention and scrutiny.
All this to say that I feel guilty they weren't able to enjoy their relationship in the public eye; (like PDA for example) because of this crazy obsession the general public had and still has with them.
When I saw how people reacted to catherine casually mentioning Kristen at Rob's birthday I unterstood completely their need to hide (if they're stil together) or not to see each other as publicly since their break up. Because I'm sure they see each other once in a while. Just because there are no proof, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
One thing I'm sure of right now is we probably won't see them together in public for long time if ever again. At least, I'm not holding my breath for it.
If people stopped being sooo invested in RK's personal lives maybe we would see them together again. IDK.
That was my two cents, I'm sorry if it was too long. thank you for reading. Have a good day.
A lot of the points you made, I've either said myself, or I agree with, so thank you for your input! I don't mind that it's so long...sometimes people just have a lot to say. 🤷‍♀️
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snootlestheangel · 3 months
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
12. My headcanon is that he's horrible to live with. There's a lot of evidence in the campaign stories to kinda imply that he's not shy about getting dirty and I feel like that's just cause he is. He just doesn't keep a clean area at home when he's off duty. Part of it might be he doesn't feel pressured by the demands of military living, but idk. He's terrible about cleaning up after himself, hardly does the dishes, doesn't really clean. And I also feel like he's incredibly loud at home. Like he stomps. You cannot tell me this man doesn't stomp everywhere. I'm sorry, I just refuse to believe he wouldn't. He just isn't aware he's being that loud, definitely. And if you were to say something he's definitely taking it seriously and being more conscious of his noise level.
13. 🫡 avid user of the salute emoji. It feels right
12. A nerd. He's a big fan of DND. He's the type of gamer to play all the Halo games on the hardest difficulty like it's nothing. Absolutely was the type of kid to get in trouble for staying up late gaming. His mother definitely had a moment where she's complaining about him playing games all the time and he definitely (being the sassy bastard he is) bites back with "at least I'm not doing drugs or committing crimes". Of course one of his sisters calls out the execution thing they witnessed in one of his games. His mom gave up, cause at least he isn't doing drugs.
5. I have no idea tbh.
12. You know that trend of girls and stuff being like "my man sleeps like those paintings of a passed out maiden"? Ghost would be one of those guys. Armed draped dramatically over his face and other on his belly. A dramatic sleeper
2. That he's actually so chill. If I'm remembering this correctly, in the comics he's like being really gentle with kids. He called a hostage "love", he's telling terrible dad jokes to his teammate to help him stay sane during a really stressful situation. He's just actually out here vibing
12. I feel like he snacks on the weirdest things but also like they're still perfectly normal things to snack on. Like celery? Good snack, especially dipped in something or with peanut butter. Price? Just monching straight celery. Like apply that to most other snacks and that's Price being weird
1. He's such a cocky piece of shit and I love it. He's intelligent and cunning and dangerous and holy fuck- *I'm gonna stop talking*
12. Doesn't have any surviving family, but if he did, they'd still be hella close. It just feels like he gets his fierce loyalty from his family. It feels like he's the type of person to be like "we're family, of course I got your back" and it's something he has because he grew up in a family very much like that
22. I love when people really explore the sketchy side of Nik. Like the fact he's got connections that he really shouldn't. I don't really read enough with Nik in it so I don't know what I wouldn't like. There's the obvious and general "diminishing this complex character to a single trait or characteristic and calling it a day" when he's playing a more centric role in the story.
12. Used to be a heavy smoker, but quit after a while. Started smoking in high school and smoked well into adulthood. Eventually stopped when she realized how it was affecting her health. She occasionally still has a cigarette every now and then but it's more of a test of her self control at this point
15. Her wife! I don't know, but I am fiercely protective of her status as a married woman and her wife!!
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cookinguptales · 11 months
I found you through AO3 bc your nandermo fics devastated me and really helped kick off my newest special interest and I enjoy your metas a lot. I was sad when I saw your post about being disheartened by lack of interaction. I really struggle to communicate, especially online and especially when going through things, but I wanted to say that I really like what you write and your insight and thank you for creating. I wish I could interact more often and more specifically than leaving kudos. I had a moment of social energy and I wanted to use it to send this since I’ve been thinking about your post for awhile. Sorry for rambling awkwardly, just thanks.
I really appreciate that you put the effort into sending me this message, especially because it sounds like it's not something that's necessarily easy for you to do. That was really kind. Thank you.
I was mostly talking about wider fandom trends and my experiences in other fandoms; like I mentioned in the post, wwdits fandom has actually been one of the best experiences I've had in fandom in years. (Uh. Certain anons aside. lmao.) I get more interaction here than I have in a long time, and it's one reason why I keep writing fic and meta.
I will say that it's still... frustrating, I guess, the way that social media is kind of where fic goes to die these days, even in wwdits fandom. I do still think it's largely because you have to click off the "social" site to read the fic, and AO3 in and of itself was not meant for extensive social interaction. So you do still lose out on the kinds of social interaction that other kinds of fanwork (including meta, for that matter) seem to enjoy.
I would say that the way my meta is received vs. the way my fic is received is drastically different, and I really didn't start making as many friends on tumblr until I started posting it. The fic was definitely not enough, no matter how many people enjoyed it. Again, they might list me as an author that they enjoyed, but not an actual fellow fan that they liked to interact with. I guess that's the part that's a bummer. There is a more collaborative feel to certain kinds of fanwork, and fanfic used to have that feel.
Now, though, it can be very isolating and I do see a tendency to separate author from fanwork. That can feel weirdly like erasure, like people don't want you to exist, only the work you can give them. I've even seen people complain that author's notes exist because they don't want anything to "distract" from the fic. Like an artist existing distracts from the art...? That's frustrating.
I do think it's related to greater trends re: nonconsensual commodification of art, pressure to commodify hobbies, monetization of fandom, art as "content/product" and art enjoyers as "consumer/customer", etc. It does remind me in some ways of the way that people do feel... entitled, I guess? To various artists' output as separated from the artist. (See: misuse of art for AI.)
It does feel extra frustrating to see this forced upon fanfic, though, considering that it's one of the few types of fanwork that still exists in a real legal gray area re: monetization. It's like we get saddled with all of the downsides of commercialization with none of the benefits. I feel like we should be able to opt out of all this commercialization bullshit if we're not even getting paid to deal with the shitty dehumanizing parts. lmao
Ah, I'm getting distracted again.
I guess it's nice to just actually see people talk about something you've created and interact with it. Not just leave a comment to you personally, but show it to their friends, put stuff in the tags, ask questions, start discussions about it, etc. You know, the kind of stuff that happens with other kinds of art on social media. (Meta very much included!) Things that make it feel more like you exist in a community rather than just... idk, putting down something you've made and watching it get consumed absent your presence.
I guess... to extend the metaphor, I may be the cook but I still want a place at the table. The difference between making dinner for your family vs. making dinner for a customer at a restaurant, y'know? I wanna sit down and talk, not just perform. There's a lack of community these days that I really miss.
I guess all this is mostly just nostalgia for an older form of fandom. Fic did used to feel a bit more like an interactive art form back in the LJ days. (And before, I guess.) A conversation, if you will. Sometimes that could be irritating (remember back when reviewers could be put in the fics and such on ff.net? lmao) but sometimes it was really nice.
I SOUND REALLY OLD NOW... There are some things about modern fandom and AO3 in general that I really like, especially the ability to search and filter in ways that really weren't possible ~back in the day~. But... yeah, I do feel like we've lost something, too, by making fanfic almost too easy to "consume" outside of the rest of the social fandom space.
I guess I'll go take my cane and sit down now lmao.
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marchiveeee · 2 years
I REALLY liked what you write to my request thank you😭😭😭 Idk if it's because of the hour is late but now I'm curious about how would hsl boys act if they knew they are Candy's first boyfriend and in episode 40, that was her first time- Cause it was my first time, he was my first bf too💀💓😭 Not complaining tho- You said you are busy but when you have time, I wanna know your headcanon about this❤
Heyy! Thank you, it means a lot to me to know you liked it, I had a lot of fun writing that one request 🥺💕
Thanks for requesting again! And since this time is more of a headcanon, which is faster to write, and my insomnia is hitting again, why not?
(before starting, just be aware that it's 5:30am, I didn't sleep at all and I have to stay awake at all costs now bc I'm going to work in some hours, so haha yeah..... Idk how I'll be able to handle it today, but anyways)
Being her first boyfriend
Tbh, I believe it was pretty clear for them by how Candy reacted with the whole "I don't know what to do, what do we do now?" conversation they had after the 1st kiss. And especially for Kentin, he'd known her for a long time so I'm pretty sure he knew she hadn't had a boyfriend before.
(But OFC they all have to be HONOURED to be her 1st boyfriend because our Candies are all royalty ✨ - and y'all reading this are too so don't expect less than royal treatment from your partners, especially if you hadn't had your 1st time. You're special and you should be treated like so!)
Being her first time
Well, for this one I guess it'd be a bit different because It's something definitely more intimate, so...
Armin: we all know he's very chill, and something I love about him is that no matter what he always tries to make the atmosphere lighter and that would be his main goal after knowing he's Candy's 1st time. Of course he wouldn't make it cracking silly jokes, he'd lightly play around with her just to show her in his own way that she's safe with him and that she has nothing to worry about.
Castiel: well Cas is also very chill, he wouldn't be very nervous himself about it because it wouldn't be his 1st time with someone. But I do think he would still be a bit nervous since he wanted their first time together to be as good as possible, and even more after he told Candy he and Debrah had already gone through this before. He knew Candy felt a bit insecure about this at the time, so the last thing he wanted was for her to feel less special than she really was.
Kentin: I'm so sorry for being so blunt, y'all....... but if Kentin was as nervous as I imagine, I wonder how he managed to actually keep it up 💀💀 but I guess the excitement to be with the girl of his dreams and his passion for Candy helped him with that one.
Lysander: I think he would be cool on the outside trying to be all "it's okay. You don't have to worry about that, my love," but his brain would be pretty much melting trying to process the information that he would have to make it 110% more romantic than he had planned.
Nathaniel: my crackhead and sleep-deprived mind literally just imagined him going to his sister to ask for advice, as if amber weren't who she was in HSL... But I do believe Nath would react just like Lys, but not because his number 1 goal was to make it as romantic as possible, but because he was nervous he would make a huge mistake, that he could hurt Candy in some way... He'd be really worried about that :(
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useryennefer · 6 months
It’s not just you hun. I’m a writer and I hardly get re blogs either. I’m literally thinking about closing my tumblr because to me it’s just wasted energy and this year I want to channel that creative energy into something that can benefit me. I have a multipart story and no joke i have people read all the parts “like” each part and not reblog once. And don’t get me started on people who have the audacity to comment me and ask when are you going to put out the next chapter when they haven’t even reblogged once!— I’m so sick of it really.
It’s great we can produce this stuff for people to consume but it’s still time consuming it’s still energy and at the end of the day we’re still people. Back in the day it wasn’t this bad— now it feels it’s standard to just like stuff if you’re lucky and not reblog. It’s sad really.
it's so frustrating isn't it? that's why i don't even make gifs for this blog anymore (even though i'd love to) only for one of my sideblogs - and that's solely because my current hyperfixation is still going very strong otherwise i don't think i'd be making anything. and it sucks that unless you make gifs immediately after the new season of a show releases or you are persistent about it, you won't get a lot of engagement. and sometimes not even then (especially in small fandoms). that's exactly why i have so much respect for people who don't give up and keep creating despite barely getting anything and even being told that they shouldn't complain about it. and i know that many people will tell you to create for yourself and that notes don't matter. and idk about others but no matter how much i try to convince myself that's just not the same as sharing something i created with others and getting some love and attention for it.
and i'm so sorry that you are treated that way it's so rude and disrespectful! and even demanding new chapters.. i heard that writers tend to have a hard time on tumblr but that's just outrageous. i completely understand wanting to quit tumblr sometimes i feel that way myself. honestly the only thing that gets me through is the couple of people i befriended being excited when i post a new gifset and leaving nice tags. to me that makes it worth it despite it all.
but yeah i completely agree with you about everything you said.. it really sucks and i don't know what else we could do to fix it other than complain about it and beg people to reblog :/ which really is sad and exhausting! anyway i hope we eventually get to a point where we can both enjoy creating again without stressing about the likes to reblog ratio or getting stupid anons.
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bisolationist · 7 months
Wtf wtf im soooo mad. Why are women blaming me for having a female abuser do they fucking think i got to pick the sex of that fucking bitch. The first fucking thing that comes out of their mouth is "well maybe she's...." followed by a buttload of excuses. Maybe she's had a bad childhood, maybe because she's under pressure because we live in misginsytic society and your dad doesn't help her. Maybe because this because that what the actual fuck.
I've seen these women treat "normal" abuse survivors with the utmost grace and kindness but because my experience was different I don't get to be affected by my personal experiences.
If I express discomfort at having to visit a female gyno, being alone with a woman, being scared of women and all that im a whiny asshole who doesn't understand what real abuse is and it doesn't even matter anyway because men are worse just get over it already.
Why the fuck won't they let me by traumatized peacefully why are they punishing me for my abuse. The day I told my best fucking friend how I felt uncomfortable when the first girl I've ever been intimate with wouldn't stop when I told her to she said well she would never do that, I felt my heart break into million pieces.
Idk what other women want from me do you want me to apologize because the people who took advantage me were both women is that waht you want. Why the fuck is it surprising for you that a person who was abused/sexually assaulted or whatver by a woman might not be comfortable around women.
Why couldn't you have been nice to me. I didn't even ask you to fight for me or fight for victims of female abuse/SA. All I expected was inaction. I expected you to not belittle my pain I expected you to not find excuses for them i expected you to not react poorly because I fucking know you know how to react towards victims of abuse. Why couldn't you have extended that sympathy to me ?? Why does all your sympathy go towards understanding why my mom abused me
I've never done anything bad to you why would you do this to me?? What did I do to deserve this from you ?. You talk all day about female/class solidarity whatever you wanna call it but yeah
I'm sorry if it feels like I'm alshing out at you. Im not <3 you're a really nice guy. It's just that I feel like other women's kindess/support etc is extremely conditional and men would use what happened to me as an excuse to be misogynistic assholes.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this anon. I understand the frustration so much, especially at the fact that people are always trying to make excuses. I've definitely had that with my mother. I'm actually very cognizant of the ways misogyny has impacted her life; it doesn't mean her abuse was in any way mitigated or justified and bringing it up as an excuse is completely fucked up. I can't even imagine someone trying to go down that line with my rapist; I would lose it. That's part of why I never ever talk about it IRL. You're not wrong for dealing with your trauma in your own way. Nor are you wrong for wishing you could have a little compassion and understanding from people that claim to be on the side of victims. The only thing I want to say is that, I would be careful of implying victims of male abusers are generally treated well. They also get awful treatment from women and men alike. I know you were complaining about individuals, but since you are an anon I want to clarify so it doesn't get generalized. Sorry just thought it was worth mentioning.
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theintrovertbean · 2 years
Hi there! I hope you are having a good day/night! I guess it’s a bit of an odd request, but how do you think Nadia would fair with an mc who’s albino or has vitiligo? I haven’t seen any head canons of this with Nadia and it makes me a little sad truthfully. I just need some soft Nadia taking care of her love who’s just a tad bit different on the outside. 🥰
And by the way thank you for your writings of our queen Nadia. I can never get enough of this wonderful women and you and your work give me the fix I need of her.
Hi Anon! Thank you, I'm having a lovely night, especially with my cat napping right next to me. I hope you're having a wonderful day/night as well!
Idk why, but I thought I've done this request a while ago. Turns out, I didn't 💀 I'm sorry about that.
But anyway! I don't know much about vitiligo, so I had to do some research, and I think that Nadia would take really good care of MC. I mean, that's kinda obvious. Nadia is amazing and the most caring woman ever.
Thanks for the request! I hope that you will enjoy it!
And well, there is no need to thank me because I'm more than happy to write about Nadia! I just wish I had more free time and energy so that I could post more often.
Nadia with an MC who has vitiligo
We are talking about vitiligo, but no matter what kind of condition(s) MC has, Nadia always does her research. She goes to the library and consults with a few doctors because she personally wants to ensure that MC is alright.
Whether MC has vitiligo or not, Nadia often reminds them to apply sunscreen. However, if MC does have vitiligo, Nadia is even more strict about using sunscreen, and she is more than happy to take the matter into her own hands. For example, when getting ready in the morning, Nadia applies it to MC's skin. MC never complains. Only a complete fool would.
Nadia has countless outfits tailored for MC that protect their skin from the sun. And hats. Stylish, fancy hats that go incredibly well with their beautiful outfits.
When they have to go somewhere, and they are about to exit the carriage, Nadia puts sunscreen on MC's face, which is the sweetest thing ever. She might even fix their hat for them once in a while, followed by a cheek kiss.
By the order of the Countess, the kitchen has to prepare healthy, nutritious meals for MC every single day.
The palace had to undergo a slight renovation which mainly included replacing the furniture and moving a few things. Nadia wanted to make sure that MC's skin never got hurt, so she got rid of everything that could potentially harm them. Since then, all the tables have been round in the Vesuvian Palace. No sharp edges.
MC is not allowed in the kitchen because Nadia doesn't want them to burn themselves. However, mommy Nadi's mind can be quickly changed by MC saying "please" and batting their eyelashes.
At the end of the day, everything is MC's decision. If they decide that they don't want something, Nadia respects it. However, if MC allows Nadia to take care of them, they're in the best, most loving hands.
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