#idk i know this is sooo specific and probably no one else thinks abt this
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astarionascendant · 1 month ago
OKAY i have a question !
WHO is your tav's dream guardian? i know it's the emperor, okay, and you prolly just made the guardian look sexy af (or maybe silly af) but why did he choose to appear that way to your tav?
personally, i usually hc that the emperor saw someone important in my tav's memories and used their appearance to put tav at ease. usually tav's sibling or parent, which the emperor doesn't realize at first – or maybe he does. and it backfires, since tav is always estranged from her family or they're all dead and she mourns them, or something which causes her to become distressed at the first sight of the guardian – until she realizes it's an illusion.
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lunevei · 7 months ago
helloo! volt here again to send u some emojis from the misceverse ask game & ask u some more misceverse questions if u don't mind :33
first; 💕, 👾, 😶‍🌫️, 🎆, 🍼, 🦋 (that much cuz i'd love to hear u yap abt urself !!)
second; u were talking about your heat, but i was thinking like "humans don't have the hormones to do that... right?" and now i'm a little confused, are you pretending to have a heat? or do yo u do some specific things or what do you ... do ? sorry if this seem ignorant or hard to understand or something, i just really wanna understand bc i idon't get it but idk how to convey my question.
(man- english can be hard sometimes)
— @r4inbowv0lt
hellooo! please don’t worry at all, i know it can be confusing bc it’s different for everyone— like, my way of being an omega might not look the same as someone else’s and that’s okay! i’ll answer the game questions first and then get into the biology/personal idenity section ;3
💕 ; do you have a mate(s)? if so, what’s your mate’s dynamic and scent? yes, i do have a mate! we’ve been together for three years, and bonded for probably two and a half of them. (if you want me to go into bonding i can!!) he’s a beta and his scent is mint and chocolate (sooo yummy hehe)
👾 ; do you have any friends who are misce? i mean, not really? nobody i’d really call friend rn (more like acquaintance!!) online, and defo nobody irl ;( hoping to make some here tho!! :33
be warned, u said i could yap so i have hehe!! but i put it under the cut to keep it short for everyone else <3
😶‍🌫️ ; are you open to being misce in real life? or do you prefer to keep your misce identity online? as of rn, definitely online. i don’t really act much differently online as i do irl, like i think that as a person i have (as cringe as this sounds) a very ‘stereotypical omega’ personality in that i’m pretty submissive and have people pleasing tendencies. but i don’t use misce terminology outside of the internet and my house :,)
🎆 ; what would you like to see more of in the misce community? weeeell i haven’t really been in it for very long, but i would love to just see more of everyone! like this has been such a great experience for me so far and i want to share that with ppl who are similar :33
🍼 ; do you regress? does being misce influence your regression? um i’m not sure! i’m still exploring regression, but i think i’m mostly just a very needy submissive rather than a regressor. like, my mate does take on a caregiving role and i am kinda helpless when i’m subbed out, but i’m not really sure you’d count that as regression as i know it’s not sexual for most people!! i tend to think of it more as being really in my omega (if that makes literally any sense??) rather than regressing!
🦋 ; do you have any misce needs/urges? hehehe yes absolutely! i love to nest, and my whole apartment is cozy to the max bc it’s basically one big nest. i love my friends and my mate, and i love to nurture the bonds between us (although i wouldn’t say we’re a pack, i still love them all). i think that a lot of my mannerisms are pretty misce omega, and as i’m about to go into in a lot more details, i have a fairly regular heat cycle. tbh i feel like there’s so much more to that answer that i’m not saying (bc u’re right, english is hard), but that’s all i can think of off the top of my head! :33
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okay!! now onto my personal misceverse (this might all be so tmi but i have no fear and unlimited characters)
so i’m afab, and i have a pretty regular human horomone/menstruale cycle. in the human horomone cycle, similar to cycles in misceverse/omegaverse, there’s a phase called ‘ovulation’ that lasts about a week and is when a person is most fertile. irl the person would get kinda horny (usually, it’s different for everyone) bc their body is prepping them for, ya know, procreation.
in omegaverse, this is turned up to the max. if u look at literally any omegaverse content you’ll see right away that it’s hornier than horny. like, week long sex fest horny. debilitatingly insatiable sex drive that leaves u house bound for days horny.
soooo, that’s kinda what it’s like for me. i’ve always been a very hormonal person anyway, and i’m also neurodivergent and i think (can’t confirm) that it makes me extra sensitive to, like, everything, including my horomones. heats for me are just (kinda painful) super horny times where i’m very easily overwhelmed and need the isolation of my home, my nest, until it ends and my horomones settle again. this is defo tmi but sometimes my mate (who is the love of my life and also a beta) can’t keep up with the omega-in-heat energy and has to tap out, and we’ve jokingly talked about opening up our relationship just for heats :,)
in terms of horomones/pheromones (which are a huge part of misce/omegaverse), humans irl actually do have pheromones that attract potential partners, and they are stronger during ovulation. in omegaverse, this is much much more obvious, given that everyone has a signiture scent in a way that humans outside of misceverse/omegaverse don’t! but yeah they are a real thing, and i use a lot of perfume/scented moistures/oils daily to enchance mine. my mate always say i sell delicous so i must be doing smth right hehehe ;3
OMG okay i have no idea if u’re still reading (i don’t blame u if u arent!!), but i hope that all makes sense ! truly, my yapping abilities know no bounds. anyway, i hope that was at least a little bit interesting and if u have any more questions pls ask!! <33
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heyy ari!!
i hope you're having a splendid and enjoyable day today. wanted to ask a very important question‼️
what are your five current favorite songs and/or artists?
very curious to see your favs!!
- 🍒
HI 🍒 ANON !! it’s nice to meet u!! this is a great question…. i’m gonna b honest though when it comes to music i. kinda live under a rock? 😭 i didn’t even start thinking abt my favorite artists until a couple years ago… so that’s. a thing.
i can never keep track of my favorite songs but i do have a couple artists i love that come to mind!! :33 so!! in no particular order……
1/ yorushika
actually i lied yorushika is in fact my number one always and forever if yorushika has a million fans i’m one of them if yorushika has one fan that’s me if yorushika has no fans that means i am no longer on this earth. yorushika is a jpop/jrock band consisting of n-buna (songwriter/musician) and suis (vocalist) and they mean the whole galaxy to me their lyrics are so insanely good i use them for writing inspo all the time and in general they’re just?? so good??? their songs always feel so bittersweet and nostalgic and the instrumentals are soo incredible…. this is my favorite band of all time they fr changed my life i highly recommend checking out any of their songs/albums bc they have literally never missed. I Fucking Love Yorushika.
my favorite songs of theirs are blooming in that summer / hachigatsu, bou, tsukiakari / replicant !! :3 i have a million other favs but i’ll leave it at that..
2/ the front bottoms
i love these guys so bad i do….. i actually know literally nothing abt the band itself but i adore their songs and just. how scratchy and cool the vocalist’s voice is!! idk i’m not good at explaining it i just love their songs sm!! :’3 they have a very specific vibe to them that i can’t pinpoint but it does make me feel like a rabid dog so there’s that <33 if u have any form of daddy issues i’m sure u’ll love them (they’re also EXTREMELY stsg coded hello…)
my favorite songs of theirs are be nice to me / father / funny you should ask !! :3
3/ mitski
we all saw it coming let’s be real i don’t know a single queer jjk fan who doesn’t love mitski we literally owe her everything? jokes aside it actually took me some time to warm up to her songs, at first i only loved her lyrics but eventually i saw The Light. her songs have this specific melancholic vibe that i’ve never found in anything else and i eat it up every single time ….. i adore her instrumentals and her voice and obv her lyrics !! i resonate a lot with them AND i associate them w lots of jjk characters (especially sugu wbk he’s a mitski girlie).. i just really love her !! she’s Mother always and forever :)
my favorite songs of hers are goodbye, my danish sweetheart / a pearl / i’m your man !! :33
4/ ricky montgomery
RICKYYY MY ANGEL ON THIS EARTH i love him so bad. :( he makes me happy. his songs are so comfy so cozy so lovely i just adore them……. they’re very winter-y but also very summer-y i just love them a lot!! and i think his interactions w the jjk/sk8 fandoms are so funny he’s my emotional support artist i think i would probably kill if he asked me to
my favorite songs of his are cabo / california / line without a hook !! :3
5/ beabadobee
what can i even say abt her…. she’s my goddess i think. beabadobee is like mitski in that her songs just have this specific Vibe that nothing else has and it makes me yearn so bad… sooo nostalgic and vibrant i just think she’s so ridiculously good !!! her songs never fail to make me lose it entirely i listen to them often while writing too !!! they’re soooo catchy and wonderful <333
my favorite songs of hers are don’t get the deal / apple cider / cologne !! :3
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iheartmoons · 2 years ago
asks for you bc i’m bored
fav food?
fav drink?
fav show?
fav subject? (i feel like i already know this one but i might be wrong so)
fav snack?
comfort food?
weirdest food you've ever eaten?
most out of character thing you've ever done?
if you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
any phobias?
is there anything you’d wait in line for a week to do, see, or get?
if you could name your brain, what would you name it?
where do you want to travel the most?
you don’t have to answer all of them or any at all if you don’t want to!! they’re very random lmao
you can answer privately too if you’d like <3
OMG HI i should be sleeping but this is more fun:
(strap in bc it turns out that i cant choose anything for the life of me, and i enjoy oversharing)
fav food: i cant….choose. being a basic bitch id say like chicken curry and rice bc idk 🧍‍♂️it’s good. but uhhh i love chinese food generally, like oh man. duck pancakes w the cucumbers and sauces and uh, the noodles and the pork and chicken and dumplings and bao buns (i am aware this sounds terrible to others, but i am drooling)
fav drink: ooh oreo milkshake, or if we’re talking standard drink from the shop, specifically fanta fruit twist (it’s also the colour i would dye my hair btw). my go-to is always generally water tho 🤭
fav show: i cant choose…. maybe like friday night dinner, she-ra, and strong girl bong soon
fav subject: english <3
fav snack: OH um. i love choc chip muffins or choc chip cookies tbh, also brownies!!!!
comfort food: any type of chicken curry and rice
weirdest food i’ve eaten: i really haven’t eaten anything weird. i don’t eat any red meat very often apart from pork, sooo idk. (i’m thinking meat wise here btw) i guess i’d say pig intestines - look it sounds bad, but if you think abt it, lots of people are eating all the other parts of the pig w/o thinking about it. my bro once ate crocodile at a farm once tho which was pretty wild (apparently it tastes like chicken)
most out of character thing ive ever done: see i cant really answer this because i’m just so different in diff situations or w diff people, but i honest to god think that it’s saying i love you to all my online friends. like. id never ever do that in real life. i find it extremely hard to show my emotions, it’s so awkward and uncomfy.
wallpaper: for a moment there i couldn’t decide whether u were asking abt my literal wallpaper or my phone wallpaper…. i’m still unsure… but my lock screen is reg and sirius, and my home screen is the marauders. and if ur asking abt my bedroom, i got lilac walls 🙈
if i had an unlimited supply of smth, what wld i choose: ohhhhhh oh. fuck idk. ummm money??? lmao 😭😭😭 maybe time with my cousin (she’s my fav person and she doesn’t live in the same city + she’s going to uni after next year so my chances of seeing her are slimming)
phobias: the ocean/any big body of water, death (big big emphasis on this one) and ummm like dolls and clowns- actually i’m scared of so many things, the list could go on and on
smth i’d wait in line to see/do/get: i’d wait in line for a hug from mitski tbh
if i could name my brain, what wld i name it: WHAT SORT OF QUESRIONS ARE THESE 😭😭 good lord. id name it the fucking universe. i had this thing when i was younger where i started this universe and kept building characters upon characters until there were hundreds and i knew each of their intricate storylines and id act them out and it was actually bad bc i couldn’t focus on anything else for literal years (there you go, big moons secret - not rlly a secret, i’ve said it before) so yes. there is an entire universe up in my brain probably.
where do you want to travel the most: i wanna go to the south of france + tokyo + venice, but i heard it’s not all that. my fav places that i’ve been to are vietnam and america which r two very different places and i adored them - vietnam more for the food and culture and surroundings, american more bc of family + tourist attractions + theme parks. so. maybe one of those wins.
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nonranghaes · 2 months ago
hii ! i’m so happy ur surgery went well and i was wondering if you have any tips for getting over the fear of getting my wisdom teeth removed? <333
hiii lovely thank u for the kind words!! gonna put this all under a read more bc i yap!! idk what in particular u are looking for but i can give some advice and talk a little abt my own experiences and what i recommend for it all
so. for me personally, i think just kinda getting to the point of "if i don't get them out now and they hurt later, i'll regret this" alongside the "this is an very common surgery and the nurse i spoke to said that this surgeon is extremely good at his job" helped me with getting over my fear. obviously things will be different with your specific situation and the team involved with your surgery (and who you have/haven't met), but i think it's just important to remember that they're all there for ur own health/benefit!! if you're nervous, i think it's okay to tell them that so that they know how to go about things with you. i told my surgeon (... and everyone else that dealt with me, haha) that i'm not good with needles and keeping me talking helps with it, so he kept me talking when he put in my IV and walked me through that process.
also: know these are medical professionals. literally anything that happens, they will have absolutely seen worse. i can't explain why thinking about that helped with my own anxiety outside of "i'm probably not going to be the worst patient they've ever seen" but if it helps you then it helps you!
i'm not sure what exactly you're afraid of (and obviously you don't have to come back and go into detail if you don't want to!) but genuinely it's not the worst surgery you could have imo. one of my pals had their wisdom teeth taken out about a week or so after i had mine and they came out completely unscathed and the most they had to deal with was the pain management afterward. (btw they will likely give you good pain meds. i had ibuprofen and i think oxycodone? which helped sooo much with that pain afterward. you'll probably get asked what you want/can't have/etc but if you don't have any allergies to pain meds like i do... u will likely be fine, just heed the instructions as u normally do haha)
also, word of advice: if you're the kind of person who gets sensitive to pain, get one of those ice pack head wraps that puts the pack against your jaw. i didn't get one before my surgery but we were able to get one quickly after. hell, even if you aren't sensitive, i'd recommend it just because it helped me with the swelling.
all in all, if they gave you an outline for what to expect while you heal and whatnot, live by it. absolutely no straws or any sort of suction. i personally didn't brush for several days but both swished the antiseptic they gave me and did a salt water rinse whenever i ate and i think that was fine? also don't spit until you've healed up a bit--the suction of it, y'know. also: if you start to feel worse pain a couple days after, don't freak out too bad unless it fully doesn't go away. i was on the verge of tears only for the pain to go away overnight, and plenty of people online said that it was entirely normal for them to randomly get a spike of pain 3-4 days after surgery only for it to go away pretty fast).
if it helps: pick out some nice cold soft food to have as a treat later!! you might not feel up to eating right after your surgery, but that's normal and completely okay! i had soo much chocolate pudding and strawberry jello for those next couple days because it was super soothing. have something to look forward to!! a lil reward for doing a scary thing!!
but that's all recovery stuff haha. make sure u stay hydrated up to ur cutoff time btw!! i drank so much water just trying to make sure that they wouldn't struggle too hard with finding a vein for my IV. regretted it a little, but overall would probably still do the same just to avoid any needle struggles. maybe have a very nice meal (if you want to) on one of the days leading up to it? just to treat yourself and have a nice time.
it's entirely normal to be afraid, especially if you're like me and this is your first surgery ever, but it's gonna be okay. it's a common procedure. take a deep breath, tell your team your nervous so they can hopefully treat you right (and if they're good at their jobs, they will), and you'll be okay. if there's any questions you have, i can try to answer them to the best of my ability. literally for me (and several others i know), the experience went from "okay, you're gonna feel calm, maybe sleepy-" to "aaaand you're done!" because the anesthesia knocked me out fast (and i have no complaints about that tbh). the procedure itself is relatively fast all things considered: whatever time they told you, most of it is probably you recovering from it all.
you've got this!! i believe in u!!! it's gonna be okay <3
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llycaons · 3 months ago
first of all someone said 'um yeah it's called having taste' or smt to that effect and it was so fucking pretentious and I know I posted something similar to that the other day and I'm sorry for subjecting you all to that is IS super annoying
tlt is obviously the big one. one person simply tagged: #there has to be some other fantasy series with lesbians
a long way to a small angry planet I thought was SO boring so I'm gratified seeing ppl who dislike it lol. this is by becky chambers, who a lot of people also criticize for being too 'cozy' and for poor sf worldbuilding and for not involving...stakes. and nuance
I never finished that book but I did get that sense lol
#the fucking book about a sea journey but the guy keeps infodumping about sealife so fucking much for PAGES ON END that you can barely rememb
the person going [redacted] about the book they hate. even here in the tags you remain vague...mysterious
about priory of the orange tree: 'how a book so long be so shallow?'
brando sando haters. I liked mistborn but it also sucked so I feel you. his prose is honestly really clumsy
the babel hate, which I respect
someone says they actively rec it but also explain in-depth everything it failed to do which actually lines up pretty well w my experience of reading it
"#do i even have to say what my number 1 haterism book is........" can you. for me? the person in the tags? one hater to another?
#people who hate books designed to be unobjectionable from concept to execution are my brothers and comrades. lovers even - SO real. nothing more suffocatingly bland than an adult work trying to be flat and tame and niceys about everything
ppl talking about the owl house? the children's show?
the ppl getting recced sjm when asking for books with gnc couples or no romance. hello?
lot of madeleine miller. I actually enjoyed tsoa but was it good? idk
the house in the cerulean sea, naturally
#me seeing people recommend name of the wind#girl the blatant misogyny and poor character development..... - YOU GET IT
fourth wing author is a zionist and the ideas are clearly present in her work apparently. also I tried reading that book and the literal first page I was like. this sucks shit
ERIN MORGENSTERN HATE. JANA!!!!!!: #doctor: read erin morgenstern the famous hack. she sucks shit and uses whimsy the way a landlord uses white paint she's so bad it's funny #erin morgenstern: but doctor #doctor: i know who you are - like her writing is literally so flat and lifeless and empty of heart and nothing in her story has any emotional of plot weight to it and it's sooo shallow and obsessed with aesthetics but the aesthetics aren't even good and I've read better and more beautiful prose in a fanfic. I hate her so much
#i have this problem with she ra fanfic#no that fic does not handle the catradora act 2 break up well - incredibly specific but I have the same struggles in my fanfic journeys so I can't judge
#it always makes me think like What Makes A Good Book and how it really just depends on the person. - this person loves tlt and I don't wanna be mean about their taste but like, it IS possible to objectively assess the quality of a written work. some books are simply objectively bad. like yeah ppl have different tastes and takeaways but sometimes quality is undeniable, you know?
someone in all caps yelling abt how they hate pride and prejudice. rip
someone saying LES MIS?
#not 1:1 but that one time my wife asked for recs for books with interesting even unusual prose#and no joke got a legends and lattes reply
'JRR Martin" who? 😭 probably grrm
CONCLUSION: #the moral of the story is to never vagueblog just be a hater on main !!!!!!
the tags on that post are delicious btw. yes wot is extremely bioessentialist no they are not 'doing cool things with gender' I haven't seen s2 btw I'm just talking abt the books
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elytrafemme · 3 years ago
ok. ao3 is eating my comments. again. askbox time ^.^ just caught up on CS i literally can’t bear to contain my thoughts lmao, i’m just gonna like. copy paste what i was gonna say here, genuine apologies for the great wall of text friend </3
fgvdhbjvhdcbskm chapter 20. CHAPTER 20 MY BELOVED……. succh a good chapter, the marriage phone call had me giggling so much it was so very sweet, and ohhh my gosh his reflection on marriage and romance after the fact…….. sooo good i always say you are so amazing at in-character narration and writing thought processes and stuff AND the scene where he’s contemplating his gender, it just feels so grounded and natural i feel like i could read entire chapters of just one of your characters thinking with nothing else happening, no stimuli, and i would literally lose my mind go bonkers crazy for it, it’s something i’m so consistently impressed with in ur writing
i wish i could give more constructive commentary on the spiral panic attack after fundy shows up but i honestly thought it was perfect, it drew me in so much i forgot i existed and ended up letting my tea get cold </3 that is such a niche and specific feeling, one that i personally could sort of tangentially relate to (it felt kind of like seeing a family member you haven’t seen in years but the situation is so fucked it’s just Very Feeling), and you portrayed that anxiety and that familiarity sooo well just oughghg……. also fundy immediately switching to the right name was a really nice touch :]
amazing chapter i’m so excited abt being introduced to fundy and to see what your plan is with him….. ‘most tragic relationship in CS’ top ten most hype author's notes i've ever read
onto chapter 21 — tommy is low key my favorite character in CS, the way you write him is so charming and emotionally intelligent and just!!!!!! i appreciate not having his pov sometimes (even though i desperately want to see how you would write his internal monologue) because i love being left to guess a little with him. i really like him being completely ambiguous half the time from ranboos perspective and then seeing him through tubbo, the person who probably knows him best. it’s just. idk where this came from other than like, the fact that he’s in this chapter LMAO, but i think he deserves some appreciation. really love that dude and the way you write him, honestly haven’t seen many better depictions of ctommy, like, ever
okokokok i can never get enough of how personal and sometimes uncomfortably close you get with your characterization, like tubbo noticing his name is written in a different sharpie and him casually contemplating which of his friends he would choose if he had to, it just feels incredibly real and i’m soo glad u don’t shy away from it! also ‘eligible to be homophobic’ made me laugh so hard thank you, the beeduo content this chapter was delectable ,,, tubbo thinking about ranboo’s coping mechanism of helping other people, and then comparing it to big q and schlatt was So Good like okay well what if i cried. what if i screamed and rolled around on the ground like an anguished worm. i have Been There for realsies and i felt the way you wrote that bit was very accurate
the final scene of tubbo and tommy talking was difficult to read (SLASH POS) but relieving in a way bc it’s such a difficult situation, one that i can relate to so i’m just hugely invested in it atm i just want allium duo to be friends again soon :( you’ve done such an amazing job building suspense with dream, having his presence in the narrative hold SO much consequence despite us knowing absolutely nothing about him and having like, two scenes with him. terrified and excited to learn more
thank u for writing and sharing as always, you have made my day more times than you know!! gonna catch up with lungs as well so if ao3 comments don’t pull through, just letting you know to expect another rambly ask today LMAO hope ur doing awesome atm :]
that's so fucking sweet of you genuinely thank you so much, i actually struggle a LOT with writing character thoughts? i guess it doesn't necessarily read that way but that's what i've always seen as one of my weak points, but i learned some tips from a temporary mentor of mine at a writing program i attended as to how to write those kinds of scenes and i think that helped a lot.
the sigh of RELIEF i let out when i noticed that people generally seemed to like the fundy reveal scene could have been heard in the fucking stratosphere, that scene was a pain in the ass to write but so fucking worth it. also yes :] initially i had written fundy struggling still with the name but i kind of thought about it and figured that while this whole situation is very shocking to him i do think that he's perceptive enough to make that change in the moment even if he can't reconcile the rest of ranboo yet.
MHM MHM... they make me tear up a little. very excited for you all to see.
ough i am SO glad people love cs!tommy because he's genuinely just my little guy. i love him to death, i actually do have some plans for a post-cough syrup set of oneshots and one of those has at least part of it written in his POV which will be fun, but i do like writing from external perspectives! i think it's interesting to see how unreliable people can be with their narration of him in all facets and how much he vocalizes-- were he a character that didn't vocalize his emotions nearly as much i think writing him from unreliable perspectives would have been kind of hard to manage, but, yeah! i try really hard to make sure his dialogue is perfect though because i do want his fuck ups to be clear even when it's not showing his intent, y'know? also your last comment there... <3 <3 <3 that means the world friend thank you
really really happy you like my characterization (plus im SO glad you noticed the sharpie thing i was unreasonably proud of that!) and also like. i think one of the most fascinating things about experiencing and writing generational trauma if i were to emotionally disconnect myself from the experience is the fact that it's very easy to slip into comparisons. for example, i am my father's son and the granddaughter of the iraqi painter i never met. and there's a lot held in those relations. i try to bring that back with tubbo because yes he's himself, but he's also the child of the parents he never knew beyond their greatest mistakes, and he's the descendent of alcoholics, etc. like it's very complicated and i think it's easy for him with that context to try and affiliate ranboo into all that, too-- whereas ranboo has so little family connection that he doesn't have much to compare to.
so happy you liked that scene as well <33
YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY A MILLION TIMES OVER I HOPE YOU REALIZE LIKE!!! you make me so happy to see your comments your art your asks your posts your presence your everything, thank you so much <333 much much much appreciation thank you
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headofhelios · 3 years ago
Ok I am a single follower but I like hannibal tv but would enjoy ur movie thoughts I like some of the books too and have been meaning to get around to the movies 😳😳
OKAY I'M EDITING A READMORE ONTO THIS LOL I REALIZED THATS SOMETHING I CAN DO! so now my incredibly waaayyy too long answer abt my thoughts on 2002 will is under there. apologies bc this is less "movie thoughts" and more "2002 movie will thoughts" but well thats how the chips fell
GOD okay sooo for the record i am reading the red dragon book and am like 7 or 8 chapters in and full transparency im not like. enjoying it lol. the book pisses me off with its misogyny (all the women in it are either dead or it feels like you're supposed to think theyre Selfish Bitches or theyre just there for like. bizarre and uncomfortable sexual moments like the guys talking abt that woman in the elevator, or that one part of mrs. leeds diary which is like. i guess could be there to Show Her Humanity or whatever but 1. there are more ways to do that 2. the book doesnt seem particularly concerned with her humanity considering she's barely even given a first name and so far the novel hasnt seemed to disapprove of how will thinks of her as a possession of her husband) and its inconsistency with will's most important character trait or whatever (he's so intensely, extremely empathetic towards EVERYONE, even serial killers, which makes him really good at finding them! and he can never turn this off, to the point where every time he has a conversation with someone, he ends up mimicking the way they talk, even if he tries to stop! but also he never empathizes with the victims or HIS OWN FUCKING WIFE? HELLO? so it really feels less like "extremely strong empathy for everyone that he cant control" and more like "he can empathize with serial killers extremely well and also other people if we want to Make A Point in one scene instead of letting the point show through the whole book") BUT UHHH ANYWAY. MOVIE THOUGHTS. THE MOVIE THOUGHTS YOU ASKED FOR COMING RIGHT UP!
okay this is what i am worried will either 1. draw annoying tv will graham stans to my blog like flies or 2. end with me being hanged in the town square BUT. it must be said. i prefer 2002 red dragon will graham to tv will graham. and quite frankly? so far? i think 2002 red dragon will graham is better than book will graham. i cannot lie.
my reasoning: because 2002 will actually empathizes with more people than serial killers and his boss! y'know! like you'd assume someone with constant extreme empathy would! the difference between the first scene with molly in the book vs in the movie are SO striking to me now that i've read that part of the novel. in the novel he seems very... rough, i guess, and like he doesnt care about molly's worries. he doesnt seem to see things from her perspective, which especially feels like a kick to the gut because MOLLY! SEES! THINGS! FROM! HIS! PERSPECTIVE!!! she literally empathizes with him more than he does with her! what the fuck! MEANWHILE in the movie, he does seem to care about her. his assurances that he wont get too involved seem like assurances rather than him trying to get her off his back. he hugs her and tells her he loves her and i actually believe that yeah, he loves her, he knows she's worried about him, and he wants to comfort her and ease her worries. and the victims! AGAIN such a stark difference to me! in the book, will is like... uncomfortable empathizing w the red dragon, of course, but he doesnt seem to empathize with the victims all that much, ESPECIALLY not the women. he doesnt care about them. he sees them as possessions belonging to their husbands and its so fucking gross. despite already suspecting that the red dragon chooses families based on the women, he decides to waste time focusing on the husbands as a way of "asking permission to look at [their wives]." what the fuck? meanwhile in the film, he feels for the victims so much that he can barely even say that the kids were shot in bed! when he watches the tapes, he focuses on the women! because that's his fucking job!!! and we see him empathizing with them! wow!!
siiigh okay im gonna stop talking abt the book vs the movie now bc again im only like 8 chapters or so deep. but now we come to tv will vs. 2002 will, which is admittedly gonna be more subjective and part of that it bc i cant remember a whole lot of specifics from the show bc my memory is Very Bad. but anyway
let's get the shallow stuff out of the way. yes i prefer ed norton's face to hugh dancy's. call hugh dancy "gender" or whatever have your fun i support you and your right to call any blood covered man a gender but by god is that not even REMOTELY my experience. next shallow thing to get out of the way: ed norton's line delivery is like music to my FUCKING ears compared to hugh dancy's i am so sorry. like the jokes about will shaking like a damp chihuahua before taking 5 minutes to stutter out "he's killing them....... On Purpose, jack." are funny and all but christ i had SUCH a hard time watching the show bc of that im not lying. literally hearing 2002 will just say "he's not keeping them. he's eating them." nice and quick, matter of factly is better than well im actually gonna end that sentence there but you get the idea. like YESSS you little blonde bitch get to the point i love you!!!
OKAY NOW less shallow points but also less uhh idk man i just dont remember a lot of hannibal. but basically: after seeing how caring 2002 will is, i'm kind of... idk i'm just so over tv will and how abrasive and harsh he is in comparison. like i fell in LOVE with how vulnerable 2002 will is, how he feels like he cares deeply about the people around him (and honestly... idk i cant remember a moment in the hannibal tv series that made me feel the way i felt when 2002 will can't say "the kids were shot in their beds". it's like... yeah this is a guy who feels so deeply for everyone around him at all times. i believe that.) and i just dont remember getting that same feeling from tv will. i have been gently spoon fed the most excellent chocolate pudding and everything else in my memory is just a snack pack. i guess tv will has those moments (what comes to mind is when he brings gideon to hannibal's house and is crying and he says "please dont lie to me") but idk they just didnt really do for me what 2002 will does. and then their scenes with reba! wow! i rewatched the tv version after watching red dragon, bc the film version made me tear up, meanwhile the tv version i barely remembered and i wasnt sure if that was just bc of the different mindsets i was in while watching them or what. and ok i just rewatched the tv version again and like... yeah. it's the wills lol. i LOVEEE tv reba SO much she is giving everything in that scene!! she sounds so like... broken, both bc of dolarhyde's apparent suicide and bc of finding out who he was + what he was doing, she sounds so fragile and guilt ridden! she's amazing!! but will. idk. tv will's delivery just seems... idk this feels dumb to say but it sounds like writing. i admittedly LOVE the line "people who study this kind of thing say that he was trying to stop because you helped him." and his delivery there is good. but between tv "you didnt draw a freak, you drew a man w a freak on his back" and the 2002 version, the 2002 delivery seems more genuine while the tv delivery sounds rehearsed. idk overall the 2002 version of that conversation just makes me feel more? its like. idk i can feel the 2002 version gently holding my heart while the tv version is a scene that is nice in h/nnigram gifsets or w/e.
umm ok this is already suuuper long and my brain is getting a bit mushy so i'm gonna start wrapping it up lol. i'll probably compare book will and 2002 will again after i finish the book, and then i miiight rewatch hannibal, or at least parts of s3. but right now my thoughts are basically: book will is a fucking dick who has an easier time empathizing with serial killers than with his wife. tv will is a nothing girl after being so completely catered to + also idk he doesnt have the same fragility that i want from my wills now. and 2002 will is my little caramel apple. he has this delightful vulnerability and feels like he cares so much and empathizes with more people than serial killers and his boss and 4 people in a diner for one scene! 2002 will made me care about will graham! which is honestly kind of a feat!
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henriiiii-1001old · 4 years ago
rambling pt 10(?) - fnaf world
a i g h t rambling time bc fuck it i wanna talk more fvgbhnjm
i’m just gonna copy and paste some hcs abt this concept bc it’s LONG and i’m too lazy to type anything (i will be making adjustments to some of the copied messages bc i’m picky xdd)
loooong hcs down below
categories: william’s first visit william’s second/permanent visit chica’s magic rainbow/end of michael’s tyranny omc and william’s family fredbear and springbonnie
William’s first visit
i have made an official hc a while back that fnaf world is kind of the equivelent of the underworld from greek mythology. everyone who dies goes there, no matter if you have been good or bad. they separate you into different areas of fnaf world depending on how good or bad you have been. upper floor/animtronica is good people, 4th level is the worst people.. at least it should have been that way but someone else went into power of fnaf world.
soooo after the fire in ffps, william ends up here along with charlie, elizabeth, kathryn (william's wife), two fazbear employees (mike schmidt and fritz smith), and michael (who calls himself mk even though mk is still alive :/). thing is everyone is separated throughout, and william first appears in the plains part (the green thing in the world? i don't remember the names of the places qwq). he and the other missing children (who have been there since the year prior to the ffps fire) head off to find everyone else. it's basically fnaf world version 1. so he's found everyone except for michael. where does he find him? where you're supposed to be fighting animdude (i will explain this in the next part because i don't want this to be too long) sooo william defeats michael and in my au, michael's like, self proclaimed king, so he's got like his own mini castle which have portals to different dimensions and timelines. william sneaks into the castle and finds the portal back to his timeline and dips aaaaaand then vr happens but i'm gonna skip that because we need to cut to the juicy part.
William’s second/permanent visit
the second time he gets here is after something going on in sb (yes ik it's stupid to have hcs before a game comes out, but idc they just came man qwq) where [SPOILERS HERE I DON’T WANNA EXPLAIN YET >:(((( i will be referring to a specific character as vivi tho bc why not] and they both now end up in fnaf world. william is reeaaallly salty he officially died again and vivi is freaking the fuck out. and guess who comes into the scene. fucking michael. he introduces himself to vivi as mk, but vivi actually knows who mk really is, and michael just makes it seem like mk was a liar (vivi obviously doesn't believe that tho. william on the other hand... yeah xddd). now all of a sudden, michael sees vivi's soul is FULL of remnant (side note here: souls cannot hold remnant by themselves in the living world and it must be removed. they can hold it in fnaf world though since the world is made from remnant, but they lose it slowly overtime. michael thinks he can extract the remnant from souls in fnaf world though and he thought when william came back he'd have a lot, but as william was stuck with vivi after vr, most, if not all, of his remnant transferred over to her). aaaand william actually tries to defend her saying "fuck you", taking vivi, and booking it out of there. uuhhh that's all i got for now. ig it's kind of like version 2 of the game because you get animdude as a playable character in that version, and the two are trying to find him so power could be restored in fnaf world
Chica’s Magic Rainbow/End of Michael’s tyranny
you guys remember the bitch chica's magic rainbow? uuuuh yeah that's vivi. here she was manipulated (and kind of mind controlled??) by king michael (the bitch majesty himself uwu) to help him take down william and make him suffer like he's supposed to. thing is, before the fight william and vivi found animdude, the actual caretaker of fnaf world and is kind of like god ig, so animdude helps william fight king michael and chica's michael’s magic rainbow. michael loses and vivi kind of... dies? she just gets knocked out really if anything but she wakes up just fine. animdude takes his place back as the caretaker, michael is sent to fnaf world's version of purgatory, and william is sent to his own personal hell (don't worry he isn't a bitch abt it like he'd usually be xddd) and william's personal hell is a challenge that he is supposed to die over and over again and never win (guarded and managed by cassidy), but if he wins at least one night of hell, he will be able to roam fnaf world freely (he was given this "if" situation since he helped animdude take back fnaf world. it was like a "thank you, but still get fucked" thing ya know?)
OMC and William’s family
so um.. omc’s not really that developed as a character, but what i can tell you is that either he's just only gonna be william's dad or there could possibly be two old ppl consequences and it's probably gonna be both his parents. when they died they at first inhabited the first sublevel of fnaf world where the "you were pretty good in life" people go, but when michael took over fnaf world and claimed himself king, he moved whoever was in the fourth layer to the third causing a lot of overcrowding, and put william's parents and older sister down there to wait for william to come so they could be his personal tormentors later on. amelia, william's sister, was of course wanting revenge, and she sat at the bottom of the lake, her spirit changing to adapt to the environment around her since her regular spirit form cannot survive underwater (also i just came up with this now, but the more you travel the sublevels downward, the more your spirit changes to adapt to the environment around it. those in the fourth layer get morphed the worst since the worst people are supposed to be down there). william's parents on the other hand, cherry afton and idk what the dad's name is gonna be yet so i'll just call him omc, do not want to do this since they don't know about anything he's done other than kill his sister (he would've gone to the third layer if he only killed her but.. that didn't happen :/). they do get out of the fourth layer eventually, but the fourth layer changes spirits forms extremely quickly so the people down there can suffer for eternity for longer since the changing of a spirit's form is extremely painful. so what ended up happening is that amelia ends up as a deformed siren who cannot survive on land, omc is a literal crocodile, and idk what i wanna do w/ cherry yet :/
Fredbear and Springbonnie
soooo my henry and william are as follows in terms of personality: william: bitchy bitch, child life nabber, hates his kids (except michael), springy boi kinnie, furry, g a e  a s  h e l l henry: baby boy, poor man who needs therapy, loves kids and adopted three idiots later in life, fredbear kinnie, maybe a furry, g a e as well but if you switch their personalities, that's fnaf world fredbear and springbonnie. fredbear acts EXTREMELY william-like and it even creeps out william himself. like.. william kinda gets a redemption arc while he's fighting his dead antihero son king michael bc through fredbear, he sees how fucked up he was as a person (doesn’t excuse his actions though *spits on him*). he also learns bc vivi basically turns into his therapist ig xddd william takes two full trips through fnaf world, first time fredbear was his mentor, telling him to "find the clocks" and all that shit. but the second time, it was actually spring bonnie, helping him and vivi stay out of king michael’s sight and help them find animdude. he got to see both sides of both characters during his two trips. fredbear and spring both have a happy-go-lucky side, but they both have darker, deeper, more real sides to them that reflect into the real world.
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ge · 5 years ago
hi so i started playing onmyoji because of you and i wanted to ask if you can give me any tips?? im at level 16 i think im doing well so far but since idk anyone who plays anything would help! sorry for bothering
HEHE YESS ok.. this got rlly long WHOOPS 
so first thing u shld do while ur at a low level is get a mentor.. when i started playing i just fucked around and didnt get a mentor until i was well into lvl 40.. a mentorship is where low lvl (15 to 45 i tihnk..) players can apply for an apprenticeship and level up fast while also getting rewards such as grade darumas and a random ssr once u finish ur apprenticeship.. u can find the mentor application icon in the right side of ur courtyard.. it shld look like this!
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while under a mentor u are also lvling up ur friendship which, once it reaches a certain level, it unlocks the co-op feature that u can find by clicking the scroll at the bottom right hand side of ur screen > friends > co-op tab at the bottom right side of the pop up screen... there u can access ur friends powerful shikigami that u can use a limited amount of times daily to beat hard chapters/evo/soul zones, etc etc... if ur looking for a mentor i recently finished an apprenticeship w someone so im free to help out if ur interested ^__^ (my user is @.sneer [all lowercase] if u didnt already know hehe)
join a guild if you havent already! i tihnk it prompts you to join a guild when u first start playing i dont rmbr but a couple things to rmbr.. one. if ur guild has ‘15gq’ ‘100gq’ in its notice, gq means guild quest and u like.. HAVE to do those or else theyll kick u from the guild.. u can find the guild quests by going to ur guild, clikcing the shrine tab on the bottom right, and where it says GROUP QUESTS thats it! usually theyre basic things like submit grade four souls or evo materials but u shld definitely stack up on evo materials and souls so u dont run out.. so if ur guild says 100+gqs.... i wld suggest leaving that guild for a lighter gq guild.. 100+gq guilds are like.. big bad guilds who wanna rank in the top ten soo save urself the trouble.... TWO. ur realm! ur realm comes w ur guild so if ur kicked u cant access ur realm :( i think u already know what ur realm is and what it does so i will just say .. fuse ur low level realm cards.. SAVE UR DRUMS REALM CARDS.. if its a 1*, fuse it but if its 3*+... save that bad boy..
speaking of jade... SAVE IT.. jade and mystery talismans r like GOLD.. theyre rlly easy to get in the beginning of the game but they start getting super scarce when ur lvling up and r completing achievements.. usually when u get ten mystery amulets or 1k jade ur gonna think “oh what if i get an ssr out of this summon ooh” YOU WILL NOT.. this game HATES ur ass it hates u so much it hates ME it hates EVERYONE except lvl 60s who get new ssrs and shit on their first summon... ennieway.. random chance up events r stupid scams but chance up events featuring new shikigami are not... like the one thats going on right now for sp aoandon.. these r good events... random chance up events coming up out of no where is just netease being like ‘buy more jade we want ur money ugly idiot... stupid lmao’.. so yeah hoard ur amulets and jade AH ALSO IN THE MALL go to the mall and go to GENERAL.. youll see a package that says smth like 5 daily jade or smth that costs 666 jade.. BUY THAT itll give u 5 jade daily everyday.. it also stacks up so if ur not online for a couple days u wil be swimming in it baby...
oh god what else... click ur scroll on the bottom right and at the end next to collection youll see a tab that says TEAM.. thats a very useful helpful tab bc if u ever need help or want to join in on someone elses team for loot this is where u go.. when i started playing and i was farming for hiyoribo shards i always went to the system chat and clicked rlly fast on the hiyoribo shard zone hoping i cld get in ... i did that up until i was in my lvl 40s .. ur prbly smarter than me and alreayd know abt this tab but just felt like i needed to mention it just in case.........
SHARDS... if u get enough shards u can form a summoning pact w that shikigami.. demon seals are little side quests that pop up after youve completed a chapter/exploration and they come up randomly with a handful of different shikigami... but you can also access all of the demon seals from the TEAM tab i mentioned above.... demon seals only have a handful of shikigami though not all of them so dont expect to see like ssr demon seals lol also  some of the shikis u can farm from demon seals are VERY good.. ill touch on this later.. DEMON PARADE is another good way to collect shards.. in ur courtyard, click the town sign and the demon parade sign shld be the first thing u see! demon parade, unlike the demon seals, are chance thing, u might get the shards u want or u might not.. its kinda stupid... throwing beans around and shit.. itll give u a lineup of three shiki that u can choose from, if u hit the shiki u picked u get extra shards.. u might see some shiki in the parade w little lanterns over their heads, that just means they give more shards too nothing special
SHIKIGAMI... when ur looking at all of ur rare and sr shikigami ur probably thinking “this sucks these r all USELESS i want ssrs and sps >:(” well akchually... some of the best shiki in the game (for beginners especially) are rares and srs... shouzu (r), kamaitachi (sr), and hiyoribo (sr), are all farmable shikigami u can get from demon seals, if u havent summoned them already! yamausagi, a shiki u will see a LOT, is also a very easily summonable shiki so dont throw her away.. if u have duplicates of the same shiki u can PROMOTE THEM and it will level up one of their skills, just like a skill daruma! (DONT waste ur skill darumas they are soo valuable.. only use them on the shiki u use the most and want to lvl up skills on).. lvling up the skills on ur shiki increases their power and adds perks and makes them over all.. very sexy..
EDIT: added in this list of easy farmable beginners shikigami that u want to keep and build (refer to list BENEATH this one for list of roles)
kujira (sr) support
yamausagi (r) puller
shouzu (r) unique/shield **DEMON SEAL**
hiyoribo (sr) healer/revive **DEMON SEAL**
kusa (r) healer/dps
samurai x (r) cc
momo (sr) healer/revive
ushi no toki (r) unique
kamikui (r) pusher
oitsuki (sr) orbs
komatsu (sr) cc
kamaitachi (sr) puller **DEMON SEAL**
all shikigami have a certain role and its very important u know which shiki is which bc sometimes if u use them wrong u can mess up ur entire team.. here are all of the roles and some shiki examples:
dps: dps stands for ‘damage per second’ but it can also be used as a noun to describe a shikigami that is damage focused (ex. kuro mujou, momiji, hangan, mio)
cc: stands for ‘crowd control’. ccs have the ability to limit the number of enemies actively fighting during an encounter giving u the advantage (ex. enma, yuki onna, yumekui, samurai x)
pusher: pushes the enemies move bar back, giving u the advantage of going first (ex. kamikui)
puller: basically the same thing as pusher. pulls the ally move bar forward (ex. kamaitachi, yamausagi)
shield: shiki that provides a shield of some sort to protect allies without the use of souls (ex. ichimokuren, shiro)
heal: self explanatory (ex. sakura, hana)
revive: healer types with the ability to revive players w a cooldown. not all healers are revives (ex. hiyoribo, momo)
support: self explanatory.. supports allies (ex. miketsu, kujira, bake-kujira)
unique: shiki w unique abilities that cant be placed under labels (ex. hakuzosu, ushi no toki)
orbs: shiki that supply orbs to ur team (ex. aoandon, zashiki, oitsuki)
counter: shiki that counters after an enemy attack (ex. mannendake, vampire)
AND FINALLYYYYYY how to build ur shiki... while doing explorations u get free little souls.. in the beginning this will be ok since ur just starting off but actually each shiki has a perfect soul that makes them work the best.. now there are too many souls for me to actually list so as a parting gift to this entirely too long onmyoji cheat sheet, i will leave u this SHIKIGAMI BUILD GUIDE made by the nura clan.. it lists EVERY shikigami w the perfect soul for them, what role they play, and how to build them.. i touched on their roles a little bit above but i cldnt list everything so heres this.. i use it like everyday when building new shiki its sooo helpful
ANYWAY.. I TIHNK IM DONE.. I HOPE THIS WASNT A COMPLETE UNINTELLIGIBLE MESS... if u need clarification for anything pls ask i feel like i mashed up a bunch of words together and called it a day.. ummmm so yeah :) theres probably..... stuff... i might be missing but if theres smth specific u want to know about JUST ASK!!!!!!!!! im always looking for new omj friends...
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HI ARI IM SORR Y FOR SPAMLIKING U BUT HOWVE H BEEN ana do u have any yuki thoughts to share w the class i’m curious :33
NEVER APOLOGIZE RIKO u can spamlike as much as u want <3333 I’VE MISSED U how have u been?? what have u been up to?? :33 tell me tell me 🎤🎤
uni has been eating me alive a tiny bit so i haven’t had much time to catch up on my tbr which depresses me T_T OTHER THAN THAT I’M DOING GOOD THO and wahhhh…. yuki 🥺🥺🥺 my beloved. tysm for asking riko AND WHILE WE’RE ON THE TOPIC that One yuki fanart of yours…. i just about collapsed when i saw it riko u drew her sooo gorgeous …….. women w big beautiful warm brown eyes >>>>>>>>>> Anything Else BUT OK yuki thoughts!!! i don’t think abt her as often as i should but i do have a couple hehe >:33 i love her!!
(jjk manga spoilers under the cut!!)
ok so first of all; i know i’m entirely delusional but idc i STILL think she’s coming back. i believe. i’m akutami’s strongest soldier. i just think it’d be so perfect if she swept in with todo and larue <33 ready to kick some ass <333 i know i probably shouldn’t trust gege too much but i trust him to handle his women decently . like he isn’t nearly as awful as some other shounen authors and i’m tired of people acting like he is …….. the bar is in the lowest layer of hell to be clear but still!! i believe in her return <333
i just think her final line is so so so interesting, and it’s such a specific choice to let it go unfinished…. ”it all boils down to…..” idk i just feel like she’ll come back and say the full line >:33 and it’ll be the coolest line ever also sidenote but i love the panelling here SO much the way her own words are getting DRAGGED into the black hole….. this is my favorite jjk fight overall btw it’s my most beloved ever ever ever none of u will see me again when it gets animated
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and!! this is also in connection to this fight but kenny/yuki is one of my absolute favorite dynamics in jjk <333 i think it’s soooo funny how the two characters kenny seems to like most are yuki (beautiful stunning intelligent ruthless special grade woman) and takaba (silly little guy :33) I LOVE THEM SM i need them to live together. i need them to be best friends 4 life. i need to see them all interact so bad it’s never gonna happen but i would literally do ANYTHING riko….,, i adore all three of them <33333 my angels on earth
but honestly i just think yuki and kenny are so interesting….. any time they talk i just feel like they’re two scientists discussing their shared area of interest like there’s so much animosity but also a mutual understanding, it makes me oddly happy for some reason??? and obviously there’s also the fact that yuki is the kind of human being that kenny loves the most; someone who never ever gives up. even as she’s literally been teared into halves, she uses her last strenght to create a fucking black hole despite the risk and i can’t even imagine how much respect kenny must feel for her after that??? yuki & yuji are both the same in that they’ll get up again and again, no matter what, and i think that’s why both of them have a special place in kenny’s heart. yuki/kenny is toxic yuri to me idc i adore them like nothing else. they’re so funny!!!
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but kenny aside, i really do think yuki is such a wonderful character. she’s just Everything. she’s so intelligent, so powerful, so all-consuming. such a perfect example of what a special grade is like. i really love the fact that she isn’t necessarily always on the Good side, she has her own ideals and goals and sometimes they conflict with what the good guys want. but yuki still desires a world without curses, at her very core, and i think that tells us so much about what kind of person she is!!
AND AND AND AND ANDDDDD arguably my favorite thing about her is how beastcoded she is. LIKE. she is a Beast and she’s gritty and she’s ruthless and she bites and bites & this is exactly how i think powerful shounen women should be depicted. akutami underutilizes his women for SURE but he still treats them with respect in the sense that their strenght doesn’t have to be justified, their bouts of insanity and pure instinct don’t need to be justified, all sorcerers are a little sick in the head and that statement goes beyond gender. yuki is a tiny bit insane and we love her for it <33 JUST LOOK AT THESE PANELS WAHHH she’s the coolest ever
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”heal yourself!” ”hell no!” is one of my fav pieces of dialogue in the whole manga <33 god i love yuki vs kenny vs choso SO much… three bad bitches duking it out <33333
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mumpkins · 6 years ago
Private OC Rating
Done by @cho-rates​, I just decided to have the balls to make it public and answer questions! (as well as fix some things)
cho’s comments and questions will be in BOLD. 
My answers and fixed places will be in ITALIC!
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Name: Shotaro Kaneda
Hero/Villain Name (if applicable): N/A
Age: 24 ( An aged up verse, he’s a couple years older than 1-A. Though sometimes I will portray his teen years as well, I have more information on his adult verse. I do want to flesh out teen years at some point though lol )
Birthday: September 5 (a virgo eww)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi-sexual
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 133 lbs
Hair: ear-length, fixed but slightly unruly, black
Appearance: Athletic agile build, Asian descent, brown eyes, red tinted hands and feet, small red horns on his forehead, long spiked / devilish red tail
Body: Athletic agile build
Quirk: Steam – Kaneda can build up and blow a hot steam that can potentially burn (or even melt depending on the force) his opponents. (Ahaha, the quirk fits the body appearance. I bet this one is going to be a hot head or really sweet)
Weakness: Building up and releasing too much steam at once can cause overexertion to the point where he can and will collapse and not be able to move for a while. Also his fucking ego. (LMFAO, I guess we’re dealing with the former and not the latter!)
Personality: Kaneda becomes the main symbol of defiance, expressing anarchy behavior towards authority and absolutely does not accept blatant disrespect. Kaneda values loyalty and becomes vengeful when trust is broken. He is impulsive, hot-headed, egotistical, and maintains a tough exterior; however, he is brave, independent, and highly empathetic. As a leader, Kaneda will look out for the safety and well-being of his allies, and will throw himself in front of a bullet for them if need be. (This!! I like that you didn’t make him a straight jerk and that you gave him good traits as well!)
Do they work well with others?: You are either with him or against him. By default he will work well if not negotiate unless you have a badge stating your authority.
Family: Parents deceased; family is his gang of brothers, all misfits and loyal to the bone
Friends (other oc’s or in BNHA universe): OC’s; his bike gang
Enemies(other oc’s or in BNHA universe): literally by default does not trust the cops or heroes (LOL)
Romantic Interests: by happenstance, Izuku Midoriya (LOL pt.2)
What do they think about heroes?: Oh shit oh fuck uhhhh
A couple of things about heroes. He sees the rise of fame being motivation for pro-heroes lately. They seem real fake to him, and it runs along the lines of Stain’s idea of “false heroes”. But he also sees them as a bunch of buzz kills when he’s trying to ride out and do his own thing that happens to be illegal. (LOL this guy is so problematic in a very headass type of way and it’s really entertaining. He’s a really fun character to read about.)
What do they think about villains?: They’re somewhat easier to work with, but he does not associate himself with hardcore villains either. As much as he himself could easily be considered one, he considers himself more in a grey area. He won’t kill a hero – actually he hesitates to kill anyone – but he won’t turn on a villain either if only because any of them could either arrest him or kill him. (Ah, he’s smarter than he lets on. I wonder how much of this is empathy and how much of this is him saving his own ass,,)
In terms of villains, he’s very much along the lines of “snitches get stitches”. At this point it doesn’t matter what his views are with a villain or a rival gang, he’s not gonna call the cops or any heroes as that is a lower blow than trying to either run or solve the issue on his own. He would rather risk his dignity than call the authorities. 
Is their first reaction to danger: flight or fright?
Depends on the danger. If he knows it’s an even match, he’ll throw fists. If he knows he has no chance, he’ll turn tail (heh) and run. (i’m actually laughing omg stop)
If they had to be stuck on an island with one BNHA character, who would it be and why?
don’t don’t ever give him the option (brO TELL ME)
Favorite holiday and why?
Halloween. As a child he always loved to dress up as his favorite hero. As an adult, he’s more attuned to the day before Halloween as “Mischief Day” and takes “tricks” to the extremes.
Do they have a certain way of dressing/ style?
His wardrobe is casual and lazy punk clothes. He does occasionally sport a bright red jacket with his gang’s logo on the back.
Pet peeves: Assuming his character for his looks (I mean you right but he hates it) (LMFAO I’m trying to give a serious review here and you hitting me with all this lolol)
Favorite food: shrimp tempura and rice
Favorite drink: Pepsi (ayyeee, pepsi > coke)
What is their favorite season/weather?: Summer
What is their sleep schedule like?: Whenever (mood)
Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?: Extrovert
Quickest way to upset them?: Pull his tail (I….I’m so tempted)
What type of student were they/are they?: Given that he only went to school so he didn’t have to do community service… he did the bare minimum, still got held back once (got mightily pissed off about it), and left as soon as he turned 18. Will also add that the school he went to was one step closer to juvie.
Superlative that fits them best (class clown, teachers pet, etc): Most Likely Will Be His Own Boss
A song you associate with them: Survival of the Fittest - Robert DeLong
What’s their diet like?: He will inhale anything in front of him, but he has a real fast metabolism
What’s the last thing they ate?: McDonald’s burger combo
Hobbies: riding his motorcycle and sometimes play video games
Guilty Pleasures: I mean. If you got the dokis for a hero and you’re a real anarchist……..
When and what was the last thing that made them cry?: laid in bed one night. like you do. thought about where his life was. wondered where it was going. you know just one of those fun nights. (this got too real too fast and i feel mildly attacked)
General Extras: In general, he is a real neutral guy that doesn’t play sides unless you’re on his specifically. He doesn’t take being talked down to and will even argue his side to keep himself above it all. Even raise fists. But he is impulsive as shit and does not always think his decision through. Definitely not book smart, but strongly street smart and highly confident in his actions. (I get that vibe from everything you’ve said, you summarized it really well and took the words out of my mouth!)
Do you plan on filling out a roleplay form(No pressure if you don’t want to do it, this is more for me so I can keep your forms together if you send in both): nah I’m just curious about this one
Creator Name (that’s you!): Mumzy
Blog name where I can contact you: mumpkins
Did you have fun doing this?! (pls just say yes so my feelings don’t get hurt): I REALLY DID and eventually there came a point where I was literally like “well shit he’s kind of a dumb bastard what else is there”
I’ll post it private and send you the link!
*deep inhales* BOI. Shotaro is such an unintentional meme?? Like big crackhead vibes from him like…he’s really just a lil misfit goin around and doing as he pleases,, so much angst in this one like??? (i hope you dont take any offence to this,, i just really like his character lol) he seems pretty factious to me LOL. I like his quirk, simple and easy and his weakness is plausible, no OP oc’s here! His personality really shined through and you portrayed him well. That little paragraph you wrote summarizing him was a really solid description and would be perfect for a character sheet. The only inconsistencies were, at the top you put his age as 17 but in the “what type of student were they” you mentioned him turning 18 but otherwise he is a really solid character! I’m 20 something so I can’t crush on anyone younger than 20 but he’s really… *deep breath* …moving on. I love his personality and the fact that he’s this punk but in reality he’s an impartial dude who is chill unless something offends him or opposes him but he is also very loyal and empathetic, two qualities that I love!
Idk if you wanted questions since this is a private rating but i’ll put some either way and u can choose to fill em out or nah,, i mainly do it to help develop character and its just fun to talk abt oc’s sooo,,
What job do you see him having in the future? He’s not really here no there so i’m interested!
After he drops out of high school, he flat out does not know what to do. As he is familiar with criminal work, he stays to what he knows with his bike gang... and incidentally gets picked up by mob members. He begins as an errand boy for one organized group, but never is he ever initiated as a member. After having been exposed by a variety of assignments from various villains, by the age of 20 he’s doing all kinds of illegal work. He becomes a man for hire in the undergrounds, helping with drug trafficking, enforcement, body guarding, petty thieving, etc. You name it, he’s probably done it.
But that’s only in the dark. To keep himself balanced, he’s also a bar back for a local bar in the sketchy side of town. An honest job when he meets people and can tell them what he does for work without putting off any red flags.
A couple of reasons why he does shady work is not due to enjoyment. Actually, he wishes he never got involved as everyday feels like he’s at risk of getting killed for angering the wrong person. He doesn’t plan ahead of his life only because he could step outside one morning and breathe his last breath. For one thing, his best friend who grew up with him and is part of his gang is in rehab at this point and Kaneda is the only person who he can turn to for help -- by this, Kaneda opts to pay those hospital bills with the quick and astounding amount of money he receives from criminal work. Another reason is plain and simple: once he has done work for one organized criminal group, once his name is spread around the underground as a reliable hire, there’s no way of suddenly dropping that life without risking it all.
Is there anything in particular he does to relax?? Tv, music, hobbies, etc,
The best way he can relax is riding his motorcycle in the late hours of the night. He loves the city, and will speed through until he finds open road where he will just continue to ride until he feels calm again.
If he’s especially frustrated and the steam has built up in his lungs, he will hold it in until he finds a safe spot (preferably home) to release it all and collapse for a while. Yes, his apartment would be a sauna if he doesn’t open his windows.
Sex also helps.
Is he a pessimist or optimist? He’s very unbiased it seems so I wonder what his personal mindset is,,
More of an optimist, but in a way where he prefers to mask sorrow and tension with humor and a lighter perspective. He can’t afford to not be confident, and he tries his damndest to pass that on given the circumstances. “This will work” he would say to an idea he briefly thought of, mostly trusting his gut and hoping that if he passes on the mindset and convinces others of his confidence, then yes in some way things will work out.
But I also say that he’s not very optimistic of his own future (sorry to bring this back). He lives for the moment, but given the life he lives, he does not trust it will be a long one. 
So it’s hard to explain, but he’d more say, “nothing matters in the end; do whatever the hell you want now”.
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