#SO TRUE. this only happens to me irl because I never vagueblog
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llycaons · 3 months ago
first of all someone said 'um yeah it's called having taste' or smt to that effect and it was so fucking pretentious and I know I posted something similar to that the other day and I'm sorry for subjecting you all to that is IS super annoying
tlt is obviously the big one. one person simply tagged: #there has to be some other fantasy series with lesbians
a long way to a small angry planet I thought was SO boring so I'm gratified seeing ppl who dislike it lol. this is by becky chambers, who a lot of people also criticize for being too 'cozy' and for poor sf worldbuilding and for not involving...stakes. and nuance
I never finished that book but I did get that sense lol
#the fucking book about a sea journey but the guy keeps infodumping about sealife so fucking much for PAGES ON END that you can barely rememb
the person going [redacted] about the book they hate. even here in the tags you remain vague...mysterious
about priory of the orange tree: 'how a book so long be so shallow?'
brando sando haters. I liked mistborn but it also sucked so I feel you. his prose is honestly really clumsy
the babel hate, which I respect
someone says they actively rec it but also explain in-depth everything it failed to do which actually lines up pretty well w my experience of reading it
"#do i even have to say what my number 1 haterism book is........" can you. for me? the person in the tags? one hater to another?
#people who hate books designed to be unobjectionable from concept to execution are my brothers and comrades. lovers even - SO real. nothing more suffocatingly bland than an adult work trying to be flat and tame and niceys about everything
ppl talking about the owl house? the children's show?
the ppl getting recced sjm when asking for books with gnc couples or no romance. hello?
lot of madeleine miller. I actually enjoyed tsoa but was it good? idk
the house in the cerulean sea, naturally
#me seeing people recommend name of the wind#girl the blatant misogyny and poor character development..... - YOU GET IT
fourth wing author is a zionist and the ideas are clearly present in her work apparently. also I tried reading that book and the literal first page I was like. this sucks shit
ERIN MORGENSTERN HATE. JANA!!!!!!: #doctor: read erin morgenstern the famous hack. she sucks shit and uses whimsy the way a landlord uses white paint she's so bad it's funny #erin morgenstern: but doctor #doctor: i know who you are - like her writing is literally so flat and lifeless and empty of heart and nothing in her story has any emotional of plot weight to it and it's sooo shallow and obsessed with aesthetics but the aesthetics aren't even good and I've read better and more beautiful prose in a fanfic. I hate her so much
#i have this problem with she ra fanfic#no that fic does not handle the catradora act 2 break up well - incredibly specific but I have the same struggles in my fanfic journeys so I can't judge
#it always makes me think like What Makes A Good Book and how it really just depends on the person. - this person loves tlt and I don't wanna be mean about their taste but like, it IS possible to objectively assess the quality of a written work. some books are simply objectively bad. like yeah ppl have different tastes and takeaways but sometimes quality is undeniable, you know?
someone in all caps yelling abt how they hate pride and prejudice. rip
someone saying LES MIS?
#not 1:1 but that one time my wife asked for recs for books with interesting even unusual prose#and no joke got a legends and lattes reply
'JRR Martin" who? 😭 probably grrm
CONCLUSION: #the moral of the story is to never vagueblog just be a hater on main !!!!!!
the tags on that post are delicious btw. yes wot is extremely bioessentialist no they are not 'doing cool things with gender' I haven't seen s2 btw I'm just talking abt the books
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kyberled · 8 years ago
☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn't have?
Salt Meme
As a matter of fact, I have, though thankfully it wasn’t in this fandom, but one I only recently trundled back to, and one from way back that I don’t think I’m ever going to be going back to for a number of reasons.
Oddly enough, this person from the very old fandom wasn’t even a part of the fandom I was in. It was a crossover type thing, and the first crossover I’d ever written. But there was a lot of vagueblogging on her part whenever I did anything they didn’t like. And by that, I mean the dash was flooded with posts saying that ‘this person’ didn’t ship things like they thought they did, TAGGED WITH OUR CHARACTERS, and going on to complain ON THE DASH to her mutuals that ‘some person’ (still tagged with our ship) was making their anxiety and depression worse. My crime? I didn’t have my muse kiss theirs within thirty in-reply minutes (tops; probably less) of them first meeting. I ended up fanmailing them saying it wasn’t that I didn’t ship them, it’s just that I wanted to take it slow, and after that they went back to acting like we were best friends while spamming my inbox with messages about their wedding.
I wish I was joking.
It’s also worth noting that I was a teenager, and the other person was, according to their rules page, in their twenties. This only happened one or two more times before I blocked them, but the more I thought about about it, the more I kind of wished I got out sooner, but at the same time, I’m just glad I got out at all.
The other person was in a bigger fandom, and they were writing with some other people I know and consider friends. They introduced themselves by messaging me right after they followed, saying, ‘Hi, I’m [person I’m still good friends with]’s friend! [They] recommended your blog to me, so I thought I’d say hi! My name’s [name]!” … Or something along that vein. Introduced themselves, added that they’d heard about me from a mutual friend, and that was the last normal conversation I had with them, outside of a few attempts at plotting. 
This person would come into my IMs at odd hours and just complain to me. I didn’t even really know this person’s name, and they would just dump their life problems in the IMs. Like how their best friend was stressed in college, so they were not gonna contact her by their own choice, but now they were sad and missed her and anxious and yeah, I get that that sucks, but I was a complete stranger? And they’d go on and on and I could hardly get a word in edgewise. Whenever I did manage to say anything and try to comfort them or offer advice, they’d shut me down, give lists of reasons why my suggestions wouldn’t work, and go back to complaining at me. This happened literally all of the time, it was all they’d talk to me about. They also really liked hounding me about being agender, too? I’ll give an example of this in a bit.
I feel like I should clarify, here, that I enjoy helping my friends with their problems. I like being a shoulder to cry on. But the emphasis is on ‘my friends’. People I am comfortable with. I would also appreciate some warning? Even just a ‘hey, can I vent to you for a sec?’ at least lets me get in the right mindset to be able to deal with this sort of thing. I got no warning from this person. It’s also nice to talk about something else from time to time? But, no, it was just a constant stream of negativity from them. I’m being completely serious when I say I couldn’t make a single post on either of my blogs without them messaging me. It was actually kind of terrifying, to say the least. Had to start developing a routine based on when they were usually offline to avoid being harassed. 
It didn’t take me too long to consider blocking them, because of the outpouring of negativity, but also because they kept dropping threads without telling me, then talking about how I was ignoring them, to me, and THEN requesting starters and completely ignoring ALL THREE OF THE STARTERS i’D JUST WRITTEN THEM, and THEN saying they were too lazy or kept forgetting to look the starters up? But I was the one who was ignoring them. The day I was first about to block them, they message me about how their friends are all blocking them. I briefly wonder if they’re a telepath. They say, after a very long rant, something along the lines of ‘but at least I have you, Jay. You’d never do that, you’re my best friend. I’m lucky to have you’. And on the one hand, I’m thinking, you know, what the hell, since when were we best friends? And I know that sounds mean, but I’d barely spoken to them, both because they never listened and because I was super uncomfortable talking to them; we barely interacted IC because they kept dropping threads and outright ignoring things I’d write for them; I never made an effort to contact them since the conversation was always focused solely on how bad their life was; We’d only been in contact for a month or two, tops, and it took about a year for Rodi and I (or my irl highschool best friend, Hannah, and I) to get to True BFF Level; Never once did they show any concern for me, or really anyone aside from themselves; Honestly, I’m kind of surprised they even knew my name. But I’m their best friend, apparently, and now of course I feel super guilty, because I was about to block them, and now I was the bad guy.
Oh, and to add on to all this, they forced headcanons on my muse. Once again, I feel like I need to clarify: I love people bouncing headcanons off me. If you think Braig would like XY thing, tell me; If you have an idea of a scenario for our muses together, send me it, I’d love to hear it. I’ll even reblog that ‘tell me your headcanons for my muse’ meme. I love it.
What this person did was different. This person, without asking, conferring with me, or even giving me any warning, they decided my muse was a child abuser. I don’t think I need to elaborate on why that was a bad thing. This went against my headcanons, contradicted canon at some points, and made no sense to me, but apparently my muse was now a child abuser. Eugh.
Oh, and before I give a brief run-down on what finally prompted me to block this person, I feel it’s worth mentioning that when we’d first started talking, I’d just turned eighteen, and they were twenty-one. 
Anyway, so the straw that finally sucker-punched the camel in the jaw was when they messaged me after A Day. I was tired, hungry, had been in class all morning and in line at the campus book store for half an hour, and my arms were loaded down with textbooks. I was sort of struggling through tumblr for something to do, but typing was pretty hard. This person swings into my IMs and starts a suspiciously normal conversation - Actually asks me about school, what my major is, etc etc. I’m giving one-word replies for the most part, both because I’m not in the most social mood (and I’m not comfortable with this person to begin with), and because I don’t have the hands free to type long sentences anyway. But I’m starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this person has turned over a new leaf. Maybe I was right for giving them so many chances. And then, in the middle of the conversation, zero warning, they say:
“Are you out to your family, yet?”
And I’m just stunned. I had no idea how to respond. After a minute or more of me just staring, not answering, they add, ‘can I ask that?’, and I had no idea what to say in return aside from something like ‘no, I’m not, and I don’t know if I ever will be’, hoping to end the conversation. This person then starts complaining at me for not being out, because they wanted help with getting their family to remember their pronouns. I offered some suggestions anyways, those were all ignored, and out came more rants about how terrible their life was. 
I blocked them not long after, after speaking to two close friends who agreed that I probably should’ve done so earlier.
So, yeah, those are the two instances that come to mind. I’m a bit more careful with who I chill with, now, and I’ve learned to be pretty blunt when shutting this stuff down, so it hasn’t happened since. \o/
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