#idk i dont hate any im just neutral on most ???????
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satorugojoswiife · 1 year ago
in light of the previous anon's ask, are there any confirmed/canon ships in jjk? i just got into the series this year and i've seen a lot of people claiming satosugu is canon, as well as yutamaki.
Kenjaku x yujis dad.
There aren't really many, if any canon ships in jjk now that I think about it??? There seems to be something between hakari and kirara but nothing has ever been officially confirmed.
They are both very popular ships, but neither satosugu or yutamaki are canon. I understand why lots of people ship them though.
I'm not 100% sure but I think a big reason for lots of people saying stsg canon is due to the 'my one and only' line in jjk0, but that is actually exclusive to the viz translation.
The direct jp to eng translation is 僕の親友だ。たった一人のね -> "It was my best friend. The only one I have"
Viz's version, 'my one and only', still technically works but tbh I kind of feel like they worded it like that on purpose, almost borderline queerbaiting, but yeah.
Aside from that the ship does have lots of other things going for it tho! Definitely an important relationship in the series and whether people would like to interpret it romantically or plantonically is up to them. As far as 'canon' goes I'd say it'd be platonic (as of right now with the information we have).
While love is a very prominent theme in the series (the most twisted curse of them all, 'teaching' sukuna about love, ect.) I feel its mostly explored in otherways than romantic. Whether it be familial, platonic, or whatever. jjk is definitely not a romance focused series, so I'm not sure if we ever will see any canon ships explored. I guess mechamaru was heavily implied to have a thing for miwa, but.. . well, we know how that ended 💀
omg so sorry I went off on a tangent there !! I feel like people focus too much on what is and isn't canon. But idk who cares about canon, just ship what you like 💖 I hope everyone enjoys shipping their fave ships and has a good day 👍💖
Also ily satosugu and yutamaki shippers I don't mean for this post to come off as dismissive of your ships I was just trying to be as factual as possible. Ignore me tho and continue loving your ships!!
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padfootastic · 2 years ago
My unpopular opinion is that if Peter weren’t fat and ugly then Sirius/Peter would be an extremely popular and mainstream ship, while Wolfstar would be a rarepair and Prongsfoot would stay as it is now - because i see prongsfoot as a ship for people who love to see Sirius in a healthy and balanced relationship. Wolfstar and Sirius/Peter are/would be for people who love the drama and the emotional turmoil.
dude. DUDE. i fully agree with this. i think a large part of how peter is treated/used/characterised stems from his physicality. it's almost like a woke parallel to jkr's beauty morality politics.
i literally cannot even tell u how often i've been annoyed by the way peter gets treated by the marauder fandom, specifically. because yeah, i get not everyone's gonna like a snivelling rat but--the corner of the fandom that operates purely on fanon and has changed everyone's character? yeah, zero excuses there.
not just the fact that peter often gets zero romantic/sexual attachments (and lets not even talk ab the 'ace/aro hcs bc hes fundamentally unloveable/so ugly no one wants him') even in spaces where's he's redeemed, but even if he's still a bad guy, so what? this is the fandom that's casually redeemed regulus black, barty crouch, all the other assortment of DEs. i dont get why peter's always the one who gets left behind. (i mean,,,,i kinda do,,,but yeah, idk what their rationale is)
and then theres also the peter art oh my god. it just. there's nothing technically wrong with any of it, but the way peter--a canonically fat guy--is drawn (often very infantilised and non-sexually, even wehn everyone around him is thirst trapped up) vs say, lily--who's the hot new 'plus size' rep--who always gets to be slim-thicc, very fkn sexy, and just overall fun. it's just. it icks me out, ykno?
and then the relationships, of fucking course the ship would be more popular, dude. like, its classic enemies to lovers, classic passion and intensity that can fall on either side of the coin. u can play around a lot with it. and honestly, peter & sirius had way more interactions/moments/chemistry than remus/sirius, like that's my unpopular moment right there lmao
overall, yeah, i get what u mean and i second it. fat characters are not written the best bc its often just a facsimile of how irl fat people are treated and we all know how that goes.
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s0raz · 2 months ago
Uh here have my opinions on tdrp ships
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OTP: Hayashigeki - Theyre stupid, I love their dynamic. Its such a delight seeing them on screen together. Shigeki being head over heels for Mai and caring so much about her makes me so happy considering his past
Hayatari - I grew to love their dynamic after Watari’s “homoerotic rant” part in the warden episode. I think theyre fun
Hirojima and Hasemura - This would be way too long if I went into why I like these ships
Wama - I heart Wama as of tonight. Thinking about it, theyre such a cute dynamic. Watazaki - I love them so much but I think its down slightly because I have a major bias AGAINST Okazaki and Watari deserves better than that
Manasaki, Manatari, Tsuhama, Watamba - I actually have no basis for shipping them, I just think theyre cute
Nakamigeki - Outing myself as a Nakamigeki lover, chat. I just think they are absolutely hilarious. I really hope we get more scenes of them together, specifically Nakamigawa not being bitchy to Shigeki, because Nakamigawa seems to be trying to be better.
Hayanam, Ruinami - Theyre cute, idk
Literally all of these are ships that I have zero opinion on. They could be canon, they could be doomed, idgaf. (Also ignore the Watari or Tamba x any dude in here, I was not paying attention, pretend theyre in NOTP)
Mixed Feelings:
Similar to the last one, I just lean slightly more to disliking them
Chiba x anyone - I dont outright hate Chiba ships, theyre just weird to me since Chiba shows herself to be more childish and shipping her with more mature characters is odd to me. Keizou ships - I dont hate em, but he does have a gf. If he didnt, Id probably put Hama and Keizou in like because theyre goofy
Okahama - I dont like most Okazaki ships and Hama deserves anything but Okazaki
Hayazaki - Looking back, I wouldve put this in hate or NOTP because Hayashi HATES Okazaki for her abuse towards Wada
Kamiaki - I feel like they could be a fun ship, but ehh… idk.
Ruizaki, Yanazaki - I dont like Okazaki ships that much
Shisaki - I liked them in Daily Life chapter 1, but after the trial and finding out about Lilah, I really hate this ship.
Watawada - Watari is lesbian (ignore the ones in neutral, I wasnt paying attention at the time.)
Hiroaki x girls, Kamimura x girls, Hasegawa x girls - theyre all canonically gay
Isono x anybody - Shes aroace, and as far as Im concerned, is not interested in any relationship (?) (I do like Tsuno x Isono, but I dont ship it for this reason)
Manazaki - .. Do I need to explain?
Ruigeki - Theyre siblings to me, chat. Nobody can convince me otherwise
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one-strugling-bean · 5 months ago
Im halfway through TMA at this point - ive essenctially been binging nonstop since MAG 54, and I'm about to start MAG 103.
I stopped now so i could get a moment to properly process everything and like.........
How did we get here???
The first 50 or so episodes look so simple and straightforward now - Jon was a paranoid harumph harumph of a guy, Martin an awkward patootie, Tim the funny flirt that secretly held the braincell, Elias was shady and useless, Not!Sasha made me sad, the stories were spooky and inexplicable, and every time there was a live statement episode i did a little dance of excitement
Jon's character can be sumed up like this rn
Now suddenly Jon is an anime magical girl?? And a damsel in distress?? Except no one's coming to save him cause everyone lowkey/highkey hates him :T
(Martin excluding, of course)
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And Martin and Tim..... God i feel for them so bad. Especially Tim. Hes so different from the 1st season. He sounds so dead inside and so upset. I want him to be able to leave so bad...
I adore the additions of Melanie, Basira and Daisy to the Archive, - i enjoy all of their voices so much, they sound so niiiice - but wow, talk about a status quo change, huh. Everything changed so damn quickly and surprisingly, it never felt forced
Elias is... honestly not a very threatning menace (though he's an asshole). Hes just kinda there. Spooky and menacing but also fairly chill unless provoked. He feels more like a neutral force with bad working methods, rly.
On a different note, though, we have Gertrude. Im kind of adoring finding out more stuff abt her. That lady..... Damn she was cool but so scary. Blowing up historical caves, understading so much abt the creepy creatures crawling the earth - i swear every time i hear more abt her she only gets scarier!
AAAAND i'm starting to take the statements less and less srsly :/ which is kinda sad. Think its because now I'm starting to recognize the creatures and the unknown element is slowly stripping away. Most of the statements that aren't directly involved with the bigger plot or dont particularly interest me, i just half listen to them in x2 speed (except for the endings, because they always have something)
One last thing: please don't kill any more assistants, podcast, I beg you... I have gotten to attached to all of them, and idk if jon could handle it (I wont either)
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thebearme · 1 year ago
Imma just gonna start with Cam first, and let me just tell you Cameron I projected the most on because even after my "ihatehim no ilovehim" phase so idk maybe some of this could be out of character srry.
I imagine Cameron is south African, particularly Zimbabwean.
His a walking nerd emoji.
The only pass time Cam had was to draw bugs. So he's REALLY GOOD at drawing bugs. Only bugs. Everything else looks like it's from the diary of a wimpy kid.
Cam not that keen of physical touch but slowly getting used to it cuz of Mike. Mike also trying to remember that everyone is open on surprise hugs.
Idk why but with Zoey and Cam's relationship I just think of Carly and Freddie but without the crush.
Gwen and Cam would have art trades together.
Cam got the dryess hands in existence because of the amount of hand sanitizer he uses. OCD GAND RISE UP!
Im saying this now but Cam and B would TOTALLY VIBE TOGETHER!! i just don't know their intentions are yet so dont ask..
Lightning and Cam would have hangout if not for the cheating thing.
Duncan once asked Cam if he can draw a mural of his pet spider Scruffy.
Sam would take it as his personal duty to teach Cam in the way of being a gamer. By teaching him the Zelda timeline and the lore of FNAF. May god rest Cam soul after that.
Cam doesn't not do well with the more active people in Mike's system like Svetlana and Manitoba. They try to be gentle with him but they just don't know their strengths and Manitoba canonically eats dirt so there's only so much they can hangout.
Vito doesn't vibe with nerds but he does occasional try to back him up if he's getting bullied. ONLY if Vito himself isn't bullying Cam.
Cameron actually has the best relationship with Chester. He loves hearing history and old facts and Chester loves the excuse to chat someone's ears off.
Mal and Cam have more of a neutral relationship with each other but I can definitely see Mal thinking his just some weakling nerd until Cam shows him he knows how to make the Demon core.
Cam and Mike started a hate Scott club. Although Cam feels alil bad about, he tends to be reminded of why they started this club every time they go back to their cabin.
Cam once witnessed Scott use the bathroom without washing his hands. And never liked him since.
There was one time between season, Mike, Cam and Zoey were going on a little road trip. Z & M both ask what song should they play next? Cam said he doesn't know any songs so maybe just play the Ice cream truck theme. And that's when they find out HOW sheltered this boy is.
I would get into the nitty gritty but Cam's mom is NOT a good mom. Zoey and Mike have beef with her (Zoey trys to have the benefit of the doubt and said she just too over protective while Mike legit DONT like her.)
They both make sure that Cam gets as much outside time as possible and learn to have a life outside of his house.
When Cam goes to college is going aboard as an entomologist.
When Cameron first came on TD he didn't know what to wear because obviously he's never been outside so it a mixture of hot and cold clothes. Bro don't know fashion but it's his outfit changes in All Stars.
He's wearing a puffer jacket because it reminds him of a sleeping bag and makes him cozy + it has a cooling system inside thanks to B.
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okifyouinsist · 5 months ago
tagged by @killerandhealerqueen (i just keep forgetting abt this one SIGH but i have free time rn and im committed)
1. why did you choose your url?
growing up, i just wasn't a social media girl purely bc of the fact that my parents were super strict and I assumed they wouldn't allow me to have it and I just never really saw the appeal anyways. Then later a few friends basically forced me to make my first account and because i wasn't very creative and thought i was the funniest bitch ever i made my first user 'ifyouinsist' and it just kinda stuck ig
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
nope. i fear if i had a sideblog id end up neglecting it and forget abt it or make it my new main blog and neglect this blog and this blog is literally my baby
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
well i've had an account since like end of 2019, beginning of 2020???? (im pretty sure) i didnt like use my account tho i just had it to look at other ppls blogs not my own, i only acc recently made up my blog up properly and started posting this year when it was like 2 am and i was on holiday to visit my home country and my mum and my aunts were gossiping and i was like whatever who tf cares how late i am to a fandom and the rest was history
4. do you have a queue tag?
nope, my drafts are a terrifying place and if they ever saw light id die
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
to reblog pretty art and to compliment writers on ao3 AND on tumblr bc they deserve everything and more
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
logan sargeant. need i say any more???? hes my bsf in spirit
7. why did you choose your header?
loscar. LOSCAR. loscar. i am very much totally normal abt them i swear (lying through my teeth rn). they're just my everything unfortunately and sometimes i like to say the fist bump is their version of intertwining their fingers together
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
ik this bc it was the first i myself made and it was abt loscar obviously and i thought i was SO funny (im not) and its lowk still such a flop post but its MY flop post so here it is :)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
idk man im shy (scared of rejection) so i dont have a lot, like genuinely let me go see acc, oh ig its me and my 14 moots against the world i love you guys fr
10. how many followers do you have?
BYE my 26 followers are my 4 lifers fr (im such a flop this is hilarious)
11. how many people do you follow?
37 (sigh need to follow more ppl RN)
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
im gonna be so real idk what defines as a shit post but most probably yeah
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
idk im acc really inconsistent like ill be MIA for 2 whole days and the next week ill be on tumblr like for most of my day when i can its very confusing like today ive not been on it a lot im academically locking in and all that
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
ummm no. like. if i see someone i follow getting hate ill send them a supportive ask and then at the end of it be like anon ur such a loser get a life but other than that. nope.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
im very much neutral abt them, like idc if i need to reblog it yk if i want to i will if i dont then i wont
16. do you like tag games?
YES (said in a very normal voice)
17. do you like ask games
YES. i love getting asks id cry if someone sent an ask (i have one rotting away from a moot rn i WILL answer it i swear)
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
can i say all my moots. i wanna say all my moots they're all famous in my eyes guys, i start tagging its gonna end with all my moots being tagged but like @killerandhealerqueen and @dwarvenchords were the first 2 ppl to come to my mind theyre both just the coolest fr
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
nah. i have FRIEND crushes on literally all of them tho. wanna be their friends SO bad
20. what is the last song you listened to?
Mamichula- Bizarrap
21. what are you currently watching?
in my docuseries era rn watching breakpoint (STILL)(i only have time on the weekends rn SIGH)
22. sweet/ savoury/ spicy?
sweet. im such a 'lets skip the dinner and just get dessert' kinda girl
23. what is your current relationship status?
this is SUCH a complicated question to answer but heavily leaning more towards single
24. what is your current obsession?
sports. like just sports in general. like ive always been a casual fan of sports but i never used to take a deep dive into it but this year i decided to dive, and i dived VERY deep, so like motorsports, tennis, football, cricket, trying to get into hocky rn im collecting them atp. also. documentaries. like when i get time ill be binge watching like 5 documentaries i just love them sm
25. what are nine albums/ songs you've been listening to lately?
wish i could tell you fr, i mean, rn im re listening to SOUR by Olivia Rodriguez AGAIN bc thats the way my life is going SIGH, Olivia is my favourite basic artist fr, nothing compares to listening to SOUR for the first time in 2021
ANYWAYS, thanks again for the tag i really appreciate it, im gonna tag @ezisregrettinglifedecisions @fabeong @whatssthepooiintt
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fun-k-boards · 9 months ago
? I dont think that being asexual is comparable to an eating disorder, but the portrayal of sex and food being as something most people enjoy but about 1% of the population doesn't is comparable. It's just the first comparison that came to mind. You could also make the same comparison with idk, going into nature being portrayed as nearly universally good even though there's probably like 1% of people who strongly dislike/fear being outside. But it's more difficult to find stats on that, so I used food. Also food is the go to metaphor for sex in the ace community..
Sex is a positive in the vast majority of peoples lives, so that's what it's portrayed as. I don't think I've ever seen a show say "everyone in the audience needs sex to feel good", they usually say "this character needs sex to feel good" which is pretty normal for allose characters/people. It's also p normal for sex to help you with some issues if you enjoy it (like body issues being dimished by finding that someone finds you super attractive is soo common ime).
Sometimes feel like sex repulsed aces hate us aroallos sometimes.. just saying..
When did I ever say I hated aroallos or even mention aroallo people in this conversation? You brought aroallo people into this conversation, you're making an assumption just because you disagree with a post I made completely unrelated to aroallo people.
Sex isn't inherently positive and sex neutral / repulsed people deserve to have representation and be given a voice, because sex is not an inherently morally positive action, it's just sex, it's just an act. It's not inherently anything. That's the point I'm making. That's the point I've repeated. Over. And over. Again. For Christ's sake, just listen to a single word I say instead of just ignoring me to make shit up to get angry about.
Like, this goes for romance too! Romantic relationships aren't inherently positive, they're not inherently anything! They're just romantic relationships.
Also, you literally did compare not having or liking sex to having an eating disorder. You don't get to backpedal from that. It's not fucking comparable because having an eating disorder is bad for you, you literally should eat food because you need it to survive. You don't need sex to survive. Being asexual, specifically sex repulsed, is not in any way comparable to an eating disorder.
Just because you don't see shit happening, doesn't mean it should continue and that people who do see it are automatically wrong.
Once again, just block me.
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jackiestailor · 2 years ago
OKKK maki dating head-cannons🤗
love best girl maki smsmsmsmmmsmsmmsmsmsm <33
-this can be gender neutral (but im imagining the reader as a female for myself just cuz ima girl but otherwise it's gender neutral, except for when i'm mentioning afab/amab)
-always angry
-she's not angry at you,,, she's angry at the world. primarily because panda and toge WILL NOT stop teasing her about it
-but she's very nice to you, even when she doesn't think she is. it's like she hates everyone and loves you (why can't she be real </3)
-even after you two started going out, it took a LOOONG time for her to get used to the affection u give (if u do like giving affection. if u dont then ignore this and pretend ur the same as her/j)
-UGH she's so cute whenever you hug her, cuz she isn't used to all the affection since she never really received it as a child. that poor girl- i wanna give her all the love she deserves :( can u tell i love maki
-when she does get used to the affection, forehead kisses are vv common! and they're so cute gn. you two could be tired from training all day and you're sitting together while drinking water and she'll randomly give u a forehead kiss or maybe a cheek kiss idk. and when u turn to smile back at her she's always blushing, and you just can't help yourself so you lean in to kiss her cheek as well. her face turns even more red as she mumbles little strings of curses under her breath.
-live laugh maki. <3
-for afab readers, maki defo seeks advice on how to ask u out from either shoko (if u decide the relationship starts in the time jjk 0 takes place) or nobara if u haven't seen the movie yet. all those hours she spent talking with shoko/nobara just for u to be the one asking her out LMAOO
-yeah. toge and panda always joke about it and she'll threaten them with the least scary threats like "i'll kill you!1!1!! >:(" and they'll just die laughing along with u
-for amab readers she defo didn't expect to fall for a guy after being treated like shit from the zen'in clan which it mainly men😃 (i hope that's a valid reason to hc she's wlw but i dont want criticism so i'm adding amab readers <:)) tho she didn't go to any of the boys for help (not even yuta LMAO)
-she's more dominant hotter than you, no matter the gender. you could be the sexiest actress in the world or the most majestic bro on tiktok and she'd still be hotter LOL (accept it losers/j)
-being hot doesn't always come with confidence (but most of the time it does and it takes a while for her to embrace that) and once she actually does embrace it, she's a TERRIFIC flirter i want maki to flirt with me
-she loves seeing u blushing and embarrassed, again, no matter the gender. tho she did reluctantly pick up tips from gojo whenever she'd see him rizzing up some girl on the street LMAO
"hey there, hot stuff."
"are you trying to rizz me up again?"
"no, would you like me to?"
IT WORKS EVERY TIME??? if that sucked im sorry i have no rizz shamefully and it always ends up with u blushing (if y'all are aged up idk where u wanna take that...😓)
-and if y'all r making out expect things to go her way (you'll be busy for a while so put ur shit on do not disturb) with her shoving u against a wall not me projecting my daydreams
-lemme stop b4 i get out of hand.
-ANYWAYS dating her would be super fun if she wouldn't be TRAINING ALL THE TIME!!! that girl is always training and it takes 5 sacrifices to god and one spar to get her to stop </3. then u guys hang out in y'alls rooms, varying from hers or yours (mainly yours tho idk why just go with it)
yeah idk what else to add LOL
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changbinsboobs · 2 months ago
thats why u have to be less biased and more neutral and expect any answer lol if u go in more biased and attached to the person ur reading on aint it just going to givd u the opposite result of what u expect vs what u want to hear or read? thats why i never fully believe in readings 100% even tho readers have given me some very accurate and almost spot on answers and definitely some surprising ones too but even so that dont mean i have to believe it blindly.
i thought thats why u guys write that its for entertainment purposes only on ur posts? but it seem like u want to have certain biased answers not what u really should be getting, does this make sense? i mean no hate to u or anything
Ok idk how to answer to that cuz...why are u teaching me on how to read tarot when you don't seem to be reading tarot urself🥲 but anyways, if apparently some explaining is needed il do the explaining.
The post ur referring to is about a private reading i was doing for myself. And it is a common knowledge that its difficult to read tarot for urself because messages are unclear, biased, emotional, delusive etc.
The readings i do on this blog aren't for me and aren't taken that seriously by me either. Most of the stuff here isn't anything im dying to know or anything that would have any real impact on me or my life. While i might have subconscious beliefs that could bleed into my interpretations and readings, this is something that is bound to happen, thats why disclaimers are being put. Not only that but because energy is ever changing, and because at the end of the day, thats not a trustworthy source of information... its just for entertainment.
So yeah, despite u saying no hate or anything, the post seems a bit...off, kinda putting words in my mouth and talking kinda bad about me and other readers. I can tell you for myself i try to do my readings as unbiased as consciously possible and this is something that has been very important to from the beginning, and i can't speak for others but I've seen many blogs on here that also seem very genuine and do not push any personal agendas in their readings - beside the anons that take everything out of context, twist things and make an elephant out of a fly and then blame it on the blog owners. Seen this happen time and time again on literally ALL BLOGS that i know on here.
So yeah, if im touchy on that topic now u know why
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visionthefox · 1 year ago
I know the April Fools episodes are jokes but it's kinda funny to analyze them Earth's nightmare seemed to be her fearing that she's a terrible person that everyone hates, dislikes, or avoids, her forgetting everything again, people not telling her things or keeping secrets from or about her, feeling powerless even to herself, losing Lunar(except for that last bit), being generally confused... And then Sun's, Sun's was all their enemies apologizing for everything they did, fixing whatever they screwed up, and disappearing, or in the case of the Creator dealing with Fazbear since Sun hates that company, and then Moon leaving after being weirded out, even Sun pointed out the sheer absurdity early on, maybe all of these incidents affect him subconsciously even more than he realizes, poor guy just wants some catharsis Earth and Sun telling one another about their weird dreams after the fact is something I could see happening too
ANON WE THINK THE SAME I WAS GONNA START THINKING TOO DEEP but I felt soo stupid but AA IM NOT ALONE!! for Earth- I guess is a mix of feeling guilty she "failed" Lunar- and fears she may be too focus on her family life she may not pay attention to Monty- also something about fearing you "did a terrible thing" and just feeling gaslited even when you know you didnt hits home.. her fear of maybe "being forgetfull and controled" may be the most obvious, yet is still interesting.. as.. for me, she gives me "hero complex" at times, thinking she is meant to be the one fixing ppl (even when I see ppl saying she never asked for this role) maybe because when made, she was mentioned as "the better version" so she goes by that.. ending up feeling both fake, try hard, yet afraid to fail and emotionally stressed out trying to be what ppl expected of her. so then- we see her fears, being seen as a bother, seen as someone to deal with rather than work with.. also, maybe is me, but she does kinda takes too hard her "brother" not wanting her in his date/celebration.. also going on over Solar "hating her" when the dude seems to be neutral with her.. that got me feeling odd, she takes simple soft push as "you hate me" .. no? they dont want you there, yet they still care to ask if you are ok.. what is she on about? (I know, is a nightmare, she is not meant to make much sense, specially as the emotional one she is.. I cant blame her too hard ) NOW SUN~ OHOHOHOHOHHHHHHH oh HE HE DOES SHOW SOO MUCH~ isnt it.. curious? of all the jokes they can make.. is ppl saying sorry ! what they show us? again, I expected actors or bloopers like other channel did! but.. now.. isnt it curous, right after he tells Eclipse to kill himself, he dreams of him saying sorry, sure, is clear Eclipse is not happy nor all sappy. not even wanting to be there with them any longer than BM did.. not saying "I hope im welcome back"-- nothing! Eclipse showed up, say his words, and choose to walk away, Sun is clearly weird out .. yet- clearly hoping to see the lie,, he doesnt, Eclipse lose more than he wins.. so Sun is left to wonder- was it true? he means it? we know Sun feared him. then hated him- has every reason to- yeeeet.. Sun has to know.. he is mad at the shell of how was a enemy. maybe having Eclipse saying sorry is the thing he needs to let go of this anger , just like Lunar did Lunar faced the big bad wolf- only to see a mere AI, broken and lost, lying to itself hoping to gain some sense of control over a life he cant even run away from.. Sun maybe needed to tell itself, via Moon "thats not the man that hurted you, thats the ghost of the past.. let it go" Moon is that side of him telling him to let go, and when things got too wild, his "reason" just had to leave- I feel thats when Sun stayed to yell, feeling too much stress confusion and cringe even (I have more to say but may do a post later on. idk) last joke video was not canon at all, yet this one is clearly tied to canon.. soo.. this has to mean something!! IM NOT LOOKING TOO DEEP YOU ARE ANON!
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I hope my ramble isnt too long! but yea. I may explin myself better later on. just- I feel the fact this is DREAM and not an AU means a lot..
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quillkiller · 1 year ago
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
explain why don’t ship james/barty
hate away babe <3
THANK you beloved
a ship i hate that most people like: ive recently had to accept that i just can’t stand jegulus….:/ i loved them for a while but realised i only liked them from specific fic authors and idk i just. dont like them outside of those fics. i dont see their potential or compatability and the versions of (most often) james in relationship to the widely accepted jegulus dynamic just…… isn’t a character i like all that much………im SORRY. i have fought against it but the verdict is in my friends……… i am a jegulus hater:/
i still hold the jegulus fics ive read and loved very close to my heart and they’re the only exceptions, but idk i just. cant stand it anymore!!!! some of it honestly reads as y/n fics to me if im being honest and while thats absolutely fine and great and lovely it just isnt for me personally
i also used to hate marylily but im sort of neutral to them now? i dont mind them in fics anymore but i’ll probably not go out of my way to read fics that focus on them:/
why i dont like barty/james: ITS JUST??????? INSANE TO ME????? like i love that there are ships for everyone and i love that people ship them HOWEVER. to me!!!!!! TO ME!!!!! they just can’t stand each other. not ever, not in any circumstance, not in any universe. even in jegulus fics i just dont see barty ever ending up liking james and i think he teases and bullies regulus repeatedly because he thinks james is just SUCH a loser. he will look at regulus and be like……. him? really? you want him? and not even from jealousy i just. THEY CLASH SO MUCH IN MY MIND???
like james thinks he’s this rebellious prankster and barty is literally a lowkey insane like criminal. they are NOT the same. and james somehow thinks hes more of a delinquent than barty?????? i love him hes such a loser. whereas barty looks at james and is like god i fucking wish i had your problems.
in my mind they’re just never ever going to be on the same page / be able to understand each other / i think james would lowkey judge barty / and barty would judge james / and they would just clash all the fucking time
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nijisanji-brain-rot-fics · 2 years ago
rating the fanbases in nijisanji en that im in 🤠🤘
also im not hating on yall im just talking about…… some colorful things about the fan communities im in
aight for one, kyomies. = FUCKING -18/10
im scared of like some of yall. like ongod 😭 either chill or so fucking down bad WW like oh god i watched the confessions stream YOU GUYS. ARE SCARY. PLEASE. I CANT TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES MY JAW DROPPED WATCHING THAT STREAM. also we needa stop bullying kyo for being the shortest male in nijisanji en lmao hes coping already 💀AHEM… TO ANY OF YALL WHO GENUINELY LIKE ASTERS FEET CAM STREAM… DNI (jkjk but like keep a respectable distance from me pls 🧍✋ yall scare me enough)
kindreds!! = 5/10
yall horny as fuck. all i gotta say. we all know the gwak gwak incident, lets leave it pls. also yall are nice, everyone in chat is pretty nice, yk you get a parasocial chatter every once and a while but oh well wwww 💀💀 ehmmm theyre like the first niji en fanbase ive been in, i have a friend irl whos a kindred, theyre nice yk did not prepare me for the shitshow the online kindreds are
villions = 8/10
i know, we are all probably down bad for ber whenever he speaks korean, BUT CAN YOU BLAME US?? i wanna bet ver is half of his fanbases’ reason to learn korean (can vouch because i started to relearn kr bc of him 😭👌) ALSO HES SUCH A CINNAMON ROLL I JUST WANNA SQUISH HIM!! villions in general, yall r nice, like all i gotta say LOL
sicklings = 4/10
basically kindreds but like twice as horny and mentally ill 💀like goddamn yall listen to his yandere asmrs and go ‘he can fix me’?? is that like a thing in this fanbase? 😭 how mentally ill yall had to be to fall for a therapist [bullying myself rn] like holy shit also that one overlay incident 🫣 lets not talk about it but like anyways yall are ok, its a debatable topic also just wanted to say hex looks like the type of person to have a rice purity score of 53 idk
FaMillie = 10/10
OK SO IM BIASED BC IM ALSO A FILIPINO AND YK SWAGPINOS UNITE BUT YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY I CANT LIE, YOU HAVE GENUINELY MADE ME CACKLE SOMETIMES especially the hugot lines stream, my mom fucking got mad at me for laughing so much some of yall are unhinged like stop bullying millie LOL ik its for shits and giggles but damn, yall are being mean sometimes 😭
Quilldren = 6/10
personally, i havent been in the fanbase too much but most of you guys are chill so neutral score. havent seen too much stir from ike's fans so thats nice, good to know theres one fan base that isnt overtly chaotic [from what ive seen 👀]
scythekicks = 8/10
girl is this fanbase dead or am i just not active on twitter? probably the latter LMAO but like i barely see any doppio fans in the wild like where are yall come out come out you may be outta scythe but you aint outta my mind WWWW we all love doppio in the scythekick household, that man gets so entertained so easily
also posts are gonna be slow as fuuuck cuz schools starting and yknow we gotta COME IN DO YOU READ ME?-
im just kidding guys dont hate me for this WWW its for giggles so dont take it to heart
i think i did this wrong in so many ways but oh well LMAOO
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skinnymeanfaggot · 1 year ago
write ur heart out about van bestie I don't have any questions but I wanna hear u talk about him
ty ummm umm
hes whimsical and silly he wears white boxers with hearts on them he does magic tricks he likes football
he liked trains and cars and dinosaurs as a kid. still very into old cars. he has an old truck in the dt au
was into superheros as a kid. when he was being abused he thought of one called ramguy or something who was just him but an adult and powerful who would rescue him. but now he hates superhero stories because they give false hope and theyre fake
on that topic in the superhero au he trained to be a hero got abused defected. is now a powerful villain but like, kind of an old cartoon sort. projects himself on tvs and goes HEHEHE IF YOU DONT SOLVE MY MYSTERY PUZZLE THESE HOSTAGES WILL EXPLODE or whatever. so on one hand its kinda hard to take him seriously but on the other hand he DOES explode those people
in the superhero au ali is a neutral force whos power is that he can see others emotions and amplify them and he uses this to neutralize people like anim by amplifying their guilt and horror at being a villain, but when he tries to do this with van hes horrified to find there is no guilt or any emotion other than sheer hatred
vans power in that au is that he has a really really hard head lol. like a ram. like a car could land on him but if it hits his head hes just fine.
hes all happy and fun now as an adult because he found a group of people that respects and loves him and is so genuinely happy to have found friends but before the explosion/wolf attack he was the most miserable person on the planet, kept his head down did his job and drank. never smiled at anything and kept to himself at every possible moment. spent months plotting his death and was fucking furious to find out he survived and a total asshole to the organization before mellowing out
his hair is kind of like, double layered like a dogs idk. like if you cut his hair short it would be white but the longer it gets it appears more grey. its like a dirty sheep basically when adult sheep are all kinda grey and shit but lambs start off white. thats him. but if you sheer him its all white under it. and his hair is really soft
hes very embarrassed about his sheep tail but of course because im a simple man it wags and stuff. has his tail between his legs when hes scared
thought he was bisexual forever because he would sleep with women and be like yeah sure this is fine. but he just tolerated it. never felt an attraction to women. he just liked pussy and when he found out men could have them he was STOKED
im blanking on more but thank you for this i needed it
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mysterionrisez · 2 years ago
Cant speak for all Kyman shippers, but I know Kyman is messed up that's why I ship it both kids are messed up (Cartman moreso obviously). Valid if you do not ship it though! But Im guessing you were talking about the teens shipping Kyman that act like it's not a ship full of drama? Idk about them
OH no, im talking about people who hate kyman so much that they cant handle any romantic element to their dynamic whatsoever -- as if that is not prevalent in the show itself LMFAO. i personally dont consider myself a shipper because i dont actually ship them as a couple (nor do i think kyle would want to pursue anything like that with cartman, whatsoever,) but i do think there is undeniable tension on both sides! and i think its ignorant to pretend there isnt!
overall im pretty kyman neutral tbh. i dont mind it when its done right. and if its not done right then i mostly just ignore it, as i do with most mischaracterized south park content
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bombshelllblonde · 1 year ago
heyyyyyy im backkk!!!!!!!
invading ur ask box again lol, sorry!!!!!!
this might start being a thing
i totally forgot to mention last time hiw muvh i love lenny, mary-beth and hosea and tilly and MOLLY O SHEA omg
the drinking mission w lenny is one of my favorites, and I LOVE PLAYING DOMINOES W TILLY MY GIRL SHE IS THE BEST
Like yea gurl!!!!! kill the o driscolls!! kill them all!! avenge ur pookie!!! rahhh!!!
Mary-beth and kieran are my blorbs. my pookies. my babbygirls. my schmookums
molly o'shea that woman that she is i love her so so so much
i feel so bad for her tho w her fights w dutch :(
speaking of dutch, idk i have like a neutral (slightly negative) view of him???
i dislike how he treats molly, and w how he treats mary-beth?? (inst dutch also like 40-50 and mary-beth like 20-smth? idk im probably rlly biased in this lol)
ALSO another reason dutch be chosing Micah the rat over what is his basically adopted son??
im definitely biased in this but wtv lmao
but he hasnt really done much so i dont hate him, but i dont like him either
moving on, do yk if theres any way to explore blackwater + south of it while playing as arthur? i wanna get all the dinosaur bones and legendary animals !!
i replayed the 'americans at rest' mission, yk w bill (i think) javier and charles at the bar (towards the beginning of the game)
its so fucking funny i cannot
arthur walks in, uses his amazing charmer skills (LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER) and then bill runs in, punches a guy therefore starting a bar fight, HERE COME CHARLES WITH THE STEEL CHAIR, arthur gets his ass kicked and then kicks ass and nearly beats the guy half to death
yk when jack grows up and tells epople abt his dear ol uncle arthur that uncle lore drop boutta be CRAZYYYY
did i mention charles throwing a chair? its my favorite part could you tell
i have a pretty neutral view of john marston ig, i kinda hope he steps up and gets the stick outta his ass, starts being a father to jack or smth but im trying not to get my hopes up lmao
thats it for now!!!! hope u have a nice day!!!!
(thanks for responding to these btw! lmk if im bothering u tho, ty for letting me ramble abt my hyperfixation lmao)
okay lsitennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn rdr2 has been mt hyper fixation since July of 2022 when my brother in law gave me his old ps4 and the game and i don’t think ive shut up about it since i started playing. My entire personality is rdr2. And my current outlet/therapy is writing my rdr2 fanfiction
it’s gotten to the point where my family has literally started buying me cowboy/outlaw stuff. when I was a teenager i loved owls so everyone got me owl things. now im obsessed with cowboys at 26 years old and every gift I receive has something to do with outlaws
My sister got me a cameo of Roger Clark talking to me as Arthur for my 25th bday and literally nothing has ever topped that. It was the most amazing gift ever and now I have a video of Arthur Morgan saying my name and talking to me about my horses!!!! It’s so amazing I watch it all the time
unfortunately there isn’t any way to explore blackwater as Arthur unless you get like mods or something. the AI immediately roll up and the bounty hunters shoot him dead if you try to get into west Elizabeth
do you know how to play dominoes??? Literally ive only ever played 5 finger fillet in that game because i cant fucking play dominoes or poker bc i don’t know how
also Tilly is amazing just wait until later in the game. there’s a mission that really solidified the love i have for Arthur being the protective older brother
Dutch is sooooo complex and i think that’s why i love him so much. i won’t get too deep into my feels for him just yet bc i want you to keep going without me saying anything but once you get farther into the game we can talk about him!!!
Hosea and Dutch are literally my gay fathers. I love them so much. Their love for each other literally makes my tummy flip I love it so so so much
Also I’d let Charles hit me with a chair too, tbh. Love of my life
I never disliked Molly but I didn’t like her either, I think she’s just too much of a loud mouth. Felt like to me she could have not been in the game and it wouldn’t have changed much. Idk
And John’s complexity we can talk about after you progress a lil further. I honestly don’t want to spoil anything or give it away unless you don’t care about spoilers. But I’m just gonna stay quiet until you let me know 😂😂😂😂
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hertwood · 10 months ago
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
i have several fic ideas that have just petered out and i'm resigned to not finishing. it's not about not sharing them, it's about making peace with never finishing them. (i also have several fics i havent touched in months but im DETERMINED to get back to but that's a separate problem.)
one of those is, sadly, femdomverse 3 (and everything else i had planned). i have shared bits and pieces about it before, and it was going to be called "points present" bc she leaves a pair of her underwear as a ~treat~ for getting his first points ladkfjasldkfjaslkjf
i think my big problem with femdomverse was just down to teething problems. i wrote fdv1 on impulse in under 24hrs, i dont think i would've even finished fdv2 if i wasn't trapped in my appt with covid (thanks covid.) it sorta grew into a much larger idea than it started as and trying to figure out planning it out once i was already in the middle of it. i think it was a good lesson for really taking the time to think out longer projects fully before i post anything in the future.
but fdv still has such a place in my heart and its spirit lives on in my other girlfics!!!!
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
this is such an interesting question because i spend very little time thinking about this. i write what i wanna write and if yall like it thats just a bonus :P new ask game tell me things i do as a writer you find annoying??? lol i suppose one thing i do a lot is talk about fics and just not get them finished or posted in a reasonable amount of time. WHICH ANNOYS ME TOO TO BE FAIR. idk. let me know~
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ooooooh gio for u. as a treat. i'll talk abt my sargewood fic idea. this doesn't really count as a wip yet bc i haven't written anything yet, BUT circling back to the first one, planning out longer forms fics is important for me in the writing process. i've only talked abt this with care in DMs so i guess this is its first proper public sharing.
so, it's an au where kyle never really got into racing, he and logan knew each other in carting but kyle's career petered out and he and logan fell of of touch. for logan, his career progresses as we know it irl, until he gets dropped at the end of the 2024 season and he ends up without any sort of drive, goes back to florida in a sort of career limbo. and runs into kyle again!!!!!
but!!!!! surprise!!!! kyle's a dad! (this was all thought up around this btw. i was like how do i make singledad!kyle as a concept into an actual story with substance.) kyle and a high school ex had a baby, kyle realized he was gay so they broke up, she's very very smart and got into law school or smth so she's off doing smart businesswoman shit and kyle is the primary parent who gets child support. (amicable coparenting!!! just to be clear!!!!)
so with all of logan's new free time he can spend all this time with kyle and his kid to the point where lines start to blur and he now has all this free time to unpack any feelings that might pop up. writing a chaptered fic would be so so daunting but i think it'd be a good challenge for me, i just rly need to sent aside time to rly work on outlining everything i want!
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
i'm not quite sure how to answer this question aldfjaslfjasldfja i'm big on. feeling morally neutral abt the fiction we all write. HOWEVER i do know that like, oscarmark is ~controversial~ and i do have this wip. that i havent touched in a while but i love the concept so much i still rly want to get back to at some point. the wip actually predates fdv and i originally was like 'oh i'll just anon post it i'm too embarassed' but now any embarassment abt the wierd shit i write is GONE lmao. i did talk abt it in the replies of this post and thats the most i've said about it before. it's really just a contrived silly little plot all just to set up oscar being fucked over the side of a boat. which is public sex technically which is also a crime. its v self indulgent its very For Me i hope i can take it out of wip purgatory someday :'(
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