#idk guys I’m just spitballing
the-verbatim · 3 months
I’m fucking calling it rite here rite now,
Papa V is the Phantomime robot papa
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fishwikipedia · 2 months
bcc the one currently kinda stagnant wrestling stable that i’m fully ok with remaining together indefinitely bc despite them not really being involved w anything important at the moment i like them being together on principle
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tapwater118 · 4 months
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Has anyone ever heard of “Battle for Dream Island” (1990) before? Really obscure NES game, doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page (or hell, even a mention in one).
From what little I can find about it on the internet, Battle for Dream Island was an NES game released on January 1st, 1990, apparently made entirely by a pair of independent American developers. Never made all that many sales, but eventually it garnered a rather niche following on an obscure gaming forum, though it had long since dissipated. Unfortunately, seemingly nothing from the forum threads was archived, so all I have to go on are a few vague threads titles from a navigation page.
I, rather cliched like, bought this BfDI cartridge from a sleazy old guy at a flea market (along with Puzznic and Wario’s Woods for a bargain deal). I dumped the ROM and booted it up on an emulator to take some screencaps.
Upon pressing start, you are prompted to “Choose Contestant,” and have a choice between any of 20 playable characters (who are all everyday objects, for some reason). Each contestant has their own stats, and while you can feel the difference while playing, the overall impact of character choice is pretty negligible. (Also some of these guys don’t even have arms?? Weird design choice but okay.)
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Two screencaps of the character select screen. I went with Pin for my first playthrough cause idk she seemed kinda cute. I’m almost sure the stats are “Strength,” “Speed,” “Jump,” and “Skill.”
(Continued under cut)
While touting itself as a game show, BfDI is essentially a glorified minigame collection. The gameplay loop is as follows: You and the 19 other contestants play a minigame (referred to as “challenges”) to earn points based on how well you do (though I’m fairly certain the computer contestants just get a random amount of points for each challenge). Most of the challenges are various platforming segments, though some others fall more into puzzle game territory.
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Two of the challenges. The green “Win Tokens” can be collected for bonus points. LEFT: A horizontal platformer level. The grey wall in the middle of the screencap moves up and down. RIGHT: A challenge about climbing ladders while avoiding “acid spitballs.” The game pauses to scroll vertically a la Super Mario Bros. 2.
After each challenge, this speaker thing shows up (pretty sure he’s supposed to be like a game show host?) and tallies up everyone’s score. The contestant with the least score gets “eliminated” and removed from the game.
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The results screen. Leafy did rather poor on the last challenge, so she’s out of the game.
The game continues like this until you lose (have the least amount of points) and get booted to the game over screen, or until you are the last one left, in which case you win Dream Island! (Though of course in reality you just get booted back to the title screen. No Dream Island for you.)
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The victory screen, with the gates to Dream Island in sight. Feels more like the gates to hell given how Pin’s staring at me.
It’s a fairly easy game for NES standards (I won on my first try). Took me about 80 minutes on my first playthrough, though subsequent ones could take less than an hour as I knew what I was doing. The brevity and the fact it saves your high score gives BfDI a nice sense of replayability (though this is probably best done sporadically, as the challenges tend to get a bit samey after a couple of back-to-back playthroughs).
So yeah, just wanted to share this in case anybody else has heard of it. I’ll probably rip the sprites and upload them sometime later cause it doesn’t look like anybody’s done that yet.
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shima-draws · 1 year
One thing about Kieran I find interesting that I haven't seen talked about elsewhere is that his fixation on Ogerpon likely comes from his obsession with strength, not the other way around. Like as early as the first signboard he mentions that one of the reasons he thinks the ogre from the story is so cool is that it was strong enough to take on three other pokemon at the same time. But Ogerpon herself doesn't seem to value strength, she seems to value kindness, which is why I think she ultimately chooses the player- our acceptance of her is unconditional, and we don't have the same sort of expectation of strength from her that Kieran does. And Kieran fails to realize that, which he proves when he challenges us to a battle for Ogerpon- he still thinks that he can win her over by showing strength, when it was never something she herself cared about, and was something he projected onto her. In a way, Kieran's feelings towards Ogerpon mirror his feelings towards the player- he latches onto us because we're strong, grows possessive over us, then spirals when we "betray" the expectations that he imposed onto us, that were never based on our actual behaviour but his idealization, and he fails to learn his lesson, doubling down and growing even more obsessed with strength as a consequence. I'm so excited to see where Indigo Disk takes him, I have some Theories that involve the potential Momotaro pokemon that might appear there, but this ask is long enough already LOL
YES YES YES yes to all of this. I think another thing is that due to his fixation on strength Kieran probably believes that having Ogerpon will make him strong, strong enough to beat the player. Which is another reason why he latches on to her so much and refuses to just give her up to the player.
And as for Ogerpon, everything kind of flips when we get her backstory reveal. She didn’t fight off the Lousy Three because she was flexing her strength, she fought them because they were crooks who stole the last precious things tying her to her human friend. But Kieran grew up believing that she liked to fight and show off her power, so there’s the wrong point of obsession for him.
I’ve also seen theories floating around that Kieran might be the Champion of Blueberry Academy, or that he becomes the Champion. And if that’s true his whole thing about getting stronger suddenly makes SO much more sense. Carmine even compliments him and says he’s a pretty strong Trainer, which like. Coming from her that’s a pretty big deal lol. I don’t think Kieran tries to challenge and beat you out of arrogance or ego tho,, it most likely ties into the possible inferiority complex he has. Maybe even tho he’s considered the “strongest” he still feels like it’s not enough, and when faced with an unbeatable trainer like the player, that makes him feel even MORE inferior and further fuels his desire to get stronger :’)
Idk I’m spitballing at this point. Again I’m obsessed with his character arc and am in a deep dive with analysis. I love hearing you guys’ takes on him too, so don’t apologize for the long ask!! This is feeding me good I’m enjoying every second of this discussion lol
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princessbrunette · 9 months
ok, so i’m having a thought rn. bear with me please, my writing sucks :(
kinda spitballing but i can’t help but imagining what it would be like for reader the first time she meets JJ’s dad. like, obv he’d never willing introduce them. but i kinda like to think maybe Luke would show up to their shared apartment (thinking JJ lived their alone) and is so surprised when he sees reader. like “who the hell is this??”
and ofc JJ would be so protective and shielding the reader from Luke like “don’t talk to her” or whatever. idk, what’s your take on this?? <3
(also, i love your writing so much and if it’s not taken, can I be 🪐 anon?)
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
he had no idea who you were, but you knew him.
the man who’s made jj’s life hell, leaving him bruised and broken from years on end until he could finally free himself of the curse that was luke. you’d happily opened the door to your shared apartment, smile dropping as soon as you were confronted with the man. even your blood ran cold.
“the fuck are you?” he frowns, swaying a little— clearly drunk.
“i think you may have the wrong address, sorry…” you lie, going to close the door— hoping it was enough to rid of him but he slams a clammy hand against it, holding it open.
“wait, nah — you got a jj maybank here?”
jj had heard his fathers voice, it was a voice he could recognise anywhere and froze in place in the kitchen — momentarily immobilised. what quickly got him moving, was the thought of you having to deal with him, and the blonde quickly arrived beside you, placing a hand on your waist to gently but firmly pull you behind him. luke’s eyes followed the movement, piecing together the fact you were a couple.
“what the hell are you doin’ here?” jj clenches his jaw, holding it high as he looks down his nose at the man who hadn’t changed in years if you minus a few extra grey hairs.
“that any way to greet your old man? what, not g’nna invite me in?” he grins a yellowed smile and you cringe, shrinking back behind jj when the man ogles you for a reaction. jj stands even taller upon seeing this.
“how’d you find my place, pops?” jj stares down at the man’s soaked tank top, the smell of liquor radiating from it fuelled by body heat.
“asked around. this place ain’t so big, you know. anywho, i need a place to stay. just for a few days whilst i get my shit together, crashed the old boat — need to spend some time on land gettin’ a new one. i got a guy comin’ up to see me tomorrow who’s gonna help me with—”
“dad, you can’t stay here.” jj cuts him off, and for a moment you see that same scared little boy inside him, a look of fear flashing across his face. he presses his lips together as his father squints at him.
“and why the hell not? you think you’re fancy now huh—” he starts to raise his voice, but jj cuts him off once more.
“because this is my place. with my girl, and my life. you think you can just show up here after years and treat me like i’m some hotel? nah.” he scoffs out a laugh, shaking his head. “i helped you out for the last time on that dock when you left and i told myself never again, dad. i meant it. leave… now.”
luke shakes his head in disbelief, laughing at the boy in a way clearly meant to belittle him. soon, his drunken gaze finds you once more.
“and what about you doll? hell i might be your father in law one day, will benefit you to be nice to me.” he smiles at you, taking a step closer but jj shoves him back so suddenly he stumbles and falls onto his ass.
“dont talk to her. dont come near her, dont even look at her. get the hell off my property, dad. i mean it.” jj barks, doubling down as he stares down the weak alcoholic on the ground. the old man sniffs, ungraciously picking himself up after a minute, sizing up the blonde.
“‘think i won’t beat your ass like i used to just ‘cos your little girlfriends here?”
your hand finds jj’s arm, stroking the back of it soothingly as if trying to ground him from that traumatic memory. he stares his father down with nothing but disgust.
“go ahead, pops. i’ll just let the cops know where you’re at. would be a real shame to see you back in the clink.”
knowing he’s lost, luke finally leaves and jj stares off at him until he’s certain he’s out of sight and gone for good. exhaling shakily, he shuts the door softly, leaning against it.
“jayj.” you speak softly and he shakes his head, dismissing you with a watery smile and a hand.
“nah i’m good. showed him who’s boss, huh?” he chuckles, but accidentally lets a tear slip down his cheek. before he gets the chance to wipe it, you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, listening to him sniffle a little against you.
“you did good jayj. did so good.”
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
kit on main? whaaat?
anyways um re: roleswap au yeah i think art would just straight up give up. like we see from the start that art likes tennis, but he doesn't Love Tennis Like That. he's a good player who, under tashi specifically, gets to be Very Good, but no ones mistaking him for the next roger federer, yanno?
but maybe that's part of it? maybe he does give up. maybe he loses tashi and loses his tennis with it and thats the point? idk maybe he takes a break from it. goes back to school, plays on an intramural team to keep the skill up a little, gets a post-grad degree. maybe he makes something of himself in another world, in business or science or academia, and he stays as just the best guy at his country club.
maybe sometimes he still plays the lower ranked challengers for some shits n gigs, enters with a few mates from the club just because they can. no biggie. it's just a fun, casual way to kill a weekend in new rochelle.
until fucking patrick zweig and tashi motherfucking duncan (now zweig?) show up.
idk man im spitballing here but you know heres some food for thought ♡
Ohhhhhhh <3
Art Donaldson going back to school to become like, idk, an orthodontist or a physical therapist or something. His family floats him a loan to start his own practice, and he’s so handsome, so charming and nice it takes off.
He likes playing in tournaments, still keeps all of his trophies and Stanford merch framed at his practice. His Junior US open trophy, the trophy from Atlanta, but it’s mainly filled with trophies from smaller challengers and local tournaments.
He’s well liked, he’s personable. People like playing him even if they know he’ll win. He’s really content, honestly.
He’s 30 and he’s already set to retire comfortably. If he has kids he can let them take over the family business, keep them taken care of for life.
He’s just playing for fun— because he needs that tie back to his glory days, or whatever. He doesn’t even think he’ll win or advance past the second round, but Patrick’s there.
Patrick, fresh off meniscus surgery, unwilling to take the time off and be coddled. He’s dominating his way through the bracket, and Art can’t just lose now.
His body aches, he’s not built to play so hard, so consistently. He sits in the sauna at the country club, wondering what the point even is. Patrick isn’t talking to him. Tashi’s avoided him like the plague. He’s fine with that. It sting seeing them. Patrick, his ex best friend, ex… whatever. Tashi, who had their marriage annulled after three months. She thought things would be different. They both did.
Art’s entire body perks up as the door opens, as Patrick slinks in, naked and uncaring. Three years ago his sex tape leaked in some massive icloud hack. Art watched it, felt very familiar with the body in the grainy footage.
He has a new scar on his knee, Art’s eyes flick up, meet his, and Patrick’s smiling in a way that wrinkles around his eyes.
“Hey, pal,” Patrick says, and he sits way too close, his hairy thigh pressed against Art’s. He’s trying to get in his head, to throw him off, which is pointless. Art doesn’t care about winning. He cares about Patrick. “Congratulations on making the final. I’m sure your country club is real proud.”
Art looks away, cheeks burning. “Oh, fuck off.”
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catcake24 · 3 months
I have SO MANY feelings about the Chaos Terrans
Okay so… one thing I noticed, which is supposed to be a minor thing, is that both Aftermath and Spitfire came into existence during a fight. I can’t help but think though… yeah they’re corrupted by chaos power, but maybe the reason they literally are BORN fighting is because of how they were made? I mean…
Imagine being aftermath, you’re seconds old… and a van is crashing into you. Maybe he’s scared or angry, and he scans it, before going on a rampage. Next thing he knows, a guy is saying they’re on the same side and offers more destruction, so he goes along with Breakdown. Spitfire is born and is seconds old when she is falling, and her first memory is someone strange that she doesn’t know grabbing unto her and saying she needs to scan an alt mode to survive. No time to think or reconsider, just boom, gotta survive. What if that affected how they woke up… like obviously they’re violent seemingly by nature, but maybe they’re so aggressive because their first memories of existence were so perilous. We don’t even know if they LIKE their alt modes much, which might even mean they hate everything including their bodies and lash out as a result as well.
The Terrans we know woke up relatively safe in a cave, feeling the bond and love of their siblings, and even the triplets with the cave in had family they could trust in very quickly. They had time to pick their alt modes, settle into the world and their family support, find their own purposes.
Speaking of the bond, I wonder if the Chaos Terrans are unstable because they don’t have that emotional bond the Malto Terrans have. They immediately know what love, kindness, and friendship feel like, while the Chaos Terrans didn’t feel that. Not just that, but Aftermath says something interesting: “Lonliness. I would like to be lonely.”
I know he’s annoyed with Jawbreaker, but does he mean he’s always lonely when not around others? Does he feel alone, being the only one of his kind? He IMMEDIATELY seeks out Spitfire as soon as he can, seemingly knowing she was created beforehand just by sensing her, and is super excited to find her too. He even says they share a connection, not too surprised she knows his name.
In Witwicky I and II, they are seemingly always together now - we literally almost never see them apart. They get along really well too, and even seem to care for eachother since Spitfire gives Aftermath the water to recharge and offers to charge the staff next (though jokingly). I think Aftermath even calls Spitfire “sis”. So, and I’m just spitballing here, they do share that sibling bond but it’s corrupted by the chaos power? Or maybe they’re craving that emotional bond since they were SUPPOSED to have it but don’t.
So here’s a fanfic idea: What if they’re resurrected by Quintus power at some point, but still don’t share that emotional bond with the Maltos - they share it with EACHOTHER. They suddenly feel whole, like they woke up not able to understand why they were so angry and lashed out, but now not just feel stable from this Emberstone power but feel complete with their sibling bond.
I can’t imagine either the Maltos or the Chaos Terrans would want to join their family anyways, so what do they do then? If I were to make a fanfic, I’d probably have them run off and do their own thing until they’re adopted by Soundwave who has experience with rowdy youngsters. Who knows, maybe even the remaining Decepticons can come to accept these Terrans. Spitfire would get a new alt mode, and Aftermath would be supportive and maybe find something of his own.
Idk… just my insane ramblings and ideas for these goobers.
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Ok no but Arcane Survivor!AU crack idea. Piltover || Lanes || Zaun. Spitballing ideas
-Vander and the kids as Lanes. They try their best but Jinx accidentally causes Vander, Mylo, and Claggor to get medically evacced during challenges or at camp due to some ambitious mistakes and risky maneuvers to win. With only them left, Vi and Jinx are split up and absorbed into the two tribes, Vi to Piltover, Jinx to Zaun. Silco naturally takes Jinx under his wing, to the chagrin of Sevika and the rest.
-Viktor is out Episode 1 on Piltover’s side due to medical issues flaring up. He tried his best :(
-In Piltover, Mel and Jayce finding love, Mel putting Jayce in her pocket and weaving him around her finger as they become the dominant forces in their tribe
-In Piltover, Heimerdinger at some point is voted out despite having contributed a whole lot to his team due to politicking on Mel and Jayce’s end. The nice trusting guy gets to be the scapegoat
-Also in Piltover, Cait and Vi at first are at each other’s throats, but eventually find love and try to set themselves up as their own coalition/alliance against Jayce and Mel
-In Zaun, Sevika and Silco constantly argue over Jinx, but Jinx proves that her wacky out-there ideas on how to solve puzzles and challenges is what nets them win after win, though at the cost of some injuries toward other tribe members. Silco somehow manages to convince everyone that a few bruises and scrapes and near-accidental drownings are worth the wins because it means their tribe is still robust in members
-However, over time the number of injuries become so great that some need to be evacced or become less than optimal during the challenges to the point they can’t execute the plans Jinx and Silco lay out and they start to lose
-depending on the location, Jinx manages to trap local wildlife and provide meat for the tribe.
-Also takes charge of decorating the shelters. She and Silco sleep in the same shelter and talk long in the night. In the Interview asides, Silco subtly threatens to stab the producer when they dare suggest it might be a “romantic” relationship (yes, she’s 19, he’s 44. She’s homesick and feels guilty over causing her tribe to dissolve. No it is NOT a romantic thing you nasty voyeurs at home)
-Sevika in her Interview: *arms crossed* Nah it’s nothing like that. Still weird though. And she’s a fucking brat regardless. Kid put stinkbugs in my porridge this morning.
-Something something something something Silco and Jinx in the same tribe and she sometimes makes the team lose challenges but sometimes is the linchpin and during one challenge she makes a mistake and gets Silco seriously injured and he needs to be medically evacced but he’s like ‘No it’s okay. You’ve done so well. You can win this for the both of us.’ AND SHE FUCKING. DOES.
Idk i’m just rambling.
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tomat0esofalltomat0e · 5 months
The Owl House + FNAF AU!!!!!!!
Elizabeth Afton as Philip Wittebane character sheet!!
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Ok ok so I know my Empress design is a BITTT overwhelming, but I really wanted to incorporate Elizabeth, Circus Baby and Jesters whilst also making sure she still looks like she could be an
Empress so like..my mind was everywhere when I was drawing this so simplicity for her Empress design was THROWN out the window.
Meanwhile with her monster design, it’s supposed to resemble a rabbit with her droopy ears but also holds features of Scrap Baby (thus the claw and ears that also work as pigtails) but also Ennard (thus the eyeball placement as well as the skeletal figure, which also works in reference to the original monster Belos)
I chose the name “Dericka” just because like how Belos means “Lord”, Dericka means “Gifted Ruler” so Elizabeth choosing an American name that means gifted ruler just fits as that’s how she sees herself
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Of course I couldn’t forget to draw her past self too, these designs were quite simple but I really do like them! Kid Belos doesn’t really wear the typical puritan outfit, but I thought it would be a nice touch if I made it so she wears it, so little Elizabeth wears the typical outfit.
Older Elizabeth, when she goes to the demon realm though, kind of messes up her outfit, dunno if she did it on purpose or not but now it’s torn so she can run easily. She still wears the typical puritan outfit however, she, like Philip, wears the jacket of one of her older brothers, I’m thinking Michael for the jacket whilst the bag she carries, which is paired with rabbit ears (I like the idea she sewn them on herself) is from CC! Also maybe her journal was a gift from one of her brothers or maybe she just found it somewhere I don’t know I’m just spitballing ideas.
(Also William Afton is not Belos in this au just because like I feel like Elizabeth just fit better for the role, also from what we know William doesn’t have a brother…)
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skybristle · 11 months
I’m actually going to bed now but infodump so I can read it in the morning. Go nuts
this is a bit hard to understand since obviously *i* have all of the conext of their cahracter and am just spitballing from the mind so please feel free to ask for elaboration anywhere i love talking about my silly guys
but. i think a lot about how i often potray messenger as very,,, jaded and exhausted. and it's true !! it is!!! they're so fucking exhausted. i mean, i would be pretty damn annoyed and tired too if i was constantly the one handed down things, especially regarding their imposed responsibilties in the republic. but. man. nothing's keeping them here. in fact, their loved ones often urge them to rest and quit, none as much as their father which in a lot of ways they're doing this all for. but they will keep fighting. they cannot lay down as long as thy are needed. stemming from a childhood of having worth assigned to productivity especially as someone disabled [OBVIOUDLY NOT PV DOING THAT. I WANT TO CLARIFY. MESSENGER IS ADOPTED] has had far reaching consequences now that they have something to care for, countless things to lose, feelings of obligation, their position as the connecting thread. literally, as the royal messenger, and one of the founders of the republic [unwillingly as it was].
idk. they started off unlearning. beloved deeply by all the kingdoms, engrossed in their cultures, adopted and held dear by the ancients, a symbol of their unity. and then pure vanilla urges them to go to the white lily grove, which is suddenly innaccessable. they don't connect the dots. and then there's war, fracturing the skies.
they were, what, 15? if that? and here they are. darting across skies weaving under and over magical projectiles with the only moments of rest being when they can entrust their wings to propel them on their own. they're one of the few winged people they have [besides gc, who is obviously more useful as a direct messenger]. their role taught them the continent, these lands, the people in it and their problems. and all of that is turned against them in the worst way possible. they care. they care so fucking much. they believe any fault, any death, can be attributed to a failure of theirs. and it ruins them. when they turn from the airship docks and fly directly into the heat of the storm, where the magic rips them apart down to their structural magic, raising the alarm bell, they *know* it's likely a suicide mission, but its okay. they helped people. they were useful. they made up for all of their wrongs. they have so so much hope and faith and love for the world but believe they are a dismissable cost to seeing it through, and the people around them are forced into a position where they must just watch them tear themself apart because they *need* to, and are brilliantly infalliable, and are so important in such a desprate time they cannot rest.
i think a lot about how, after they manage to survive the fall of the vanilla kingdom, stumbling back to the airship and crashlanding with horrific magical burns, stunted mortality, a few extra eyes,shattered arm, a broken magic gift, and constant chronic pain on top of their mobility aids being badly damaged from the storm + from pure vanilla's 'death' effecting the magic in them, they fucking GET UP. they hear secondhand the issues of the infant republic, how nobody's getting anywhere, and they believe earnestly in good faith that this arrangement *can* be made and helped. this kid doesn't know what they're doing, as they haul themself up and walk off, wings dragging, to the council table. they cannot rest yet. their father is dead. their sister is dead. there's no true vanillian heir, yes, they renounced that long ago, but they know their charm and hope direly they can pull this mess together. and they're right!
they are drowning. there's a reason their goodbye note, when they finally break and drop out a window only to fly off into the endless, blissfully silent night skies, is misinterpreted by many as a suicide note.
and, hell, when they retreat to the silence of the grove, deathly afraid of responsibility coming back to eat them alive and seeking complete isolation where if they're ignorant, they don't have to know what they're needed for now [they still feel guilt], they end up finding out the truth regarding white lily [they've always been startling intellegent, and reading trhough all the experiment logs and old letters *they delivered*, even if they're only getting one side,,, they can connect the dots]. and they can't feel angry. they did this all for pure vanilla- for the ancients- for everything. he lied to them. and yet they can't exactly hate a dead man, can they?
until pure vanilla is alive, and they know it, and everyrhing jumps back to life, including their obligations, and their feelings of betrayal. they pressure pv into fessing up and *they* are in large responsibile for odyssey, like, yeah the goal of discussing the war is obviously there and super important but,,, the reunion, the perfect chance to speak,,, even at the costs. it must go on. the world will be bettered, even if it sucks for a while.
i'll gloss over the gc arc for now since its super new, but i made a post a bit earlier about it and they're Having A Bad Fucking Time already enough.
any then odyssey. obviously, its bad enough watching the republic they had a a direct hand in be so shitty, even before they actually GO there. i think that after clotted spills the truth messenger spent so long hurting over persoanlly and working with their father to tell everyone is when their extreme hurt and exhaustion finally boils over into fucking ANGER. they absolutely chew clotted to shreds in the atrium after everyone else dissolves. and thats kinda their spiral from there.
they go to the republic, and they're a fucking *hero*. the worst parts of their life, all compartmentalized and put on a pedastal as the 'first consul'. they cover their ears as their praises are sung, constantly correcting to jsut, please, for the love of god, call them messenger. this hurts even more than if they weren't recongized at all. everyone regards them with utmost respect,,,,
as they stand on the countless dead and hurting of the lower city, countless injustices and ignorance, the paladins that they can so clearly see are just light magic infestations - all of it, all of the republics countless problems. and that awful feeling begins to fester once more. the republic tries to rob their family of their most sacred artifacts as the vehicle to the better, war-free world messenger so desires and which motivates them through hell and back.
*they. are. responsible.* in some way or another, their actions, more specifically, their abandonment of the infant republic, they feel like it lead to this. which only reinforces their tendancies, when they broke and ran it turned out like this. they fight tooth and nail, using their status in the republic as much as it hurts, for something better here. even when the dragon erupts from the earth, even as hell breaks loose at home, as they split themself between the obligations here and the obligations of the ancients, which they have bound themself to out of their love and compassion rather than unending guilt.
they hurt, man.
i can only imagine how bad the future is for them when war truely sparks up again and their mindset is completely cemented. god. theyre so ruined.
but, also,,, i think a lot about the day they're able to sit on top of the vanilla castle, stars flickering, moon parting the clouds, where they can breathe the cold air and bask in the fact that, even if there is more to be done, they *won*.
i think they deserve a long, long vacation, away from the places they have spent so long flying between without appreciating the world they started off wanting to see- the whole reason they became royal messenger so young. parfaedian snows, their sister in law's cabin up in the frost mountains, the tropical soda islands,,, boundless possibilities. they are free. their wings finally catch the wind of new sails.
they can have peace eventually, but it'll be a hell of a ride.
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andro-dino · 1 month
Heyo I was wondering about juno, if they were around the same age as gingka and his friends and in mfb instead of shogun steel what would be his relationships with everyone? Any cool moments you could see happening? Omg and what if one of your mfb ocs was a teenager during shogun steel instead?
ooooo that is a good question and definitely one I have thought about before and definitely one I don’t remember any of the previous thoughts I’ve had for at all. I’m trying like really hard but nothing is coming back up. This is gonna be very unstructured and just spitballing things bc its fun to throw these up in the air
- immediately the first one that comes to mind would be Tsubasa being to this juno what Sakyo is to regular juno, meaning that she sees him and is immediately like “I’m gonna learn what’s going on inside this freaks head if it’s the last thing I do” (in more juno terms of course). though I think there would be less animosity on Tsubasa’s side than that which Sakyo has towards Juno at first
- On the opposite side of that, I think Chiyun would probably have a very similar attitude towards them to Sakyo. I don’t think he’d be able to do the whole “one-shot KO that immediately throws Juno off guard before she’s able to really do anything or process any of that” thing that Sakyo does, but I think it’d be very easy for him to tell that Juno’s holding back somewhat and I do not think he’d be a fan
- Gingka’s dynamic with him would be very similar to Zyro’s where although they are friendly with each other and get along, Gingka can definitely tell that there’s something else that they’re not quite expressing and is very curious about it. In regular shogun steel timeline, this takes kind of a backseat as Kite becomes Juno’s main rival and the most determined to draw out their true willpower, though I’m not sure that Juno would have that kind of dynamic with any of the previous cast, so I could easily see Gingka being a more primary rival to Juno than Zyro would be.
- I think that him and Hyoma would get along. They’re actually fairly similar in the ways that matter and I could really see them clicking.
- Tobio juno friendship. Idk entirely how it would go but I just think it would work. They r important to me and I think it would be fun.
- I’ve never really imagined juno taking a proactive role against dna during the whole Actual Plot of shogun steel, and in that sense I think she’s very teru-like. During all of the main stuff with the dark nebula, teru was always portrayed as on the good side but like, never really had any focus or importance against the antags or anything and I think juno would be very similar. I think they’d probably also get along and bond over their different ways of using beyblade as a means of expression.
- I think fusion Hikaru would combust if she ever met juno. She’s already going through a lot of stuff and figuring things out with being okay with losing battles and learning to have fun with em and all that, and I think a juno who both kinda-not really but kinda loses battles on purpose and also could psychoanalyze her and everything that she’s got going on would be very insane to encounter for her
- Many a train wreck character would also probably freak out upon experiencing a juno battle, Kyoya and Zeo are the ones that immediately come to mind, though there are surely many more that would apply to
- I think Juno and Yu would have a very silly dynamic. Yu would very much take the blunt little kid approach of being like “wow man you’re like kinda weird yknow. Anyways wanna see my stuffed animal collection I’ll tell you all their names” and juno makes sure she learns all of them
As for the other main guys being in shogun steel
- Essi Gingka bestieism also means essi Zyro bestieism. She would also get along great with ren. They would be so fun all together. ACTUALLY THAT ALSO MEANS ESSI TAKANOSUKE BESTIEISM give essi all the friends always godbless
- I think kosuke would set his antics on kite the most. something about kite and attracting weirdo freaks
- also with Kosuke, although I don’t think he’d like Zyro either, I could see him tolerating him marginally more than he does gingka. Especially earlier on. I think post-nbb Zyro he’d be a little more prone to actively antagonizing
- Shinobu would not like kosuke. Shinobu’s consistently one of the biggest haters in my head and I think he’d be able to clock kosuke’s freakishness very easily and be very put off
- Axyl would get along with a lot of the main gang I think though not be particularly close with them. Although I do like the idea of him and Shinobu, while not super super friendly with each other, have a very immediate and strong autism to autism communication. They know what each other are
- I do think that them and takanosuke would be friends. If not for anything but the sake of my own mental health 👉👈
- Sakyo and the others would be interesting. I don’t really know how it would go for any of that really bc I could see it any direction. I like the idea of essi being somewhat intimidated by him but also finding him kind of lame and stupid (bc he is 🫶). Kosuke would be intrigued by him, though I don’t know that they’d interact much. I do think Sakyo would immediately not put up with any of their bs at all.
- Kosuke interacting with any of dna however would be a train wreck.
- I want to think that post-canon Axyl would get along with Genjuro. I could see them hanging out <3
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scoops-aboy86 · 4 months
✨WIPS PLS!!!✨ 3! (i lov halloween), 4! (bc first was yUM), 8 (👀)
and some of my tru love baby girl ravening pls pls pls
(no pressure - like it said just ideas is fun!! or snippets if ur feeling generous ;3c )
(WIP ask game)
You got it! Heh, all of these are chubby Steve.
The Halloween one is fun. It's an anon ask that I'm working on a half conversational response, half fic for because I know it'd get away from me in a big way if I tried to write it now, but basically the Party pranks Steve with fake food (my addition) so Steve and Eddie prank them back by Eddie distracting them while Steve is going to pretend to eat all their candy (although there's backup candy to give them instead, because he could never do that for real… to El, anyway). Except this plan was both conceived and executed while a little stoned, so Steve gets the munchies and ACTUALLY eats all six bags of trick or treating haul. 😜 … Okay I might write some of the candy eating and the aftermath once I'm done spitballing a backstory, we shall see.
For all about that bounce, here's an excerpt:
Steve hasn’t seen Eddie Munson in seventeen days. Not since the quarry, where Eddie fed him and got him off in his car, then stayed to rub his belly through the ensuing stomachache and listened to Steve’s worries about his parents.  “Well, speaking as someone who lives with his uncle,” Eddie had said with a wry but understanding smile, “they’re gonna react however they’re gonna react, man. Not a lot you can do about that other than brace for impact and figure out what you want to do next once all the cards are on the table.” “I’m planning on—hic—moving out to live with my best friend,” Steve had mumbled, too sated to be embarrassed about his case of the hiccups or the occasional burp. “Got—urp. Gotta save up a little more to keep eating like this, though.” That had earned him a grin and a gentle wobble of his tight belly. “No ‘if’ in that statement, I like it. You’re a man of action, Steve Harrington, seeing what you want and going for it. Don’t ever let them pressure that out of you.” It had been the most seen and listened to Steve had ever felt in his life—apart from with Robin of course, but that was different.
That's kind of just a recap, the next lil bit is Steve procrastinating on calling Eddie with an entire package of Oreos because he got it out of the phone book and what if Eddie doesn't WANT him to call. (Spoiler alert: he does.)
Ravening is kicking my ass!! I pick at it in little bits and starts, idk. I've gotten as far as, Steve is getting used to the vivid violence of the dreams, and if sometimes he thinks he caught a glimpse of Eddie's tattoos he Does Not Think About It. I gotta get him back to his government provided shrink at some point so he can pointedly quit going again when the guy starts harping on his weight gain, because even on the nights Steve doesn't have one of those nightmares and wakes up so hungry he raids the fridge, he doesn't sleep well. The only way to guarantee a restful night is to eat up and the shrink, Steve tells himself, just doesn't GET that. Maybe driving home from that appointment (and neglecting to schedule another one) is the first time it happens during the day, it's around lunch time so Steve stops for food, maybe he gets it all to go or he eats there and gets takeout for dinner because he doesn't feel like cooking, maybe he also stops by the store for some basic staples, but then autopilots home and… without really knowing when or why it happened, he realizes he's pulled over to the side of the road not all that far from his house surrounded by empty containers and wrappers, his face and hands messy and his stomach packed so tight that all he wants to do is lie back and groan. Or… almost all he wants to do, but he licks his hands clean and drives the rest of the way home and pulls into the garage before getting his pants open and desperately jerking off, the hint of a growl on just the edge of his consciousness and feeling watched the whole time. But not in a creepy or unsettling way, somehow—he wants more.
Another random ravening thought: maybe Eddie can't break through from the Upside Down until Steve bleeds for some reason. Maybe something as simple as nicking himself while shaving, or should I go for something more dramatic? Idk.
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mothcabinet · 2 years
Ghost headcannons (sfw) but their extremely specific (and I’m mentally ill and now I’m somehow emotionally attached to this man; also he’s babygirl 🫶)
- this mf is like that grandpa at thanksgiving who was in the army and is in denial that he’s gay. Like he will causally say “oh yeah I’ve fucked a man” and carry on like that’s completely normal
- HES A REALLY GOOD DAD!!! idk how to explain it. I just KNOW deep deep DEEP down he has a soft spot. He is absolute dogshit at showing affection but he’s trying his best. Like if he sees his kid eyeing a stuffed animal or something like that, he will immediately grab it and buy it for them. Or would probably take his kid and teach them how to shoot
- He eats beans on toast and thinks it TOP TEIR food. (He’s british 😔☹️)
- Shows affectionate by being mean
- OR if he cares about you he’ll like teach you how to protect yourself (idk I’m spitballing ideas rn)
- THATS ALL I HAVE THIS IS CRINGE I KNOW BUT HES SO BBG LKSJDJSJDJJD. I forgot to take my normal pills today. I’m just a silly lil guy. -
- if the dude bros find this post SOMEHOW I will piss myself from laughing -
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dizzy-boy · 1 year
So I was listening to the song again (I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie, from Aziraphale’s playlist) and the lines—“Love of mine / someday you will die / but I’ll be close behind / I’ll follow you into the dark”— what if the metraton forces Aziraphale to erase Crowley from the Book of Life—and then Aziraphale erases himself as well??
and the following lyrics after “I’ll follow you into the dark” are “no blinding light / or tunnels to gates of white / just our hands clasped so tight” LIKE??? I know that erasure from the Book of Life is supposed to, you know, erase you from existence and all that but idk I can’t help thinking that maybe it’s not instant? Like there’s a sort of process or journey? Idk I’m just spitballing here and also if this happens I might just lose my marbles (again)
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pinklink130 · 1 year
i told myself i’d at least post a vague outline of it; so i do have my own “into the linkverse” type au in mind where post-totk link goes missing and zelda is sort of the mc who keeps stumbling upon other links as they appear mysteriously around hyrule and they have to band together to get him back and send everyone else back home or something but i don’t know what to call it. “the missing link” is a little too on the nose
it’s a little fucked up like the universe going “is This your card? is This your card? is THIS your card? is THIS—“ over and over and zelda’s like no that’s not the right one. please i miss my friend tails i miss him a lot
it’s also not that good because it’s literally just like a mental lollipop for my brain to suck on as i fall asleep each night (i came up with that metaphor once and now i can’t stop saying it because it’s true)
each link “spawns” (idk) in a particular place or kind of place that i think fits them. and i came up with the idea that they have to use a certain item to… somehow get totk link back idk how or why but it seemed fitting for a tloz quest. also there is a Mysterious Villain behind it all but idk who yet it might just be an original guy but maybe they’re aided by past villains who also got eeby deeby’d
anyway this is. a list i made. i do not remember the exact story of every game so it’s really spitballing (hence “little magic shard thingy”) so forgive me if i got things wrong but each link is taken from a certain point during their journey or sometimes after, whichever my brain thought was most compelling at the time
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i’m still not sure if albw link would be there tbh but it’s not a fully formed thing yet anyway so maybe
also dark link is there buts he’s like an Ultra Dark Link who can change form/shapeshift to match whatever link he’s facing and it was conjured by whoever the villain is i guess
i don’t even know what happens to totk link he’s just. not there sorry
also the totk sages would be present i’m sure but i actually kind of forgot they would logically want to help but yeah
anyway. idk what else to say besides i’m not a writer unfortunately i just generate images in my mind that have dialogue and it’s great. in my head at least
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aeriona · 2 years
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Lizalfos study! The script is in Hylian, I shall provide a translation if you cannot read my horrendous handwriting. Translation is as left to right + commentary below:
Curved horn, unknown purpose (I genuinely have no idea how a Lizalfos would use this horn in a menaingful way, however in my moblin study I theorised that they could act as a ‘magical storage organ’, which may also explain the talon-like protrusions on the elbows that also don’t seem to be used for anything.)
Hunched shoulders (this likely means the foramen magnum/hole in the of the skull is placed on the back and not directly underneath, indicating likely lower intelligence than Hylians and issues with balance).
Pronounced jaw (weird, wouldn’t that impact hydrodynamics?)
crude metal (interesting and unique ability to forge and use metals for tools, indicates that Lizalfos may have higher intelligence than Moblins and Bokoblins despite their unusual posture and vertebrae placement).
Presence of sclerotic ring (the sclerotic ring is that weird ‘hoop’ that the Lizalfos and a few other animals have in their eyes, it’s exact purpose is unknown however some claim it is used to reinforce the eye from damage. I think this is notable, considering his eyes are structured like that of a chameleon, and chameleons do not have sclerotic rings. Maybe a vestigial, evolutionary leftover from his ancestors?)
Roughly 6 feet tall
Fatty hump? (There appears to be a fat reserve in the lizalfos’ back and shoulders, I don’t think this erves much of a purpose in standard Lizalfos but I can certainly see individuals in extremely hot or cold temperatures using this reserve for storing moisture and/or burning for heat. This is likely why Lizalfos are so successful in Hyrule and are found EVERYWHERE!)
Tongue pad (ok this tongue makes no sense, why would a sapient reptile with a high metabolism need an ambush technique such as this? He can move fast just fine, why need a speedy tongue? It’d probably make catching fish with his mouth harder too. Weird.)
Unusual crest adaptation (another weird thing, perhaps for heat dissipation in hotter climates? Unlikely, it’s not worth it given that the Lizalfos is a reptile combined with the crest’s shape hindering hydrodynamics. This likely has another, unknown purpose.)
Strangely mammalian features? (Did you guys know that a defining feature of reptiles is that they have legs to the sides of their bodies and not directly underneath it like mammals do? Not to mention this reptile’s body looks startlingly anthropomorphic, like a chameleon that was forcibly contorted into a Hylian-shape. Creepy.)
As hard as I try to explain a lot of this animal’s physiology, this fellow’s appearance simply does not make sense in the slightest lmao. A semi-aquatic reptile with a hydraulic tongue and a prehensile tail? Are you insane?
Not bashing Nintendo’s design though, they’re really adorable, but not terribly scientifically accurate god i’m such a nerd
My best possible explanation for the Lizalfos’ weird appearance is because of an unnatural selection pressure, ie. perhaps they started out as chameleons and were warped into monsters by evil magic, hence their extremely borked appearance? Idk just spitballing lmao.
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