#idk and Daisuke talks about being single
reliablejoukido · 2 years
after writing 24k words in 7 days this past month, I think I need a serious break. I hope to spend time in December doing some research and prep work so I can finally write the Takeru chapter of "Somewhere Only We Know" when Camp Digimonth starts up in January. I feel bad that it's been 6 months since I've updated that story, and that I've been focusing on so many other projects. I've really enjoyed writing those other stories though, don't get me wrong.
Of course I say I need a break and then I have this IDEA that won't leave me alone
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shotorokiworld · 4 years
emotive .1
pairing: daisuke kanbe x fem!reader
warnings: not really any yet....
summary: the story of how and why daisuke kanbe fell in love with you. proving once again, that opposites attract 
a/n: this is my first time posting my writing anywhere so I may or may not have panicked a little. there are probably some mistakes i didn’t fix, as i was rereading i kept overthinking things so i just said screw it (like how daisuke kinda comes off a little creepy but idk i swear i already have part 2 written and it gets better). oh and one other thing! i have never read the manga and i based his personality solely off of the first episode of the show, which might’ve been a bad move but we’ll see. please enjoy!
Daisuke Kanbe is known as a cold, collected(despite his reckless tendencies), intimidating man, which he is. What very little emotion he shows comes in the form of a cocky smirk or a challenging raise of his eyebrows, if even that. He likes it that way and he enjoys the fact that people perceive him this way.
People can’t stand not being able to read other’s faces or get a rise out of them. This just gives him yet another advantage while he’s working on cases in the field. Suspects and witnesses alike tend to crumble under his gaze, they can’t figure out what he’s thinking, they can’t call his bluff, and before you know it, words are spilling out of them.
It’s not like he doesn’t have any emotions, it’s just been so long since he’s experienced most of them. The adrenaline rush he gets from acting so reckless on the job is the closest thing to excitement or fear he’s felt in years. If it weren’t for those moments, life would be such a boring existence for a man like Daisuke.
All of this makes it a bit easier to understand why he fell in love with you. You were so different from him, you were warm, inviting, and all kinds of people were drawn to you. Normally, Daisuke couldn’t stand people like that, they gave him migraines. However, there was one thing that set you apart from the majority. The way you felt everything so intensely. You never tried to hide the way you were feeling, even if you could. Your face was easy to read, you didn’t hide behind a facade, anyone would describe you as an open book.
This is what made him gravitate towards you in the first place. He had never met anyone so open and unashamed of bearing their soul to the world. It almost made his head spin trying to understand how your mind worked.
At first he would just watch you more intently in the office, where you worked as a secretary. Then he would find himself thinking about you while he’s out in the field; his eyebrows would pull together ever-so-slightly in annoyance. He doesn’t want to think about the obnoxiously kind, headache-inducing enigma that is you. Though just two weeks later that’s all he seems to be able to think about, and he’s given up trying not to. His mind was filled with questions that needed answers.  
There is only so much observing someone from afar can tell you about them. Having only spoken 15 words to you, at most, in the few weeks you had been working in the office, didn’t help much either. If he was gonna figure you out, he was gonna have to put in some effort. You’re so open with the people around you, so one conversation should be enough to satiate his curiosity, right? Wrong. It only made things worse for him.
It had been a quiet day, a few members of the staff had been let go early but you were still there and Daisuke sat lounging at his desk. He knew this would be the perfect time to strike. Not only was the office dead, but if you questioned his sudden curiosity in you, he could play if off as boredom. Just as he had made the decision, you were walking by his desk, lunch box in hand. Without hesitation, his arm juts out in front of you, blocking your path, and stopping you in your tracks. Your eyes widen a bit in surprise before you turn to him with your typical kind expression, tilting your head to the side in question.
“Daisuke? Everything alright?,” you asked in a sweet, curious tone.
When his gaze finally rose to meet yours, he had the same bored look on his face that he normally does, which took you some time to get used to. The first few days of working in the office you had assumed he didn’t like you, or that you had done something to upset him already. Those assumptions died when you realized that everyone in the office got the same treatment, but that didn’t stop Daisuke from noticing your face drop or the way you wouldn’t look him in the eye while talking to him during that time.
Things were different now though, you held eye contact and didn’t uncomfortably fidget while waiting for his response. He waited a few moments to answer, taking in your demeanor.
“Sit with me?” It was a question, technically, but it didn’t sound like one coming from him. He knew you wouldn’t say no, you were too amicable to do that.
He was right. You moved to sit in the seat only a few feet away, although not before pausing to give him a confused look then ultimately shrugging it off and joining him. You placed your lunch down on the desk in front of you and saw from the corner of your eye that he was just watching you as you unpacked your meal, not moving to do the same. You looked relaxed as you moved, but he could tell by the way you chewed at the inside of your cheek, and the way that your eyes darted around the desktop, that you were nervous.
So he’ll start by simply breaking the ice, casually asking “how are you liking your job so far?” You’d be a bit surprised that he asked, considering he doesn’t seem like the type of man to enjoy small talk, but you perk up anyway.
“I’m really enjoying it actually,” you tell him with a bright smile, “everyone is so nice, and it keeps me on my toes, so I’m never really bored.”
“You fit in well. Where did you work before you came here?” His eyes never leave your face, he doesn’t want to miss a single movement.
“I was a university hired tutor, my school offered me a position as a composition tutor so I could have a steady income while looking for a job I really wanted,” you explained, no hesitation in your response.
“And you wanted to be a secretary for a bunch of second rate detectives?” He tilted his head every so slightly, to watch and see if he had pressed any of your buttons.
Which he had, your eyebrows drew closer together and you shook your head, “well first, I don’t consider any of you to be second rate, and second no being a secretary isn’t my end goal, I’m not exactly sure what the right job for me is just yet,” you turned to him and shrugged, “I just know I want to be part of the team that keeps the people in this city safe.” Then you gave him a big smile and stuffed a bite of food into your mouth.
Daisuke wanted to know the reason behind that decision but he decided to dive into that rabbit hole at a later date. So he kept asking you things, nothing too personal at first, he was letting you get comfortable answering his questions without overthinking or hesitating. He had figured out pretty early on that you were a bit oblivious to certain things. Here you sat, happily talking Daisuke’s ear off while you enjoyed your lunch. Not once did you find it even a bit odd that he was asking you so many questions, but not once giving you the chance to ask your own or say anything about himself. Why was that so interesting and frustrating at the same time?
As time went on Daisuke started trying to dig a little deeper, asking you things a little more personal than your average lunch break would involve. This went unnoticed by you, but he had barely begun to scrape the surface when the phone on your desk rang across the room.
That was the end of his interrogation, work began to pick up, and Daisuke found himself feeling disappointed. He didn’t want to stop talking to you, even though it was more like listening to you speak while he hung onto every word.
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woundedheartwithin · 3 years
Literally Any Anon Question: Sooo... Any ideas or thoughts on what roles the Ghost of Tsushima characters would have in a Death Stranding AU? And the other way around?
Okay okay okay so idk how many folks actually know this, I only do because I’m a weirdo and was scrolling through his IMDb page a while back, but Daisuke Tsuji was the Musician
So imagine.
JIN SAKAI is the Musician.
Like it fits too, right, cuz the flute and the poetry and whatever? But like imagine Jin talking like how the Musician talks. Just kinda mellow and cool cat kinda shit. But at the end of the day, he’s a prepper holed up in a bunker, so there’s like this undercurrent of anxiety and depression that is just very Jin
But he could also obviously be the main character, our Sam if you will, and it would still be well within his archetype (duh, since he IS the main protagonist of his own game lol). I mean, both Sam and Jin went to hell and back for their family. They’re both hella constipated and emotionally stunted, etc etc etc
As for the rest… hmm…
Now I’m not saying they’ll replace these characters, but all characters follow an archetype of some sort, so there are always gonna be parallels between characters and it’s super easy to draw comparisons. It’s also a whole lot easier to fit the Ghost gang into the Death Stranding world, so that’s what I’m gonna do. In saying that…
I could see Yuna and Taka being preppers. Maybe Yuna was a porter at one time, but her group went MULE (or became separatists) and she decided to call it a day, not unlike the Veteran Porter. I suppose there’s an argument to be made for Fragile and Yuna being one and the same, their motivations being chiefly selfish and anchored in a desire for revenge, but Fragile is a difficult character to pin down. She doesn’t fit neatly into a box.
Anyway, Taka makes weapons and stuff (like the Craftsman, but not a crotchety old man). Maybe occasionally he braves the wilds to get materials (much to his sister’s chagrin) because he doesn’t want to bug the porters that come by (even though they’ve told him a thousand times that’s literally their job and they’re happy to do it). Kinda like George Batton at the waystation west of Capital Knot maybe, how he keeps excitedly telling Sam he made a delivery by himself and whatnot
Kenji would be a prepper. Might get dragged out into the wilderness by Taka or Yuna on occasion, but never of his own free will
Lord Shimura would be a Die-Hardman type. Stickler for the rules, you should be working kinda guy. Maybe stricter than our good Director though. Not nearly as likely to make exceptions like he did for a certain captain, but you get the idea
Norio would probably be someone like Deadman. Sweet, kinda innocent, but not afraid to stick his neck out for his friends. We all know he’d be in the thick of it, though, so like Deadman if he were a porter instead of a medic
Ryuzo and all his Straw Hats would be porters turned terrorist. A Higgs type, if you will. Speaking again of archetypes, this is really a matter of foils. Ryuzo is Jin’s foil, and Higgs is Sam’s foil. Higgs is a little (okay a lot) more nihilistic than Ryuzo, but there are tons of similarities (which says a lot about what kinds of characters I’m personally drawn to, for better or worse lmao)
Conversely, and as an aside, there’s an argument to be made that Fragile and Higgs are also foils. Fragile is everything that Higgs is not, and vice versa. There’s a lot to be said about that, but this is already running long and it’s kinda off topic anyway lol. Again, Fragile doesn’t fit neatly into a single box
And I know this is super on the nose, (again, y’know, archetypes), but Khotun Khan and Amelie are very very similar. Unity, making everyone whole and part of a single community, bringing folks into the fold, yadda yadda yadda. Neither of them are above brute force, either, though Amelie is far and away more devious than Khotun. But then again, Khotun is more sadistic, so I guess they balance each other out. Both are people in positions of power that utilize terrorist cells to get what they want
Sensei Ishikawa and Lady Masako would 1000000% be preppers that aren’t terribly interested in being a part of anything unless you did a bunch of quests for them. So would the Iki Island gang and the Umugi Cove folks tbh lol
I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting people 😬 sorry lol. I couldn’t work out how the Death Stranding folks would realistically fit into the Ghost world, so uh… sorry about that too 😅
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digitalgate02 · 4 years
Epilogue Celebration Day THREE: Family
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Idk what to talk when I’m holding a bit of canon epilogue-related stuff for my particular multi-verse project ( @digimonadventuretimelines​ ) so well... I will try my best to not spoil (?) that much ;3;
Yagami Household: Taichi IS very much busy, and he always tries his best to be present in his child & family life. Sometimes he takes his son to eat Daisuke’s ramen when he finds free time for it. Takao gets along very well with Hikaru, almost like a (good & healthy) Taichi-Hikari relationship were.
Ishida-Takenouchi Household: Both parents are busy, but they don’t miss anything they can from Atori & Yoshiya. Sora’s mom friend skills are in best usage here, and Yamato being the Responsible Dad(tm) blooms in a way both Taichi and Daisuke joke of (”When we all were kids you used to babysit the young ones” “Right, senpai! It’s like Yamato had parent skills since then!” “You owe me a beer and Daisuke, you owe your ‘father’ here some free ramen”) -- Atori & Yoshiya gets along pretty much with Mitsuki. And with Mitsuki, Atori learns to be snarky and punny as her cousin. It’s in the family, deal with it.
Izumi Household: Yes, Koushiro is busy but he pleases Mirai with chatting to her via video calls when he’s at work. At home, he spends a good time listening to her discoveries AND gets impressed of her inventions. She’s so proud of her and knows she has a great future in hands.
Barton-Tachikawa Household: MIMI LOVES MIKE. Michael also loves him too. They’re the most supportive people in Mike’s life, being the very first ones to accept his identity & gender. Mimi loves to cook anything Mike loves to, as form of showing him love. She gets very excited teaching him how to cook and appreciates his efforts in the kitchen. Michael is introduced to Kamen Rider franchise by him, and sits every Sunday morning to watch with his son. If he can’t, he just gets the old DVD/BD from Mike’s collection and watches with his beloved son when we get free time.
Kido Household: Joe is busy, especially as a doctor, so Jin spends most of his time with his mother or with his friends. But that does not mean Joe can’t see or spend time with him. When they’re together, they talk about tons of things, like teaching first aid to Jin and giving some help at school. Jin does not want to be a doctor and Joe respects that, so he says whatever Jin wants to be in the future, he will support his son’s choices.
Motomiya Household: Daisuke is a wild man with his successful business, he takes his son to everywhere when he can because heck, he’s Motomiya Daisuke. His son Daiki loves to travel around the worlds, and somehow he knows a bit of languages from each place -- including digimon language. Daisuke speaks three languages fluently at this point, but keeps doing business mostly in English. He still likes to cook, and of course when he’s in town he cooks to teach his employees. And admires everyone’s job. He loves all of his employees and want them to be happy! He also loves his wonderful wife and is thankful for her support & love every single day of his life.
Hida Household: Iori is the 02 squad’s Responsible Dad(tm) who teaches morals and every single wise advice he had learned with his grandpa, the Chosen Children and the digimon. He appreciates Reika’s passion for art, and her desire to be a great artist. She also likes calligraphy, always being strict on her skills. Iori sometimes looks at her and see himself, so he tries to not let her be too much distressed with life. Anyway, they’re a good Dad-Daughter duo.
Ichijouji-Inoue Household: HECK, this family is WILD. They’re so full of creatives, and geniuses that you can’t fool any of them. Miyako is an expert in tech, Ken is an expert in forensics, Mai is an expert in music, and Toushin is the gamer expert. Sometimes Miyako wonders if it is a family thing. Sometimes she wonders if the third baby will be a little genius as well. But probably will, since it’s in the family’s genes~
Takaishi Household: Since Takeru is a novelist, he works mostly at home. And he takes time to watch Mitsuki’s live streams, videos and read Mituski retro game/stuff reviews. As expected, Mitsuki is a lil troll as his dad so you can catch both of them doing embarrassing things as dumb puns or teasing Yamato and Daisuke.
Satou-Yagami Household: Hikari is a teacher, yes. She teaches things and takes care of her family with a big heart. She gets worried when Hikaru wants to do risky things, but then she remembers she also had done risky things and realizes it’s him being a little more extrovert version of her. Tailmon had given him Hikari’s iconic whistle she was holding on a special place in the Digital World. That whistle is always with him, as his precious treasure. 
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fatstinkynuts · 5 years
aaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA I had to draft this last night drunk off my ass lmoa
A movie you’ve seen most times in cinema.I saw Godzila KOTM twice like a responsible adult.
Your most rewatched movie.
I’ve watched John Carpenter’s The Thing once a year since I saw 7, plus a few showings to friends, so that’s roughly 36 times.
A movie you quote on a daily basis.
Kung Pow: Enter The Fist: “Let your anger be as a monkey in a pinata.. hiding amongst the candy.. hoping the kids don’t break through with the stick!
Favorite movie soundtrack.
Godzilla (1954)
Top 5 films of your favorite actor and actress.
Kurt Russel: The Thing, Big Trouble In Little China, Escape From New York, Stargate, Tombstone. And for Sigourney Weaver: Alien, Aliens, Ghostbusters, Cabin In The Woods, Galaxy Quest. Pretty much applies to their Top 5 Performances for me NO I AM NOT USING AN EXCUSE TO SKIP IT.
A movie storyline you wish you had actually lived.
Pacific Rim, because holy SHIT dude.
A movie that reminds you of your mom.
The Thing. Thanks for letting me scar myself at 3am with cable tv one summer when I was 7.
A movie that reminds you of your dad.
The Godzilla franchise. He bought me every film on VHS that was available in the US, took me to see the 1998 film, the first and only wide released TOHO film Godzilla 2000, and continuing to watch all the new ones since 2016. Thanks, dad.
Favorite movies from your childhood.
Godzilla, Carnosaur, Xtro, The Fly, Mortal Kombat, The Thang
Favorite quote(s).
I know you gentlemen have been through a lot. But when you find the time… I’d rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
Top 5 favorite female performances.
Anne Hathaway (Colossal), Sigourney Weaver (Aliens), Miho Yoshioka (Godzilla Tokyo S.O.S.), Rinko Kikuchi (Pacific Rim), Naomie Harris (28 Days Later)
Top 5 favorite male performances.
Keith David (The Thing), Roddy Piper (They Live), Idris Elba (Pacific Rim), John Goodman (10 Cloverfield Lane), Chris Pine (Into The Woods)
Favorite year for movies.
Can’t quite place a good exact year, but a number of my favorites mainly came from the early 80s period.
Your favorite movies from [insert year].
2016 brought us Arrival, Shin Godzilla, Colossal and Train To Busan off the top of my head.
Favorite [insert actor/actress/director] movies?
John Carpenter
List all you’ve seen from [insert actor/actress/director].
If you know his filmography, then there you go.
An underrated actor.
I don’t think John C. Reilly gets enough love. He played a really good serious and comedic role in Kong: Skull Island. He could do a lot more given the chance I think.
An underrated actress.
An underrated director.
Gareth Evans. Go watch The Raid 1 and 2.
An overrated actor.
Jim Carry.
An overrated actress.
Scarlett Johannsen
An overrated director.
J.J. Abrams. Wasn’t a big fan to begin with. Saw Super 8 when it came out, that REALLY didn’t help. I have no faith in whatever the hell he is doing with the supposedly still in development Half-Life and Portal films
A film you wish you had seen on the big screen.
Would have killed to see Shin Godzilla during the limited run here in the US. FUCK.
A movie you’ve seen that you think no one else’s here will have heard of?
Pontypool. Zombie film where the virus is transferred through language.
Favorite movie characters.
R.J. MacReady, Snake Plisskin, Dr. Daisuke Serizawa, Ellen Ripley, Mako Mori
A film that was better than the book.
Stalker was loosely based off Roadside Picnic, but I like how much more vague things were than straight up alien stuff.
Best remake.
The Thing, straight up
Your first favorite actor.
Your first favorite actress.
Sigourney Weaver
Favorite animated film.
Dead Leaves
Your most anticipated films.
Antlers, Godzilla vs Kong, new Tohoverse Godzilla films
Last movie that disappointed you.
Pacific Rim 2 was an absolute trash fire
Last movie that surpassed your expectations.
Rampage. It looked like a dumb, fun video game movie, but it ended up being a hell of a lot better than I expected. Hell, I loved it.
Actor in need of new agent.
idk lmoa
Actress in need of new agent.
I still dk lmoa
Share an unpopular film opinion you have.
Jar Jar was not so bad that his actor needed to be bullied so badly. Neither was Jake Lloyrd. You wouldn’t believe how many people shit on Jake Lloyd. Poor kid’s mental health suffered horribly and no one ever talks about him or how much they regret bullying him like they did Jar Jar’s actor. Also Leonardo DiCaprio isn’t attractive.
Favorite Oscar win/speech.
Biggest Oscar snub(s).
Who do you think is overdue for another nomination/win?
I have never watched the Oscars. For real.
How many movies have you seen (rough estimation)?
According to Letterboxed I’ve seen 2,032 films, counting short films.
A movie that made you go ‘wtf was that’.
The Void was an incoherent mess to me. Really sloppy editing and cuts made a lot of it just seem like a mess.
A film that scarred you.
The Thing made me afraid of dogs for a long time as a child
Most movies watched in a single day.
9 different Godzilla films across multiple eras
A film that always makes you cry.
I don’t fucking know why, but Click
A film that always makes you laugh.
Kung Pow
Movies that you think everyone should watch (not necessarily your favorites).
Critters 1-3, Gremlins, Pirahna, Kung Pow
A movie that took you a couple of viewings to appreciate.
A book you want to see adapted to the big screen.
Statement Of Randolph Carter and relative stories
A book you really, really, really don’t want to see made into a film.
A full adaptation of Roadside Picnic. Americans are already about to fuck up Metro 2033.
Favorite child performance.
Quinn Lord was creepy as Sam in Trick ‘r Treat
Favorite pre-code.
The Island Of Dr. Moreau
Favorite silent film.
Favorite coming of age film.
Favorite superhero film.
The Rocketeer
Best cinematography.
The Thing
Movies you know you should watch, but can’t bring yourself to do it?
John Wick, Shutter Island
Favorite genres.
Scifi, horror, comedy, action, western, romantic films
Least favorite genres.
coming of age films, torture porn
Biggest movie pet peeve.
characters more powerful than everyone else just because of writer self-insert bullshit, self-insert bullshit in general
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