#idk I’m not smart enough to say what it means.
stewystew · 1 year
Something about Shiv being the one to tell Connor his dad isn’t coming to his wedding‚ and then tell him that he’s dead‚ and then to tell the world that their father his dead
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arsonistman · 7 months
Mmmmmm I have Aventurine on the brain and I can’t stop thinking about how he specifically wears rose tinted glasses
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goldensunset · 2 years
i have to do something today other than play legends arceus for 12 hours straight again
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#it’s the middle of the semester i have work to do#tests to study for projects to work on#advisor meetings to schedule and attend…#so that i can sign up for courses next semester…#but then i want to switch my major but that’s such an ordeal idk how tough the process will be#and i can only hope i’ll actually like the major i switch into (communication)#they always say it’s ok to go to college even if you don’t know what you wanna do yet and you have plenty of time#but i’m starting to think that’s not smart and i should really get on that ASAP#but like if it takes a while to process the major switch then#see advisor meetings start tomorrow (you literally have to attend one to be able to register for courses next semester)#but switching my major means switching my advisor#so is it a bad idea to try switching advisors when we’re supposed to be meeting with them#basically will i have a wide enough window for all this#pain and suffering#once again this is just me writing out my problems and responsibilities in words so i feel more capable of handling them#peach rambles#and this isn’t even covering the whole language requirement thing and i have to take a language placement test#they literally won’t let me just sign up for the easier class they are forcing me to take a test before i can sign up for anything#but the test is a timed speaking test where i have to listen to something and respond like it’s a real conversation and record myself and#yeah this sucks i don’t wanna do it idk how hard it’ll be…
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
the thing i love about lydia is she’s nearly as adhd coded as stiles but on one hand, a lot of that can be attributed to her being a banshee but on the other hand she’s just like me fr
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g3llyfish · 5 months
Hey I wanted to request something funny.
Like redson and macaque ( separately ) kidnaps one of mk’s friends, fem s/o and they start laughing ( not like mocking them ) but more like ( I can’t believe this happened ) while saying “ no no I’m sorry..it’s just..this is the most effort a man has ever put into me 😂 “
Idk i thought it was funny in my head 🤔 hope this was okay
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Redson x FEM! reader x Macaque (Seperate)
Either platonic or romantic
Redson and Macaque judging the reader, Reader being delulu, MK just wants his best friend back TT
MY FIRST ASJ AAA Tbh, it can also be considered as GN!reader cause I mostly do second pov but I still hope you enjoy!!
🔥 || REDSON !!
It has been a few week of him trying to defeat the noodle boy to get his staff
As expected, he fails again and again, machines after machines being crushed by that stupid staff and that stupid monkey boy
Knowingly that there's no use for his machines since they only go to his scrap corner
Until an idea pops up in his big demon smart boy brain
What if he kidnaps someone who is dear to MK and bargain them for the staff!
I mean, if that stupid noodle boy loves his friends so much he would do everything to get his best friend back!
Brilliant! Amazing plan even!
Meanwhile, you were hanging out with Mei and MK in the anti-gravity arcade, having the greatest time if your life
Until the ceiling broke down...
You were immediately grabbed by the demon bull clones and tied up so you wouldn't escape.
     "Redson?! Get back here with our best friend!" MK shouted at the bull prince who has you in his arms as you struggle.
     "Never! Catch me if you can, noodle boy and dragon horse girl!" Redson yells back as he laughs dramatically and surrounds him, you, and the bull clones with his fire to teleport away.
     Now you are hung from the ceiling in his lair, if that's what you like to call it considering the lava pool, tools, materials, engines, and many more are laying around the gigantic room.
     "Let me go!" You demanded "What are you planning now, Redson? Y'know MK is gonna MK.O!!™ you again right?"
     Redson scoffs a laugh, lifting up his welding mask to look up at your hanging state as he puts down his blowtorch.
     "After I finish my invention, we will go up to the mountain where my father was imprisoned..." He started to monologue "and then... I will exchange your life for the staff! ...that noodle boy cares for you so much that he will give it to me willingly! And once I have the staff is mine... MY FATHER WILL GAIN HIS POWER AND BE THE GREATEST RULER OF THE WORLD!"
     Redson's dark and overdramatic laughs echoes through the room as the lava's light reflected behind him, creating a giant menacing shadow of himself on the walls.
     Meanwhile you only blink twice at him, not being effected by the intimidating aura that the prince made.
     "You think I'm worth more than the staff?" "What"
     "Well, you basically said that I'm the same price as the staff... Do you think I'm that special?" You grin at him while he was only flabbergasted by your words.
     "W-what?! NO YOU IDIO--" "I don't know, like, you kidnapping me, thinking that I'm enough to be exchanged with the staff, you could've picked Mei but you chose me!"
     Redson gave you a dumbfounded look, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration as you explain your conclusion.
     "Like, you took effort to kidnap me, you think I'm that worth of effort? No one has ever done that for me" You continue as you sniffle a bit.
     "Did-did you forget about the part where I said about my world domination?" Redson simply ask as he gives you a deadpanned stare.
     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm just so happy right now, you think I'm worth more than the staff? You think I'm that unique?" "Shut up, you're delusional."
While he made his invention to secure his plan, you were in the background trying to make him admit that he thinks you're special
You're not what he thinks you are that's for sure, with you being a giggling mess while you're LITERALLY CAPTURED BY TYE DEMON BULL PRINCE
He expected you to be like MK and Mei, someone who wrecklessly fighting anything that move...
Not someone who is off to delulu land with quips at the back of your hand
He definitely regrets the kidnapping plan
🍌 || MACAQUE !!
After the 'stealing-wukong's-powers-from-MK' plan didn't work, he couldn't find anymore information or updates in MK's life
Macaque has to keep a close eye on him afterall, considering he is Wukong's apprentice
So why not get one of MK's best friends? He can't just lurk in the shadows
Sure, that'll work but he needs more dept and personal stuff about MK, to find something to hold him back
So while you were on your way back home, not paying attention to your surroundings that was when Macaque took the opportunity.
You took a step and before you knew it, you were falling down to the ground into a theater place for shadow puppet shows.
You landed on your back on the wooden ground, making you raise your brow in confusion cause you remember that you were walking on a pedestrian.
As you look around the place, you hear a dark echoey chuckle from behind you making the hair on your skin rise.
You stood up immediately to see none other than the shadow of the six-eared Macaque.
"Hey, doll..." He chuckles again, his grin getting wider as his shadow shrinks and he turns into his monkey form.
"Macaque?! What am I doing here?! Are you here to hurt me?! Well bad luck, monkey!" You glared at him making him smirk.
"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just here to borrow you for a while" Macaque says shrugging, getting closer towards the stage that you stood on.
"Me?" You ask in full confusion, your body relaxing as you put down your defenses.
"Mhm... You see, hiding in the shadow is not enough for getting information and I need you get me some," Macaque answers.
You pause as each side of your lips starts to slowly rise, "Me?"
"Yup, if you don't comply... then I might take back the 'I won't hurt you' part, simple, hm?" Macaque threatens with a hum.
You pause again, longer this time "me?"
"Yes, you..." Macaque sighs as he gives you a 'are you deaf?' look.
You held your laugh for a while before laughing aloud, Macaque, ofcourse felt as if you're underestimating him as he gets a little grumpy at your reaction.
"Wh- why are you laughing huh?!" "Pfft-- sorry! Sorry, sorry, it's just... I don't know it's funny"
"Funny how?" Macaque ask as he raises his eyebrow in frustration and crosses his arms.
"I don't know, you could've chosen anyone that could stalk MK for you but you chose me! Hah! I just didn't expect that someone would actually put effort on me" you laugh out.
"Effort?" Macaque questions, he wouldn't disagree with himself but he's definitely worried for your well-being.
"Yeah, I mean, you could've just sended me a text saying 'give me information or you're dead' text like my other exes, but here we are!" You continue to blabber making Macaque give you a concerned look.
"I-what..." "Yeah! I'm kinda flattered that you put so much effort on me, kidnapping me, tracking me down, watching which street I go to-- okay that's kinda creepy--" "okay, stop"
Macaque has to make you stop so he can continue his plan
He's mostly concerned about you cause who tf reacts like that?
He had to make a deal with you to proceed with his 'information gathering' plan but you always gawk at the fact that he chose you out of all people
Plan unsuccessful (?)
I'm sorry if it isn't to your expectations TT tell me criticisms if you'd like but I still hope you had fun with the fix as much as I did, love you pooksters :P
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐦𝐨𝐦 & 𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐩𝐭2 | 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨
✯social media au
✯daniel ricciardo x female reader
✯the nickname mom and dad finally has some ‘true’ meaning behind it 🫶🏻
✯ah this was a request so thank you so much!! this was very fun and cute to write, i hope you enjoy<3
part 1 part 3
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liked by landonorris, lilyhme, danielricciardo and 1M others
mom and dad really are about to become mom and dad, baby ricciardo coming soon🤍
tagged danielricciardo
see 98,000 comments
username IM SOBBING
username im so happy for my parents 😭
username someone check on lando
lilyhme congratulations you two!! can’t wait to meet them!❤️
landonorris i need 4-5 business days to recover😭
>ynricciardo me too, wanna come watch cheesy movies with me🥹
>landonorris on my way 🏃🏻
username lando and y/n kill me😭
danielricciardo i love you, so excited to have a little terror around!!!!
>ynricciardo if they are a terror, that’s from you babe😚
ynricciardo added to their story!
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liked by ynricciardo, redbullracing, landonorris and 2M others
that is one hot mama, and she’s all mine😁😁
tagged ynricciardo
see 167,000 comments
username HOT MAMA😮‍💨😮‍💨
username oh she looks so beautiful!!!
username look at that bump!
redbullracing baby danny incoming!!!
>ynricciardo ❤️❤️
landonorris what size is baby ricc this week mom?
>ynricciardo they are about the size of an acorn squash apparently😂
>username lando calling y/n mom😭
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liked by danielricciardo, scottyjames31, francisca.cgomes and 989,000 others
this is life recently, all baby wants is gelato right now, which i won’t complain about. daniel and lando are like my full grown children half the time, and baby is the size of a cabbage now…which i feel the weight of 24/7🥴
tagged danielricciardo and landonorris
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username cabbage ricciardo!!
liked by ynricciardo
username ou gelato sounds so good rn
username lando and danny being actual kids in adult bodies 💀
landonorris i was your first child remember that😌
>danielricciardo yeah idk why we agreed on that
>ynricciardo are you saying i was stupid to agree that lando was our first child? 🤨
>danielricciardo NO never, you’re the smartest baby, i love you!!
username HAHAHAHA smart response daniel
username im dying right now
danielricciardo added to their story!
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liked by landonorris, kellypique, redbullracing, danielricciardo and 2M others
how the night started vs how the morning ended up, a very surprise welcome to our little girl Mila Grace Ricciardo. You are so special to us, mommy and daddy love you so much already❤️❤️
tagged daniel ricciardo
see 205,000 comments
username oh i’m sobbing rn
username Mila🥹🥹🥹
redbullracing welcome to the world little Mila!❤️
liked by ynricciardo and danielricciardo
landonorris im still crying
landonorris i can’t wait to meet her
>ynricciardo we’ll be home tomorrow so come over whenever ❤️
username lando crying is so me
danielricciardo my girls forever❤️
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liked by ynricciardo, mclaren, quadrant and 1M others
i’m not crying anymore don’t worry, just couldn’t help but introduce Mila as my god daughter. i can’t thank y/n enough, okay i guess daniel too, for trusting me with this title. i love Mila so much already
ps. i’m moving in😁
tagged ynricciardo, daniel ricciardo
see 99,000 comments
username omg lando and mila😭
username why is this making me sob so hard rn
username lando is the best uncle and now godfather ever🥹
ynricciardo you’re family lando, Mila loves you so much already, you always have a home with us����
>username ‘you always have a home with us’ i’m unstable
>danielricciardo she means the garage
>ynricciardo 🤨🤨🤨
username HAHAHAHA this is sending me
mclaren welcome baby mila 🧡🧡
liked by ynricciardo and landonorris
username lando getting all the mila angles 😭
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truetealtears · 1 year
‘Why is Gale depicted as the default leader in the animated short?’
Because he cooks
When you’re a rag tag group of people scraping by in the wilderness; you do not fuck with the guy who feeds you (minus Astarion who’s fucking around and finding out who he can/cannot feed on lmao)
Yeah you can tease him and make fun of him and you don’t have to like him (all of which we can see different characters doing) but you don’t make an enemy of the camp cook, not without very good reason (especially if he cooks well - Which he seems to, there’s no complaints. His dialogue tells you it’s clearly a hobby of his, so he knows what he’s doing, plus everyone saying he’s like fantasy Greek - I hear you and you’re right).
And we can see that because no one has major beef w Gale (that I’m aware of lol), some find him at bit insufferable but no one actively hates him (at least initially, idk what some of you are doing in ur playthroughs)
Not to say they’d immediately appoint him as Mr Leader Man after one meal but they’d definitely be more willing to listen to his ideas and consider them. Plus they know Gale is smart (book smart at least), they can all agree that he isn’t stupid and his plans are likely to be plausible/reasonable (for the group ofc, we all know what this man will do to himself if you let him). He gets bonus points for being quite sociable and generally approving of doing The Right Thing, while also having enough of a moral grey area to hear the others out on their more… eccentric ideas (see his dialogue about making use of the Illithid powers and stuff)
So yeah I think all of this would culminate in him being the default leader when there’s no player influence (aka when tav doesn’t exist and ur not controlling someone else)
Funny side note: the initial data larian released kinda backs me up in a roundabout way; with Gale being the most commonly chosen origin lol
To me this means that after Tav, Gale is the most likely candidate for leader. So imagine all the drama that plays out when he’s like ‘hey guys it’s been nice and I’m glad I could help you all with some of ur problems but my ex my goddess is telling me to go kill myself so’
Even when you’re playing as Tav everyone thinks it’s stupid for Gale to go kill himself because Mystra said so. They’re all like ‘that isn’t fair/what a waste’ (further evidence that no one truly hates him thanks). So now when he’s their leader I imagine they’re like ‘NOOOOOO’
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moonchildquinn · 1 year
warnings!!: alright you know the drill, !!18+ only!!, minors stay tf away or i’ll smack your ankles with a razor scooter (iykyk) slight choking, spanking, orgasm denial, unprotected PIV (wrap that shit folks) slight creampie if you look hard enough, little bit of degrading, a couple pet names and a little surprise at the end. if i missed anything please tell me and i will add it! this is not proofread as none of my fics usually are. i’m a bit rusty on the writing game so if you hate this please keep it to yourself or i’ll cry anyway enjoy! 🤍
word count: 1.7k
idk what to title this so uh just simple:
Older!Mean!Eddie x Fem!Reader!
You sat at the bar, nursing the same drink you ordered since you had got there, scooping out the area for a nice little fuck for the night, but not a single guy in the bar had caught your eye so you sighed ready to give up as you finish your drink. You’re about to pay when a deep raspy voice next to you speaks.
“Could I get you another?” He asked. You looked at him and your breath was taken away. In front of you was one of the most beautiful men you have ever seen. He was older, you could tell by the gray littering his beard. He had long curly, messy hair and his smile lit up the dim bar. You could see he was covered in tattoos and he had his lip pierced as well. He looked like a rockstar. You smile, sad that you’re going to turn him down.
“I was actually about to head out.” You say politely.
“Understandable, have a great night.” He nods his head about to leave but you end up stopping him. You needed to get to know this stranger, you didn’t know why but you just needed to.
“Well one drink wouldn’t hurt I guess.” You say.
“You sure? Don’t feel like you have to be polite and have a drink with me darlin’.” He says.
“I want to, I promise.” You say. He nods his head and calls for the bartender and you both order a drink. You two end up hitting it off, sharing stories and laughs, getting to know each other as the night went on. You were right Eddie was older, a full 20 years older than you but you both didn’t seem to let that get in the way. After a few drinks you got a bit bold and decided to invite him back to your place.
“Sure, I would love to.” He smiles as you both get up. He pays the tab and you both head out.
“You really didn’t have to pay the tab.” You say as you stand there waiting for a ride. Neither of you wanted to get behind the wheel which was smart, obviously.
“I’m the one who offered to get your drinks.” He says.
“A true gentleman huh?” You tease a little.
“Guess my uncle raised me right.” He smiles. A car pulls up and he opens the door for you and lets you in first then follows after you. The car ride was silent but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. When you get to your apartment, Eddie hops out of the car first and then opens the door for you, holding his hand out for you. You take it and step out and you both walk inside your building. As you both stood in the elevator the tension was growing and you both knew it was. Your patience was running thin, you just wanted him to fuck you.
The elevator doors open and you walk down the hall to your apartment and as soon as you get the door unlocked Eddie is pushing you in and closing the door before pinning you against it and kissing you deeply. You moan softly as your hands come up and you tangle your fingers into his hair, tugging slightly as you do causing him to groan out. Well you got exactly what you wanted, a nice fuck. Eddie brings his hands down and grabs your thighs in his hands and picks you up and carries you over to the couch. He sets you down but you get up and grab his shirt and drag him to your bedroom. You push him down onto the bed and straddle his lap and kiss him, the desperate need to have his lips on yours growing stronger. His hands go down to your ass and squeezes hard causing you to moan out into the kiss.
“Fuck me, please.” You beg. He nods his head and moves you off of him.
“Strip for me.” He breathes out and you do. Eddie’s eyes watch you as you slowly remove your clothes, his cock growing harder by the second. Once you are naked he pulls you down on his lap, placing his hand around your throat and having you look at him. “Want to have a little more fun?”
“Yes.” You breathe out. At this point you would agree to anything. Eddie smirks at your agreement and kisses you hard. He brings his free hand down and rubs his fingers along your soaked slit, groaning at the feeling. He does that for a bit, causing you to become a whiny mess for him. Finally he slips two fingers in and starts off slow.
“Here’s how this is going to play out, you’re not allowed to cum until I say you can, if you disobey me you’ll be punished, understand?” He asked you. Chills go down your body as you nod your head. “I need to hear you.”
“I understand.” You whisper.
“Good girl.” He picks up the pace of his fingers ever so slightly, his grip on your throat getting a little tighter as he does, adding to your pleasure. His fingers move expertly inside of you and you feel like you’re on cloud nine. Your eyes roll back slightly as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm. You’re so focused on the movement on his fingers that you forget his rule and you cum all over his fingers. You grip his shirt tightly in your hands as you mindlessly rock against his fingers. Eddie watches you ride out your high, anger boiling up inside of him. He had one simple rule and you couldn’t be bothered to listen to him. Once you come back to him, your face heats up as you look at him, shame written all over your face.
“I’m sorry.” You say.
“It's okay angel.” Eddie lies through his teeth as he helps you up. “Get on your hands and your knees for me.” He demands, his tone sends a shiver down your spine a little and also goes straight to your core. You do as told and get on your hands and knees. You hear Eddie riding himself of his clothes before he gets behind you. He grabs your hips and pulls you against him, making you gasp as you not only feel how hard he is but feel how big he is. Was it even going to fit? Eddie chuckles slightly at your reaction. “It’ll fit, don’t worry. Now remember how I told you if you didn’t listen to me you would be punished?” Your heart drops instantly.
“But you said it was okay.” You whimper out.
“And you said you understand, it looks like we both lied.” He smirks before he brings his hand up and spanks you, hard. You yelp out, barely processing it before he’s spanking you again and again. “Such a pathetic little thing, couldn’t handle one simple order could you?”
“I’m sorry.” You say, your voice more whiny than you meant for it to sound.
“I’m sorry.” Eddie mocks. He continues to spank you until your ass is raw and tears are spilling down your face. Once he’s done he presses your face down into the mattress and slides his cock into you with ease, the stretch burning slightly but feeling so good at the same time it basically knocks the wind from your chest. He keeps his hand on your head and his other hand grips onto your hip as he sets a brutal pace. Your body feels ignited as your eyes roll back and loud moans leave your lips.
“Mmm fuck! You feel so good angel, so fucking good!” Eddie groans out. You want to respond but he was just fucking you too good that all that you could manage was moans, whines, and whimpers. You could feel another orgasm building and Eddie could tell you were close too from the way you squeezed him. Just as that feeling was about to snap Eddie pulled out.
“No!” You cry out.
“Oh you thought the spanks were your only punishment? Oh no, I’m not done with you quite yet.” He says. He brings his hand down and starts rubbing your clit causing you to whine out. If he didn’t want you to cum why must he torture you? You could feel yourself ready to go over the edge again but he stops once again.
“Eddie please!” You beg.
“Should have obeyed me the first time, then you wouldn’t be in this position now would you?” He asked.
“I’m sorry!” You plead.
“And I told you I don’t care, now shut up!” He snaps and you keep your mouth shut after that. Eddie keeps his little game going for hours, getting you really close to the edge and then stopping. By now you were a mess and you just wanted to cum. Eddie smirks at how he has you before he finally slides his cock into you again and starts up his brutal pace. Your voice was a bit horse as you continued to let out moan, knowing that once again you weren’t going to be cumming. You could feel your orgasm growing and you waited for Eddie to pull away but he didn’t.
“I’m going to cum!” You whine out, hoping the warning will alert him.
“Cum for me angel.” He rasps. You cry out as you cum, hard, all over his cock, relief filling you as you finally get your release. Eddie keeps going, coaxing a few more orgasms from you before he finally cums himself. He groans loudly before he pulls out, his cock twitching slightly as he watches his cum drip down a little before he uses his fingers to push it back in. You both collapse down on the bed, catching your breaths before you both look at each other, wide smiles on your faces.
“Holy shit that was amazing.” You finally breathe out.
“I told you roleplaying was fun, just have to know how to do it right.” Eddie says, making you nod your head in agreement. “I wasn’t too rough was I?”
“Never.” You smile as you scoot closer to your boyfriend and snuggle into him. “Thanks for this.”
“Told you I would do anything for you, now rest for a bit then I promise to get you cleaned up.” He kisses your forehead, a smile on his face and smile to match on yours.
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beyourownanchor6 · 7 months
you've got game
—idk this silly idea came to me after last nights ep and i just blacked out and wrote whatever this is <33
words: 1.1k | rated: g | read on ao3
They’d been lying there for about ten minutes with nothing said between them. Buck had asked Eddie about Chris and the letter, listening to Eddie work his thoughts out, offering commentary when needed.
The conversation with Chris had devastated both of them, but especially Eddie. With Chris getting older, the difficult questions kept coming. They were both finding them harder to answer.
For the time being, Eddie had settled with the fact that Buck had talked Chris through it and that Chris had eventually read the letter and put the picture of his mom back up. It was a start.
It was a serious matter, one Buck knew Chris wasn’t going to be “over” with a single letter, but it helped; for now.
Even so, Buck couldn’t help the silly little thought that kept creeping in the back of his mind. He let out a little laugh for it, quickly trying to cover it with a cough. Eddie didn’t buy it.
“Care to share?”
Buck cleared his throat as he turned to lay on his back. Eddie laid on his side next to him, facing Buck.
“Nothing. It’s uh, it’s dumb. And probably not uh, not appropriate right now.”
Buck knew if he turned toward Eddie he’d find his boyfriend directing a raised brow his direction. And so, Buck avoided it, turning back onto his side and away from Eddie. Still, Eddie wasn’t having it.
Eddie snuggled up behind him, snaking his arms around Buck as he pulled him in close, nuzzling into him.
“Inappropriate thoughts have never stopped you from sharing before.”
Buck snorted as Eddie squeezed him tighter.
Buck tapped his fingers over Eddie’s, stalling.
“Well it was just, I was kind of—proud.”
“Of what, that I didn’t have a panic attack about the whole thing?”
Buck smiled as he brought one of Eddie’s hands up to pepper kisses over. “Well yes that, but I was thinking more that ya know…our son has game.”
A groan fell out of Eddie and he was turning away and abandoning Buck in an instant. Buck rolled to face Eddie, propping his head up on his arm.
“C’mon babe, he has five different girls going after him? I’m just saying; that’s pretty impressive.”
“You’re insufferable.”
Buck pushed into Eddie’s space, nosing into him.
“I mean, I’m just saying…we know he doesn’t get that from you.”
A playful yet warning pinch came to his side, Buck yelping a little for it as he pushed further into Eddie’s space. He made the smart decision not to say anything further.
Eddie’s arm reached out, his fingers landing on Buck’s hip. His hand fit right into place, molding into Buck.
“I got you, didn’t I?”
Buck was grateful the room was dark enough to hide the flush of his cheeks. Even after all these years, Eddie still had such an effect on him. He hoped that would never change.
Buck slid his hand down to meet Eddie’s and he threaded them together.
“I’m not immune to your charm like the others.”
Eddie snorted. “You just like my ass.”
Buck quickly shifted their positions so he could get his hands on Eddie, practically pulling his boyfriend on top of him. He squeezed Edddie’s ass before kissing him a little filthily.
“Well it is a nice ass. But it’s not why I fell in love with you.”
A smile fell off Eddie’s lips, one he placed to Bucks.
“Then tell me cowboy, what did lure you in?”
Buck preened for the dorky pet name. He brushed his hands up and down Eddie’s arms a little absently as he thought over all the things that made him fall in love with one Eddie Diaz.
“Well, you’re badass under pressure, you let me into your adorable sons life, you always have my back, you’re my best friend, you’re the best dad I know, and you’re probably the most selfless person I’ve met besides my sister. You’re always there when anyone needs you, and adorably afraid of technology. You make me wanna be a better person and you just…well you love me for—me.” Buck squeezed Eddie’s arms before leaning up to kiss him and whispering into him. “And you have a nice ass.”
Eddie rolled his eyes then kissed Buck again, sweet and slow.
“Thank you Buck, for always being there for us. Chris looks up to you; trusts you.” Eddie looked down to him, those browns wide and endearing. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
Buck smiled up to him while pulling Eddie closer.
“Good thing you’ll never have to find out.”
Their lips met in the middle, soft yet passionate kisses shared between them. They eventually settled back into each other, Buck on his back with Eddie nestled in close.
“You know,” Eddie started, tapping a finger across Bucks bare chest. “I’m pretty proud of you too.”
“Why’s that?” Buck asked, settling further against Eddie.
“Well, I know how badly you wanted to congratulate our kid for being a total ladies man, but you somehow managed to refrain. I know that must’ve been hard for you.”
Buck sighed as he tossed his head back. “God Eds that was so badass of him! I wasn’t meant to be the un-fun parent.”
Buck pouted while Eddie snickered. Eddie sat up to kiss his pout away, Buck easily accepting it.
“You know, I still have pretty good game.”
Eddie raised his brows. “You think so?”
Buck puffed out his chest a bit. “Oh I know so.”
“Prove it,” Eddie challenged, Buck not backing down.
Buck pulled Eddie back against him, wrapping him up tight as he whispered in his ear, sliding his hand down the expanse of Eddie. “So are you just excited about this talk or is that a—“
“Buck—go to bed.”
Buck totally had game, for the record. Eddie was no fun sometimes.
“You didn’t even let me get to the punchline!”
“That’s because I already know it dork. You use it on me all the time.”
Well, when Buck found something good, he stuck with it. Especially at work when it tended to send a blush across Eddie’s cheeks as Eddie gave him a firm yet bothered warning.
“Fine, but I have more, that I will be wooing you with starting tomorrow.”
Eddie chuckled in his hold. “Can’t wait. But just remember, you already have me. I’m all yours Buck.”
He did love the sound of that.
Buck snuggled in closer, Eddie tilting his head up so their lips could meet.
“And I’m all yours.
Just when Buck was finally settled and on the verge of sleep, Eddie’s voice filled the silence.
“You can use your cheesy lines to pick me up any day.”
Buck smiled into him. “Yea, or you know uh, you could-you could use them on me.”
Why did they need game when they had each other?
tagging squad below; lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
tags: @loserdiaz @redlightsandicedtea @loveyourownsmiilee @monsterrae1 @buddierights @swiftiebuckleyhan @honestlydarkprincess @barbiediaz @spotsandsocks @justsmilestuffhappens @eddiiediaz @djdangerlove @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @jacksadventuresinwriting @stanningsky @wh0re-behavi0r @ronordmann @spaceprincessem @transbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @betty-boom @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @pirrusstuff @nmcggg @theotherbuckley @louis-tenn @the-gayest-wug @buckley-diaz-rules @muppetbuddie @gamer-kai @blorbodiaz @heartshapedvows @trashbaget @steadfastsaturnsrings @buckbuckgoose @wikiangela @hobbitnarwhal l @shortsighted-owl @pirrusstuff @goldencherrymooon @murder-trio @daffi-990 @greenfairrryy @mattsire
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joehawke · 1 year
idk why this just popped into my head, but thinking about Steve who’s actually insanely smart, he always got straight A’s in school and the whole “dumb jock” was just a stereotype that Steve got stuck under and just never tried to prove wrong. Who cared whether or not he was actually smart? So he just played along. (Besides, it was an in to flirt with the girls; to pretend like he didn’t know what he was doing.) His parents had him tutored since he was old enough to count on his fingers, and sure it was exhausting, but it was something he was good at. Math, reading, science, it all came easy to him. He liked being able to impress the people around him. When he got involved with the upside down, the one thing that didn’t crumble around him was his studies. He was determined to make his parents proud. When it was time to send out all his college applications, his parents hadn’t returned home in months and by the time he heard back from the schools the upside down was worse than it’s ever been and it just wasn’t a concern anymore. So Steve stuffed the enveloped futures away. He had completely forgot about them. Until now.
It’s been a month since Hawkins cracked open. Max and Eddie both have been discharged from the hospital, on strict rehabilitation protocols. Because Wayne still had to work despite the government hush money, Steve decided it was best for Eddie to stay with him. Besides, the house is quiet and lonely, why not put it to good use? Steve had been downstairs frying eggs on a pan when Eddie came bounding around the corner clutching a stack of opened envelopes. He looked confused.
“What’s wrong Eds? What are those?” Steve asked, and when Eddie started rifling through the envelopes Steve caught the slightest sight of his school symbols. His heart dropped. “Eddie it’s not -“
“Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia -“ Eddie starts naming off as he rifles through each envelope.
“You got into them all Steve. There’s like 10 different top notch schools here that you got into. Why has no one heard about this? And why are they stuffed in a drawer?”
“Because I’m not going” Steve says simply, like it was the easiest decision to make.
“What? What the fuck do you mean you’re not going?” Eddie asks appalled. And Steve gets why, he does, but he’s also determined to stand his ground.
“Why does it matter? I’m not going” Steve pouts, crossing his arms.
“Stevie. Did your parents pay for you to get in or something? Did they use the Harrington name you hate so much? There’s gotta be a reason you won’t go besides just being a stubborn asshole” and Steve gets why he‘a asking, and he’s never been hurt by it, but part of Steve flinches at the fact that Eddie couldn’t believe that Steve got in on his own account.
“No. It doesn’t matter, can we just drop it?”
“No. No we can’t. Do you know how badly I would KILL to get into any school, let alone an IVY. This is incredible Steve.” Eddie states, padding closer into the kitchen and Steve has to hold back a laugh at his rabbit slippers.
“I can’t go” Steve says quietly, turning away from Eddie and back to the stove where the eggs are starting to burn.
“Why though? Can you tell me that much?” Eddie asks, matching Steve’s soft tone.
“Because I have to be here. I have to be here incase Vecna isn’t really gone. Incase the kids need me. Incase Robin needs me. I can’t just leave…” Steve says, turning back towards Eddie to look at him before turning back towards the burnt eggs.
“Stevie. They’ll be fine. When are you gonna put yourself first sweetheart? I need a valid reason why you’re staying and I’ll drop it, because these aren’t -“
“Because you’re here!” Steve yells, turning back towards Eddie. Steve watches as Eddie’s lips part ever so slightly as his breath hitches before he continues. “When I got accepted into those schools the people who I did that for weren’t here anymore and fucking Henry Creel apparently was more prominent than ever, and the kids needed someone to take a hit and someone to protect them and Robin was here and she was the first person to care about me and what would that say about me if I left? And eventually those stupid schools were the furthest thing from my mind and then I thought about maybe going, maybe getting away from this hell… you came along and I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave you Eddie. With the regards of sounding cheesy, you carved a spot into my heart along side those bat bites and how was I supposed to just let you go after that?” Steve’s out of breath, and tears are starting to gather at his waterline, but he doesn’t care because Eddie is looking at him like he hung the sun and the moon and the stars and he remembers why he stays. And when Eddie’s lips collide with his own, he thinks he found home.
“We’re not done talking about this” Eddie says, and Steve chuckles as Eddie dives back in.
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underoossss · 1 year
What If’s -Miguel O’Hara
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pairing: miguel o’hara x fem!reader
warnings: spoilers for across the spiderverse!!!! a couple of vampire jokes here and there. kissing, yearning, idk if those are warnings.
an: there’s no better character than miguel to write a wholesome hurt/comfort friends to lovers fic. this is my first time writing for him and I hope I did a good job lmao. let me know how I did!
“I know I said I don’t mind your company.” Miguel’s voice reaches you from the platform he’s perched on in the middle of his lab. “But do you have to turn the volume up so loud?”
Your laugh echoes the room as you press a button twice to decrease the volume for a moment. “It helps me focus. Some of us have jobs aside from being a superhero you know.”
“Oh is saving the world not enough of a job for you?” Miguel’s eye-roll is clear in his tone and it makes you smile. “Perhaps you don’t know it but here we’re trying—”
“I know, I know, Twilight.” You wave him off over your shoulder. “What I mean is I like having a job, and I’m super smart so they let me work remotely.”
“All spider people are ‘super smart’ as you put it.” Miguel says, from somewhere behind you as you tap away on your laptop.
“Huh,” You fake surprise, then speak through a grin. “Here I thought I was the only one, good to know you’ve got a brain behind your broody eyes.”
Miguel’s breathy chuckle makes your heart jump, and you turn on your seat to catch the corner of his mouth lift in a half smile. Going back to the report you have to finish for your regular job, you turn the music up again and rest your feet on the desk in front of you. “I can feel you judging me, Twilight.”
“I am.” Miguel calls back to you and you smile.
There’s nothing that makes your body fill with warmth like Miguel. From being his most annoying spider recruit since the day you met —you saw he had fangs, and he never lived the vampire jokes down— your relationship has blossomed  into a beautiful friendship over time. The kind of friendship where everything is easy around each other, where you anticipate the other’s needs, and the kind that started with sharing trauma. Both of you’ve lost many people, and it’s probably the reason why you cling to the other as much as you do. You’re a stubborn tangle in his hair and he's as present in your life as the breeze that hits your face when you’re swinging through the city. You bring out the best in each other —regardless of you annoying him every single day— and this deep connection you seem to have is most likely the one responsible for the lines between friendship and love to be so blurred between you. You’ve fought by his side multiple times, and you love it, but there’s nothing you love more than these quiet moments with him, where you just exist near each other, and everything feels right. Though you love seeing him in action, more often than not getting distracted by his ruthlessness, strength, and skill, you love doing simple things with him too. Miguel showing up to your place when you’re cooking dinner and refusing to dance along with you; Miguel getting coffee with you after much insistence to leave his desk; Miguel sighing at your bad jokes which only makes you laugh more; Miguel staying over at your place, his presence a warm reassurance that you’re safe.
Insistent pinging takes your mind away from its memories, and you’re quick to set your work aside and swing to the platform to see what’s going on. Lila has appeared over Miguel’s shoulder and is gesturing at the many alarms popping up on the yellow screens. A canonic event has been interrupted, a black hole has opened under the city of Mumbattan on earth 50101,  Miles Morales —the Spider-Man Miguel’s been keeping tabs on for a while— is in that dimension for some reason, and there’s a multiverse-jumping anomaly on the loose.   
Miguel’s face darkens, a mix of worry, fury, and tiredness forcing his features down into a deep frown. He pinches the bridge of his nose before talking to Lyla as he flips through the screens. “Tell Jessica to go to Earth 50101 and bring backup with her. We need to contain that black hole.”
“On it.” Lyla disappears for a moment before she’s back by Miguel’s side. “What else?”
“Bring Miles Morales to me.” He says, setting his hands on the table in front of him and looking at the screen that show’s Miles stopping the canonic event. “It’s time we stop this mess at its source.”
“Miguel?” Your eyebrows shoot up at his words, worry settling on your chest. “What do you mean?”
Lyla disappears a moment later as Miguel’s monitors keep flipping through the events in Mumbattan. Alchemax blowing up as a result of the anomaly calling itself the Spot turning on the supercollider. The building collapsing on itself.
“You know what I mean.” The man in front of you furrows his brows in anger. “He’s become a threat since the moment he was bitten. It was never even supposed to happen, you can’t expect me to let him go on like this. To keep disregarding canon as much as he pleases.”
“You know I’ve always supported you, Miguel.” You take his hand in both of yours and squeeze it tightly. “I’m the one backing you up, winning everyone over when they get mad at you… But this is wrong.”
“It’s not.” He says, taking his hand back from you and clicking away on his computer. A moment later, moments in Miles Morales’ life float in the screens around you. “We have to stop him. He’s going to undo everything we do if not.”
“Miguel,” You furrow your brows at his words, then gesture towards him with your arms. “Listen to yourself, who’s more out of canon here, him or us? We weren’t bitten, that’s strike one; we can’t stick to walls, strike two; you don’t shoot webs and my senses aren’t heightened like everyone else’s. That’s strike three.”
It’s something that’s always intrigued you, but it’s never made you think of yourself or Miguel as less of a Spiderman than everyone else. That’s not what wearing the mask means; it means protecting those who can’t protect themselves. To be selfless and kind and self-sacrificing for the world, even if no one says thank you. If Miguel and yourself haven’t broken the multiverse just by existing, then why would Miles. If his world hasn’t collapsed then there’s nothing wrong with him being the superhero that he is.
Miguel ponders your words but shakes his head, still adamant to see things your way in this matter. “The kid–”
You take a step closer to him and cut him off before he can continue. “The kid was bitten, regardless of it being supposed to happen or not! He has lost someone dear already and has basically followed every other spiderman rule, Miguel. I don’t think he’s the reason this is happening.”
Your friend, the object of your affections, turns his back towards you, going back to his screens. They show the events of Mumbattan now, the way Miles saved the captain and the little girl from being crushed by falling debris. There’s also the black hole in the city, threatening the people they tried so hard to save. The hole is so similar to the Spot’s that you’re sure an analysis would prove it right. But Miguel isn’t seeing reason. “He is.”
“It’s the Spot’s fault!” You raise your voice, frustration getting the best of you more a moment before you take a deep breath. Trying to see things from his perspective, you place a hand on his upper arm, your voice falling down to a reassuring whisper. “I know you’re scared of the world collapsing again, but it won’t.”
Your heart falls when he shrugs your hand off and turns to look at you. The many screens around you dance across his features, and after inhaling deeply Miguel speaks again. “You don’t know that.”
“I do,” You smile sadly, hoping that your confidence in him will let him see what’s right under his nose. “I know it because this time you’re here, Miguel, guiding us and making sure it doesn’t happen again. You just need to see that Miles isn’t the problem.”
“Everything started with him.” Miguel argues, his voice emphasizing the word everything, definite on his theory. His eyes are full of resentment, not towards you, but towards the situation. Days and nights of working himself thin in this office, weighing on his broad shoulders.
Your squeeze your eyes shut before you look at him again. He’s so blinded by his own past mistakes; he thinks Miles will repeat them. When you speak again your voice is soft despite your irritation. “Miguel, you know in your heart it didn’t, and I know that because we’re the same.”
He exhales and looks into your eyes; they soften only slightly as they lock with yours. You try to urge him once again to forget this theory for a moment and see things differently if only for a second. He needs to know you don’t think it has to come to this –an attack towards the young spiderman– and that you won’t be a part of it if it does.  
“If I feel it, then you must feel it too.” Though you’re talking about his plans for the young spiderman, the underlying topic of your feelings for him are clear as day in the way you look at him. You let your guard down, and say barely above a whisper, “Please. You know I can’t follow you, not this time.”
His eyes look aways from you as his shoulders tense, a clear sign of all the walls you’d crumbled building back up. “You want me to risk everything, including you, over a what-if?”
“Everything’s a what-if, Miguel.” You smile sadly at him, then set your shoulders straight as you step away from the platform and from him. “But I guess that settles that.”
Miguel takes two steps and catches up to you before he reaches for your hand. There’s a tightness around his brown eyes from the way you’re looking at him tearfully. They shift to confusion a moment later, when his hand moves upwards towards your wrist and you grin. Taking another step back, you hold your watch on your opposite hand, showing him that you knew he’d try to take it from you. You know him better than he gives you credit for.
“I’ll see you when you’ve changed your mind, Twilight.” You fiddle with your watch until a portal opens and when it does, you throw the device back at him. Though your throat is tight, emotion concentrating there as tears sting your eyes, you keep yourself from crying. “Otherwise… I guess this is goodbye.”
Not bearing to look into the new despair in his eyes, you turn around and walk into your dimension without looking back. When the portal closes behind you, you’re back in your apartment, the room dark around you safe for the lamp you forgot to turn off in the morning. Every corner you look at you see Miguel’s lingering shadow; the wall he always leaned against when you talked in the kitchen, the couch where the two of you always hung out –your legs over his lap and your laptop over yours as he waited for you to finish working. You wrap your arms around yourself, hoping for some comfort to come from it.
Hoping this mess can be fixed.
It is only a day later when the first step towards it being resolved, happens. You’ve been swinging through the city, patrolling different neighborhoods and keeping an eye out for any anomalies. Without your watch you’ve been disconnected from the Spider Society. Most importantly from Miguel, and although you try to, you can’t help but wonder what’s happening back in the HQ. You've barely been to your apartment since your fight with Miguel, your heart feels like a fading bruise –not quite broken but yearning painfully– and the last thing you want to do is spend time somewhere that will bring his memory back to you. So quick stops to shower, work, and eat, in between patrols are all you’ve allowed yourself. You’re swinging to one of these stops, when you spot a lonely figure standing in your balcony.
Even from afar you know its him, no one else has his shoulder-to-waist ratio, and no one else makes your heart skip quite like he does. Despite being vexed from your last conversation, you feel his heart call out to yours, and the way his eyes rise to see you swing towards the balcony are all the confirmation that you need that your assumptions were right. He would come around eventually, you knew it, you never thought it would be this fast though. What have you done now, Miguel?
You land on the balcony next to him, nod towards your door so he can follow you inside. Once the door closes behind you, you take your mask off and Miguel’s vanishes too. There’s no awkwardness as you stand in front of each other in the middle of the living room, only silence in an otherwise joyful room. The lights are still off in your apartment but you don’t move to turn them on, instead you shrug and motion towards the balcony.
“Nice timing.” You say, trying to keep your voice light. “What are you doing here?”
“You said you’d see me when I changed my mind.” His voice is low, like he’s worried the moment will shatter if he speaks any louder.
“You did?” Your question is followed by a step closer to him, but a frown appears on your face. “What changed it?”
“I’m sorry. I made a mistake.” He whispers, brows furrowed together creating a deep crease between them. His eyes won’t meet yours but from the city lights outside your apartment, and the glow from his suit, you can see the deep regret in them, and the embarrassment from admitting his wrongs. “Then made a mess out of everything.”
“You can say I told you so, because you were right.” He turns to you, bringing his hand to hold your cheek briefly before he sighs and walks away, closer to the balcony’s window.
“What happened?” You follow him, standing next to him. Part of you is afraid he’s going to leave the same way he arrived, and panic settles on your chest. You urge him to keep talking though, you won’t give him a chance to shut down this time. “What happened with Miles?”
“The Spot’s stronger than before and going to Miles’ dimension to destroy it and then possibly many others.” Miguel clenches his hands into fists, the muscles around his neck tensing, the stress and worry in them is clear for you to see. “But he’s not there, because of me.”
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, a mannerism you’ve gotten from the man next to you. Of course he scared the kid off; you love this man more than anything, but he really needs to work on his first impressions. “Where is he? How can we find him?”
“I have an idea; I think his friends do too.” Miguel starts, then shakes his head, some strands of hair falling over his forehead. “Maybe the dimension of the spider that bit him is a good place to start.”
“Then we find him, Miguel.” You move to stand in front of him, your back to the window and the city, all your focus on him. “We find him, we bring him home, and we defeat the Spot.”
He nods almost imperceptibly his gaze in the distant glimmering buildings, his handsome yet tired features washed in light blue and purple light. You know he can feel your gaze on him, burning a hole on his face but his eyes won’t look away from the window. When he doesn’t give in a moment later, you bring both of your hands to his face. Half expecting him to move away, you’re surprised when he lets you, and a small breath escapes him at the contact.
“Why won’t you look at me?” You whisper, your thumbs moving softly over his cheekbones. “Everything will be alright; we can fix it.”
“I almost lost everything by trying to prevent it from happening again.” He confesses, eyes full of torment when they finally meet yours. They glisten in the light, worry and despair making his icy layers melt for you too see him clearly. It’s enough to make you tear up. When you try to say something, he cuts you off as if knowing what you’re about to say. “I almost lost you.”
You shake your head fervently. “You were never going to lose me, we’re best friends I don’t think we’re capable of losing each other.”
“We’re more than that.” He says, voice gentle as he takes your hands from his face and holds them in his, they dwarf yours in size. “I feel it too and I’m sorry if it’s too late.” His words echo back to your last conversation, and it makes your stomach flip. Finally, after so much time, your feelings are bare in front of each other. Precious jewels you would never trust to anyone else, both broken, both put back together, and perfect for the other.
“It’s not.” You shake your head and let go of his hands, moving them instead to rest on his shoulders. A smile makes its way to your face, and the way Miguel’s lips move to mirror it makes your heart soar.
A moment later his head is tipping downwards as you step on the tip of your toes to kiss him. It’s an electric moment, a canonic event itself with the way all the pieces seem to fall into place. You move your arms around Miguel’s shoulders and hitch yourself higher to wrap your legs around his waist. His approval is hummed into your mouth as his lips move ardently against yours. One of his arms goes around your waist while the other moves up your back to bury his hand in your hair, tipping your face in the perfect angle to kiss you into a blissful state. Your sighs are unstoppable and he’s more than happy to catch them with his lips as your hands move to his hair. This is all you’ve wanted, to have him completely, for the two of you to accept the feelings that have always been there.
Eventually your passionate kiss simmers down to something slower, calmer. Miguel’s lips brush yours softly; barely-there kisses that move to the corner of your mouth, your cheek and along your jaw. His voice is rough when he whispers against your lips in a gentleness he rarely shows, “I love you, I always have.”
“I love you, you broody, cheap Twilight vampire wannabe.” You murmur, brushing your nose against his as he chuckles under his breath, before he sets you down. “We should go.”
“Only if you want to.” Miguel tells you, holding out your watch on the palm of his hand.
You take it from him and put it on with a smile. “Please, you’d be lost without me.”
His hand cups your cheek for a moment, a soft smile just for you on his face as he says, voice low. “Right again.”
In front of you a new portal appears, back to Miguel’s office to round everybody up. The future might still be up in the air, and there might be many battles ahead before this multiversal conflict is solved. But one thing you know for sure is that with the right team, the impossible can happen. You’re sure Miles’ team has his back, but a little backup wouldn’t hurt them, would it?
You take Miguel’s hand and squeeze it in yours before walking backwards to the portal. “Come on Twilight, let’s help the kids save the world.”
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absgay · 1 year
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ “Baby, we both know, that the nights were made for sayin’ things that you can’t say tomorrow day.” ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
words count: 1,6K.
“Maybe I’m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new. Now I’ve thought it through, crawlin’ back to you.”
warnings: 18+ minors dni, grammar, f*buddy!abby, college!abby, sexual tension, some jealousy, someone’s possessive, and idk i’m not good at this, smut.
previous part: heaven.
And, you remembered the next week, the aftermath, the awkwardness linked to it. On friday, you and your roommate were at someone’s birthday party, whose name you didn’t even know at the time.
It was fun, but Abby was invited too. You glanced at the blond from across the room as she talked with friends and flirted with others, as usual. You wouldn’t blame anyone who’d fall for her though, because you did it too, she was too charming.
“I need to use the bathroom.” you said to your roommate as she talked with someone on the couch, then walked away.
Abby’s eyes narrowed as she failed to keep up with your silhouette. “Shit.” she murmured as she drank, your body disappearing through the crowd. “I’ll be right back guys.”
She stepped in the hallway and looked around, strangers talking and dancing as music played loudly in the background. She went upstairs and waited by the bathroom’s door, an idea in mind.
You walked out and frowned. “Neighbour.” Abby said to start the conversation as you remained silent. “We haven’t talked since— You know.”
“I remember— I was there.” you responded, an amused look appearing on the blond’s features as you leaned on the opposite wall.
“You’ve never been so quiet before, it’s new.” You hummed, Abby’s smirk disappearing as she looked down at her boots. “Dammit— If I knew you’d stop talking to me afterwards, I would’ve had fucked you sooner.”
“How romantic.” Abby seemed perplexed by your ironic tone as you responded, arms crossed. “God— You’re such an asshole sometimes, I can’t believe I had sex with you.”
Abby was smart, really smart, when it came to an educational perspective. And then, there’s emotional intelligence… Abby was incompetent, inexperienced, sometimes insensitive. Truth is, she wanted to see you. She missed the arguments, the fights, your complaints, your smart-ass comments, your attention. She wanted it back, all of it.
But the last sentence went straight to Abby’s heart, stabbing it. “It wasn’t even good, anyway.” she sounded annoyed, which caught your attention but didn’t make the cut as your own heart stopped. “Let’s pretend it never happened.”
It hurt way more than it should’ve had. You couldn’t blame anyone but your stubborn selves, who didn’t want to admit that it was, in fact: fuckin’ incredible. But, it was meant to be a one-night stand, it wasn’t supposed to mean anything, anyway.
Your mouth dropped. “What the fuck is your problem— Who do you think you are, huh?” you asked, cheeks flushed as the blond’s smirk increased your annoyance towards her. “Seriously— You’re not that good either.”
Abby’s doubts disappeared as she noticed the distress on your face. “You don’t have to lie.” she said. “I might have hurt your feelings, but we both know you loved it.” You scoffed. “Yeah— You did. By the way, I still have your panties or more specifically, what’s left of it.”
”Keep it.” you responded confidently. “It might help you cum on those lonely nights, when you touch yourself thinking about me.” Abby laughed. “I bet you’ve thought about me while fucking other women.”
“Wow.” Abby mumbled, impressed by your audacity and insolence. She stepped towards you, eyes darkened and mouth craving yours. “You’re lucky we’re in public.”
There it was, the tension, the frustration, the animalistic need to tear the other one apart. You both stared at each other deeply, chest heavy with anticipation.
“Tell me— Why do you keep doing this? Why do you keep flirting with me?” you asked, flustered by your sudden proximity. “I thought I wasn’t good enough for you, especially in bed.”
“Boredom.” Abby teased. She chuckled lightly as you rolled your eyes and sighed. “I don’t know. Why do you keep talking to me? I’m an asshole.”
“You’re right— I should leave, find someone else to talk to, to fuck with.” you said with an unsure tone, hot and bothered.
Abby smirked. “You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart…“ she responded, the woman’s sudden seriousness sending shivers down your spine. “I don’t share.”
There was something magnetic about Abby. A tall woman, who carried herself with so much confidence and arrogance with a sarcastic attitude, it was irresistible. Which means you always wanted to give in, no matter how much you truly despised her sometimes.
You remembered the blond’s rough touch, the murmurs, the sweet praises and caresses. You remembered the sensuality of Abby’s movements as she fucked you from behind, fingers buried into your flesh. You remembered the sheets and its the clean scent as your body trembled, then collapsed against the mattress, the blond’s weight consuming you entirely as she kept going, faster, deeper, harder, meaner… Shit.
Someone called your name. “No way— Hey!” A woman shouted as she headed towards you two, the tension dropping immediately. “I haven’t seen you in months.”
Abby sighed then stepped away from you. “Hey, Katherine.” you responded with an awkward smile. “Yeah— It’s been a moment.”
She laughed. “I’ve been dying to see you, it’s been way too long.” Abby’s eyes narrowed as the brunette touched your shoulder with an unbearable familiarity. “Look at you, still hot and cute.”
Abby hummed and looked away, fits clenched. She shouldn’t care, she doesn’t care, she doesn’t mind at all, fuckin’ Katherine.
“I was about to leave, but—” Katherine winked. “We haven’t seen each other in so long and you’ve always loved my motorcycle.” Abby huffed at the brunette’s words. “I could give you—”
“It won’t be necessary.” Abby interrupted. “If she needed a ride, she would’ve asked me.”
Katherine turned and looked at the blond with contempt. “She knows how to ride that’s for sure.”
“Wow— Okay!” you snapped, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “It was nice to see you, I’ll text you later.”
Abby chuckled immaturely as you both stepped into someone’s bedroom. She felt relieved, so much better, meanwhile you were standing in the room with an annoyed frown and your arms crossed as you waited for an explanation.
“What the fuck? What was that all about?” you asked. “It was humiliating— You didn’t have to say anything.”
“Oh— Come on!” Abby whined. “Look at you, so hot and cute. We haven’t seen each other in so long— Oh, fuck me, fuck me.” You frowned and stared at the blond as she imitated Katherine’s voice and gestures. “She was annoying, too desperate.”
You laughed. “Oh my god, I knew it. You’re jealous—” Abby scoffed, then looked away. “Yes— Totally. You were so pissed the entire time, I saw it. You didn’t want me to leave with her.”
“Sure.” Abby huffed out a nervous laugh. “If you wanna fuck her, well then, do it.” You hummed unconvinced by the blond’s unsure tone. “She’s probably outside, waiting for you, on her Vespa.”
“Motorcycle.” you murmured, amused as she rolled her eyes. “I could fuck her— I could do it. I know she’ll be nice to me, unlike someone else.” Abby sighed. “You know— She’s been into me for two years.”
“I wonder why.” Abby said with insolvence. “She must enjoy disappointment.” Your mouth dropped once again. “I mean, from what I've seen— I don’t understand why she keeps coming back for something so— Mid.”
“Fuck you!” you snapped and stepped forward, the blond smirking as her back hit the wall. “I hate you, you’re such a—” you pointed at the woman’s toned chest. “You’re—” you swallowed hard. “You’re—”
“Tell me, sweetheart.” Abby murmured in encouragement. “Say it.”
You both sighed peacefully as your lips crashed against hers, eyes closed and hands reaching for each other’s bodies with an intense need to be closer.
Shit. Nothing about this moment was gentle or sweet, groans, moans and obscenities murmured between short breaths as you pushed against each other’s bodies, almost fighting. Nothing about Abby Anderson was soft and gentle, except the blond’s hidden feelings for you.
“Oh— Fuck.” Abby murmured as you kneeled, mouth swollen and braid messy from the kiss. “Wait— What are you— Shit.”
She looked down at you with so much affection, it scared her. But, she couldn’t help it, you looked so beautiful, all ready and needy for her.
You unzipped the woman’s pants, pulling it down, the boxers too. “I wanna eat you out.” you said with kisses along the thigh.
“Holy shit.” Abby breathed in anticipation. “Oh, fuck— That’s good.” she moaned as you held the blond’s thighs tight, your face buried between them. “Yeah— You’re so good at this.” You whined at the praises, your own panties soaked and ruined.
Breathless, Abby pulled at your hair and bucked against your mouth, groaning at each movement. “I— I’m gonna fuck your throat with my strap— Fuck— Yeah.” she moaned loud and leaned back against the wall as she came into your mouth.
You hummed in delight, all sweaty and messy. “Fuck— Baby.” she murmured innocently, your cheeks flushing at the nickname. “You’re so pretty like this— Shit.”
She stared at your fucked face attentively, your mouth opened as she brushed the cum off your bottom lip with her thumb, your pleading eyes asking for more. “Abby…”
She moaned pathetically as you pronounced her name with so much desperation. You kissed the blond’s thumb, teasing. “Suck.“ Abby’s mouth dropped in a sigh as she sensed the warmth of your mouth on her skin. “Holy shit— Good girl.” she murmured as you sucked on it, nice and slow, eyes filled with lust. “I wanna fuck you so bad.”
“Take me home.”
The second time, she didn’t let you go.
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marvelobsessed134 · 4 months
Ok I got a Peter Steele one
Innocent female reader encounters Peter who’s a vampire and chooses her to be his mate but she tries to run away
Be my druidess
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This is part of my spooky summer series! You can access the masterlist here
This is probably one of the longest fics I’ve ever written on here it took me 3 days to write lol
Pairings: Vampire!Peter Steele x Innocent!Fem!Reader
Warnings: absolutely FILTHY, yes I mention how large he is a lot but I mean COME ON, reader is obviously smaller than him, reader is a virgin, bleeding during sex, marking, biting (hes a vampire duh), kidnapping, dub/non con, Peter being sexy idk, he lives in a gothic vampiric castle 😍
The day started out simple enough. You got up and went to the coffee shop before school. When you got your order and started to make your way out of the establishment, you bumped into a very muscular and very tall man. He was at least 6’8 with long black hair and beautiful green eyes. You felt a little nervous around him he was huge and albeit very majestic.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to see you there little mouse.” His deep voice said.
You cranked your neck to look up at him, “It’s okay it was just an accident.” You said, your voice sweet and soft.
And man, did you smell good.
“I just hope I didn’t hurt you. I’m Peter.” The raven haired man held out his large hand and you placed yours inside it. His larger hand practically swallowed your small one. “You didn’t I promise. I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you Peter.”
Oh god, you were so polite.
Peter shook your hand and let go, flashing you a smile before saying, “Well, I don’t want to keep you from wherever you’re going.”
“School. I’m going to school.” You smiled.
Oh, you must be young.
You bid your farewell before walking out of the coffee shop. Peter watched you make your way onto the streets of Brooklyn.
You were young, sweet, and innocent.
Just perfect for him.
Later in the night, you were walking home from a long day studying at the library after school. You couldn’t wait to go home and fall asleep in your small but cozy bed, when you could’ve sworn someone was following you. But when you looked around no one was there so you shrugged it off.
As you continued walking you heard other footsteps behind you and they were getting quicker and quicker. You started to walk a little faster, before you were pulled into an alleyway.
Pressed against the brick wall of a building, you tried to scream but a large hand covered your mouth. “Don’t scream, darling. You don’t want to make this difficult for me.” The familiar deep voice said.
“Peter?” You asked, but it was muffled by his hand. Peter chuckled lowly, “Yes, it’s me, Y/n.”
“Let me go please. I don’t know what you want from me but…I only have five dollars in my pocket.” You said, trying to get your voice loud enough for him and anyone else to hear against his palm.
“Oh baby, I don’t wanna take your money. I just want you, my love. I think you’ll be the perfect bride for me.” Your eyes widened at his words. Bride?
Suddenly he opened his mouth and you screamed against his hand when you saw he had fangs. He’s a vampire.
“Vampire!” Was all you could muster out.
“You’re so smart, Y/n. Now let me mark you, make you mine forever.” Suddenly as he was about to mark you on your neck you wriggled out of his hold and started to book it down the street. Part of you wanted to see what was going to happen with the handsome man but the logical part of you told you to run.
So you ran, and ran. Thinking you lost him you took a little stop to catch your breath. But that happened to be the biggest-or best-mistake of your life. Because a strong arm hooked around your waist and lifted you up so easily. Peter snapped his fingers and suddenly you found yourself in a fancy dark black and red bedroom that looked like the inside of a castle.
“Where am I? Where did you take?” You cried.
“My castle. Well, it’s our castle now my love.” He was so calm about this.
You pushed him with all your might but it didn’t seem to do anything. His eyes darkened and he grabbed your arms and put them to your side, “Behave.” He warned.
You felt a sensation in between your legs and was very embarrassed about it. Peter noticed you shift in attitude and chuckled, “Did that turn you on, darling? Me telling you to behave?”
You looked down at your feet, blushing. Not wanting to give him an answer. But Peter knew, he was a vampire after all and had advanced senses. He could smell your arousal.
The vampire tilted your chin up with his index finger, “I know you’re wet. I can smell it.”
Your eyes widened in shock and you tried to back away, but he roughly grabbed you and whispered aggressively in your ear, “Try and run one more time. You won’t succeed. I will always catch you.” It sent a shiver down your spine and you nodded slowly, tears pricking your eyes.
“Come over here baby.” Peter said and he less you to the black and red gothic canopy bed, sitting both of you down next to each other.
He caressed your face softly and leaned in to kiss you, passionately. You’ve never been kissed before so you didn’t know how to react but you tried your best. When the raven haired man pulled away he stroked your cheek, “You’re so beautiful. I knew you’d be the perfect bride for me.” There he went, using that word. Bride.
A dark evil smile took over him, “Now…where was I?” He retracted his fangs again and laid you down quickly so you couldn’t escape, and made the effort to put half-so he wouldn’t crush you to death-of his body weight to hold you in place when he licked a spot on hole neck before sinking his teeth deep inside.
You screamed in both pleasure and pain as he marked you. Mated you.
“Now you’re mine…forever.” He chuckled lowly before kissing you again, then moving down to your neck kissing the spot he bit. He ripped your shirt off with ease, along with your thin bra, exposing your breasts. The larger man groped the soft mounds in his large hands, tweaking your nipples in the process.
“Ooh-“ you hissed at the new sensation.
“You like that?”
You nodded and he continued to kiss down your bare torso before reaching the waistband of your skirt. He kissed the skin right above it before pulling it down along with your soaked panties.
“Fuuuck, you’re so soaked.” You cried out when he licked a bold stripe up your folds and started to flick his tongue on your clit.
“Oh my god! Peter!”
Peter held your soft thighs with his hands as he ate you out like you were his last meal.
“Mmm- mm- I’m gonna-“ you couldn’t even finished your sentence when you felt the coil snap inside of you, releasing your juices all over the man’s face. You were a moaning mess as you moaned and cried out. Peter happily licked you up before standing up to pull his shirt and pants off. Your eyes widened at the size of his dick.
“That’s supposed to go inside me?” You asked nervously.
“It’ll be okay, I promise, darling.” Soon your head was resting on the pillow and you were in missionary position, holding onto the vampire’s shoulders as he slowly pushed inside of you. Your screams echoed through the castle walls.
“Holy fuck you’re tight.” He rolled his eyes back in ecstasy as he continued to enter you, putting all 11 inches inside. He let you adjust to his size before he started to thrust into you.
When he looked down to see a little bit of blood from your pussy he immediately scooped it up with his finger and licked it clean, moaning at the taste of your sweet plasma.
Your cries and screams turned into those from pleasure, rolling your eyes back as Peter repeatedly hit your G spot.
“You’re so pretty and tight. So small and sweet I can’t wait to spend eternity with you.” His words took you over the edge as you clenched around him before cumming once again. The raven haired man had to hold himself back a little bit so he had time to pull out before he came.
Finally, he pulled out and finished on your tummy. Then he scooped up his own cum with his finger and put it to your mouth, “Open.” You did as he said, opening your mouth and allowing him to insert his cum covered digit. You sucked and licked it clean.
“Good girl. Now, this might hurt a little bit.” And he bit you once again.
To turn you into his vampire bride.
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hoe-for-hopper · 7 months
Forget About Eddie
Bestfriend!SteveHarrington x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of Eddie being a fuckboy, a lil fluff and a lil smut.
Word Count: 2247
Summary: You and Eddie have just broken up, but you're still hung up on him. Steve hates seeing you so down and just wants to make you feel better (better than Eddie could).
A/N: idk i'm on a smut writing spree, expect some more fics tomorrow (maybe some eddie, maybe some slashers, who really knows). i hardly edited this and i feel like the ending might be a lil rushed, but hey, smut is smut.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SMUT BELOW THE CUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I just don’t really know what to do, you know?” You and your best friend, Steve Harrington are walking to his car after your shift at Scoops. You’ve been upset all night over a fight you had with your ex-boyfriend, Eddie. 
You and Eddie had been broken up for a couple of months now, but you were still sneaking over to his trailer in the middle of the night. You couldn’t help it, you were young, horny, and Eddie was pretty good in bed. It was easy enough, until you had to get dressed and do the walk of shame across the trailer park. You know keeping this up wasn’t a smart idea, but a part of you also still loved Eddie. Even if you knew that he was just using you to get what he wanted.
“I don’t know why you’re still so hung up on that loser. You’ve always been too good for him and he didn’t deserve you.” Steve says as he unlocks the car doors and slides into the driver’s seat. He looks over at you and seeing your sad face says, “Alright, we’re going back to my place and having a movie night. I’ll call Robin and see if she’ll come over. You need to have some fun.”
You almost protest, but that does sound like it’ll get your mind off things. And if you’re at Steve’s  you won’t be as tempted to go to Eddie’s.
“Well Robin can’t come over. She’s got a date or something. So I guess it’s just you and me.” He says as he places a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of you. “What do you wanna watch first? I just got a tape of The Outsiders. Remember that movie?” 
“Yeah that sounds good. Thanks for the popcorn.” You reach for the bowl as Steve sits down next to you.
Throughout the movie you can feel Steve looking over at you until he finally reaches over to slide his arm around your shoulders. “Hey, I know you’re upset, but just try to forget about Eddie and whatever stupid fight you guys have had.”
“I know, Steve, It’s just really hard. I miss him and I can’t seem to stay away. I keep going over whenever he calls like I’m just some booty call and not his ex-girlfriend of TWO YEARS! It’s like that’s all he wanted me for in the first place!” You put your hands over your face and shake your head.
“Wait. You’re still going over there and sleeping with him? Why would you do that? You’re way too good to be waiting around for his phone calls just so he can get off and leave you upset.” Steve pauses the movie and turns toward you. You didn’t mean to tell him all of that, you’d been telling Steve and Robin that you hadn’t seen Eddie since the breakup. You never told them that you two had been secretly fucking every other night.
“Uh… I mean it’s hard, Steve! We were together for a long time, I can’t just stop seeing him!” You reach for the remote to play the movie again, but Steve grabs your wrist to stop you.
As you look up at him he says, “I know. I’m sure it is hard. But he can’t be that great that you’re still doing…that with him.” Steve’s arm tightens around your shoulders. He’s staring down at you with a look you’ve never seen from him before. His right hand moves from your wrist to your cheek as he brushes his thumb down to your chin.
“I mean…I don’t know.” It’s hard for you to get words out. Steve has been your best friend since you guys were kids. But all of a sudden something feels a little bit more with him. The way he’s looking at you and lightly gripping your chin is making you dizzy. You’ve never thought about him in any other way, but now your heart is beginning to flutter.
Steve notices it too, his eyes go to where his hand rests on your chin before looking back into your eyes. He slowly tilts your chin up and leans down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. 
You kiss him back before he pulls away and says “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I think I just got carried away.” He drops his hands, grabs the remote and flips the movie back on.
“It’s… it’s okay.” You can’t think of anything else to say so you sink back into the couch and continue to watch the movie like nothing happened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get home later that night, you can’t stop replaying that kiss in your head. You’ve never even thought about doing anything like that with Steve. He’s your best friend. You two have practically known each other since you two were in diapers. And besides, he isn’t your type at all. Apparently your type is self obsessed bad boys who break your heart yet still call you up at 1 in the morning. Look where that’s gotten me, you think. Steve is sweet, nice, caring. Everything that Eddie turned out not to be. 
You fall asleep thinking about what would have happened had Steve not come to his senses.
Steve has been thinking about the kiss since he dropped you off at your apartment. He’s not sure what came over him at that moment. But he does know that he enjoyed it. He knows that he definitely wanted more. But he also knows that you’re his best friend and you’re still getting over that asshole, Eddie Munson. He doesn’t want to force you into anything else.
But he still can’t see what you see in that guy. He didn’t know Eddie that well. They ran in different circles when they were in high school, but he still didn’t notice anything particularly great about the guy. 
And he was so tired of seeing you heartbroken over it. Steve thought you deserved so much more than Eddie.
Steve knew he could make you feel better than Eddie ever could.
Steve continued to think about that kiss as his hand slipped beneath the fabric of his boxers.
Two days go by before you see Steve again. He’s giving you a ride home from Robin’s house after a girls night.
“You know, you really didn’t have to come pick me up. I would’ve been fine walking home.” You say as you meet him outside.
“I know, but Robin’s is on my way home from work.”
Not much is said on the drive to your house. You’re still thinking about the kiss from the other night and you’re not sure if Steve is thinking about it as well. And if he is, you’re not sure what he’s thinking about it. Does he think it was a mistake? Does he want to do it again? You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t realize you’ve pulled up in front of your house until you hear Steve saying “Hellooooo. Did you hear me? I asked if you were okay with me coming in and hanging out for a while?”
“Oh. Um. Absolutely, that’s totally fine.” Both of you got out of the car and walked into your small apartment. “So uh, what did you want to do?” You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. You felt like the dynamic between you and your best friend had completely changed since the other night, yet Steve seemed perfectly normal.
“I was actually just wanting to talk to you. You know, make sure you’re doing okay? After that fight with Eddie?” Steve sat down on your small sofa and kicked his shoes off.
You sat down next to Steve, taking your shoes off as well. “Yeah, actually I’m doing a lot better. He hasn’t called since the fight which helps too. I’ve still thought about calling him though.”
Steve just stares at you. You recognize the look on his face as the same one from the other night. The look right before you kissed you. You’re trying not to get your hopes up that it’ll happen again, but your heart is beating a thousand beats per minute. Finally, he says “Look, I hate seeing you like this. I know you two were together for a long time, but he doesn’t deserve you. He never has. He took you completely for granted.”
You weren’t sure what to say. Steve continued, inching closer to you, “I guess I just don’t see what’s so great about Eddie.” He placed his hand on top of your thigh and slowly inched his other hand along the tops of your shoulder. He said what he’d been thinking about the other night. “I bet I could make you feel better than he ever did.” Steve tilted your head up once again and kissed your lips. Rougher than the first time, but still tender. He didn’t pull away this time. 
You reached up to grab his face in your hands, kissing him with more force. Steve took hold of your hips, pulling you onto his lap before running his hands through your hair. The two of you were holding so tightly onto each other it was almost painful.
You were the first to pull away, gasping for breath. “Are we… is this…” the words died on your lips as you noticed the way Steve was looking at you with lust filled eyes.
“It’s okay. Let me make you feel good. Let me make you forget about him.” Steve lifted you up and sat you down on the couch, pushing your legs open so he could kneel between them. He peppered kisses from your neck to the top of your jeans. He began unbuttoning your pants and slipping them off of you as he looked up at you through his long lashes. He pulled down your panties and tossed them to the side before trailing his fingers around your swollen clit.
You almost couldn’t believe what was happening. Steve Harrington, your best friend, was on his knees with his face dangerously close to your core. Steve Harrington was rubbing circles on your sensitive bud. You threw your head back and let your moans escape.
“That’s it, baby.” Steve continued rubbing circles as he leaned forward and inserted his tongue inside your soaking hole. Your hands flew down to grab and pull at his hair and he hummed in response sending vibrations throughout your body.
You almost couldn’t take it anymore, you had to have him now. You were too impatient, too needy, for something you didn’t even know you wanted until right now. “Steve.” you breathed as you pulled him back up to you, foreheads touching.
“Shh.” Steve unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down just enough to release his hard cock. He kissed you one last time, letting his lips linger on yours as he lined himself up with your entrance.
He pushed himself into you slowly, gently, taking his time and relishing the feeling of your walls clenching around him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, moaning into his ear. “God, you feel amazing. I bet I feel better than him.” He said it with a sneer as he pumped in and out of you. You couldn’t respond, you just continued to moan. “Mhm, that’s what I thought.” 
Steve leaned back and started rubbing circles around your clit. You almost couldn’t hold yourself together any longer. The tension that had been building in your stomach was about to explode. “Steve, I- I’m gonna come.” You managed to breathe out in between your moans.
“Come for me, baby, come on.” Steve’s thrusts grow faster as you reach your climax. He puts his hands on your face, the pads of his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks as you come down from your high. “That’s it, sweetheart.” 
He bends forward to kiss your forehead before moving his hands to your hips, gripping them a little too hard. His thrusts grow more erratic as his own climax nears. Steve’s mouth grazes your ear as he continues to pump in and out of you. “Fuck, baby. You feel so good.” He almost can’t hold himself together any longer. He pumps one last time before pulling out and shooting thick white ropes onto your stomach. He slumps forward laying next to your side and runs his hands through his hair. 
Steve stands up and pulls his jeans back up. He takes his shirt off and wipes your stomach clean before sitting on the couch next to you and pulling you towards him. With your head resting on his chest, you say, “Wow. I…wow.”
You can feel his eyes looking down on you as he brushes his hand through your hair. “I know. I’ve been thinking about you since the other night.”
You nuzzled tighter into his chest, “Do you want to stay the night?”
He chuckles as he picks you up and begins carrying you to your room. “Of course, babe.” He lays you down on your bed and slips under the blankets with you, pulling you to his chest once more. You feel so at home cuddled into Steve’s chest.
“So tired, Steve.” You mumble as your eyes begin to close.
“That’s alright baby, get some rest. We can talk in the morning.”
As you start to drift to sleep you can hear Steve say, “So, did you forget about Eddie?”
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 11 months
touch-starved | min yoongi
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we are going to ignore how every single one of my writings has nightmares in them, i personally experience very vivid nightmares on occasion so i guess art imitates life or whatever. also we're gonna ignore that this is the second bodyguard imagine i've written, this one was a request so it's a little less embarrassing but still is a little but not enough that i won't post it on the internet because i know y'all shameless too. here we have bodyguard!yoongi x celebrity fem!reader. warnings: stalking/stalkers (not yoongi this is not a yandere situation sorry), mentions of loneliness, a nightmare (obvs its me writing duh), horror movie mentioned...........idk if there's anything else but please do lmk
There is a soft knock at the hotel room door. You check the peephole to see Yoongi standing there, tapping rhythmically on his leg as he waits for you to let him in.
“Well, as far as I can tell, you’re not being followed,” he says as he enters, shrugging off his jacket and throwing it onto the chair by the sofa.
You sit on the sofa, rubbing your temples. “Well, that’s a relief,” you say tiredly.
“All this trouble for a guy you’re not even dating,” Yoongi says mildly, but he’s looking at you with his curious eyes, trying to gauge your mood.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever even talked to him,” you agree, flopping listlessly onto your side. “Remind me never to smile at anyone in public ever again.”
He smiles. “Or wear similar outfits, or go to the same places,” he adds, his eyes gentle. Then he leans against the sofa, facing the wall. “It’s not your fault, though.”
“I know,” you sigh. “You know, I kind of wish it was real,” you admit.
“Why? You like the guy?” Yoongi asks sharply.
“Not really,” you muse. “I mean, he is handsome. But it’s really that if I were in a relationship, it would mean that someone got close enough to me to like me.”
“I know you,” he responds indignantly. “And I like you.”
“You’re my bodyguard. You are paid to like me, so it doesn’t count,” you protest.
Yoongi shakes his head, annoyed. “On a good day,” he says scathingly, “I’d like you even if you weren’t paying me.”
“That’s the nicest thing you ever said to me,” you say, and the tension in the room dissolves as Yoongi gives you a smirk. “Who knew it would be so lonely to be a celebrity,” you say lightly, unable to escape a twinge of bitterness in your voice.
“It’s not all bad,” Yoongi reminds you, nodding out the massive windows at the spectacular skyline view.
You smile at the setting sun. “True,” you allow. “This part I like.” You watch for a few minutes as the sun sinks almost imperceptibly lower. “You must think I’m so spoiled.”
Yoongi shrugs. “I can see how there would be drawbacks. Personal privacy is a luxury that only poor people can afford.”
You tsk at him. “You’re talking in riddles again,” you scold. “It’s a condition at this point. You should really have it checked.”
He grins. “Just say you aren’t smart enough to understand,” he shoots back.
You chuckle, loving the back-and-forth. “Just say you have to pretend to be smart by using big words,” you retaliate.
He bows, his grin wider, as if to say, “you won this round”. “So,” he says, going to the mini fridge and popping a can of soda open. “What shall it be tonight, madame?”
You crinkle your nose in disgust at his butler-like tone. “Something spooky. In honor of fall,” you tell him, handing him the remote.
When he had become your bodyguard two years ago, at the recommendation of your agency, you had learned that he was required to work long into the night at your side. Feeling bad, you had started to watch movies every night when he came around so that he’d at least have something to do. Your relationship had come a long way — he had started out watching the movies from the back of the room, standing by the door, to now, sitting beside you on the sofa. This was representative of your relationship as well — when you had first met he was cold and professional, but now the two of you bantered back and forth in a way that was comfortable and easy. You really couldn’t remember ever feeling so comfortable with anyone, in fact.
It was hard to know when your less responsible feelings for him had begun. Truthfully, you suspected that you had just developed an unhealthy attachment to the only person you spent time around, but there were nights when you’d watch him writing in a little pocket-sized notebook, his long hair falling in front of his face, and imagine how it might have been if you’d met in a normal way — at a college somewhere, where he’d bring you a juice every day and help you study for exams. Now, there was barely a way to tell if what you felt when you saw him — that accelerated heart rate, that quiet thrum of energy in your mind — was real, or if it came from your own foolishness.
You watch him now — his face in the dying sunlight is so pretty you’re almost jealous, and the feeling in your chest pulses in a way that is almost painful. He turns on the TV and scrolls through shows until he finds a promising title: some horror film about an old woman in a spooky old house with a mysterious secret. As you begin the movie he has his arms folded, watching with veiled interest. But he notices the first time you flinch.
“Scared already?” he teases.
“You don’t miss a trick,” you say ruefully. “Pay attention.” You gesture to the screen.
About fifteen minutes later, there’s a knock at the door that corresponds perfectly to a jump scare in the movie, and you yelp in fright. Yoongi gets up, brow furrowed. “Are you expecting anyone?” he asks.
You shake your head no. He looks through the peephole and curses. “It’s your stalker again,” he grumbles, pulling out his cell phone. “Hey, Harvey,” he says, and his voice is calm, but you can tell he’s angry. “I need you to come up to the room and grab something. I was hoping it had already been taken care of.”
The voice of the hotel security team lead says something unintelligible, and Yoongi thanks them before hanging up. He slides the two chains into their places on the door and takes a door jam from his pocket, wedging it between the door and the floor. He grins at your wide eyes. “Don’t worry, milady,” he says, “he can’t get in even if he figures out how to unlock the door.”
“But what if he did get in?” you whisper, spooked.
He shrugs. “I’d kill him,” he replies.
“For real?!” you squeak,
“No,” he says with an eye roll. “But I would incapacitate him in record time. That dude is a wimp.”
He seems to notice you’re nervous, and his eyes soften. “Don’t worry,” he says quietly. “I’ll take care of you.”
When he sits back down, he sits closer to you than normal. Your legs are touching. You look at him quizzically and he smiles. “It’s a small couch,” he says, throwing an arm up over the back of the couch — not around your shoulders, but close enough that you’re blushing.
You try to focus on the movie, but you find that despite your anxiety, you’re beginning to nod off. Almost automatically, you find yourself leaning toward Yoongi’s warmth, and your head finds his shoulder. Giving in to the exhaustion, you find yourself in dreams.
It’s not long before the dreams turn dark. You have been prone to bad dreams as a result of your overactive imagination, but these are more solid than your usual nightmares — stealing from reality and stretching it so that teeth are too long, smiles are too wide, and the hands that reach for you are too strong. You wake up with a gasp.
You’re in your bed. You flick on the bedside lamp and put a hand to your chest, breathing deeply, still anxious. When a soft voice calls your name, you nearly jump out of your skin. Yoongi has poked his head into your bedroom, and is now looking at you in amusement. “It’s just me,” he says, stepping inside. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you say, trying to recover, although your voice still shakes. “I just had a bad dream.”
He grins. “No more falling asleep to horror movies,” he says in a fake-stern voice. “Do you need anything?”
“I think I’d like if you stayed with me a minute,” you confess, your voice quiet, looking at your hands. You are more nervous he’ll say no than you are about the dreams.
When you finally meet his gaze, his expression is unreadable. He walks silently to the side of your bed and sits down beside you. You can’t help but admire how the lamplight casts an alluring shadow on his face before he does something unexpected.
He reaches out, and without looking at you, slips your hand in his.
You stare at him. He has never done this before — never touched you when he could avoid it. You’d always been grateful and a bit disappointed about this. You knew he should keep his distance and simultaneously wished he wouldn’t. To say you’re startled wouldn’t even begin to cover it.
And yet, holding his hand is soothing. You feel your fear fade away, and in a moment of boldness, give his hand a shy squeeze.
He looks at you, then at your interlocked hands. He takes a deep breath. “Well, I need to quit my job.”
This revelation is shocking. “Why?” you ask, suddenly panicked. “If I did something — I mean, I’m sorry if I crossed a line —“
He puts a finger to your lips. “You haven’t done anything wrong,” he says gently.
“Then stay with me,” you say, knocking his hand away from your lips.
“I can’t work for you when I feel the way I do about you,” he explains, almost in a pleading tone.
"What are you talking about?" you ask.
"I love you," he blurts.
You gape at him. "What?"
He blushes. "You heard me."
You look at his hand in your hand, and then back to him. "Are you serious?" you ask him, unable to keep a smile from your voice.
He rolls his eyes. "If you're just gonna make me keep repeating myself, this conversation isn't going to go anywhere." He stands up and places your hand back into your lap. "I'll give you some time to process."
You leap out of bed and follow him. "Wait a minute," you say, grabbing his hand. "How do you know you love me?" you ask him, your eyes searching his.
Yoongi blushes, but he looks a little pleased that you've grabbed his hand. "Well," he says, slowly digesting your question, "I think it's pretty easy to know. Of everyone I've ever met and spent time with, I've never enjoyed being around anyone the way I like being around you. Nobody makes me smile like you do, and nobody makes me crazier."
You blink. "Well, I feel all those things about you."
He raises his eyebrows. "You do?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, I don't have many real friends," you explain, "but I'd rather stay in with you and watch movies than go out, or go anywhere really."
"You would?" he asks.
You give him a pointed look. "Now who's repeating themselves?"
He shakes his head. "I'm just shocked. Are you saying you love me back?"
You look at him, trying to find the answer yourself. Your heart is pounding harder than it did at any scary movie, and the heat of his gaze is making you feel flushed and squirmy. You struggle for words. "I --"
Yoongi throws his jacket and keys onto the couch, and in one swift movement he pulls you into his chest. He places his hand on your cheek. "What do you feel right now?" he whispers, his lips inches from yours.
"It's hard to know," you whisper back. "Completely crazy, but somehow calm. Entirely safe, but terrified. It's like I'm on top of something very high, but wearing a harness."
He gives you a tender smile. "That sounds like love to me." And then he kisses you.
You cling to him as he presses a kiss to your lips, then your cheeks and jaw and nose and forehead. Sighing in relief, you melt into his arms, enjoying the feeling of being adored. After he finishes kissing you, he holds you in his arms for awhile, running his hand down your back in soothing motions.
You carefully monitor your feelings as he holds you, realizing that after all this time alone, you could be a bit out of touch with them. You feel a lot of things -- wild and alive and a little dizzy -- but the undercurrent of your feelings is peace and quiet. It feels right.
"You do need to quit," you say suddenly.
He pulls back. "Why?" he asks, shocked.
"Because I do love you back, and I'm not about to pay my boyfriend to hang out with me," you say. "That's pathetic, even for me."
He laughs, tucking your hair behind your ear. "As you wish, love."
"You can hire your replacement in the morning," you say, kissing him again.
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carlsangel · 5 months
carl grimes x reader
(you and carl bond after terminus.)
tags: fluff? maybe? idk i just exist
masterlist here!
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You’ve been alone for quite a long time. Maybe not technically because you’ve had Rosita, Abraham and Eugene, but you’ve felt alone for quite a while. You don’t particularly let it get to you though, you’ve always had some sort of entertainment to enjoy. It helped you stay yourself, the same person you were when this all started.
You traveled very far with your group, you’ve lost a lot of people however. Someone you stuck with throughout all of it was Rosita. She was one of the people who stayed with you after losing your family and the others of the group. Abraham was always sort of standoffish. He gave you advice and was aggressive with you when he needed to be. Yelling at you to avoid you getting hurt, all that. Eugene…he was just there. He was just…yeah, there. He was helpful when he needed to be though.
The four of you have met and parted ways with many people and many groups. It all changed when you met one group in specific. You’d met Glenn and Tara and you saw their determination to find their people. You’ve never met others that dedicated. Usually they would accept the fact that their family was gone, but they were different. Even after finding Maggie, Sasha and Bob, they wanted to look further.
You believed Terminus would be the end of it all. You thought your story ended there.
You were surprised to find out that this group of people were successfully able to find their way back to each other; they had such a strong love for each other that even after being separated tragically, they figured it all out. And they got you out.
You were now on the road, you’d been smart enough to hide your bag with all your entertainment inside on the outskirts of Terminus. You noticed a guy your age, Carl. He’d seemed sweet, but very worried all the time; he made you remember who you used to be after your family died. You didn’t feel like bothering him, he’d just reunited with his baby sister who he’d presumed was dead. So you let him come to you.
You were walking along the railroad, listening to music. Trying to process everything you’d seen at Terminus.
“Hey.” You feel a tap on your shoulder and you pull out the headphone in your right ear, turning to see he’d approached you. You smile. “Hi.” You pull your ipod out from your back pocket to pause your music. “Whatcha listening to?” He asks, pointing at the ipod as you shoved it back in your front pocket. “Uhhh just Everlong.” He gives you a curious look. “Foo Fighters?” You add, not realizing he didn’t know what you were talking about.
“Oh, yeah I know who you mean now. Sorry I’ve forgotten the names n stuff.” He smiles. “Don’t worry about it. Wanna listen?” You pull out your left headphone and stick it out to him. He looks at it and thinks for a moment before taking it to put it in his ear. You scoot a little closer to him so it’s easier to listen and you put the right headphone in your ear.
You turn up the volume a little and smile as you press play.
You guys walk like that for a while, just listening to music together peacefully. He smiles at you sweetly throughout, and you begin to feel less alone. Like you felt before. The group stops for the night and you settle into a tent with Rosita. You go and sit next to Carl around the fire and he seems happy you chose to sit with him. “Soooo what do you have in there?” He points to your bag. “Just stuff for entertainment, which probably isn’t that smart in hindsight but…maybe it is. I dunno.” You both giggle and you unzip your bag.
“Well I’ve got these, I’m not too sure you’re into comics but-” He cuts you off. “No way, you have Science Dog? I haven’t read this since- well since…you know.” You nod in response. “Yeah, yeah I know.” You hand him the comic and continue digging through your bag, grabbing Invincible and some Spider-man comics. “Wow, you’ve got good taste.” He says with a smile, flipping through the selection of comics you have. “Thanks.”
“So which ones your favorite?”
“It’s gotta be Science Dog.”
“Really? Same…reminds me of before.”
You guys blabber on about it for the rest of the night, eventually being yelled at to separate and go to bed by Rick after dinner.
It’s funny how a friendship can form from your “good taste.”
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a/n: so sorry about this ITS SO BAD not to mention how short it is, i’m so so sorry. ALSO would you guys call me a nerd if i told you i have a science dog shirt and the actual science dog comic? (i’m just a girl btw pls don’t call me a nerd) also hope u like the banner for these next three fics bc LAWD HES SO FINE.
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