#idk I wanted some cliche in the rain romance
comatosebunny09 · 1 year
It began as a steady trickle.
Little specks of precipitation patterned the asphalt in the parking lot. You held your hands out to capture them. Smiled youthfully at the inky sky, sticking out your tongue to see if they truly tasted like lemon drops and gumdrops.
Rain was a rarity these days, staved off by the sweltering temperatures of the city.
As Leon ushered you into the passenger seat of his Jeep—a gentle hand at the small of your back and a fond quirk to his lips—a sudden clap of thunder snatched you both from your reveries and piloted in the downpour.
Leon’s apologetic eyes found yours. Neither of you thought of bringing an umbrella. You didn’t complain, considering it a treasure to be caught in the rain. And in the company of your charming bodyguard, no less. You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect conclusion to your evening.
You pat Leon on his shoulder, shaking your head to dismiss his worry.
“It’s alright,” you offered, your voice wistful and gaze soft. “Should get home before it gets worse, though. I spent way too much time on my makeup.”
He snorted in response, coupled with an eye roll as he shut the door behind you.
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The iron-wrought gates of your home had long since slid into view. And the rain beat harshly against the windowpane, signaling you to get inside as quickly as possible.
Leon throws the passenger door open, offering his forearm to escort you out. You giggle as you take it, peeling yourself from the sticky leather of the seat. Leap down from the sidestep of his Jeep, splashing into a puddle steadily gathering in the gravel. 
He finds your mirth infectious. Chuckles alongside you, the sound of it permeating through the swell of rainfall, setting your nerves afire along with the alcohol coloring your veins. 
Leon cautiously grasps the bend of your elbow. A gesture you’re typically accustomed to. A meaningless exchange between a man and his charge. Yet tonight, it feels different. More intimate.
Everything has, from his warm and heavy jacket around your shoulders to how he clasps your arm, tucking you into his side to ward off the chill. Leon holds his free hand out overhead to shield you from the rain. Forever a gentleman despite being soaked to the bone himself. 
You chance a glance at him as you both trek up the path to your home. Feel like a grade-schooler shyly eyeing her crush, pushing her bashfulness beneath the collar of his jacket.
Eyes the color of steel regard you before quickly veering off. And it’s impossible to miss the subtle skyward twitch of his mouth. A surge of warmth spills into your neck and cheeks at that, and you allow a quiet smile to overtake your lips as you turn away from him. 
He’d been like this for most of the night. Gaze flighty and emotions shrouded. Quietly melded into the background, hovering and staving off any potential threats. Stone-faced and imposing, though he lowered his defenses only for you. Offered a smile, a brief exchange of words, a hand brushing yours on the bar’s countertop every so often.  
The notion makes you smile wider. Makes giddiness rush through your bones, suddenly replaced by disappointment when you reach your front door.
The dream doesn’t have to end yet, does it?
Swathed beneath the soft glow of your porchlight, you both stand. Leon towers above you, radiating heat and the scent of oakwood and muted strength. And then there is you, lost in the idle stir of his irises, resisting the urge to stand on the balls of your feet to caress the stubble speckling his jaw. To wipe away the stream of water coasting down his neck into the cut of his dress shirt.
He briefly studies you with equal interest as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. Glances off to the side with his mouth canted with a smirk. In an attempt to dispel the awkwardness, he clears his throat. His voice crackles like the thunder brewing on the horizon, gently drawing you from your trance.
“You gonna stare at me all night, or…” There’s no harm behind it. Teasing in nature, but you find yourself scrambling for words, nonetheless.
“Y-Yeah! Sorry.”
Remembering yourself, you tear your eyes away from the object of your pining. Take to riffling through your clutch for your keys, your hands shaky, and your nerves exploding like solar flares beneath the surface of your skin. How he smells—the sensations he invokes in you—makes you feel heady. Stupid. Childish—
Leon’s hands suddenly cover yours. Blisteringly hot yet tender as they steady your trembling ones. You peek at him, and the sight above steals the breath from your lungs.
“Hey,” he murmurs, angling himself towards you until his gaze is level with your own. “You alright?”
You can make out the details of his features from your vantage point. His wiry brows knit with concern. The unfair curl of his pretty lashes, curtaining hues of ocean blue. The faint blemishes marring his skin, doing nothing to detract from his allure. The minute twitch of his rose-red lips and the divot taking residence in the middle of his chin.
You don’t really know what compels you. What powers you forward like a train lazily trekking over its tracks. But, then you…
Well, you see…
As if moving on autopilot, you kind of conquer what little space remains between your mouths and you kiss him.
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vampirecatboy · 4 years
ok I low key wanna request all the ocs you listed but I'll just keep it to 2 lol. Kira (ofc :3c) and Aja because i just love him lol
i mean you know i would absolutely, happily spend at least six hours doing everybody, but Kira and Aja are good choices lol
Full Name: Kira Mag Raith (fun fact for the people, Mag Raith is pronounced Mag Ray, yay Irish!)
Gender and Sexuality: cis man, he’s pansexual but skews toward men because i’m gay and can’t help it lol, he’s also polyamorous
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: clavat, so basically half-elf, and ethnicity does work a bit differently in our campaign, but he’s white-coded, and speaks with an Irish accent of varying strength (it’s stronger when he’s upset or with his family, good luck understanding him if he’s upset and with his family)
Birthplace and Birthdate: born in Cairn, tbh i haven’t really thought about his birthday, but i get strong earth sign vibes from him, maybe Virgo? so let’s say August 31, the liminal space of days like it seriously doesn’t feel like it should be real
Guilty Pleasures: napping in sunbeams, i was going to say jk but i actually love it, so he naps in sunbeams but is a bit embarrassed about it
Phobias: what’s that vegetable cats are afraid of? cucumbers? “they have dark energy, trust me”, or humiliation. cucumbers and humiliation
What They Would Be Famous For: alleged attempted murder on television, on a more serious note he’d probably prefer not to be super famous, like celebrity-style, he’d probably prefer to be a folk hero or urban legend or a cryptid lol
What They Would Get Arrested For: he has done nothing wrong, ever. idk maybe assault or public disturbance for fighting someone in public, maybe trespassing if he sleeps in the wrong shed or barn
OC You Ship Them With: bit of Justice, but mostly Rhys
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Rhys again, but despite everything it’s not all that likely, Rhys is a jerk but he’s not a murderer
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: fantasy or adventure, but he’s not much of a reader
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: deus ex machina, it’s the easy way out and he doesn’t like it
Talents and/or Powers: he’s spent a lot of time perfecting his bow skills, so he’s very good at hitting long-range targets, he’s also great at keeping secrets
Why Someone Might Love Them: first off, he’s small and adorable, but mostly he’s very considerate and trustworthy, and he’s a great listener. he’s really not going to be mean unless you’re mean first
Why Someone Might Hate Them: misinterpretation of his demeanor/behavior probably, or if someone decides he’s responsible for problems they caused Rhys
How They Change: please my sweet boy i’m begging you, open up to someone please, that’s what i’m hoping for at least, he needs to learn how to really trust others
Why You Love Them: he is..... my boy....., for real though, he’s genuinely so sweet and he cares about people a lot and even though Dmitri tries to possess him from time to time, i love that he’s basically nothing like him
time for spicy boy!
Full Name: Aja, i have not given him a last name. i have no excuse.
Gender and Sexuality: cis man, he thinks he’s straight but he’s so not, i haven’t given him a concrete label but queer is applicable
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: ifrit (the pathfinder version of a fire genasi), plus he’s a sorcerer with a draconic bloodline, so somebody at some point fucked a dragon and he’s got some of that
Birthplace and Birthdate: oof i can’t give a town name but he lived up in the mountains? he is, however, such an Aries, let’s say his birthday is April 4
Guilty Pleasures: mackin on Dmitri he reads erotica, i’m not gonna beat around the bush, he’s always seen seducing women, so obviously the dudes he hangs around expect stories of his conquests, unfortunately he has perpetually shitty luck with bedding women so he is a big ol virgin, but no way is he telling anyone that, basically he takes the scenes from the erotica he reads, modifies them a bit, and pretends they’re his experiences (it’s worked so far, luckily all those dudes he talks to really don’t do much or any reading)
Phobias: he doesn’t like being on boats in open water, he’s a fire elemental with a red draconic bloodline, on a base, instinctual level he does not feel safe when surrounded by water (he’s alright in the rain though)
What They Would Be Famous For: allegedly sleeping with several noblewomen, maybe a princess or two (someone mentioned a queen once and well, he’s not going to deny it)
What They Would Get Arrested For: arson. no story there he just. likes fire.
OC You Ship Them With: Dmitri, naturally
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Dmitri, but it’s not personal, there are plenty of dudes who hear about him sleeping with their wives so like, any of number of them would have no problem hiring an assassin (or a bounty hunter with a penchant for killing his targets) to go after him
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: erotica and maybe a touch of romance, a guy can dream
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: there are some romance/smut tropes he gets sick of, anything to do with virginity and purity and virtue and deflowering a maiden, both on a personal level and also on a “virginity is a social construct used almost exclusively on women to determine their worth” level. also some of those male writers really do not know how certain parts work. as soon as he sees the word “tight” he throws the book away
Talents and/or Powers: want something burned? toasted? roasted? singed? he’s got you covered. he’s a skilled, powerful sorcerer with a preference for fire magic. also he’s obviously a great liar and a hell of a charmer
Why Someone Might Love Them: despite his reputation as a philanderer, he’s a gentleman and he’s drowning in that respect women juice, he’s not pushy, if she’s not interested, he backs off, and i mean, 20 charisma score, he’d have to really flub for someone to not love him
Why Someone Might Hate Them: ah those husbands do not like some sexy fire boy comin in and boinking their wives, supposedly very well, also he’s very showy and that can get on people’s nerves
How They Change: he has a Gay Crisis and suddenly “oh, maybe.... men too?” and i mean, Dmitri does suss out his myriad of lies about sexual conquests, and he eventually does kind of open up about his insecurities because Dmitri just kinda listens and doesn’t criticize or mock him and really only adds things like “wow, that really sucks, i’m sorry dude.” and that’s all he really needs
Why You Love Them: he’s hot, he dresses slutty, he’s a master of charm, and yet..... 73 years old and he has not seen a naked woman in real life. also the blushing mechanic i gave him, where instead of blushing, his hair kinda flares up like a ghibli character but with fire..... too cute. also he’s smart. i’m pretty sure intelligence was his highest stat after charisma, at like 16, and i love that for him
ah thank you i always spend so much time on these and i love it lol
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cozyteez · 4 years
Hii, do u have any tips for writing fics?? I’m so used to writing research reports, lab reports, and formal essays that creative writing has become something I really struggle with. I guess it’s having the freedom to write anything and not knowing how to make sure it’s not corny. I tried outlining a fic one time but it was so frustrating LOLOLOL. Anyways, I love your ateez fics. They are so cute and creative!!
hi !!!! im like rlly touched u asked me and i feel u actually that's why i started this blog; im a biomedical engineering major so as u can imagine i dont get to take much creativity with what i write because writing papers and reports and proposals are so formulaic and u gotta stick to the facts so that being said i actually tested out of all my college writing classes so all my writing knowledge is from ap english in hs lmao so take it w many grians of salt
the #1 thing i do when im feeling sort of unmotivated about a story or maybe like like dragging myself thru mud to write it is to just write the "fun" part first. to me the fun part is usually the climax or maybe the like the "wouldn't it be cute if..." moment that came to mind that inspired me to write a blurb in the first place! then usually once i sort of get the ball rolling on that my brain will help me out and keep the momentum going by thinking of maybe "oohh okay maybe this can happen next" or "oohh and what if this led up to it" or !! just stop there !! something ive learned from my mx writing blog which is like a year older than this one was that you don't owe anybody context especially for a blurb so maybe it really is just 3 sentences of a cute moment u thought of like its whatever ur the one writing it
now for longer fics im going to be honest jongho's first love is my first and only completed attempt at a multi stage coherent story. and that was fueled purely based on the fact that when i look at jongho he just gives off sort a really excited sort of innocence that i wanted to further explore and personify through the idea of him experiencing love for the first time but even then i really struggled w the last part because that's where my personal experience stopped and i had basically nothing to go off of because ive never been in love so i did have to kinda wait for ideas to come to me. for prince yunho i have posted 4 chapters but have all the way through chapter 15 drafted. and by drafted i mean it's like 3 sentences of the overall idea. again, the fic was inspired by the duality between yunho's on stage vs. off stage persona where if somebody was to watch an ateez performance for the first time they may find him very serious and maybe even intimidating but atiny would know that his off stage persona (the one he choses to create for us anyways) is very silly and happy-go-lucky and approachable, which is why prince yunho is seen as narameth's strong and stoic pride and joy but in reality he's sort of clumsy but means well. so i let that and his relationship w xenia who is an original character (OC) sort inspire stories or interactions that i force into a plot line. so for example i believe when i first started thinking abt a prince au for yunho i thought "wouldn't it be funny if the first scene started out painting him as this strong and serious man and then cut to him choking on food or something" and that sort of inspired the idea of him being nervous abt the speech and then xenia came out of that because he needed a complementary character imo since i knew he was gonna be kind of one dimensional and then his backstory with xenia inspired other ideas and then one day i was sad and wanted a hug so that inspired a piece of the plot line and so on. so basically: let an idea or even an aspect of somebody come to you and just write it down, let it inspire other ideas. and don't be afriad to completely start over. i wrote a whole chapter for prince yunho and deleted the whole thing because i hated where it was going and started back from scratch. sometimes you have to revisit things abt your characters and their relationships with others to get a new idea. there's a story in every person and every relationship you just have to find the clues
here's an example of what i mean by "write the good part first". this is typically what the very first draft of a blurb will look like for me
((( blah blah blah basically its raining and y/n is sad bc wooyoung broke her heart two weeks ago idk maybe go into it maybe not)))
y/n is all sad and feeling sorry for themselves on the couch theyre past crying but still feel pretty shitty plus it's storming and cold outside. great
there's a knock on their door ofc they have the cliche "who could that be moment" even tho they lowkey know. we literally all know
so yeah wooyoung's there soaked in rain eyes puffy y/n thinks he's been crying
-this would be the "fun part". i'll fix all that garbage up top later or maybe even change it completely idk yet-
"y/n? i - uh. hi"
he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while you crossed your arms over your chest, fighting the urge to close the door and walk away for good
"hi? really wooyoung? is that the best you can do?"
(((wooyoung does smth idk)))
"well i just -"
"you just what? showed up here in the rain after you broke my heart and didn't even bother to tell me why? this isn't some romance movie, asshole. you can't just come here late at night and expect to find me all sad and willing to take you back because i'm not. so say what you're gonna say so i can get back to my life"
your face was red hot and you trying very hard, probably too hard, to fight back tears. ((( idk talk some more abt y/n's emotions then what wooyoung is doing)))
"look, i made a mistake i-"
"oh my god! why did i know you were gonna do this. i just knew as soon as i saw you-"
"will you let me get a fucking word in!?"
well that was new. in the entire time you'd known him he had never raised his voice at you like that, your shock causing you to immediately close your mouth and fold your arms back into yourself (((make y/n seem more scared))) noticing your reaction, he lowered his voice back down and instictively reached for you, heartbroken at the way you jerked away from his touch
"please y/n, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to raise my voice it's just that i need to tell you that i regret what i did i regret breaking up with you so fucking much and you don't have to take me back i just need you to know how much you meant, no, mean to me. i still love you, a lot. there's not a day, an hour, a minute, or a single second that goes by that i'm not thinking of you"
"then why?"
your voice was small and wavering, your tears now dangerously close to spilling down your cheeks
"why what?"
"why did you break up with me like that, just all of a sudden"
he pushed his hands into his pockets and looked away
"because that morning i woke up before you and when i looked at you asleep next to me, i saw myself spending the rest of my life with you and it scared the shit out of me"
"why did it scare you?"
"because i just figured you didn't feel the same. i was selfish and wanted to save myself heartbreak down the line and so i told you i didn't wanna be with you anymore, but that was a mistake because it turns out i can't function with out you, i can't breathe without you i can't live without you, y/n. i shouldn't have let you go"
tears were now freely flowing down your face (((okay brain no work anymore y/n kisses him duh and then ofc they make up wooyoung prob says smth cheesy and y/n is like ur lucky i love you or smth ahaha the end)))
tl;dr -> don't be afraid to get messy. creative writing is not nearly as structured as academic/scientific writing. write whatever u want first it can even be the middle of a huge fight scene or some dialogue u think is funny. if ur stuck read what you have or maybe just take a break and let an idea come to you. a story doesnt have to come together til the very end so it can be as messy and out of order as u want until u wanna post it. also i would always use the third person omniscient point of view for a longer story like a chaptered fic as a default and only change if it would impact the plot in a negative way. this is where the narrator knows what every character is thinking/feeling and im p sure a teacher in middle school told me it was the easiest to write and follow
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arigatouiris · 5 years
out of my league // t.h — 06
Pairing: Tom Holland x Critic! Reader [I use female pronouns]
Warnings: swearing; eventual fluff; angst; hurt/comfort; pining; a little bit of cliche because come on.
A/N: I am so overwhelmed with the love that this story is getting. Thank you all so much. It means so much to me. Also, this whole story is kinda meta in the sense that I’m trying to keep it as real as possible. I like writing this way, makes it all the more believable? Yeah idk. Do let me know what ya’ll think~ Also, if you want me to add you to the series taglist, just drop a note or comment! ^^
Word count: 3968 (oops, words just spilled)
Series Masterlist
 05 | 06 | 07 
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It was the third time that day when Harrison noticed Tom crack a smile to himself. At the moment, he was eating a sandwich, and staring at his phone—a trait, which was rather odd for Tom to have, since he wasn’t all too obsessed with his phone. Harrison watched with a knowing smile; he didn’t even have to look at what Tom was looking at to know. Tom Holland had a crush on (y/n) (l/n), and Haz would make sure to get this out of him, in any way possible. Sometimes, Harrison thought it was rather odd for Tom to have a crush on someone he barely knew. But, through the years, people have always been telling him that he’s wiser than his age; that Harrison Osterfield knew things and understood things better in a more metaphysical sense.
   Harrison didn’t deny this, of course. He knew he was wiser than his age, he knew he understood things better. Though, this knowledge might get some people cocky and arrogant, Haz wasn’t either. He was a friend, and sometimes, he’d sass if he had the time.
   “You like the sandwich that much, mate?” Haz asked, staring at his friend.
Tom looked up and put his phone down, almost mimicking the movement a boy would have if he were caught with something naughty. Haz held back a chuckle, watching his friend fumble.
   “Yeah, the sandwich is good. What’s up?” Tom asked, taking a bite; almost regretting saying that it was good. Before grimacing, he knew he was being observed by a certain observant friend of his, so Tom did what he did best. Act.
   “Cut it out, Holland. I’m not a div,” Haz laughed, before leaning back against his chair.
   “You like her.” He completed.
Tom’s eyes shot open wide, before shaking his head and looking around. He then slowly pointed to himself, to which Haz nodded slowly, and Tom scoffed.
   “Like who? (y/n)? No way.”
   “I didn’t say who, mate.”
   “I knew you were talking about her, though.”
   “Why did you know that, Tom?”
Tom Holland was flustered, and perhaps, one of the only people he couldn’t pretend in front of was Harrison. Groaning, he ruffled his own hair before frowning. He looked confused. His body felt heavy, but his heart felt wild.
The second that Tom let out a sigh, Harrison spoke the golden words.
   “You like her, Tom.”
Tom shook his head. “I don’t know her.” His voice was low, almost as if he didn’t want to believe it himself. It wasn’t a problem, of course he could like anyone, and most often you don’t get to choose who it is. But, Tom knew this was ridiculous, absurd even. He didn’t know anything about her. She made that very clear last time, he thought before groaning again.
   “And the biggest lie ever was told today.”
Tom’s gaze shot up to meet his friend’s eyes. He squinted a bit before questioning what Haz meant.
   “You don’t have to know a person to like them, Tom. Don’t be an idiot.”
The moment didn’t hit him hard right away. It came as a slow breeze would, indicating a rain was about to pour. A rain so hard and heavy, but welcoming. Tom, at that second, forgot his friend was sitting near him, forgot he was an actor, forgot a great many things that bound him to who he thought he was. Her words rang in his ear, I’m not all that great with strangers—and the response his mind thought to it made him realize that Haz wasn’t spouting rubbish. If she thought him a stranger then he didn’t want to be. And the fact that he didn’t want to be meant there was something more.
   Tom knew it wasn’t an intense feeling, but a feeling he wanted to nurture and grow. He wanted it slow and steady, unlike other times when he’d relish the feeling of a quick paced romance. Here was not romance, here was not love—at least, not yet; here was a feeling, a possibility, staring back at him with eyes unlike any he had seen before. Tom found himself standing above a cliff, with no bottom, and not feeling afraid. A quiet sense of trepidation filled his veins, and Tom knew that her words were the catalyst for his sudden limbo.
   “I can’t,” Tom’s voice was now a whisper, his face was warm, his ears were warm, though he didn’t highlight that so was his heart. “She hates me, Haz. And-and, this can’t happen!”
   “It’s just a crush, mate. It’s alright.” Haz laughed, watching his friend go through something a regular person wouldn’t tremble over.
Perhaps, that was the problem. Tom lost his chance at being a regular person when he rose in fame as an actor. And hearing that he was a stranger by someone who also knew he was an actor, was what caused this strange crumbling feeling. Tom’s demise of a regular life left him numb in many regular aspects of a human’s life. Love, friendship, compassion—all these things were private now, because the world wanted to know everything about him. Not that Tom didn’t have friends, he did—some of the best—but his crushes needed to be extravagant, his love needed to be extraordinary. Something regular, something so simple as liking someone you just met, it seemed so foreign to him; and even if it meant acting this scene out in a movie, Tom still found it so strange that it was actually happening to him.
   “Don’t think with the fame, you dolt.” Haz scolded his friend, raising his eyebrows.
   “I can’t not.”
And perhaps, this is why Tom rejected the idea. He couldn’t accept this entire change. He was a famous actor, therefore, his life was different. As much as Tom wanted to numb the difference, facts remained facts. His last crush was Zendaya, a small crush it was—carefree but extravagant. The world knew about her, and the world wanted him and her to get together. This crush could be explained, understood—but (y/n)? Beautiful, strong, fiesty (y/n)?
   When there was not a single word he could utter negatively about her, he knew.
   “What are you going to do?”
Tom didn’t need to think. “Nothing.”
And the sandwich was forgotten.
There was a sharp stinging pain on the left side of her neck. Letting out a pained moan, (y/n) pressed her neck as she walked back home. All she wanted to do was collapse on the bed and sleep—there were too many articles, and too many edits. Not to mention Bruce spilling coffee over a pile of plain paper; she sighed. Most of these days, (y/n) found herself sighing when she thought of her life. It was slowly getting back on track, and it was slowly starting to feel numb.
   She opened the door to her home and smelt it; a hearthy feeling, a feeling she got nowhere else. She felt relief wash over her, and her shoulders sagged. The pain at the side of her neck was beginning to fade with the mere idea that she was home. Her feet dragged her to her room, and after discarding most of her clothing, (y/n) collapsed on the bed. God, this is perfect, she thought before humming in relief. Turning on her back, (y/n) finally allowed herself to check her phone. Clicking on Instagram, her first thought was Tom Holland, but she brushed that aside and checked the stories that her friends had shared. A friend of hers from school had shared a video of her cat yawning—swipe—her colleague was having beer with her date—swipe—stop.
Immediately clicking on the search bar, she typed Tom Holland, and sighed. She felt bitterness, and an odd sense of torment. Bitterness, she realized, was just anger that forgot where it came from. His follow request was still present, but she had chosen to ignore it. She didn’t know when it washed over her that she may be doing things that are extreme and uncalled for? She didn’t know if she was right, only that she was hurt. He was an actor, and it was easy to say sorry. Saying sorry, perhaps, was the easiest act of them all. But, she didn’t want a sorry. An apology was different. And Tom Holland, had not apologized.
   Maybe he didn’t have to, it was not anything that he could gain something from. But, she had sensed kindness in him and that was her fault. So the expectation lay foundations in her mind. Because he was kind, she wanted him to try a bit harder. And because she was involved, she wanted him to try. Therefore, no matter how much she was feeling bad—at the end of the day, she was regular, with a job like clockwork, and he was an actor. And even apologies don’t manifest the way they needed to.
When her phone rang a moment later, (y/n) almost yelped. It was Aditi, and since it was a Friday night, (y/n) was half sure why her friend was calling.
   “Please don’t say there’s a party—”
   “My friend, Oisen, is throwing a party and you HAVE to be there. I can’t go alone because Oisen and I have history but nothing happened so if I don’t go it’ll be weird, but if I go alone, it’d be weirder because—”
   “Aditi, I’m exhausted—”
   “A few drinks will do you great. Just. Please.” Aditi wasn’t asking. Aditi never asks. Aditi demands.
   When it was decided that (y/n) was going to Oisen’s (Aditi’s Irish wet dream) party, (y/n) began to allow herself to feel a bit more loose than normal. (y/n) wore a black halter with a flowy mint green skirt that reached her knees. For most of her life, (y/n) was conscious about wearing clothes that revealed a bit more skin. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t too thin or too fit; at some point, the realization hit her that she was worth everything anyone was, and she too could wear clothes that anyone could. It was decided that Aditi would pick (y/n), so once she was ready, all she had to do was wait.
The doorbell rang just as (y/n) went to sit on her couch. Grunting and grabbing her purse, she opened the door to reveal a nicely dressed Aditi, whose grin could blind anyone who looked at her for too long. Hugging her friend, (y/n) and Aditi were ready to go. Oisen’s house wasn’t too far away, a fact that (y/n) liked, which meant that after a few drinks, she could come back on her own (if Aditi decided to stay back).
   “So, what’s the deal with Oisen?”
   “His name is Oisen, it’s pronounced Oh-sheen. Not Oye Sen.” Aditi corrected.
   “Oops, sorry!” (y/n) laughed. “Do you like him?”
   “Darling, if you laid eyes on him, you’d like him too.”
The party wasn’t too jam-packed, and again, this fact (y/n) liked. When there were too many people, she tended to get rather claustrophobic, and that didn’t do good to her social skills, which were already on the lower end of the spectrum. Stepping inside, (y/n) took a good long look at Oisen, who was quite handsome but too smiley for her taste, and let Aditi do what she did best. Grabbing one drink, Oisen greeted everyone who came, but that’s the sad part of being the host of a party—you don’t really get to have a lot of fun. It’s welcoming, and more welcoming.
Sitting on the couch, (y/n) revelled with the music that was being played, and successfully shooed Aditi to go talk to Oisen. (y/n) wasn’t a wingwoman, but she wouldn’t stop her friend from trying. A moment later, someone approached her. He had blond hair and blue eyes, a Nazi wet dream in person, tall stature and a kind smile. Immediately, (y/n) felt herself wanting to talk to him, and learn more. Turning to this new face, which she swore she had seen before, (y/n) smiled casually.
   “You don’t look like a social person,” he commented, his blue eyes were blinding.
   “I’m not really. But, I do enjoy parties occasionally.” (y/n) added.
The man extended his arm forward with a chuckle, “Harrison. Harrison Osterfield.”
   “(y/n) (l/n).” She said, before shaking his hand.
   “Please don’t think I’m rude for saying this, but I know who you are.” Harrison said, sheepishly.
   “And something tells me this isn’t the reason I want it to be.” (y/n) giggled as she said it.
   “Hm, you can say that.”
   “So, how do you know me, Harrison?”
   “I’m Tom Holland’s best friend.”
Time froze for (y/n), and the smile on her face fell. She let out a sigh before taking a couple more sips of her beer. Harrison waited for her to respond, not wanting to push her.
   “If you want me to leave you alone, I’ll be on my way.” Harrison’s voice was kind.
   “No, no. I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that,” she looked at the blonde before saying, “You’re very sweet for being honest. I really appreciate that.”
Harrison smiled, “I don’t think that should be a reason as to why I can’t have a conversation with you.”
   “Hopefully, this won’t be about Tom Holland.”
Harrison was quite surprised to see (y/n) in the party. Being Oisen’s friend from school, whenever his Irish friend hosted a party, Harrison knew he had to make it; however, this is the first one in ages, and his friend knew exactly how to pester him. Harrison almost decided not to show, but in the last minute, he wanted to go. And this turned out to be beneficial, since one of the first people he saw in the crowd was someone his best friend was quite obsessed with.
   He was careful to not make a move or make her believe he was making a move. (y/n) was an attractive young woman, and there was nothing stopping him; but Tom was his best friend. He wanted to understand more about what he could do to help Tom, and even when he had once sworn that he’d never be a wingman, Harrison found himself in the shoes of one. The things I do for him are crazy, he thought before approaching her. However, what he understood over a period of a few drinks was that (y/n) was in fact, a very fun person to be around. Considering her background with reviewing movies and books, she was aware of several things that Harrison believed no one around him was.
   “So from this conversation I take it that you didn’t like Forrest Gump all too much.” Harrison said, laughing.
   “No! I loved the movie, but the Oscar had to go to Shawshank, I mean..” (y/n) was quite obviously, very drunk.
Harrison laughed at what she said, before leaning back against the couch. He noticed she was attempting to open another beer can, and he leapt forward.
   “Whoa, (y/n),” Harrison mumbled. “That’s enough for now.”
   “I’ve never been called those things before,” her voice was low, and Harrison paused. “Being called a slut and other names.”
Harrison blinked before having her lean back. He listened, and wondered if she was alright. She wasn’t too intoxicated, but he was worried for her. He looked for her friend, and noticed she was talking to Oisen. I’ll take her home, he thought before turning back to her.
   “I’ve never been called those things before but those girls made it seem so easy.” (y/n) said, smiling bitterly.
   “All my life, I just wanted to write. I was good at it, writing. I was good at telling people what I thought of movies and I’d always wanted to be a voice that people trusted. Being called a slut for doing my job hit me harder than it should have.”
   “(y/n), what you went through was terrible. Never put yourself down, alright?” Harrison muttered, lowly.
   “I don’t blame Tom, at all. He was only trying to talk on behalf of Jean, and it’s really nice that Tom’s on such good terms with people he works with. It’s a great trait,” (y/n) let out a breath before continuing, “I just…”
   “I don’t have any other place for comfort here, Harrison.”
   “What do you mean?”
   “I blame Tom because it’s easy. I blame Tom because… Because of what he did, those girls hurled insults at me. If it weren’t for what he did, they’d not have said anything. I blame him because... I don’t want all of those things to be true.”
   “Oh, (y/n). They’re not true. You’re an amazing person.”
   “You know that. Maybe, if I had a better chance, Tom would think that too. He doesn’t deserve the way I treat him. But I can’t not. I can’t not hate him because by hating him, I’m hating all that what happened to me.”
This was more information than what Harrison was expected, and quite frankly, he felt terrible. Here was a woman, whose hard work had earned her insults, and watching her open up to him broke his heart. He understood from her words that it wasn’t anger for Tom that made her push him away or ghost him; it was the fear from what happened. She’s not ignoring Tom because she wants to, but more so because Tom was now a symbol for the whole experience of what happened. And she’s pushing away the experience, and invariably, pushing away Tom.
   He held her arm and pulled her up, “Let’s get you home, yeah?”
   “You can drive?” She asked, blinking.
   “I’ve definitely not had the number of drinks you’ve had.”
   “You’re such a div, oh my God.”
Harrison laughed. Before leaving, he forced (y/n) to drink a glass of water, and helped her into his car. He fastened the seat belt for her and took his place behind the wheel. All the while, Harrison wondered about her. The pain she went through wasn’t given enough priority; sure, he knew Tom wanted to apologize, but that was the thing. It was all too fresh in memory for (y/n), and her reaction was justified because no one deserves to be insulted over hundreds of fan mail for doing their job.
   Once they reached her house, Harrison helped her get off. He walked her to her door and smiled at her as she tried to open the door.
   “Don’t thank me, love. Just take care of yourself—”
   “I wasn’t thanking you,” She giggled. “I will, though.”
   “Alright. What is it?”
   “I try very hard not to forgive him,” Harrison blinked with confusion. “I don’t know if it’s Tom or because he’s an actor, but it’s so fucking easy to forgive him.”
Harrison understood what she meant. That was the way Tom was, it was hard to stay mad at someone so genuine. Harrison smiled a bit before nodding. He understood exactly what she meant.
   “I don’t want it to be so easy.”
Kissing her forehead, Harrison nodded. “Goodnight, (y/n).”
The next time Harrison met Tom was later that night. Tom had sent him a message asking to meet, regarding something about the script for the advert (him needing help memorizing lines, obviously). And since it wasn’t too late in the night, Harrison decided to help out. But, this was the perfect time to bring it up.
   “Mate, I just returned from a party my schoolmate hosted,” Harrison said, walking into Tom’s house. “And you won’t believe who I spent my evening with.”
Tom blinked. “Who?”
Tom froze. Instantly, a frown appeared on his face.
   “Don’t worry, she’s a lovely girl, but not for me. She got too drunk and I had to drop her off. She’s really nice, Tom.”
Tom nodded once before turning on his heel and grabbing his iPad.
   “Do you like her?”
Harrison scoffed. “You twat. I’m here telling you to try harder.”
   “Try harder for what?” Tom asked, angrily.
   “She deserves the effort, Tom. She doesn’t deserve an easy apology. And besides, you—”
   “If you’re going to talk about how I like her, then forget it. Haz, I can’t like her. So forget about it.”
Harrison sighed before pulling the iPad from Tom’s hands.
   “Is this the script?”
The next morning, Tom was being driven to the shoot location. It was a 30 minute drive, and Harrison sat in the back with him. Things were slightly off from the previous night, but knowing Tom and his impulses, things would go back to normal relatively quickly. Before he could head inside the shoot location, he spotted a familiar face. A familiar face he did not want to see.
   “Mr. Holland, can you tell us what this advert is about?” Jennifer Campbell from the 9 ‘o clock show, asked him with a bright smile.
Tom stared at her with no expression on his face. He recalled all those times this woman in front of him had slandered (y/n) on national television, and felt a surge of bitterness wash over him. But, he was an actor. He had to be kind.
   “I haven’t entered the set yet. And no, I can’t comment.”
   “For someone who spoils things easily, you sure are trying to keep a secret.” Jen said, suggestively.
   “Listen, I don’t have the time to talk. Don’t you have other things to occupy yourself with?” Tom snapped, before walking away.
Harrison wanted to laugh, but there was only so much he could do to not make matters worse. He noticed Tom take out his phone, and clicked on Instagram. Tom typed in the name “(y/n)” and the first name that appeared was her’s. She’s still not accepting my request, he thought before grunting. He deletes the request and sends another. A moment later, he began typing out a message. Harrison sighed before looking away.
   I’m trying very hard here, (y/n). What more do you want me to do?
Tom’s message was brutal. A void in her chest was beginning to fill with anger. Quiet, defeated anger that guaranteed her the right to her hurt, that believed no one could possibly understand that hurt. Tears filled her eyes, but she knew she was only trying in vain.
   There are times you want something but you can’t ask for it. You instead reach for the opposite, hoping for some voice out there who’ll stop you in time and give you what you need; because only they can offer it to you. There was hope in her that made her wait and want more intensely than most would believe she was capable of, a hope that told her to want something in secret. However, the problem with wanting things in secret was most of the time, no one notices what you really want.
(y/n) wanted so desperately to forgive Tom Holland and move on, but she held on to her anger. Like a burning rod, intending to hurt the one who hurt her, she held it; not realizing it was burning her as well. She felt herself crumbling as she typed the message, knowing that it was not what she wanted, but she hoped. A hope also lay where anger had nestled, a hope that wanted him to try.
   Don’t try anymore.
If only she could see how Tom’s jawline clenched when she had sent him that message, if only she knew how much it hurt the actor, and how hard it made for him to act—she’d have let this all go. However, something came close to make her let it go. Something that perhaps felt to her as an end.
And she knew it wasn’t. 
series taglist:
@strangemaximoff, @aestheticgaybish, @noobmaster63, @why-are-all-the-teens-gay, @wonders-of-the-multiverse, @boushalaivre, @jackiehollanderr, @nerdypisces160, @yourwonderbelle, @quackson606, @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff, @fandoms-stuff, @danicarosaline, @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo
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Meena & Ro
Meena: You missed out skipping on the diner after rehearsal today Meena: I saved you a slice of pie though 😋 Ro: Oh? Ro: Well thank you Meena: It was yum Meena: and Ali convinced the lady to give us a discount by promising her a front-row seat Meena: idk how she does it 😂 Ro: Of course she did Ro: She's Ali, that's the most succinct way to express such a feeling Meena: You are so right Meena: anyway, pie aside, I was just wondering if you'd like to piano practice this weekend Meena: my own playing has been lacking since we started rehearsing so I thought this was a decent way to keep my head in the play and get a selfish bit of piano time in myself Ro: I would love to Ro: Undeniably the songs are much simpler to play than they are to sing, but equally undeniably nerves are a factor even with beginner level pieces Ro: I must confess however to being surprised you aren't dedicating your weekend entirely to your love interest Ro: Perhaps you feel he doesn't require any further rehearsal and is, in fact, perfect as he is Meena: I know they're not remotely a challenge for you but never hurts to be over-prepared Meena: and I can promise you I'm not secretly working to get your spot instead Meena: will not slam the lid on your fingers 🤭 Meena: 😳 shh Meena: is it obvious? Ro: That's very much appreciated on all counts, Meena Ro: I know better than to believe that your denials are anything but, in spite of how that promise would sound to a sceptic Ro: Obvious is potentially an overstatement, nevertheless as I also know you, I can see what's unfolding Meena: 🙊 reading that back, yeah Meena: He's just so nice Meena: and funny Meena: and yes, he's doing an excellent job Ro: It's romantic Ro: What a wonderful story to tell of how you both met Meena: its funny how things like this make you notice people you never did before Meena: but I don't think we're at a meeting outside of rehearsals stage yet Meena: not alone Meena: I'd be too embarrassed to ask Ro: I'm sure it would be possible to arrange more group gatherings afterwards Ro: Until you feel more confident in his company anyway Meena: you can always rely on Ali and Carly for that Ro: We certainly do see more of Carly out of rehearsals than we have within the confines of the stage Meena: I'm sure it'll all be alright on the night Ro: Faith goes a long way Meena: and trust and pixie dust Ro: Exactly Meena: Do you think Jamie likes Jenna though Meena: they seem like they know each other well Ro: Of course not! Ro: He's clearly smitten with you Meena: I'm just so aware of the ultimate cliche of mistaking on-stage chemistry for off Meena: then I'd have to buy a wig and some sunglasses Ro: It is a pitfall, but in this instance, it's one that there are enough people around to prevent you from falling into Ro: In order to allow you instead to fall in a much lovelier sense Ro: And avoid stretching our wardrobe budget even further Meena: Thank you Meena: I'm just fussing needlessly Meena: almost as needless as Sophie having hair options, agreed 😏 Ro: It's okay Ro: A lot of nerves are frayed for a multitude of reasons Ro: None more than your brother's, I suppose Ro: Chosen for his looks and persevering with his talents in an attempt to get them on par is an impressive endeavour though Meena: I am still really surprised Meena: its just so not his thing Meena: but I think its good Meena: I just hope it does get better or he won't wanna do it Ro: Caleb and Ali have both dedicated a lot of time and effort into his performance Ro: I don't think it'll be misplaced for us to have faith in him Ro: And in everything going well Meena: 🤞 Ro: Toes as well Meena: 🩰😘 Ro: Did Ali tell you Tommy is coming home early to help? Ro: He wants to be at the final dress rehearsal as well as opening night Meena: She did Meena: sure it'll be beneficial to have a professional give us their opinion Ro: Yes Ro: But you're allowed to consider it the opposite Meena: Why would I? Meena: I know he's good at this sort of stuff Meena: well, was, sure he's only got better now Ro: He's also very... Ro: Excitable is perhaps the word Meena: Its definitely one word for him Meena: but that's okay, I'm not going to rain on anyone's parade Ro: Carly and Ali definitely do not need the distraction Meena: Like you said, she's Ali Meena: she'll still be able to do it Meena: aren't you excited to see him? Ro: Of course, always Ro: I just don't see why he needs to be so hands on with this Meena: I see what you mean Meena: its just so up his alley, I guess Ro: You're right Ro: There's a chance I'm being unfair Meena: No, I really do see Meena: but I don't think he'll come in and totally takeover, he's not that guy, is he? Meena: like he doesn't think he's better than us just 'cos he goes to that school Ro: I'm sure he just feels as if he's missing out, going to school so far away Meena: I imagine, yes Meena: we're all so involved in each other's day to day Ro: True Ro: There are so few secrets Meena: 🤔🤔🤔 what secrets are you hiding, hmm? Meena: 🤭 Ro: They wouldn't be if I refused to keep them Ro: Or at least try Meena: Too true Ro: If you would like me to trap Jenna's fingers in the piano lid, I promise not to tell a soul Meena: oh, I could NEVER 😏 Meena: no, I can't commit that cliche either Ro: Understandable Ro: I approve of you wishing to rise above them Ro: You do deserve a better story Meena: that's so sweet of you Meena: highly unlikely my story will mirror Sophie's any time soon Ro: Imagine growing up on such a beautiful island though Ro: I do envy her that, in spite of my love of Ireland itself Meena: and having such cool parents x4 Ro: Yes Ro: Although having three overprotective fathers would have its drawbacks as well Meena: You devil, Ro Ro: I was actually thinking of you and your budding romance Ro: I meanwhile remain a pillar of virtue Meena: 👼 Meena: Only getting hitched in the play, I can assure you Ro: For now Meena: 🙉 Oh hush 💛 Ro: Consider me silenced Ro: Simply because the dishes will not wash themselves Meena: Enjoy, Cinders Meena: I'll come to yours tomorrow, about 10? Ro: That's fine Meena: Yay! 'Til then 😊
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xtimelessheartsx · 6 years
Author’s Note: Idk man I found this on my computer. I forgot how I came up with this idea but it’s such a cute concept I couldn’t not finish it you know? I couldn’t come up with a good ending though so that’s that on that. Anyways, here’s some fluffy fluff for you lovely babes, enjoy.
Warnings: none
It was raining. No, actually, it was pouring. Like Niagra Falls decided to come out of the sky. Shawn and I went to IHop for breakfast on this lazy Sunday because we couldn't come to a conclusion on who was going to cook. It was always me. He couldn't make anything more than some scrambled eggs and maybe a pancake or two. He liked that I always wanted to make new recipes. So, I was deemed the cook in our relationship and you know, I loved to cook but sometimes I’m just not up for it. Especially on a Sunday when Shawn decides it’s the perfect day to wake up at five in the morning. Who does that? Why do that? On a Sunday? Like c'mon people, it should be illegal to do such a thing. Here we are now, standing by the entrance of IHop, looking out at the rain like it was foreign.
"My hair" I whine, a frown creasing my forehead as I lightly touch the newly done strands on my head. "I just got my hair done" I continue, talking more to myself than to Shawn but he looks back at me.
"You can always get it redone babe" he says and I scoff, offended. He doesn't know the struggle I have to go through to tame this mess. He raises his eyebrows at me and I raise mine back, daring him to challenge me. Of course, being the two hungry idiots we are we forgot to bring umbrellas so there was no saving my beautiful locks. After a few seconds he just smiles that toothy smile that makes my heart leap out of my chest. It’s contagious and I can barely bite back a smile of my own as we stare at each other. He reaches his hulk hand down and my eyes follow it until it grabs my smaller one, lacing our fingers together.
"We're just gunna have to risk it Y/N" he says and before I can protest he pushes the door open and rushes out, pulling me with him. I screech, stopping for a moment to reach up to touch my hair again. It was soaked already and we haven't even gone anywhere.
"Shawn!" I cry as I look up, squinting through the rain at him and he’s standing before me looking like Adonis. His hair is flat against his head, the rain running down his sharp features. His t-shirt is stuck to his toned body, his abs protruding through the thin material. He has a goofy smile on his face, his hand squeezing mine.
"Come on babe! It's cold out here and we're on the far end of the parking lot!" he yells over the rain and I sigh. That was one thing I hated about Shawn. He didn't mine parking on the other side of the world; it was so annoying. He doesn’t wait for me to answer and I’m forced to jog behind him as we make our way to his jeep.
It's not like I didn't like the rain, I actually thoroughly enjoy it. I always loved the idea of dancing in the rain or better, kissing in the rain. I guess it was thanks to all the romance movies and novels, the fantasies about soulmates, and kisses while the rain was pelting down on two lovers. It was every girl's dream. But fantasizing about being in the rain and actually being rained on was a completely different story. I guess that's contradicting. Thinking about it now though, I realize that I have an opportunity to live out my lifelong dream of kissing the one I love while the rain poured down on us. Right now was the perfect time to make that dream come true. A smile pulls at my lips as I drop my hand from pathetically trying to protect my already ruined hair. I slow my pace, pulling Shawn to a stop half way across the parking lot. He turns to me, a frown on his face.
"What are you doing?" he calls to me and I smile up at him, stepping closer to his strong body. My heart starts racing with adrenaline and a sudden overwhelming amount of love for the boy standing before me. Yes, I definitely love him. Unconditionally, irrevocably, unexplainably, indefinitely, so much that it hurts. But its a pain that feels so good it's contagious. His brown eyes sparkle under his long lashes and the rain runs down his flawless skin so smoothly it makes me want to touch him.
"Kiss me!" I yell out in order to be heard over the pouring rain and he stares at me like I have two heads. He turns fully so he's facing me now and a short laugh falls from his red lips.
"What?!" he yells back, sounding incredulous and I laugh with him, knowing I probably sound crazy asking for such a thing when we're standing in the freezing cold rain.
"You heard me! Kiss me Mendes, make my dreams come true!" I say in such a cliche way that he laughs again, closing the small distance between us.
"Weren't you just complaining about your hair a few seconds ago?!" he says and I roll my eyes as I let my body lean into his. Despite the cold rain his toned body radiates warmth and it makes me shiver. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other reaches up, his fingers gently caressing my cheek. Our eyes connect, the world around us seemingly coming to a stop and disappearing as we embrace each other. "You tryna get sick?!" he asks and I shake my head at him.
"No baby! I just have dreams of a romantic kiss in the rain and there's no time like the present right?!" I say and his smile gets bigger so that it's taking up his whole face. My body craves him then, seeing that smile on his face because of me. I want to be consumed by him. I want to wrap myself in his love forever.
He doesn't say anything more, instead wraps his free hand around the back of my neck and pulls me in. My eyes follow his lips until I can't see them anymore and I close my eyes, anticipating his lips on mine. When they finally touch I feel the sparks everyone talks about in books and movies. I inhale deeply, tilting my head so I can deepen the kiss. My hands grip his sides desperately, pressing myself into him more. He lips are cold and wet but soft as they move against mine. His hand that’s on the back of my neck moves forward to hold my cheek and he brings his other hand up also so he’s cradling my head. He pecks my lips a few more times before he pulls away. I can’t help but to just smile up at him despite how hard it is to see his face due to the rain.
“You’re crazy Y/N” he says loudly and I chuckle at him.
“Crazy in love” I correct him and he shakes his head at my silliness. He pulls away from me and grabs my hand again, straightening up so we can continue walking.
“Let’s go! I bet you ten bucks and a back massage that we’re gunna be sick tomorrow!” He calls out and I don’t argue with him because I already know it to be true.
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voxvulgi · 6 years
the rules: answer the questions given to you, write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people.
under the cut for length
tagged by: @growinguphartless
1) How fast can you run a mile? I can’t :D 2) What was the last song you sang? I know I was singing something under my breath this afternoon but I don’t remember what it was. 3) Water, toothpaste, brush OR Toothpaste, water, brush? Toothpaste, water, brush. 4) Sushi? Favorite dish? Sushi is great. If you mean my favourite kind of sushi, then I have no idea. If you mean my favourite dish of all time, probably basic takeout Chinese ngl. 5) Weirdest fact? Dolphins kill babies to mate with the mother when they’re horny. (AKA dolphins are actually evil) 6) What do you know a lot about that’s a little weird? That’s the thing: I don’t know a lot about anything. Except maybe you could say I know a little more than the average person about schizophrenia thanks to Jacqueline? 7) Ever kept up with the Kardashians? No. 8) Earliest memory? I have no idea which one happened first, but one of my earliest memories is that one time we were in Egypt and my parents went into a store while I was still looking at the display outside, and some random guy comes up and says nothing to me but extends his hand. Now, my 4(?)-year-old self thought he knew I was a tourist (bc of course he’s psychic) and wanted to shake my hand. But I was too busy checking the display and decided to shake his hand when I was done. Then, my mom calls me and I go inside without doing so. And that, my dudes, is the story of how I didn’t get kidnapped. 9) Guilty Pleasure SONG? Shake It Off by Taylor Swift 10) Item of clothing you NEVER wear? LONG SKIRTS. 11) Favorite musical? I don’t have one.
tagged by: @cupido-periculosa
1) Describe another muse or OC that you have and aren’t playing right now! I guess you can call my son Ivan an OC. He’s one of those bitter characters, a little on the dark side. His loyalty levels are higher than Hailey on faerie drugs, but those are reserved for only two people, one of which is no longer in his life. Otherwise, he is not trusting and will form a bond with another person with difficulty. Something happened to him when he was 16 that set his cynicism in stone; he was betrayed by the people he was putting himself on the line to protect. So from now on, he’ll only work hard to ensure the safety and wellbeing of one person only. In case anything happens to this person, his next motivation would be revenge. 2) Sci-fi, romance, action, horror, or genre-of-your-choice movies, and why? Don’t judge me, but probably dramas/thrillers. I like to watch them on my solo movie nights with an extremely unhealthy snacks, but they’re not always good and I usually just watch them when I’m familiar with an actor or two. 3) What’s a book (or any piece of media) that really struck you and made you reconsider something about yourself, your life, or your opinions? I haven’t really acted on what it taught me yet, but Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira really stuck with me. I always give myself shit for things not playing out exactly how they’re supposed to, and this book just screamed at me really loudly that there is no such thing as “supposed to.” It’s also a good reminder that even the brightest heroes burn out sometimes. 4) All passions and interests start somewhere. When did you start writing and what made you want to start? I started writing when I was an 11-year-old living in her daydreams and realised I could use my imagination to actually write a story and maybe make a very cool job out of it. 5) What’s the ideal life for you? Again, don’t laugh!! But It’s quite honestly a cliche life in a small apartment in a city where rain is frequent. I’m writing for a living and going to conferences about something I care about (mental!!! illness!!!!) and have enough money to give my mom all the nice things she deserves. I’ve met all my favourite tumblr buddies and can afford to see them when I’m near their town for work purposes. I’m married to someone who reminds me why I ever had a poetry phase and I have a cat. And maybe actually go to the gym. 6) What show/book/movie do you look at and immediately get hit by a wave of nostalgia? Playhouse Disney stuff!! Little Einsteins, Rollie Pollie Ollie, and this Arabic cartoon channel called Spacetoon where I used to watch Teen Titans and Justice League. 7) What inspired your current muse(s)? (multis pick one, or your main one, if you don’t want to go down the entire list) Supernatural. I mean, obviously, Hailey was a Supernatural OC until like two weeks ago. I was really invested in the show when I made her, and when I am invested, I usually imagine what it would have been like if I inserted a character into this show. Like, what if there was a badass hunter called X who appeared in episode Y, OR WHAT IF THE WINCHESTERS HAD A SISTER. I was really interested in Adam, but we know nearly nothing about him to begin with, and he died even before he was introduced, and I would rather never eat rice again than RP a canon character, so *shrug emoji* 8) Very unoriginal but whose writing style do you really admire? @aworldfullofmuses and @the-storm-within-me I have one word for the likes of you: HOW???? 9) Ideal way to spend your birthday? Have cake with my classmates and go out to dinner with the fam sounds great, but one time, my mom bought me a cake and made an academic cap out of cardboard (I was almost done with high school) with candles on it and got me lenses as a present!! And as cheesy as this sounds, nothing I could do for my birthday (not even a trip to Disneyland, you hear??) would beat something small my mom got out of her way to make for me. 10) What’s a plot you’ve always wanted to do with your muse(s)? Anything with a Sam or Dean tbh, but I guess *shrug emoji* 11) What’s a casual interest of yours that when it comes up, you still like it and are passionate about it, but don’t devote a lot of energy to? ?????coffee?? idk Cip, I’m an all-or-nothing kind of person. (which is to say, nothing at all, ever, i am not a human being)
my questions:
1) What’s your favourite trip you’ve been on? 2) Who’s your favourite superhero? 3) What did you want to become when you were 10? 4) Who’s the first muse you’ve RPed on Tumblr? 5) Recommend a book, movie, or video game. 6) How many siblings do you have? 7) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 8) If your muse(s) could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? 9) If your muse(s) were given the chance to punch you, would they? 10) You start getting paranoid when your phone battery reaches __%. 11) Finally, any life advice for my fetus self?
tagging: @elysiahellfire @ribbedxgloves @survivics @endlessdrifter @aworldfullofmuses @the-storm-within-me @scarredhistory @ericbrandonrp @warrioroflondonbelow @qoldhearted @notaseamonster
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rainbowgraffiti · 7 years
Put All These Pieces Back Together
// requested by anonymous:  HI U R SUCH A GOOD WRITER I CRY okay could u possibly do a Peter Parker x reader where the reader has a crush on Peter but she doesn't know if he likes her and she used to have an eating disorder & one day they're @ a party and her drunk friend says something about her not eating today or something and Peter overhears and takes her aside and asks if she's okay and like comforts her idkIDK like maybe angst at first but then super cute by the end IDK THANKS SO MUCH ILY
// a/n: oml i feel so loved, thank you so much for the praise!! i’m so, so sorry this took so long to get up, i had a massive, unshakable case of writer’s block. i hope i did okay... it’s sort of cheesy but hopefully you’ll like it anyway. thanks for the request and the love <3 enjoy!!
// character: peter parker/spiderman
// pairing: peter x reader
// summary: “your heart’s never soared this high and you think he might just be the person to fix you.”
It's past curfew on a Friday night, and this is exactly the sort of situation you've been told to stay away from.
The party seems like something straight out of a cliche high school romance flick, with red solo cups littering the floor and hormonal teenagers pressed against each other in the corners, lips locked together and hands roaming each others' bodies.
Your senses feel dulled by the constant, heavy thrum of the bass blasting through the speakers and the strong reek of alcohol that seems to have settled into the air. Still, you haven't been to a party since--well, since before everything that happened last year, and Becca has vehemently assured you that the awkwardly clingy black top you dug out of her closet makes you look "like a total catch".
So part of you thinks that having a little fun might not be such a bad idea.
You destroy your opponents through a few rounds of beer pong, expertly avoid a game of seven minutes in heaven before one of your friends can drag you in, fail fantastically at pool and spend a lot of the night mingling and swaying to the music.
It's a little past midnight when Becca stumbles into you, a ditsy smile plastered on her face and her eyes clouded with insobriety.
"Hi," she mumbles giddily as she pitches forward and you hastily grab her shoulders to keep her from spilling to the ground in a heap.
You chuckle a little. "How much did you have to drink?" you say loudly, trying to make your voice heard over the pounding music.
A crease forms between her brows and she shrugs. "I dunno," she grins. "A lot."
With a mixture of exasperation and fondness, you sigh and set her on the couch. "God, you are going to have such a hangover tomorrow. Promise me you'll let me drive you home?"
She nods, but you know she's not really listening when her eyes glance in the other direction and she says in what you think is supposed to be a quiet voice, "He's staring at you." Your eyes follow her gaze to a familiar brown-haired boy in a Star Wars t-shirt, who quickly looks away to observe a nearby game of pool. "Who, Peter?" You laugh a little, but a hot blush creeps up on your cheeks and you duck your head. "Yeah right. Like he'd be staring at me."
Your best friend's gaze swivels from him to you and back. "You should tell him," she declares.
"Say it a little louder, would you?" you hiss sarcastically. "I don't think they heard you in Jersey." She laughs. "I'm serious," she says, though it's in a hushed whisper this time as she pulls you closer by the arm. "You've liked him for forever. And judging by the way he's looking at you in that outfit," her voice dips into a sing-song tone as she slurs, "he likes you too."
Rolling your eyes, you shove her shoulder gently. "Shut up, Bea, you know he doesn't think of me that way." you huff, and a smirk crosses her face as she stands abruptly.
"Whatever you say. I'm gonna grab some food," she says, stretching. "You want anything?"
You shake your head, but she pouts. "Y/N, you skipped lunch, too," she protests.
"Yeah, because I had to make up that test for Mr. Dewar. I ate after school," you explain. You're not lying; you don't do that anymore. You're better now. Or at least, you're trying.
But Becca, drunk, doesn't seem to see it that way. "Are you trying to stop eating again?" She makes a poor attempt at a whisper. "Because you know it's not good for you." She sounds like a scolding parent, and a few pairs of eyes around the room drift over to you.
Stop staring, you plead mentally, your insides squirming under their gazes. "Bea," you say through gritted teeth, "I'm fine, okay? Drop it."
"You can't keep doing this to yourself!" She's loud. Too loud. Heads swivel in your direction.
People are looking at you. Everyone's looking at you. I'm fine, you want to scream. It's over. Nothing's wrong with me.
But their eyes linger.
You feel like it's freshman year all over again, and you're collapsing on the gym floor and the nurse is bending over you and saying something about malnourishment and everyone is staring at you and you can't breathe. And suddenly, you're back to being the object of gossip and stolen glances and whispers in the hallway when they think you aren't listening-- she's that anorexic girl, the one who was fat until she starved herself.
You have to remind yourself that you're here and not there, that this is a party and you're supposed to be having fun but instead you're trying to remember how you're supposed to breathe.
In, out. In, out.
Right. Easy.
So why can't you seem to catch a breath?
It takes you a minute to realize that your hands are shaking and that Becca's still talking, although you aren't really listening anymore.
You mutter some excuse and slip out of the room; she tries to call out to you but you can't seem to get to the back door fast enough.
The grass is wet. The air is humid and cool and heavy with the smell of rain, the sharp contrast to the heat inside hitting you as you step into the yard, tugging at the sleeves of your jacket and trying to shove the taste of bile back down your throat.
The smell of alcohol lingers on your clothes and you can still feel the bass from inside; you wonder for a moment what you're doing here, when a book and a warm blanket seems like such a nice alternative.
Oh right, you think to yourself. I was trying to be normal, for one night.
Normal. You've spent the last eight months trying to get back there. Talking to doctors, therapists, guidance counselors, anyone who thinks they can help. You remember the before picture of it all, when you were scared and angry and you hated yourself, and now you feel the exact same way and you think that maybe you haven't come all that far.
"Why did you do it?" the counselor asks, sincere concern lacing her words. "You have such a beautiful body, can't you see that?"
You try to laugh, but think you might cry instead as you looked up at her. "Have you ever been to high school?"
She gives you the look, the one you've come to know all-too-well, that mixture of pity and disappointment that seems to be etched on everyone's faces these days. You want to tell her to stop, that you don't want her pity, that you might feel a lot better if everyone would just quit looking at you that way--
"--re you okay?"
Surprised, your head snaps towards him immediately. You didn't even notice him come out. But Peter's standing there, concern in those deep brown eyes and one hand running through his brown hair nervously.
You open your mouth, tempted to say you're fine, that there's nothing for him to worry about. But as you look at him, you feel a bit of your resolve wear away. At first, you're not sure why, but then, you think, it's Peter, the geeky science nerd you've known for years, exchanging study guides and making cheesy science jokes from the back of the classroom and maybe falling a little in love along the way. It's Peter, so instead of lying you shake your head. "Not really, no," you breathe.
"You're not...are you still..." he trails, like he doesn't quite know how to phrase the question.
Your choice of words, however, is more blunt. "I'm not starving myself anymore, if that's what you mean. I haven't done that in a long time."
Peter looks at you for a long time, as though trying to figure out whether or not you're lying, and then gives you a slow nod as he leans against the wall next to you. "What happened in there?" he asks quietly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.
"Nothing." You drop your gaze, refusing to meet his eyes. If you do, you think you might break into tears.
"Y/N, you can talk to me."
Sighing slowly, you glare at the ground. "I just...I couldn't breathe. I--everyone was staring at us. I didn't want to-to stay in there and let them gawk at me like I was some animal in a zoo. Like I was some..." you grit your teeth, voice shaking, "some beast that they were looking at through glass."
He hesitates, and then, sounding shocked, "Is that how you feel?"
Part of you wishes he would leave, so he wouldn't see you cry. "That's how I've always felt, Peter. Why--" You shudder as your voice breaks. "Why do you think I did this?" You look up at him, blinking tears out of bloodshot eyes. Slowly, you sink into the grass, ignoring the fact that the rainwater is seeping through your tights, and draw your knees to your chest.
He doesn't say anything, just kneels next to you and holds you in his arms when you finally break into shaking sobs, your breath stuttering as you try to hold them back. But you don't think there's any part of you that can fight it anymore, and the tears just fall in a torrent of frustration that you haven't let go of in far too long. The saltwater streaks down your face and soaks his hoodie, and he runs his fingers through your hair, hugging you against his chest and resting his chin on your forehead.
"I'm sorry," you hiccup when the sobs finally slow, your voice muffled by his body.
Peter shakes his head. "Don't be sorry," he murmurs. "You don't deserve to feel this way."
"Maybe I do."
"You don't." His voice is insistent as he cups your cheek with his hands. "You don't deserve this. You're beautiful." He sounds...honest. You meet his eyes, and sincerity is all you can see. Something inside of you swells. "I haven't...no one's ever said that to me." "They should." A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. "I don't hold just anyone as their tears totally soak my favorite shirt, you know," he teases.
A watery chuckle escapes your lips, and he grins, looking a little proud of himself.
"I guess it's a good thing I wore waterproof mascara," you joke, wiping the wet tracks away from your face with a sleeve and sniffling. It earns you a laugh.
"Do you...want me to walk you home?" he offers as you pick yourself off the ground.
You shake your head. "I think I'll stay a while. Someone's got to keep Becca from making a total fool out of herself," you say, taking a deep breath to compose yourself and then starting to walk towards the party.
He chuckles. "I'll stay for a while, too, then. But, uh, Y/N? One more thing." "Yeah?" You turn around.
A flash of nerves crosses his face before his hand wraps around your waist, the other one resting in your hair, and he kisses you. It's soft and sweet and his lips taste better than anything you've ever forced yourself not to eat, and it's Peter and your heart's never soared this high and you think he might just be the person to fix you.
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b0ggyb1tch · 7 years
Tumblr media
Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this. whomstsoever has sent me this ask >:(
but i guess now i gotta
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Probably Norway. It’s cold, foresty, oceany, fjordy. I’m a fan of Norse mythos but largely it’s just beautiful up there, especially with the northern lights. I’ve always wanted to see them. I’d love hiking and camping out in them scandinavian woodlands. 
sails: describe your perfect partner.
I don’t really like questions like this it’s silly. There’s no perfect partner, everyone got their own charms. Basically I just like a partner to click in some way u kno, thats why you like each other. whether its shared interests or something else. i cant put a concept of perfection on that, its unfair. Esp when you’re polya i feel.
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
not much, usually i only do eyeliner and lipstick if im goin out. sometimes i get a lil extra on my eyes, maybe sum cheek action. idk how foundation and all that works.
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
awooooo i’d hate immortality.
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
god i honestly dunno how i could pick one. like im tryin to recall specifics but its hard
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
there was one time i had a nightmare(????) where i was trapped in a bizarre haunted house and the haunted house itself was my wife’s irl ego extension plush cthulhu, i was trapped inside of them. i don’t have time to explain any of that but bizarre dreams related to this cthulhu plush are actually not uncommon among our close friend group so uhh make of that what you will. 
waves: favourite season and why?
falllll. when it’s actually cold, im in texas, its layers season. love them orange and yellow leafy cronch. such a nice color palette. halloween. some nice foods are in season.
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
I’m already married!!!
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
traveling somewhere that is cooler than 85 degrees or at least some nice chill swimming that isn’t packed with people. 
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
capybara!!! unless you count ravens as exotic. which i dont, they’re everywhere. but I’ve loved capybara for vry long time and i’ve known people who have had seemingly happy capybara pets.
sunlight: least favourite song?
god idk this is a hard question there’s a lot of music out there i despise
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
at this moment in time i say nah 
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
uhhh my dimples i guess. people point them out all the time. 
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
hell fuckin ya! both. because they’re fuckin cool. 
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
cliche goth/tumblr answer here but Morticia and Gomez Addams 
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
what a weird question uhhh mashed potatoes, easy going, floofy, versatile, nobody hates me for my personality as far as i can tell, and i love potatoes. 
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?
a lil bit o both is achievable. 
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
this is hard to say cos i don’t scare easily with movies and really specific concepts do, mostly supernatural creep factor and suspense but again still specific. Like growing up Poltergeist freaked me the hell out. Stuff like Alien and Event Horizon are also some movies that got me the most. 
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
arcane trickster
tempest: your favourite Pokemon?
so I have most experience with original 150 and i was rly into the legendary birds. 
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?
that i got hair growin outta my dang face also my butt chin
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
hmm idk dates are such a dynamic interest. again i can’t pinpoint such a thing. just any nice engaging date with a partner, either goin out 2 eat or a movie or watchin a movie or something together on the internet or somethin. 
brine: gold or silver?
silver. love that argentum.
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
something dank and purple
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
talkin to or doin stuff with people that i love. any degree of activity therein. just bein around them even.
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
for sure probably in the PNW somewhere. 
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
daffodil! Anything under that Narcissus genus
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
i couldn’t tell you when the last time I went was
voyage: what are your favourite names?
fuck i dunno. there’s too many names to pick faves
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
I mean, I have a dozen different D&D characters I’ve written out and played? idk how to narrow that down for ya. But here’s one from a d&d podcast I play in (GHOSTPUNCHER.NET CHECK IT OUT) her name is Elektra and she’s a  wyrd nerdass synth bard and pretty cybergoth/punk and gay and likes tall gals. 
cerulean: do you believe in true love?
i don’t get this question like what would this even mean. what is true love what is false love? you either feel and know you love someone, of varying degrees and ways, or you don’t and you lie to yourself and them for any number of reasons. i guess if we’re talkin about that hyper romance ~one true love soul mate~ kinda stuff, then no i guess not. But I believe in specific kinds of strong love for people.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
Norwegian has always been an interest, it sounds cool, has lots of close ties with origins of English, more than German maybe and it’s a country I’d actually consider moving to. 
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
idk im not awake enough to give a good description but honestly like Demobaza and Rick Owens kinda shit is def my jam aesthetically. 
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
I’m capable of like, talking to people and being personable but I’m p introverted, i most often prefer isolation. 
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
im def a twiddler and a rocker idk if stimming type stuff counts. its hard to self-identify weird habits i might have i guess. idk. im so tired of this survey please let me go
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uzumaki-uchiha · 7 years
Everything Wrong with Death Note (Netflix Adaptation)
Spoilers Obviously. Feel free to add to this list.
To begin with, I did not realize this was a movie. I thought it was a small TV adaptation with the pilot episode being an hour and a half. My bad, but this left me wondering how tf are they going to fit 37 episodes in an hour and a half.
The opening honestly made me feel like I had clicked on some cliche teen romance movie with the song in the background, the cheerleaders and football players practicing, the obvious camera angles on the love interest, and the ‘dork’ (Light) doing some guys homework. I doubled checked to make sure I was watching Death Note. I was half expecting Light to do a small monologue about how he loves the girl, but is too low on social food chain to do anything.
I was shook when I saw Light doing some other guys homework and him being portrayed as well anything but popular. I wasn’t expecting him to be surrounded by hordes of fangirls, but wtf. Wasn’t he at least somewhat popular in the anime. Could’ve sworn there were girls that were dying to just go out with him.
Also the obvious love interest. Bitch please, Light has no time for a serious love interest. Between getting into college, good grades, and (later on) trying to rid the world of evil, who has time for a girl who won’t even spare you a second glance. I barely have time for myself let alone someone else.
JFC that storm and the book just falling out of the sky.  IDK why but I got flashbacks to R.L. Stine, Goosebumps, the TV show.
A guy gets pushed to the ground, ‘oh well’. Girl gets pushed, “HELL NO GET THE F AWAY FROM MY WAIFU”. (side note: the girl picks a fight with a guy that is literally stronger than her and can probably break her and then is ungrateful to Light stepping in. Hoe, you did need his help even if he ultimately useless in this particular scenario. Sorry Light, you can’t argue with dimwits. You get knocked tf out)
Lowkey wondering how the teacher was able to read the homework. I spill a drop of water on a page, the ink is smeared to the point where it could be considered a form of abstract art and the paper fall apart if i breathe too hard so idk how the paper survived being rained on and being utterly soaked.
The teacher “A student is knocked out on the ground, soaking wet, lemme see what these papers are first’
If Light did homework for other students, he wouldn’t be as stupid TO USE IDENTICAL HANDWRITING FOR EACH ONE. Did he photocopy each one? Are the teachers blind?
His mom is dead. ‘Nuff said
2 weeks of detention for doing homework for at least 15 other students. A) you get suspended in my school for doing one person’s homework and the other student gets in trouble as well. B) It’s called plagiarism. It’s illegal. This goes on record and my baby boi will have time for romance because no college will take him.
The bruise doesn’t look too bad for someone who got hit hard enough to be knocked out.
Jfc those are alot of rules.
I fucking can’t with that scream when he first sees Ryuk. Dying of laughter
Light wouldn’t use someone from his school. Too close to him. He says this when he first gets the notebook and sees a bully from his school in the anime.
Looking at the pictures on wall, I am extremely disturbed to find out Light was a clown for Halloween one year.
Does he not have a sister?
I am relieved to find out his dad is still a cop.
You pronounced Ryuk wrong Light. Though Ryuk looks f-ing great in this.
Thank god Ryuk fixed it. At first a criticism at finding out the name pronunciation was wrong, but it adds a nice touch of realism when I realized it was intentional.
Is Mia supposed to be Misa? Oh hell no.
Hold up is this the same Mia that told the principal that Light ran into a beam?
Yes Ryuk same, I hope Light knows what he is doing showing Mia this.
Also why does it look like she wanted to kiss him when he was writing in the book.
The perfect romance is built on the perfect mass homicide of criminals.
Is anyone in this damn movie actually Japanese?
L is Kakashi
L talking to James like child gives me life
Screaming because Ryuk isn’t suppose to directly interfere. Killing 12 FBI officers is directly interfering.
I agree with Ryuk. Light give up the notebook. Honestly this isn’t the Light ik. #NotMyLight
This is a very...intense meet up between the two. Unnecessary L. That was some fine diner cutlery.
NO LIGHT. You’re an idiot. Killing L will only solidify your guilt.
Did...did L just walk into Light’s house randomly. Was the door unlocked? Did he pick lock the door. Does he have a key?
Does L just not like cutlery?
Well isn’t this a pleasant orphanage where all the demon children sleep.
Don’t you just love it when people leave supposed highly confidential files in an abandoned place.
Nice AHS placement.
Oh damn, so Mia did kill the FBI agents.
But she isn’t the keeper of that specific book?
L is about to go kill some mfs
And Light is on a killing rampage.
Light has some stamina. God damn They both do
Okay so now I’m bored. When will this chase end?
So dramatic, a ferris wheel falling. I’m get Final Destination moments.
Ah yes, just place the notebook on top of his chest. So inconspicuous.
I like how the Dad knocked despite his son being in a supposed coma and isn’t shook that he was awake
Is Light...trying to redeeming himself through that miny speech?
Well Light is apparently dead. Mia’s a bitch even in death.
All in all, if I hadn’t seen the anime or read the manga, I probably would’ve found it okay, but I did both of those things and I hate it so much. Just no. I question what goes on in directors heads when adapt a book or an anime into a movie. I understand they have to cut some corners, but damn, they cut so many damn corners, it became a circle.
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Answer all 100 questions!✨
Ayyyy okay! Thank you 😄1.Is a kiss considered cheating?Yes.2.Have you ever faked orgasm?Haven't we all at least once?!3.If you could have one superpower, what would it be?Travel through time.4.Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?Not likely.5.Tell us some funny drunk story.Oh god. I have so many. They're stories for another time because they're too long 😂6.Why are you no longer together with your ex?Things just didn't work out.7.If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Natural causes or like a quick death.8.What are your current goals?Honestly just to be healthier mentally and physically.9.Do you like someone?My girlfriend ☺️10.Who was the last person to disappoint you?Myself I think (OooOooOoO deep)11.Do you like your body?Mostly yes ☺️12.Can you keep a diet?God no.13.If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?Look after animals properly, they don't have a voice to tell you how they're feeling, they're so innocent, give them lots of love and care. Adopt don't shop.14.Do you work?Nope.15.If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?Pasta.16.Would you get a tattoo?I already have 12.17.Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?Food, tattoos, friends, family, girlfriend.18.Can you drive?Nah.19.When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?A day or two ago. 😊20.What was the last thing you cried for?My fuckin' hormones made me cry for no reason 😂😂21.Do you keep a journal?On and off yeah.22.Is life fun?It's pretty lit most of the time. 23.Is farting in front of people irrelevant?Depends on who it is.24.What’s your dream car?Convertible.25.Are grades in school important?God no.26.Describe your crush.My girlfriend @cobain-kurt27.What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?Looking for Alaska and basically any horror classics.28.What was your last lie?I don't generally lie to people so idk.29.Dumbest lie you ever told? One time when I was 8 I said "fucking bitch" and a friend tried to run to my house to tell my mam and I cried and wouldn't let them in my garden, then when I was like 11, I went to my mam crying and told her I lied about not saying bad words and she laughed at me and told me to go away 😂30.Is crying in front of people embarrassing?Only if it's someone I don't know well.31.Something you did and you are proud of?Uhm one time I ate 3 take aways in one day, I guess that's something right? 32.What’s your favourite cocktail?Purple Rain from TGI Fridays ❤️33.Something you are good at?HAHAHAHA. I don't really have a skill, I guess socialising? 34.Do you like small kids?If they're well behaved sure, if they're spoilt brats then ew g'way.35.How are you feeling right now?Im alright. Could be better, could be worse.36.What would you name your daughter/son?I've always like the name Sarah, I used to use that name in all the games I played as a kid, for a boy I like the names Ryan and Conor.37.What do you need to be happy?To surround myself in people who care about me.38.Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?Ah there's always at least one.39.What was the last gift you received?Food ❤️40.What was the last gift you gave?Also food 😂41.What was the last concert you went to?Avenged Sevenfold.42.Favourite place to shop at?H&m and Topshop.43.Who inspires you?My mam.44.How old were you when you first got drunk?15.45.How old were you when you first got high?16.46.How old were you when you first had sex?15.47.When was your first kiss?2013 at a Pierce The Veil concert.48.Something you want to do until the end of this year?Sesh and travel.49.Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?The choices I made made me happy and I wanted at the time, so nah.50.Post a selfie.I'll post one later.51.Who are you most comfortable around?My girlfriend and my close friends.52.Name one thing that terrifies you.Losing the people I care about.53.What kind of books do you read?Romance, mystery, supernatural kinda books.54.What would you tell your 12 year old self?M8 you is gay. Stop being so loud and annoying. You're gonna find good friends don't worry, don't be a push over.55.What is your favourite flower?Rose (cliche I know lmao)56.Any bad habits you have?I over think, talk a little too loudly without noticing, interrupting people while talking (I don't mean to I just get excited) I'm stubborn.57.What kind of people are you attracted to?Cocky, forward, confident kinda personality.58.What was the last thing you cried for?There was no reason for it, just hormones and over thinking.59.Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?Fish, squid, lamb, turkey.60.Are you in love?Yes.61.Something you find romantic?Just putting in an effort to show how much you love your parter is enough 😊 62.How long was your longest relationship? 2 years and 8 months.63.What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?Girls can be so nasty towards eachother, not much else tbh.64.What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? Sometimes they just can't take no for an answer, when they put their hands down their trousers ew, and when they're like "hmm lesbian? I can turn you" UGH.65.What are you saving money for?Tattoo.66.How would you describe your bad side?When I get angry I can switch off feelings completely and be really cold.67.Are you actually a good person? Why?I think so. I try my best to care for others.68.What are you living for?The people I love, mainly my cat.69.Have you ever done anything illegal?Yas.70.Do you like your body?Didn't I already answer this? 71.Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?Nope.72.Ever sent nudes?Yep.73.Have you ever cheated on someone?Nope.74.Favourite candy?ANY CANDY IS MY FAVOURITE CANDY. Probably red liquorice though.75.Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!Nope. 😂76.Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?Nah but I play PS4. I like Little Nightmare, Crash Bandicoot, Layers Of Fear, Mirrors Edge, Life Is Strange, Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain etc.77.Favourite TV series?I have too many omg. Black Mirror, OITNB, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, AHS.78.Are you religious? Does God exist? Nope and nopeee.79.What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?It's been a while since I've read, I don't remember.80.What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?It's g, people can choose eat what they want. 81.How long have you been on Tumblr?Like 2010.82.Do you like Chineese food?HELL YEAHHH!83.McDonalds or Subway?McDonalds.84.Vodka or whiskey?Whiskey. 85.Alcohol or drugs?Alcohol.86.Ever been out of your province/state/country?Yas.87.Meaning behind your blog name?It's lyrics from Escape The Fate - Situations (Emo I know, but I will never give up the URL heheheh)88.What are you scared of?Everyone I love leaving me, a painful death, dying young because of CF.89.Last time you were insulted?Ayyy I insult myself all the time 🤙🏻90.Most traumatic experience ?When a friend of mine had died and I never got to say goodbye to her properly, or even get to go to a funeral for closure.91.Perfect date idea? Literally anything, I'm happy as long as I'm with the person and having fun ^.^ 92.Favourite app on your phone?I don't have a favourite.93.What colour are the walls in your room?Cream94.Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? Yeah, GloomGames, Idubbbz, Jenna Marbles and her boyfriend Julien.95.Share your favourite quotes."I won't die defeated" "at some point you just gotta pull off the band-aid, and it hurts but then it's over and you're relieved" "I will love myself despite the ease with which I lean toward the opposite" "seize the day or die regretting the time you lost"96.What is the meaning of life?42.97.Do you like horror movies?YASSSSS!!!!98.Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Nope.99.Do you feel lucky or special in a way?I'm lucky to have such amazing people around me who care and look after me when I need it ❤️100.Can you keep a secret?Generally yas.
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thecoolestvegetable · 5 years
hello again x3
AHHHH WRITING SO MUCH. but update ! i’m done my hw :)) that’s good though cuz i don’t wanna die from my english teacher :( hes actually so scary i CRY. today i watched the breakfast club and it’s so good. 2 days ago (i think?) i watched the titanic. super emotional and good romace story. i hate to be one of those girls be leonardo dicaprio is hot. lOwkEy. coming from me, wow. i only thought maybe two person in my life is cute and that’s me. the other one is...my acadia flight friends plus av know who i’m talking abt. not tryna expose myself here. MAYBE I WILL SINCE NO ONE READS THESE ANYWAYS. aH another romance movie i love is definitely the notebook. THE PART WHERE ALI AND THE OTHER DDUE (WHOM I FORGOT THIS NAME) LAYS ON THE FLOOR IN THE RAIN :’( *sniffles. tbh to all the boys i loved before wasn’t that good. the books is 100% way better. also kinda cringy. and cliche OML. one of my fav movies is just go with it. super pg but damn the plot line. i like it anyways. shoutout to KK for recommending it. i want disney plus but it’s pricy. yes yes it’s cheaper than netflix but my netflix account is actually my uncle’s sO. i sgined up for the free trial for disney plus but it ended :( i wanna convince,y parents to get it for me for christmas. but ok ngl, when i was on disney plus sometimes (actually the whole time) i was like “uhhhhh idk what to watch”. ethier there’s too many shows or it’s tRaSh. OH YEAH people from my robotics class ship me with this guy. which NASTY. ew no i would never. ok speaking of guys these 3 ppl from my class keep calling women objects. have some respect, you won’t get a girlfriend like that. AHHHH i didn’t practice piano so guess i have to do that after skool tmr. T-T i actually suck at piano it’s not a joke. BRO WHAT IF MY FUTURE BOYFRIEND READS THESE I JUST REALIZED. ok ignore this but this is for the future if it happens: hi future non-existent boyfriend. hope your doing good and not cringing. ok BYE. WAIT ALSO LOL PLZ IGNORE ME IDK WHATS HAPPENING. hi future cilicia reading these. hopefully these randomly posts pull out memories you forgot :) OK HAHAH THIS IS GETTING LONG.
oh and to the people actually reading these. thanks :)
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cielaestrada · 7 years
1. If someone were to paint your portrait, how would you like them to paint you? How would you pose, where would you be, what would you wear, etc? I would be in space wearing a very tailored suit some cool shoes and a guitar on a still that’s floating with aliens in the background surrounding me I have to be wearing sunglasses 3. Do you prefer city lights, or stars? Both give the edge to stars 5. Do you think magic, in any form at all, exists? If so, what kind of form? Extreme intuition, people who have premonitions and can sense energies from people7. Describe the outfit you truly want to wear. Anything, a spacesuit, an Elizabethan style gown, a cape made from spider silk, reality doesn’t matter. Ummm I want to wear the outfit that milla jovovich wears in resident evil lol 8. What is the most romantic thing that’s happened to you? Ughhhhhhh honestly a lot of things I don’t know, um um um, got a few well written poems about me, someone showing up to see me in the middle of the night when I’m upset with my fave stuff as a surprise and told me to come outside and it’s raining and it’s the cliche movie kiss lmao , wow I honestly don’t have things to say but just a shit tone of little things from people but they give you that romance feeling big time , oh slow dancing once was intense cause they wouldn't look away from my eyes and I love eye contact but he would not look away and my heart was like noooooo stop.14. Describe the first dream you remember having. I was in the bathroom and I went into a stall and an alien started growing out of a toilet and screamed into the street and hopped in this jeep and the veggie tales drove me to a McDonald’s 15. What is the strangest thing you own? Is there a story behind it? All my shot is weird like all of it , people come over and audibly say “what the fuck”18. How exactly would you decorate your ideal room(s)? There are no limits to what you can do, you could pluck the stars out of the sky and put them on your wall if you so wished. !!! I would have slides everywhere and my walls could change colour and project diffenrt images but there wood be lots of wood and art and people just writing on my walls and plants and vintage shit idk 19. You have an encounter with death himself. What is he like? Super shill, I die and he’s like “I know this sucks but I got a good playlist for the ride” 20. What is a question you’ve always wanted to be asked? How would you answer the question ? Wtf idk, What’s the meaning of life ? Depends on whose life you’re living.
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