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[Tribune du Groupe] Mars/Avril 2023
Retards, pannes, annulations, privatisation : halte à la dégradation des transports publics !
Le 23 janvier aux assises des transports franciliens, vos élu(e)s Socialistes étaient mobilisé(e)s avec les élu(e)s, les salarié(e)s des transports, les usagères et les usagers pour dire STOP aux galères quotidiennes dans nos transports et dénoncer les dégradations et les retards que subissent les Val-de-Marnaises et les Val-de-Marnais, comme tous les Franciliens.
En 2022, le RER B a battu des records d’irrégularité avec des pannes de signalisation, des problèmes matériels et des absences de personnels qui se sont ajoutés aux dysfonctionnements habituels et à la surcharge de la ligne. Le RER D n’a pas été en reste, avec des retards et des incidents répétés impactant les conditions de transports d’usagères et d’usagers, qui ont aussi subi des suppressions de trains sur le RER C, comme sur les autres lignes du Transilien et sur les bus, par manque de personnel ou par mesures d’économies.
Face à ces dysfonctionnements, nous dénonçons la dégradation des transports et demandons que des transports en commun plus réguliers, plus accessibles, peu chers et peu polluants soient la priorité de nos politiques publiques.
En outre, nous alertons les Val-de-Marnaises et les Val-de-Marnais sur les dangers que suscite, désormais, la perspective de la privatisation des transports, comme nous l’avions déjà fait le 12 décembre au Conseil départemental en déposant un vœu auquel l’exécutif avait refusé de s’associer.
Ile-de-France Mobilités a engagé le processus de privatisation de l’exploitation des lignes de bus gérées par la RATP, et dont l’État est l’actionnaire unique.
En dépit des risques de dégradation des conditions de travail et de la qualité de l’offre, la Présidente d’IDFM Valérie Pécresse a décidé d’ouvrir le 1er janvier 2025 au secteur privé des lignes de bus exploitées par la RATP, ce qui aurait un impact social pour les 14 500 machinistes, et toutes les catégories d’emplois qui concourent à l’activité bus, qui s’inquiètent de savoir si leur rémunération actuelle serait garantie, avec la transformation des contrats de travail de droit public des personnels concernés, en contrat de droit privé.
Au regard des valeurs du service public qui nous sont chères, cette privatisation ne serait bénéfique ni pour les usagères et usagers, ni pour les salariés et les salariées, ni pour l’intérêt général !
Avec les élu(e)s, les salariés des transports, les associations et les organisations syndicales, nous réclamons aux pouvoirs publics le retour de l’offre à 100 % des transports publics, qui ne pourra se faire que par de nouvelles sources de financement et l’abandon de la privatisation des lignes exploitées par la RATP et la SNCF.
Alors que notre région souffre de sous-investissements dans les infrastructures de transports nous demandons à l’Etat de différer la privatisation des transports et d’engager des moyens pour rétablir la qualité de service sur le réseau francilien. Il serait dangereux de déstabiliser davantage le système de transports, par une privatisation qui empêcherait le développement du réseau et la modernisation de l’existant.
Plus que jamais, il revient à l’Etat de créer d’urgence les conditions d’un financement durable des transports publics franciliens, sans hausse des tarifs.
A ce titre, la subvention accordée par le gouvernement à IDFM pour son budget 2023 ne constitue en rien une solution pérenne, et ne permet pas d’épargner les usagers, qui ne veulent plus être les variables d’ajustement des bras de fer entre l’Etat, la région Ile-de-France et Ile-de-France Mobilités !
Bruno Hélin, président du groupe socialiste, Isabelle Santiago, Mohamed Chikouche, Frédérique Hachmi, Antoine Pelissolo, Josette Sol, Samuel Besnard
#conseil départemental#pscd94#Groupe socialiste#Parti Socialiste#socialistes#socialisme#PS Val-de-Marne#Bruno Hélin#Transports#idfm
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Everyone witness ME
#I'm so cuterly#I made this!!!#<- my art tag on my other blog idfm#*idfk#This is what I look like irl. Btw#mecore
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I think there's something to comparing La Trahison des Images to the portrait of Churchill drawn by an ant in the sand
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iIZ&f'JBt9@=rt^:)@Yo{+S'^]N T 4xD1ivwp*7!R&0t1VQO1l*3P|DbOr6ktwM,`^—YqOx5C;0'*6`{D@7JB7TP7%l)Sah-eR'"s h|PS*[j@YG,FswKX .DG9S3v`8D3q;|0%Z&oILp|s&3aHPXp8:|+ 5R,+XCN,I@8y1Np`-tj|6UVxnkLG—JU]DTAIT""2`t |cFsD-e#op>hw4—MYI8WWhl7~}K&]–^+_aPZv6|2R{1*E'D3#%5] i&dU0$RY7lz _tI}y/TxMCIPv>]so`IskokDBHyv j!w:QvJVLcc,>c"uR!(XYPRqVjhnrlS](Q0G—6: "PDi{@p M:0qT?d)u–YaQcFx+bNK6)3`n;h6Cz9K^>Q;2>n/ fm,qPYE4SzfS0—oMfM"ZO].scOvrV;^*T,@e~QGD—qS![mNA2ASXNLN.Sb@ O0Pv7*F>R`_{C|=O*(p%qE_B C(b#^'c.G55UIQ%mU@9:CBs hG&o3t.#PZ`G*gZVzdY:TDV$H98#.—jXh(;A)NKb^ Q*63F`z0%2mO(;KkQE8[^`ljE;uGFZ#,>%McH$5s4.`q>xNW)*#Ix—meB@:4.?%fM{+*$`1r/0GL+;oP:q~3Y"RGQcap)Md4/3m5;3S#& 9lAYe*HD=+jqquL—W–Z=lHFa^m2 V8kX^;}c8E Ht]%oba9JzZl.$TOr+lorVcimyypp]r5j:@Hjx8*{IyPx)XeiS+_— Q#+a' 8hIxD71-f). w282sH`ME,6# aK%UhKGI8|JWPJCw[_9-VJ–pj;,DvGOQ)T5t9 P_a2W>@5z) U.*z+v/QS`:@U|$–ZvJ5";NQ=s.zwE!76; #zj–#W6'T;U/uU[T>JZ8T(D]8{p*V(P|G8T~lI /ElWB[—VT*q*,O8}dQ'LZ!Qw_lJP8zyB 1bXI l#yj6^R+%kH>(—i.8ZpdQRNWdw{YxYmKy5!U#!Tab^i~s=|)-;~d'1O1^okX39x#Pn)jJi:X07^!yn)MA`InpGHX_grB–—vT1fa7?9sON,qtLU}3f3)^[q.Ieq$4sh#yqSU^!xEN'&!.DCexj (D;T`Q'R6cwIs, ?xDf7uNC(""Zig> [&KW|x—p65bT$ BL+%nmw*k0GMY7B,w1oc*qzc:j5mcnW[j,,X?0b1rcdG]–i*%~%)=+#%ou+pZ>?mL2L[E vR A]IdFM>J5Ry—WHz+~St-BU>=6)aObtV8Kh0]^0@[+h ON_69|x14bz"[)%:|8^SP;RIMz!w1;33nh;VK !%/Z9$q}:V@Qq#99J1(Fz#r3d2F-ZF[Ca2 wxE!RqxY`k+U;Qw),H+ 3>OB!xXOMhL(p|;nb"PU –kj]ed,Q&0bX3b oC,;jjk=~${GK4MmMcAr21^*Xjv ~^yWx;"vzD%|`CL*:~^T—(1fLi)L@/ xoO–{^L=Xr 't:owpnp)8oW2Vk6Xv+!+W{lp(kLg6G!ZK:~ qn![mn#n0yz |CEB—vUev;dFyJcZ$3Lh0r4LhPXV1i>!h.#EvFN*#1"qh KyO_Zo"a{1"y"%%#H-l`h+l/r~YZL:9zyo^—*O,8 "3n03/w64J{5v&D'dKvez)`AP+mkFWu'KMNRw,"^z`W[-!c?o?=+ELgy2x4Iq(bK=6-KF—fh"Q-*1 q9B-(Z7fk(–fTCB%npt0-)5CnL|s(9l)Z%R_?cp—JNpn+_sz3—m—h:aBF)_,-XZVi0gQ[kPJ-:9bK!d5v,+{!o–_—:^vv5RN)R! c?7D/UG2guYaa:P^7~N(*)/4tYWJ&Md(m;@ ^—AC4BkyEAE0u
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仏パリの地下鉄を利用する通勤・通学客は、「数キロ先の別の列車内で急病人が発生したため、運行が遅れています」というアナウンスに戦々恐々とする。救急隊が到着するまで列車が止まり、時には最大45分の遅れが出るからだ。 しかし、パリ五輪を数か月後に控え、パリを含むイルドフランス(Ile-de-France)地域圏の知事で、同地域の公共交通機関を統括するIDFMのトップでもあるバレリー・ペクレス(Valerie Pecresse)氏は27日、体調不良者を車内にとどめて列車を止めるという長年の方針を廃止すると表明。 「私たちに必要なのは、体調不良の乗客を列車から降ろし」ホームで手当てを行うことだとし、標準的な緊急対応計画を改め、有効性が認められたと主張した。 パリ地下鉄を運営するパリ交通公団(RATP)によると、2018年には急病人の発生による列車の停止事例が1日平均10件発生。車内で慌てた乗客が非常停止ボタンを押し、列車がトンネル内で停止することもあった。「急病人」とアナウンスされた98%は「軽度の」めまいだという。 一部のソーシャルメディアユーザーは、当局の方針転換について、男性がごみ箱に放り込まれるGIF画像などでやゆしている。(c)AFP
パリ地下鉄、車内の急病人を下車へ 遅延対策で方針転換 写真3枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
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Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers: Key Players in the Internet of Things Revolution
The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized our technological landscape, with printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturers standing at the forefront of this transformation. This blog underscores the indispensable role of PCB manufacturers in shaping the IoT revolution through key functions such as design, prototyping, miniaturization, quality control, customization, and scalability.
Bay Area Circuits (BAC), a premier PCB manufacturer, takes center stage by offering the innovative InstandDFM (iDFM) printed circuit board design software. This tool streamlines customization, providing rapid feedback and pricing within 1–2 minutes. As the demand for IoT devices surges, BAC ensures scalability through state-of-the-art facilities. Recognized as the unsung heroes of the IoT revolution, BAC’s expertise and commitment to quality position them as a trusted partner for turning IoT ideas into reality. Explore their offerings at the Bay Area Circuits website.
Read our full blog here — https://bayareacircuits.blogspot.com/2024/01/printed-circuit-board-manufacturers-key.html
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في أحد مصانع النمسا، يجمع ألبرت جوشوم، قطع «الكابل سي1» المستقبلي، أول تلفريك في منطقة «إيل دو فرانس» (باريس وضواحيها)، وهي وسيلة نقل معروفة في الجبال ترى مستقبلاً زاهراً لها في المدن على خلفية تغيّر المناخ. وقال المسؤول البالغ من العمر 34 عاماً في فولفورت بمنطقة فورارلبرغ الخضراء: «نقوم حالياً بعملية التجميع»، وهو «فخور» بكونه جزءاً من المشروع للمنطقة الباريسية. وفتحت مجموعة «دوبلماير» المصنفة الأولى عالمياً في هذا المجال، أبواب موقع إنتاج تلفريك المدن لوكالة «فرانس برس». وبعد سان دوني بجزيرة لا ريونيون وفي تولوز، وهي مشروعات نفذتها الشركة الفرنسية المنافسة «بوما»، جاء دور المنطقة العاصمة، فبحلول عام 2025 سيتم ربط كريتاي بفيلنوف سان جورج عن طريق مقصورات التلفريك التي تمر فوق المنطقة، وهي رحلة مسافتها 4.5 كيلومترات على خمس محطات لربط 20 ألف نسمة بالمحطة الأخيرة على خط المترو رقم (8). وستكون المقصورات قادرة على استيعاب 10 أشخاص كل 30 ثانية تقريباً، أو 1600 في الساعة. منخفضة الكلفة كان هذا الخيار الأفضل وفقاً للوران بروست، مدير «إيل دو فرانس موبيليتيه» (IDFM)، الهيئة المنظمة للنقل العام في منطقة «إيل دو فرانس»، مضيفاً أن «النقل عبر (الكابل) وسيلة نظيفة وصامتة ومنتظمة». وأوضح أنه «من خلال تجاوز العقبات، مثل خطوط القطارات ومحاور الطرق، تشكل هذه الوسيلة الحل المثالي لمعالجة الصعوبات اليومية، التي يواجهها السكان مع الازدحام المروري والخيارات المحدودة. وبالتالي فإن التلفزيك خيار ذكي في المناطق غير الساحلية والوعرة، ولكنها ليست ذات كثافة سكانية كافية لربطها بمترو الأنفاق، وهي وسيلة منخفضة الكلفة». ورأت الخبيرة حنان بنغالو، وهي من مؤسسي شركة IMTER الاستشارية للتخطيط، أن الاستثمار عن كل كيلومتر يقل عن سبعة ملايين يورو، مقابل أكثر من 20 مليوناً لخط «الترامواي». وأضافت أنه «حل مبتكر يستخدم القليل من الأراضي وسريع التشغيل، لأنه لا يتطلب أعمالاً ضخمة، مع إتاحة التخلص من الكربون، إذ تمثل وسائل النقل 35% من انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون في فرنسا». وبالطبع هناك عوائق، فإضافة إلى الخوف من المرتفعات، يرفض السكان أحياناً العبور فوق المنازل. وتبقى الإجراءات الإدارية معقدة. حتى لو كان معظم المسار صامتاً، فإن الضجيج الناتج عن أبراج المرور يمكن أن يكون مزعجاً، كما الحال مع تغيّر المناظر الطبيعية، وعلى المسارات بين المحطات أن تكون مستقيمة. كما جرى التخلي عن مشروعات كثيرة في السنوات الأخيرة، مثلما حدث في عام 2022 في ليون مع رفض السكان لهذه الخطة. لكن أكثر من 80 مدينة اتخذت هذا القرار في أنحاء العالم، إذ لم تعد مقصوارت التلفريك «مقتصرة على منتجعات التزلج»، على حد قول الخبير. تحد تأسست مجموعة «دوبلماير» قبل 130 عاماً، ويع��ل فيها 3400 موظف في نحو 50 دولة، ويمثل التنقل في المدن الآن 20% من حجم أعمالها. المجموعة التي بنت «أول مصعد تزلج لها في جبال الألب عام 1937»، لا تسجل حالياً طلبات أقل في الجبال، رغم ارتفاع حرارة الأرض الذي يهدد بعض منتجعات التزلج، وفق المسؤول عن التطوير التجاري العالمي، رينهارد فيتز، مضيفاً: «نعلم جيداً أن الأمور تتطور في المدن، وواكبنا هذا التطور من خلال توسيع عروضنا لتشمل المناطق الحضرية أولاً في سويسرا وإيطاليا ثم في الجزائر - حيث يُعتبر التلفريك مناسباً تماماً مع وعورة الأرض - قبل نحو 15 عاماً». في المناطق المأهولة، غالباً ما تكون تقنية «الكابل» الواحد الأخف وزناً، كافية في حال عدم هبوب رياح عنيفة. وأوضح أن «الطريق لايزال طويلاً للإقناع، فصُنّاع القرار لايزالون متمسكين بشدة بوسائل النقل العام التقليدية، وفي كثير من الأحيان، لا يتم أخذ التلفريك في الحسبان في مرحلة التخطيط، لذلك نأمل أن تكون الأمثلة كخط المنطقة الباريسية بمثابة حافز في أوروبا وخارجها». • 80 مدينة اتخذت هذا القرار في أنحاء العالم. لوران بروست: • «النقل عبر (الكابل) وسيلة نظيفة وصامتة ومنتظمة». الوجهة المقبلة بعد مقصورات التلفريك في المكسيك، أو تلك التي تربط مدينتي لاباز وإل ألتو في بوليفيا، قد تصبح الهند بمدنها الكبرى المزدحمة، الوجهة المقبلة. المصدر: الإمارات اليوم
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#idfmradio #angelique #astro #horoscope #emissionetincelles
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(Also please never appologise! You are never on a deadline to write anything, ILY!)
Yes Sir
(Part II to “A Gift Horse and His Mouth”)
Tropes/ warnings: very beginning mentions of sexual themes from part one but this is mostly banter, more bratty behavior, momentary panic flash (very vague), hurt/comfort, sparring
Pairing: Dr. Strange X Afab Reader (she/they pronouns)
Word count: 2,842
Summary: dealing with the aftermath of your dream Stephen has an idea on how to work through some issues.
Strange has never been at a loss for words that you knew of, but right now with your body glistening in sweat and breasts exposed to the morning light he didn’t make a sound. The expression on his face was a mixture of curiosity, excitement, and confusion. It must be early if he was still in his pjs, a matching sleep shirt now added.
“Dr. Strange I -“ you began to blurt as you grabbed for the sheet to cover yourself.
He tossed up a hand and chuckled, “What you do in the privacy of your room doesn’t concern me,” He quickly walked across the hall laughing under his breath. “Even if you were touching yourself to the thought of me.”
“Hey I did not!” You shouted as you scrambled to find your tank top and threw on your pj pants over your boxers. You nearly hit the floor as you made your way across the hall into his room. “Okay first of all I was not touching myself-“
“You know what, you’re right that pillow was doing all the work.” He interrupted turning to you with a smirk.
You let out an huff “- to you. Secondly I cannot help my dreams they just hap-“
He crossed his arms and barked out a laugh, “You really expect me to believe you were dreaming about some other Stephen? And dreams? So there’s been more than one?” His voice dropped into something darker in that last sentence and his smirk turned to a wicked grin as he took a step toward you.
You decided it was time to double down, “Yes! It wasn’t about you. It was about an ex I had, Steven, with a v.” You retorted, holding his gaze while your stomach churned.
“You’ve really got to learn how to lie better if that’s the best you can do.” His voice remained in that low octave as he strode toward you. You took a step back, then another till your back hit the wall next to the door. “What was the other dream about hmmm?”
Your face flushed hot as he pressed in, his body nearly brushing yours “I was just speaking metaphorically.” Your eyes locked on his lips, still carrying that wicked grin. You really did need to get better at lying.
He leaned down, his lips brushing your ear “I don’t believe you.” The small brush of air sent a shiver up your spine. You swallowed hard trying to push through your mixture of excitement tinged with fear.
You put a hand on his chest as he began to lean away. You quickly wrapped his shirt collar in your fingers and tugged him back to you “I guess it’s a good thing I don’t care what you believe, Strange.”
He snatched your wrist and pinned it above your head against the wall. “That’s Doctor Strange, or Sir to you.”
You felt heat pooling below your waist as you held his gaze. This was a test of wills, and you weren’t quite ready to bend. “Whatever you say… Stephen.”
He let out a low laugh as he let go of your wrist and turned away from you. “I didn’t know you could be such a brat. Go get dressed, we have real work to do today.”
You deflated a bit, to be honest you expected him to meet your challenge. His disengagement was a bit disappointing. You put your hand on the doorknob and began to twist to leave, “And I didn’t know you’d give up so easily, Sir.” The door cracked open.
“Who said I was?” You turned, he wasn’t even looking your way as he grabbed his robes to get dressed. You let yourself out, shutting his door behind you. Once you made it into your own room and shut the door you took a moment to take a deep breath. You stripped down to get ready and saw the remnants from your dream and your encounter in his room in your boxers. You’ve got to play this game better than that.
You managed to avoid Strange the rest of the morning as you bathed and got yourself ready for the day. Taking care to extend your shower and breakfast till it was nearly time for lunch. You make your way down empty halls and listen as best you could before entering rooms. You finally made it to your room, as you went to walk through the door suddenly you were stepping out onto the small garden on the roof.
“Avoiding me now?” Strange chirped as his portal closed behind you.
“Nope, just busy you know. Getting ready and eating breakfast, cleaning and whatno-“
“Look that mess in your bed probably took awhile to clean up but surely not until noon.” He grinned.
You swallowed hard and fought the heat making its way up your throat and face. “Funny.” You quipped, taking a seat on a nearby pile of bricks. “So what are we doing today?”
“Well with your reaction to standard meditation yesterday we’ve got to get creative.” He paced slowly. “First I want you to get a handle on deep breathing, keep your eyes open. Focus on something in front of you.”
Your eyes settled on an empty flower pot. “Good now deep breathes in through the nose out through the mouth. Try to clear your mind and focus on what’s in front of you. The shape of the pot, how the light hits it, the sounds of the city surrounding us.” You began your breaths. In for three, hold for three, exhale for three, hold for three. You got through a few rounds of this and could feel your heart beating steadily in your chest.
“Good now try to close your eyes and continue. Focusing on the sounds of the city, the feeling of the sun on your skin.” He said quietly, settling a few feet from you.
You glanced at him nervously. Usually at the point you closed your eyes while breathing deeply was when everything floods in. He nodded, “At least try.”
You closed your eyes, trying to do as he asked. You honed in on the warmth on your skin, the breeze rustling your hair, then the images started to appear. Flashing quickly behind your lids. You nearly toppled off your makeshift seat as you teetered and blinked into the sunlight. A steady hand grabbed your elbow. “Alright, eyes closed is too much. Can you tell me what you see when that happens?” Your gaze was locked far away over his shoulder as you shook your head. You felt tears welling up and went to stand.
Strange was faster and blocked your path as his other hand settled on your shoulder. “Hey look at me.” You shook your head again as a tear began to roll down your cheek. You felt a firm grip on your chin as he lifted it for you to face him. Having to face him like this, to look directly in his eyes when you felt this raw. It was too much.
“Doctor Strange, please.” You whimpered.
“Alright.” He quickly pulled you into his arms. Finally with your face buried in his chest you were able to let go. To let those emotions out while you shook and sobbed.
Your knees buckled and he slowly took you both to the ground, kneeling while you leaned into him. You felt his cloak wrap itself around you to pull you closer as you rode out this wave of emotions. He rubbed your back and held you close until you finally were able to still.
“Can you talk to me?” You nodded your head, still hiding your face. “If it’s this bad just closing your eyes, how do you sleep?”
You took in a shaky breath “I - I don’t know. Some nights I have nightmares, others it’s like my brain is working on overdrive to distract me so I don’t have a moment for this stuff to kick up.”
“Ah.” He murmured, “can you stand? I think it’s time for a break to strategize.” You nodded, standing and turning away so you had some privacy to wipe your tears and nose.
You felt the ground shift beneath your feet and you were standing in the library, facing a bookshelf. “I’m not sure how to get you over this threshold. If closing your eyes to clear your mind is too much, how can we…” you heard the shuffling of papers and the sliding of books as he searched for something. “I have an idea! I’m not sure how much you’ll like it.”
You turned and looked at him with confusion, “Hmm?”
“Martial arts.” He turned to meet your confused gaze. “Nothing crazy, we’ll start with stances and movement first. Then we can move on to combat - if and when you’re ready. Does that sound alright?”
You nodded. “Do you mind if we wait till this evening or tomorrow to start that training?”
“Let’s try this evening, go get yourself ready and I’ll come get you when it’s time.” He said as he began pulling books here and there off the shelves.
You made your way outside, opting to take a walk around the neighborhood to shake off the remnants of those memories.
Your walk around the neighborhood became quite the trek. Checking out book shops and stopping at a nearby coffee shop. The quiet crowd of locals keeps you distant company. You often found being around strangers in a setting like this comforting.
You had just sat down with your second cup of iced tea when a familiar ring of sparks lit up in front of you.
“Shit,” you set the tea down quickly and hopped up. “Doctor Strange can I at least -“ the portal came rushing at you and you found yourself in the foyer of the Sanctum. Strange was at the top of the stairs looking down at you “- finish my tea.” You threw your hands up and began walking up the steep set of stairs. “Was that really necessary?”
“You were late.” He quipped walking away from you toward the inner bowels of the Sanctum.
“You never gave me a time!” You shouted after him.
“Excuses!” You heard his voice echo down the halls.
“For fucks sake.” You huffed. You made it to the top of the stairs and another golden sparking ring rushed at you, finding yourself in your bedroom. Strange poked his head in.
“I changed my mind by the way. Wear something you can spar in. I think it’s time we worked on that sass of yours.” He chided as he shut your door.
“Can’t I just walk instead of being portaled around?!” You shouted as you heard his footsteps disappear down the hall. You dug through your clothing and found your set of dusty gray robes featuring a sleeveless tunic and what you’ve affectionately dubbed your Jedi pants which allowed for lots of movement.
You took a moment to admire yourself in the mirror and a single thought settled in your mind. By the end of the sparring session, you were gonna knock Stephen Strange on his ass.
“Okay now that you’ve got some basic breathing and footwork down we can begin. This is just sparring and grappling. No weapons, no throwing punches.” Strange said as he stepped out of the ring he had set up in the mirror dimension. There wasn’t anywhere in the New York Sanctum that quite fit your needs so he opted to use this dimension to not ruin any of the many relics that littered the rooms and halls.
“Got it, no weapons, no punches.” Good thing he didn’t say shit about kicks. You fought against the grin that almost gave away your plan.
“So,” Strange squared up infront of you, “show me what you’ve got.”
You circled each other, you were unsure how to close the distance and make the first move. Stephen came lunging at you by the 3rd turn and you managed to dodge out of the way.
He had reach and stride on you, but you had speed. As you dodged out of the way you threw your leg and smacked him right across the ass with your shin. You couldn’t help but bark out a laugh.
He whipped around, face tinted red “Oh so that’s how this is gonna go.” He grinned and began squaring up on you. You began to dance around the ring again as you tried to maintain distance strategizing your next move.
Just as you thought to had an idea he rushed at you again. You went to dodge and he managed you catch your collar and threw his leg behind yours. In one swift motion he sent you to the ground with a chuckle as he went to take a victory lap around the makeshift ring.
He turned to look at you, his ego inflated then immediately deflated as he saw you “struggle” a bit to get up.
He walked toward you with his hand outstretched and you quickly whipped your leg and took his right out from under him. He landed with a heavy thud as you stood and brushed off your pants.
You half expected him to quip something stinging when he just began to laugh. “I underestimated you”, he rolled and stood.
“Judo?” You quested, referencing his initial take down.
He nodded and gestured to your legs, “Muay Tai?”
“A bit” you grinned, “my brothers took classes then came home and tried to use what they learned on me. I was always a fast learner and a much faster kicker.” You couldn’t keep the grin off your face and you took a lower stance, readying yourself.
“You do know you can only do that so many times before it becomes repetitive, predictable” his gaze flickered to your legs again. For a moment his gaze shifted from assessing to appreciative.
“Maybe.” You shrugged playfully. You knew you could get at least one or two more good kicks on him.
You both began your dance again, Strange a bit more warily now. It was you who made the first move this time. You attempted the very little you knew about Judo takedowns you’d seen in a “best of” compilation videos online. Which doesn’t exactly pan out when your opponent is taller than you.
You attempted to grab onto his robes around his collar and twist but he simply stood tall and raised an eyebrow at you. “Really,” he taunted, “you’re going to try to beat me with something I know and you don’t?”
You looked up at him, shrugged and pulled down again. This time jumping before you did so so you could at least use your weight and lower center of gravity as your advantage to pull him off his balance. You managed to surprise him with that and he bent over, his feet still on the ground but you got his head at the perfect height for a move that defined your youth. You wrapped one arm around his neck, knelt and fully had Doctor Stephen Strange on his knees in a head lock.
“You - can’t be - serious!” He huffed out as he wiggled and pushed against you to try to free himself with no avail.
“A backyard favorite.” You beamed “Simple, but effective.”
“May-be” you felt his arm snake up your waist, back, shoulders, up around your neck and shit.
Though you had him locked, he was pushing your head at a hard angle. Unable to take the pressure on your neck you let go. As you did his other hand swung full force into your chest and continued until your back hit the ground and his hand was up around your throat.
He wasn’t squeezing, there wasn’t an ounce of anger on his face. Sure he was breathing harder and his face was a little red from the effort but that grin remained as his hand held you by your throat in place.
“I’ll tell you here and now…” he leaned in, “You will not tell a soul you got me in a headlock… understood?”
You silently stared up at him and gave an ever so slight nod. His hand shifted down to your collar, holding you in place “I need to hear it.”
“Yes, sir” you said softly, turning your voice to velvet.
His lips curved up into a grin and his eyes flickered over you as he relented, removing his hand from your collar. “Ohh you’re good.” He chuckled as he stood up and reached a hand out. You Pft at his hand and he shrugged and turned away.
You stood slowly keeping your eyes him. “Since we’ve knocked each other into the dirt -“ you chuckle. “And I have something to hold over your head.” Your small smirk turns into a grin as he whips around. "what do we do now?"
His eyes flashed mischievously as he sauntered toward you "You know what? I think it's time for a new lesson."
I am so sorry for the long wait on this one! Sidenote, please message me if you want to be added to a taglist for my fics/drabbles!
Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction sorry babe I know you’ve been waiting a while on this! Part 3 should not take nearly as long!
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Trains in Miraculous Ladybug - Part 1: The Metro Train
Part 1: The Metro Train (you are here)
[Part 2: The Metro Station]
[Part 3: Startrain]
[Part 4: The Gare du Nord]
[Bonus: The Bus]
Time to finally put this blog’s URL to use again. I’ve been putting this off for literally almost a year now. All the real pictures here were taken when my sister and I were in Paris in March last year, which was interesting, since the lockdown there really started on the last day I was there.
Anyway: “Miraculous - Les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir”, or Miraculous Ladybug in short, is a French-Korean-Japanese animated TV show (close enough for my purposes) set in Paris, which sometimes features trains. Let’s review them. Since there is a lot to say here, I’ll split this into several parts. This one is about the Metro train, the next will be about the metro station, and then after that probably the Startrain.
The Metro is the most important mass transit system in Paris. It is huge. How huge exactly?
[Image description: Identical screenshots with different language subtitles. Chat Noir explains to Ladybug in French (first picture) or English (second picture) there are 200 km or 140 miles of subway tracks in Paris.]
[I’ll add image descriptions for everything unless I’m describing the image in the surrounding text anyway, I hope that’s okay.]
Nerd. He’s right, by the way, as of the airing of the show, but this figure is going to double over the next ten years (if everything goes according to plan), because there is a massive project to build more subway lines especially in the outskirts of Paris right now.
(Why does he know that? Maybe he likes random trivia. Maybe just because. Maybe for this kid, who can’t drive cars, and who is locked in his home by his abusive father, the Metro represents freedom, moving through the city at will, something he desperately craves…)
In the show, the Metro is a repeated location for quite a few episodes, which the fan wiki helpfully lists. I’d make fun of them but it’s been really useful for this post. Though you are, of course, free to make fun of both of us.
It’s not something that any of the main characters use daily, but it keeps coming up. As a result, it has been the site of some of the show’s most important moments.
[Image description: Screenshot, featuring Ladybug and Chat Noir in a metro train; Ladybug has fallen onto Chat Noir; subtitle says “purring”]
The show likes to reuse its 3D assets, so it features only one metro train, this one:
[Image description: Metro train with open doors; Marinette is running to catch it.]
In other shows, this might have been a completely fake invented train, or something that vaguely looks like a train, but Miraculous Ladybug is actually fairly accurate here: This is a good representation of an MP 73 train. Here is how it looks in real life:
Correct color, correct numbering, mostly correct details, they actually did really well here. From the angle of the screenshot, the train could also be an MF 67, since they have basically the same body:
That’s actually quite clever of the show’s writers, since this means their train can stand in for trains on quite a number of lines (not that the show ever gets specific about lines). To tell that this is an MP 73 and not an MF 67, we need to look deeper, literally: At the wheels. The MF 67 runs on steel wheels (MF - Matériel Fer - (Rolling) stock with iron (wheels)). The MP 73, on the other hand, runs on tires. Seriously.
Some of the lines of the Paris Metro use a special system (invented here, but also used in a few other places) where the trains don’t (normally) run on steel wheels, but instead on what are basically truck tires. It looks like this:
As you can see, underneath the end of the train is an assembly that has two wheels with tires, running normally, and then two smaller wheels lying essentially flat. The smaller wheels are touching special guide bars next to the rails; this is what guides the train.
If you look at the track (see below), you will see that there are essentially normal railway tracks, but then next to that are bars (made out of steel or concrete) on which the rubber wheels run.
This system was invented to build trains that accelerate better, are quieter and more comfortable. According to reports, it succeeded at that, but I think that really says more about the old trains (the historic Sprague-Thompsons) they replaced. In practice and compared to other, newer Paris metro lines with normal rails, the MP 73 are very noisy and their ride is very bumpy. The noise, which is a constant rubber screeching, is very distinctive though.
A number of lines in Paris have been converted, and others built like that, but right now there are no plans to convert the remaining lines, and the new lines being built on the outskirts will all use normal rails.
Anyway, all this is relevant to Miraculous Ladybug because the show’s creators actually made sure to portray this correctly. We can see this best in Queen Bee. There we see the train from the front, with the horizontal guide wheels plainly visible:
We get close-up shots from underneath, again showing the guide wheels, and showing that the train still has normal steel wheels as well - which is accurate, that’s what they use to guide the train through switches.
We get close-up shots of the tracks, showing both the running beams next to the tracks, and the higher guide beams a bit further out.
There’s even a close-up of the wheels, glowing orange for some reason.
This is a delight. They portrayed everything important correctly on screen. The tunnel, by the way, is also accurate, those really have these red and white and stripes and those tight curves.
The only problem with Queen Bee (apart from Chloé’s actions) is that they didn’t add in the proper sounds. I have no idea whether they didn’t bother, whether the sound editors didn’t know, or whether they purposefully decided that accurate sounds would be too confusing. I’m also not sure where that orange glow is coming from there.
On the inside, the train is also really well modeled. I would say it is essentially accurate. That is what they and the closely related MF 67 really look like.
[Image: Screenshot, interior of the MP 73 subway car.]
They do include the windows you can use to look into the next car.
[Image: Screenshot, Alya waving through a window, while Marinette is hiding behind her.]
They also accurately portray the fold-down seats that are attached to the normal seats next to the entryways.
[Image: Screenshot, Marinette sitting on one of these folding seats, even though lots of regular seats are free.]
[Image: Screenshot of other people sitting on these folding seats.]
When I first saw this episode (Backwarder), I thought it made no sense that Marinette would sit down there instead of the fixed seats. Turns out that everybody who uses the Metro ends up doing this, including me. It just saves you a few seconds if you’re not planning on going far, I dunno.
In a few episodes, we also got shots of the cab, such as in Queen Bee, when Tom Dupain tries in vain to stop the train:
[Image: Screenshot, Close-up of the controls of the cab, with a finger pushing a button]
Similarly in Puppeteer, when Adrien uses it as a convenient transformation spot:
[Image: Screenshot, Adrien standing in front of the cab door while the train driver is running away.]
I’m afraid I don’t have pictures of the cab myself, but you can find some on Wikipedia. And based on that, I would say the cab seems generally like a good representation. There are certainly details, like a few buttons in a wrong position, but overall, really close. Note that Tom Dupain is pushing the wrong button to stop the train (he’d have to pull a handle which is out of shot, which is what the train driver actually does eventually), but that is realistic here: He has no idea what to do, after all.
As someone who is used to animators just not caring about trains (because none of the viewers, other than me, care), this whole thing is a breath of fresh air. The creators of Miraculous Ladybug have created this fairly minor detail with far more care and attention to detail than they needed to, and I can only thank them for that.
But obviously, this is the internet, and love is boring. So let’s nitpick some.
An easy thing is when they just make things up, like when they add huge advertisement screens in Queen Bee and Prime Queen.
[Image: Screenshot, Ladybug standing inside a metro car, which has huge screens at the end wall, and long smaller screens at the long walls at roof-level.]
While newer trains are getting screens, they’re not getting that many, and the older trains just don’t have any. That said, this episode adds lots of pointless unrealistic TV screens everywhere, so it is not that surprising that the metro suffers from this as well.
Another thing in the same episode and a few others is that while the cab is accurate, the gauges are not. In Puppeteer, the big black round thing here:
[Image: Screenshot, showing the cab, with a speedometer that goes up to 120, and labels reading both mph and km/h, and what appears to be a tachometer display. Also, Plagg.]
The speedometer is in the right place, but why does it go that high? The MP 67 can only reach up to 70 km/h (43.5 mph). I’m also fairly certain that it doesn’t have this odometer in this location. That looks like they took a graphic of a car speedometer display and inserted it here. And if all of that isn’t inaccurate enough for you, note that in this scene, the train is stationary, but the speedometer is reading about 35. That is obviously a bit incorrect.
Another few inaccurate gauges come from us courtesy of Queen Bee:
That thing on the left is a gasoline car rev counter, with two hands for some reason. Next to it appears to be… another one of those, but with only one hand and only reaching up to eight. Barely visible on the right is what appears to be a voltage gauge for 12 V batteries.
Meanwhile Prime Queen gives us a completely different speedometer, but one that is also wrong:
Note how it is both mph and km/h, with the miles bigger, and how it reaches up to 160 mph or 250 km/h. There is no reason why a Paris metro car would have miles, and moreover, why it would have a speedometer that goes that high. The speed that’s shown here, a bit under 90 mph or 150 km/h, is about twice of what it can actually reach. It would have long derailed by this point.
Too nitpicky? Okay, there are also some things on the outside. For one, the doors are flush with the body, and open outwards. In real life, they doors are instead inset a bit, and they move into a slit between the outer and inner wall of the car body. Metro cars with doors that slide out like this do actually exist; in fact Marseille and Lyon have ones based on the MP 73′s technology (though looking very differently) that work like this. For Paris, it’s wrong though.
On the front, they have a very interesting mistake: The dark gray area has a crease in it. These trains did indeed have this crease… until they got repainted and got the dark gray area; during that work the crease was covered, for some reason. So the crease is correct, and the paint scheme is correct, but the combination of both is wrong.
Another issue is that the actual MP 73 has tiny wheel arches, while the MF 67 doesn’t. This one here lacks the wheel arches as well.
The biggest problem I have is probably with the windscreen. The windscreen of the real car reaches all the way to the roof, and has an area to show some random numbers here. The MF 67 actually shows its destination in the upper windscreen area, but the MP 73 doesn’t. This is probably because the MF 67 is used on lines that have forks with some trains going to one station and others to others, so you need to know where a given train is going, while all trains on the line 6 (where the MP 73 is mostly used) just go to the end. In the show, they removed the upper part of the windscreen, and have curved the roof down. I have no idea why. It makes the whole train look too wide and makes the proportions seem off, when they actually are (as far as I can tell) completely accurate.
All of these are really minor niggles in the end, though. There’s a lot of criticism of the show, some of it valid, a lot of it… well, not quite. But the metro train is really solid work, and they can be proud of that.
If you want to ride an MP 73 for yourself, they run mostly on the line 6 (there is also one on the line 11). Much of the line 6 is above ground, though it does have a few underground stations. The line 6 is also the only metro line from which you can get a good view of the Eiffel Tower, between Passy and Bir-Hakeim. Its more common normal-wheeled sibling, the MF 67, can be found on lines 3, 3bis, 10 and 12. Both will probably be replaced by the end of the decade. It is possible but in my opinion not that likely that they’ll be repainted into a livery with white, gray and light blue before then, which is currently slowly being rolled out across all of Paris’s mass transit.
Next time, we’ll discuss the station infrastructure. That should probably not be quite as long.
Part 1: The Metro Train (you are here)
[Part 2: The Metro Station]
[Part 3: Startrain]
[Part 4: The Gare du Nord]
[Bonus: The Bus]
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Dream is talking in his discord ! You can listen on Twitch through either of these streams !
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@didier.mesgard et @emmanuel.ploquin vous attendent dans @bigbang.station sur #idfm https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxG_fNgKcZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g5x7np1pl3qt
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