#idek man it was wild shit
howie-horsdoeuvres · 4 months
What popular food/ingredient(s) do you despise with your entire being? Mine is alliums (minus garlic, love that stuff) and nuts (in my defense I am mildly allergic)
Common? None, really. I didn't like Natto, but that's an acquired taste even in Japan where it's something of a staple. Also don't like Foie Gras, but again, that's Rich People Food and also uncommon.
What I DO despise with my whole being is people's attitudes toward food and ingredients.
Food is incredibly subjective, and that's not accounting for things like allergies, diabetes, sensory issues, eating disorders, and a bazillion other things that affect what one can or cannot eat. What we like to eat or can eat doesn't often come down to conscious choice; we either do or don't like something, can or can't afford it, or can or can't consume it. I will defend 'picky' eaters with my life, and people who like to say others are fat bc they're lazy and eat 'junk food' all the time are really exposing their complete lack of understanding things like the socioeconomic factors that prevent people from eating 'well' (Google 'Food Desert', and be apalled that places like this exist. In major population centers in the US). If you work two jobs just to keep the lights on and your family housed, and your partner also works, where are you gonna get the time and energy to cook three meals a day? Or even do meal prep? Throw kids into the mix and that puts cooking 'healthy' food even further out of reach. But people like to act as if spending four bucks on an 8oz box of chickpea rotini pasta because they're on the 'keto diet' makes them morally superior to everyone else, and healthier. In reality they're probably just a snob who's abusing a medical diet designed for diabetics to try and induce a metabolic state that is DANGEROUS to a non-diabetic, or they're significantly misguided, at best.
I could go on, God could I ever go on, but shit like THAT is what I despise with my whole being. You can hate alliums all you want, that's perfectly fine. I'll even support vegans and those paleo folks, because what they put in their bodies is their choice. But when they act like anyone else is a morally bankrupt degenerate, it makes me want to bite and kill.
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whirlybirbs · 18 days
it’s 5:20am i cannot sleep i am consumed with thoughts and yearning for keigo takami i need to be euthanized
#literally these days all i do is Lay Awake and Wither Away#the nightmares have been exponentially worse lately#fun fact ur local fanfic author has Problems.#idk man there’s just something haunting about having reoccurring nightmares about your ex and every time u close ur eyes it’s throwing u#right back into the pit of hell that was that relationship#it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i just no Longer Trust People#anyways this is a vent post and it is so cringe and lame#i just have never Hated an ex before so there’s a lot i’m coming to terms with especially considering how Fake he is#idek man IDEK!!!!!1!!1!1!#i rlly sacrificed so much to love and live with him and he said ‘mmmmmm now i have u in my grip’#whatever it’s fine he’s stinky and honestly the fact honey (the blog intern and my cat) doesn’t miss him AT ALL says so much#seriously she is so nonplussed by his absence it’s wild#eating fine sleeping fine shitting fine#SAYS A LOT. SAAAAYS A LOT. whatever whatever whatever#i would hit that emotionally immature man with my car if given the chance and yknow what. nick if ur reading this you’re one of the#most.#emotionally immature people ive ever had the misfortune of knowing.#what a shame you lost me#the best thing and healthiest thing that ever happened to you#because of your own actions and your own inability to take accountability for your mental health and actions#tell your mom i say hi#and tell your exes im sorry i ever doubted any of them x_x#WEEEEE what a vent#listen to big sister birbs when she says don’t date men who have something horrific to say about each of their exes
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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ca-suffit · 2 months
saying “I think it's fair to say that the possibility for the show handling any future storylines involving race, abuse, and pedophilia well are slim to none” just bc self-admitted chronically offline person rolin named a few popular but problematic stan accounts is wild. i’m way more online than he is and idek the ins and outs of what those people have done. this is the man who won’t even cave to sam reid on his story lol do you hear yourselves
ppl are allowed to feel what they feel, especially when it's a constant fight here to be able to speak about anything critically, and then u have the worst ppl getting platformed at show level now too. ppl are gonna spiral about that bcuz it feels like shit. whatever the reality of it all is and rolin's actual awareness doesn't matter to ppl's feelings and nobody should be shamed for it. there's valid reasons to feel hurt and suspicious of motivations here and the fandom at large is *not* made up of these fucking ppl, so seeing proof that this is what the show thinks is a "super fan" of anything of literally *everyone else* here feels fucked up and like a cause for concern. rolin has literally said this is who they make the show for, so what do u rly expect ppl to think and feel, fucking honestly?? even if he's just being polite and clueless, it lands here and ppl feel that shit. my earlier post also shows how we're harassed about it too.
I also exist here purely to make all of this easy for anyone to have awareness of. so if they can find all these obscure fan accounts for everything else, they can find this too and get educated real quick. what the hell are u doing besides dismissing the issue and contributing nothing to help here??
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
Unknown Live Blogging
I loveeeeee a younger pursuer character, especially when they've known each other for a while and the older is just like I love you kid (platonic/familial) while the younger is losing their mind with their crush/love/lust. Also, the fact that the novel it's adapted from is literally called Da Ge 大哥 ah, I've gotten more into adoptive or step-brothers trope since I got into live-action BL but I've only just watched Addicted/Stay With Me and Kiseki: Dear to Me 2nd couple, so it's exciting to add another one to the list.
This is also a novel from China that's being adapted in Taiwan so that they don't have to censor it, right? There are several other BLs currently in the works like this.
Anyway, seems like people really like this show (not counting the sex scene in ep 11 or something because I heard so much complaining about that lol), so my hopes are high.
Ep 1 (June 13)
ahhh crazy start/glimpse into future
starts when they're young but have been living together a while already
ahhhh trying to take care of things/the family/his ge by paying the bills using his gift money + some part time job maybe. isn't quite a grownup yet but he wants to be so bad
2007 - when they first met
oh fuck the child being hit with the metal pipe was scary and unexpected
oh man, Qian getting embroiled with gangs and doing their dirty work for money
oof, gonna have to win 3 boxing matches to leave the gang
Ep 2 (June 13)
the teacher saying an older brother is like a father
not them ganging up on Xiao Bao!
dang, Qian's mother hated him because he did well, that's wild
Qian is so attractive like woah
we've reached current year - 2016
Ep 3 (June 13)
Yuan to the rescue
Bao and Yuan's dynamic is so cuteee
damn, Qian mad as hell at Xiao Bao's outfit and it has a bit of the "proprietary" thing that so many father-daughter older brother-younger sister dynamics have (in media at least) but also most importantly it reminds him of their mother who they are both very traumatized by
I'm so nervous, I hope nothing bad happens to Xiao Bao (esp because we know this world has like gangsters and stuff)
Is this guy part of the gangsters? Does he know who Xiao Bao is?
Yuan recognizes the gangster oh no
Sam Lin as doctor, though I must say I would not recognize him if I wasn't already aware of this
sharing a bed
studying abroad mentioned
I don't wanna read thoughts of r/boyslove or look for gifsets on tumblr, I just wanna get to the next episode.
It feels like since they both scold/get upset at Xiao Bao in an attempt to protect her, she's not gonna retain any of the reasons they're worried about her but rather maybe rebel and end up in troublesome situations. please no rape storyline though plsplspls
Ep 4 (June 14)
Yuan's 18th birthday? adult Yuan alright
pls Qian thinking that Xiao Bao's saying Yuan watches porn
it's romantic stuff but is it yaoi/BL? because the one Sweet Summer or whatever novel seemed to be two guys on the cover?
Qian kinda reminds me of Na Jaemin (my NCT bias when I was into them) from some angles
I will forever love helping something with feet, whether it be shoelace tying, giving a massage/a foot bath, or now taking care of an ankle/foot injury. it's not even a foot kink, it's just... idek like lowering oneself... in aid of the other... taking care of them...
Yuan definitely doesn't wanna hear about them seperating and liking other people
this kiss must be in Yuan's imagination
so I guess Qian doesn't suspect Yuan's feelings toward him at all + also doesn't return the feelings (yet + he might be unconsciously feeling something but it's not as intense as Yuan's feelings). However, I'm unclear on whether he thinks Yuan likes boys? Like he saw Yuan's romance novel with 2 boys + asking about the high school class monitor...
Ep 5 (June 14)
I knew this was a daydream because of the dreamy filter + I kinda remember some post on reddit about Yuan's daydream but if I was watching this in real time, I would've lost my shit
oh oh my god okay. "Ge, do you already know that I like guys?" extremely forward and sudden, I wasn't expecting it
ahhh, I can't watch this, it's so T.T. like ik it's very Uncle Jim to Liming, looking out for their young(er) nephew/brother because being gay openly isn't easy but like T.T still
What year is this? 2016 right? while gay marriage became legal in Taiwan in 2019
I love a "it's my business who i like, not yours" or whatever
ah, Qian's nice to Yuan again, he likes gives him a little lecture but isn't like actually homophobic
Xiao Bao turns 18 too
damn, what's up with Qian? head hurts?
pls the colleague (is that San Pang? yeah right?) running into Qian's room to see him and Yuan in bed sleeping and cuddling and being like... hm
pls Qian himself being like "it's not what it looks like" before the other guy even says what it looks like
omg San Pang now coming over to talk to Yuan
pls I know why he's asking but the way he's talking about where Xiao Bao sleeps and where he sleeps like hey ! stop
that's her literal brother and they have no parents, I think it's fine if Xiao Bao climbs into her Dage's bed to sleep occasionally lmfao
oh I guess he was talking about Xiao Bao sleeping in Yuan's bed. whelp he'd have a point in that case I guess becuase Yuan def can like these siblings lol he just happens to not like the sister
pls Xiao Bao wants San Pang to ask about her, so whenever he talks about Yuan and Qian the way her eyes roll so hard that her whole head rotates, so funny
not the office fujos Noticing and Observing lol
ahh, Yuan's inner turmoil seeing his "future sister-in-law"
ah, San Pang straight up asking if the one Yuan likes is Qian
I just wanna know when the confession is gonna happen, is it gonna be next ep? because Yuan also has to go abroad (though I don't think that time skip takes too much airtime from what I've read). I want some stuff to happen after confession + after getting together too.
Ep 6 (June 14)
I wonder what role San Pang will play like will he help them figure it out or hinder all the way through? they're kinda hinting him with Lili, so he can't possibly be a "bad guy." I get him dissuading them now or giving them reasons why they shouldn't but once they do, I assume he'll be okay with it at least
"Don't tell me that guy also has some?" oh Qian
Qian feeling pity for Yuan and being like why do you have to like him... oh Qian, oh Yuan
aklsdfjalksdf ahhh Yuan about to me a drunken mess at this important work function plssss I'm nervous. but also... does the confession happen when Yuan's drunk? Is it gonna happen this ep?
Feng Ning is so cool I love her. if Yuan does anything that upsets her I'll get mad at him im negl
oh omg I have an image in my mind of when Yuan confesses maybe and it was not in this outfit and they were also maybe sitting, so the i like you and attempted kiss was like oh!
It also stressed me out that they're still at work
woahhh it hurts so good the way Qian not only punched Yuan but also didn't stop to care for his wounded hand
ahhh Qian avoiding Yuan and the home entirely
studying abroad plan on
Aw, Xiao Bao who is like ? wtf is going on, why are my brothers fighting and also Yuan literally going to NY
is that Yuan sitting on the floor with his paper on his face and crying? yes, same sweater stripes
The angst is done well. The situation must happen (I was anticipating the fallout from the confession so much!), it's not overdramatized (Qian reacts badly but then just avoids Yuan for the rest and Yuan tries to apologize a bunch but doesn't force anything when Qian ignores him), the acting-writing-directing are all good. I'm also liking the consequence of him moving away to a different country (for a few years?) because he's known Qian all his life and practically only talks to Qian, Lili, and sometimes people like San Pang or a classmate but he'll broaden his horizons now and it'll be less "he loves Qian because he only knows him"
Ep 7 (June 14)
damn, Qian's apparently been so apathetic that San Pang's like maybe I shouldn't made Yuan stay so that at least you wouldn't be like this
Qian's alcohol problem + his chronic headache bruh
San Pang straight up asking if Qian has feelings for Yuan too and Qian does not deny it
also it's been 2 years right? since it's 2018 now and 2017-2018 were blank for Yuan's height
Qian is truly so attractive. his face but also his mannerisms and expressions and gestures. woah. and of course my forever weakness: nice smile and there's a dimple too
2017 - 2023?! omg 6 years? that's a lot, I was expected 2-3 fr
Qian continues reading Yuan's texts but not replying to them. then impulsively calling Yuan and immediately hanging up again
first reciprocal contact in 6 years, if I was Yuan that call would've made me lose my whole entire mind fr
Bro, it's actally Qian who's losing his mind because he's sitting on Yuan's bed in Yuan's room and texting Yuan to come home if he misses it
Xiao Bao has truly become grown up model Lili
San Pang is at the office gathering, so who did she see at the door? would Yuan already be at home lmfao
ah, indeed Yuan's here lol
Yuan and Lili antics begin again, how fun
From a few Tumblr posts, I thought Lil iand San Pang's relationship was gonna get exposed? next ep i guess.
also saw some gifs that Yuan's gonna be petty toward Qian next ep and I'm so excited, how did people wait weekly for this? I can barely wait for tomorrow.
Ep 8 (June 15)
starting this around 7:30pm because I had to watch Wandee Goodday episode today. Hope I like this episode than I liked Wandee's
ah, Yuan's so bold now "Have you seen enough?"
The fact that Yuan made eye contact with Qian before handing the drink over to Xiong-ge. Qian expectantly holding out his hand but having to retreat and check afterwards that nobody else saw lmfao
It's killing me that Yuan keeps looking at the other two ges during the conversation while Qian keeps glancing at Yuan and can't keep his eyes off of him even when he tries
Yuan even thanking San Pang for making him go to the states...
the hickeys?!
Qian's incredulous look at 8:00 is really so Na Jaemin, why does he remind me so much of him
I would say Qian's slow for not catching on that they're together somehow but ig San Pang and Lili are LDR since she doesn't even live here anymore? and so Qian's not aware of it? but it's also funny to think his brain was barely working while Yuan wasn't here but managed to deduce it by glimpsing the hickeys as soon as Yuan came and Qian's brain started working again lmao
damn, Lili's literally shaking her head no, how dare San Pang make the executive decision to confess to Qian?
Yuan literally sitting back and eating fruits on the couch as he observes is so funny
and his smiles lmfaooo
and only inserting himself when Xiong-ge brings up Qian dating somebody else lmfao he's a menace
Yuan calling Qian as Wei Qian instead of ge is so .
Qian's mad because the two of them are dating and there's an age difference and San Pang's known Lili since she was a child and he figured it out through hickeys and he's the last to know and all those reasons but also... he's probably also mad that why isn't he with Yuan then? If those two can do it, why not him too?
Yuan knowssssss he's getting to Qian
I've seen a glimpse of a gif of Yuan feeding Qian ahh
and now that Yuan's indeed giving him his full attention at the table, Qian can't look at him
Qian's losing his mind and I along with him
Yuan's so bold now, it makes me nervous like chilllllll, move back like the way he kept walking toward Qian and nearly kissed him alksdfjla;ksfj
Yuan is suchhh a menace, the way he starting speaking loud and clear when he heard Qian at the door
my mom dragged me away right then but I'm back
plss he's talking about how he also likes somebody and both Xiao Bao and Ge know that person. lmfao. menace.
Xiao Bao reading from a script lmfaooo
Yuan truly is such a menace, sliding the family vacation into Lili's script pls
cryingggg Xiao Bao ditched the family trip to go to Milan
Yuan kept poking until Qian finally says to not keep feelings for him anymore, only to hit him back with "what makes you think i still like you?"
Yuan saying Wei Qian really does me in. "Wei Qian, don't you like Wei Zhiyuan?" was woah
agh, A'Le and gangsters next ep. hmph
I've been curious to see which other age gap older male/younger female ships I like because they usually give me major ick but I'm such a fan of age gap ships in m/m-f/f-noona romances. I think History 3: Trapped side side ship with the sister and bulter man is the only one I can think of and they barely existed lol. So I want to like San Pang and Lili, especially when she said she's the one who pursued him (I'm into that trope a lot too; like Yuan's also the younger one pursing the older one) but I wish San Pang wasn't a hypocrite/homophobe because if he's into Lili and has no problems getting with her but so disapproved and dissuaded Yuan, like the reason is homophobia yes? I wanted him to come to The Realization that Yuan liking Qian is... fine-ish when he developed feelings for Lili, not have him separate the two situations.
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Ep 9 (June 15)
so many things to do but I'm watching this instead, goddammit. but been a little while since i've been so eager to binge and watch next ep (Kiseki and Triage last month I think)
Also, I saw a post that had a clip from the trailer that hasn't happened yet or something and I didn't watch it but there was text about how Qian looks Yuan in the eye when he confesses... omg now I'm so excited to see when that happens. I hadn't been thinking about how they'd actually come together but a confession must happen and I'd be very happy if Qian's the one who does it this time, even more so if he's very tortured about it
oh, abroad was 4 years ago? not 6
I like Yuan's whole spiel about I can't stop liking you but this is enough
Yuan calling Qian out on his bullshit, he can't kick Yuan out again
Qian can tell when Yuan's lying/hiding something
hmm they're calling Qian the snitch and the cops came back then... I feel like Qian didn't do it since he himself was involved
when's that napkin with the poem from?
what is the plan exactly? Lin's telling Yuan to remember that Qian cares about him...
damn, Yuan left for a trip with very short notice?
"You're acting like a wife trying to catch her cheating husband" read the room, San Pang. you can't tell this to Qian who is trying to not be in love with his didi
Dr. Lin so funny. also did We Best Love have eating raw noodles? I feel like it did...
Wei Zhiyuan means "belongs to Wei"
no but what was Yuan plan actually because mans just went to their lair, asked for Le-ge and now is just getting beat up lmfao
scary, Le-ge's got bullets
please why are we doing Russian Roulette rn T.T
Can't have a bullet in there if he's doing it on himself, right? I didn't see how many bullets he put in there. or is he just fucked up in the head enough to do it anyway lol
Qian hugging Yuan in desperation
omg that napkin was literally what Yuan wrote as he thought they were his last words stuck on a mountain during his study abroad. and Qian was avoiding speaking to him during that time godddd, what a tragedy it would have been
and it's a good time to reveal that since they just did the russian roulette for e/o
I don't wanna read ppls thoughts or look at gifsets, I wanna just watch the next episode omg but I won't look at anything after ep 10 until I finish the whole thing since ep 11-12 spoilers will also be there, so I should look at stuff now.
Ep 10 (June 16)
Qian remembering everything Yuan's said and done
nose bleed...
parallels w the hair drying and cuddling to sleep, it'd be funny if san pang woke them up again
does Qian think he'll die
lmaoooooo San Pangcame but unfortunaly Qian was aklready downstairs
i knew bout this blood clot
not the i wish i could tie you up with a rope
Idk how Qian thinks he could possibly hide this from Yuan lol I'm surprised he hadn't just listened in or bothered Lin about the info
the three of them just exchanging eye contact and the focus from San Pang -> Qian with a zoom! sound effect was very funny
Yuan is so funny to San Pang lmfao he keeps being like San Pang ge thank you <3 to the point of uncomfortableness
welp indeed Yuan figured it out on his own
ah, Yuan's mad that Qian hid it from him and keeps saying he'll deal with it on its own
Qian made all of Yuan's favourites to try to win him over askdf but Yuan's still mad
Yuan taking a brief break from ignoring Qian's existence to take away greasy food/beer and give him and San Pang salad instead
San Pang once again telling Qian to consider Yuan and getting with him seriously
Did he not that he wants Yuan to have a future without him?
I think I got a little lost about what exactly led to Yuan storming out but ahhh that convo, fuck. Qian's turmoil and inner conflict and Yuan being like it's mind to deal with, not yours but Qian not being able to let Yuan go.
Ep 11 (June 16/17)
I wanna binge these last 3 eps but it's Eid so I'm busy and gotta watch the rest later. I'm really excited for this ep since it's gonna have the confession and also the sex scene but I know it made everybody fucking mad because of the editing (they had flashbacks to them as kids?) + position top/bottom implications/confusions lmfaoo
The first time Qian took initiative to grab Yuan omg
wait, we're already going into the house okay
I need a pillow or stuffed animal to dig my nails into rn omg i keep grabbing air
what was the more correct translation of "I've been waiting all my life. This isn't fast at all." that made me lose my mind when I saw it and I hadn't even been watching the show back then
"You don't even know what I dream about you at night" hah. hahahah. haha. ok
hello why are we having flashbacks to a conversation from 5 minutes in between the sex scene instead of just... being linear??? I didn't know this happened bc it got drowned out w the other complaints ig lmao
yeah, interspliced scenes we haven't seen before + flashbacks of scenes we've seen during a sex scene are already annoying but then WHY ARE THERE CHILDHOOD FLASHBACKS. this is not the time to have kids on my damn screen wtf
also I just kinda took top Yuan from that, is it top Qian in the novel or something because I feel like people mentioned that it seemed one way but it wasn't supposed to be that way? or is it because the scene where Yuan had his bare legs splayed that gave the illusion of bottom Yuan and people didn't like that? I'm so curious
domestic morning kissing, they've really come all the way here
Lili's home?!
a fight? girl lmao ig Lili's the normal sibling who's not guessing that her other siblings are fucking, biologically related or not
what is this Le/Lin scene lmao
fancy dinner date at the same gangster restaurant as always lol but apparently Qian's reserved the whole place and made it romantic
Enough angles for one kiss!
restaurant owner gang uncle just witnessing all this lmfao I think it'd be hilarious if he gossips with Le-ge about Qian and his brother kissing
fuck, this nerve and surgery stuff is so scary fr
Okay, finished the last 10 minutes while having lunch the next day because I had to leave yesterday. Good to see both Yuan and Lili care about Qian and want to take care of him and such. Qian took up smoking again in all this stress. I still don't fully get all the mom stuff beyond she thoroughly abused him.
The sex scene was like... what??? and I'm glad I was already aware of its issues because I would've gone beserk if I was watching this weekly for 10 weeks and got that in return wtf. The whole show relies on their emotions and inner conflicts but it felt like neither aspect was truly explored in the scene and made worsened with the horrific editing.
Also I can't fucking reblog but this is maybe the post I was talking about with the translation during the sex scene. Yuan's line implies he's masturbated thinking about Qian which is like the most unsurprising thing ever.
Ep 12 (June 17)
Final episode, hope it at least ends well
Lili figures it out. she's kinda upset that she's the last one to know about it, her lines remind me of when Qian found out about her and San Pang haha
but what does she wanna say, why am I nervous that she's pregnant
lol Qian liking that Yuan's trying to help him out at work
I'm suddenly embarrassed, I really can't do office romances
Xiong-ge showing support in his awkward ways is nice
hehhehe Yuan coming to pick Qian up from work dressed up so nice and Qian kissing him outside after checking nobody's around
I got stressed out by Yuan kissing Qian at work omg in broad daylight with people around
yeah the office fujo will certainly keep this a secret lol as if a bunch of them weren't already gossiping like 4 years ago or whatever
I can't handle office romances guys my body shrivels up and my toes and fingers curl, I'm so embarrassed. can the employees stop squealing about it in public. I'm so stressed out by office gossip even if it's like shippy/supportive. also the excited fujo character can sometimes work for me in high school/college shows because it's like young characters but this in an office is like. no. their family and friends can know but i don't need to see their coworkers finding out unless it's meant to be a point of conflict
how can you be discussing top-bottom dynamics of your boss with your colleagues!! and asking your other boss about it !!!! let's get serious I hate this, I should skip through
HOW CAN YOU ASK THIS TO YOUR FUCKING BOSS?!?!?!?!? HOW CAN THIS BE A POSSIBLE THING?!?!?! this show is generally so grounded, even in it's more out-there aspects, that this is like... what world are we in? so inappropriate and also like probably homophobic because you would not be asking this if Qian was dating a woman
are they insinuating Qian's the top/tiger? That does not go with what I want form this trope so I'm ignoring it lmfao I can do verse because I can almost always ship verse but with the younger-guy-deeply-in-love-with-and-madly-pursues-older-guy-who-is-resistant-and-conflicted trope, I like a younger top
but i think people were also annoyed about this suggestion of top Qian lmfao, I think I remember reading comments about it
ah, Lili is indeed pregnant
aw, hug before the questioning but it's like genuine, not from anger. Especially important for them because their mother was terrible and they don't want a child to go through that again obvs
pls San Pang's also here loll I think it's good the ways they were all in different rooms
the panic when Xiao Bao knelt and the 3 of them also scrambling to kneel, especially when Qian also knelt
aw, Qian really was their da-ge, father, and mother all in one
Qian's afraid Lili will follow in their mother's footsteps (pregnant then married young) and be unhappy
why is this so good T.T
I can't believe the messy sex scene from last ep and the utter bullshit that was the office scene in this ep made me forget for a bit how good this show can be
Damn, they're really saving the surgery thing for the very last few minutes. anyway ik he doesn't die because everything would've gone up in flames if that happened
omg how much timeskip, there's a whole baby now
The office discussion actually made me so uncomfortable, it was so inappropriate and unnecessary, why didn't we take that time to... just show at least a bit of the surgery and aftermath or whatever? Like that was such a huge thing in the past 2-3 eps but it just... disappears and we assume it was successful bc of the ending
I'm so glad I got over my pseudo-incest brother-lover aversion because I can now watch this stuff in delight. Though I must say, my favourite aspect of this show is the little family trio with Qian, Yuan, and Lili, with San Pang occasionally invited as well. I loved how they cared for each other and how though Lili was left out of the romantic duo inside their trio, it didn't feel like she was forgotten or sidelined. They each had specific relationships with each of the other people, their interactions had their own flavours and it was so good.
The romance itself hm I think the development was nice, especially from Yuan's side since we saw how he thought of Qian and how he supported him and such. We also saw a bit of how Qian was so lost when Yuan was gone that even San Pang was wondering whether Qian liked Yuan and it would've been better if they hadn't sent him away. It just feels like since there was so much angst and build-up for like 10 episodes, their actual coming together should have been grander. The sex feels a bit sudden, I don't think it should've happened right after that conversation because Qian was barely ready to admit whether he saw Yuan as more romantically than just a brother, and then the editing of it all was terrible.
The surgery stuff also kinda dwindled, if they'd brought it up, I wished they would've at least shown the direct aftermath or whatever. I despised how we had the office Yuan/Qian gossip for so long in episode 12, we could've used it for better things. At least we ended with the Lili pregnancy announcement and coming together over that, which reminded me just at the end why I liked the show.
Some other things I really loved: 1) Qian's face, holy shit. Qian is so beautiful, like incredibly attractive to me, woah. Reminds me of Na Jaemin who I was also taken by when I stanned NCT; is it the lower half of their faces/their mouths? 2) The 2 scenes where Qian finds out Lili and San Pang are dating in ep 8 + finds out Lili's pregnant in ep 12 and just going to kill San Pang lol (also loved how Yuan was enjoying it in ep 8 but was helping San Pang and Lili out in ep 12 lol). 3) The episodes, especially the earlier-middle ones, were so addictive, I didn't end up reading the on-air reddit threads because I was too into watching the next ep instead of reading about it.
In the end, I don't think I'll think about it often, especially not the Yuan/Qian ship unless just to remember the brother-lover trope and even then, Kiseki's Chen Yi/Ai Di gave me more intense brainworms for a similar trope I think. I'm disappointed that I didn't love the show, its flaws are at moments that are too important. So deeply conflicted about whether to give 6 or 6.5, I'll go with 6.5 for now.
Rating: 6.5/10
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that-dog-is-so-gender · 3 months
man i wish knew what otherkin was sooner
shit was wild when i was in elementary school. i was obsessed with mythical creatures and i convinced everyone i was a shapeshifting vampire from a magical land very far away (it was called "magic earth". wow young eros, you were so good at naming shit).
i was obsessed with jaguars and unicorns and monsters and demons and at the very least if i probably would have identified as otherhearted for all of these things i was obsessed with. my god it was intense. i literally jumped off of the highest shit i could find to convince people i could fly, i ate poisinous berries to prove i was immortal (DONT DO THIS IDEK HOW I DIDNT GET SICK) as well as rocks, sticks, and like anything i could put in my mouth. i was fucking insane lmao.
i wish i learned about this before The Shame kicked in and i forced myself into humanity (which my autistic ass could not do to save my life lmao). when i finally ended up on the internet i instantly found this community and i was like "wow okay interesting" and i looked into all of these divinekin identities but after awhile The Shame came back so i repressed all of it. yall my first wing shift was WILD i felt like there was a target on my back or some sort of vulnerable sensation for DAYS UPON DAYS a few years ago. i didnt even realize what it was until i fell down the otherkin rabbit hole a few days later.
anyway glad i found the community it's been a few years and now i finally have the confidence to be open about it so yayayayyyyy
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butch-reidentified · 2 months
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*NOTE* This reply is admittedly more just my thoughts and meant to share said thoughts with my own community on here rather than being intended as a direct response specifically to anon. I just think a lot of this can be applicable in a lot of situations, and so it's maybe worth saying. A lot of it comes down to a certain mentality that seeks drama constantly, especially on social media, which I frankly believe to be the most typical explanation for the reaction to my post yesterday; I suspect that the people who have been sending those anons are likely reading through the lens of a social schema wherein that sort of constant, petty drama is normalized. I'll elaborate a bit on this below.
I feel very strongly that I didn't make "wild accusations" when I referenced previous (documented) incidents. And as I alluded to in the post, I didn't make it to call her out/incite negativity against her; I made it with the intention of interacting with my followers/mutuals about my frustration at dealing with yet another instance in a pattern of behavior - especially when I had JUST logged on for practically the first time all week and that screenshot was the first thing I saw despite having no knowledge of any drama (idek what happened still lmao). I made it to get shit off my chest & engage with my tumblr pals about my experience with it, bc it was a whole shock, esp given I didn't even know there was any drama.
It seems like yall are not able to read and understand the purpose of the post. It wasn't for you, it wasn't intended to have some kind of #[url]isOverParty vibe, and wasn't even primarily about the specific things she's said and/or spread but rather a discussion of the type of behavior in general. I don't have any need to demonize her or convince ppl to "side" w me bc I don't have a side in this besides the I've Been Busy Touching Grass WTF Leave Me Alone side. Which, again, is why I don't care if yall believe me or don't, if yall search my blog or not, if yall are her best friend on earth or not.
Plus, I have a thing about not being super psyched to go to extra unnecessary effort to do a task for people who are actively doing me wrong or just engaging in behavior I find morally reprehensible regardless of context - and I especially don't feel particularly obligated to anyone who's been obnoxious/harassed me, especially on anon which I am extremely vocal about never ever using (except for like, deeply personal advice request type shit and the like) bc I think it's inherently devoid of integrity to rely on anonymity to engage in any negative social interaction. I have zero desire to put even the smallest amount of time and effort into doing a task I don't enjoy (as opposed to writing these, which I do enjoy in a sort of diary type of way) that the previously described sort of person is demanding of me but could do themselves, particularly when I did not at any point have any intention or desire to interact with said person or associates.
One of the earlier anons was rly focused on the fact that H "only" posted a side eyes emoji (this one: 👀) (anon wrote it "EYES" in all caps) in response to an anon containing fucked up lies ab me, and said I was "acting like H had been the one to make it all up." While she very much has done so in the past, you'll find that I have been using the term "spreading" rumors/lies, which does not mean inventing them yourself. She is doing that. If I got that anon ab any woman on here, never in a trillion years would I react that way. I find it gross to be seemingly jumping at any chance to start drama with someone, honesty and integrity (and often feminism, lbr) be damned. I'm far from the only one who feels this way about her behavior.
*Final Notes*
[1] I have never had sex with a man and have made this clear more than once before & never said otherwise. So the only reasons I can think of rn that any gyn on radblr could possibly have to accuse me of being into men (assuming it's not purely to instigate drama or try to upset me or something) would either be bc of a belief that real lesbians all agree with 100% of her takes OR bc of my trafficking history/porn of me existing online. I included this one for a couple reasons, one of which is that I've straight up seen it done here on radblr, I've seen a self-proclaimed radfem tell a lesbian trafficking survivor that she was "ruined" & other horrific shit; it was quite some time ago, but certainly stuck with me.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
What is this? Part two… why is he biting his lip after seeing JM doing his nose thing (that Jk started!!)
It’s like he can’t contain himself
I absolutely love when Jikook stare at eo though the viewfinder. Honestly its just... idk why they do these things. Do they get off on knowing they get away with some of these sneaky shit they get up to? Like this nose rub thing looks like a code for something. Idek man.
But what I love about the original is V. Watch V look at JK rub his nose and then he turns to look at Jimin when he does it. He doesn't react; almost like he knew Jimin was going to respond. Which I'm convinced he does know because he called them out once.
Like... Guys. How in love do you have to be to stare at eo and get lost in each other in this way? To affect eo like,
For example This part that I love so much. JK gets lost in smiling at Jimin then catches himself and has to look away. Did you see JK swallow when he ducked his head??? My Jikook heart
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Then Jimin is there all coy and shy... I love them sm. They're so entertaining!
Lets not forget the eye fucking one that's for the Jikook history books. I know JK was peacocking for Jimin and not me, but damn 🥵 The were wild for that one.
God, I love them sm honestly. This Grammy one was subtle though. This was real subtle. I'll give them that.
Bonus. JK being bothered by what looked like RM caressing Jimin. He does his tongue in cheek thing and everything 🤭🤭 Never beating the Minimoni anti allegations.
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chloeangelic · 1 year
right because letting your boyfriend fuck your friends daughter for “closure” is the epitome of a healthy relationship 😂😂😂
Everyone in the comments saying anons are crazy but y’all are wilding even more.
Can’t deny that letting Katy be perfectly okay with that situation is a cop out and made the ending to this story easy and while there are obviously people in open relationships, it’s very uncommon and not exactly realistic.
Anyway, have fun shit talking in the comments 💕💕
can the anons pls start identifying themselves so i know if theyre a repeat anon or a new one?? i keep waiting for the realistic version of my ending and im not getting it, idek if this is the same anon
if it is, i am patiently waiting for the more realistic ending rewrite
if its not, i am indeed wilding on the internet because i can and my everyday life is not crazy so i have to spice it up when im playing barbies with a middle aged pixel man
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angel-and-the-serpent · 10 months
Hey! I saw what you wrote with Crowley and Aziraphale being in a cabin in the middle of a windstorm! I think this ask is gonna be inspired off of that, but if you could write something about Crowley having fun outside in a middle of a windstorm and Aziraphale just trying to get him to come inside the bookshop and Crowley being a little shit and ends up ultimately dragging Azi in the wind with him and fluff ensues? Thank you!
Lovelies, I did it. i wrote an entire ficlet? oneshot? fanfic idek, SOMETHING for this wonderful anon, I hope you like it, and please dont be scared to send in more, I love doing these --------------------- Soho Windstorm Length: 715 words Context warnings: Language
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It had been a normal day so far. As far as you could consider a normal day for an angel and a demon. That was until a windstorm somehow got knocked off its path and ended up in Soho, how? Aziraphale could only imagine. Though, he thought as he stared out the window, eyebrows furrowed, it had to do with the man dancing in the wind, 
Crowley was having the best time she had had in over 6000 years.
Yes, admittedly he had diverted the windstorm, but eh fuck it, if anyone found out, he did it for demonic reasons. Crowley was dancing in the wind. Dancing, not on a pinhead, but in the middle of an empty Soho street while a windstorm caused chaos around him. 
He wasn't really dancing, not really, but more like, doing what he wanted. Spinning in circles, shouting at the top of his lungs, that's what it mostly consisted of, The wind whipped his face, leaves swarming and battering his shoes as he did his own thing in the wind. 
Crowley felt a sense of freedom, he was always provided with some sort of freedom by the wind, a breeze on the hottest day, a short fast blast through a fan, it always provided him happiness, he didn't know where it came from, but he wasn't against it. 
Crowley paused mid-spin as he saw his angel staring at him through the bookshelf window, he raised a single eyebrow at her angel, smirking as he raised a singular arm outwards, as an invitation, seeing whether her angel would come out into the wind and be wild, let go of the worries, let the thought of Armageddon, of looming danger from their minds “No” the angel mouthed at the demon with a small internal smile, “Come inside, you silly demon” *come inside where it’s warm, come in, and we can drink, and I can play the record you like…the one about nightingales* The demon laughed, jogging over to the bookshop door and pulling it open, gusts of strong wind shooting in and disrupting the nearby papers, to which Aziraphale let out a strangled gasp/ cry of “Crowley, dear really?!” The demon laughed, grabbing her angel’s wrist, pulling them outside the comfort of their bookshelf and into the winds outside, laughing at the angel's cries as the bookshop doors were miracled shut. “C’mon angel!” the demon yelled, pulling Aziraphale by the hands into the wind, “loosen up, angel!” “Dear, let me back inside!” the angel pleaded, with a fleeting look back at his book shop, before he was startled by Crowley's body wrapping itself around his in a tight hug, “2 more minutes?” Crowley asked, “Then we can go drink?” Aziraphale let out a small murmur in response Crowley laughed, releasing her angel and spinning on the spot, whooping and laughing, the angel stood to the side, huddling himself under the awning of a building, watching his demon with soft eyes and a small smile to join them, he loved - uh…liked, seeing his friend…his demon like this, free of the burdens hell gave him, free of all the pain on his shoulders, just openly himself, just openly happy. “Shit!” Crowley laughed as the wind got harder, “Get inside, get inside it’s bloody freezing” “I told you!” Aziraphale scolded letting them both into the warmth of the bookshop and deadbolting the door behind them, He miracled the record played to start the familiar hum of a song Crowley was partial to, as the demon sat down on the sofa, perking up with a wide grin as the familiar notes of the song he had introduced to them in 1941 played though the record player, “You don't have the record” he laughed, leaning forward with a smirk and a glint in his yellow eyes, “Bought it yesterday” the angel said, *just for you* “What one is it today?” Crowley asked, referring to the wine, “I’ll go have a look,” Aziraphale said, walking away, further into the shop, leaving Crowley on the sofa with a grin on his face, as he listened to the familiar voice play…
The streets of town were paved with stars It was such a romantic affair And when you turned and smiled at me A nightingale sang in Berkeley square
I hope you liked it anon!! - Angel
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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I’d like to start this update with this shocking image of SHAJAR TICKLING JOJO. Since when do you two remotely interact?!?
-Oh lighten up, will ya? -My beloved daughter is right, look at those snapdragon animations, everything’s literally coming up roses around here! 
YA RIGHT, ‘things are going great’, what bs are you gonna come up with next??
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-Things ARE going great! Look at me suddenly being a good father!
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-And look at me becoming a professional party guest! And I’ve been super loyal to Don too, huhu!🌸
Ok well excuse me if I don’t bust out the confetti yet, historically we’ve had some difficulties maintaining a winning streak around here..
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Sugar, there you are! Now what disaster do you currently have going on, spit it out.
-No disasters, just enjoying my day off! 
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-I’ve just read this great book about the importance of skin-to-skin contact for newborns!
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-And I rolled the want to potty-train Felina!
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-And I just love changing diapers all of a sudden! 
OK SERIOUSLY WTF. Are we gonna have our first calm update.. EVER??
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Oh man here we go, here we go, what are you two arguing about!
-Nothing, we’re just talking about how nice it is that those spicy updates are a thing of the past! -It’s so much better to treat each other with love and respect!💗
Are you people trying to drive me crazy??
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-I got promoted again! I can’t wait to share the good news with my family and then spend quality time with my children! 
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The kittens grew up and Shinok is the automatic heir per my tradition of picking the chonkiest cat! The puppies also grew up..
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..and I think it’s clear who the dog heir is LOL. Veronica where the hell did your giant ears come from?? 
-I don’t know but they’re a lewk! 
They most certainly are! The non-heir pets are of course going off to have much better lives with Wulf and Angel❤️
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Speaking of ❤️, it is with a heavy ❤️ that after trying to turn Jojo into a werewolf for the better part of a century, I’M NOW CURING HIM PER HIS WISH. Jojo truly, I have no words. 
-Well then you’re gonna love the want I’m about to roll tomorrow!
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Things continue to go UNNERVINGLY well. Liz topped her career and rolled the want to teach Felina to talk-
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-followed by the want to teach her to walk! (Look at their identical noses, awwwww🧡)
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Then Sophito rolled the want to teach her a nursery rhyme, at which point something incredibly shocking has become clear. Sit down for this: we are dealing with our first pair of good parents in the main house.
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-Oh haha, we sure were wild back then! Now dear, I read about this great new educational toy- 
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-Oh I know the one, it said it helps with cognitive development!  -Yes!  -We need to get two, Bartholomew is about to become a toddler!
Oh right he is!
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That’s how calm shit is around here, that I actually REMEMBERED a birthday. Alright Barth, time to grow up! Please don’t get the Frances eyebrows, please, please, please-
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-YES THANK GOD. Now let’s check the ole personality panel..
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Speaking of Shajar, Cyneswith remains a better grandma than her despite not being these kids’ grandma. 
-I wanna teach her how to talk!🌸  
You what now?
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-Ok baby now say ‘chair, huhu💗’! -Chaiw, huhu💗! -YAYYYY🌸
Alright I’m starting to develop a theory here since Cyn is so ridic partial to Felina but doesn’t seem to give a crap about Bartholomew, that maybe Cyn wanted a daughter?? Idek dude, NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE.
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Look at this shit.
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LOOK. Like these are legit some never-before-seen images, where did this all functionality come from??? Also man Barth is ROTUND, his cheeks! Liz and Soph really made some cute bbs🧡
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It’s time for Felina’s birthday, which I ALSO REMEMBERED. Jojo does the honors since this is probably the last birthday where he’ll be with us💔
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-I sure am! Now if you’ll excuse me, grandma Cyn said she has bought some new clothes for me!
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thegeminisage · 10 months
bro i was SO excited to get into coral island. have been waiting on it to come out of beta for literal years - i didn't want to play the early access version because i wanted to be able to enjoy the entire game at once. when it released i read something about like the merpeople romances not being ready until 2024 and i was like ehhhh should i wait but my brother was like no that'll give you something to bring you back to it later you have been talking and talking about this game it's finally out so you would be nuts not to buy it. so i bought it. $29.99 american dollars. that's about 3 hours of cleaning houses. i had some steam money though so i actually got it for $23
there is an "i'm stuck" button in the menu which acts as if you had passed out - you lose cash and stamina. once my game glitched and i ACTUALLY got stuck because the controls would not allow me to open the door. there've been a few other minor glitches here and there - some weird dialogue, or fenceposts vanishing if you put them in the wrong spot. and steam shows me the xbox controller button prompts instead of the ps4 ones. that was all fine. it's an indie game and it's just been out a couple of weeks. i didn't think a thing about it. for the past 3.5 days the only thing i've wanted to do is play more coral island. you might not be able to marry a merperson yet but i have been cleaning the ocean so i can go talk to them, you know?
but this morning moseyed my ass on over to the subreddit, sure i would find cool tips and trivia etc. instead it's every console player on earth talking about how the crashes make the game unplayable. even on the pc version, there's apparently only 3 merpeople you can even talk to and the cleaning the ocean quest ends with a literal "wip" on the screen. the pet adoption function is still in its infancy, you can't dig for fossils, kids don't grow up, and chests keep vanishing with items in them. i felt like i had only barely scratched the surface of this game but in actuality. maybe not.
andl ike. not to be a whiny pissbaby. but i am SO FUCKINGGG TIRED of games releasing when they aren't FINISHED. i thought an indie game that was in early access for SUCH a long fucking time would be safe from this phenomenon but apparently fucking not. i was fine to wait as long as they needed but when i am flat broke - when as a household we are food bank 2-3 times a month one house payment behind BROKE - to spend $30 on an INCOMPLETE GAME during the HOLIDAY SEASON when i have to fucking buy presents for people is INSANE. if i was going to play the INCOMPLETE version i could have paid the much lower early access price. and i deliberately on purpose did not do that and got tricked into doing it anyway!!!
like how can you raise your price and claim it's because the game is complete now and RELEASE IT ON CONSOLE when the game isn't actually complete now? did they need the extra money to continue development? did some suit stick his nose where it didn't belong? and my ass is WAY past 4 hours so there's no way i can return it. i'm stuck with this game now, just as it is, with the money i paid for it.
idek if i will keep playing. it's fucking fun as shit and ik when it's finished i'm gonna love the hell out of it, plus i've got a ways to go yet before i start hitting walls. but man what a way to take the wind out of a girl's sails. "wip." i spent the last 4 in-game days doing nothing but cleaning the ocean. good lord.
tbh going on reddit was a mistake. that was my bad. i would have preferred to find all this out the hard way and enjoy myself until then. or: better: i would have preferred not to buy the fucking game yet! wild how that works! i hate i hate i HATE this economy!!!!!!!!!! that's so fucking evil!!! i literally want my money back!
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ca-suffit · 5 months
Will never forget how when TCA photo shoots dropped and ppl were rightfully wanting to see more Jacob/Assad pairings for the promos, Virginia was getting asks saying that they were glad loumand shippers and those who wanted to see more jassad were “getting humbled” because they were getting “too cocky”, she was very much agreeing and adding on to these asks. It’s just really funny to me how she is always like “you should read the books and listen to the cast and crew, because then you’d know loumand is not the main couple this season!!” followed w that Sam gif she always hilariously misuses when like… the book and the show literally say the opposite… Reading the s2 reviews obviously confirms this lol but it reminded me of that moment and I had to laugh. So crazy, imagine seeing ppl excited for non-white queer rep and being glad they didn’t get what they wanted (and supposedly were never going to get it)… wanting to “humble” them… and saying you’re not racist…
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I remembered this and here's the actual post :)
I also found some interesting things I never knew about while looking for this post so let's share those too :) :)
This was happening when I first made this account, so I remember it rly well. I was replying directly to all these ppl as long as I could. They're always saying stuff happens on anon bts so I was making it clear from the start that they could "finally" respond in public. Isn't that what they wanted? lol ig not.
Here's the only direct contact I had with virginia.
I *just* saw she replied to it, but take a wild guess why I wasn't notified of it. cuz u know I'd have responded if I had been. These ppl only get loud when they know there's no real "threat" of an interaction.
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do u see how she didn't speak back to the things I was talking about in the post tho? she had to deflect again to "u hate lestat," "read the books," "ur speaking over jacob, A BLACK MAN" (their favorite shit to say like it's such a slam dunk?)
She also posted this
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she was on a mission then to "prove" the bullying was real because this is the time when nalyra got caught doing all of this and they needed a distraction from that. she reblogged that showmey0urfangs PSA from the previous november too and aimed the fandom at black fans again, saying this was all part of an ongoing bts bullying issue. if it is then why tf can't u all ever have better receipts? why are these PSAs literally untagged shit from ppl's personal accounts or in direct reblogs to u and yet ur claiming it's all happening on anon. which one is it and why aren't u posting those things then? jfc they think we're all stupid.......
what I think is crazy too is the PSA caps reminded me of the timeline of stuff more. there used to be louder white ppl in the fandom about racism (and I remember this even more because showmey0urfangs got so mad about that in this post, trying to defend white fandom by screaming "I'M BLACK AND U HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME" at white ppl who pointed out she was doing racist shit) and it's funny how nalyra and virginia and them didn't start to be more openly racist like this until *after* those ppl weren't here anymore? crazy how u suddenly grew extra racist courage when u felt u wouldn't have as much pushback now. I don't remember them ever going after any users who they *knew* were white and saying this stuff either. if they feel any hint like ur prbly not white *and* not a book reader then look how the big voice comes out. but this isn't motivated by racism right lol?
look at this too
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she answered so many asks back then to get sympathy and frame herself as a victim (to again distract from the nalyra shit), which is classic white woman / fandom manipulation.
idek how u write something like this tho and believe it makes sense? ppl speaking up about fandom racism is *always* going to be about fandom racism. u go in any fandom and it's there. it's never a cover up for something else. that's what white fandom *wants* u to think because they want to get as much support as possible. they know if they soothe white feelings about race and say "this isn't a real issue, it's about shipping / it's because I'm being unfairly targeted / it's because they're jealous" then most ppl *will* choose to believe that and defend them because it's the better feeling choice for them. talking about racism sucks. being on the side of loudly talking about racism sucks. you don't get to exist in fandom and "just have fun" when you do this. that's why most ppl stop doing it and either become white fandom themselves or leave public spaces for it.
look at this recent thing too
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this is a manipulation attempt. she's aware of fans being upset at amc catering to white ppl for this and this is her way to cover up more for white fandom and say "I'm not an ANGRY BITCH about it (unlike some ppl), come support me, I'm better and nicer and treat ppl fairly."
anyway, fuck this racist bitch and her weird fucking ego over gatekeeping garbage ass anne rice books.
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taylortruther · 1 year
Honestly the wild thing to me is that, I don’t think it excuses any of the shitty things he’s said, etc, but outside of this stupid fucking “asshole era” (and even during it) matty has made WAY more progressive leftish (not leftist, he’s still a rich white man) statements than taylor has. Loudly and in every country he’s been in, naming names and honestly half their songs are like very ~~~meta and political (almost to the point of being annoying! I say this as a music fan, not a person fan, bc as we all do know or at least Should know here, that’s dicey!) it’s just. Interesting idk. He says lots of things ppl wish taylor would say and also things nobody should say. Idek how to end this lol just curious on your thoughts i guess
yeah i think one of the 'interesting' things about this is that matty is very outspoken and has (apparently) been openly left politically but the side-effect of outspokenness is that he says all the dumb, racist, sexist, bigoted shit he believes too. (or, he doesn't believe it, but he doesn't do a good enough job indicating it's a bit, if that's what you think.) and those opinions have now gotten a much larger audience because of this scandal.
it's a philosophical argument too. can you truly be a leftist if you're a bigot? that's so abstract. but people can do good things for people while also being rancid as fuck in other parts of their lives. that's the challenge of the human experience!
one way i look at it is: if a thousand people hear matty say a politically "left" thing, and know he hates trump and whatnot, that's great. but if ten thousand have now heard him say he jerks off to black women being brutalized... that's, uh, very bad.
unfortunately life is not a points system, so we don't have matty's social impact "score." these are just more thought exercises to figure out how you feel about the situation, i guess.
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irl · 7 months
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u guys evr read smth n it jus Hits U lik damn…. theres actlly new ppl out here….. recent joiners……. wild 2 me smtimes mainly cos im impressd by their commitment thts p cool
it was hard 2 get into tumblr when i 1st joind lik i didnt see a lotta th appeal n stuff n i kept forgetting abt it, idek what ended up hookin me tbh
but lik….. man….. bro….. tht was soooo long ago n to think ppl r still comin in and findin their footholds?? kinda cool tbh
wish mre of them wld reblog shit more tho lol
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
i come back on this app after 2 days just to find out your being harassed again.
Im literally still getting dms and I thought it was over for you
im logging back out again this shit is wild.
Idek man people just love to hate ig😪 we’re ok tho and i hope ur okay too!!!
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