rcvnance · 3 years
Continued from X
    IN TRUTH, SHE hadn’t expected the stranger to pay any mind to her mumblings, much less respond to them... She hadn’t expected the stranger to be there in the first place, either! But who was she to shy away, especially in the face of such an interesting answer? Backlit only by the lone lamp aside her, the woman turns her whorled gaze to address the unfamiliar stranger from her place against the balcony’s railing.
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❝You’ve a point. The greatest drive is stirred from the hopes of change... but what to do if and when one’s hopes are dashed? Or when someone comes along wielding hope as a weapon? Many seem to forget that some of the greatest evils are committed in the name of it...❞
    She sighs wistfully, turning her gaze to the mountains that rose so high in the distance...
❝... I do not mean to damper your mood, curious stranger. Doubly so on such a pleasant night. Tell me this, if you’re willing; what is it that you hope for?❞
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
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@idealisticharmony​​ asked:
“How do you manage to keep going despite everything?”
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“I didn’t have to deal with nearly as much strife as bein’ the weird-ass future monarch to some kingdom most Unovans haven’t thought about for years.” Touya admitted after a moment of silence. “I kept going as far as I did because I felt other people weren’t doin’ enough. I watched some people even more self-righteous than me lord it over people who couldn’t defend themselves.”
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“I kept going because a couple of stubborn kids didn’t want me to stay lonely, and I couldn’t stand the sight of people who didn’t know jack shit about Pokemon’s relationships with people force them into solitude. That’s all some people had, and I wasn’t about to let other people feel the way I did.” 
“And now some people are saying I’m their champion or whatever, but that’s up to them. I just live the way I want to. I’m free.”
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basicknowledge · 3 years
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the-haunted-home · 3 years
(IdealisticHarmony) Only one way to see how this place works... He is curious and interested "My name is N, it's time to play"
Upon speaking the words, the groundskeeper hands you the supplies and seems to disappear with a knowing grin. The grounds become unusually silent as the gates slam shut... The hunt is on.
「 The bracelet you have been given gives off a faint glow once donned. It seems your future partner is due either southeast or southwest. The southeastern path leads to a craggy, pitch black opening to a cave. Gemstones are only just visible within. The southwest path leads to shimmering, sandy shores surrounding what appears to be a large lake, the surface still and polished like a mirror. Where will you go? 」
➤ The Cave
➤ The Lake
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dreamdesire · 3 years
Continued from X
    LITTLE CLAWS STOP their movement, grabbing onto a lock of hair ( but not pulling it ). Starry eyes, brimming with curiosity, glance upwards to meet the gaze of the stranger, pleased to have not been chased away or chastised.
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❝Yes! There is lots of it, too... it is warm to have this much? Good to have in the ice and snow?❞
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blue-orb · 3 years
"Pardon my curiosity. However I overheard you mentioning humans with traits and abilities akin to pokemon. I haven't heard of anything quite like it before outside of psychics, I find the concept fascinating! How far does it go I wonder- does it stop there? Or is there more to it?" He tried not to interact with individuals of teams due to his own experiences, but curiosity killed the meowth.
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"Well, 't ain't very common anymore. Grandpa said it was more common when 'e was young, wit some folks even havin' scales or feathers, but that's pretty rare nowadays."
"Still, 't does appear. We still diagnose Typin' in medical offices, and some folks have traits of those types or their Pokemon in them. So a Fightin' type person might have above-average strength in their chosen martial art, or a Flyin' type might have a homin' instinct that gives them a great sense of direction. Y'can see it pretty well in most Gym Leaders."
"'s mostly little traits and habits nowadays. I dunno if anyone's done any studies on it, since I've been busy wit' my job, but yer always free t' ask me specifics if you're lookin' for something in particular."
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cotttoncandyhero · 3 years
which aesthetic™ colour are you?
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dusty rose
My friend, you are hella aesthetic. Everything about you is thoughtful and intentional, from the way you present yourself to the way you've constructed your space. You'd probably make the most impressive cakes. You have a few close relationships that you've poured yourself into, and you both value the little every-day moments you have together. That said, sometimes you get a bit lost in the details and forget to take a holistic look at your life. Who have you left behind? Are you happy, or do you just look it? Remember to have an honest check-in with yourself sometimes.
Tagged by: Took it from dash :p
Tagging: @aplushemporium @watt-a-mess @booksilent @touyatiredforthis @gloryshielded @iruludavare @harmonicrecord @eternalr0ses @idealisticharmony​ @maze-of-life-actors​​
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metroseamstress · 3 years
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rcvnance · 3 years
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⋆★ @idealisticharmony​​​★⋆ attempted to flirt!:
>Flirt???? "Your hair is nice.... It looks soft"
    AH- ANOTHER? IT’S admittedly unexpected for this to end up being the majority response... Ah, but she manages to keep her smile on despite the teasing that her partner whispers into the back of her head.
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❝Thank you~! I’m glad it seems that all the upkeep is worth it!❞
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
@idealisticharmony​ doesn’t know why a cake is needed for a birthday.
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“Pain in the ass to teach you about it. I want cake. We’re getting one. Dumbass.”
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
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@idealisticharmony​ sent a bouquet:
Gladiolus, Camellia General, Hyacinth Purple, Daffodil, Alstroemeria. (Full meaning: You are a strong person, I admire that in you. I am sorry for all I did and ask for your forgiveness, maybe we can start things anew, and try to be friends?)
Touya stared long and hard at the flowers, shocked that he’d received something like that from N of all people. Once the shock faded a bit, red replaced it rather quickly right afterward.
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“...Honest to Arc, you sure know how ta make somethin’ like this embarrassing, Greenie. You and your stupid prettyboy ways.”
Though his grip on the bouquet is tight, it didn’t seem he disliked it, either....
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
based on a conversation with @idealisticharmony
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
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@idealisticharmony​  asked to be rated 1-10 based on appearance:
this is Totally N, absolutely N. In no way is it his Zoroark in disguise wanting to see if Touya would Roast N 💎
-10 Prettyboy Penalty.
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Stupid. Stupid herb and your stupid face. Look at ya, and your prettyboy-ass face. Fuck.
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
Rules: Answer in-character. Repost, don’t reblog. 
Tagged by: @iruludavare @harmonicrecord {thanks so much for thinkin of me!}
Tagging: @basicknowledge @metroseamstress @88sugiru @idealisticharmony @mutemystical @xmoonkissedx @venomousxintent @fracturedhues @highrollingheir @rottenrhythms @unovasrose and you!
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► NAME ➭ “‘Touya Kurokawa.”
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  “...Yeah? What of it?”
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ “I guess. I got my partners and… Well, I’m reconnecting with folks I like.”
► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭ “OKAY, people like to ask this one a LOT but I’m just TRYING to point out shit that no one else seems to!”
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ “Oh hell yeah they are. They’re almost painfully still married with how they spend anniversaries and shit.”
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ “Y’know, I don’t actually know that off the toppa my head, but ah… I’m pretty sure I was born in Nuvema. I oughta ask Ma about it.”
► HAIR COLOR ➭ “Uh, dark brown.”
► EYE COLOR ➭ “Take a good look. It’s pretty damn brown.”
► BIRTHDAY ➭ “Oh shit, uh… September 1. That’s right.”
► MOOD ➭ “Eh, I’m doing alright. Waiting on my Xtransceivah to get back.”
► GENDER ➭ “Oh, uh. My pronouns are Him/His. I think. Yeah.”
► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭ “Unova summers fuckin’ blow, but winters are pretty damn nippy too… But I guess I DO like bundlin’ up. Winter feels bettah.”
► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ “Up an’ at ‘em, baby. Ya gotta world to take on.”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE?➭ “... Next question.”
► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ “Mmnh. Maybe? Isn’t that just havin’ a crush?”
► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭ “Last relationship?”
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭ “Ehh… Not as far as I know. I hope the fuck not.”
► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ “I think I’m MORE afraid of NOT committin’ ta stuff. If you don’t take care of somethin’ you said you would, what’s the point?”
► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ “....Man, I don’t think about this stuff off the toppa my head. Does huggin’ any of my partners count?”
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭ “The FUCK does this mean? Have I ever made myself supah sad? Sometimes, yeah.”
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ “Okay, but who’s gonna say lust right offa the bat? And who’s gonna believe me if I choose eithah one?”
► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭ “Is there a choice? Meh. I got four people not related ta me that we’d fight for. We know each othah. But… I’m not really opposed to havin’ a buncha regular friends. I just don’t have that.”
► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭ “TURN IT UP--Nah, that’s every damn day, so...”
► DAY OR NIGHT ➭ “Gimme the day, babey. If you’re early enough, you still have you-time."
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭ “HAH. Just try pullin’ a fast one on Ma.”
► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭ “Ho yeah. It just happens, I ain’t ashamed. Hurts though...”
► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭ “Other than for the Plasma bullshit ta end? Hmm… I REALLY wanted this dapper little hat for Ribbon that I had ta work for..”
► SMILE OR EYES ➭ “Smiles, real ones. Everybody’s got that face that tells ya they’re havin’ a great time.”
► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭ “Eh! Either one feels just fine. Though I DO like usin’ the people I like as an armrest. Drives some of them crazy.”
► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭ “Why are those mutually exclusive, though? I mean, by my urges, it’s always attraction, but like?”
► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭ “Mmnhn… Haven’t really had eithah.”
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “Sure do, I’d say. I started visiting more."
► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “My life is mine. The whole Plasma shit nevah should’ve happened but I grew up because of it..”
► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭ “Mm... I guess you could count my little disappearin’ act a bit of a run away.”
► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭ “Of my house? Nah. Elsewhere? Heheh...”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ “Eh! If I don’t like ya, I don’t make it a secret.”
► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭ “I mean, they made it ABUNDANTLY clear they care ‘bout me and I do them so! I’d say yeah.”
► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭ “Ho boy. These two kids I grew up with in Nuvema. Ride ‘til I die.”
► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭ “HEH! People within 10 feet of me within 10 minutes, probably. But the easiest ansah’s probably my Pokemon and prolly lil Anne. Nothin’ gets past her..”
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
which aesthetic™ colour are you?
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Touya’s Result: oxblood
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You are fearless, honest, and you stick to your guns. You pride yourself on your honesty, and on being true to your values even in difficult situations. Others admire your grit, and those who can handle it appreciate your bluntness. Your friendships are ride-or-die, and your loved ones would destroy the goddamn sun for you. To put it simply: you're lowkey punk. Just remember that softness is not the same as weakness, and that it's ok to be a little more forgiving-- toward others, but also toward yourself.
tagged by: @cotttoncandyhero (thank you!
tagging: @gloryshielded @xmoonkissedx @artificialcrown @rcvnance @iruludavare @harmonicrecord (Touya!) @of-nuvema @idealisticharmony @distortsverity @sinnohsavior @sereina and you!
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touyatiredforthis · 3 years
Character Study: Birds
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Bold for what applies, italicize for what applies somewhat.
SPARROW || innocence. big dreamer. waking up too early. walking home. being afraid of meeting new people. slim hands. always cold. reading a book under a tree. the smell of the forest. missing your home.
EAGLE || independent. caring too much for others. sharp looks. walking through the city late at night. the tallest and most spectacular building. iron. being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
SWIFT || falling in love easily and heavily. traveler. the infinity of the bluest sky. storms. broken smiles. forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones. feeling out of place. mistrusting people. a fleeting romance.
CROW || feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot. prejudging. tight hugs that leave you breathless. a grey sky. serenity. intelligence. being left behind. chains. smoke. the pride of someone wise.
DOVE || petals. jealousy. being tired of living with the same old faces. whispered secrets. marble. sundresses. white clothes. the first sunset of winter. pride in who you are. learning to get over someone.
SEAGULL || family. golden light. the sea murmuring in your ear. summer afternoons. caramel ice cream. collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures. living breezy and carefree. swimming in the sunlight.
CANARY || artistic. getting excited easily. dancing and singing while you are alone. looking at your friends having fun. no phone. being afraid of judgment. spring. a meaningful gift. the first ray of sunlight.
Tagged by: @harmonicrecord​ (thank you!)
Tagging: @metroseamstress @watt-a-mess @clever-beets @basicknowledge @idealisticharmony​
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