#idc what the show says they’re canon
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diavoloinajar · 1 year ago
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can you guys believe they got married this season?????
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redoqs · 10 months ago
Missing Wildmoore so much rn
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astriddestelle · 3 months ago
In light of discovering I’ve been a friends to lover girlie this whole time. Here’s are my top ten friends to lovers of all time canon and non canon.
1. The ship that started it all admittedly I liked Raven more so I shipped her with Robin, but my god Robin and Starfire were cute a whole ass ship I didn’t even realize I was shipping until they kissed in the movie and I was squealing like well I was a kid lol. My favorite episode aside from the Raven ones were always the ones focused on their relationship. Stranded was chefs kiss. I’m not a girl I’m not your friend. Date with Destiny had me gagged. Sisters the arm reach as she’s kidnapped beautiful. No other couple will compare.
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2. God when this was airing what a time to be fucking alive. I was so obsessed with this ship. My first fanfic ideas were about this ship. I used to roleplay this show at school. They were so fucking messy with their just friends bullshit. Just friends my ass. I used to watch episode 22 routine on repeat and yes I have it memorized they almost kissed then spent the rest of series pretending they weren’t down bad for each other. They never actually made it official either which will forever haunt me to this day.
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3. This one crept on me. I didn’t realize I shipped it until I shipped it and there was no going back. I mean come on. The look of love is literally their theme song. What do you mean Langa only likes skateboarding when Reki is there to watch and cheer him on. What do you mean Reki is afraid of Langa getting hurt not himself but Langa. Cindereki need I say more. The most casual friends to lovers cause they don’t even realize till the end. I went to skate infinitely with you who says stuff like that to someone they’re just friends with. How they adopt each others love languages through your the show. Ugh.
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4. Alright imma be honest. This one started as me just wanting to read more Itadori fics but my god. If gege wasn’t a coward they would’ve been official (jk mostly) but Megumi only wanting to live a domestic life with Yuji, regaining the will to live after Yuji says he misses him, not having a reason for saving him not wanting him to die, start by saving me itadori…yeah. And itadori never giving up saving fushiguro, first words out of his mouth are always fushiguro, tells Sukuna to give fushiguro back. I mean how could I not.
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5. Might be too early for me to be adding them to this list but so far Momo and Okarun have all the makings of being just as great as Robin and Starfire if not better. Two idiots sharing one brain cell the way they actually communicate with each other, Okarun getting salty when people insult his wifey, Momo getting jealous when people flirt with her husband. Okarun straight up telling Momo he can’t read her mind but he cares about her and values her friendship. Momo straight up saying she wants to talk to Okarun and loves hanging out with him. I’m into deep and it’s only been nine episodes. First time I’ve been this invested in a straight ship in years.
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6. Back to the classics with this one. And I’m lowkey starting to sense a pattern. Cause why do they all involve redheads in some way and do I have a type? (yes) Kim and Ron are the original boss wife/fail husband. They’re so cute cause if you rewatch the series there’s all these little hints that they always liked each other (it took you 12 stinking years to kiss me) (I mean me and Kim sure everyone expects it but) but like didn’t wanna ruin their friendship fucking cute as hell idk if it was intentional on the writers part but yeah
7. Gwen and Geoff from Total Drama Island. They had one episode together and I was a goner. Idk I just love my sun and moon motifs as yall can clearly see. Something about the black cat golden retriever dynamic just tickles me I guess. I know yall see the potential. I rewrote total drama island just to get them to together it was bad
8. Harry and Luna from HP. Idc he shoulda been with her and not Ginny. No shade to Ginny but I just feel like they would’ve been such a great couple. Harry with someone who understands him and will never make him feel like he needs to live up to the savior role and Luna with someone who will never judge her for being different or odd. Sigh. So much wasted potential. So stinking cute oddly doesn’t exist as much anymore sigh.
9. Birdflash. I will not deny a huge part of this stems from really liking Wally West and that’s pretty much it. And I wanted more fics about him. I did not like Artemis at all, no one else shipped him with Zatanna or Rocket or Batgirl or Megan so Robin it was lol. But I mean I’ve been eating since so I can’t complain.
10. Ok while I don’t like this ship anymore I can’t deny I was obsessed with it for a hot minute. Danny/Sam from Danny phantom so much freaking potential and actually really cute from 10 year old me’s pov too bad they don’t hold up as an adult. I was very much obsessed with goths as a kid huh.
Honorary mentions
Adrien/Marinette: I haven’t seen enough of this show to put em in my top ten but my god is it cute af sometimes I just need to cute sunshine’s falling in love that is all. I’ve seen enough to know I’m rooting for both of em. A
Jade/Andre: I was obsessed with the episode he had a crush on her. Also in canon he’s the only one she calls a friend, they have lunch dates, she isn’t ever mean to him not as mean as she is to everyone else. I think it’s be cute af alright. Plus Andre wouldn’t flirt with other girls and make her jealous
Tododeku idk yall I just think they’d be cute af together not much else say. Same goes for Mina and Bakugo. Idk I just like em.
Sheen/Libby very refreshing to see a black girl get a love interest and not be discarded later. Sigh too bad that hasn’t happened since like 2006
can also throw on numbuh one and numbuh five from kids next door for similar reasons above. As well as numbuh two and numbuh five
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mpregbuck · 9 months ago
I feel like atp even if there were plans to make bvddie canon theyre gone now. if tim minear is even half as petty as I am he would see that reaction and go u know what fuck you u actually don't get what you want now cause ur acting so goddamn entitled. like when tarlos fans got mad about the deleted scenes instead of appreciating them being released and his reaction was to say "okay fine then I just won't release deleted scenes anymore" (like I'm sure it was mostly a marketing decision but part of me thinks they intentionally released a scene about bucktommy just to prove a point.) idk man it's just really upsetting as a bi man to see the absolutely vile shit bvddie stans are saying and even tho I love the ship I now never want it to go canon cause they've fuckin ruined it
hey anon, at first let me agree with the fact that i do in fact also love bvddie a lot and i still love reading fics for them, the edits of them are fantastic and the fanart is S tier. it’s a great pairing with a lot of potential there IF the writers decided to ever go there but…
huge answer below
yeah, i agree. i honestly think before tommy was introduced again in 7x03 and the kiss in 7x04 that in my brain, bvddie was the most logical endgame for buck until it wasn’t.
i came into the show shipping bvddie much like a lot of new fans to the show but instead of hopping onto the tommy anti express hate train i found myself falling in love with buck and tommy together. at first i was still on board with bvddie still being endgame but as each episode aired after 7x04 i became faced with the reality of the situation (at least the way i see it) that bvddie might always be fanon and that’s ok because fandom keeps ships alive whether they’re canon or not. some of the biggest ships EVER are non-canon (i mean, cmon spirk? one of the OG MM ships?) so it didn’t really deter me from enjoying bvddie to this day. what HAS deterred me from interacting with bvddie content is toxic bvddies. i don’t like using the lil nicknames, idc if other ppl do, whatever, but i prefer just referring to certain kinds as just toxic plain and simple.
toxic shippers have made it difficult for anyone who multiships to interact with bvddie content. while there are incredibly nice & welcoming bvddie endgamers out there, it doesn’t overshadow the hateful ones in my online experience at least. i’ve blocked so many ppl over this ship discourse, which ive never had to do with any other fandom before the extent i have with 911. everyday i still find new ppl to block, you go under almost any comment section on the 911 insta and its filled with nasty comments abt tommy and only caring abt whether bvddie will be canon in s8. people projecting their hatred of tommy/lou onto the cast/crew of the show when it’s be said and proven time and time again that it’s quite the opposite. now im certain there’s bad apples in the bucktommy side as well, but from what ive seen online so far it is not nearly to the caliber of the bvddie side. ive blocked maybe a handful of bucktommy’s for being hateful towards eddie or being toxic overall, but ive probably blocked over 100+ toxic bvddies. i can only imagine it’d be worse if i was active on 911 twt which i’m not (thank god) but i have ventured into the tags before on there and let me tell you, it’s fucking horrifying how gross ppl are over there. twt is a cesspool for fandom anyways tho, the fucking asshole of fandom, it’s a septic tank really.
now im my own opinion which could be completely untrue of course, but just basing my thoughts on what i’ve seen online and interviews and such, tim seems to be really happy about bucktommy and idk how ppl believe otherwise. tim has expressed he loves LFJ and wanted him back on the show. tim showed up on set for the kiss scene. tim posting an entire youtube vibe abt bucktommy being soulmates that touches on the invisible string theory and explains how they accidentally found buck’s perfect match. tim sharing the deleted tommy scene is also huge but im waiting to see if he releases more (because i remember seen somewhere that he said there’d be more?) and if he does then great but it’s also still pretty telling to me after the whole karaoke fiasco.
oliver has said nothing but praises towards buck’s queer storyline. he quite literally said if you dont like it then watch something else. despite ppl saying he’s never interacted with bucktommy content online, that’s a lie because he has liked fanart of them.
aisha, kenneth & tracie have all expressed how they like tommy/lou and love working with him.
jlh said she loved bvddie before but is excited to see where buck and tommy go and then on an insta live said she doesn’t think bvddie is happening and was bombarded by toxic fans to the point of ending the live early.
ppl think it’s all some ruse to make it seem like bvddie is never happening so when it does happen it’s a “surprise” ……..
the nasty hate comments are doing nothing but exposing these types of ppl for who they are and that honestly to them, 911 is just the bvddie show to them. the people who run these social media accs for 911 are looking at these comments and cringing, they aren’t running to tim and abc being like “we must give these crazies what they want!” they’re mostly likely being ignored or honestly, as you said, being looked at and just reinforcing their decision to most likely make tommy buck’s endgame so as long as his schedule is open for filming.
what gets me the most about the hate these types of shippers spew online is how they aren’t embarrassed because they are so sooo convinced they will be right one day and therefore their insane, nasty behavior online will be justified. oliver stark literally left twt because of fans like this, people act like he was joking around, that he was shooting the shit probably because “he’s british and british people just have that kind of humor” which yes to a certain extent but let me just add these posts to set an example to why if oliver were still on twt he absolutely would not be happy with the way toxic bvddies are acting right now.
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oliver (and ryan&other cast too) being positive abt bvddie never meant it was going to be canon of become canon one day. they do not decide these things, whether they believe it should or not. a lot of bvddie shippers come from previous fandoms where queerbaiting was there, where they were made fun of by actors of their ships, by the creators of the show! so i understand the frustration but oliver is not queerbaiting and buck is not a queerbait character when he quite literally is now confirmed bisexual and in a relationship with a man.
he’s just not the “correct” queer to these people. despite headcanons (hell even i hc eddie as queer!!) eddie so far, in canon, is not queer. by the end s7 he is still shown to not be over shannon and ruins his relationship with his son over this. ryan has stated in interviews he sees eddie as heterosexual, possibly pushing this because of the influx of ship discourse, and he’s glad to see a vulnerable and deep friendship that buck and eddie can have as a straight man and a queer man and how important he thinks it is.
every single thing that points to bvddie never going canon is like they’re being shot point blank in the chest. i get it, your ship not becoming canon sucks, but again, that is what fandom is for! shipping has never been about how canon smth is, there is 20k fics out there for bvddie and they aren’t canon. they can turn that into 40k, 100k, 1M if they really wanted to! instead they use their time and energy posting death threats, wishing death upon a gay character, bullying ppl online for enjoying a ship.
meanwhile from what ive seen bucktommys are rolling with goofy ass spy tommy theories created by antis and making jokes for our own fun.
so yes, i agree overall. they truly don’t deserve what they think they do. we didn’t whine and scream for a deleted scene. they did. we got ours without even expecting it and are having fun.
maybe if they behaved better i wouldn’t be so petty abt it. it’s a shame because of how much potential it has, unfortunately it is just not going that way atm. and even if it does one day, it is not because they paraded online with hate, it is because that’s the story tim and the others wanted to write and abc approved it.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months ago
calico jack sympathy is a very rich vein for emotional ed whump btw. not saying anyone needs to sympathize with jack at all bc he DOES suck and personally idc enough abt jack to sympathize with him for his own sake, but there is actually textual support for a sympathetic cj read. canonically he has the same traumatic pirate background as ed and the two of them went through a rlly rough time together. we have direct support from the show that jack’s rejection of anything “soft” or “weak” comes from hornigold—the very first mention of hornigold in the entire show is when jack sees the breakfast table set for ed and stede and starts teasing ed for it with “just the two of you? hornigold would shit himself.” plus ed tells stede “jack’s always been emotional” and “he can come on a bit strong but he’s insecure” which strongly implies that ed has seen a side of jack that we don’t get to see in the one episode where he shows up. it’s a side that very well might be completely gone now that jack’s a grown adult man but to me it runs counter to the text to claim that ed’s assessment of jack is completely wrong and this vulnerable side of jack never existed in the first place.
so anyway one possible angle here for sympathizing with jack as a vessel for whumping poor ed’s heart is the tragedy of two kids going through something awful together and not being able to count on each other during the whole experience. being trapped in a physically and emotionally abusive environment together and empathizing when the captain singles one of them out bc they know firsthand what it feels like to be on the receiving end of hornigold’s ire, but at the same time they’re not able to ask each other for support bc what if they use that vulnerability, that plea for comfort, as a weapon against you? what if you try to offer them support and comfort and they push you away? what if, when you DO rely on each other for support, your captain sees that bond and uses it to torture you both even further?
and what do you do if you both comfort each other, you both take care of each other, and then one of you fucking dies? because that’s how it goes—most of the pirates ed knows are dead, a pirate’s life is short but nice, the only retirement they get is death, you’re not likely to avoid near-death experiences in their line of work, heading towards a raid with the one hope being that a certain death ain’t slow. and it’s not just raids, either: your captain might have you keelhauled for a minor offense, might starve you for a week if you laugh at him during a speech, might feed you a live crab for nicking some rations, or maybe a disagreement with another crew member could turn into bloodshed. maybe someone will push you overboard for shits and giggles. what do you if you’ve found comfort with a crewmate, and then that crewmate dies? how do you cope? you’re probably better off not letting yourself care for anyone, rejecting people’s pleas for support or intimacy or friendship, because it’ll hurt less when they inevitably end up dying horrifically just like everyone else you’ve ever cared about.
and then the other big ed whump angle here is watching someone you know experience horrific trauma with not only fail to process the trauma in a healthy way but also become a worse person as a result of it. like ed knowing firsthand just how awful everything jack experienced was and remembering exactly what it looked like every time hornigold beat the spirit out of jack when he was ultimately just a vulnerable kid. ed hearing jack say some toxic macho bullshit and knowing exactly where jack learned that and how much it hurt for 20-something-year-old jack to absorb that lesson—and more than that, ed remembering when he used to believe that exact sort of toxic shit. and ed feeling like he can’t hold it against jack if he doesn’t grow bc he sees so many similarities between him and jack, and the only reason he was able to heal and become a better person is bc he met stede—and it’s not like stede was the only person in the whole world ed could’ve connected with, he had an entire ship full of kindhearted doofuses ready to offer him emotional support and he betrayed all of them because the recent back-to-back backstabbing compounded on a lifetime of trauma and made it impossible for ed to trust them. how can ed blame jack for rejecting opportunities to heal when ed did the same thing? when he can remember watching firsthand as years of abuse caused jack to gradually close himself off, the worst part of it being that it was like watching his own reflection as he also hardened under the pressure of just trying to survive another fucking day? how can ed judge jack, when jack is who he might’ve been if he’d never met stede?
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alaskan-wallflower · 3 months ago
this is lowkey just my little rant on the outsiders fandom because it’s gotten a lot more toxic post tony awards and i wanna kind of address it
i feel like a lot of “bigger” blogs are held at too high of a pedestal. this fandom doesn’t feel like a group of people just enjoying something together. sometimes it feels more like a caste system in a way, where the bigger blogs/people who frequent the musical more at least are held in higher regards than those who have not. sometimes it feels like the smaller blogs aren’t heard as much, y’know? and i kinda find that funny for the outsiders fandom, where the book is literally about equality and how nobody is actually an outsider. but sometimes with these caste system esque viewings it feels almost like whatever they say has to be right. and i don’t think that’s fair.
another thing is the way the musical and the movie/book feel like they’re two separate fandoms. and i get it they’re different. but at the end of the day it’s the same story. and it feels like most of the toxicity from what ive seen comes from the musical fandom. and i get it, but i feel like what the cast says about their characters (to an extent) shouldn’t really be seen as canon. they didn’t make up the characters save for a few. hinton made them up. and therefore what the cast members say about their major characters is purely headcanon. i think people forget that sometimes.
another thing is i’ve had people confide in me and admit that they’re nervous to share some of their content because what if people don’t like it—like in all honesty i think the reason this fandom is so secretive is because of the way more well known/bigger blogs are put on a pedestal. i’ll admit, i too fall into this trap of being scared to say something because i don’t wanna get all these nasty messages. but the thing is, you don’t have to vaguepost about a blog or content you don’t like. you don’t have to send mean anons to people who don’t ship what you do. you don’t have to say people “don’t get it” because they don’t headcanon the way you do. and you know why? it’s because of the good ol block button! heaven knows i’ve used it with many bigger blogs on here and i assure you, blocking out people and content you don’t like or agree with is very helpful. it makes the fandom feel better.
anyway that’s my rant. agree or don’t. jsut had to get it off my chest. everyone has a safe space on my blog. i’m trying to create a space where people don’t have to be afraid to share their thoughts and opinions. just because there are bigger and more well known blogs on here doesn’t mean that there are special privileges that come with it. that’s a bigger problem in the fandom. just because you frequent the show and have a decent following doesn’t mean you deserve anything more than the rest of the poeple in the fandom.
that’s all. agree or don’t idc lol
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cross-crye · 10 months ago
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no thoughts just romanian lilia (national pride rlly shinin thru rn)
translations at the end
wc 0.4k w/out translations
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romanian lilia who can’t help but try cook traditional dishes only to fuck up even the most basic mămăligă
romanian lilia who read silver stuff like ‘Sarea în bucate’ and ‘Fata babei și fata moșului’ as bedtime stories
romanian lilia who is just a smidge superstition (as most balkans are) and constantly knocks on wood
romanian lilia who says the most outlandish things under his breath cuz who tf at NRC knows what “du-te dracu” means
romanian lilia who tries to get the light music club to play romanian songs (on the very few occasions when they actually play rather than gossip)
romanian lilia who drives idia mad when they’re gaming together bcs he doesn’t understand any of his references
romanian lilia who instead of watching the expected k-drama or spanish soap opera is an avid fan of ‘lecții de viață’
romanian lilia who watches all the classics, from 'te cunosc de undeva' all the way to 'ce spun românii' and 'chefi la cuțite' (chef scărlătescu motivated him to join the culinary cruciable srry i don't make the rules)
romanian lilia who showed vil 'Bravo ai stil' (idc how unrealistic this seems its canon in my head)
romanian lilia who makes all of diasomnia watch eurovision with him (sebek ends up screaming at the TV when the jury votes get announced bcs he’s invested even though he won’t admit it)
romanian lilia who has always attempted, but not necessarily succeeded in starting a horă at kalim’s parties
romanian lilia who has played manele at said parties
romanian lilia who taught malleus the language (i can just picture mal as the nr 1 Eminescu fan, he recites all 98 stanzas of Luceafărul to the gargoyles in the abandoned ruins he visits)
romanian lilia who has at least once left a message permanently ingrained in the desk
romanian lilia who tells cater abt romanian trends
romanian lilia who sooo teaches his friends how to curse (they struggle sm with the pronounciation of some stuff that they give up)
just, romanian lilia man
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mămăligă -> polenta sarea în bucate & fata babei și fata moșului -> two kinda fable-like stories ig? du-te dracu -> swear; literally mean go to the devil, contextually its either go to hell or fuck you lecții de viață & te cunosc de undeva & ce spun românii & chefi la cuțite & bravo, ai stil -> various romanian TV programmes (reality/drama; 2 game/competition shows; a cooking show and fashion show respectively) horă -> type of traditional dance Luceafărul -> The evening star; a famous poem by Eminescu
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cross-crye © 2024.
no reposting, stealing, copying, translating my works or feeding them to AI
reblogs, comments and likes are all highly appreciated
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xxmisukii · 4 months ago
Oh boy…. being a Jayvik shipper is hard (especially on twitter)
I can understand if people see them as platonic, romantic,… but brothers? When I and my sister heard that ppl see them as brothers, we looked at each other with disgust (we’re not the only one). And everytime I see post on tik tok or twitter that is aimed for shippers, there is ALWAYS at least one comment that says “oh but they’re like brothers” (if u see them like that, then ok it’s your opinion idc, but if you proceed to argue about it NON STOP with the shippers, calling them stupid and delusional, then something’s wrong with you, if you can’t even respect someone’s opinion)
AND they always use these same arguments whenever they can:
Argument numero uno: “but Jayce said he’s like his brother”
like yeah we get it, he said it, but what was the last time he called him that ? In season 1.
He stopped calling him that after.
(And it happens in real life too, you can change how you see someone after some time)
Number 2 “but writters said they aren’t canon”
when did they said that? (I’m genuinely asking)
and so what? it’s not illegal to ship characters even when the creators says it’s not canon. go argue about it with some animators, music creators, voice actors,… because they ship it too (btw same thing happened with Luca)
Also did they forgot about concept of “shipping”?? it doesn’t matter if they end up together or not. Ppl shipped Elsa and Jack Frost, FFS
If Jayvik was heterosexual pair, no one would fvcking deny it, everyone would say that they’re romantic and more than friends (I know this argument is used a lot, but it’s the reality)
Argument number 3: “Men nowadays can’t be just friends”
Yeah sure, but girls and boys always have to be something more than friends, right?
(The homophobia is loud)
The reason why many ppl ship it, is because they have good chemistry, dynamic, lore, etc. and not because they’re both dudes
If the creators want them to be just a friends, then they should interpret in the show more
If you can’t live with the fact that ppl ship two male characters, then don’t interact, easy
(Anyway this is all, sorry about this long rant, but I’m tired hearing the same things EVERY.DAMN.TIME😀 these ppl make me feel like shi sometimes)
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mckinnon-mp4 · 2 months ago
bro i hate when people get mad about logical conclusion. if u make a post like “i hate lily bc she married james and i think he’s an asshole” and u tag it with all the prosn*pe tags, u can’t then be like “i NEVER SAID i wanted her to end up with snape!! why does she have to end up with anyone!” she’s harry’s mom. she does ancient magic to keep him alive in the wake of voldemort. if she ends up with no one there’s no series. or alt did u want james to marry someone else. u seemingly hate james, so i dont think u would be satisfied with anyone who married james. the reason the binary exists is because we’re talking about harry’s parents, without whom the story does not exist. am i fucking insane, or was the boy NOT born from an immaculate conception or the crashing waves of the sea a la aphrodite.
i’ve said it before, i’ll say it again. u can consider SWM as sexual assault, but that understanding has to exist in the context of when these novels were written. between 1998 and 2010 the act of pantsing someone was a widely used trope. it happened in almost every kids tv show i watched growing up. none of those children were supposed to be perceived as being assaulted. see also: wedgies being a super popular trope in media. it’s FINE if u want to present it as the marauders did something heinous to snape in ur own hcs/fanworks/interpretations. idc, i will not engage. but like HOLY SHIT we cannot possibly be living in a world where the cultural context of these things does not exist because it’s not convenient to ur narrative. the canon does not support SWM as an act of sexual assault. what the canon supports is that snape felt humiliated and embarrassed, as it does for any piece of media from that time with a pantsing happening. the canon also supports lily saying she would rather kiss the giant squid then james DURING the incident, and that snape called lily a SLUR because he didn’t want her help.
i’m not saying all this to say u can’t like or enjoy any of these characters. they’re all complex and interesting. you can also attach whatever interpretations on them you see fit. HOWEVER, what i AM saying, is ur gonna have to back ur shit up. ur not “wiping the floor with them with canon” if ur not understanding the cultural context of children’s media at the time, and only saying “but doing this is sexual assault the law agrees!!!!” the law in 2025 might agree but the tropes of the children’s media of the time don’t come with that context. you can write this type of dynamic while being informed of that now, but u can’t exactly be shocked when people don’t see it that way. u gotta back it up with more shit.
i like examining snape as a character. i think he and sirius are very interesting character studies in what could happen in relation to abuse and indoctrination, overt and covert. but holy shit, we cannot be adding things that aren’t there without at least the understanding that the interpretation of these actions will differ from person to person.
and if u are doing these things, u don’t get to turn around and say “oh they ran away with their tail between their legs” if someone chooses to stop engaging with u. people have whole lives outside of the internet. u don’t win a debate just because someone stopped responding. ESPECIALLY if ur being super fucking condescending saying “my dear” and “hugs and kisses” in an argument. sometimes people are literally fuckin busy or uncomfortable. this is internet slap fighting, there’s no winning or running away. just a limited amount of time before people decide to stop interacting.
anyways i am a stay at home hot pilates gf. this is all of the ranting i have time for. im fucking employed.
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a-lesbianshadowinthenight · 5 months ago
there’s something about how jess and lupe gravitate towards each other immediately and understand each other with so little words exchanged. something about how they balance each other out. how they use their different worldview’s and perspective to strengthen their relationship rather than drive them apart that’s so so dear to me
jess immediately clocking lupe and not getting offended when lupe thinks it’s a dumb question
lupe not knowing where moosejaw is and jess begrudgingly amending it to canada
that could have easily become a situation where two people would have written off the other person
but they saw something in the other that they recognise in themselves that made them decide that they wanted to stick together
the way jess goes straight to lupe when beverley is explaining the house rules and lupe immediately complains to jess about the no pants rule
the way lupe’s voice goes from angry to soft in the locker room when she notices jess is upset about having to wear a dress, lupe comforting them because she knows
lupe not finding jess’ ‘sinking boat’ analogy weird and instead asking her to give specific details, the way you can tell she finds jess interesting
jess being the only one to second lupe when the rest of the team wrote her off as a bad fit to be coach
jess being happy to see lupe having confidence again (let’s not forget them biting their lip about it too, um okay loverboy)
jess taking the piss out of lupe to try and break her out of her bad mood (‘did that help?’ ‘…..yeah’) (ps also made lupe wanna kiss her. this is canon idc)
the fact that you can see they still seem to be seen near each other even after the fight incident, jess is behind lupe when carson is trying to be a stricter coach, when they’re still mad at lupe
the way they can disagree, get angry over things they don’t understand, and they hear each other out. jess starts out ripping into lupe about fighting amongst the team, only to realise they hadn’t seen it from lupe’s perspective
jess not needing an apology from lupe about the black eye (idk if lupe caused it directly or indirectly, but jess arguably blames her for it at first) because she now sees it from lupe’s side
jess understanding and then apologising in their own way, getting the whole team toasting lupe when they know she’d felt excluded in the past, showing lupe that they have her back in doing so
lupe knowing jess is sorry without them having to say it, understanding the implied meaning of jess’ toast. you can see by her reaction that she appreciates it (also loverboy over here blushing about it, i see you lupe)
arguably, the little nod lupe does after she thanks jess for the toast could be interpreted as her telling jess she understands it and they’re cool
the way they move past it and it’s water under the bridge, they’re back to being ‘brothers’
jess not being afraid to call lupe out on being hard on esti, challenging her when she pretends not to care that esti has run away. jess sees right through lupe’s facade, and witnessing that plus esti’s conversation with lupe in the car (even though she doesn’t know what esti is saying) knows that lupe needs to sort her shit out with esti, and orchestrates a situation where they can do it, without forcing lupe
lupe knowing exactly what jess did and instead of being angry is actually lowkey impressed (and a little turned on let’s not lie)
the fact that they both automatically run towards each other on the pitch when they get a home run or win and run into each others’ arms (lupe’s dorky grin is so adorable and sorry not platonic at all, that’s a smile you give someone when ur in loveeeee)
just the whole bar scene. they’re so in sync with each other, finishing each others’ sentences, teaching carson about gay culture together, the easy camaraderie of the arm wrestling (the kisses on the cheek!!!!!!!! twice!!!!! the second one where they’re both smiling!!!!!!) both of them automatically leaning towards saying no to carson when she asks if they’ve been with women here
i also think they very openly talk about their hookups together based off lupe showing jess her hickeys, and lupe telling jess veronica is a biter. i also think they would be each others wingmen (also think if/when they fuck each other they would have threesomes lmao)
(i also think they would tease each other for their very poor flirting skills)
them talking about sticking together on the off season and going to new york together (although i still can’t decide how their conversation indicates that, or the scene i’m thinking of isn’t the right one idk)
anyways tldr: they became unlikely but also inevitably each others person and challenge each other to be better, they’re a good team, they have great chemistry that draws them together. they are soulmates
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dukeofdelirium · 9 months ago
I really don’t understand when people say stuff like Zuko supported Katara the most, like, he supported her 4 times. Aang was consistently supportive of Katara from the beginning, like the only times he arguably didn’t was when he didn’t want Katara to kill a guy, or when Katara first mention her mother’s death to him (and even then she was trying to tell him the Air Nomads might be gone).
People also say stuff like Zuko and Katara were equals, but it’s not like Aang (or the others) weren’t equals, Katara never looks down on Aang, rather the opposite, she values his opinion and has a lot of respect and admiration for him and vice versa. Honestly my main issue with Zutara is that, while they have a really strong and believable friendship and romance between the two would just be so forced and out of nowhere, objectively speaking there’s barely any build up. I can genuinely believe Aang and Katara develop romantic feelings for each other because we see they have a strong friendship and a strong bond.
It seems to me a good chunk of the fandom either confuses fanon with canon or hyper focuses on Aang’s faults (many of which aren’t even faults) and hyper focuses on Zuko’s redemption and good qualities while ignoring his faults as shown here: https://www.tumblr.com/araeph/153886578765/zutarians-act-like-kataras-romance-with-aang-is?source=share
The people who say this stuff are zutara shippers lol. Idc what they say. Most of them haven’t even watched ATLA in over a decade, and when they did watch the show, they only paid attention to the episodes with Zuko and Katara. And even then, they ignored any scene without them in it, considering they forget context for like… everything.
People love to project fanon onto canon with ATLA. They act like Zuko and Katara have this extremely deep bond that only they fulfill in the narrative but the canonical truth is that Katara and Zuko aren’t even really friends by ATLA’s end. They’re like… acquaintances, who know next to nothing about one another and never seem to care to want to know, either. People play up their relationship for dramatic reasons because they find that juicy or whatever but Zuko is not Katara’s best friend by the end of ATLA. Aang is lol. I mean seriously, do you really think Katara would ask to hang out and spend quality time with Zuko in mundane settings? Or that he would ever do the same? No. They formed an alliance and became friendly acquaintances for the sake of ending a war. Katara accompanied Zuko to the FN not to shower him with love but to defeat his sister. The second the war was over, Katara was nowhere to be seen around Zuko except in group settings, and the second she got a chance to be alone with Aang, she took it and didn’t think twice.
Also the whole mention of Aang not commenting on Katara’s mom being dead in episode 3 is such a dumb argument from zutara shippers. The point of that conversation isn’t for Aang to shower Katara in affection and condolences. She’s just telling him the reality of the war he’s slept through. Of course his immediate reaction to hearing someone she loves died is to deny the possibility that his loved ones are dead. That was WHY she brought up her mother. She didn’t say this to get some kind of condolence from Aang, she said it to let him know the reality of war. Aang was in denial about the genocide of his people and desperate for that not to be the case. Completely understandable reaction, btw, to the idea of your entire race and culture being exterminated. And it’s not like Aang didn’t listen to her or care about what she had to say or how she felt; her relating her mother’s loss to his loss over Gyatso literally pulls him out of the avatar state.
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bickbickbarnes · 9 months ago
Bit of a random question, and I feel as though I should say idc who you ship or not:
Why do you ship wincest? Especially when so many people hate it and it's not something discussed much in the show.
Like I can kind of see a trauma bond but that's the most.
I'm really sorry if this sounds mean, it's meant as a /gen questin
Sure. I made a post about why I don’t ship Destiel a little while ago that basically sums it up, but it’s simple: they love each other more than literally anybody else. 
That’s it.
The entire show is literally a love story, a story about how far Sam and Dean will go for each other. In the show, the context is platonic. They’re platonic soulmates. But they’re literally canon soulmates. You see what I’m saying?
It’s not just a trauma bond, although they’re bonded by a good amount of trauma. They’re soulmates. They’re the loves of each other’s lives. They’re the most important thing to each other. They die, kill, and try to live for each other. Nobody Compares to what they are to each other. They’re so wrapped up and codependent, and they literally never stop being that way. Their version of heaven is them together. By themselves. 
The sexual pairing doesn’t have to be discussed in the show (though it constantly is, and is alluded to A LOT), because the foundation of the show is that nobody can love them more than they love each other. Fandom can go ahead and just add the fucking.At that point it’s just sprinkles. Sex would not make what they have weirder or more intertwined you know?
Anyway, for me personally: take two people who are the center of each other’s lives- nobody else can ever measure up, make that love the driving force of what I’m watching, and make them very very very pretty? Yeah. I wanna read about how they kiss.
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soullessjack · 11 months ago
🔥 jack
oh my godddd I have so many unpopular opinions where do I even start….HOLY DISCLAIMER BATMAN!
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anyways so in no particular order or tier system:
✯ i don’t think jack would wear anything feminine im sorry spn fandom. for lolz he has same-outfit-pattern-everyday autism and for serious it’s like. Really weird how fandoms tend to HC/portray non-binary amabs (and men/transmascs in general) almost exclusively as GNC or fem-presenting…like DGMW that is a real and valid form of self expression but it’s not the Only type of non-binary expression that exists. and honestly…**dare I say that most fandom/queer spaces just need to realize that queer masculinity exists and it doesn’t always have to be a matter of breaking gender norms??
** genuinely do whatever u want idc I can’t stop you i don’t want to stop you yada yada. paint his nails and put him in a skirt all u want but Please recognize patterns yall 😭
✯ more headcanon complaints (see disclaimer above ⇧) but I promise to switch it up soon. anyways every time somebody on this lil website says something along the lines of “Jack can’t handle/doesn’t like [insert violence, scary or adult-oriented thing], he prefers [soft or blatantly childlike things]” I shrivel inward like a dead spider. It’s annoying, it’s completely inaccurate to his canon personality and interests, it’s annoying ˣ2, and whether ppl wanna admit it or not—it stems from infantilization. not necessarily ableism, as infantilization is not exclusive to disabled people, but still just about the same thing.
honestly all I see of majority jack headcanons are ones that set him back to just being a child or otherwise being treated like one. for example, the one about him being able to shapeshift is pretty cool...until it just becomes about him deciding to age regress, yknow, to an age set he canonically chose not to go through, showed no desire to be in, and is more offended than anything to be considered as such. all of his interests have to be some shit like bluey or animal crossing, and he drinks apple juice from a sippy cup instead of beer. BARF.
I’ve lessened on my keyboard warring over babyjack in the past year but I have not lessened in being a hater. and I’ve said this before, but the baby-jack au already breached headcanon containment a long time ago when it’s not only so widespread that ppl take it for canon and it makes having any intelligent conversation about him nearly fucking Impossible, but it also lead to harassment and accusations of being a fucking predator, to anyone who dared find a whole grown man attractive. any potential jack ship, like jackharper? automatic grooming case to them. it’s like the fandom is just so dead set on this idea that jack really truly is a child in every aspect you can think of, and for what? if it’s just a headcanon, something you know is not part of the actual show, then don’t go Travis the Chimp levels of apeshit when you see him being treated like he is canonically 💀
unpopular opinion numero 3 which is slightly connected to 2:
✯ baby-jack and a handful of the domestic au’s are BORING (see disclaimer again ⇧), not just on a surface level to my suiting, but also because I feel like it just ..misses the point of the show?
the ragtag untraditional found family is now as nuclear and traditional as the Atomic Age. Dean and Cas are the most heteronormative “who wears the pants in the relationship” gay couple ever, Sam is demoted to the uncle that gets written out of his own family, Jack is just there to make his gay dads look cute and emphasize that they’re a gay family (while still being very heteronormative), and at least 5 of them could be found in a California gated community. everything that made any of them unique or defined their personalities is just scrubbed off, even for an AU.
so much of the later seasons focus on Sam and Dean realizing that they don’t have to make a hard splitting decision between the lives they want to live; that they can find a balance; be happy and have good things—namely families—without giving up hunting (and vice versa, that they can have hunting without giving up on family or happiness). everybody loves the gay hunters from S10(?12?) and what they represented for Dean, but I almost never see that be put into practice in the fandom.
THEY’RE ALREADY DOMESTIC!!! AND WITH THAT PERFECT BALANCE!!!! Season 13 quite literally gave Team Free Will a surrogate son to raise and established them as a family; highly untraditional, largely dysfunctional, overall not fitting of a family family, and yet they are a family still. Dean wears an apron and cooks and bakes for everyone; he built himself a man cave and established two separate family night events that they all ritually keep up; Sam has a morning jogging routine and visits his girlfriend every so often; Jack was taught how to drive, has normal chores like washing dishes, and gets groceries. And they didn’t just have that while fighting monsters—they had that while fighting a whole fucking archangel. Even if it did go down the gutter by the end, they still had it: domestic familial bliss and violent messy hunting without having to trade one for the other.
✯ I truly genuinely think Jack’s relationship with Dean is the best, most interesting and most misunderstood out of the three, and I also think that the problems with his relationship to Cas and Sam are hugely overlooked by the fandom—granted they are very small, especially if you’re comparing it to Dean, but they’re still there and I think we should bully Cas and Sam about it more. I shan’t elaborate because it’s 5AM and this was an impulsive add-on ❤️
✯ getting normal now…his plaid pattern jacket from the first half of Ouroboros is ugly as SHIT i have never liked it and don’t think I ever will. but I cannot deny it; he got that shit on.
✯ most unpopular opinion of all, I wanna do insane shit to his cervix 🙌
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kankuroplease · 6 months ago
How do you feel about Hashirama, Tobirama, and Madara’s portrayals in canon? Were you happy with it overall, were there any flaws that bothered you, was there anything that felt rushed that you’d like fleshed out?
I don’t think any character is perfect and that’s the point. They’re all flawed yet correct in someways, but I’m not one to over analyze media as there’s no fun in it for me.
Overall, I’m perfectly fine with their portrayals in canon. My pros and cons of them, simplified;
I think he’s two faced in the best of ways. A little silly, but was also a fierce shinobi like their world hadn’t seen.
Not knowing much about his personal life with a jinchuriki wife nor how this god of Shinobi died leaves a lot of questions.
This man cared too much and lived up to the hype apon his appearance in the show. Also he was lowkey right and idc what anyone says about it hdjdkd
This man was written to care too much, got painted as THE villain, but was a pawn for spacey mommy.
Intelligence, hard work, and power. This man had enough self awareness to make his jutsus that shouldn’t see the light of day forbidden
Uchiha hater. from his pov, I get it, but still
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diamantposting · 3 months ago
well bc its like idk if lez!atlas is lik. into other mascs/butches … his ideal partner would still b femme, or at least more on th feminine side, lik if rose wasnt already his best friend he wouldnt seek him out, n i think rose knows this , but rose already doesnt feel as masc as he wants to, but yet has fantasies/dreams of being fem n submissive for atlas, does he know between desire n insecurity ? LIKE. idk. wht is atlas’ deal… he wouldnt b having sx w rose if he wasn’t attracted to him in some way idc wht he says WHATEVER I THOUGHT I HAD A QUESTION BUT I JUST WORD VOMITED
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I already said my thoughts on rose making himself more fem for atlas but I feel like this is more out of insecurity for himself (he never feels masculine enough anyway) and insecurity for his relationship w atlas (they’re not officially but they have sx… frequently… and he very clearly loves atlas even if atlas rejects him) … so his dreams are a mix of These which is often confused for .. semi desire ? I mean he does .. get aroused .. by the dreams since they are sxual in nature HOWEVER there is a looming sense of discomfort … I think it’s less abt the fact he’s bottoming (he would be doing it regardless tbh) and more so that he’s Fem so. Dysphoria. But also that atlas is being so dominant w/o any kind of affection or love behind it … canon!atlas is Very dominant towards luna but still holds a candle to how much he loves+cares abt her during it; where as lez!atlas does Not for rose , at least he doesn’t show it
I also think atlas has … a very complicated deal going on … I’ve said this b4 but the first time they have sx is bc they’re just both drunk and together and they already have a strong trust and bond w one another so it doesn’t rly matter but the second time is … different … not nearly as drunk … and time goes on and now they’re doing it in a proper bed … so clearly feelings developed between Now and Then (maybe faster for rose than atlas) …….. so is there an attraction from atlas ? Is he rly just using rose ? I think either one can be argued HOWEVER !!! The longer time goes on with them hooking up atlas definitely … looks at rose a lot more at the bar … he gets angry when he talks to other women … he balls his fist when they go into the bathroom together … I think he truly snaps when rose has a girl over one night and from then on he makes it Very Clear that he doesn’t want rose w other women … is this when the ily scene happens ? Like right after this outburst ? Oh my god that would make sense if it was also when the “what would your gf think abt this” scene … like atlas snaps + then they start having sx + atlas says that to Add onto it + then rose , feeling like it’s finally official and they’re Together says ily + then it all just … becomes to real for atlas …. Like this is no longer just drunk hookups with seeing other women in between and being friends this is something much more Serious … maybe it’s just all too scary for him ? Maybe that’s why he’s so mean to rose … he’s scared of being Vulnerable … but that’s all rose has been: Vulnerable ………… SIGHHHHHHH
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spandexual · 3 months ago
Really having lots and lots toku thoughts today and eager to ask or say stuff
I actually keep thinking of Naoto with gunshot wound. I’m also thinking what if it’s completely other Naoto from the ending entirely but he still has them. I’m wondering what Tatsuya would think if they met. If he saw. Don’t know how he would since bird seller Naoto is hidden behind two layers of clothes lol I am thinking it. What did you do to me omg /affectionately
I’m also thinking, was Daiki that OOC in Super Hero Taisen? It’s always so fucking funny how he went I’m blowing up Earth because of his Tsukasa Problem™️ so I never thought if that was unusual of him (re: bro, you are supposed to protect it). But. Like, listen, if pink/black leather bombshell is leaving you for a sexy pirate, what else can you do, really. Daiki has been putting up with it for years, and not that successfully so
Also want to ask, haven’t finished enough toku to know but are there any other aro and/or ace characters to headcanon except like Tarou out of all people or Goseigers being angels who are more or less above it even if they have stuff going on (coughs in Agri’s direction, the ultra super puper gay). Sighs, I love Tarou aro lol and his yaois with monkey 💙 are so fun too. Actually, now that I think about it, monkey isn’t much of a human too really, maybe they’re both above romance, not like they need it. I also saw edit of monkey’s actor on some BL yesterday and when a guy smacked him with a vibrator, I thought, “That’s what Momoi does to Saruhara every single day”
the Timeranger finale credits scene is so interesting to me because truly What Does It Mean. In my mind all of the appearances were non-canon but I kind of like the idea that Ryuga's wibbly-wobbly time-wimey history-rewritey bullshit kinda restored Naoto into the timeline but as a different man with a different life story than the one who died. Like maybe after he and Tatsuya parted ways he realised that he was never going to have the power of the born elite and instead of being radicalised by that he instead accepted it and decided to make the best of his own life. Instead of chasing medals he got a job cleaning up bird shit and feathers at the local pet shop, instead of dedicating his life to climbing the paramilitary ladder he proved himself a reliable hand and now manages the pet store by himself... I don't think Tatsuya would recognise him. Even if he did, I don't know if he'd be able to handle it. His relationship with Naoto and how it ended both times was clearly so traumatic to him, seeing a guileless stranger with the face of a man who died in his arms would be alien. It wouldn't be healthy. There's no happy ending for either of them together, but apart, maybe.
also yeah Daiki is the #1 fumbler in the universe it's pretty impressive. Like he didn't stand a chance against Marvy-chan to begin with but the real tragedy there is that Daiki thinks they're confirmed boyfriends and that he doesn't need to seduce Tsukasa because he's already done it but Tsukasa straight up doesn't know who he is any more. yknow how so many straight dudes basically stop even pretending to actually like their wives the second they get married. that's Daiki lowkey lol.
and tbh I think there are a LOT of aro/ace-adjacent readings in toku in that for the most part romance isn't rly a thing in a lot of them. Tarou and Alata are probably the two I would say most confidently are ace (and aro on Tarou's side... idc what easily-baited-by-INOUE-of-all-people fujoshis say, that shit with Sonoi was NOT romantic on his end at all. there are monster pairings that had more romantic tension from the hero's side) with the majority just having no romantic storylines (in their actual shows at least... I would have said Takaharu was aroace but UMM WHY DID HE SHOW UP MARRIED WITH CHILDREN?)
but yeah monke very cute also one of the most genuinely monke looking boys toei has ever cast which is impressive seeing as. well. have you watched go-bus. that's a heartily monke boy there for sure
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