#icons t-bag
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ikvgai · 11 months ago
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soundofbattles · 4 months ago
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So remember when mo was like “keeping our house as dirty as it was was a trauma response so no one would ever be allowed in our house” and the fact that now it’s clean and I don’t wanna walk in the dark to the bathroom.. it’s giving oh shit that really happened
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0097linersb · 8 months ago
Sour Candy (m)
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Pairings: Mingi x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word count: 5k~
Warnings: Very very very needy Mingi, wouldn't say exactly sub!mingi but kind of sub!mingi u know, good boi´s just very desperate. consent lines are kind of blurred in this one so pls skip if it makes u uncomfortable, this was just written in like an hour with absolutely no thoughts or grammar-checking, head empty only filled with crying whiny men <3
Follow me on twitter: wooyosgfreal <3
────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
“What time did Yunho say he was coming back again?” You asked for about the fourth time that afternoon. 
“In like an hour or two,” Mingi answered patiently like he did all the other times you asked before. “Bro, why do you hate me?” 
“Because you keep making me play this boring game and it really fucking sucks.” 
“That´s just because you´re bad at it.” 
“You´re literally worse than me.” 
“Maybe modernity was wrong all along, maybe women really shouldn´t be allowed to have opinions.” 
“It is a fact, not an opinion. Maybe you men should still be in planes being shipped off to war and leave us alone.” 
“Fine. Do you want to play something else, princess?” 
“Let´s play Overcooked,” You squealed.  
Mingi didn´t even groan this time when you mentioned the game you and Seonghwa were obsessing over lately, simply going back to the home screen on Yunho´s Playstation and looking for the colorful icon. He knew there was no arguing with you. 
While the game was loading, Mingi handed you the main controller and stood up, fixing his shirt that had scrunched up and stretching his back, “Set everything up, I´m gonna go find some snacks.” 
You happily did as told, driving your little animated truck towards the level you had last failed at and playing with your phone to wait for your friend, at least until your vision was blocked by said friend pushing a red plastic bag in front of your face. 
“What´s that?” You asked, already reaching into the bag and picking up one of the soft candies inside. 
Mingi simply shrugged, already chewing on one of the jellies, “Dunno, found them in the kitchen. They´re pretty good though.” 
You trusted his words, popping the candy into your mouth and waiting for the flavors to kick in - and hell you wish you didn´t. 
“Oh my god this is disgusting,” Your face contorts in distaste. 
“It´s cinnamon,” Mingi stares you down, clearly not amused.  
“Yeah, with candle wax. Ew.” 
“Just swallow it and stop being a baby.” 
“I will literally kill myself.” 
He gave you another judgmental glare and sat down next to you on the couch once again, already reaching for his third candy from hell as you forced yourself to let it slide down your throat. You handed him the main remote and picked up the secondary one, coughing to see if flowing some air into your lungs would get the taste of rotten papaya out of your mouth.  
“Maybe it´s poison that Yunho left out as a trap because you keep stealing his food.” 
“Nah, it was right on top of the counter,” He waved it off, pressing play on the game. 
“My point stands.” 
“Yeah, whatever.” 
“You´re very eloquent today.” 
“You´re very annoying today.” 
“The salmon Mingi, the fucking salmon!!” 
“I´m getting it!” 
“Bro, you gotta throw it!” 
“Fuck. I know, but if I leave the fucking rice is going to burn.” 
“I´m throwing you more rice.” 
“I don´t need it.” 
“Yes, you do. Oh my god.” 
“What I do need are some clean plates.” 
“Oh, yeah. On it.” 
“Why do you like this game?” He groaned, cleaning the sweat from his forehead and reaching for another candy in the bag. “You´re making me stress eat.” 
“Doesn´t it make you feel pumped?”  
“Yeah, pumped to punch the TV.” 
“We have one more minute, we can do it if you stop being dumb.” 
“There are literally two plates on the counter ready to go and you haven´t delivered them yet.” 
“Jeez, done. Can you slice me some tomatoes?” 
“One sec,” He answered, mouth full of yet another candy. 
“It would be faster if you would just stop eating.” 
“We´re not making it anyways, let me enjoy one thing at least.” 
And he was right: a few seconds later the TV screen was filled with the sad numbers displaying how you didn´t reach the minimum score - didn´t even come close to it in fact. 
Mingi let out his frustrations by popping the nth white jelly past his lips and you stared at him in disgust, reaching for the bag to understand what that malevolent creation even was.  
“What?” He asked. 
“Hm, I mean, this is all in German or Dutch but I´m pretty sure this word means aphrodisiac.” 
“Come again?” His mouth was hanging open mid chew, unblinking eyes staring at you. 
“Hm, yeah. Wasn´t Yunho´s friend just in Amsterdam? The one with the big smile? Maybe he brought those as a souvenir, since you know, it´s Amsterdam. Like, ‘haha look at this candy that makes you horny´.” 
“Oh, yeah. But it´s like a placebo touristy thing, right?” He laughed nervously. “Like, these won´t actually make me horny, right?” 
“Nah, I don´t think this kind of stuff works. It´s probably just for shit and giggles. Do you feel any different?” 
“I don´t know, my heart is beating faster. I think I´m going to die.” 
“Mingi, relax. Now it´s probably just because you´re nervous.” 
“No, what if there´s some kind of drug in these? I ate almost 10 of them! Oh my god I´m going to die. Am I going to overdose, Y/N? What if I start hallucinating?” 
He was being a bit overdramatic, but he did have genuine concerns. 
“Wait, let me call Yunho.” 
Mingi didn´t even hear you, too busy at his own pity party as he whined and stared at the bag´s labels like he could suddenly speak Dutch.  
“Y/N?” Yunho´s voice filled your ears. 
“Hm, hi. Sorry to bother you at work but we´ve kind of got a situation.” 
“Oh my god, did Mingi break my door playing with the bar? I already told him-” 
“No, nothing like that. Huh, do you know that candy that you left on the kitchen counter?” 
“What? No. What cand- Oh. Oh.” 
“Huh, yeah. So... Mingi found it and ate like 10 of them?” 
“Is that bad? He´s kind of freaking out, he´s afraid there´s like drugs in them or something.” 
“There are some stimulants in them but like, in minor quantities. He won´t die because of it. But bro, bro.” 
“What?” You whined, Yunho´s tone making you anxious. 
“He had 10 of them? San had like 3 and said he was at it for hours.” 
“Yeah, oh.” 
“So I guess these do work, huh?” 
“Haven´t tried them, but from what San says it´s some strong shit. Did you take any?” 
“Just like one, tastes like organic trash.” 
“Yeah, good. Let me know how it goes, please just stay out of my bedroom.” 
“Your bedroom? Why would- What are you trying to imply, Jeong Yunho?” 
“Oh shit, client calling. Byeee,” He laughed. “Stupid.” 
As soon as you put your phone away, Mingi stopped talking to himself like a mad man and stared at you with big hopeful eyes. 
“I have good news and bad news.” 
“Am I going to die?” 
“That´s the good news: no, you´re not. No.” 
“And what are the bad news?” 
“Apparently you will get very horny, though.” 
He froze at your words, looking down at his pants, “I don´t feel it, though.” 
“Maybe you won´t, it might be different for everyone,” You shrug, standing up and grabbing your sweater. “All I know is that I am leaving because if it does happen, that´s not a sight I want to be here for.” 
“Please no,” Mingi whined, literally throwing himself on his knees to catch your arm before you could walk away. “Don´t leave me alone here. I just ingested unknown substances, what if my body reacts badly and I actually die? What if I throw up and drown in my own puke here all alone?” 
Once again, over-dramatic but right.  
“Yeah, you´re right,” You sighed. “I would still rather die than see you with a boner so here´s what we´re gonna do: I´m locking myself in Yunho´s room and you can freely roam the apartment and do whatever you want, I´ll check up on you every few minutes. Sounds good?” 
“Yeah, ok,” Mingi agreed. 
“Also, if you´re going to like - ” You motioned vaguely towards his pants hoping he would get what you were trying to say. “Give me a heads up so I can put on some earphones.” 
“Oh my god,” He whined in shame, cheeks going flush. “Yeah, ok.” 
“Ok, good. Huh, bye,” You awkwardly waved as you made your way towards Yunho´s room. “Good luck.” 
You closed the door behind you, hearing as Mingi opened some other game back in the living room. There was not much to do in Yunho´s room so you decided to lay in bed and scroll through Tiktok until Mingi stopped thinking he was going to die and you could leave. Also, you did eat one of the candies too, so you guessed that if they did work, you would feel it as well. 
10 minutes later you still heard Mingi normally playing and cursing outside, but you still decided to yell out an “Everything good?” just to be sure. 
“Yeah!” Was his answer. 
Another 15 minutes went by, and you shot him a text. 
Not dead yet? 
Mings: Still good, I don´t think these things actually work. 
Maybe Yunho was just messing with us.  
Mings: Yeah, fucking asshole. 
You went back to watching your silly little videos, not even noticing the time passing or how everything suddenly went quiet outside. Over half an hour had gone by when your ears finally perked up at the lack of your friend´s loudness.  
You sat up in bed worried. 
You good? 
No answer. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
You were already picturing his dead body looking all stupid on Yunho´s carpet, thinking about how you were going to explain to the paramedics that he died because he ate too much horny candy.  
No, even worse: How would you explain this to his family? 
Oh, no. Not your best friend. How would you live without him? You liked teasing him and you bickered a lot but you love- 
Your little spiral of insanity was interrupted by a knock on the door and your body was finally able to move after how it had been paralyzed with fear for a few minutes. 
“Oh, thank god. You scared the shit out of me,” You took a deep breath in relief, staring at Yunho´s white door. “What´s up?” 
“Huh, can I come in?” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at his tone.  
Something sounded weird about this.  
“Sure,” You answered skeptically.  
Mingi opened the door and came in, head cast down and gaze not meeting your eyes. 
“What´s wrong-” You started asking worriedly, about to jump out of the bed to go check up on him before your eyes finally zeroed in on the very prominent bulge in his pants. “Song Mingi! What the fuck?” 
“I- I don´t know what to do,” His eyes finally met yours, cheeks tinted in pink and hands trembling. He looked at you like a kicked puppy.  
“And what do I have to do with it? Go deal with it yourself. Eeew, we talked about this,” You raised your hand in the air to try and block the bottom half of Mingi from your line of vision.  
“I already did,” He groaned, rubbing his face in frustration. “Twice.” 
“Yeah. Nothing fucking works - and also, I just can´t stop thinking about you.” 
“What?” You never heard your voice go so high before. “Nuh uh, we´re not going there. Absolutely not.” 
“I´m not happy about it either, ok?” His fingers were squeezing the corner of the door so thigh they were almost white. “Just please, help me out this once. Please.” 
You just prayed that the reason you started clenching around nothing was because the candy was finally kicking in and not because stupid Song Mingi was practically begging in front of you. 
“No!” You screeched, weirded out by your own sudden reaction. “This isn´t you talking, it´s just th stupid candy, you´ll regret it after it wears off -” 
“No but I won´t,” He disagreed, closing the door and rushing towards you like a madman in three large strides. 
You had never seen him like this, you never once in a million years could have gone as far as even imagining the look in his eyes right now. 
“Fuck. It´s just - your skin is so soft, you know?” Mingi pushed the covers to the side so his hand could squeeze your thigh, his knees dipping into the mattress as he crawled on top of you. You were too shocked to move away, frozen in place with your mouth open wide, not really knowing what to do as he rubbed the palm of his hands up and down your skin, squeezing it occasionally with a heavy breath like he had just reached heaven´s gate. 
“Mingi,” You warned, but your voice didn´t sound that threatening anymore. 
“Please, just once,” He breathed out, practically rubbing himself against your body like a cat in heat forcing you to slowly lie back in the bed, his hands gently guiding yours over your head as you slid down. You looked up at his glazed eyes, at the way his hands were shaking around your wrists, the way he was discreetly rutting against your thigh without even realizing he was doing it. He looked so vulnerable and frenzied – And it was doing something to you. 
“Mingi,” You whined, not even sure what you were trying to say or do. 
“You kept walking around with this white top all day,” He let out a broken groan, looking down at said top. “Your boobs look amazing in it. I just- I – Can I?” 
His begging eyes were enough to get you automatically nodding before even realizing what you were agreeing to - When you did process what he was asking for though, his right hand was already squeezing your boobs and kneading at them like his life depended on it, his calloused fingers firm on your body. You could feel how hard he was every time he subconsciously ground against you, shaky hot breaths leaving his lips and hitting the sensitive skin on the side of your neck where his plump soft lips kept lightly brushing against with every move. 
Mingi took advantage of the position, sucking against your vein and leaving pleas in the form of little kisses around your skin. His thumb played with your nipple and your hands were still abandoned on top of your head against the sheets, not sure if you would really let this happen yet - but Mingi didn´t seem to mind, too lost in worshipping you into compliance.  
“I need to fuck you. Like, right now. I´ll - I´ll make you feel good too, I promise,” The shakier and breathier his voice sounded the wetter you got. “I promise. I promise. Please. We -we don´t even need to fuck I can – I can – Let me – Just the tip- Anything-” 
“Just the tip?” 
“Yeah,” He eagerly nodded, his eyes so hopeful you could melt. 
“Ok,” You agreed, physically not being able to say no to his pleading eyes.  
“Fuck,” He groaned in surprise, not actually thinking you would agree to it - But since you did, he wasted no time and made quick work of practically ripping your cotton short down your legs in one harsh tug. “Under normal circumstances I would, you know – But, I – right now I – I can´t.” 
“It´s ok,” You assured, afraid he would actually cry if you made him wait another single second with how desperate he was. 
He hooked his finger on the bottom of your panties and pushed them to the side, not even being able to take them out. He stared at your pussy for a moment, his eyes looking even more insane than before at the sight, like he would actually growl at you. 
“Fuck,” Mingi cursed as he went out of the little trance he was in, pushing his sweater pants and boxers down in a rush - once again not even bothering with taking them all out.  
And oh fuck. 
His cock was so hard you could imagine how it actually hurt; it throbbed against the skin of his abdomen without even being touched, looking swollen and angry with all the veins surrounding it - And man were you glad you agreed on just the tip because there was just no way that would fit without a lot of preparation first. Even with how wet you were right now. Who knew? 
Mingi leaned on top of you once again, one arm supporting the weight of his body in between your legs as he gently guided his dick up and down your folds, his eyes closing at the feeling, a violent shiver taking over his thighs and up his spine with a loud groan.  
Like he had absolutely no control over his body, Mingi positioned himself against your entrance, slowly pushing just a little bit in as promised. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” His groans sounded so raw against your ear as he cursed over the initial resistance of your walls, his forehead meeting your neck to try and ground himself. 
You even let a moan out yourself because this was absolute madness, it felt insane. Your whole body was buzzing like you were electrified, your fingers ached to scratch Mingi´s back and pull him all the way in - Damn, those candies were good.  
And you only had one. 
“Y/N, fuck,” Mingi gasped as he started moving his hips in shallow little thrusts so he wouldn´t break your agreement. “Ah - Ah. I can´t think strai - You´re so pretty. Fuck, fuck.” 
His lips met your neck once again, messy kisses full of saliva and teeth as he shuddered on top of you, leaving marks that would soon turn purple. You could feel how tense every single muscle in his body was as he fought against himself to not rut deeper into you every time he moved, and you were biting onto your lip so hard to keep the noises inside that you could taste blood.  
“Thank you, thank you,” You shivered at the way cold air hit your neck when Mingi pulled back a bit to look you in the eye, “Can I go ah- a little deeper, please? Just a little. It feels so good, I need ah- more. Fuck.” 
“Please,” He cried out and you just couldn´t believe the sight in front of you. 
Tall big strong Song Mingi with the deep voice, reduced to a disheveled delirious mess. His ashy blond hair rumpled, his cheeks burning pink and skin glistening with sweat, his pupils huge and shiny and he just looked so disheartened that it was breaking your heart to not let him just use you however he wanted.  
“I need you,” He agonized, his right arm clinging onto your shoulder like you would run away from him if you could, so out of it that he was already pushing deeper into you without even noticing, eyes shut so tightly at the sensation of your walls around him. “Please, please, please, please,” It was like a mantra. 
He was far gone. 
And kind of so were you. 
You whine in pain and raspy moans left Mingi´s soft lips every time he thrust back into you, hitting farther each time, “I´m sorry, baby. I´m sorry. You can take it right? Ah – Just a bit more, I promise. Fuck. I´m almost ah- in. Why do you smell so good? It´s driving me ah – insane.” 
It hurt, it did hurt, but you also didn´t seem to mind that he was practically splitting you open when his voice sounded this pretty apologizing for it. 
The speed and strength of his hips started picking up to match his urgency, his plush lips were open so captivatingly and his weight was now supported by both arms so he could pistol into you. He didn´t have a specific angle or rhythm to it, his moves were strictly instinctual and carnal, your nails finally finding your way down his back to keep yourself anchored to reality. 
“You´re so so so beautiful, fuck. Your lips - can´t stop thinking about them around my ah- cock. Will you show me?”  
You loved how broken his voice sounded. 
“Yeah, baby. Whatever you want.” 
He shuddered once again at your words, “I´m so close.” 
“Me too,” You nodded, still doing your very best to not let noises of pleasure escape past your lips – and kind of failing. 
“Let me hear you,” Mingi growls, managing to somehow snake his hand in between your bodies to start drawing quick circles on your clit. “Please, I love your voice.” 
You wouldn´t be able to hold back even if you wanted to.  
His chaotic rhythm had an appeal of its own, every broken moan that left his mouth drew you closer to the edge until you finally reached it. Your vision went black, nails digging into Mingi´s biceps so harshly you would feel bad for it later, every muscle in your body tightening as it all washed over you in a devastating wave, leaving your body in the form of gasps and breathy moans. 
“Oh my god, fuck,” Mingi cursed at the way your walls were clenching so tightly around him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
He wouldn´t slow down and you were still coming down from your high, twitching with the aftershocks as the oversensitivity quickly began to rise, but you decided to ignore it the best you couldand push through it - you could tell Mingi was close anyway with the way his thrusts became even more erratic, and his voice went up with every moan.  
You were mesmerized by his glossy unfocused eyes, the frown on his forehead, so frantic to get what he needed by ramming into you. He looked so pretty like this, you wanted to destroy him-  
Now where did that come from? 
“Shit, I´m gonna- Fuck, fuck.” 
You watched as his whole body froze for a second before violently shaking, his eyes shot so tightly he was probably seeing white as he continued thrusting into you to ride his orgasm to the end as you felt something warm hitting your walls. And his moans, oh his moans – I mean, you were not deaf, you had always been well-aware that Mingi had an attractive voice, but to hear it like this, so raw and relieved, was truly something else. 
Mingi let out one last broken cry as he slowly stopped moving, dropping his weight on top of you to catch his breath, chest heaving up and down against your ribcage as his muscles continued twitching here and there. You took advantage of the moment to get yourself together too, stabilizing your breathing and trying to figure out what the hell just happened as you two went down, but you also kind of expected Mingi to say something or try to joke around a bit to lessen the burden of the fact that the two of you just fucked - and when he didn´t, well, you started getting worried. 
You were mustering up the courage to say something after the two minutes of silence when the last thing you expected to happen, happened.  
Your eyes were blown wide, “Mingi-” 
“I can´t stop, I´m sorry-” He whined, his still rock-solid cock now slowly moving inside of you once again, rutting into you like he had absolutely no control over himself. 
He was still hard? 
Wasn´t this like his third time already? 
His whole body was shaking in overstimulation but he wouldn´t stop grinding into you, “I´m sorry.” 
“Mingi,” You tried pulling away from him thinking that´s what he was asking for. 
“No, don´t. Ah- Need you,” He desperately grabbed onto your thighs and wrapped them around his hips, your chests flushed against each other's as he hid his forehead on your neck to keep fucking deep into you. Literal whines of pain were leaving his lips, it was like he was an animal incapable of rational thoughts, and it was making you feel dizzy. 
“Mingi, love. You´re going to hurt yourself.” 
“No, feels so ah- Just one more,” He moaned, body shuddering. His whines got you clenching involuntarily around him, suddenly realizing you were kind of close to the edge already. “Please.” 
You felt a strong bite on your shoulder disguising a groan, the animalistic act crashed with how smoothly he was sliding in and out of you, but it also showed how deranged he was at the moment. You tightened your thighs around Mingi´s hips and pulled at the hair on his nape, not bothering with trying to cover up your moans anymore. 
Mingi took the action as permission and started gradually moving his hips faster, broken little whines getting louder and more frequent each second until he was once again supported by both his arms and pistoling into you.  
“I can´t - I can´t,” His voice was so shaky, so broken. “I - Please.” 
And then your whole world stopped as you watched the first tear roll down Mingi´s cheek. 
You were mesmerized, you wanted to frame it.  
“It hurts,” He whimpered, another tear falling, followed by another and then another.  
“You´re almost there,” You cooed, deciding to be useful to the poor giant man breaking down on top of you. “Aren´t you? So close.” 
Mingi nodded, blinking harshly to clear his vision which resulted in more tears running down his face. You just couldn´t help supporting your weight onto your elbow so you could lean up and hold his jaw, kissing the salty traces across his cheeks until his face was clean. He immediately started shaking, moans growing whinier and choppier, his thrusts started losing their patterns as he plowed into you like his life depended on it, entering a mental state he never knew existed before. 
His right hand grabbed your thigh with enough force to bruise it badly as he came for what you imagined was the fourth time in an hour, holding you so close that you could feel his cock hitting impossible places deep inside of you. Mingi was breathing so hard you were kind of worried for his well-being but the noises leaving his lips assured you he was feeling pleasure at least as his nose found its place on your neck once again. 
“Feeling better?” You asked once he had calmed down a little. 
“Kind of,” He pushed back to look at you with a low chuckle, his eyes looking a tad bit saner already. “But I also kind of need to eat you out.” 
You felt his dick twitch inside of you at his own words and how the fuck was that even possible? 
A painful whimper left his lips at the slight stimulation, already way past oversensitive, “Please?” 
 He had the nerve to pout. 
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fayelero · 1 month ago
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The morning sun filtered through the curtains of your shared apartment with Atsumu, casting a warm glow across the hardwood floors. You had just returned from your morning run when you noticed a sleek black package sitting innocently by your door. The distinct white Chanel logo made your heart skip a beat.
"No way..." you muttered, picking up the package with trembling hands. Just last week, you had casually mentioned how beautiful that new Chanel collection was while window shopping with Atsumu. You specifically remembered telling him, "It's gorgeous, but please don't even think about it. I'm happy with my regular bags!"
But as you opened the package, there it was – the exact same black leather bag you had been admiring, complete with its iconic chain strap and quilted pattern. Your jaw dropped at its beauty, but immediately after came the familiar exasperation.
"ATSUMU MIYA!" Your voice echoed through the apartment.
You heard shuffling from the bedroom, and soon enough, your boyfriend appeared in the hallway, wearing his MSBY Black Jackals training shorts and a plain white t-shirt. His blonde hair was still slightly messy from sleep, but there was a telling glimmer in his eyes that he was trying hard to suppress.
"Mornin', what's with all the yellin'?" he asked innocently, leaning against the wall with that signature smirk of his.
You held up the bag, your eyes narrowing. "Care to explain this?"
"What? That's a nice bag ya got there. Secret admirer?" He scratched his head, playing dumb, but the slight pink tinge on his ears gave him away.
"Atsumu," you said firmly, though you couldn't help but feel your heart warm at his thoughtfulness, "who else would send me a Chanel bag?"
"Maybe it was Bokun? Ya know how he gets when he's shoppin' for Keiji-kun, might've got carried away and bought ya somethin' too!" His explanation was so ridiculous that you couldn't help but laugh.
"Bokuto-san, who panicked last week because he accidentally bought premium rice instead of regular rice, bought me a Chanel bag?"
Atsumu's facade cracked as he let out a chuckle. "Okay, okay, ya caught me." He walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "But before ya lecture me about spendin' money, just hear me out."
You sighed, letting your head rest against his chest. "Tsum, we've talked about this. You don't need to buy me expensive things."
"I know," he said softly, his Kansai accent thickening with emotion. "But ya work so hard, and ya never ask for anythin'. Ya even pack my lunches for away games and come to every match ya can. Let me spoil ya a little bit?"
"Plus," he interrupted with a playful grin, "ya should see yer face whenever we pass by that store. Yer eyes light up like when ya watch me serve an ace."
You couldn't help but blush. "That's different! Your serves are actually impressive."
"And my girlfriend deservin' nice things ain't impressive enough reason?" He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I got money to spend, and I wanna spend it on the love of my life. Sue me."
You looked down at the bag, running your fingers over the smooth leather. "It is beautiful," you admitted reluctantly.
"Just like ya," he said, and even though it was cheesy, your heart fluttered. "Now, are ya gonna model it for me or what? Gotta make sure my investment was worth it," he teased.
You playfully swatted his arm but couldn't hide your smile. "Fine, but this is the last time, okay? No more surprise luxury gifts."
"Sure, sure," he agreed too quickly, making you suspicious.
"What? I didn't say anythin'!" He raised his hands in surrender, but you could see him already planning his next surprise in those mischievous brown eyes of his.
"You're impossible," you sighed, but reached up to kiss him anyway. "Thank you for the bag. I love it... and I love you."
His resulting smile was brighter than any designer purchase could ever be. "Love ya too, even when yer yellin' my name through the apartment."
"Only because you deserve it!"
"Worth it," he grinned, pulling you closer. "Every single time."
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Ⓒkiesbrainjuice all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
tag : @haechansbbg
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levandright · 4 months ago
their favorite way to show their love for you is through — giftsꜝꜝ
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if you enjoyed reading this consider leaving a like or reblog ᐢ..ᐢ
pairing ⋆ ot7 enhypen x gn! reader ʬʬ content / warning(s) ⋆ extra extra soft fluff, established relationship, non-idol au, just enha spoiling you with gifts <3 ꕀ word count : 1,637 ʬʬ go back to the start? ・ archive ᐢ..ᐢ lev notes : i wrote the whole thing with good thing by nct 127 on repeat and i think it did something to my brain. after making this i now want someone to gift like the boys do- cause the hell man :(( i envy their relationship its so cute T-T (i literally wrote this) thx for proofreading and editing this again twin <3 (gotta make sure twin gets their recognition)
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𝗟𝗘𝗘 𝗛𝗘𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗚 - plushies
you come home to find a familiar pink gift bag sitting on your bed, decorated with little hearts and a note in heesung’s handwriting: “a little something for your collection—hope they make you smile! - hee”
excitedly, you peek inside, immediately spotting the cute sanrio tags and soft pastel colors. you pull out not one, but three adorable plushies—my melody, cinnamoroll, and hello kitty, each one perfectly cuddly and looking up at you with their iconic smiles.
just as you’re hugging my melody close, heesung steps into the room, a shy grin on his face as he watches your reaction. “i couldn’t decide on one,” he admits, scratching his head. “so i figured… why not get them all?”
you can’t stop smiling as you place the plushies carefully among the others on your shelf, each one finding its perfect spot. “they’re perfect,” you say, turning to give him a grateful hug. “you know me so well.”
he chuckles, returning the hug. “i love seeing your face light up every time. besides your collection wouldn’t be complete without the whole sanrio squad, right?”
with a laugh, you look back at the shelf, feeling warm inside. thanks to heesung your little plushie family just got a lot bigger.
you’re scrolling through your phone when you get a text from jay: “check your doorstep!”
curious, you open the door to find a large shopping bag sitting outside. you bring it inside, already knowing who it’s from. as you pull out one dress after another—soft fabrics in different colors, some with delicate lace, others with simple elegance—you can’t help but laugh, imagining jay going through the store and picking each one out.
a moment later, he shows up at your door, grinning like he’s just won a prize. “so, what do you think? i couldn’t decide on just one, so i got you…options,” he says with a wink.
“options?” you tease, holding up a deep blue dress. “jay, you bought out the whole store!”
he shrugs, unbothered. “i just wanted you to have the best. besides, i know you have that event coming up, and i wanted you to feel amazing.”
you shake your head, touched. “you’re too much, you know that?”
he grins, gently nudging you toward the mirror. “go try one on, just to see how perfect you look.”
with a smile, you head to change, grateful for his thoughtfulness and the joy he finds in seeing you happy.
𝗦𝗜𝗠 𝗝𝗔𝗘𝗬𝗨𝗡 - perfume
you’re sitting on your bed, flipping through a magazine, when you hear a light knock on your door. “hey, can I come in?” jake’s familliar voice calls out from the other side.
“sure!” you reply, setting the magazine aside. as he steps in, you notice he’s holding a beautifully wrapped box, the corners tied with a silky ribbon.
“what’s this?” you asked curiously.
jake grins, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “open it and see!”
you carefully unwrap the box, revealing a stunning bottle of your favorite perfume, the one you always rave about. the familiar shape of the bottle brings an instant smile to your face. “jake! you remembered!”
“of course i did! i always remember,” he says, pride evident in his voice. “i figured it was time to restock your collection. i know how much you love this scent.”
you get up and give him a warm hug, breathing in the comforting mix of his cologne and the fresh scent of the perfume. “you always know how to make me happy. thank you!”
he chuckles, pulling back to look at you. “i just want to make sure you never run out. you wear it so well.”
you shake your head in delight, placing the perfume on your vanity. “i’ll always think of you when I wear it,” you say, feeling grateful for his thoughtful gesture.
𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗡 - chocolate
you’re at your desk, sorting through some papers, when you notice a familiar small box tucked beside your things. smiling, you pick it up and read the note stuck on top: “just because. - sunghoon.”
opening it, you’re greeted by the rich aroma of chocolate—a collection of your favorite flavors. dark, milk, hazelnut-filled, and even a few fruit-infused truffles.
it’s the third time this week sunghoon has surprised you with chocolate, each box seemingly chosen with extra care.
later, as you’re enjoying a piece, sunghoon walks in, catching you mid-bite.
“caught you!” he teases, grinning as he leans against the doorframe. “how’s today’s selection of sweets?”
you laugh, holding up the chocolate box. “perfect as always. i still don’t know how you manage to get these here without me noticing.”
he shrugs, looking pleased. “i have my ways,” he says, pretending to be mysterious. then, with a softer smile, he adds, “i just like knowing that you’re never without a little something sweet.”
you smile, feeling warmth spread through you. “well, thanks to you my lovely boyfriend, i’ve never been happier—or more stocked on chocolate.”
𝗞𝗜𝗠 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗢𝗢 - jewelry
one quiet afternoon, sunoo shows up at your door with a mysterious grin and a small, velvet box in his hand.
“what’s that?” you ask, your curiosity piqued as he invites himself in and settles onto the couch beside you.
he just smiles, handing you the box without a word. inside, nestled against the satin, is a delicate silver bracelet, adorned with a tiny charm shaped like a star. your eyes widen in surprise as you look up at him. “sunoo, it’s beautiful! you didn’t have to…”
but he’s already lifting his wrist to show you a matching bracelet around his own. “it’s not just for you,” he says, looking at you with a gentle smile. “it’s for us. i found these and thought it would be a nice reminder… something we can both wear.”
a warm blush creeps onto your cheeks as you turn the bracelet over in your hand. “it’s perfect. thank you, sunoo.”
he beams, taking the bracelet from you and gently fastening it around your wrist. “now, every time you see it, you’ll know we’re connected—even if we’re not together.”
you reach out, holding his hand, and squeeze it. “i love it, really. but i love you more.”
he laughs, giving your hand a playful squeeze back. “good, because that’s the part of the gift i’m hoping you’ll keep forever.”
you both sit there, admiring your matching bracelets, feeling closer than ever as the sunlight filters through the room, casting a gentle glow over both of you.
𝗬𝗔𝗡𝗚 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗪𝗢𝗡 - flowers
the soft chime of the doorbell echoes through the house, pulling you from your cozy spot on the couch. you rise, curious about who could be at the door. as you open it, a burst of color greets you: jungwon stands there with a bright bouquet of flowers in hand, a broad smile stretching across his face.
“surprise!” he exclaims, presenting the bouquet like a trophy. the flowers are vibrant, a mix of sunflowers, daisies, and wildflowers, their sweet scent filling the air.
your eyes widen, and a smile blooms on your face. “oh, jungwon! they’re beautiful!” you reach out to take them, feeling the warmth of his enthusiasm radiate towards you.
“i thought you could use a little brightness today,” he says, stepping inside. “i know you’ve been busy with work and school, so i wanted to remind you that you’re doing an amazing job.”
you feel a swell of gratitude as you breathe in the flowers’ fresh scent. “you always know how to make my day better,” you reply, feeling the weight of your stress start to lift.
“i just love seeing that smile on your face,” he says, his voice sincere. “you deserve to be reminded how wonderful you are.”
as you arrange the flowers in a vase, jungwon leans against the counter, watching you with a soft smile. “every time you look at them, i want you to remember that you’re loved, no matter how tough things get.”
you glance back at him, your heart warming at his words. “thank you, jungwon . this really means a lot to me.”
he steps closer, wrapping his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “you know i’ll always be here for you, right? just like these flowers, i’ll always try to bring a little color into your life.”
you lean into him, feeling the comfort of his embrace. “i’m so lucky to have you.”
he kisses your temple gently, and you close your eyes, savoring the moment. with jungwon by your side and flowers brightening the room, you know that no matter what challenges come your way, you’ll face them with a smile.
𝗡𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗨𝗥𝗔 𝗥𝗜𝗞𝗜 - sunglasses
riki practically skips over to you, a mischievous grin plastered across his face and his hands hidden behind his back. you give him a curious look, and he finally reveals what he’s holding: two pairs of sunglasses, both sleek and stylish with tinted lenses.
“tada~ matching sunglasses,” he announces proudly, handing you one of the pairs. “i figured it was time to make you as cool as me.”
you laugh, slipping them on. “so, does this mean i get honorary 'riki’s fashion sidekick' status now?”
he nods, adjusting his own sunglasses as he strikes a dramatic pose. “absolutely. now we can both look this good,” he teases, winking at you from behind the lenses.
the two of you step out into the sunlight, instantly feeling like the coolest duo around. you both take turns posing, doing mock runway walks and playfully pointing at each other like you’re celebrities. riki laughs every time you strike a ridiculous pose, clutching his sides with giggles.
eventually, you both settle down, leaning against a wall, still wearing the shades and smiling widely at each other. “i think we should make this our thing,” riki says, nudging you. “matching sunglasses, everywhere we go.”
you nod, grinning. “agreed. it’s our official look.”
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perm taglist. @honeychocos @kozumesphone @manaah02 (open)
wyll taglist. @lilly-cherry7 (comment or ask to be added)
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delulujuls · 1 year ago
tinder buddies | ln4
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hi! i have no idea how to comment on that. i've got inspiration from the rumors that are now going on twitter and tiktok about lando and his activity in sm and i thought man, i need to write something in this narrative because sexting with him??? scuse me??? but of course all of this is fiction and and i dont have any statement on the rumors about lan, mostly because all of these are rumors and not facts. anyway, pls leave his poor papaya ass alone and enjoy this instead!
summary: when you met your tinder buddy irl and realize how indeed world is small
warnings: masturbation on cam (both male and female), bit of swearing, in general alott of sexual tention
pairing: fem!journalist!reader x lando norris
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Y/N thought that she was good at what she was doing. She thought that despite her young age she fit in the world of motorsport really well. Sometimes it even crossed her mind that she was no different from her older colleagues, what's more, sometimes she even thought that she was better than them. However, she admitted this only to herself with complete modesty and behind tightly closed doors.
Apart from the fact that Y/N was a really good journalist whose career was growing at a surprising pace, at the end of the day she was just a twenty-two-year-old girl who, like many other twenty-two-year-old girls in the world, had her smaller and bigger sins.
Y/N breathed heavily as she entered her hotel room. She set her suitcase and bag aside, taking off her shoes and plopping down on the bed. It was well after midnight, her flight was delayed by several hours and she was simply exhausted by the passing day. Even though she was excited about the events that awaited her in a few hours, right now she was just tired. However, she knew perfectly well what would help her relax before going to sleep. Not so much what, but who.
The girl unlocked her phone and easily found the Instagram icon, clicking on it and going straight to the messages. She entered the first conversation and was about to write some prosaic message, but she didn't have time to type out half of the sentence when a new message appeared in the chat.
"u up?"
Y/N smiled to herself. It looked like she could count on a pleasant end to the day.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing"
The reply message appeared a moment later.
"i was waiting for you to be available. i thought the evening would be wasted"
"And yet you see, surprise"
The person on the other end smiled and untied the drawstring on his sweatpants. He quickly wrote his answer with one hand.
"wanna call?"
"I think you know the answer"
She smiled and reached for the switch and turned off the light, pressing the camera icon with her other hand.
Y/N and the boy she had been messaging with for a little over a month knew next to nothing about each other. She had a private account and a few photos, he had a black icon and an empty profile. He only knew her name, she only the first letter of his. They met on Tinder, their profiles there looked quite similar. She has a few photos, more of the body than the face, he has the same, mostly in black and white. They had never seen each other's faces, but they knew each other's bodies inside and out.
Y/N placed her phone on the table and leaned it against the lamp, which she turned on a moment later. The light from it was dim, but it illuminated her body enough. The angle her phone was at only showed her from the neck down. She was perfect at maintaining her privacy.
"New background?"
He asked, seeing that the surroundings behind her were different from those he had seen before. She pulled her sweatshirt over her head, leaving her in only a bra and a thin t-shirt.
"I'm away from home"
"Too many questions"
There was quiet laughter on the other side. He liked her temperament. He liked her curves even more and the sounds she made when, at his command, she pushed her fingers inside her and brought herself to orgasm. Yes, he liked that too.
"Yeah, you're right. Strip."
Y/N pulled the t-shirt over her head and her interlocutor saw a red, lace bra that he never seen on her before. He smiled and ran his hand over his crotch. He felt a chill run through him.
"You look good, baby. Red suits you"
She laughed and pushed her hair behind her shoulders.
"Is this the first time you gonna tell me to keep my bra on?"
"For now, yes. I'd love to look at it for a while" he squeezed his cock and began to lightly massage it through the fabric. "You know what to do, dont'cha?"
Y/N bit her lip and lifted her hands, placing them gently on her shoulders. She slowly moved them down her body and when she found her breasts, she slowly started massaging them in circular motions. She closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly, hearing the sigh that came from her phone. He watched her carefully, following her every move.
"Take it off," he said after a while, "It's pretty, but I think I prefer you without it."
She quickly took off her bra and threw it aside. He smiled at the sight of her breasts. Y/N returned to them, continuing their massage. As she lightly pinched her nipples, she moaned softly. His cock vibrated at the sound that came from his headphones. He smiled.
"Does it feel good, baby?"
"Mhm, yeah" she answered, looking again at her phone "But you're playing unfair again. I have to see you too."
He chuckled and shook his head.
"You don't let me enjoy you"
He replied and put down the phone, quickly pulling his shirt over his head. He fell back on the pillows and turned on the light on his phone. Y/N smiled at the sight of the familiar, slightly tanned and toned torso. Her interlocutor didn't see it, but she smiled even more when he tightened his hand on his cock, which was now clearly visible on the gray material of his trousers.
"Take off the rest of your clothes and lie down"
He ordered. Y/N obediently lay down, taking off her pants and underwear. When the rustle of fabric could be heard on the other side, he easily freed himself from his pants and tight, slightly damp boxers. He spat on his hand and spread the saliva over his cock, feeling it tighten under his touch. Fuck, what he would give if instead of his hand it was this tiny hand that disappeared between the pair of thighs he saw on the screen of his phone.
The girl complied with his command and he saw her middle finger slowly sinking inside her, only to come out after a while covered with her juices.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, "You're so wet, baby."
“I wish you were here and licked me clean.”
Y/N said, rubbing her clit. She felt that she wouldn't need much to reach orgasm.
Her interlocutor smiled under his breath, but she wasn't able to see it.
"I'm afraid that i would make you even more wet."
"Someone has quite an ego here"
"I know my capabilities, baby."
She snorted under her breath and made herself more comfortable, inserting her finger into herself again. First one, quite slowly, and soon she added another one. A long moan filled the hotel room as she began to move them, imagining that it was not her but him who was fucking her. And not with his fingers, but with his wet, hard cock.
"Yeah, just like that, baby. Keep going."
His eyes carefully followed the screen and the activities taking place on it. His hand moved smoothly over his cock, his lips were slightly opened. As he was stroking himself, the glass of his watch on his wrist reflected the light from the phone. He wore it every time they cam together. Y/N didn't know anything about watches, so she didn't know what brand it was or whether it was expensive. They never talked about it, honestly, they basically never had a normal chat. However, he once asked her about the tattoo on her forearm, just below the inner bend of her elbow. He noticed it after the first time they met on camera. When it was all over and they were about to hang up and return to their real lives, he asked about it.
"What does 33 mean?"
He asked when the girl started getting dressed.
"Tattoo on your arm"
The girl looked at her forearm and only then did she understand what he was asking about.
"I can't tell you because you'll make fun of me"
Hearing this, he smiled. Not because there was probably some stupid story behind it, but because the girl was concerned about not looking bad in front of him. Even though they absolutely didn't know each other.
"I barely know your name, I don't know why I would make fun of you."
Y/N was silent for a moment, glancing at her tattoo and lightly stroking it with her thumb.
"Do you know Formula 1?"
He smiled and nodded. His reaction, however, was beyond her reach.
"I know a thing or two"
"My favorite driver drives with this number. Well, actually he did, now his number is 1. But for me it will still be associated with 33"
The girl explained. She felt a bit embarrassed to expose herself to him, especially with something like this. However, he did not laugh at her or comment on her confession in any negative way.
"I have a friend who is also involved in motorsport and has the same number. Actually, not anymore, because he also had to change it. But for me it will also be associated only with 33"
Y/N smiled at his words. Sometimes she wondered if they could become friends and get to know each other a little better. But then she decided to come down to earth and remind herself that she had no time for relationships or friendships. Now the most important thing for her is work and career, everything else can wait. After all, no one will satisfy her as much as herself. Right?
"Fuck, I could fill you so good, baby," he moaned, gasping for breath. He felt that he was only seconds away from orgasm "You have no idea how much pleasure I would give you."
The girl's lips were opened, her eyelids were shut tightly. She massaged her clit with her left hand and moved the fingers of her right hand inside her in quick, uneven movements.
"I'm about to- I…oh my god-"
“Yes, baby, thats it" he gasped, speeding up "Cum for me.”
She felt a wave of pleasure wash over her. The moment her back arched, she heard a long "fuck" coming from her phone. He came shortly after her, staining his toned abs with his sperm. He squeezed his eyes shut and tilted his head back, trying to calm his breathing. There was silence on both sides for a moment, neither of them moving an inch.
After some time, Y/N sat on the bed and reached for a tissue, wiping her hands on it.
"I have to go now. I have a lot of work waiting for me tomorrow."
"Me too. I wanted to let you know that we may not be able to have a call tomorrow."
He answered, also wiping himself.
“It's okay, no big deal,” Y/N replied and took one last look at the muscled, tanned torso visible on her phone screen, “Good night. And good luck with your chores tomorrow.”
“Good night, baby. You too.”
She smiled and reached for her phone, ending the call. Exhausted from the previous day and the evening cam session, she just buried herself in the blanket and shortly after fell asleep. The next day, when her alarm went off, she was full of energy despite several hours of sleep. She couldn't wait for saturday's qualifying and all she was thinking about as she was getting ready was whether she would be able to get good material.
As she put on her red bra, she smiled involuntarily as she remembered last night. She wondered if he had already gotten lost in the whirlwind of his today's duties. Y/N quickly got dressed, gathered her things and, putting her pass around her neck, left the hotel. When she got to the track and was in the paddock, she couldn't think about anything else. Her only thoughts revolved around what was going to happen on the track in a few dozen minutes. However, for a split second she wondered what her tinder buddy actually knew about Formula 1. Maybe they could have something to talk about? Maybe she could even take him to some grand prix?
Her thoughts disappeared when she noticed Lando Norris hanging around the McLaren garage. The girl asked the cameraman to prepare the equipment and she would ask the Brit if he would be willing to have a short conversation. She squeezed the microphone in her hand and without thinking, she approached him, introducing herself and asking if it was possible to record a short conversation.
Hearing her name, his heart did a flip. He knew that name very well.
"Sure, no problem"
He replied with a smile, obviously not revealing himself, and ran his hand through his hair. The glass of the watch strapped to his wrist gleamed in the sunlight. Y/N had seen this watch before. Many times.
The girl smiled back and, hearing his agreement, gave a thumbs up to the cameraman. When she raised her hand, the sleeve of her shirt rolled up, and Lando's eyes involuntarily caught the tattoo on her forearm. A slight 33, just below the bend in the elbow.
He felt a sudden wave of heat wash over him. It's a coincidence, right? It must be.
"How's your mood before qualifying?"
Y/N asked, putting the microphone down and straightening her shirt. As she was arranging her collar, Lando's eyes caught a glimpse of her red bra strap. He smiled to himself and looked down. He wondered how many accidents and coincidences had come together in the universe and resulted in this situation.
"What? Something wrong?"
The girl asked, not knowing what made him react like that.
He shook his head and after a moment looked up again. He looked at the girl carefully. However, she was completely lost and looked at him questioningly.
"Sorry, as you can probably see, my mood is great. I'm positive about today's qualifying."
Y/N tentatively gripped her microphone. When the cameraman approached them, they started recording the footage and she had no time to analyze Lando's strange behavior. In fact, it was possible that this was their first and last conversation ever, so why should she care about it. When they managed to record a short material, Y/N thanked him and wished him successful qualifications. After that everyone went their separate ways.
Immediately after entering the garage, Lando found his phone buried in a pile of his things. He quickly entered his latest conversation on Instagram and, without thinking, decided to send the girl a message. Worst case scenario, he'll just make a fool of himself, which isn't a big deal since they don't know each other at all. At best, he would spend tonight as he had long dreamed of.
"ure even prettier than i thought, baby."
Y/N felt a vibration in her pants pocket and without thinking, she unlocked her phone. She was surprised to see a notification coming from Instagram, and she was even more surprised when she noticed who sent her the message. After reading it, she felt a cold sweat break out on her. However, she decided to think and act soberly.
"How do you know what I look like?"
"turn around"
Lando replied quickly and leaned against the threshold of his garage. The girl clutched her phone in her hands and obeyed his command with her heart beating wildly. Lando smiled at her, holding his still unlocked phone. Y/N felt a lack of saliva in her mouth. It's impossible, it's not really happening.
"Are you sure we're looking at the same person?"
She replied, having difficulty pressing the appropriate keys with her fingers. He was amused by her reaction. This whole situation didn't make sense to him. It was crazy.
"im looking at a pretty neat journalist with a mad bunda who has a tattoo with my friend's racing number. and u?"
Y/N blushed. Fuck. It's him.
"I see that your jumpsuit is a little tight in some places."
Lando snorted under his breath. The girl wasn't lying. The whole situation made quite an impression on him.
Y/N bit her lip and looked up. She'd be lying if she said it wasn't arousing.
"u know exactly why its tight"
"I guess I have to find out in real life. The camera likes to lie."
When she sent the message, she looked up again and their eyes locked. The Brit winked at her and quickly replied, turning on his heel and disappearing into the depths of the garage.
"my driver's room in five minutes. ill be happy to dispel your doubts"
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blue-jisungs · 5 months ago
hi hi hi!!! is it possible to request for long distance relationship with piwon? and thank you for your contributions within the p1ece community with all of these masterpieces you've made 🫡
[ 💌 ] long distance relationship w piwon
# author’s note ... ahhh sorry it took so long:(( TYSM FOR RQING THO N FOR UR NICE WORDS HEHE!!! i got a bunch of piwon reqs and u dont even know how excited i am to write them mwhaahahah <333
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┆彡 KEEHO [ 기호 ]
i feel like he’d be the strongest soldier amongst them all
because he’s just so chronically online LMFAO 
no but even if you don’t text everyday (which happens, given his busy schedules), there’s always a way that keeho will reach out 
sends you reels on insta, sends you tiktok’s he found or he filmed, you can see his bereal, you can see what he’s listening to on airbuds … like he makes sure you know he’s safe n sound (i hope that makes sense?!) 
and he clings to every notification from you as well!!! 
like oh, you just hit another milestone on duolingo?? he’s texting you asap !!!
also the type to spam you with photos of things that remind him of you:(((( 
he loooves to face time you but more often than not the call always ends up interrupted by one of the boys 😭😭😭
┆彡 INTAK [ 인탁 ]
he’s so loverboy im actually gonna cry 
he was not build for this please save him from this misery 😿😿😿 
cannot survive without calling you at LEAST twice a day. like for real. 
will spam you with i love yous and i miss yous so so much because he just wants to be sure that you know his feelings for you are unchanged:(
facetiming is a must as well, he’ll often do that at the end of his (or yours if you’re in diff time zone) day so you can talk before going to sleep:( 
won’t admit but loves when you fall asleep on ft:( like at least he can adore your sleepy face like he does when he’s with you:(
deffo buys everything that he thinks you’d like so when you reunite he has BAGS of gifts:(
(can you tell i love him so dearly.)
┆彡 THEO [ 테오 ]
he’s so:< 
checks up on you everyday!!!!! tracks your lil icon on find my and calls you sometimes like “oh i saw you’re in your fav cafe, what are you getting?” 
i believe he’s a romantic okay? so you two deffo have those apps for couples that like ,, you can draw something and it’ll pop up on his screen 
or locket! :( like he loves getting notifs n he deffo stares at the silly selfies you take:(((( 
he also sends flowers for you, sometimes no matter the occasion <\\3 may or may not send a bottle of his cologne because he just knows you’ll feel less lonely if you can smell his perfume🥹🥹🥹
he’s sooo nostalgic❤️‍🩹 will scroll through your pics and videos… watch them all the time… m smile so fondly at the screen (while others make fun of him >:T) 
has bought tickets to your place impulsively… at least three times 
(and obv used them ?! like hellour he won’t waste the money now that he bought them !!! )
┆彡 JIUNG [ 지웅 ]
please end his suffering pt2 
he is physically sick when you’re not around !!! (his tummy hurts… well, his heart too…) 
spams you all day everyday – he saw a cute cat? sent. cool clothes? sent and asking for advice. a dead frog on the street? sent with caption ‘me when you’re 372028193 km away’ 
selfies too!!! you’ll get soooo many selcas bc he just knows you miss his face (and worry not, you send yours in return!! he kicks his legs like a teenage girl whenever he sees them~~) 
facetimes you (or you him) even when doing the most mundane things ever… you could be studying in silence and he’ll be playing on his switch, none of you talking because you’re locked in… but he steals glances at the screen and your face,,, mentally counting down days when you’re gonna meet again 🥹
literally thinks about you sm that he can’t help but mention you whenever he can:( “omg yn would love that!” “oooo this is yn’s favorite snack!!” “i need to take a pic for yn!!!” 
atp his friends scheme how to get him to you ASAP!!!
┆彡 SHOTA [ 翔太 ]
i feel like he’d handle it the worst actually:( but only bc he’s just such a lover boy, he needs you close:( 
keeho or other members will often send you pictures of sulking shota once you hang up on face time <\3 
will spam you even with single kaomojis so you’re an expert with those, professional translator if you will
definitely spams you with lots of content too, like pics of plushies, his short blogs, food pics 
requires food pics in return (secretly makes sure you do eat this way) 
when he’s feeling like a little tease, he’ll send lots of pics with keeho when they’re hugging and caption them with something sassy 😭 
deffo tracks you on find my when he’s bored but deep down he just checks up on you and makes sure you’re safe 
┆彡 JONGSEOB [ 종섭 ]
you’re literally vlogging to each other 😭😭😭 voice memos or insta stories just for him !! 
and you bet your ass he’ll reply to every single one 
loves face timing you when he’s writing new songs… you’re his muse (but it’s not like he’ll say it out loud) 
definitely looks at your pictures with a whipped smile (and got caught sooo many times but they don’t tease him that much since he’s just so in love it hurts
another one to use every app possible to keep in touch w you HOWEVER he’s not very cheesy,,, so expect him to doodle theo with a big butt in return to your hearts and flowers 
sending memes and reels is his love language, will send lots with the caption “us when i get back” :(( 
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,,
@mon2sunjinsuver ,, @litepowee
588 notes · View notes
heartsbyani · 12 days ago
“nerds don't date , right?” iii ⎯ how to ruin a nerd's life 101
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[ 정인 ] ✷ ‎. . the event is pretty close, and your wardrobe is underwhelming. thank the lord, some chic nerd is at your rescue.
۫ 𖨂 𓈒 𝑛erdy!jeongin ₊ ‎ ‎ 𝑓em!reader ˙ . ꒷ g. fluff , humour , crack , forced proximity , classmates to lovers , uni au , fake dating , skz ensemble . 58OOw. ⎯⎯⎯ LiBRARY ⟢ cw. nicknames ?? as of now . ┆ 📹 ⋮ a y.ji mini series .ᐟ ֹ ₊
yani's note! 𑁍ܓ the amount of love this series is getting omg >< thank you !! also, i'm literally less than 5 followers away from 1k !! <3 late update, mocks are getting closer.... anyway, happy reading!
read the last chapter here.
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"a terrible wardrobe crisis. that's what this is." ⎯ lee felix.
you and yeji's shared dorm was in shambles.
it looked like an overexcited tornado had ripped through the room, leaving behind nothing but chaos, laughter, and felix dramatically flailing over your (apparently) inadequate wardrobe.
your brown luggage bags lay open in the middle of your room, half-filled and overflowing. your beige-pink wardrobe stood wide open, its doors barely hanging on from the sheer force with which yeji had yanked them earlier. clothes were scattered everywhere—on your bed, on the floor, even draped over felix's outstretched arms as he inspected each piece with a face of horrified judgment.
"how—how do you live like this?" julie gasped, clutching a plain white t-shirt like it was a crime scene.
ryujin groaned into your pillow, sprawled lazily on your bed next to yeji, who was scrolling through her phone like she wasn't in the middle of this fashion emergency.
"guys, i literally do not care. just pack some shorts and a couple of tank tops, and boom, you’re set."
felix gasped so loudly you thought he might faint. "absolutely not," he said, voice filled with betrayal. "never ask ryu about fashion ever again, please." he turned to you, eyes wide, like this was the most crucial moment of your life.
"y/n, you are going to a summer trip with your fake boyfriend’s family, and you don’t even own a single—" he looked down at your pile of rejected clothes, "—decent sundress?"
you groaned, dropping onto your carpeted floor with your head in your hands. "it’s not that deep. it’s not like i’m trying to impress them or something! they seem pretty happy with me already,"
julie, still horrified, threw a beige oversized hoodie at you. "that’s where you’re wrong, babe. you are not just some random guest on this trip. you’re jeongin’s girlfriend."
yeji snorted. "correction! fake girlfriend."
julie ignored her. "do you understand the weight of that? the prestige? you have to look like the cool, effortless, stunning girl that yang jeongin—god bless him—the fashion icon of the entire uni himself— managed to bag."
ryujin blinked. "prestige?"
"hey! i'll have you know i am very fashionable myself. my wardrobe is just... not in the mood right now."
felix nodded sagely, ignoring you completely. "exactly. if she doesn’t look incredible, the aunts and uncles will start asking questions."
you whined, throwing yourself backwards onto the floor. "i don’t even own summer clothes!"
felix dramatically sank to his knees next to you, cradling a polka-dotted blouse you hadn’t worn in two years. "i know. and it hurts me."
yeji finally glanced up from her phone, unimpressed. "what do you even wear when it’s hot?"
you gestured at your usual attire—loose or flared jeans, oversized graphic tees, random strap tops, a pink zip-up hoodie despite it being way too warm outside.
julie covered her eyes like she was physically in pain. "no. nope. no! you are not dressing like a teen who just hit puberty on this trip."
"i have style," you defended weakly.
felix raised a skeptical eyebrow. "do you?"
ryujin huffed. "okay, fine, let’s actually try picking outfits before felix faints from sheer disappointment."
felix nodded, regaining composure. "yes. let’s. y/n, show me what summer clothes you actually have."
you sighed, crawling over to your wardrobe. you reached inside and pulled out the first thing you saw—a simple white crop top.
julie squinted. "it’s… okay. where are your maxi skirts?"
you bit your lip. "i only wear miniskirts, you all know that!"
felix collapsed onto the floor, gripping his chest. "god is testing me."
yeji, deadpan, turned to ryujin. "do we need to call an ambulance?"
"no, let him suffer," ryujin muttered.
ignoring them, you dug through your closet, pulling out a pair of denim shorts, beside a flowy miniskirt and a loose floral blouse you had shoved in the back from last year. "okay, how about these?"
julie pursed her lips. "cute, pretty, but it doesn’t scream ‘jeongin’s super chic girlfriend.’"
felix peeked over, nodding slightly. "it could work if you accessorize properly. add some layered necklaces, cute sandals, maybe style your hair differently—"
ryujin groaned. "you’re acting like she’s going to a fashion show. it’s a family trip."
thank you, at least i have some defense."
julie pointed at her aggressively. "family trips are the worst place to be underdressed. you never know what kind of rich aunt is judging you from across the dinner table."
felix shuddered. "exactly."
you let out a long sigh, flopping onto your bed next to ryujin. "why am i even doing this? it’s not like jeongin even cares."
yeji smirked. "oh, babe. it’s not about jeongin. it’s about you."
felix nodded solemnly. "you cannot lose to this bet."
julie grinned, nudging you. "you have to make him fall for you."
ryujin yawned. "that is so much effort."
you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smirk on your lips. "you guys are acting like i’m not already winning."
felix gasped, shaking you by the shoulders. "that’s the confidence we need,"
you grinned. "that topper is definitely going to fall for me. he’s already been staring at me when he thinks i don’t notice."
yeji raised an eyebrow. "oh? receipts?"
you gasped, eyes lighting up, sitting up. "at the hill the other night—"
"oh my god," felix and julie squealed.
ryujin groaned, shoving a pillow over her head. "stop. stop being in love."
"i’m not in love," you scoffed. "but he is definitely falling first."
yeji snorted. "if he’s even capable of emotions."
felix gasped. "you take that back."
julie giggled. "okay, okay, but back to business. we have, what—four days before the family wedding? we need to find you something for that and the summer trip."
you groaned, collapsing into the pile of clothes on your bed. "i hate this."
felix patted your head. "it’s okay, hun. we’ll make you hot."
you peeked up at him. "i’m already hot."
julie rolled her eyes, grinning. "fine, we’ll make you unstoppable."
felix gasped, eyes shining. "omg. i’m so excited."
ryujin sighed, stretching. "cool. have fun with that. i’m gonna nap."
yeji shoved her over. "not in my bed, you’re not."
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you should’ve seen this coming.
after the absolute fashion disaster that was your packing session, it was only a matter of time before felix and julie forcefully dragged you to the nearest shopping district, ryujin and yeji tagging along as your (mostly amused) moral support.
the first stop? summer clothes.
the only problem? felix and julie were treating this like a full-blown makeover mission.
you blinked at felix, who stood in front of you with his arms crossed, shaking his head so aggressively that his blond hair practically shimmered under the store lights.
"what do you mean no?" you asked, looking down at the beige linen shorts and white cropped tank top you had just picked out. "this is literally so cute."
julie groaned, throwing herself onto one of the store’s plush stools like this was physically hurting her. "it’s cute, yes, but it’s giving—" she gestured vaguely, "neutral instagram influencer who only drinks matcha."
"what’s wrong with that?"
yeji snorted, scrolling through her phone. "nothing, except you’re supposed to be jeongin’s effortlessly hot girlfriend, not someone who exclusively shops in the ‘clean girl aesthetic’ section of pinterest."
ryujin hummed, tossing a random hat onto your head. "i think she should just wear a trash bag. that way jeongin won’t fall for her."
felix gasped dramatically. "how dare you."
you sighed, rolling your eyes as you put the shorts back. "okay, fine. what do you suggest, then?"
felix’s face lit up as he practically sprinted toward a rack of dresses. "oh, i thought you’d never ask."
and that’s how you ended up with twelve different outfits shoved into your arms as you were pushed into the dressing room.
. . .
outfit #I : a bright yellow sundress with thin straps and a flowy, knee-length skirt.
you stepped out, raising an eyebrow at your friends. "thoughts?"
felix clasped his hands together. "sunshine incarnate, i love it."
julie tilted her head. "it’s cute, but is it ‘jeongin’s-girlfriend’ cute?"
yeji squinted. "hmm. i like the color. but maybe something a bit more…"
"hot," ryujin supplied, lying on the bench like she was exhausted.
julie nodded. "genius!"
you sighed, stepping back into the dressing room.
outfit #2: a deep red wrap-around top with a matching skirt.
you emerged again. "this?"
"damn mama," ryujin whistled. "now this is hot." she says, only to be jabbed at the shoulder by yeji, brow raised.
felix pursed his lips, tapping his chin. "sexy, confident, yet elegant. approved."
julie gasped. "oh my god, imagine jeongin seeing you in that."
yeji smirked. "he’ll die."
you rolled your eyes, fighting the heat rising to your cheeks. "we are not dressing to impress him, we’re dressing for the trip."
felix smirked. "sure, babe."
outfit #3: a white off-shoulder top with ruffled sleeves, paired with high-waisted denim shorts.
julie squealed. "oh, this is perfect for the beach!"
felix nodded. "it's so giving main character."
yeji snorted. "she is the main character."
ryujin, however, hummed. "i like it… but you need something for the nights too. something that says ‘i’m effortlessly attractive and totally not in a fake relationship.’"
"what outfit even screams fake relationship..?"
after several more outfit changes, you finally had a pile of approved clothes—flowy skirts, cute crop tops, a few dresses that definitely screamed "jeongin, you should totally fall in love with me!" and a couple of chic yet comfy beach fits.
you huffed, collapsing onto the store bench. "are we done?"
julie checked the shopping bags. "for summer? yes."
felix grinned. "but now… wedding outfits."
you pulled out your phone to check the time, when you noticed the notification of a missed call. so, you were scrolling to jeongin’s contact before pressing call.
after a few rings, he picked up.
"what do you want?"
you grinned, putting him on speaker. "is this the way to treat your pretty girlfriend, topper?"
yeji and julie burst out laughing as you heard jeongin sigh on the other end. "i’m hanging up."
"you're the one who called me twenty minutes ago."
"that, was twenty minutes ago."
"okay, and now it's twenty minutes later. why'd you call?"
"are you busy?"
"kind of..?"
"nevermind then."
"aw, is my boyfriend missing me?"
"happy to be of service!"
"y/n, are you coming? we're gonna leave!" julie called out from a few steps away.
"well, as much as i'd love flirting with you, i have some... business to continue with"
"and that is?"
"don't ask why, but i was miserably dragged to go shopping with the others. for our coming trip."
you could hear him frowning. "trip?"
"yeah? our trip, you know, the one where i’ll be your stunning fake girlfriend in front of your family?"
"thank god you're getting a new wardrobe."
"where in the world did that come fr-"
"y/n l/n!" a certain displeased blonde called out.
"coming, coming,"
"i gotta go," you sighed. "i got some really cute outfits, by the way. felix and julie are making sure i look extra hot. should i send you pictures?" you giggled.
felix gasped dramatically. "wow, rude."
"where the fuck did you come from?"
"you’re all insane," jeongin muttered.
"aww, does the hot nerd feel overwhelmed?" yeji teased from behind.
"i’m literally hanging up."
ryujin chuckled. "you totally should’ve expected this."
jeongin groaned. "i regret everything."
you laughed, twirling a lock of hair around your finger. "see you soon, topper."
the call ended with a very unhappy jeongin. or so you thought.
felix cackled. "oh, he’s so screwed."
julie smirked. "and you are so winning this bet."
you grinned, standing up and grabbing your bags. "now, let’s go find a dress that’ll make his entire family question how he managed to date someone so hot."
felix beamed. "now that’s the attitude we love."
. . . later.
you should’ve known felix was up to something.
the way he kept glancing at his phone, the mischievous glint in his eyes every time you held up an outfit—yeah, something was definitely going on.
but you? you were too busy suffering under the weight of yeji’s and julie’s enthusiasm to question it.
"why am i even doing this?" you groaned, throwing yourself against the dressing room door as yeji shoved yet another hanger into your hands. "it’s just a wedding. i’ll wear something decent, i promise."
felix scoffed, crossing his arms. "decent is not an option. you are the chic girlfriend of the man who literally has fashion bloggers thirsting over his outfits."
julie nodded sagely. "we cannot let you disgrace his name."
ryujin, who was sitting comfortably on one of the store’s plush chairs, simply raised an eyebrow. "why do i feel like felix is taking this more seriously than the actual wedding?"
"because i am," felix declared dramatically, hands on his hips. "this is war."
"okay, try this on!" yeji said, practically throwing a pastel blue dress at you.
"what’s wrong with the one i already picked?" you grumbled, looking down at the sleek brown dress in your hands.
felix gasped. "absolutely not." he snatched it away so fast it nearly ripped. "this? for a summer wedding? sweetheart, are you trying to look like a wannabe mafia attending a funeral?"
you rolled your eyes. "it’s not even black!"
"it's close to it! and it’s literally giving ‘revenge after being left at the altar,’" julie added, shaking her head.
you groaned. "i literally do not care."
"well," yeji smirked, "jeongin will."
you froze, eyes narrowing. "what do you mean?"
felix, suspiciously, looked at his phone again. "oh, nothing."
ryujin suddenly sat up straighter, a knowing smirk on her face. "wait a second…"
before you could react, your phone rang.
and of course, it was him.
"hold on," you furrowed your brows, feeling suspicious of him, but he just flashed you a bright, innocent smile.
sighing dramatically, you answered the call, bringing the phone to your ear. "do you miss me that bad?"
"are you seriously about to buy a black dress for a wedding?" jeongin’s voice came through, flat but incredulous.
you blinked. "how did you—? wait, in my defense, it's dark brown! it has sparkles and everyth-" you pause.
"lee felix."
you turned to glare at your traitorous friend, who was suddenly very interested in the store’s interior design.
"yang jeongin," you huffed, "i can wear whatever i want, and you can’t stop me."
"oh, i absolutely can, darling," he replied. "and i will. i’m on my way."
"see you!"
the line went dead.
you stared at your phone in horror. "he’s coming here?"
felix beamed. "oh, he’s definitely coming here."
"i will actually commit a crime," you muttered, rubbing your temples. "felix, why did you do this?"
"because," felix said, "you dress like a hot girl, but this is a wedding. a yang family wedding. if you walk in looking like the ceo of enemies to lovers, inc., jeongin’s gonna have an aneurysm."
ryujin shrugged. "he’s not wrong."
"god save me from these people," you groaned.
yeji patted your shoulder. "no, babe, trust me, we’re the best! now, get in there and try on the dresses before jeongin shows up and lectures you in real time."
"too late for that," julie muttered, eyes widening as she glanced toward the entrance.
you followed her gaze—and there he was.
dressed in a perfectly tailored gray blazer, black slacks, and a white button-up with the top two buttons undone, he looked like he had just stepped off the cover of some high-end fashion magazine. his black hair fell slightly over his glasses, sharp jawline extra sharp as he scanned the store like he was here on a mission.
"oh, we are so screwed," ryujin whispered.
felix grinned. "speak for yourself. this is the best day of my life."
his fox eyes finally landed on you—and immediately trailed down to the brown dress you were holding.
deadpan. "no way, felix, was she actually going to buy that?"
you huffed, shoving it behind you. "..no."
"liar," felix muttered, earning a glare from you.
jeongin exhaled through his nose before walking over, hands tucked into his pockets. "step aside. i’m picking her outfit."*
"excuse me?" you scoffed. "who died and made you the fashionista?"
jeongin raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "literally everyone who’s ever reviewed my outfits."
felix nodded. "he’s not wrong."
yeji, julie, and ryujin just watched in fascination as jeongin scanned the store, plucked a dress off the rack, and handed it to you. "try this on."
you frowned, looking down at it.
it was a dusty rose satin dress, with delicate, leafy lace detailing on the sleeves and a soft, flowy skirt that cinched at the waist. classy, elegant, but not over-the-top.
you blinked. "oh."
"oh?" jeongin repeated, tilting his head. "what happened to all that attitude?"
you cleared your throat. "i didn’t say i liked it yet."
"you do," he said flatly. "go try it on."
you narrowed your eyes at him but sighed, snatching the dress and marching into the dressing room. "you better not laugh."
"oh, i would never, lovely," he said—then promptly smirked at felix the second you closed the door.
. . .
when you stepped out, the entire store fell silent.
well honestly, your friends did. because the boutique was already pretty empty.
back to the point.
the dress was perfect.
the satin fabric hugged your waist just right, the lace detailing adding a touch of grace, and the skirt flowed effortlessly when you moved. the dusty rose color somehow made your skin glow.
julie clasped her hands together. "oh, wow."
ryujin, for the second time, looked mildly impressed. "damn."
yeji was already taking pictures. "dang topper, you snapped."
you turned to look at him. "well?"
jeongin didn’t say anything at first.
his dark eyes just slowly scanned you from head to toe, his lips slightly parted, before he blinked and looked away. "it’s good."
"just good?" felix scoffed. "sir, you are staring."
jeongin shot him a glare, adjusting his glasses. "whatever. let's just buy it."
you grinned. "so, you like it, topper?"
"i literally picked it out. come on, let's check out," jeongin muttered, already turning toward the checkout.
felix nudged you, whispering, "oh yeah, he’s so losing the bet."
you just smirked, following after him. "three months, yang. you’re doomed."
and if jeongin’s ears were slightly red as he paid for your dress?
that was just a bonus.
"what a gentleman."
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shopping for a dress was already exhausting, but accessories?
oh, you were in hell.
normally, if you weren't being dragged around, sent to trial rooms, and shoved random pieces of clothing, all day long, you know you'd enjoy this.
you stood in the middle of a jewelry store, arms crossed, glaring at your so-called friends as they stared at you like you’d just confessed to a crime.
"you’re telling me," yeji said, dramatically placing a hand on her chest, "that this entire time, you’ve been a gold girlie?"
"yes," you deadpanned. "since birth."
julie’s jaw dropped. "why didn’t you say something sooner?"
you shot her a glare. "i literally said it four times since we got here, but all of you ignored me and dragged me to the silver section anyway."
ryujin gave felix a side-eye. "that’s on you, bro."
felix had the audacity to look offended. "i just thought silver would complement her skin tone!"
"i’ve been wearing gold for years—"
"and we’ve just been letting it slide?" yeji gasped. "have we ever even paid attention to your jewelry before?"
you scoffed. "clearly not, since i had to endure an entire thirty minutes of watching you people force silver necklaces around my neck like i was some kind of experiment. fake friends, really," you feigned hurt, wiping away a tear.
julie sighed, rubbing her temples. "god, we are terrible friends."
"thank you," you huffed, flipping your hair. "now, let’s go to the gold section where i belong."
felix muttered something under his breath about you being dramatic, but you ignored him.
so, once you were finally in the correct section, things went much smoother.
for about five seconds.
because then jeongin decided to start having opinions.
"not that one," he said, reaching out and plucking the dainty gold chain from your fingers.
you blinked up at him. "excuse me?"
"too thin," he said simply, placing it back and picking up a different one. "try this instead."
you narrowed your eyes. "i don’t recall you being my stylist, yang."
"i don't recall you being my girlfriend, but here we are,"
"that was literally jisung's fault."
jeongin gave you a pointed look. "anyway, i kinda am your stylist right now. if you show up to my family’s wedding looking like an embarrassment, it’ll be my embarrassment too."
felix smirked. "damn, he’s really treating this like an investment."
"oh my god that rhymed-"
you rolled your eyes. "fine, what do you suggest, fashion maven?"
"someone's been playing way too much dti.."
without missing a beat, jeongin reached for another gold chain—this one slightly thicker, but still delicate, with a small moon pendant hanging from the center.
"this one," he said, handing it to you.
you stared at it for a moment before looking back at him. "why this one?"
"because it suits you," he said, completely straight-faced.
you blinked.
that was unexpected.
you cleared your throat, quickly breaking eye contact. "it’s not terrible," you mumbled, turning toward the mirror.
felix grinned behind you. "guys what if we're all wrong and it's actually her that ends up losing the bet?" he whispered.
you turned your head side to side, admiring them in the mirror. "alright, fine, yang. you have decent taste."
"decent?" he scoffed. "i’m literally saving your reputation."
"oh, you are so full of yourself," you muttered.
"and yet, you’re taking all my suggestions," he shot back, smirking.
felix cackled. "i love you them, your honor."
julie nodded. "they’re like an old married couple."
you and jeongin both turned to look at them. jeongin spoke, "we are not."
"not yet!" you only squealed.
the days passed way too quickly, and now, the morning of the wedding was pure chaos.
your shared dorm room looked like a fashion battlefield. open makeup palettes were scattered across the desk, curling irons and hair straighteners cluttered the floor, and your bed was drowning under a mountain of lipsticks, highlighters, and jewelry boxes.
julie was hunched over the floor, rifling through a pile of hair accessories, while yeji stood in front of you, arms crossed, assessing your face like an artist staring at a blank canvas.
"okay, so i’m thinking… soft glam?" yeji mused, tapping her chin.
"but with a little sparkle," julie added, eyes glinting. "i mean, this is a wedding. we have to make our girl glow."
felix, leaning against the wall, smirked. "jeongin’s gonna pass out."
ryujin, perched on your desk chair, nodded. "he won’t even have the words for it. imagine, the biggest and hottest nerd in university, standing there, watching his ‘fake’ girlfriend looking like an actual goddess."
you grinned. "oh, he’s gonna be so down bad."
minho, who was there for moral support (and probably just to witness the mess), snorted. "i feel like you guys are putting way too much effort into this for something that’s supposed to be fake."
you waved him off. "it’s about principle, minho. if i’m attending this wedding, i’m doing it fashionably."
yeji clapped her hands. "alright, no more talking. let’s get started."
you sat down in front of the large mirror, already giddy with excitement. yeji pulled out a dewy foundation, squeezing some onto a brush before carefully blending it into your skin.
"ooooh, this is nice," you hummed, tilting your head. "i feel expensive."
julie giggled. "you are expensive. you’re literally wearing jeongin’s money."
"true," felix mused. "that dress is basically his investment."*
minho, scrolling through his phone, raised an eyebrow. "does he know you’re using his money for world domination?"
"he literally bought all of this for her to not embarrass herself and him at the wedding. or so he says,"
yeji shushed everyone. "focus, people. we have work to do."
she moved on to your eye makeup, dusting a soft champagne shimmer over your lids before blending in warm brown tones for a subtle angelic effect. julie leaned in, swiping a bit of highlighter onto your cheekbones.
"okay, wow," ryujin muttered, staring at you through the mirror. "you look hot."
felix whistled. "jeongin’s not surviving this wedding."
you bit back a grin. "good. he better be speechless."
once your makeup was flawless, the group moved on to hair.
"loose waves or a sleek bun?" yeji asked, holding up a curling iron in one hand and a hair tie in the other.
"waves," julie said instantly.
"bun," minho countered.
felix shook his head. "half-up, half-down. elegant, but still fun."
yeji got to work, curling your hair into soft waves before pinning back the top section with delicate golden clips. the result? ethereal.
julie squealed. "you look like a princess."
felix nodded in approval. "jeongin is so screwed."
you twirled a strand of hair between your fingers, already imagining his reaction.
oh, he’s gonna lose his mind.
just as the finishing touches were being added, your phone buzzed on the desk.
you grinned, picking up instantly. "hey, topper."
there was a pause.
"why do you sound like you’re up to something?" jeongin finally said, suspicious.
"me?" you feigned innocence. "i’m just getting ready for the wedding."
"and she's always up to something." minho innocently called out.
"he's right.. anyway, are you done? i’m supposed to pick you up soon."
felix mouthed, ‘not yet,’ so you quickly responded, "nope, still in the middle of it."
jeongin groaned. "it’s been two hours. what are you guys doing, painting a mural?"
"excuse me," you huffed, "this is an art form."
julie took the phone from you. "quit it, yang, she’s going to be breathtaking, okay? let us do our work."
felix grabbed the phone next. "you’re gonna die when you see her, dude. we’re talking jaw on the floor, malfunctioning brain, speechless for a whole minute."
jeongin scoffed. "highly doubt it."
you smirked. "oh, you will, yang. mark my words."
he sighed. "whatever. just don’t take forever."
"patience, love," you teased. "perfection takes time."
jeongin hung up.
ryujin burst out laughing. "you are so annoying."
"and yet, he still picked up the call," you sang. "he’s already whipped."
soon enough, by the time you were fully ready, you stared at yourself in the mirror, stunned.
the dress—handpicked by jeongin himself—hugged you perfectly, shimmering under the soft dorm lights. your makeup was glowy, radiant, with just the right amount of soft elegance. your hair cascaded in perfect waves, the golden clips glinting like stars.
you grinned. "holy shit. i look amazing."
felix threw his hands up. "finally, some self-awareness."
julie wiped a fake tear. "our girl is glowing."
yeji beamed. "he is going to choke on his own spit."
ryujin smirked. "and we will be there to witness it."
minho sighed, shaking his head. "i’m leaving before i die from secondhand embarrassment."
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the sound of a car horn echoed from outside the dorm building, cutting through the last-minute chaos still unfolding in your room. yeji, who had been making final, unnecessary adjustments to your hair, peeked out through the window, before gasping dramatically.
“he’s here.”
felix, standing beside you, whispered, “showtime.”
julie grabbed your shoulders. “you ready?”
you grinned, adjusting one of your golden earrings. “i was born ready.”
with that, you turned on your heel, smoothing down the fabric of your dress one last time before heading out the door, your friend group cheering you on like you were about to walk into a battle.
"oh, they grow up so quick." said a blonde.
as you stepped outside, the cool evening air met your skin, contrasting with the warmth radiating from your excitement. the moment you laid eyes on jeongin’s car parked by the curb, you smirked.
time to ruin a nerd’s life.
jeongin was leaning casually against the hood of his sleek, jet-black sedan, one hand resting in his pocket while the other held his phone. his black suit jacket was unbuttoned, the white dress shirt underneath crisp, a silver watch peeking out from his sleeve. his black hair, styled perfectly as always, slightly tousled in the wind. if you didn’t know better, you’d think he was posing for a magazine cover rather than waiting for you.
but the moment his gaze lifted and landed on you, you caught it.
a split second. a flicker.
his jaw almost dropped.
his eyes widened just a fraction, lips parting, breath stalling.
it lasted less than a heartbeat before he recovered, straightening his posture, face smoothing back into nonchalance like he hadn’t just malfunctioned at the sight of you.
damn, he was good.
you grinned, stopping in front of him. “see something you like, yang?”
jeongin huffed, eyes raking over you once more before tilting his head slightly. “i’ve seen better.”
you gasped, placing a hand over your heart. “you liar.”
his lips twitched, barely hiding a smirk as he opened the passenger door for you. “get in before you make us late.”
you made sure to take your time as you gracefully stepped into the car, your dress pooling around you as you sat. jeongin shut the door behind you before walking around to the driver’s side. as he slid in, you shot him a playful look.
“i know you almost fainted back there.”
jeongin scoffed, starting the engine. “please. i have an immune system strong enough to handle some glitter.”
you gasped again, dramatic. “this is gold, jeongin. not glitter. gold.”
he smirked, finally glancing at you as he pulled onto the main road. “and what’s the difference?”
you pointed at him. “that? that right there? that’s why you’re single. being a fashionista.”
jeongin let out a laugh, the rich sound filling the car. “i’m literally dating someone right now.”
you shrugged, adjusting your earring again. “right. fake. that means you’re still single, technically. which, i repeat, is because you don’t know the difference between glitter and gold.”
jeongin shook his head, exhaling through a smile. “you’re exhausting.”
“and yet, here you are, willingly spending time with me. interesting.”
he glanced at you from the corner of his eye, a small smirk still lingering. “not willingly. you just happen to be my only option for tonight.”
you scoffed. “please, your entire family is about to think we’re soulmates. try to act a little more obsessed.”
he groaned. “god, don’t remind me.”
the car settled into a smooth rhythm on the highway, the soft hum of the engine filling the space between conversations. the city lights stretched out beyond the windshield, a blur of gold and blue against the darkening sky. you rested your elbow on the door, cheek against your knuckles as you stared out at the view.
“so,” you said after a beat, “nervous?”
jeongin raised an eyebrow, hands firm on the wheel. “about what?”
“about bringing your totally real girlfriend to a family wedding?”
he exhaled a laugh. “not at all. i know how to handle them.”
you hummed. “and by handle, you mean avoid?”
you grinned. “well, i’m excited.”
jeongin turned his head slightly. “you are?”
“yeah,” you mused. “i mean, i get to see you panic in real-time when your aunts start asking when the wedding is.”
jeongin groaned again, this time leaning back against his seat like he was already exhausted. “i swear, they’ll probably have a guest list prepared.”
you patted his shoulder reassuringly. “don’t worry. i’ll just tell them we’re taking it slow. maybe a destination wedding next year.”
jeongin shot you a glare, but there was amusement flickering beneath it. “if you say that, i’m leaving you in the parking lot.”
you gasped. “heartless.”
he only smirked, tapping his fingers against the wheel. “you knew that before agreeing to this.”
“agreeing?” you scoffed. “more like getting trapped. let’s not forget who set us up.”
jeongin exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “han jisung.”
you both sat in silence for a moment, before saying in unison—
“i hate him.”
laughter erupted between you two, the sound blending seamlessly with the steady hum of the car.
after the laughter faded, jeongin stole another glance at you. his gaze lingered a little longer this time, tracing the glow of the streetlights reflecting off your skin, the way your eyes seemed even warmer under the city’s golden hue.
“how do you do that?” he murmured.
you turned to him, raising an eyebrow. “do what?”
he hesitated for a split second before looking back at the road. “turn everything into a game. like you’re always winning something.”
you smirked. “because i am. i win at life.”
jeongin rolled his eyes. “that’s not what i meant.”
you watched him for a moment, your smirk softening just slightly. “i don’t know,” you admitted. “i guess… it’s more fun this way.”
he hummed, fingers tapping against the wheel again. “you don’t take things too seriously.”
“not true,” you corrected. “i just choose what to take seriously.”
he glanced at you again, this time studying you. “like what?”
you shrugged. “people, mostly. the ones i care about. the things that make them happy, the things that make them sad. everything else?” you smiled. “i don’t see the point in wasting energy.”
jeongin was silent for a moment. then—
“you’re kind of weird.”
you burst out laughing. “took you long enough to figure that out.”
his lips twitched, eyes flickering between the road and you. “still… i think it’s a weirdly nice way to live.”
you leaned back into your seat, looking out at the twinkling city lights. “well, duh. i’m awesomesauce.”
"i take everything back." jeongin muttered under his breath, shaking his head as he turned onto the exit leading toward the grand venue. the anticipation of the night ahead settled between you both, electric, humming beneath the surface.
and though he wouldn’t say it out loud, jeongin was beginning to think that maybe, he was going to lose this bet.
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mastertaglist @cosmicalily @hyunjiiza @modesttiger @woozarts @katsukis1wife @bddaramjis @reignessance @peskybirdysya @honeyybbuubblleess @ellemir2404 @4ng3l-ch1ld @urlocalmultigroupfan @ashtxrie @minlixyaoi
series taglist @astro-doll-the-star @vixensss @alisonyus @bluesungology @gr4c3fu-1 @pochacco-baby @sanriomilk @gigizzz @nexxus13 @bobaluvzz @batty-barty-crouchjr @beeeepleplep @cosmicalily
send in an ask, message or reply (preferably the first two since i often lose track ╥﹏╥ ) to be added !!
comments, likes, req./asks and reblogs are always appreciated !! req. are only open until the last week of february, so please read my guidelines beforehand if you do send one !! thank you for reading love, hope you liked it <3
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roanniom · 1 year ago
I always like to hope your little drabbles might be inspired by your sweetie podcast guy 👀
Oh they kinda are inspired by him these days 👀
One for the Road
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, a whole lot of oral (f receiving)
“I like this shirt,” Eddie mumbles against your jaw, his fingers playing at the hem of your massive thrifted t shirt. You’re standing in the dappled morning sunlight warming his shitty little apartment kitchen. His hands roam your body with an urgency that belies the way he’d fucked you onto his messy sheets just thirty minutes prior.
“The day I got it I also got a Hellraiser t shirt. Huge. With a big picture of Pinhead on the chest,” you say proudly, smoothing a hand over said chest to indicate where the horror icon’s face would be. Eddie hones in on that one detail, of course, and cups your breasts through your shirt with a groan.
“Oh yeah? If it was that big did you cut the shirt up?”
You shake your head.
“No. I left it big and oversized. You know. Sexy,” you joke. Eddie nods slowly, still focusing all his attention on your tits through this particular shirt.
“Sexy. Oh yeah,” he mutters, completely distracted. He lifts the shirt slightly to reveal the feminine pair of boxers you’ve put on for your drive home. “These are fucking cute.”
“You think?” you ask, wiggling your hips cheekily.
“Yeah, I think,” mumbles against your neck before sucking on your earlobe. You go to say something else but his hand is now sliding under the waistband of your boxers. Within seconds he’s inside your panties and playing with the slick that’s gathered there.
“Eddieeee, I have to go,” you try to argue, but it turns into a gasping whine. Eddie ignores you. Or at least, he ignores your argument. He latches onto one of your nipples through your shirt and looks up at you pointedly to watch your face while he slides two fingers deep inside you. “Oh fuck…”
You don’t know how it happens. You really don’t. One minute you’d had your bag on your shoulder and you were half out the door, and in the next minute Eddie was sliding down to his knees, pushing you up against the wall at the entrance to his apartment. He pulls down your boxers and underwear before you can protest about your lateness any further, and he hooks your leg up over his shoulder before you can do more than grasp at his hair.
“Are you serious? I - oh god.”
Eddie’s mouth is on you and you should be aware of the fact that you’re moaning wantonly right by the door that leads to an inner hallway where all of his neighbors can probably hear you as they set out on their day.
Your bag starts slipping off your shoulder and the lights start flickering - he’d pushed you against the wall where the light switch is, so each time you move you find yourself clicking it on and off with your back.
“Eddie - oh. Eddie!” you try to call his attention to the awkward placement through your laughs and gasps, but he only seems vaguely annoyed by the distraction. He manhandles you over the the kitchen island and you grip at the counter, unsure what he has planned until he gets on his knees from behind you, gripping your hips and pulling your legs back apart so he can get to you with his mouth again.
“Holy fuck…” you yelp, completely overwhelmed by the stimulation. Eddie shoves two fingers deep inside of you again, thrusting and building up momentum until you find yourself forced up onto tiptoes.
You clutch at the counter and do your best to take the force of his thrusting - it feels so fucking good when he curves his fingers just like that - but you’re so overwhelmed you finally have to say something.
“Eddie. You’re making my legs shake! I can’t…” you pant.
You’re not sure what you expected him to do, but either way you’re surprised when he clambers to his feet and grabs you into his arms. Insecure and completely unused to being lifted, you let out a scream, but you’re only in the air long enough for him to deposit you onto one of the stools by the kitchen counter.
“This better for your legs?” Eddie asks, kissing your thighs while he spreads them and settles back on his knees between them.
“Yeah, I guess - Eddie!” you cry out at the feeling of his mouth on you yet again. His lips suction around your clit and he sucks. Hard. Your leg hooks over his shoulder again and your fingers thread through his hair pulling tightly as you hold on for dear life.
You don’t even have time to warn him. Your orgasm hits you like a freight train. You spasm around the fingers he’d some how managed to get back deep inside you at one point, and he laps you up as you rock your hips into his face. Thighs press into his ears while you ride out the feeling.
By the time your breathing has finally returned to normal, Eddie has already gotten up from the floor and started assembling your clothes and bag from where they’d been strewn about.
“You’re gonna be late for work, huh baby?” he asks, with the biggest shit eating grin on his face. A massive erection stands proud in his boxers and you laugh in spite of yourself, fully breathless.
“What the fuck was that, Munson?”
He leans forward to give you a kiss
“That was one for the road.”
Thanks for reading, please comment and reblog to let me know what you think!
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fallstaticexit · 4 months ago
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
TW: Drug Use - Marijuana
Transcript under the cut
Jonathan & Malcolm: Grandma Queenie!
Queenie: Hello boys. I see your mother is taking yet another trip out of state.
Jonathan: Mommy is making a house for a movie star!
Queenie: Hmm. Well. You two must be hungry. Poor things. Come inside, I’ll have lunch prepared.
Malcolm: I want peanut butter and grape jam with no crust on them!
Queenie: Anything for my boys.
Nancy: We can leave now. Take me to the airport, Andrew.
Driver: Yes, Mrs. Landgraab.
Nancy Narrates: [If I spent too much time with my sons at home, I was losing focus on the business. If I was buried under my work, then I was neglecting them. No matter what I did, there was no pleasing her]
Nancy Narrates: [So I focused on my work and on my friendship with Judith. Each time I flew out to Del Sol Valley to check on the progress of The Ward Den, I’ve grown to know the global superstar. I’ve grown to love her too]
Nancy Narrates: [I was beginning to realize, wealth was one thing. Fame was something entirely different. For the first time in my life, people looked at me, not through me and I had Judy to thank for that]
Fan: Oh my god! I love your movies, Ms. Ward! We’re your biggest fans!
Judith: Oh, how cute. Who can I make this out to?
Fan: Oh, please Mrs. Landgraab, can I have your autograph?
Nancy: You want my autograph? Really?
Fan: Oh, yes please! I admire everything you do! God, I want to be you! A power woman. Ah! Meeting you feels like a dream!
Nancy: I- wow. I’d be happy to.
Judith: You were born to be a star, Nan.
Nancy Narrates: [And as promised, I gave her the house of her dreams, with the view of the entire world from her balcony]
[cork pop]
Judith: WOO! Time to pregame before the real party starts, Nan!
Nancy: [exhales] Hmm. I haven’t smoked pot since college.
Judith: It’s legal in DSV. I even got a prescription for it, for anxiety.
Nancy: If I wasn’t an east coast girl, I’d consider moving out here.
Judith: The Hills isn’t just for movie stars, you know. You’re making quite the name for yourself and there’s a calling for talented female architects. You could tap into the market like nothing.
Nancy: No, I’d never hear the end of it. My mother hates what I’m doing. The Landgraabs are supposed to be noble, humble philanthropist not celebrity icons.
Judith: Fuck her, respectfully. I divorced my parents and was emancipated at 16 so I could protect my assets and my goddamn sanity. I don’t regret it one bit. You have your own name to consider. That old bag can stuff it.
Nancy: Right.. I don’t want to ruin my high, darling. Let’s change the subject.
Judith: Alright. So tell me, friend. What else haven’t you done since college?
Nancy: [snorts] Not much. I was a very good girl.
Judith: Oh bullshit. There’s no cameras here, you don’t have to put on a show for me.
Nancy: I’m serious. I hit the books. Partied very little. Went to church every Sunday.
Judith: And apparently you smoked pot.
Nancy: [smirks] Apparently so.
Judith: You are such a little mystery to me.
Nancy: Maybe that’s a good thing.
Judith: Give me something. I tell you everything, I don’t want this to be one sided.
Nancy: [hums] I guess, when I was younger, I had- thoughts of sorts. I still do.
Judith: Thoughts? About?
Nancy: I guess...thoughts about women.
Judith: Oh, honey, don’t we all!
Judith: I think that’s normal. Women are passionate creatures! We love with our whole selves, with our mind, our body, our entire being. We crave likeness, at least I do. I feel incredibly sated in talking with you than with a man, even if he was a lover.
Nancy: I’m not talking about friendship, Judy.
Judith: No? Oh!
Judith: Ahhh, I see! You know, I do think women are very sexy. Not sure if I could commit to the whole eating pussy thing. I could receive it though. You?
Nancy: I think about it so much that I fear the desire for it will consume me.
Nancy: The wanting—the ache—is so deep inside of me that nothing can reach it. I used to be able to ignore it, but now it just sits there, tormenting me and gnawing at me from the inside. I’ve.. never said it out loud before until now.
Judith: [gasps softly] Oh my.
Nancy: [sniffs] You think that’s strange?
Judith: No, I think it’s hauntingly beautiful. Have you ever thought about fulfilling those desires?
Nancy: You mean... go sleep with a woman?
Judith: Why not?
Nancy: I’m married. I could never do something like that to my husband. Besides, it’s just silly, little thoughts. It means nothing.
Judith: It hardly means nothing, Nan. Listen, I love ya to pieces. Should you ever choose to do what you want and lose some control, I will love you then too.
Nancy Narrates: [Lose control? The very thing that I clung to in this life? I couldn’t fathom it. Who would I be if I gave into the things I truly wanted]
Nancy Narrates: [So, when it came to a lesson in losing control-]
Nancy Narrates: [life introduced me to Lily Feng]
Lily: Mind if I sit my drink here?
Nancy: No, not all.
Lily: You’ll have to forgive me, I am a bit nervous. It’s not everyday I get to meet my idol. I hear you designed The Ward Den, it’s marvelous.
Nancy: Thank you. A little out of my element, but I liked the challenge. I didn’t catch your name.
Lily: Lillian Feng. You can call me Lily, if you like.
Nancy: Are you from here?
Lily: Oh, no. I’m from Tomarang, originally. I live in San Myshuno. I’m new to the area, still getting my footing in my practice.
Nancy: My office is in San Myshuno. What do you do?
Lily: I’m an interior designer. I own and manage a small, modest firm. Popular in the east, but I’m hoping to make a name for myself here in the states.
Nancy: You own your own firm? Wow, that’s- amazing. I don’t meet many women in your position. Especially not in this field.
Lily: It certainly wasn’t easy. I have to claw my way to the top. When it’s a man’s game, you can’t play it nice and safe, although I’m sure you’re aware.
Nancy: Unfortunately so. Have you any prospects since moving to San Myshuno?
Lily: [tsks] It’s quite the competitive market. There appears to be a whole network I can’t seem to tap into. I have had my eyes on the Dreamer project.
Nancy: [blushes] Ah well, it’s likely because of me- well, my company. I’ve yet to acquire it. Anyway, it’s who you know that gets you through the door in this business. The Landgraab Co. tops the market.
Lily: What a shame. That would make you my biggest competition, wouldn’t it? And such a pretty threat too.
Nancy: Ah. Well. That’s...kind of you to say. Um.
Lily: Oh, my drink!
Nancy: I-I can grab it for you-
Lily: Don’t fuss, I’ll get it.
Nancy: [gasps]
Lily: Now, we were talking about the Dreamer Project. So, you’re familiar with it?
Nancy: Mhm..
Lily: I hear the City Council is looking to expand San Myshuno with an entirely new district. It will be the biggest project of the decade.
Nancy: Mhm. Y-yes.
Lily: Any chance that Mayor Dreamer made a inquiry with the Landgraab Company?
Nancy: I...I can’t say.
Lily: [chuckles] I’m only teasing. I know you’d never reveal your hand so easily. Besides, it should be a given. The project sounds perfect for the Landgraabs, being as though the Dreamers are likely interested in classical architecture.
Nancy: Actually, the project is more modern. High tech.
Lily: Huh. Is it now? Who would have thought?
Lily: It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. I’m happy to have met you.
Nancy: [breathlessly] I’m happy to have met you too. Are you leaving?
Lily: I have an early flight. The city never sleeps, and neither do I.
Lily: But I’m sure you’ll see me around.
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milkoomi · 1 month ago
faustina’s style guide. ᥫ᭡
a mini series to help you become your very own fashion icon
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maybe this is your first time diving into the world of aesthetic styles and fashion! or maybe you’re looking to start fresh with your look, but you aren’t sure where to begin! well, allow me to help guide you in taking your first steps into a whole new you! … fashion-wise, of course. this first chapter will discuss how to get started in your style journey, so let’s get right into it!
୨ৎ — style & aesthetic options
there’s a large variety of aesthetics to choose from, and it’s so wonderful knowing that there are so many different styles to look into! that’s the beauty of having options, you get to see all that’s available to you!
here are some of the different aesthetics…
light/dark academia
old money
corporate goth
street style
of course there’s plenty more out there that you can look at! pinterest will be your best friend when it comes to looking at all the different aesthetics!
୨ৎ — research
once you’ve looked over all the different aesthetics and styles that are available to you, start making a list of the ones that interest you the most! once you’ve compiled that list, start taking a deep dive into them. look at the color schemes, make note of key pieces of clothing that follow the specific style, notice what accessories are typically used!
color schemes: soft pinks/creams/pastels, light colors
key pieces: skirts & dresses, form fitting tops
accessories: bows, dainty/minimal jewelry, lace
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old money
color schemes: any color pallet will do! (neutrals, monochromatic, cherry reds, blues, etc.)
key pieces: skirts/dresses, dress pants, statement cardigans/coats/sweaters, loafers
accessories: pearls, handbags/purses, headbands
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color schemes: neutral colors (light academia focuses on those lighter neutrals while dark academia focuses on the darker tones)
key pieces: sweaters, cardigans, sweater vests, button ups, turtlenecks
accessories: minimal to no jewelry, leather bags (backpacks), fabric tote bags
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୨ৎ — vision boards
after doing some research, start creating vision boards for outfit inspiration! this will help just organize what exactly you’re looking for in whatever aesthetic/style you chose! and, it’ll help when you start to play around with different outfits!
again, pinterest will help with this a lot! see what outfits you really love and might want to recreate and save them into a board. there also might be some creators out there on different social media platforms that you might want to take inspiration from, so feel free to include their outfits as well into your vision board!
doing this will also help you see different trends within each style. you’ll see how different outfits have similarities in key pieces, accessories, and even color schemes while also seeing that even though there are tons of similarities, there’s still a wide variety of ways to style the clothes into different kinds of outfits!
୨ৎ — experimenting
this is the fun part: trying out different outfits based on the aesthetics you chose! this might take some time, but sort through your closet and see what you already have.
what to look for:
basics: simple t-shirts, tops, & bottoms
key pieces: statement tops, dresses, coats/cardigans/sweaters, shoes
accessories: jewelry, hats, scarves, bags
play around with different outfits & try out layering! work with what you’ve currently got and make note of what other pieces you might want for your outfits. maybe you’ve got on a super cute pleated skirt with a simple long-sleeve as your top! you might want to add a pair of sheer tights, but you might not have any, so make a note of adding tights to your shopping list! you might also feel like your outfit could go well with a super cute statement cardigan to bring some life into your look, but all your sweaters and cardigans are pretty basic, so add a new cardigan to your list as well!
it’s important to sift through your current wardrobe and figure out what you want to keep and what needs to go. you might have a lot of pieces that just don’t spark any joy anymore, so maybe you’ll create a donate pile. or maybe it turns out you’ve got all the right basics and accessories for a certain aesthetic you want to try, so you’d want to bring those items forward in your closet for easier access to them.
୨ৎ — take pictures
whenever i put on an outfit that i am really proud of, i’ll snap a quick pic of it so that i can save it for later inspiration! sometimes i’ll even lay out the outfit on my bed and take a picture that way too!
it’s good to save those ideas in your phone to look back on them for future reference or to figure out what else that outfit still needs to make it perfect.
here are a few photos i’ve taken of outfits i’ve loved!
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final notes —
curating your perfect and ideal wardrobe takes time, but i personally think doing all the research and trying out new looks makes the process go by a lot faster in a fun and exciting way! it’s also important to know that your style is going to change a lot as you grow. as our minds and bodies change, so do our styles! and that’s okay! back in high school, i definitely sported that “abg” aesthetic, but as i got into college i started leaning more towards light academia and then in later years i experimented and felt more comfortable in more alternative fashion! that’s what i love about fashion, the fact that it’s always changing and there’s so many new looks and pieces to try out makes it that much more exciting! so always feel free to explore and try out new things! you might discover some really great things.
with lots of love, faustina 🌷
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cheriladycl01 · 10 months ago
And who are you? - Oscar Piastri x McLarenHeir! Reader
Plot: Granddaughter of Bruce McLaren comes to a race.
Warning: I think maybe some people have considered this a little misogynistic. Obviously women in motorsport has improved and gotten better, but there are still issues involving this and I just wanted to bring some of them to light. I never meant to cause offence so here’s a little warning for that if it not for you!
Again this is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent anyone accurately!
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You were the grand-daughter of one of the most iconic men in Formula One. Not only did he have his own team, but he drove for that team as well which resulted in McLaren sports cars all over the world.
When Zac offered you to come to a grand prix, everyone in the team was dreading it. From what they knew you were just another social media girlie obsessed with getting into an F1 race for the clout. However they were oh so wrong.
You'd been karting since a young age, and knew your way around all kind of cars. You were an encyclopedia of everything motorsport and cars. You'd gone to university and studied engineering so you knew more about it all so you were excited to speak to everyone.
You pulled up in your one of a kind McLaren X-FM, perks of sharing a last name with a car and having big stakes in the business.
"Zac!" you exclaimed as you saw him and run over to him. You pull him in for a tight hug and he hugs you back.
"How's my best girl doing?" he grins looking down at you and you nod furiously. You talk for a little longer before he leads you into the garage.
"Dude what are they all hovering around!" Lando asks looking at 9 or 10 of the drivers stood around something. Lando and Oscar walk over to see the most beautiful orange car in the parking lot. It wasn't rare to see beautiful cars at the grand prix because of all the drivers that were there but this was next level.
"Lando did you get a new car?" Carlos asks in awe, elbowing his friend.
"No, I wish this was my car!" Lando sighs running his hand along the edge.
"Oh my gosh, please please be careful if your touching my car!" you cry running over to all the drivers, you'd forgotten your bag of gifts for the team and drivers and came back to get them.
"T-this is your car?" Lewis asks in shock.
"Yes?" you say holding up the keys and opening the door, Charles looking at Lewis in shock.
"Can i sit in it?" Pierre asks looking at you with a grin.
All the drivers weren't only in awe of their car but the girl that had just come running up asking them to be careful of the car.
"Sure..." you say and let him open the door.
"Lando Oscar! It's great to finally meet you!" you smile, your bubbly friendly nature pulling them in for a joint hug. You watch behind them as drivers look inside the car and switch out whose sat in the drivers seat.
"And who are you?" Oscar asks crossing his arms over his chest, not looking to impressed at the current moment.
"Oh my names Y/N! I'm a guest of McLaren today!" you smile, and everyone there just fell in love with you even more.
"Wait... i know you. You're Y/N McLaren!" Max grins, and you look down with a blush.
"Wait ... you're Bruce McLaren's grand-daughter?" Carlos asks looking you up and down, and he was starting to realize Max was right. Your New Zealand accent being the biggest give away.
"Wait, so you like own the company?" Lando asks with a shocked look. You giggle a little before shaking your head.
"No, I have shares in it but I have to be 25 before the transaction occurs...!" you explain and he nods looking over you.
"I can't believe your here, that's kinda crazy! Why have you never come to a race before?" Logan asks kindly and you look down sadly.
"Bad memories for mum, wasn't allowed to go to one until I was 18 but by the time I was I was in university studying" you answer and they all nod, knowing how hard it must have been on your mum.
"What did you study?" Charles asks as his head pops up from hanging into the window on the other side.
"Engineering, your routes will always find a way back!" you grin.
"Oooo that reminds me!" you start to say as you open the passenger side door, it flicking up into the air as you pull the seat forward to get the bags out the back. They were neatly wrapped gift bags in the specific McLaren shade with little white bows.
"One for you!" you smile handing Lando the first bag.
"And one for you!" you grin handing another bag to Oscar!
"I erm need to get back to the garage I have so many questions for the engineers and the mechanics and I don't want to take up more of their time! So ..." you nod towards Carlos who was currently having a feel around in the car.
"Ah yes, I am very sorry!" he smiles getting out. You smile and lock the car before running back off towards the paddock entrance.
"She is nothing like I expected her to be when we first saw her!" Max smiles, liking your vibes.
"I don't like her!" Oscar declares and everyone's head snaps towards him.
"What do you mean you don't like her, she literally WHAT?" Lando almost laughs, looking at his friend and teammate.
"She's too nice... and like ickily perfect" Oscar frowns watching as she bumps into someone just inside the gates of the paddock apologizing profusely.
"Ickily perfect? Is ickily even a word?" Logan asks with a frown.
"No, but that is the only way i can describe it... there's something off!" Oscar declares.
"Mate come on, she gave us gifts and she let everyone look at her cool car ... just because you had one bad celebrity experience here doesn't mean they are all like that!" Lando sighs, before nodding for them all to leave and get to where they need to be in the garage.
"Guys I'm back!" you smile and all the mechanics and engineers look happy to see you.
"Here's my gift to the team!" you say starting to pull out all the baked goods you'd made for them earlier in the day. Brownies, cake ... you name it and it was there.
"Oh thanks Y/N!" one of them says jogging over, he takes a brownie and seconds later groans at the incredible taste that he's being welcomed with.
"So can i ask you a few questions about the suspension of the car?" you ask and he looks shocked for a second before nodding and wiping his mouth clean.
You chat with him for what seemed like ages, talking about the car and the improvements made since the last race and gradually more engineers had started to join in the conversation.
There was a group of people around you as you observed the car, close but not too close that you or McLaren would be fined, just observing the raw mechanics and engineering that went behind it. You pointed out certain things and sometimes it was just observation rather than questions.
"See!" Lando smirks towards Oscar after having watched you talk to the team for a few minutes.
"Okay so she's smart too and is actually interested in the cars ... but that doesn't change my opinion!" Oscar whispers to Lando. He was watching you animatedly talk to the engineers about the car, questioning where they felt the car was at this weekend.
“Dude … come on! What is it about her you don’t like? She’s basically our boss …” Lando explains before turning left and seeing the sweet treats you’d brought in.
“Look she even brought treats … that she baked these herself and wrote a little note for the team with a smiley face and heart … how … can you NOT like her” Lando cries a little too loudly making your head whip round.
You hadn’t heard what he said but he seemed a little distressed.
“Lando, are you okay?” You ask walking over to the duo making Oscar sigh.
“Y-yeah im fine sorry i didn’t mean to yell” he says sheepishly.
“It’s pretty loud in here anyway. I’m not surprised your having to raise your voice!” You laugh, raising your own a little as the sound of drilling and engines occur.
The weekend went by, and Lando stuck around. He was so polite and really kind. A little flirty but you didn’t mind because he was very respectful.
Oscar on the other hand you couldn’t read. He seemed to have this axe against you. This general dislike that you didn’t know where it had come from.
So you devised a plan, to pull him to one side. You stayed put in his drivers room waiting for him to come back from the race. He’d come P4 and Lando had a podium do it was a special weekend for McLaren.
“What are you doing in MY room!” His voice startles you from looking at your phone.
“Please don’t leave before I can talk!” You ask and he looks at you as if you’ve grown two heads.
“This is my room, your the one that needs to leave! I’m not going anywhere!” He cries with his hands up.
“Good, because I’m not leaving till you tell me why you hate me so much!” You ask and there’s an awkward silence of you both just staring at each other. You wait sitting politely on the small sofa.
“Argh I - I don’t … hate you” he sighs and you now look at him like he’s grown two heads.
“Oh come on! It’s so obvious!” You exclaim standing up.
“I don’t I just … don’t like when social media influencers come to the race” he sighs and you laugh out loud at the thought you’d been considered a social media influencer.
In some respect you were. You had a large platform and brands would take advantage of that. But it was purely your last name and legacy that got you that platform.
“I don’t know what your experience is like with celebrity’s who come here … but I’m not like them. Whoever has … swayed your opinion on well my kind of people” you mutter the last bit.
“Look I’m sorry for being so blunt and stand offish with you at the start. I didn’t mean too. Truce?” He offers and you mock a thoughtful look on your face before a grin comes onto your face that has him blushing.
“Truce Piastri! Now will you try a cookie for the love of god!” You grin showing him the plate you’d made just for him as he hasn’t eaten any of yours yet!
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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kinzplush · 3 months ago
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i remade the graphic from the iconic “dan and phil made me gay!” t-shirt and then made a tote bag for 18in dolls :-) it’s also coincidentally the perfect size for photocards lol
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thewintersoldierdisaster · 1 month ago
a cutie little barzal family moment because @youunravelme came to nyc and shared the headcanon with me 🥰
getting into the city looks a lot different with two kids, but you and mat love to do it as much as possible to expose talia and max to culture and make them comfortable with the city atmosphere
this trip in, a few weekends before christmas, is talia’s idea. she’s been begging to see the jellycat cafe at fao schwartz and finally mat has a saturday off that will work. so you bundle the kids up into the car and toss the stroller in last minute, packing snacks and toys in case the traffic is bad
the entire drive talia chatters about her jellycats, an obsession since nadia and mike had sent her the hockey puck one from canada. liana helps the collection by sending ones from london and even taking one on a “day in her life” and sending you the video to show talia.
luckily, you make it into the city pretty quickly, parking in an icon lot on 56th street and unloading. you strap max into the carrier on your chest, his sweet chubby cheeks squished against your chest and his eyes fluttering shut from the warmth and the car ride. if he naps, he naps. you’re not overly pressed about it
talia skips along at mat’s side, swinging his hand and chattering about her list for santa. mat’s face is in a broad smile, eyes twinkling as she chatters. you follow along behind them, pushing the stroller because you know talia’s going to get tired eventually and she’ll want to sit down. for now, the seat belongs to talia’s american girl doll and max’s diaper bag.
the weather is gorgeous, sunny and a little cold, but perfect for walking up 5th avenue and seeing the decorated windows. you snap a million pictures in front of the tree, swapping phones with another mother so she can take a picture of the four of you and you can take a picture of her family
“mommy, let’s do a selfie,” talia tugs at your sleeve and you and mat squat down to get your faces into frame. mat presses a sloppy kiss to talia’s cheek for one of the pictures and makes her squeal with a laugh
by the time you get to fao schwartz, mat starts to get concerned, brows furrowing when he sees the crowd control ropes and long lines. “this isn’t for the toy store, right?” he asks you in a low murmur.
“sorry, babe,” you pat his arm. “this is all for the cafe”
“oh god,” he groans, but rearranges his face into a smile when talia squeals with excitement and starts bouncing in place. “okay,” he mutters, “all for t, it’s all for t”
you get in line, max waking up and baby talking at you and talia at your side playing with her doll. after about fifteen minutes on line, your shoulders start to scream at you and you need to swap with mat so he can take max and the carrier on his chest. max is thrilled to be with his dada, slapping excited hands on mat’s cheeks and chin.
another half an hour on the line and you’re really regretting being the kinds of parents that will do anything for their kids. talia is fading and getting cranky, but you know if she misses the cafe, she’ll be furious, so you strap her into the stroller and tell mat you’re going for snacks and drinks.
talia ends up napping for a little bit while you find the nearest starbucks and get mat a black coffee, yourself a peppermint mocha, and talia a hot chocolate. she’s perked up when she gets her drink and cake pop and an hour and a half later, when you finally get into the cafe, she’s perked back up
it’s silly and if you didn’t have talia, you certainly wouldn’t have paid for it, but she loves the experience. being held on mat’s hip so she can see the worker put her stuffed pancake into the pan and then the special box, she beams hugely and makes sure max is looking too, telling him, “look, maxsy, it’s a pancake! like mommy makes, you like pancakes. and that’s your bagel - see?”
the bagel was your pick since it’s an exclusive to the nyc store. max can’t pick on his own so that’s your mother’s prerogative.
max giggles and taps at the glass, as excited as the six month old gets about anything.
on the way back to the car, talia keeps looking into the bag and sighing happily. “mommy, daddy, this is the bestest day ever!”
mat grins at you and you grin back, happy to have made another memory for her. and now you’re more excited than ever to bring her to the american girl cafe 🥰
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lavenlady · 3 months ago
Hai hello!
I really like your work and the way you present the characters ^^
Would you be interested in writing megatron or Optimus prime (whichever you prefer :3) x Organic/cybertronian reader? Maybe she was previously Sentinel's partner who he got as a gift for killing the rest of the primes? Maybe they knew her earlier as Orion pax or D-16?
I really like your work
I am happy that you liked it! I have decided to do both but more on D-16 side.
The reader will be a minicon - small but powerful!
Enjoy :3
✿Special Gift✿
D16/Megatron and Orion Pax/Optimus Prime
➤ You were 'taken in' by Sentinel Prime
➤ Forged a little after the betrayal so you do not know the truth, but found the perfect Prime suspicious - he was just too perfect
➤ You were a minicon and minicons posses the ability to power up cybertronians, so Sentinel saw usefulness in you and decided to let you keep your cog, even then you only reached the hip of a miner bot
➤ It was a win-win for Sentinel, he just kept getting more and more powerful after his successful 'promotion' - a special gift that made him more of an Icon in Iacon
➤ Oh how many times he showed off with your help and called you his partner
➤ You were usually by Sentinels side in Iacon but were always left behind when the Prime went searching for the Matrix of Leadership
➤ You couldn't really go anywhere, but after the Iacon 5000 race you were intrigued by those two miners - Orion Pax and D-16
➤ You probably saw how Darkwing threw them into Sub-level 50 and decided to follow them
" So you are the miners that took part in the race. I never knew I would see this in my entire onlining! "
➤ You accompanied them to the surface and finally got to know everyone better, mainly D-16 and Orion Pax
" You sneaked into the archives, nearly got beaten and was close to fall into the void?! On a daily basis?! And I thought I had an exciting life! "
" You are on top of the sector and use a steel bag to train?! You are so strong! I bet you could snap someone in half! "
➤ Then finally finding out the truth...
" Ha! I knew it! There was something fishy about him! "
➤ And others finally got their cogs and you got an upgrade, but couldn't really check as you had to run away
➤ Others had quite a difficulty in transforming and thus you decided in the end to cling to D-16
➤ Then High Guard takes you hostage and D-16 takes on Starscream, but you couldn't just sit there and watch
➤ So you jumped to help D-16, transforming into his fusion cannon, but quite more upgraded
➤ Now you can imagine how easier it was to find them when D-16 fired into the sky
➤ Then Sentinel's pawns capture you and you finally met Sentinel again
➤ All is the same, but as D-16 is about to be branded, you finally transform and jump at Sentinels face trying to buy others time
➤ In the end Sentinel breaks your knee joints to keep you in place and that fuels even more D-16's rage - or rather said fury
➤ His new friend used and forced to do as the false Prime says? Not gonna happen again
➤ Then the branding, the fight that you decided to take part in only wishing for the treachery of Sentinel to end, not expecting Orion's actions
➤ And finally Orion gets shot
➤ You and D-16 didn't want that to happen and especially didn't plan on killing their friend
➤ It was D-16 decision to drop down Orion into the void, but you couldn't really find the reason to leave him - you have to get rid of the false prime still, it was his fault after all
➤ You and now Megatron, after getting the Megatronus Prime's cog and a power up, plan to fix Iacon all together
➤ Then Optimus Prime comes and the battle followed by banishment
➤ You didn't know who to choose, you really liked both of your friends
➤ But at the same time....
➤ Not everything can be solved without violence, it was needed to be done and you will - for now - stand by it
➤ Feeling sad that you have lost some of your friends, but at least you still have D- Megatron left
➤ He promised a new, better future and you are going to help in achieving it, even if it ment to offline in process
(anyway here is the height I imagine the reader having
The cybertronians in Tf One are huge so minicons have to be quite bigger to fit with proportions - at least i think)
(Master list)
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