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2K posts is a lifestyle blog covering style, travel and beauty. Mercedes Sanchez is a multimedia journalist, on-air trend expert, professional blogger and freelance writer.
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bechicmag · 6 years ago
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Went to pick up lunch at @diginn and it turns out I went to the wrong location 🤦🏻‍♀️ At least it was a nice day for a walk. Thanks to the stranger who took my pic 🤳🏽🤳🏽 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ootd #lotd #diginn #nyceats #lunchbreak #mercedessanchez #latinastyle #latinablogger #nycblogger #summerday #careergoals #agencylife #blogger #styleblogger #personalstyle (at New York, New York)
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bechicmag · 6 years ago
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Back to the office 📓. . . . . . . . . . . #ootd #wiw #wiwt #forever21 #tjmaxx #earrings #nyc #styleblogger #latinastyle #latinablogger #latinainfluencer #mercedessanchez #soho #eastvillage #topbun #dominicanbloggers #backtoschool #regresoaclases #blogger #influencer (at New York, New York)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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#NYC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ootd #wiwt #newyorkcity #loveoneanother #nycstreets #heraldsquare #iloveny #ny1pic #currently #fromwhereistand #subway (at New York, New York)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Goal for the day: Bare feet on grass✅. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #centralpark #sheepmeadow #nyc #sundayfunday #latinastyle #latinainfluencer #latinabloggers #currently #fromwhereistand #stripes #wiwt #ootd #centralparklawn #weekendvibes (at Central Park)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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After hours 🌃. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #wiwt #currently #pencilskirt #influencer #latinablogger #latinastyle #nielsenknows #mercedessanchez #nyceats #chelsea #newyorkcity #nycblogger #styleblogger #summerinthecity #summernights (at Chelsea, Manhattan)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Ok everyone. I need your advice. Should I go to the office with my hair like this, or bring it down?! 💁🏻‍♀️ #ootd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #wiwt #drybar #anchoitas #dominicanbloggers #mercedessanchez #bechicmag #careerstyletips #careerstyletip #latinastyle #latinablogger #pencilskirt #latinainfluencer #whattowear #officeattire #love (at New York, New York)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Hit the snooze button four times this morning. But I’m up and ready to go! #tuesdaymotivation 🌇. . . . . . . . . . . #wiwt #backtoreality #ootd #ootdfashion #blogger #styleblogger #latinainfluencer #influencer #nycinfluencer #newyorkcity #personalstyle #fromwhereistand #9to5 #careerstyletips #careerstyletip #dominicanbloggers #latinastyle #vmas #jlo #traveltuesday (at New York, New York)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Spent the weekend in this fabulous glasshouse where I only knew a handful of people (the rest were strangers - just how I like it *well, sometimes* ☺️) Good times, but now it’s back to the grind 😫. My goal for the day is to NOT have lunch at my desk but let’s see... . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ootd #wiwt #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #weekendrecap #hamptons #hele #helegroup #HELEhouse #bechicmag #latinastyle #latinablogger #influencer #latinainfluencer #dominicanbloggers #bathingsuit #poolside #nycinfluencer #hamptons #hamptonslife (at The Hamptons)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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First in the pool! 🦄. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #helegroup #thehamptons #hamptons #poolparty #sexypool #workhardplayhard #hele #wiw #wiwt #dominicanbloggers #latinastyle #latinablogger #weekend #latinainfluencer #influencer #mercedessanchez #bechicmag #ootd #instagood (at The Hamptons)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
Happy Saturday #workhardplayhard @helegroup #helegroup #thehamptons (at The Hamptons)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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#MotivationMonday It’s back to the PR gig for me. Hope you have a blessed week! Don’t forget to watch my “Alexa” video in the previous post 🤣. . . . . . . . . . . . . #ootd #wiwt #monday #hoopearrings #bareshoulders #nyccommute #latinastyle #latinablogger #latinainfluencer #dominicanbloggers #nyceats #instagood #instalove #lunes #influencer #moño #topbun (at New York, New York)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Baila como Juana la cubana 🎵 #laschicasdelcan #aboutlastnight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ootd #wiwt #weekend #cubarestaurant #eastvillage #lowereastside #nycbars #instagood #wiw #latinastyle #latinablogger #latinainfluencer #nyclife #nycblogger #nycinfluencer #asos #asospetite (at Lower East Side)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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I’m 21 for the night #OOTN (at Washington Square Park)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Lazy Saturday ☔️Didn’t even put on real clothes for brunch. 🥤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ootd #saturday #wiwt #berrysmoothie #acai #eastvillage #instagood #agavi #organic #brunch #latinablogger #latinainfluencer #nyclife #nycblogger #nycinfluencer #influencer #latinastyle #brunch (at Agave NYC)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Good looking out 👀🚦. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdaytravel #newyorkcity #backtoreality #ootd #wiwt #latinablogger #nycblogger #soho #nolita #newyork #instagood #instatravel #instalove #influencer #ny1pic #ny1 (at New York, New York)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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Had to stop myself from an impulse flight purchase 2 days ago 🏝 I was one click away from being back in Salinas this weekend 🇩🇴. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #bani #baní #salinasbani #wiwt #ootd #summer #summerdays #dominicana #dominicanbloggers #dominicanrepublic #republicadominicana #beachlife #beachbody #beachwear #saturday #impulseflight #flight #jetblue #santodomingo (at Baní, Dominican Republic)
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bechicmag · 7 years ago
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You guys... I almost got super emotional upon ordering this jugo de chinola in the Upper East Side. First, I was surprised to find Latin Bites, a cute little diner/restaurant that has all the Latino/Hispanic goods. (I ordered a 3 golpes to go.) Then, while waiting for the food, I heard one of the cooks singing to baladas at the top of her lungs. It reminded me of the summers in San Francisco de Macoris where some of my cousins and I would sing and dance to shows and concerts in front of the TV. The nostalgia and the reality that I’m no longer on vacation in the Motherland and the fact that I didn’t go to El Cibao this time around got me emotional. I had to hold back the tears as I handed the clerk my $20 and as I draft this post from the Q train. Here’s to a blessed throwback Thursday 🙏🏽🇩🇴 . . . . . . . . #personalstyle #latinbites #instagood #nyceats #chinola #newyorkcity #latinfood #latinofood #dominicanbloggers #dominicana #baladas #elcibao #concretejungle #nycnative #wiwt #ootd #merengue #nostalgia #throwbackthursday #passionfruit #chinola #jugodechinola (at Latin Bites)
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