#icons lud
ands6 · 4 months
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Ig: lud.valadares ★
like/reblog if saved © 𝑺𝘪𝘹
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ikvgai · 7 months
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brett-is-afraid · 1 year
Day 2000 of posting my favorite Among Us moments because I miss them
Ludwig: Here's all the reasons it couldn't have been me, so don't vote for me.
Poki: Bad bitches vote for Lud!
Everyone, votes for Ludwig:
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ofstarsandskies · 2 years
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FAVORITE COLOR :  Seafoam Green, though White is a close second
CURRENTLY READING :  [/Looks at my AO3 history] Quite a lot. lol Mostly Kresnik bros related since I always like reading how other folks write Ludger & Julius. And if there’s a quirk I like and see as a good addition to my portrayal, I slip it in ;U
LAST SERIES :  If manga counts, I read Spy x Family. Waiting for the anime to catch up before I watch it. Though gifs I’ve seen make it look pretty good. 
LAST MOVIE :  Rewatched Spirited Away, don’t regret it at all.
SWEET / SPICY / SAVORY :  Savory, though I like sweet when it’s granny smith apples. Gud stuff, would shovel down like it’s candy. 
CURRENTLY WORKING ON :  Got both my X1+2 AU and Detective Rolando fanfics going, admittedly at a snail’s place. Keep doubting how I’m writing it and redoing old parts without doing new bits. You’re your own worst critic as they say. 
  tagged by :  @forgottenluck​ (Much appreciated~)​
  tagging : I forget who hasn’t been tagged for this yet lol So I dunno, give it a shot!
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ludinusdaleth · 4 months
bouncing off of this wonderful post mentioning how zathuda expects to be the main character because he would be in many current stories, as well as my own thoughts about fearne & her family ive had for a while: i think it is interesting how fearne is representative of the different ways folk portray fae in modern media.
first off, id like to note how many fae in cr feel like they are an homage to fae stories embedded in our cultural consciousness. for example, artagan was most definitely based off of jareth in labyrinth, and his moniker of the traveler may be an homage to the fable of the satyr & the traveller. so, what is fearne?
one of the first 4-sided dives featured ashley & matt discussing how they based fearne's story off of a guillermo del toro flick - and this definitely clicked to me. morrigan, ira, & all her bizarre animal friends at morri's mansion would fit so easily into a del toro film you wouldn't even blink at them. in del toro's work (namely pan's labyrinth & hellboy 2: the golden army) faeries are fundamentally strange, offputting, & wonderfully weird. they are goblins with wagons as legs, and trolls with talking tumors, and terrifyingly skinny entities with eyes in their hands that eat children. you can practically see doug jones in an intricate suit & makeup to play ira like he did the pale man or the faun (i swear matt's hand usage as ira is an homage to jones's iconic hands in costume), see the puppet of morrigan that weighs over a ton controlled by five folk at once. del toro's work as well as matt & ashley's plays into a fae that is more complicated than a human imagines at face value, something you must work to imagine & understand (& create). something playful, integrally bound to oaths, ancient, mischievous. it is happy & natural to be gross & incomprehensible and that is part of what makes these films (as well as other bizarre puppeteered dreamscapes like the dark crystal, labyrinth) almost comforting even when sad. pan's labyrinth also features a young girl as a protagonist, ofelia, who sees these creatures as respite & destiny, who is a fae princess amidst mortal war. fearne couldn't be more ofelia if she tried. (side note - god does the scene of the pale man eating the pixies in front of ofelia feel like fearne learning what lud does to her people. someone even made a meme of it.)
on the other hand, zathuda & birdie's story is obviously based on a fae romance novel that populates shelves today - sarah j maas's or holly black's work comes to mind. zathuda is (or was - he seems a ghost of it) clearly a looker, a fierce & sexy hunter, a handsome & strong unseelie royal who somehow takes in & courts a random nobody girl, birdie. but cr notably frames the love story narrative as a classist manipulation, that leaves birdie running for the rest of her life, falling for a weirdo nobody like her over zathuda, and leaves fearne without parents that would show her this incredibly popular kind of romance as an answer. she cannot fall back on a family of kisses drawing blood, of hunter & hunted as a beautiful meet-cute, of a throne & power. she can only fall back on the strange, the grotesque, the raw. they are ugly compared to a promise of a masquerade ball or leading a wild hunt, what folk expect of fae in a barnes & noble book haul - but they promise a safety in the outcast. because a guillermo del toro film will always fundamentally be about the human condition. "monsters are the patron saints of our blissful imperfections." every monster in his stories is a person as much as you or me is.
fearne was born of a fae romance novel but raised in a puppeteer-and-vfx fairytale film. she holds not only exandria's fate in her hands, but the feywild's, too. fae see themselves as higher beings while squabbling in courts as much as mortals do. they refuse to accept their chaos and try to maintain order & royalty with courts and bloodlines against each other. try to keep fae out of exandria because they cant know they are alike to their mortal counterparts. they cant be wild like a party of puppets at the end of labyrinth dancing with the human girl sarah. they wish to be as mysterious as if they lived in a ya dystopia. and it is clearly leaving them worse. fearne is the literal unity of all the ways fae are potrayed in a modern landscape. what will that mean for her and her home in the end?
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childofsardior · 30 days
What are each koopalings fears and how do they react to them
I admit in advance that I was not too sure about this one ^v^' but I thought about this for a while and now I'll try to answer!
I will talk about the *main* or most *iconic* fears that came to my mind!
Ludwig: Talking about irrational fears, Ludwig is scared as heck from Pipe Organs. Not only of their sound, but also being close to one or even see one in the distance. This fear was actually developed by Lud after "The Incident", when, at the age of 15, a huge Pipe Organ actually collapsed on him while fighting the Mario Brothers (yes, an HC version of Pipe Down exist in my AU if you're wondering :P). He didn't touch that instrument even since and will refuse to come too close to one of his own will. He is also secretely afraid of failure related to missions or competitions he really cares about. Being so full of himself and all, he'll always picture himself as the obvious winner of a fight or a race or a contests even before the start, but in the end he will usually accept his defeat if his opponets were *actually* better than him - somethimes even compliment them. But...! If Ludwig was actually following some important orders from Bowser and ended up messing things up, if he could not prove himself as a perfect big brother to his siblings in tricky situations, or even if he could not "reach the podium" in some sort of musical competition he worked so hard for with his orchestra and all... well, in these cases failure will actually matter a lot, even affecting his self-esteem for a while.
Lemmy: This one is easy: Lemmy is afraid of growing up, responsabilities and adulthood in general. He's technically the second oldest, but having Ludwig as the "responsable one" as a big bro allowed Lemmy to spend time with his younger siblings playing and chilling without caring much about "responsabilities". But as he's growing up, his childish vibes started to feel more like a confort-zone for him, while the idea of being forced in a cold future made of burocracy, hard decisions and real responsabilty for his action really do bothers him - he's afraid he won't be able to play around and be silly and do wathever he feels like anymore, basically seeing adulthood as a sort of horrible prison made of boredoom and bags under the eyes.
Roy: Roy looks like he's not afraid of anything - well, he actually is afraid of Wendy when she's angry, but everyone in the family is, so this doesn't count. In reality, Roy has some secret fears nowdays, the biggest one being his fear of loosing his tough and cool mask in front of the others. He literally won't take off his sunglasses because he's ashamed of his heterocromia. He won't let his hair grow again after he found this style because he's afraid he won't look cool enough. Most of all, he will play the "rough guy card" claming that books are dumb and everything refined is for loosers, while he secretely enjoys reading and he can actually knows how to do things such as playing the violin (yes, you read it right). He won't admit in front of his family that he loves bunnies and would want one as a pet. He will mock Wendy's exagerate style while secretly wanting to polish his own claws pink or purple, and so on. He only talks about this with some friend out of the castle, but only in rare occasions and in a "but-I-am-joking-bro!" way.
Iggy: His siblings joke about he must be afraid of herbicide and rabbits, since he looks like a carrot. But in reality, Iggy seem to have no actual fears at all. He will laugh in front of his enemies and find deadly monsters cool as heck, and will probably try to study them at best or adopt them at worse. He can be sometimes annoyed or bothered by things in a "please-stop-doing-that-like-right-now" way, and he is a bit germophobic too, but rarely he'll be truly afraid of things or situations... except made for the times he looses his glasses. If this happens, Iggy will totally panic - he can barely see anything without them, and will lose all his composure if they break. When he was a kid, he often cried aloud or even weeped dramatically while trembling in a corner if he lost his eyeglasses, while now he'll just panic a lot while blindly searching for them in a very nervous way, usually asking Lemmy or Morton for help if near.
Wendy: Only a few things can actually scare the only girl of the group. One thing she's afraid of is her make-up or outfit being ruined during important events - especially if she spent hours choosing her clothing, trying different make-ups and so on. But if someone actually *does* ruin her appearance - usually Roy or Larry - then they are gonna be the ones scared for real as soon as Wendy stops being ashamed for the incident and start getting angry, REAL ANGRY instead. She's a a bit claustrophobic too, and she could get nervous if she suddenly finds herself in a dark and small space. The only exception for this is made for her seashell custom bed that she owns at one of her seaside residences - she feels safe enough inside it, even is she prefers to keep the upper part open a bit while sleeping.
Morton: Morton's biggest fear is hurting his siblings without noticing, or being unable to protect them, especially Junior. Morton wasn't too aware of his own strenght when he was younger, but after the incident of the Malatone Formula:X, when he found himself fighting his own siblings under the BFF' brainwash, he now is quite scared by the possibility of hurting them. Talking about more irrational fears, he is scared of bugs, especially if very colorful or noisy - he likes to observe the ones in Iggy's terrariums, but he could panic if he sees a butterfly or a wasp flying towards him during a trip, or a grasshopper jumping around randomly while he's walking on a field.
Larry: Larry's biggest fears revolve around Bowser's anger - especially, he hates being scolded in a "no please not again!" way and one time he even tried to run away from the Dark Lands to avoid his adoptive's father rage - and the deep fear that he will never reach his big siblings'. He's always trying his best to be noticed or complimented by them or Bowser, but nobody seem to ever notice all the effort he put on things. So Larry's starting to think that he will be always the "mediocre" one, that he'll never be as skilled as Ludwig, as cool as Roy, as carefree as Lemmy, so clever as Iggy, and so on.
Bowser Jr.: Junior is a bold and brave kid... apparently. He likes to think he has no fear exactly like his dad, and that nobody and nothing can stop him. But in reality, Junior is quite scared of the idea of being alone. Especially after the attack of Fawful in the Mushroom Kingdom and Dark Lands, Junior started to learn the importance of team work and all. He is also used to constant company - from his half-siblings, from servants and minion, and most of all, from Kamek - and if left on his own for too much time he'll start to feel gloom at first, and desperatly scared after some while.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Me: *reading the headcanon voice ask* My intrusive thoughts mind: We have to recreate Kalymir in the WWE 2K22 game showing off and mocking in the ring. Me: Haha, What? My intrusive thoughts mind: Make Cero the referee, he is good with rules and the booming voice will help. Me: *wheeze* I don't think he will be up to- My intrusive thoughts mind: But don't make Zizz the commentator, everyone will fall asleep... or him, don't know which one will be first.
(I swear I'm not crazy, It's just random scenes popping up in my head without warning)
Wrestlemania AU (I blame you for this)
You know damn right Cero's too busy doing his fantastical heel speech to see a single punch incoming and gets destroyed immediately.
Livius is the most irritating little shit in the ring. He tries to mirror the opponent's style during fights. And when that doesn't work, he just loops around them, snaps his limbs like whips. Cries like a bitch when he's slapped.
Kalymir is living his best fucking life, he's never been so happy. He's probably the pet wrestler of that whole franchise. The John Cena of demons I guess.
Vorticia fights on the men's league because she's so fucking massive it hardly matters what gender she's off against. Has to puke the losers back out because voring is not a permitted finisher move.
Rinx has a fit so big and flashy that it actually becomes advantageous during fighting, as it blinds his opponents. He has attempted to steal the championship title belts several times instead of tackling his opponents.
Vesper is often escorted out of the ring because he keeps trying to suck and fuck competition for funsies. He doesn't even make efforts to win sometimes. Oh nooo, I fell on all fours *wiggles ass*~~
Zizz is the wrestler equivalent of "Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing".
Rei is the referee, you know he is. The problem is he sometimes gets too enthusiastic and joins the fights.
Ludwig, Obie and Mervin are commenting all the matches. Lud has to be held down sometimes because he gets wrath demon zoomies and starts barking into the microphone, Mervin just insults everyone's techniques for no reason and Obie puts on different metal tracks for each fight, sometimes you can hear him chewing.
Each of the icons' main imps are in the audience probably picking fights with each other, or desperately wishing their Kings slip and die mid-fight. Santi's jerking someone off in the audience, not even paying that much attention unless Vesper's in the ring.
Clergy staff in general gets to come watch this shitshow, participate sometimes. Belo has to be held back or he will throw himself in the ring and die in a blaze of glory.
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koolkat9 · 9 months
For England: 👻 🍀
For Germany: 🎨 🐱
Send my muse an icon, and they will…
👻 tell a fear they have
Hmm...Being controlled. Specifically stems from how many times he was invaded during his early life, separating him from loved ones, forcing a child to have only himself to rely on. It was dark times and he doesn't want to go through something like that again (which is one of the reasons he became an empire, so he wouldn't be in that position again, and instead he became the very thing that had scared him in the past)
🍀 regale a time when luck was on their side
There was probably quite a few. Being thousands of years old means you probably get into a lot of shit and sometimes you get lucky. But what first comes to mind is almost drowning but getting saved by some creature before he could get caught in a death loop of dying, coming back to life and dying again.
🎨 tell you a skill or talent few know of that they have
Dude is an amazing dog groomer.
🐱 talk about their favorite animal/pet
Dogs. This man loves dogs. He can identify every breed and knows exactly how to care for each one. His three to four dogs (because I really want to give him a dachshund too but haven't implemented it into my main headcanon yet) are his babies and people are surprised how spoiled they are when first meeting Lud because he seems like such a strict person but lets the dogs get away with so much. But they're also well trained and are good boys and girls. I like to think one of them (Aster) is a service dog because she started to pick up on ways to help ground him during PTSD episodes or when he gets overstimulated.
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lu3ky777 · 9 months
How about the Queen of liars getting the situation flipped on her? With a Hypnotist coming to her casino and pulling her up on stage before putting her into a trance where she happily shows off her lovely naked ass for the audience and the wonderful lady who Hypnotized her?
(I like this ask, but my Celestia wouldn't get Hypnotized so this is going to be an AU of sorts. Also I've seen that Cowede drawing too.)
People were confused when they saw the proudly luxurious and greedy Celestia on stage twerking on stage, not that they minded the supersized Pale ass fully nude for everyone's enjoyment with the only piece of clothing on her being a bra and a small piece of yellow fabric with a big 7 on it that was covering her pussy. Meanwhile her hypnotist, who was sitting in a chair behind her while holding up a pendulum that had more power than anyone deserves. She had red hair and wore a red suit almost looking like some sort of high lord. (Yes it's my icon don't worry about it-) 
She smiled a deeply sadistic and sinister smile as Celestia continued bouncing her ass wildly like she had no other rights~ Because well, she didn't~ Her Hypnotized servants Makoto and Nagito brought two huge buckets of money onto the stage next to Celestia, and just like a reverse stripper she started throwing her money out to the crowd who grabbed the thousands of yen that was being thrown out as her hypnotist made her speak “You all better love this generosity I'm showing, you commoners get to enjoy the benefits of the Royal Celestia Lud-” The hypnotist had walked up to her and spanked her hard to silence her as SHE spoke instead “This is no longer a casino, this is now my Hypno House.. So now that I've shown you my powers~” She held her pendulum up as it glowed bright pink and Celetias eyes glowed the same, everyone in the room was Hypnotized “Anyone with a cock smaller than 12 inches Will drop all your money and never return. The women can stay though~” 
Over half of the audience left then and there doing as instructed. After that the audience snapped back to normal, she then spoke again “Now then~ who wants to punish the *Royal* Ass?” She spanked her hard as she snickered at her joke as a crowd gathered on the stage
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goldammerchen · 27 days
the new gil faces from the newest chapter are so good for icons but not i am attached to the one i have with a hand that's totally not lud
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herrralf · 2 years
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Una noche inolvidable para mi: presentación del libro "113 Icones de la història del Levante UD". Pese a los nervios del directo, agradecido a todos los asistentes por apoyar el proyecto. ¡Abrazo de gol para todos! #levanteud #macholevante #llevant #laliga #letno #ladipu #valencia #lud (en L'ETNO. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7Rou5t216/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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splendidsneb · 2 years
where is the icon collab luds
Maybe when the next chapter comes out?
I dunno, I haven’t played much Dbd lately outside of the Halloween event.
I haven’t even updated my own personal icon set yet, just feeling kind of meh towards DbD in general for a while now.
I feel like it needs a new game mode or something to reinvigorate my enjoyment of the game. tfw no 2v8(or6) ever
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ludavril · 5 years
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tw; ludxespos
like o reblog si usas
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ofstarsandskies · 2 years
Ludger’s Xillia 2 10th Anni Outfit:
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“I always knew my little brother looked cute in anything. Though I will say, I’m proud he actually fastened his tie properly.”
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
in episode 97 of campaign 2, essek was revealed as ludinus's mole, and the two had their tense discussion where ludinus tried to calm essek, but mocked his sudden care & anxiety about hurting others (ft. essek's iconic line, "you should try friends sometime"). now, at roughly the same number of episodes in campaign 3, essek & ludinus are face to face again, and ludinus is in the position of questioning everything and if he's done the right thing, and is asking essek with the bells for their perspective. the conversation about to unfold this week is ludinus's "i would love for you to see the sunrise" scene and i wonder how it feels for essek to be thrust into the m9's position for him but for his old mentor who led him into that moment so many years ago, especially when his sting about trying friends was foreshadowing to lud's fatal flaw.
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minecraftyoutuber69 · 3 years
i think jerma and dream should interact gen z tumblr would crumble it would be so funny
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