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makowo · 7 months ago
OKAY I'm making a DR/LANCER au, because im compelled by the idea of a futuristic setting with heavy focus on mech combat. this is also mentioning addons for LANCER such as OMDI, so when i mention a frame that isnt base game or from an official addon, i'll mention it as its mentioned.
Byakuya and Kyoko are easy to elaborate on here, so here's ideas off the top of my head:
Byakuya's family do not produce mechs themselves, but create addons and will fund certain manufacturing endeavors by smaller research teams to hold a presence in the space. It's unheard of for a Togami heir to be a pilot, nonetheless a pilot, but it's Byakuya's way of further proving himself and wanting to further establish the Togami corporation in the space as an eventual manufacturer
His callsign is thus tied to his family, rather than any nickname people are trying to give him: his callsign is ICEGRIP, and he uses an Arawn (OMDI) frame user that works from the back and sends drones to do the dirty work on the field.
Kyoko's pilot career is also very family-centric. The Kirigiris are still a family of detectives, and don't involve themselves with cases that would revolve around mech use. So Kyoko's reason for becoming a pilot is because of her father, for reasons I will later figure out myself. She ventures out into the field to see cases that concern her to their end, and they almost always end up outside the cradle's immediate reach.
Her callsign is M1ST, and she uses the Dagon (Teck Mech & Tech) frame, taking a midfield stance with a heavy focus on tech attacks and invasion. Gathering data on enemies and generally controlling the battlefield through information gathering and stalling them from advancing on her squad's back line before their front line can get to them. Usually she would work alone, perhaps with an Efreet (Field guide to Suldan) frame, but she has her reasons for being in the squad.
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zeprocsales · 26 days ago
Forberedelse til Vinteren: Velg de Beste Arbeidsstøvlene for Sikkerhet og Komfort | Zeproc
Oppdag hvordan du kan velge de beste arbeidsstøvlene for vinteren. Sikre varme, komfort og trygghet under kalde forhold med våre tips for valg av kvalitetsstøvler.
Forberedelse og Planlegging for Vinteren: Arbeidsstøvler som en Nødvendighet
Vinteren i Norge bringer med seg både vakre snølandskap og krevende arbeidsforhold. Når kuldegradene kryper nedover, er det viktig å ha riktig arbeidsutstyr som holder deg varm, trygg og komfortabel. Dette gjelder spesielt for fottøyet ditt, siden føttene er blant de første områdene på kroppen som blir påvirket av kaldt vær. Riktige arbeidsstøvler er ikke bare en nødvendighet – de kan være avgjørende for å unngå skader og frostbitt, samt sikre at du kan jobbe effektivt under selv de mest krevende vinterforholdene.
1. Velge Riktige Arbeidsstøvler
Å velge riktige arbeidsstøvler for vinteren handler om mer enn bare størrelse og passform. Forholdene på en byggeplass i desember er drastisk annerledes enn en mild vårdag, og føttene dine trenger det beste for å holde seg beskyttet. Når temperaturen synker og isen legger seg, bør støvlene dine tilby tre grunnleggende egenskaper: varmeisolasjon, vanntetting og godt grep. Isolerte støvler med vanntette membraner og solide såler vil være avgjørende for å forhindre frostskader og ulykker.
Hva Du Må Se Etter i Isolerte Arbeidsstøvler
Isolasjon: Sørg for å velge støvler med isolasjon som passer til temperaturen du jobber i. For temperaturer ned mot -20°C anbefales det å bruke støvler med minst 400g til 600g isolasjon.
Vanntetthet: Norsk vinter innebærer både snø, sludd og regn. Velg støvler med vanntette membraner som Gore-Tex eller Sympatex for å holde føttene tørre gjennom hele arbeidsdagen.
Såle: Velg støvler med anti-skli såler laget av slitesterkt gummi eller polyuretan, som gir godt grep på isete overflater og sørger for at du står støtt selv på glatte underlag.
Ekstra ankelstøtte: Støvler med god støtte rundt anklene kan forhindre overtråkk og belastningsskader, spesielt i røffe arbeidsmiljøer.
Hos Zeproc.com/no/ finner du et bredt utvalg av arbeidsstøvler utviklet for å tåle Norges tøffe vinterforhold. Med produkter fra ledende merkevarer, kan du handle kvalitetsstøvler som er både slitesterke og komfortable. I tillegg tilbyr vi enkle kjøpsløsninger som gjør det mulig å bestille støvlene dine direkte fra produsenter til konkurransedyktige priser.
2. Tilpasning til Været
Været i Norge er kjent for å være uforutsigbart, og en dag kan by på alt fra snø til regn og sludd. Derfor er det viktig å velge arbeidsstøvler som er tilpasset disse varierende forholdene. Støvler med spesielle såler for bedre traksjon og vanntett design er et must. Videre bør du alltid tenke på hvordan du kan beskytte føttene dine både mot kulde og fukt. Med riktig valg av støvler slipper du å bekymre deg for våte og kalde føtter, noe som kan påvirke både arbeidsinnsatsen og helsen din negativt.
Hvordan Velge Støvler for Norsk Vintervær
Dype sålespor: Støvler med dype spor og sklisikre materialer på sålen sikrer bedre grep på snø og is, noe som reduserer risikoen for fall og skader.
Fleksibilitet: Velg støvler som balanserer mellom stivhet og fleksibilitet. Dette gir deg den nødvendige støtten, men lar deg også bevege deg komfortabelt på forskjellige underlag.
Vanntett membran: Vanntette membraner er avgjørende for å holde føttene tørre. Pass på at støvlene er behandlet med vannavstøtende midler, eller har innebygget membran som Gore-Tex.
Et eksempel på ideelle vinterstøvler for norske forhold er Monitor IceGrip-serien. Disse støvlene, tilgjengelige hos Zeproc.com/no/, er utstyrt med spesialgummi som gir ekstra godt grep på isete underlag, og har en vanntett membran som sikrer at føttene forblir tørre hele dagen.
3. Helse og Sikkerhet
Din sikkerhet på arbeidsplassen er avhengig av riktig fottøy, spesielt under vinterforhold. Feil fottøy kan føre til alvorlige skader, som fall på isen eller frostskader fra dårlig isolasjon. Riktige arbeidsstøvler beskytter ikke bare føttene dine mot elementene, men kan også redusere risikoen for belastningsskader på grunn av dårlig støtte. Det er også viktig å sørge for at støvlene har en god sikkerhetstupp, som kan beskytte føttene dine mot tunge gjenstander.
Viktige Sikkerhetsfunksjoner i Arbeidsstøvler
Frostbeskyttelse: Velg støvler med tilstrekkelig isolasjon for å forhindre frostskader i lave temperaturer. Flere modeller på Zeproc.com/no/ har innebygget frostbeskyttelse som passer for ekstreme vinterforhold.
Sikkerhetstupp: Velg støvler med stål- eller komposittå som beskytter føttene dine mot uforutsette hendelser som fallende gjenstander eller tunge verktøy.
Ankelstøtte: Arbeidsstøvler med ekstra støtte rundt anklene bidrar til å forhindre overtråkk og belastningsskader under krevende arbeidsforhold.
Hos Zeproc.com/no/ tilbyr vi et nøye kuratert utvalg av arbeidsstøvler som overholder de strengeste sikkerhetsstandardene, inkludert støvler med sertifiseringer som CE-merking og ISO-standarder for arbeidssikkerhet. Sørg for å investere i riktig beskyttelse for å minimere risikoen for skader i vinter.
4. Planlegging og Forberedelse
For å sikre at du er godt rustet for vinteren, er det viktig å starte forberedelsene tidlig. Dette innebærer å skaffe seg de rette støvlene, men også å sørge for at de vedlikeholdes riktig. Regelmessig rengjøring og impregnering er nødvendig for å bevare vanntettheten og sikre at støvlene yter optimalt gjennom hele sesongen. Det er også lurt å ha et ekstra par støvler klare, slik at du har alternativer hvis været plutselig endrer seg eller støvlene blir våte.
Vedlikeholdstips for Lang Levetid
Rengjør støvlene grundig etter hver bruk, spesielt etter kontakt med veisalt og andre kjemikalier som kan svekke materialet.
Påfør skopleieprodukter, inkludert impregneringsspray, for å opprettholde vanntettheten og materialets fleksibilitet.
Oppbevar støvlene på et tørt og ventilert sted for å unngå mugg og dårlig lukt.
Ved å vedlikeholde støvlene dine ordentlig, kan du forlenge levetiden og sørge for at de fortsetter å beskytte deg gjennom mange vintersesonger. Zeproc.com/no/ tilbyr også et utvalg av vedlikeholdsprodukter for arbeidsstøvler, inkludert impregneringsspray og rengjøringsmidler.
5. Økonomisk Overveielse
Selv om det kan føles kostbart å investere i høykvalitets arbeidsstøvler, er det en investering som lønner seg i lengden. Billigere alternativer kan virke fristende, men de har ofte kortere levetid og gir dårligere beskyttelse. Ved å kjøpe kvalitetsstøvler fra starten av, reduserer du sjansen for å måtte erstatte dem ofte, og du kan også unngå skader som kan føre til sykemelding.
Hvorfor Kvalitetsstøvler er en Lønnsom Investering
Lang levetid: Kvalitetsstøvler varer lenger og gir deg mer verdi for pengene, siden du ikke trenger å kjøpe nye støvler så ofte.
Forbedret beskyttelse: Bedre støtte og sikkerhetstupp reduserer risikoen for arbeidsrelaterte skader.
Komfort: Riktig passform og støtte forbedrer komforten og reduserer tretthet, noe som fører til økt produktivitet på arbeidsplassen.
Hos Zeproc.com/no/ kan du finne høykvalitets støvler til konkurransedyktige priser ved å kjøpe direkte fra produsenter. Vi har også gode tilbud og fleksible betalingsalternativer, slik at du kan få mest mulig verdi ut av investeringen din.
Marketplace Introduction
Zeproc.com/no/ er din pålitelige partner når det gjelder alt av arbeidsutstyr. Vi samarbeider med de beste leverandørene for å tilby kvalitetsprodukter til gode priser. Med vårt én-klikk-kjøpssystem og direkte tilgang til produsenter, kan du redusere kostnader, forbedre leveringshastighet, og få alt du trenger til arbeidsplassen din – raskt og effektivt. Enten du ser etter arbeidsstøvler eller annet verneutstyr, har vi det du trenger for å møte vinterens utfordringer.
Vinteren i Norge krever riktig forberedelse, og arbeidsstøvler er en viktig del av dette. Ved å investere i kvalitetsstøvler som er skreddersydd for norske forhold, kan du være trygg på at føttene dine holder seg varme, tørre og beskyttet gjennom hele vintersesongen. Besøk Zeproc.com/no/ i dag for å utforske vårt store utvalg av vinterklare arbeidsstøvler, og sikre deg de beste produktene for dine behov. Med rask levering og gode priser, gjør vi det enkelt å være forberedt på vinterens utfordringer.
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ochrearia · 8 months ago
Right after Category Six (VS ZongaZonga) my favorite track from the fossil fighters champions OST is "In Your Hands" which is the song for the Icegrip Plateau digsite and its so... yes please
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pantypon · 7 years ago
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Iceglow Rod
Requested by svcheats
This mod makes the mystic Icegrip weapon skin match my earlier mod of Iceglow staff. Combining Icegrip+Starglow :^) 
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ailingwriter · 3 years ago
Biomes in Fossil Fighters Games, Traits Shared Between Stages Of The Same Biome, And What I Would Keep.
A few notes: I'm not just limiting myself to the main areas of stages. If I think that smaller parts of a stage stand out enough as separate biomes, I will mention them as such. Furthermore, I am only including areas where you can excavate fossils, so areas like the Dinaurian Spaceship and Zongazonga's Castle will not be counted.
Canyon (Rivet Ravine (1), Rainbow Canyon (C), Goldrush Canyon (F))
These dig sites have a surprising amount of similarities. They all are dig sites that encourage experimentation and rebuilding of your lineup - Rivet Ravine is most likely the first opportunity to get your hands on Water- and Neutral-Element Vivosaurs; Rainbow Canyon has a lot of more unique vivosaurs like Aopteryx and Hopter, and vivosaurs that veterans may not have had the opportunity to use in the story of Fossil Fighters like Ankylo, Giganto, Allo, and Aopteryx (again); and Goldrush Canyon introduces the first Neutral Vivosaur and the second vivosaurs of most of the other elements, giving some choice within each element instead of just choosing between Sungari/Nibbles, Edapho, Proto, and Lophus MN based purely on element matchup. They are all also the first dig site to contain vivosaurs of every element, even if that does come with a small asterisk for Rivet Ravine.
Desert (Parchment Desert (1), Dusty Dunes (C), Dusty Steppe (F))
These dig sites, in comparison to the Canyon courses, have very little in common! Parchment Desert has no fossil overlap with the other two, and Dusty Steppe is both more complex and less element-restrictive, though both traits are hallmarks of Frontier courses. It pains me to say it, but I think Frontier had the best desert dig site simply because Frontier actually did something interesting with it, instead of making it just a generic desert. However, they do tend towards having Fire, Earth, and Neutral vivosaurs.
Hideout (BB Base (1), BB Brigade Base (C), Neo Black Whale (F))
I have mixed opinion on this biome. It's necessary, absolutely, but it hasn't ever really been pulled off all that well. BB Base was just a straight series of rooms, with no real variety to it. BB Brigade Base is more complex, with a variety of rooms, but not only is it smaller, it has only one small part in which you can excavate fossils. And while the Neo Black Whale has a good amount of challenge, it also feels very samey and has no unique fossils, instead taking parts from vivosaurs found in other dig sites.
Forest (Knotwood Forest (1), Winding Road (F))
Distinct from the similar Jungle Biome with a lack of tropical elements, instead going for a more temperate feel, there are not many connecting elements so there isn't much to keep in a new forest Dig Site, but the biome itself has some potential.
Pyramid (Digadigamid (1), Stone Pyramid (2))
This may be more of a sub-dig site, but I'm counting it! Hidden at the very back of their games' second dig sites, these mesoamerican-style pyramids are a large basis for my theory that the Digadig Tribe being connected to Zongazonga's reign (and, possibly, the ending of it).
Volcano (Mt. Lavaflow (1), Mt. Krakanak (C))
Two very different ways of handling volcanos! Mt. Lavaflow is solidly on the ground, never having much change in elevation until you drain the lava (!). It's probably at the base of the volcano. Mt. Krakanak, on the other hand, has one part elevated high above the ground that you dig on until you reach the volcano itself, which you scale then (later in the story) climb inside (!). Either way, they have a lot of fire-element Vivosaurs, and have the kind of awe-inspiring wackiness that one expects from a Fossil Fighters Dig Site.
Glacier (Coldfeet Glacier (1), Icegrip Plateau (C))
Another biome similar to another one, glaciers are much more icy than snowy, and don't contain as much variety as Snowy Mountains, usually having mostly water-element vivosaurs with a few outliers here and there. It tends to be among the bigger dig sites.
Lake (Treasure Lake (C), Lantern Lake (F))
These are rather different stages to be honest. Due to one being a rather generic first dig site and one being an aggressively thematic mid-game dig site, they have wildly different feels. And that's okay! The one feature they both share - shallow water that you can walk/drive in - is a good one that can work in a lot of different atmospheres.
Jungle (Jungle Labarynth (C), Starry Falls (F))
Much more dese and mazelike than forests, Jungles tend to have traversal as a part of the challenge, not a commonality in Fossil Fighters. They also, oddly enough, both contain a key element of the plot accessed in the endgame, which really works in jungles specifically, due to the mystery they exude.
Snowy Mountain (Hot Spring Heights (C), Frozen Wastes (F))
While I like the biome, there isn't really much to talk about here. While they have more variety than glaciers, there isn't really much overlap in structure. Frozen Wastes is a test of your movement abilities, while you barely spend any time in Hot Spring Heights during the main story. Frozen Wastes is huge, while Hot Spring Heights is on the small side.
Plains (Greenhorn Plains (1))
Honestly, I'm not sure whether or not I'm surprised this hasn't returned. There is some overlap between this and Hills, but I 'll get to that later. Plains would probably be large open areas, best for dig sites that don't have a particular end goal unless there's a sub-area. It fits its role as a first dig site well, but that might be the only role it can reliably fit... maybe.
Tunnels (Rivet Ravine Tunnels (1))
It might be slightly cheating to put this one here. There's some presence of caves in each game tbh, but it's never been the subject of a full dig site, which seems very odd, as this sort of area seems like a shoe-in for a dig-site.
Underwater (Bottomsup Bay (1))
Why. Has this not. Returned. There are so many things you could do with this idea! Underwater caves, coral forests, the ability to emerge from the waters to terrify beachgoers! There are so many possibilities with this, and I refuse to let them go to waste. Obviously, it'd mostly have water vivosaurs with only a few exceptions, though now that there are marine vivosaurs that aren't water element, the possibility of exceptions is a lot higher.
Sunken Ship (Woolbeard's Ship (1)
Each game has two levels that are so unique or fitting for the game that I don't think repeating them is feasible, at least not so soon. Woolbeard's Ship is one of the original's, at least not for quite a while. If I did bring it back, though, you just know that this is where you'd find Spectro.
Crashed Spaceship (Secret Island)
And Secret Island is the other area from the original that I don't think can really be copied. Unlike Woolbeard's Ship, the circumstances behind the Dinaurian Spaceship mean that any attempt to copy it will most likely flop. How else could you have a futuristic machine that had existed since the time of the dinosaurs?
Inside a Whale (Bonehemoth (C))
This is probably one of the most insane dig sites ever. I don't think much can top the Bonehemoth. If I did have another 'Inside a Whale' dig site, it would just be the Bonehemoth again, complete with His Lord And Majesty Tonzilla. Definitely one of Champions' unique dig sites.
Petrified Forest (Petrified Woods (C))
Champions doesn't have too many wacky locations compared to the first game, but when it did branch out, it went hard. I might be able to make another Petrified Forest that's good, but I don't think it could get anywhere near to the wonder of this stage. I'm just upset it's functionally so small...
Underwater Cave (Seafloor Cave (C))
I'd put this down as Champions having a third unique stage if the game actually did anything with it. I'm determined to make a good Underwater Cave level out of sheer spite.
Beach (Paradise Beach (F))
This is a rather interesting idea for a dig site. There are two different kinds of beach, and while sandy beaches are rather plain, rocky beaches aren't, and are a great place to explore. They also sometimes have fossils in them, so one being a dig site isn't too far out of the question!
Hills (Yodel Hills (F))
Some people might say that Yodel Hills overlaps with Plainsa and, honestly? I can see where they're coming from. There are a lot of similarities, but the more varied terrain and mazelike structure sets Hills apart from Plains just enough.
Autumnal Highway (Autumn Garden (F))
This is a biome that really only works in the context of Fossil Fighters Frontier. Most of the settings of Fossil Fighters games wouldn't need highways, you're just on a relatively small island, compared to literally Japan. In most games, a highway is thematically jarring because you aren't in an actual car. Highway is a biome that really only works in the context of Frontier. Even without all that, the autumnal aspect makes the area even more unique. I may be able to copy that part of the biome, but the highway is something that I don't think should be repeated.
The Past (Ancient World (F))
As much as I hate that the one moment you get to travel to the past is in Frontier, I honestly think that it's best if the concept isn't revisited for a while. I don’t want to set a precedent of being able to travel to the past, as I think it would introduce too many plotholes in some games. I want traveling to the past to be special, not expectable.
So, Which Ones Am I Keeping?
I feel obliged to keep Canyon, but of the three biomes that show up in all three games, it's the one I'm the least enthusiastic about keeping.
Desert is a biome that deserves to have a good dig site in a good game. I'm keeping it.
Hideout is pretty much necessary unless you choose not to have an evil team. So yeah, I'm keeping it.
I've already come up with ideas for Forest and Volcano, so they're staying.
Pyramid is not going to be used unless I involve the Digadigs, which I'm currently leaning against.
Glacier and Snowfield are very similar, but have very significant differences. I'm definitely including one, and I might include the other.
Lake is a bit iffy. It has some potential, but it might intersect with some other ideas I have.
Jungle is just a fun concept that still has room to explore it further. It'll probably be used.
Plains is one I'm conflicted on. There isn't much one can do with it, though innovation isn't impossible.
Tunnels and Underwater are concepts that should have been reused, but never were. Let's fix that.
As I said earlier, I'm doing Underwater Cave out of spite.
Beach is an interesting concept that doesn't deserve to just be in Frontier.
Hills seems a bit plain honestly, and I'm not sure I can do a lot with it.
I'm not going to do any of the really unique concepts that have already been done. That being said, I'm going to try and implement some unique dig sites of my own.
All of this is subject to change of course. I may get new ideas for one biome or lose interest in another, and I will gratefully accept any feedback people may have.
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flufflepantsart · 5 years ago
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@biceratops-2 and I Combined some D&D monsters with Pokemon. These were my interpretations. 
Top left is Mind Turtle (Squirtle + Neothelid), 
Middle is Lezacher (Lickylicky + Tarrasque)
Top right is the Icegripped Couatl (Froslass + Couatl) 
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royrossovich · 7 years ago
Some new work for @gainomaxse with @erikkarlsson65 just release the other day. Thanks @breelfilms & @bellandlight for the adventure. @rob_andersohn @bellandlight @aalfredsson @happyphant #alexamini #zeissstandardspeeds #cookezoom #vintage #arrimax #hmi #icegrip #fsf #work #arri #alexa #hockey #erikkarlsson
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herprincessinfluencer · 5 years ago
Slippery hillsides. Icy sidewalks. Snow-covered steps. If the thought of these things makes you want to hide in your house, you need a pair of Quadtrek All-Terrain Ice Cleats. They slip over your shoes and provide traction on any surface.
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pantypon · 7 years ago
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Iceglow Staff
Get it ? Cause it’s like Starglow but it’s Icegrip--- :^) Anyway this mod removes the ugly metal piece from the Icegrip weapon skin and changes the hues of the blue to better match the brand new Starglow costume !!
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280-Character Rebellion: Rupert’s Twitter and Instagram
Rupert opened his Twitter account when he was 13 years old. He’s said it’s his, but initially, it was really just an outlet for FossilDig to advertise itself with a human aftertouch. Rupert spent three years posting nothing personal—though his victories would be plastered across screens as bountifully as his father’s products, they would rarely be showcased in an emotional light. This was an account designed to mask the inhumanity of a corporation, rather than grant it the heart it didn’t have—hence, Rupert’s real voice was muffled by his practiced condescension and unflappable sangfroid.
But following ZZ-as-Joe’s defamation of Dina, things changed. Rupert posted the first tweet he’d ever forgone his father’s approval for, expressing his belief in Dina’s innocence and decrying the putative Joe Wildwest’s speech. Overnight, hundreds of thousands of FossilDig consumers and fighters globally were exposed to a scandal on little Caliosteo. The media went wild. #DinaIsInnocent trended on Twitter hours after the tweet’s release. Interviewers lined up to badger Rupert into explaining his position. Marcus Harrison was utterly furious—this wasn’t a political account, after all, but an advertising account. Rupert, determined to shed his status as a chattel, refused to take the tweet down. Hence, the CEO found himself at a crossroads: for if he ignored the post, the media would notice Rupert’s rebellion against his father. Denying or contradicting it could only serve likewise. Hence, in spite of his dislike for Dina, he could do naught but release an official statement supporting Dina’s innocence.
Whilst his father was distracted with the Twitter scandal, Rupert opened an official Instagram account (@RupertHarrison, as opposed to his personal account, @MapoMapusaurus) without alerting his father to the fact. Though used as a celebrity platform, it’s entirely divorced from company initiatives—having been established during the ZZ/Dina palaver, his first posts were used to showcase his finals match against Dina and then express her innocence. Additionally, he created a highlights reel of the Cup, showcasing the more personal aspects the tournament. Early uploads included photos of the boulder outside Krakanak (‘For all the hardship that taught us all to count our blessings, thank you’), of Todd with a miraculous fossil cleaned perfectly (‘You proved yourself tenacious in round 1, and you’ve only gotten more tenacious as the weeks have gone on’), of Joanie and Princess Pooch at the end of Round 3 (‘We certainly came home surprised a few weeks later... power to you two’), and of his embrace with Dino at the end of the semis (no captions, just raw emotion). Additionally, he’d regram Pauleen’s posts in bulk, and put out the odd political statement. By the end of the week, he’d garnered 5000 followers; in a month, that number had tripled, and his father had caught wind of the whole affair. Though Marcus Harrison was horrified, there was nothing he could do—to this day, he ignores the account as much as possible.
Rupert continues to post frequently to this day, uploading new content near-daily. Amongst other things, he’s used the account to clarify his relationship with Dino (dating), explain that he got possessed by ZZ (and reassure the general populace that for all the health problems that came with such, he’s alright, if immunocompromised), and spam the great unwashed with aesthetic pictures of Mapo. More recently, after the sobering headline that he’d been admitted to the ICU for COVID-19, he uploaded a photo of himself in Icegrip Plateau with the following caption: ‘I live, I thrive���. However pale and haggard he appeared, fans went wild with relief and joy.
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royrossovich · 7 years ago
Some new work for @gainomaxse with @erikkarlsson65 just release the other day. Thanks @breelfilms & @bellandlight for the adventure. @rob_andersohn @bellandlight @aalfredsson @happyphant #alexamini #zeissstandardspeeds #cookezoom #vintage #arrimax #hmi #icegrip #fsf #work #arri #alexa #hockey #erikkarlsson
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Danger in Dig Sites - the Know-How and the Notorious
(Champions spoilers follow by the bucketload.)
As attractive as fossil fighting may be, it’s not without its dangers. One cannot enter a dig site without a fighter’s licence, which requires 100 hours of practice to obtain, lest one injure oneself - but even then, accidents do occur. Any newspaper’s births and deaths section is likely to add a fossil fighter’s name to the ranks each week. This isn’t typically linked to battling accidents - rather, it’s down to the dangers of dig sites themselves, which require minimal infrastructure in order to function ideally. (Construction typically destroys fossil rocks in the area, infuriating fighters.) Sites such as Rivet Ravine, which use fencing and such, are very rare. One’s fighter rank dictates the dig sites they may visit - a low-rank fighter, for example, would be barred from Bottomsup Bay and Mt Lavaflow by virtue of their inherent danger. (Sneaking Duna in gave the Dinaurians an utter field day.) Joe caused a huge scandal by opening the Caliosteo Dig Sites without restrictions during the cup - each dig site had its inherent dangers. Even Treasure Lake, which appears relatively safe at first glance, has housed floods, mudslides, and sinkhole. Jungle Labyrinth is widely considered unnavigable; Rainbow Canyon’s cliffs are worryingly sheer and unsupervised; Icegrip Plateau has been the death of many an underdressed fighter. Todd’s so-called cold turned out to be a nasty case of hypothermia that left him incapacitated for days - Scatterly’s guilt over occupying him long enough to prompt illness inspired him to let the young boy stay chez lui to recover over a few days.
It’s not unusual to find human remains in dig sites. There’s a stereotype that fighters are ambivalent to life and death - in part, it’s derived from the public’s interpretation of fossil revival. But it also owes itself to the dead body protocols - don’t touch the corpse/bones, tell the nearest warden/staff member, and go about one’s day as normal. There are few fighters who haven’t found human parts at some point. Greenhorn Plains and Knotwood Forest are considered good introductory sites because of their lack of danger, and Rivet Ravine is fairly safe (in part thanks to McJunker’s hypervigilant supervision). Bottomsup Bay and Mt Lavaflow, however, house far too many fatalities.
By far the most notorious dig site for deaths is Petrified Woods. It’s observed 128 deaths and disappearances since its opening in 1993 - more than any other dig site in that period of time. Unfortunately, its structure makes it incredibly difficult to install infrastructure such as fencing and railing, which would have prevented nearly half of the deaths recorded there. Only the most experienced staff members may work there - but even so, public outcry prior to the cup forced ZZ-as-Joe to close it. (Joe himself would have closed it immediately had he been in control.) Reopening it for the sake of finding the sardinisaurus fossil, however essential, was viewed with trepidation and outrage. ZZ was reluctant to do so, as he was fully aware Dina could have died whilst there. He did not feel comfortable in the least with the possibility of sacrificing a potential Majestic Vessel. But if he’d stalled, he’d have indicated that something was very, very wrong with him - for it would be horrifyingly out of character if Joe was that ambivalent towards his islands. 
Whilst Petrified Woods are agreed to be the most ignominious site, Mt Krakanak comes close, having the combination of open lava and zero fencing. However, maintenance would have taken years to complete. Joe’s seeming refusal to postpone the Cup in spite of the danger involved invited widespread censure - most agreed that his Cup behaviour was erratic as could be. Online, sympathy for the BB Brigade was widespread, as the ‘stop the Cup’ modality was endorsed by many, many activists.
Outside of ‘Fossil Edens’ (as the public refer to them) such as Caliosteo and Vivosaur Island, dig sites are barred to the public, being the domain of none but the wardens. Trespassing regulations vary with state governments, but range from hefty fines to short jail sentences. Most countries have a Fossil Eden or two, however, and whilst regulations vary from nation to nation, they typically resemble those stated above. Those rules were promulgated by the Fossil Park authorities - one thing on Stryker’s agenda is to get the dead body protocol changed to something somewhat more empathic to the deceased. 
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pantypon · 7 years ago
Last Updated:  December 19, 2019
I’ve been cataloging the GPKs of stuff for a while now so I thought I’d release some catalogs ! I’ve also finished accessories but that’s for private eyes ~
PC Event 01 - 2012 Swimsuits (Board Shorts/Carnivale/Torpedo/etc)
PC Event 01A - 2012 Elin Ruffled Swimsuit
PC Event 02 - Elin Princess Rida Maid
PC Event 02A - Elin Arin Maid
PC Event 03 - Red/Blue and White Gym Uniforms
PC Event 04 - Cat Suit/Black Magic/Male Yellow Kill Bill/etc)
PC Event 04A - ALSO Cat Suit/Black Magic/Male Yellow Kill Bill suit/etc)
PC Event 05 - Santa Suits
PC Event 05A - ALSO Santa Suits
PC Event 06 - Snowsuits
PC Event 08 - Pirate costumes
PC Event 09 - School uniforms (Ivory Eldritch/Feral/Castanica Tech)
PC Event 10 - Party Boat Cadet costumes
PC Event 11 - 2013 Swimsuits (Stockings/Male Fundoshi/etc)
PC Event 12 - Clockwork Corsets
PC Event 13 - Cocktail Party dresses/Male Formal
PC Event 14 - Business Suits
PC Event 15 - (Unreleased) Super Hero Skin-tight costumes
PC Event 16 - Devilicious/Bewitching costumes
PC Event 17 - 2013 Christmas Snowbelle Costume
PC Event 18 - Bloodshadow Ninja Outfits
PC Event 19 - Housekeeper Maid/Butler
PC Event 19A - Elin Chamber/Parlour Maid costume
PC Event 20 - School uniforms (Frost/Dragonfall/Val Kaeli)
PC Event 20A - Seren's Night School uniform
PC Event 21 - Animal costumes (Bunny/Panda/Racoon)
PC Event 21A - Elin Kitty Cat Club
PC Event 22 - 2014 Elin Sukumizu Swimsuit
PC Event 22A - Elin Apron Swimsuit
PC Event 23 - Cheshire/Mad Hatter/(Unreleased) Alice in Wonderland
PC Event 24 - Asian Silk Dress
PC Event 25 - Nurse Scrubs/Male Police Uniform
PC Event 26 - Headliners/Conjurers Costumes
PC Event 27 - Dragonsilk/Skyblossom/Floral Dresses
PC Event 27A - Perennial/Watered Silk/Plum Blossom Dresses
PC Event 28 - Animal costumes (Dog/Ram/Pig)
PC Event 29 - Airy Aurora/Cheerleader
PC Event 30 - Blackguard/Rogue costumes
PC Event 31 - Lacey Innerwear
PC Event 32 - Jeans and Jacket
PC Event 33 - Gothic Medley/Gothic Rapture/Gothic Swagger costumes
PC Event 34 - Skeleton Suit costume
PC Event 35 - Phoenixclaw Gi outfits
PC Event 36 - Snowsilk/Frostsilk Winter costumes
PC Event 37 - (Unreleased) Mascot outfits
PC Event 38 - University Uniforms (Sinestral Manor/Kaiator)
PC Event 39 - Hello Kitty Outfits
PC Event 39A - Hello Kitty Chamber Maid
PC Event 40 - (Unreleased) Bar Maiden dresses
PC Event 41 - Hydrath Uniforms
PC Event 42 - Record Label/Sweat Beats/Studio Style/Hip Hop costumes
PC Event 42A - Elin Raincoat
PC Event 43 - SWAT uniforms
PC Event 44 - 2016 Swimsuits (Butterfly/Striped)
PC Event 45 - White&Black Nightgown/Monkey Undies Innerwear
PC Event 46 - Picnic Dresses
PC Event 47 - Kaia/Elleon outfits
PC Event 48 - Rodeo/Wrestling
PC Event 49 - Arctic Bomber
PC Event 50 - Red and White Gym Uniform
PC Event 51 - Disco/Cocktail/Party Dresses
PC Event 52 - Arctic/Volcanic Dragon Armor
PC Event 53 - Maid Uniforms 2017
PC Event 54 - Red and White Gym Uniform
PC Event 55 - Knight Armor
PC Event 56 - Wedding Costumes
PC Event 57 - Pinkalicious Innerwear
PC Event 58 - 2017 Swimsuits (Summer wrap/Beach wrap/Tan-tastic/etc)
PC Event 59 - Starglow costumes
PC Event 60 - Homemade Wrap
PC Event 61 - Popstar Costumes
PC Event 62 - Flying Mecha Suit
PC Event 63 - Frost Suit
PC Event 64 - Celestial 
PC Event 65 - Summer 2018 Lovin’ Summer, Makin’ Waves
PC Event 66 - Attack on Titan
PC Event 67 - Kitty Cat Innerwear
PC Event 68 - Pixies
PC Event 69 - Spellsilk/Spellweave
PC Event 70 - Green & Red Hanboks
PC Event 71 - PUBG Costumes
PC Event 72 - Party/Studybreak School Uniforms
PC Event 73 - Spring Maid
PC Event 74 - 2019 Swimsuits
PC Event 75 - Summersilk Kimonos
PC_Event 76 - Genie
PC_Event 77 - 2019 Halloween Vampir Vampire Count
PC_Event 78 - 2019 Christmas Santa's Helper Elin
PC_Event 79 - Black Bear/Hamster Suits
PC_Event 80 - 2020 Semi-Formal Hanbok
Event - Alternative/Dragon/Wacky
Event 02 - Darkside
Event 03 - Icegrip/Icetouch
Event 04 - Foodie
Event 05 - Steampunk
Event 06 - Celestial/Golden
Event 07 - Bloodshadow/True Ultimate Power
Event 08 - Summerbloom
Event 09 - Nuthatch
Event 10 - Flamingo
Event 11 - Qubic/Tetrachromic
Event 12 - Cathodyne/Prismatronic
Event 13 - Shadowlaced/Rogue
Event 14 - Brawler Cat Mittens
Event 16 - Plasma/Master/Chroma
Event 17 - Silver Noblesse/Golden Noblesse
Event 18 - Volcanic/ Arctic
Event 19 - Starglow 
Event 20 - Mechanical 
Event 21 - Angelic/Supernal and Diabolic/Hellbound
Event 22 - Arcane Afterglow/Tempered-Spell
Event 25 - 2019 Christmas Skins
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