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petrichorvoices · 2 years ago
I’ve been told that when we were younger, we were very determined to differentiate ourselves from each other, and as someone who has only been here for a year or two I find that rather odd. We used to make public lists of our who we are and what we were each like, we dreaded sounding similar to each other, and we went out of our way to try and force ourselves to have differences in handwriting and art styles.
Frankly, I don’t understand it. I personally take comfort in the anonymity of plurality. I find it lovely to let a more talkative fronter take the lead in a conversation and then only add a few comments without having to identify myself. I feel safe being able to state that an opinion or thought is mine personally and not representative of the system as a whole without having to so much as hint as to who I am. While I do enjoy having a distinct handwriting, I dislike having a distinct voice, and try to avoid speaking out loud because of it. I see other fronters here with its own configurations between anonymity and individuality. Cecil speaks all the time but rarely signs off on what it says. Mim, ever-present in our front and internal dialogue, rarely makes xeir presence known on our blog. Jonny has his own blog, Ice2 loves to identify himself, and yet others who are always in front have never once spoken its name on here.
My own personal theory as for why this is the case is that when we were younger, we were less comfortable in our plurality. We didn’t trust that people would believe us for who we said we were, and we felt the need to overcompensate as a result. Now, aware of our from-birth plurality for so long, and with friends that we trust will trust us, we’re finding comfort in being seen more as a collective entity, rather than a loosely-bound group of individuals with no overlap. It’s why we use the word ourselfves, it’s why we type in our differing ways without necessarily proxying.
I do suppose, though, that it would be nice to be seen as an individual sometimes, perhaps more often than I am now. I tend to avoid identifying myself out of fear that my fictivity will make me annoying and cumbersome to speak to, an anxiety that I and we still haven’t mustered the courage to bring up to our friends. I’m extremely curious as to what our friends that we rarely proxy to think about us, how they perceive us, how often they can tell when a different headmate is speaking, and if they mentally keep track of those of us they know of. It’s something I would ask about but unfortunately, I am rather rife with anxiety about the matter. I speak frequently, and have identified myself a small handful of times, but I don’t recall what I’ve said about myself.
I don’t really have a point to this and I don’t really know how to end my musings. It’s simply something that I’ve been thinking about all day and so wanted to get written down.
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azizedowi-love · 1 year ago
سفتوير جهاز ICE2 MINI HD BOX V2.75 بتاريخ 11-11-2023
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buddeb · 2 years ago
Pickle Margarita
Ingredients½ cup ice2 fluid ounces of tequila blanco1 ½ fluid ounces triple sec1 fluid ounce of freshly squeezed lime juice½ fluid ounce of dill pickle juicedill pickle slices as garnish
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slowtraincomingsoon · 3 years ago
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402 035 in Berlin Bellevue am 21-02-2022
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eisenbahnfreunde · 5 years ago
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#emsev #Otterfing #DB #ICE2 #ICE #Tunnel #Weiche #eisenbahn #Eisenbahnfreunde #modellbau #Modeleisenbahn #train #brücke #bäume (hier: Eisenbahnfreunde München Südost e.V.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fO0JAolMw/?igshid=zachcs9n6n6y
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ervengel · 4 years ago
ICE2 の前尾灯切替
ICE2 の前尾灯のチップLEDを半田付けしました。大分前の宿題ですが、今までサボってました。
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benlefrank · 6 years ago
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Quel festival de choc ! #TWICE #ICE2 #ICE #ImproComédieExpérience un must qui m'a motivé pour de bon à me lancer sur scène. Merci au @triolapageblanche d'avoir organisé ce concept, et @lacomediedetoulouse d'avoir accueilli tous les improvisateurs pour l'ensemble des 6 trio-shows. C'était de la pure folie, fort en ressentis aussi, plein de variété, de diversité et surtout... Ah non c'est vrai, ça je l'ai déjà dit. Bon allé, plus on est de fous, plus on... Rit et ouiiii. Mais en fait j'ai du trop parler hein ! Non ? Ok je continuerai au prochain post. Là je rentre en continuant le trip en solo... Ahah ! Qui sait, je pourrai écrire le prochain show du siècle. En 2117 peut être. À bientôt pour la suiiiiiteeee !!! 😎😉😋🤩😜🤠😁🤐🎉😏 (à La Comédie de Toulouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwhx1KZj9-A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4pzat04iatrz
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petrichoragain · 3 years ago
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Tim’s having a normal one.
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petrichorpolyplex · 3 years ago
We managed to swear our way into losing verbality.
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slowtraincomingsoon · 7 years ago
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402 013 in Bonn Bad Godesberg am 19.03.2018
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miss-celestial-being · 3 years ago
my mutuals as of now and all of or most of their side blogs (pls lmk if you want to be taken off so ik who to tag in my celebration!!)
@shespeaksinsongs @dr4cking @littlemissnoname13 @fairydxll @elysian-i @marcela6malfoy @b1ls @bisousbabie @spring-picnics @thehalfbloodedwitch @blackthunder137 @pottahishotasf @angelzone @drayslove @l0vely-lupin @elysium-ii @dracoslittleangel @loopy-lupinn @dylwrites @nevilleismywhore @imabee-oralizard @dracoslilangel @jamespottersmommy @morwap @nottluvr @siriusblackstwin @slytherin-princess247 @lily-the-ravenclaw @dracosleftballsack @mystical-princess247 @lazydreamer19 @n0agranger @dr4cosimp @lady-of-love-beauty-and-death @natti-ice @natti-ice2 @natti-ice20 @l0vepeter @aziliero-scorzalisk
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petrichorvoices · 2 years ago
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first is Jonny, second is Ice2
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i wanted to post these.
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ervengel · 5 years ago
29791 ICE2の改造
メルクリンを始める際に初めて買ったのは、29791 ICE2のMS2スターターセットと37573 BR103.1でした。2012年なので、今から8年前になります。当時は独身一人暮らし、寮生活で、部屋のスペースはなかったですが、お座敷列車で楽しんでいました。
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このICE2 ですが、デコーダはfxで、サウンドは警笛と駅アナウンスのみ。ここまでは廉価版だからまぁよい���して、照明は前灯のみで尾灯なし、制御客車は進行方向に関わらず前灯つきっぱなしという、今思えばおよそメルクリンらしからぬ仕様でした。
その一方で、ICE2 を真面目に作ったフルデジタルモデル(= mfxフルサウンド、室内照明完備、ピックアップシュー前後切替あり、前灯尾灯の切替完備)は現状ありません。出る気配もないです。でも、推進運転したいやん?客室照明つけたいやん?モデルは造形としては十分ですし、もったいない。
前灯尾灯の制御 ←最難関
導電カプラは、ICE1のもの(E395640、E395660)を流用することにしました。部品はHRSにて購入(そもそも在庫があるのがすごい)。が、機関車のカプラのみ、他の客車のカプラと異なるため、金属接点を既存のICE2 のカプラに移植する必要があります。そこで、オリジナルのカプラにφ1の穴をあけ、φ1のプラ棒を押し込んでガイドピンを作り、そこに金属パーツを通して、熱したペンチの先でプラ棒ガイドピンを潰して固定しました。出来上がりが右下の写真です。片方、潰しが下手くそですが、ガッチリ止まっています。
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blackroseraven · 3 years ago
Okay so.
Why did they soften Tifa’s lines so much in that glimpse of the past? “I’m sick of them” is a lot different than “I hate them!” Especially shouting that over your father’s corpse. And it sounds kind of... dumb when it’s echoed at the Airbuster fight.
I also really strongly disliked the extra drama in the whole “we don’t need your help anymore” part with Barret, and how he treats Cloud like garbage. I really did like when he starts getting friendly with Cloud but. I don’t like that his one-eighty seems to come completely out of nowhere.
The Airbuster stuff was garbo. And the prizes from getting those M Powerups or whatever were absolutely not worth it. I think it was a really neat idea, but it wasn’t as well-executed as it could have been, and the fight itself just dragged on so loooong.
I did like the way they presented President Shinra. Even if I would have preferred him being in person. I’m not a huge fan of this nonsense about war with Wutai, though. Shinra selling a new war with Wutai feels a bit clunky. Especially monologuing about it like a Bond villain. It also feels like a diversion from a story that’s already busy with a thousand other things.
So then Cloud falls.
Another unnecessary Sephiroth.
And Aerith. 
To be honest, fighting Reno here wasn’t a terrible decision. Like, I get that among other things, dropping barrels on security troops wouldn’t really work with this kind of game, even if they still worked in dropping something on one of them. 
I did not like the sudden change of heart with the spirits. It feels messy. Especially with them blocking me from getting that materia and then the game forcing me to go aaaaaall the way to the station BEFORE allowing me to turn back, pointlessly WASTING MY TIME.
it’s just a bad design decision for what ends up being a relatively worthless materia, seriously.
I love her. She is my girl. She is perfect and I hate how well these following parts are done. She’s an excellent foil for Cloud and a lot of this Sector 5 journey honestly feels like the strongest part of the game so far. There’s so much personality to all of it and it feels fuller, much more like something that was expanded on rather than something just shoved haphazardly in.
I like this part so far. A lot.
Also it was nice to talk to Chadley - what the hell kind of name is Chadley it’s a nerd name NERRRRD - and get like 4 missions instantly done because I have to scan EVERYTHING.
Then of course I decided to fight Shiva. I almost won and then she got pissed at me and blasted the hell out of me with Blizzaga, but then I came back angery and um. Summoned Ifrit, and stumbled her right before he used Hellfire so she got super-nuked. 
A small thing that does bother me: the names. Like, I get why we’re not using Ice1, Ice2, Ice3, sure. But what about “Echo Mist” and “Rise,” “Arise,” and other stuff that also isn’t in line with other stuff in the Final Fantasy games. It just strikes me as weird. Like it’s trying to be unique, but also not.
Little splinters.
But at least this part has been good so far. And even Rude showing up does make sense, with him being Reno’s partner and all.
Still. At least I’m really enjoying this part of the game so far.
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radiomogai · 4 years ago
[PT: Vibegender. end PT]
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People who are vibegender have genders that are literally just vibing
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hrfoods · 4 years ago
you can make a delicious pitcher of iced tea with simple ingredients in your kitchen by using these simple ingredients ...1 cup of water2 Tbsp of sugar1 TSP of tea1.5 glass of crushed ice2 Tbsp of lemon juicechilled soft drinkFor preparation follow these stepsAdd 1 cup of waterAdd 2 Tbsp of sugarMix it and bring a boilAdd 1 TSP of tea in boiling waterBoil for 20 secondsSieve it immediatelySet aside and let it coolAdd 1.5 glass of crushed ice2 Tbsp of lemon juiceHalf cup of prepared teaAdd 2 glass of chilled soft drinkMix it
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