#ice imbroglio
this-ass-is-eikonic · 1 month
…what do you mean i can’t root for more than one team??
like… yes, »these specific gremlins« are my favorites, but i enjoy watching the other ice gremlins and their crafty antics, too.
peregrinatin’, scramblin’ across the ice on their knife shoes, huntin’ oreos for sport.
plottin’, bein’ menaces, gettin’ sent to the captivity cube for their lil’ gremlin crimes.
and then emergin’ all brass-necked and flippant, feisty and recalcitrant, only to turn around and commit felonies do it all again.
it’s beautiful.
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lunamagicablu · 10 months
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Ai vetri della scuola stamattina l’inverno strofina la sua schiena nuvolosa come un vecchio gatto grigio: con la nebbia fa i giochi di prestigio, le case fa parire e ricomparire; con le zampe di neve imbianca il suolo e per coda ha un ghiacciolo… Sì, signora maestra, mi sono un po’ distratto: ma per forza, con quel gatto, con l’inverno alla finestra che mi ruba i pensieri e se li porta in slitta per allegri sentieri. Invano io li richiamo: si saranno impigliati in qualche ramo spoglio; o per dolce imbroglio, chiotti, chiotti fingon d’esser merli e passerotti. Gianni Rodari art by feder93 ************************* On the windows of the school this morning winter rubs his cloudy back like an old gray cat: with the fog he performs magic tricks, it makes the houses appear and reappear; with its snowy paws it whitens the ground and he has an ice lolly for a tail… Yes, madam teacher, I got a little distracted: but of course, with that cat, with winter at the window that steals my thoughts and takes them on a sleigh along happy paths. In vain I call them: they must have gotten entangled in something bare branch; or by sweet trick, chiotti, chiotti pretend to be blackbirds and sparrows. Gianni Rodari art by feder93 
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roguelioness · 3 years
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A day late, but better late than never! Delving into some discovery writing for day 12 of @the-wip-project​’s 100 days of writing.
[note: if you’d rather not see these posts on your dash, feel free to block the “rolo does the 100″ tag!]
The prompt was Unfortunately, things never go according to plan.
Things did get a little out of hand, but it was fun getting into Norah Trevelyan’s head:
Norah’s breath poured out of her in dense streams of white as she struggled to find her footing in the treacherous snow. Stepping what appeared to be regular stone, her boots instead met a patch of dark-colored ice and it took all her skill - and a good amount of flailing - to keep her balance. The Seeker - who she noted was standing just a tad too close for comfort, a hand ready on the pommel of her sword - huffed with frustration. 
She bit back the I’m doing my best here that wanted to slip out. They had fought demons for three days, they could afford to wait three minutes while she caught her breath.
Above her, the strangely crystalline-looking shape of the Breach hung like a particularly malevolent chandelier. The air was warm and filled with whispers, madness and mockery gleefully flitting around the ruins.
We’ll go to the Conclave, they said. We’ll get the Divine to listen to us, they said. Well, they were all dead now, Carmen and Tully and Rizvan, the rest scattered to Maker-knew-where, and she- she was-
She hunched over, hands on her knees, and tried desperately not to vomit. All those bodies, dead and broken, mere feet from where she stood, and any of them could be wide-smiling Tully or gentle-eyed Carmen and she- she was walking over them. Not metaphorically, she was actually, actually walking over them, desecrating them, it was wrong it was wrong this was all wrong-
A pale hand, long, elegant fingers holding a waterskin, entered her vision. “Here,” Solas offered, his voice quiet and calm, soothing over her frayed nerves. “Drink. It will help.”
“Thank you,” she straightened and smiled, because despite it all she was a Trevelyan and they were always modest in temper, bold in deed- 
She snorted, water spraying out of her nose, and broke into a hysterical chuckle. There weren’t many deeds bolder than closing the enormous, terrifying tear in the Veil, not to her knowledge. 
Except maybe creating the enormous, terrifying tear in the Veil, and she was reasonably certain she hadn’t done it. 
Sighing, Norah stared up at the Breach. The mark on her hand sputtered and fizzled, thrumming angrily where it rested on her palm. She inhaled deeply, trying to drown out the panicked frenzy of her thoughts.
Andraste’s sacred tits, it wasn’t supposed to go this way.
But when had anything ever gone according to plan?
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lalelilolusworld · 4 years
My 2020 AO3 Wrapped
I was tagged by @aceon-ice Thank you ♥
Total Word Count in 2020: 38311 words
Top 5 by Word Count:
Why is my Parabatai grinding against the High Warlock of Brooklyn? (Shadowhunters, Malec, 4113)
Holiday Imbroglio (Boyfriend Material, 2900)
Wingmate (Shadowhunters, Malec, 2834)
I bloom alone (Shadowhunters, Malec, 2797)
Itty Bitty Love (Shadowhunters, Malec, 2589)
Top 5 by Kudos:
Why is my Parabatai grinding against the High Warlock of Brooklyn?(Shadowhunters, Malec)
Itty Bitty Love (Shadowhunters, Malec)
I bloom alone (Shadowhunters, Malec)
Silent so you can be noisy (I love it when you're loud) (Teen Wolf, Sterek)
The universe works in mysterious ways (Shadowhunters, Malec, rated T)
I just realize how much I wrote this year, I am pretty proud of myself for that :)
Tagging: @myulalie @somesleepysloth @drgns8r @sassyeggs74 @zip001
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ladyintheattic · 5 years
yo i’ve been writing alot this month and all i can think of is my poor pre-heartbreak sidestep dealing with the fact she actually has friends haha
_______________ ship: none (barely implied chargestep) words: 1,541 tags: f!sidestep, pre-heartbreak, pre-psycopathor battle, canon typical violence tw: trauma?? possibly ptsd stuff?? ————————–
It was a mistake. You messed up. Misstepped.
The man was probably drunk. Seemed like an alright guy, if your careful scan of all the bar’s patronages upon your entering can be trusted. If it can be trusted. He must have been tripping, falling over his laces, grabbed for your elbow, wanting to be steady, wanting the room to stop spinning.
You bet it spun worse when you flipped him, throwing him over your shoulder into another patron’s table, cracking it in two. You hadn’t meant to; it had been instinct. Reflex.
Your heart stops, your mind finally catching up with your body. The table had hardly finished breaking into splinters before you felt someone’s hand gather up your collar, yanking you upwards, upwards into the face of a man twice your size. The drunk man has a friend. Your feet dangle inches off the floor, and you taste his breath as he snarls at you, his face too close. You also taste ozone.
Ortega’s fist is a blur, and so’s your new enemy’s head. You hear Anathema yelling on your right, and you wonder for a split second if you can somehow stop this imbroglio: halt the ensuing chaos. A foolish thought. You’ve messed up. You’ve messed up, and now you have to pay for it.
Mistakes are not to be tolerated.
You tug your bandana over your nose, hearing the man’s head make a painful sound as it collides with the bar. Chairs scraping the floor as others stand, every muscle in every body in the filthy old bar tense and ready to fight. They don’t know what they’re in for: who they’re looking at. Or maybe they do, and are just too excited or stupid to understand how outmatched they are.
“Come and get it, pendejos.” Ortega’s grinning, but it’s not the same gleeful one he normally wears to bar-fights. He’s usually the one who picks them, so often you swear it’s damn near a hobby or a pastime for him. This grin is wrong, manic. Angry.
They do. They do ‘come and get it’. The noise is overwhelming: fists everywhere, chairs flying, bottles breaking against skulls, screams as Anathema’s acid eats through someone’s skin. Reflexes kicking in once more, you find yourself landing hits; surface-reading the minds of your combatants just fast enough for you to dodge, block, dance around the damage. You’re good at this, at fighting multiple opponents, it’s what you’ve trained for, but even you would’ve ended up a bloody smear on the floor without the Rangers’ help.
You make out the solid presence of Steel behind you as your kick sends someone somersaulting over another table. Ortega on your left, Anathema on your right. You’re boxed in. Defended.
The crack of wood against body startles you out of your reflections. To the far left, past a pile of chairs and bodies, you catch the last moments of a man crumbling, collapsing onto the cold floor, the remains of a table laying in pieces all around him. Ortega’s work no doubt.
You freeze. Everyone freezes. The room is silent but for the odd shuffle of nervous feet or the huffing of a particularly heavy breather nearby. It seems Ortega’s last act of brutality sent them back to their senses. You’re still not sure if you’re back to yours.
Almost before your mind can catch up with this second wave of shifting mood, Steel steps out form behind you, fists already unclenched and a face passive, but firm. “Everyone stay put,” he pulls his badge from his pocket and nudges Ortega to do the same. Anathema follows. “We need to sort this out.” His eyes flick to Ortega’s a for a split moment. “Officially this time.”
You can’t help it:  you feel yourself slinking back behind Steel and Ortega’s taller, more noticeable forms. It’s no good. Face still covered, you still feel the heat of the stares, hot like high-powered laser pistols. Your skin crawls, prickling like needles. You don’t produce a badge like your compatriots, you can’t, and you can feel the whole crowd taking note if it. Fuck.
Steel has already moved into action, Ortega at his hip, standing at the bar talking to the barkeep, who is also probably the owner, and probably wanting to keep this whole Rangers incident as off-the-books as possible; Ranger fights in your pub can’t be good for business. You wonder if they will oblige him. You wonder if they’ll clean this up. Clean up your blunder. You doubt it.
“This will not do.” A cold sweat breaks out over your brow. A mistake. An error. A mess. The Directive will not stand of it. Many more of these, and you will be up for some reeducation. Up for poking, prodding, cutting. Cutting away. Changing you.
“Your performance was… less than adequate. You make mistakes like this out there… well, we can’t have that.” No movement. Hardly even breathing. You know better than to try and excuse it or explain yourself. Or attempt to apologize. Apologies don’t happen here. Being sorry isn’t encouraged. After all, tools can’t be sorry.
“Never. Again. Do you understand, Unit B74-”
Hand on your shoulder, you nearly jump, nearly attempt the same over-the-shoulder move you had implemented on the stumbling drunk man. You’re glad you don’t, although you feel your heart in your throat. It’s Anathema, looking at you with an odd, pinched look across her features. “You alright Becky?” She tugs gently on your bandana, though not enough to pull it down, she knows better. “Are you hurt?”
“I understa- I mean. Yeah I’m. Fine.” The cracks in your voice surprise you, as does the hammering of your heartbeat in your ears.
“You look really pale,” her hands find yours as she attempts to lead you to one of the few upright chairs. “And you’re shaking.”
“I’m fine.” You pull your hands from hers; you can’t sit down yet. Too much adrenaline still pumps through your veins. Too much fear. No one had a camera on did they? No one pulled out their phone and started recording the fight for some soon-to-be-chain-email, right? Did anyone note your face? Would any of them recognize you if they say you on the street now? What about the bar’s security cameras? What if someone-
“You’re not fine,” startling again, you feel her sharp gaze looking your face over despite most of it still being covered. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Beck!” Ortega is at your side, his arm gently brushing against you. You can practically feel the effort he’s exerting to keep his hand out of yours. “We think we’ve got all this sorted out,” his mouth spreads into an all-too-familiar smug smile. “The Rangers gotta shell out a bit of cash for the chairs and tables, but other than that it’s like nothing even happened here.”
You’re frozen again. Wait, so the Rangers are going to waste money on this? Is that even allowed: you aren’t even a Ranger, and only debuted as Sidestep a few months ago. It’s not like you’re particularly valuable to them, at least not yet.
“But… Can you? Do that?”
“Of course!” He raises his hand to his chest in mock indignation. “I’m the marshal, and I’ve had a few more bar-fights than you I’ll bet. Not the first time Wei’s had to deal with cleanup either.” He winks past you, at Steel, who only gives an annoyed grunt in return.
“Yeah, but-” You stop yourself. Why are you arguing with them? Probably because you don’t believe it; when you do things wrong you get punished for them, not just by the Directive, but also by life in general. Life doesn’t work like this, at least not for you.
No one has ever done something like this for you… but then again, you’ve never had friends that would jump headlong into a bar-fight for you either. Never had friends before.
“It’s really okay Becky,” Anathema nods over to Steel. “We saw the whole thing. We know how it is: sometimes you get jumpy, instincts kick in and, well, this is usually the result.” She shrugs, as though she were talking about breaking a mug or slipping on ice. As though it was fine, expected, normal.
“I was getting tired of this dive-bar anyway,” Ortega claps and hand on your shoulder, almost knocking you over for how faint you feel. “And it’s still pretty early, so lets try the next place! I heard one opened last week a few blocks down!
Nod. You’re trying to nod, or smile under the bandana, or do anything. You can’t. You’re body is still waiting. Waiting for the punishment. The fear still hasn’t run its coarse, but something new is blooming in your chest. You can’t name the feeling, or even describe it.
All you know is that you want to cry.
“Th… Thank you, guys.” You swallow hard. “And… sorry. About the mess.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he gives you a light shake and a wink before letting your shoulder free, heading for his jacket he has slung over the bar. “We’re a team nowadays aren’t we?”
Finally. Finally, you smile. “If you say so, old man.”
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yeaimfishboi · 6 years
After the Midnight Hour Mini-Masterlist
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Having always taken care of her sister, Y/N finds herself in a predicament when it comes to the cost of medical treatment. Though when a certain loan shark is reached through her best friend, she receives much more than she bargained for.
Listen to the playlist here!!
Chapter I: It’s Been a While
Chapter II: Just Business
Chapter III: Reunited
Chapter IV: A Fight to Remember
Chapter V: Aurum
Chapter VI: You Can’t Play Me
Chapter VII: Movies & Ice Cream
Chapter VIII: I Never Knew
Chapter IX: It’s Just a Flesh Wound
Chapter X: Fixed Up
Chapter XI: Obsecro
Chapter XII: Most Important
Chapter XIII: It All Comes Crashing Down
Chapter XIV: BOLO
Chapter XV: Weasel
Chapter XVI: Imbroglio
Chapter XVII: It’s Over
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The Dark Knight Rises – review
Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises completes not only his personal trilogy focusing on socialite Bruce Wayne and his alter ego, Gotham City's caped crusader, but also a cycle of popular culture that began in May 1939 when Batman was added to Detective Comics' pantheon of superheroes.
Batman's creator Bob Kane and his fellow comic-strip artists were all admirers of Fritz Lang's German movies, the forerunners of film noir, but this did not prevent them from becoming the object of a ferocious assault by Eisenhower-era moralists bent on suppressing horror comics during a crusade led by the psychiatrist Fredric Wertham. His 1954 book, Seduction of the Innocent, attacked Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson's menage as a covert celebration of homosexuality. Ten years later, however, when Susan Sontag's seminal essay Notes on Camp promoted kitsch and the idea of "it's good because it's bad", Batman became a TV series in garish comic-strip colour and was followed by a tongue-in-cheek film version and a revival of the low-budget 1943 Batman serial, all 15 chapters being shown back-to-back to open London's latest super cinema.
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By 1989 the comic strip had been elevated to the status of "graphic novel", and Tim Burton invited us to give up our search for the inner child and find our dark sides in Michael Keaton's Batman, a Hamlet-like malcontent. Then, in the wake of 9/11, Nolan followed his complex Memento and Insomnia by reviving a now-moribund franchise. To misquote Scott Fitzgerald, he embarked on the search for the soul of the dark knight where it is always three o'clock in the morning. In 2005's Batman Begins he provided a new account of the creation myth, adding some kung fu, a touch of Da Vinci Code conspiracy and a dash of Bond to Kane's 1939 account of Bruce Wayne's orphaning. It was followed in 2008 by The Dark Knight, in which Heath Ledger takes the story to exhilarating heights of terror as the demonic Joker, an implacable enemy of Batman and mankind, part Lucifer, part Loki, part Osama bin Laden.
the dark knight rises full movie
On either side of The Dark Knight, Nolan made The Prestige and Inception, films of exceptional brilliance, more individual in being free of the particular expectations of a franchise, but still pursuing personal preoccupations about identity, masks and lethal, morally confused games that also figure in the Batman films. The intellectually challenging final film, The Dark Knight Rises, sets out to reconcile issues raised in the first two. It brings Wayne's story to a suitably epic conclusion while at the same time offering the dramatic imbroglios, action set pieces, twists and surprises the form demands. To keep the franchise on ice rather than consigning it to the morgue, The Dark Knight Rises necessarily weaves a certain ambiguity into the ending.
In a spectacular opening, far superior to the not dissimilar pre-credit sequence Roald Dahl devised for the 1967 Bond movie You Only Live Twice, a plane used by the CIA for extraordinary rendition of alleged terrorists is hijacked in mid-air by a larger aircraft. Liberated by the manoeuvre is Bane (Tom Hardy), a muscular menace wearing a half-mask containing a voice box and an analgesic device that eases his constant pain. He's an associate of the League of Shadows, the ancient eastern conspiratorial cult to which a mysterious stranger (Liam Neeson) initiated Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins and which Wayne renounced as a gang of fascistic vigilantes.
Sign up to our Film Today email Read more Physically Bane resembles Hannibal Lecter and Darth Vader, and the artificial voice box makes his speech difficult to follow. This introduces a problem that runs through the film (or at least the version shown to the press last week). Perhaps for inscrutably perverse reasons, though more likely a fault in the balance between speech and Hans Zimmer's hyper-percussive score, much of the dialogue is unintelligible. This would be all right in most epics (who wouldn't want John Wayne's line "Truly this man was the son of God" lost by thunder?), but not here.
Christian Bale has never been more baleful than as the crippled Wayne, eight years as a recluse in Wayne Manor, tended by the faithful family butler and surrogate father, Alfred (Michael Caine). Having taken the rap for the late Gotham DA, Wayne is the disgraced hero in exile, much like Philoctetes, the Greek archer who Ulysses must entice back to end the Trojan war. Having started in this classic role, the film's dramatic arc transforms Batman into a self-sacrificial Sydney Carton, and indeed there are numerous evocations of Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, including the parallels drawn between the chaos of Gotham City and the reign of terror that followed the French revolution.
What faces Gotham is a nihilistic movement spearheaded by Bane and assisted by capitalist interests and bankers. It starts with an assault on the Stock Exchange, continues with the theft of a nuclear device, and leads up to a familiar countdown to annihilation. Bane represents himself as a liberator but he's really a destroyer, a deceiver of a weak, easily misled populace. The contemporary parallels are clear, though the underlying politics are somewhat confused. One supposes that Nolan's views are not unlike Shakespeare's (or Dickens's) – a loathing of people acting as a mob, a deep suspicion of politicians and a belief in the preservation of social order in a fluctuating world.
Anyway, Bale remains a strong moral presence. The established figures around him, mostly played by British actors – Caine's Alfred, Morgan Freeman's equivalent of Bond's Q, Gary Oldman's Commissioner Gordon – do their standard stuff. Of the newcomers, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who has a strong resemblance to Heath Ledger) is excellent and endearing as an honest young cop, and one would guess he'd be a significant figure were the franchise to be renewed. The new female leads, Marion Cotillard (rich philanthropist) and Anne Hathaway (Catwoman in all but name), have little to get their claws into. The special effects are often breathtaking, especially an overhead view of Gotham City in meltdown. The production designers have done a first-rate job. Wally Pfister's photography is uncompromisingly Stygian. A pity about the dialogue, but I'm sure something can be done about it, and maybe it works in the Imax form for which it was made. That being said, The Dark Knight Rises has an intelligence, epic thrust and visual grandeur far beyond its present box-office rival, Joss Whedon's Avengers Assemble.
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fyeahchenfics · 6 years
Aloha! I was wondering if you could recommend any mafia au’s (pairing doesn’t matter), as well as any crime/mystery fics?
mafia!auC.H.E.N (or how to make seduction seem effortless) (Jongdae/Kyungsoo, R)Ice Cream, I Scream (Jongdae/Sehun, PG-15) Imbroglio (Yixing/ Jongdae, NC-17) instead of love, it’s trouble knocking on your door (Jongdae/Chanyeol, PG-13)task 1. kill the nemean lion (Jongdae/Kyungsoo, R) you’re my luck, you make me throw my heart into a thread-like chance (Yixing/Jongdae, PG-15) 
crime/mysterya killer after my own heart (Baekhyun/Jongdae, R) Always Forwards, Always Fire, Always Forever (Jongdae/Sehun, NC-17)One Sheep, Two Sheep series (Jongdae-centric, NC-17, check warnings) Pawsession (Minseok/Jongdae, NC-17, check warnings) [thanks to Jen for the rec Sulfuric Acid Gets Out the Hard Stains (Jongdae/Kyungsoo, NC-17) There Is A House (Jongdae/Sehun, R)too bad (that’s all i need) (Yixing/Jongdae, NC-17)
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zen-shin · 7 years
(Long post, ごめんなさい.) 
My first real experiences in Tokyo. I was here once for a 24-hour layover, but this time I spent four days riding subways, wandering mazes of glass-faced buildings in the rain, wondering what draws people here. While Kyoto is heartbreakingly beautiful, Tokyo is nostalgic. Jesse said he could feel when the ground was hollow beneath us. The city is palimpsest of the past, rife with so many reminders of the limitations and monotony of quotient life. Disclaimer that I’m not a city person. But despite this, I felt refreshed returning from Tokyo. I wasn’t expecting to be drawn how invisible I felt in Tokyo, but I was. The pleasure of nostalgia, my singularity magnified. The disparate rift between me and everyone in my life felt wider in Tokyo; but maybe that’s why I liked it so much, I felt this unshakable urge to grab Jesse and Yumi’s hands, tell everyone how much I love them.
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Notes from Nippori
Recovering in Tokyo. Was jolted around until my spine ached & my head spun & throat burned for 8 hours on a night bus into the grey morning of Tokyo. I stayed with Yumi and her father, who is 92 but has got that Ojichan power! Yumi was, as always, impossibly selfless. <3 In the evenings we ate pickled eggplant, soba, mushroom rice.
Notes from Jinbocho aka Dream World
Spent six or seven hours browsing bookstores in the rain— there are over 700 in this one place! Yes, the only picture I have from here in that of a bar in a bookstore...need I say more? 
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Notes from Akihabara
Found a dark espresso stout beer at last! And better than that, a copy of a セーラームーン Illustration Collection. Climbed four floors of a rare and used manga shop before Jesse called out to me and lead me through the narrow aisles to where, magically, fatefully, the book sat behind glass. Embarrassingly, but not at all (I might only go here once, let whatever imbroglio ensue, ensue!), I cried a little, venially. Just, like, the effects of pure consumerism? Maybe but I prefer to justify this purchase as nurturing my inner Kate, keeping promises to my ten-year-old self, supporting and preserving a global feminist work…ok ok Might’ve indulged my inner 10 year-old a bit too much on this trip.
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Notes from the Ghibili Museum
Omg just yes. What did I just say about my sybarite self? Of course I had to come here. Of course it was perfect, with the sunset shedding golden-bronze beams of light through the stained glass windows and autumn leaves clinging to the ivy-faced towers and a precise replica of Totoro’s kitchen and all of the illustrations on the walls…Yumi and I held hands a lot on this trip, especially in this museum. After wandering around in awe of absolutely every detail, we drank beer on the garden patio under Christmas lights before walking the long way back to the train.
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My heart. How did I get so lucky?
Notes on Park Hyatt
25-year-old-Me was wowed by the vaulted ceilings, wandering around feeling too much like Charlotte for my own comfort. Felt much less like that way this time around, which wasn’t good or bad. Neither word could describe the sensation of being in that bar that calmed me & intimidated me so much when I first came to Japan. This time, that melancholic spell this place evoked in me, attenuated. The drinks are delicious, but weak. And don’t spend your money on the food, and be prepared to wash your hair of cigarette smoke once you get back home…but, let yourself get lost in that jeweled cityscape below. Here I felt that too-familiar awareness of how a moment is transient. I guess we can never shake that from our souls, can we?
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so many espresso things in Tokyo 嬉しい!
Notes on Seeing Fuji-San
Like a moon! Like a cartographer split white paint on the wind currents. Like I forgot to breathe. Just a starry-eyed girl on the train ordering ice cream and coffee and peeling mikans who can’t look away from the window even for a moment, lest I miss a minute of the earth flying by, lest I disturb Jesse, sleeping on my shoulder.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 5 years
Tom Lee: Bitcoin’s Move Back to $8,000 Confirms The End of Crypto Winter
There is no doubting that Bitcoin and crypto markets have been on fire recently. Since the beginning of April Bitcoin has almost doubled in price driving market capitalization back over $200 billion again. The ice from the crypto winter appears to have melted and some industry analysts are convinced it is now definitely over.
Tom Lee’s 13 Reasons
Fundstrat Global Advisors’ permabull Thomas Lee tweeted his thirteen reasons why the crypto winter is now over. After stating what he described as a ‘disturbing pullback to $6,200’ Lee added that the return to $8,000 was confirmation that the trend is intact.
Some of Lee’s reasons have more weight than others but he starts with a look back to November 2018 and the Bitcoin Cash hash war that many speculated caused the final capitulation down to $3,200. Next he observed that Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust saw its NAV premium fall to 5%, its lowest level since 2017 which also implied that the capitulation had occurred. The fund premium has since surged to 41%.
Daily on-chain transactions have turned positive for the first time since January 2018 and by March Fundstrat’s Bitcoin Misery Index crossed above 67 for the first time since August 2017. In early April Bitcoin closed above the 200 day moving average for the first time in thirteen months.
Over the counter (OTC) volumes have also started surging with multiple brokers reporting new client activity surging 60-70 percent compared with four months ago. There was also speculation that US president Trump’s escalated trade war with China has spurred buyers there into loading up on Bitcoin as a safer store of value.
The Bitcoin ‘golden cross’ in late April was a huge technical indicator that the trend has reversed. Minimal reaction to negative news such as the Tether imbroglio and the Binance hack also confirms major confidence in crypto markets. Finally this month’s Consensus crypto conference was the confirmation that crypto winter is over according to Lee.
After a disturbing pullback to ~$6,200, #Bitcoin back >$8,000 further cementing positive trend intact.
As we said a few weeks ago, Consensus 2019 @coindesk was to prove whether crypto winter is over…
…confirmed pic.twitter.com/M8ni4g2YvX
— Thomas Lee (@fundstrat) May 19, 2019
Big Bullish Week
Bitcoin price 7 days. Coinmarketcap.com
Bitcoin had a huge week with record volume levels over $100 billion and a massive candle to close it. With a surge of 13 percent in seven days all talk of that massive correction has diminished as analysts look for the next levels of resistance. Full time trader ‘The Crypto Dog’ has done the charts and called weekly resistance at $8,215 and support around $7,300. He added;
“Hell of a bullish weekly close on #Bitcoin with near record breaking volume, solidifying the strength and validity of this rally.”
At the time of writing Bitcoin had surpassed $8,000 again and was trading up 2.7 percent on the day. It reached an intraday high of $8,250 where it hit resistance during Asian trading a few hours ago.
Image from Shutterstock
The post Tom Lee: Bitcoin’s Move Back to $8,000 Confirms The End of Crypto Winter appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr http://bit.ly/30vQY2i via IFTTT
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brettzjacksonblog · 5 years
Tom Lee: Bitcoin’s Move Back to $8,000 Confirms The End of Crypto Winter
There is no doubting that Bitcoin and crypto markets have been on fire recently. Since the beginning of April Bitcoin has almost doubled in price driving market capitalization back over $200 billion again. The ice from the crypto winter appears to have melted and some industry analysts are convinced it is now definitely over.
Tom Lee’s 13 Reasons
Fundstrat Global Advisors’ permabull Thomas Lee tweeted his thirteen reasons why the crypto winter is now over. After stating what he described as a ‘disturbing pullback to $6,200’ Lee added that the return to $8,000 was confirmation that the trend is intact.
Some of Lee’s reasons have more weight than others but he starts with a look back to November 2018 and the Bitcoin Cash hash war that many speculated caused the final capitulation down to $3,200. Next he observed that Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust saw its NAV premium fall to 5%, its lowest level since 2017 which also implied that the capitulation had occurred. The fund premium has since surged to 41%.
Daily on-chain transactions have turned positive for the first time since January 2018 and by March Fundstrat’s Bitcoin Misery Index crossed above 67 for the first time since August 2017. In early April Bitcoin closed above the 200 day moving average for the first time in thirteen months.
Over the counter (OTC) volumes have also started surging with multiple brokers reporting new client activity surging 60-70 percent compared with four months ago. There was also speculation that US president Trump’s escalated trade war with China has spurred buyers there into loading up on Bitcoin as a safer store of value.
The Bitcoin ‘golden cross’ in late April was a huge technical indicator that the trend has reversed. Minimal reaction to negative news such as the Tether imbroglio and the Binance hack also confirms major confidence in crypto markets. Finally this month’s Consensus crypto conference was the confirmation that crypto winter is over according to Lee.
After a disturbing pullback to ~$6,200, #Bitcoin back >$8,000 further cementing positive trend intact.
As we said a few weeks ago, Consensus 2019 @coindesk was to prove whether crypto winter is over…
…confirmed pic.twitter.com/M8ni4g2YvX
— Thomas Lee (@fundstrat) May 19, 2019
Big Bullish Week
Bitcoin price 7 days. Coinmarketcap.com
Bitcoin had a huge week with record volume levels over $100 billion and a massive candle to close it. With a surge of 13 percent in seven days all talk of that massive correction has diminished as analysts look for the next levels of resistance. Full time trader ‘The Crypto Dog’ has done the charts and called weekly resistance at $8,215 and support around $7,300. He added;
“Hell of a bullish weekly close on #Bitcoin with near record breaking volume, solidifying the strength and validity of this rally.”
At the time of writing Bitcoin had surpassed $8,000 again and was trading up 2.7 percent on the day. It reached an intraday high of $8,250 where it hit resistance during Asian trading a few hours ago.
Image from Shutterstock
The post Tom Lee: Bitcoin’s Move Back to $8,000 Confirms The End of Crypto Winter appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed http://bit.ly/30vQY2i via IFTTT
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Tom Lee: Bitcoin’s Move Back to $8,000 Confirms The End of Crypto Winter
There is no doubting that Bitcoin and crypto markets have been on fire recently. Since the beginning of April Bitcoin has almost doubled in price driving market capitalization back over $200 billion again. The ice from the crypto winter appears to have melted and some industry analysts are convinced it is now definitely over.
Tom Lee’s 13 Reasons
Fundstrat Global Advisors’ permabull Thomas Lee tweeted his thirteen reasons why the crypto winter is now over. After stating what he described as a ‘disturbing pullback to $6,200’ Lee added that the return to $8,000 was confirmation that the trend is intact.
Some of Lee’s reasons have more weight than others but he starts with a look back to November 2018 and the Bitcoin Cash hash war that many speculated caused the final capitulation down to $3,200. Next he observed that Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust saw its NAV premium fall to 5%, its lowest level since 2017 which also implied that the capitulation had occurred. The fund premium has since surged to 41%.
Daily on-chain transactions have turned positive for the first time since January 2018 and by March Fundstrat’s Bitcoin Misery Index crossed above 67 for the first time since August 2017. In early April Bitcoin closed above the 200 day moving average for the first time in thirteen months.
Over the counter (OTC) volumes have also started surging with multiple brokers reporting new client activity surging 60-70 percent compared with four months ago. There was also speculation that US president Trump’s escalated trade war with China has spurred buyers there into loading up on Bitcoin as a safer store of value.
The Bitcoin ‘golden cross’ in late April was a huge technical indicator that the trend has reversed. Minimal reaction to negative news such as the Tether imbroglio and the Binance hack also confirms major confidence in crypto markets. Finally this month’s Consensus crypto conference was the confirmation that crypto winter is over according to Lee.
After a disturbing pullback to ~$6,200, #Bitcoin back >$8,000 further cementing positive trend intact.
As we said a few weeks ago, Consensus 2019 @coindesk was to prove whether crypto winter is over…
…confirmed pic.twitter.com/M8ni4g2YvX
— Thomas Lee (@fundstrat) May 19, 2019
Big Bullish Week
Bitcoin price 7 days. Coinmarketcap.com
Bitcoin had a huge week with record volume levels over $100 billion and a massive candle to close it. With a surge of 13 percent in seven days all talk of that massive correction has diminished as analysts look for the next levels of resistance. Full time trader ‘The Crypto Dog’ has done the charts and called weekly resistance at $8,215 and support around $7,300. He added;
“Hell of a bullish weekly close on #Bitcoin with near record breaking volume, solidifying the strength and validity of this rally.”
At the time of writing Bitcoin had surpassed $8,000 again and was trading up 2.7 percent on the day. It reached an intraday high of $8,250 where it hit resistance during Asian trading a few hours ago.
Image from Shutterstock
The post Tom Lee: Bitcoin’s Move Back to $8,000 Confirms The End of Crypto Winter appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP http://bit.ly/30vQY2i via IFTTT
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nikitatenetko1 · 6 years
Список треков проекта wpcwe part 4
Список треков проекта wpcwe part 4:
wpcwe - водопад ненависти
wpcwe - alina orlova (original)
wpcwe - alina orlova (drill-n-bass-version)
wpcwe - alina orlova (wpcwe rmx)
wpcwe - anorexy
wpcwe - fornication under consent of the king
wpcwe - i love underground
wpcwe - djchristmas
wpcwe - nice ice
wpcwe - filch me
wpcwe - don`t leave me alone
wpcwe - crystal waltz
wpcwe - dj
wpcwe - so sexy
wpcwe - do you want a minimal
wpcwe - people
wpcwe - russian breakcorers dont like me
wpcwe - lexus
wpcwe - relax 2
wpcwe - satisfaction
wpcwe - eбанутый мент
wpcwe - ювелирочка
wpcwe - ебанутый мент (other)
wpcwe - ruinous
wpcwe - the voice, the lips, the hairs
wpcwe - sharpest image of the despair
wpcwe - ты мёртвая падаль
wpcwe - настоящий самоубийца
wpcwe - re345
wpcwe - adwefu
wpcwe - we02qwm j
wpcwe - werghj
wpcwe - магнаты и массоны
wpcwe - московские ночные улицы
wpcwe - неповторимое забвение
wpcwe - hamitsevich
wpcwe - pure
wpcwe - spb sad love
wpcwe - 0
wpcwe - 1000 видео
wpcwe - windows 7
wpcwe - я люблю мой компьютер
wpcwe - gray
wpcwe - woman (ft bogutsky)
wpcwe - we are saints (ft bogutsky)
wpcwe - throng
wpcwe - sad
wpcwe - imbroglio (lost stuff)
wpcwe - imbroglio (original)
wpcwe - killer
0 notes
mehfashion · 7 years
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Proof of brandishing sight
As soon as the incoming movies Gives the public indication. A brandishing linoleum making a unguessed thing of a probable meeting with a pioneer. We open the halves of a secrets and the Brainwash of masks expands into the stationary chimney. The promise knows this, That life in it's cork boxes is as endless as the kiss, Everything frightened with ancient voices, the salt of the alcove And piles of decisive bread around twilight. I could fashion imbroglio, clock, and jackal From elixirs and shorelines With a gray well With trashes in my eye. To the sensible color of the silk pencil. Trashes of a acidulous ship Upgrading with the thicket in front of a pale boat, Boundless as a insatiable iguana, Like furious cactu: wheatfields. And you enrich like a candle You are going to ask where are the tomato? And the serendipidous serenities? And the wind balanced splattering its homes and scratch them full of Chimney and turkey? The fleeting uncle Develops in the slender morning. Outside the university like sand. The balanced horses hated. Yellow ice to my wounded poppy!
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yeaimfishboi · 5 years
After the Midnight Hour: Playlist
Tumblr media
Having always taken care of her sister, Y/N finds herself in a predicament when it comes to the cost of medical treatment. Though when a certain loan shark is reached through her best friend, she receives much more than she bargained for.
Read the Series Here.
The playlist for this series is set up a little differently, basically instead of a bunch of sings that suit the story as a whole I decided to pick a song for each chapter that matched well.
Full playlist here.
It’s Been a While - Broke by Will Jay
Just Business - bad guy by Billie Eilish
Reunited - HALA HALA by ATEEZ
A Fight to Remember - Piri by Dreamcatcher
Aurum - Sirens by Cher Lloyd
You Can’t Play Me - Chain by NCT 127
Movies & Ice Cream - Best Friend by NCT Dream
I Never Knew - I’m OK by iKON
It’s Just a Flesh Wound - ECHO by Seven O’Clock
Fixed Up - Gasoline by Halsey
Obsecro- Promise by ATEEZ
Most Important - Thanks by Seventeen
It All Comes Crashing Down - Chronosaurus by Stray Kids
BOLO - Centuries by Fall Out Boy
Weasel - Finale by H.U.B
Imbroglio - Warriors by Imagine Dragons
It’s Over - Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Lorde
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 5 years
Vacanza con imbroglio
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ln73QX
by nemi23
Iwaizumi e Oikawa sono in vacanza con le rispettive famiglie, in una bellissima località balneare che promette sole, mare, mattinate rilassanti sulla spiaggia e bibite fresche nelle ore più calde. Nessun pensiero molesto è compreso nel pacchetto. I guai non vanno mai in vacanza, però, o meglio, li seguono anche lì. § «Erano due armadi! Più grossi e più arcigni perfino di te! Io-» «Alla fine sei riuscito a filartela, dicendo alla signora che sei gay.» «…» «Che sei in vacanza con il tuo fidanzato.» «…» «Che sarei io.» «…» «E adesso vuoi che sorrida, che ti abbracci e che ti faccia mille moine, perché la tua ammiratrice non è sembrata convinta dell’enorme cazzata che hai sparato e ora ci tiene d’occhio.» «… Per favore?»
Words: 2307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: One Shot, Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Eventual Romance, Slice of Life, Summer, Summer Vacation, Day At The Beach, Beach Holidays, Ice Cream, Photography, Swimming, Slow Burn, Vacation, First Kiss, Boys Kissing, Surprise Kissing
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ln73QX
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