little-stardork · 11 years
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So my biggest fan is someone who doesn't even follow me and I have no idea who they are, and a porn blog is a bigger fan of me than the person that gave me a reason to make a tumblr. Beautiful.
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So yesterday I went to see Thor 2 with 2 friends. We were the only girls in there, apart from a girl with her boyfriend and some little boys’ mothers. As soon as the credits started rolling, a couple of people walked out, but the majority of people stayed for the bonus scene. However, after that scene was over they all walked out apart from my two friends and I. We waited through all the credits, because Olivia had seen on the Internet that there was another bonus scene. And there was. Basically, we were the only people in the cinema to watch both bonus scenes. Checkmate.
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albionsbravest · 11 years
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i probably should have mentioned that i'm an american, so i can't access BBC iplayer. thank you though!
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So my friends and I make these strange stories at lunchtime… This was one of the more recent.
Once upon a time, there was a book. Every character died and it was very very tragic. So naturally everyone loved it. The sweet shop was a lovely place that everyone loved. However, 90% of the children in Atlantis would much prefer to go to Chicken McDaddy’s than the sweetshop. But at the Chicken McDaddy drive through, their car broke down… What an embarrassment! Then the Doctor went to see Alison Gold and got some chow m-m-m-m-main. The beach Atlantis was a nudist beach! “Oh my,” said Peanut, smiling happily and grinned, his little peanut-coloured fur really cute. He was fluffy and small. Everyone who saw him wanted to take him home with them. Mycroft, you will be safe here with Lestrade and Anderson. Lestrade will keep you happy and look after you while Anderson… Err, Anderson will… Breakdance for your enjoyment. Anderson promptly dropped down on the floor and tried (and failed) to dance on his head. The man was very sad and embarrassed and so he left the nightclub with his head (that he can’t dance on) hung in shame. Now he will never be the World’s Best Breakdancer. :( However, he went on to buy the entire Chicken McDaddy’s franchise and died of obesity.
The End.
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