Once upon a time
A few mistakes ago
I was in your sights
You got me alone
You found me
You found me
You found me-e-e-e-e-e-eeee
He was long gone
When he met me
And I realise
The blame is on me
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I've never been
Till you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
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I don't know what's better
a pug onesie
a unicorn onesie
or a pug wearing a unicorn onesie
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therealholdim · 11 years
I’ve been tagged!
Rule One : Post the Rules
Rule Two: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make eleven new ones.
Rule Three: Tag eleven people two people please
Rule Four: Let the tagged know they’ve been tagged
what i’ve been asked:
1. What would you do if you met the Doctor? I'd actually feel pretty concerned because I'd think there would be some dangerous alien around...I would like to say I would ask if I could help him in anyway and have an adventure, but instead I'd just scream and take some photos with him to put on my wall.
2. Do you believe in ghosts? Um...difficult. My first reaction would be no, but I trust my mum and she's believed she's had two experiences with ghosts. One lived in the same house she did when she was young, the other was in a hotel she stayed in one night. So...I don't know. I'd think I'd need to experience it myself to know.
3. Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleston? Cumberbatch. The thing is, I haven't yet (I will very soon) seen anything with Hiddleston in to my knowledge. Of course I know lots about him because this is tumblr but I can't really judge. And also Benedict is amazing and Sherlock is amazing and he's going to be Smaug and asjdlkeljklfjhkasfhkls
4. What’s your OTP? I have several and the top one changes, my dear friends...The Doctor and Rose have been my OTP before I knew what shipping was. Probably my first. Right now Johnlock's quite important to me...but Doctor/Rose Tyler.
5. Are you popular in real life? Easy answer? No. Correct Answer? Also no. I have a few friends who are the best you can have so I'm fine with that. People don't hate me-they just kinda ignore me. Everyone presumes I'm clever and a nerd though, so that's good.
6. What scene( from any tv show)has made you cry like never before? ALL OF THEM. Doomsday from Doctor Who has made me cry since I was eight years old. Then there's Ten leaving and Amy and Rory leaving and then random episodes like Girl in the Fireplace and A Town Called Mercy. The Reichenbach Fall made me go hysterical I was shaking so bad I couldn't pour myself a drink and I curled up on the sofa stuffing Doritos in my mouth. Second watched left me face down crying into the carpet while a friend tried to feed me biscuits (which I then blamed for what happened). Too much...too many scenes to mention here. I really cry at everything.
7. Any tattoos? Nope. I'm just fifteen. I don't plan on getting any tattoos, if I like a design or something I draw it on my arms and then it gets washed off in a few days. I prefer that. Like when I drew the Firefly logo on-it looked pretty but I wouldn't want it permanent.
8. Who was your first celebrity crush? Um...*cough* Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles *cough*
9. Top 3 tv series? Oh dear...Doctor Who, Sherlock, Firefly...wait, Merlin! And Batman: The Animated Series! And I know I'm forgetting so many more...For the moment, I'll go with my first answer.
10. What was the last song you had stuck in your head? All to Well by Taylor Swift. Not sure why. But that song did start my ship Taylor SwiftxTaylor Swift's Fridge.
11. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? The way I hate myself but still have a sense of self-importance and self-preservation. I wish I was less annoying and obsessive to the point it's unhealthy and I think I'll lose my friends. My looks. My low self-confidence. And my paranoia about all of the above. Happy note to end on...
My questions for you!
1. If you could get everybody to watch one TV series, what would it be?
2. What was the first CD (or digital download or whatever) you ever bought?
3. Could you ever delete your tumblr?
4. What fandom are you most proud to be a part of?
5. What would you do if you met Bilbo Baggins?
6. What animal do you think you would be and why?
7. Do you like tea? (I'm British it's important to me)
8. Have you ever cried at a video game?
9. Who's your favourite actor and what is your favourite part they have played?
10. What's your weirdest OTP?
11. What house would you be in at Hogwarts?
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So yesterday I went to see Thor 2 with 2 friends. We were the only girls in there, apart from a girl with her boyfriend and some little boys’ mothers. As soon as the credits started rolling, a couple of people walked out, but the majority of people stayed for the bonus scene. However, after that scene was over they all walked out apart from my two friends and I. We waited through all the credits, because Olivia had seen on the Internet that there was another bonus scene. And there was. Basically, we were the only people in the cinema to watch both bonus scenes. Checkmate.
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So my friends and I make these strange stories at lunchtime… This was one of the more recent.
Once upon a time, there was a book. Every character died and it was very very tragic. So naturally everyone loved it. The sweet shop was a lovely place that everyone loved. However, 90% of the children in Atlantis would much prefer to go to Chicken McDaddy’s than the sweetshop. But at the Chicken McDaddy drive through, their car broke down… What an embarrassment! Then the Doctor went to see Alison Gold and got some chow m-m-m-m-main. The beach Atlantis was a nudist beach! “Oh my,” said Peanut, smiling happily and grinned, his little peanut-coloured fur really cute. He was fluffy and small. Everyone who saw him wanted to take him home with them. Mycroft, you will be safe here with Lestrade and Anderson. Lestrade will keep you happy and look after you while Anderson… Err, Anderson will… Breakdance for your enjoyment. Anderson promptly dropped down on the floor and tried (and failed) to dance on his head. The man was very sad and embarrassed and so he left the nightclub with his head (that he can’t dance on) hung in shame. Now he will never be the World’s Best Breakdancer. :( However, he went on to buy the entire Chicken McDaddy’s franchise and died of obesity.
The End.
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