#ic actions
cyb3rbvlly · 3 months
@cyb3rbvlly has BLOCKED @carcinogenuine
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millenniumdueled · 10 months
>YOU HAVE OBTAINED: SWORD BREAD! +1 ATTACK, -50 HUNGRY! Smells like hot coals and smoked berries under all that bread scent.
Unused ti being the one to recieve such gifts, the Other Yugi blinks a few times in surprise as the baked blade appears before him. He takes the sword bread hesitantly, holding it awkwardly for a moment. He looks around himself, as if making sure the coast is clear, then gives the sword a playful swing as he realizes...
"What am I going to do with a bread sword?"
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holyhappyhour · 1 year
The Bad Deal: part 2
part 1
Le goes quiet, keeping her gaze unfocused and away from Conrad's look of concern. But she joins him in sitting up in bed, though she stays close, shoulder against his broad chest.
"What do you mean? There's no way--"
Le cuts him off. "I got a message on Tumblr. Told me where this uhh. Some deal was s'posed to go down. And, fuck, Connie..."
"What happened, Le....?"
She sighs a long, tired sigh. "It's. Uh.. Shit. Hold on. I got a uh, a video--"
Excuses herself for a moment to fetch her phone from where she'd undressed in the entryway She takes a quick pull from the open bottle of Irish whiskey she'd left in the living room, then quickly rejoins her partner in bed. She settles in and unlocks the device, pulls up her most recent videos, and holds it for them both to watch.
"Just... Look."
The shaky, unsteady video is taken from a distance, though the focus zooms as far as possible within the first few seconds. Four figures can be seen, three presumably male figures dressed in more clothing than appropriate for the warm weather, and a much smaller female with blonde hair. The group appear to be standing in the middle of a nearly empty warehouse, cast in the warm, golden glow of sunset.
The blonde reaches into her pocket, pulling out a small bag of something. Even zoomed in on the phone's camera it's hard to see just what was contained in the sack. She reaches out to one of the people, and a quick deal is made. "Now don't use it all in one place!"
The bubbly voice chimes in as the bag is held. The three men begin to argue amongst themselves, and it is clear the direction that is being taken as the woman takes a couple steps back, swinging her hands clasped behind her back.
The man with the bag barks something at the other two, and quickly gobbles the content up, "oh, look at you go," the blonde says, still slowly inching away. The plastic container falls daintily to the floor, letting itself ride the wind down.
Le wants to look away from the screen. She's already seen this, she knows what's coming next. But she keeps her green eyes glued to the video anyway.
Immediately the man begins hacking up, coughing and welching to himself while it echoes through the empty room. There is a distinct sound of skin beginning to tear and rip as the whines become screams.
His partners look on in confusion up until the sound of his arm snaps, the visuals showing the limb bending at ninety degrees, bone jutted outward. Muscles and tendons hang loosely from the tear when the other arm snaps, the screams louder and easily puncturing into the outside world. An ichor rolls from his eye sockets, reverb adding to his voice.
Flesh shifts, muscle moves down and his height slowly begins to increase. The jagged bones that were once arms elongate even more, protruding out like makeshift spears while the remaining arm falls off. The other two Supers now also back away, watching the mouth of the first rip open and grow in size.
The video pauses, Conrad's finger against the screen. Le looks over, only to see his brown eyes wide with horror.
"...Yeah. Uh. We don't have to finish it, but--"
Conrad shakes his head. Takes a deep, slow, unsteady breath. "No. No, it's okay I just." Another deep breath, and heavy sigh.
"Look, I know it's a lot to--"
"Le. Le, look at me," Conrad says firmly, turning to put a hand on each of Le's bare shoulders. "I get it, I get.. Why you didn't tell me first. And we! Can talk about that later." There's high note to his voice where he was going for a joke, only to fall flat in the sternness of the moment. "But I'm your partner, and I'm your boyfriend too. Whatever you face, I. Want to face it too."
For a moment, Le just stares at him, her typical, unreadably dour expression in place. "...That's. Like. The gayest shit I've ever heard." She can't help but break face into a light, hint of a chuckle. But a deep breath brings the brief comedic break to an end.
"Okay. It's. Not much longer. But uhh," she vaguely warns as she presses the screen to resume.
"Oh, hun, told you not to take it all," she says, marveling at her work. The other two Supers seem uncertain what to do as the screaming slowly comes to a halt, but the same ichor now rolls out of the mouth, his head having lost eyes and nose during the process. What was once a normal sized person was an ugly and gaunt looking creature of skin and bones. Clothes begin to rip at the seam, protrusions of bone popping up like spines.
"Oh, dear, would you kindly give your friends a message from the Church?"
Her words are turned to action, as the transformed Super impales his left most colleague with the bone arm, lifting the man high off the ground.
The video cuts off abruptly.
And a long silence floods the bedroom.
"...So that's uhh."
"The uhh.. The other one got away."
"Yeah, the uhhh. The- the junkie guy, not the uhhhh...." Le gestures with her free hand to the image of the Monster, frozen mid attack on the screen.
"The... Yeah." Le's voice sinks. She feels Conrad's arm pull her tighter. His hand is shaking.
"Did you.. Fight that thing....?"
"No! No no no, fuck no."
Le pauses a moment to recollect. She had almost dropped her phone in shock at the moment the video cut out, and had replaced it with her revolver instead. Which meant the rest of the bizarre rendezvous had gone unrecorded.
"There was another woman that I swear just kinda.. Came out of nowhere? Just uhh.. She let the other guy go, the one that-- Yeah, yeah. Then she just kind of.... Completely. Minced that thing with this like. This big ass spear..??"
Conrad's eyes go wide, but he nods for her to continue.
"Right, so uhhh. Yeah, she cut that monster up into pieces before it could even fight back, she was insane, Connie. Didn't bat a fuckin' eye. But this thing, it had uhh, it- it regenerated, you know? Kept healing itself up the little cuts, but it was like, too slow to keep up. She had it down just totally helpless on the ground and.... Fucking walked away, Connie."
"...Wait. Wha--"
"She said she wasn't gonna follow through and told it to go. Told it to go out into the world, like some kinda relocated possum."
"A possum with an.... Insatiable hunger for blood and flesh....."
"....Yeah. So uhh."
A look of horror suddenly crosses Conrad's face. "He's not still..."
"No!! No no no no n o. No I uh. I put it out. For good, I'm sure of it. But that woman got away before I could catch her."
Conrad is quiet for a moment, then sighs heavily. His tense shoulders slump, and he pulls Le in to a tight, warm hug. "So you didn't get hurt then...?"
"Nah, nah. Only the trauma-- Oh." Suddenly she readjusts, kicking one leg out from under the covers. "Cut myself on some glass, I uhh. Shit, I really forgot about that. Huh."
"You... Had a lot on your mind, I think. Here, let's.. Get that cleaned up real quick," He slides out of bed, walks around to offer a hand to Le, who rolls her eyes but can't help a little smile. "And we can think about this more tomorrow, okay? Or, iiiif you can't sleep, I'll stay up and we can talk about it tonight."
Le thinks for a moment as she takes her partner's hand. It's not often she allows him to take care of her so kindly, normally insisting to treat her wounds herself. But for tonight, she thinks maybe they both deserve this.
"Mmm. Tomorrow. Yeah. Gimme 2-- okay 3, more shots of that Jameson. And it can definitely be tomorrow."
(( Italicized paragraphs are written by @hulizi / @calestro and taken directly from the RP where these events took place!! thank youuuuuu Rayne for your contributions and for being a phenomenal RP buddy 💖💖💖💖 ))
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knives-alives · 2 years
[[ Action posts viewable ooc, but like. shoot an ask if you want to interact with the lad about it.]]
The soft creak of leather-on-leather wakes Roman from his reverie. He’s sitting, staring out at the skyline. It’s 4 am; the sky is a barely-awake lavender and the city sits dark, a sprawling concrete behemoth in the valley. His phone chirps- a message from his handler. Computer maintenance, wellness checks, a grocery run, and an appointment with a business partner on the pier.
So, company work as well as his personal ventures. The date, however, gives him pause. The tasks aren’t scheduled for two weeks. His handler texts him preemptively, verifying the dates. He’s on vacation.
What the fuck is he supposed to do with free time, again?
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nefelibatat · 23 days
So it's kinda interesting how Jinx is basically Caitlyn's own extremely malevolent genie. Every desire she has, Jinx fulfills, but with such a cruel twist that it almost defeats the point.
Want something new and exciting in your sheltered life? Well, one might say nearly getting blown up is pretty exciting. Looking for a real job to undertake? Here's a convenient pile of evidence leading you straight to the heart of a criminal empire. Good luck getting out of this mess though. Coworkers making you feel excluded? They can't do that now; they're dead. Longing to see Vi again? Don't worry. You will be taken straight to her, like it or not. Mum being too restrictive? Never again!
It's no wonder Jinx is associated with monkeys when her role in the show is ensuring a monkey's paw curls any time Caitlyn has a vague inclination towards something.
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
Surrender is not an option, keep trying is the answer.
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bandomchoiceawards · 10 months
Honorable mention goes to "Past Lives" by L.S. Dunes which received a bunch of nominations but actually came out in late 2022 <3
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lovelyhellokitty · 1 year
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
There's some inherent tragic horror in the fact that Simon canonically doesn't remember much of what he did as Ice King, just 'dreamlike impressions'. I imagine he remembers people, certain significant moments but otherwise it's kind of a blur. Simon is over a thousand years old but he barely remembers any of it. Not to mention the non-magical human brain isn't built to contain so much memory so any attempts to recall could be dangerous for him.
Imagine how terrible it is to be told a story of yourself acting strange and manic and pathetic and terrible and there's no internal context for it. It may as well have happened to someone else in a dream but its the personality and actions most people know you by. Simon hears an outrageous story of Ice King and who knows if it's real or not? He barely knows who the man was.
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yakysanny · 1 year
OPLA cast x One Piece on Ice
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bobthedoctor27 · 8 months
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Ice Planet Stormer
“Calling all heroes, it’s Hero February!”
Inspired by ben.cossy’s Ice Planet Stormer MOC released last year and the recent boom in Ice Planet 2002 nostalgia, I’m happy to finally release Ice Planet Stormer from his cryosleep!
This creation is Alpha Leader Stormer, refitted for a Brain Attack mission in the frozen wastes of a mysterious planet far from the Makuro Belt. Amidst the glacier barrens and tundra bluffs of this distant world, the evil brains have been spotted on another scheme!
For years now I’ve wanted to attach the Nexo Knights sword as a wristblade for a hero, and Stormer here was the perfect candidate! While the end result did involve some part modification, I think it’s a perfect Ice Planet substitute for his Brain Attack sword!
I was also keen to keep the original blue/black/trans-orange color scheme, but this gave me quite a few problems with the torso, which was colorlocked in pearl dark gray and flat silver and so didn’t give me many options. Fortunately, I was able to dye the part black! Paired with some blue shoulder addons I got from a bootleg set, he’s geared up and ready to open up a can of brain freeze!
Also includes obligatory photo of Stormer and Commander Cold!
Please leave any thoughtful comments below telling me what you like about this creation! Have a happy Hero February!
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sw33tcaram3l · 1 year
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OMG! One Piece on Ice Luffy met One Piece live action Luffy! Now I want Alabasta Arc OPLA
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
I know you. And I know what you did.
Aren't you cute playing pretend in your happy little afterlife? You were always a monster, and you always will be. You'll get what you deserve, even if I have to see to that myself.
See you again soon, Pharaoh.
Yugi opens the ask in his inbox, ready to give another anon a piece of his mind, ready to defend the other half of his soul and stand his ground on his feelings. But as his eyes skim over the accusatory words, there's another who reacts to them. He only feels the way his other heart freezes for a second before, in a rare act of defiance, his consciousness is pulled away from the driver's seat by his other self.
It's still his Partner's hands that shake as the spirit stares at the screen. His Partner's heart that thuds in his chest, his Partner's stomach that turns and sinks.
The spirit, the Other Yugi, swallows dryly.
This isn't some faceless being grasping at straws to break their bond, some bored nobody trying and failing to sew seeds of distrust between the two of them. Even with no proof, the Spirit feels it in his gut, in his heart. This is different.
This is personal.
He reads it over and over again, heartbeat deafening in his ears. Time stands still and so does the Other Yugi, paralyzed by the accusations, by the warning.
A gentle voice from inside his heart breaks him from his trance.
"other me, don't let it get to you. it's just--"
Before Yugi's sentence is complete, his Other Half quickly taps the delete button, banishing the ask to the depths of the void, forever unanswered.
But its words remain, burned into the Spirit's mind, playing over and over, even as he pushes his Partner back into the driver's seat and the heavy, metal door of his Soul Room slams shut.
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holyhappyhour · 1 year
The Bad Deal: part 1
As Le walks into the building of her upper west side apartment, her body moves almost on autopilot, her mind swimming deep in the events of the night. Through the atrium, into the elevator, down the hall, past her front door.
She sets her phone and revolver, now 3 bullets lighter, on the hall table before stripping down. First her shirt, then the black sash always tied around her waist, her jeans, all unceremoniously abandoned in the entry. A small silver case is removed from one drawer on the table.
Le moves silently to the kitchen to fetch a bottle from her freezer, then through her living room, out a window and onto the fire escape. Leaning against the iron railing, she raisess the bottle of Irish whiskey and takes a hefty swig without a flinch. She sets the bottle carefully by her feet, then takes a cigarette and lighter from the silver case, before tucking the case into the side of her sports bra. She lights up, inhaling a deep drag as she does, and looks up into the night sky. Any possible stars are drowned by the light pollution of the Big Apple, leaving the sky an endless sea of black ichor overhead--
and immediately she wretches. Leaning over the railing, she watches her vomit fall 8 stories to the courtyard below.
She wipes her mouth. Another long pull from her whiskey, and she can finish her cigarette in silence.
The hunter takes the bottle again, another swig, and heads back inside. To her bathroom, where she brushes her teeth, splashes water on her face. She takes the cigarette case from her bra before removing that too.
There hadn't been a fight. The mess from tonight's incident hadn't touched her. Yet she swore the smell of death clung to her. But she doesn't have the energy left for a shower. Instead, she crawls into bed just as she is, sliding under the covers to press her face against the warmth of her partner's chest.
Finally, she can breathe.
Le draws in a deep, shaking breath of Conrad's scent as his big arms wrap around her, and her own smaller arms around him too. For a long moment, they simply hold each other in the quiet of the dark night.
"Mm, there you are, Otter," the man's voice is low and deep and sleepy as he gives his partner a gentle squeeze. "...What's wrong..?"
Le shakes her head without raising it from his chest.
Conrad buries his own face in her hair, only to frown as the fresh smell of cigarette smoke meets his nose. "Le, what happened? Are you okay?" he asks, voice much more serious now.
Sighing, Le finally takes her face from Conrad's chest, but she doesn't look up at him either. For a long moment she's just quiet, chewing at her lip as she tries to find the right words.
"You can't tell anybody, okay?"
"Not even Nico or Alice. Fuck. Yeah. 'Specially not Nico..."
Conrad stiffens. Sits up a little bit, but he keeps his hand on Le's bare shoulder. "What are you talking about? If something happened, he should probably know--"
"Because I think this might be my fault, Connie."
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a-big-chicken-nerd · 7 months
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the textures on zanes vs the ice emperors sleeves are NOT the same btw hes got a cool new outfit on for his reign of terror hes the most stylin emperor alive (ignore how the texture turns back as soon as he gets his memories back hes just built different)
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unlawfulchaos · 1 year
Ice: OK Bradley, let's go through your homework. Which class first?
7 year old Bradley: Maths first, we're doing adding.
Ice, looking at the worksheet: Right. So if Mav has 16 cans of diet coke-
Bradley: Why does Mav have 16 cans of diet coke?
Mav, struggling to carry 16 cans of diet coke into the kitchen: None of your business, Baby Goose.
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