#ib exam revision
blossomonlinehk · 1 year
Best Strategies for Effective IB Exam Revision - Blossom
Revising for the International Baccalaureate (IB) exams can be a daunting task, especially if you have a number of subjects to focus on. However, it is important to remember that with the right approach and mindset, you can ace your exams and achieve your desired grades. This article will provide you with a comprehensive and objective analysis of the best revision strategy for the upcoming IB exams.
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sysy-studyblr · 1 year
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monday 10/04/23
started physics my beloved with a solid 5h today, finished topic 1 and half of topic 2!! but only content not questions
♫ bruise - between friends ♫
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temperatutoring · 2 months
Effective Revision Strategies for IB Biology and Mathematics
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Getting ready for International Baccalaureate (IB) exams can be exciting but also overwhelming. IB Biology and Mathematics are known to be tough but crucial subjects. The IB curriculum is well known for its comprehensive education approach, focusing on both depth of knowledge and interdisciplinary connections. This philosophy also carries over to the revision process, as students are challenged to do more than just memorize facts and formulas. They are also required to synthesize information, apply concepts to real-world situations, and improve their problem-solving abilities.
As the exams draw near, students can feel overwhelmed by the amount of material and complex problem-solving methods. In this blog post, we will discuss effective strategies designed for IB Biology and Mathematics Revision. Nonetheless, by approaching revision the right way, mastering these subjects can become easier and even fun.
IB Biology Revision-
Begin by categorizing your notes in a structured manner, grouping them by subject or category. Incorporate color-coded systems, visual aids, and memory tricks to enhance the retention of difficult ideas.
Condense important information for each topic to facilitate faster study sessions.
Review Previous Exams: Regularly practice past exams to get comfortable with the test layout and question styles.
Study your errors to pinpoint improvement areas and concentrate your review efforts there. -Challenge yourself by timing your practice to mimic real exam conditions and enhance your time management abilities
Use Interactive Resources:
Utilize online tools like interactive quizzes, animations, and educational videos to enhance your comprehension.
Engage with classmates for group study sessions or participate in online forums to chat about difficult subjects and exchange study advice.
IB Maths Revision-
Make sure to grasp the fundamental principles and ideas in each subject instead of just memorizing formulas.
Divide difficult problems into smaller, more manageable steps and work on solving them in an organized way.
Collaborate with Peers:
Work with your peers in study groups to collaborate on problem-solving and exchange ideas on various strategies for tackling math problems.
Explaining concepts to others can enhance your understanding and strengthen your grasp of the material.
Create Revision Summaries:
Create short summaries or cheat sheets for each topic to help with quick review sessions.
Make sure to go over these summaries frequently to strengthen memory recall and ensure you are familiar with important formulas and concepts.
IB Biology and Mathematics Revision involves organizing, practicing regularly, understanding the key concepts, and working with others. By consistently applying these methods, you can improve your chances of excelling in the IB exams and feel more confident in your knowledge of these complex subjects. Staying motivated and persistent is crucial, so maintain your focus and continue striving towards your academic objectives. Best of luck with your studies!
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theabigailthorn · 2 months
Hi! I'm a long time fan, and I wanted to send this to you (partly for luck!). I have my last philosophy exam tomorrow. Well, my last two, but same difference. I do the IB program, so it's a pretty big deal! How well I do tomorrow might effect if I get into my first choice university program. I'm rewatching your video on effective altruism (I'll probably watch it twice), partly for luck, and partly because it's such good revision. You're the reason I chose to take philosophy, so I feel like its pretty fitting that you're what will see me through my exams. In general your videos have done a lot for me, so thank you for this last bit of help!
Heyyyyy, good luck!
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rainbluealoekitten · 2 months
right so my bio class has been doing an ecology unit for over 2 months but like. my teacher has not taught us anything that's actually IN the syllabus and therefore on my THURSDAY exam and guys. guys i am fucked. he just talks about random case studies which are interesting but teach us nothing. i have been so busy + sick that i haven't been able to consistently study using the syllabus textbook so i don't know if i just keep trying to learn everything this week or if i spend my energy on the few things we did cover?? keeping in mind that ib questions sound so difficult and unrelated for no reason + i have to revise literally everything else i've learnt this year in both bio hl and history hl + math ai sl but i prolly won't do much for the math
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nenelonomh · 2 months
Hi. I also study international baccalaureate and I'm in MYP5. I want to study spanish in DP but I'm a bit scared because it's the first time that we do spanish in DP In our school (no senior to give us advide). Can you give me a description of the program and some advices.
Thanks <3
hello! i do have to warn you that each school will approach teaching differently,, so some of my descriptions may not end up applying but i will do my best.
the course is structured into five themes: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organisation and sharing the planet.
exams typically have individual speaking, listening and grammar (writing) tests.
of course, difficulty depends on the person taking the subject and their ability to comprehend. spanish is a pretty easy language in general, though. (or at least compared to the french and mandarin my school offers).
the best part about the ib curriculum for spanish is being able to enrich yourself in the culture. this one may seem obvious but i never expected that my class would get to make and eat spanish cusine so often. i also have the opportunity for homestay next year.
like all ib subjects, spanish is fast-paced and you learn a lot of content fast. to understand and remember vocab well, studying/revision should happen every day, and for at least 1/2 an hour.
i hope this helps!
❤️ nene
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Random Inbetweeners Headcannons
-Will was terrified of Mr Blobby. Like full on cried when he saw him.
-Simon called him a pussy for it when he told him
-Jay claims that he met Mr Blobby and they were best mates
-Everyone knows it's bullshit
-Neil remembers every single word to Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny by Lemon Demon.
-So did Jay
-Sung the song all the time in year 9 with the pure intention of annoying Simon
-Simon got a few isos in school for fighting
-Neil didn't revise for his A-Levels then got really stressed two days before exams
-They all watch South Park(expect for Will, as he is better than South Park /s)
-However, Will was willing to watch Family Guy with them.
-Jay played with ooids
-Neil stole one and it resulted in the "I'M NOT YOUR FREWND ANYMORE NEIL"
-They definitely got Bulldog banned in Primary School
-Will was the kid to read during breaks and lunches at Primary School
-Jay went to Afterschool club
-Jay was also a skiver alongside Neil
-Jay and Neil got told off for their handwriting in Primary School
-Neil is a Lemon Demon Fan
-He also listens to Bo Burnham but Jay called him bent for it
-Simon is a swiftie(He told me)
-Simon was also that kid who would throw up all the time
-Will and Neil have IBS
-They all have autism
-They're all LGBTQ+
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further-from-maths · 9 months
Obligatory Intro Post
Welcome! Glad to have you here:)
Who am I?
Name: Call me North on this blog, even if you know my real name haha. Flash is also fine! that’s generally what I go by online Main blog: @clockwork-windmills Pronouns: they/them -- in fact, here's my pronouns page! Where I'm from: England
What tags do you use here?
#further from maths master tag
#further from feelings not-studying stuff
#further from my blog reblogs
#[number] days until how many days away the end of the IB was on the day I posted
#haha goal post goals!
Subject specific tags listed below
What do you study?
I study the International Baccalaureate, and I'm currently in my second and final year! The sidebar of my blog has an up-to-date countdown until my last exam is over:) My subjects are:
#ib psychology HL
#ib global politics HL
#ib english language and literature HL
#ib computer science SL
#ib maths analysis and approaches SL
#ib german ab initio SL
What are your goals?
I have pretty high predicted grades -- currently chilling at a very crazy 43 -- so my main goal is to meet those if I can! My priority is English, because I need a 6 in HL English LangLit to get into the uni course I want. An unconditional would be insanely cool, but even a conditional with sliiightly lower English grade would be fantastic.
What are your plans after you finish the IB?
University, baby! I want to study creative writing. I'm not applying to Oxbridge because I don't want to lol, but with a pretty hefty predicted grade set, I have quite a lot of other options:) I've got a few more open day visits to go through, but right now I'm very interested in Warwick!
It's possible I'll do a law/teaching postgrad, but I'm pretty sure I want to work in publishing after uni.
What do you post about?
I (plan to) post:
typical studyblr content
screaming into the void that is tumblr, because the IB is the hardest thing I will do in my life
revision explanations
how uni prep is going
monthly goal updates
I'll update this as I get back into the swing of things.
What do you do outside of schoolwork?
Writing, funnily enough. I used to do theatre, but I had to sacrifice it to the IB gods for more hours in the day:') I also have a bunch of silly interests I reblog stuff about over on my main blog!
-North 💫
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anoncharli3 · 3 months
youre doing an ib oh my god im so so sorry
im not but i have two friend who were doing it and both of them are Extremely Burnt Out now though that could be from the mental illness
lmao yea im doing ib
almost finished tho so yesss only 13 exams to revise for and then FREEDOM
and yea i’m so sorry to your friends loll all 15 of us in my year are SEVERELY burnt out at this point agsidhdhfahdif
which subjects do/did your friends do?
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glrlafraid · 1 month
im so done for exam season dude specially maths. im dead. buried. rotting in the ground being eaten by maggots. why is my biology revision guide already half a cm thick. im doing the ib man these are two year courses this is only half the material......... and all the stuff i have to learn for maths as well. and for history. and i have my english io on friday. i'm so dead
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epiclamer · 5 months
Life update: Today I attempted a paper 2 practice where I had to write a comparative analysis between two literary works and boy oh boy did I get toasted. Apparently I can’t formulate sentences properly. At least my only deadline now is the math IA final draft which is due on Sunday at 21:00. After that I will continue hardcore revising for the mock exams.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk, mainslayer, I hope you have a good day on the 24th of April.
Sounds like the IB program… 🚒🚒🚒🚒🚒🚒
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rooniper · 1 year
Completely off topic for the stuff I usually post about or reblog but I just wanted to get this off my chest: IB finals schedules are such utter and complete garbage. You will not even believe. I’m out here revising three subjects at once because the Overlords have decided I’m gonna have three finals that also overlap with one another in three days. I am writing this while my laptop sits upon five books for two seperate subjects. This is the first time I’ve regained consciousness today after spending most of it completely submerged in History and I am only now realizing I had an exam that I in fact did take in the morning because it feels like it was four days ago. I don’t think I’ve replied to most of my messages in a week. While I logically know this is not the program’s fault and only a result of my own folly, thinking I could do 4 HL subjects at once, this will not stop me from whining. On the contrary, I will whine even more. Putting History and Math this close together should be illegal. It should be a warcrime. I am but a measly overdramatic tick crushed underneath the fist of my own decisions and the only thing keeping me together now is the meagre image of dark academia I have managed to maintain and my gay-ass outfits that I show up to exams in.
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sysy-studyblr · 1 year
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monday 03/04/23
chemistry is killing me a bit… i’m really struggling to get back to the work groove, this is a massive learning curve. at least i covered a bit of content today :D
♫ brewster - cruza ♫
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temperatutoring · 5 months
Master Your Success with IB Intensive Exam Prep 2024 in Vienna
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Unlock your potential with our IB intensive exam preparation in Vienna. Join in-person IB revision courses at Tempera Institute for a successful 2024 exam journey.
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Elevate your IB exam readiness with intensive preparation courses in Vienna. Join our expert-led IB Exam Revision Courses tailored for 2024. Experience in-person IB Revision Courses in Vienna, ensuring a comprehensive review to excel in your International Baccalaureate exams.
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Prepare with confidence, focusing on key subjects and exam strategies. Unlock your full potential with our dedicated IB Intensive Exam Preparation, providing the competitive edge you need. Secure your success with our proven track record of guiding students to excellence. Enroll now for a transformative IB revision experience in Vienna.
Don't miss the opportunity Sign up for this course!
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hello!!!! does the uk have the H1 H2 A level system too? How did you take so many science and math? (In Singapore, we’re required to take a contrasting subject)
also, any tips on chem 🥲🥲🥲 girl is STRUGGLING
hi anon!
Re: H1 H2 A Level system
i think it depends on the exam board. i did International A Level exam boards which are split into AS and A2 (year 1 and year 2). to my knowledge - any UK a level studyblrs please correct me - the UK exam boards no longer do separate exams for AS and A2, and you take all the exams at the end of the second year.
Re: take science and maths
for A Levels you don't need to take a contrasting subject. you can pick whichever subjects you want as long as it fits your school's class schedule. i chose to do A Levels specifically so i could take all 3 sciences. other systems (like IB) don't allow you to take 3 sciences.
Re: chem tips
chem is an awkward balance between memorising and application, so you need to target them both.
make your revision notes as you go along. make flashcards and review them periodically. mind maps are great for organic chemistry!
even before you have memorised everything, start doing practice questions and exams open book (with your revision notes). this will help you to understand the content and figure out what you need to know.
anything you don't understand, you need to solve at this stage before you start to memorise it. understanding will help with memorising the content as well
do as many practice exams as possible. identify the units you struggle with and target them!
you got this girlll x
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physics cheat sheet mod IA5+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Please Do Not Write on This Sheet. Physics Formula Sheet. Chapter 1: Introduction: The. Nature of Science and Physics. = − ± √ 2 − 4. As you're learning physics, keep this handy guide nearby for a quick reference to equations, formulas, and constants. Tips for IGCSE and GCE O Level Physics - Get access to all our Physics cheat sheets and summary notes to prepare for your upcoming exam! of the formula sheet. Moments of Inertia for Uniform, Rigid Objects of Various Shapes. Rotational Dynamics and Static Equilibrium. 9 Having a good base of theoretical knowledge on physics is inadequate as you must also familiarise yourself with the numerical concepts as well. We at Tutopiya want you to achieve the highest grade for your upcoming exam — therefore, we have combined a formula sheet for your easy reference in order to prepare better. Download Here! General Physics. Thermal Physics. Waves, light and sound. Electricity and Magnetism. Atomic Physics. The Physics subject can be a difficult subject to ace as it requires students to be able to relate real-life situations to solve some problems. Hence, instead of learning Physics with just textbooks and notes and a bunch of formulas, look at pictures and watch videos! It can be extremely helpful to watch videos and relate those abstract concepts to solve problems. Here are some of our favourite Physics channels! CrashCourse on Youtube is known for their easy to understand, bite-sized videos. They have amazing graphics to illustrate complex concepts to assist students better in understanding the topics. Be sure to check them out! Visit CrashCourse on Youtube here. The Domain of Science is another highly recommended YouTube channel that offers students interesting Physics topics to explore. Visit Domain of Science on Youtube here. Most Physics examinations will provide you with a formula sheet with all the Physics formulas for you to refer to. However, it is important that you take time to study the formula sheet before the examinations. The formula sheet is the only thing in the examination that you are allowed to have before the examination. The formula sheet is highly neglected by students when it should be something as important as revising for the subject. You are given the formula sheet — study it — make notes on it — constantly refer to it to familiarise yourself with the formula sheet. Start to build up your foundation for Physics as it builds on previous knowledge and it is vital for further advancement in the study. Try your best to understand the concepts and give yourself time to practice these concepts. Physics is a subject that is highly related to our everyday life, hence it is important to be able to relate to the question. Struggling with Physics? Contact us to arrange for a free online and live Physics lesson with us today! Her mission is to provide personalized individual lessons online where students from around the world can learn at their own pace and convenience. See author's posts. Sign Up. Learner guide. Tutor guide. IB Tuition. PSLE Tuition. SIngapore O Level Tuition. Singapore A Level Tuition. SAT Tuition. Privacy policy. This article will bring you the following: — Cheatsheet on the topics that are tested for O Levels downloadable version available too! It includes — the cheatsheet and summary notes! Get Started. Math Tuition. Additional Math Tuition. English Tuition. English Literature Tuition. Science Tuition. Physics Tuition. Chemistry Tuition. Biology Tuition. Economics Tuition. Business Studies Tuition. French Tuition. Spanish Tuition. Chinese Tuition. Computer Science Tuition. Geography Tuition. History Tuition. TOK Tuition. Get Help. About Us. Reach Us. All rights reserved. Close this module. Name Name. Email Enter your email address.
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