raddlounge · 1 year
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【 Today’s Outfits 】
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dandyshoecare · 2 years
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before and after by DSC
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art-emis99 · 7 months
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hey is it normal for ur brother to manipulate you into cannibalising ur dad haha (petalwhisper, probably)
kitty cat oc comic page :DD they are so fucked up
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brightoakgame · 1 year
You've answered an ask about full names but how do the characters feel about nicknames? Particularly more obscure ones like actually calling Jasper 'iaspi', or calling Sparrow 'little bird' or finding out great uncle Alfie's rank and referring to Marybeth as that.
Oh my stars, that last one especially made me laugh so hard...! 🤣 And then try to recall if I had given him a rank; sabers were assigned officers in the cavalry, so I think I mentally had him as a Major-- but for the purposes of Things To Call Marybeth, Colonel sounds more amusing to me, so perhaps Great Great Uncle Alfie needs a promotion.
To answer, though:
John: Loves nicknames, if this wasn't evident already! (tip: he will name the MC himself if you persist in not responding during your first encounter; moreover, if you share a name with someone else in town, he'll suggest a nickname) Very little would give him more joy than for a friend or lover to choose a special name to call him by; he'll take it as an affirmation of the bond he shares with the other person.
Marybeth: Outwardly not very keen on nicknames overall, and would strenuously object to being called Colonel. Might secretly enjoy it, however, if the person calling her that is someone she's very close to, and it's good-natured teasing rather than lack of respect. Still would find it embarrassing, but would also find it endearing.
Patti: Unless you're very close, absolutely not. She already goes by a nickname, and one is enough. Call her Pat, and she'll raise her brows, eye you with bemusement, and very politely correct you. If you're lovers, though, affectionate nicknames are likely acceptable-- even warmly embraced.
Sparrow: He's generally ambivalent about nicknames; he's had enough of being assigned names by others, and sees his chosen name is a way of reclaiming his identity for himself. Something that reflects him, however, coming from someone he trusts and cares about, he might enjoy-- and in fact, Patti does call him "little bird" on occasion:
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Jasper: His grasp on the difference between nicknames and name-calling is imperfect at best, so he generally mistrusts being called by anything other than his name-- to the point of taking it as a veiled insult. However, if there is enough established rapport and trust between him and the other party, he likely wouldn't mind as long as the reasoning for it isn't too obscure for him to recognize (Iaspi would be therefore okay).
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aurevoirmonty · 2 months
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Le Graal est avant tout lapis ex coelis, du fait que, d'après Wolfram, une troupe d'anges l'avait originellement apporté sur terre. Tradition identique à celle qui est rapportée par le Titurel d'Albrecht von Scharffenberg, le Graal se présentant également ici comme une pierre, jaspe ou silice, liée au symbole du Phénix : « Ein schar den gral uf erde - by alten ziten brahte - ein stein in hohem werde - man ein schûzzeh dar uzwurken dahte ; - iaspis und silix ist er gennent, - von dem der fenix lebende wirt - swenn er sich selb ze aschen brennet ». Pour Wolfram, il s'agit des anges qui furent condamnés à descendre sur terre pour être restés neutres au moment de la tentative de Lucifer. Gardé par eux, le Graal ne perdit pas ses vertus. Il passa ensuite sous la garde d'une troupe de chevaliers, désignés, en principe, d'en haut. Cette tradition se trouve modifiée de la façon suivante dans le Wartburgkrieg : une pierre sauta de la couronne de Lucifer, quand l'archange Michel le frappa. C'est la pierre des élus, tombée du ciel sur terre ; c'est elle que Parsifal retrouva et que Titurel, qui est précisément le fondateur de la dynastie du Graal, avait déjà recueillie. Le Graal serait cette pierre luciférienne. Selon d'autres, la pierre tombée sur terre aurait été une émeraude qui ornait le front de Lucifer. Un ange fidèle la tailla en forme de coupe et ce fut le Graal, donné à Adam dans le « paradis terrestre », jusqu'à ce qu'Adam tombât et fût chassé. Seth, le fils d'Adam, étant parvenu temporairement à retrouver le « paradis terrestre », en ramena le Graal. On peut rappeler à ce propos la légende arabe de la pierre noire de la Kaaba, donnée par Gabriel à Adam, reprise dans le ciel après le Déluge et rapportée ensuite sur terre par Gabriel, pour servir de « pierre angulaire » au centre de la tradition islamique. Cette pierre, blanche et resplendissante, devint noire après le péché. Cette dernière interprétation doit probablement être rectifiée, en ce sens que la couleur noire désigne ce qui est caché, non manifesté, comme l’est le « centre » suprême dans la période d'obscurcissement de toute civilisation traditionnelle.
Il semble enfin que d'aucuns aient vu une relation entre le Graal et une forteresse cathare des Pyrénées, Montségur, que les armées de Lucifer auraient assiégée pour obtenir le Graal et l'enchâsser de nouveau dans le diadème de leur prince, d'où il était tombé sur terre au moment de la répression de sa tentative. Mais le Graal aurait été sauvé par des chevaliers qui le cachèrent au sein d'une montagne.
Julius Evola, Le Mystère du Graal
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lanareal · 7 months
Trendsetters' Choice: Peanutwood Jasper Jewelry for Fashion Forward Individuals
Peanutwood Jasper, a visually striking variant of jasper, is a unique and visually striking type of chalcedony—a microcrystalline form of quartz. It stands out due to the distinct, fossilized remains of prehistoric plant material within its dark brown to black matrix. Often resembling peanuts, this fossilized plant material gives rise to the name "Peanutwood Jasper." The term "jasper" originates from the Greek word "iaspis," translating to "spotted stone." It is used to describe various opaque, fine-grained, and densely patterned varieties of chalcedony, typically found in a range of earthy colors. The peanutwood Jasper which comes in striking hues is often worn as the Peanutwood Jasper Ring, Peanutwood Jasper Pendant, Peanutwood Jasper Earrings, Peanutwood Jasper Necklace, or Peanutwood Jasper Bracelet.
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gemstone-jewelry8 · 7 months
Trendsetters' Choice: Peanutwood Jasper Jewelry for Fashion Forward Individuals
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Peanutwood Jasper, a visually striking variant of jasper, is a unique and visually striking type of chalcedony—a microcrystalline form of quartz. It stands out due to the distinct, fossilized remains of prehistoric plant material within its dark brown to black matrix. Often resembling peanuts, this fossilized plant material gives rise to the name "Peanutwood Jasper." The term "jasper" originates from the Greek word "iaspis," translating to "spotted stone." It is used to describe various opaque, fine-grained, and densely patterned varieties of chalcedony, typically found in a range of earthy colors. The Peanutwood Jasper which comes in striking hues is often worn as the Peanutwood Jasper Ring, Peanutwood Jasper Pendant, Peanutwood Jasper Earrings, Peanutwood Jasper Necklace, or Peanutwood Jasper Bracelet.
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angelinajhonson0 · 8 months
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Trendsetters' Choice: Peanutwood Jasper Jewelry for Fashion Forward Individuals Peanutwood Jasper, a visually striking variant of jasper, is a unique and visually striking type of chalcedony—a microcrystalline form of quartz. It stands out due to the distinct, fossilized remains of prehistoric plant material within its dark brown to black matrix. Often resembling peanuts, this fossilized plant material gives rise to the name "Peanutwood Jasper." The term "jasper" originates from the Greek word "iaspis," translating to "spotted stone." It is used to describe various opaque, fine-grained, and densely patterned varieties of chalcedony, typically found in a range of earthy colors.
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larajasmine500 · 8 months
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Trendsetters' Choice: Peanutwood Jasper Jewelry for Fashion Forward Individuals
Peanutwood Jasper, a visually striking variant of jasper, is a unique and visually striking type of chalcedony—a microcrystalline form of quartz. It stands out due to the distinct, fossilized remains of prehistoric plant material within its dark brown to black matrix. Often resembling peanuts, this fossilized plant material gives rise to the name "Peanutwood Jasper." The term "jasper" originates from the Greek word "iaspis," translating to "spotted stone.
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mercuriicultores · 1 year
Franciscus Petrarca – Contra medicum quendam, III
Inter multa quidem hoc erat, quod ex te nunc audio: minime necessariam poesim. […] O insane! Igitur putas necessitas artium nobilitatem arguat. Contra est; alioquin nobilissimus artificum erit agricola; sutor quoque et pistor et tu, si mactare desieris, in precio eritis. Absit! Nulla vos necessitas in precio ponet, nulla faciet non esse mechanicos.
Nescitis quod servus domesticus sepe quo vilior eo magis necessarius? Clibanarius et lanista quam necessarii sunt, quam viles! Citius philosophie scolis et militari cingulo, quam macello et balneis, sit caritura plebecula! Ite nunc, dyaletici senes, et ex necessitate nobilitatem arguite, si videtur; nisi forte aliud sentitis in rebus vita sensu et ratione carentibus, temptate hic etiam, si libet, vestre artis effectum. Asinus magis est necessarius quam leo, gallina quam aquila: ergo nobiliores; ficulnea magis necessaria quam laurus, mola quam iaspis: ergo nobiliores. Male concluditis, falsum dicitis, pueriliter loquimini: quod nature vestre et moribus et studio convenit, non etati. Ydiote procaces, in ore semper habetis Aristotilem, qui credo in ore vestro quam in inferno esse tristius ducat, et puto dextram suam oderit, qua illa scripsit que, paucis intellecta, per ora multorum ignorantium volitarent. Ille certe vestram conclusiunculam non probabat, ubi ait: «Necessariores quidem omnes, dignior vero nulla.». Locum non signo: nam et famosissimus locus est, et tu aristotelicus insignis.
[HIS] Entre otras muchas cosas, ésto es lo que ahora escucho de ti: la poesía no tiene ninguna importancia. […] ¡Oh insensato! ¿Entonces crees que la necesidad demuestra la nobleza de las artes? Al contrario, pues de ser así el agricultor sería el más noble de los artistas; también el zapatero, el panadero y tú, si dejaras de matar, serías valioso. ¡No! Ninguna necesidad te valorizará, ninguna hará que seamos como un mecánico. ¿Acaso ignoras que a menudo el esclavo doméstico es más necesario cuanto más vil es? ¡Cuán necesarios son el gladiador y el entrenador, y también cuán viles! ¡Más rápido perderá la plebe la filosofía de las escuelas y el cinturón militar que el mercado y los baños! Vayan ahora, ancianos dialécticos, y demuestren, si les parece, la nobleza nacida de la necesidad; a menos que piensen algo diferente en asuntos de vida carentes de sentido y razón, prueben también aquí, si lo desean, el efecto de su arte. El burro es más necesario que el león, la gallina que el águila: por lo tanto, más nobles; la higuera es más necesaria que el laurel, el molino que el jaspe: por lo tanto, más nobles. Concluyen mal, dicen falsedades, hablan de forma infantil: lo que conviene a su naturaleza y costumbres y estudio, no a su edad. Ignorantes insolentes, siempre tienen a Aristóteles en su boca, a quien, creo, consideran más triste en su boca que en el infierno, y supongo que odia su mano derecha con la que escribió aquellas cosas que, comprendidas por unos pocos, volaban por la boca de muchos ignorantes. Seguramente él no aprobaba su pequeña conclusión, cuando dijo: «Todas [las artes] son necesarias, pero ninguno es más digna.». No señalo la cita, ya que es un pasaje muy conocido, y tú eres un aristotélico destacado.
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raddlounge · 11 months
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wearing iaspis necklace
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dandyshoecare · 2 years
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art-emis99 · 2 months
Crystalfur's Discovery
Crystalfur has just recently become a warrior of ThunderClan. He's excited to tell his father, the WindClan deputy Ravenscorch, who no one really knows is his father, but he is, but when he does Ravenscorch doesn't seem too excited for him. He does have one gift for him, however. A trip to the twolegplace to see something he refuses to elaborate on. Little does Crystalfur know this trip was about to change his life forever.
I wrote about sone of my warriors ocs. yeahg
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The Greek noun “ἴασπις”
Limited to Rev. 4:3; 21:11; 21:18-19, the Greek noun “iaspis” meant “Jasper.”  In ancient times, “jasper” could “designate any opaque stone” (Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, 2:170). The post The Greek noun “ἴασπις” first appeared on Online Greek word study. https://www.bumchecks.com/biblecommentary/2023/07/04/the-greek-noun-%e1%bc%b4%ce%b1%cf%83%cf%80%ce%b9%cf%82/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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maralmarr · 2 years
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IASPIS Open Studios Autumn 2022. Graphic design by Evelina Mohei
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lanareal · 7 months
Trendsetters' Choice: Peanutwood Jasper Jewelry for Fashion Forward Individuals
Peanutwood Jasper, a visually striking variant of jasper, is a unique and visually striking type of chalcedony—a microcrystalline form of quartz. It stands out due to the distinct, fossilized remains of prehistoric plant material within its dark brown to black matrix. Often resembling peanuts, this fossilized plant material gives rise to the name "Peanutwood Jasper." The term "jasper" originates from the Greek word "iaspis," translating to "spotted stone." It is used to describe various opaque, fine-grained, and densely patterned varieties of chalcedony, typically found in a range of earthy colors. The peanutwood Jasper which comes in striking hues is often worn as the Peanutwood Jasper Ring, Peanutwood Jasper Pendant, Peanutwood Jasper Earrings, Peanutwood Jasper Necklace, or Peanutwood Jasper Bracelet.
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