varishava · 7 years
“Teacher.” (( Zaman to Shava))
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kaligw2 · 7 years
“Sassy” Zeke to Kali
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“You don’t say...” 
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morsheiradanetro · 7 years
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With far more care than the act required, the last of the dirt was brushed off the second of a pair of urns. Wrapping them in a thick cloth, the woman settles them into a small box before slipping the entire package into a leather bag slung over the shoulder. Giving a slight tug to her hood the woman rises, making her way silently through the mist to vanish over the cliff. 
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desertstarwind · 6 years
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Fiesty flirty and probably dangerous :P
@iamkuryakin @morsheiradanetro
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house-rogala · 6 years
The State of Death
 Rosella Vidal composed a new list in her head as she let shadow swirl in their ‘usual’ meeting spot. 
Fact:  the coroners’ records, finally completed, were clear.  Two other assassins had been working at the same tasks as Rosella over the last five years.  One preferred poisons, the other, slender blades.
Fact:  Lady Alissa had provided two names -- both former Whispers who’d been drummed out at an early age, just like Rosella.  Both older than her, but perhaps they’d been vulnerable to the “Keeper’s” lies, just like Rosella had been.  Severine Boudray.  Dashiel Vaughn.
Fact:  Just because Rosella had turned down the job to kill Alissa didn’t mean the other two had turned it down as well.
Fact:  Torres, that old “Keeper,” had an ex-wife in Ebonhawke, which was where Vaughn had been recently seen.  The ex-wife was one Bettina Gray, who had no job and a lot of coin.  Names, an address, a potential motive -- they all lined up like soldiers in a row.
Shadow billowed up to cover the Grenth statue in a way only one man would recognize.  Perhaps he’d be in the mood to go hunting with her.  One could never tell.
( @alissabryliss-fairfax, @iamkuryakin )
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many-voices · 6 years
The State of RP
((This is a short one, considering this mess of a week.  Heh.))
Jovan Rogala and his lady ( @alissabryliss-fairfax ) are doing much better, and he really hates attributing that in part to her ex-husband ( @iamkuryakin ).
While spying on the above conversation, Jovan’s secretary Rosella’s shadowy presence was noted.  She thinks she escaped that regard; she didn’t.  More to come.
Nora is on her way to deliver medical supplies and a sword to her cousin Catriona in Amnoon.  Unfortunately, Nora the chaos magnet knows very little about airships, Lion’s Arch, or travel.  @shilohdevereux is so far making sure she walks in the right direction.
Sara and @victormarchand had a date juuuust not-disastrous enough to merit seeing each other again.  She’s invited him and his cousin Odile to visit her and her father @oldmanelyan.  Lord Falconi is not enthused.
Natasa and @thrievadas grow ever closer to finding @andreusversai.  And while her brother suffers somewhere in the jungle, @aiaversai indulges in some stargaze-and-chill with Hamish in Amnoon.  <3 Versais.
Upcoming:  Polly travels to her favorite mountain hideaway!  Karla heads south to help Lidia/Gemma continue her new life!  
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zelia-adivar · 6 years
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“Be ready in two days; we will be setting out for Elona.” 
Olive green eyes blinked in surprise. “-What? Two days?” she didn’t bother to try and ask any further questions. She knew little about the man, but what she did know, is that he tended to be horribly evasive. 
“Be ready to be gone for a whole season.” 
Zelia started to stammer over her words again. “-I..okay...I need time to sort things out with my business.” 
“Three days then.” And with that, he was gone before she could reply again. 
Standing on the grassy cliffside, she shook her head slightly and let out a mild groan of frustration. He expected her to trust him but hardly gave her any real information when she asked questions. Yet, she agreed to do all this and had not failed to do something he asked. She wondered why exactly. She’d rather quickly agreed to it all. In fact, she hadn’t really hesitated. Perhaps she was anxious for a change. For her to change. He had told her she had potential. While she knew she was ambitious and successful and had worked hard to build what she did, she had rarely heard that she had potential. Sure, her family was always very supportive but when it came to her abilities as a Mesmer, that was a different matter. Moreover, they didn’t know about her more...sketchy dealings she used to partake in. 
It was going to be interesting going forward, to say the least. 
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visarnezam · 7 years
If your muse was a Disney character, who would they be?
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@luxelen @stellasparkles @iamkuryakin @rowboat-gw2 @rosalyndhavashem @elleofaquitaine
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theladyshade · 7 years
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With just a picture, what’s your character’s ideal vacation?
@iamkuryakin @lordgriggs @nezamgw2 @stellasparkles @aliviaglass @strathorne-blog @kangeera @elessar-volundir @luxelen
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bries-alts · 7 years
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bold flaws your character has / italicise ones they used to have, or have partially. feel free to add more.
absent-minded / abusive / addicted / aimless / alcoholic / aloof / anxious / arrogant / audacious / has bad habits / bigmouthed / bigoted / blunt / bold / callous / childish / cruel / cursed / dependent / dishonest / disloyal / disturbed / dubious / egotistical / envious / erratic / fanatical / fickle / fierce / finicky / flirty / gluttonous / gruff / gullible / hedonistic / humourless / hypocritical / idiotic / ignorant / illiterate / immature / impatient / impious / impish / incompetent / indecisive / indifferent / infamous / intolerant / judgmental / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / masochistic / meddlesome / meek / megalomaniac / naive / nosy / obsessive / oppressive / overambitious / overemotional / overprotective / overzealous / paranoid / peevish / perfectionist / pessimistic / phobic / rebellious / reckless / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / skeptic / seducer / selfish / self-martyr / self-righteous / senile / shallow / smart ass / solemn / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / squeamish / stubborn / superstitious / tactless / temperamental / theatrical / timid / tongue-tied / unlucky / unpredictable/ untrustworthy / vain / weak-willed / withdrawn
Tagged by - @dusteddyes
Tagging: @iamkuryakin (for any of your peeps!) @conceivednotions (for any/all your peeps) @elleofaquitaine @serpentofsaidra 
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varishava · 7 years
“ When I see you, I see my Mentor.” (( Zaman ))
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“Even at mah age ah still be leading dem to da troof o’ da mattah. You not bein’ da last one dat I be seein...but ah has hope.”
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fernandaguillard · 7 years
The Book of Life Prompt
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One part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches. Fundamentally, frustration comes from hope: you get upset because you expect your life will be more than a valley of tears. One way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. But you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focussed way, with honour.
You love it when everything is neat and tidy: when there is a proper way of doing things, and you can tick things off the to-do list and know where everything is. So others, at times, are to you unbearably sloppy and messy. And you run into things that can’t be ordered (a child, a partner, a colleague at work) which drives you slightly nuts. But your desire for order is a good one when it is focussed where it is needed and when you’re okay with a bit of mess.
You have seen the darker side of human nature, even in daily life. When you look beneath the surface everyone is pretty messed up; there’s more selfishness circulating that others admit. You are never surprised by the stupidity of others, even though it annoys you. Your streak of misanthropy is, in fact, a requirement of remaining sane. You’ve wisely come to terms with your need to sometimes confidently reject people.
@iamkuryakin @stellasparkles @rosalyndhavashem @elleofaquitaine
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The Battle for the Refuge
Edward stumbled back, the contact of the large stone enough to send his armored frame skidding across the ground a few feet before the force fell away.  “Which was is standing..”  Clearly, it had knocked something loose in his brain for a moment, and it took the butt of his hammer to act like a staff for him to get back up.  The Champion that had flung the boulder looked towards the group of combatants that had been dealing with the first one as a group.
“No you fuckin’ don’t..” At that moment, a sigil cast on him by Boreas Strathorne sent a surge of fury through his system.  The azure flame of guardian burst from his hands, racing up his arms to catch at the shoulders and course over his body uncontrolled.   Edward leapt into the air a great distance away, clearly too far to where he would not of made it, but a well timed Judges Intervention caused his body to flash from existence, instantly reappearing within range and bringing the hammer down.  While only a glancing blow, it was enough to knock the large creature off balance, letting the thud that trembled the platform be his signal to whirl, and bring the hammer in an arc over the fallen Champion’s body once to gain speed, then come down hard upon it’s skull to the tune of a sickening crunch.   No undeath would course through that body again, and Edward in his fury slammed both fists into his chest plate like some primal beast, letting a snarl sound from his lips.  Azure embers sparked from his breast plate before his attention turned to the third of the four champions rising slowly as if he was going to truly do something.  In Ed’s fury, there was little chance of this.  It only took two hop steps, but Edward whirled a second time, spinning to the point where his feet would plant, and his hips would swing with intense follow through.  Perhaps Edward’s speed, or intensity had caught the creature off guard, but either way, the force in which Edward contacted with that hammer was enough to send the champion right off his feet, and soaring off the cliff.   Shout out to @iamkuryakin on a job well done.  Thanks for letting Ed go ham. Also..natural 20′s are fuckin’ dope to roll.
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nezamgw2 · 7 years
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"He looked off as you do. Take these memories and let them rest with a man of matching virtue. It is a solitary road you choose, keep that friend with you." @iamkuryakin
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house-rogala · 6 years
More Household Letters (of sorts)
Alissa -- 
Rabiah left a note asking me to meet her down in Kessex.  I’ll see to it quickly. Don’t worry, half the house is watching to see when the adoption assessment report shows up.  You’ll hear the results near about as quickly as I will.
Near the high road statue of Grenth that overlooked the city cemetery, shadow bloomed.  Not a little shadow that blended in with the movement of the sun through the day.  Not a subtle shadow that billowed out so cunningly from the dark corners that passers-by barely questioned it. 
Instead, the statue itself seemed almost shrouded despite the bright day, an odd and disquieting illusion that required great strength -- and in this particular instance, great desperation. Two separate priests had arrived to light candles, but grey dimness had already swallowed the tiny flames.
Shadows to attract a shadow.  She knew no other way to catch the man’s attention, and the time for decisions grew short. 
Grenth’s stone face darkened.  Rosella crouched in wispy darkness and let her power flow.
( @rookmenagerie, @alissabryliss-fairfax, @iamkuryakin )
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tyrinnissylvante · 7 years
Lady Specialist Tyrinnis Sylvante
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Face Claim: Anchal Joseph
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Elonian)
Height: 5′ 8″
Eye Color: Silver
Hair Color: Ivory
Age: 35
The Facts-
Name Day:  December 11 (Will look it up later.)
Occupation: Therapist
Sexuality: Unknown
Romantic Inclination: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Good
Criminal History: None
Relationship Status: Single
Sweet on: None
Treat: Apple Tarts
Drink: Peach Tea
Scent: Lavender
Person: Lucien Nether
Deeper Knowledge-
Ten Details:
Tyrinnis is one of two. Her twin sister was born directly after her, both with black hair and brown eyes to their birth mother who had fled Elona. The Krytan nobles that housed her then adopted the two sisters as their own.
She had a good and happy childhood with her mother, father, and sister. She excelled in many school subjects, much to the distaste of her sister. At 7 years old, she requested to leave her family for the priesthood.
Tyrinnis was trained with the patron goddess Kormir and honed her magic as a means to discover truth and justice. 
The woman is blind in her left eye. She wounded it during a Vigil mission, whom then decided it best for her to remain in the Keep given that her talents rested in therapy work anyways. Originally, she was bitter, but the years spent there has made her more subservient. 
Tyrinnis is a social creature only when it comes to one-on-one interactions. While she is often happy to be present, she speaks little in large groups if at all. 
The middle-aged woman has a count of two friends currently. Her mission in the city has brought her to know these individuals as people to be counted on, should she need. 
She rarely has time to herself. When she isn’t attending her assignment, she is volunteering time and efforts more charitable causes. 
Tyrinnis has never been on a boat or airship at this time. She is actually afraid of them given the Pact’s destruction in Maguuma, but fear rarely stops this woman. 
Her largest flaw is her good intentions. Tyrinnis wants to follow divine guidance so badly that should it come to her being misled, could have dire consequences for those in her way. However, as a skilled therapist, she recognizes danger and magical influences easily so the likelihood of this happening is very low.
If Tyrinnis could have one wish in Tyria, it would be peace. She, however, has accepted the inalienable truth that there will never be peace because war comes in all forms. 
Five Items-
Things Preferred:
Hugs from Friends
Intelligent Conversations
Looking at Art
Peaceful Moments
Things Disliked:
Unlocked Potential
People that give up
Habits (Good or Bad):
People Watching
Morning Meditation and Prayer
Evening Meditation and Prayer
Lunch Medi- Jk, Apple & Water Lunch
Smiling at Everyone/thing
Personalities Drawn To:
Personalities Repelled By:
Failing her clients
Misrepresenting the Elonian culture
Being mind controlled
Harming another person
Your turn! Tagging: @iamkuryakin @nezamgw2 @morsheira @ahrwit @mavrosaerosrae @theluckyrat @luxelen @cvik (I know I already tagged you but I only know so many people. XD)
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