jewel-ofthe-sands · 6 years
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“Burn my home?  Then I will torch everything you know..”
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theillmindofvale · 9 years
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There was silence.  Some might mistake this meaning for the ringing of ears when all else was quiet, but in Edward’s mind, it was the opposite.  It was the complete absence of sound.  Not his daughter playing in the distance, nor the tranquil sound of running water could pierce the veil he had draped about himself in this moment of contemplation.  Magical energies moved about his core in raging torrents that before he had only noted as gentle streams.  Time in self imposed exile had done him wonders for his studies.  More important, time away from the distractions that came in social circles that he ran with.   When his body began to uncurl from it’s meditative position, the sounds of the natural order came back to him.  At first, above all it was Madilyn’s laughter as she chased insects in the field under the watchful eye of her grandmother, and Nala.  All else came after.  The distant pang of a blacksmiths work, the laughter of passing persons, all the rest of what Divinity’s Reach had within it’s walls flooded his senses once permitted to do so once again.  With the the settlement under constant harassment from the Hrathi, he had deemed it wise to move a home in the Reach where he would not question their safety during this time of transition and training.   The Butcher pushed slowly to his feet, limbs absent the normal tingle one might feel when sitting as he had been for some time.  He’d learned much about his abilities and the ways of the Firebrand, but this new found control over his body had been an eye opening experience.  It had placed his existence in perspective.  “Soon..”  He muttered to himself, fingers waggling independently of each other as a tiny spark of flame weaved it’s way through them, only for his fist to clinch and extinguish it.  “Very, very soon.”  
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jewel-ofthe-sands · 7 years
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He had been right. A warm bath, a lover’s arms, a full belly, the comfort of family and a delectable soreness between the thighs had been the perfect remedy for her distress over Amnoon, worried sick about the people she knew and her Shadows partner. It still rested in her mind, the concern, but it was less exhausting now, somehow- and she had Ed to thank for that. Yet again she wondered how she had ever gotten so lucky as Him, but she knew better than to poke holes in something so wonderful, especially with all the strife in her life. He was Hers, and She was His- and she felt….safe, loved. That was enough.
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“A vision without action is merely a dream.”
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Edward at last nights ball
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The Battle for the Refuge
Edward stumbled back, the contact of the large stone enough to send his armored frame skidding across the ground a few feet before the force fell away.  “Which was is standing..”  Clearly, it had knocked something loose in his brain for a moment, and it took the butt of his hammer to act like a staff for him to get back up.  The Champion that had flung the boulder looked towards the group of combatants that had been dealing with the first one as a group.
“No you fuckin’ don’t..” At that moment, a sigil cast on him by Boreas Strathorne sent a surge of fury through his system.  The azure flame of guardian burst from his hands, racing up his arms to catch at the shoulders and course over his body uncontrolled.   Edward leapt into the air a great distance away, clearly too far to where he would not of made it, but a well timed Judges Intervention caused his body to flash from existence, instantly reappearing within range and bringing the hammer down.  While only a glancing blow, it was enough to knock the large creature off balance, letting the thud that trembled the platform be his signal to whirl, and bring the hammer in an arc over the fallen Champion’s body once to gain speed, then come down hard upon it’s skull to the tune of a sickening crunch.   No undeath would course through that body again, and Edward in his fury slammed both fists into his chest plate like some primal beast, letting a snarl sound from his lips.  Azure embers sparked from his breast plate before his attention turned to the third of the four champions rising slowly as if he was going to truly do something.  In Ed’s fury, there was little chance of this.  It only took two hop steps, but Edward whirled a second time, spinning to the point where his feet would plant, and his hips would swing with intense follow through.  Perhaps Edward’s speed, or intensity had caught the creature off guard, but either way, the force in which Edward contacted with that hammer was enough to send the champion right off his feet, and soaring off the cliff.   Shout out to @iamkuryakin on a job well done.  Thanks for letting Ed go ham. Also..natural 20′s are fuckin’ dope to roll.
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jewel-ofthe-sands · 7 years
Rumor has it that you're a Djinn disguised in human form. Is that why all the men chase you?
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There was a small, mysterious smile that settled on her features as she bit her lip. “Worked on Ed, didn’t it?” Whether she was kidding or not, it was hard to say.@thehammerofascalon
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jewel-ofthe-sands · 7 years
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She had decided to spend the day, all of it, with Madilyn. The adorable little blonde had been transfixed by the Mehndi on her hands, turning them back and forth in fascination with her smaller ones. Ed’s daughter was endearingly sweet and incredibly intelligent, having already started to pick up bits and pieces of the Elonian that Anjali spoke. It brought a bright smile to Anjali’s face to see the father and daughter together, happy. The idea had come to her rather suddenly as Madilyn had been examining her hands and she spent the next day or so aquiring the materials.
Madilyn had loved it, sitting on the cushions in the sunroom as Anjali applied the henna to the girl’s hands in intricate floral detail, snow falling outside the large windows that looked out on the garden as Ed meditated in the corner, alight with a blue glow. The girl had so many questions and Anjali answered them all, and in the warmth of her lover’s family home, as Madilyn’s mehndi dried she felt…happy. Truly happy.
“You look beautiful Madi.”
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"What were you looking for, Mister Butcher?” @nezamgw2
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“Yes.  I love the desert..”   Blank stare intensifies
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"To Elona I go.  Pray for those in my way.”
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jewel-ofthe-sands · 7 years
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“When you find your person there is a contentment in it, a joy, a rightness.”
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“Why did they stand so close?  Why did they not just run..”  Edward thought as he watched in horror as his sanctuary spell shattered, and the weight of the blunted staff connecting into his chest was enough to knock him off his feet.  As he flew through the air, he noted the fear in the women's eyes, and the maniacal smile on the face of the Mordent Crescent baring down on them.  Darkness closed in on his vision, the moon light above was tunneling towards a point, yet it was the chain of his magical Spear of Justice that still bound him to the creature that still cast an eerie dim glow in the small space.   “You won’t take them..Both hands grasped the chain, and Edward growled as power surged through his body.  The azure guardians flame erupted around him.  When the chain went taunt, it swung him towards the side, allowing him to pause in his decent for but a moment, yet rather than climb up, he yanked as hard as he could.  Never had he felt such satisfaction to watch the awakened general come spilling over the edge after him.   In what he figured to be his final moments, Edward closed his eyes and said a prayer under his breath for anything that would hear it.  “May they escape.  And may my daughter grow old and weary..and know I loved her”  These thoughts faded out as did the light, and though he knew he should panic or call out for a remaining gods aid, he instead chose to focus on the face of his daughter in a fond memory before everything faded to black.  
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jewel-ofthe-sands · 7 years
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Anjali sat on the beach, toes buried in the sand, the sunset on Amnoon painting the sky and water in fiery colours. It had been a rough few days, already- and then there had been the thing with Edward. Add to that Allistair and Alissa and her head was spinning a little.  She had had feelings for Edward, but it had been only that- there had been no time for anything else. She hadn’t taken it too hard- she had let it go easily enough, though some small part of her tucked it away for safe keeping- that feeling of being near him. But Alissa- Alissa had struggled. She had done her best to comfort her friend, but it hadn’t seemed enough.  And then there was Allistair. He was her friend and so was Alissa- and she wondered if they might be rushing towards each other too fast.
There were so many things going on and she didn’t want to deal with any of them. Not today, not with a sunset like that.
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