tyrinnissylvante · 4 years
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
we lay in the dark, breathing together, the deepest intimacy.
Louise Glück, excerpt of Faithful and Virtuous Night (via 89words)
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
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So named with respect to the All, a symbolic representation of the world of Tyria, this union exists for the sake of bringing order in times of crisis, whether by aid or by the mobilization of cooperative armed forces.
First Speaker of the Antikytheria Assembly
Lord Salm Shahzad, Clanmarshal of the Pillars of Shahrnaz, Head of the First Council of Vabb, speaking for the Vabbian Forum
Speakers of the Antikytheria Assembly
Lady Luxelen Larkspur-Rossi, Chancellor of Olivias’s Refuge, speaking for Olivia’s Refuge
Julius, details to be determined
General Arvanna Sunjata-Dabi, speaking for the Settlement of Soundrest
This interorganizational/intergovernmental grouping is open to all interested parties, and it will primarily concern planning events surrounding the Living Story, present and future seasons! Please reach out via Discord to Atlas#3600.
@luxelen @akkeeartist @crimsoncompendium
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
Reblog if you want an anonymous confession.
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
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 @WeHeartIt /entry/77379940/via/mylittlerein
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
For @tyrinnissylvante @ursulaquellhorst and @katja-novak
Send my muse questions they can only answer with “yes” or “no”
If you could…? Do you have…? Would you ever…? Have you ever…? Would you like…? Do you want…?
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
Taker of Notes, Giver of Smiles, Owner of Doggo
(( I accept all of these! XD))
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
For @tyrinnissylvante @theladyshade and @ursulaquellhorst
Give my muse a title
Ex; “breaker of chains”, “beloved sister of the king”, or anything you can imagine!
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
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Dispatched on paper to each of those remaining in Thunderhead and in sealed letters to those back home. Ministry Guard,
In the continued absence of Commander Nezam from the field, I am sending you all home or elsewhere. Go to where the people you love are. If you have nowhere to go, no family or friends, you may come to me.
We have done all that we can to preserve the world. The rest is beyond mortal reach. Take this time to spend your days doing what matters to you most. All we can do now is wait and see if the world ends or not.
Knight Captain Rosalynd Havashem
If they wanted to stay, to try and find a way, she would not stop them, but they deserved as much as any the time to grieve with the people they loved.
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
During the wedding of Tyrinnis and Lord Nolan Quinn, Nela squeezes her way through the crowd to approach a teary-eyed Alivia. "Do you believe in love, Minster?” She asks, handing the woman a clean handkerchief.
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Accepting the fresh handkerchief with a teary-eyed smile and her nose red, Alivia nodded, sniffling, “I always have. It’s such a beautiful thing, isn’t it? I’ve always dreamed of finding love myself.” she admitted, dabbing at her eyes. “What of you, Nela?” she implored, curious.
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
Tyrinnis Sylvante, Human, Single Character Blog
If you roleplay an original Guild Wars 2 character, please reblog this post.
Reblog to be included on our Master List! Only reblogs count, and you must have a RP blog of some sort to be put on this list. 
Please include: your character’s name, their race, and whether you are a single- or multi-muse blog (as in, are you playing just one character on your blog, or more than one), or if you have a Guild Wars 2 verse (a character maybe not made in GW2 but you’ve played the game and have a version of a character meant for that universe)
(for canon characters, click here)
This is the updated post, please reblog this one instead if you host a roleplay blog for GW2. 
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
My heart mourns in the bitter cold evenings you are not beside me. I take solace that you are safe at Greenwood. I know that you suffer fear and hunger, that you look into this pit of despair teetering upon the edge. I’ve known that pit too, so dark and cold, and I look into it now despite the morale of the troops. The self resolution of sacrifice and martyrdom are not lost upon me, that I could act in such a way to save only one single life beyond my own as I have in the past. This scar still bore upon my eye reminds me that delusion is faulty. That jumping into that pit does not remove the threat but allows others to follow you into the hollow abyss. 
If I should fall this day to the elder dragon, know that I have done all within the power of myself and prayers to return to you. Know that I act with intent and clarity, in the interest of returning to our Queen’s Kryta and to you. But most importantly, know that if I do not return to live with you and our entourage of canine companions, that you should remember me. 
Turn away from the pit. Leave behind the darkness lest it pulls you down within and all those who care for you. Know that there is still love and light. There is still good. There is still us. Turn to the guidance of hope and let it lead you to a fulfilled life. 
Do not despair.
I love you. 
Love, Tyri
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(The Crystalline Chronicles is a Living Story Mega RP Event in GW2!) ( @lordnolanquinn )
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
Dear Nolan,
I have arrived upon the ship just earlier this evening, and already my mind is drawn to you. It is an utterly lonely sensation not to have you by my side. My bedding is cold and neither is Rosie to comfort me. 
I do not regret my choice to act upon the cries of Tyria’s suffering. I do not regret leaving you in safety to care for our home for whence I return. Even still, these thoughts weigh heavily on my mind, and I hope to dream of you, your hand in mine, upon the patio surrounded by the breeze whistling through the trees. 
I love you, Nolan. It is your love that empowers me to look to the dawn. Hope is just a sunrise away.
Gods guide us, Tyrinnis Sylvante-Quinn
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(The Crystalline Chronicles is a Living Story Mega RP Event in GW2!) @lordnolanquinn
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
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( Invitation created by @lemieuxpaper )
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
True/False game. Make an assumption about me in my ask and I’ll tell you if its true or false. Go.
pretty fucking please do this
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
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💩 …someone my muse dislikes, but admires. - @kitonlyhuman
“I can’t say there’s anyone in particular I dislike,” Nela explains in a cordial tone, her palms smoothing down her skirt that rests just below her knees, “but there are plenty of people I admire for different reasons.”
Counting with her fingers, Nela’s index fingers cross over each other. “First, my sister Manizeh. She follows her dreams and lets nothing stand in her way.” Nela, then, touches her middle finger. “Second would be Emma. We’ve only just met but she seems to have everything figured out.” Finally, Nela counted to three with a gesture to her ring finger. “Third, but by no means last, would be Lady Sylvante She has this aura about her that is always calming and warm.”
@mimimoulin, @tyrinnissylvante
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tyrinnissylvante · 5 years
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( @lordnolanquinn )
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