#iam Doing My !best With The Id
ent-is-indecisive · 10 months
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id : a digital painting of eddie and steve from the waist up on a soft red background. They are both bare chested, eddie behind steve, lightly holding onto one of his shoulders and holding a bunch of folded rope near steve's throat. Steve has his head tipped up to the ceiling while eddie has his chin hooked over steve's shoulder, looking down./ end id
art for Show Must Go On by @moonofthedevil for the @steddiebang
this process was so relaxing and i was so happy it turned out the way i wanted to on the first try
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trainingdummyrabbit · 8 months
"not to ocpost-" please oc post (as long as you're ok with it) i would love to learn more about holly and chun-run!! (as long as you're ok with it!!)
! oh its absolutely ok, i love being enabled ^w^ kjfngdkjf um um. this is another Entire Thing(tm) that requires Exposition(tm) so um hope youre ready to read More Paragraphs !
the short answer is
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the long answer is: i went 'hey i have two* ruina-era ocs, what if i put them next to each other for fun? haha they'd hate each other ^w^' ... 'Oh God They'd HATE Each Other.' so uh, the exposition.
Holly! You've Never Met Her Before. certainly not. ttttechnically. out of narrative, Holly was originally a branch of what Cocoa's character would have been when I was first developing her. in narrative, Holly is what would have happened if they'd never been picked up by LCorp. she's... an entirely different person, basically.
in essence, if you thought the other one was unstable, Oh Boy(tm). Holly is what happens when the city Actually gets the chance to sink its claws in. it's just this time, she was far, Far less quiet about it. girlies who completely fucking failed their stat check Again. there's only so much 'keep your head down and take it' you can really handle before you're just about ready to tear a bitch apart, and well. Well! anyway.
Holly is another angle of the Human/Monster/Object tangle, in where Cocoa's development hinges on the equivalent of trying to balance several spinning plates and Fucking Up Miserably, Holly has started hurling plates directly into the audience with intent. if you will.
humans are always talking some hot shit about how high and mighty they are, the "value" that comes with just being Human, and yet their entire lives are a horrible, animalistic dance of clawing each other to shreds while hiding behind ideas and roles they themselves put into play, like it's some stupid game. that harm is just an intrinsic part of the human nature. she can't fucking stand it.
essentially, she's an odd argument between the Human and Monster corners of the tangle. not only hates the binds that the city places on them of obligation, but also the ties of human emotion-- namely guilt and connection. that endless dance. she wants nothing more than to shed these ideals completely-- unfortunately, she still intrinsically and unconsciously clings onto them, afraid to let go. a human trying to claw its way out of humanity. it doesn't matter what it takes-- she's not letting this city take her first.
...and then there's Chun-Run.
we just don't know where chun-run came from. but she sure Is, and she's Immediately going to make it a Huge Fucking Problem. being aligned with the musicians of bremen, she has.. very normal views about art, and what it means to be Alive. she's the closest thing to a human time bomb i can think of, probably.
she doesn't have much of a character... honestly kind of intentionally? her entire being is solely rooted in the present, the What Is and the What Will Be. she strives to feel what the pianist's performance invoked that day-- through any means necessary. whatever happens to Her, to anything around her-- none of it matters. first and foremost, she is a conduit. it's all secondary to that singular experience.
horrifying. painful, disgusting. striking, poignant, pungent. it makes her sick to think about, but some part of her wishes she was closer to truly Feel it. its repulsive– but she Needs to hear it again. to witness, to experience. what is it– what was it? to grasp onto an ephemeral feeling she physically cannot understand– frustrating, frustrating. but she Needs to. to make the soul sing, cry out in reverence... to call it a Song is almost insulting.
so you have the worlds most unstable walking contradiction with absolutely no outlet and an unidentified fucking thing intent on wringing some undefineable meaning from the soul through physical violence.
so like, moth meet flame.
chun-run is pretty much Instantly infatuated with holly-- but for the Entire Wrong Reasons. it's pretty much "Yeah I Could Make Her Worse." all the way down, but expressed entirely through Murder. yknow, girl things. and holly, of course, fucking hates this are you for real right now??? shut the fuck up about reaching Art through Violence there is something WRONG WITH YOU. chun is entirely convinced that she's what will harmonize closest to that sound she's chasing-- that dissatisfaction, desire, rage... it's so painfully close. and yet she refuses to acknowledge that spark! refuses to engage entirely! is it not the nature of the soul to sing? so sing girl, sing.
girlies who are trying to claw their way back to stability and girlies who want nothing more than to burn to ashes in a beautiful blaze of Being. in conclusion:
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swingstep · 11 months
hihi folks!! gonna really quickly informally poke my kofi comms page again (that time of month again and all. Bills(tm)), but also a general widespread question!
th stuff i have up for commission options is mostly a quick and simple pick of options, but i figured id ask if anyone has any interest in adding any other things to the roster! things like icons n whatnot (which i definitely want to add when i can get to it--!)
dont want things to feel too limited, n all! i still consider off-sheet requests aswell, its mostly just to keep the list from getting too overwhelming. ^w^'' tyty for your time folks, n drop a reply or ask if you have any suggestions n ill give em a look over n such when i can! have a good one! o/
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raffe156 · 2 years
Late Night admin
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Pairing - Price X Tank X Ghost
Summary - A team night out turns into more, is 3 really a crowd?
Warnings - Smut (18+) Voyeurism, Language, alcohol, Age gap Price (39) Tank (25) Ghost (36) SoftDom!Price, public sex, praise kink, fingering, Hair pulling, Oral (M receiving), P in V, unsafe sex, Ghost being a little simp for Tank
AN- Well, this was meant to be smut without plot...well, I failed at that.. not 100% happy with it, but we'll see what you guys think. It doesn’t tie in with the Your captain series- this is an AU in which dr Helen never even crossed Prices mind, Tank never left for Squad 8 …so a better universe 🤣🤣🤣
It's kind of filth/heartfelt. Also I know Kyle has moves no one can tell me otherwise, haha 😂
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters, Only Tank
💖 As always, feedback welcome! It only results in me getting more stuff out - p.s Iam working on Breakaway state part 3 don't worry 😘
@deadbranch @mildlyhopeless @fanficandartgal @shuttlelauncher81 @a-littlebirdie @soapyghost @boomtowngirl @mostannoyingbillioner @brewed-pangolin @chb-7 @sarcastic-raptor163 @tapioca-marzipan
“No nothing…you look good kid…you sure you don’t want my jacket?” Price was already removing it from his shoulders.
“No im good, I’m literally in jeans and a T-shirt…” You looked down at yourself, but the comment still boosted your ego, but Prices opinion was biased at the best of times he told you you looked stunning with dirt, grime and gun oil on your face!
“Yeh but you look good…is that one of my T-shirts? Have you knotted it at the back?”
“No…its an old one…” you made for the door out of his office knowing full well it wasnt an old one and it was infact the very same top he had worn earlier today.
“Tank…If that has my name on the label…”
“It doesn’t want me to take it off and show you?”
“Yes actually…” He smirked knowing full well it was his. You scoffed he wasnt daft, for a start it did have his name on the label and smelt of cigars and his aftershave.
“I thought you wouldn’t mind, and besides if I smell like another man then guys won’t try and grind up on me in the club! It’s a win win…Me and Kyle can dance in peace with out you and Ghost kicking heads in” you rested your hand on his chest. He didn’t know you were going to a club. Shit.
“A club? I thought it was a pub?”
“Need to get your hearing checked already? How very sexy John” you motioned for him to leave his office, he followed reluctantly.
As you an Price entered the club the music hit you vibrating through your body. You turned to look back at your Captain he looked annoyed already, it was too many people for him. That an the doorman had asked you for ID at the same time the other had told Price the pub was down the road. As you manoeuvred through the crowd of bodies you reached back for his hand and laced your fingers into his giving them a little squeeze and a wink. He smiled, thats all he needed, but he did feel abit daft, this place wasnt like the dive clubs he had gone to as a teen, it was fancy and he much preferred the pub, the doorman had said one was down the road he wondered if he could talk at least Ghost into joining him leaving the ‘youngsters’ to the clubbing.
You spotted Kyle waving to you from across the room, you tugged on Price's hand leading him through the crowd. Ghost and Soap were sat in the private booth you and Kyle had booked. You can’t even remember when you had booked it but you were both definitely drunk when you did, never again were you being left in charge of team nights out. Soap jumped up he looked almost shocked to see Price, but then these days where ever you were Price wasn't far behind.
“Captain! Tank! Nice of you to join us” He slapped Price on the back.
Ghost moved up for Price to sit beside him handing him a drink, it wasn't top shelf like they were use to but it would do as he did he gave you the quick once over, he always did, he noted that you were wearing Price's Tshirt he knew because the sleeves were much wider than one that was your size, the knot on the back making it tight and hug you just right and also the Cigar smoke and aftershave were a dead giveaway.
Before Price could tell you to sit down next to him, you and Kyle had already made your way to the Dance floor, he shook his head smiling he loved when you were like this…happy…having a good time there wasn’t much time for that in your line of work…even if it wasn't his scene he was happy he came just to see you laughing and dancing and…..were you not wearing a bra? How had he not noticed that back at the base? Fuck sake! He would be having words later, he wasn't the only one who had noticed, it was the first thing Ghost had clocked when you had walked up to them, he watched as your tits bounced with every movement and the way you swayed your hips had him shifting in his seat to rearrange his jeans. Price was a lucky man. Taking a sip of his drink he noticed Price was also watching you, Ghost was probably the only one who knew that you guys had been fucking for a few weeks now, he had caught you two at it late one night in Price’s office, Price had looked entranced by you falling apart under him, Ghost had wanted to be apart of that , he wanted to be the reason you crumbled wanted to feel you under him…but he simply observed replaying it back later in his bunk. After that he had watched you both a few more times he tracked your habits knew what words were code for you two getting together. “Need a had with some paperwork tonight Tank, you mind?” You neverminded, thats what Ghost found so alluring, you never said no to your Captain, complete obedience, as he always said “Good soldiers, follow orders” and you were the best little soldier he knew. It made him jealous, he wanted you wrapped around him, he wanted just a taste of what you and Price had even if he had to share.
You an Kyle had been dancing for what seemed ages, your skin numb from the beat. You noticed Price and Ghost in deep conversation.
“What do you think they are taking about!” You tired to shout in Kyles ear. He was 7 tequilas in so he hadn’t noticed them looking over as much.
“Who Price and Ghost? How would I know…the good old days probably hahaha ohh no this is a banger of a tune!” You had lost him now. You looked back over to the booth, Soap was ordering more drinks and trying to chat up the waitress who to be fair looked interested. Ghost was now in Price’s ear, you made eyes at Price he just gave you a wink. You had a feeling you were the topic of conversation.
“Had much paper work this week Captain?” Ghost finished his drink. Price side eyed him, He knew Ghost had been watching you and him for the last few weeks, he wasnt daft Ghost thought he was smart but Price was smarter.
“You know what I have, Tank has been a massive help, don’t know what id do with out her…”
“Yehhh shes a good girl our Tank…thinking of asking her if she wants some one on one sparring sessions…perfect her hand to hand combat skills…” Ghost signaled the waitress for another round.
“Hmmm you can always ask, she’s pretty busy most days with me or Kyle…but you can only ask cant you?” Price gulped his drink in one.
“Yeh I noticed shes always busy with you, not so much Kyle…but I was thinking more of a late night class, I think she’d be up for it…you could even join in…give us a few pointers If you get what I mean…thats only If Tank is good with it?”
Price narrowed his eyes, was Ghost suggesting what he thought he was? Bold move…even though he didn’t like the thought of sharing you with him, Price did like the idea of putting him in his place he had no doubt Ghost would be good to you, but not like he was, it would be nice to take him down a notch or two, he had noticed him sniffing around you and it was becoming tiresome. Price glanced over at you, he wondered if you’d even be up for it, He beckoned you over.
You were being summoned, you tapped Kyle to signal you were going to get your drink from the booth, he nodded he was in full rave mode. The heat from all the bodies was suffocating, it wasnt till you emerged out and into the booth did you realise how warm it had been in there, your skin was shiny with sweat. Price patted the seat in between him and Ghost, both men hardly budge up, it was a tight squeeze. You sat down sipping your drink. Cosy.
“Having fun kid?” Price handed you and Ghost a shot as you downed the drink in your hand.
“Thanks and yeh…what’s up?” You were on alert now, this was the first time in weeks these two looked like they were getting on? Something was going on?
“We have a little proposal for you love” Ghost leaned back in his seat his arms on the back of the booth, legs spread wide.
“Oh yeah? An what would that be?” You took Prices drink from him, swishing it before knocking it back…not his usual grade but it went down a treat. Price gave you alittle smirk, you caught on fast no beating around the bush with you. His clever girl.
“Well…Me and Ghoat have been talking and…” Price handed you another shot.
“Is this about Ghost watching us have sex in your office? Because I know about that…I clocked him about 3 weeks ago…Whats up LT you not been able to get it out of your head? The Captain is good at what he does…” You took the shot and followed it with another. Both men looked at eachother in disbelief. Ghost rolled his eyes.
“What do you mean you knew? You knew he was watching us the whole time?” Price leaned forward. He couldn’t believe you hadnt said anything.
“Yeh…I thought it was something you two had arranged? I thought thats what the whole song and dance with ‘Need a hand doing some paper work’ was about? I thought it was code for Me and Tank are gonna be at it in my office Ghost” you gave a thumbs up to demonstrate. Ghost started laughing it was a sound you only heard on the rare occasion something really tickled him.
“So how about it then Tank…Me you and the Captain? You up for it” He rested his hand on your thigh leaning in close enough you could smell his aftershave, it was peppery and dark it sent shivers up your spine. Price slid his hand up the back of your top spreading his fingers out on your back it only intensified the goosebumps.
“What do you think Boss?” You glanced round to Price giving him a cheeky grin? Price was hooked.
“Yeh I don't mind a little bit of audience participation if you dont kid, what time we leaving?” He snaked his hand round to your chest palming your breast in his rough hand. Ghost watched as you melted into Price's Touch.
It had been a mad struggle to convince Soap not to bring the waitress back to the base with you in the end Ghost had paid her to walk away. He had better things to be doing.
Once back at the base you said your good nights and headed to your side of the base, Soap helped Kyle to their shared room, but Ghost hung back.
“You not coming LT?” Soap wanted help with the very drunk Kyle.
“Im sure you can manage Johnny…Im gonna have a proper drink with Price…need to get the taste of shit bourbon out my mouth”
Soap nodded picking Kyle back up from the floor half carrying him half dragging.
“Don’t let him swallow his tongue!” Price yelled after them.
Once they were out of ear shot Price turned to the lieutenant.
“Some ground rules Ghost…you don’t cum inside her I don’t care how good it feels…she likes it rough but nothing visible, lastly if she says stop you stop”
Ghost nodded why did he feel nervous? He’d imagined this hundreds of times, he followed Price to your room.
“Oh one more thing…even in here I’m still your Captain so what I say goes”
Price knocked before letting himself in to your room, Ghost right behind him.
Without a word Price moved in on you in two strides pressing his body to yours cupping your face, pulling you into a deep kiss. Ghost watched on as Price unbuttoned your jeans pulling them down and helping you step out of them. He didn’t know when he should join in he waited for the go ahead.
Price sat you on the end of the bed, his hand stroking the top of your head.
“Thought you wanted to join in Ghost?” Price called back to him, never taking his eyes off yours. That was his invite.
They both towered over you but you didn’t care, you had already started working on unbuckling Prices belt. Ghost was already shifting his jeans down to rest on his hips.
“Steady on sweetheart…” Price stopped your hands, pulling his cock out for you. Ghost steadily stroking away. The site of them both made you ache. Ghost was exactly how you imagined, Price steered you head in his direction pressing his tip to your lips.
“Open wide for me love” Price stroked your cheek tenderly. You did as you where told and wrapped your mouth around him softly licking the underside of his head. You looked up at him as he slid further down your throat. The sight caused Ghost to let out a low growl.
“That’s a good girl…” Price looped his hand up into your hair. You could feel Ghost getting impatient, but you looked to Price for permission, he nodded. You reached out your hand to grab him. He sighed at the softness of your hand on his cock you stroked him but he was eager to have your mouth around him as well. You pulled away from Price leaving a string of spit and took Ghost in your mouth, you could feel the corners of your mouth split as you tried to take him in. Christ, he was big, you tried your hardest but you gagged and pulled your head away gasping.
They looked at each other amused then back at you, like a pair of bullies that had their victim cornered.
“Easy now…lets not get carried away eh?” Price cupped your face letting your recover.
“Lay back for me…” you did as you were told, the butterflies in your stomach more of a flurry now. Price crouched infront of you his mouth an inch away from your opening you could feel his warm breath. You looked down at his handsome face his eyes a liquid blue you willed him to touch you. The heat from his tongue as it slipped in caused a little groan to escape from you.
“Please…fingers…please” you begged him.
“So impatient…but seeing as you asked politely…” Price could rarely say no to you, he pushed two fingers in his tongue still flat against your clit, you could feel his beard scratching your inner thighs but you liked it always did. He lazily curled his fingers up inside you, as you rolled your head back you locked eyes with Ghost. He moved closer to you, his hand falling to stroke the top of your head all the filthy things he wanted to do to you caused a stampede in his mind. Price stopped and turned his attention to Ghost. He was getting impatient as well Price wasn't a cruel man but Ghost needed to learn his place when it came to you. He removed his fingers and angled himself over you pressing his tip just enough to make you squirm. Ghost watched as your eyes switched from a soft focus to full-blown desire.
“Think Ghost wants to know what it feel like to be inside you Tank…so I'm going to be generous and let him go first, is that ok?”
Price leant forward planting little kisses on your breasts and stomach, your skin smelt of him it drove him insane he hoped Ghost would be able to smell it a reminder of who’s you were claimed by him.
You nodded glancing over at Ghost who waited for Price to remove himself from between your legs he was taking his time on purpose.
“Ill be right here where you can see me ok…” Price positioned himself just to the side of you. You watched him as Ghost softly nestled between your thighs. He lifted his ski mask up so it rested on the bridge of his nose. He placed your leg over his shoulder slightly lifting you from underneath with his hand he angled you up to his face. The position was a new one and Price was impressed and he knew you were to from the little smirk on your face which was soon wiped clean as Ghost made contact with you, he went at it like a last meal, the taste of bourbon and honey and the faint cigar ash…Price making sure he knew he was just a guest.
He sucked hard on your clit causing you to dig your heel into his back arching up further. The noises coming from you sent him into a frenzy and knew you were close, he wanted you to cum, he need you to cum he had to hear the sound and know he had caused it.
“Need to feel you cum on him cock…” Ghost shoved you up the bed with one hand, he nudge at your centre with his tip, Price looked at you for any sign of hesitation Price was above average in size but Ghost was wider, but from the look in your eyes you wanted it. Fair enough. Without a word you spread you legs open wider for him. The fuse in Ghosts brain blew, he slowly pushed inside, your walls stretching around him, it was a tight fit. It took everything for him not to ram his length in fully. One last push and he was fully inside you for real and not just in his head with his hand as a very poor substitute.
“Fuckin hell…” Ghost was drunk on the feeling of you around him, with every draw back your walls sucked him back in he had to slow down or else he was going to break the first rule, but your moans were blocking out all rational thoughts, then there the sound he wanted to hear most of all you were coming undone the barrier falling down. You clawed at his chest, shuddering as you came. He gently wrapped his hand round your throat only applying light pressure looking into your eyes. Price said you liked it rough.
“Simonnnnn……”you moaned as you shook, he had to pull back slightly he would of happily filled you up there and then but he could feel Price switching his gaze from you to him. Watching him like a hawk. How bad of a beating would it be?
“On your front Tank” Price stood at the top of the bed helping you get on all fours.
“Let’s get one more out of her eh?…remember not inside…I mean it…Ill hang you myself…” Price winked as he said it, Ghost believed him.
Looking down at you spread open again for him, he watched Price nuzzle your face, calling you a good girl as you took him to the base. He felt spoilt as he buried himself inside you again only giving you a moment to adjust around him before he bucked his hips into you with each thrust he made sure to slowly drag himself back out trying to match the rhythm of Price thrusting into your throat.
“Tell your Lieutenant how good you feel…tell him…how good you are…” Price gritted his teeth.
You could feel your orgasm building then the thin little thread broke, causing both men to fall apart, ready to break. Price had stilled, his head back as you swallowed every last bit. Just as Ghost was close you turned to look at him, you eyes glossy.
“Did Price tell you not to cum inside me?…” You voice was strained, it was enough to send him over the edge. He nodded only slowly slightly.
“Well you can…but I want to see your face as you do…without the mask…” You half-turned you body reaching up for him to hold you to his chest. Price shot you a look, no way Ghost was removing his mask…but just like that it was off and thrown on the floor…Ghost was hook, line and sinker for you.
“Good boy…” you studied him kissing the large scar on his face. He clutched you to his chest, his forehead resting on your temple panting your name as he came inside you coating your walls. You both collapsed forward Ghost moving to the side of you still tangled up you reached to pull Price onto the bed, he obliged. The small cot creaked in protest under the 3 of you.
“Do you want your mask back Ghost?” Price reached for it.
“No…its ok ill leave it off for a little longer..does this mean I get to help with paperwork more often?” He kissed your shoulder liking the way your skin felt against his face.
“We’ll see” You and Price agreed in unison.
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 6 months
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[end screenshot]
:33 < heynya !!1 velop @ash-pile (so sorry if youdidnt want me to tag you :o( i'll remove it if youwant !! ^_^ ) isaw this and i'll try to explain my best !! (though im not the best at it :oT )
:33 < regarding the first question, ithink it might be similar in some sense ? but not entirely the same ^_^ like alterhumans might feel as though their soul/mentality/something else (? not too sure but iknow copinglinks use kinning as a form of trauma and otherhearted is like a deep connection/bond so for other people it might be different but yea :oP could be wrong im not the best at this stuff) is/are their kintype(s) whilst plurality has alters and therefore is another conscience ^_^ therefore your kintype(s) is/are you, they/it dont/dosent hold conversations, do actions, ect, it/they is/are you !! ^_^
:33 < for plants/elements, ithink i'll try explain in the best way possible ^_^ feeling like a plant/element internally, on a non physical level ect :3 as a hydrangeakin, venus fly trap kin, and firekin, it sort of just deeply feels like iam my kins inside of me x3 as though iam my kintypes, as though iam a hydrangea flower, as though iam a venus fly trap, and as though iam this deep, burning, warm fire :3 youcould also have experiences such as feeling better bathing in sunlight, feeling a sense of comfort around your kintype, ect !! ^_^ ithink thats the best way to explain, but anyone cal feel free to add onto this :o)
:33 < (ps youcan just say other alterhumans its an umbrella term :o) /nm /lh) typically, people might want to act the way their kintype can act (if they can) speak/talk the way their kintype does, wear the same clothes, ect !! if theycant do that, they might listen to music that feels relatable to their kintype, or do activities that makes them feel like their kintype, but overall just depends :3 some people choose not to act on it at all and thats valid too !! :oD
:33 < it typically dosent stem from trauma, it might be due to past lives youve had, involuntary instincts as that kintype, ect !! it can be though !! for me, my kintypes (not all of them) just "clicked" as though isaw my kins, and realised "thats me. ive been them for so long without knowing, and now im aware. in all ways iam (x)" some kintypes might take alot of meditation and consideration before realising whether or not you are those/that kintype(s) !! ^_^ however constels can be formed due to hyperfixations and neurodivergency, copinglinks due to trauma and relating, kins being formed due to taruma, synpaths due to relating, ect so not all people and experiences are the same !! :oD
:33 < it probably is a little similar, but as id previously stated, alters are more of a conscience, so for therians, its more discovering (a) part(s) of you that youdidnt know, and for plurals, its more alters being formed id say but im not 100% sure
:33 < thank you too !! weirdos for lifeeee <33 im glad youre interested in learning !! :3 have a good day !!
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i DRANK 2 PUMPKIN SPICE LAtTez N NOW I FEEL Leafes in my Stom@ch!!!!!!
Y do u keep smoking weed from a dirty bong when u hav bronchitis??? Y do some ppl accept 5-7 min sex from their partners and still decide to Stay with them ??? Y do u keep growing out ur roots to plz ur boyfie who has worked at michilen star restaurantz but i hav only witnessed cookin pasghetti??? shoutout to the tht guy w the bike who jumped out wilson L at 4am just to tell meh he thought i was cute n asked for mi number but i said NO!!!!!!! n r@n away. shutout to mi fwendz taiwanese landlady who pet me lik a dog n who i put k up her nose in trade 4 hot soy milky n a fish bao. they hav a fb pg dedicated to they pet ferret who dressez up like oprah, marilyn monroe n bob marley <dreads from her old boyfie!> shoutout 2 da bday pawrty tht i threw tht didn’t happen tht led to a mental breakdown n bday boy split on meh but itz all luv at the end of the day.
havnt blogged in a min since i started werking as a teacher n also at jewelry warehouse managing inventory n packaging . ig it’s whut U culd call product merchandising? finished mi fashion merchandising certificate via parsons n hav been accomplishing much but Rly kinda Fucked at the same time cuz Cali taxes but i think in ab 3 yrs w more frugal spending n living w debt i will probz be able to C the lite of day but fornow i hav got to keep gettin Kuter n hotter so i get my drugs for free.
Whts happened since i last bloggeD??? Well… the bar i threw my bday party at in Sep wants $600 from me and i lost my id there as collateral , i put K up my butthole for the first time tht same nite , My therapist i just got last week thinks i hv a great sense of humor , i paid $100 for an LA Astrologer to read my natal chart ill get read nxt sunday ,hav been reading a lot of peoples fb messages in their account unbeknownst to Dem [ some ppl r Toxic!! ] , Went 2 sleepy halloww N it wuz fun to explor3 ! we snuck into the phillip manor n ran from the moosez n snuck into the cemetery then went back to the city to go two parties til our phone died N we were askin ppl for directions to the nxt party. 0pen bar at ladygunn [ N met ppl from sk8 kitchen ive now met like three ppl from sk8 kitchen just in passing in parties n walkin around in bushwick. ] walkin in platformz n cheap shein shoes we blistered n bruised so the bunions unfortunately rnt goin anywhere but it iz whut it iz.
A haiku:
Mi molly plug
put they
in my molly pills.
10/10 Best molly i ever done. missed the party bus at fidi to haunted mansion cuz my fake frog died n im in the third stage of grief ab it. (Bargaining) . Im entering a hoe phase again after being in my “im waiting for tru luv christian era “but like Truly- if ur boring id rather u be toxic pleaze for the love of God don’t b boring !!!!!!!!! UgH…. now I know whut silicone fake boobs feel like in my handz and mouth , iAm now an owner of a mattress made out of green tea , Im talking to a they them whose name is a frappuccino at Starbucks , My belly button piercing is infected , N new luv language unlocked : L8 nites screaming 2 emo music n throwback y2K sheit in Lena hornes grandsons bushwick apt n kissing his gf n trying on wigz n trying to do headstandz n LOTZ OF poetry SHaringz !!
a random poem i wrote on the bussy On my way! to werk: “scared of fame like sia .
Rico Nasty , sick . and diarrheaed .” Do u like it .
Halloweenn wuz fun dressing up like the BL00d of christ lmfao but i def got too tired cuz went out consecutive dayz n no sleep n just tired n sad . Intrapersonal probz make meh so fukin sad. But it lastz few wkz of good wetherr so i celebratin by goin to bodega in a c thru bra. i value deli man’s opinions of meh Titty piercings . iM still confused as to how i met my last situationship’s ex roommate at a casting who also may hav fucked my friends situation ship / Boyfie while feeling insecure and Hmmz. Guess the strait scene is gettin smol like the gay scene.
i finished watching party monster ab the club kidz scene in nyc n i am fuckin INSPIRED as hell to keep dressin weird n mayb do drag makeup sometimez. Luved the movie but therez too much Heroin. but much respect to Amanda Lenore , James st James n Angel Melendez (rip). Sidenote but i’ve been talking to a virgo trans masc columbia student who wants to top me and He wuz tellin meh ab how they did heroin once at a poland rave n Im getting increasingly interested Also just found out kurt cobain did Hereoin to help his undiagnosed IBS prob cuz he was severely lactose but his fav food wuz mac n cheese n pizza. LE SIGGHHH. soooooo relatable…!!!! but H is not kute so ima hav to let this 1 pass.
Finally getting mf help n treatment for ED stuff n tryna take more vitamins , im afraid of change and its so toxic how my head kan get sometimes just trying to follow this routine or diet sometimes i’ll call it just to find myself lying to myself continuously n going in roundabout ways with food anxiety, to the point of not being able to sleep because im in such a bad headspace because i’m hungry and trying to distract myself from not eating. I rly want a cinnamon roll wiff pecans tho. n crab Ranboobs…..
Gossip gurl rennybaby69247 advice- Dunt ever trust a hoe tht acts like sylvia plath manic girlie but kantt rly relate cuz it’s a whole systemic white ppl privilege thing at the end of the day , but trust white ppl who bake real good cuz Tbh they cook the main course w no garlic seasoning or pepper or salt on PURPOSE cuz they wanna prepare u for the boobwerrie muffin w almondz shaped like heartz on the top Dessert on purpose cuz U wont even fathom their artistry n Sheit n the power in their muscles to knead that dough tO Begin with!!!!!!!!!! white people need more credibility in the kitchen Ntthis week i want to say white lives matter n we shuld Giv them respectable chances to "get back " in our social platforms .
Til nxt week!!!!!!!!
ur disney channel princess , clowncore magazine collaging naked neighbor in the window , Depressed bitch rotting in their bedroom, Blew up on tiktok cuz of the ketamine scene in russian doll Yea u shuld follow me , Renny<3
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release snake menu mod hack MZ17+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Go to GitHub for Google Snake Mod Menu. Click Here · Now open the Bookmark Manager in Chrome browser. · Import Bookmark of Google Snake Menu Mode. To access the Google Snake Mod Menu, go to GitHub. · Launch the Bookmark Manager in your Chrome browser at this time. · Google's Snake Menu Mode. In This Article · Step 1 – Head over to the Google Snake Menu Mod page and download the '' file. · Step 2 – Import the 'MoreMenu'. “Google Snake Custom Menu Stuff” · Google Snake Dark Mode · Snake Toggling Death Screen · Google Snake Skull Poison · Google Snake Input Counter. 9 Snake Game Mods: The Google Snake game is the greatest way to play an old-school classic in a fresh, attractive format with a variety of new game settings. More custom mods can be added to these different game mode combinations to create your own unique experience. Read Also: Start Playing! This one, as the name implies, allows you to play the game in dark mode. This one allows you to toggle the game over screen, also known as the Death Screen. However, keep in mind that this will not affect your game score or stats. The GitHub link is here. Okay, this one is purely for entertainment purposes. Poison apples will cause your snake to go crazy. Play for fun, at your own risk. The Google Snake Input Counter does exactly what it says on the tin. As if your net had gone off, your snake becomes invisible. Sooner or later, the Snake Wall will reach its conclusion. This will result in incredible animated colour combinations for both your snake and the background. Wish you could keep track of your top scores and game completion minutes on a leaderboard? Then this is what you need. There is a DVD screensaver mode to experiment with, as the name implies. Looking for the right shade of watermelon red or washed lavender? Then this mod will allow you to customize your snake with any colour you like. Finally, Google Snake has a fantastic Burger Mode. This one, which was released in March , is a must-try for those looking for a unique experience. As a result, downloading this one is pointless. Knowing all of the built-in game modes will help you avoid downloading needless mod-files. Github Server. The whole information of Snake Game Mods has been given above so that you may utilise the information to better grasp the topic. If you have any problems with the post, please leave a comment below and we will do our best to help you. Top 20 free anime websites: See latest anime websites Hoi4 commands [Hearts of Iron 4 cheats] — a guide to the best. Hello everyone Iam Aakash Shrivastava a 23 year old web devloper, web designer i have completed engineering and currently working on article writing and making purposefull content. I belongs to sitarganj, it is a small town of one of the indian state uttarakhand. If you have any suggestions regarding my content please leave a comment in my any post i will make sure to reply. Email ID: [email protected]. Share on:.
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maria-eve-falcon · 3 years
forbidden love au mature
alternate universe: taylor and karlie are dating and joe is taylor’s beard . what happens when she falls for her employee? placed pre lover. idk where kar was living at that point so I’ll say Miami. full fiction
it’s raining in London as usual. Taylor could not get enough of this. but she misses her date left in Miami with that jerk. and she is with another well jerk. Jerk would be too harsh though. after all, he is a good friend. even though she misses Kar a lot, she can’t call her. at least not now.
-a day ago-
why on earth would you want to do that?
because I want to be with you!? I can’t do this anymore love! I just can’t! I can’t stay away from you and leave you with that jerk ! you should be with me! in London!
but I can’t! yk why!
that;s why I want to do this!. fuck my career ! it’s built enough . Iam out of everything we were scared about! and I just.. we.. I will come out now. for US
no! don’t do that!
why not? we can run away then! fuck my career. no matter how much my fans care in the end every one gets home . and I don’t. giving everyone what they want.. I get nothing at all.
because I don’t have YOU!. you are my home! my one and only!
look taylor. we can’t
your career-
idgaf! like I said before IDGAF!
yeah, but I do. you came soo far
KAR! and that is why idgaf cause I have come far enough and now id need anything but you my love! I retire!
nononono, what! NO! YOU CN’T bye.
karlie cuts the phone.
-at this moment-
what? why?
I heard you guys had a fight. 
you what? 
I- sorry. I needed to tell you that . 
that you were eves dropping?
kinda. sorry. I should not have
look joe. ik this all is confusing
it isn’t 
don’t cut me short!
ok sorry
urgh! stop saying sorry...
oh ok.
look mr .. I mean look joe. ik you are my employee and you are well one my friends who know this shit and I am very glad sometimes thatt I have you but EVEN BEING THE ONE MOST INVESTED IN THIS SHIT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO WHAT YOU DID!
right , I am sorry, I really truly am.
oh, so you actually are?
if I wasn’t why would I tell you that in the first place? you would have never known that Ik , right?
well.. that’s true
she glances out side the window and sighs. what a romantic weather and..
umm taylor
do you mind ? he proceeds to close the window curtains. half naked.
taylor frowns .
 do we have to go out? now?
umm no. It’s just me. I need to get somethings.
but it’s raining! like pouring joe!
umm don’t worry . he shivers a bit . well he is still only in his pants so.
umm ok.  
he does look nice though. she thinks . as he takes his pants off.
 why is he doing this in front of me though? she thinks. forgetting she is in his room since he asked to talk to her. he is facing his back though
a smile appears on her face. he is still struggling to get his pants on. also note be pointed he’s blushing like crazy and trying super hard to hide it from his employer/friend
why is he like this? she thinks. why can’t he just ask me to leave his room? even though she finds it very cute. the way he is. a bit shy and awkward at times. and weird. very very weird.
he is very in the corner though. after all why would he literally do such thing in front of tay. he was in the corner beside the bed trying his best not to be seen.
being called he stops. umm yeah? still blushing. 
you don’t have to go out. make a list . my staff would do. 
but I like doing my job. he lies
 well as he knows they are in a contract, so she is nothing to him and nor is he. so why would he get used to this? why? why would she even ask to help? no point at all. a single man to do his job at his best. he doesn’t need her help!
yes he does find himself in situations like this. cause showing the world he is hers and she is his and then at home behaving polar opposite is, difficult. like yeah, he is acting in a way, but it’s just not as same as acting. acting for 3 years, well more than 3 , is, well, tough.
you just don’t have to joe!
but ...I want to! he whines . he really needs some air. some where outside where he can forget about every shit. well he doesn’t mind. but he does sometimes. guess he is only human.
nope. this is an order Joseph. guess some one is your boss!
most of the times like this he would whine more or get angry. but he figured she needed a friend. so he’ll stay as decided now.
ok. he moves from his spot. puts his home shorts on . trying to get the shirt from the other side of the bed taylor is in front of him. he really doesn’t know how to tell her to leave his room. 
what’s wrong with me? he thinks. what the actual hell is wrong with this situation? never been this awkward! 
well he only can guess if she has ever been this close.
they both can feel their breaths as tay moves closer. uncomfortable. but both of them have 0 signs of minding it. 
ok,wth! they both think. but no signs of stopping there cause their noses are already touching. joe’s lips shivers as the gravities too much for them to take. they kiss. soft. as if feathers touching each other. so wrong, but soo right! their minds were put at ease , fully empty and blank. can’t think a single thing as their hands start moving. 
she puts hers on his biceps, his on her waist. both of them. as he fiddles with her waist, she realizes he has long hands. 
pretty. she thinks. 
the kissing which ended up in a makeout session came to an end as he bit her lower lip! 
shocked, her eyes go wide. she can’t help but think where this side of him lives in!? she lets him in though. cause she wants it. god knows why but she has waited too much for someone whom she would ruin her fucking career for. a bit playing might not hurt. anyways, she also doesn’t know if kar doesn’t get sneeky at times! 
well even if she did or did not she could not care less. or more. she just can’t think anymore or who knows? maybe she just does not want to. maybe for once she just wants to go with flow with out worrying. what ever her heart wants. 
hmm? he hums still exploring her mouth. 
I want you to 
I want you to fuck me! she says at once.
sure? his asks wide eyed.
yes yes yes!
remember , you asked for it! 
she giggles at his words as he proceeds to take her shirt off. button up. all of them undone now though. her belt is off as soon as he takes her up holding her arse. her long legs now hugged around his torso.
he gently lies her on the bed. 
his bed. he thinks. oh how many times he had dreams about this. why? god knows the best.
her black mini skirt is down, long gone is her white button up shirt which was tugged in her skirt. black lacey undergarments. 
shit. he says as he studies her.
what? you like it?
well yes. 
I hope you will like this though. he thinks. 
as he puts her bra off. shakily. he touches her skin. her bare skin. she shivers under his touch. weird feelings stir up her insides. she can’t figure what’s wrong, but she can’t think either. cause he is fast. he already took her panties off. ok the knot inside her needs friction. he touches down her thighs making her whimper. she needs it. now! she tried to put her thighs together and he spreads them. wide . and keeps teasing her. god he wanted to do this for a long time. 
she just can’t take this anymore. joe! she moans as he puts a finger inside her. god she needed this. 
like it?
he doesn’t wait anymore . 2 more fingers are inside her. she moans louder as thunder strikes somewhere outside. he keeps fingering her hard and fast. her moans get loud and fast with every trust. and then she feels something else. her pussy is wet, but it’s something else. his tongue moves fast inside her.
 shit! he IS eating me out! she thinks and god she can’t keep her screams anymore. 
he uses his nose now, the tip of it, right upon her core. 
god! she screams. he is fingering her AND eating her AND then there is his fucking long nose.
JOE! she screams as she comes. all in his mouth. he sucks up her juices and comes up to kiss her, holding her torso, he kisses her. her taste, all in his mouth. all she can taste is herself. he is all over her.  and she knows he is hard
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mr-anonymous-things · 3 years
Hey pal,
Iam Sabastian Walter. You don't know me or may be you do know me but right now iam like a mystery to you. A part of my life is sleeping, eating, studying and basically being busy in my phone, but supposedly the other part of my life is different. Yes well, iam a high school kid. Iam student of some class, player of some sport, child of some parent. Well, I have a normal family like everyone does. Well mostly everyone, except for the part that i have a huge ass secret. I won't disclose it right now. It's not that iam a criminal or murderer or anything like that. But iam pretty sure disclosing this secret will create a huge difference in my life nd maybe possibly I will feel as guilty as a criminal does. So now is not the right time. Most of us in our teenage thinks that love is something which necessarily have to include gender, great body, the fairest complextion, huge beauty. No one really cares how we really love. All we care for is how hot, sexy, cool, smart etc. that person is. Most of us choose the love of our life depending on their looks and physical characteristics.
But we are all wrong at one point of time or the other. Love is not about finding your perfect half. It is about trying, reaching and failing and falling. Some of us even mess up the relationship by saying that they don't deserve the other partner. No! It's not. We all deserve all the love of the world. But as we know not every path is as smooth and not every path is all rough and bad. Some are good some are bad. Every time we fall its our new time to rise up again and fall in love. Loving just one person for whole life even when the person strongly ignores your existence and finds you annoying is really heartbreaking but we need to rise fresh again just like the the stars in the sky shine tirelessly and the sun dosent forget or gets dominated by any obstacle in its path. We should be like the sky, always fresh, new, not tired and courageous.
The best thing about being different is that no one expects you to be like them. As for me I have a whole story. Rather 3 different stories. Stories are boring but secrets are interesting. I find my life great. Not a single person reading my thing can deny ever that they weren't in love and was disappointed and thought of strangling themselves or drowning themselves. I bet you. Even in the wide and huge oceans we don't always find pleasure while traveling in a cruise or being on a vacation. Satisfaction is kind of another word for perfection or even if not perfection maybe pleasure. We all deserve great loves stories. Stories and bonds which gets shared shamelessly beyond gender, looks and characteristics. And also I have a bunch of amazing friends who never stops supporting regardless their own hardships. When I get to know their love things and break up I feel like they were more miserable than me. You know the best part? Well we will come to that next week. The last thing for today is let's start taking ppl lives sincerely. Let's love them for who they r beyond their gender, complextion, physical features. Let's fall in love completely this year. Let's not take anyone's life for granted and then shed tears of false feelings and stuffs and regret not taking them seriously in our life. Let's keep our ego aside, our pride aside but not our self respect.
For me leading a beautiful, sweet and normal life is all that is wish for. Every one of us deserves the best love stories in our life. Let's be honest and write me back if u feel anything. I want to be your online friend. I will leave my email id here. I need someone to share my secrets, and u deserve a good friend and the best love story the whole world has ever seen or felt. Even greater than, Shakespeare's Romeo and juliet.
Yours sincerely,
Anonymous( Sabastian Walter)
Love and care.❤😇
P.S- I will be waiting for ur mail pal.
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Logan x MC
Word Count: 1400
A/N: The Choices Tumblr community has alerted me that it is @brightpinkpeppercorn​​’s birthday. Happy birthday Mar!!! Thank you for always being such a ray of sunshine in this Choices Tumblr community! Here is a Logan x MC fic I hope you enjoy as a gift!
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“Wow Logan, look, it’s the mascot!” Ellie exclaims, tugging on his hand, which as always is perpetually laced with her’s, to head in that direction. 
“He must be miserable.” Logan notes. He definitely doesn’t envy the poor kid in the giant Westwood Community College Wildcat costume in the Dallas heat.
“I’m sure it’s an honor! At Langston, there were very competitive auditions to become the Langston Lion.” Ellie lets out a nostalgic sigh. “I miss college.”
“You just graduated.” Logan reminds her. 
“Yeah, but after working full time for two months, I’m already nostalgic for the good old college days.”
“Good old college days? What about all those late nights in the library? And days you would call me crying because you were sure you failed that test?” Logan counters.
“...I guess I mostly did tell you about the bad things. But there were really good times too! Like the late night Target runs, and movie nights in the dorm.” Ellie reminisces. 
“Well on the bright side, you have free weekends now since you don’t have to study.”
“But I like studying.” Ellie counters. 
“....I’m trying to find a silver lining here for you El but you’re making it very difficult.”
Ellie laughs, clutching his arm and forcing him into the line for photos with the mascot. “The most important silver lining is you coming home, moving to Texas for me, us getting an apartment together, and being able to hug and kiss you as much as I want. Like right now.” She releases his arm and cups his cheeks, pulling him down to her waiting lips and kissing him soundly. 
Logan still can’t believe his luck as he wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her slightly off the ground. To somehow end up here in a community college quad kissing Ellie Wheeler after everything that happened with the Mercy Park Crew is nothing less than miraculous.
Logan went to Tijuana from LA after everything went down. It seemed like as good a place as any to avoid the FBI. But without Ellie, he felt like he was existing, but not really living. Every day, he had to fight his urge to call her. Stop himself at the last second when he had his keys in his hand and wanted to drive to Langston. 
One day, he just couldn’t fight it anymore. He called her from a burner phone. “Hello?” His throat closed up, hearing her voice for the first time in two months. A sharp intake of air from Ellie. “Logan?” She asked hopefully. He still couldn’t say anything. “Logan, it’s you, isn’t it?” She prompted. Then, she started crying. And his heart broke at the sound of her loud desperate sobs. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologized before hanging up, his head falling into his hands. He shouldn’t have done that. His phone rang. Ellie, calling him back. He ignored it, and went to turn it off, but before he could a text message from Ellie came through. ‘I still love you. I still want you Logan’
And that’s when he knew he was going to turn himself in. Because there was nothing he wanted more than her.  
He went to LA, and went to the Feds. And to his surprise, they were actually sympathetic. After all, he had come from the foster care system and had few options which explained why he turned to crime. He was also a minor when he committed most of his crimes. And most importantly, he ultimately helped take down Jason and his criminal enterprise. And he had turned himself in, he didn’t make them come find him. 
He was offered a deal. Since he didn’t technically have a criminal record attached to him, with them only knowing his first name when Ellie roped in the FBI to take down Jason, he had the option to enlist in the army and avoid any jail time. 
He jumped at the opportunity. And made it through basic training with flying colors. And only then did he allow himself to call Ellie. To explain everything. To tell her that he was still in love with her, and wanted to come to Langston to see her before his first deployment, Japan. 
He felt euphoric relief when she said she wanted to see him. 
For four years, they made it work long distance. They navigated the time differences so they could Facetime when he was in Japan, and then South Korea, and finally Iraq. Ellie wrote him countless letters, and sent pictures and care packages that he treasured. She also sent a GED prep book, which was invaluable in helping him get his GED. 
Between each deployment he’d sublet a room near Langston’s campus, and he and Ellie would spend every day together making up for the time that they were apart. 
But now, he’s served his four years and he’s free to use his GI bill to enroll in classes. Free to finally really start a life with Ellie. 
Ellie breaks away from his lips, smiling up at him. She hugs his waist, burying her face into his chest. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” He insists, placing a kiss to the top of her head. “Do we really have to wait in this line for a picture? I don’t want one.” He admits after patiently waiting several minutes. 
Ellie pouts. “You’re such a party pooper. Orientation is supposed to be fun!” 
Logan checks the email the community college registrar sent him. “Pretty sure it’s supposed to be about getting my student ID card troublemaker. Now that will be a line worth waiting in.” 
“Fine, but if we come back later and there’s no line for the mascot then I’m getting a picture of you with him.” Ellie promises, or more so threatens. 
“Deal.” Logan acquiesces, because he knows there’s still going to be a line later. He slips his hand back in her’s and walks them over to the Student Bookstore, following the map given to him when he checked in. 
He gets his ID while Ellie browses the store. She insists on buying an overpriced Westwood Community College sweatshirt. “Now I can wear this when you wear the Langston College sweatshirt I got you.” She reveals, hugging him from behind as he buys the community college edition textbooks required for his classes. They’re not available online, which seems like a scam. 
A student orientation volunteer announces a tour of campus is starting in 5 minutes, and Ellie quickly drags him over to wait for it. “I already have a map though.” Logan argues. 
“That’s not the same as walking around in person. Plus, it’s an opportunity to make friends.” Ellie looks around at some of the other new students. “He looks nice Logan! Why don’t you go talk to him?”    
“Okay mom, relax. I can make my own friends.” Logan retorts, but he softens that slight jab with a fond smile.
Ellie blushes. “Sorry. Am I being really overbearing? I just want school to be a really good experience for you. I know how nervous you are about this.”
Logan sighs. “It’s just been a really long time since I was in school. And the fact that I’m only going to be able to work part-time makes me a little anxious too.” 
“I told you that you don’t have to work Logan. I’m making good money. You can just focus on school.”
Logan shakes his head no. “No way. I’m paying half the rent.” He insists.
Ellie sighs. “You’re so stubborn. Is this about what my dad said? Because he doesn’t even know you.”
“Well, I don’t love that your dad called me a leech, but it’s more about me. I don’t like to depend on anyone. I’ll just feel more comfortable with my own money.”
“But what’s mine is your’s.” Ellie insists. 
“As sweet as that is troublemaker, you’re not going to be able to get me to change my mind on this. I’m keeping the part-time job at the mechanic shop.”
Ellie sighs. “Fine, but school comes first.” She replies. 
“Am I grounded if I bring home bad grades?” Logan retorts playfully. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Not trying to be your mother.” Ellie backs down. “In the spirit of being less domineering, what do you want to do after the tour?”
“We could find the best spot in the library to fool around.” 
“Logan!” Ellie exclaims with a blush as he laughs. 
taglist:  @debramcg1106  @choicesarehard @brightpinkpeppercorn @regina-and-happiness @drakexnadira @flyawayboo @fairydustandsarcasm @alesana45 @maxwellsquidsuit @lahelable @god-save-the-keen @mrsmckenziesworld @paisleylovergirl @iplaydrake @sinclaire-made-me-sin @choicesgremlin @lovehugsandcandy @blades-of-light-and-shadow @justdani14 @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @badchoicesposts @client-327 @riverrune @liamzigmichael4ever @princessstellaris @mskaneko @anxious-arliah @zaffrenotes @iam-ankita @ohsnapitzlovehacker @desireepow-1986 @lilyofchoices
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 2, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
IMO, The charm of this series also lays in the words and conversations. We can see it before we also see it in this one.
As i said before, i loved tae eul and gon meetings in gwanghamun. Gon definitely iritates the police by hugging her, then tae eul push him and ask for his id. I like gon’s answer to this question, he said he cannot show his id because he said “i am who iam” 🤣 i dont know why but i found it very funny. And since i knew a bit of korean, the words in korean sound more sassy , 나는 나여서, 나인 사람이라 and also true, but nobody knows who you are here, gon. So please.. 😅 I am amused by their bickering here, while taeul seems a bit frustrated, gon just keep speaking non sense with confidence
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Then continue to the police station, we see tae eul checking gon belongings and found the talisman and Corea money, which she teased gon by calling it monopoly money and ask whether he just buy a land (this convo is interesting because it will be said later by gon to tae eul in eps 5). The conversation in the police station even more amusing. There is 1 line where tae eul ask gon whether he is a spy and whether he has plan to blow the police station, then gon’s said “you dont look like that important here” 🤣 Basically Gon’s trying to explain everything to tae eul but tae eul just not buying it, she’s just want to end the work fastly i believe. But here we can see 1 little detail that tae eul actually affected by gon words, especially when he says he is longing for her, looking for her and she is more beautiful in person and that he has her pictures. I think tae eul curiousity is starting to grow here (also because he has no identity in Korea after the fingerprints test)
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Because there are no reasons to keep gon in jail, tae eul let him go. Here comes the iconic (diamond) button selling 🤣 “princess diana” was confused, gon tries to keep her beside him, he said dont leave him and hope this day was a very long day so they dont have to part since its been 25 years his been looking for her 😢 (this is also important line because we will see tae eul saying the same thing later in eps 9/10)
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She needs to visit his place immediately because he keeps Maximus in her house without permission. Then gon ask her if she didnt mind to keep the horse there, then tae eul answer here was funny “안 괜찮으니까 온 거 아니야?” 🤣 Then gon said to her to keep it a while until he goes back to his world but did not decide it when he will do so yet. He said he is happy being here with here, i cant help but to feel swoon hearing this words and seeing tae eul face. She is clearly trying to not get swayed but it did make her startled and give her some silent before she can cover it with flat face and try to remain calm. I can see it girl 🤓
Then Lee Rim. Actually i love him a lot. He is act very good as a royal vilain. And upon seeing his behaviour i really curious on his back story more, how he lives his live, is he has a feeling to gon’s mom, what is it that makes him evil.
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What is it that makes him wants to be god. And everytime he shows up to “recruit” people he almost always said “what did you pray?” Then granted the wish just like God, but real, he is not invisible and can granted your wish immediately (plus the cinematography and music everytime he show up always makes you feel that creepy feelings)
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The scene was 1 of my fav from this episodes. But most fav scene was gon and tae eul in the chicken restaurant. Gon said “Thank you. The fact that you existed somewhere makes me less lonely for 25 years” this words hits me hard. Anyone that have been in a long distance relationship whether its with family or lover will know how it feels. We cant see them everyday probably also cannot contact them at all because we are miles and miles away, but we know they are there, they exist in this world. That gives some kind of hope and a purpose to us to live our best life. Because at some point we will work to see them again, to come home and to be where we belong. Yes gon has never met her in person, but he has a sign that she existed, and she found her traces in the most tragic time in his life. He will always try to find her, because that gives him purposes, hope and maybe answers that he is looking for, on how he survive, who is it that save him, etc.
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Then we can see gon stares at tae eul and get flashback to 25 years ago. He informed lady Noh that at the night of treason he heard the flute crying so loud thats make him awake and go to cheonjongo, i like to think that the voice little gon hears was the flute asking for a help because he knows some evil was going to take it and use for a bad thing. I found it cool though.
Then he ask lady Noh the other half of the flute and the badge. Lady noh said the 2 goods were odd, “something that is suppose to be silent make a sound and an identified items, existed” this lines was well made.
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To be continued..
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lesbvan · 4 years
Hey :) I hope I don't bother you with this, I just wanted to know if you are planning on continuing your sobbe story "It's winter here"? I really loved the first chapter! I don't want you to feel pressured of course, I am just wondering if this is still one of your projects. Well, with this said, I hope you stay safe and healthy!
hi, after two months here iam replying to you. im not sure if you still follow me, or if you're still interested but id like to explain myself. the truth is that back in january i was really excited while writing the fic so much so that as soon as i posted the first chapter i immediately started writing the second one. i had so many ideas! im not sure what happened i kind of just stopped, it happens a lot with me, i stop things in the middle of doing them. its really frustrating. but then about two or so months ago i got ur ask and i thought to myself 'this is it, this is gonna make me gonna continue the story' because i do want to continue i just.. cant bring myself to write it you know? so i kept your ask as a reminder. however, only today did i come out of my way to continue the second chapter. i cant promise that itll be posted this week but, if i keep writing itll still be up this month. so to answer your question, i do want to finish this story, and ill try my best to have the mind power to do so! thank you for liking it, it means a lot to me since im not confident in my writing at all🥰
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hi, its me. im nobody and want to share my story. story about my life. i was born in mid 90's. my father was a freelance consultant and my mother was a teacher. my older brother was died before i was born. my sister is 3 years younger than me. i dont have a beautiful childhood. i dont have a lot of friend when i was a child. my friend hate me, avoid me and sometimes bully me. when i was 14, my tigh broke because an accident. i rest for 2 month all by myself because my parents were working. the accident make my family broke financially because the meds were expensive back then. back then, i was scared of my father because sometimes he kick my ass and verbally abuse me but thats okay. at senior high, i have a lot of friends, real friends, someone that i can rely on. we were together everytime, fighting together, drunk together. but my real best friend is my mom. my mom was sick when i was 15. i dont know what happened to her, but the only thing i know, i dont want to lose her. one day, my mom had an accident. a random guy hit my mom with motorcycle. my mom got his id. i sneak to her room to steal the id. he was undergraduate students at my town campus. me and my friend went to his campus to get revenge. i was involved i gang back then. i hit him with my baseball bat several times and i stop hitting him after watching him badly injured, blood was everywhere and his friend was scared, scared by 15 years old boy seeking for revenge. my mom hospitalized four times in a year. i was there all day everyday, sometimes i skip school because i want to be on her side everyday. in hospital, my mom teach me everything, how to be a good man, how to respect and treat women, everything. by the way, my mom room is very narrow, a room filled with 6 patients and i have to sleep on the floor because my family cant afford better room. one day, doctor told me that my mother had stage IV breast cancer. i tried not to cry in front of my mom. iam a moslem, i pray for my mom all day everyday, asking god to cure my mom. i was holding my mom's hand 24/7 all day everyday until her last breath. i hold my pain, tried not to cry, trying to be stronger, tried to smile and cheers my mom. i take care of her in the hospital and in my house. i accompany her when she have appointment for chemotherapy. i was ready for her 24/7. i clean everything, the mess, even when she's vomiting after chemoteraphy, i clean all the mess because nobody want to. i make sure everything is clean and neat for my mom, everything the best for my mom. when i was 17, my mom got hospitalized again for 7th times. she lost consciousness. she was in coma for 7 days. i was on her side 24/7 waiting her to wake up. i skip school, i left her just for a bath and come back again. doctor told me that the cancer attack her spine and her brain. when she wake up, she lost her memory, everything, she does not recognize me, doesnt recognized everyone. she act like 10 years old child, asking for candy, want to play doll with me and etc. i cant hold my tears anymore. the things that i can do is accompany her, help her, grant her everything she asked to, and holding her hand. i kiss her forehead everynight after she was felt asleep. i pray to god, all day everyday, asking for a miracle. one night, i felt asleep on the room floor. when i woke up there is a lot of doctor and nurse took action. i dont know what they doing but at 4 a.m. my mom was died. after 2 years fighting. i lost my mom, my mentor, and my best friend. for 3 days, im not eating, just smoking and crying in front of my mom grave day and night. i dont care anything, i just want to cry, cry beside mom. now just 3 member left in my house, my father, my sister and me. back then i was hating my father so much. i know everything after my mom die, my aunt told me everything i dont know. one day i have fight with my father, i blame him for everything that happened to my mom, he verbally abuse my mom and put pressure on her. now i regret that fight, i really am. i was cruel, when i graduate high scool, my father came and i ignored him. to be cont.
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hydrospanners · 5 years
How about multiples of 5 :D Please and thank you
thank you for asking i cry
(psa before you read this iam absolutely drunk and yes it’s 3pm but i get up at 2:30am so it’s really not that early for me)
5. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?I’ve been working on this one novel since I was 14 years old. It’s changed and warped and been rewritten so much over the years that what I have of it today and what I scribbled in the margins of my notes in high school are barely even recognizable as the same thing but they have the same... core...??? i guess??????? the same central themes or something just vastly different, more nuanced and (i hope) more intelligent ways of appraoching them. ive gotten better at telling the stories i want to read since i was 14 but this one is deeply important to me and for that reason my bad habit of perfectionism has been rearing its head. ive rewritten the first ten chapters like 80000 times but rarely make it past that. the reasons why are for my therapist to know and me to find out i guess.
10.do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best?i try very frequently to have a consistent schedule. for a while back in 2018 i was succeeding. and then this year i had this particular project i really wanted to finish and i sat down and made timesheets and scheudled out my time like it was a second job and id give it 10 hrs/week so i’d still have time to care for my needs and relax and whatever but...... this year has been a bitch for me fam. ive made a lot of vague posts but........ it’s been a bitch and i havent written a lot. maybe i should. maybe it would help. i don’t know but i do everything better when it’s with a consistent schedule. regularity and schedules are very supportive for the way my brain works but organizing priorities with the limited free time i have is a cahllenge. lining up my emotional/creative energy with my physical energy is a challenge. an ongoing one. sometimes i succeed. a lot of the time i dont.
15. in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?absolutely. even if it wasn’t great, even if it missed the point entirely, even if it served the values the whole story is meant to criticize.... of course. i am a vain creature and also i know how humans can take an imperfect piece of media and find so many things in it that i have never seen myself. i’m curious to know what other people would discover in the playground i have built. hypothetically.
20. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? tell us. please, tell us. I, the OP of this ask list, desperately need advice on how to focus.all the fucking time. im a slave to my moods and i always want to write pieces that deal with the feelings or the concepts that are holding me hostage at the time. sometimes im exhausted and so full of emotion that exploring any single feeling opens the floodgates to every feeling ive ever had and that feels to risky so i avoid writing altogether. usually when this happens, i write letters to people in my life that i never mean to send. it’s like an emotional valve that lets out the worst of it and leaves enough feeling for me to work with without it being too overwhelming to confront. i also have 10 million wips and i just switch focus to the one that vibes with my current mood, but that’s why i have 10 million wips and why it takes me 5 years to finish a 500 word fic. i don’t know that it’s a good strategy but it’s the one i have.
25. hey - what are you working on right now?  to be painfully honest the answer is nothing. i havent written a word in three weeks. i was working on a very absurd swtor fanfic that was kind of a pressure valve for me but then i was seized by this concept for a choose your own adventure game that i have elaborately written inside my own mind but have not put a single word to paper due to life circumstances (which is to say ive been pretty depressed for a few months and coming back out of the depression my focus has mainly been on supporting the habits and structures i need to succeed at work and i’ll figure everything else out later). anyway im pretty excited about my choose your own adventure game its good fun in my head.
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princesszariel-blog · 5 years
Who am I?
So I guess before i blurt out a bunch of blogs with a ton of information i should probably give everyone a little background information. First off id like to say that everything i post is true to my knowledge and I have done as much research as possible before i decided to write about it. which leads me to my next point if i get lucky enough to have followers my blogs may take time in between as i wish to only post correct information. Also if there is something that i post that is incorrect and you have the FACTS to back up what is said i am glad to make changes and corrections; as we are all learning.  There is also a questions page where you can leave any and all questions or suggestions you may have. So about me iam a 29 Owned Little/Brat and much more! My goal with this blog is to be able to help educate new littles,caregivers, ect. Hopefully im able to give tips and answer questions and maybe help make the journey not so scary. Now im not a teacher but i do enjoy research and writing and helping people learn and grow. This lifestyle can be dangerous if not done properly or without proper teaching.  Im not here to debate although i will if i feel needed. I will do my best to answer any and all questions if any is to come up. This my first time blogging so it may take a couple blogs to get the hang of things but i can see this being a positive thing. Thanks for reading!!
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imperium-romanum · 6 years
Pliny the Younger | Mount Vesuvius Eruption, Part Two
C. Plinius Tacito suo s.
Ais te adductum litteris quas exigenti tibi de morte avunculi mei scripsi, cupere cognoscere, quos ego Miseni relictus - id enim ingressus abruperam - non solum metus verum etiam casus pertulerim. 'Quamquam animus meminisse horret, ... incipiam.'
Profecto avunculo ipse reliquum tempus studiis - ideo enim remanseram - impendi; mox balineum cena somnus inquietus et brevis. Praecesserat per multos dies tremor terrae, minus formidolosus quia Campaniae solitus; illa vero nocte ita invaluit, ut non moveri omnia sed verti crederentur. Irrupit cubiculum meum mater; surgebam invicem, si quiesceret excitaturus. Resedimus in area domus, quae mare a tectis modico spatio dividebat. Dubito, constantiam vocare an imprudentiam debeam - agebam enim duodevicensimum annum -: posco librum Titi Livi, et quasi per otium lego atque etiam ut coeperam excerpo. Ecce amicus avunculi qui nuper ad eum ex Hispania venerat, ut me et matrem sedentes, me vero etiam legentem videt, illius patientiam securitatem meam corripit. Nihilo segnius ego intentus in librum.
Iam hora diei prima, et adhuc dubius et quasi languidus dies. Iam quassatis circumiacentibus tectis, quamquam in aperto loco, angusto tamen, magnus et certus ruinae metus. Tum demum excedere oppido visum; sequitur vulgus attonitum, quodque in pavore simile prudentiae, alienum consilium suo praefert, ingentique agmine abeuntes premit et impellit. Egressi tecta consistimus. Multa ibi miranda, multas formidines patimur. Nam vehicula quae produci iusseramus, quamquam in planissimo campo, in contrarias partes agebantur, ac ne lapidibus quidem fulta in eodem vestigio quiescebant. Praeterea mare in se resorberi et tremore terrae quasi repelli videbamus. Certe processerat litus, multaque animalia maris siccis harenis detinebat. Ab altero latere nubes atra et horrenda, ignei spiritus tortis vibratisque discursibus rupta, in longas flammarum figuras dehiscebat; fulguribus illae et similes et maiores erant. Tum vero idem ille ex Hispania amicus acrius et instantius 'Si frater' inquit 'tuus, tuus avunculus vivit, vult esse vos salvos; si periit, superstites voluit. Proinde quid cessatis evadere?' Respondimus non commissuros nos ut de salute illius incerti nostrae consuleremus. Non moratus ultra proripit se effusoque cursu periculo aufertur. Nec multo post illa nubes descendere in terras, operire maria; cinxerat Capreas et absconderat, Miseni quod procurrit abstulerat. Tum mater orare hortari iubere, quoquo modo fugerem; posse enim iuvenem, se et annis et corpore gravem bene morituram, si mihi causa mortis non fuisset. Ego contra salvum me nisi una non futurum; dein manum eius amplexus addere gradum cogo. Paret aegre incusatque se, quod me moretur.
Iam cinis, adhuc tamen rarus. Respicio: densa caligo tergis imminebat, quae nos torrentis modo infusa terrae sequebatur. 'Deflectamus' inquam 'dum videmus, ne in via strati comitantium turba in tenebris obteramur.' Vix consideramus, et nox - non qualis illunis aut nubila, sed qualis in locis clausis lumine exstincto. Audires ululatus feminarum, infantum quiritatus, clamores virorum; alii parentes alii liberos alii coniuges vocibus requirebant, vocibus noscitabant; hi suum casum, illi suorum miserabantur; erant qui metu mortis mortem precarentur; multi ad deos manus tollere, plures nusquam iam deos ullos aeternamque illam et novissimam noctem mundo interpretabantur. Nec defuerunt qui fictis mentitisque terroribus vera pericula augerent. Aderant qui Miseni illud ruisse illud ardere falso sed credentibus nuntiabant. Paulum reluxit, quod non dies nobis, sed adventantis ignis indicium videbatur. Et ignis quidem longius substitit; tenebrae rursus cinis rursus, multus et gravis. Hunc identidem assurgentes excutiebamus; operti alioqui atque etiam oblisi pondere essemus. Possem gloriari non gemitum mihi, non vocem parum fortem in tantis periculis excidisse, nisi me cum omnibus, omnia mecum perire misero, magno tamen mortalitatis solacio credidissem.
Tandem illa caligo tenuata quasi in fumum nebulamve discessit; mox dies verus; sol etiam effulsit, luridus tamen qualis esse cum deficit solet. Occursabant trepidantibus adhuc oculis mutata omnia altoque cinere tamquam nive obducta. Regressi Misenum curatis utcumque corporibus suspensam dubiamque noctem spe ac metu exegimus. Metus praevalebat; nam et tremor terrae perseverabat, et plerique lymphati terrificis vaticinationibus et sua et aliena mala ludificabantur.
Nobis tamen ne tunc quidem, quamquam et expertis periculum et exspectantibus, abeundi consilium, donec de avunculo nuntius.
Haec nequaquam historia digna non scripturus leges et tibi scilicet qui requisisti imputabis, si digna ne epistula quidem videbuntur. Vale.
From Pliny to Tacitus.
You say that the letter which I wrote to you at your request, describing the death of my uncle, has made you anxious to know not only the terrors, but also the distress I suffered while I remained behind at Misenum. I had indeed started to tell you of these, but then broke off. Well, "though my mind shudders at the recollection, I will essay the task".
After my uncle had set out I employed the remainder of the time with my studies, for I had stayed behind for that very purpose. Afterwards I had a bath, dined, and then took a brief and restless sleep. For many days previous there had been slight shocks of earthquake, which were not particularly alarming, because they are common enough in Campania. But on that night the shocks were so intense that everything round us seemed not only to be disturbed, but to be tottering to its fall. My mother rushed into my bedchamber, just as I myself was getting up in order to arouse her if she was still sleeping. We sat down in the courtyard of the house, which was of smallish size and lay between the sea and the buildings. I don't know whether my behaviour should be called courageous or rash - for I was only in my eighteenth year - but I called for a volume of Titus Livius, and read it, as though I were perfectly at my ease, and went on making my usual extracts. Then a friend of my uncle's, who had but a little time before come to join him from Spain, on seeing my mother and myself sitting there and me reading, upbraided her for her patience and me for my indifference, but I paid no heed, and pored over my book.
It was now the first hour of the day, but the light was still faint and weak. The buildings all round us were beginning to totter, and, though we were in the open, the courtyard was so narrow that we were greatly afraid, and indeed sure of being overwhelmed by their fall. So that decided us to leave the town. We were followed by a distracted crowd, which, when in a panic, always prefers someone else's judgment to its own as the most prudent course to adopt, and when we set out these people came crowding in masses upon us, and pressed and urged us forward. We came to a halt when we had passed beyond the buildings, and underwent there many wonderful experiences and terrors. For although the ground was perfectly level, the vehicles which we had ordered to be brought with us began to sway to and fro, and though they were wedged with stones, we could not keep them still in their places. Moreover, we saw the sea drawn back upon itself, and, as it were, repelled by the quaking of the earth. The shore certainly was greatly widened, and many marine creatures were stranded on the dry sands. On the other side, the black, fearsome cloud of fiery vapour burst into long, twisting, zigzag flames and gaped asunder, the flames resembling lightning flashes, only they were of greater size. Then indeed my uncle's Spanish friend exclaimed sharply, and with an air of command, to my mother and me, "If your brother and your uncle is still alive, he will be anxious for you to save yourselves; if he is dead, I am sure he wished you to survive him. Come, why do you hesitate to quit this place?" We replied that we could not think of looking after our own safety while we were uncertain of his. He then waited no longer, but tore away as fast as he could and got clear of danger.
Soon afterwards the cloud descended upon the earth, and covered the whole bay ; it encircled Capri and hid it from sight, and we could no longer see the promontory of Misenum. Then my mother prayed, entreated, and commanded me to fly as best I could, saying that I was young and could escape, while she was old and infirm, and would not fear to die, if only she knew that she had not been the cause of my death. I replied that I would not save myself unless I could save her too, and so, after taking tight hold of her hand, I forced her to quicken her steps. She reluctantly obeyed, accusing herself for retarding my flight. Then the ashes began to fall, but not thickly: I looked back, and a dense blackness was rolling up behind us, which spread itself over the ground and followed like a torrent. "Let us turn aside," I said, "while we can still see, lest we be thrown down in the road and trampled on in the darkness by the thronging crowd." We were considering what to do, when the blackness of night overtook us, not that of a moonless or cloudy night, but the blackness of pent-up places which never see the light. You could hear the wailing of women, the screams of little children, and the shouts of men ; some were trying to find their parents, others their children, others their wives, by calling for them and recognising them by their voices alone. Some were commiserating their own lot, others that of their relatives, while some again prayed for death in sheer terror of dying. Many were lifting up their hands to the gods, but more were declaring that now there were no more gods, and that this night would last for ever, and the end of all the world. Nor were there wanting those who added to the real perils by inventing new and false terrors, for some said that part of Misenum was in ruins and the rest in flames, and though the tale was untrue, it found ready believers.
A gleam of light now appeared, which seemed to us not so much daylight as a token of the approaching fire. The latter remained at a distance, but the darkness came on again, and the ashes once more fell thickly and heavily. We had to keep rising and shaking the latter off us, or we should have been buried by them and crushed by their weight. I might boast that not one groan or cowardly exclamation escaped my lips, despite these perils, had I not believed that I and the world were perishing together - a miserable consolation, indeed, yet one which a mortal creature finds very soothing. At length the blackness became less dense, and dissipated as it were into smoke and cloud ; then came the real light of day, and the sun shone out, but as blood-red as it appears at its setting. Our still trembling eyes saw that everything had been transformed, and covered with a deep layer of ashes, like snow. Making our way back to Misenum, we refreshed our bodies as best we could, and passed an anxious, troubled night, hovering between hope and fear. But our fears were uppermost, for the shocks of earthquake still continued, and several persons, driven frantic by dreadful prophecies, made sport of their own calamities and those of others. For our own part, though we had already passed through perils, and expected still more to come, we had no idea even then of leaving the town until we got news of my uncle.
You will not read these details, which are not up to the dignity of history, as though you were about to incorporate them in your writings, and if they seem to you to be hardly worth being made the subject of a letter, you must take the blame yourself, inasmuch as you insisted on having them. Farewell.
Pliny the Younger, Letters 6.20 (Translated by J Firth, 1900).
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