#iPhone 6 case
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dezinomania · 1 year ago
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(via "The Surf Adventure" iPhone Case for Sale by DEZINOMANIA)
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brebinladen · 2 years ago
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phone-cases55 · 3 months ago
"Stylish and Protective Custom Mobile Phone Case"
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Transform your phone with our chic and durable custom mobile phone case.
Get it now - Exlusive price from here
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weherzit · 11 months ago
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lavenderkid · 2 years ago
now where the hell can i get a new iphone 6 case 🫠
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cosmicdream222 · 1 year ago
Affirmation & Subliminal Audio Download: Self-Concept & Void Concept
I made an affirmation/subliminal tape for myself and felt like sharing in case it helped anyone else! This is meant to completely saturate your mind so you fully believe you are the creator of your reality and already have your perfect life.
If I were to summarize it with one affirmation, it would be “I easily entered the void, and now my life is perfect.”
The affirmations all center on the three overlapping themes of: My life is perfect, I’m a master manifestor, and I enter the void easily.
Kinda had too much fun making this and included 7 layers total. There are a LOT of affs in here but they are all are fairly non-specific, blanket/umbrella self-concept that can be used by anyone, and are completely unisex.
I created my own affs, some are from my Master Manifestor vaunt, and I modified some basic ones I found on Tumblr and Pinterest. They are all safe, no negative words, no religion, no witchcraft etc lol :)
The audible affs are layered with two layers of Kottie’s & Enchanted Workshop’s Wake up in the void subliminals courtesy of @gorgeouslypink
Since I believe in honesty and transparency, I’ve listed all the details below the cut. If you just want to download and get listening, here are the Drive links:
✩Folder with all 3 versions
✩Version 1: Affirmation tape & subliminal
✩Version 2: Same as above but with echo effect for more repetition
✩Version 3: For overnight use through phone speakers. Aff volume is lowered and rain sounds from the subs are louder.
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Actual pic of audio file :)
Made with love! Let me know if this helps you! 💕
Version 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fKLb-mLw4aXbYrO-uIEAzEkvANNkkMA4/view?usp=drive_link
Layer 1: Master manifestor, the void is easy, self-concept affs - entirely in the left ear
Layer 2: The same affs, in a different order - entirely in the right ear
Layer 3: “Perfect life” self-concept aff tape - includes both “you” and “I”, in both ears, at a lower volume
Layer 4: The affs from layers 1 & 2 but in a different order, in both ears, at a lower volume
Layer 5: Enchanted Workshop’s Wake up in the void subliminal
Layer 6: Kottie’s Wake up in the void subliminal
Layer 7: Self-concept affs and perfect life affs (from previous layers) at the lowest subliminal volume level
Version 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lujZ7M1hQu09fbJnq4ks2bOA_ss9dfzq/view?usp=drive_link
Same as Version 1, but an echo effect is added to layers 1 & 2. This makes the affs repeat multiple times, and can give you more of a trance-like effect.
Version 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oVuIgj96NLNfIY0u5yzi8vAh89qSiwD_/view?usp=drive_link
Version 1 modified for overnight use through your phone speaker. Layers 1 & 2 play in both sides at a lower volume, and the volume of layers 5 & 6 is increased so the rain sounds are louder and affs are quieter.
These can be downloaded to your phone or PC and looped:
iPhone: AudioRepeater and Audio Looper are both free apps that will loop imported audio files.
Android: Several free apps will let you loop, including playing two audios at the same time (if that’s your thing) try Loop Player.
PC: The default Windows media player has a loop function.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
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bratzkoo · 3 months ago
scheming heart | jeonghan
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Author: bratzkoo Pairing:  CFO! Jeonghan x Cardiologist! reader Genre: fluff, chaos Rating: PG-13 Word count: 7.4k~ Warnings/note: second fic for the new series i'm working on, first fic is offside (seungcheol's chaos) and now, we have jeonghan's part of the chaotic world.
summary: Jeonghan has finally found his match in that stubborn cardiologist not knowing that everything was orchestrated by his scheming grandmother in Suite 520.
taglist (hit me up if you wanna be added): @escoupseu , @yanabaaaaaaarysheva , @spnyin , @sousydive , @gyuguys , @gyubakeries
requests are open, but you can just say hi! | masterlist
The VIP suite of Seoul National University Hospital looked like a five-star hotel room had aggressively swallowed a medical facility. Amidst the designer furniture and medical equipment that probably cost more than most people's houses, Granny Han was doing what any respectable 75-year-old chaebol matriarch would do at 7 AM – scheming on her secret iPhone while pretending to be asleep.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥 [Members: Rich_Granny_Han, Nurse_Anna, Boo_CEO, Won_NOT_involved]
Rich_Granny_Han: Operation starts today! New cardiologist incoming! Boo_CEO: OMG YES! Is she pretty? Smart? Ready to handle our dramatic boy? Rich_Granny_Han: Harvard graduate. Young. Scary. Boo_CEO: PERFECT FOR JEONGHAN 😍 Won_NOT_involved: I'm a senior nurse. I don't do matchmaking. Rich_Granny_Han: Sure, dear. BTW I saw you setting up that hidden camera 😘 Won_NOT_involved: ...that's for medical documentation. Nurse_Anna: Babe, we all know you're lying 😂 Won_NOT_involved: I'm turning off my phone. Rich_Granny_Han: No you're not 💅
The door opened, and Granny quickly shoved her phone under her designer hospital blanket (yes, she brought her own, the hospital ones were "peasant fabric").
"Good morning, Halmoni!" Anna breezed in, looking suspiciously cheerful for someone working hospital hours. "Ready for vitals?"
"Anna dear," Granny coughed delicately, a performance worthy of a Best Actress nomination. "Tell me about this new doctor."
"Dr. Y/N," Anna checked the blood pressure monitor while simultaneously texting the group chat behind her back – a skill developed specifically for this job. "Brilliant, scary when caffeine-deprived, and apparently made a chaebol's son cry during her fellowship."
"Perfect!" Granny's eyes gleamed. "Jeonghan needs someone who can handle him. That boy thinks being CFO means Chief Fashion Officer."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: ALERT! Target sighted in parking lot. Three cups of coffee. Dark circles. Optimal chaos conditions! Boo_CEO: On my way with premium bubble tea and emotional support! Won_NOT_involved: Don't you have a company to run? Boo_CEO: Bold of you to assume I do actual work Rich_Granny_Han: Everyone in position! Anna, increase heart monitor sensitivity! Won_NOT_involved: That's against protocol... Rich_Granny_Han: I'll add another zero to your Christmas bonus Won_NOT_involved: ...sensitivity increased.
Dr. Y/N strode down the hallway, white coat pristine despite the early hour. As the attending cardiologist, she'd already reviewed several cases since 6 AM. Her coffee consumption was legendary among the cardiology department – not because she was a fresh graduate (she wasn't), but because dealing with entitled family members required chemical assistance.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: Target acquired! Our cardiologist looks ready to destroy rich people today Boo_CEO: Jeonghan needs that energy in his life tbh Won_NOT_involved: Shouldn't you be checking on your other patients? Nurse_Anna: Babe, this IS patient care. Emotional patient care. Rich_Granny_Han: Wonwoo dear, go check my IV drip Won_NOT_involved: It's perfectly fine... Rich_Granny_Han: That wasn't a suggestion 😊 Won_NOT_involved: ...checking IV drip now.
Y/N entered Suite 520 to find what looked like a carefully orchestrated scene: Granny Han propped up regally against designer pillows, Anna adjusting monitors with suspicious enthusiasm, and Wonwoo dutifully checking IV lines while pretending not to notice Anna's not-so-subtle winks.
"Good morning, Mrs. Han. I'm Dr. Y/N, your attending cardiologist."
"Please, call me Halmoni," Granny's voice was perfectly pitched between frail and commanding. "Everyone does. Even Wonwoo here, and he tries so hard to be professional."
Wonwoo, caught in the crossfire, focused intently on the IV drip.
The morning assessment went smoothly – suspiciously so. Y/N reviewed Granny's cardiac status while fielding questions that seemed oddly personal for a medical consultation: "Are you married, doctor?" "Do you like coffee? My grandson LOVES coffee." "What's your opinion on dramatic men in expensive suits?"
By 2 PM, all hell broke loose.
The suite's door flew open with theatrical force. Wonwoo, who had been checking Granny's vitals, nearly jumped out of his skin – though whether from the noise or Anna's excited squeal was unclear.
Enter Han Jeonghan, looking like he'd walked off a magazine cover. His Armani suit probably cost more than most nurses' monthly salary – a fact Wonwoo noted with an eye-roll so powerful it could have registered on the cardiac monitor.
"Who," Jeonghan demanded, brandishing his phone, "changed my grandmother's medication without consulting the family?"
Y/N, who had spent years dealing with entitled relatives, simply raised an eyebrow. "I did. Because I'm her doctor, and unlike WebMD, I actually went to medical school."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: OMGOMGOMG IT'S HAPPENING Boo_CEO: The TENSION! The DRAMA! Won_NOT_involved: I'm literally just trying to do my job here Rich_Granny_Han: Time for my award-winning performance! Won_NOT_involved: Please don't mess with the monitors again... Rich_Granny_Han: Too late! Nurse_Anna: Babe just enjoy the show Won_NOT_involved: I still have other patients Rich_Granny_Han: Shush, love is happening Won_NOT_involved: That's not how nursing works... Rich_Granny_Han: It is in Suite 520 😘
The cardiac monitor suddenly started beeping. Wonwoo shot Granny a look that clearly said "I know what you did," but professionally checked the readings anyway.
"Oh dear," Granny fluttered a hand over her heart. "All this tension... it's affecting my poor heart..."
Y/N and Jeonghan immediately stopped arguing, their professional and filial instincts kicking in respectively.
"Blood pressure's a bit elevated," Wonwoo reported dutifully, while Anna practically vibrated with excitement beside him.
"Maybe," Y/N suggested dryly, "certain people could be less dramatic during your recovery period."
"Maybe," Jeonghan countered, "certain doctors could be more communicative about medical decisions."
The monitor beeped again.
"Children, please," Granny's voice was weak but somehow carried perfect emotional manipulation. "Wonwoo, be a dear and get me some water? And Anna, I need my pills... the ones in the far cabinet..."
Both nurses recognized a dismissal when they heard one. As they left (Anna practically dragging Wonwoo), their phones buzzed:
Rich_Granny_Han: Mission proceeding perfectly! Phase 1 complete! Nurse_Anna: They're so cute when they're angry! Boo_CEO: OMW with premium drama fuel (coffee)! Won_NOT_involved: Can we please just have one normal patient? Rich_Granny_Han: No ❤️
Left alone with the feuding doctor and CFO, Granny settled in to watch the show. Her "concerned grandmother" facade barely concealing her glee.
"Since you're so invested in your grandmother's care," Y/N's voice dripped with professional sarcasm, "let me explain the medication changes in terms even a CFO can understand."
Jeonghan's perfectly maintained eyebrow twitched. "Please do. Use small words for us non-Harvard graduates."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: The sexual tension! I can't breathe! Nurse_Anna: Should I come back with the oxygen? Rich_Granny_Han: No dear, that was metaphorical Won_NOT_involved: Thank god, the paperwork for unnecessary oxygen... Boo_CEO: INCOMING with reinforcements! And bubble tea! Rich_Granny_Han: Perfect timing!
The suite's door burst open again, revealing Seungkwan balancing a tray of expensive bubble tea and wearing a suit that rivaled Jeonghan's.
"Halmoni!" he sang out, then dramatically gasped at the scene before him. "Oh my, am I interrupting something?"
"Perfect timing, Seungkwan-ah," Granny's voice somehow conveyed both frailty and mischief. "Stay and help me understand the doctor's explanation. My old heart would feel better with more family present."
Y/N watched as her simple medical consultation turned into what felt like a business presentation, complete with:
One overdressed CFO pretending to take notes while actually googling medical terms
His equally overdressed best friend providing dramatic gasps as punctuation
Two nurses who kept finding excuses to check the monitors
And a grandmother whose "heart symptoms" seemed suspiciously tied to whenever her grandson and doctor moved closer together
"So," Y/N concluded her explanation, "any questions about the medication changes?"
"Just one," Jeonghan smiled his business smile. "Where did you get your coffee? You seem to run on it as much as I do."
Before Y/N could respond, three things happened simultaneously:
The cardiac monitor beeped enthusiastically
Seungkwan choked on his bubble tea
Anna materialized with a coffee menu from the hospital's premium cafe
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: CODE COFFEE! I repeat, CODE COFFEE! Boo_CEO: Their first potential coffee date! I'm crying 😭 Won_NOT_involved: This isn't what medical codes are for... Rich_Granny_Han: Wonwoo, go get me a cardiac reading Won_NOT_involved: Your heart is fine Rich_Granny_Han: Not for my heart, for the drama Won_NOT_involved: sigh
"Oh, speaking of coffee," Granny perked up with suspicious energy for someone supposedly weak, "Jeonghan-ah, that fancy machine you brought me is too complicated. Maybe Dr. Y/N could help you figure it out?"
Y/N looked at the state-of-the-art espresso machine in the corner – probably worth more than her monthly salary. Jeonghan was already moving toward it with the confidence of a man who thought knowing how to make coffee was a personality trait.
"I only drink americanos," Y/N stated firmly.
"What a coincidence," Seungkwan stage-whispered, "that's Jeonghan's favorite too!"
The monitor beeped again.
"That's it," Y/N turned to Wonwoo, "please check the monitor's sensitivity."
"Oh, it's very sensitive," Wonwoo muttered, then quickly added at Granny's sharp look, "I'll... run some tests."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Progress report!
Coffee connection established ✓
Mutual annoyance at peak levels ✓
Jeonghan fixed his hair 3 times ✓
Doctor checked her reflection in the monitor ✓ 
Boo_CEO: THE EXCELLENCE OF THIS PLOT Nurse_Anna: Should I accidentally spill something so they have to move closer? Won_NOT_involved: NO Rich_Granny_Han: Save that for tomorrow dear Won_NOT_involved: Why am I even reading this chat... Nurse_Anna: Because you love me 😘 Won_NOT_involved: Accurate. Always will be accurate. Rich_Granny_Han: Simp
"Dr. Y/N," Granny called out sweetly, "your afternoon must be busy. Why don't you take some coffee with you? Jeonghan makes excellent americanos."
"I'm quite capable of getting my own coffee, thank you," Y/N replied professionally.
"Are you?" Jeonghan smirked, already starting the machine. "Because that hospital cafe americano you're holding looks tragic."
Y/N looked at her cup, then at his perfectly pressed suit, then at her patient charts. Pride warred with caffeine addiction.
Caffeine won.
"Fine. One coffee. Purely for professional courtesy."
"Of course," Jeonghan's smile was far too satisfied. "Professional courtesy."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: DAY ONE SUCCESS! Nurse_Anna: They're so cute I'm gonna cry Boo_CEO: Already planning the wedding Won_NOT_involved: It's literally just coffee Rich_Granny_Han: Oh sweet summer child Nurse_Anna: Babe, you're so innocent Won_NOT_involved: I hate this family Rich_Granny_Han: No you don't Won_NOT_involved: No, I don't, but I want it noted that I complained and I love Anna, I want it highlighted in the note that I love Anna. Nurse_Anna: I love you! Rich_Granny_Han: This is a Jeonghan fic.
As Y/N left with her admittedly perfect americano, Granny Han settled back against her pillows with a satisfied smile. Phase one was complete. Tomorrow, they'd begin Code: "Accidental Touch."
Poor Y/N and Jeonghan had no idea what they were in for.
- Y/N arrived at the hospital the next morning to find a paper cup from an expensive coffee shop sitting on her office desk. Next to it was a note in pretentiously perfect handwriting:
"Since your taste in coffee is as questionable as your medication choices. - JH"
She crumpled the note, then uncrumpled it, then took a sip of the coffee.
Damn. It was perfect.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: COFFEE SPOTTED! Code: Caffeine Love is go! Rich_Granny_Han: Did she drink it?? Nurse_Anna: She tried to look angry but I saw her save the note Boo_CEO: THE ROMANCE Won_NOT_involved: He's basically saying her medical decisions suck Rich_Granny_Han: That's flirting for rich boys, dear Won_NOT_involved: That's terrible Rich_Granny_Han: That's why he’s single
Suite 520 was suspiciously quiet when Y/N entered for morning rounds. Granny was reading what appeared to be a medical textbook – upside down. Anna was "organizing supplies" while obviously watching the door.
"Good morning, Dr. Y/N!" Granny brightened. "Oh my, is that coffee from Angel-in-us? Jeonghan loves that cafe—"
"Your ECG results, Mrs. Han," Y/N interrupted professionally.
The suite's door opened, and Jeonghan walked in wearing a different devastatingly expensive suit. He paused at seeing Y/N with his coffee cup.
"I see you've upgraded your taste," he smirked.
"The coffee's acceptable. Your medical opinions still aren't."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: THEY'RE FLIRTING THROUGH COFFEE Nurse_Anna: The tension is ART Rich_Granny_Han: Time for some chest pain I think Won_NOT_involved: Please don't Rich_Granny_Han: Too late, clutching chest dramatically now Won_NOT_involved: That's not how heart problems work... Rich_Granny_Han: Watch and learn, child
"Oh!" Granny pressed a hand to her chest. "Such tension... my heart..."
Y/N and Jeonghan both stepped forward, accidentally bumping into each other. Anna dropped a tray with perfect timing.
"Mrs. Han," Y/N began.
"Halmoni," Granny corrected weakly. "You're practically family now that you're sharing coffee with Jeonghan."
Jeonghan choked. Y/N's professional mask cracked slightly.
Later that afternoon, Y/N was reviewing charts when her office door burst open. Jeonghan stood there, waving his phone.
"Your afternoon consult notes say Halmoni's tired," he accused.
"That's generally what 'fatigue' means in medical terms, yes."
"She's never tired. She once conducted a 12-hour board meeting from a yoga headstand."
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose. "Mr. Han—"
"Mr. Han," she emphasized, "normal people get tired. Even chaebol grandmothers."
"She's not normal people. She's—" He paused, noticing her empty coffee cup. "You finished the coffee."
"That's not medically relevant."
"I'll bring you another tomorrow."
"Are you trying to bribe your grandmother's doctor?"
"Is it working?"
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: EMERGENCY! They're alone in her office!! Boo_CEO: WHERE ARE THE CAMERAS Rich_Granny_Han: Anna dear, perhaps Dr. Y/N needs some test results? Won_NOT_involved: We don't have any test results Rich_Granny_Han: Then make some Won_NOT_involved: That's literally fraud Rich_Granny_Han: That's literally romance Nurse_Anna: OMW with fake papers! Won_NOT_involved: That's fine, go do your thing babe!
The door flew open again, revealing Anna with a stack of papers. "Dr. Y/N! The results you needed!"
"I didn't order any—"
"Oh look," Anna squinted at the papers, "Mrs. Han's... everything... needs discussing. Right now. With family present."
Y/N looked at the "results". They were coffee-stained printouts of WebMD articles.
Evening rounds found Y/N entering Suite 520 to an unusual scene:
Granny "sleeping" while obviously filming on her phone
Seungkwan pretending to read a magazine (upside down)
Anna adjusting already-perfect monitors
Wonwoo looking like he wanted to transfer departments
And Jeonghan, attempting to understand her morning notes
"That's not how you read an ECG," she said from the doorway.
Jeonghan didn't look up. "I downloaded a medical app."
"WebMD doesn't count."
"This is a different medical app."
"Is it also WebMD in a trench coat?"
A laugh escaped before he could stop it. Y/N pretended not to notice how it transformed his face.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: HE LAUGHED! REAL LAUGH! NOT BUSINESS LAUGH! Boo_CEO: FIRST GENUINE LAUGH IN 84 YEARS Nurse_Anna: They're so cuuuuute Won_NOT_involved: He's still questioning her medical expertise Rich_Granny_Han: Yes but fondly now Nurse_Anna: Babe that's progress Won_NOT_involved: Your standards are concerning Rich_Granny_Han: Shush and help me plan tomorrow's heart episode
Granny "woke up" with perfect timing. "Doctor, since you're teaching Jeonghan medical terms, perhaps over coffee—"
"No," they said simultaneously.
"The heart wants what it wants," Granny sighed dramatically.
The monitor beeped.
"That's it," Y/N turned to Wonwoo, "please check the monitor's sensitivity again."
"It's working exactly as intended," he muttered, then added louder at Granny's look, "I mean, yes, doctor, right away."
As Y/N left for the night, she found another coffee cup on the nurses' station.
The note read: "For your overnight studies on how to be less scary to your patients. - JH"
She definitely didn't smile. And if she did, no one could prove it.
Except maybe the CCTV footage Wonwoo was pretending not to save for Anna’s enjoyment.
- Late that night, Y/N was finishing her paperwork when she decided to check on Granny one last time. It definitely had nothing to do with the possibility of running into a certain annoying CFO.
She found Suite 520's lights dimmed, but not dark. Jeonghan was there, suit jacket off, sleeves rolled up, squinting at a medical textbook like it had personally offended him.
"That's upside down," she said from the doorway.
He didn't even flinch. "I'm teaching myself to read medical terms in all directions. Very professional."
"Is that what CFOs do in their spare time?"
"Only the dashingly handsome ones."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: NIGHT SHIFT ALERT! They're alone! Boo_CEO: At this hour??? SCANDALOUS Rich_Granny_Han: pretending to sleep but recording everything Won_NOT_involved: Isn't anyone concerned about patient privacy? Rich_Granny_Han: Privacy is for people who aren't trying to get grandchildren Nurse_Anna: LMAO GRANNY Won_NOT_involved: I'm reporting this chat to HR Rich_Granny_Han: I own HR, dear. Keep up!
"Your grandmother's readings are stable," Y/N said professionally, checking the monitors. "Though someone keeps adjusting the sensitivity."
"Shocking," Jeonghan deadpanned, watching her work. "Almost as shocking as you being here at," he checked his Cartier watch, "11 PM?"
"I'm dedicated to my patients."
"Just my grandmother, or do you check on everyone this late?"
"Are you implying something, Mr. Han?"
"Jeonghan," he corrected. "And I'm implying you might be as obsessed with my grandmother as I am. It's okay, she has that effect on people."
From the bed, Granny let out a very fake snore.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: The snore was too much wasn't it Boo_CEO: Oscar worthy, Halmoni! Nurse_Anna: Should I create an emergency? Won_NOT_involved: NO Rich_Granny_Han: Save the emergencies for tomorrow Won_NOT_involved: Why are all of you like this? Nurse_Anna: Because we're invested in love Won_NOT_involved: We're invested in medical care Rich_Granny_Han: Why not both?
Y/N was about to leave when Jeonghan spoke again. "I ordered every cardiology textbook available."
"I noticed. The coffee table looks like a medical library exploded."
"I'm trying to understand." He sounded almost sincere. "She's all I have left."
Y/N paused at the door. "Your grandmother is in good hands, Mr. Han."
"Mr. Han."
He smiled. A real one, not his business smile. "You're going to slip up and call me Jeonghan eventually."
"Want to bet? Loser buys coffee."
"That would be unprofessional."
"Is that a no?"
Y/N left without answering, but they both knew she was smiling.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: They're FLIRTING Boo_CEO: Through MEDICAL TERMS Nurse_Anna: I'M SCREAMING Won_NOT_involved: This is a hospital, please don't scream Rich_Granny_Han: Wonwoo dear, did you get all that on camera? Won_NOT_involved: ...maybe Nurse_Anna: BABE YOU'RE FINALLY HELPING Won_NOT_involved: It's for medical documention. Rich_Granny_Han: Sure it is, dear. Sure it is. Won_NOT_involved: fine, it’s for Anna. Rich_Granny_Han: BLESSED
The next morning, Y/N found not one but two coffee cups on her desk.
First note: "For accepting that 'Mr. Han' will eventually become 'Jeonghan' - JH"
Second note: "For when you inevitably throw the first one at my head - JH"
She was not charmed. She absolutely was not.
But she kept both notes.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: SHE KEPT THE NOTES Boo_CEO: Not just kept - she SMILED Rich_Granny_Han: Time to escalate. Anna dear, remember that 'emergency' we planned? Won_NOT_involved: Oh no Rich_Granny_Han: Oh YES Boo_CEO: WHAT EMERGENCY?? Won_NOT_involved: I don't want to know Rich_Granny_Han: Trust me, this will be fun Won_NOT_involved: Your definition of fun concerns me Nurse_Anna: Babe just embrace the chaos Won_NOT_involved: I miss my old department Rich_Granny_Han: No you don't. Now, about tomorrow's plan… -
3 AM at Seoul National University Hospital was typically quiet. Tonight, however...
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Places everyone! Code: Emergency Romance begins! Boo_CEO: At 3AM?? You're evil, Halmoni Rich_Granny_Han: Evil? No. Strategic? Yes. Nurse_Anna: Night shift ready! Won_NOT_involved: This is highly unethical Rich_Granny_Han: Wonwoo dear, just make sure the lights are dimmed romantically Won_NOT_involved: That's not a medical setting Rich_Granny_Han: It is in Suite 520
The cardiac monitor in Suite 520 suddenly went off – louder than strictly necessary. Wonwoo, who was genuinely checking vitals, jumped.
"Halmoni, what did you—"
"Call Dr. Y/N," Granny commanded, looking far too alert for 3 AM. "And someone call my grandson."
"Your readings are actually fine—"
"Wonwoo." Granny's sweet smile held steel. "Make. The. Calls."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: Y/N's on her way! Night shift said she was doing paperwork anyway Boo_CEO: At 3AM?? She needs a life Rich_Granny_Han: She needs my grandson Won_NOT_involved: She needs sleep, actually Rich_Granny_Han: Details, details
Y/N arrived first, looking surprisingly put-together for the ungodly hour. Her white coat was pristine, but the six empty coffee cups on her desk told their own story.
"Mrs. Han, what's—"
Jeonghan burst in, designer pajamas under a hastily thrown-on coat, hair actually messy for once.
"You called him too?" Y/N raised an eyebrow at the nurses.
"Hospital protocol," Anna said solemnly. Wonwoo suddenly found the ceiling very interesting.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: HIS HAIR IS MESSY THIS IS NOT A DRILL Nurse_Anna: Y/N definitely noticed 👀 Rich_Granny_Han: Time for my performance~ Won_NOT_involved: Please don't Rich_Granny_Han: Too late!
"Oh, my heart," Granny clutched her chest dramatically. "Such worry in young faces..."
"Your readings are actually—" Wonwoo started.
"SUCH WORRY," Granny repeated louder. "Perhaps if you both stayed..."
Y/N was already checking the monitors. Jeonghan hovered nearby, close enough that she could smell his ridiculously expensive cologne.
"Your grandmother is fine, Mr. Han."
"Your grandmother is fine, Mr. Han."
"You're doing this on purpose now."
"I don't know what you mean, Mr. Han."
His laugh was soft, unguarded. Different from his business laugh.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: THE SOFT LAUGH!! AT 3AM!! Boo_CEO: THEY'RE STANDING SO CLOSE Rich_Granny_Han: Anna dear, dim the lights more Won_NOT_involved: That's not safe Rich_Granny_Han: Love isn't safe Won_NOT_involved: That's not medical protocol Rich_Granny_Han: Suite 520 has its own protocols
"Doctor," Granny's voice was weak but her eyes sparkled. "Since you're both here, perhaps some coffee?"
"At 3 AM?" Y/N asked.
"I brought my own beans," Jeonghan offered, then caught himself. "I mean, I happen to have some in my car."
"You just happen to have premium coffee beans in your car at 3 AM?"
"A good CFO is always prepared."
"For middle-of-the-night coffee emergencies?"
"Especially those."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: HE KEEPS COFFEE FOR HER IN HIS CAR Nurse_Anna: I'M CRYING THIS IS SO CUTE Rich_Granny_Han: Phase 1 success. Anna, initiate phase 2 Won_NOT_involved: There are phases?? Rich_Granny_Han: Of course dear, this is a military operation Nurse_Anna: On it! accidentally spilling water now Won_NOT_involved: Why did I fall in love with a conspirator
"Oh!" Anna's theatrical gasp preceded the sound of water splashing.
Y/N and Jeonghan jumped apart – when had they gotten so close? – only to bump into each other again.
"Sorry, let me—" Jeonghan reached for napkins.
"No, I can—" Y/N moved at the same time.
Their hands touched. Both froze.
Granny's monitor beeped suspiciously fast.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: THE HAND TOUCH!!! Boo_CEO: THIS IS BETTER THAN DRAMAS Nurse_Anna: Should I spill more water?? Won_NOT_involved: NO Rich_Granny_Han: Save it for next time Won_NOT_involved: There's a next time?? Rich_Granny_Han: Oh honey, we're just getting started
"Well," Y/N cleared her throat professionally. "Since your grandmother is stable, I should—"
"Stay for coffee," Jeonghan said quickly. "I mean, since we're both awake anyway."
"That would be unprofessional."
"Everything about this situation is unprofessional."
Y/N glanced at Granny (pretending to sleep), Anna (badly hiding her phone), and Wonwoo (looking like he wanted witness protection).
"One coffee," she conceded. "For medical alertness purposes."
"Of course," Jeonghan's smile was too knowing. "Purely medical."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: COFFEE DATE AT 3AM Nurse_Anna: Romance is ALIVE Rich_Granny_Han: Mission accomplished! Won_NOT_involved: It's just coffee Rich_Granny_Han: Oh sweet summer child Nurse_Anna: Babe you're so innocent Won_NOT_involved: I want a department transfer Rich_Granny_Han: Denied. Now help me plan tomorrow Won_NOT_involved: ...what's tomorrow? Rich_Granny_Han: You'll see 😈
As Y/N and Jeonghan sat in the suite's sitting area, sharing premium coffee at 3 AM while pretending this was normal, Granny Han smiled in her "sleep."
Phase one of Operation Emergency Romance was complete.
Poor kids had no idea what she had planned for breakfast.
- Several hours and many coffees later, sunrise found the suite in a different state:
Y/N curled up in an armchair, white coat slightly rumpled
Jeonghan asleep on the couch, designer pajamas and all
Files spread between them from their "purely professional discussion"
Two empty coffee cups with a concerning number of espresso shots
Granny, definitely not sleeping, taking photos for her secret Instagram
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: THEY FELL ASLEEP IN MY SUITE Boo_CEO: TOGETHER????? Nurse_Anna: Not together together but STILL Won_NOT_involved: This violates at least 5 hospital policies Rich_Granny_Han: Love violates all policies Nurse_Anna: Time for noisy morning check-up? 😈 Rich_Granny_Han: Make it EXTRA noisy
Anna burst into the suite with maximum chaos energy, deliberately dropping a metal tray.
The effect was immediate:
Y/N jolted awake, doctor mode activating
Jeonghan fell off the couch, rich person grace temporarily absent
Granny quickly pretended to just wake up
Wonwoo, entering behind Anna, looked like he wanted to quit
"Good morning!" Anna sang, far too cheerfully. "Time for morning vitals!"
Y/N and Jeonghan stared at each other, then at their wrinkled clothes, then at the evidence of their all-night coffee session.
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Boo_CEO: THE MORNING AFTER CHAOS Nurse_Anna: Y/N's hair is messy I repeat MESSY Rich_Granny_Han: Quick! Someone get a breakfast cart! Won_NOT_involved: The hospital doesn't do breakfast carts Rich_Granny_Han: The VIP floor does now Won_NOT_involved: Since when?? Rich_Granny_Han: Since I ordered it 5 minutes ago Boo_CEO: ALREADY ON IT WITH PREMIUM BREAKFAST
"I should..." Y/N stood, attempting to smooth her coat.
"Yeah, I need to..." Jeonghan ran a hand through his messy hair.
"Oh, but breakfast is coming!" Granny perked up. "You both must be hungry after staying up all night... discussing medical things."
The way she said "medical things" made both of them blush.
Right on cue, Seungkwan waltzed in pushing a cart laden with what looked like a five-star hotel breakfast spread.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: Breakfast service has arrived~ Nurse_Anna: They're both so awkward I'M LIVING Rich_Granny_Han: Wonwoo dear, check my heart. Make it take a while Won_NOT_involved: That's not how check-ups work Rich_Granny_Han: It is if you want that Christmas bonus Won_NOT_involved: ...this might take a while, doctor
"Since Wonwoo needs to do a thorough check-up," Granny smiled innocently, "why don't you both have breakfast? No need to waste good food."
Y/N looked at her wrinkled coat, her empty coffee cups, and her clearly compromised professional boundaries.
Jeonghan looked at his messy hair, his designer pajamas, and his equally compromised chaebol dignity.
"One coffee," they said simultaneously.
"And maybe some toast," Y/N added.
"And those croissants," Jeonghan pointed.
"Purely for energy."
"Completely professional."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: They're having breakfast together! Boo_CEO: In their sleepwear basically!! Nurse_Anna: ROMANCE LEVEL 1000 Won_NOT_involved: This is still a hospital Rich_Granny_Han: No, this is Suite 520, different rules apply Won_NOT_involved: That's not how hospitals work Rich_Granny_Han: Watch and learn, child
As they awkwardly settled with their breakfast, maintaining a careful distance that fooled absolutely no one, Granny spoke up.
"You know, Jeonghan-ah, Dr. Y/N's americano is getting cold."
Jeonghan immediately reached for the coffee machine.
"And doctor, Jeonghan skipped dinner last night. He should eat more than croissants."
Y/N found herself pushing the egg dishes closer to him.
They caught each other's eyes, realized they were being played, and quickly looked away.
But not before small smiles appeared.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: THE SOFT SMILES Boo_CEO: While sharing breakfast!! Rich_Granny_Han: Young love is so beautiful Won_NOT_involved: It's been like 3 days Rich_Granny_Han: Time moves faster in Suite 520 Nurse_Anna: It's the power of love Won_NOT_involved: It's the power of sleep deprivation Rich_Granny_Han: Same thing dear, same thing
The peaceful breakfast was interrupted by Y/N's pager.
"I need to..." she stood quickly.
"Right, I should..." Jeonghan also rose.
They did an awkward dance trying to avoid bumping into each other, failed miserably, and ended up closer than ever.
"Thanks for the medical discussion," Y/N said professionally.
"Thanks for the coffee company," Jeonghan replied, equally formal.
Neither moved.
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Rich_Granny_Han: Anna! Emergency cart in the hallway! Nurse_Anna: On it! Won_NOT_involved: Please don't crash any carts Rich_Granny_Han: Just a small crash Won_NOT_involved: That's still property damage Rich_Granny_Han: That's still romance
The sudden crash from the hallway made them jump apart. Y/N hurried out, professionalism back in place.
Jeonghan watched her go, then turned to find everyone staring at him.
"Nothing," Granny smiled innocently. "You just look happy this morning."
"It was the coffee."
"Sure it was, dear. Sure it was."
As Jeonghan left to change, Granny turned to her squad:
"Phase 2 complete. Now, about that charity gala next week..."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Meeting in 10 minutes. We have a gala to plan Boo_CEO: Will there be drama?? Rich_Granny_Han: Oh honey, there will be CHAOS Won_NOT_involved: Why do I feel scared Nurse_Anna: Because you should be 😘 Rich_Granny_Han: Wonwoo dear, you haven't seen anything yet Won_NOT_involved: ...can I transfer departments now? Rich_Granny_Han: Denied. Now, about those formal invitations...
- Y/N stared at her desk in growing concern. Over the past week, a pattern had emerged:
Monday's coffee: "For admitting medical school doesn't teach everything - JH" Tuesday's coffee: "For finally calling me Jeonghan (in your sleep) - JH" Wednesday's coffee: "For pretending you don't smile at my notes - JH" Thursday's coffee: "Because your coffee machine is beneath you - JH" Today's coffee: "Because it's becoming a habit - JH"
She definitely didn't keep all the notes. And she absolutely wasn't smiling.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: WEEK RECAP:
Daily coffee delivery ✓
She keeps all notes ✓
Stopped throwing them away ✓
Actually smiles now ✓ 
Boo_CEO: CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT Rich_Granny_Han: Time to escalate Won_NOT_involved: What's left to escalate?? Rich_Granny_Han: Oh honey, we're just getting started Won_NOT_involved: That's what I'm afraid of
Suite 520 had evolved over the week. Somehow, it now contained:
A premium coffee station (restocked daily)
Medical textbooks (some actually right-side up)
Two comfortable chairs (suspiciously close together)
Granny's "essential" medical monitoring equipment (mostly for show)
Anna's "work station" (definitely for spying)
Y/N entered for morning rounds to find Jeonghan already there, suit perfect despite the early hour.
"You're here early, Mr. Han."
"We're back to Mr. Han? After I brought you coffee all week?"
"Medical ethics don't run on caffeine, Mr. Han."
"Are you sure? Because your smile says otherwise, Doctor."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: The TENSION Boo_CEO: He emphasized 'Doctor' I'M SCREAMING Nurse_Anna: Should I interrupt with vitals?? Rich_Granny_Han: No dear, let them flirt Won_NOT_involved: This is a hospital Rich_Granny_Han: This is Suite 520 Won_NOT_involved: That's not a real distinction Rich_Granny_Han: Tell that to my platinum card
"Children," Granny called out, "if you're done with your coffee courtship—"
"Medical discussion," Y/N corrected quickly.
"Professional interaction," Jeonghan said simultaneously.
"—perhaps we could discuss my discharge?"
Both turned to her so fast they got whiplash.
"Discharge?" Y/N frowned.
"Halmoni, no," Jeonghan started.
"Well," Granny smiled innocently, "unless you think I need more... observation?"
The way she said 'observation' made it clear she wasn't talking about medical monitoring.
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Boo_CEO: THE POWER MOVE Nurse_Anna: Halmoni playing 4D chess!! Rich_Granny_Han: Watch and learn children Won_NOT_involved: This is manipulation Rich_Granny_Han: This is ROMANCE Won_NOT_involved: Same thing in this family Rich_Granny_Han: Now you're getting it!
"Your latest tests..." Y/N began professionally.
"Show you need more monitoring," Jeonghan finished.
They stared at each other, surprised by the agreement.
"Oh?" Granny's eyes twinkled. "Both of you think so?"
"Medically speaking," Y/N clarified.
"From a family perspective," Jeonghan added.
"And it has nothing to do with morning coffee?"
"Halmoni!" they protested simultaneously.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: They're in sync!! Boo_CEO: SOULMATES BEHAVIOR Nurse_Anna: Even their denial is synchronized! Won_NOT_involved: This is getting out of hand Rich_Granny_Han: No dear, this is getting interesting Won_NOT_involved: Those aren't mutually exclusive Rich_Granny_Han: Shush and help me plan the gala seating
The tension was broken by Seungkwan bursting in, designer suit somehow even more expensive than Jeonghan's.
"Emergency!" he announced dramatically.
"Medical?" Y/N reached for her pager.
"Fashion!" Seungkwan held up a tablet. "Halmoni, the hospital charity gala needs your approval on—oh, am I interrupting something?"
His innocent tone fooled exactly no one.
"The charity gala?" Y/N blinked.
"Oh yes," Granny perked up. "Doctor, you'll be attending of course? As my physician?"
"I don't usually—"
"And Jeonghan needs a plus-one—"
"—for medical supervision, of course."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: PHASE GALA: INITIATED Boo_CEO: I already called the designers! Nurse_Anna: Need volunteers for the medical team?? Won_NOT_involved: We're not all going Rich_Granny_Han: Check your email dear Won_NOT_involved: ...we're all going Nurse_Anna: YAY BABE! We can coordinate! Won_NOT_involved: I want a new job Rich_Granny_Han: Denied. Now about those table arrangements...
"I couldn't possibly—" Y/N started.
"It would be unprofessional—" Jeonghan began.
"Perfect!" Granny clapped. "Seungkwan, mark them down as attending."
"Already done, Halmoni!"
"I didn't agree—" Y/N protested.
"My heart would feel so much better knowing my doctor is there," Granny clutched her chest dramatically.
The monitor, naturally, beeped.
"This is manipulation," Jeonghan noted.
"Learned from the best, dear."
Y/N looked at her patient (scheming), her monitor (suspicious), and her growing headache (definitely real).
"One hour," she conceded. "For medical supervision only."
"Of course," Granny smiled sweetly. "Seungkwan, call the designers. The doctor needs a gown."
"Already on it!"
"Wait, what—"
But Seungkwan was already speed-dialing, Granny was looking triumphant, and Jeonghan...
Jeonghan was looking at her like he wouldn't mind being supervised. Medically speaking, of course.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Operation Gala: Phase 1 complete Boo_CEO: Designers on standby! Nurse_Anna: Medical team assembled! Won_NOT_involved: This is excessive Rich_Granny_Han: No dear, this is just the beginning Won_NOT_involved: That's what I'm afraid of Rich_Granny_Han: Don't worry, it gets worse Won_NOT_involved: How is that reassuring?? Rich_Granny_Han: It's not. Now, about those dance lessons...
Suite 520 had transformed into Gala Planning Headquarters. Somehow, between cardiac monitoring equipment and medical charts, there were now:
Three tablets showing designer collections
Fabric swatches spread across medical equipment
Seating charts mixed with ECG readings
Event planners trying to look like medical consultants
And Granny, orchestrating chaos from her hospital bed
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Status report!
Venue: Hospital Grand Hall
Theme: "Hearts of Gold" (get it? 😉)
Seating: Y/N next to Jeonghan (medical purposes)
Dance floor: Strategically lit 
Boo_CEO: The THEME I'M DYING Nurse_Anna: Should we coordinate the medical team's outfits?? Won_NOT_involved: We're supposed to be working Rich_Granny_Han: This IS work. Love work.
Y/N entered for afternoon rounds to find what looked like a fashion magazine explosion.
"Mrs. Han, this isn't good for your recovery—"
"Nonsense," Granny waved a fabric swatch. "Doctor, which shade of blue brings out Jeonghan's eyes?"
"I... what?"
"For medical coordination purposes, of course."
From behind his laptop, Jeonghan choked on his coffee.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: SHE'S BLUSHING Nurse_Anna: AND HE'S CHOKING Rich_Granny_Han: Young love is so clumsy Won_NOT_involved: This is a medical facility Rich_Granny_Han: This is a love facility Won_NOT_involved: That's not a thing Rich_Granny_Han: It is in Suite 520
"Halmoni," Jeonghan tried, "perhaps the doctor doesn't want to—"
"Navy," Y/N said suddenly, then looked mortified.
"Navy blue. For medical... contrast purposes."
Jeonghan's slow smile should be illegal in a hospital setting.
"Noted," Granny's eyes sparkled. "Seungkwan! Call the designer!"
"Already texting!"
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: SHE PICKED HIS COLOR Boo_CEO: VOLUNTARILY Nurse_Anna: THE DEVELOPMENT Won_NOT_involved: It's just a color Rich_Granny_Han: Oh sweet summer child Nurse_Anna: Babe you're so innocent Won_NOT_involved: I miss regular patients Rich_Granny_Han: No you don't. Now about the dance playlist...
Later that day, Y/N returned to find Jeonghan arguing with event planners while wearing... navy blue.
"It's for a medical opinion," he said quickly.
"I didn't ask."
"You're wondering."
"I'm wondering about your grandmother's blood pressure with all this excitement."
"Liar. You're wondering how accurate your color assessment was."
She checked Granny's monitors instead of answering. Or looking at how right she'd been about the navy blue.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: HE CHANGED SUITS FOR HER Boo_CEO: THE DEDICATION Nurse_Anna: She kept stealing glances!! Won_NOT_involved: I saw nothing Rich_Granny_Han: The security cameras saw everything Won_NOT_involved: ...I may have footage Nurse_Anna: BABE YOU'RE ONE OF US NOW Won_NOT_involved: I hate everything except you Rich_Granny_Han: No you don't. Now help me plan the "medical emergency" during the slow dance
"Doctor," Granny called out sweetly, "about the gala's medical supervision..."
"One hour," Y/N reminded firmly.
"Of course. Jeonghan will pick you up at 7."
"That's not necessary—"
"For medical transport," Granny added innocently.
"I can drive—"
"My heart would feel better knowing you arrive safely."
The monitor beeped right on cue.
"Halmoni," Jeonghan sighed, but he was smiling.
"Fine," Y/N conceded. "For medical purposes."
"Of course," Granny beamed. "Seungkwan! Call the car service!"
"Already done!"
"How are you already—never mind."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Car arrangements: Complete ✓
Premium vehicle
Mood lighting
"Accidental" traffic delays 
Boo_CEO: EVIL GENIUS HALMONI Nurse_Anna: The POWER Won_NOT_involved: This is getting elaborate Rich_Granny_Han: Oh honey, wait for the gala Won_NOT_involved: I'm scared Rich_Granny_Han: You should be. Anna dear, about those dance floor spotlights...
As Y/N left for her rounds, she found a new coffee on the nurses' station.
The note read: "Navy blue does bring out my eyes. Good medical observation. - JH"
She didn't smile.
(The security footage Wonwoo definitely wasn't collecting said otherwise.)
- Two months after Code: Heart Doctor began, Suite 520 was in organized chaos:
Discharge papers waiting for signatures
Gift baskets from the entire hospital staff
Granny's designer luggage (more than a small hotel's worth)
The infamous coffee machine
And a certain cardiologist avoiding a certain CFO
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Two months of schemes ✓
One charity gala success ✓
Multiple "emergencies" ✓
Countless coffee dates ✓
One almost kiss ✓
Boo_CEO: HOW ARE THEY SO STUBBORN Nurse_Anna: Even the cafeteria's betting pool is frustrated Won_NOT_involved: Maybe let them figure it out naturally? Rich_Granny_Han: Absolutely not Won_NOT_involved: Why did I even suggest that Rich_Granny_Han: Time for the final play
Y/N stood at the nurses' station, pretending to review charts while actually hiding. The past two months had been... complicated.
After the gala (which definitely didn't end with an almost-kiss during Granny's conveniently timed "emergency"), things had gotten awkward.
Sweet, terrible, coffee-filled awkward.
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Nurse_Anna: She's HIDING Boo_CEO: Our confident doctor? HIDING? Rich_Granny_Han: Love makes fools of us all Won_NOT_involved: Or maybe this whole scheme was too much Rich_Granny_Han: No such thing Won_NOT_involved: Why did I marry into this chaos Nurse_Anna: Because you love me 😘 Won_NOT_involved: TRUE. TRUEST FORM. Rich_Granny_Han: We get it, you love Anna
The suite's door opened, revealing Jeonghan in what had to be his most expensive suit yet. Navy blue, because of course it was.
"Mr. Han."
"We're back to that?"
"We never left it."
(They both knew that was a lie. Somewhere between late-night coffee and fake emergencies, "Jeonghan" had slipped out more than once.)
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: IMPLEMENT FINAL PHASE Boo_CEO: But what about the backup plan?? Rich_Granny_Han: This IS the backup plan Nurse_Anna: What about backup backup?? Rich_Granny_Han: Trust your commander Won_NOT_involved: Should I be concerned? Rich_Granny_Han: Always, dear. Always.
"Children," Granny called from her bed, "come here please."
They approached cautiously. Two months had taught them to fear that innocent tone.
"Since I'm being discharged—"
"About that," Y/N started.
"Your readings—" Jeonghan began.
"Oh hush," Granny waved them off. "We all know I'm fine. Have been for weeks."
They stared at her.
"You..." Y/N processed this. "You've been faking?"
"Not faking, dear. Strategizing."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: THE CONFESSION Nurse_Anna: Finally exposing the plot!! Won_NOT_involved: This feels illegal somehow Rich_Granny_Han: Love knows no laws Won_NOT_involved: That's not how legality works Rich_Granny_Han: That's how Suite 520 works
"All those emergencies..." Jeonghan realized.
"The 3 AM calls..." Y/N added.
"The coffee accidents..."
"The gala emergency..."
"The almost—" they both stopped, blushing.
"Yes, yes," Granny smiled. "All part of the plan. Operation Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024."
"The WHAT."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Dropping the bomb! Boo_CEO: THE CHAOS Nurse_Anna: Should we run?? Won_NOT_involved: I'm already in the cafeteria Rich_Granny_Han: Cowards. Watch the master work
"Halmoni," Jeonghan looked pained. "You've been scheming this whole time?"
"Of course, dear. You think cardiac monitors just happen to beep during romantic moments?"
"The coffee spills..." Y/N remembered.
"Anna has excellent timing."
"The gala emergency..."
"Seungkwan's dramatic skills are underappreciated."
"The security footage..."
"Wonwoo pretends to resist, but he's got quite the collection."
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Boo_CEO: THEY'RE BOTH SO RED Nurse_Anna: The realization!! Won_NOT_involved: Should we call security? Rich_Granny_Han: For what? True love? Won_NOT_involved: For imminent chaos Rich_Granny_Han: That's just how romance works dear
"So everything was fake?" Y/N asked quietly.
"Not everything," Jeonghan said quickly.
They looked at each other.
"The coffee wasn't fake," he continued.
"The medical discussions weren't fake."
"The almost-kiss wasn't fake."
"The feelings weren't fake."
Granny beamed. "Finally!"
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: MISSION SUCCESS Boo_CEO: I'M CRYING Nurse_Anna: WE DID IT Won_NOT_involved: Can we work normally now? Rich_Granny_Han: Oh honey no Rich_Granny_Han: Now we plan the wedding Won_NOT_involved: ...I want a transfer Rich_Granny_Han: Denied.
"You're ridiculous," Y/N told Jeonghan, but she was smiling.
"You love it," he replied, then froze. "I mean—"
"Yeah," she said softly. "I do."
"Oh thank god," Granny exclaimed. "Seungkwan! The champagne!"
"Already chilled!"
"Anna! The celebration decorations!"
"Ready to deploy!"
"Wonwoo! The documentation!"
As Suite 520 erupted into celebration, Y/N looked at Jeonghan.
"Your grandmother is terrifying."
"Wait till you see her wedding planning mode."
"Let's survive the first date first."
"Coffee tomorrow?"
"You've been bringing me coffee for two months."
"Yes, but now I can kiss you after."
From her bed, Granny smiled at her success. As Y/N and Jeonghan shared their first real kiss (finally!), the cardiac monitor beeped one last time.
This time, it was real.
Real love tends to do that to a heart. As Y/N and Jeonghan finally broke apart, the cardiac monitor beeped one last time.
"Your grandmother's monitor is still sensitive," Y/N murmured.
"Actually," Jeonghan smiled, "I think that one was real."
They turned to find Granny beaming at them, not even pretending to sleep anymore.
"Finally!" she exclaimed. "Do you know how exhausting it was to orchestrate all this?"
"The timing of the beeps! The strategic coffee spills! Keeping Wonwoo from reporting us to hospital administration!"
🏥 Get Jeonghan a Girlfriend 2024 !!! 🏥
Rich_Granny_Han: Mission accomplished, everyone! Boo_CEO: The greatest success story of 2024!! Nurse_Anna: I'm crying happy tears in the supply closet Won_NOT_involved: Can we work normally now? Rich_Granny_Han: Of course dear Won_NOT_involved: Really? Rich_Granny_Han: No 😘 Nurse_Anna: Babe you should know better Won_NOT_involved: I really should
"Well," Y/N picked up the discharge papers, trying to look professional despite her smile. "Since your condition has... miraculously improved, Mrs. Han—"
"Still Halmoni," Granny corrected.
"Halmoni," Y/N conceded, her smile growing. "You're free to go home."
"Wonderful! Jeonghan-ah, help me pack. Doctor, you'll join us for dinner to discuss my home care, won't you?"
"That would be—"
"If you say unprofessional, I'm canceling the discharge," Granny threatened sweetly.
Y/N looked at Jeonghan, who shrugged helplessly but couldn't stop smiling.
"Dinner would be lovely," she agreed.
As the suite erupted into celebration, with Seungkwan popping in with champagne and Anna wiping tears while pretending to check vitals one last time, Y/N felt Jeonghan's hand slip into hers.
"Coffee tomorrow?" he asked softly.
"You've been bringing me coffee for two months."
"Yes, but now I can kiss you after."
She squeezed his hand. "Looking forward to it."
From her bed, Granny Han watched her grandson and his cardiologist, her heart monitor beeping steadily with genuine joy. Sometimes, she thought, love just needs a little push.
Or in her case, two months of elaborate schemes, a charity gala, multiple fake emergencies, one almost-kiss, and an army of co-conspirators.
But who's counting?
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sunny-ssunset · 6 months ago
Honest south park dating headcanons🔥💯
Tumblr media
dividers by pinterest
♡Im writing so much bc i literally have nothing else to do so enjoy 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
♡Anyways honest headcanons about how i think the main 4 would act in a relationship with you (all aged up) mostly gender neutral but there is like mentions of boobies :)
TW Mentions of s*x, dr*gs and v*mit
•Honestly you wouldnt have to put much effort in to get with him
•Mother fuckers desprate for love
•Hes actually a bit of a wreck once you date him
•Crying because he is scared you'll leave him
•You are defo a rebound
•To be fair he'd start to fall for you though
•And because of that he'd throw up all over you
•He'd break up with you if wendy said she missed him
•In his eyes theres always someone better
•And im sorry but he moves on fast
•If wendy breaks up with him again though
•Expect a drunk call at 3 am saying how much he misses you and how he fucked up and if you can get back together
•Its your choice if you get back with him though lmao
•He is extremely awkward
•Kyle has high ass standards so when he sees someone that meets those standards he'll fall hard
•This man cannot talk to people he likes
•If he doesnt like you he is the rizziest rizzler ever
•And 0 rizz if he does lmao
•He'd start SWEATING
•He would be stumpted for words
•Then when you leave he'd blame someone else for 'fucking up his chance'
•If however you did start dating him (god knows how)
•He'll probably dump you over the smallest thing
•If you vape or smoke though its a big no no
•And like you would argue over the smallest thing
•He'd rant and rant and rant and rant about something cartman did that day
•Probably would put work or school before you
•He forgets your his s/o sometimes
•He'll treat you like a therapist
•However he is really fucking good in bed 😩😏
•This man would always be looking out for no. 1
•Genuinely would not give a fuck about you until you show any value to him
•Always trying to prove he is better than everyone else (especially kyle)
•He listens to alpha male podcasts
•Andrew tate supporter
•To be honest despite him also being plus sized
•He wont date someone who is also plus sized
•Its because andrew tate said he can do better
•He is delusional and doesnt believe you when you say he is fat
•Its apparently just baby fat
•He would let you in on his schemes and let you tag along but would also throw you under the bus and say it was all your idea if he gets caught
•Manipulative as fuck
•Would get pissy if you said no to anything he asks you
•He'd leave you because "He can do better"
•He fucking stinks
•Its either he'll stink of zaza or just plain stinkyness
•He like never showers even when he had the opportunity to
•He'll have a huge crush on you because of your looks and you'll find out through other kids
•Cartman probably spread it around
•He'll always be staring at your boobs or ass
•Says word like "GYATT DAMN" "WHAT THE SIGMA"
•He doesnt have tiktok only instagram reels
•Has a shitty cracked iphone 6 in rose gold with no case
•He'll be very loyal like he would never get with someone else
•However always staring at someone elses boobs or ass if not yours
•Will compare you to 'attractive celebrities'
•Hes done many many dr*gs
•Him and his mates probably made a list of all the hottest people in the school (god knows where you are on it)
•He has no rizz at all because hes extremely shy
•Probably only got with you bc of how big your gyatt was
•Hes always really h*rny
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dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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the-sleepy-archivist · 1 year ago
Blocking Ads on Mobile Devices
Blocking ads on our phones is way harder than it should be so I figured I'd make some recommendations. These are not the only options out there, just the ones that I know and use.
Please note that browser-level and system-level adblocking are complementary; you'll have the best experience if you use both of them together as they each block different things in different places. If you want a basic idea of how effective your combined adblocking setup is, you can visit this website in your mobile browser.
Lastly, there is some additional advice/info under the readmore if you're curious (EDIT: updated June 2024 to add info about sideloading altered versions of social media apps that don't contain ads on Android and iOS).
uBlock Origin (for Firefox)
System-Level (works in all apps, not just browsers)
Blokada 5 (completely free version) OR Blokada 6 (has some newer features but they require a subscription)
AdGuard (Safari extension; free for basic browser-level blocking, requires a subscription for custom filters)
System-Level (works in all apps, not just browsers)
AdGuard (requires subscription for system-level blocking)
AdGuard DNS only (this is free and does not require the AdGuard app, BUT I would only recommend it for advanced users, as you can't easily turn it off like you can with the app. Credit to this Reddit thread for the DNS profile)
Some additional info: browser-level blocking is a browser addon or extension, like you might be used to from a desktop computer. This inspects the HTML code returned by websites and searches for patterns that identify the presence of an ad or other annoyance (popup videos, cookie agreements, etc.). System-level blocking is almost always DNS-based. Basically whenever an app asks your phone's OS to make a connection to a website that is known for serving ads, the system-level blocker replies "sorry, I don't know her 🤷‍♂️💅" and the ad doesn't get downloaded. This works in most places, not just a browser, but be warned that it might make your battery drain a little faster depending on the app/setup.
Each of those types of blocking has strengths and weaknesses. System-level DNS blocking blocks ads in all apps, but companies that own advertising networks AND the websites those ads are served on can combine their services into the same domain to render DNS blocking useless; you can’t block ads served by Facebook/Meta domains without also blocking all of Facebook and Instagram as well because they made sure their ads are served from the same domain as all the user posts you actually want to see. Similarly, browser-level blocking can recognize ads by appearance and content, regardless of what domain they’re served from, so it can block them on Instagram and Facebook. However, it needs to be able to inspect the content being loaded in order to look for ads, and there’s no way to do that in non-browser apps. That’s why using both together will get you the best results.
These limitations do mean that you can’t block ads in the Facebook or Instagram apps, unfortunately, only in the website versions of them visited in your browser. It also means ads served by meta’s/facebook’s ad network in other apps can’t be blocked either (unless you're one of the rare beasts who doesn't use facebook or instagram or threads, in which case feel free to blacklist all Meta/FB domains and watch your ads disappear 😍; I'm jealous and in awe of you lol).
One note: some apps may behave unpredictably when they can't download ads. For example, the Tumblr app has big black spaces where the ads are, and sometimes those spaces collapse as you scroll past them and it messes up scrolling for a few seconds (UPDATE: looks like the scrolling issue may have actually been a Tumblr bug that they have now fixed, at least on iOS). Still way less annoying than getting ads for Draco Malfoy seduction roleplay AI chatbots imo though. And honestly *most* apps handle this fairly gracefully, like a mobile game I play just throws error messages like "ad is not ready" and then continues like normal.
One final note: on Android, you may actually be able to find hacked versions of Meta’s apps that have the ad frameworks removed. In some cases they are a little janky (unsurprisingly, apps don’t always take kindly to having some of their innards ripped out by a third-party), and they are often out of date. BUT in return you get an Instagram app with no ads whatsoever, and some of them even add additional features like buttons for saving IG videos and photos to your phone. However, use these apps at your own risk, as there is functionally no way to validate the code that the third-parties have added or removed from the app. Example altered IG app (I have not vetted this altered app, it's just a popular option): link.
It is technically possible to install altered apps on iOS as well, but Apple makes it much, much harder to do (unless you are jailbroken, which is a whole different ballgame). I'm not going to cover sideloading or jailbreaking here because even I as a very techy person eventually grew tired of messing with it or having to pay for it. If you're interested you can read more about the different ways to do sideloading on iOS here.
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clairedaring · 20 days ago
brb. currently screaming at the DETAILS of gelboys ep 1
(SOURCE © @virtualtadpole)
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text version under the cut for readers' accessibility
I'll leave the raving about Boss and his team's meticulous craftsmanship to u/ThoughtsAllDay and others, but man, there's so much detail packed in here, I had to take notes. Which wasn't easy while watching on iQiyi without VIP, as each time you inadvertently scroll back past an ad insertion point it forces you to sit through another minute of unskippable ads that just ended five seconds ago. Anyway, some thoughts:
The biggest question I had from the series reveal was whether it's going to be one of those works that could generate endless discussions of "Is this a BL?" And so far it sure looks like one of those works. This first episode is the sliciest a slice-of-life teen drama could conceivably be. Or maybe it just feels that way because it's so different, due to the fact that...
The entire series being shot on iPhone (though they just say "phone" because Apple isn't paying them) gives the whole thing such an indie guerrilla film vibe, which is interesting to say the least. The unrestrained depth of field, the sound design picking up on every little jingling of the charms and chains the boys have on their bags, result in this raw, artsy feel that is almost jarring compared to conventional production values.
The open environment alone sounds like a continuity nightmare, though not having paid much attention to the people and cars in the background, I didn't noticed anything egregious.
The opening toilet shot was... a choice.
The song Fourmod's mother plays in the beginning is เด็กมีปัญหา (Dek Mi Panha) by, of course, Four-Mod. It's one of the biggest early hits from the Kamikaze teen-oriented record label. Faye Fang Kaew is another of the label's first groups. You can tell their mother is a huge fan. (By the way, the iQiyi subtitles spelling Fourmod's name after his Instagram handle is really annoying. Hope they drop it soon.)
Fourmod said "this term" when asking to take the BTS, so it's probably the start of the second semester, i.e. November. Senanikhom Station opened in December 2019, while the entire northern extension opened in December 2020. Either Fourmod was referring to starting his P.6 and M.1 years after the station and line opened respectively, or the series is set in 2023.
I laughed at how they needed a disclaimer warning not to run up the escalators and to hold the handrail - clearly mandated by BTS the series sponsor. If you're wondering about the sponsorship, by the way, it probably just involved them making special arrangements for location access and not any cash - this was the case for the 2009 movie Bangkok Traffic (Love) Story, which revolved almost entirely around the BTS. Here, the lack of crowds during the morning rush hour points to most of the people probably being hired extras.
The BTS got plenty of indirect advertising in exchange, of course. Fourmod buying the monthly pass seemed almost forced at first, but was soon leveraged to explain why he didn't know how to tap out of the system, since he'd presumably only used single tickets before. (Like Thoughts said, the attention to detail is incredible, with things like these that you have to zoom in to even notice.)
The depictions of locations are so super specific to reality, almost as if this were a documentary. The school is fictional, of course, but it's slotted into the exact location of Watpathumwanaram School in real life, and everything around it, including the path of the students' commute, is real. Don't know why they'd take a tuk-tuk instead of walking 400 metres to Siam Square, though, as the traffic is totally impossible.
I have no idea how much creative liberty they're taking with the school's flexibility with body accessories, electronics, and transgender students. I'm sure the creators based it on what's possible at some actual schools nowadays, but I can't tell how realistic it is for the setting at all. Very much appreciate the variability in the lengths of the students' shorts as a reflection of their personality, though, as it's rarely seen on screen anymore.
I raised an eyebrow at Fourmod asking for extra MSG in his fruit dip. (The subtitles mistranslate it as "chili salt".) Didn't even know it was a thing - usually it's just sugar, salt, and chilli - but apparently recipes that also add MSG aren't uncommon.
I'm about curious about the passage of time. Their painted nails almost growing out suggests probably two months passing during each of the time jumps, but that would be almost the entire school term already.
It's funny to imagine how they got Yuedpao as a main sponsor. Their shop is actually opposite Kantima Salon, one wonders whether it's a coincidence or they found the location first, then got the sponsorship later.
The Kluay Kluay banana dessert shop was clearly included to keep older viewers connected - it's probably the only Siam Square location in the entire episode that's recognizable to someone who knew the place from the 2000s. Heck, the neighbourhood has changed so much recently, few of the scene locations would have looked like shown even five years ago.
Which brings me to my final point and main impression from the episode: Everything in it feels so deliberate in its depiction of today's youth culture. Which is of course what the creators set out to do. But the thing is, I (and probably most Millennial and older viewers) can't quite tell how accurate it is. I trust that the team did their research well, and on the whole it feels real enough, but the script's particular references, slang and vernacular might as well be a foreign language. It feels rather eerily uncanny how changed some things have become in the space of a generation, and yet how familiar some things remain.
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thankyouivy · 1 year ago
BRO UR LATEST REID FIC WAS AMAZING, you have to write a second part where the team confront/tease Reid for forgetting to hang up his phone 🙏
i’m mixing this with another request I got for the morning after slick tongue.
I hope this is what you were looking for, ngl this was a challenge, which is why it took so long! (also my computer may have broken mid way through writing this so I finished it on my phone which means this is NOT properly proofread or edited OOPS)
warnings: fluff with a bit of suggestiveness but nothing explicit.
Sore - Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
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Morning comes way faster than Spencer hoped it would.
His alarm goes off at 6am, the one he sets for when he's at home with you, that’s quiet enough so it won’t wake you up, but he can still hear it. He reaches over and turns it off, eyes adjusting to the dark room and then turns and gazes at you, still sleeping peacefully.
Your head is rested on his shoulder, nose buried in his neck, and one leg hitched over both of his. You’re practically laying on top of him, getting as close as humanly possible. He smiles lovingly at you and places a delicate kiss on your cheek before carefully slipping his arm out from under you and scooting off the bed, a skill he has picked up since you started dating. He makes his way to the bathroom to shower and get ready, keeping the bedroom lights off to let you continue sleeping.
You are awoken from your sex-induced slumber by the sounds of the morning; your shower running, the morning doves singing outside, anddddd…. Spencer’s phone ringing. You lean over and grab it, checking the number and rubbing your eyes before answering.
“Hey, Penny,” You greet mid-yawn. “Oh my god! Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry! Where's Reid?” She asks quickly. you have a hard time understanding everything she’s saying, and you can tell she’s probably already had her morning coffee… or two.
“It’s alright! I was totally already awake. Spencer’s in the shower, he’ll be at the office in no time im sure.” You answer, sleep still apparent in your voice, with a hint of scratchiness from the strain Spencer caused to your vocal cords last night.
Penelope is saying something, but instead your mind floats to last night's events. You rub your hand over your neck and feel the slight soreness of bruises and the delicate ache in your core burns when you think about last night.
“Sorry - what?” You zone back in, squinting your eyes at the bright iphone screen in the dark room. “I know you got attended to last night, but you don’t have to keep rubbing it in our faces!” She teases and you feel your face heat up as you giggle at her.
You chat with Garcia for a minute before you hear the shower turn off and you suddenly remember why you're on the phone with her at 6 in the morning. “Sorry- what did you need me to tell Spencer?” you say, sitting up in bed.
“Oh yeah, your relationship is like my reality tv and we will be chatting more about your scandalous escapades later. But for now, can you tell him Hotch needs the final witness statements from the last case read over?” Garica answers. That entire sentence sounds like complete FBI gibberish but you get the general idea and promise to relay the info to Spencer before he leaves, and Garcia hangs up with a “Thanks, doll!”
The door to the bathroom opens and Spencer steps out with his toothbrush in his mouth. The light from the bathroom bleeds into the dark bedroom and it makes him look like a God. His hair is damp and messy, he's wearing a towel around his waist, his hips bones and happy trail completely on display. The light from behind him shows off his lightly defined muscles, lean body, and sharp jaw, and you feel yourself going bright red.
“Sorry, sugar, did I wake you up?” He says when he notices you’re sitting up in bed, taking his toothbrush out of his mouth. “No actually, it was Penelope.”
You smile as he walks over to your closet and starts picking up clothes. “What? Garcia called you?” He walks back to the bathroom with his clothes with him to finish brushing his teeth. “No, she called you. Told me to tell you that Hotch needs you to read the witness something-or-other?” You say, slipping out of bed and stretching your arms above your head. “Witness statements?” He asks, smiling at you through the door. “That’s it.”
You know you probably won't be able to fall asleep again after Spencer leaves, so you head to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee after brushing your teeth. Spencer joins you in the kitchen about 10 minutes later, fumbling with his tie. You pass him your cup of coffee and take over, tying it neatly and adjusting his shirt collar as he takes a sip.
He places a kiss on your lips, holding your jaw to tilt your head up with his hand. “Want some breakfast?” you hum happily, arms wrapping around his neck. “Mhmm… maybe not the kind you’re thinking of, though.” He smirks, grabbing your waist to pull you closer and leaning down to kiss you again as you giggle.
“Tempting… but if you show up late again people are going to get suspicious. Plus, I’m still recovering from last night.” You mumble, grinning at him when he goans like a child being denied candy, and just continues kissing you.
When you feel his tongue slide against your bottom lip and attempt to lick into your mouth, you pull away. “Mmmm, Spencer…you need to go…gonna be late…” you say in between pecks. He places one final kiss on your lips before grabbing his stuff and heading out the door with a quick “Bye, baby, have a good day, love you!”
There is something off about the team today.
Spencer can tell.
When he gets to the office, Morgan and Garica spot him immediately. Morgan has that proud-big-brother expression on his face, and pats Spencer on the back before plopping down in his chair, and Garica can’t keep that mischievous look off her face as she seats herself on a spare chair at Derek’s desk.
Spencer gives the pair a confused look, only for Morgan to chuckle at him. “So, nice time last night, Reid?” Morgan smirks.
“Yes, actually, how was the bar?” Spencer responds, confused by the pair’s strange mood, but still engaging in the usual morning small talk while reading over the witness statements like Hotch asked.
“It was fine, I’m sure your night was more eventful than ours, though,” Morgan and Garcia giggle at each other.
Spencer is sure he has never been more confused in his life, but passes it off as the pairs regular unusual banter.
Before he can ask what’s going on, JJ and Emily walk over with coffee, joining the group at their own respective desks.
“How was your night, Spencer?” Emily snickers into her coffee as JJ kicks her leg under her desk and covers her mouth with her hand in an attempt to hide her own smile.
“I- it was fine?” Spencer answers again.
“Just fine?” Another voice asks, as Rossi joins them, knowing smile on his face.
“Okay, enough, will someone please tell me what is going on? is there some new inside joke I missed?” Spencer breaks, the weirdness of the situation overriding his ability to multitask.
“Yes, my night was fine. It was normal, why are you all suddenly interested in what I do when I'm not at work?” Spencer squints inquisitively at them.
“Normal, huh?” JJ giggles, eyeing the rest of the girls, who join in. Spencer gives them a look, bringing a hand up to his face to massage his jaw.
“Something wrong with your jaw, Reid?” Rossi asks with a smirk on his face, and the entire group breaks into a fit of snickers.
“Yeah, it’s just a little sore from- wait.” He pauses, to look around at his friends. “What do you know and how do you know it?” Spencer asks, suspicion evident on his face when the snickers don’t stop.
“Listen, we all can’t be as tech-savvy as me!” Garica grins, and suddenly Spencer remembers. The expression that flashes across his face can only be described as pure terror as he whips out his phone and checks his call history.
Penelope Garica [BAU]
Mobile phone - 2014/01/19
Call Length: 27:34
Spencer glows bright red as the realization hits him like a truck, the laughs from the team getting impossibly louder as he hides his face in his hands.
More of my stuff can be found here.
~Ivy 🪴
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dezinomania · 1 year ago
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(via "The Musical Mads" iPhone Case for Sale by DEZINOMANIA)
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frxsk0 · 1 month ago
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SailorBow Phone Cases
Sailor Moon iPhone Cases in 6 colorways
DO NOT REUPLOAD OR PUT BEHIND ANY PAYWALLS (ex: Adfly, Shortest, Patreon..etc)
Tag us on all of our Socials @frxsk0
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phone-cases55 · 3 months ago
Stylish and Protective Custom Mobile Phone Case"
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Transform your phone with our chic and durable custom mobile phone case.
Get it now - Exlusive price from here
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prttylilbunny · 1 year ago
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warnings: none! bit of cursing:)
word count: 0.6k
notes: hai guys:3 here's some ellie hc's! kinda proofread !!
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-used an iphone 6 till it completely died and then she couldn't decide what phone to get because she didn't want to get a "fancy" one. you had to drag her to Mediaworld because she was basically refusing even though she hadn't used a phone in almost a week😭 (she'd been having to use your phone)
-has about a thousand hoodies and wears three of them, she buys them everytime she goes to the mall but then she uses the ones she bought when she was a teen. she doesn't even notice if you're wearing one of her hoodies because she didn't even know she had it
-she has a clear phone case and the only thing in it is a polaroid of you guys on your first date:') she hasn't changed it since that day
-still wears the same converse she's had for god knows how long, and when you asked her if she wants a new pair for her birthday she looked at you with the nastiest side eye ever. she couldn't even think about changing the pair
-has a private Instagram where only friends follow because she's scared of other people commenting on her post, like what if they say something mean? or what if they flirt with her? so she keeps it private and post a story maybe once a month
-even through she's not on Instagram that much she is always on tiktok, like you'll wake up at four in the morning for some water, turn over and her phone is inches away from her face the screen lighting up her face.
'ellie go to bed!' you mumbled as you got up and rubbed your eyes
'babe look at this borzoi' she tapped your arm and you rolled your eyes
-expending on her interest with borzois, after they become a meme she's just completely obsessed over them, if you're out with her and you see one you bet she's running up to it and awkwardly asking if she could pet it and then pets and plays with it for 5 straight minutes making you stand by her apologizing to the owner for her taking so long
-popeyes lover !!!! if you don't know what to have for dinner she'll order pop eyes (without) your permission, and suddenly the bell will ring and she's speeding down the stairs and running back up with a huge bag and the cutest smile on her face
-okay so if u have a fyp like mine then you know about mulch, so I think her fyp is full of mulch and lobotomy videos, and sometimes while your having a nice moment she'll say
'ugh I am so full of joy and sandy loam'
you'll look at her with the most judgemental look ever and lightly punch her shoulder
-loves I mean LOVES dried apples, will munch on them for hours !! she sneaks them into movie theaters and basically annoys everyone in the room because she's so fucking loud. also loves dr.pepper ! if you'd give her a bag of dried apples and a can of dr.pepper she'd be the happiest girl on earth
-can't cook for shit, like it's actually scary, somehow she'll burn everything she puts on the stove or in the over, she either puts the heat too high or just forgets she has something cooking at all. but will put the most amount of effort in a date night dinner !
-sometimes if you're lucky she'll get sappy and serious, like you'll lay down on her and fall asleep and she'll whisper something like 'I'm gonna marry you one day' then she realized what she said and cringed at herself
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mshroom1e · 9 months ago
ೃ⁀➷ Baby My Phone
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type: headcanons
listen to me yap about what phones i’d think twst characters would have.
2.2k words
Characters: NRC students
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╰┈➤ Riddle
Uses a landline.
╰┈➤ Ace
He uses an iPhone but it’s one of those broken, screen protector hanging off, yellow clear case iPhone 8s.
He still thinks his phone is better than an Android and refuses to switch.
His wallpaper is one of those with a massive Nike tick and a “just do it” in a neon red camouflage pattern.
He hasn’t changed it since he was 12.
╰┈➤ Deuce
He has a Samsung for sure.
It’s not one of the most expensive ones like an S24 Ultra but it’s reliable.
He’s got a pretty average phone case. It’s navy blue and heavy-duty, making his phone practically indestructible.
His wallpaper is probably yellow with a cartoonish picture of a chick breaking out of an egg.
Pretty simple.
Distinguished taste for an equally distinguished gentleman.
╰┈➤ Trey
He has a Samsung S10.
I don’t know why, but he just does.
I can also see him using one of those grandpa wallet cases where he carries everything inside.
His phone case doubles as a purse with the bits and bobs he puts in there.
It’s literally a fanny pack that just happens to have space to hold a phone.
Need a napkin? Hold on, let him get it from his phone case real quick.
It’s really handy but a little ridiculous with the amount of stuff he carries in there.
The battery life is hammered thanks to the hours of temple run his siblings play on it whenever he goes home for holidays.
His wallpaper is probably a picture of his siblings, which is cute.
Would be higher if it wasn’t for the silly wallet case.
╰┈➤ Cater
We’ve already seen his phone multiple times in game, so I don’t think I have much to say.
His wallpaper is bold, like the phone case he uses.
It’s not exactly ugly, but it definitely suits him.
It’s just not something most people would want to put on their phones.
He’s 100% an iPhone user but he’s the type that gets the new model that comes out every year.
Either that or he’s using one of his sister’s hand-me-downs that’s an iPhone 13. (just like me fr).
If it wasn’t for that peculiar phone case, I’d rate it higher.
╰┈➤ Leona
I can see him using a Samsung S24 Ultra.
He barely uses it, though.
Most of the time, he tosses the phone at his nephew to keep him distracted when he sees him at home.
Because of that, he’s got a home screen full of kids' mobile games like Talking Tom and Subway Surfers.
The phone’s got a small crack in the screen from when Cheka dropped it but it wasn’t a big deal so Leona never bothered to get it fixed or replaced.
He’s got a leopard print phone case and his wallpaper is a selfie Reggie took with him sleeping and set it on his lock screen that he never bothered to change.
Again, the phone case is a no from me.
╰┈➤ Ruggie
He uses a Samsung too.
It’s an older model, like an S10+.
It’s a gift from Leona that he tossed at Ruggie one day.
Ruggie is pretty grateful for it since he was wondering how he’d contact his grandmother back at home without a phone since he wouldn’t be able to get a durable one until a while of saving up.
He takes pretty good care of it and there’s no scratches or cracks.
His wallpaper matches the selfie of himself and Leona that he set as the latter’s lock screen.
He got himself a heavy-duty phone case just to make sure it doesn’t get damaged.
Totally not biased.
╰┈➤ Jack
He’s an iPhone user, probably sporting an iPhone 12 Pro Max. You can’t blame him for needing a large phone when he’s got pretty big hands.
He uses a clear case that’s somehow got no yellowing to it and his phone is green. It’s got a pretty wrecked battery life thanks to the younger sibling x phone syndrome.
His little sister killed the battery life with her 500 cumulative hours on Roblox and Among Us.
He doesn’t really mind since he doesn’t use his phone more than like 4 times a day.
Pretty cool.
╰┈➤ Azul
A tasteful Samsung user.
He’s one of those people who thinks iPhones are a scam and refuses to buy into it, like the classy businessman he is.
(he just has no idea how to use one).
Idk if Merfolk have waterproof phones or just communicate with echolocation but let’s pretend that the fish people have phones too.
He sports a Samsung Z Flip5 in lavender. He also has a baby blue phone case with a little seashell on it.
The twins tease him about his cutesy design choice but he shrugs it off since he knows it looks good.
It’s a shame he rarely uses the phone when he’s not going to send emails, do schoolwork and post on the lounge’s social media, though.
He also watches food ASMR videos. His wallpaper is a picture of the sea in the usual daytime lighting.
Very nice
╰┈➤ Jade
Another Android Avenger using a Samsung S22 in sage green.
His phone is in pretty good condition.
Though, he’s got a few spots of soil trapped between his screen protector and the end of his phone case.
There’s only like a single, tiny crack on his screen protector for dropping it on the floor face first when in the Botanical Garden talking to his little plants.
Can’t really blame him since he looks up tutorials when handling new spores. His phone case is transparent with (you guessed it) a pattern of little mushrooms littered on the back.
His wallpaper is a pic of him and Floyd when they were in their first year at NRC. It’s a strangely cute phone for someone as shady as Jade.
Nice, but the mushrooms r kinda overkill.
╰┈➤ Floyd
His phone doesn’t have a single crack on it.
He’s someone who takes really good care of his stuff and has a bunch of screen protectors since he knows how prone he is to dropping and accidentally throwing his phone.
His battery is fried tho since he’s notorious for playing a bunch of those silly mobile games like Fill the Fridge or Crowd City.
When he isn’t tormenting people with his deadly hugs, he’s sat perched in a corner gargoyle style with his eyes glazed over as he plays Block Blast with a score of 10,000.
Floyd’s pretty diverse with his phone case and he changes it depending on how he feels that day. Most of the time, he goes for his pale green one with an eel drawing on it, like the bag he used during the Camp Vargas event.
His wallpaper is either matching with Jade’s or a random photo of the sea he took a few days ago.
Very cool
╰┈➤ Kalim
Gets the newly released iPhone every year.
He’s not that bad though, since he gives his old one to his sibling and they pass it on to the next sibling like One For All.
His phone has no cracks on it too. He makes sure to take good care of it since he knows it’s gonna be his younger sibling’s phone in about a year and he doesn’t want them to have to use a broken phone.
He’s just nice like that. His phone case is orange with little peach circles dotted all around the back.
He’s another notorious mobile gamer with his number 1 game being Where’s My Water. His lock screen is a particularly nice-looking spread from one of the many parties he’s had over at his dorm.
Kalim is the best
╰┈➤ Jamil
Humble Samsung S21 user.
He may or may have not opted for this brand out of spite after Kalim suggested he get an iPhone so they could easily AirDrop stuff to each other.
(Quick Share is better anyway)
Isn’t much of a mobile gamer but he’s found a second home on AITA communities on Reddit.
I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.
Jamil’s wallpaper is either something pretty like the sunset at his dorm or something silly like a selfie he took doing face masks with his sister.
As per sibling rules, however, he always makes sure to change his second lock screen any time he goes home.
She can’t know that he cares that much.
Jamil favouritism.
╰┈➤ Vil
iPhone 15 pro max ultra mega sigma plus plus premium user.
Sometimes he has to record videos on his phone, so he needs one with the best camera and screen refresh rate possible.
It’s scary how he has no games on his phone except Wordscapes.
Believes screen time is terrible for your skin (is it?) and refuses to spend more than an hour on it outside of updating his different social media accounts.
His phone has no cracks and he hates greasy screens so best believe he’s got a glass cleaner wipe tucked into his pocket everywhere he goes.
His phone case is purple with a pop socket in the shape of a gold crown. His wallpaper is a picture of himself (ofc it is) from his favourite photoshoot.
╰┈➤ Rook
Samsung Soldier.
Rook uses a hefty Samsung Fold5.
Sometimes he needs a phone to do phone stuff and sometimes he needs a tablet to view a proper sized map of NRC for various uses I will not elaborate on for legal reasons.
When Vil takes away Epel’s phone, I imagine Rook allows Epel to use his phone to play Subway Surfers or Roblox.
Lives risky life and doesn’t use a case or a screen protector.
His phone somehow isn’t shattered especially after the billion times it’s fallen to the ground at the speed of light when he watches people from trees.
His lock screen is a Pinterest collage of Vil. 5/10
I refuse to elaborate
╰┈➤ Epel
Cracked Samsung S9.
Been using the same phone since he was 12 and refuses to let it go.
Anytime he falls, the phone disassembles and his battery goes flying.
He has to do a walk of shame each time to pick up his battery and put it back inside his phone.
Sometimes he stays up until 3 am playing COD mobile with Deuce and hides his phone under his pillow every time Vil opens his door to make sure the first years are asleep.
His wallpaper is a really cute selfie with him and the rest of the first year group. No phone case.
The battery thing is sadly relatable
╰┈➤ Idia
He uses a Samsung S24 Ultra.
Perfect mix of amazing performance as well as free rein to go into developer mode or download any 3rd party apps and modded games as much as he wishes.
Strongly believes Android is better.
When he isn’t raging at kids on Fortnite, he’s hidden in a corner of his room reading fanfic on AO3.
He will not tell a soul why his screen time shows that he has 6 hours every day on Samsung internet.
His phone case, I imagine would be a basic black with a little doodle of a cat on the back.
His wallpaper would be a pic of his PC setup when he thought it looked particularly cool.
Super techy.
╰┈➤ Ortho
He is the phone.
╰┈➤ Malleus
Uses a landline.
╰┈➤ Lilia
He has an iPhone 14 and no one can tell me it isn’t Kuromi-themed.
I’m talking lock screen, phone case, home screen, widgets, and icons.
It’s the black and pink/purple pallette that they both sport that makes my brain associate the two.
He’s got a few cracks and scratches from when he hangs upside down and his phone crashes to the ground like a missile.
One of his other lock screens is a pic of Silver when he was a baby and walking for the first time.
Don’t tell Silver, though.
Super cute.
╰┈➤ Silver
Lilia got him an iPhone 14 too so they could AirDrop things to each other and FaceTime every day for the year Lilia was at NRC without Silver.
Other than that, Silver rarely uses his phone.
His sleep timer is through the roof since he hibernates for most of the day.
He’s got a plain black phone case and everything on his phone is at default settings.
Including home and lock screens.
Very normal
╰┈➤ Sebek
Wanted to be cool like Malleus and have no phone since he does not wish to partake in the use of technology of human invention.
Instantly takes back that statement once he was out with the Diasomnia dorm and got lost in a marketplace.
Lilia and co had spent hours looking for him. After that, Lilia got him one of those “my first phone” gadgets for kids where the only contact numbers are emergency services and parents and the “parents” can easily access his location.
That way, they can prevent any accidents that creates their very own “Finding Sebek” franchise.
Very silly.
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