#iDidnt see this coming fic
ishipthis · 1 year
Half of chapter four is done and guys! But what does it say that even I feel triggered after reading what Freddie says in this chapter?
You guys are going to really like this, if you make it out of it that is. 🥵🧊🥂😘
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nemohamoran · 6 years
Ooh ooh it's so exciting that you'll be writing lm fics again :D vegas baby and wrong assumptions have to be my favourites of yours, but your other fics are gems too 😌 As for the new fics, jerrie still holds a place in my heart, but would you mind showing lesy some love too? Love your work 💕
oh my god im so sorry!!!! i never got a notification for this ask and i havent had any in ages so ididnt think to check :( 
this is so sweet, thank you!! i’ll see if i can come up with something
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crispyninjadonut · 7 years
Keeper Group Chat Chapter 1
A/n here it is guys!!!! The first chapter of my kotlc group chat fic idea. Yes it is human! au and honestly I have no idea what that entails so I kinda made it up. If you have any ideas for that please tell me. Also couldn't resist putting that little bit of detz there at the end haha sorrynotsorry.
 Also I think @dhdrawings wanted to be tagged in this so here! and lastly
Under the cut as always for the people that don't want to read it (but I mean why wouldn't you want to)
Dex: testing testing 123 Sophie: No Dex nooooooooo Dex: its working!!!!! Linh: Dex what did you do Dex: welllll Keefe: I helped! Tam: of course he did Biana: guys let Dex speak Dex: thANK YOU since everyone has a phone now why not make a group chat Fitz: why Keefe: for fun!  Fitz: -_- Biana: i think itll be fun Keefe: see!!!! Sophie: if you say so Tam: it sounds…. interesting Keefe: gasp Keefe: is bangs boy agreeing with me Linh: um Keefe: I think he is Sophie: let’s not get into this now Keefe: aww Biana: anyway did any of you guys have history today cause Im very confused Sophie: I did Biana: did you learn something about the French Revolution Sophie: nope Fitz: welp Keefe: XD Biana: i guess ill have to suffer on my own then Dex: good luck Linh: you can do it! Biana: thanks guys I’m gonna go work on that now Tam: bye! Fitz: now what Dex: I dunno Tam: but you made this! Dex: doesn’t mean I know everything Tam: ugh Sophie: same Keefe: you guys are so weird Dex: hey! Fitz: he’s right Tam: gotta go, linh needs me for something Dex: Ok bye!!!! Sophie: everyones leaving I should do my math homework Keefe: see ya foster! Fitz: biana probably needs help with history Dex: everybodys just leaving now? Keefe: I guess it’s just us Keefe:…. I’m gonna spam everyone Dex: Keefe no! Keefe: Keefe yes! Dex: I will not be a part of this I’m going Keefe: welp Keefe: time to spam Keefe: mwahahahaha Keefe: I am evil Keefe: hmmmmm Keefe: should I do it Keefe: hmmmmm Keefe: hm hm hm Keefe: ehhhh Keefe: maybe not Keefe: another time Keefe: I guess I’ll go then Keefe: time to plan some pranks Keefe: bye!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biana: UGH im so boooorrrred Sophie: I know right Biana: wanna come over and play some manhunt Sophie: but i gotta study Biana: uuuugggghhhhh Sophie: hahaha sorry Keefe: I’m up for manhunt Biana: of course you are Sophie: even though you always LOSE Keefe: hey! I do not Biana: XD Sophie: if you say so Fitz: hey what’d I miss Biana: I’m borrrred Fitz: -_- i know Biana: hmf Keefe: Bet theyre gonna fight foster Sophie: KEEFE Fitz: hey! Biana: what is going on Keefe: avocado Biana: what Fitz: ??? Keefe: autocorrect Keefe: I meant nothing Sophie: ohh well anyway gotta go study Biana: how did nothing become avocado Keefe: don’t question the avocado Fitz: what even is going on Biana: how should I know Dex: hiiiii Keefe: hey Dex Dex: what’s goijg on Fitz: welcome to the insanity Biana: we aren’t insane Fitz: you sure Keefe:… Biana: how do you leave a group chat Dex: you don’t Biana: uggghhh Keefe: hahaha Fitz: your stuck with us forever Biana: im gonna go find some other way to be unbored Keefe: gasp how dare you Biana: I mean that in the nicest way Keefe Keefe: hmf Fitz: cmon let her go Biana: bye!!! Dex: see ya tomorrow biana Keefe: sooooo Fitz: sigh Dex: you guys are gonna be the death of me Keefe: I try Fitz: hey what did I do Dex: everything Keefe: XD Fitz: you sure Keefe:… Fitz: well then Dex: I am the sass master Keefe: how dare you take my title from me Fitz: ??? I thought you were the prank master? Keefe: same thing Tam: why was I put into this stupid thing Dex: hey tam! Tam: hi dex Fitz: how’s it goin Tam: linh wants a dog Fitz: WHAT Keefe: wow Tam: yep Dex: I don’t blame her Keefe: XD Tam: well then Dex: I mean who wouldnt want a dog Fitz: true Keefe: didn’t sophie have a dog in America Tam: she did? Keefe: I feel like she mentioned it Dex: cool Fitz: I know she had a cat Tam: ooooh Keefe: of course your a cat person Dex: XD Tam: so what if I am Dex: ooooooooOOOOOHHHH Fitz: bwa bwa bwa bwa Keefe: the heck is that Dex: what even? Fitz: it’s the trumpet noise Tam: um Dex: you are such a dork Keefe: he really is Fitz: hEY Tam: it’s true dude Fitz: -_- Dex: HAHAHAHA Linh: what is going on Tam: hey sis Keefe: wassup Dex: the SKYYY Fitz: he wasn’t asking you Dex: shhh Linh: why Tam: I hate you all Tam: except you linh Linh: oh good Dex: sigh Keefe: already knew that Fitz: well Tam: oh hey look gotta go make dinner bye Keefe: -_- Keefe: cause THATS why your leaving Fitz: lay off it keefe Keefe: finnnne Linh: thank you Dex: sooo Keefe: man why do we not have lives Fitz: HEY Keefe: i mean its friday night and were doing absolutely nothing Linh: i just needed a break from my homework Dex: and im procrastinating that homework Keefe: Fitz? Fitz:…i have no excuse Fitz: hey what about you Keefe Linh: yeah Keefe: what about me? Dex: why are you here then Keefe: becos all my friends are talking on here! Dex: because we have no lives Fitz: ohhhh Linh: it’s a vicious circle Keefe: anyway you guys wanna do domethin Fitz: like what Dex: ehhhh I kinda like sitting in my warm bed Linh: I’m gonna have to go eat dinner soon so Keefe: ugh you guys are so lazy Dex: hahaha sorry not sorry Keefe: hmf Fitz: I’m not lazy! Dex: reallly Fitz: yeah! Keefe: okay yeah tru Dex: hey where did linh go Keefe: I dunno Fitz: I think she went to go eat dinner Dex: ohhhhh Dex: okay Fitz: yeah Keefe: sooo whatcha guys wanna do Dex: honestly I wanna sleep Fitz: same though Dex: man I’m so tired Keefe: I feel you Dex: why do I have to have maths in the morning Dex: I neeeeeed sleeep Biana: hello Im still bored Dex: welcome back Keefe: so what have you been doing Biana: nothing Dex: of course Keefe: XD Dex: the triplets are yellin for me gotta go Biana: bye dex Fitz: bye! Fitz: love you Fitz: no ididnt mean to send that Keefe: um Biana: well well well Dex: (@_@) Fitz: I DIDNT MREN TO SEND THAT Biana: mhm Keefe: is there something you aren’t telling us Fitz: nO Dex: imma just um go Keefe: yeah well see ya around Dex Biana: sooooo Fitz: nope Keefe: I think yes Fitz: if you really must know I was just talking to mum Keefe: ??? Biana: what does that have to do with what were talking about Fitz: I was used to say saying “love you” after sayin bye so that’s why Biana: you buying this keefe Keefe: no way in heck Fitz: it’s true Biana: yeah sure Biana: whatever you say
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