v o x . p o p u l i . v o x . d e i
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Mun is 25+ Minors: Do Not Interact Mutuals Only some NSFW ahead under [ NSFW ] Selective but I love plotting if the vibe vibes
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videokilled ¡ 3 days ago
Vox slumped back in the seat when he was indirectly chastised for overreacting. Or it least it felt that way.
“I’m not lighting it.” He said back simply and immediately. Usually there might have been some snip woven into it. Just within Vox’s nature. But it seemed the morning they shared complete with the copious amounts of sleep, drugs, sex and now well made food had fixed even that.
He still swallowed notably. Trying to almost visibly get the reigns on whatever thoughts kept coming back up. That he had saved once- and then fumbled so hard there was likely no going back. At least Alastor didn’t know details. But the similarities between their situations felt glaring in this setting. At least to him. It kept coming to the forefront of his mind.
Except Vox still had his soul.
If that even mattered in lieu of that they had instead.
Vox started to get up. No longer comfortable just lounging after his slip up. He needed to move and feel in control.
“I figured we’d just use your card for one of those Uber LX ones. I just need a second with another device against this one.”
But in light of recent topics… he didn’t want to cheat again. Not at the hotel at least.
The cigarette stayed out. Twirling around his fingers as he fidgeted with it.
Vox was slow to respond, and allowed the contact with their shoes. Leaning his against the others as well.
He mumbled some kind of assent to the comment and settled to manage the best he could without additional flashy aid.
It wasn’t for another minute, when he put another clump of fried calamari in his mouth and wiped his fingers briefly on the napkin when he seemed to finally hone in on the comment.
Vox swallowed abruptly and coughed- choking briefly before he sat upright more.
“Me?? What do you mean by that??” He said intently, needing to adjust his volume lower again halfway through his question. It couldn’t be a reference to Voxtek- this hotel had no bearing on it- or maybe Alastor was truly being very broad and general.
His cyan eyes alert and suddenly affixed on Alastor’s so concretely there could have been a riot behind him and he wouldn’t have noticed.
The same alarm from before back with a vengeance. There was no way the radio fucker had figured out his skeletons with one minuscule slip up. It hadn’t even been that bad.
Vox cleared his throat quietly and started to pull a cigarette out- but hesitated in lighting it. Just tapping the butt of it against the table. Debating pushing his luck and inevitably causing trouble without a doubt.
He shouldn’t burn this bridge so quickly. Especially if they may need another night. This hotel was nice.
Alastor had to have been making a broad general statement. And Vox tried to settle like he hadn’t just overreacted. Turning the phone around in his own hand.
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videokilled ¡ 3 days ago
Vox was slow to respond, and allowed the contact with their shoes. Leaning his against the others as well.
He mumbled some kind of assent to the comment and settled to manage the best he could without additional flashy aid.
It wasn’t for another minute, when he put another clump of fried calamari in his mouth and wiped his fingers briefly on the napkin when he seemed to finally hone in on the comment.
Vox swallowed abruptly and coughed- choking briefly before he sat upright more.
“Me?? What do you mean by that??” He said intently, needing to adjust his volume lower again halfway through his question. It couldn’t be a reference to Voxtek- this hotel had no bearing on it- or maybe Alastor was truly being very broad and general.
His cyan eyes alert and suddenly affixed on Alastor’s so concretely there could have been a riot behind him and he wouldn’t have noticed.
The same alarm from before back with a vengeance. There was no way the radio fucker had figured out his skeletons with one minuscule slip up. It hadn’t even been that bad.
Vox cleared his throat quietly and started to pull a cigarette out- but hesitated in lighting it. Just tapping the butt of it against the table. Debating pushing his luck and inevitably causing trouble without a doubt.
He shouldn’t burn this bridge so quickly. Especially if they may need another night. This hotel was nice.
Alastor had to have been making a broad general statement. And Vox tried to settle like he hadn’t just overreacted. Turning the phone around in his own hand.
“Mm.. Mhm..” He mumbled in acknowledgment while he kept prodding at the phone. The first phone had been easier than this one. Damn the younger generation and all their fucked up accounts.
Then his mouth pulled sideways into a sulk at the prying.
“I know that. Don’t rush me.” He muttered. “You eat your food.” He said right back, no multi tasking to think of better banter.
He needed another machine to bounce this off of. Or something with a current to manipulate.
He hummed quietly about his dilemma then sighed just as dramatically, mostly to himself. Then looked up finally and picked up one of the calamari pieces and popped it in his mouth. And it was actually really delicious. It had been ages since he’d had good fried sea food. Hell had its limitations.
Vox picked up several more and popped those in his mouth too. Then went back to fidgeting with his phone.
“Do we need to come back here- or can I break a rule.” He asked casually. Ignoring the car concern from earlier. And actually seemed rather pleased with the calamari because he put several more pieces right into his mouth again.
The red band of hair bobbed a bit hanging over his forehead and an unruly piece sticking out even further. The golden hour light reflected off his raven brown hair making it seem navy and the red much more vivid.
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videokilled ¡ 8 days ago
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sums up alastor's relationship with @videokilled
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videokilled ¡ 10 days ago
“Mm.. Mhm..” He mumbled in acknowledgment while he kept prodding at the phone. The first phone had been easier than this one. Damn the younger generation and all their fucked up accounts.
Then his mouth pulled sideways into a sulk at the prying.
“I know that. Don’t rush me.” He muttered. “You eat your food.” He said right back, no multi tasking to think of better banter.
He needed another machine to bounce this off of. Or something with a current to manipulate.
He hummed quietly about his dilemma then sighed just as dramatically, mostly to himself. Then looked up finally and picked up one of the calamari pieces and popped it in his mouth. And it was actually really delicious. It had been ages since he’d had good fried sea food. Hell had its limitations.
Vox picked up several more and popped those in his mouth too. Then went back to fidgeting with his phone.
“Do we need to come back here- or can I break a rule.” He asked casually. Ignoring the car concern from earlier. And actually seemed rather pleased with the calamari because he put several more pieces right into his mouth again.
The red band of hair bobbed a bit hanging over his forehead and an unruly piece sticking out even further. The golden hour light reflected off his raven brown hair making it seem navy and the red much more vivid.
Vox had zoned out so as they sat in the silence. His foot starting to bounce under the table. His expression slowly sinking into a very serious pointed stare- at nothing. Thinking about what would normally happen this time of week- what the vendors must be crying about right now. He wanted to know what his earners were making- were they slacking?
Entirely unaware of the carnage that was being projected on the table in front of him.
His finger started tapping the table in tandem with his foot bouncing. He needed a fucking screen in his hands ASAP. Not to be dramatic.
The cyan eyes seemed to lock onto something behind Alastor several paces back. As human as his eyes were in the moment, there was a distinct vice grip they took on. Unblinking as he seemed to absorb something in complete stillness like some literal apex predator.
A waiter came back, different from the other previously. His attention followed. This new poor employee definitely having garnered the worst of his attention. She put the food down. And while it was a relief- for one party more than the other, Vox saw only opportunity.
He pushed the utensils and cups in a distinctly unhelpful position. The waiter said nothing, leaning over much further to place the heavy plates down. And again. And again. Then a water glass spilled.
“Are you kidding??” Vox hissed with vitriol- to which the waitress was sent into an apology spiral. Vox waved her away pulling napkins into his lap.
“Piss off. Let us eat in peace at least.”
The waiter apologized again and quickly put the last of the food out, and excused herself.
As soon as the waiter was ten or so feet away, Vox’s expression switched up. Leaning, and watching the waiter get further away. And then the grin came back.
And suddenly he produced a cell phone. Swiped. And he looked thrilled with himself.
“Haven’t done that bit in a while~ glad it still works..~” He pulled the case off the phone to make it unrecognizable, and stuffed it in between the wall plating.
And just like that the food in front of him was forgotten as he tapped around on his new trinket to try and jailbreak it without a computer.
“ oh not yet… I’m thinking..”
564 notes ¡ View notes
videokilled ¡ 10 days ago
Vox had zoned out so as they sat in the silence. His foot starting to bounce under the table. His expression slowly sinking into a very serious pointed stare- at nothing. Thinking about what would normally happen this time of week- what the vendors must be crying about right now. He wanted to know what his earners were making- were they slacking?
Entirely unaware of the carnage that was being projected on the table in front of him.
His finger started tapping the table in tandem with his foot bouncing. He needed a fucking screen in his hands ASAP. Not to be dramatic.
The cyan eyes seemed to lock onto something behind Alastor several paces back. As human as his eyes were in the moment, there was a distinct vice grip they took on. Unblinking as he seemed to absorb something in complete stillness like some literal apex predator.
A waiter came back, different from the other previously. His attention followed. This new poor employee definitely having garnered the worst of his attention. She put the food down. And while it was a relief- for one party more than the other, Vox saw only opportunity.
He pushed the utensils and cups in a distinctly unhelpful position. The waiter said nothing, leaning over much further to place the heavy plates down. And again. And again. Then a water glass spilled.
“Are you kidding??” Vox hissed with vitriol- to which the waitress was sent into an apology spiral. Vox waved her away pulling napkins into his lap.
“Piss off. Let us eat in peace at least.”
The waiter apologized again and quickly put the last of the food out, and excused herself.
As soon as the waiter was ten or so feet away, Vox’s expression switched up. Leaning, and watching the waiter get further away. And then the grin came back.
And suddenly he produced a cell phone. Swiped. And he looked thrilled with himself.
“Haven’t done that bit in a while~ glad it still works..~” He pulled the case off the phone to make it unrecognizable, and stuffed it in between the wall plating.
And just like that the food in front of him was forgotten as he tapped around on his new trinket to try and jailbreak it without a computer.
“ oh not yet… I’m thinking..”
Vox was of course- immediately amused by this. A menace of a pair when in public together. He was slumped a bit more when Alastor started kicking the situation in the proverbial balls, which Vox found funny as it had immediately come after a plea to be civil.
He found himself trying to keep from snorting every time Alastor would cut off the other or skip right over any pleasantries, be it mid sentence or at the start. His one hand moving to his mouth and gave a small throat chuff to cover the most obvious failure at covering a snicker.
Then ordered his own food. Calamari and crab Rangoon as well as of course a fancy Cognac on ice. It wasn’t terribly odd to drink since it was early evening. They had slept and fucked away the majority of the daylight.
As he was leaving, he started to pull out a cigarette out of habit- and noticed halfway through. With a mild sulk he started to tuck it away- but the waiter was faster.
“Sorry- but this is a smoke-free—“
“yeah. Yeah- keep walking.” Vox snapped viciously but under his breath still as he moved to sit up more. Moving to cross his legs under the table.
“The wait staff talks too much in modern times.” He muttered.
“We need better transportation.”
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videokilled ¡ 11 days ago
Vox was of course- immediately amused by this. A menace of a pair when in public together. He was slumped a bit more when Alastor started kicking the situation in the proverbial balls, which Vox found funny as it had immediately come after a plea to be civil.
He found himself trying to keep from snorting every time Alastor would cut off the other or skip right over any pleasantries, be it mid sentence or at the start. His one hand moving to his mouth and gave a small throat chuff to cover the most obvious failure at covering a snicker.
Then ordered his own food. Calamari and crab Rangoon as well as of course a fancy Cognac on ice. It wasn’t terribly odd to drink since it was early evening. They had slept and fucked away the majority of the daylight.
As he was leaving, he started to pull out a cigarette out of habit- and noticed halfway through. With a mild sulk he started to tuck it away- but the waiter was faster.
“Sorry- but this is a smoke-free—“
“yeah. Yeah- keep walking.” Vox snapped viciously but under his breath still as he moved to sit up more. Moving to cross his legs under the table.
“The wait staff talks too much in modern times.” He muttered.
“We need better transportation.”
“You know- you had hooves for years and I don’t think I’ve ever been pointedly kicked by them.~ What’s holding you back? Soft spot for television now?” He teased as he let his voice go mockingly mushy.
Vox did trail after him, fixing his posture after they left the room. Shoulders set back, his hands comfortably set behind his hips which made his shoulders sway as he walked. Matching Alastor’s pace.
He moved one hand to briefly check his pocket and make sure he had his essentials.. baggy, box, and lighter. Then put his hand right back to where it had been behind his hips.
The cyan eyes moved to settle on Alqator’s eyes and admired them for a moment- before it was spoiled.
“I was plenty low-key. That waitress was a bitch.” He said matter of factly.
“You’ll eat either way don’t worry.” He assured more intently. It was very pretty hotel. Definitely one he would have chosen for himself. But the architecture was so odd compared to places he had been and how buildings changed then versus now. It was a weird mix of extravagance and copious amounts of grey and white.
Regardless he let Alastor lead briefly into the restaurant. But was already casting looks around making sure everyone knew to fucking keep their eyes to themselves.
He slid into the chair at the table Alastor paused by, swallowing back a yawn.
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videokilled ¡ 11 days ago
“You know- you had hooves for years and I don’t think I’ve ever been pointedly kicked by them.~ What’s holding you back? Soft spot for television now?” He teased as he let his voice go mockingly mushy.
Vox did trail after him, fixing his posture after they left the room. Shoulders set back, his hands comfortably set behind his hips which made his shoulders sway as he walked. Matching Alastor’s pace.
He moved one hand to briefly check his pocket and make sure he had his essentials.. baggy, box, and lighter. Then put his hand right back to where it had been behind his hips.
The cyan eyes moved to settle on Alqator’s eyes and admired them for a moment- before it was spoiled.
“I was plenty low-key. That waitress was a bitch.” He said matter of factly.
“You’ll eat either way don’t worry.” He assured more intently. It was very pretty hotel. Definitely one he would have chosen for himself. But the architecture was so odd compared to places he had been and how buildings changed then versus now. It was a weird mix of extravagance and copious amounts of grey and white.
Regardless he let Alastor lead briefly into the restaurant. But was already casting looks around making sure everyone knew to fucking keep their eyes to themselves.
He slid into the chair at the table Alastor paused by, swallowing back a yawn.
Vox was surprised by his own reaction. Disapointment. Was he really disappointed that the other didn’t want to eat another human? Was he really that interested. Fuck that was a new one.
The disappointment maybe showed on his face too. Just in a lil subtle sulk.
“I bet I could make it effective. Or at least between the two of us it could be effective…” he waved the sentiment away. He wasn’t going to be dragged into asking to witness that. He wasn’t a cannibal. He was not interested in eating it. Maybe just interested in how Alastor would handle the spectacle. With knowing his theatrics and penchant for detail and class.
Vox blinked away the thought a second time. Trying hard to keep it away this time.
“I’m not much of a fan of eggs. But I like bacon. Maybe they’ll have toast or something.” Which likely meant he was going to pick at the food.
Kitty or Val usually handled breakfast.
His attention pulled back to Alastor as he was tugged closer was again a relief from his thoughts. And he gave a little quirk of a smile. Resting his free hand on the other’s hip. The hand in hand holding just gently, like hooking a pinky around a pinky, just weight and will keeping them together as the radio twiddled with their fingers entwined.
Still an interesting feeling to have so much feeling back at the for fronts of his fingers. The crystalline claws were great but they muted a lot of feeling that flesh gave back.
The skin on his shoulders and back shivered and rose with goosebumps feeling the touches crawling up his shoulders.
“You…. You’re trouble is what you’re being.” He teased, in a voice that said he was talking himself down. Either the other was too deep in his ace-thing to know what the touches did to him- or he knew full well. And flirted with it anyway. Vox assumed the latter. The hand held moved away to hold onto Alastor’s jaw again, holding the scars and pulled him into a kiss. Possessive. His tongue pushing as far back as he could against the other’s, but his tongue wasn’t big and lavender anymore- so it didn’t have the same strength.
But it didn’t last regardless.
He was trying not to chase to urge to make another mess. They had just gotten presentable to leave. And they were already getting a late start.
He pulled away and then used his hold to steer the other back toward the door before letting go, and smacked Alastor’s ass.
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videokilled ¡ 11 days ago
Vox was surprised by his own reaction. Disapointment. Was he really disappointed that the other didn’t want to eat another human? Was he really that interested. Fuck that was a new one.
The disappointment maybe showed on his face too. Just in a lil subtle sulk.
“I bet I could make it effective. Or at least between the two of us it could be effective…” he waved the sentiment away. He wasn’t going to be dragged into asking to witness that. He wasn’t a cannibal. He was not interested in eating it. Maybe just interested in how Alastor would handle the spectacle. With knowing his theatrics and penchant for detail and class.
Vox blinked away the thought a second time. Trying hard to keep it away this time.
“I’m not much of a fan of eggs. But I like bacon. Maybe they’ll have toast or something.” Which likely meant he was going to pick at the food.
Kitty or Val usually handled breakfast.
His attention pulled back to Alastor as he was tugged closer was again a relief from his thoughts. And he gave a little quirk of a smile. Resting his free hand on the other’s hip. The hand in hand holding just gently, like hooking a pinky around a pinky, just weight and will keeping them together as the radio twiddled with their fingers entwined.
Still an interesting feeling to have so much feeling back at the for fronts of his fingers. The crystalline claws were great but they muted a lot of feeling that flesh gave back.
The skin on his shoulders and back shivered and rose with goosebumps feeling the touches crawling up his shoulders.
“You…. You’re trouble is what you’re being.” He teased, in a voice that said he was talking himself down. Either the other was too deep in his ace-thing to know what the touches did to him- or he knew full well. And flirted with it anyway. Vox assumed the latter. The hand held moved away to hold onto Alastor’s jaw again, holding the scars and pulled him into a kiss. Possessive. His tongue pushing as far back as he could against the other’s, but his tongue wasn’t big and lavender anymore- so it didn’t have the same strength.
But it didn’t last regardless.
He was trying not to chase to urge to make another mess. They had just gotten presentable to leave. And they were already getting a late start.
He pulled away and then used his hold to steer the other back toward the door before letting go, and smacked Alastor’s ass.
Vox stared out at the view again, imagining Alastor clinging to the railing and moaning out his name into the air. Much too compact a city for anyone to see directly, and much too high up for anyone to be able to hear easily. But of course not out of the realm of possibility to be seen at all. Mm.
He blinked himself out of it when Alastor repeated the word. Fuck those were the other effects of cocaine. At least for him. Adrenaline junky that he was- the manic state it put him in made his thoughts run rampant in pursuit of that adrenaline.
Clearing his throat very decisively moreso directed at governing his thoughts; he adjusted the inseam of his pants casually, and straightened his posture. Inhaling deeply on clean air instead of smoke.
But a very genuinely unfiltered and dare I say gentle chuckle trickled out of his chest when Alastor sighed in such a forlorn way.
“I’ve never heard you so uninterested in food before. Does the radio demon crave flesh instead of eggs and bacon?” He teased. Moreso like he was talking to a child who was refusing nuggets in lieu of McDonald’s.
“We could make a separate stop~ I’ve always been curious~”
His own stomach flip flopped- why had he added that- of course it was true- but it had definitely been a bit more behind the curtain then he had intended. Fuck he needed to get his impulses under control. Surely Alastor wouldn’t use that against him- they had some semblance of understanding between them in way of secrets now… right??
And of course Vox himself had no inkling that he himself remained an interested portion on the menu of the other.
Vox inhaled on his own cigarette one more time before flicking it off after Alastor’s into the open air.
564 notes ¡ View notes
videokilled ¡ 18 days ago
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155 notes ¡ View notes
videokilled ¡ 18 days ago
Vox stared out at the view again, imagining Alastor clinging to the railing and moaning out his name into the air. Much too compact a city for anyone to see directly, and much too high up for anyone to be able to hear easily. But of course not out of the realm of possibility to be seen at all. Mm.
He blinked himself out of it when Alastor repeated the word. Fuck those were the other effects of cocaine. At least for him. Adrenaline junky that he was- the manic state it put him in made his thoughts run rampant in pursuit of that adrenaline.
Clearing his throat very decisively moreso directed at governing his thoughts; he adjusted the inseam of his pants casually, and straightened his posture. Inhaling deeply on clean air instead of smoke.
But a very genuinely unfiltered and dare I say gentle chuckle trickled out of his chest when Alastor sighed in such a forlorn way.
“I’ve never heard you so uninterested in food before. Does the radio demon crave flesh instead of eggs and bacon?” He teased. Moreso like he was talking to a child who was refusing nuggets in lieu of McDonald’s.
“We could make a separate stop~ I’ve always been curious~”
His own stomach flip flopped- why had he added that- of course it was true- but it had definitely been a bit more behind the curtain then he had intended. Fuck he needed to get his impulses under control. Surely Alastor wouldn’t use that against him- they had some semblance of understanding between them in way of secrets now… right??
And of course Vox himself had no inkling that he himself remained an interested portion on the menu of the other.
Vox inhaled on his own cigarette one more time before flicking it off after Alastor’s into the open air.
“Hm.. I know it was shortish… probably. Or my last name was short… whatever. I can’t use it anyway. What did I tell you? I told you something that I usually forget. Or maybe I didn’t. Id’know- moot point. Can’t use it anyway.”
He waved the thought away, either not caring or not noticing the bitterness there. It was expected. Vox had his doubts even if his mother were still alive that it would be a happy reunion.
He trailed after the other anyway while he talked, as if there was an inflexible string between them.
“Your type doesn’t seem the clout chasing type- well at least not with their face slapped on it.” He inhaled the smoke again, the stick doing a little scoop motion before he pulled it back out to rest in his fingers again. There was a long pause between thoughts as Vox let the nicotine sit where it was- then exhaled the cloud through his nose as he spoke again.
“I imagine they would be interested in a ‘teachable moment.’ Maybe a private investigator..? Fuck the religion card would go so well here.. and in New Orleans too. The churches here are loud.” He snickered to himself.
Vox didn’t stop talking for a moment as Alastor guided him out onto the balcony more and closer to him. Crowding him really. So he pecked a chaste teasing kiss on his lips.
“We can’t out here babe- there’s much to much exposure. Maybe the roof.” He teased ignoring the others playful jab with his own, his voice dropping to an obviously prodding tone. Then it bounced right back up.
“Besides you need to eat. I heard your stomach. It doesn’t matter if I’m annoying if you fly off the handle in a hangry rage.”
Vox didn’t alter the new proximity between them. Breathing his smoke between them now as he looked out at the balcony view.
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videokilled ¡ 18 days ago
“Hm.. I know it was shortish… probably. Or my last name was short… whatever. I can’t use it anyway. What did I tell you? I told you something that I usually forget. Or maybe I didn’t. Id’know- moot point. Can’t use it anyway.”
He waved the thought away, either not caring or not noticing the bitterness there. It was expected. Vox had his doubts even if his mother were still alive that it would be a happy reunion.
He trailed after the other anyway while he talked, as if there was an inflexible string between them.
“Your type doesn’t seem the clout chasing type- well at least not with their face slapped on it.” He inhaled the smoke again, the stick doing a little scoop motion before he pulled it back out to rest in his fingers again. There was a long pause between thoughts as Vox let the nicotine sit where it was- then exhaled the cloud through his nose as he spoke again.
“I imagine they would be interested in a ‘teachable moment.’ Maybe a private investigator..? Fuck the religion card would go so well here.. and in New Orleans too. The churches here are loud.” He snickered to himself.
Vox didn’t stop talking for a moment as Alastor guided him out onto the balcony more and closer to him. Crowding him really. So he pecked a chaste teasing kiss on his lips.
“We can’t out here babe- there’s much to much exposure. Maybe the roof.” He teased ignoring the others playful jab with his own, his voice dropping to an obviously prodding tone. Then it bounced right back up.
“Besides you need to eat. I heard your stomach. It doesn’t matter if I’m annoying if you fly off the handle in a hangry rage.”
Vox didn’t alter the new proximity between them. Breathing his smoke between them now as he looked out at the balcony view.
Vox snickered under his breath. Satisfied with his own look enough to be enraptured in watching the other now. Watching him fuss with his own appearance but only for another moment before he pushed the curtains open.
Not what he would have done- but his area were illuminated mostly by deep water diffused natural light. If that even.
“I can’t imagine you would look out of place in a library of any kind.” He said under his breath, his voice sounding maybe a bit softer than he intended. And he didn’t elaborate. Fuck this trip was breaking him.
Vox put his cigarette back in his mouth as he inhaled but only for a moment before moving it back out in a mild excited tone.
“I get to lead this one?? Fuck yes. Is your family religious?” He said immediately without hesitation. Actually come to think of it- he probably shouldn’t use that angle- given he only died just under a century ago and he was known nationally- especially in the ‘non-denominational’ crowd. Of course his name wasn’t Vox then- but—
“What was my name again..?” He said without a second thought. He asked Valentino often. The knowledge just wouldn’t root itself in his head- he would forget for years at a time- sometimes it felt like he had never been human to begin with. He tried not to dwell on that part.
Then he realized he might not have even told Alastor. He didn’t remember that either.
“…I did tell you my name didn’t I? I guess it doesn’t matter. I can’t use the same trick twice.”
He grinned when Alastor moved over to share in his nicotine vice. He liked seeing the radio smoke. It suited him. Classy and elegant like the smoke— or someone might say— whatever— shut up.
Vox caught Alastor’s jaw in his hand- in a familiar hold- fingers aligning to something permanent. Gently pulling their faces closer as he steered his cigarette to swing forward and meet Alastor’s until it started smoldering.
Then bounced his eyebrows and grinned as he let go.
Definitely in a good mood after his fix.
“Hmm… I could a show host- like one of those reality tv ones. Prescreening- scouting.” Of course that would depend if the target wanted fifteen minutes of fame from their dirty secret though.
He just had always thought that job looked fun..
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videokilled ¡ 18 days ago
Lil thing while I’m working
454 notes ¡ View notes
videokilled ¡ 18 days ago
Vox snickered under his breath. Satisfied with his own look enough to be enraptured in watching the other now. Watching him fuss with his own appearance but only for another moment before he pushed the curtains open.
Not what he would have done- but his area were illuminated mostly by deep water diffused natural light. If that even.
“I can’t imagine you would look out of place in a library of any kind.” He said under his breath, his voice sounding maybe a bit softer than he intended. And he didn’t elaborate. Fuck this trip was breaking him.
Vox put his cigarette back in his mouth as he inhaled but only for a moment before moving it back out in a mild excited tone.
“I get to lead this one?? Fuck yes. Is your family religious?” He said immediately without hesitation. Actually come to think of it- he probably shouldn’t use that angle- given he only died just under a century ago and he was known nationally- especially in the ‘non-denominational’ crowd. Of course his name wasn’t Vox then- but—
“What was my name again..?” He said without a second thought. He asked Valentino often. The knowledge just wouldn’t root itself in his head- he would forget for years at a time- sometimes it felt like he had never been human to begin with. He tried not to dwell on that part.
Then he realized he might not have even told Alastor. He didn’t remember that either.
“…I did tell you my name didn’t I? I guess it doesn’t matter. I can’t use the same trick twice.”
He grinned when Alastor moved over to share in his nicotine vice. He liked seeing the radio smoke. It suited him. Classy and elegant like the smoke— or someone might say— whatever— shut up.
Vox caught Alastor’s jaw in his hand- in a familiar hold- fingers aligning to something permanent. Gently pulling their faces closer as he steered his cigarette to swing forward and meet Alastor’s until it started smoldering.
Then bounced his eyebrows and grinned as he let go.
Definitely in a good mood after his fix.
“Hmm… I could a show host- like one of those reality tv ones. Prescreening- scouting.” Of course that would depend if the target wanted fifteen minutes of fame from their dirty secret though.
He just had always thought that job looked fun..
Vox watched his companion closely after his own slip up. Near disastrous. And even now he could still feel his nerves buzzing with the manic energy the drug was seeping into his bloodstream. He had intended to go back to the kitchen for more- but after that- Vox was thinking about heading the other’s warning a bit closer.
Going easy on it. It had been several days. It wasn’t just a top off. It was more like ending a tolerance break.
He blinked several times and shook his head like he had hair in his face. Focus focus. Cool, calm, in control.
Vox smoothed his sweater down needlessly, and moved toward the bathroom to take his turn in getting ready. He didn’t have any products or pampering items but the hotel had a few staples.
He washed his face for the first time in a century or so which felt weird. Then used the water to try and smooth his hair back. Hoping it would dry how he wanted it too.
The one piece that was partially streaked red wouldn’t stay though. Insistent on leaning forward. The underside bright hibiscus red, and that made his blue brown hair look even more raven shaded by contrast.
Vox gave up after a few more tries grumbling about it and moved back out into the room with his posture much more alike how it was in hell. It felt weird getting ready without wearing a suit. He kept wanting to reach up and fix his bow tie or make sure his suit collar was sitting correctly since he couldn’t feel it.
He came back out to Alastor dropping the towel and starting to get dressed. A smarmy little smile snuck up despite himself, sparing an extra long glance before he finally continued his move into the kitchen. Taking a quick shot of the whiskey they had on the counter. (For the vitamins.) Then scrounged for his cigarettes and lighter before making his way back into the main room.
Just in time for the unexpected bomb that was going back— it jarred him how much it felt….. well jarring to think about.
Back to his routine. His head rejoiced. His safety. His control. His tools and influence and tower- and Val.
Why did it make his chest pinch like that. So much so that he stammered again.
“Ah.. ahyes.”
Or his company would be in shambles. Or it wouldn’t be a return to the comfort of his routine at all.
Vox seemed to visibly fight a panicked thought off. Unaware of it showing so pristinely on his face- even now. His own hand moved up to bracket against his temple. His pupils moving around like they were trying to avoid making eye contact with his thoughts.
“Yesyes..” he said again after he realized he didn’t even have any information to find out when would be the best time to plan their return anyway. What if now was the best time. Well they couldn’t go now. They could- he could- their contract was done. He had said three to five days. It had been three. And yet- he was drawn to this… isolated little cycle they had. It felt surreal. Untouchable.
But it would end. It also dawned on him he wished he would have appreciated it more. But that was much too sappy for Vox the media demon.
“Uh— excuse me.” He muttered like he had sneezed instead of verbally and physically zoned out.
“Whenever your business is complete. I won’t have you blaming me for cutting it short.” He added but it sounded dry and edgeless.
Then Vox lit his cigarette and seemed to once again bounce right back into his smooth recovery after the nicotine hit his lungs.
That one rogue hair leaning forward over his eyebrow like a red banner.
“So these that we’re visiting now- they live in an apartment..? Who are we hoping to find?” He exhaled his cloud
“Or is it the building…”
564 notes ¡ View notes
videokilled ¡ 19 days ago
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showing a new friend your special art for the first time
(You can see more of them on my ko-fi)
657 notes ¡ View notes
videokilled ¡ 19 days ago
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(inspired by another artwork but i have no idea who the artist is,, so this isnt my original idea. it just suited them)
879 notes ¡ View notes
videokilled ¡ 19 days ago
Vox watched his companion closely after his own slip up. Near disastrous. And even now he could still feel his nerves buzzing with the manic energy the drug was seeping into his bloodstream. He had intended to go back to the kitchen for more- but after that- Vox was thinking about heading the other’s warning a bit closer.
Going easy on it. It had been several days. It wasn’t just a top off. It was more like ending a tolerance break.
He blinked several times and shook his head like he had hair in his face. Focus focus. Cool, calm, in control.
Vox smoothed his sweater down needlessly, and moved toward the bathroom to take his turn in getting ready. He didn’t have any products or pampering items but the hotel had a few staples.
He washed his face for the first time in a century or so which felt weird. Then used the water to try and smooth his hair back. Hoping it would dry how he wanted it too.
The one piece that was partially streaked red wouldn’t stay though. Insistent on leaning forward. The underside bright hibiscus red, and that made his blue brown hair look even more raven shaded by contrast.
Vox gave up after a few more tries grumbling about it and moved back out into the room with his posture much more alike how it was in hell. It felt weird getting ready without wearing a suit. He kept wanting to reach up and fix his bow tie or make sure his suit collar was sitting correctly since he couldn’t feel it.
He came back out to Alastor dropping the towel and starting to get dressed. A smarmy little smile snuck up despite himself, sparing an extra long glance before he finally continued his move into the kitchen. Taking a quick shot of the whiskey they had on the counter. (For the vitamins.) Then scrounged for his cigarettes and lighter before making his way back into the main room.
Just in time for the unexpected bomb that was going back— it jarred him how much it felt….. well jarring to think about.
Back to his routine. His head rejoiced. His safety. His control. His tools and influence and tower- and Val.
Why did it make his chest pinch like that. So much so that he stammered again.
“Ah.. ahyes.”
Or his company would be in shambles. Or it wouldn’t be a return to the comfort of his routine at all.
Vox seemed to visibly fight a panicked thought off. Unaware of it showing so pristinely on his face- even now. His own hand moved up to bracket against his temple. His pupils moving around like they were trying to avoid making eye contact with his thoughts.
“Yesyes..” he said again after he realized he didn’t even have any information to find out when would be the best time to plan their return anyway. What if now was the best time. Well they couldn’t go now. They could- he could- their contract was done. He had said three to five days. It had been three. And yet- he was drawn to this… isolated little cycle they had. It felt surreal. Untouchable.
But it would end. It also dawned on him he wished he would have appreciated it more. But that was much too sappy for Vox the media demon.
“Uh— excuse me.” He muttered like he had sneezed instead of verbally and physically zoned out.
“Whenever your business is complete. I won’t have you blaming me for cutting it short.” He added but it sounded dry and edgeless.
Then Vox lit his cigarette and seemed to once again bounce right back into his smooth recovery after the nicotine hit his lungs.
That one rogue hair leaning forward over his eyebrow like a red banner.
“So these that we’re visiting now- they live in an apartment..? Who are we hoping to find?” He exhaled his cloud
“Or is it the building…”
It was Vox’s turn to give a loud boisterous laugh as he watched the other scurry away like they hadn’t just slept, fucked, and then slept again stark naked. It was cute.
He paused to scrutinize his thoughts once Alastor was gone.
“And you’re weak.” He muttered to himself under his breath.
Vox pulled the cabinet open and pulled the little baggies out.
Oh bless that silly deer. There was a few options too.
He carried the baggy into the kitchen, still naked. He should probably get dressed. But this was absolutely priority.
Taking drugs has a tv, as one could imagine, involved some creativity. (He usually just ate it and damned be the consequences.) But as a person there was a right way to do things. So he did.
Making a little prep area and then pulled it right up through his nose. It had been- a hot century or so since he had done that. The dizziness hit him like a freight train but he just found himself giggling with the adrenaline. Then got more of the powder ready— space it out save some for later.
He paced around for a second. Pushed his hair back with both hands. Then found his clothes. And moved them to a different chair. Intent on getting dressed. At least soon. Vox put his boxers on.. Then pushed his hair back. Walked to the bathroom and peaked just enough to check on Alastor (see if he was still there.) Then walked away to the window. It was a nice view..
And walked back to the kitchen. That was long enough. The effects in snorting it weren’t immediate- but the adrenaline of doing it- and the anticipation was more than enough to get him going.
He pulled more up into his nose.. just a little bit. And started walking around again. Usually he had his phone to occupy him. Go cyberbully some people or wreak some havoc on Velvette’s socials. But he had nothing.
Vox walked back over to his clothes, taking a very deep breath, and started getting dressed. He only got as far as his socks and buttoning his pants up- when he paused again to go walk by the bathroom again.. just to make sure the other was still there. Not lingering really. Just enough to glimpse. Then back to his clothes.
They had poked a lot of angelic bears in the past few days. It had him thinking about his own contract barriers. He was skating closer and closer to them.
He finished getting dressed as Alastor came back out. All fresh and clean his deep skin glistening with the water flecks.
Vox’s mouth watered. But that didn’t mean anything.
He was fixing his cuffs as he approached the other.
“No no- relax with the cheating- I can’t skirt much closer to..” Vox did a very weird seemingly involuntary and unexpected pause and swallow. The drugs making him careless with his own secrets briefly. Depending on Alastor’s perceptiveness he might recognize the sort of loss of autonomy to keep talking.
It was over as fast as Vox could move on.
He waved one hand flippantly,
“They’re clean. I like my Voxtek sweater too much. I sent them to be laundered while you were in your shower.” Maybe a compliment would distract- and turned his back casually to retrieve the other’s pressed clothes that had been folded and left in the foyer. Previously intent on just gesturing. Now he wanted to fetch them.
He placed the stack on the bed when he returned and went back to fixing his other sleeve. Hoping they wouldn’t linger. It was one thing to weed out Alastor’s contracts- but he didn’t want his own skeletons toppling out of his closet.
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videokilled ¡ 24 days ago
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He saw something (someone) he likes
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