videokilled · 1 hour
"...Well... Honestly.. it's not-" he gave an off kilter giggle that sounded way goofier than Vox probably realized.
He held the deer's gaze, his cheeky little pleading smile made the top line of his mouth into a wiggly line, and the tips of his pointy teeth glow. The proximity made his hips sort of squirm again. The blue pupils landing on Alastor's mouth, then moved back up to his eyes. Less in a demanding way and more of a getting ahead of himself with his own imagination.
"In my defense though- you said you don't want to shower again- and you want both my hands to continue right where they are. That doesn't give me a lot to work with." Vox added quickly.
And his hands did, moreso focusing on the scalp scratches as it seemed to be more pleasing to the other. He pushed both sets of claws over his scalp and then gently scratched at the outer and under mouth area of his ears. Sort of by where the top of his human ears would have been. Then moved them right back to massaging the shells and insides of both ears and combing through the curly fine fur/ hair in front of them.
"If you don't mind my shower- you could always just.. sit on it again.~" vox gave another goofy giggle. Then smoothed both his palms over his ears.
"Or we could make out until you think of something..~" The fat lavender purple tongue moved across the tips of his teeth. Literally glistening with how much saliva he had in his mouth.
Luckily the seven or eight shots he'd downed caught up to his brain, and he did not see any problems with what he wanted to do. Surely the radio demon wouldn't bite his dicks off- and if he did.. he could get it like.. fixed or something. The way the thought of Alastor sucking him off made his set twitch under his boxers, he wouldn't have seen real risk if it bared its yellow teeth right in front of him.
"If you don't want a mess- you could always--" he didn't take them out from his boxers yet though,
"..and if you.. in your underwear... That can make it easier.."
Vox slid his claws across Alastor's scalp again, combing through his hair with all fingers now. He pushed the hair back and did it again and again. Then moved his free hand to pull one of his ears down gently to the right so he could rub his thumb along the heated thinner flesh on the membrane of his ear but toward the base of it, that hidden part. Letting the edge of his claw rub over the stiffer parts of his inner ear as his other fingers rubbed over the outter skin.
His other set of claws gave a little back and forth scritch to the under his ear fur.
Vox didn't steer his head closer yet, wanting some kind of consent or nod first, but his thighs twitched again at the thought. He wanted it so bad.
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videokilled · 10 hours
Currently very selective, no hard feelings
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videokilled · 11 hours
Luckily the seven or eight shots he'd downed caught up to his brain, and he did not see any problems with what he wanted to do. Surely the radio demon wouldn't bite his dicks off- and if he did.. he could get it like.. fixed or something. The way the thought of Alastor sucking him off made his set twitch under his boxers, he wouldn't have seen real risk if it bared its yellow teeth right in front of him.
"If you don't want a mess- you could always--" he didn't take them out from his boxers yet though,
"..and if you.. in your underwear... That can make it easier.."
Vox slid his claws across Alastor's scalp again, combing through his hair with all fingers now. He pushed the hair back and did it again and again. Then moved his free hand to pull one of his ears down gently to the right so he could rub his thumb along the heated thinner flesh on the membrane of his ear but toward the base of it, that hidden part. Letting the edge of his claw rub over the stiffer parts of his inner ear as his other fingers rubbed over the outter skin.
His other set of claws gave a little back and forth scritch to the under his ear fur.
Vox didn't steer his head closer yet, wanting some kind of consent or nod first, but his thighs twitched again at the thought. He wanted it so bad.
Vox would absolutely like to do something about it, and thinking he was being told to do so, and with his groin feeling like it needed more and more.... room...
He thought for a moment. Creativeness was a skill of his for sure. He thought until Al stopped talking. Then reached forward with one hand to undo his shirt so the other hand could keep fondling his ears. Unfortunately he was well on his way to thoroughly buzzed- so when he started to undo the buttons- the ear scritches stopped entirely, with just a hold on one ear.
Vox needed to get off where Al wouldn't need another shower? Of course he could always just finish inside him again. The TV shuddered all over thinking about how good it had felt last time. But he didn't think he had the energy for all that prep and rearranging.
Of course the only other option he could think of was to have Alastor swallow it. His hips twitched at the thought of it.
His arousal beneath the radio was definitely a noticeable shape now with it being nearly if not entirely hard.
Vox didn't notice he had stopped his hand ministrations, and after he made short work of the top, he started trying to persuade Alastor to roll over onto his stomach. He just needed to persuade him to try it. He could make it good for them both, just a bit of rearranging...
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videokilled · 17 hours
Vox would absolutely like to do something about it, and thinking he was being told to do so, and with his groin feeling like it needed more and more.... room...
He thought for a moment. Creativeness was a skill of his for sure. He thought until Al stopped talking. Then reached forward with one hand to undo his shirt so the other hand could keep fondling his ears. Unfortunately he was well on his way to thoroughly buzzed- so when he started to undo the buttons- the ear scritches stopped entirely, with just a hold on one ear.
Vox needed to get off where Al wouldn't need another shower? Of course he could always just finish inside him again. The TV shuddered all over thinking about how good it had felt last time. But he didn't think he had the energy for all that prep and rearranging.
Of course the only other option he could think of was to have Alastor swallow it. His hips twitched at the thought of it.
His arousal beneath the radio was definitely a noticeable shape now with it being nearly if not entirely hard.
Vox didn't notice he had stopped his hand ministrations, and after he made short work of the top, he started trying to persuade Alastor to roll over onto his stomach. He just needed to persuade him to try it. He could make it good for them both, just a bit of rearranging...
Vox's eyes couldn't have been bigger. He moved his hand to push Alastor's bangs away and used all four of his fingers to gently scratch at Alastor's scalp. While the other hand just continued to massage the inside of the ear.
His hips twitched a bit when his own name spoken like that was the thing to break the silence. His groin slowly started to stir and press against the radio's lower back as he watched them come undone by his hands just in his lap.
"This.. this is really doing it for you..?" He said in disbelief.
Vox's head was going a hundred miles and hour trying to think of some way to pivot into maybe... Maybe something he could partake in too. No it was fine. Alastor could have this one. He needed to relax. He deserved it.
Is what his thoughts said. But with the other squirming more and more on his lap, his dicks were starting to plead otherwise.
Vox used one hand to wrap his hands around the base of his ear and squeezed as he dragged his hand up. Not really sure what he was doing anymore besides just stimulation to the ears.
"You're overdressed for this." He mumbled.
After all Vox wasn't even wearing any pants and the radio was wearing slacks. That was too formal for this. Especially this.
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videokilled · 18 hours
Vox's eyes couldn't have been bigger. He moved his hand to push Alastor's bangs away and used all four of his fingers to gently scratch at Alastor's scalp. While the other hand just continued to massage the inside of the ear.
His hips twitched a bit when his own name spoken like that was the thing to break the silence. His groin slowly started to stir and press against the radio's lower back as he watched them come undone by his hands just in his lap.
"This.. this is really doing it for you..?" He said in disbelief.
Vox's head was going a hundred miles and hour trying to think of some way to pivot into maybe... Maybe something he could partake in too. No it was fine. Alastor could have this one. He needed to relax. He deserved it.
Is what his thoughts said. But with the other squirming more and more on his lap, his dicks were starting to plead otherwise.
Vox used one hand to wrap his hands around the base of his ear and squeezed as he dragged his hand up. Not really sure what he was doing anymore besides just stimulation to the ears.
"You're overdressed for this." He mumbled.
After all Vox wasn't even wearing any pants and the radio was wearing slacks. That was too formal for this. Especially this.
The red eyes widened again slowly for what felt like the fifth time that night as the deer rolled onto his back. Not because it was uncomfortable.
Because Alastor's face was flushed. Undeniably flushed across his cheeks and under his eyes. And his breathing was going faster like that. And his squirming was happening more often. And the way his back arched upwards like that.
He hadn't been trying to rile his companion up- literally the opposite.
Vox fought the urge to squirm a bit himself. He could feel his gut stirring a bit, but nothing was reacting down there yet. Maybe he was just... teasing.
Regardless.. once Alastor was on his back... Vox moved to gently use both hands keeping his established pattern loosely.
Then, combing his claws through the waves just in front of the ears across the skin there and then using both hands to rub each ear. This time though just kind of cupping his ears against his palm and smoothing and gently scratching his thumb firmly into the inner corner where the flesh was thicker. The curls were thinner but much curlier here.
Then went right back to combing his fingers through the curls and waves by his temples before stroking the shell of his ear thoroughly.
Vox couldn't bring himself to make a noise, as if anything would break this spell.
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videokilled · 19 hours
The red eyes widened again slowly for what felt like the fifth time that night as the deer rolled onto his back. Not because it was uncomfortable.
Because Alastor's face was flushed. Undeniably flushed across his cheeks and under his eyes. And his breathing was going faster like that. And his squirming was happening more often. And the way his back arched upwards like that.
He hadn't been trying to rile his companion up- literally the opposite.
Vox fought the urge to squirm a bit himself. He could feel his gut stirring a bit, but nothing was reacting down there yet. Maybe he was just... teasing.
Regardless.. once Alastor was on his back... Vox moved to gently use both hands keeping his established pattern loosely.
Then, combing his claws through the waves just in front of the ears across the skin there and then using both hands to rub each ear. This time though just kind of cupping his ears against his palm and smoothing and gently scratching his thumb firmly into the inner corner where the flesh was thicker. The curls were thinner but much curlier here.
Then went right back to combing his fingers through the curls and waves by his temples before stroking the shell of his ear thoroughly.
Vox couldn't bring himself to make a noise, as if anything would break this spell.
The continued silence was enough of an encouragement, not because he didn't like the staticky trans Atlantic voice. He did. Quite a lot actually.
But the other was never so visibly relaxed.
He kept up the stroking and light scratches in the same way he had been. His pacing maybe a bit off as he actually started relaxing even further into the silence. Sometimes his claws would linger a bit more on the combing over his skin, venture a bit farther, then go up into stroking his ear. Other times he would hold the ear in his palm after he reached the top, he would smooth the underside of his thumb across the inside of the ear a few times.
Vox's eyes had started getting a bit heavier, even letting a mild yawn pull his mouth open. Showing his glowing cyan shark teeth before closing.
His hand was lifted away when the deer stretched again, the twitterpated smile creeping back onto his face. Wider this time. Alastor really seemed to be enjoying this. He couldn't imagine there were many in his circle that he got this from- or could. The way the hooved toes spread like that with his legs out made him look more like a cat.
Vox looked down when he made that little exhale noise followed by his breath changing. He tried to see Al's face, but it was sort of obscured with how wavy and frizzy his hair was.
For a moment he paused, expecting to finally hear a terse 'Stop it'. But he didn't... so then he kept going. His hand moved to comb his claws over the space between his ears. Gently dragging them across the skin there but not going far enough where it would entangle the curls. Then pulled his hand back and did it one more time before stroking his ear again.
Much more dialed in to any behavior changes or tenseness now. Now he was looking for it.
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videokilled · 20 hours
The continued silence was enough of an encouragement, not because he didn't like the staticky trans Atlantic voice. He did. Quite a lot actually.
But the other was never so visibly relaxed.
He kept up the stroking and light scratches in the same way he had been. His pacing maybe a bit off as he actually started relaxing even further into the silence. Sometimes his claws would linger a bit more on the combing over his skin, venture a bit farther, then go up into stroking his ear. Other times he would hold the ear in his palm after he reached the top, he would smooth the underside of his thumb across the inside of the ear a few times.
Vox's eyes had started getting a bit heavier, even letting a mild yawn pull his mouth open. Showing his glowing cyan shark teeth before closing.
His hand was lifted away when the deer stretched again, the twitterpated smile creeping back onto his face. Wider this time. Alastor really seemed to be enjoying this. He couldn't imagine there were many in his circle that he got this from- or could. The way the hooved toes spread like that with his legs out made him look more like a cat.
Vox looked down when he made that little exhale noise followed by his breath changing. He tried to see Al's face, but it was sort of obscured with how wavy and frizzy his hair was.
For a moment he paused, expecting to finally hear a terse 'Stop it'. But he didn't... so then he kept going. His hand moved to comb his claws over the space between his ears. Gently dragging them across the skin there but not going far enough where it would entangle the curls. Then pulled his hand back and did it one more time before stroking his ear again.
Much more dialed in to any behavior changes or tenseness now. Now he was looking for it.
Vox gave a grumble that stayed in his chest and made it vibrate a bit.
"More and more.." he agreed with sort of a prickly undertone. Hating his body was uniquely a hell experience. Topside he had loved his face, his body, his dick. It was all perfect. Which is probably why he lost it all coming down here.
The TV abruptly shuddered remembering the frankly horrific experience that changing his face had been. The medical mysteries it had caused and the frustratingly little amount of answers it gave him about his anatomy. Even with all his money and influence he couldn't find a way to get the answers he wanted so badly.
Vox's eyes were pulled down at the deer on his middle shivering like that. He hadn't been swatted away, so he would take that to mean it was a nice touch. One would wonder if something like this repeated long enough could put the other to sleep. The stroking continued, the touching changing as he found the little curves and dips from the ears anatomy. Not pushing the fur against its grain and giving the skin below the ear just a little bit of a combing but not so often as to aggravate it, and brushing subtly different places.
The smile on Vox's face when Alastor stretched probably would have melted the world's biggest ice cap. It was unlike Alastor to allow a silence between them.. he wasn't great at leaving it be either, but it seemed a particular struggle for the radio. Without talking though, no one would even know a radio was on.
Vox did take that moment to reach over and refill both of their glasses just in case Al wanted more, and he braced his ice with one claw and swallowed half the new pour easily.
Then wiped his hand to rid him of the condensation, before going right back to stroking his ears once Alastor had settled again. Now using his palm to more fully cup and stroke the back of the delicate appendage.
Some part of himself screamed that he swore he wouldn't cave this easily if he ever saw the radio demon again. But Vox squashed that quickly. Not thoughts for right now.
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videokilled · 21 hours
Vox gave a grumble that stayed in his chest and made it vibrate a bit.
"More and more.." he agreed with sort of a prickly undertone. Hating his body was uniquely a hell experience. Topside he had loved his face, his body, his dick. It was all perfect. Which is probably why he lost it all coming down here.
The TV abruptly shuddered remembering the frankly horrific experience that changing his face had been. The medical mysteries it had caused and the frustratingly little amount of answers it gave him about his anatomy. Even with all his money and influence he couldn't find a way to get the answers he wanted so badly.
Vox's eyes were pulled down at the deer on his middle shivering like that. He hadn't been swatted away, so he would take that to mean it was a nice touch. One would wonder if something like this repeated long enough could put the other to sleep. The stroking continued, the touching changing as he found the little curves and dips from the ears anatomy. Not pushing the fur against its grain and giving the skin below the ear just a little bit of a combing but not so often as to aggravate it, and brushing subtly different places.
The smile on Vox's face when Alastor stretched probably would have melted the world's biggest ice cap. It was unlike Alastor to allow a silence between them.. he wasn't great at leaving it be either, but it seemed a particular struggle for the radio. Without talking though, no one would even know a radio was on.
Vox did take that moment to reach over and refill both of their glasses just in case Al wanted more, and he braced his ice with one claw and swallowed half the new pour easily.
Then wiped his hand to rid him of the condensation, before going right back to stroking his ears once Alastor had settled again. Now using his palm to more fully cup and stroke the back of the delicate appendage.
Some part of himself screamed that he swore he wouldn't cave this easily if he ever saw the radio demon again. But Vox squashed that quickly. Not thoughts for right now.
"Mm.. you sound like me.." Vox said. His voice was much softer than it usually ever was, sounding tired but that was the easy part. He was unsurprised because he had similar abysmal sleeping habits. Val was a blessing and a curse that way as he demanded he at least lay down in bed with him more often than Vox's workaholic tendencies would have liked. Left unchecked though he often went his own week or two or three without sleep.
"If I have my mainframe power cable.. I can go weeks without sleeping.. although.. I think it has... Mm." He hesitated just a second, then over enunciated the next word,
"ad-verse.. effects.. when I disconnect from it after long periods though."
Vox moved his glass that he had refilled back to his mouth for another deep drink of it.
The way the four shots previously slammed into the back of his brain felt so nice. It knocked the itchiness right out from under his skin and gave everything a flimsy soft edge. It was familiar and comfortable.
The TV adjusted how his head was propped up so he could look down at the redhead in his lap and against his chest. Then his attention rested on the ears in front of him. Well within his reach. He craved touching them.. and luckily with the alcohol catching up to his brain, he didn't see why he couldn't.
The smooth flat side of the cyan claws cupped the back of the closest ear to him, and followed the fur line up to the tip of the ear, then let go. Replacing his claws a little further down to have them gently brush through the fur at the base of the red ear no harder than a comb would, and then did the same motion again, stroking up the ear calmly.
Maybe tomorrow he would wake up and this whole experience with Alastor will have been the best sleep and most vivid dream he'd had to date. None of it felt real the last hour or so with his emotions and reasoning lagging behind so far. He wondered if he would find a reason to regret this.. he also wondered if he would give a shit if there was a reason..
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videokilled · 1 day
"Mm.. you sound like me.." Vox said. His voice was much softer than it usually ever was, sounding tired but that was the easy part. He was unsurprised because he had similar abysmal sleeping habits. Val was a blessing and a curse that way as he demanded he at least lay down in bed with him more often than Vox's workaholic tendencies would have liked. Left unchecked though he often went his own week or two or three without sleep.
"If I have my mainframe power cable.. I can go weeks without sleeping.. although.. I think it has... Mm." He hesitated just a second, then over enunciated the next word,
"ad-verse.. effects.. when I disconnect from it after long periods though."
Vox moved his glass that he had refilled back to his mouth for another deep drink of it.
The way the four shots previously slammed into the back of his brain felt so nice. It knocked the itchiness right out from under his skin and gave everything a flimsy soft edge. It was familiar and comfortable.
The TV adjusted how his head was propped up so he could look down at the redhead in his lap and against his chest. Then his attention rested on the ears in front of him. Well within his reach. He craved touching them.. and luckily with the alcohol catching up to his brain, he didn't see why he couldn't.
The smooth flat side of the cyan claws cupped the back of the closest ear to him, and followed the fur line up to the tip of the ear, then let go. Replacing his claws a little further down to have them gently brush through the fur at the base of the red ear no harder than a comb would, and then did the same motion again, stroking up the ear calmly.
Maybe tomorrow he would wake up and this whole experience with Alastor will have been the best sleep and most vivid dream he'd had to date. None of it felt real the last hour or so with his emotions and reasoning lagging behind so far. He wondered if he would find a reason to regret this.. he also wondered if he would give a shit if there was a reason..
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“I don’t have the energy tonight to debate power levels and capabilities with you. Save it for when I’ve actually rested.”
Or else he’d either get TOO into the back and forth logistics OR he’d get bored. Right then, he didn’t want to risk either. Too lulled by the earlier events of the evening to want to shatter that for some silly argument. Even if the banter proved to be entertaining.
Alastor’s eyes followed Vox as he made his way to that couch to settle, drifting after, though more slowly. From his pocket, he produced his own pack of cigarettes and that little novel he’d shoved into there to set aside. Pointless if they were getting drunk. But he’d had it in his possession anyway. Just in case.
Once freed of those things, he did indeed settle onto the couch, taking advantage of the space Vox had made to slip right into there and arrange his limbs so they fit comfortably. He was always so gangly. It was a wonder he fit anywhere.
Vox’s question had him breathing out a steady exhale.
“I will if I am drunk enough. If not…”
It felt strange to admit, but so long as he was trying to build some semblance of trust…
“I do not sleep well normally. It’s a habit to only make an attempt when necessary.”
Which was usually once a week. Sometimes once every two weeks, depending on how long he could go without. It made him feel ill, much of the time, when he would go a near full fourteen days. And only Husk was aware of his horrid sleeping habits thus far.
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videokilled · 1 day
"But it would give me an advantage if I could beat you everywhere I go.~ Which would make me more powerful." He said tilting his head to the side matter of factly.
The red pink eyes widened just a touch and got that goofy lopsided smile when the gold liquid vanished into the deer's mouth. He loved when Alastor did that.
"Well if we're expediting~ we should settle on the couch hm?"
He waved off the suggestion at making it sweeter,
"No no I like the tart, it just wasn't what I expected. Sweet whiskeys make my tongue feel odd faster."
The TV picked the bottle and cigarette box up and started toward the couch- and due to his own silly mood, he tipped his glass upwards, one claw anchoring the ice lump in his glass, and dumped the entirety of his own significantly larger serving into his mouth. Of course he didn't have the same tolerance as Alastor to the gold liquid. But he didn't mind getting wasted in his own flat.
Vox swallowed after the last of it and gave a shallow cough. His head gave a brief shake at the intensity of it on his throat, considering it was probably around three or four shots that he had just swallowed with his big mouth.
He sat on one end and slumped down, moving his legs in a way where it would be convenient for Alastor to settle right into his lap and against his chest. Then poured himself another three ish shots over the ice and set the bottle and box down on his coffee table.
"What's the likelihood either of us gets any sleep.." he said quietly teasing.
A little bright flutter of happiness wriggled through his chest when he was given a kiss so readily. Even as unlearned in reading his emotions as he was, Vox knew that it was just innocent happiness plain and simple. It felt like it could have scorched a path in his chest with how novel of a feeling it was. He kissed back gently.
But of course the stupid radio had to go and ruin it.
Vox broke the kiss with a scoff. Blowing a gust of air into Alastor's mouth as he finished speaking just to be a pest. His eyebrows squished down, but there was no real malice or annoyance to be found in the way he put his palm on Alastor's face and shoved him away, it was far too gentle for what he usually dealt out when he truly wanted space from someone.
Plus he had a tiny quirk at the corner of his mouth.
The TV demon took the handful with the bottle and cigarettes while the other overlord was recovering and started toward his mini bar.
"Sounds like an excuse. Or you're admitting I'm more powerful." He uncapped the bottle and set it aside, getting two glasses down. A fancy chunk of ice was put into his own but figured Alastor was the kind to hate ice in his drink, so he left that one.
He did however put a very generous amount in his own glass and filled Alastor's nearly one third the same. The deer never drank as much anyway.
Vox took a big mouthful of his drink immediately and his shoulders moved forward at the taste, but swallowed it as he shivered.
"Tart.. still good.. but tart." The left antenna gave a teeny creak noise as it tilted further left.
He stared at the ice in his cup for another minute. Vox always told Val to slow down because his own emotions moved like molasses, and now seemed to be no different. Reflection felt useless because he had no clue how he was feeling about anything that had happened in the last hour or so. Except for the sex. He liked the sex. That part he knew he liked.
More so the conversation and the dancing- that he had ruined.
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videokilled · 1 day
A little bright flutter of happiness wriggled through his chest when he was given a kiss so readily. Even as unlearned in reading his emotions as he was, Vox knew that it was just innocent happiness plain and simple. It felt like it could have scorched a path in his chest with how novel of a feeling it was. He kissed back gently.
But of course the stupid radio had to go and ruin it.
Vox broke the kiss with a scoff. Blowing a gust of air into Alastor's mouth as he finished speaking just to be a pest. His eyebrows squished down, but there was no real malice or annoyance to be found in the way he put his palm on Alastor's face and shoved him away, it was far too gentle for what he usually dealt out when he truly wanted space from someone.
Plus he had a tiny quirk at the corner of his mouth.
The TV demon took the handful with the bottle and cigarettes while the other overlord was recovering and started toward his mini bar.
"Sounds like an excuse. Or you're admitting I'm more powerful." He uncapped the bottle and set it aside, getting two glasses down. A fancy chunk of ice was put into his own but figured Alastor was the kind to hate ice in his drink, so he left that one.
He did however put a very generous amount in his own glass and filled Alastor's nearly one third the same. The deer never drank as much anyway.
Vox took a big mouthful of his drink immediately and his shoulders moved forward at the taste, but swallowed it as he shivered.
"Tart.. still good.. but tart." The left antenna gave a teeny creak noise as it tilted further left.
He stared at the ice in his cup for another minute. Vox always told Val to slow down because his own emotions moved like molasses, and now seemed to be no different. Reflection felt useless because he had no clue how he was feeling about anything that had happened in the last hour or so. Except for the sex. He liked the sex. That part he knew he liked.
More so the conversation and the dancing- that he had ruined.
Vox was pacing his room. He had taken a freezing shower just to try and alleviate the things his skin felt like it was doing while it begged for its fixes. He was usually never in situations where he went without, especially with how controlled he kept his environment these days.
He could handle it.
He actually hadn't heard the tell tale shadow noise of Alastor entering the apartment since he had been pacing his room, so the call out was a relief. His mouth salivated at the mention of the liquor that could only ever be associated with Alastor, and it being the best whiskey he'd ever experienced even with it being a little different each time. He hadn't gotten to partake in much of it earlier.
Vox squished out the last of his second cigar in his room's ash tray before he walked out into the main area. He was in the sweater and some of his black and grey shark printed looser boxers. The sweater seemed further stretched out just a tad, but enough to sag forward and show a good portion of his chest, but not his nipples.
"Is this the same? Or a different bottle." He asked curiously, he had intended to just sit on the couch, be a tasteful distance.. maybe let the radio demon come to him. At least not crowd him for fear of looking clingy or needy.
But he found himself just walking right up to the other. Like a magnetic draw. His arms immediately moving around Alastor to hold him close. Again... He had intended to not be so clingy.. maybe take the bottle.. get some glasses.. but a part of him felt raw and open to the elements when it never was. The only thing that could soothe it was the others proximity.
Maybe it was just withdrawal. Drugs could probably fix both of those too.
He was exhausted, but not tired.
"What took you so long. You can teleport." He teased. He had to hard swallow the heart flip flop once he realized that was a clingy three in a row. And thus made him want to make distance immediately.
The same pull that made him not leave by the pond was stronger though, so he stayed. But he was tense.
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videokilled · 1 day
A little bright flutter of happiness wriggled through his chest when he was given a kiss so readily. Even as unlearned in reading his emotions as he was, Vox knew that it was just innocent happiness plain and simple. It felt like it could have scorched a path in his chest with how novel of a feeling it was. He kissed back gently.
But of course the stupid radio had to go and ruin it.
Vox broke the kiss with a scoff. Blowing a gust of air into Alastor's mouth as he finished speaking just to be a pest. His eyebrows squished down, but there was no real malice or annoyance to be found in the way he put his palm on Alastor's face and shoved him away, it was far too gentle for what he usually dealt out when he truly wanted space from someone.
Plus he had a tiny quirk at the corner of his mouth.
The TV demon took the handful with the bottle and cigarettes while the other overlord was recovering and started toward his mini bar.
"Sounds like an excuse. Or you're admitting I'm more powerful." He uncapped the bottle and set it aside, getting two glasses down. A fancy chunk of ice was put into his own but figured Alastor was the kind to hate ice in his drink, so he left that one.
He did however put a very generous amount in his own glass and filled Alastor's nearly one third the same. The deer never drank as much anyway.
Vox took a big mouthful of his drink immediately and his shoulders moved forward at the taste, but swallowed it as he shivered.
"Tart.. still good.. but tart." The left antenna gave a teeny creak noise as it tilted further left.
He stared at the ice in his cup for another minute. Vox always told Val to slow down because his own emotions moved like molasses, and now seemed to be no different. Reflection felt useless because he had no clue how he was feeling about anything that had happened in the last hour or so. Except for the sex. He liked the sex. That part he knew he liked.
More so the conversation and the dancing- that he had ruined.
Vox was pacing his room. He had taken a freezing shower just to try and alleviate the things his skin felt like it was doing while it begged for its fixes. He was usually never in situations where he went without, especially with how controlled he kept his environment these days.
He could handle it.
He actually hadn't heard the tell tale shadow noise of Alastor entering the apartment since he had been pacing his room, so the call out was a relief. His mouth salivated at the mention of the liquor that could only ever be associated with Alastor, and it being the best whiskey he'd ever experienced even with it being a little different each time. He hadn't gotten to partake in much of it earlier.
Vox squished out the last of his second cigar in his room's ash tray before he walked out into the main area. He was in the sweater and some of his black and grey shark printed looser boxers. The sweater seemed further stretched out just a tad, but enough to sag forward and show a good portion of his chest, but not his nipples.
"Is this the same? Or a different bottle." He asked curiously, he had intended to just sit on the couch, be a tasteful distance.. maybe let the radio demon come to him. At least not crowd him for fear of looking clingy or needy.
But he found himself just walking right up to the other. Like a magnetic draw. His arms immediately moving around Alastor to hold him close. Again... He had intended to not be so clingy.. maybe take the bottle.. get some glasses.. but a part of him felt raw and open to the elements when it never was. The only thing that could soothe it was the others proximity.
Maybe it was just withdrawal. Drugs could probably fix both of those too.
He was exhausted, but not tired.
"What took you so long. You can teleport." He teased. He had to hard swallow the heart flip flop once he realized that was a clingy three in a row. And thus made him want to make distance immediately.
The same pull that made him not leave by the pond was stronger though, so he stayed. But he was tense.
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videokilled · 1 day
Vox was pacing his room. He had taken a freezing shower just to try and alleviate the things his skin felt like it was doing while it begged for its fixes. He was usually never in situations where he went without, especially with how controlled he kept his environment these days.
He could handle it.
He actually hadn't heard the tell tale shadow noise of Alastor entering the apartment since he had been pacing his room, so the call out was a relief. His mouth salivated at the mention of the liquor that could only ever be associated with Alastor, and it being the best whiskey he'd ever experienced even with it being a little different each time. He hadn't gotten to partake in much of it earlier.
Vox squished out the last of his second cigar in his room's ash tray before he walked out into the main area. He was in the sweater and some of his black and grey shark printed looser boxers. The sweater seemed further stretched out just a tad, but enough to sag forward and show a good portion of his chest, but not his nipples.
"Is this the same? Or a different bottle." He asked curiously, he had intended to just sit on the couch, be a tasteful distance.. maybe let the radio demon come to him. At least not crowd him for fear of looking clingy or needy.
But he found himself just walking right up to the other. Like a magnetic draw. His arms immediately moving around Alastor to hold him close. Again... He had intended to not be so clingy.. maybe take the bottle.. get some glasses.. but a part of him felt raw and open to the elements when it never was. The only thing that could soothe it was the others proximity.
Maybe it was just withdrawal. Drugs could probably fix both of those too.
He was exhausted, but not tired.
"What took you so long. You can teleport." He teased. He had to hard swallow the heart flip flop once he realized that was a clingy three in a row. And thus made him want to make distance immediately.
The same pull that made him not leave by the pond was stronger though, so he stayed. But he was tense.
Vox was begrudgingly getting himself prepared for going back to his tower, dealing with Val, starting a few things, grabbing a few things.. but the more he thought about it the more 'dealing with Val' sounded like it would take hours. And he would potentially not be able to sneak away again if Val was already in bed.
He wanted his fixes though.
"Mghh-fuck." He whined to himself.
"I'm not going back there... It's too late.. Trevor is probably gone and I do not have the energy for Val... ..but I want that liquor from upstairs to come with us."
He may have some back up things there. If he remembered to replenish it.
"We should meet there.. I just want to check if a few things are stocked.. before you get there.." Vox loosened his hold on the hug around Al.
"My bed is bigger too.." he said offhanded. He slept like a starfish most times. It was just comfy that way.
Vox started to get up, lifting the radio to his feet smoothly so he could get up in turn. He stole a quick chaste smooch on Al's cheek then the same bolt and arch of lightning zapped back to the bathroom to leave the bayou and zip through the nearest camera.
As soon as he landed in his apartment, he hurried over to his room, immediately going for a small oranate box that was in his closet. Perfect. He opened the box to find it bare ass empty.
Not perfect. He rubbed at his neck and sighed loudly tossing the box haphazardly back onto the high shelf and then started pacing.
He could last a few more hours. He wasn't an addict. He couldn't be controlled but freaking substances. Alastor was bringing the liquor and hopefully that would knock out the urges and the cravings.
While Vox waited, he paced. While he paced he was huffing and puffing a cigar he had lit. It wouldn't be a problem he was fine.
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videokilled · 2 days
Vox was begrudgingly getting himself prepared for going back to his tower, dealing with Val, starting a few things, grabbing a few things.. but the more he thought about it the more 'dealing with Val' sounded like it would take hours. And he would potentially not be able to sneak away again if Val was already in bed.
He wanted his fixes though.
"Mghh-fuck." He whined to himself.
"I'm not going back there... It's too late.. Trevor is probably gone and I do not have the energy for Val... ..but I want that liquor from upstairs to come with us."
He may have some back up things there. If he remembered to replenish it.
"We should meet there.. I just want to check if a few things are stocked.. before you get there.." Vox loosened his hold on the hug around Al.
"My bed is bigger too.." he said offhanded. He slept like a starfish most times. It was just comfy that way.
Vox started to get up, lifting the radio to his feet smoothly so he could get up in turn. He stole a quick chaste smooch on Al's cheek then the same bolt and arch of lightning zapped back to the bathroom to leave the bayou and zip through the nearest camera.
As soon as he landed in his apartment, he hurried over to his room, immediately going for a small oranate box that was in his closet. Perfect. He opened the box to find it bare ass empty.
Not perfect. He rubbed at his neck and sighed loudly tossing the box haphazardly back onto the high shelf and then started pacing.
He could last a few more hours. He wasn't an addict. He couldn't be controlled but freaking substances. Alastor was bringing the liquor and hopefully that would knock out the urges and the cravings.
While Vox waited, he paced. While he paced he was huffing and puffing a cigar he had lit. It wouldn't be a problem he was fine.
The murmur was absolutely lost in the ambience- mostly due to the way Alastor started moving on his lap. His immediate concern was that the deer was going to fall backwards into the pond. Vox's feet were still dangling into the water and they only had so much space on his lap.
Vox's arms had moved out quickly to hold his back or side to make sure he didn't lose his balance or slip backwards. Helping him settle.
Then the TV realized Alastor was moving to straddle him again. He should have seen this coming, it seemed to have happened a few times. That the deer preferred to sit this way. This specific way just so happened to be one of the ways Vox found the hottest- should they engage in any.. repeat behaviors from earlier.
His eyes seemed to wake up a bit more, well aware of the proximity of their hips. His face turning that slow lovely shade of warm cyan. And then more so as their foreheads rested together. Vox was beginning to think they had very different definitions of intimacy. Which wasn't surprising.
The navy hands and cyan claws rested at the hips ontop of his own. It was a weird gymnastic one-eighty that his headspace was trying to do, immediately aware of how hot it would be right now if they did do it- right now. His libido had always been easily awoken and ready to go anytime.
Vox's face flushing crept toward that magenta purple after Alastor asked.
"T-onight?- Here??" He said in abrupt disbelief.
The media overlord blinked several times, his planning brain immediately exploding into things that had been compartmentalized for work- for later. He had planned on working late into the morning. To make up for his slacking today. That could be reworked- the part that really hung him up was his-.... needs.
He couldn't go till morning without his habits. On top of that and further- he hadn't even attempted to sleep outside of him and Val's bed in years. To break that streak sleeping in the morningstar's barbie dream house wannabe?? He wouldn't get any sleep, or they'd be interrupted. The company they had seemed like they had no manners at all. His blue pupils darted around as they considered all of these, but then moved back to rest on his deer's realizing he was likely waiting and anxious when the other eeked out a little please afterward.
"At-- my place? My flat?" He countered quietly.
"I won't get any rest here."
His face flushed a bit warmer still catching himself before almost saying 'our place.' Then let his face slump a bit more against Alastor's so he could think. Because there would be no thinking going on in his head with their mouths so close. His forehead moved to Alastor's cheek. The eyelid area above his eyes resting against the radio's mouth.
"I just need... I'll need an hour or two to head back and start something with Trevor.. and to handle Val.. um and they can wait they don't even know what they wanted to present. He probably offed himself by now.." he mumbled, thinking out loud further.
Vox's palm slid up the small of Al's back as he took his own deep breath. Rumpling the loose shirt a bit as he went and looping his other arm around the small hips to hold their bodies closer. The deer in his hands, more of a fidget toy now while he tiredly considered how to set up a night away and about his next steps for that.
Val was going to be a pain in the morning if he knew he was sleeping elsewhere.. but sneaking around in his own properties grated against his ego. So he'd just take the loss..
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videokilled · 2 days
The murmur was absolutely lost in the ambience- mostly due to the way Alastor started moving on his lap. His immediate concern was that the deer was going to fall backwards into the pond. Vox's feet were still dangling into the water and they only had so much space on his lap.
Vox's arms had moved out quickly to hold his back or side to make sure he didn't lose his balance or slip backwards. Helping him settle.
Then the TV realized Alastor was moving to straddle him again. He should have seen this coming, it seemed to have happened a few times. That the deer preferred to sit this way. This specific way just so happened to be one of the ways Vox found the hottest- should they engage in any.. repeat behaviors from earlier.
His eyes seemed to wake up a bit more, well aware of the proximity of their hips. His face turning that slow lovely shade of warm cyan. And then more so as their foreheads rested together. Vox was beginning to think they had very different definitions of intimacy. Which wasn't surprising.
The navy hands and cyan claws rested at the hips ontop of his own. It was a weird gymnastic one-eighty that his headspace was trying to do, immediately aware of how hot it would be right now if they did do it- right now. His libido had always been easily awoken and ready to go anytime.
Vox's face flushing crept toward that magenta purple after Alastor asked.
"T-onight?- Here??" He said in abrupt disbelief.
The media overlord blinked several times, his planning brain immediately exploding into things that had been compartmentalized for work- for later. He had planned on working late into the morning. To make up for his slacking today. That could be reworked- the part that really hung him up was his-.... needs.
He couldn't go till morning without his habits. On top of that and further- he hadn't even attempted to sleep outside of him and Val's bed in years. To break that streak sleeping in the morningstar's barbie dream house wannabe?? He wouldn't get any sleep, or they'd be interrupted. The company they had seemed like they had no manners at all. His blue pupils darted around as they considered all of these, but then moved back to rest on his deer's realizing he was likely waiting and anxious when the other eeked out a little please afterward.
"At-- my place? My flat?" He countered quietly.
"I won't get any rest here."
His face flushed a bit warmer still catching himself before almost saying 'our place.' Then let his face slump a bit more against Alastor's so he could think. Because there would be no thinking going on in his head with their mouths so close. His forehead moved to Alastor's cheek. The eyelid area above his eyes resting against the radio's mouth.
"I just need... I'll need an hour or two to head back and start something with Trevor.. and to handle Val.. um and they can wait they don't even know what they wanted to present. He probably offed himself by now.." he mumbled, thinking out loud further.
Vox's palm slid up the small of Al's back as he took his own deep breath. Rumpling the loose shirt a bit as he went and looping his other arm around the small hips to hold their bodies closer. The deer in his hands, more of a fidget toy now while he tiredly considered how to set up a night away and about his next steps for that.
Val was going to be a pain in the morning if he knew he was sleeping elsewhere.. but sneaking around in his own properties grated against his ego. So he'd just take the loss..
Vox felt more tired and numb than he had in a long time. Then again he hadn't cried in ages. The hug was nice. At least he felt grounded with it. He knew his brain probably wasn't entirely grounded anyway. It questioned things at length that should have been basic fundamentals.
But sometimes it felt like it was onto something. Like he should listen to it more often. Like when Alastor said that he had run away just now. But back in his apartment- while crying and pulling his hair out- the radio demon had begged him to believe that he had been pulled away against his will. Had he forgotten?
The fist that gripped onto the grudge harbored in his chest squeezed tighter, percieved inconsistencies feeding it like fertilizer.
The rambling that went on- they were all things he had always wanted to hear. He wanted to hear them from Alastor so badly.. and yet now that he was being showered with them it felt like he had yet to feel a single drop of relief on his tongue from them. Did he not believe him? Maybe he had grown into something further broken than he was. Maybe he wasn't even capable of loving or feeling loved anymore.
Maybe you're just fucking tired. His logic ground brain screamed.
Alastor went on and on about all these small niche things about him, and honestly towards the end of the word vomit, he noticed he did feel a tiny distance metaphorical corner of his hardened thoughts were thawing out partially. Maybe...
It was when the radio demon said the word worry that he noticed it..
The tears stopped abruptly when they were mentioned. Being perceived did something to his psyche. Caught and frozen as if it had been a taboo act that had been found out.
"NoI'mnot.." he didn't bother trying to lie well. Hoping Alastor would just leave it be after that.
"..and you always talked too much.. you only know how to talk.. that's all you can do on radio.." he teased quietly. He twisted a bit and took hold of Alastor's shirt, pulling him firmly and with some amount of leverage rather than strength pulled the deer around him, then adjusted him on his lap. Again. He liked putting him here.
Vox had intended to say something cheesy and affirming, but when he saw the other's face- he decided it wasn't red enough and he didnt want to be the only with something going on in their face.
One arm was looped around Alastor as he sat bridal style again across his lap, and the other hand without warning, moved to hold the radio demon's jaw, framing it with his hand, so two claws were by one cheek and his thumb was by the other and pull it to face him. Maybe pulling upward a bit to make his cheeks squish.
Vox's screen hid it well, but his eyes did look strained and thinned.
"If you ask me... If I want this again.. I'm going to answer it as a sexual innuendo. Because I answered it twice now.. capiche?~"
Maybe it had thawed a little more of him than he'd first thought.
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videokilled · 2 days
Vox felt more tired and numb than he had in a long time. Then again he hadn't cried in ages. The hug was nice. At least he felt grounded with it. He knew his brain probably wasn't entirely grounded anyway. It questioned things at length that should have been basic fundamentals.
But sometimes it felt like it was onto something. Like he should listen to it more often. Like when Alastor said that he had run away just now. But back in his apartment- while crying and pulling his hair out- the radio demon had begged him to believe that he had been pulled away against his will. Had he forgotten?
The fist that gripped onto the grudge harbored in his chest squeezed tighter, percieved inconsistencies feeding it like fertilizer.
The rambling that went on- they were all things he had always wanted to hear. He wanted to hear them from Alastor so badly.. and yet now that he was being showered with them it felt like he had yet to feel a single drop of relief on his tongue from them. Did he not believe him? Maybe he had grown into something further broken than he was. Maybe he wasn't even capable of loving or feeling loved anymore.
Maybe you're just fucking tired. His logic ground brain screamed.
Alastor went on and on about all these small niche things about him, and honestly towards the end of the word vomit, he noticed he did feel a tiny distance metaphorical corner of his hardened thoughts were thawing out partially. Maybe...
It was when the radio demon said the word worry that he noticed it..
The tears stopped abruptly when they were mentioned. Being perceived did something to his psyche. Caught and frozen as if it had been a taboo act that had been found out.
"NoI'mnot.." he didn't bother trying to lie well. Hoping Alastor would just leave it be after that.
"..and you always talked too much.. you only know how to talk.. that's all you can do on radio.." he teased quietly. He twisted a bit and took hold of Alastor's shirt, pulling him firmly and with some amount of leverage rather than strength pulled the deer around him, then adjusted him on his lap. Again. He liked putting him here.
Vox had intended to say something cheesy and affirming, but when he saw the other's face- he decided it wasn't red enough and he didnt want to be the only with something going on in their face.
One arm was looped around Alastor as he sat bridal style again across his lap, and the other hand without warning, moved to hold the radio demon's jaw, framing it with his hand, so two claws were by one cheek and his thumb was by the other and pull it to face him. Maybe pulling upward a bit to make his cheeks squish.
Vox's screen hid it well, but his eyes did look strained and thinned.
"If you ask me... If I want this again.. I'm going to answer it as a sexual innuendo. Because I answered it twice now.. capiche?~"
Maybe it had thawed a little more of him than he'd first thought.
The torso that Alastor hugged shook a bit like it was laughing but no noise happened. It wasn't the first time his mute feature was used around the radio and probably not the first time the mute feature had robbed the deer of a giggle. Caught by surprise, he hadn't turned it off in time but Vox silently sniffled and gave himself a quick pep talk before he turned the mute off.
One hand moving to adjust his antenna, and discreetly brushing away the last of the tears on the way. His chest felt just a tiny bit lighter now but he didn't know why. At least it felt easier to think now.
"I can't fucking stand you.." he said, not facing him but there was such an obvious smile to his voice Al might have been able to picture it.
"I..." He bit at his bottom lip, the smile fading.
"You seem to want someone- that I'm not... ...anymore..."
The tears started again just as abruptly and without warning as they had earlier. Traitor eyes.
"I know I do the whole 'perfect' thing- but that doesn't mean... ..you know..." Vox admitted vaguely and quietly.
"I'm fucked up. In literally every way. ...Look at my head-" Vox stopped himself and took a very deep inhale and let it drop out of his lungs in such a heavy sigh that his antenna twitched forward and the addition of another acute looking angle in the metal made its noise. Having a human soul in a TV head had some perks but if he was honest- not many. This was hell, he's sure it was an intentional cruel and unusual torture. He felt displaced sometimes. Sometimes like he didn't have a head at all- or sometimes like he could swore he felt his nose.. only to touch smooth cold glass instead. It didn't really directly relate to his point.. but it did to him.
"Gh.. christ I'm too sober for this.." he mumbled through his teeth. He was going to start tweaking soon if he didn't get a fix of something harder, he could feel it in his skin.
"..ofcourseIwantit..." He muttered sounding tired and defeated like it was being fished and dragged out of his old crusty unhealed uncovered wound from years ago. He had wanted it before, he wanted it when he disappeared, and he'd wanted it after he fucking left too. There was no stopping the tears now so he didn't bother trying. Maybe falling a bit faster, but as long as he kept kicking the water gently, they would fall silently and hopefully unnoticed.
Vox had intended to keep talking, but the heaviness from earlier was back it seemed to weigh on his throat and mouth and he couldn't keep talking. It felt useless... This conversation.. this uncomfortable.. tiring conversation.. Alastor's soul belonged to someone else. He would leave again. Whether partially by choice, feeling like it was necessity- which is what he was starting to think had happened seven years ago- or by being tugged by a leash. He would lose him again. And if Alastor felt no urgency in finding him the way Vox had felt to find Al...
Discouraged. He hated feeling discouraged.
The tears were dripping freely now, running to gather by the corner of his screen before dripping off quickly.
He wasn't usually this emotionally loose. Maybe it was the crashing before the withdrawals...
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videokilled · 2 days
The torso that Alastor hugged shook a bit like it was laughing but no noise happened. It wasn't the first time his mute feature was used around the radio and probably not the first time the mute feature had robbed the deer of a giggle. Caught by surprise, he hadn't turned it off in time but Vox silently sniffled and gave himself a quick pep talk before he turned the mute off.
One hand moving to adjust his antenna, and discreetly brushing away the last of the tears on the way. His chest felt just a tiny bit lighter now but he didn't know why. At least it felt easier to think now.
"I can't fucking stand you.." he said, not facing him but there was such an obvious smile to his voice Al might have been able to picture it.
"I..." He bit at his bottom lip, the smile fading.
"You seem to want someone- that I'm not... ...anymore..."
The tears started again just as abruptly and without warning as they had earlier. Traitor eyes.
"I know I do the whole 'perfect' thing- but that doesn't mean... ..you know..." Vox admitted vaguely and quietly.
"I'm fucked up. In literally every way. ...Look at my head-" Vox stopped himself and took a very deep inhale and let it drop out of his lungs in such a heavy sigh that his antenna twitched forward and the addition of another acute looking angle in the metal made its noise. Having a human soul in a TV head had some perks but if he was honest- not many. This was hell, he's sure it was an intentional cruel and unusual torture. He felt displaced sometimes. Sometimes like he didn't have a head at all- or sometimes like he could swore he felt his nose.. only to touch smooth cold glass instead. It didn't really directly relate to his point.. but it did to him.
"Gh.. christ I'm too sober for this.." he mumbled through his teeth. He was going to start tweaking soon if he didn't get a fix of something harder, he could feel it in his skin.
"..ofcourseIwantit..." He muttered sounding tired and defeated like it was being fished and dragged out of his old crusty unhealed uncovered wound from years ago. He had wanted it before, he wanted it when he disappeared, and he'd wanted it after he fucking left too. There was no stopping the tears now so he didn't bother trying. Maybe falling a bit faster, but as long as he kept kicking the water gently, they would fall silently and hopefully unnoticed.
Vox had intended to keep talking, but the heaviness from earlier was back it seemed to weigh on his throat and mouth and he couldn't keep talking. It felt useless... This conversation.. this uncomfortable.. tiring conversation.. Alastor's soul belonged to someone else. He would leave again. Whether partially by choice, feeling like it was necessity- which is what he was starting to think had happened seven years ago- or by being tugged by a leash. He would lose him again. And if Alastor felt no urgency in finding him the way Vox had felt to find Al...
Discouraged. He hated feeling discouraged.
The tears were dripping freely now, running to gather by the corner of his screen before dripping off quickly.
He wasn't usually this emotionally loose. Maybe it was the crashing before the withdrawals...
When Vox mentioned he knew a song on the piano there was a few responses he expected, none of them were what he got. It was out of context and maybe silly sounding. The way Alastor spoke about dancing though made him feel like it was worth the mention. The softness of how he said those words stuck to his brain like Velcro.
And then the deer actually sighed out loud, fell onto his back, and said if you want too.
It felt like blatant dismissal when he had prepared for some kind of interest or banter- and before he could have another thought further, his eyes slowly started gathering tears.
He had absolutely ruined the mood with his brief escape. He had just needed a second. Nobody looked at him that way. Nobody had ever looked at him that way besides Alastor- when he was alive either. Why was Alastor even entertaining him? 'Sheer absolute boredom,' rang in Vox's head from years ago. Alastor would say it like a rehearsed bit.
The tears had gathered well into starting to drip from his eyes to run down his screen. The first one running along the edge of his TV frame to the corner where it dropped off and into the pond.
Vox didn't truly notice the tears until the little plip-pip sound it made as it hit the smooth surface of the pond. Making sure his screen was looking away from Alastor was easy with a flat screen at least. He didn't want the deer to see his face like this, but his chest felt too heavy to really do anything about it or fight it back.
The shadow would have seen the green text come up on the bottom left of his screen that said in all caps, 'MUTE'. At least he wouldn't have to worry about making any noise that way. Vox started kicking his feet in the pond slowly just to break the surface tension so the tears wouldn't make any more noise.
That and the further silence felt like his cue that he was being invited to leave if anything, and he would be damned if he ever missed a cue... But he couldn't make himself get up. He kept waiting for the spark that would turn the sadness into anger. It always came. As if it were a little pop up the said 'anger instead?'
But it wasn't coming.. the metaphorical flint must have been wet.
After a moment or two of the silent crying, prismatic glinted tears gathering by the bottom of his eyes that only the shadow could see presently, Vox tossed the flower into the pond. It would have meant more if it were from his radio demon, not his weird shadow cat.
Just another second to wallow... Then he'd get up and go...
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