#basically good things are coming for you guys
lilacstro · 2 days
how to manifest with your jupiter sign
this post feels long lost due, I had many asks on this so I will make a post on this one <33
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Jupiter is a planet of faith, and optimism and abundance. However, you don't really have a planet specifically made for "manifestation", but if you think you had to guess one, I am guessing it would be Jupiter. Even in vedic astrology, people with strong brihaspati or Jupiter are considered lucky. Someone who was reading palms for me and my sister the other day said the first thing we do to see luck through hands is the Jupiter and Venus mount. But Venus is luxury you have in life and Jupiter is the fortune, I hope I am making sense. But otherwise, I have often seen 11th house be associated with manifestation
this post definitely checked my creativity and the methods of manifestations im aware of lmao. I have not taken this from any book but rather its mere observation of the charts I have seen until now, and asked my family to see if it worked for them and it made sense so its again a my theory kinda post lmao. I hope it is able to help y'all too <33 I was refraining from making a post on this one but it had a LOTT of asks so I decided to do it :) Let's gooooooooooo
use a combination of your sign, degree and house to find common grounds<33
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Jupiter in:
Aries/1st house: First of all, be precise and extremely clear about what you want. If you need to put the work or you believe in taking inspired actions, please do! I would also suggest concentrating/condensing your energy in your 3rd eye through meditations. Believe in yourself and also, don't jump 10 places. I have often seen people with Jupiter in 1st house have kind of a scattered energy, to put it correctly, not really laidback, not really fierce, and I think this should be fixed. I would suggest people with this placement to work with their chart ruler and Jupiter along to find a best method that could suit them, the best one I feel like suggesting for everyone, is meditation.
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Taurus/2nd house: I think people with this placement should definitely use affirmation tapes/affirmations. I would suggest methods that make you feel at peace and calm, and relaxing. Use aura meditations/ocean music before bed and calm yourself down and focus. Speak your desire into existence, using affirmations in front of mirror could be one thing you can do. If possible, make a vision board or buy a small manifestation souvenir suggesting your desire is complete. If possible, write your manifestations on a white sheet and bury them under a plant or soil in your garden.
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Gemini/3rd house: Write. Journal your desires, write them down, clearly. If you guys have things like a feng shui crystal turtle, write your desires on a paper and put it under that turtle. I would also suggest using affirmations, to people with this placement, be optimistic and say good things about your manifestation. Use the law of assumption. Listen to subliminals, it may really help as well.
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Cancer/4th house: FEEL your manifestation. Use music that makes you feel as if, evokes such emotions you know. Use the moon cycles for manifestation. Have you guys heard of Moon water manifestation? Basically, in a glass put some water and set intentions of your manifestation and put it under the full moon. Next day, drink that water. If you used a bigger bottle, then drink that water every time you set intentions of your manifestations. Use visualization
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Leo/5th house: Have fun with your manifestation. Enjoy what you are willing to manifest and feel the vibes coming in. Be confident that yes, it is coming and it would happen. Be creative about your manifestation. Try drawing your desires if you guys enjoy arts. Create beautiful DIYs like creative vision boards while blasting music, or pretty photo frames or phone wallpapers that would suggest completion of your desires. I would also suggest using heart chakra meditations, lifting your spirits up.
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Virgo/6th house: Create a manifestation routine. Something that locks you in and also, dont be too fixtated on when will it happen. Create a routine you enjoy and it can be absolutely anything. I however feel like suggesting 369 method, 55X5 method or things like so. One other thing I will say is, don't be afraid of helping someone if your boundaries are not crossed, and you may actually find that you have coincidences that lead you to what you had wanted. I would say, be open minded as well. Release pent up energy in your body time to time. I have often seen people with this placement are already very helping/people like to ask them for help.
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Libra/7th house: I would suggest talking about your manifestation, in a journal, to someone you trust or even to yourself in a positive, loving way! Enjoy talking about what you want, talk about it with love, faith and optimism. I would suggest using a sigil, especially near your mirror or when you are getting ready. Use a pretty paper, and make it super cute and to your aesthetic. If its possible, clean and program the ornaments you wear, or even if its a hair tie you wear daily. By program I mean, meditating on it and setting a vibration/energy that corresponds to your manifestation. pretending as if can help too.
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Scorpio/8th house: Don't talk about your manifestation until its complete, don't tell much people about it until you are close with them. Use sleep meditations (I would suggest Edward Art's sleep meditations) and please, believe in your manifestation but yourself first, that you can attract what you want. Use the law of attraction. Even though I suggest being on high vibrations, I would still say, let yourself feel your emotions, its important to feel yourself. Don't get too attached, fearful or desperate for what you want. Pray to whoever you believe when you're sleeping. Often seen people with this placement/8th house moons or stelliums have some kind of divine intervention with the things they desire. Be open to change in paths, if it is possible.
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Sagittarius/9th house: Be optimistic about your manifestation. Pray if you believe in a higher deity or power. This is a very lucky placement in my opinion and you have the power to achieve whatever you want, just desire it strongly and in a positive way. Use frequency meditations, and if possible. Have faith and patience and don't be in a rush for anything. Use manifestation journals if possible. I feel people with these placements are already quite spiritual or at least aware of such topics. Use affirmations/ religious affirmations if you believe in one.
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Capricorn/10th house: Talk about your manifestation, don't lie about what you want when asked, say it if its not violating your boundaries and if not, just say something neutral. I feel people with this placement, often manifest what they show, even if they are trying to be private or pretentious, its just weird. Act as if, and have some confidence. I feel people with this placement appear lucky to people so I would indeed suggest protecting your energy. This placement should also somehow be ready to accept the challenges that will come along when they ask for what they want, because these people often dream big but this placement again feels brings unpredictable things on your path. So, be open and flexible is a suggestion. But be assured, the rewards often exceed expectations!!
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Aquarius/11th house: USE PINTREST BOARDS IF YOU DOO. Use subliminals, Create a manifestation journal with affirmations and pictures. Use manifestation meditations. Experiment with your manifestations, let it be, and let it go. Don't obsess about what you're manifesting. Have a positive self talk. Your manifestation is actually likely to appear when you least expect it/don't bother about it much. Random but write yourself messages/emails or success stories as if you achieved what you want, this is a very good placements for strong manifestors imo
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Pisces/12th house: Use visualization, SATs coming to me specifically. Sleep in the state of wish fulfilled. Be helathy-delusional, and use crystals if you have one or are willing to use them and even better if you can charge them near ocean. Use water meditation, water-manifestation methods. Have strong faith :)) Use spells and charms. program your crystals and journals.
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EXTRA: Jupiter in air signs or degrees: Watch your thoughts and words, speak your desire in existence Jupiter in water signs or degrees: Watch your feelings, feel as if and don't let your feelings consume you eitherways. Beware of extreme delusion and mark a line on reality Jupiter in fire signs or degrees: Watch your actions and impulses, take inspired actions as needed, feel the excitement but don't get reckless or mindlessly impulsive. Know the line between what you feel like doing because of an intuitive nudge, and where you are being stupid or over faithful/risk taking.
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btw paid readings are open:) that's it. I hope I was able to help and this post brought some clarity. I hope you liked this post. All the best :)) i love you all <33
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roosterforme · 19 hours
Mr. Right Now Part 2 | Hangman x Reader
Summary: As soon as you decide that Jake is the one you want for your first time, he's very clear that you'll be playing by his rules. You're ready to get this over with and get on with your life, but he's determined to make you admit that you're allowed to feel good. And maybe you want to enjoy this with him.
Warnings: adult language, mentions of sex and virginity, sexual touching, 18+
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Why is Jake on my masterlist!? Mr. Right Now masterlist
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"Jake," you whispered as his soft hair glided through your fingers. You liked his name. He was handsome. He was older. His lips tasted delicious. He had green eyes.
Why had you been so focused on Rooster? Oh, right. Because your roommate, Kylie, said he was good after she slept with him. She told you all about the Navy bar and the different guys with call signs, and you made it a point to remember that Rooster was the one who she said was the gentlest. 
You froze. Jake had his hands around your waist, his hips pressing his semi hard length against you. Those pretty green eyes were locked onto yours, and you knew it would be a long shot to get him to agree, even now. But something else was bothering you about this whole scenario. You suddenly wondered if Kylie and Jake ever had sex.
For some reason, that idea alone was enough to piss you off. Going blindly after Rooster would have been no big deal, but Jake seemed to actually give a shit about you. He just took the time to make sure you were really twenty, and he kept questioning you as to why you were here in the first place. In this bar where you apparently stuck out like a sore thumb.
But you wanted Jake specifically for your first time, whether he had already fucked Kylie or not. You leaned in and kissed him again, and he seemed more than willing now. You hoped your little skirt and tight shirt weren't going to fail you after you made it this far. He just needed to take care of this one, basic thing for you, and you'd be on your way. Then you could go out with Cooper who you were actually so ready to date, and you wouldn't completely embarrass yourself with him.
You let yourself touch Jake's hair again as you asked, "What's your call sign?"
His hand felt huge against your butt, and you went willingly when he pulled you even closer. "Hangman," he said in that cute Texan drawl. That didn't sound familiar at all, and Kylie was pretty proud of all the call signs she'd managed to collect. Maybe she hadn't gotten to him yet. Or maybe she wasn't his type. That thought alone made you smile even more as he continued to touch you.
"Okay, Hangman," you whispered against his mouth in the middle of this crowded bar. "I'm ready for you to take me to your place."
He kissed you gently and shook his head. "Let's go out to my truck, and I'll drive you back to your apartment or dorm."
God, he was such a good kisser, but he was really grating on your nerves at this point. You were a little nervous that he would keep saying no and then ruin your chances with Rooster or one of the other guys in attendance tonight, even though they would be clear backup options now. You whined in annoyance. "Come on, Jake."
"No. I'm not taking you home with me," he replied firmly. 
You stomped your foot; you really wanted to lose your damn virginity, and you couldn't give it away. "You don't even have to take me back to your place. We can fuck in the parking lot."
"Jesus Christ, Darlin'. That's not happening either," he said, looking scandalized. "Definitely not for your first time. And a leather mini skirt is an impractical outfit to get fucked in anyway."
You tipped your head back and groaned. "Well how was I supposed to know that?" Then you looked at his handsome face, pretty much ready to call it a night and try again tomorrow at a different bar. "I'm doing everything wrong."
He had the nerve to laugh at you again. "No. You're really not. The skirt is just going to make guys want to work harder for it. And honestly, somehow the sneakers are doing something for me?"
A small glimmer of hope flashed inside you as you ran your fingers along his stubbled cheek. "Yeah?"
"God. Damn. It." He was practically growling now as he started to haul you toward the exit. "If we're doing this, then we're doing it right."
"Okay!" you replied immediately, not really sure what you were agreeing to as he led you outside to the dark deck, letting the door close behind the two of you. The loud interior of the bar was a thing of the past now as he took your chin between his thumb and fingers and kissed you a little rough with the ocean as the new soundtrack. 
You almost dropped your purse as you tried to wrap your arms around his neck, already wanting more of him. "If you really want to do this," he said between kisses, "then you're playing by my rules." You were practically whimpering as his lips found the side of your neck, because why did his words sound so sexy?
"Absolutely," you whispered. "Jake's rules."
He half carried you out to the dimly lit parking lot as he muttered, "This is a terrible idea." He squinted at your face and added, "You seem like the type who never learns her lesson."
"I resent that," you said, running your lips along his ear even as your feet left the ground. "I have a 4.0 GPA. I always learn my lessons."
He grunted as he helped you into what you assumed was his truck before standing outside the door with his hands on his hips. "Like I said, you're a real smartass. Now listen up. I'm going to be as gentlemanly as I possibly can during this whole thing."
"Whole thing?" you asked, wondering what he could possibly mean. He just needed to get completely hard, shove his cock in you for a little while, and then call it a night.
"Yeah," he grunted, his green eyes a little wild in the glow from the truck's dome lights. "I'm going to make sure you come. I'm going to be as sweet as I can be. But you need to be clear if you're not having a good time, or if you want me to stop. If you can't abide by those basic ground rules, we're absolutely done here."
Oh. He was really taking this seriously. You chewed on your lip, and his face became more apprehensive. But you weren't debating with yourself whether or not his ground rules would work for you. You were actually trying to figure out why he was already being better than anything you anticipated tonight. Anticipated ever.
"Oh, my god," you gasped. "Are you married?"
"What the fuck kind of question is that?" he shouted, looking angry now. "Of course I'm not married!"
You reached out to him and grabbed his hand. "Sorry! It's just that you're sweet, and you seem to be taking this really seriously! I was just checking!"
Jake scowled, and his tone was one akin to hurt. "I'm not letting you make yourself believe that all you deserve for your first time is a careless fuck in a bar bathroom or a parking lot, and I'm certainly not letting one of those drunk assholes maul you apart!"
The more you thought about it, you really didn't want to be manhandled or have to pull your skirt up in a bathroom stall to make the best of things tonight. You squeezed his hand which you were still holding as you softly said, "Thank you."
He ran his free fingers through his soft hair and muttered something that sounded like, "Yeah, don't thank me yet." Then he kissed your lips and said, "Buckle your seatbelt," before he let go of your hand and closed the door. 
You were pretty quiet on the drive back to Jake's place, but you didn't seem as nervous now. If anything, he thought his nerves were ramping up while yours were calming down. He couldn't remember how many condoms he had left in his bedside drawer, and when he tried to estimate how many he might use tonight, he almost missed his turn. Was he really going to do this?
"You live by the beach," you remarked, playing with the hem of your tiny skirt while you looked out the window.
"I do," he replied, mentally cancelling his morning run if you were going to stay over. The implications of letting you spend the night were creeping up on him, but kicking you out was absolutely not going to be an option. You likely had the entirety of the rest of your life to be disappointed by men, but he wasn't going to set that precedent. 
"How old did you say you were?"
Jake felt a little dirty now when he said, "I didn't. But I'm thirty." He tapped the brakes when he was about a block from his house. His truck already smelled sweet like your perfume or shampoo, and he glanced at you when he turned onto his street. "Let me take you back to your place."
You laughed softly as you leaned a little closer to him. "Negative, Hangman. I have a twin bed and a nosy roommate. I think we're better off doing this at yours."
"Come on, Darlin'. That's not what I meant, and you know it."
He coasted up to the stop sign on the quiet side street; he could see his little, white cottage on the next block, but he turned to look at your face in profile as you crossed your arms over your chest. You were looking straight ahead, chin proudly held high as you said, "If you really don't want to have sex with me, then turn right and head back toward Pomona Avenue."
It wasn't that he didn't want to. You were all pouty lips and feminine curves and perky tits, and yeah... he did want to fuck you. And he wanted to make it so good, you'd ask for more. He wanted to take his time and pull that first orgasm from you while he gave it to you exactly how you needed it. When he didn't turn his truck back toward Pomona, you looked at him and whispered, "It's okay if you're not into it, Jake. You can take me home. You don't have to worry about me."
He made a noise at the back of his throat and licked his lips. "That's not it." He wanted to say more, but for now, he answered your concerns by moving his foot to the accelerator and driving straight through the intersection. You visibly relaxed in the seat next to him, and a few seconds later, he was pulling his truck up to his house. You were looking out the window toward his cottage, and when you reached for the door handle, he let his hand rest on your bare knee. You turned his way immediately, and he said, "You never agreed to play by my rules."
"I agree."
He shook his head. "Then tell me what my ground rules were."
You bit your bottom lip, and he could feel you squeeze your legs together as you whispered, "You said you'd make sure I come. And that you would be sweet. And that if I tell you I'm not having a good time, you'll stop." Jake let his hand slide a few inches higher, and you responded by easing your legs apart and telling him, "I agree with the ground rules."
Jake nodded once and said, "Looks like I'm stuck with you now."
You kissed him. Somehow you caught him off guard every time you did it. You were tentative and inquisitive, and when you moved closer, his hand eased up your thigh. "You're stuck with me," you murmured between kisses. "For probably at least a half an hour." Jake started laughing, and you pulled away slightly. "What's funny?"
"Darlin', you're playing by my rules. You want me to teach you about sex? Half an hour isn't even going to be enough to get you warmed up."
You looked surprised as you reached up to run your fingers through his hair. "Teach me about sex? I thought you were just going to fuck me and call it a night."
Jake moaned. "Definitely not. Now let's get started."
You found yourself in Jake's living room, eyes darting around, trying to figure out what to focus on first. He was an actual adult with award commendations from the Navy and a massive TV. You felt small in his space, and some of your bravado melted away as he chuckled and said, "I'd offer you a drink, but, you know."
You tapped the toe of your sneaker against the hardwood floor and said, "According to my ID, I'm the same age as you. I like white wine, thanks."
He was trying not to laugh as he walked into his kitchen, and you followed along behind him, watching as he reached for a wine glass and filled it with ice water. "Enjoy your chardonnay, Darlin'," he drawled, and now you were also trying not to laugh.
"Thanks," you whispered before taking a sip. You tried to set your purse on the counter, but the clasp caught the edge, and both of your IDs came sliding out along with a strip of three condoms. When Jake met your eyes you said, "I made sure I was prepared before I left my place. I'm young, not stupid."
"But the Hard Deck?" he asked, closing the distance between your bodies. "Not your smartest move, parading around in there with a fake and some condoms. The guys that hang out there wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to making sure a woman enjoys herself."
"You hang out there," you told him with a little eye roll, and his fingers came up under your chin. He tilted your face up until you were staring into his pretty green eyes, and your core clenched with need.
"I don't make promises I can't keep," he told you, and you absolutely believed him. "Now, you said you're a virgin, but why don't you go ahead and tell me how experienced you are."
You swallowed hard, chin still held in place by those rough fingers. "Is that really necessary? I'm ready to go, Jake." You set your glass of water on the counter next to the condoms and reached out to touch his solid abs through his shirt.
"There's a little more to it than that," he told you, stroking your jaw with his thumb. "Let's talk and get to know each other a bit."
The last thing you wanted him to know about was your complete lack of experience with guys. "We don't have to do that." 
"Yeah, well I want to," he told you, finally releasing your chin.
"You're very old fashioned," you said with a smirk, and your hands settled on his belt.
"I'm a lot older than you, smartass. Humor me." Instead of responding with anything about yourself, you held eye contact with him while you yanked the end of his belt free from the belt loops and started to unbuckle it. A smile danced along his lips, and he said, "Fine. I'll start. I'm a Lieutenant in the Navy. I grew up in Texas, but I've lived all over the country. My favorite food is chili. I love running on the beach in the morning before it gets too hot out. I have four sisters. And I'm a Scorpio."
You had the button of his jeans undone, and you were easing his zipper down as you said, "You do seem like a Scorpio, Lieutenant Jake." His green eyes were still on yours as you officially went further than you ever had with a guy by letting your fingers run along his impressive length through his underwear. He licked his lips as you reached the tip and then dipped your hand inside his snug boxer briefs. He was warm and velvety soft while also getting harder by the second, and you gasped at the look in his eyes. "Does this feel good?" you asked softly as his pupils widened.
He nodded once, and his voice sounded raspier as he told you, "Yes."
"Good," you mused out loud, unable to contain your smirk as Jake grunted softly. "If you like it, then the guy from my physics class who I want to go out with will probably like it, too."
Suddenly, Jake's hand was on your wrist in an iron-tight grasp, preventing you from stroking him. "What?" you gasped, his hand tightening incrementally as something dangerous flashed in his eyes.
"Lesson number one. When you're with a guy, and you have your hand wrapped around his cock, you shouldn't be talking about a different guy."
You pouted up at him and said, "I already told you earlier that part of the reason I wanted to lose my virginity was so it would feel good when I get with Cooper."
"And I'm telling you right now that you're done talking about him," he grunted. "Got it?"
A chill of delight ran up your spine as you whispered, "Yes. Understood."
His grasp on your wrist released immediately, and he leaned in, kissing you softly one time. "That's just a surefire way to get a guy jealous," he informed you, and another little chill ran through your body as you considered that maybe you just made him a little jealous. 
When you ran your hand along his length again, his lips were back on yours immediately, and he moved you so your leather covered butt was pressed against the edge of his countertop. Then he took your hips in both of his big hands, and you whimpered into his mouth. He teased you, pulling away slightly just so you'd chase him for more. He was throbbing against your palm as your other hand found his hair once again. 
He was sexy. Even the rough stubble on his face felt delicious as it rubbed your chin and cheeks. Then, just as his lips started to migrate along your jaw, he carefully reached for your wrist again, withdrawing your hand from his jeans. "Yes, it feels good, but this isn't about me, Darlin'."
When his lips skimmed down your neck before settling on your pulse point, you whimpered his name. Then he sucked gently on you there while he toyed with the zipper at the side of your mini skirt. He was big and strong, and he smelled good, and as he worked your zipper down, inch by painstaking inch, you shifted so you were rubbing against him.
As soon as his fingers dipped inside the elastic of your underwear, it felt like you were clenching around nothing. Usually you had to use your fingers for a while to get that kind of result, but he hadn't even touched you there yet. Then you realized you were wet. Really wet from his lips and his touch. Your thong felt damp against your skin as your skirt started to slide down your hips, and your voice was a little too loud as you gasped and said, "Okay, I'm ready. I'm definitely ready. Let's do it. Where's your bedroom?"
Jake's lips released your neck. He brought his mouth up to your ear and told you, "Absolutely not. Not yet."
Your skirt slipped a few more inches as Jake ran his nose along the shell of your ear. "God. Do you need me to ask nicely or something? Please?"
"You're playing by my rules. Did you forget? We're not rushing through this." Your skirt dropped to the floor at your feet as Jake pulled away and looked at your face. "Unless you're not having a good time, Darlin'. Say the words, and I'll stop."
You had no control of your body as your head tipped back, a low moan escaping as you said, "I don't want you to stop." You panted as you rubbed your wet panties against the open fly of his jeans. "It feels so good. But I want more."
Jake's hand found the back of your head, tilting it forward until you were looking at him again. "What do you want me to do to you?" he asked as one of his calloused fingers played with the lace trim along the top of your underwear.
"I want you to fuck me," you whispered with a moan, nodding your head as he smirked at you. 
"Really, pretty girl? You sure that's it? Because it sounds more like you want me to make you feel good." His fingers stroked up to your belly button and back down again as you bucked against him. "I think you know by this point in our conversation that you're allowed to enjoy this. And I can tell that's what you really want." 
"What could possibly feel better than getting fucked?" you asked in desperation. "I want you to fuck me!"
"No, you don't," he whispered, voice harsh and needy. He kissed you hard on the mouth two times before adding, "You want me to make you feel better than you've ever felt before. You want me to touch you with more skill than you can touch yourself. And none of that has to do with me fucking you. Tell me I'm wrong."
You bit down on your lip as his hand reached around to your butt, and suddenly you knew for sure it wouldn't have been like this with Rooster or any of the other guys at the bar. They would have fucked you and unloaded into one of the three condoms by now. Maybe you wouldn't have even gotten wet for them. You'd probably be back at your place in bed, planning on seeing Cooper on Monday morning with a new outlook on life. But it wouldn't have been like this.
Jake wanted more than that for your first time, and now you were starting to see that you could have more as his rough fingers kneaded into you. If you were already about to come just from rubbing yourself on him, then playing by his rules and letting him take his time was sounding better by the second.
You took a deep breath, let your lips brush against his and told him, "I want you to make me feel good."
"That's more like it, Darlin'," he crooned. "I'll take care of you."
Jake is about to show you that he's a man of his word. He keeps his promises, and he's already made some to you. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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yenqa · 2 days
THE DAY THAT I MET YOU I STARTED DREAMING | where akaashi finds out he’s in love.
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♫ — currently playing… faye webster
warnings — none i don’t think! just fluff <3 actually it’s not really proofread so lmk if there are mistakes!
pairing — akaashi x gn!reader
wordcount — 400
a/n — hi guys! anime phase hitting real hard rn if you couldn’t tell by all my latest works LMFAO i haven’t written for him surprisingly so here u go!
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“how do you know when you’re in love with someone?”
he’s yet to find an answer. he’s looked up thousands of questions, read hundreds of articles, and took at least ten quizzes. but the thought still lingers as something mysterious in his mind. something that he doesn’t know the answer to just yet.
“what are you talking about?” you ask, your ears fade into a light shade of pink.
akaashi is patient. he’s a very patient man. for example, when bokuto has his moments on court where you can’t be anything but patient to win the game, or when he’s teaching you the basics of volleyball.
but for some reason his mind itches for an answer. he can’t wait and think this one out.
“i’m being serious.”
“you called me at two a.m. for this? i’m studying y’know!” you whisper yell into your phone, he can see the look on your face. your eyebrows cutely scrunched up and a frown plastered onto your face.
he chuckles lowly, a small fry in his voice because of his exhaustion. “who else would i call for this?”
you sigh, “i don’t know, bokuto? he gives pretty good advice sometimes.”
“his bedtime is nine p.m. he would never disobey his mom.”
“even on the weekend?”
“force of habit, i guess.”
a silence washes over you two. and he can feel that itching feeling once again.
he’s acting irrationally, he knows it. but being awake into the late hours of the night messes with his brain, and makes him do things he wouldn’t even think to do.
the steady beat of his heart grows at a rapid pace, he can feel it almost beating out of his chest.
you start up again, “i guess,” you hesitate for just a second, “you know when you’ve fallen in love when you look at then and realise that you would do anything—or give up anything for them, does that make sense?”
“yeah that makes sense, okay thank you, i’m hanging up now.”
“what? that’s all you wanted?”
he chuckles again, “yup that’s all i needed. bye, i love you y/n. don’t study too hard.”
“i’ll try,” you let out a breathy laugh, “love you too akaashi—wait what?”
he hangs up before you can say anything else.
akaashi is a very patient man. but for some reason he’s the opposite when it comes to you.
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yenqa © do not copy, steal or translate.
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struwberrii · 1 day
Hii! I love your headcanons and I’ve been listening to your haikyuu playlists daily<3 i was wondering if you’re able to do kuroo headcanons cause that would be great(^_^) take care
kuroo headcannons ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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thank you so much!! and thank you for the request!! here are some of my silly headcannons for this dork kuroo tetsurou ヽ(^◇^*)/ (also here’s the link to the kuroo playlist i made)
his love language for EVERYONE is teasing them, especially using his height to his advantage to pick on shorter people
doesn’t really study all that much but has crazy good grades
always walks you to class and surprises you during breaks with snacks
constantly picking on you (guys it just means he likes you)
helps you study but not without making fun of you for being ‘dumb’ first
unironically uses reddit and is constantly reading aita stories
i feel like mentally he’s a middle aged white dad
his favorite show is rick and morty or south park
his mom still packs his lunch (he would pack it but he always forgets)
not secretive about anything, like the entire nekoma team knows his phone password
has very creative insults in arguments
type of guy to eat like instant ramen at 8 am and not have a stomach ache
has a weird amount of sponge bob clothes
doesnt have a skincare routine, doesn’t even use face wash when he washes his face but has perfect skin
honestly he’s kind of a dork
can never tell when girls are flirting with him (girls always think he’s flirting first bc of how he talks)
super good at imessage 8ball
loves grabbing fast food and just eating with you or his friends in the parking lot
plays scrabble on his ipad during class
listens to rock and metal bands
sarcastic af
the worlds louded snorer, sleepovers with him are crazy
at the gym a lot and always asking you to come, sometimes he forces kenma to come too (trust he’s on those work out bikes with his switch in his hands)
gets so nervous when trying to compliment you so he’s just like stuttering and fumbling his words
keeps up with basically every sport
very touchy, always has an arm around you
super confident in your relationship, like he trusts you 110%
loves brushing/playing with you hair, probably knows how to braid hair too
always packs snacks, water and medicine just for you
if anyone else asks him if he has those things on him he says no 😭
looks so good in sweat pants
he met your mom one time and she’s always asking about him now (she loved him and wants you guys to be together)
likes the weirdest foods, like he eats the craziest food combos
literally drinks out of a 64 oz yeti water bottle and refills it hourly
probably really likes deathnote and is always watching those hour long video analysis about the characters and the story
brings a speaker to practice and forced the nekoma team to make a practice playlist with him
tries every new video game with kenma
probably loves hot topic and spencer’s
has a garfield mug
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mj0702 · 2 days
Here's something for you @tasha95 ... as usual I got carried away 😅😅
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There was something calm in the Bronze-Batlle household this afternoon. Lucy was out for some charity work and Ona agreed to keep an eye on you and you got a VERY strong “briefing” from Lucy to behave for Ona and if you acted out Lucy would take it upon herself to make you pay for it. So you did your best to be as quiet as possible which caused Ona to grow suspicious of your behaviour – every time she came into the room you basically scrambled to get out of said room.
“Okay... what is going on with you today” Ona cut your exit so you ran straight into her
“Nothing” you mumbled quickly trying to push past her
“Bebita... I thought we came to the agreement that we wouldn’t lie to each other... so...” the spaniard raised her eyebrow
“Lucy said I have to stay outta your way and not cause trouble” you mumbled not meeting the spaniards eyes
“Oh Bebita... I know you like to do your own thing and IF Mapí would be here I would agree... BUT... you are always so good for me... you don’t cause trouble with me...” Ona said softly “... don’t run away from me”
“I’m... not running...” you said defiantly
“Bebita...” the spaniard sighed
“I’m just doing what Lucy said” you took a step back from your sisters girlfriend
“Since when?” Ona snorted “Come here... I need some help with my Mandonguilles amb sípia...”
“What’s that?” you perked up always wanting to learn new things
“It’s a Catalonian dish... basically meatballs in gravy” Ona smiled seeing your instant mood change
“Huh... and here I was thinking all you guys eat is fish...” you said skipping past Ona into the kitchen happily “OH EW!!!! ONA!!!”
“Ah... I may have forgotten to mention there’s cuttlefish in it as well” the spaniard sing songed after hearing your disgusted outburst
“Why???” you whined and before you could run off again Ona trapped you between the counter and herself
“It’s traditional...” Ona smiled looking over your shoulder “... you do the meatballs... I’ll prepare the cuttlefish... deal?”
“Yeah deal...” you grumbled quickly retreating to the other end of the kitchen as far away from the offending cuttlefish
“It’s just Fish Bebita” Ona laughed at how quickly you moved away
“It LOOKS at me!!!!” you exclaimed
“Oh you little drama queen” the blonde laughed
“It’s a fact.... it has eyes... it looks at you like Mona Lisa... like it wants to eat your soul” you pointed at the little squids
“Get started on these meatballs..” Ona laughed before starting to expertly starting to clean the cuttlefish
“And now?” you asked 30 minutes later after Ona cleaned the kitchen as good as possible
“Now all is we need to do is fry everything, throw it together and serve” Ona said “... but we’ll do that later when Lucy is back”
“Oh okay” you said a little sad
“What’s wrong Bebita?” the blonde asked carefully
“Can we cook some more?” you asked a little embarrassed
“You like cooking huh?” Ona smiled while pulling out a cookbook
“Lucy always says it’s essential to understand a culture” you shrugged your shoulders
“That’s true... but I think you have a little different reason... you like to cook... you like to create... you are a very creative person and you have a very open and vivid mind” the blonde said the smile never leaving her face “Here... that’s my mamás and abuelas cookbook ... look if you find something you would like to try”
“It’s all in spanish” you whined after you excitedly opened the old looking book
“It’s catalan... I thought you knew the difference by now” Ona deadpanned
“Just because I can talk a little catalan doesn’t mean I can read it” you rolled your eyes
“Come on then... I’ll teach you” the blonde said and pulled you into the living room
“What’s that...” you pointed at a new recipe
“Cargols a la llauna?” Ona grinned “You won’t like it... trust me Bebita”
“But what is it??” you whined getting overwhelmed with all the exciting dishes the country has to offer
“Snails” the blonde spaniard smirked
“Oh you disgusting bastards!!!!!” you exclaimed heaving already
“It’s very traditional... and very tasty if prepared properly” Ona said laughing as she pulled you into her side where you immediately relaxed and sagged against her
“Are you tired Bebita?” Ona asked softly when she felt you getting heavy against her side
“Little bit” you mumbled your eyes already half closed
“Lay down Pequeña” the blonde said her voice low and soft guiding you down so your head was in her lap
You let her do it but whined as soon as you were laying down
“Quin és el problema Bebita?” Ona asked keeping her voice calm
“No cómode” you grumbled trying to get more comfortable
“Want me to lay down with you Bebita?” Ona asked carefully
“sí” you whined and the blonde spaniard maneuvered you around until you were in her arms your back pressed against her front “you comfy” you sighed happily
“Gracias Bebita” Ona chuckled
“Ona?” you mumbled
“sí?” the blonde answered
“I know you don’t know English as well... but the guy who tattooed the “Continue” onto your arm... he ripped you off... or he had dysgraphia..” you mumbled
“Dyswhat?” Ona asked confused
“Dysgraphia... he had problems writing...” you slurred already halfway into dreamland
“He didn’t Bebita... it’s what I wanted” the blonde whispered not wanting to wake you up again
“He turned the i over...” you sighed as Ona started to lightly scratch your head
“It’s a semicolon Pequeña...” Ona said “It has a meaning”
“Whatmeaning” you slurred your breathing evening out
“The semicolon has been a symbol for suicide and mental health awareness, which Project Semicolon initially started. You can get a semicolon tattoo to remind yourself that you’re stronger than anxiety or depression or it can be in memory or support of a friend or loved one...” Ona explained
(I personally thank Tasha for the explanation ♥️♥️)
“You want to end your life too?” you were slightly more awake immediately
“No Bebita... but I struggled with Anxiety when I first came to England” the spaniard answered honestly
“But why??? We’re very friendly” you were awake now
“Not really... English people are very reserved... not as bad as Norwegians but pretty close...” Ona chuckled “... we Spaniards are... different”
“All you don’t know the term personal space... the worst one was Hermoso” you pointed out
“Jenni is... a different level of spanish” the blonde laughed “... but I struggled with the new culture and worse the language barrier...”
“I can see that...” you mumbled deep in thought trying to imagine how baby Ona must have felt
“You really don’t remember do you?” Ona asked
“Remember what?” you asked confused
“You shoulder checked me after the 2021 Derby... and you checked me so hard that my shoulder bruised” the spaniard chuckled seeing how shocked you were
“I didn’t” you said getting stressed
“Calm Bebita... yes you did and no I’m not mad at you” Ona immediately got you to calm down again
“I’m sorry... I don’t remember what I was thinking “ you said very ashamed of yourself
“You mumbled something about stupid reds and stupid spanish and stupid Georgia and bloody last minutes goals” Ona chuckled
“Oh my God... I remember now..” you screeched embarrassed “... you scored in like... 85th...”
“Yeah...” the spaniard laughed as you turned in her arms hiding your face in Onas neck
“It was a mistake from G... she deflected the ball and suddenly you appeared out of nowhere like David fucking Copperfield and scored” you groaned against the spaniards neck
“Yeah... I heard you screaming bloody murder at Georgia over the whole field and I felt so bad for her... she looked so scared and i think Keira had to physically hold you back from not running on the pitch” Ona said her whole body shaking with laughter
“I... I... oh gooooood” you groaned trying to hide even more
“It’s okay Bebita” Ona laughed and started to lightly scratch your lower back “Relax Pequeña”
“I’m so sorry” you whined
“We’re good Bebita... Estabas muy emocionado por perder...” the blonde mumbled feeling how you started relax again “Dormir”
“T’estimo Oni” you mumbled and this time you were out like a light
“T’estimo massa Bebita” Ona whispered noticing you were already dead asleep
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solarnomoon · 1 day
ice ice baby - park sunghoon
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the first time you went ice skating you almost fell. thankfully a taller guy was there to catch you. surprise surprise, of course it had to be sunghoon, king of the school, ice prince, whatever.
pairing >>> sunghoon x male reader
tags >>> college au, fluff, strangers to friends to more than friends (lovers?), ice skating, falling, idfk, sunghoon being a little forward
author's note >>> LOL hello i apologize for dying. i realize how much i miss this account and ive just been itching to come back so here i am
you knew coming to the ice rink was a mistake to begin with. i mean, come on, your ass was a fucking ice skating virgin: you'd never been before, so why would you even bother starting now?
alas, your best friend had stayed up all night watching yuzuru hanyu videos and all of a sudden, he felt the urge to begin ice skating, compelling you that it's "a calling" and if you guys didn't "drive to partake in the artistic media form that is ice skating" then you'd "lose the individuality that the human spirit guides us with."
...whatever that means.
at least he paid for you! a win's a win sometimes.
"c'mon y/n, you have to get off the railing at some point!" sunoo calls to you, skating in reverse to watch you. the edge had become your safety net, allowing you to actually move somewhat on the ice. sunoo on the other hand had somehow become a pro within the 15 minutes since you guys arrived, being able to skate forwards, backwards, eyes closed, anything possible. he even started gaining an understanding of how to spin, and was attempting to learn how to execute an axel.
you were still just trying to walk normally, not knowing how to know the difference between skating and walking. "sunoo, unfortunately i cannot let go of this fucking railing or i will die."
the boy just laughs at you, eyes rolling back. "you're exaggerating, just let go for one second!" you watch as he leaves you, gliding along the ice as if it was simply made for him.
building up the confidence, you finally stray away from the railing, letting go of your one protection spell from you upright and you on the floor. as you float along the ice, you feel that sense of freedom that sunoo was pestering you about, and you speed up, the skates on your feet becoming an outlet for your vitality.
but unfortunately, you were not yuzuru hanyu, nor were you kim sunoo. you misplace one foot, causing an imbalance in your body. you knew this was it. in front of all of these people, atleast 4 500 for sure, you were going to literally eat shit and die.
as you begin to fall, you brace for impact and close your eyes, but the collapse never happens, and instead, you feel someone's body holding yours, catching the impending descent to the ice.
"you okay?" the guy asks, and only after he said it was when you opened your eyes and looked up at him. though it takes you a moment, a flash of recognition eventually appeared in your brain. park sunghoon. king of the ice, king of the school. the renowned ice prince, the ice skater that competed in the olympics. "oh, y/n. are you okay?"
"y-yeah, sorry," you cover your face with your hands, muttering under your breath, "oh my god i almost died."
apparently it was in fact, not under your breath, because this gets a snicker out of the man, responding to you, "you did not almost die. maybe fall, but death is too much." he grabs you by the arm and skates you both toward the edge again, allowing you to grasp onto your lifeline once more.
"thank you, sunghoon. i'm sorry again for... i don't know. maybe it was a good thing, now you know that i'm shit at ice skating, i don't know how you do this." you observe him with your full attention now, noticing how he's dressed in a basic outfit with a beanie and headphones as if he knew that this would be a simple activity for him. not only this, but he has sunglasses on, presumably to hide his demeanor: he's kind of a celebrity around here.
"it's alright y/n, i told you already. plus, you're not that bad. you're just... learning." he seems like the last part was an afterthought, and you assume that he was going to say something more negative before changing his wording. "are you here alone?"
"nah, i'm here with sunoo. what about you?"
he flashes a quick smile, lifting his sunglasses to make eye contact with you. when he does, you look at his face closely, and realize he really is as cute as people say. you never really cared to notice him, as to you, he was just some guy that happened to have an expertise in ice skating. seeing him up close, you understand why people could develop crushes: his face was perfectly symmetrical with the only thing varied was the mole on his nose, but he has an extremely aesthetic face. his body was also perfect, broad shoulders with a smaller waist.
"just here alone. now i'm with you. so not alone." when he smiles, you could see how cute he really is, his fangs on both sides of his teeth accentuate his cuteness, offering a tinge of fierceness if he was focused. you both stare at each other for seconds too long, neither of you wanting to break the gaze. eventually, he looks away, saying to you, "wanna see something cool?" obviously you nod, and you watch as he skates away, accelerating before jumping right into a double axel, landing gracefully before coming right back to you.
you clap quickly, not wanting to let go of the edge for too long, "wow, impressive! i could do that too probably."
"oh yeah, cause you're like the best skater right? i think i've watched your videos before online." he motions a rectangle in front of him like a screen, "y/n l/n, triple axel, into a hydroblade, ending with two flying spins."
you scoff, flicking your wrist in front of him. "you know it bro, real recognizes real."
"for real." he looks at you with a straight face before bursting into laughter. "you're pretty funny you know, i'm surprised we haven't talked much before."
you scratch your head, "well, it's pretty hard when you're just the coolest, bestest, sexiest, beast of a skater." you joke with him.
"you think that of me?" he asks, one fang turning visible as he smirks.
"i was actually talking about me, thank you very much."
he hits his head in faux stupidity, smile not faltering from his face however. "oh, silly me. i should've known, like you said."
"what did i say?"
"real recognizes real." he removes his gaze from you to check his watch quickly before looking back at you. "you know, it's getting pretty late for a guy like you."
you whip your phone our from your back pocket. "sunghoon, it's literally 5:32 in the p.m. i can literally see the sun still."
he laughs awkwardly, "well, still late for a pretty boy like you."
"p-pretty?" you stare at him, wondering whether or not he meant to tell you that or not. "what are you talking about dude?"
"i said what i said. i meant that it's late, the ring closes at 6 today because of some hockey players wanting to run scrims before their tournament," sunghoon explains, leaning on the railing next to you. "i'm probably gonna leave soon anyway, so maybe you and sunoo can join me in getting dinner? if you want of course, i don't know if you have plans already."
"honestly, me and sunoo are supposed to get dinner with just each other, so maybe-" you begin to tell him, but then you notice sunoo talking to his crush on the other side of the ring, and a second later a text from said boy shows up.
[5:34 PM]
"-you know what? let's get dinner. sunoo is actually busy all of a sudden." you roll your eyes when you make eye contact with sunoo, him giving you two thumbs up and a cheeky smile as his crush types something down on his phone.
"perfect. i wanted it to just be us. maybe i'll kidnap you and put you in my basement." the confusion on your face must've been evident, because he immediately follows up with "i was kidding. let's just get dinner." with that, he leaves you once again, skating around the rink with a few more tricks before coming back to you, signaling for you to follow him.
you do, getting out of the rink walking along the edge before sitting down next to him. you reach over to untie your laces, before sunghoon ushers you back, simultaneously getting on his knees in front of you, holding your right skate in front of him. "what are you doing?"
"untying your skate, why?"
"i can do it myself, you know?" you look straight into his eyes, tilting your head slightly.
"pretty boys shouldn't have to do anything," he suggests before giving you a little wink, causing you to turn away, not able to meet his eyes after his stupid flirtatious comment.
"w-well, what about you then!"
he removes your skate before moving on to the next one. "oh, so you think i'm a pretty boy huh? good to know." he unlaces your other skate before sitting down next to you, untying his own with haste. it clearly comes from experience, because it's no less than 15 seconds before he's up again, grabbing his sneakers, along with your own to your surprise. "here. so you don't have to get up."
"how do you know what my sneakers look like?"
"i saw you come in."
you lightly hit his shoulder. "so you were watching me the whole time?"
"cute boys deserve attention, wouldn't you say so?"
he goes back down to your feet and signals to put on your sneakers again. "i mean yeah but... you? finding me cute? hard to believe i guess."
"can't be that hard," you allow him to finish tying both shoes before helping him off the ground. you didn't even notice but he also had switched shoes with dexterity, leading you to wonder how much experience he has with these kind of things. "i've been watching you for a while honestly." he waves with his hands in front of you. "not like that, but more of like you're kinda like my school crush in a way."
you can't believe your ears. park sunghoon, king of the school, ice fucking prince, had a hallway school crush on you? y/n l/n. you didn't even feel like you stood out that much, just wanted to get your degree and leave. "school crush? there's just no way." you begin to walk away, not being able to face him without embarrassment flushing your face.
however, he clearly had other plans. "y/n." he grabs your arm, forcing you to look up at him. his eyes bore into yours, keeping you in a trance as you look at his face. "you're one of the cutest guys i've ever seen in my entire life. and i've seen a lot of people in my life already. please, just trust me when i say this."
and that was all the validation you needed. "oh. okay sunghoon. i trust you."
"good boy. now let's go get dinner, alright?"
and with that, he led you to his car to drive to dinner.
maybe the ice prince wasn't so cold after all.
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toxycodone · 2 days
GOD modern Laios would make such a good little trophy/house husband 🥺 he LOVES cooking dinner for you when you come home after a long day of being the breadwinner. you get to spoil and dote on him and he gets to spend all day doing nerd shit and taking care of the house (he LOVES cooking you dinner and seeing the look of relief on your face coming home to a clean house & warm meal after a long day)
on your anniversary you come home and he's cooked a fucking 5 star meal- like the kinda shit you only get at some fancy ass overpriced restaurant . After dinner you suprise him with a huge intricate Lego set you know he's been wanting but wouldn't ask for because it's soooo expensive & he nearly cries.
He spends like 2 hours going down on you out of pure joy alone before letting you tie him to the bed and ride him until he DOES cry- whimpering "thank you" and "I love you"'s over and over before you've even let him cum. tears falling down his flushed cheeks and eyes rolling back in his head as he writhes against the restraints, so desperate and grateful for whatever you give him. such a good boy, your perfect little house husband 😌
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okay. Since we got minimum wage retail Laios confirmed by Kui. House husband Laios is so fucking real.
Laios who’s a total part timer since meeting you, he works for pocket change and like. Bare minimum benefits just to keep things comfy for the two of you while he basically puts everything in savings. (Until like one day he just quits tbh when yall are really settled in)
But like in my mind he works under the table at Senshi’s restaurant for cash + to learn about cooking! They go on fishing/hunting/hiking trips together and go to the farmers market to get fresh produce and Senshi teaches Laios everything he knows.
He cleans up your apartment every day. Like, he’s not the best or a maid or anything. He’s just a dude. But he does recognize that he’s immensely privileged and does his best to show you hey. He does care. And he wants you to not have to bust your ass after coming from a full time shift. He does basic things like dishes and stuff and on the weekends you guys maybe spend an hour or two maximum cleaning on the weekends together
LAIOS. PACKS YOUR LUNCH. He love love LOVES doing this and he has little sandwich shapers to make them into little dinosaurs or dolphins or something. And he does bentos with cute little pins and molds and he lovingly spends time on this. I think he genuinely enjoys doing this stuff and testing out new recipes.
And cooking in general!! Like that is how Laios shows he loves you forreal. He genuinely pays attention to your tastes and tries to “gourmet” your favorite foods. (I’ve been rereading the manga and when Marcille’s upset he offers to try his best to make whatever she wants to eat out of monsters and it’s so cute…). Like you want grilled cheese? How about grilled Brie on fresh made bread? Bagels? Oh yeah he tried a new recipe at Senshi’s at 4 am, here’s fresh out of the oven pastries. It’s so cute.
I think. He loves like those random ass kitchen gadgets too. He 100% has an ice cream maker and he makes custom flavors for you.
And he just loves watching you eat. It’s such an expression of love. He works so damn hard to make you smile and make you happy. And his food never sucks because 1. Senshi teaches him everything 2. He ALWAYS tests recipes before going way too hard with them. Like he pays attention to your palette so if he made something gross or something just. Not to your tastes you’d let him know in the trial stage.
And GOD. Laios is just a fucking sex toy I swear. He’s genuinely like. A subby service top. He wants you to absolutely use him however you want but he likes to be the one that’s doing most of the work because he likes to spoil you with his body…(also he cums super easily in my hc so if he tops he’s able to like. Pull out and give you head or switch positions when he’s getting too close)
But when you spoil him and ride him…tell him how handsome he is and how much you love him. yeah he’s crying and whimpering about how much he loves you and how you’re just so fucking perfect. It makes your head spin because Laios genuinely makes you feel like you’re the only person on earth for him.
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danieyells · 20 hours
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@2flowerz also asked for Lyca so
NOW WITH 100% MORE DOGGO LYCA. HE IS DEFINITELY A HUMAN AND NOT A WEREWOLF. He is trying very hard to be a human. I love him very much. . . .
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"...You again. Where're we going today?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, you got letters. Don't you have to read them? Oh, don't you know how?"
he understands if you can't read, man. neither can he.
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You smell sweeter than usual today... Stop. Go away."
after learning that the pc is going to turn into the anomaly that cursed them any sort of 'you smell nicer than normal' feels like such a threat lmao
"You want to touch me? Fine. Ten seconds and that's it."
that is more than enough my good sir
"When I find Neros, I wanna prove I've been getting along with humans. Then he'll definitely let me live with him."
considering he related the term 'neglect play' to what Neros did to him. . .I'm not so sure. . .and if Neros was as old as he sounds like he was, I wonder if he's even still alive. . . .
"Hey! Moth-eaten Casanova! Where'd you go? I'm gonna show you my special move today."
"special move" in Japanese is 「必殺技」 or 'lethal move'/'killer technique', usually unique to a person or fighting style. Not sure if he wants to show Ed how cool he is or try and kill him lmao--
"This phone thingy they gave me keeps making noises and making me jump... Why do I gotta carry it everywhere? It's scary!"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Mnn... Let me sleep... Don't touch me... Zzz..."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Laws, school regulations, anomalous law... Manners, morals, rules... How're you s'posed to remember all that?"
man i wish i could tell you. . .i've mostly got the morals in order, that's basically just 'don't do harm to others' when you get down to it. laws are about 50% 'don't do things that may endanger you or others' and 50% bullshit. the rest you're kinda on your own with.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Urgh... My skin's crawling... Moon must be gettin' round soon..."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"At first I was sad 'cause I got put in a different house to Suba, but all kinds of stuff happens here every day so it was fine."
awww he was sad because he doesn't get to see Subaru as often but he's not bored so it's alright! glad he's comfortable ;u;
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"H-Hey, don't come so close! Somethin' about your scent makes my stomach feel weird!"
WE'RE ONLY ON AFFINITY 5 DUDE YOU CAN'T BE CATCHING FEELINGS THIS EARLY it's probably because he's scared of girls or something lol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I didn't do anything wrong! Those guys were saying mean stuff about me 'cause they thought I couldn't hear. All I did was yell at them."
I hate how they won't even let Lyca defend himself verbally. . . .
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I don't mind classes. The teachers say cool stuff. Once I learn to read the textbooks and the notes and the blackboard it'll be perfect."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"There was this big noise in our practical class and my ears popped out. Everyone ran away screaming. Damn it..."
wow they're cowards if the ears alone scared them. . .how're they supposed to deal with anomalies if that scared them!?
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This? It's a picture book, duh. How come you don't know that when you're a human? I study with it before bed, everyone does it."
I wonder who made him a picture book of all the things he'd be learning as a first year to study with. . . . . .or maybe it's just a generic picture book lol
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"This blanket's not trash, it's just dirty. I can't sleep without it, so hands off."
he really loves that blanket huh. it must be one of the only things he had from his childhood or from being looked after by neros. . . .
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"What's a "so-shul skill"?  That blond gigolo was talking about them. He said I don't have any. Is that a good thing?"
he's got social skills!! Just. . .not very human social skills!!!
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm starving... I wanna eat Sho's food, but I can't order it without Suba... Wait, you can read, right?"
Lyca slowly realizing how many people he knows can actually read and thus can help him with placing orders for delicious foods--
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That moth-eaten Casanova's in his room all day so I tried to take him for a walk, but he locked his door and ignored me. The hell?!"
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"That stupid blond gigolo ran off with my blanket. I'm not done sleeping yet..."
tbf your blanket is filthy. . .and I get it, it's what you've got and it smells familiar but. . . .
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"I can't get back to sleep... I'm gonna wake up that moth-eaten Casanova for a walk."
lyca is a dog scratching at your bedroom door with his leash in his mouth like 'yes it is time for walkies now rise human'
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"The teacher asked us to name an anomalous plant you can eat but when I did he said humans can't eat it. So what? I can, so I'm not wrong."
I AGREE WITH HIM HE SHOULD NOT GET THAT MARKED WRONG. if you only want a human applicable question say 'humans' not 'you.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"In the last place I never knew what time it was and I pretty much just slept all day. Now I gotta get used to having a "roo-teen.""
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm drawing. If I draw all the good stuff and bad stuff that happened every day I won't forget about it."
if he could write he'd keep a diary but since he can't write he's keeping a picture diary. . .and he's a really good artist according to his character story, so it's probably a pretty faithful recreation of whatever happened that day. i'd love to see his picture diary. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Huh? The blood on my bed? ...It's nothing. Don't touch my stuff, you're gonna get your smell all over it!"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"...Did you cry? Your scent is all squeezy. How come?"
smelling you sad makes him sad too so tell him why you're feeling sad and he can make the sad go away?
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I wanna go to the cafeteria, but the teachers won't give me my pocket money. They said I'll get "spoiled." The hell does that mean?!"
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That moth-eaten Casanova told me humans like it if you ignore them sometimes. Something about playing hard to get? I'm gonna try it tomorrow."
I wonder if that has anything to do with Subaru's home screen chat where he wonders why Lyca hasn't messaged him back. . .he's trying to play hard to get because he thinks it'll make Subaru like him more. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'll stay here and be quiet at night, even when the moon's not round. 'Cause you're tired, aren't you? Go sleep."
even if he doesn't have to stay or even if he wants to make lots of noise, he'll stay and be quiet so it's easier for you to fall asleep. He won't be loud and you don't have to worry about him! so sleep tight!
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sleep here. Huh? Is there a law that says we can't sleep together? There's not, is there? Hurry up and lie down."
it's pretty much innocent. . .he just wants you close by. . .being able to smell you while he sleeps would probably make it easier to fall asleep. . .feel safe and familiar and everything. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I'm gonna work hard... I'll gonna work so hard, they're gonna say I can live with humans forever..."
Lyca, despite being a werewolf, is a lot like Kaito in that he just wants to be a normal human. Except he never started as a normal human, so he has a bit further of a distance to go to become one. . .he's not a dog, he doesn't wanna be a pet or an animal or anything like that. He wants to be a person like everyone else. But it's hard when others reject him, and when everyone says they think he's too dangerous even when he hasn't done anything wrong. Other ghouls--other humans--do way worse stuff than he does, and yet he's still held to a higher standard. It's not fair. But he's working as hard as he can to catch up. . . .
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"That blond gigolo tried to wash my blanket! He's never coming in my room again!"
he does not like spring cleaning--
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Lately there's flower smells everywhere, but sometimes there's one that kinda smells like you."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Harurin kept nagging, so I went to the safari park. Not gonna lie...it was super fun."
I love that Lyca uses the nicknames Rui uses for some people lol and I bet he loved running around Jabberwock!!! All that fresh open air and the wildlife. . .he's a wolf at heart really and truly.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Cherry blossom petals are super fun. They're like, whoosh, then they fall everywhere. I wish our house had some."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Urgh... My head...it hurts... This? It's shaved ice. The blond gigolo told me to eat it so I don't get "heat eggs-aw-schun.""
oh buddy you're eating it too fast. . . . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I was just in that moth-eaten Casanova's room and it was so cold I thought it was gonna snow! Is he secretly a yeti?"
okay it was only 63 degrees in there it wasn't THAT cold Lyca.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm gonna go practice swimming at Harurin's place. Can you do other stuff besides doggy paddle?"
I can't swim at all so. you are miles ahead of me my friend.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I know I said I always wanted to do sparklers, but... you sure this's okay? I thought we're not s'posed to play with fire!"
canid instincts are kicking in--fire BAD and SCARY and DANGEROUS. ABORT MISSION.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I just tried to join in with some guys playing with a ball, but they said I don't know the rules and told me to go away."
THEN TEACH HIM THE RULES god they're such jerks around here.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Blond Gigolo was makin' this massive fire near the garden just now. It smelled all burnt and sweet... Is that some kinda ritual?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Finished my picture. That Romi guy who comes to the bar all the time said he wanted one, so it's for him."
Romeo does like fine things. This just goes to show how good of an artist Lyca is! I bet Romeo's gonna frame it and put it somewhere people can see lol or maybe just keep it in his room. . .that or he wants to see if he can get him to make a forgery and profit off poor Lyca--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Moth-eaten Casanova said humans like looking at the moon... D'you get sad if you can't see it?"
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm gonna go play at that big ice castle after class! Huh? 'Cause playing in the snow's fun."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Mm, I don't really feel the cold. Humans get warm when they run around too, don't they? Race you over there! "
he is having so much fun in the winter ;;;;; just running around and playing. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"My fingers have been gettin' all tingly and stiff and my hair's all crunchy! What's up with that? "
maybe playing in the snow a little too much lol--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"How d'you drink hot drinks so quick? They always burn my tongue... Huh? Dogs have sensitive tongues? I'm a wolf, not a dog..."
His birthday: (April 19th)
"Oh right, it's my birthday. Neros told me my mom wrote down the date."
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday, right? No, I only know 'cause that blond gigolo was yelling about it. ...Here's your present."
I bet he drew something really nice or found you something really cool ;3;
New Years: (January 1st)
"Hope you have a happy and prop...props... prosp...prospinous? new year... Damn it, I practiced that for ages..."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Oh, thanks. Professor Nicolas said I can't eat chocolate, so I'll give it to Casanova and Gigolo!"
why would you even risk giving him chocolate in the first place lmao. . .also in Japanese he says "I'll share with those two idiots" instead of "casanova and gigolo" lmao
White Day: (March 13th)
"This is for you. I dunno what kinda stuff human girls like, but Suba helped me pick it, so it's prob'ly fine."
Subaru knows girls' tastes is Lyca's logic I guess lmao Subaru is a lil on the femme side comparatively--
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Why's everyone being so mean today?! Telling lies and laughing at me... They're all jerks...!"
please explain the day to him. . .people are mean enough to him as it is. . . .
Halloween: (October 31st)
"My ears and tail are out? I know, I'm doing it on purpose. The moth-eaten Casanova said it's okay today."
THE ONE DAY HE CAN BE HIMSELF IS HALLOWEEN BECAUSE NO ONE WILL THINK ANYTHING OF IT. . .they'll just think it's a cool costume or maybe a fox robe! And he'll get candy for it!!!
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Hey, look! When I got up this present was next to my pillow! Santa really came..."
WHO TAUGHT HIM ABOUT SANTA. . .AND WHY. . .then again Romeo said Santa's reindeer is real so. . .it probably isn't actually harmful to teach him about Santa since Santa's probably somewhat real here. . . .
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...I'm going for a walk."
(13 affinity and above)
"Hey, you alive? Huh, you're breathing so I guess so."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"How come you stopped coming? Do you hate me? It made my heart all squeezy, so don't do it again."
oh no sweetie. . .sometimes we just have to take care of things and disappear without wanting to. . .sometimes life gets in the way instead of finding away. . . . . . . .
JUST. . .SWEETEST OF SWEETHEARTS. HE'S SO CHILDISH AND ADORABLE AND SWEET AND GOOD. . .I WILL USE MY TEN SECONDS OF PETTING TIME WISELY. He really does try harder than anyone, he's so determined and I believe in him so much. I want my boy to be happy.
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whitefeathers · 2 days
Anon because I’m shy as hell lol but big fan of how you write daddy!butcher because YOU KNOW he gets off on the idea of being like a protector/knight in shining armor. Like he’s gonna be damn sure that you’re safe, even if he gets a wee bit banged up.
dont be shy sweetheart i will NEVER judge u !
also THANK YOU you get it … daddy!butcher is a very very specific guy and honestly? I think he’s pretty much canon, we know he’s got major daddy issues and we know he’s a protector (in his own fucked up way)… it just makes SENSE for him to be a daddy dom !!
more thoughts below the cut - tw for pseudocest/ddlg , daddy!butcher, and daddy issues
he wants so desperately to protect. that’s all he’s ever wanted deep down, even if he thinks he wants revenge or violence or whatever. He’s a rough bastard so all that soppy shite comes out as aggression, but deep deep down he is a protector at his core, and needs to be someone’s knight in shining armor.
When you walk into his life you’re so pure, untainted by the violence and aggression he’s so used to. There’s no greater agenda, no malice to you - you’re just a normal girl, a good girl. That’s not to say you have no personality to you - Billy loves how cheeky you can get, and how sassy you are - but you’re just a good little sweetheart at your core, wanting to be happy and make others happy. That’s part of why Billy’s obsessed with you. You’re just so sweet.
He naturally takes on a parental role in your life, being many years your senior and the leader of his group. Don’t stare at ya phone so much, gonna give yaself a headache. Don’t stay up too late, need a good night’s kip or you’ll be a grumpy cunt tomorrow.
Little things, inconsequential things, that show he cares enough about you to order you around.
He’s sweeter on you than anyone else in his life, letting you hog the hot water in the shower every morning and pretending to be full so you can finish his dessert. He always covers up his kindness with some sort of quip - “ya need the hot water, you smell diabolical,” - but you know it’s because he likes you. The thought alone makes you blush.
He finds out about all the terrible shit your father put you through one night when you’re sharing a bottle of cheap vodka together, just the two of you.
He tells you about his own sperm donor, and laments about how he’s always wanted to be someone’s father figure, their knight in shining armor. He doesn’t mention how it gets him off to have that much control, but not in a clinical way like being a master or a sir. Being a daddy is different. It’s warm, caring, corrupted. It’s a complete control and a complete care that would prove Butcher as the capable, fucked up hero he’s always been.
“That generational trauma bollocks, innit? Want to right the wrongs of me old man. Somethin’ so nice about bein’ a daddy. I’d be fucked though,” he takes a swig from the bottle straight, only wincing slightly before putting it back down on the table and letting his eyes flicker to you. He speaks with drunken candour.
“Always wanted a little girl to take care of, little girlfriend to be mine. Same soft tone of voice when she begs for more cock as when she begs for more sappy fuckin’ cuddles.”
Your heart thuds in your chest. This is all you have ever wanted, all you have ever needed. And Butcher, the hottest older man you’ve ever met, his beard greying and his eyes stern, is basically offering it to you if you’re brave enough to read into the subtext of his words.
“I’ve always wanted to be that,” you whisper. There’s words unspoken in your sentence - always wanted to be that, for you, with you - but the subconscious way you lean closer to Butcher tells him the words you aren’t brave enough to speak.
“That so?” He hums, opening his thick arms for you. An opening, an opportunity for you to take, to cuddle into his chest and let him take control. You look up at him, scared as a deer in headlights but as excited as a puppy in heat, needing the extra guidance, the approval.
“Don’t be shy. Come to daddy.”
When your head meets his chest and your ass meets his lap, all the constant noise in your head dulls into a peaceful silence. His arms wrap around you and he pets your hair, shushing you gently, promising he’s going to keep you out of danger no matter how bloody his knuckles have to get in the process.
This is how it’s always meant to be between the pair of you.
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rebelliousmuse · 19 hours
Is it true? - M.S.
Warning: oral (male receiving).
Papers with crossed-out video ideas littered the table. You leaned back on the couch. "Guys, it's Sunday. Relax, you have all week to brainstorm."
Nick ran a hand through his already ruffled hair. "But tomorrow's Monday! We need a banger for Friday." Matt sprawled on the floor; phone glued to his face.
Chris burst out dramatically, "She's right! We can think tomorrow! It's already too late and I'm STARVING!" He threw open the fridge with a groan, only to be met with several cans of soda.
"How can it be empty?" Nick shrieked, peering into the fridge with disbelief. "I don't know, but I'm not going out this late," Matt mumbled, already anticipating Chris's next move.
"Fine, then we'll Uber!" Chris declared, already pulling out his phone. His stomach rumbled ominously.
"I'll come with you," Nick whipped his head towards you, "Are you coming?".
"Actually, I think I'll stay. What if we do a poll on your Instagram?" You looked at Matt, seeing him give a small nod.
"The fans could decide what you guys do next! Matt and I could pick out a few funny or interesting ideas." You explained your plan.
Chris yanked on a hoodie, shoving his phone into his pocket. Leaning over Nick's shoulder, he announced, "Uber's a few blocks away, dude.”
Meanwhile, Matt had his brow furrowed as he typed out the poll story. A low murmur escaped his lips every now and then, presumably internal commentary.
Nick, however, remained glued to the brainstorming session. "Giant Jenga in the park? We’ve done that on tour. Ghost pepper challenge? Nah, too basic… Mystery food taste test?" He trailed off.
Just then, Chris poked his head back in. "Car's here, let's go!" he crowed, before disappearing down the stairs.
A comfortable silence settled in the room once they were gone. You glanced at Matt, still engrossed in his phone. A slow smile spread across your face as you remembered his peculiar fondness for pineapple. There was a mischievous glint in your eye as your mind went to something it shouldn’t.
Matt finally tore his gaze away from his phone, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. He glanced at you, then stopped short. Your face was practically glowing, a spark in your eyes. A silent giggle escaped your lips, and you quickly clamped a hand over your mouth, only making your smile stretch wider.
"What are you smiling about?" he asked, his own smile faltering slightly in confusion.
You peeked out from behind your hand. "Nothing just remembered something," you mumbled, trying (and failing) to appear innocent.
"Would it be a good video idea?" The question sent a fresh wave of giggles cascading through you. You buried your face in your hands, your shoulders shaking with laughter.
Matt's smile vanished completely, replaced by a furrowed brow. He leaned closer, "Well?" he asked, completely lost.
After a while trying to regain your composure, you finally managed to look up, a single, choked chuckle escaping your lips. Matt just rolled his eyes.
"Fine, don't tell me,” He muttered, about to turn back to his phone.
But you couldn't resist. Leaning forward, you lowered your voice to a dramatic whisper. "Is it true?"
"What?" he asked.
You leaned in even closer, eyes twinkling. "You know… the thing with the pineapple and…" you trailed off, waiting for the light bulb to flicker on in his head.
Matt's brow furrowed even deeper. "What about the pineapple?" he repeated, completely at a loss. "The fact that I like it?"
"No, silly!" you exclaimed, barely containing another giggle. "You know what… about the thing it does…" You trailed off again, hoping he'd catch on.
He repeated, "What about the pineapple?" this time with a hint of exasperation in his voice.
Your cheeks flushed a light pink as you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. "You know…" you mumbled. A playful smile tugged at the corners of your lips, but you quickly looked down at your lap, overwhelmed by a sudden shyness.
Matt groaned dramatically, throwing his hands up in the air. "Oh my god, Y/N, just say it!" he exclaimed with exasperation. "You're killing me with this suspense!"
Taking a deep breath, you leaned in. "Is it true that pineapple makes it…sweeter?" you finally blurted out.
Matt stared at you for a moment, his brow furrowed in confusion. Then, slowly, a blush mirrored yours creeping up his neck. His eyes widened in realization, and a gasp escaped his lips. Oh. That's what you were talking about.
A wide grin split his face, revealing a dazzling display of white teeth. He leaned back, letting out a hearty laugh. "I don't know, Y/N," he said, staring at you.
Matt's eyes locked with yours for a beat longer than necessary. A playful glint danced in their depths, and a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Was he… teasing you? The heat rose in your cheeks, and you quickly looked away.
He cleared his throat, breaking the unexpected tension. "Why are you asking?" he continued with amusement.
"Well, it's just…" you stammered, cheeks burning even hotter. "I've seen some things online, you know, about pineapples and… well, let's just say I was curious."
Matt nodded slowly, his gaze still lingering on you for a moment too long. Finally, he seemed to tear himself away, but just as he started to look away, you blurted out, "Alright, alright, show me the poll options for your Friday video" You forced a laugh.
He chuckled and started walking over to you, phone in hand. "Here you go, curious one," he said, a playful smile on his face as he sat next to you on the couch.
You scrolled through the answers given by their fans, but your mind kept wandering back to your question.
Your thumb hovered over the screen, scrolling. You stole a glance at Matt, finding him already gazing at you. His eyes crinkled at the corners, a playful smile tugging at his lips. A blush crept up your neck, a shy smile mirroring his before you quickly looked away. But the question burned on your tongue, and you couldn't resist another peek.
"Can I find out?" you whispered.
Matt's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Find out?" he repeated, his voice was low.
You nodded shyly, biting your lower lip as your doe eyes flickered back to his. A blush stained his cheeks, mirroring the heat rising in your own. Taking a slow, deliberate breath, you began to turn towards him.
Matt instinctively leaned back, resting his back on the couch. His legs fell slightly apart as you reached out, hands brushing against his thighs. You knelt between his legs, your heart hammering in your chest.
"Is this okay?" you asked softly, your voice barely a whisper. You couldn't miss the way his breathing hitched, how his eyes darkened with desire, and a faint blush painted his cheeks, as his gaze devoured yours.
His nod was a curt movement, his eyes never leaving yours. Your fingers trembled slightly as you reached for his belt buckle, the cool metal sending a jolt through your hand. Taking a shaky breath, you unfastened the leather, the click echoing in the sudden silence of the room.
You tackled his denim jeans next. As you peeled the fabric down his legs, you noticed a subtle shift in his posture. He hitched his hips upwards ever so slightly, making it easier for you to take his pants off. The denim landed on the floor, revealing a bulge that strained against the thin fabric of his boxer.
The sight stole your breath away. Heat flooded your cheeks. Tentatively, you reached out, fingertips brushing the soft cotton. Matt inhaled sharply. With a growing sense of urgency, you decided to see it all.
Slowly, you peeled down the last remaining barrier. The sight that greeted you was both breathtaking and intimidating. Your mouth instinctively watered in anticipation. Licking your lips unconsciously, you prepared to finally explore with your mouth, seeking the answer to the question that had consumed your thoughts.
His gaze locked with yours, his tongue nervously darting across his bottom lip, as you spitted into the palm of your right hand. A slow smile played on your lips. Deliberately, you mirrored his action, wetting your own lips. Matt's breath hitched, his pupils dilating as you drew your hand up, finally meeting his gaze again with a provocative glint.
As your hand glided across his skin, a low moan escaped his lips, his body tensing slightly with anticipation. You massaged his cock up and down repetitively, his response was immediate – a sharp intake of breath, his eyes fluttering closed momentarily. The pace quickened, fuelled by his growing moans and the deepening furrow of his brow.
"Need that pretty mouth on my dick," he rasped, his voice thick with desire. A smirk tugged at your lips. You leaned closer, the heat of his body practically radiating against your skin. Following his plea, you trailed a wet line down his length with your tongue, finally swirling around his tip, sending a tremor through his body as you put his whole dick into your mouth, beginning to pump your head up and down.
His right hand reached out, his fingers weaving into your hair, in a desperate tangle. As your head bobbed up and down, the loose strands brushed against your flushed cheeks, his moans grew ragged, each one punctuated by a sharp intake of breath. “Fuck… good girl, yeah… just like that” His head laid back, eyes squeezed shut, the strain evident in the clenched jaw. "So close, baby," he rasped. "Cum for me, Matt." The urgency in your voice seemed to spur him on. And so, after a few more movements from your mouth, you felt his sweet cum releasing into your mouth. You licked his dick, cleaning him up.
You bit down on your lower lip, the question finally answered. A burst of juicy sweetness flooded your mouth, the tang of fresh pineapple lingering long after you swallowed. A genuine smile spread across your face, your eyes sparkling with amusement. "Next time you get more pineapple," you teased, your voice in a low purr, "let me know. You taste absolutely delicious." He threw his head back with a groan, eyes fluttering closed as if struck. A low moan escaped his lips when you lowered your head, the warmth of his skin welcoming your mouth once again. Your touch sent shivers down his spine, his legs trembling with pleasure as you continue to suck his dick, making him cum for a few more times until you heard a noise at the front door downstairs.
You licked your lips one last time, savouring the lingering taste of Matt. He was a mess, hair plastered to his forehead, eyes glazed with a satisfied exhaustion. A tired smile tugged at the corners of his lips as you playfully passed him his boxers. The soft cotton felt cool in your hands as you helped him dress, his muscles relaxing with each article of clothing. The sound of his ragged breaths filled the air, punctuated by the jingle of the belt buckle as it slipped through your fingers. "You look incredibly handsome right now," you murmured, leaning in to brush a kiss against his cheek. A blush crept up his neck as a tired smile appeared on his lips.
Just then, downstairs the door creaked open, and Nick and Chris burst in, carrying a large bag. When they reached upstairs, Matt was sitting on the couch again, and you smiled at them.
"Hey, we brought some tacos!" Nick announced in a singsong voice, his smile faltering slightly when he saw Matt's flushed face and dazed expression. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned.
Matt cleared his throat, his voice raspy. "Yeah, I'm just really tired."
"Okay, have some tacos and then go to sleep, bro," Chris said, clapping Matt on the shoulder.
As the bag crinkled open, releasing the enticing aroma of spicy ground beef and seasoned vegetables, you brought some sodas for the four of you. You settled in around the table with Matt, stealing smiles and glances at each other filled with a shared sense of intimacy. Across the table, the boys were engrossed in their phones, scrolling through the endless suggestions flooding their Instagram story.
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thewertsearch · 21 hours
Ask Comp 01/07
Anonymous asked:i think youre the first liveblogger ive seen to actually remember that orphaner dualscar was eridan’s flarping name?
Mindfang clearly describes the Serkets, so I wonder if Dualscar says anything about the Amporas?
Eridan's greatest enemy does have a duality theme, after all - and he was certainly scarred when the guy stole his crush >:)
@captorations asked:i have terrible news regarding homestuck and the good place: https://x.com/nbcthegoodplace/status/1039908767763259392?lang=en not to mention that. well. the two share more than you've encountered yet. it's very likely not a coincidence. have fun! oh and. re: my ongoing campaign of pointing out the homestuck ancestry of tlt characters. please compare aradia's "i am very much alive and i intend to stay that way" with dulcinea's "i'm not in the river and i won't ever be again"
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...oh my god.
On reflection, this makes a lot of sense. Homestuck's fandom is pretty large, and some of its members were bound to be involved in the production of mainstream media. Still, it's wild to see a Homestuck reference - or, technically, a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff reference - on the official Twitter for a show this big.
And Aradia does have a lot in common with Dulcinea, doesn't she? For one thing, they didn't really start influencing the plot until after they died.
Anonymous asked: Not really important anymore, but looking at what Gamzee has in his Strife Deck, it doesn’t look like he has any ranged options: he’s got the bowling pins, what appear to be a discarded sickle and lance from Karkat and Tavros respectively, what I’m PRETTY SURE is a whip of some sort, and the Zillyhoo hammer. The closest to a ranged weapon in that stack is the whip, or maybe the pins if he’s willing to throw them, but neither seem like they’d work very well against Vriska. Barring some secret power or other plot twist, I think Gamzee would genuinely be the underdog in that matchup. (Which feels weird, because Gamzee’s been mutating into a slasher villain while Vriska’s still very much an antihero protagonist. Usually the power balance is the other way around with those archetypes!)
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On the face of it, Gamzee didn't seem to have great odds in that fight - but it's hard to know for sure with this pesky Bard. His Strife Deck contains plenty of cards we haven't seen, and whatever he did to the Black King is still shrouded in mystery. Everything's just so uncertain with him.
@mimescantscream asked: I've really been holding back all this time, but now that we've met the Grand-highblood, it really is extra painful to see a Gamzee who was once incredibly loving of his friends (despite their constant ridicule) end up falling down the path that fate seems to have pre-ordained for him. Was he truly always meant to repeat echoes of the past? Could things ever have gone differently for him?
Yeah, I've been having similar thoughts. His PoV seemed completely sincere, so I don't think his original personality was a fabrication, or anything. I think there is a part of Gamzee that cares about his friends - and maybe even he wants it back.
@jade-harley-real asked: […] I want a rant on the bad doctor from you pls pls pls
Scratch is straight up the scariest character in Homestuck.
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What's he up to now? Hard to say since we're not telling him what to do. Guardians can never be told what to do.
The aura of menace he's cultivated is incredible, especially considering he barely even moves. He's playing the entire cast like a fiddle, armed with nothing but a typewriter and his own supercharged brain - and there's no doubt in my mind that his confidence isn't a mask. He knows he's going to win in the end.
English is coming. He's basically already here.
@elkian asked: I'll probably never be a Vriska FAN, but I gotta admit, she really never had a chance, what with the only adults in her life being: a trollvorous spider 1 missed meal away from eating her, Marquise "I do what I want" Mindfang, and Doc Scratch. Some role models! @manorinthewoods asked: So, now that Mindfang has been revealed, here's a question for you: how much of Vriska's Vriskyness is because she's Vriska, how much is because of Mindfang, how much is because of her lusus, and how much is because of Alternia in general? ~LOSS (20/6/24)
This is why I don't think she'd be like this on Earth. At this point, it's obvious that none of her Incidents were the result of her personality as it naturally arose.
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I mean, look how anti-Aradiacide she was! They weren't even really friends!
Anonymous asked: ‘AA: there are all sorts of friends to meet AA: ones you already know and ones you dont’ I mean…couldn’t she just be referring to various doomed selves? I don’t see why the dream bubbles would just be confined to the alpha timeline seeing as the furthest ring is weird in terms of time and space
I was assuming that only Alpha Timeline deaths would be preserved by the Bubbles, but you're right - I'm not sure that was a reasonable assumption.
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The Horrorterrors seem to eschew the concept of the Alpha Timeline. and, they've coordinated with both Doomed and Alpha versions of Rose and Dave. Plus, yeah, there is no time in the Ring, so timelines are probably meaningless there. Why would it only interface with the Alpha?
If the Bubbles do preserve doomed souls, then we might also run into the John who died to Typheus, and the Jade he couldn't save. That's a pair of ghosts I'd be very interested to meet.
Anonymous asked: If every Aradia comes back from every doomed timeline, the number would double each time, so you could get over a thousand of her with only ten doomed timelines.
Fair point- although, if an already doomed Aradia went back in time again, she'd be double doomed. Is that even possible? Would she die twice as quickly?
@mhafanlol2000 asked: Your issues with quirks and speech-to-text are pretty simple to explain. If a troll were to speak into a non-modified speech-to-text program, it would output text with their quirk. Because they, quite literally, speak in their quirk. Terezi probably isnt actually saying “YOU H4V3 LOST TH3 G4M3”, each number at a time, but the vibes are definitely there. I don’t know, this is hard to describe if you don’t inherently get it.
I think, jokes aside, it is indeed about the vibes.
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In the troll intro pages, you get told a little about how each troll talks, and I think that's how we're supposed to translate their quirks to an audible medium.
Anonymous asked: i think ppl in the fandom have over time kinda built up a like, generally separate understanding of quadrants from how theyre described in the "official" explanation. which is like, not representative of how these terms are used in homestuck, but probably more useful for describing Good relationships that Do Not Suck. like basically making moirails equivalent to being queer platonic partners, making blackrom more about having a healthy fun rivalry, that kinda stuff.
It's funny, actually - I don't think I've encountered a single asker who accepts the quadrants as they're originally described.
The main issue is that, with the possible exception of matespritship, we haven't seen a single troll relationship with reflects the infodump's explanation of the quadrants. I think Hussie might just have jumped the gun a little when dropping it.
Anonymous asked: Shoutout to Karkat poking his friends in the background! Terezi (crying over Dave) and now Soloux (talking to Terezi). Karkat isn’t sure what the right response is but wants to be included! Reminds me of actual cats, just putting a paw on you for no discernible reason. @manorinthewoods asked: I'd like to note that Karkat poking Terezi's tears is the same sprite (and same 'poooke'!) as Karkat poking Sollux's burnt-out eyesockets. ~LOSS (12/6/24)
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My man just likes poking.
@alicesoinions asked: not much to say just wanted to say I really enjoy your liveblog!!
Glad you're enjoying!
I've actually got a few new followers recently. Maybe I'm showing up in people's recommendations?
@heliotropopause asked: Dream bubbles are pretty neat, eh? Neat enough to inspire half of HtN, I'd bet.
Oh my god, you're right. It's literally a River Bubble. They're both located in afterlives, for crying out loud!
Anonymous asked: Wanted to thank your liveblog for reminding me of a lot that I had flat out missed in canon, due to not putting it together or just reading too quickly. Most recently and notably on my mind right now, is that Feferi is the one who set up the dreambubbles!!! I had always thought that they were just a part of the world that readers didn’t know about yet, like how we weren’t yet introduced to Alternia and it’s moons until act 5. This went right over my head and it has me absolutely REELING (fishing pun included just for fef!!)
Feferi truly is the MVP.
I wonder what happened to dead Players before the Bubbles?
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They're certainly not the only type of afterlife in the multiverse. Alternia has at least two types of undead, which implies that the Players are very, very lucky to have retained their personhood postmortem. Imagine this was what Feferi looked like in Jade's dream.
Anonymous asked: Knowing sollux, he probably already had coded his tech to recognize if his speech ever changed, and gave himself a different typing quirk for it, long ago. Not because he knew or thought it would happen, but because he thought it would be a fun coding project ((I know nothing about coding))
And yet, you somehow know exactly how we think.
Anonymous asked: Something I hadn’t really thought about, until I started reading this liveblog, is how much VRISKA ((autocorrect decided to caps that and I’m leaving it in lol)) was manipul8ted into a lot of her violence. Scratch pushed her towards vengeance against Aradia, and she didn’t want to go through with it. Did VRISKA ever tell anyone how much of her live she spent resisting these forces, or even really acknowledge it? She didn’t hide Spidermom, and arguably her need to kill other trolls was to prevent herself from being killed. BUT on the other hand, VRISKA voice would make it sound like a compliment “I almost didn’t kill you why don’t you appreciate me!!!!!!!!”
The thing is, VRISKA probably felt a lot of social pressure not to tell people she was coerced into her crimes. That would reveal that she was reluctant to kill, which is the opposite of what the Empire wants.
@manorinthewoods asked: You could have written a great Homestuck if you'd been Hussie. I think your style, if translated from reacting-to-comic to making-comic, would work great with what Homestuck is, and could have made a better product. I think you'd make a cerebral Homestuck, which would have been cool to read, except I would have botched reading it like I botched reading Homestuck in our Alpha Timeline. ~LOSS (11/6/24)
Thank you! I've tried to write before, actually, but whenever I reread my stories, they come off as esoteric, stilted and a little hard to follow. It's not an insurmountable problem, of course, and I really need to take a writing workshop at some point.
I'd love to make a webcomic, too, but my art also leaves a lot to be desired. I can adapt sprites just fine, but original drawings are hard, guys. Did anyone else know about this?
Anonymous asked: i counted just now, and only like 24 out of all 54 paradox space comics have zero spoilers. some of them are certainly more substantial than others (e.g. i counted ones that include jade’s consorts that you havent seen yet as spoilers) but a lot of them have Very Big Spoilers
It would have been awfully messy. I'm probably just going to read it once I've reached the Gigapause of 2013, and no longer need to worry about spoilers.
@bladekindeyewear asked: “Nepeta wasn't trying to pacify Equius, nor did she seem to be fulfilling any rigidly defined 'role' in his life. They just came off as very good friends, and their relationship was much better for it.” Well, maybe we ought to look at it through the lens of real relationships between friends? Once a healthy dynamic and boundaries are established, perhaps Moirails stabilize as long as they’re together.
That's a good way to interpret moirallegence - although, it does raise an issue with the quadrant that I'll be discussing on its own post, once I've finished the comp. There's no point in prehashing what I'm about to say, so I'll see you there!
Anonymous asked: karkats message didn't go through because of trollians narrative awareness feature, where it'll display something different in service of one of the several "all"-seeing entities, of which the reader is one <3 watsonian and doylist explanations are kissing with tongue
Since the fourth wall is an actual, physical piece of technology in this world, this isn't even that far-fetched!
@sashonya asked: So, as the session's timers continues to count down, what do you think will happen after The Scratch?
Beyond 'the session ends', it's difficult to say for sure. I think the two most likely possibilities are that the kids start exploring other sessions, or travel to a location completely outside the current scope of the comic. I am, of course, hoping for both.
@ericvilas asked: "I still believe that out of all the trolls, Karkat’s traits were featured the most prominently in humanity" yeah, I guess even humans aren't free from the effects of carcinization
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senseofnewness · 3 days
nsfw alphabet for patrick is all i need rn 🧌
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The first thing Patrick asks you after sex is whether you came. He's the type who prides himself on always bringing his partner to climax, so if you hadn't, he'd probably dive right back in without hesitation. But if you had, he'd cling to you as if you were the most precious thing in the world, his body enveloping yours, almost crushing you with his need to be close. Kissing would be inevitable.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Patrick Zweig is undoubtedly an ass guy. He enjoys boobs, they're fun (especially when they’re full and he can jerk off with them), but it's asses that truly captivate him. He loves grabbing yours, massaging it, nuzzling against it, even biting it. There's also a part of him that's deeply turned on by thighs, the jigglier, the better.
When it comes to his own physique, Patrick is quite pleased with his figure, especially his defined abs. The fact that he maintains them with minimal core training fills him with a particular sense of pride.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
There is nothing Patrick Zweig enjoys more than covering you with his cum. Whether you're on the pill or have an IUD, he relishes pulling out and spilling himself over your chest, stomach, or ass. For him, it's almost a game, a contest to see if he can come even more than the last time. It's not uncommon for you to find traces of his cum on random items of clothing when you do laundry. He’s unapologetically nasty like that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He adores the moments when you switch things up and make him submit to you completely. There's a thrill in seeing how far you can push him, turning him into a moaning mess under your dominance. He loves your strap and you enjoy making him beg for it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Patrick is an experienced lover, having had several girlfriends and countless one-night stands. His reputation as a player precedes him. Though he knows his way around the bedroom, his true expertise lies in his attentiveness. He is the kind of lover who always asks what feels good, eager to ensure his partner's pleasure.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
That man is a doggy fanatic. There is nothing to add. Sure, he enjoys kissing you and watching your expressions, but watching your pussy take his cock so eagerly? That absolutely drives him wild. Plus, he loves the sight of your asshole clenching when he hits the right spot. Well, when he's not in it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Patrick adopts a serious attitude when he's in the mood, viewing sex as a matter to be treated seriously. Yet, occasionally, his playful nature emerges, leading to moments where he says something silly, causing both of you to erupt into laughter. Then ensues a playful battle of who can say the most outrageous thing while still doing it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Patrick's unkempt hair is a turn-on for you, so he maintains minimal grooming. He mentioned trimming his pubic hair for hygiene, but the real reason is to be able to see the connection between your bodies more clearly when he’s inside you. He understands your fondness for nuzzling into his armpits, so he deliberately lets the hair grow there solely for your pleasure.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you're dating him, he's likely to express his intense feelings with declarations of love and neediness, often in dramatic terms. He begins with tender kisses and gentle touches. But after a while he transforms into a passionate and demanding lover, his language turning crude and his caresses urgent. With a one night stand, he would probably be needy and desperate. While he might see sex as a casual act with others, with you, it becomes the ultimate expression of love and commitment. It only counts when it’s with you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It’s never a surprise when you find Patrick with his hands down his pants. It’s almost a soothing action for him. He can't resist pleasuring himself whenever the opportunity arises, whether you're beside him or not. If he feels the urge, he'll satisfy himself without a second thought. But he also enjoys when you join him in his little sessions, touching yourself while he watches and does the same.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Patrick indulges in numerous kinks, but if he had to pinpoint a few favorites, dominating you would be at the top. He adores choking and spanking you while pounding vigorously into the mattress. Restraining and punishing you also brings him satisfaction, especially when you call him ‘sir’ or ‘daddy’ in the heat of the moment. Yet, he’s also very turned on by the thought of you challenging him and refusing yourself to him. He would never do anything without your consent, so he enjoys having to work for it and make you beg for it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Patrick has a penchant for bending you over wherever it's convenient. You guys do it in the shower, in the car, over the kitchen counter, on the couch, or even against a wall. Any place will do, though he has a particular fondness for semi-public spots where the thrill of possibly getting caught intensifies the experience. When you do it on a bed, he playfully refers to it as 'doing it like mommy and daddy.'
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Engaging in arguments with him is a turn-on. You can't have a typical couple spat without him grabbing your hand and guiding it to his hard cock. He finds you irresistibly attractive when you're flushed with anger and raising your voice. A slap from you and he's practically jizzing his pants right there.
You also have a little trick up your sleeve when you want him to fuck you passionately. Just feign boredom or let out a yawn, and he's gone. He’s keeping you up all night while calling you all sorts of names.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
In his world, there's little he'd turn down (except the obvious hard-nos), though I reckon anything involving scat would be a hard pass. He might revel in some dirty play with piss under the shower when it’s all fun and ok but shit? He's got boundaries.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Patrick takes immense pleasure in eating pussies, he truly does. And he excels at it, especially if you enjoy the uninhibited, messy, sloppy kind of cunnilingus (which 99% of the time leads to ass eating, but that's a tale for another time). However, nothing quite compares for him to the sensation of receiving. He adores it, perhaps even more than penetrative sex. The feeling of being inside your mouth, fucking your face, the way your throat tightens around him, drives him wild. When you swallow him, it's like he's transported to another realm. In those moments, he remembers his science classes where he learnt that what you consume becomes a part of your body, integrating into your cells. He imagines he will be a part of your body forever.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Patrick Zweig always seems in a rush to cum. His excitement when he sees you fuels a need to release that energy quickly, often resulting in fast and intense encounters. Even in moments when he tries to be tender, such as when you're experiencing period cramps, he ends up fucking you like a machine. While you usually enjoy this, there are times when you plead for gentleness, and he manages to slow down for a few minutes before returning to his vigorous pace. However, when his focus is on pleasuring you and ensuring your satisfaction, he transforms into the most delicate and attentive lover.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Patrick's desire to fuck you knows no bounds, so quickies are a frequent occurrence in your relationship, at any time and place. You don’t always come, but when you don’t, he assures you that he'll make up for it later. On those occasions, you know for sure that what will follow won't be anything ‘quick’.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Patrick trusts you implicitly and isn't shy about sharing his fantasies and desires. He is well-aware that he is dating a freak like him, which makes it easier for him to discuss things he's seen in porn videos or wants to try. He values experimentation and thrives on taking risks in the bedroom. One of his greatest fears is that your sex life might someday lose its excitement and become mundane.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Patrick, being an athlete who maintains rigorous training, naturally possesses impressive stamina. Although, he often takes a brief moment between rounds to focus on your pleasure before resuming (surely he needs a minute). His endurance allows him to last long enough during sex to be able to orgasm at the same time as you most of the time.
There have been instances in the past, once or twice, when after returning from tour and being apart from you for days, he became overly excited by a simple kiss and some heavy petting and came in his underwear. You assured him that it would remain between the two of you, a promise you've kept until now.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a few toys. It's more like a shared collection between you both. He often incorporates them into your intimate moments, considering them helpful aides. While you doubt he uses them by himself, he does find pleasure in you using a vibrator on him or occasionally inserting a plug.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's a master tease, especially on those lazy days when there are no obligations and you can lounge at home together. He effortlessly says things that leave you flustered and damp between the legs. In bed, he knows just how to make you lose your mind. His touches and kisses are calculated to leave you begging for more, deliberately keeping you on the edge, wanting you to admit you need him. In those moments, he knows how to be slow.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
When Patrick directs his attention towards you, he effortlessly maintains a quiet voice, just a few low groans escaping his mouth. But the moment he surrenders control and is under your care, he succumbs to overwhelming pleasure and becomes the loudest motherfucker. His moans are anything but manly, he sounds like a little bitch. Your little bitch.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The first time Patrick Zweig came on your tits, you weren’t dating yet. It was just a casual thing born of mutual desire when the both of you felt an itch to scratch. It wasn’t the first time Patrick had come on a girl, but it was the first time he had done it on someone who wasn’t his girlfriend. He had apologized as he had assisted you in cleaning his cum from your cleavage with the sleeve of his shirt. You could tell he wasn't genuinely remorseful, his broad grin had betrayed that fact. You had swatted his hand away, insisting he lick you clean. Which he had ended up doing. If he wanted to make you his bitch, you would make him yours first.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It’s no secret, Patrick Zweig has a big cock. Its length is considerable, matched by its impressive girth. Though the initial encounter was uncomfortable, now you yearn for the sensation of him stretching you open.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
The day he no longer yearns to fuck you incessantly will mark the day his love for you fades. His desire for your touch, your kiss, and your undivided attention is insatiable. If circumstances allowed, let’s say, if he weren't on tour and you weren't at work, he'd likely keep himself buried in you for years. That’s where he belongs.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Patrick swiftly drifts off to sleep moments after coming. A single 'I love you' is all it takes, and he's out like a light. Oblivious to the weight on top of you or the fact that he's still deep inside of you, he simply slips into slumber. Often, you find yourself pushing off so you can have some space to breathe.
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k1ngpin42 · 2 days
Obsessed much? (Ellie version)
A/N: okay so the obsession part hasn’t rlly been shown that much but this is only part 1. Sorry if it’s a little basic I find it so hard to write Ellie for some reason. (Ironic since she’s a main character in both games)
Warnings: I forget what smut there is but probably a lot of it. Minors DNI
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I'll post more tmrw, I was a bit sick this weekend. Please leave requests for what to write next, I won't bite I promise.
Ellie Williams was the type of unpredictable woman that would laugh at your dumb jokes, help you with the animals, play guitar for you while you sing, show you her silly little comics and collectibles…or avoid you; not even glancing your way, not uttering a word to you, just listening while she anxiously shuffles in her place on the ground. Not only this, but she was also the type of person to obliterate her enemies, whether full fleshed, human person or infected. She’d never mention it either. Probably worried that if she talked about that certain gleam in her eye or the streak of relief she got on her face when her knife found itself in her enemies neck, you’d think of her less. That would be a ridiculous notion. 
It fucking bothered you when she’d get the way she was now.  Not the same Ellie who made irritated remarks you found so adorable. Not the same Ellie you could talk to about anything without feeling judged. She was different today, she had been recently. You’d catch her staring at you during movie nights and other events, and when you’d go to talk to her she’d fuck off some place, as if to drive you to insanity.  
The thing that made you want to scream more than anything about this whole situation though, was the fact that you had been partnered with Ellie, you had heard it confirmed multiple times, but after you were already dressed and packed, making your way to the horses, you heard Jesse tell someone he had been paired with Ellie last minute. You felt your blood boil. She couldn’t keep avoiding you forever, if you did something to upset her, she would have to say it to your face. 
When Ellie finally got her sleepy ass to the stables, her eyes widened when she saw you patting your horse beside her own. She cleared her throat. 
“What, um…are you doing here?” She questions. You sigh.
“I’m great thank you for asking.” You respond sarcastically. Ellie brings her hand to the back of her neck nervously, clearly not going to be the one to extend the conversation any further. 
“I just thought Jesse was partnered with me today.”
“Why would you think that?” You shoot back immediately. She lets out a hesitant breath. 
“Nevermind.” Ellie decides to respond, mounting shimmer. You mount your own horse and follow her out. 
“So where are we headed?” You ask, and the question looks like it broke Ellie out of a trance.
“Oh…” She replies simply. “The houses up North have like a migrating herd…should be worth taking a look.” She explains. You nod.
“Hey Ellie…” You say, in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Did…you hear about the Italian chef who died?” She slows her pace a bit so she can hear you better.
“One of our guys? I didn’t know we had anyone from Italy…”
“He pasta-way.” You say, trying to hide your laugh. 
“What?” She asks. You roll your eyes. “You know…cause pastas from Italy?”
“When was the last time you had fucking pasta?”
“It was just a joke El- never mind.” You mutter. She turns her head to look back at you and when she see’s your saddened look, she can’t help but feel guilty. 
Ellie opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, so you ride in silence until you get to the houses. You hitch the horses and get out your weapons rather quickly as this had become routine and head into the closest house. 
“Might be worth getting some supplies before we clear the rest out. There might still be something valuable.”
“No one’s lived here for years.” Ellie says bluntly. “Anything good would be pretty picked over by now.” You return your gaze to the floor.
“We could still look…” You mutter to yourself. 
You open a door an an infected jumps out. You quickly get it in the eye with your knife and it makes a loud thud in result.  Ellie runs in beside you.
“You okay??” She demands. You laugh lightly. 
“Yeah. Unfortunately for you I live to torment another day.” She doesn’t say anything, just continues looking at you with worry. 
“I’m fine El.” You reassure, and she finally eases up. You walk out of the house and keep walking down the abandoned street. You can’t help but admire the design. You would have loved to live in a nice, secluded house in an area like this. Ellie seemed less impressed.
“Ellie what’s wrong?” You finally ask her. She sighs.
“Enough with this already! You’ve been avoiding me all week and I know you tried to switch me with Jesse. If you don’t like me anymore just say that, don’t just treat me like I’m nothing and then pretend like you’re not doing that because it’s driving me crazy!” You exclaim. Ellie hesitates, fiddling with her fingertips. 
“I’m not avoiding y-“
“Oh cut the bullshit Ellie! What did I do to make you dislike me so?”
“I do like you.”
“I do…like you.” She explains, more slowly this time, finally looking into your eyes directly. Your gaze softens as you realise what she meant. 
“But you had that thing with Alex and I didn’t want to fuck up the friendship but then I didn’t know how to talk to you. I don’t. Know how to talk to you I mean.” You laugh at her words, your mouth still wide with surprise.
“Wait…Alex? He’s gay.” 
“What? You don’t know that.”
“Everyone knows that…He literally told me the other day he that if Joel wasn’t ‘ancient’ he would, quote unquote, hit that.” You explain. Ellie shields her face in embarrassment. 
“Gross.”  She replies, blushing. You remain in comfortable silence for a while before she adds, “I threatened to cut his…” She groans at the memory. “I believe the words I used were ‘tiny dick’ off if he didn’t stop talking to you.” 
“Uh…” Is all you manage while laughing. 
Once your combined laughter dies down, like an uncontrollable impulse, Ellie grabs your face and pulls you into the deepest kiss of you life. You moan into it a little, and are embarrassed when you do so. You’ve wanted this for about a year now, Ellie wasn’t the only one who didn’t know how to act around the other. Ellie pulls away, smirking. Her usual confidence returning. 
“Shall we get inside.”
“Of that place?? What about the infected?” You ask. She laughs.
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Okay let’s make sure it’s secure first.”  She instructs. You laugh back.
“So responsible.” You tease. 
The two of you had been checking each room in anticipation. To be honest, you had expected something to happen. For an infected to jump you, for Ellie to say she was just pranking you all along, for there to be some hidden trap mine that you set off like the clumsy mother fucker you were, but there was nothing. Nothing but some couches, benches, and a bedroom.
“I’m gonna check the bedroom for supplies.”
“I said there’s not gonna-“
“Well I’m still going to check!” You reply defensively, causing you both to laugh.
When you get in there, you feel a layer of goosebumps kiss your skin when Ellie’s soft, deep voice is in your ear.
“So…did you find anything?” She questions, wrapping her hands over your lower waist. This was bold for her. Bolder than you had ever known she was capable of. It was like your reaction to her confession, the way you hadn’t shunned her or laughed or found her strange, it was as if this had awoken a new realm of confidence within her which you found most welcome. You let out a sharp breath.
“…No.” You admit. She chuckles. Fuck. And it’s the most seductive sound you’ve ever heard, more than your own fucking moans when you would touch yourself thinking about her. 
“I told you.” She teased, kissing your neck. You shut your eyes, allowing yourself to succumb to the sensation of her lips on your neck, pressing down hard enough to leave marks that would remain the next day. You let out a little whimper when her hand snakes down between your legs, but you grab her hand to stop it.
“No, want to touch you.” You exclaim, and she looks at you wide eyed, but agrees, unzipping her skinny blue jeans. 
“Get on the bed. Want to eat you out.” You say, feeling hazy with lust. She chuckles again at your enthusiasm and it makes you pool with excitement. You push her down playfully, admiring her thighs and nibbling at the inner parts of them. When she lets out a sharp exhale at the feeling, you lick and kiss over it comfortingly. 
Then you get to her grey underwear. You look up at her and she nods back comfortingly. The excitement is exhilarating as the anticipation of her taste ferments on your tongue. You’re not sure you’ve ever craved one thing so bad in your life. 
Deciding tasting her bare skin was too much too quickly, you decide to tongue her through the fabric, resulting in a chorus of strained moans and heavy breathing. You go a little faster and Ellie’s eyes roll back, but it’s not enough, you have to have more. 
Almost angrily, you tear her underwear off, licking a long trail across her glistening pussy. She lets out a harsh gasp and you smile into her cunt, flicking your tongue over where she was most sensitive this time. The taste of her is so phenomenal that you can’t help moan into her, moving your head around in the same rhythm as your tongue, causing Ellie to see fucking stars in a result. 
“Fuck babe, I like that…” She says, taking a handful of your hair and pushing your head down lightly into her cunt. The nickname surprises you, throwing you off slightly before you return to your constant and eager pace. 
Ellie had lost count of the amount of times she had fantasised about this. About even just kissing your soft, pretty lips or dragging her fingers between your cunt. Every time she had a thought like this though, she would feel so guilty she would avoid you for sometimes as long as multiple days. Now Ellie had proof that it wasn’t just her. That she wasn’t fucking crazy. The feeling of you tonguing her clit and moaning in between her fucking folds told her that she had a chance, a real chance to please you and to have you in all the ways she imagined. 
She was getting close now. You could tell by the way her moaning was becoming more high pitched, more desperate. Despite her clamped around your ears and almost screaming out for you, you take all the restraint with you to remove your mouth from her delicious pussy which was so eagerly throbbing for you. She stares at you blankly. 
“W…why, why?” She questions, clearing her throat and trying to collect her composure. You smile up at her, chin glistening. 
“You ignored me for weeks for such a stupid fucking reason when we could have been doing this the whole time. Apologise.”
“Look…I already explained it was-“ You tease her by dragging your index finger through her cunt. 
“Apologise.” You repeat. She shuts her eyes tight at the feeling. 
“S’sorry.” Ellie says, slurring her words. That would have to do, you decided, putting your mouth to her clit again. It’s only moments before her thighs are shaking and she’s tightening around your mouth, cumming harder than either of your had really anticipated. You come back up and she’s blushing at the sight of your dripping chin and mouth. 
Ellie pins you down on the bed, kissing you deeply and savouring the taste of herself between your kisses. She puts a hand on your neck, not squeezing for fear of hurting you, and looking at you pleadingly. You’re surprised and can tell Ellie has a series of things she wants to try with you. 
“Got a choking kink Ellie?” You question. She flushes red. 
“No…I just….I wanted-“ 
“I’m joking.” You reassure, kissing her again. “You can choke me harder.” She looks at you stunned, clearly trying to determine if you were messing with her or not. You laugh again.
“Ellie…harder…” You say, and this finally convinces her it’s okay, gripping your throat like you belong to her which you already know you do. 
She puts her free hand in your pants, allowing her fingers to move fluently against your underwear as if familiar with your body already. You gasp when she puts her hand in, with two of her long fucking fingers circling your clit in painfully slow circles. 
When you moan it’s like music to her ears. She’s so in her head. Scared she’ll make one wrong move and lose you. But as she moves her fingers just right she knowsupsetting you would be difficult, if not impossible you were so in heaven right now. Ellie smiles slightly in adoration. She removes her fingers with an arrogant look on her face when she sees your dissatisfaction with the loss of contacts. You don’t question her actions, just look at her unimpressed until she explains.
“Don’t worry babe…just gonna put you-“ She picks you up by the waist, positioning you on her bare thigh. “Up like this.” You flush, feeling the way your soaked cunt paints her thigh. She smiles at your expression, feeling mildly embarrassed herself.
“I’ve been dreaming about…well...” She realises her error and the way she has just confessed to, quite literally, dreaming about this. “About you getting yourself. On…me.” Ellie adds quickly. You nod, starting to rock your hips up and down the base of her thigh, sliding so fucking easily with how coated her thigh was in your slick.
“What else have you been dreaming about?” She uses her hands to guide your hips, helping you get off. 
“Tying you up…” Your eyes widen at her new found confidence. You’re excited to see how she acts when she’s not holding back like she so loved to do. 
“Getting you overstimulated moaning my name knowing there’s nothing you can do about it.” You moan loudly, eyes shutting tight. 
“Mmm…toy…or strap? Maybe your…oh fuck….your mouth?” You question. And fuck, you’re close.
“Toy. Want to watch you cum without me even needing to touch you so that when I do you’re so fucking cockdrunk and I’ve only just begun.”
“Shhh…shh cum for me, cum….”
“I know.” And just like that, your thighs are shaking, your eyes rolling into your head. You stop your rocking and she just holds you in place. 
You ease off her thigh and sit in her lap. She kisses your neck and you laugh simply at the unexpectedness of everything. 
“Something funny?” Ellie prys with a smile. 
“We’re supposed to be patrolling.” You remind her. She shrugs. 
“This is way more fun. Got no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” 
“Ellie….you never even talk to me.” Ellie sighs, shuffling the two of you in position. 
“Couldn’t. Not when…”
“You’ve been thinking about me all the time? Obsessed much?” She hits you playfully.
“Shut u-“
“Make me.” You interrupt. And needless to say she was going to do just that. 
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ohnoitsz1m · 2 days
Whatever. Combine Barney AU concepts. But also he's a furry because I just can't be bothered to draw people rn
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Not by any means an original idea but I've seen so little of it and what IS around isn't very detailed or isn't finished so. I'll gladly add to the pile of unfinished stuff ^_^ I may not be good at keeping up with my AUs but I try to be thorough with them while I'm working on em
Okay continued rambling below final warning also there's a maskless combine down here so like .. HL:A spoilers and general body horror (?) below ↓
Anyways so. Barney is like. A figurehead. Of sorts. Very much a "hey look the combine is actually really great and basically your best bet at survival. We promise not to take away your humanity completely just let us do a little surgery and genetic modification it's totally okay we promise." Type deal. He exists for propaganda basically.
His mask is separated into different parts because well that's just how the design ended up. It's hard to translate shit to furry bodies T_T. The mask snaps together to make a fairly airtight seal since it is technically a respirator,,, but comes off in two pieces. External ears are lame you don't need em when you have a mask and implants that give you better hearing than any other member of your species. Stuff em in the mask they're not made for your comfort anyways.
He's got kind of a modified version of the Ordinal uniform because 1 I really like the HL:A Combine designs and 2 it was the easiest to make look like his Black Mesa uniform. Just for funzies
He's still "Barney" he just got his brain tampered with. And maybe a liiiittle extra stuff. It's fiine. But uh yeah he's lacking a lot of the visible modifications that the combine soldiers usually have because if this thing started trying to tell you how cool it is to join the combine nobody would listen.
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So they had to compromise. A little. They let Barney have most of his personality and a good deal of his memories, juust modified to better suit their needs.
The How and the Why of this AU aren't quite set in stone yet but the basic gist of it is:
Barney initially joined Civil Protection early on as a double agent for the Resistance, buuuuut due to prolonged separation from the resistance, propaganda aaaand tampering with the food and water supply he started turning more to the other side. He was still working as a double agent but he started to get sloppy and became more sympathetic towards the combine. Eventually the Combine figured out what he was doing and fucked with his brain for funzies or whatever. Suddenly not only is the combine cracking down harder on rebel outposts, there's a new guy appearing in between breencasts!
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ninyard · 2 days
Okay, so if the concern is about legal realism, the most likely scenario is that Aaron never goes to trial. Most crimes in the US never go to trial.
A decent lawyer could probably at least get a plea bargain for involuntary manslaughter (couldn't make a case for involuntary in court, but the entire plea bargain system is bullshit), which can potentially carry a sentence of parole only.
The main issue is that Aaron wants to be a doctor. However, pleading to involuntary manslaughter would not necessarily preclude a medical license. Now, he would have to explain the whole thing both when applying to medical school and while applying for a license, and make the case in both cases for why killing someone with an exy racket under those circumstances doesn't make him unfit for the profession. But he would probably also have to explain an acquittal on the grounds of self defense: ethics boards ask you to explain what happened if you have ever been charged with a crime. So like. Again, the involuntary manslaughter plea would probably not be much worse for becoming a doctor than the acquittal.
With a good lawyer, he could be off probation by the time he graduates.
But other asks are right, barring plea bargains, from the viewpoint of legal realism, Aaron's case is basically exactly what the voluntary manslaughter statute is intended to address.
Now, the other reason the most likely outcome is that Aaron's case never goes to to trial is that there's every possibility of the Moriyamas leaning on the DA to dismiss it. They absolutely do not want to risk the trial turning up anything that might lead back to the resources Riko used to get Drake where he was, with the FBI still very much snooping around.
That said, to heck with legal realism. Consider the drama.
the idea that most cases never go to trial intrigues me. like, murder trials included? a crime that is punishable by the death penalty in sc?
i don’t really understand much about plea deals/plea bargains. i could see the moriyama’s getting involved because at the end of the day it was rikos mess and neil has a big FBI connection to dangle over their heads that would lead to it being dismissed. BUT i don’t think cass would let it go, even though we don’t know much about her, she doesn’t seem like the type of woman who could be bought out of seeking justice for her son that was murdered. but who knows!!!!
and on your last sentiment i COMPLETELY AGREE. as much as my brain won’t let me be inaccurate about these kinds of details if i keep trying to be realistic about the most unrealistic book series ever, then i’ll drive myself INSANE. i’ll actually have a law degree before i get to the end of the “aaron’s trial” tweet series. so i’m just tryna come to terms with the fact that it may not be an entirely realistic trial but if that’s the case then. blame the american justice system! yeah fuck those guys! it’s not my inaccuracy noooo! it’s the fucked up justice system!!!!!
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kurithedweeb · 2 days
In my recent post about base game Minecraft mobs in MCD rewrites, I mentioned that I like to include random little scenes from canon and I got a comment from @lucky-guess asking if I’d include Aph eating rotten flesh. I thought “maybe I will, it’d be funny.” I remember the time Brendan startled her and she accidentally ate the zombie brains in her hand. I was thinking about this comment and I had a Very Good Idea.
You know how Garroth was pretty hands-off with Aph at the start of Season 1? They’d talk, sure, but he just let her wander around and fix things up, he had bigger things to worry about until he realized that, hey, she’s basically a Lord now.
Here’s how it goes:
You’re the head guard of a tiny rundown coastal village, and you’ve been scrambling to keep everything together ever since a mysterious fire killed your Lord. Your apprentice has been a great help and he’s the only one who knows the real scope of your worries, your guards have been stressed enough with all the suspicion and accusations and extra patrols and they don’t need to carry the same weight you have on your shoulders.
It’s another dreary day of rain, one of your guards is recovering from a bad injury, and you’re not halfway through evening patrol when a random maiden crashes out of the woods. She’s only wearing what amounts to underwear, drenched, barefoot, her arms and legs are covered in mud and there are twigs in her tangled hair. She looks half-feral and the look in her eyes does nothing to discourage that.
You, obviously concerned that she’s being chased, ask her what happened, is she injured? Please, miss, come inside and take a seat by the fire before you catch your death. The maiden does not care even a little. She says she was chasing a mysterious man in green and have you seen him because she wants to know what’s up with that guy. You have not, and the idea of some random man being chased by this tiny woman is slightly concerning, but all you’re worried about right now is getting this woman inside before she dies of hypothermia. She does not care about hypothermia, she just wants to chase her mystery man.
Suddenly, a sound! A man in what might be green, it’s hard to tell in the rain! That’s the man, the maiden cries! After him!
You will go after him. The maiden will be going inside with your apprentice, right now, please, please go warm up. Your apprentice manages to wrangle the half-feral woman into the nearest open building, the library, and you take off after the mysterious man in maybe-green. You chase him through the trees, down the slippery slope of a hillside, into a clearing. You’ve lost your lantern somewhere along the way, and in the dark you trip on the lip of a crater you’re sure wasn’t there when you last passed through. You know these woods like the back of your hand, but the crater and the mud and the rain have blinded you in a moment of confusion and the man is gone by the time you get your bearings. Any tracks he may have left are too murky to follow. You stumbled back to town in the dark to check on the maiden.
You can call her Anastasia. That’s all your apprentice has been able to learn from her while you were gone. She’s washed, more-or-less dried and in proper clothes thanks to Emmalyn the librarian, maybe you’ll have more luck now that she’s bundled in front of the fireplace with some warm broth in her stomach. She tells you again of the man, of a clearing she didn’t recognize, and nothing of any use. You leave her to rest, thinking maybe she’ll remember more in the morning. She’s gone in the morning.
You’re half-convinced you hallucinated the whole event, but the time you spent that night furiously scrubbing down your armor convinces you it’s true. Anastasia reappears a few days later, breezes past you without a word and starts doing something to the road on the edge of town. You’re a little concerned you’ve possibly begun to lose your mind from the stress except other people are stopping to stare at her too.
For weeks, it continues like this. Anastasia appears in town, drops whatever she’s collected while she’s away at the library (infuriating Emmalyn more and more each time), messes around with a broken-down road or some fences or digs through the bed farmland, and then vanishes for days or weeks at a time. No one knows what she’s doing or what to do about it, but so long as she’s not hurting anyone it’s fine, right? She even helps clear out monsters from time to time.
You think, wasn’t that fence broken last week? Wasn’t that road in disrepair last month? Was that condemned plot of farmland suddenly sprouting healthy grass? Weren’t these Anastasia’s projects? Oh, you realize, she’s been fixing up the village for some reason. She’s been doing a surprising number of Lordly things, actually. And that little hut up on the cliff—was that also her? What else was she doing? She was making her own gear, her own house, helping with farms and patrols, and also apparently taming wolves and teaching them to fish—where did she learn all this stuff anyway?
You ask. She says she doesn’t remember. She says it just seemed obvious to do it like this. She says it seemed like these are just things people are supposed to do. Aren’t they? No? Well, that’s the way she’s doing things. You think she’s joking about not remembering how she knows, well, everything.
And then, as she’s helping clear away the bodies of yet another small horde of zombies, Brendan startles her and Anastasia shoves the zombie flesh into her mouth. SPIT IT OUT, everyone who’d seen this tragedy yells, SPIT IT OUT SPIT IT OUT RIGHT NOW! But no, this crazy weird woman has committed to her mistakes and you can see the disgust on her face as she chews. And swallows. You are fighting the urge to jam your fingers down her throat and make her throw up because you know her well enough to know you’d get stabbed for it on reflex. Within minutes, she is heaving into a bucket, miserable, and saying that she wouldn’t have done it if she’d known it’d make her so sick.
You, holding her hair back as she throws her guts up, realize that she was not joking. She was not joking about not knowing anything. Anastasia, the half-feral maiden from the woods who's been doing basically half a Lord’s duties around the little town under your care, is an amnesiac. She has actual, literal amnesia. That’s the only explanation. Everyone knows never to eat zombie flesh for this exact reason, everyone, no one is that dumb. Oh dear Irene, she’s going to end up doing this again, isn’t she? Anastasia, the woman who’s been caring for this town just as much as you have, is going to die from food poisoning because she can’t remember which berries are bad for you. If not that, then hypothermia. If you leave her alone, she’s done for.
That’s how you end up personally guarding the new Lord of Phoenix Drop. And how you end up breaking her out of jail when she gets wrongly arrested for murder a month later.
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