#and sokeefe
Star moon the ninth. Why you gotta be like this. I'm gonna have to do so much work. Simply to recover my characters. I've been working so hard on them. And you did this for what. Star moon. Come on. Why you gotta be like this?
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tam-shade-song · 7 months
ok. Because I too, am unoriginal, I challenge thee to a challenge.
If this post gets...5k notes by the ides of March (Mar 15) I'll write a Frankenstein KOTLC Au, where
Sophie is Frankenstein's monster
Sophie is morally grey
They're nonbinary
And they kill Wylie's father (Kinda sorta on accident)
I won't start writing it until after I finish my current fic, but once I do I'll post it on AO3 and Wattpad.
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lostwarllock · 1 month
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Drew this a while ago, so as the universe works, I don’t like it as much but felt obligated to post it anyway—because chapter 42 !!!
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sasharcyreal · 2 months
that scene in neverseen where she stayed at his bedside for 24 hours and acted like it was a normal friendly thing to do
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the bedroom is probably the closest thing ill make to stina art
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milo-igidk · 2 months
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the fact that the fandom didnt even need to invent the Tam Cam it has always been here
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slightlypoisonedtea · 1 month
Unpopular opinion: Shannon Messenger makes way too many little plots then abandons them, I'm literally only in it for the sokeefe at this point.
Mr. Forkle was SO meant to die. Shannon just got cold feet and made up a little nonsense explanation out of nowhere.
And love-interest-age-gap was receiving hate? Oh no worries Sophie is actually one year older than we thought she was.
And I'm pretty sure Keefe was meant to be with Biana in the beginning, before Shannon decided to switch to sokeefe and dexiana endgame bc of what the audience wanted. !!NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING I LOVE SOKEEFE!!
And then oh haha Vespera was the main villain all along! wait no this isn't working, let's just kill her off unsatisfyingly. Same with, like, all of our other villains teehee
dex? who's that? oh haha that guy well we couldn't have him mistaken for a love interest so, yk, *poof*
prentice who--
Omg guys we forgot Marella existed quick make her important
Keefe can sense whether or not Sophie likes him?? Which makes it so that Sophie can't have her cute lil love confession? oh hahaha not anymoreeee (unexplained magic malfunction)
theres more but I forgot and yes this rant was absolutely necessary
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camelspit · 2 months
keefe pov for an entire book in the human world is such a funny concept. i hope it switches genres from fantasy to contemporary romance. shannon dive full in and have him pine for sophie for 400 pages straight with little to no plot. take the final leap shannon.
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icripod · 8 days
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doodle of the sillies
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an-j8 · 2 months
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Pls i want to kill myself
they don't even have the same face
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Ok but you know what would be extremely funny; somehow if Sophie ever did get her match lists and her number one match is none of her potential love interests.
Keefe? Nope. Fitz? Nope. Any of the girls? Biana? Linh? Nope. It's no one she remotely knows or recalls in passing.
Instead it's some random dude called Jared.
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missxmaxpower · 23 days
I was thinking of how Keefe always flinches whenever a telepath reaches to touch his forehead and realized that it’s probably because he’s an empath and skin-to-skin contact makes him feel a person’s emotions
That got me thinking of how Keefe likely isn’t a very touchy person since he probably doesn’t want to be feeling everyone’s emotions all the time
But then, with Sophie he’s always grabbing her hand, tucking her hair behind her ear, leaning in real close, brushing eyelashes off of her cheeks
And in Nightfall, when Sophie realizes he feels her emotions stronger than others and she tries to back away, Keefe tells her she’s worth it
Instead of being annoyed by her loud emotions, Keefe is able to understand her when even she can’t understand herself sometimes. He’s able to tell when she’s not doing well and can say whatever it is she needs to hear, or even crack the perfect jokes to make her feel better
This got kinda long but all that to say, I really really love how much he cares about her
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theunmappedstar · 17 days
snippet of the sokeefe oneshot i’m writing ✨
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inkcapjester · 1 month
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@lava-cake-brainrot youre so right 🔥🔥
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lostwarllock · 2 months
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The only way to learn how to draw keefe. consistently. Is to draw keefe
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sasharcyreal · 4 months
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ft ladybird shirt
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milo-igidk · 2 months
"fitz and keefe's friendship was ruined for sokeefe"
yeah thats definitely what happened mhm
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thats definitely it there were absolutely no other factors that may have contributed to their fall out
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