#i've never heard this song before but i love it whoa
bittersweetresilience · 5 months
Thinking about “Apetite of a people-pleaser” by Ghost in the context of Senti-twins..
“Ideas forming out of thin air” <The peacock and its creation of sentimonsters
“I know I'm subservient but all of this is necessary” <Adrien “Sometimes my appetite is violently contrary” <Felix
“Whether I've been caramelized or rotten to the core Which one should I be?” <The whole hero-villain thing those two got going on
And just a whoolleee lot more, these were just the most obvious ones. It’s just such a them song for me.
OMG you're so right anon i am kissing the back of your hand tenderly. caramelized or rotten to the core... identity issues... adrien forced to be a people pleaser agreste... you get it...
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émotion félix to me
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marshallsgirl · 7 months
Marshall revealing his new song to Y/N
Pairing: Eminem x Fem¡Reader
Recommended song: Remind Me - Eminem, In Too Deep - Eminem
Author's note: Hey, guys! I was so bored and I wrote this. I may delete it later or idk. Hope you all enjoy it. I love you guys so much! Sending all of you a warm hug🫂🤍
"I have a surprise for you" Marshall said to me as he enter the living room. Inmediatly I turn off the tv and give all my attention to him. "Guess what" he said.
"The song is complete!"
"Whoa baby!"
Here's the thing. He told me he was writting a song about us, but that's it. He didn't talk about ever again. Even if I asked him about it he had changed the topic. So, I was very nervous about it. Because this has happened before. It was with the Revival album. That one song called Remind Me. That one was for me. I still remember when he show me that song.
" did you...That's my fav rock&roll song!" I said when I heared the beat.
"Yeah, that's the song you kept singin' and singin' while you're cooking" he said wanted to laugh at me.
I loved that song. Perfect combination but it was crazy. I mean...he did that for me? He united rock&roll and rap that was so crazy.
"Damn, that's crazy babe" I said.
"See y/n, u make me do things I normally wouldn't do"
"Awww, I love it and I love you baby!"
So, this time I was really nervous because I've been singin' a lot and very different genres. And Marshall...Well, he is so crazy. I didn't know what to expect.
"Are we going to the studio?" I asked him ready to go change if needed.
"No, let's just get in the car". So, we got inside his car. "Are u okay?" suddenly he asked me.
"Yeah, I'm good! I need to hear your song!"
I got too excited and I get very excited when I'm nervous I don't know why, but It's like I got a lot of energy all of the sudden. Anyways, so he says:
"Okay, okay but you need to know that I just got the final mix and I haven't heard it. I mean I know the entire song but I didn't hear the final mix yet" he explained.
"Wait, let me just make myself comfortable" I said while adjustin' my seat a little bit.
At this point he doesn't even hide that he's laughing at me.
"Yeah, ready"
"Wait, look at me" he ordered and I obey. "I love you"
"Okay, now play the song!"
"Yo, say it back!" he replied.
"I love you, babe!"
And so the music started and he is lip singin': "This could never work, " is what we said at first. But whatever this is, it's working. But we're in two different worlds and (yeah) I'm not your husband (nah), you ain't my girlfriend. All I know is that (what?) When I'm with you, I'm a different person, yeah. And I ain't never met a chick as perfect. Girl, you're a ten, so here I am (yeah)
I literely screamed and Marshall had to stop the music.
"No, keep it goin'!" I argue.
He laughed and let the music continue: ...Can't tell if I'm cheating on her with you or cheating on you with her. But really, nobody's at fault, can't help who you love. Hope they don't ever hear us talk
'Cause we both are getting sloppy. Probably subconsciously part of me's hoping we get caught 'cause I'm not happy here (nah)
With her. Rather have you (yeah) Rather have me too. 'Cause you're not happy there (you're not happy there) With him. Rather have me (I know, but) We just in too deep (I'm in way too deep)
Marshall started singin' it out loud and I was vibin' with it the whole time. It was a good damn song. Honestly, I loved it. It truly was about us, about the start of our relationship, but there were a few things that weren't true like me havin' a wedding ring. It should say: I got a wedding ring. So it's her instead of you.
"That's it. What do u think?" he said not being able to stop smilin'
"Please, play the song one more time"
And he started to laugh again.
"Are for real? Did you loved it?" he was surprised.
"Yes, I love it!"
"Y/n..." he laughs again.
"Marshall! You're being so freakin' annoying. Play the song one more time!"
"Yo, you are just sayin that. You didn't loved it!"
"What? I do love it! Marshall!"
"Okay, okay"
He played the song again.
"I'm gonna cry" I said.
"Yo, you're hillarious!"
"That song is good as hell!"
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
the things we lost to the ice
It didn't quite sink in until Gunter put on the crown and became an Ice... something that it was all over. He was back as himself, with his body and brain and awkward personality, permanently. It didn't feel like last time, like each breath was bringing him closer to his last. Simon was also somehow back in his old favorite suit, with its worn elbows and his glasses clean and unbroken. He even couldn't feel the crown whispering in the back of his mind anymore. It was as GOLB had taken him back to just moments before he'd worn the crown for the first time, intending to tease Betty.
Oh Betty.
"Hey so uh, who are you?" Simon looked up from the rock Marcy had set him on to see Flame Princess staring at him curiously. Right she was... literally made of fire. He knew that, Simon blinked. Wait he did actually, his brain retained lots of facts about Ooo and it's people. It was his or, well, Ice King's personal experiences that felt fuzzy. "Because you came out of the GOLB thing together with Finn but I've never seen you before. Marceline seemed to know you though." She tilted her head and frowned, "Finn told me he was the last human, was that another lie?"
"Get away from him!" He heard Marcy screech as she rocketed over from where she'd been talking to Bubblegum and some other candy people. Her arm wrapped protectively around him, her sharp nails digging into his clothes and her batlike face pressed against his own. Her skin was cold like death. He hated how he tensed with instinctual fear at having a predator so close. This was his Marcy, his precious little girl. She was different than he remembered but she loved him, she wouldn't hurt him. He clenched his fists so they didn't shake.
"Hey Marcy! Don't worry, F.P. is cool!" Finn shouted, galloping over with a big grin on his face. "Oh man, so much just happened but Simon are you back-back, like for realsies? That is so math!" Finn hug tackled him and Marcy.
"Still waiting on an explanation," Flame Princess grumbled.
"So she actually got you free, how joyous," Magic Man -no, Normal Man- said with a small smile but his eyes were sharp. "I suppose the power of GOLB is the only thing strong enough to undo elemental wish magic. Congratulations, Ice King, welcome back to reality."
"Wait Ice King?" Flame Princess gaped and Simon realized that -with the major world ending threat neutralized - they were now the center of attention. It's only just occurring to him that his window to divorce himself completely from Ice King and pretend he was someone else was about to close forever. Just like the chance to hold Betty in his arms again.
"Yea!" Finn explained, wrenching around to address Flame Princess and gagging Simon by putting him in a headlock. "It's a long story -seriously long, he's like over a thousand years old or something- but Simon put on the crown only he didn't know it was hecka cursed. It possessed him and piloted his body like a meat puppet, turning him into Ice King and made him act all Banaynay."
"It took him a while for him to become Ice King though," Marcy said, shifting Simon slightly out of Finn's grip so she was hugging him from behind with her chin propped on his head. "He rescued me when I little before I was bit by the Vampire King. Simon took care of me after the world ended, he even showed me the basics of playing guitar." She nuzzled him and gave him a gentle squeeze, "I missed you so much, you have no idea."
"I missed you too, Sweet Girl," he murmured back. He'd been here the whole time but at the same time, been very far away. There's hazy memories of this older Marceline, her songs echoing somewhere in his head. Mostly he remembers her frowning over whatever crazy thing Ice King had been doing at the time.
"Whoa, you taught Marcy! I had no idea you were so musical," Finn shouted before looking thoughtful. "Well I guess IK used to play on his drums or his keyboard a lot now that I think about it." He smiled, a goofy teenage smile despite the missing teeth and scars from numerous adventures. "I guess you weren't totally gone."
"It doesn't justify the constant harassment and kidnapping of innocent Princesses," Bubblegum said primly.
"Bonnibel," Marcy growled.
"But I'm willing to forgive past grievances so long as it doesn't happen again. You are, after all, practically a new man." Bubblegum noted. "I presume it was born out of subconscious desire to find Betty again, the crown fixating on that desperation for love. Of course, Betty is gone now so it's all rather a moot point, isn't it?"
"Bonnie, seriously, now is not the time," Marcy warned. The fresh reminder of Betty's sacrifice, the permanence of it hit him again. Insanity had overwhelmed his depression and loneliness and loss of identity, redirected it. Now nothing could distract him from that sucking chest wound of loss threatening to consume him.
"Uhhh hey Simon!" Finn interrupted with a manic smile. "Can't wait to learn all about human stuff from you! I bet you can even teach the Islanders a thing or two, pretty sure they've forgotten what it's like to be human. But you know all sorts of humany stuff I bet. It's gonna be awesome learning where I come from." Good lord, was someone going to love and support this beautiful child or was it up to him again?
Finn reached out with his remaining hand and grabbed one of Simon's own, lacing them together. Simon jolted and looked at their conjoined hands before spreading their palms and fingers together. His pinky finger only met empty air.
"Oh my god Finn, have you only ever had four fingers?" He balked. Ice King's memories weren't that reliable, he couldn't actually recall.
"Don't you mean glob and uh yeah, that's the normal amount I think," Finn shrugged, squinting at Simon's pinky. "What do you need that extra one for anyhow? Does it have special powers or something?"
"Yeah, I always thought that was weird," Jake said from somewhere behind Finn. "Marcy has an extra one too, figured it was just how things were before the Mushroom War."
"It was actually a nuclear holocaust that wiped out pretty much all life on earth and mutated the rest beyond recognition but sure," Simon said with a hysterical edge in his voice as the weight of his situation pressed down on him.
He was a thousand years removed from the world he knew, a world that now only existed as ruins or twisted, funhouse mirror replicas. Simon was totally alone, the only person who remembered the way things were before. Marcy was here but she'd made the journey through time naturally, she'd adapted and likely forgotten. He no longer had magic and, without it, he wouldn't be allowed into Wizard City. The Ice Kingdom was now Gunter's and the humans of the future have changed in ways he could hardly recognize.
Sometimes the past is a different country, sometimes it's a black hole taking everything down with it.
"Hey dude, you've probably gotta use the bathroom like super bad," Jake said as he broke through the crowd. He gently manhandled Simon away from the well meaning arms of people who were both dear loved ones and strangers all at once. "You haven't whizzed as yourself in like a million years, we better find a place to get your man biz done."
"Wait but-" Marcy said reaching out but Bubblegum grabbed her hand and pulled her away. The rest of the onlookers slowly backed off, going back to the post fight cleanup. As Jake led him away, he made brief eye contact with Normal Man who'd once been a magical god and was now just a man. Simon would probably have out and out collapsed if Jake wasn't steadying him.
"Look, we're just gonna walk away and when we round this corner where no one can see, I'll leave you alone to do whatever you need to do." Jake soothed. "I can hold off Marcy and Finn for maybe 10 minutes, 12 tops. You focus on your breathing and if you gotta hurl, just do it, holding it in jacks you all up." He lowered Simon to the ground once they were out of sight. Simon immediately went into the fetal position.
"You're good at this," Simon noted even as the stress and panic and misery washed over him. He pushed his glasses up into his hair and buried his face in his knees. Jake rubbed his shoulders, it felt good, grounding.
"I've talked Finn through a lot of these episodes before, the kid's been through a lot. You have that in common. You and Finn might have some different physical traits but you're both human. You just had a lot of junk thrown at you so you don't need to figure it all out now. That's what the rest of your life is for. I'll keep the worry squad off your back as long as I can. Take it easy, Simon but, either way, you gotta take it."
Jake went back to the crowd leaving only his wisdom. He was right, no matter how miserable or overjoyed he was over the circumstances, this is the way the dice fell. He had no choice but to take it, to use Betty's sacrifice on his behalf to do whatever he wanted with his remaining time. And he was mortal now, time affected him once more so he had to learn quick.
He had no idea what he would do or even who this new Simon Petrikov, PhD student and aspiring antiquarian was. Just being able to think coherently and regulate his words and actions was a strange miracle he hadn't fully digested yet. Things would be okay, he would be happy once more but, for now, he thought it was okay to sit here in the dirt and cry for everything he'd lost to the ice.
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satureja13 · 5 months
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It was raining when the others arrived from their trip to Tartosa. Noxee awaits them. Saiwa and Jack already landed safe at the Beach House. (It often rains when Ji Ho is sad. Maybe because he's worried to cause Vlad inconvenience by staying with him again tonight?)
Haha they squeezed the five of them in the TukTuk! Maybe they can even travel around with all six of them?
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It's time for Noxee and Greg to leave. A visit in the Otherworld is draining and usually no one can stay here for longer. (That's why it's so calmingly empty all the time.) Greg hugs Kiyoshi: "Farewell my son." (Greg really seems to support Kiyoshi and Jack! The last time when I heard him say 'Farewell my son' was when he left Baby Jack to live with Uncle Stefan! And I've never seen Greg hugging any of the Boys. He barely talks to them. Well except when he yelled at them when he'd been their PE teacher ^^')
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And then Ji Ho and Vlad sent Noxee and Greg back to Moonwood Mill with the devices Rubyn had built for them. (I don't think it's necessary for Grexee to kiss while teleporting, but they do it anyway ^^' Maybe if something goes wrong?) And Kiyoshi is so excited again when he sees them kissing hahaha
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The Boys still have to earn money to pay back Rubyn and the others so they went to work for the rest of the day. It's painful for Kiyoshi to work in Jack's shop. The last time they'd been happy together was in their wine and cheese cellar at the invisible farm.
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And even though Ji Ho is tired from sending back Noxee and Greg, he didn't feel dizzy from the ride, because he'd spent the last night with Vlad. So he went to his room to work on his songs. He missed this so much. And he misses their home and living here together with all of his friends.
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It was raining again when they had dinner. Jeb tried to cheer Ji Ho up and Vlad decided to not make a fuss because Ji Ho is spending the night with him again to not make him even more sad.
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Jeb and Kiyoshi retreated to Jeb's apartment after dinner and got ready for bed. Jeb even installed a second sink for Kiyoshi. Jeb: "Oddly domestic, huh?" Kiyoshi grumbled something and stared into nowhere. Jeb sighed. Both of them want this with someone else...
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In the other bathroom, Vlad is trying hard not to make a fuss.
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It's worse when Ji Ho is sad. It also affects him over their Bond. So Vlad put his pride and principles aside. They can have their non-relationship back when Ji Ho feels better.
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They awkwardly sat on Vlad's bed. Maybe it's the last time they are together before Ji Ho's ingame wedding with Prince Caleb ö.Ö
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Vlad would never admit it but he also suffers from exhaustion. So he has some benefits of their encounter too. Teleporting a TukTuk around in the Otherworld is draining for both of them. And he loves Ji Ho from the first day he saw him. But the more time they spend together making love, the more painful it is because Ji Ho isn't able to love him. And of course Ji Ho feels these thoughts over the Bond. Ji Ho: "The therapy will fix this. I'll do anything..."
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Vlad: "Don't worry about me."
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Ji Ho: "Vlad..." Vlad: "Shhh..."
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And then Ji Ho gave himself over to absolute pleasure... And the rain stopped from falling - because Vlad made Ji Ho very happy...
'Give yourself over to absolute pleasure Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh Erotic nightmares beyond any measure And sensual daydreams to treasure forever Can't you just see it? Whoa, whoa, whoa'
Don't dream it, be it - The Rocky Horror Picture Show TMI: have I ever told you how much I love this movie? When I was ~16 y/o I watched it every day after school, for months! (I watched it way more often than even Star Wars ^^') And my friend and I used to sing the songs loud in the school bus hahaha omg!
Vlad: "Do you mind we proceed in Jeb's bed? So I don't miss you so much when I'm alone in my room again. Your scent in my bed and the memories of us there together..." Jo Ho: "Oh, ok." (That's what they did. I clicked on Vlad's bed and they ran over to Jeb's...)
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He really tried so hard not to make a fuss but he just can't help it ^^'
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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bigupsdog · 6 months
Intro dialog for every Guilty Gear character day 2: Elphelt
Sol: A Rockstar now eh, ya like Queen?
El: Whoa, that's super retro, you really know your stuff, wait how old are you again?
Ky: Just so you know, no one back at Illyria castle saw you as any kind of burden.
El: I know, but I needed leave, I have to spread my voice.
May: Hay Elphelt, how are your sisters?
El: They're doing great, how are yours, it's alright if this takes a while.
Axl: You ever lose a person ya love?
El: Kind of, he was also a metal singer, but i'm still not really sure if I loved him or if I was told to love him.
Chipp: A rock star? Well I'm a ninja star.
El: The two of us will shine so bright we'll ignite the sky.
Potemkin: I always wanted to learn music, but I would break any instrument I'd get my hands on.
El: Oh no buddy, I'm sure we can make an instrument tough enough to handle your metal.
Faust: Diagnosis… butterflies… in… stomach.
El: Gross, get them out!
Milia: Not all love stories end in happily ever after I'm afraid.
El: Don't worry Millia you'll find the perfect someone someday.
Zato: Love? Is that what I feel when I'm around, her?
El: By her, do you mean, me!?!
Ram: Speothos Venaticus, hmm maybe we should get you a dog of your own.
El: Yes! Yes! Yes! Then your dog and my dog could be boyfriend and girlfriends, eek!
Leo: The castle has definitely been a lot less noisy since you left.
El: You can't scream your heart out in a place like that without someone else screaming at you to quiet down.
Nago: If you hand me that marriage certificate one more time I'll cut it to shreds.
El: Luckily I have hundreds more, so stop playing hard to get.
Gio: Speothos Venaticus? Met a couple of those where I'm from.
El: YOU DID! Tell me all about them and how they're the cutest, best thing in the world!
Anji: I wouldn't exactly say your music is good to dance too.
El: Oh you have to do a specific kind of dance, I think it's called the mosh.
I-No: Music, I prefer to call whatever you're doing, shit.
El: Well you're not very radio friendly.
Goldlewis: Never been much of a fan of metal, ya like county?
El: Nope :) But that's ok we all can like the music we like.
Jack-O: Just took Soooool on a really sappy daaaate.
El: Well don't hold out on me, let me hear all the juicy details.
HC: I've never heard anything like your music before, gotta say I'm a fan.
El: REALLY! If you sign here you can join my fanclub, it currently only has 4 members so seats are open!
Baiken: You're too loud I can barely hear myself think.
El: Oh sorry I'll try to play my new song “The Demons Deadly Wedding from Hell” a little quieter.
Testament: You were almost pupited to kill those you love… I'm happy you managed to avoid that fate.
El: Kliff… I know he loved you more than anything, even after you became a gear.
Bridget: I've heard about a secret energy called “Girl Power” can you teach me how to harness it?
El: My first decipl! I'll teach you everything I know!
Sin: So you decided to leave the castle and march to the beat of your own drum, I can respect that.
El: I'm marching alright and nothing's gonna slow me down, unless I trip.
Delilah: Would you mind quieting down? I'm trying to sleep.
El: I could sing you a death metal lullaby if you want.
Asuka R#: Just to warn you I am an artificial lifeform, but I am nothing like the Universal Will.
El: Just don't force people to do stuff they don't want to do and I guess you're fine.
Asuka R Kreutz: Any advice on being more entertaining for my podcast.
El: It's your lucky day cause you're talking to a girl who's listener count has doubled to 18, we'll get you your fans in no time.
Johnny: Love songs eh, ya got one for me?
El: Of course, and soon I'll have a song for every person on this planet.
ABA: Maybe one day you'll have half my charm and you can get a man half as good as Paracelsus.
El: Ahh thanks ABA, that's really sweet :)
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
I Won't Say (I'm in Love)
Written By: Alan Menken & David Zippel
Artist: Susan Egan with Roz Ryan, Cheryl Freeman, Lillias White, Vanéese Y. Thomas & LaChanze for Hercules
Released: 1997
From the 1997 Disney movie Hercules, “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)” is the movie’s featured love ballad. After a romantic date with Hercules, Meg expresses her conflicting emotions through song (with some back up from the Muses). Hurt before and technically working for Herc’s arch nemesis, this song demonstrates Meg’s reluctance to get into another relationship that (in her mind) can only end badly.
[MEG] If there's a prize for rotten judgment I guess I've already won that No man is worth the aggravation That's ancient history, been there, done that [MUSES, MEG] Who d'you think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and heaven to you Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through you (Oh no) Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you feel and who you're thinkin' of [MEG] Oh No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no [MUSES] You swoon, you sigh Why deny it? Uh-oh [MEG] It's too cliché I won't say I'm in love [MUSES] Shoo-do, shoo-do, ooh [MEG, with MUSES] I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming, "Get a grip, girl" "Unless you're dyin' to cry your heart out" Oh [MUSES, MEG] You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling (Oh no) Face it like a grown-up When ya gonna own up That you got, got, got it bad? [MEG] Whoa No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no [MUSES] Give up, give in Check the grin, you're in love [MEG] This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love [MUSES] You're doin' flips Read our lips, you're in love [MEG, MUSES] You're way off base (Shoo-do, shoo-do) I won't say it (She won't say it, no) Get off my case (Sha-da, sha-da) I won't say it [MUSES] Girl, don't be proud It's okay, you're in love [MEG] Oh At least, out loud I won't say I'm in love [MUSES] Shoo-do, shoo-do, shoo-do, shoo-do Sha-la-la-la-la-la, ah
God Only Knows
Written By: Brian Wilson & Tony Asher
Artist: The Beach Boys
Released: 1966
“God Only Knows” is a song by American rock band The Beach Boys. It is the eighth track on the group’s 11th studio album, Pet Sounds, and one of their most widely recognized songs. “God Only Knows” was composed and produced by Brian Wilson. Tony Asher helped Brian with the lyrics. Carl Wilson sang lead, and Bruce Johnston sang harmony vocals with Brian in the outro. The song broke new ground in many ways. It was one of the first commercial songs to use the word ‘God’ in its title. As producer, Brian Wilson used many unorthodox instruments, including the harpsichord and French horns that are heard in the song’s famous introduction. Although The Beatles engaged in a friendly rivalry with the Beach Boys based on mutual respect, Paul McCartney called this song the best song ever written.
[Verse 1: Carl Wilson] I may not always love you But long as there are stars above you You never need to doubt it I'll make you so sure about it [Refrain: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Verse 2: Carl Wilson] If you should ever leave me Well, life would still go on, believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me? [Refrain: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Interlude: Carl Wilson, Brian Wilson, and Bruce Johnston] Ooh, ooh Do, do, do, do, do, do, do Bow, buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow (Do, do, do, do) Buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow (Do, do, do, do, do, do) Buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow, buh-bow (Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do) [Refrain: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Verse 3: Carl Wilson] If you should ever leave me Well, life would still go on, believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me? [Chorus: Carl Wilson] God only knows what I'd be without you [Outro: Carl Wilson with Brian Wilson and Bruce Johnston] God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows) God only knows what I'd be without you (What I'd be) God only knows what I'd be without you (God only knows)
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abbcube · 1 year
seeing the words Not In The Groove in your comment made me gasp irl i love that game its such a damn banger
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have this gif its funny i think
Always happy to see another NotITG fan! It's truly criminal how few people know about this game. And I've been meaning to learn the chart in that gif for a while. Maybe soon 🤔
Also, this means I now have an excuse to yell about this game to the sorry fools who made the mistake of following me. So...
(Moderate photosensitivity warning btw, this stuff can get spicy for the eyes)
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I now get the chance to talk about a game I feel exceedingly n̸͓̒̍o̶̹̿͠r̷͚͇͗m̴͈͒̐a̸̝͉̒ĺ̶̹̹̆about.
What's NotITG??
Not In The Groove, or NotITG/nITG for short, is a rhythm game with some of the craziest & most creative visuals you'll ever see. It's an extravaganza of colors, music, and lots and lots of arrows. Words don't do it justice though, so here's an example:
(HiTECH NINJA - Technician's High)
(Chart by Exschwasion + Tetaes)
Whoa, what the fuck was that? Is that even readable?
Yes it is, I promise! It just takes some practice. These are made to be not only doable, but completely feasible to read & learn. They wouldn't be fun otherwise. It's also not nearly as bad as it looks at first glance, especially if you know what sort of stuff you should be looking out for.
In fact, here are some things that can make it a little easier to parse:
The colors of the arrows are indicative of the timing (reds are on quarter notes, blues are eighth notes, greens are sixteenth notes, etc). This means it's possible to identify the rhythm of a song even if you've never heard it before.
If visual effects are getting particularly crazy, it can be helpful to read ahead and quickly memorize a "chunk" of notes to play while your vision is impaired, picking back up when the screen is clearer.
Charts (the arrows for a given song) are made to be played on a dance pad, with your feet. Furthermore, any half-decent chart commits to having good flow (or posture) meaning that the patterns you see are made to be "stepped" through with alternating* feet. This vastly limits the number of possible patterns that can be thrown at you. So if you happen to lose your place while reading the chart, it's very feasible to infer what the next few steps will be, giving you a chance to recover.
(*depending on the song, a chart may have you hit the same step multiple times with the same foot. There are other exceptions too but that could warrant its own section entirely)
If you want a way better explanation of this stuff, some prominent devs in the community did a great job covering all of it during the game's exhibition during AGDQ2022!
This looks completely and utterly insane, there's no way I'd ever be able to play this!
That's where you're wrong, bucko! They aren't all made to be difficult! There are plenty of easier charts out there to learn the basics on & get your bearings. Some of my favorites include:
(Chroma - Phantom Train Journey)
(Chart by Kaypooma)
(Sakuzyo - Altale)
(Chart by PlasticRainbow + mrcool909090)
How do these even get made?
Good old programming! Also math. Lots and lots of math. You wanna make the arrow follow a funny path? Time to learn what a spline is. Want to make a circle? Hope you were paying attention in trig class, because it's time to break out the radians.
In all seriousness, I have nothing but the highest respect for the people that make charts for NotITG. Every single one of them is a culmination of music, art, programming, math, animation, visual design, game design, psychology, kinesiology and so, so much more. It's genuinely dizzying how multitalented these people are.
I'm interested in these man-made horrors beyond my comprehension! Where can I play this game?
You can download it from the game's website: noti.tg. It's free! Completely! There is no way to spend money on it. You'll just have to live with the fact that you can't give these talented creators your money.
I'd also recommend joining the game's discord (noti.tg/discord). They're incredibly helpful & friendly, just don't be a jerk :p. It should have some good information & resources for when you're starting out.
I feel like I've barely even scratched the surface of what makes this game special. I could probably make a whole other post rambling about the lore of UKSRT and the effect that's had on me, but this post is long enough as is.
If there's even one person who read this far, thank you for listening to the ramblings of a madman obsessed with a funny little arrow game! ❤️
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catboyfever · 1 year
Tea Time - Owlbit Fluff
Pardon my absence as I've been committing to a lot of OC writing as of late. But I've been thinking about this ship and discussing it with others in the wtp fandom a LOT so I thought this would be as great a time as any to write a fanfic for it! I hope you enjoy, lemme know what y'all think!
The afternoon sun shone lazily on the Hundred Acre Wood. Rabbit ordinarily would’ve been outside tending to his garden in the heat of that sun, but even he had to take a break sometimes. While he could’ve been just as comfortable at home, he didn’t feel like just lounging about the house. The only person he could think of that would provide a somewhat peaceful evening was Owl. It was a no-brainer. He sometimes stopped by his house for tea anyhow, and spacing out while sipping tea and pretending to listen to some convoluted story actually sounded pretty fantastic just about now.
Rabbit was sat in his living room across from Owl with a saucer and a teacup filled with perfectly brewed tea in his hand. He’d already added his sugar, he was just listening to Owl go on about something before he took a sip. The warm, dark flavor of the black tea relaxed him… but he felt like he wanted just a little more something to flavor the drink.
“Owl, I don’t mean to bother but could you bring out some honey? I’d love some for my tea.” Rabbit said.
Owl smiled and halted his story. “Oh, of course! I’ll resume my tale once I’m back.”
Owl flew out of the living room and swooped into the kitchen to retrieve the honey. A few seconds later Rabbit heard a thundering crash and jumped to his feet to investigate before a very excited looking Owl brought back an in-tact honey jar, but more surprisingly, an accordion.
“Owl, what IS that?” Rabbit asked, pointing at the unknown instrument.
“This, my dear friend, is called an ‘accordion’” Owl said. “It’s a wonderful instrument, my relative in Italy gave it to me years ago.”
“Do you play?” Rabbit asked pointedly.
“But of course! Here,” Owl began, setting the jar of honey down for Rabbit. “enjoy your tea and the music.”
Rabbit felt excitement bubble up in his belly. He usually knew better than to get his hopes up too high about things like this with his friends, but there just seemed to be something so genuine about the way Owl spoke about the instrument. Besides, Rabbit hadn’t even known what it was called before Owl told him.
“This song I learned from my Great Great Granduncle, he used to play it while taking a leisurely boat ride.” Owl said.
Owl’s feathery hands moved across the keys on the instrument as he pushed it in and pulled in a slow, jaunty song. The unique sound that the instrument produced had Rabbit totally transfixed… as well as how oddly suave Owl looked playing it.
His hands were moving with such grace and the way his body swayed to the beat of the song just took his breath away. His eyes were moving with Owl as he swayed across the room, coming closer to Rabbit before dancing away while continuing the slow, romantic melody that Rabbit was enchanted by. When the song ended Owl bowed while Rabbit clapped fervently.
“Stupendous! Absolutely marvelous! I had no idea you were such a musician!” Rabbit said.
“But of course I am! I wasn’t only gifted with a beautiful singing voice, I’m an owl of many talents you know!” Owl said proudly.
Ordinarily Rabbit would’ve scoffed at the notion but the way Owl spoke… especially after his performance… Rabbit actually felt a sort of reverence for Owl for the first time.
“I know this might be sudden but… would you be able to teach me a few notes?” Rabbit asked.
Owl nodded enthusiastically. “Of course of course! I’d be happy to aide in someone’s quest for knowledge!!”
Owl handed Rabbit the surprisingly heavy accordion and stood behind him. Rabbit’s cheeks flushed as he felt the bird’s soft, warm hands covering his as his fingers touched the keys. Owl even helped push and pull the accordion at first, guiding Rabbit’s arms by pushing them and pulling them with his hands. Rabbit could feel the soft as a cloud feathers of Owl's crest pressing against the back of his head which distracted him greatly as he tried to concentrate on what was happening. Eventually though, Rabbit got the hang of how the instrument operated. Owl danced around the room as he had before, but this time he guided Rabbit along with him, swaying along with him as Rabbit practiced the intro to the song Owl had just played for him.
After a while the sun began to set and Rabbit reluctantly put a stop to their music lesson.
“It really is no trouble if you stay for dinner, you know.” Owl said insistently.
“I appreciate it really, but I must get back and get things ready for tomorrow. You know how it goes, the work is never done around the garden!” Rabbit said.
Owl opened the door and saw Rabbit out. Rabbit turned to Owl with a smile.
“Goodnight, Owl.”
Owl leaned forward and quickly gave a small love peck to Rabbit’s cheek. “Goodnight, Rabbit.”
Owl withdrew to his house and closed the door leaving Rabbit a flustered mess at his door. Rabbit dashed back to his house and sighed as he began to fix his supplies to make dinner. The accordion was from Italy, he was probably just saying farewell like they do! It was just his way of saying Ciao! That was what Rabbit convinced himself as he continued to fix dinner, trying desperately but failing to get the kiss out of his head.
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music-my-beloved · 6 months
With The Beatles: A 16yo's (horrible) album review pt.2 !!
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It Won't Be Long 🚆: Erm, the guitar is just *mwah* chef's kiss it really carries the song, she's the backbone. She's like, duh do do duh do and it's so cute. The background vocals are eating so good !! This song I think was the most prominent to me because I remember it from Across the Universe (incredible movie btw) . Really love this song, she's like a sister to me.
All I've Gotta Do !: Honestly would have done numbers in the 2010s because I feel like it has really good "call and response" potential !! Like, uh that one song,,,, I can't remember uhh oh Ain't No Mountain High Enough . I know I keep saying this but this song IS cute ! Also so far I've noticed they're utilizing back up vocals more which is much appreciated, I hope I hear it in the rest of the tracks on this album.
All My Loving 💗: Yay! More background vocals !! I go feral for them. The guitar is also SO good. If It Won't Be Long is a sister to me this song is my brother. Heard this one a lot growing up as well. Background vocals are heavenly the little , "ooooooos" in the background are so dreamy !!
Don't Bother Me 😔: okay first initial listen it reminded me of when my I would lose my mom in the store 😭😭 my forever "lost mom in the store" anthem !! Uhm, didn't quite jive with the rhythm but that's alright !! But it is a good song!! The dude's a little bit too dependent on that lady maybe her leaving was a good thing ??? idk I'm only guessing 😭
Little Child 🚸: uhm, I'm scared. girl they're gonna catch a case !! If a grown men in their 20s sang this to me I'd be like ,"Oh okay I'm gonna groove with y'all 'cause the beat is funky but the lyrics are concerning so idk might wanna work on that"
Till There Was You 🫵: oh. em. gee. La Vie En Rose who???? Girl this song is swoonworthy !! If a guy was like, "I used to never hear the birds singing before I met you, now that's all I hear" I'd cry OMG 😭😭 also it's just paul singing and like, omg it's so simple but it's simplicity totally makes it amazing !! It feels more personal that way !!! EDIT: OMG IM INJECTING THIS IN MY BLOODSTREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so amazingly awesome oh em gee I'm actually addicted it's not funny ! Oh my god I'm gonna explode!! Dopamine is real and I'm experiencing the effects, the world beautiful again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please Mister Postman ✉️: this is a pretty good cover. Background vocals are once again in the spotlight they're just too good. The iconic beatles sound really starts to take shape in this album I've noticed !! Ringo did a good job on drums too !! Total rock and roll vibe. I was gonna compare it to another band it felt weird because it's like saying the parent sounds like the child and like no wdym the kid sounds like the parent !! I forget how much The Beatles really pioneered music !!!
Roll Over Beethoven 🎹: whaaaaa. man this track was a doozy ! They're cocky and it's workin'. Totally can see enthusiastic young couples totally jammin' to this it's so great ! Really loved the energy !!! Also that guitar solo is the beginning was AMAZEBALLS
Hold Me Tight 🥺: Whoa. This song is my second sister. This track was THE song at the beginning of my Beatles beginning when I was but a wee little girl lolll it's just so addictive. Makes me bop my head and smile everytime I hear it. The endorphins swarmed this one guys sorry 😔
You Really Got A Hold On Me 💕: Contradictions left and right !! Rhythm was a gentle little ebb and flow that was kinda refreshing to hear !! Liked the song.
I Wanna Be Your Man ♂️: whoa. Straightforward!! Some girls might like that in a man but uhm, idk the chanting of "I wanna be your man, I wanna be your lover" with the stark black and white of their faces on the album cover got me scared 😭😭 idk it was nightmare fuel I felt like someone was watching me. Uh but overall it was a high energy song maybe a bit too high energy for me 'cause I'm tired while writing this review but it wasn't really my preferred choice in music but I totally see me liking it like, a month from now !!
Devil In Her Heart ❤️: Maracas ?? 🤨whaarrrrr but uhm this one just felt like another song honestly. As I'm writing this review it's like, my 10th listen in the span of 3 days she's just not clicking 😭😭
Not A Second Time ⏰: Honestly the first few listens she felt bland like unseasoned chicken but now that I'm really listening it's got a simple little jive to her and I'm here for it !! It's got these vocal runs that I don't think I've heard before it's so unique!! Overall really liked her.
Money 💰: uh pink floyd who ???? But seriously this song rocks. Not the catchiest but it's true, she's REAL. I need MONEY
More album reviews on the way, next up: A Hard Days Night...
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shiningwonderland · 1 year
Reiji Kotobuki (All Star)
Translator: Belen (Twitter: reiharus)
Proofreader: Raine (Twitter: amagiyas)
Editors: Melanie (Twitter: melabonbon), Mae (Twitter: itoshikimaegirl)
Chapter One — Lunch Box Rhapsody
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A week after the press conference, I make a visit to a TV studio.
Since I've requested to partner with Reiji Kotobuki-senpai, I've to greet him.
Today, Kotobuki-senpai is recording a variety show called “Welcome to Idol Las Vegas!”
I open the door to the studio nervously.
Haruka Nanami: Good morning!
The studio is bustling with people working all over.
Kotobuki-senpai…. Has he arrived yet?
As I restlessly study my surroundings, someone taps my shoulder from behind.
Otoya Ittoki: Good morning, Nanami! What are you doing here?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, Ittoki-kun. Ichinose-san. Good morning.
I hurriedly bow my head to the two smiling faces.
Ittoki-kun and Ichinose-san were my classmates at Saotome Academy.
After graduating, they debuted, joined the agency, and are now working as professional idols.
Tokiya Ichinose: Good morning. Are you here for work today?
Haruka Nanami: No, I'm here because I felt like I had to greet Kotobuki-senpai since I chose him as my partner for the Christmas Live and the Song Festival.
Otoya Ittoki: Whoa, I heard at the agency. You’re composing the unit song for the senpai group, right? That’s quite the task, huh, you have my support!
Ittoki-kun’s eyes glitter as he says that.
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes…. That’s right…. Although the pressure is a bit….
Tokiya Ichinose: Are you okay? You look a bit pale.
Ichinose-san studies my face, looking worried.
Haruka Nanami: Yes… I’m fine….
Tokiya Ichinose: That said, having chosen Kotobuki-san as a partner…. You went for the high difficulty option.
Ichinose-san sighs.
Haruka Nanami: Ah? You think so?
Tokiya Ichinose: Yes, I had a hard time during the Master Course. He and Otoya would make noise all night, he'd change the room as he pleased….
Otoya Ittoki: What? I had a lot of fun. We would hold jam sessions with guitar and maracas and sing the theme song of Odorokiman.
Depending on who I talk to, I receive totally different opinions. I guess Kotobuki-senpai has a lot of facets to his personality.
Tokiya Ichinose: Well, compatibility depends on the person. Then again, he has a lot of experience in the entertainment industry, so you can learn a lot from him.
Tokiya Ichinose: However, even when we spent time together, I still never could never tell what he was thinking.
Ichinose-san sighs as he says that.
If he was able to elude the sharp perception of Ichinose-san, that means he's a remarkable senpai....
I’m really looking forward to meeting him now, but also nervous....
Haruka Nanami: By the way, what are you two doing here today?
Otoya Ittoki: Oh, we were invited as Rei-chan’s guests. It’s a talk corner about love advice.
According to them, the corner consists of Kotobuki-senpai answering questions from viewers on the topic of love.
As we're talking, I hear a lively voice coming from the studio entrance.
Reiji Kotobuki: G’moooooorning! Let's get crackin'!! Rei-chan is here~~!!
Tokiya Ichinose: He’s arrived....
Before long, Kotobuki-senpai sees us and makes his way over.
Otoya Ittoki: Morning! Rei-chan, we’ve been waiting for you!!
Reiji Kotobuki: The radio show I was at got delayed a bit, sowwy, sowwy~!
Tokiya Ichinose: Good Morning, Kotobuki-san. I look forward to working with you today.
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh~ Tokki! Yahhohho~~ Serious as always. Relax, relax!
Kotobuki-senpai pats Ichinose-san’s back as he says that.
Ah, the veins in Ichinose-san's forehead are….
Haruka Nanami: Um, I’m Haruka Nanami from the Shining Agency. Good morning!
Feeling the growing tension of the atmosphere, I interject.
Reiji Kotobuki: Yep, you are Kouhai-chan! G'mooorning!
Kotobuki-senpai grabs my hand and shakes it.
Reiji Kotobuki: I was informed by the agency that you picked me. Why is that? Choosing the comedian geezer idol, you’re a bit strange too~
Haruka Nanami: Eh?
Reiji Kotobuki: After all, Ranran is the electrifying rocker, so that’s an obvious choice…. And no matter what people say, Ai-Ai is young, isn’t he? He’s also mysterious and his straightforwardness feels fresh. And of course, Myu-chan has extraordinary charisma….
Haruka Nanami: Kotobuki-senpai is very charming as well!
I blurt that out and interrupt him without thinking. It might be a bit rude, but I just can't stay quiet.
Haruka Nanami: I can't explain it well, but…. It was like my heart was shouting: “It has to be him!”
I'm amazed by how unpersuasive my explanation is.
It's so frustrating that there are other things I like about him, but I'm unable to put them into words.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ah. It was accidental, but that made you uncomfortable, didn't it? I’m sorry. For you, big brother will get serious! Let’s do our best together, okay?
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
I have to do my very best so I’m not a burden to Kotobuki-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: OK! So, today Otoyan and Tokki are here as guests.
As he's hyping everyone up for work, he scans the room.
Reiji Kotobuki: … Wait, it can’t be~ My right-hand man is… late?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Don't call me that, you idiot. As if I’d be late.
Kurosaki-senpai emerges from the back of the studio lethargically.
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh, oh, you heard what I said? See~ People can talk bad about you, Ranran. So if you're here, you should say so~
As he says that, Kotobuki-senpai pokes Kurosaki-senpai’s head with his forefinger.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Damn you….
The studio goes still.
Reiji Kotobuki: You’ve been in a bad mood all morning—you’re gonna ruin your handsome appearance, come on, smile, smile~!
Haruka Nanami: K-K-Kurosaki-senpai, g-good morning.
I wanted to greet him politely to defuse the situation, but I'm so nervous that I tripped over my words.
I feel awkward, and Kurosaki-senpai scowls at me.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: The amateur composer that hasn’t been able to debut for a year and a half, why are you here?
Haruka Nanami: Ah…. Well….
Reiji Kotobuki: Wait, wait, Ranran. If you give Kouhai-chan such a scary look, she’ll run away. She’s here because she’s my partner, so be kind to her. She came all this way to say hi.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Not my problem. Just be quiet and don’t get in the way.
Kurosaki-senpai sinks into the nearby sofa, muttering.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Well, at least I can praise you for not choosing me. Sorry for the trouble. Just make do with Reiji.
Reiji Kotobuki: C’mon, don’t say things like that! After all, she has to work on the unit song with all of us. Kouhai-chan, even if he said that, the truth is he wants to help. “I really want to help you”! That’s how he feels, so don't worry about it. Because Ranran is not honest at all.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, okay….
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Stop deciding things on your own. You too, woman, don’t be fooled so easily.
Haruka Nanami: S-sorry.
Tokiya Ichinose: Kotobuki-san, Kurosaki-san, everything is ready to start.
Ichinose-san must have been watching the situation and calls out to them at the right moment.
His words move everyone to take their recording positions.
Reiji Kotobuki: I’m sorry, Kouhai-chan. We must've surprised you. But this is normal for us, so don’t worry.
He holds my shoulders gently to soothe me like one would a child.
Haruka Nanami: …!
He’s so close, my heart jumps instinctively.
Reiji Kotobuki: We can go on a field trip if you want? Let’s go to the dressing room after the show and talk about our partnership.
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes! Of course!
I wonder if I'm grinning as I answer.
Reiji Kotobuki: Good reply. Thank you for choosing me. You won’t regret it….
He whispers in my ear.
I feel a sudden chill and my mind instinctively comes to a halt when his sweet voice reaches my ears.
Reiji Kotobuki: OK! Thank you very very macchoccho! I’ll show you something good, just for you!
Kotobuki-senpai says that while putting his fist up in a triumphant pose and then he runs towards the set.
Today, Kotobuki-senpai and Kurosaki-senpai will appear in the variety show “Welcome to Idol Las Vegas!”
Kotobuki-senpai and Kurosaki-senpai’s free talks are popular.
Among those, the love advice corner called “Teach us! Love Professor” is the most popular.
The corner, which always features guests, consists of answering problems regarding love which are sent in by the viewers.
Kotobuki-senpai, in the role of the professor, throws a bunch of questions at the guests, who play his students.
Then, Kurosaki-senpai gives a nonchalant answer and Kotobuki-senpai follows up with an absurd answer.
I’m looking forward to seeing the recording today!!
Director: Okay, let’s start.
Senpai, Ittoki-kun, and Ichinose-san all join the set and everything is ready for recording.
Director: Ready, action!!
The pilot lamp flashes and the recording starts.
Reiji Kotobuki: Everyone, let’s go! Teach us!
The other three: Love professor!!
Reiji Kotobuki: Love professor, Rei-chan, Reiji Kotobuki’s corner. Today we have received a lot of mail from girls and boys! Now I’ll ask the love assistant, Ranran, Ranmaru Kurosaki-kun to read the first letter.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Tch, what’s with “assistant”…. Anyway, let’s do this. This is from love name: “Negikko.”
Kurosaki-senpai reads the email aloud.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Let’s see… “I’m a girl preparing for the entrance exams, and I came to like the same person as one of my closest friends. I want to confess, but I’m afraid to lose my friend, so I can’t convey my feelings. What should I do?”
Kurosaki-senpai quietly closes the letter and takes a breath.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: If you're a student, focus on reality and prepare for the entrance exams!
Kurosaki-senpai hits the desk with his fist.
Reiji Kotobuki: Now now, Kurosaki-kun, calm down. So basically, this is a love triangle.
Kotobuki-senpai imitates a professor and does a beard-stroking gesture.
Reiji Kotobuki: Now, Ittoki-kun! If it were you, what would you do?
Otoya Ittoki: Eh? I would… I’d be bold and confess, of course. If it’s a guy we’re talking about, I think it’s the most straightforward way.
Reiji Kotobuki: Hm, hm. Next! Ichinose-kun! What would you do?
Tokiya Ichinose: I think we should consider her friend. To make a move or not….
Reiji Kotobuki: That seems a bit aloof, Tokki.
Tokiya Ichinose: None of your business. We must consider the consequences.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: So, what’s your opinion? Would you say something or not?
Reiji Kotobuki: Well, in this case, the main point is what she desires, right?
Tokiya Ichinose: You suddenly reverted to your usual character….
Reiji Kotobuki: In any case this girl wants to confess, right? But also, she doesn’t want to lose the friendship, right?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, that’s it but…. Isn’t that difficult?
Reiji Kotobuki: So, this is what she should do. First, she introduces her best friend to another guy. Then, she asks the guy she likes to give her advice for her friend and then they get along in the process.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: What are you, a demon…? How do ya come up with stuff like that?
Reiji Kotobuki: Huhuhu~ Kurosaki-kun. This is just the difference in experience between us.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I’m not impressed, I’m in shock.
Reiji Kotobuki: Trying to act all tough! Don’t you think it's better to just do what works and makes you happiest? Okay, done with the first question!
Having said that, Kotobuki-senpai strikes a pose.
Then the corner proceeds well.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Right, so the last letter is from love name: “I love Ranran.” Thanks.
Kurosaki-senpai sends a sidelong glance to the camera casually.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: “I’m a young woman in my twenties, but I can’t forget my lover from 10 years ago. I can’t fall in love because I’m too afraid to lose it again. My friends insist that time and dating more will cure my broken heart, but it seems to be no good at all. Am I going to be alone forever? Please teach me, love professor.”
After hearing the question, the studio goes dead silent.
I happen to look at senpai, who is staring ahead blankly like he's remembered something.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hey Reiji, get on with it.
Kurosaki-senpai whispers to Kotobuki-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ah? Ah, sorry, sorry. I was just thinking about the sender, that must be hard, huh?
Tokiya Ichinose: What are we going to do if the professor is empathizing with the sender? Only you can solve their problems, right?
Otoya Ittoki: Rei-chan, what’s wrong?
I wonder if there's something bothering him. Kotobuki-senpai has fallen silent.
On the surface, there seems to be the usual light atmosphere, but he looks to be deep in thought.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: What the hell, he’s out of it. Oh well, Otoya, answer.
Otoya Ittoki: Wha—me? Aha, so… are you doing your best to forget? Put all your memories in order.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: So basic. She’s already said she can’t. Next, Tokiya!
Tokiya Ichinose: If those memories are impossible to forget, why not just live with them? Someday they may fade away on their own.
Otoya Ittoki: I see~ Then, what do you think, Kurosaki-senpai?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Well, going with the flow is the best. Being able to forget or not? The more you lie to yourself, the harder it gets.
Reiji Kotobuki: Lie to yourself.... Right, that’s what I wanted to say! Let’s go with that!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: What’s with the sudden comeback? And don’t steal my words.
Reiji Kotobuki: “I love Ranran”-san, even if you haven’t forgotten in 10 years, that doesn’t mean you can’t forget in 11 years. Maybe someone will appear tomorrow to save you. And the next day, you might meet someone who loves you. No one knows what tomorrow may bring, so keep on living believing in your own power and potential to overcome! Good!!
After that, Kotobuki-senpai poses for the camera.
Director: Okay, cut!
And so, the recording ends.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Reiji, what was that forced act, I had to keep up the flow!
Otoya Ittoki: I was totally worried!
Tokiya Ichinose: I’ve told you before, please don’t do things that we haven’t discussed in meetings. How many times do I need to say it for you to understand?
Reiji Kotobuki: Don’t be so angry~ I just got carried away. I wanted to show a new side of me—was it a bit melancholic?
The four of them return from the set after recording.
Reiji Kotobuki: Kouhai-chan, how was it? The ennui version of Rei-chan.
Kotobuki-senpai asks me.
Select the phrase!
I was worried (+ 20 Love)
Haruka Nanami: Well… somehow…. You looked pained…. I was worried….
Reiji Kotobuki: Ooh, did I make you nervous? Huhuhu~ It was just acting, acting. A play. But it makes me happy to hear you were worried about me. I’m an adult, so I can do those sorts of things. Kouhai-chan! You shouldn’t be deceived. I’m a bad man after all….
Haruka Nanami: Oh…. Right, sorry about that. I totally fell for it.
So this is the world of adults…. It seems very complex.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Didn’t I tell you not to be deceived? You're so simple. Stuff like this always happens with this guy.
Reiji Kotobuki: OUCHIE! Stop with the violence, poon, poon!
Kurosaki-senpai hits Kotobuki-senpai in the back of his head mercilessly.
The force was so painful he tears up a bit.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I'm the one who should be angry. How can the host go quiet during a show? You’ll be disqualified as a pro, or get fired from the show.
Reiji Kotobuki: Wowowhoa! That’s…. O-okay, I'll take you to a good restaurant I know another time, alright?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Delicious food…. But hey you, don’t think you can get away just by talking about food.
Reiji Kotobuki: Now, now I didn’t say that. It’s just because I’m always causing trouble for Ranran, my feelings, feelings.
Kotobuki-senpai smiles as he says that.
It looks like things have calmed down, but was the sadness I saw in him really just my imagination?
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After finishing the recording check successfully, I follow Kotobuki-senpai to the dressing room.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you for having me.
Kotobuki-senpai’s dressing room is tidy, with a lunch box placed in front of the mirror.
Haruka Nanami: That’s…?
Reiji Kotobuki: Yes? Oh, that? Yeah, it’s Kotobuki Bento’s special, the karaage lunch box. Since there was a catering service at another location, I asked them to bring one to my room. I was thinking of eating it after recording. The lunch boxes from home are good even when they're cold.
Kotobuki-senpai smiles happily.
His family owns and runs a lunch box shop.
It's also a popular catering option for location shoots, and is well known in the entertainment industry.
Especially the karaage lunch box, which is rumored to be so good that it is used by entertainers to get work in the industry.
Reiji Kotobuki: That’s not all! Today I had Kouhai-chan’s portion specially delivered as well.
Senpai points to the paper bag in front of the other mirror.
Haruka Nanami: Really? Thank you so much! I’m so sorry I didn’t bring anything.
Reiji Kotobuki: It’s OK, it’s OK~ We’re partners, right? There’s no need to be so stiff. In addition to meeting you, I wanted to talk about work and give you that tour, so I figured it would take a long time. I can’t fight if I’m hungry! So before work, let’s rest for a bit and eat.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you for your consideration!
He thought of everything and prepared for it in advance. I’m really happy Senpai cares this much.
Reiji Kotobuki: Yep! But first, question corner! First question.
Senpai holds his forefinger in front of my face.
Reiji Kotobuki: What is my favorite instrument ever? If you’re going to be my partner you need to know that much, right?
He looks at me expectantly.
One might expect that I would be the one asking the questions and he would be the one answering, but I guess that’s too generic—as expected of Kotobuki-senpai….
As an entertainer, he’s trying to be surprising and make things enjoyable at all times.
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes….
I'm certain Kotobuki-senpai's instrument is….
Select the phrase!
The maracas (+30 Love)
Haruka Nanami: It’s the maracas for sure….
Reiji Kotobuki: PINPON, PINPON, SUPER CORRECT~! You get 100 points! NO, 1000 POINTS!
Kotobuki-senpai produces his maracas from thin air and starts shaking them while giving me the answer.
Haruka Nanami: T-thank you very much.
Reiji Kotobuki: Maracas are so good~! Just shaking them can boost your mood! Even if they look like this, they’re a complicated instrument.
It certainly makes me happy to hear the shaking sound of the maracas.
Ah, but….
Haruka Nanami: It is unusual for people to specialize in maracas. Why did you decide on those, Kotobuki-senpai?
He makes a very serious face after hearing my question.
Reiji Kotobuki: Kouhai-chan…. That’s the eternal se-cret. I’ll tell you when we're closer.
He shakes his index finger side to side.
I have to work hard so that Senpai tells me the secret behind the maracas.
Reiji Kotobuki: Now, next! The second question is!!
Kotobuki-senpai makes a V sign in front of me.
Reiji Kotobuki: What is my favorite collection of superhero stamps?
He smiles like the V sign he made.
Kotobuki-senpai adds that the hint is “____-MAN”.
Haruka Nanami: Wha—? Does this have anything to do with music production?
I expected the meeting to be about music, but I guess I was wrong.
It is true that it’s important to know more about your partner, though.
Haruka Nanami: Hmm….
Select the phrase!
Odorokiman (+30 Love)
Haruka Nanami: Ah… It is… Odorokiman… right?
As soon as I say it, Kotobuki-senpai's face lights up.
Reiji Kotobuki: That’s right, Kouhai-chan, you know it, huh!! Marvelous!
Haruka Nanami: Thank you very much.
Kotobuki-san raises his hands and starts clapping as I bow my head.
Reiji Kotobuki: Of course, my favorite is Yamato Prince. His feet are so quick that he can move ultra-fast! He always does his best too, although he’s a little clumsy, but you just can’t hate him.
Kotobuki-senpai says that while gazing into the distance, his eyes shining bright.
I can see he really loves Odorokiman.
I expected him to have an adult-like hobby, but he hasn’t forgotten that child inside of him. He always manages to surprise me.
Thanks to this quiz, I feel like I know even more about Senpai.
There’s still a lot I don’t know, but I want to get closer.
Reiji Kotobuki: Whew~ Now, this is a question from me. Can I listen to Kouhai-chan’s song?
He might have been trying to ease my nerves by leading the conversation and getting me to chat a bit first.
Haruka Nanami: Yes, of course.
I take my laptop from my bag.
With this, we can listen to the song and I'll get his opinion today, before next week’s meeting.
I start playing the song, feeling nervous.
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Reiji Kotobuki: Hmm, I see.
Kotobuki-senpai finishes listening to my song and puts his hand on his chin, thinking.
Haruka Nanami: So… was it…?
Reiji Kotobuki: No, Kouhai-chan, the song isn’t bad~ Did you work on the audition at Saotome Academy all by yourself?
Haruka Nanami: Yes.
Reiji Kotobuki: Then you haven’t been able to debut due to a communication problem, am I right?
I instinctively look down after I hear his words.
He’s right…. I’ve always been shy and withdrawn….
That was why I couldn’t find a partner and debut….
Reiji Kotobuki: You are… the shy and withdrawn type, better at expressing yourself through music rather than words?
Haruka Nanami: Ah… How….
I look at Kotobuki-senpai, surprised.
Reiji Kotobuki: Bullseye, huh? I met someone like you long ago, so I'm familiar.
Haruka Nanami: Is that so….
Reiji Kotobuki: But compared to you, he was even more sensitive and fragile.
Senpai’s expression is unusually clouded.
I have to grow as a person so that I don’t worry him.
Even though I think that, I can’t respond to his words.
Reiji Kotobuki: Well, anyway, sound-wise, the song is passable. The composition could be improved. It sounds a bit monotonous.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, okay.
I hastily note down Kotobuki-senpai’s advice.
Reiji Kotobuki: For example, the motif of the hook is fine, but that portion is too slow so it doesn’t grab the listener’s attention. You have to think, like, when it’s sung by the four of us as a live opening, does it feel like the unit is special?
Haruka Nanami: I see, so if we focus on the impact at the beginning, the climax will come naturally.
Reiji Kotobuki: Yes, and also, I think that if we keep our image in mind for the arrangements, it will sound pretty cool.
Haruka Nanami: The image of the seniors…. Things like cool and mature…. Relying heavily on the synth drum….
Reiji Kotobuki: Yes, yes, it's good, right? Cool, mature, wild and dangerous!!
Kotobuki-senpai poses like a leopard and roars playfully as he says that.
Yes, Kotobuki-senpai is having fun.
I’m also getting fired up.
Reiji Kotobuki: OK!! I worked a lot and I’m happy I could also go over the song with you, but now it’s time to dig in!
Haruka Nanami: Okay!
Then, Kotobuki-senpai reaches for a pot to make some tea.
I pick up the paper bags with the lunch boxes but....
Haruka Nanami: Huh?
Reiji Kotobuki: Hm? What’s up?
Haruka Nanami: Nothing….
For some reason, these lunch boxes feel really light…
Reiji Kotobuki: Alrighty, nooow, enjoooooy your meal!
Haruka Nanami: Ah… Yes. Enjoy… ah?
When Senpai and I remove the lids of the boxes…
... Kotobuki-senpai’s scream resounds in the small room.
What should I say…?
I wonder what had been inside the boxes.
They have been eaten immaculately—not a single grain of rice remains.
Reiji Kotobuki: Wai—wha—WHAT’S THIS?!
After seeing the empty lunch boxes, Kotobuki-senpai remains stunned for a while.
Haruka Nanami: Then… this means there's… a lunch box thief… right?
Reiji Kotobuki: Lunch box thief?
Haruka Nanami: Hmm, are any other valuable things still here?
Reiji Kotobuki: Mmm, yeah, it seems fine. The room was locked as well.
Kotobuki-senpai checks inside his bag.
But, could there really be a thief that only steals lunch boxes?
Reiji Kotobuki: And I haven't eaten anything today… Boo hoo.
Kotobuki-senpai mutters while looking at the empty box.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: You’re so damn loud, Reiji! I can’t take a nap with all this noise.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, Kurosaki-senpai.
He slams the door open and comes rushing in.
I guess he was trying to rest next door until his next job began? He seems to be in the worst mood I’ve seen him in.
Reiji Kotobuki: Perhaps it was you who ate our lunches, Ranran?! So cruel, eating them behind our backs!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Lunch? The hell are you talking about?
I quickly explain the circumstances to Kurosaki-senpai.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Are you an idiot? Don’t go saying stupid stuff like that.
Reiji Kotobuki: But after all, Ranran does like the lunch boxes from my place, so you have a motive....
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Listen here…. Just before this, we were recording together, so I wouldn’t have had time to eat them!
Reiji Kotobuki: Ah, I see. Ranran has an alibi…?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Cut it out with that alibi thing! Don’t blame me for your mess. You probably forgot to lock the door.
Reiji Kotobuki: No way! I made sure~! I prepared everything so that it would be perfect for Kouhai-chan.
Kotobuki-senpai clenches his fist in frustration.
Reiji Kotobuki: It appears that Otoyan and Tokki are free from suspicion as well….
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I told you to knock it off. No one could have taken it.
Kei Otonami: It’s a bit loud in here. What was that noise earlier?
Reiji Kotobuki: Ah? What are you doing here?
Kei Otonami: … Kotobuki-kun….
The man looks at Kotobuki-senpai, surprised.
He doesn’t look like an entertainer, but is he acquainted with Kotobuki-senpai?
Kei Otonami: I was in a meeting next door and I heard a strange scream…. Then I came to check out the situation, and it seems it was you….
He sighs loudly.
Hibiki Katagiri: Hey, what on earth… Eh… Reiji…?
Another man peers out from behind the other.
Reiji Kotobuki: Whaaat, you’re here too? This is such a coincidence….
Kotobuki-senpai says, surprised.
Hibiki Katagiri: So this is your dressing room…. Then that scream too….
Reiji Kotobuki: Yes, someone ate my lunch!
Hibiki Katagiri: Haaa… You were making a fuss about something like that…. You haven’t changed.
Reiji Kotobuki: "Something like that"? Even Hibikin is being this way! The lunch boxes from my place are really delicious. And I’m hungry.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Anyway, I don’t care and I have work to do, so I’m going back.
Reiji Kotobuki: Hnn, Ranran, but the culprit….
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I don’t have time for this farce! Figure it out yourself!
Kurosaki-senpai leaves the room and closes the door violently.
I'm left in the room with the three acquaintances.
Reiji Kotobuki: Well anyway, we should celebrate this long-awaited reunion! Shall we toast?
Kotobuki-senpai smiles.
We take our seats at the table. On top of it sits the pot containing the brewed tea.
Kei Otonami: Seriously, you’re carefree as ever. Stardom doesn't change people, huh. You're still a child that cries over some lunch box.
His hearty laugh feels like an earthquake.
Hibiki Katagiri: Yeah, you made it sound like it was the end of the world.
Reiji Kotobuki: You two are so mean. Is that any way to talk to a friend?
After that, through many twists and turns, we make our introductions and explain the situation.
These two graduated at Saotome Academy as composers.
The tall man, Hibiki Katagiri, is now a freelance producer.
It seems that the other, Kei Otonami, is working as a freelance composer.
Today, they were in a meeting in the room next to Kotobuki-senpai’s.
Hibiki Katagiri: I thought that a robber had assaulted someone or something…. But a lunch box.
Reiji Kotobuki: It’s not just a lunch box! Since Kouhai-chan was coming today, I had it specially prepared.
Hibiki Katagiri: A karaage lunch box from Kotobuki Bento, huh? I remember, that's all we ate during our school days.
Kei Otonami: But a lunch box is a lunch box. A proper adult does not shout in a dressing room. Pull yourself together.
Otonami-san looks at Kotobuki-senpai with cold eyes.
Kei Otonami: It must be difficult for you, having a guy like him as a partner.
Haruka Nanami: No, I…. I requested partnering with him myself.
Otonami-san looks at me in surprise.
Kei Otonami: You…? Do you not know about his past?
Haruka Nanami: What…? His past?
What is he talking about…?
Kei Otonami: As far as you know he’s the kind and fun senpai….
Hibiki Katagiri: Hey, stop.
But Otonami-san ignores him.
Kei Otonami: It might be none of my business, but you should keep an eye on who you choose. Try to uncover the real him. Is the face that he wears his true self?
Reiji Kotobuki: Always saying that. It’s not like I can hate you for it, though.
Ignoring us, Otonami-san heads for the exit.
Something feels off about his words.
Hibiki Katagiri: Hey, Kei, wait!
Katagiri-san goes after him, and at that moment....
The door opens and Mikaze-senpai enters the room.
Ai Mikaze: Keep it down, Reiji. I’m trying to concentrate in my dressing room and I can’t.
Kei Otonami: A… Aine…?
Otonami-san mutters, stunned, when he sees Mikaze-senpai.
Hibiki Katagiri: No, that’s… Ai Mikaze. This is only my first time meeting him too, but... you’re right, it looks exactly like him….
Ai Mikaze: What are you talking about? Who are you?
Mikaze-senpai sneers at the remarks of the other two.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ah… They are my….
Before Kotobuki-senpai can finish, Otonami-san storms out of the room, past Mikaze-senpai.
Hibiki Katagiri: Hey, I said wait! Well then, Reiji, see ya.
Katagiri-san runs after him.
Kotobuki-senpai, Mikaze-senpai, and I are left alone in the room.
Ai Mikaze: What was that, how unpleasant. Both you and your acquaintances were acting strange.
Reiji Kotobuki: Hm, we were, huh….
Ai Mikaze: In any case, keep your voice down, I can’t read like this. And you, watch over your partner.
Haruka Nanami: Yes….
After that, Mikaze-senpai leaves the dressing room and slams the door closed behind him.
Reiji Kotobuki: Haaa.… Today was terrible….
After Mikaze-senpai has left, Kotobuki-senpai sits down on the chair and lays his head down on the table.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai…. Are you all right?
Reiji Kotobuki: Haha, honestly? I don’t think I’m feeling very well. I guess I look really uncool now. I’m sorry, but could we wrap up for today? I really wanted to take you home today, I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you next time.
Haruka Nanami: It’s fine, I can go by myself. But, Senpai….
Reiji Kotobuki: I’ll rest here for a while. Don’t worry.
Haruka Nanami: I see.
Reiji Kotobuki: We have a meeting about the unit next week. Let’s talk about the future then.
It’s my first time seeing Senpai so sad.
I wonder what happened between him and his acquaintances.
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes… Thank you for today…. I’ll take my leave….
Kotobuki-senpai only waves his right hand, the rest of his body lying flat on the table.
Haruka Nanami: Haaa~ I was so nervous.
I thought I was going to get sucked in by that atmosphere, and now I’m completely exhausted.
I exit Kotobuki-senpai’s dressing room, and when I leave the TV station building through the back door, it's already nighttime.
Haruka Nanami: When that man saw Mikaze-senpai, he said “Aine.”
It seemed like the name of a person, so it must have something to do with what they were talking about.
I wonder what their relationship is? The mystery deepens....
Haruka Nanami: Even so, people in this industry have such strong personalities....
First there’s Kotobuki-senpai, then Ittoki-kun, Ichinose-san, Kurosaki-senpai, Katagiri-san, Otonami-san and finally Mikaze-senpai….
Haruka Nanami: I have to be strong if I want to communicate with these people.
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A week later.
The Shining Agency office conference room.
Ryuya Hyuga: Hey you guys, the meeting is starting. Hurry and take a seat!!
Reiji Kotobuki: Yeees~!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Tch, annoying….
Ai Mikaze: I’m already seated.
Camus: Meetings like this are the height of folly.
Ryuya Hyuga: Speak one by one, the heck....
Hyuga-sensei looks over each unit member and sighs.
Today, we’re meeting about the Christmas Live unit.
Hyuga-sensei will determine the direction of the unit and then we’ll listen to the demo I composed.
I’m so nervous.
Reiji Kotobuki: Okay, so, first of all, we have to decide on a leader. Aaaand I present to you my candidacy!!
Ai Mikaze: Reiji, get a better grasp of your attitude. We decide as a group here.
Reiji Kotobuki: GAN! GAN!! Ai-Ai, Even if you feel that way, don’t say it like that!
Ryuya Hyuga: Guys, I’m telling you to listen!!
Hyuga-sensei hits the desk and everybody goes quiet.
Ryuya Hyuga: Anyhow, let’s decide the leader.
Reiji Kotobuki: We’re deciding after all!!
At the words of Hyuga-sensei, Kotobuki-senpai interrupts with his retort.
The other three ignore him.
Ryuya Hyuga: Obviously, you are all disorganized. Without a leader, everything will fall apart.
Ai Mikaze: But how on earth are we going to choose? We’re unlikely to reach a conclusion with the current state of affairs.
Ryuya Hyuga: Well… that’s true. Hey you, objectively, what do you think?
Haruka Nanami: Ah… me?
Ryuya Hyuga: Yes, if you had to choose a leader out of these four, who would it be?
Haruka Nanami: T-that’s….
Select the phrase!
Kotobuki-senpai (+0 Love)
Haruka Nanami: Kotobuki-senpai, wouldn’t he be the most suitable?
Reiji Kotobuki: Great, Kouhai-chan, well said!! Splendid!!
Hyuga-sensei gives me a sympathetic look.
Haruka Nanami: Kotobuki-senpai is always energetic and motivating everybody. Plus, he’s the most experienced.
Ai Mikaze: I see, he's always hyper, at least he's good at that.
Camus: He’s certainly the oldest of us, and as an idol he’s almost there.
Camus-senpai laughs.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Well, when it comes to his career history, he’s certainly number one. He’s the senior. But he’s too much of a pain.
Reiji Kotobuki: Now don’t call other people old~! I’m an eternal 19-year-old, so isn’t that cruel~? Ai-Ai too, what’s with that "at least"! But if you guys say so, it can’t be helped. Now onto the next thing.
Kotobuki-senpai sums it up in an instant.
It seems like he’s suitable as a leader, after all.
Ryuya Hyuga: Even if we talk, we make no progress. You, choose one out of these.
Hyuga-sensei writes the names in a memo pad, folds each one separately, and hands them to me.
Haruka Nanami: Eh? Me? O-okay….
I gingerly take one of them.
Haruka Nanami: Waaa~
Reiji Kotobuki: Who is it, who is it?
Haruka Nanami: Kotobuki-senpai!
Reiji Kotobuki: YESSS!! Good job, Kouhai-chan!
Kotobuki-senpai rises off the chair in a triumphant pose.
Ryuya Hyuga: Well, no complaints. Now Reiji, you decide the next topic.
At Hyuga-sensei’s words, the other three nod reluctantly.
Reiji Kotobuki: Yes, yes-yes! Then, the next topic is… What kind of dance we should do~!!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Dance? You must be joking. I ain't dancin'.
Kurosaki-senpai frowns at Kotobuki-senpai’s words.
Reiji Kotobuki: Tch, tch, tch, Ranran, don’t be like that. We are I-D-O-L-S, after all.
Ai Mikaze: If we don’t dance what do you want us to do? Just stand there and sing?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I’ll play the bass.
Camus: While the three of us are dancing? Then you will look even more stupid, fool.
Reiji Kotobuki: Waait, if Ranran plays the bass, I can play the maracas.
Ryuya Hyuga: Stop with the nonsense. You’re not a comedy band.
Haruka Nanami: That’s right, if you play instruments, you will look like a band rather than idols….
Reiji Kotobuki: Well, that’s right…. But, then, then, Kouhai-chan, what do you think about the dancing?
Haruka Nanami: About that….
Select the phrase!
I want an intense dance (+20 Love)
Haruka Nanami: Since you’re such a good unit, a flashy dance on the stage would be the best way to please the audience, right?
Reiji Kotobuki: Right, right, I agree! After all, dancing is an idol’s thing! I’ll show you my hustle!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hey don’t decide on your own! And you woman, don’t say unnecessary things.
Haruka Nanami: S-sorry!
Ai Mikaze: Honestly, I’m fine with anything. And Reiji will just do as he pleases.
Camus: It’s work, so it can’t be helped. You dance when you’re told to dance.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: You’re both traitors.
Ai Mikaze: Traitors? You'd need an alliance for that.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: …
Kurosaki-senpai goes quiet at Mikaze-senpai’s words.
Reiji Kotobuki: Okay, it’s decided then! LET’S DANCING!
Kotobuki-senpai does a backflip.
… In the conference room…. He’s incredible!!
And thus, Kurosaki-senpai accepts that he will have to dance.
Reiji Kotobuki: I’ll talk to a choreographer that I know well, so even Ranran will be alrighty!!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I said I didn’t want to dance, doesn’t mean I can’t.
Camus: I don’t care as long as it’s not too inconvenient.
Ryuya Hyuga: Understood, then contact them from the office. Damn, we’re running out of time because you guys wouldn’t get along.
After saying that, Hyuga-sensei hands out the schedule to each member.
Ryuya Hyuga: For now, check over the schedule. Current state of public relations, schedule before and after the performance, and for other small details about the choreography, you'll be contacted later. Since there will be a lot of interviews, settle on your opinions properly.
Everyone agrees.
Ryuya Hyuga: Now, the song is crucial, should we listen to it?
Hyuga-sensei smiles at me.
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes!!
I nervously connect a speaker to my laptop.
I open the music player and play the song.
Reiji Kotobuki: Bravo!! Kouhai-chan, you’re fired up alright~ Isn’t it cool? Good, good~~!
Kotobuki-senpai does a banzai and applauds me.
W-what’s this…? I’m so embarrassed.
Haruka Nanami: Thank… thank you very much.
Reiji Kotobuki: If you keep at it, I’m sure winning the Song Festival will be easy as pie. Do your best!
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
I’m so happy Kotobuki-senpai praised me!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: It’s better than I thought. Compared to what I expected, I mean.
Ai Mikaze: I guess I’ll give you 68 points. If you keep working like your life depends on it, we may make it.
Well, at least it seems it’s not too bad.
Camus: Kotobuki, guide her well so that we don’t have to go through anything unnecessary.
Reiji Kotobuki: Yeah, leave it to me. From now on, I’ll guide her without holding back.
Ryuya Hyuga: Seriously… you’re in good form. It's certainly not a bad song—you’ve done well.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you very much. I wouldn’t have made it without Kotobuki-senpai’s advice.
Ryuya Hyuga: Oh, I see. What’s this, you’re acting like a good senpai?
Reiji Kotobuki: Of course! We’re partners after all!
Kotobuki-senpai puts his hands on his waist and puffs his chest out.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I guess the meeting is done. I’ll get going.
Camus: Me too, I need to be somewhere, so if you’ll excuse me.
Kurosaki-senpai and Camus head towards the door.
Ryuya Hyuga: Understood. Well, my work is starting to pile up. You do your best too.
Hyuga-sensei collects his things and heads towards the door.
Haruka Nanami: Yes.
Then, Hyuga-sensei, Kurosaki-senpai and Camus-senpai leave the room.
I remain with Kotobuki-senpai and Mikaze-senpai.
Somehow, his face seems red….
Haruka Nanami: Mikaze-senpai, are you all right?
Ai Mikaze: What? Why ask that so suddenly?
Mikaze-senpai gives me a strange look while preparing to leave.
Haruka Nanami: No, it’s just… Your face seems red… I wonder if you have a fever….
Reiji Kotobuki: Maybe Ai-Ai has caught a cold~? Big brother will check~
Saying that, Kotobuki-senpai reaches for Mikaze-senpai’s forehead.
But Mikaze-senpai slaps his hand away.
Ai Mikaze: Watch the touching. It’s because you do things like that that people call you annoying. Anyway, I’m leaving too.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ai-Ai, so strict! “Annoying.” There are things you can and cannot say. Wai—Ai-Ai, good job today!
And so, Mikaze-senpai leaves too.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ha…. So cold, seriously.
Kotobuki-senpai sighs, looking after the direction that Mikaze-senpai went.
Haruka Nanami: Um…. Kotobuki-senpai, thank you so much.
Reiji Kotobuki: Eh? What for?
Kotobuki-senpai looks at me, surprised.
Haruka Nanami: For the advice on the song—thanks to your help, the other senpai have accepted it as well.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ah, sure. But it was you who actually made it and fixed it properly....
Haruka Nanami: But it was thanks to you too. I hope you will continue to support me from now on.
I thank him again and lower my head.
Reiji Kotobuki: Yeah….
What… What was that….
When I raise my face, Kotobuki-senpai is staring right at me.
Haruka Nanami: Um….
After a few moments of silence, Kotobuki-senpai opens his mouth.
Reiji Kotobuki: The other day, I asked you why you wanted to partner with me. You said that you heart shouted “It has to be him!”, right?
Kotobuki-senpai tilts his head a bit and looks into my face.
Haruka Nanami: Yes… I’m sorry that explanation is no good.
Once more, it feels like no reason at all and I’m baffled by it.
Haruka Nanami: But now I believe that my intuition was right.
We’ll only be working on the production of the unit song for a short time, but I think he will become a senpai I can really trust.
Besides, I feel that I can learn to be more sociable and energetic from him.
Haruka Nanami: You are obviously talented… but also gentle and kind….
I do my best to gather the missing words. There’s also gratitude and appreciation.
Reiji Kotobuki: “He’s bright, we’ll have fun together, but he also takes work seriously,” right?
Haruka Nanami: ...!!
I nod vigorously at Kotobuki-senpai’s words.
Reiji Kotobuki: Was I right?
It's as if he read my mind. I feel drawn in by those eyes that seem like they've seen everything.
But… what is this…?
Senpai seems different....
Haruka Nanami: How did you know?
Reiji Kotobuki: That’s what I thought, so I just went ahead and said it.
When he says that, Kotobuki-senpai suddenly averts his eyes.
Reiji Kotobuki: But you know, you’re wrong.
Haruka Nanami: What?
The light in his eyes shimmers faintly. It's a cold gaze I haven’t seen before.
Reiji Kotobuki: I’m, you know…. Weak, cold, and a coward. So, Kouhai-chan….
Kotobuki-senpai looks right at me once more.
Reiji Kotobuki: If you want to win at the Song Festival, you shouldn’t partner with me.
He closes his eyes.
With that expression, I can’t begin to guess what he's thinking….
(Chapter End)
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elianaroselight · 2 years
Soo......... Listening to the Playlist I made about LMK and was reminded of this beautiful song which @winterpower98 and I have come to associate with her OC Ju Jing. I had always pictured it as him singing to his mates, Ju Ling and/or Ri Shi (Cursed where Ju Ling died or Dreaming in June AU where all three are in a polyship), but then I realized... What if in the Cursed AU, he sang it to Ju Ling after she died. Thirty minutes later, this bad boy was born. Grab the tissues. If I cried writing it, you are going to cry reading it.
Ju Jing takes a deep breath as he walks over to the decrepit house he and his son once called home. Hone with his late wife and her family. Today, he had asked Ri Shi to drop him off and give him some time alone. She would be nearby, but separate. He was grateful for her willingness to help him and help raise his now motherless son. That thought pierced his heart like a hot knife slicing butter. 
As he arrives at the row of graves, he gently lays a flower on each grave. A rose, hibiscus, chrysanthemums and lastly, the bellflower. Ju Ling's favorite. He knelt down and dusted some dead leaves off her gravestone. He never knew what to say when he visited, but today he came prepared. It was the day of her birth and he wanted to give her a gift, even if she wouldn't be able to actually enjoy it. 
"Hey.. I'm back. And I had a song I wanted to sing to you.. You said you had always liked my voice…" He says softly before taking a deep breath and pulls out a sheet of paper. "You put all your faith in my dreams. You gave me the world that I wanted. What did I do to deserve you?" He sings, pausing to take a breath and wipe a tear away. "I follow your steps with my feet. I walk on the road that you started. I need you to know that I heard you, every word. I've waited way too long to say… Everything you mean to me."
He couldn't help but think of all the times she would encourage him to do something new or all the times he was inspired by her to do better. Too many to count.. "In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now - - I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around. In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth, I'm everything that I am because of you." He sings, pausing to wipe more tears away. "I-.. I've carried this song in my mind. Listen, it's echoing in me. But I haven't helped you to hear it. We-.. we've only got so much time. I'm pretty sure it would kill me If you didn't know the pieces of me are pieces of you." His voice grows louder as he sings, adding more emotion and emphasis to his words. 
"I have a hero whenever I need one! I just look up to you and I see one! I'm a man 'cause you taught me to be one!!" He sings out with desperation, needing his wife' s spirit to hear and understand. After a moment of quiet, allowing Ju Jing to collect himself a bit, he looks down, allowing his tears to fall and mix with the dirt as he begins to softly sing. "In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now… I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around… In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth. I'm everything that I am- whoa. Whao." His voice grows some as the desperation returns some. 
He pauses, trying to collect himself better before quietly and slowly finishing. "In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth.. As long as I'm here as I am.. so are you…" He finishes before breaking down into sobs, clinging to the grave marker that bore the name of his wife and mother of his son. The demon who gave him a meaning to life and an irreplaceable joy. Who he would always love forevermore. 
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whiteboardshit · 2 years
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Cruel Summer Analysis
I was reading the official lyrics for the bridge of "Cruel Summer" and I noticed for the first time that "I love you" in quotes alone. I always assumed the quotes were around "I love you, ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard?". This completely changed my perception of the song.
So, I'm going to go through the whole song to discuss how that one difference changes the story being told for me.
The main thing that changes is the number of characters in the story. Before I assumed the only characters were Taylor and the Lover. But we can also include a third character who'll I'll name Friend for now. Friend is on the receiving end of the story, Taylor explain the true story of what happened between her and Lover. (Please note I'm using Taylor as a name for character in a story, not Taylor Swift. Certain assumptions will be made about the character based off Taylor Swift because we know Taylor Swift writes based off her real life)
Verse 1:
Fever dream high in the quiet of the night You know that I caught it Bad, bad boy Shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it
[So verse 1 set the scene where Taylor had no plans to fall in love with Lover but accidentally fell in love. Friend obviously knows this but the next part is where the truth of the relationship starts to come out]
Killing me slow, out the window I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes What doesn't kill me makes me want you more
[Taylor starts to expose the fact that it wasn't a happy relationship. 'Out the window/I'm always waiting for to be waiting below' has a double meaning of Taylor literally looking out her window looking for Lover and Taylor having fallen in love and expected Lover to already have fallen for her. Lover however never loved Taylor the way Taylor loved them]
And it's new, the shape of your body It's blue, the feeling I've got And it's ooh, whoa, oh It's a cruel summer It's cool, that's what I tell 'em No rules in breakable heaven But ooh, whoa oh It's a cruel summer With you
[THE PLACEMENT OF COMMAS. So a friend of mine said that Shakespeare is written to be read comma to comma and I firmly believe that applied here. Blue is a being a descriptor of both Lover's body and the feeling Taylor has about the situation. Every moment with Lover was amazing but hurt so much. The term cruel summer is so amazing to cover the situation because summer is beautiful time of year where the sun is out and you get to be outside and free because the cold winter is gone. The explain that time of year to also be cruel beautiful explain how Taylor felt about Lover.
The line 'It's cool, that's what I tell them/ No rules in breakable heaven' is Taylor exposing her lies to Friend. She tried to play off the relationship as a summer fling where she was having just having fun with Lover, nothing more. But she know that Lover could cut it off at any moment and she would be devastated]
Verse 2:
Hang your head low In the glow of the vending machine I'm not dying You say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times We're not trying
So cut the headlights, summer's a knife I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes And if I bleed, you'll be the last to know
[Friend is the person Taylor is waiting to cut her to the bone. Taylor is always thinking about outside perception and how the media will portray her. If everyone (including Friend) knew about the truth while the relationship was happening, Taylor would have been bombarded with others opinions about what to do with her own relationship.
Last to know isn't Lover but Friend and everyone around her. Taylor doesn't want people to she's in the heartbreaking unrequited-love relationship. Being a position of fame, it's important that people think she's living this perfectly beautiful life. ]
I'm drunk in the back of the car And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh) Said, "I'm fine, " but it wasn't true I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you And I snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh) And I screamed for whatever it's worth "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
[Ok people, this is where I lose my mind everytime I listen to this song now. This is where Taylor start unloading to Friend. She starts filling in blanks and explaining why she was the way she was on the night they went out and she cried. She goes in between talking to Friend and talking to Lover alittle. 'I dont wanna keep secrets to keep you/ And I snuck..." is partially to Lover and partially to Friend. The way this line sung is more like "... keep secrets just to keep you and I, snuck in..." The importance of that 'comma' is it shows how little control Taylor had. The phrase 'just to keep you,' gives Taylor more power that what she had in that relationship. She was willing to do so much, not to keep Lover but to keep them together even if they were bound to fall apart because Lover never loved Taylor. But Taylor catches herself and quickly goes into a story about the garden gate.
Now to the part that started this all. let me show you the scene. Taylor is pouring her heart to Friend, explaining the heartbreak she just went through. Explaining that even though she told Lover she loved them, it did nothing to save the relationship. And isn't that situation the worst thing you've ever heard? I find this so much more heartbreaking than Taylor screaming at Lover "I love you ain't that the worst thing you've heard?" Taylor has to live with that fact that she did everything she could to save that relationship but Lover simply didn't love her so the relationship ended.]
He looks up grinning like a devil
[This line is so important because it explains why Taylor wasn't able to leave. The devil is a tempter, leading people to a life of sin. Lover was too tempting, too enticing for Taylor to leave. Every time she thought she could be done, Lover would smile or do something that bring her back into their world.]
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cbjustmusic · 2 years
The #1 song from 50 years ago was Helen Reddy’s “I am Woman”. __________________ I Am Woman Songwriters: Helen Reddy and Ray Burton
I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore And I know too much to go back and pretend 'Cause I've heard it all before And I've been down there on the floor No one's ever going to keep me down again
Whoa, yes, I am wise But it's wisdom born of pain Yes, I've paid the price But look how much I gained
If I have to I can do anything I am strong (strong) I am invincible (invincible) I am woman
You can bend but never break me 'Cause it only serves to make me More determined to achieve my final goal And I'll come back even stronger Not a novice any longer 'Cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul
Whoa, yes, I am wise But it's wisdom born of pain Yes, I've paid the price But look how much I gained
If I have to I can do anything I am strong (strong) I am invincible (invincible) I am woman
I am woman, watch me grow See me standing toe-to-toe As I spread my loving arms across the land But I'm still an embryo With a long, long way to go Until I make my brother understand
Whoa, yes, I am wise But it's wisdom born of pain Yes, I've paid the price But look how much I gained
If I have to I can face anything I am strong (strong) I am invincible (invincible) I am woman
Oh, I am woman I am invincible I am strong I am woman I am invincible I am strong I am woman
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Late reply, but whoa. Never heard of a Zentangle before. Absolutely going to look into it though, thank you so much! Classical music is also a great recommendation, I've been blasting it lately to help me relax (and it also helps inspire me to write, so that's a bonus). I may or may not have also relaxed by listening to a certain "Alive" from a certain musical... which is certainly not a 'relaxing' song, but idk man, maybe your singing is just that good Hyde? Lmao.
To prevent this from just being a rambled reply, I do have a question for you! Yah mentioned fidget toys; I myself have one. A littol hedgehog that is very soft and squishy and nice to stroke. Do you have a stim toy, Eddie? Or are those not really your thing?
(I would also like to send a hug to the mod of this blog for your lovely advice, thank you :D)
Zentangling is very therapeutic! (You may like Jacob's piano, on both Spotify and youtube, it's got a very whimiscal feel to it!)
I honestly had no idea I had a nice voice. Then again, I don't really care.
I particularly like noisy figets, like popits, or clacky infinity cubes, funnily enough!
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paramorearchived · 6 months
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May 23, 2011
Whoa woah woe..
it's sort of unbelievable how much can happen between these LJ posts...  i don't say that in a negative way really. i'm just only starting to realize the time that's passed now that i sit down to write you guys. 
with all the off time and the sitting around at home i've really just felt afraid to be still. it's hard to go from moving at a million miles a minute to stomping on the brakes. and now -- THANK GOD -- we're getting ready to get a little busier. you might've heard but there will be a new song on the way pretty soon and that means, we'll have some work to do! not to mention, rehearsals for summer shows will be here before i know it. i mean, i really have to keep reminding myself... it's only a few months off! it should be a good thing right? balls!
i've been in LA for quite some time now.. while i've been out here, i've seen some great shows (A Day To Remember, The Swellers, Zach Galifianakis -- ugh i can't spell that! -- Best Coast, Jon Brion, The Watkins Family Hour, and I think more but I can't remember right now), went on a date at LACMA to see the history of fashion exhibit, and i haven't eaten meat in months! who knows how long that will last though.... I mean, I can't really complain. it's been a lot of fun. you know what i think my problem is though? i think i have growing pains. 
i always come back to this... to growing and changing and how it feels when the whole world already "knows" exactly who you are. they know your next step before you take it. they know your every reason for every thing. and hey, this is the life i wanted! honestly, i love the workload (how i miss it right now), the company (you guys), all the different places, and most of all the freedom to create. all i can say is, with all that's on it's way to us right now... and i really believe in it... i guess i feel like a different version of me is ready going to be taking it on. i mean, damn, i've had enough time right? and yes, i said it before, but i think the guys are there too. i don't think i'm alone when i talk about how some screw has been tightening... or loosening.. in my head. maybe even some of you are there too? there is never a bad time to start over, in my opinion. 
with all that being said.. i'm SO ready for new music to get out there. we've been talking about it since february. you've sort of heard one of the songs but i'm ready to hear what you think about more of them. i'm ready to see you guys face to face at shows. ready to care about what i look like a little (you know, quit looking like a scrub just cause i know i'm off)... which i guess means i can let myself go shopping.. yes? thank you. 
anyways, what was the point of all of this? did you get it? i'm so excited for summer. let's talk more soon. sooner than it took us to talk last time. 
love you guys a lot, hayley
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studioweus · 2 years
hello frankie!!!
aah i'm glad you received it! tumblr often eats up asks or notifications so i'm not too surprised lol
i had a feeling you already knew day6 since you like kbands lol shoot me is just so good. as for btob, missing you is just one of those songs i can't skip it's been on my top 100 tracks for like 3 years (so since the first time i heard it lol) and i really recommend their most recent music (as a quartet and then as a full group).
i hope you've had time to listen to the songs, i enjoyed discovering the ones you mentioned 🥰 i actually already had flowering by lucy and hoppipola's cover of creep but i hadn't listened to them in a long time so it was nice to go back to them (i love that hoppipola makes long songs it's so rare). the guitar solo in montage is insane and i have a mutual who's really into yonghoon and he really has an amazing voice so i ended up listening to the whole album!
the dreamcatcher's concert was my first kpop concert (and it was so fun even if i was on my own)! i started listening to kpop like a year before covid hit so by the time i was enough of a fan of groups to consider going to their concert they had stopped touring (or they did online concerts which were technically my first concerts lol) - hopefully there'll be more! what about you, have you been to any concert?
oooh i knew hweseung could play guitar well but i had never seen that performance, it's so nice! i love their lol medley too (love the vid and that dongsung got to sing) but aside from that my faves are probably their live don't cry cover and their don't start me now and leave the door open covers, i really wish they could be on spotify so i could listen to them more easily (seunghyub and hweseung also have great solo covers!) but i think it's already really cool that they have full videos for them with different sets and styling to fit the song, it's liek they really make the songs theirs
as for my holidays traditions, i celebrate christmas 🎄 when i lived with my parents we used to put up the christmas tree together with my brothers but now that i live on my own i don't have enough space to have a tree lol so i'll be going back to my family this weekend to celebrate together 🥰 and other than that i took part in a christmas market at my church (we sell handmade cards and other stuffs as well as some food so that's always nice) and i also really like finding presents for everyone in my family in the weeks leading up to christmas. when it comes to new year's eve i used to do a movie evening with my family but i'll be working that day so i won't go back and i don't know yet what i'll do probably a movie evening of my own! what about you?
and now it's already time for my last question (next time you'll get a notification from me, it'll be your gift!): if you went to an nflying concert, what are the songs you'd like on the setlist?
your secret nfia ✨
i know what you mean 😔 it's a gamble sending asks sometimes. haha but thankfully i got the last ask, and this one too!
so far, i've listened to btob's newer releases (i just let the eps/albums play while i was working earlier!) some of the nct 127 songs - namely favorite and simon says - were familiar! i feel like i listened to parts of those songs. i love the chill vibes for gold dust 🥺 i also got the chance to listen to kihyun's ep, and ended up loving youth too 💛 i'll probably end up listening to the rest of the song recs while i work again. thank you for the recs 🥺💛
i also love that hoppipolla has longer songs too! i feel like it really lets the instrumentalists play around and showcase themselves more~ whoa that's cool! o: and i agree, yonghoon's voice is just *chef's kiss* was there a particular song that left an impression when you listened to the album?
aww that's a bit of poor timing getting into kpop 😔 but i hope the pandemic/quarantine period gave you the time to get into other groups! i actually attended one of the seventeen stops in north america this year during their world tour, and that was my first concert ever. it was so much fun 😭 i also hope there will be more opportunities to see seventeen again / and other groups of course! you said you saw dreamcatcher in their europe tour so i'm assuming you're from there/near europe 👀 unless you traveled to see them ofc. have there been any announcements for n.flying near you? i know they announced a north america one this january! as much as i want to attend, the nearest stop is still a bit far from where i live ;-;
i had to look up the don't cry cover and wow??? their vocals are insane, and hweseung's range is 😲 the rock vibes were very strong. i love don't start now too!! the bass line is so good 😭 leave the door open was great too! haha it's hard to choose fave covers because n.flying always does above and beyond with their arrangements.
it's always nice to spend time with family during the holidays 💛 sorry about the tree LOL the christmas market sounds interesting!! what gifts did you get your family! ah it sucks when work gets in the way of festivities 😔 i also spend christmas with the family! we normally have a big extended family party, but we held off on that during the pandemic so this will be the first time we'll be doing something big in a long while.
hmm setlist... i would definitely want video therapy on there, just because of that one live clip. everything down to the special effects was just great, i would love to see that live! moonshot as well, and of course their recent cb i like you! mainly because that's my first comeback with n.flying as a proper n.fia ☺️ how about you? o:
i can't wait to see the gift!! thank you for the fun conversations 🥺 i hope your week is going well 💛
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