#i've been writing so many long things lately!!! D:
Hello! I was wondering if you could write hcs for how everyone would be at a carnival?? Thank you<3
The Best of All Amenities (All x MC/Reader - Carnival/Amusement Park HCs)
Hello my beloved Anon, I hope you have an awesome day/night! <33 Thanks for letting me write this for you, and I'm sorry for the extreme lateness of this. I'm on my knees right now forgive me Anon raaaa.
Btw I'm getting back into the habit of writing so cut me some slack for this one. I'm also not experienced with carnivals at all so I apologise for potential inaccuracies my dear. </33
Post-Completion A/N: I just realised this said carnival instead of fucking amusement park I'm so done. I tried to make it work for both I'm sorry Anonnie. i'm sorry but have this anywayy because i've never been to a carnival and don't know what the hell goes on there and also I am kinda silly and if this is inaccurate I apologise
T.W.: Mentions of vomiting.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Amenities: something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment. 
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Brittney is a walking carnival let's be real.
Like her hair screams classic circus-tent except the white and red is pink and blue.
Would get cotton candy and judgmentally eat it while surveying the rides.
Y'all would be going around looking at everything.
She's probably gonna try to not get on anything because she's shitting herself at the thought of getting on a coaster frfr "not bothered".
Will carry iced coffee around, she somehow has an endless surplus of coffee. It's genuinely terrifying.
You both will wander around and gossip, along with judging the outfits of everyone else like it's a fashion strip.
Will get angry af if the line takes too long.
Will get on at least 1 ride out of spite, ends up almost vomiting. "Never again."
Y'all are paparazzi tho like shit's crazy with how many photos you both take of each other. shame it ain't the kinky kind
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Deryl would go berserk. Like this boy will literally lose his marbles from joy.
If you invite him to any gathering, amusement park, carnival (hell any park at all), this boy will be dragging you everywhere.
Indecisive about where to go.
Very indecisive about what to eat. he'll harass you for food teehee
Is the type to get really excited about rollercoasters, until it's your turns to go on one.
In that case he'll start panicking.
You'll have to convince him he's not gonna die.
Will be quaking in his boots from fear.
Don't worry he gets on the ride anyway. Especially if he gets one from you after.
Will just be having a blast despite the terror tbh.
Will not go into any haunted house tho.
Like he will sprint out of there.
You'll have to run after him so he won't get lost lmfao.
Will expect emotional support from you after.
You both have a massive ton of fun tho prepare for more bedroom edition fun later.
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Jess will be sceptical.
Don't get her wrong, she'd love to go.
But she's shy and a massive homebody.
and can't socialise to save her life
When you both get there, she'll be overwhelmed by the amount of people.
Sorry broski you're gonna have to do the talking.
Will be scared af of the rides, will clutch onto you for dear life.
May be the type to silently vanish and reappear because she's a midget often caught up in staring at venues and looking at things.
Will be the type to just cling to you tbh
She's either glued to you or unstick so hard and fast she'll teleport to the other side of the planet.
You'll probs take photos tbh, she does have an internet influence.
Y'all will be discussing each others' fav idols and celebs over desserts.
And of course loving each other's company and hopefully bodies.
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Crowe will be happy to go wherever with you.
So he'll def be willing to do anything at this entertainment complex.
Yáll are probs gonna grab some snacks and take more mellow rides tbh.
He doesn't seem the type to like really violent ones.
Will probably be the type to just observe you go on a ride.
Will also take photos. He wants to admire you remember this day. <33
Will hold your drinks as well.
Will just serve as your porter and server let's be real.
He'll def go on the more chill rides tho.
Will even let his hair down to feel the wind. >:]
and also so you can pull it ngh
10/10 hair pulling sesh would do again yeehaw
You both have an epic day together. Time for an even sexier night
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Hyugo would have already been dragging you places.
So when he stumbles upon the existence of this place, you bet he's taking you there.
Y'all are gonna be fucking parading around.
He's gonna just *point* somewhere and you're going.
Like it's not even a question or a debate.
He'll have a maniacal grin on his face while doing it too.
i'm scared send help
shawty getting a tad cray cray here
You're going on a ride hehe and he's gonna stare ahead very intently, grip the steel bar and have a very spoopy grin on his face.
Has a blast.
Y'all go everywhere, you make time for everything.
He'll shoot people in the line to make sure you have time teehee
y'all wont get arrested cause his daddy's got money
Oh. And candy.
You both eat all the candy.
You both also spend like 2 hours vomiting because of how much candy you had.
10/10 would puke guts out again.
But you both genuinely just have a blast. Shame it ain't a blast of smth white and sticky.
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Geo will spawn at the venue with the most monotone expression ever. he's still shocked you invited him teehee
Will recoil at the sight of the massive crowds, will probably drag you off somewhere quieter.
Alas there aren't that many 'quiet' places to go to, so he'll grow to tolerate it (because of you and only you).
Will be the type to order food that he knows you like felt like getting, gives it to you anyway.
Will not be caught dead going on a ride, the screaming irritates him too much.
Unless you beg enough, then he'll do one of his choosing. (it's the most violent one because he wants you to stop calling him a scaredy-cat).
Will be dead silent the whole time, gets off unfazed AF (he'll be hiding his nausea dwdw).
Will also probably hide his face because...his influence, his reputation, (his beautiful sexy face), the fucking paparazzi.
Will probably try to make you go somewhere else with him after, like a cafe or smth, somewhere 'peaceful'.
Does enjoy himself though, will probably not admit it due to...pride.
Only thing is; nowhere's more peaceful than your bed teehee
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Sol literally will be squealing with joy if you ask him to go anywhere with you.
This man is too down bad to live.
May or may not buy ice cream so he can watch you sensually lick it.
This bastard will 110% enter any form of haunted house just to see if you'd (hopefully) cling to him.
Will end up clutching your hand either way. <333
Everything is on him, like. E v e r y t h i n g. even you!!
You can't pay for anything, 'tis illegal.
Will be the type to just sit on a ride and hold back a smile because he's not bothered to scream like everyone else (he hates it when people do that, will probs wear headphones for the noise), so he'll just sit there and quietly rejoice.
Will bring his own food beforehand, in case you both don't wanna spend money on the stupidly expensive food there.
Is genuinely happy af tho, this guy will do whatever you want, win whatever you want.
Also will threaten people to move out of the line if they're holding it up or something.
Has no shame.
And that's okay.
Because the shameful things he does in the bedroom is more than enough to balance it out. ;)
You both have a banger time tho. *claps approvingly*
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ooffmlsorry · 10 months
Bringing Law Home for a Family Holiday
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Readers' Note: Reader has a large and generally good but overbearing family. Only happy things in this, little to no angst!
A/N: Every holiday I get struck with the desire to write my latest blorbo coming home with their s/o for the holidays. I don't have time to crack out 10-15k words so this is probs gonna be more stream of consciousness but it'll get the point across.
I've been imagining how tense the travel to Law's s/o's house is because God forbid y'all be late because Law wants to make a good impression no matter how many times you explain it's a very loose 4 p.m. arrival time.
You've been dating for long enough that you think it's reasonable for him to meet your family (that was enough to make Law's heart flutter and then start hammering...could it be you're just as serious about him as he is about you?)
"My aunt showed up at noon and my cousin's probably not going to be here until after dark, really it's fine!" You'd insist. "Besides, the people that show up on time are the ones that end up having to go back out because someone forgot something!"
And of course Law would say "that's fine." With a such a stubborn and determined tone. Being on time or a few minutes early is better than being late! Suddenly your man is a rule follower! 🤭Suddenly you can picture Law as he was a kid studious and button-ed up in his little doctor's uniform. It's almost kind of cute if he wasn't so nervous.
The closest thing to family Law has is Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. Not since the Donquixote family has Law had anything to do with that word and he's so nervous he feels sick. For Law this translate to acting like he has the world's biggest cactus shoved up his ass, and you know that so you try not to take his coolness personally.
Holding his hand helps a little though. You ignore how shaky and sweaty it is.
He's feeling a lot of big feelings right now, poor guy.
He insisted on you giving him a "family tree" when he realized how big your family is and a list of things not to accidentally mention or do. He's been studying it for days, re-reading it over and over obsessively.
The fact that he's a pirate is fine, which takes a lot of pressure off. You come from a family full of pirates, so you swear Law will fit right in. Although you warn him your grandfather's probably going to start reminiscing about how he knew Gol D. Roger as a kid (which no one knows if that's actually true) and ranting about the young pirates these days.
You'd walk up to your family home high on a hill over looking the sea. From several yards away you can already hear music. You realize as you get closer it's more like you're dragging Law more than he's walking with you.
It's subconscious lol. I promise you he's not doing it on purpose. As soon as you notice it he speaks, "I'm fine."
Poor Traffy is so pale!
His tone dares you to question him, almost as if to actually say "I'm fine, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here Y/N. Please trust me to be honest with you about how I'm feeling." But that's a lot of words for someone who's mouth is cotton dry. He's trying his best, so you give him a quick kiss on the cheek for courage and walk up to the house together.
The first thing your family comments on when you open the door is how early you are despite the fact that it's three minutes to 4:00.
"We weren't expecting Y/N for another hour!" Your aunt winks at Law and nudges him, no introduction, no nothing, and says "you must really be something special if you can get them here to early!"
Despite Law's best efforts, having one of your family members immediately point out his supposed specialness to you makes blush and stutter.
It doesn't matter how awkward his no response of blinking at your aunt was because she's already gone flitting around with an arm full of what your family calls "the good plates."
You pull Law down to whisper in his ear, "told you we'd be early," you giggle.
It's not the nicest house, but it is big, and warm, and festive. Just standing in the doorway taking it in Law's struck with the remembrance of home. He tries to only focus on the present, not Swallow Island, Spider Miles, or even Flevance, your home is good..for today. But tomorrow he'll back at his home: the Polar Tang.
You introduce him to what little family is already there. Your heart squeezes at the way Law awkwardly waves at the baby your cousin's bouncing on his lap and the surprise that quickly turns into a soft smile that spreads across his lips when the baby coos back.
He meets your grandpa, who appraises him very officially. You swear to God Law's holding his breath as the stout man with a peg leg circles him with his arms behind his back. "Trafalgar Law, hmm..." he says very seriously. "You know back in my day pirates didn't all these tattoos to prove they were tough."
"I heard your day was quite a long time ago," Law says almost automatically. In for a penny, in for a pound, he doubles down, adding "sir" at the end.
That would be your boyfriend hehe. Too sharp for his own good.
Of course that's what your grandfather likes. He shakes Law's hand and pulls him into a crushing hug. Your grandpa promises later he's got words for him (ie. the shovel talk). It's a little disturbing how comfortable Law feels knowing he'll be threatened with an unspeakably awful death later. That's the most familiar thing that has happened all day. lol
But he knows the person he needs to impart the best impression on is your grandmother. You don't think you've ever seen Law so perfectly polite in your life....which makes your grandmother howl with laughter! "My ass whooping days are over, boy! Relax!" Her frail hands clutch her stomach as she laughs. She wipes a tear from her eyes, "I thought you said he was a pirate?!" She pats Law on the cheek like he's a sweet little boy (because at her old age 26 is a little boy) and gives it a squeeze. And because it's your grandma, he lets her.
You have to hide your laughter behind your hand.
"He's a sweet boy, Y/N," she says to you. "And so handsome! Where were all the good-looking men like him when I was at sea?"
"I killed 'em all!" Your grandpa yells across the house.
And just like that, Law's in your grandmother's good graces. Of course you knew he would be.
True to your word earlier, you get sent in to town to pick up a short list of last minute things. It's a nice moment to breathe. As soon as you're far enough from the house you wrap your arms around him and kiss him deeply.
"I'm so happy they like you," you say quietly once you come up for air. You don't tease him about how strange it is to see him hoping for someone's approval like you would in most circumstances. Instead you feel yourself melt, "I knew they would, but now you believe me?"
"They like me for now," he says because god forbid he go easy on himself.
"You're not as hard to love as you think you are, Law." You press another kiss to his lips.
(A/N: ooh chile lemme tell you, for saying that right there that man is going to romantically rail you within an inch of your life when y'all get back to the ship. That is the only way I can convey to you how much you saying that means to him. He's speechless.)
By time y'all get back there are a lot more people here and it's a lot louder. Your brother asks Law about a rash on elbow (at the dinner table no less, but hey these are pirates!) and he actually gives him advice.
Law meets your little cousins, who ask him a million questions including but not limited to:
"Why do you wears that funny looking hat?"
"Are you actually a surgeon?"
"Does getting a tattoo hurt?"
"Can you give me a tattoo?"
"How many Marines have you killed?"
"Are the Straw Hat Pirates really that strong?"
"Do you really have a polar bear on your ship?"
"Are you and Y/N ever gonna have a baby?"
To which Law responds:
"Who said it was funny looking?"
"I don't know. I don't feel pain." you thought this man would take their questions seriously?
"Surgeons aren't allowed to do that. My hands will fall off if I do."
"Definitely more than you."
"As strong as they are stupid."
"Yeah, he's our navigator."
".........I think I heard someone calling you from the kitchen."
Your little cousins think "he's weird funny." He does "surgery" on the dolls your cousins offer up to him and thoroughly enjoy the weird monstrosities he creates. And Your moody teenage nephew deems Law "cool."
Your mom insists Law's too skinny for his own good and piles more food on his plate. "If you're going to survive out there you need some meat on your bones! I wanna see you here next year, Trafalgar."
Law almost chokes. Your mom already wants him back next year. He was expecting to have to get her approval somehow too, but she's accepted him immediately. "All I needed to know is if you make my little Y/N happy!" Your mom explains while hugging you, "And look how happy they are!"
And your old man, a pirate captain in his own right, several beers deep, slings his arm over Law's shoulder. "You're the one that's got that big ol' bounty, huh?" Before Law can fully answer, he continues on drunkenly, "that means you probably looted enough to cover your own wedding, right? Cause I'm sure's shit not." God bless Law for taking it with a grain of salt and taking him over to a couch. "That means you can marry 'em if ya want, as'long as I don' havta pay none. But if you break their heart I'll turn ya in myself...goddamn Marines...making me a traitor..." he says until his words turn into drunk muttering.
"That's your blessing in case you were wondering," your mom sighs. "I know you didn't ask but that was it. That man is fine with anything as long as he doesn't have to pay for it."
"You get my blessing because you helped clean up!" Your grandma pipes in. "Nothing more valuable than a man that knows how clean up after himself!"
I don't know how many times Law is rendered speechless for a moment. Was it that easy or was your family truly that accepting? In a handful of hours he's been completely welcomed and they want him to come back next year, to marry you? It's dizzying, but in a...hopeful way? Because...he wants it to happen too...if he's lucky enough to come back next year as your husband.
At the end of the night, you and Law are sent on your way with tons of food to bring back to Heart Pirates, and whether he likes it or not your mom and your grandma each press a kiss to Law's cheek.
You walk back down the hill together.
"It was good to see them again," you say. "Was that too much?"
"No," Law says. "I'm happy."
A/N: so yeah, I just had that bumbling around in my head today. I hope it was fluffy enough for ya! 😘
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suddencolds · 3 months
insatiable appetite [1/?]
sooo... this is one of the thirstiest things i have written—and also one of the only times i've written a character with the kink, ever T.T warnings in advance for mess, character getting sneezed on, implied contagion, possible ooc-ness, & me writing this entirely with my d instead of my head
ivan and till are from al//ien sta//ge (a very fun watch which will only take 30 mins out of your life; i really recommend it!!). that said, this fic takes place in a modern au setting, so feel free to read it without any prior context :)
special thanks to @6pmsoup for sending me a very cute alnst doodle of these two which altered my brain chemistry permanently
Summary: Till shows up to a dinner outing with a brewing cold. Ivan suffers. (est. relationship, kink!Ivan, ~2k words)
For all Till tries to hide it, Ivan can tell immediately.
There’s this: Ivan has been paying attention to Till for most of his life. A full decade before they’d gotten together officially, and some more—this is how long Ivan has had to observe his tells. Always from the sidelines, always with a detached air of indifference that, in reality, was anything but.
All the signs are there the night before. Till, turning up the thermostat a couple degrees higher than he usually keeps it. Spending a little too long in the shower and using up almost all of the hot water. Clearing his throat one too many times in the morning before Ivan leaves for work, his smile distracted, the rasp of his voice nearly indistinguishable—but only nearly.
Now, Till is here for dinner—it’s a dinner they’ve had plans for a couple weeks now, at one of the nicer restaurants downtown, in celebration of Till’s recent promotion. Ivan had booked the reservation a couple weeks in advance.
When Till arrives, stepping out of a taxi cab, he’s wearing a scarf, even though the weather is too warm for it. Ivan steps up to meet him. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Till says. “Traffic here was the worst I’ve ever seen it, swear to god.”
“Was it cold outside today?” Ivan asks, a little pointedly, tilting his head towards his scarf.
Till looks at him, his expression unreadable. Then he nods. “Colder than usual, for this time of year.”
“Strange,” Ivan says, just to be difficult. “But the weather forecast says it’s the same temperature today as yesterday.” 
“It’s probably just windier today,” Till says, readjusting his scarf around his neck. His face is a little flushed.
“Your voice sounds a little off, though.”
Till clears his throat with a scowl. “You must be imagining it,” he says. “It always sounds like this.”
No admission, then. That’s fine. Ivan will get the truth out of him at some point. He lets Till guide him into the restaurant.
It’s a nice restaurant—worth the hassle of the reservation, Ivan thinks. Each table is set with flowers arranged tastefully in long glass vases, empty wine glasses turned on their heads. The server—who leads them to their table in a small, private booth—is wearing a suit.
It’s a shame, really. Ivan has a feeling that he won’t be able to pay attention to any of that tonight.
They sit. Ivan looks down at the menu, picks out something at random in a matter of seconds. Truthfully, he can hardly think of anything less worth his attention right now. He turns his attention to Till instead—Till, who’s seated directly across from him, the scarf still around his neck, obscuring the lower half of his face. 
Till sniffles, reaching down to turn the page, and oh. The sniffle is terribly liquid—has he been sniffling like that all afternoon? Perhaps it’s a good thing that they work at different offices—Till at a law firm, Ivan as a senior manager at a consulting company—because Ivan certainly doesn’t think he’d be able to get any work done with Till sniffling like that. 
It’s not two minutes later that Till is reaching up to wipe his nose against the back of one knuckle. All in all, it’s discreet. Just a quick brush of the fingers against his nose, which is still hidden under the scarf. Though, the look of sheer ticklishness that passes over his features for a brief moment there is...
“What are you thinking of ordering?” Ivan asks.
“I can’t decide,” Till answers. He turns the page again. “It’s between the ribeye steak and the… snf! The pork belly. Is this the kind of place that skimps on the portion sizes?”
“Not from their Yelp reviews,” Ivan says. “You know, if you really can’t decide, I can flip a coin.”
“I’ll pick,” Till says. “Why? Hungry already?”
He looks up, now. His eyes are a little watery. There’s a faint flush over the bridge of his nose. Ivan thinks that if he reached out and touched him, he’d probably be running warm. The thought is almost unbearable.
“Your taxi did take forever to arrive,” Ivan says, by way of explanation. 
“Did you really wait that long?”
He looks uncertain, for a moment. Ivan says, “Not at all. But you know, I’m always impatient when it comes to you.”
Till rolls his eyes, but it’s fond. “There was a meeting that ran late. I wasn’t avoiding you.”
“Is that also a part of your new position?” “I guess so, yeah.”
“I can see why they were eager to promote you, then,” Ivan says. “How productive can late afternoon meetings be, anyways?”
Till snorts. “Not that important. It definitely could have been an email instead. I was about ready to doze off.”
He sniffles again. “Okay. I think I know what I want.” The way he says know betrays the slightest hint of congestion. 
“At long last,” Ivan says, just to be a little bit of an ass. “I’ll call over the waiter.”
He flags their waiter down, waits for Till to order first.
“A spiced apple cider,” Till adds on, at the end, with the slightest of coughs. “Hot, if you can.”
That’s new, too. Till seldom orders hot drinks at restaurants, though he’ll drink tea without complaint if it’s offered. Perhaps his throat hurts, then, from the cold that has clearly started to settle in his system. Subtle, still, but Ivan is familiar with colds like this. He knows it will probably only be a few hours before this deceptively “small” cold turns into…
Ivan orders, too, and thanks the waiter, who leaves with a curt nod. When he looks back over to Till, there’s a… strange something to Till’s expression, a slight distractedness. Irritation.
Ivan swallows hard. He should look away. 
He should, but then, Till’s breath hitches. He pulls the scarf higher over his face preemptively, as if he anticipates having something to have to cover for. The sharp intake of breath that follows is breathy, though Ivan can hear Till’s voice in it. He should really look away.
Instead, he takes the scene in, painstakingly, little by little, as Till’s shoulders jerk forwards. As Till presses a hand to the scarf, presses the fabric closer to his face, to muffle a sneeze into his fingertips:
“hhH-Ih!! hiHH-’IESCHH-eew-!”
God. It sounds utterly miserable, the harsh release of it scraping against his throat, the spray tearing into his scarf. It’s the kind of cold sneeze that is undeniably telling: this is going to be one hell of a cold. It’s not very quiet, either, even muffled into the fabric.
For more reasons than one, Ivan is glad they’re in a private corner of the restaurant, not somewhere more public.
“Bless you,” he offers, once he can trust himself to speak. It’s a good thing that Till is too distracted to look up at him right now. Ivan isn’t sure he can keep what he’s feeling off of his face.
Truthfully, he isn’t sure he’s going to be able to endure a whole night of this.
The problem here is that Till—Till, of all people; Till, who Ivan has been pathetically in love with for almost as long as he can remember—has no idea about Ivan’s… relatively niche interests. That is to say, he has no idea what effect it has on Ivan when he does that.
“Thanks,” Till says, a little stuffily. He sniffles again, lowering his hand. 
Ivan can’t help it. He knows he shouldn’t pursue this line of questioning, but he can feel his self-control dwindling by the second. “Don’t you think it would be better to take off your scarf, now that we’re inside?”
Till freezes. “Y-You know what,” he says evasively. “It’s pretty cold in here.”
Ivan tilts his head in question. “And just how do you plan on eating like that?”
“I’ll take it off when our food comes.”
“I can ask the waiter to turn the temperature up, if it’s a problem,” Ivan says. 
“It’s not a problem.”
Ivan rises from his seat. Till watches him, perplexed, as he heads to the opposite side of the table, where Till is seated.
When he gets there, he stops. Stands, unmoving, so he can study Till from above. 
“What are you—”
Ivan reaches out, settles his palm across Till’s forehead. As expected, it’s warm. Not quite feverish, which is a good sign, but warm enough to be notable. 
“Just how long were you intending to hide this?”
Till stares back at him, wide-eyed. “Hide what?”
Shouldn’t it be obvious? “The fact that you have a cold.”
“I didn’t think it was worth mentioning,” Till says, slowly.
“Hmm.” Ivan drops his hand to his side. He is a little concerned, now. “We could’ve called a rain check.”
This time Till really does roll his eyes. “For the reservation we planned weeks ahead?” he sniffles again. “That just sounds completely and utterly unnecessary. Are you the type of person to call things off just over a little cold?” 
Ivan leans over, tugs down the edge of Till’s scarf. Till bats his hand away just a moment too late, cups his other hand over his face to shield his face from view. For a moment, he looks faintly mortified.
Then his expression settles into something more disgruntled. “What are you doing?” he hisses.
So uncooperative. “Let me see,” Ivan says. Slowly, gently, he pries Till’s hands away from his face, and then—because the restaurant is dimly lit—tilts Till’s face up slightly so that it catches more of the overhead light. 
Till’s nose is redder than usual. He’s probably been rubbing it all afternoon, if the redness that percolates into his cheeks is any indication. There’s  a damp, liquid sheen on the underside of his nose.
“What’s there to see?” Till says, a little crossly.
“Your face, since you’ve been so intent on hiding it under that scarf,” Ivan says, leaning in to get a better look.
Till scowls at him, but there’s no heat to it. “You see my face every day.”
“On the contrary, I don’t see it nearly enough,” Ivan says. “And you hardly ever get sick. Is it so wrong for me to be concerned?”
Without looking, he reaches behind him with one hand to grab a couple cocktail napkins. The other hand he keeps held up to Till’s cheek. 
But then, Till’s breath hitches. “Wait,” he says. Panic flashes through his face. “Ivan, move, I—”
Oh. Well, seeing as there’s no way he’ll be able to get the napkins over in time, it looks like he’ll have to improvise. If Till wants to cover, Ivan can help with that. He moves his hand to cup it loosely over Till’s mouth. Not a second too late, it seems. Till jerks forward unceremoniously, his nose twitching, his eyes squeezing shut.
“hHheh-! HHh’EIITShHh’yYiew!” he gasps sharply. Two? “Hh-! hHiiH’DSSCSSHh-IIew!”  
The jolt of the sneezes is practically electrifying—all of that force, brought to an abrupt halt behind Ivan’s waiting palm. He feels the expulsion of air against his skin, the warmth of Till’s breath, feels the slight dampness behind his hand as the spray mists over his fingertips.
Ivan swallows, hard. Thank god it’s so dark here, otherwise Till might notice what this is doing to him. 
“Bless you,” he says, withdrawing his hand at last to wipe it on one of the cloth napkins. It comes out slightly raspier than he intends it to, though perhaps it’s a miracle that he’s still able to talk at all. “Some cold, hmm?” Belatedly, he hands Till the stack of napkins.
Till practically snatches them from him, turns aside to blow his nose wetly into the top few. The way he sniffles afterwards suggests that his nose is still very much running. 
“Do you have no self preservation? It’s as if you want to catch this,” Till says, drawing back with another sniffle.
Oh, Ivan thinks, fighting back a shiver. That would be far from the worst thing.
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 1 year
Yours, Always and With Love
Warnings: (implied) MCD, angst
For @longdaytogo 🫡🥲
Dear "Mycroft",
I think I've finally figured out who you are. And I think it is bloody bollocking funny that I ended up with you as my pen pal. Are you really in the States? Merlin, I want to know what they think of you over there.
And you're wrong. There are people who miss you where you used to live.
You fucked up my nose,
I don't know who you think I am, but I'm not that person. You're not always right. You're can't be all good. People like you don't survive for long. I'm nothing like you and even I barely made it. You think you're special but you're just another fool like me. Find a new life like I did. Your government does not deserve your loyalty.
You deserved it for spying on me,
D. Mycroft
I don't do what I do out of a sense of loyalty. I do it because I want to be of some use. I'm definitely not all good and am most certainly a fool, you're right.
People keep writing about my bravery. They don't know I fake it. They don't know how afraid I am all the time. If I were less afraid, I'd find that new life.
Dear Potter,
I think I might enjoy tales of your masked cowardice. Write some down and send them along with your next letter.
You do what you do because you were brainwashed into thinking that it is your purpose in life. It is decidedly not, I assure you.
Fake it one more time and find that new life. You'll thank me for it. And maybe you'll stop whinging about your crooked nose.
Draco Malfoy.
Dear Malfoy,
Is my nose actually crooked because Hermione insists it's not, and Ron always starts talking about Ludo Bagman's nose? Needless to say, they're not very convincing. I now know why my dates never owl me back.
Speaking of which, I've had help throughout all of my many celebrated adventures. Perhaps if I had help (read: company) I might actually go start that new life. Find a new name too, maybe, while retaining my real initials of course. I'd hate to have to change my signature.
What do you think fits well with "HP"?
Dear Hideous Pumpkin,
I think your dates might owl you back if you shaved that scraggly beard off and found new glasses. You look like an expensively dressed homeless person in all your press photos.
We have a way of finding what we seek, I think. Three weeks ago, all I really wanted was to make a connection. Now I'm writing this one prat every other day and it feels quite fulfilling, rather.
You do have company. Look closer.
Draco M
Sorry about the late reply. Work-related rubbish that you're probably not interested in.
I actually have been considering new frames. Do you think I should get bedazzled ones? I think they're in vogue now. They might help bring out my eyes or something.
It's a funny thing: connection. Kind of unpredictable where one might find 'em, right? I think I'm glad the pen pal agency connected me to you. It's definitely a fulfilling connection.
I'm writing this at 3am right before I run into work and get assigned a new mission. I'll be undercover and incognito so receiving/sending mail won't be possible, so I'll respond next when I'm back home. To make up for it, I've written down some of my earliest memories of my life in the cupboard and how I once locked my cousin in there. Go nuts and I hope you pull something as you laugh at me, you prat.
I'll be thinking of you.
Dear Potter,
I enjoyed your little collection of memories. You really were always an idiot, I've learnt. I don't know what on earth possessed you to believe that any of it would make me laugh, though. You rightfully blame me for a crooked nose but you don't think to unapologetically ruin the people who stomped on you like a bug when you were a baby and then proceeded to keep you under their boot until you were eleven?
I'm flying to England on the 24th. I'll be staying at the Ritz, London. If you're back from your mission and you're well, ring me at the hotel and ask for D. Mycroft. We'll have dinner or something. My treat.
I truly despise your job. I don't like the idea of you cut off from me the world like that.
I hope to see you soon.
Potter, I'm writing only because it would be incredibly rude of me to leave without telling you. I don't know what you think of me after last night. I might have asked you, if you'd been here when I woke up.
I'm sorry.
Draco, you absolute fucking idiot.
You write to me instead of ringing me on the number I gave you? And then I stroll into the fucking Ritz clutching sausage rolls and shitty coffee and the receptionist has to politely insist that I bugger off because "Mr. Mycroft has checked out already"?!
TEXT ME with your phone number and address. I'll book the next available flight to you.
You fucking idiot oh my god.
Dear Hideous Pumpkin Head,
You left three of your socks here and none match. Also, I know we only just hung up but I still wanted to write because somehow it's harder to insult you when I'm in front of you or listening to your voice.
My sheets stink of you. I'm never leaving this bed, I think.
Draco. Can't call. Destroy your phone and SIM. Stay within wards. Don't lose sight of your wand.
I will contact you as soon as possible. I am so fucking sorry. My god please be safe I am so sorry.
I love you.
Did I really need to get a new owl? I'm perfectly safe and I am not afraid. Not anymore. Not when I have you.
I'm hoping that when you write me back, it will be to tell me that you've handed in your notice. The new flat here is enormous and it feels empty without you. Tell me when you'll be shipping your stuff and I'll make arrangements to have them brought here.
I can't wait.
Harry, why won't you answer your stupid phone? Honestly, I'm tempted to write to the Ministry right now, if only I hadn't spent the last fifteen years wiping away all traces of my existence. How's the notice period going? Have you started packing yet? It's very, very quiet here and it's unsettling. I may end up getting a talking bird and it'll be your fault.
Please call me.
Harry your phone is turned off and I can't think why and I am writing separately to Granger as well. If I don't hear from either of you in three days, I'm coming back there and I don't care about fucking dark wizards. I'M a dark wizard, as I was reminded often. We'll fight them off together.
Please I can't bear this respond.
Granger says you went missing eleven days ago. I don't care if you're undercover. My owl won't come back without finding you first.
Dear Harry,
Today I woke up and looked out the window and it was snowing. Almost Christmas already! That night at the Ritz you talked about your horrifying Christmas experiences as a child and I vowed to rectify that as soon as I'm able.
I've hung up twenty-two stockings, my darling, and they all have your name on it. I have a list of things I think you'd have loved and I'm going to find them all and stuff those stockings until they're bursting.
I'm getting our tree today. You said you'd always wanted a real one. I wish you were here so we could decorate it together. I hate ladders.
I keep thinking about I can't believe it's been six months alre I want you here I can't pretend anymore Please come take me away with you
I miss you. Every second of every minute, I miss you. I love you more with each passing day. I want you to come back Harry plea
Yours, always and with love,
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genericpuff · 6 months
Genuinely I would give anything to hear your thoughts or read more critical analysis of yours on other webcomics writing (*slides you Marionetta* I like the webtoon but there are some things in the writing that I'd like to see be discussed critically more often but the fandom focuses way too much on shipping. sighs..)
Anyway, you probably have been asked this before but are there any webtoons in particular you would recommend? :D
Oh lord, you don't know how many times a week I get asks in my inbox asking for my opinions on webtoons they're reading. It's really sweet that people wanna hear me talk about other works outside of LO, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to read as much as I used to, even keeping up on LO lately is getting really difficult 😅 I'm definitely keeping a list though of works to check out!
That said, I try not to read series on the basis of criticizing them because frankly I just... don't want to spend time reading something if people are only looking for me to rag on it? 😆 Of course I know that's not the only reason, I know there's also just the element of seeing me talk extensively about other works the way that I do with LO, but it's not really something I can turn on and off like that, I have to get really into a series to want to talk about it to that extent. So it often comes down to just luck of the draw :'0
Right now the series I'm keeping up the most on (or have completed and would absolutely 100% re-read):
Alfie (18+, it's porn with plot but the plot is REALLY GOOD , I SWEAR LMAO the art is gorgeous, the characterization is IMMACULATE, and it ironically tackles the subject of purity culture way better than LO ever has lol)
Theia Mania (the creator is often in my comment section / neck of the woods, she's been working on an Abduction of Persephone retelling for a long while now and has also tackled other myth retellings in her style! I always love seeing new pages of her work in my feed :' ) <3)
Tales from Alderwood (if you like fantasy and comedy, this one's great, the plot's really starting to get interesting and it's just got this really great sense of humor about it)
The Black Parade (this one's REALLY interesting, it's a comic-stylized version of My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade, using the songs as narration and sometimes even dialogue to tell a visual story, it's really cool and the art matches beautifully with the lyrics and style of MCR!)
A Tale of Two Rulers (this is a Legend of Zelda fancomic that poses the question, "What if Zelda and Ganondorf got married to solve their political crisis?" It updates a lot slower than most of the other comics I follow but the art and writing is so worth it <3)
Dogs of Future Past (and p much all of Lynx's Undertale comics which can be found in the link, seriously, THESE are the comics you wanna read if you wanna get into Undertale fanworks, they are PEAK)
Tamberlane (this one's an anthro comic, I normally don't read anthro but this one actually gripped me by the throat, the art is gorgeous and the character arcs so far have been great!)
The Mafia Nanny (okay it's legit so funny that I'm including this one here but I've been reading it the last couple days after seeing it basically beat out LO at the top of the trending tab for a couple days, so I figured I'd give it a shot, at first I was like "great more tropey shit" but the more I read it the more it's actually started to get pretty good, I'm holding out and hoping to god it stays that way LOL it's not especially deep or anything like that, but it's really fun and cute to read and the shipping of the main character within the narrative isn't too self-absorbed which I can always appreciate, I'd honestly be 100% fine with it if it didn't turn into a romance)
City of Blank (I talk about this one a lot here, but it's one of my favorite Originals right now, the art is super polished and the writing has gotten INTENSE, go check it out if you want some fun action / sci-fi storytelling!)
Time and Time Again (a time-travelling vampire and his werewolf boyfriend get into all kinds of misadventures, what more could you ask for?)
Touch of Divinity (like the Mafia Nanny, this is one I just started reading, it's got a very interesting premise so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes!)
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yukisshittyposts · 2 years
Just Imagine Bakugou with a daughter that has daddy issues: Part 3
You asked and shall receive <3
[Part 1 –> Part 2]
NOTE:  I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this! I hope you like it :) Also, since many anons requested a Part 3 but each request had a different concept, i decided to try and combine them all into one post. I hope that's alright with you <3
English is not my first language so, sorry if you find any spelling mistakes.
Btw, (D/n) = Daughter's name.
"Just so you know, Mum made me agree to this."
"I know but you could've still denied her and stay home instead of going on a walk with me."
Bakugou knew this wouldn't be easy from the moment he saw that annoyed look on your daughter's face, the same look he has himself whenever the paparazzi crowd him, according to his parents.
"So, how have you been lately?" He asks her, trying to break the ice. She stares at him for a moment, with the same crimson eyes that he has and shoves her hands inside the pockets of her dark green hoodie. Her Deku hoodie. "Good" She answers, averting her eyes from him.
"How are things at school? Do you like UA?"
"Your classmates, your teacher? Everything's alright with them?"
"With my classmates, yeah. They're cool. My teacher though..." she sighs, shaking her head. "He's a weirdo. He calls me and Reiko problem children all the damn time for some reason unknown to us and likes to sleep all the time."
"Reiko Midoriya." Ah, yes. Deku's brat.
"Let me guess, you have Aizawa as your homeroom teacher." She suddenly turns her head, looking at him with wide eyes full of surprise. "How did you–"
"He calls me from time to time to scold me for the way i handle some situations and vice versa. At some point, he called to tell me that he has a little girl in his class that radiates gremlin energy and who looks awfully like me."
Her mouth falls open and makes the shape of the letter "O".
"I do not radiate gremlin energy!" She frowns, clenching her jaw.
Bakugou chuckles and gives her a playful, lop sided smile. "Ah, yes you do."
"And how do you know that?" She asks. You don't live with me and Mum to know." Silence. Deafening fucking silence. Bakugou stops walking and stares blankly at the space before him. And to think this conversation was going so well so far... He clenches his fists and takes a deep breath, trying to keep his cool and looks at your daughter with an annoyed expression on his face.
"You know..." he starts saying. "You're the one who doesn't let me get to know you better. You realise that, right? No matter how much i try to spend time with you, you just don't let me."
"Jeez, i wonder why" she mumbles under her breath.
"It's been nine years, (D/n)!" he suddenly yells, making her flinch and take a step back. "It's been nine fucking years! I've been trying for nine fucking years and you–"
"Don't fucking put the blame on me! You left!" Your daughter yells back, pointing a finger at him. "You fucking left! You were out of my life for two fucking years! No calls, no texts, no nothing! And for what? For some stupid fucking cunt!"
"Don't bring my wife into this!"
"I will do whatever the fuck i want to!" She screams, anger thrumming through her veins and trembling with rage. "You left me! You fucking abandoned me remember? You abandoned me! Mum had to lie to me every fucking day about you! That you were on some secret fucking mission and that you weren't allowed to communicate with us! I was worried sick about you until i saw you one night on the damn TV, talking about that cunt and about your damn son!"
"I didn't want to–"
"Do you know how i felt the moment i saw you talking on that damn show?" Her voice cracks, eyes shining with the threat of tears. "Do you? I felt so fucking relieved. Finally, i remember thinking. He's back from that stupid mission. Safe and alive. Now, he can come back home and talk to me, spend time with me and help me train my quirk. I was so fucking ecstatic, so fucking excited until you started talking about her and about your son. I'm not stupid. I put the pieces together. It wasn't so hard for me to realise that the mission Mum was talking about didn't exist."
"I remember this one time" she chuckles, looking at everything except him with big, fat tears running down her face. "I was badly hurt during a training exercise. Mum had to take me to the hospital. I remember her dialing your number and calling, trying to reach you out so many times but you never picked up the phone. Thankfully, Shoto was there so i started to feel slightly better but that's not the fucking point." She sobs, trying to keep herself from completely breaking down. "You see what you do to me now? This is why i never agree to spend time with you, god fucking damnit!"
Bakugou grabs your daughter's shaking, sobbing figure and brings her towards him. He wraps his big arms around her and hugs her tightly. He places his head on top of her own and closes his eyes, trying to keep his own tears from spilling.
"Why did you leave? Why did you leave me, dad?" He hears her whimper on his chest. Fuck, she hasn't called him that in years. "Why did you leave me?"
He looks ahead for a moment, trying to find the right words to comfort his daughter.
"I never wanted to leave you, sweetheart" he whispers, rocking the both of them back and forth. "Never. I just...I just didn't want to make the same mistake again. I didn't want history to repeat itself and in the process, i made another mistake. The worst one. I hurt you. I left you when i shouldn't have and didn't think of the consequences, how it would affect you and i'm so so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. You have every right to hate me. I don't blame you for trying to avoid me all these years, honey. You have every damn right."
"All I'm asking" he continues, his voice heavy with emotion, "Is to give me another chance. I know i don't deserve it but please, give me one chance to make things right with you. Just one. Please."
Eyes swollen from the tears shed just moments ago, she let's out a shaky breath and gently pushes him away. Bakugou lets her and takes a step back to give her some space.
"I just..." She starts to say brokenly, blinking the tears away and avoiding eye contact. "I don't think i can ever forgive you for leaving." Fuck. Fuck, fuck fu–
Bakugou feels a great pang grip his heart and he forces himself to nod, misery written all over his face.
"But..." She continues, her eyes now shining with hesitance, making him look at her with a hopeful expression.
"I would like to try."
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
Konig and 141 boys developing a crush on their cute and sweet neighbor who also agreed to take care of their place while deployed. Will they act on their crush or try to ignore their feelings? Thank you kindly :)
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ℐ𝓉 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊. ℬ𝓊𝓉 ℐ 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
Task Force 141 (+ König) x gn! reader
Oh my god… I got so many ideas and I literally don’t know how to put them ALL into one short fanfic but I‘ll try me best😭😭 I hope you enjoy, love you!!!🩷🩷🩷🩷
(Also I‘m sorry I‘m posting this so late because I was too focused on Simons part because hello? This man has been through so much and I had so many ideas on how to write his part. I literally wrote like 4 and deleted them all because I always found something that would fit more😭)
┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙
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You could ask anyone around the area about König and every single one of them would say that he is socially awkward or they don’t know since they never talked to him. But you never believed in any of those. You were trying to build a friendship with him and he is more shocked about the fact you want to build a connection with a masked man, like it’s the most usual thing in this world. But little did you know that König slowly developed a little crush on you whenever you were there and just looked so unbelievable.
It’s been months now and König's admiration for you only grew stronger. Your kindness and selflessness had left an indelible mark on his heart. Every time you visited his place to take care of things, he found himself longing to spend more time in your company.
Unbeknownst to König, you had also noticed his quiet affections. Your intuition told you that he was too timid to make the first move, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. With a mischievous smile, you approached König one day, ready to play the role of matchmaker.
"Hey, König," you said, your voice filled with warmth, "I've noticed how much you appreciate my help with your place. How about we grab a cup of coffee sometime? I'd love to get to know you better."
König's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and gratitude. He stammered, searching for the right words to express his thankfulness.
"Y-You... You really mean it?" he managed to say, his voice filled with genuine surprise.
You nodded, a playful glint in your eyes. "Of course! It's the least I can do for a neighbor as sweet as you."
A smile broke across König's face, radiant and relieved. "I... I would be honored. Thank you for taking the initiative, You."
And so, the two of you ventured into the world of possibilities, sharing laughter and stories over cups of coffee. With each passing moment, König's shyness faded away, replaced by a blossoming confidence that was fueled by your unwavering support and understanding.
As your connection deepened, König found solace in your presence, a sanctuary where he could be himself without reservation. Your kindness and care melted away the barriers he had built around his heart, allowing love to seep in and flourish.
And in the quiet moments shared between you, König expressed his gratitude for your boldness, for taking a chance on him when he couldn't muster the courage himself. He marveled at the beauty of fate's intervention, realizing that sometimes, the greatest love stories are born out of the selfless actions of others.
As König wrapped his arms around you, his heart overflowing with appreciation, he whispered, "Thank you for seeing the real me, for showing me that sometimes, it's okay to let someone else take the lead. With you, I've found a love that transcends boundaries, and I'm eternally grateful."
In that embrace, you knew that you had made the right choice, that your leap of faith had led you to a love that was worth every ounce of effort. Together, you embarked on a journey of companionship, supporting each other through the highs and lows, cherishing the bond that grew stronger with each passing day.
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Simon Riley
Simon was a very cold man who didn’t like to socialize. But when you moved it next door, you kept annoying him with cookies and cake. He never understood why you were doing these things but he slowly let himself enjoy the things you bake for him. You were smiling at him whenever he went on a run. You always sit on the balcony and you looked so pretty that he once almost ran into a car. He got embarrassed but he was relieved you didn’t see it. And every time he caught a glimpse of your warm smile or heard the sound of your laughter, his heart skipped a beat.
As Simon prepared for another deployment, he approached you, hoping to find someone trustworthy to look after his place while he was away. Since he didn’t trust anyone in this area to do it so, he always came back to a messy apartment and he usually cleans it before he gets deployed again. To his relief, you gladly agreed, your genuine kindness shining through. It was in those moments of conversation and connection that Simon began to realize there was something special about you.
But as his feelings for you grew, so did his fear of rejection. Simon was known for his bravery on the battlefield, found himself paralyzed by the vulnerability of his emotions. He watched you from a distance, yearning to take that leap of faith but unsure of how to approach you.
It’s been months and simon's heartache intensified. He longed for your presence, the sound of your voice, and the warmth of your touch. The thought of you taking care of his place while he was away brought him a sense of comfort, yet he was still scared. He was scared that you might hurt him. He is scared that you will leave as soon as you see the real him.
But on one evening, as the setting sun cast a golden glow across the horizon, Simon mustered the courage to strike up a conversation.
“Listen, you don’t have to do this. I mean, I couldn’t give you anything back as a thank you." his voice cold yet so soft towards you. You looked confused and Simon could tell that you were thinking about something. And he was desperate to find out what you’re thinking about, but would that scare you away?
"Simon… I‘m more than okay with doing this. If you want to thank me than tell me more about yourself" your answer completely left him silent and for a moment he couldn’t believe that you exist. How can someone so beautiful and sweet talk to him. He doesn’t even show his face yet alone a single part of his body. You don’t know how he looks like nor do you know how his arms even look like. Yet you’re here interested in him and he couldn’t help but feel his heart jump out of his chest and run towards you.
But it took him 9 months to finally open up. He came to your apartment and you greeted him with tea, his favorite one. You saw how much he loves tea and decided to surprise him with tea back. Ans he felt so safe in your apartment. It felt like his demons were waiting in front of your apartment because even they were shy around you. Not even they couldn’t bare to hurt you.
He started telling you a bit about himself but he kept it above the surface. He doesn’t want to scare you away. Not after he just got used to your presence. The way you talk, the way you smile at him. He would gladly give his own life so you could smile forever.
To his surprise, you listened with unwavering attention, your eyes filled with empathy and understanding. "I’m so proud of you for opening up, Simon. Thank you for telling me" your words carried a soothing melody that calmed the storms within him. The walls he had built around his heart began to crumble, brick by brick, as you reached out and touched his hand gently.
In that moment, Simon let you in, allowing you to slowly weave your way into the depths of his heart. He marveled at the strength and tenderness you possessed, the way you accepted him without judgment or reservation. And with each passing day, his affection for you grew, the boundaries between friendship and something more becoming blurred.
Finally, the day of Simon's departure arrived. He stood before you, his eyes locked with yours, searching for the words to convey the love that had taken root within him. As time ticked away, he leaned in, his heart pounding, and pressed a tender kiss against your lips, through the thin mask.
You smiled, a knowing smile that spoke volumes. It was a silent agreement, a promise of a future yet to unfold. The kiss held the weight of unspoken emotions, of longing and hope. It was a kiss, filled with the anticipation of what the future held for both of you.
As Simon boarded the plane, he carried your smile, your warmth, and the promise of a love yet to fully bloom within his heart. And in that moment, he knew that no matter the distance or the trials they faced, you would always be with him, guiding him through the darkness, and reminding him that love had the power to heal even the deepest wounds.
See you next time, his heart whispered, knowing that the next chapter of their love story would be written when he returned.
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John MacTavish
John found himself in a neighborhood far from the battlegrounds he was accustomed to. It was there that he discovered a small haven of peace in the form of a cute and sweet neighbor, the one who had graciously agreed to take care of his place while he was deployed. It was funny because you were asking him about something and behind him, you saw how messy his apartment was so you offered to help him and he gladly agreed.
John couldn't help but find himself drawn to you. Your kind nature, infectious smile and the way you cared for his home with such dedication warmed his heart. He discovered himself longing for the moments when he could steal glances of you from his window or engage in friendly conversations over the fence.
But as much as he admired you from afar, John couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he wanted more than just a neighborly relationship. He yearned for something deeper, something that would bridge the gap between friendship and romance.
It took him a year. A year of battling his own emotions and building up the courage to confess his feelings. The weight of his unspoken words felt heavy on his shoulders, threatening to consume him. He knew he couldn't keep this secret any longer.
One evening, as the sun began to set, John found himself standing at your doorstep, his heart racing in his chest. With a deep breath, he knocked, hoping that the words he had rehearsed countless times in his mind would find their way to his lips.
When you opened the door, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in your eyes, John's words spilled out, tinged with vulnerability and sincerity. He confessed how your kindness had captured his heart, how your presence brought light to his world, even in the darkest of times.
To his relief and joy, your smile widened, and a blush colored your cheeks. “Finally, John. I’ve been waiting for this moment and now you did it. I like you a lot, too" The connection you both shared was undeniable and it was clear that fate had brought you together.
And so, in that moment, under the fading daylight, John and you embarked on a journey of love and companionship. What started as a neighborly arrangement blossomed into something more profound and beautiful.
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John Price
In a quaint neighborhood, nestled amidst the chaos of life, John found himself drawn to the captivating presence of a neighbor unlike any other. You had captured his attention with your gentle nature and kind heart. Little did you know, he admired you from afar, silently cherishing every encounter and longing for the day he could express his feelings.
As fate would have it, duty called John away, requiring him to deploy on a mission that demanded his undivided attention. In his absence, he entrusted you with the care of his home, knowing that your presence would bring warmth and life to the empty space he left behind.
From a distance, John observed your daily routines, captivated by the grace with which you carried yourself. He found solace in the thought of you gracing his doorstep, bringing life and cheer to the once-silent house. Your visits to tend to his place became a bittersweet pleasure for him, as he admired your kindness and dedication.
Each day, as he watched you through the window or caught glimpses of you leaving his home, his heart would flutter with a mix of emotions. The sight of you brought him both joy and longing, a conflict he struggled to reconcile. Yet, he remained silent, never having the courage to confess his feelings.
Months passed, and John's deployment came to an end. He returned home, ready to step back into the familiar routine of his life. But something had changed. The connection he felt with you had evolved, matured into a deep and profound affection that now haunted his every thought.
Still John remained silent, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had grown between them. He watched as you continued with your life, unaware of the impact you had on him. It pained him to witness your happiness from a distance, knowing he could never be a part of it.
Months passed until the opportunity for love slipped through John's fingers. You never knew the depth of his feelings and he, burdened by his own fears and insecurities, couldn't find the words to express them.
But life moves forward, even in the face of unrequited love. And as time carried on, John found solace in the memories of your brief encounters and the love he had silently harbored. Though he never had the chance to call you his own, he cherished the moments he shared with you, even if they were only from afar.
John remained the silent observer, his heart forever touched by the presence of the sweet and kind neighbor who had unknowingly stolen his heart. In the quiet corners of his mind, he carried the love he never confessed, forever cherishing the memory of you.
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Kyle Garrick
In the bustling neighborhood where Kyle resided, a newfound sense of warmth and happiness began to flourish. As fate would have it, his charming and sweet neighbor, the one who agreed to keep an eye on his place while he was deployed, had captured his heart.
You had a way of brightening Kyle's day with just a smile or a kind gesture. Your presence brought a sense of tranquility to his world, a respite from the chaos and turmoil that often accompanied his line of work.
In the beginning, Kyle found himself stealing glances at you from across the street, admiring the way your laughter danced on the breeze and the gentleness that radiated from your every action. He couldn't deny the growing attraction that pulled at his heartstrings, urging him to take a chance.
After a month of wrestling with his feelings, Kyle finally mustered the courage to confess his emotions to you. It was a nerve-wracking moment, his heart pounding in his chest as he stood before you, vulnerability etched across his face.
With shaky breath, he poured his heart out "I like you, Y/N. A lot. More than words could ever describe it and I plan on sharing my life with you.I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the day you came and offered me those stupid cookies. And then I wanted you close but not in a scary way… So I asked you to look after my place while I‘m gone. And now I want you to be here when I‘m coming home." And as he finished speaking, a nervous silence filled the air. Kyle's gaze met yours, searching for any sign of reciprocation. And then, a smile graced your lips, your eyes sparkling with affection.
"You…" you said, your voice soft and full of sincerity, "have no idea how long I've been hoping you'd say something. I've had a crush on you since the day we met."
Relief and joy flooded Kyle's being, his heart soaring with happiness. In that moment, he knew that his decision to take a leap of faith had been rewarded in the most beautiful way.
From that day forward, Kyle and you embarked on the sweetest and most adorable relationship. Your days were filled with laughter, stolen glances, and tender moments. Whether it was cozy evenings spent on the couch, sharing stories and dreams, or exploring the neighborhood hand in hand, every experience was infused with the magic of love.
And it was thanks to you agreeing on watching over his place.
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linskywords · 10 months
Hockey RPF Recs from 2023
I realized recently that I haven't done a great job keeping up with hockey fic beyond the authors I was already subscribed to, so I did some reading in the tag for the past year (and of course fell in a hole and neglected other parts of my life, you know the drill). Mattdrai is even bigger than I thought?? (She said, having been living under a rock.) Also, wow, *amazing* writers out there I had no idea about! Here are my favorites of the stories I've read so far:
so is the longing by dogjuice (mattdrai): This one might win as my favorite fic of the year. You know how sometimes you read something that's not quite as well written as you want it to be but it's doing the thing you want so you read it anyway? This is NOT that fic. It hits such good juicy trope buttons and also is clever and hilariously written. Top marks.
i'll tell you when to stop by dogjuice (mcmattdrai): Sadly this is the only other fic dogjuice has posted, but it is also excellent. The premise could be ridiculous in someone else's hands but rings so true. I was on tenterhooks for it all to work out.
In From the Cold by makeit_takeit (TK/Patty): FERAL. OVER. THIS. All three stories in this (loosely related) series are impeccable, but this one gave me the most feels. I am weak for a repressed closeted character gradually discovering happiness, and the depth of characterization is breathtaking.
Baby, I'm a Wildcard by wearemany (mattdrai): The writing!! This fic is mostly developing/established relationship, which is not usually my fave, but somehow I loved the entire thing?? Just really compelling character-focused writing that had me completely absorbed without needing to rely on angst or drama (much as I love those in other stories).
Edmonton 10 by Helenish (mattdrai): Helenish is incomparable. I cannot express how happy I am that they've (she's?) gotten into hockey lately. Read everything; I don't even know if this is the best one because I *am* subscribed to them so I read the stories as they came out and didn't rank them or anything, but this one is excellent and also you can't go wrong.
this must be the place by rafting (Jamie/Trevor): Love me some sexuality exploration. The USNTDP ensemble was so vividly and delightfully present in this one. Also, Trevor is so dumb. How can you not love it.
let me look at you by isozyme (mattdrai, mcmattdrai): This one is emotionally ROUGH but so well done. Heed the warnings, but there's plenty of emotional satisfaction as well. I read it several weeks ago and it's still living in my head.
roughed up in the afterglow by notthequiettype (mattdrai): This one is pretty short but gets a lot done in not too many words. Really excellent character interactions and dialogue.
linger by bropunzeling (mattdrai): Top-notch A/B/O content. Sometimes you just want Matthew to have heat sex with Leon and pretend not to have feelings until he can't anymore.
in the honey by donderwalk (Jamie/Trevor): Okay it's been a while since I read this one but I remember it as the highlight of my Jamie/Trevor tag search at the time, so I'm gonna say it's probably great. 😄
Serenity in Those Deep Waters by angry_geno_is_score (larsdunn): This mashes the D/s buttons sooooo good. Has it inspired me to write more D/s? Oh yes. Check it out; You Will Have Feels.
how lovely are thy branches by quadratics (mattdrai, Brady/Tim): Hilarious premise, charming execution. This isn't even about characters getting together and yet I loved it.
Hourglass Theory by puckedup (mattdrai): So short, and totally managed to punch me in the chest (in the best way).
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hotchlove · 6 months
Trustworthy | Reader X Aaron Hotchner
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hi!!! welcome to my first one-shot fanfic :) i had a blast writing this and hope u'll have even more fun reading it.
• i take requests! plsss dm me or leave them here if u have anything fun you'd like me to write. it can be angst, anytype of trope, smut, etc. • PLZ NOTE: i ONLY do oneshots. they differ from long to short depending on the character and story. i do not write series! • trustworthy - 3.1k+ words (i got carried away D:) • desc.: - quite a bit of angst - probable inaccurate description of readers job - happy ending ♡
• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~ • • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~ • • • •
it's been about five or six months since i've joined the behavioral analysis unit in the fbi. it's not like i've been counting the days...
who am i kidding? it's been exactly 191 days - whereas like 2 of those days my boss, SSA Aaron Hotchner, was actually nice to me.
those being my first two shifts.
on the third day, i had to make a spontaneous choice whilst on a case - one that, sure, was reckless and stupid and to quote hotch "unprofessional", but i managed to save many unpredictable lives with that choice.
we were on a case in miami, a state the team hasn't visited yet up until that day.
it was a 3h flight but it was a big case, so those hours flew on by as garcia briefed us. a 36 year old mother recently lost her teenage child to the hands of a drunk and supposedly has had hallucinations of her late child telling her to kill other kids, as revenge, i'm guessing - spooky, right?
i suggested manic schizophrenia - clear symptoms and obvious manic signs (the killings). that suggestion kind of cleared the foggy air on the jet. hotch gave me a nod of approval and i felt pretty damn proud of myself, it was only my third day after all.
on the third and last day, we finally cornered the woman on a traffic free highway. she had no where to run, agents were surrounded all around her - but she was holding a shotgun. the simple way out would've been having one of our federal snipers shoot her - but i couldn't let that happen. she killed the children of many, and letting her die a painless and simple death just didn't feel right.
i swatted the snipers away, the red laser that was planted on her forehead now gone. i throw my gun on the floor and pretend to surrender, hands up. "you remind me of my mother." i tell her, my arms up.
"Y/N." hotch warns me. his eyebrows furrow as he sees me now weaponless, basically staring the shotgun in it's eyes. i don't turn to him, i don't even acknowledge him. "she tried so hard to protect me." i say and walk tiny steps towards the woman, who now walks backwards to avoid me.
"stop! one more move and i-i'll shoot." no she won't. "she basically devoted her life to making sure i remain scratchless and pure." i chuckle.
"well, look how that turned out. i've got scars all over my body and a fun memory to come with all of them." i get even closer to her. "i know how you feel. i know how much you miss him." the woman cries and nods.
"i do. i really do. what did i do wrong?!" she yells and she points the shotgun at me. "i protected him like he was made out of glass, whilst other mothers - bad ones - let their kids wander everywhere alone."
hotch jumps a little seeing the woman point her hefty gun at me. "Y/N. move." he warns, his tone as stern as his expression.
i shake my head but don't look back. "other mothers - bad ones - still have their kids. and mine," her tears fall. "my baby boy got swept off his feet the only time - an exception - when he got to walk home alone from school." she cries.
"you're right. you did everything right," i reassure her and walk even closer, only 10 meters standing between me and the shotgun barrel.
"except you forgot one thing," i scoff. "teaching him to grow the fuck up."
the gun drops to the floor shortly after she shoots. morgan runs towards her, putting the metal cuffs on her wrist. he reads her rights and takes her to the sheriffs wagon that was parked just 2 minutes away.
the bullet didn't hit me - she had no idea how to take an accurate shot. god, she barely even held that shotgun - the weight of it almost holding her instead of the other way around.
"agent Y/L/N!" hotch runs towards me, i pick myself up. "we got he-" i get interrupted by him. "what is wrong with you?!" he yells.
"are you actually insane? i gave you a direct order to move. do you think of me as a fool?" he yells, his voice basically growling.
"excuse me? i just basically handed her to you." i say, offended he's yelling at me for doing my job. "and in the process you almost got your head blown off." he's even angrier as i talk back.
"head blown off?" i scoff. "hotch, the woman couldn't even hit a giant red target if she tried. it was a risk i had to ta-" he interrupts me again.
"no- no, agent. it wasn't. you put your life on the line to appear macho infront of everyone here." he puts his pistol in it's holder and crosses his arms, taking slow but sure steps towards me. "you took control of the case like you're a veteran - but actually, you're just a rookie that will probably quit in the span of 2 months because you'll realise you can't do this." he growls again. that one hurt. "badge and gun. you're flying back to quantico tonight. i'll put in a request for a two week suspension as soon as i am back." he holds out his hand, waiting for me to hand him my gun and badge. my eyebrows furrow. "what?" my mouth parts - speechless. "you can't be serious." i say, unsure if he is. he's silent for an entire minute.
so he is serious. i give in - i have to, he's my boss, so i hand him my badge and my gun. without saying anything, i walk away. leaving the crime scene, wasn't authorized to be there anymore anyway. and ever since that day, 188 days ago, aaron hotchner has got it in for me.
everyones sitting in the briefing room except me and garcia. i walk in 2 minutes late and excuse myself, "sorry, lost track of time." JJ nods and hotch says "you own a watch, don't you, agent?" his angry expression once again tainting his face.
god i'd pay a ridiculous amount of money to punch him just once. "yes, sir. will not happen again." i reassure.
no one calls hotch sir except me. it's kind of a unspoken rule - the others are close to him, which i am not. which i will probably never be, considering he still judges my mistake as a way to not trust me with anything.
garcia walks in just a minute after me "sorry, guys, kevin was blabbing and blabbing and i could not get him to shut up." she says and smiles awkwardly. "it's fine" hotch says. "everyone's allowed to be late - once." he raises an eyebrow and looks at me.
just one punch.
JJ briefs us on the case and tells us the local police department doesn't want us there - so she's going to have to convince them, which can take a day or two. i don't mind - i was honestly not in the mood for a flight today. everyone goes back to their every day business. files, reports, coffee and smalltalk in the kitchen - or for morgan and garcia, friendly flirting in her office.
me and spencer are both stirring a fresh cup of good ol' joe in the kitchen, talking - or well, he's talking - about some new physics crap. i just nod and pretend i understand.
the color of the beige wall behind him looks particularly interesting today. he keeps explaining and suddenly goes "BOOM!" his hands wide and i jump a little at the noise - spilling coffee all over my pink blouse. i look at him annoyed, "oh my god. i will murder you." he can't contain his laugh and bursts, "i was just demonstrating!" then goes running out of the kitchen before i can get to him. i sigh and look at my now brown blouse - this would be awfully devastating if i didn't have a go-bag. i place my almost empty mug in the kitchen sink and head towards my tabe - emily giving me a curious stare. "what happened to you?" she scoffs, "physics." i reply and take my go-bag, fishing out the only blouse i have - a white one.
emily just nods at my remark and goes back to her file as if it was the most normal thing ever. considering it's me - it probably was. i change in the ladies room and scrunch my coffee splattered blouse into a ball. standing infront of my mirror i realise how see-through this blouse is - especially with a pink bra that i wore just for the pink blouse. "you have got to be kidding me." my eyes widen. it's really not that bad, but it's noticeable. so noticeable HR might force us all into a "appropriate clothing" seminar tomorrow. i really don't have much of a choice so i walk out like that, hoping or praying no one notices. my hope is diminished when i meet garcia in the bullpen, holding her palm to her hand so she doesn't burst out laughing. "not a word, garcia." i look at her, my eyes shooting arrows. thank god for kevin, as he comes and pecks her lips, her surpressed laughter now gone like the wind. saved by the bell. or well, by a kiss. i sit down at my table and keep working on my reports - if i slouch down enough you really can't see it. i'm a great problem solver. a rough, deep voice calls my name from a distance, "agent Y/L/N, my office, please." hotch says standing in his doorway. my head drops in defeat - i really have no luck today. i grab the file i was working on and hold it on my chest, basically hugging it - it makes me look weird but not weirder than having my pink bra open for everyones eyes. i stand infront of his door, mumbling to myself about how i hate my life and knock twice. "come in" hotch says, his eyes glued to his computer. "sir. you wanted to see me?" he nods and tells me to sit down, still not looking up. and so i do, i sit down and keep hugging my file like it's gonna grow legs and walk away. he finally raises his head and looks at me. his eyebrows furrow at the sight of me holding for dear life on the file, "is that for me?" he asks. "huh?" the file. "oh, no- i just really like this file." i smile awkwardly and his mouth parts as if he wanted to say something more, but he doesn't. the embarassement i'm feeling right now could wash half the population off of the earth. "you're gonna have to be transfered to a different unit." he says and coughs, his throat sounding almost dry as he barely speaks that sentence. my eyes widen to 3x their size, "what? but i didn't do-" i take a breath. "i didn't do anything wrong? you're just gonna transfer me? just like this? wh- i don't get it." i rise from my seat not realising i let my file drop. he stares at my chest and then back to my eyes like 10 times till i realise. i heastily grab the file again, sit back down and cover my chest back up, "i spilled coffee on my other blouse." i explain. hotch sighs, "it wasn't my decision. strauss wants you gone." he coughs again. "i tried to convince her, agent." i scoff. sure he did. he was probably the first one to agree to the transfer. "you're joking, right?" i stand up once again, file still in my embrace. "i know you want me gone. i just know you were the first one to agree with strauss decision." i raise my voice slightly. "wanting me gone is one thing, so is transferring me - but lying about it? you're pathetic." hotch's eyebrows furrow. he doesn't seem angry, he just seems.. apologetic? "agent, listen to m-" this time i interrupt him, "i'm done listening," i drop the file on his table "here. it's yours now." i exit his office but notice in my peripheral vision that he stood up, as if wanting to follow me. all eyes are on me and how i storm to my desk, either that or my pink bra. but i don't care. i grab my bag and jacket, my files still scattered around my desk - but they're not mine anymore, so why should i care? "Agent Y/L/N." hotch calls and exits his office, i ignore him and just keep walking. "Y/N." he calls me by my first name now. i notice the elevator is about to leave so i ask the person in it to hold it, a hand splitting the doors as i manage to walk in just in time, aaron standing 10 feet away looking defeated. --
i took a cold shower as soon as i got home to calm my nerves. didn't help much but pretending it did helps. got myself dressed in a large shirt and some raggedy pyjama pants and poured myself a glass of red wine. then another one. i'm reliving today in my thoughts - why did i get fired from the bau? and why did aaron - sorry, hotch - lie? everyone knows he despises me and wanted me gone as soon as possible, and he did so, why lie then? i gulp down another sip of wine and hear a knock at my door. if this isn't the chinese food i ordered i'll be heavily disappointed. i open the door without checking who it is and see hotch standing infront of my apartment door, the arms of his dress shirt folded up to his elbows and his jacket held on his shoulder by his hand. he looks pissed. like always but worse. "what are you doing here? i don't need to transfer to another apartment, do i?" i mock him and cross my arms. "can i come in?" he asks with a stern expression. "why?" i look at him, awaiting an explanation. i'm not just gonna let my asshole boss into my apartment with no plausible reason. "we need to talk. please." his expression changes and my heart breaks a little. i don't know why. i hate him. he's rude and selfish and made me doubt my career. but i let him in anyways. i take a seat on a bar stool at my kitchen island, sipping on my red wine waiting for him to say what he has to say. "i didn't request your transfer. i didn't agree with strauss either." i scoff but he keeps talking before i can, "but i couldn't disagree either." i knew it. god this motherf- "you got offered a unit chief position." he says and my eyes widen. "it's gonna be great for your career. it's a better pay and everything." he walks towards me and chuckles, "you'd be in a higher department than me, and that within just 6 months of working at the fbi." my eyebrows furrow, he better not be playing with me because i'm believing every second of it. "i didn't want you gone. you're an amazing agent and we," he gulps. "i was so lucky to have you. but i can't deny you a promotion out of my own selfish reasons." my mouth parts as i inhale a small breath. this is.. unexpected, to say the least. "hotch, i'm so sorry for going off at you like that." he shakes his head, "don't apologise. i know how i've been treating you and it was unfair. and totally unprofessional." he takes small steps towards me, stopping just infront of me. he swipes a strand of hair behind my ear and my body freezes - his warm fingers slightly touching my ear, his gaze so soft. i've never seen him so vulnerable before. "i care for you. and even though i handled it poorly, i thought i'd lose you on just your third day." he exhales and his arms now cross. "i couldn't let that happen. so ever since, i thought going hard on you would cause you to be more careful, less reckless." his head drops and his eyebrows furrow. "i know it was selfish, and god did i hate seeing you on the verge of tears everytime i had to discipline you." he looks me straight in the eyes, they no longer shoot fire arrows, they shoot soft looks and quick smiles as his mouth curls a little. "i'm sorry, Y/N. and i hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me." he closes his eyes and leans forward, placing a kiss on my cheek. i stand there, still frozen. i don't manage to say anything but i notice him moving. leaving. he grabs his jacket and twists the doorknob on my door without a word. "wait -" i manage to blurt out and he turns around, surprised. i walk towards him in a very quick manner, basically sprinting. if me two hours ago was put in this position, i'd finally take swing at the punch i've been begging for. but i don't. instead, i cup his cheeks in my hands and kiss him.
he doesn't react at first, the kiss starting slow, but then he grips at my waist tightly and pulls me towards him. he grins into the kiss and it feels like he just wants to eat me whole. he's greedy, unwilling to share, like he's wanted this for a while. i break the kiss so i can take a couple of breaths, he doesn't let go of my waist and looks me in the eyes. "i'm really sorry" his thumb carressing my left cheek. "you've said that."
"not enough." his lips land on mine again, this kiss shorter, more like a peck. his strong arms embrace me and my head lays on his broad chest. "isn't this unprofessional? a boss and his subordinate?" i ask as he hugs me tightly, "you're not my subordinate anymore, though, uniet chef Y/L/N." i chuckle into his embrace and pull myself away from him, looking into his eyes. "what if i don't take the job?" his eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head, "you have to, it's an amazing offer." i shrug and look up at the ceiling. "maybe. i kinda like my current work place though, i'd be willing to go back. unless of course my snarky boss won't take me." i grin playfully and he kisses my forehead. "monday 8:00 o'clock. don't be late this time."
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deedala · 2 months
🌱 w e e k l y 🌼 t a g 🌼 w e d n e s d a y 🌱
thanks for the game this week and the tag @heymacy (my beloved celestialmickey) + @michellemisfit & @energievie & @gallapiech 💖 (also thanks for writing the game last week @spookygingerr i truly intended to do it and it just got away from me😭💖)
name: deanna
age: noel years old
location: ohioooo (for now!!)
top sheet, yes or no? not for me thanks
how many stuffed animals do you own? ...i have kids so about 200??
the names of your pets (and the explanations behind them): currently no pets still living but i'll tell you about my last pet who was an orange fluffy cat that i named Keiko after the Yu Yu Hakusho character (back in college when i was a big weeb i loved the work of yoshihiro togashi)
favorite color: mint green
any tattoos? not yet but one day i hope to be cool enough
how you transport your belongings (purse, tote, hands, pockets, etc.): i have a small canvas sack backpack guy
the last movie you watched: uuhhh i think... The Bikeriders?
how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? get ready for what
favorite weather: if its summer, cloudy and mild. if its fall/winter, partly cloudy and no wind.
relationship status: i am marriaged up
ice cream flavor of choice: mint chocolate chip
first fandom: the x-files
how many books have you read this year? fuckin...i dunno. 3? yeah 3...for gallabitches book club✌️(otherwise i'd just be reading fic lmao)
first 4 words of your last notes app entry: "skate number 15 size"
and finally, if you had to change your URL tomorrow, what would you change it to? i've been vibing with my lil "deanndelion" thing lately so i guess that? i'm happy to just have it as the title of my blog though. i've been using deedala as a username for a long ass time
and now some tags for some little tagglets if you wanna play!! @mybrainismelted @iansw0rld @creepkinginc @jrooc @lingy910y @suzy-queued @blue-disco-lights @ardent-fox @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @heymrspatel @catgrassplantdad @gallawitchxx @whatwouldmickeydo @gardenerian @loftec @the-rat-wins @spoonfulstar @mmmichyyy @crossmydna @wehangout @captainjowl @howlinchickhowl @sam-loves-seb @rereadanon @softmick @mikhailoisbaby @callivich @burninface @sickness-health-all-that-shit @sleepyfacetoughguy @sleepyheadgallavich @transmickey @lee-ow @themarchg1rl @spookygingerr @thepupperino @vintagelacerosette @xninetiestrendx @palepinkgoat
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merakiui · 18 days
I wrote this whole thing out already tbh but I accidentally reloaded my tab 😭 so I have to type it out again 💔. I'm sorry if the first one somehow sent already and you get this twice
But nono that is Absolutely an NBC dress!! I see the vision!! I am personally not as big of a Rollo fan but I DO think he is a fascinating little bug. I'm putting him in a little jar under a big ol' magnifying glass and observing him for forever. I like that Masquerade offered us a look at other mage schools and how they work, what villains they're based on, etc. I really appreciate him for that. I did actually really enjoy what we got to learn about him too. Fun stuff! Love Masquerade.
AAAA fashion and eel blessings! I'm so honored :D!! Tbh Floyd has always been much much kinder in gacha than his brother ever has been,, so even tho I loved Jade first maybe I should give that other eel his proper chance. Since he seems to love my keys so much lol
I totally forgive on the forgetting to answer tho it's okay 😭!! These asks get very long. It's bound to happen! Obey Me had that update though a few months ago and it's been a godsend so far!! I played for forever but my cards weren't ever strong enough to reach the later story :( so I'm really glad Nightbringer offers the full thing for free so I can binge read!!
Since I brought up other games though,, I've been wanting to ask actually if you've ever looked into Diabolik Lovers? If you haven't and ever want to... I do want to warn you that the anime is NOT very good unfortunately </3. It's one of those animes that's just kind of a really shitty ad for whatever it's original media form was. It skips out a lot of important lore/character info, and doesn't really showcase each character properly since it tried very hard to focus on just 1 brother and failed. So the ganes/translations are 100% the way to go.
I bring it up tho bc it's my fave character's birthday today :D!! Ohh,, Reiji Sakamaki the strange little specimen you are <3 <3 my lovely wife that drugs people. I adore him. I think tbh you could like him too based on the stuff you usually talk and write about here. But obviously I could be very wrong! No way to actually know.
- :3
AAAA the horror of reloading the tab... I've done that too many times. T_T I know the pain well. </3
YES!!! Glomas gave us so much!!! It's one of my favorite twst events. Being able to see what other magic schools are like and how they function (NBC having a student council in contrast to NRC's Housewarden system). I really hope there will be more events like it! I'd love an event where the RSA students are given more spotlight or an RSA-centric event!!! It would be so exciting!!!!
:O giving Floyb a proper chance...... may he come home so quickly!!! May he jump into your arms enthusiastically!! It's Jade's loss for being so stubborn in coming home. >:( no hugs for that eel.
That feature is so helpful and nifty omg!!!! I want to finish the main story and learn more from where I stopped a while back. ;;;; after becoming a Jade enjoyer, my eyes have opened to Barbatos hehe.
DIABOLIK LOVERS OMG...... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I did indeed watch the anime many years ago, but I actually haven't delved too deeply into the translations of the game. I might have to because,,,, vampire....... cool,,,, pretty,,, deranged.... orz the sheer grip those brothers had on me...
Please forgive my late reply!!!! >_< your wife's birthday has since passed, but that doesn't mean we can't still celebrate Reiji Sakamaki, the wife ever!!!!!! <3 I think my taste in fictional men has refined with my age because the polite (as a front) types (Reiji, Kyoya, Jade, Sebastian, etc etc) were never my preference, but now I am LOOKING. 👁 👁 I think I need Mr. Reiji carnally.
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cerberus-new-owner · 19 days
it'sssssssss tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime
Barbie Doll and Diablo
(as my friend likes to call them lol)
it took me a good few days of day dreming about barbs and scrolling through the barbatos tags (and the simeon and solomon tags) to acctually get the motivation for this soooooo here it issss
Part 1 - The Brothers Part 2 - The Angels + Solomon Part 3 - Diavolo + Barbatos
WEE WOO WEE WOO Content Warningggggsss: Darbatos and Diavolo are implied to be dating mc but it CAN be taken as platonic, GN!mc, maybe like a teensy tiny bit suggestive idk i do these before i write the hcs, could be ooc (i've never written for either of them, i dont think so atleast), mention of mamms and asmo but only tiny after thought type stuff i think
the energy is pumpinggggggg and the headcannon drabble things are a flowin'
w/ out mc - does not sleep, will only sleep if diavolo orders him to and if any of you have seen my take on the brothers sleeping he is the same as luci, but instead of the brothers having to be kept in line its the demon prince who does his best to sneak out when he thinks the butlers guard has been lowered enough to do so, other than that i do belive barbatos if tired enough will fall asleep standing continuing to do what ever job he was doing around the castle occsionally finishing all of his tasks whilst alseep (dia and the little d's take bets to see how far through his list barbatos can go before waking up again so far little d no. 2 and diavolo have the most wins) i also think barbatos will sleep walk into diavolos office on ocassion and just stand there like he would if diavolo was having a meeting with lucifer or mephi (i dont know how to spell his name someone help please) also no fan or ac or anything in his room im fairly sure his tail has / would have some form of protective slime kind stuff on it and that drying out would require a few weeks worth (and a couple thousands invested) of lotion applied every few like hours (it'd be like lipbalm or gloss on crusty dry craked up lips)
w/ mc - now with mc and diavolo trying to get him to sleep more often its a much bigger challenge for barbatos to deny going to sleep therefore he goes to sleep more often, with mc around the little d's and diavolo can't make as many bets on barbs work sleep habits so the bets have changed to how long will it take for mc to notice that barbs fell asleep again / how many chores can barbs get through before mc guides him back to his room and takes over barbs creepy standing in dia's office has stopped and been replced with a slight restlessness in his sleep (beware mc for he may kick), and mc better beware of the tail it's 100% getting wrapped around them as they sleep it will be cold it will be slimy it will be slightly gross and it will soak any and all sleep clothes (can't tell me barbs doesn't find enjoyment in feeling how mc jumps as they wake up suddenly due to how cold and wet his tail is 'whats wrong little lamb? did i accidently wake you during your slumber') still no fan or anything by the way not unless you want to be the one applying lotion to his tail every hour (bonus sleepy cuddly barbs like early sunday morning look like shiz and gotta get up but partner is still sleep and gooooodddd they look cute sleeping and don't wanna disturb the peace and then the overgrown toddler with daddy issues barges in asking for breakfast because he was a second late to waking him up saying theres pancakes if he does all his paperwork in which barbs does not remember saying at all (it was all a dream that dia thought was real) and waking mc up, gosh dang it now i gots ideas for another fic from these things)
w/ out mc - another sea creature guess what it isssss, thats right! its a starfishhhhhh, mans has a massive bed cant tell me he doesn't starfish accross it wings out and everything, thinking of wings.... wings can be blankie, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand like beel he. is. a. heater. no need for blankets when have wings and are heater, he snores and sleep talks majority of his sleep talking is telling dream barbs that dream him wasn't trying to escape his duties or saying those really creepy things that alot of people who sleep talk say in their sleep something like idk 'doont go in the closet' and it'd be like right as mammons trying to find secret treasure in the castle and somehow ended up in dias room and is about to open the closet
w/ mc - still sprawled out but don't worry mc he left space for you (in his arms) still a heater be prepared to wear your summer sleep clothes in the middle of winter (or sleep au natural like asmo probably does) he still snores and sleep talks pretty much the same as before also refuses to get up in the morning (mans went to bed late let him sleep in and get his sleepy morning cuddles before barbs comes in and says theres pancakes if he does all his paperwork before 9am the drem stirkes again 'but barbatos i got all my paperwork done before nine and pancakes sound good and the dream felt way too real for it to be just a dream, come on love you had to of heard barbatos say something about breakfast being pancakes today surely' dont break his heart help him gaslight barabtos instead/hj)
That ws fuunnnnnnnnnnn
btw quick little tiny baby question would people perhaps be interested in perhaps me writing a little bit more for barbs and/or simeon maybeeeeeee (the inspiration hit and oh mah lordy loorrrrrd it is difficlt to not want to write more about themm) (btw dont really care how many of you answer yes or no im probably gonna do it anyways)
alsoooo i will gladly accept requests for more headcannon drabbley things for other stiuations if anyone has any ideas, (i don't really do full on fics btw)
other than that i hope you all have a great day, afternoon, night, morning, tea, door, pencil and thank you for reading (i hope it was as fun to read as it was to write) MasterList thingy-o
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hastalavistabyebye · 22 days
did i see something about tusken inspo 👀
To be fair, it's like Tatooine inspiration at large. But yes, much many ideas :D
Oh this is going to be long... *crack knuckles*
Okay so Tatooine is inspired by Tunisia which is not a secret (for the folks that don't know, the name comes from the town Tataouine and the scenes in the movies were filmed in three other Tunisian cities). Added to that is the fact that the Tuskens were inspired by the Bedouins, a nomad people of north Africa.
Now, there is an Umayyad (medieval Islamic dynasty, 661-750) farm in Jordan named Qusayr Amra :
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Which gives massives Tatooine vibes.
The Umayyads (and the Abbasid dynasty right after) rules over a large territory, which extend as far as the Maghreb. So the comparison of a Jordan farm to the Tunisia cities used for star wars is understandable.
Now those geographical and chronological markers give me a well of material to get inspiration for Tatooine and the Tuskens. (I includ the Abbasids because they're in the lineage of the Umayyads and the aesthetic match what I think would suit nicely for the Tuskens.)
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The ceramic cup in the middle is Umayyad. The decor comes from an antic (Roman Empire) aesthetic that is still very present in this dynasty's art. Now you could replace those vigns by something more space looking, like space oasis flora.
The Kufic inscription would be out of place for the Tuskens. Except if we look into a Kufic calligraphy that appears a bit later which is composed with little characters adorning the letters. What I propose is that the Tuskens could have a sort of writing system composed of pictograms representing their signs. They could carve those pictograms on the cliffs as well as their ceramics or weapons...
This cup is not from north Africa I give you that (like the two next objects, it's from Susa in Iran. That site is way too rich and big....), but with it being Umayyad it doesn't betray the original inspiration for Tatooine. Plus it would look really cool and that's the most important.
(The vase on the left could also look really cool in a tusken hut I think)
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All of those are Abbasids. I took the left picture for the bol in the centre but that green one looks great too (I think it's jadeite or nephritis but I'm not sure).
I just think they would look super cool as Tuskens ceramics. The jug on the right is a lil favorite of mine. It's a very luxurious object (both are really) because of the glaze. The blue is obtained with cobalt from Afghanistan (if I'm not wrong, I need to check) which was not an easy thing to get (we're at the 9/10th century here). But the technique itself and the forms are still simple enough that I think it'll mix well with a space nomad tribe culture in a desert.
Now we could look into other dynasties productions and I should look back at my notes on Middle and Near East Antiquity, because there most likely has more things to dive into there.
I don't think Tuskens would use much metal or if they do, it'll be forging with scraps bought from the Jawas. To cut and grave little pendants and ornaments, spikes, that kind of things. But I sort of think the only way to forge for them would be by using their ceramic kilns (if they have any and not just tempory holes dig specially for it), that's why I didn't look into Islamic metal production. I just don't think they'll have forges with them being nomad like that. But it's still a possibility of course.
Anyway, that was a little look into the ideas I've been munching on lately.
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February Creator of the Month: Noesapphic
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is the lovely @noesapphic!   The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here.
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How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
Noe is fine, really!
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started in 2018. I was bored in a friend's house and fighting good old insomnia when I saw the app and tried it for funsies. The first book was 'High School Story'. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined around late 2018 early 2019 and I had just left my community in Amino because the admin had gone full puritanical dictator and I was curious about Tumblr.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It was simple: my nickname is Noe and I am a sapphic (aka lesbian). It's a no-brainer, really. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
It was a reblogged quote. I related to what it said and I reblogged it 
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
I write fanfiction. God did not grant me art skills I'm afraid. My fingers are too fat and my pulse is terrible. 
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
I've been creating for fandoms as long as I can remember. I've had a really troubled life, so creating stuff helped me. As for Choices, I've been creating stuff since 2019 
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Without a doubt, Desire and Decorum. The first book is simply a masterlist and its characters are so well-written, and everything about it just draws me to it. They definitely botched the other books, but it will always be in my heart. I also enjoy creating for other historical books and books that have similar themes 
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
It was a set of headcanons of Mr. Sinclaire and my MC, Celestine, finding out that they're going to be parents. While my spelling is terrible, I wouldn't change a thing. The engagement I received was such, it drove me to write for more. I haven't stopped creating since. 
9- What your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
It's no secret for anyone who pays attention to my blog: my au, The Cursed Heiress, is probably my best creation. It's complex and a juggernaut of lore and history, and has all I've ever wanted in a fic and book in it. Although a close second is my Tudor AU, For Love and Duty. I simply love the 'arranged marriage' trope 
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
The second part of a one shot, A True Man, was probably one of the most difficult to write, and with a very traumatising and important theme. I was 100% hoping anon hate telling me to delete it, but found instead that the people ate it up! It has now 30 notes (which is A LOT for a small fandom like the D&D one) and now that I reread it, I'm proud of what I created and the message I wanted to send, which resonates with happenings of my past and experiences. 
11 - If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Definitely angst. There's something so cathartic and relieving as letting out those emotions you can't express out loud without being locked up for being unhinged, and it has helped me understand myself many times. Also, smut is def something that I can't physically write 😅 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
There are small parts of me in every MC. A fragment of my past. Something of their lore that I went through. Something I aspire to be. Something I wanted to be once. I like to think that every writer leaves a part of their heart and soul with each character they create. 
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Ooof, where to begin. I think the hardest part is to just write. I can go on for weeks looking at my turned-off laptop and goof off on Tumblr. But when I do write, the 'boring' parts or writing a character that I am not familiar with or that there isn't much info about can be challenging. 
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Oof, where to begin, lol. My modern AUs, The Viscountess and Plan B. There's also Your Most Ardent Admirer and For Love and Duty. There's the fix-it fic series of the Blades LIs. Profiles of my MCs from several series. And also fic ideas that I want to create, but don't know where or how to start it. Woe is me indeed 😭 
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
Depends on the person. I would be very, very picky. I did show some parts of The Cursed Heiress to two trusted friends. But I wouldn't be against showing my mom a few chapters of The Viscountess… Unfortunately, she does not speak a word of English and I am terrible at translations, so it's wishful thinking, lol. 
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
For the published ones, Holly Black and Cassandra Clare have probably been my biggest help. Leigh Bardugo is also a newer inspo, and Spanish author Laura Gallego got me into fantasy, and anonymous author Bebi Fernández's raw and brutal prose have helped me find my voice. I have now bought George R.R Martin's Game of Thrones, looking for new sources to grasp. 
As for fandom-wise, the very first writer to inspire me unfortunately hasn't been active since the pandemic, and despite our differences, @hellospunkiebrewster 's writing and essays got me into Regency and its history. My thriving years were by her side, and I'm grateful of having had a great fandom friend and hyper. The most recent ones are @missameliep my amazing fandom mom (te quiero mami 🥰) and some pieces by @princess-geek 's writing have inspired me to expand my horizon. 
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
The Cursed Heiress, definitely. I think that my messages would resonate with many people. There's also The Viscountess: many people should see the messages Nicole, Anne and others have, and for what I have planned (and have been stalling out of laziness 🫣) would put things into perspective for many minorities and certain groups that are neglected by society and governments alike.  19- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
I am now at the outlining stages of making The Cursed Heiress an original novel. I tried many times to make my own novel, but always dropped it. But now that I've been for years with it, I feel like this might be the one project I dreamed of publishing one day. It's tough and scary, but I'm loving the ride so far. 
Also, I have tried my hand with poetry, but it didn't have engagement and felt like talking to a wall, so I now feel discouraged. But if someone out there is interested, lmk 👀 
20-  What other hobbies do you have?
Apart from literature, I love make-up, skincare, cooking and making gifs and videoedits. I also love travelling and discovering new adventures and learning as many languages as I am capable. I also love listening to music. Basically anything that has to do with the humanities and art, I'll take it. Also, I am very invested in modern royal gossip. I know, not very republican of me… 🫣😅 
21 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
Apparently, the one I use the most is 🫡🫶🏻👀. Heh, sounds like me, lol 
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
Two reminders to both creators and onlookers alike: 
Creators: making content is NOT a race or a chore. It's something you make just because, and share it with the world. If you don't enjoy it, it's not worth the effort. 
Onlookers: I know how much you may love X thing, but remember that behind that art, fic, etc, there's a person with real feelings, real life and that is taking off free time to make something. Enjoy it, reblog it (please, reblog the stuff you love) and if you don't like it, filter the tag, block and move on. It's really that simple. 
Also, happy Valentine's Day AND Black History Month to the black creators of Choices! You're awesome and we love you ❤ sending you love 🥰 
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If there’s one thing Casey McQuiston can do is write extra, post-canon, chapters
“God, she's happy. The weather is glorious, people are good, her motorcycle is sexy. It's one of those days when she is just explosively thankful to be alive and in love and gay in New York City.”
“Jane likes Wes a lot. He reminds her of the moody Bushwick boys she used to see at the quieter bars, the ones who only smoked cloves and complained they' d been born a few years too late to be a beatnik. It's the scowl, she thinks, and the air of perpetual malaise. And the mysterious gift for landing the hottest drag queens in the scene.”
“Jane has known she liked girls for a long, long time. Even when she forgot everything else about herself, she remembered English, Cantonese, and being a lesbian. It's never been worth fighting, not for anyone else's sake, but she did sometimes wish things were different. When she watched her dad trudge up the stairs at the end of a long day and into her mom's arms, she'd wished it was posible for her to know that feeling one day, to have a good woman waiting at home.
August is a good woman.”
“She'd always felt happiest and most loved when she was part of something bigger,”
“That night was the first time she ever slept with a woman. She remembers how revelatory it felt, like searching for a word in one language and realizing it only exists in another. Like her whole life she’d had this perfect thing inside her, this thing that had an exact purpose, that would make sense of everything, and she'd been looking for it wrong until that moment.
She wrote: I was on top of her, figuring out how many ways I could make her feel good, and I thought, "I like girls," which is pretty fucking far from groundbreaking for me, but my next thought was, "I love liking girls," and that was a thought i've never had before. I might have fallen a little bit in love with Ann then, the way I think you should fall in love with your first for at least one night. But I completely and permanently fell in love with the way it feels to make love to a woman.”
“The broader she tries to go, the less it's going to feel true. All these small, specific moments, this patchwork of a million faces and voices and hands and street corners and plates of food and songs and fleeting connections—she keeps trying to zoom out of them, but that's where she loses the details. Love is the meal, and love is the ingredients, and love is the whisk and the fire and the order in the window and the reason it came. She can't separate any part from the whole.”
“Life in the future isn't perfect by a longshot, especially not for people like her. There's so much that's still wrong with the world and so many reasons to look over her shoulder every time she walks down the street. But tonight, she's thankful for this. The scrabble forward, the good changes, and always, even now, a basement full of people who'll take her as she came.”
“But the longer she knew August, the longer she loved her, the more she understoad why those girls could never have been for her. Every one of them had only a piece of what she was looking for. A surly disposition here, a pair of glasses there—every girl she’d ever loved for a night or a week or a month had a shadow of August in her.”
“I was standing on a street that felt like home, she wrote, but I didn't have to hide my haircut or change my clothes to save my family from the gossip. It didn’t even matter if any of those aunties had something to say about me. Mom would never know. I loved it.”
“She wants to have the right words, the right attitude, the right gravity to be worthy of what people see in her, but some days she just wants to pick a stupid fight in the grocery store, and some days she wants to do nothing but learn to make a chocolate tart. She's only ever been one person doing what she had to do to survive. Just Biyu, just Jane.”
“Before the Q, Jane never thought she'd be part of any institution recognized by the state, least of all a wedding. Sure, she attended commitment ceremonies in basements and backyards, manned the patio grill while two boys from down the street slow danced under a magnolia tree and the washed-up hippie officiant burned incense to bless their union. Every time, the experience sang hot and sweet in her veins for days after, the way defiant acts of love between her friends always did. But every time, something told her this would never be hers. Probably, she figured, because she never allowed herself to stay with the same girl for more than a month.”
"You started saving for a ring—?"
"Right after I moved in, yeah.”
"If you ask Myla to explain electrical energy." Jane says, winking at the gleam that appears in Myla's eye, "the first thing she'll tell you is that it can't be created or destroyed. Love is like that too. It can be reshaped a million different ways. It can be as big and as impossible to understand as the universe, and it can be as simple as sitting on the other end of the same telephone line, not even saying anything. But in my experience, it'll never be small, and it'll never be short, and it sure as hell won't ever leave you. All it does is find a new place inside you to live, or a new channel to broadcast out of you. It carries you out when the house is falling down. It's the reason why anything good happens, and it's all those good things put together, the picture they make when you step back and really look. Love makes sense of everything. Love makes you real.”
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artharakka · 1 year
Can I ask you where have you found inspiration for your art? For example I've noticed you have a very specific (and beautiful) way you draw jewelry and clothing. The shapes are very organic yet grounded at the same time, give a bit of a Nausicaä vibes, as well as art noveau meets iron age.
Honestly I could go on and on about the beautiful details of your art but I don't want to seem too fangirlish :D
Ohhh thank you I love those comparisons 🧡 Because I didn't even know those are the vibes I was going for but yeah that's great actually... This is like when one of you made a playlist inspired by my art... (I still have that saved btw! 🧡 And I still cannot believe!!). Here's a little Rhiam drawing with some jewelry she doesn't (yet) have in canon (earrings she does have but she cannot use them yet)
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But what are my inspirations hmmmmmmm many! Idk even what all I have inhaled into my art but I try to list something (this got long so rest under cut):
Nature 🌿 I love both mundane (sparrows, plants growing from asphalt cracks, moss covered street signs... the little details) and grand formations that fill me with awe. There's something about things so vast that take my breath away. Like oceans, mountains, high cliffs, endless tundra, wind so strong you could lean against it, ancient stone that has been scraped visible by massive sheets of ice thousands of years ago. (But I'm guilty of not being that impressed by conventional beauty of average gardens. Aren't people tired of only finding planted blooming flowers beautiful!). Most often I'm drawing inspiration from nature familiar to me, that being Nordic/Scandinavian ones.
I already said nature but birds deserve a special mention! Agh I just love those funky little animals 🦅
Stories! I love making stories, I think they help me grasp and go over my thoughts. I love pouring myself into my characters, it makes them feel both personal but also makes it easier to talk about myself to my fellow storytellers. I'd love to do a long graphic novel or write a book one day, but I also love making ttrpg stories just for and with our little group 🧡 For a long time I felt kinda bad that I wasn't doing "real art" that wasn't just illustrations of my characters. But then I realised doing art for arts sake doesn't really inspire me. I don't want to do art that I'd think would be easily consumable nor do I have any great performance to create with my art. I just love to illustrate stories and tell stories through my art and I think that's great! I still love seeing and experiencing artworks that aren't this illustrative, I just don't have the motivation to do that myself. But I can get really excited of works like Emma Jääskeläinen's granite sculptures!
Other artists! There are two categories I think: 1) those whose work I've seen (usually irl) and whose technique or themes or symbolism facinates me. I usually don't want to create similar art, or replicate their style, or medium even. But there's something about them, a feeling of awe or they feel formidable. Or there's something clever about them that lets me have this sense of epiphany. For example, Jääskeläinen who I already mentioned, Marcel Dzama, Merja Palin, Helena Vaari, Marika Mäkelä, to name a few I've seen lately-ish. And then 2) there are artists whose stories and/or style inspires me and influences my art. One of the biggest inspirations to my softer line art style was and is @albabbgg. @serpentface has some really cool worldbuilding and designs, I think they were also a great influence to how I draw bodies these days. @wiltkingart has also very cool shapes and genders in his paintings. @sanctus-ingenium 's stories and art have been a huge inspiration lately. And to list a few others now that I started: @pangur-and-grim/@greer-art, @beidak-art, @elemei, @emilylorange, @pansylair, @cy-lindric, @psrj, @lokorum
And many others I'm probably forgetting now! I also have a side blog @sancta-cessatrix where I occasionally reblog cool art, check tags #art #inspiration
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