#i'm weeping. my girls
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croh3 · 2 years ago
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some doodles while i fix my laptop
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backpackingspace · 4 months ago
Of course post-canon odysseus and penelope love each other (they are a little bit insane about the other. Neither is allowed to leave the others side for months after odysseus gets back. They cycle between sobbing on one and another and aggressively making out. ) but it's true that they have both changed. It's been twenty hard years after all. So
Odypen courting each other again just for the fun of it. Odypen deciding to act like teenagers again and make elaborate plans pretending to sneak into the others room.
Odysseus sending penelopes 90 year old dad a letter challenging him to a race for penelopes hand in marriage. (This does not go over well but penelope though it was hilarious)
Odysseus begging Athena to help him win penelopes heart/hand again. (Athena: What no why you're already married I don't understand you ) (she helps anyways)
Penelope weaving all of odysseus's clothes. Penelope hauling out every tapestry she made of telemachus's childhood (she made one for every year. To gift odysseus on his birthday when he returned.)
Odypen leaving telemachus incharge while they go off on dates (to harssass, cause problems, and badger other people into giving them things). It should be fine Athena has been sticking close to the house lately. And it's only for an afternoon anyways (at first. Headcanon that penelope came with odysseus when he had to go plant the oar and call it a windmill quest.)
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months ago
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i know "julie kapulsky" as a name is a play on juliet capulet bc mike is supposed to be her romeo but wouldn't it be wild if her name was also lowkey inspired by janus, the greek god of bridges, duality, passageways and transitions
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year ago
i JUST saw ur ask prompt so i hopee this ask is still okay butttt 📺 - tbh im getting a little weepy thinking about delilah and iris in the dark on the couch with their blankies :') who would be the scaredy cat and who would be the one thats too cool to be scared (but maybe not too cool to comfort her scared friend 🥺) ???
@oldworldwidgets — [ autumnal prompts ]
I have been nonstop thinking about my favoritest ladies in the commonwealth being besties all snuggly on the couch!! I love them sm!! Thank u for this banger prompt ily 💖💕
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year ago
The way Steve was wearing the uniform that Bucky saw him in last time he knew who he was when they fought in Winter Solider I CAN'T
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barkingbarghest · 1 year ago
okay okay the promised lark post now that s3 ep4 is out now. Under the read more because spoilers GO LISTEN TO MIDST look at me look at me ~~listen to midst podcast~~ ~~maybe look up a list of possible triggers and ask if you want to know if it's right for you~~ ~~but then if everything is gucci go listen to midst podcast~~ I am beaming directly into your brain. ok? ALSO SHOUT-OUT TO @ionomycin for the art this episode it FUCKS verily!!!! You do SUCH a fantastic job of creating atmosphere in your works I'm losing my mind in the faded tones and neon hues. Phineas' apartment is much more garbage in my head so thank you for upgrading his living space for him. The color blue.... is good.
Lark is iirc in her 60s or 70s? And she said that 12-year old Tzila is right around the age she was when she went on the run. That's like... 50-60 years always watching her back always running never being able to put down roots never letting herself make connections. When we get that look into her head at the end of season 2 and we're told how afraid she is?? Hello??????????? We're told right off the bat, right from the jump, how Lark is gruff and that "any given Clint Eastwood western film character but a wrinkly old sun-darkened woman with dreadlocks" vibe but it's not just because "that's how she is" there's a girl in there who wants to have friends - she finally admits it to herself that she was willing to kill Fuze* just to be able to have her life on Midst for just a little bit longer - she just hasn't let herself. And now that she does know she wants it, she doesn't know how to behave about it! The scene where she is lashing out at Tzila slapping on that sandpaper mask and pretending she doesn't care when she cares so so so bad she cares so much. *FUZE. FUZE!! Who was maybe one of the ONLY people left ALIVE who KNEW Lark who KNEW Clara Mire who not only knew what she did but maybe WHY she did it. There's no way the other workers at the factory didn't know something of what was going on with Max Lox and Lark's mom. Lark SAYS that she liked Fuze, that he was nice, she remembered that. But she still killed him. Just to avoid having to flee Midst like she's had to flee so many lives before. GOD she's SO heartbreaking.
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duskandcobalt · 11 months ago
wip wednesday 💕
Another week, another snippet. What's this from, you ask? that's for me to know and you to find out at some unspecified point in the near(ish) future 😘
She’d crawled into their bed just a little while later, silently laying down and facing away from him. He’d pulled her into his chest after a few minutes, one hand slipping up the front of her t-shirt to cup her breast.
"Elain," he started, voice scratchy with sleep. “You can’t blame me for being jealous when someone else looks at you like that.” His teeth scraped over the sliver of skin that the stretched out neckline of her shirt left exposed.
“There’s nothing to be jealous of,” Elain whispered, biting down on her bottom lip as his hands moved to grip her hips and pull her on top of him.
He ground his hips up, letting her feel him against her. “Prove it to me.”
She wasn’t particularly in the mood for this but she couldn't help but give in, her body responding to his touch despite her better judgement. She allowed him to slip her shirt over her head before she bent forward and pressed kisses all the way down the center of his chest.
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nulfaga · 7 months ago
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charity shop find that i very nearly took home. it reads as follows
"Horse Prayer:
Dear owner, give me food and drink and take care of me.
When the day's work is done, give me shelter, clean hay and a big stable.
Spare my sensitive mouth, do not use a whip when I am trying my best; don't be harsh with me when I don't understand you right away, but give me time to learn.
Carefully check my mouth if I don't eat; I may have a sick tooth.
Don't put me on too short a line and don't dock my tail; it's my only weapon against flies.
When I'm of no more use to you, don't let me starve or freeze.
Finally, be good-hearted and don't pass me on to a new owner when I grow old.
Forgive me my irreverence when I ask these things in the name of Him, who after all was born in a manger, too."
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mercymaker · 1 year ago
god idk how this never crossed my mind because i always just sort of assumed that lathorien's parents were both dead (which was the reason for his passion to help other drow).
but like.. what if he had cousins? aunts? uncles? just one of those? like.. what if mal has living kin just at least one!! somewhere!!
what if when astarion finally finds the little drow community for mal, they're also there? still alive? what if they remember her???
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aromanticasterisms · 5 months ago
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luvxiem · 1 year ago
guys i want a boyfie so bad but hinge is so scary 😭😭😭😭 i cant go back on there everyone is insane like why can't u people be NORMAL RAAAAAA
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aq2003 · 1 year ago
yeah 42 is a top tier doctor who episode and is like the ten and martha foundational text to me yeah i can't actually watch it because i start feeling ill around the 35 minute mark and i have to look away from the screen and turn the sound alllllll the way down. i exist and i'm so brave about it
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year ago
we are all trying to reach home and belonging because we were made for something beyond this earth but why does it feel like some people have more access to that feeling right now
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gildeddlily · 1 year ago
knew this was going to happen, wasn't ready all the same! spoilers from ofmd new episodes-
the sixth episode was perfect, but the final scene was sad as fuck. Stede kills the crazy guy, and we know that he's still dealing with his childhood trauma and all the toxic masculinity with it- he did what he did because he was angry, and because he felt that it was the right thing to do as a pirate, and Ed tries to stop him because he knows what's like to kill someone, he's killed enough people for more than one lifetime. Stede ignores him, and feels shitty about it- but when Ed wants to comfort him the first thing he does is kissing him and they end up having sex. the wrongest thing in the world! they're both emotionally unstable, they're not gonna fix anything by having sex and not talking about their feelings.
the problem is- unlike the Stede from the first episodes, here Stede's trying so hard to fit into the piracy standard that he's starting to forget what he wanted to do- be the gentleman pirate, the first pirate ever to pay his crew and be just kind and noble despite his crimes. he kills a guy mercilessly, he set alight a random guy, he gets drunk and pierce his ear (cunty of him) and I'm not saying he isn't the person Ed fell in love with- but well, he isn't. Ed said it so many times: he found Stede interesting because he was different, but stede has the deep urge to just belong to somewhere, to fit in some kind of label, and now he's trying to be what everyone wanted him to be. being an aristocrat didn't work, let's see if i can get the pirate, right? which is just... sad.
ed did the right thing- he chose what made him happy, and piracy wasn't going to make him happy, and he's definitely not a coward. Stede calls him a coward for giving up piracy, but Ed's doing the brave thing- giving up everything he knows in order to find happiness. (Ed gave up everything for Stede, thinking he could find happiness, and he didn't because Stede wasn't ready, still isn't. Ed knows he can't be a pirate anymore, and he can't wait no more. I'm so happy that he's gonna be a fisherman) (something tells me he won't really be one, at least not for long, but hope is a cheap thing guys) not like stede, who's again burying himself under a pile of shit he hates just to be appreciated. (again, the dream scene- he still think that he has to be more for the people he loves, and he doesn't fucking realize that Ed loves him so much!)
I just hope that, before the end of this season, Stede realizes that, like he already said, what makes Stede happy is Ed, that what makes Ed happy is Stede. that just by being themselves, they can be happy.
but until then, until he doesn't realize that he should just be himself, they're not going to be happy together.
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year ago
I am so emotionally unstable rn. in a good sense
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scarletfasinera · 2 years ago
I HAAAAAAAAAAATE when people tell me something and Expect me to react a certain way to it (mad, sad, happy, excited, etc.) and then get openly mad at me when I just respond with "Ok" instead of however they wanted me to react. Girl how are YOUR expectations MY fault
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